IittSINESS LOCALS. *auto Your Dogs! 'By an ordinance of the town Connell of Montrose, all dogs running at large in this Bora., must be muzzled either with wire basket or strap, from the 15th day of July 11171, to the Ist day of Sept., 1871, or they willhe deposed of by, tbe High Constable. Montrose; July 10,1871. 'Flits Fair. Susquehanna, Ccupty, Fair will be held on teeNday, Wedneelay end Thursday, 12, 18 and 14th of September, 1871. By ORDER, COIL ?Mete: - • -Bloomsburg, State gormal School will open August 21, 1871.—jy10.4w. To 'All Interested. A. & D. R. Lathrop can be found at Me office of J. B. & A. R. McCollutn, ready to settle all accounts. Those interested will save cost by attention. Brick Block, July 19, 1847—tf —A fact worth remembering—Five cents worth of Sheridan's Cavalry Condi tion Powders, given to a horse twice a week, will save double that amount in pain, and the tiorse will be fatter, sleeker, "Plier 3l 7 ?tag ;WOrtil:Pqra ;nutlet Magi, to Wiin "ribtilurre them. - D - ; Married ladies, under all cirecnstan(Ts, wlll'find Parsons' Purgalii* Pills sure; ana,.imstnall doses, a mild cathartic... They cause no griping pains or cramp. Amid gotico. rite SALE a PATENT MEDICINES. In no other country clutched the enormons propor• Mons It has assumed in the United States, 'ride is ow let to the vast relent of territory and the comparative thinness of poptitatlon, which creates the necesslty for some tellable remedy, that can he applied at once lu the atomics or profeestomil medical aid. • Illuirasn's Benz lirrraaa bailor over ten years been regarded as RE GREAT 111011:1SEEFOLD RE3IEGY, and Is relied on in every emervency Monson& of Wallies In every section of th e country. It 1. not a fancy think. composed of bad ta-h ky, flavored pith aro. mattes, to tickle the paLate and mittleter to a depraved appetite, but Is a earelbtly and scientifically prepared compounded extract of Room, Ilerhe and Darks, poe aesatng great medical Mrtme. Its rare comblna t pre sent. the most effectnal remedyyet discovered for all dioceses of the stomach. Liver. Kidneys and Dowels. bold everywhere at One Dollar per Dottle. • !IM OCNPESSIONV or AS INVALID. PMinim as a warning, and for the bereat of gonna mia and others. who Mini from Nervous D.nrmy„ae:, vapplying Tea realm or ext.rcens. Written by , one who cared himself, and sent free on receiving a point-pall directed envelope_ Address, NATHAN MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, May r. I 8 1. Gm A Pew Words to the Ladies zany ladles, particularly mothers nursing, compisin• tag of a tired, listless feeling, or complete exhaustion, miens's= In the meriting. On the wife and mother de volves the responsibility of regulating the duties of the household: 'ler cares are numerous, and the mental as well as the physical powers arc frequently called Into requisition. She often finds her slightest occupation a weary task and existence a burden, while at the setae time the Masao regular disease. •Ilostetter's Stomach !littera, ff resorted lost this period, will prove an on_ hiring remedy fin this annoying Lassitude. The etTe.cto of this potent agent are soon seen In the rosy check and elastic step of the bead of the family. as with restored health and renewed spirits she takes her accustomed place in the family eirelo. IT this friend in need he reg ularly need, those depressing symptoms will never be complained of, coding only would lassitude not be ex perienced, but many Ell.eosirs following its advent he scalded. Asa medical agent it has no equal, while its pleasing flavor and bralthral etreetalLice made It a gen- Tt la free from al properties calculated to Impair the system. and Its operations are at once mild, soughing. and elErient. Al who have used the Bitters &oast Its virtues and commend it to tee. Gettinz 71arrled.—Efroye , for young 'Menial° the.delighta of home, and the propriety or inthropriely of geltlng married. with earth:try help f,r ihooe oho feel unfitted tor matrimonial hiippineee . S••III free. in veiled eureloper• Adoreen, HOWARD ASSOCIATION Lox P.. Philadelphia. Pa. M — ltlaomaborg State Normal School, and Lrrenacr b Conntlutat. Ixarrry-re.—The F.,ruity of chip Inatituti.n aim to be very thonlugb In their In struction, and to Joel: carefully after the health, man gets and monde of the vtudents. Apply for Catalogs.. to CARVER. A. M.. bctit.2B—l• Principal 3Z.MIBT3MC7Eb. STosm—ip,Forest Lake, June 22, 1871, Jnd son Stone, aged 7a . ~2" •Tusbarpra ACADEMIA, PA, Tike arab School year bryins September Gth. Location bankhfu4 atryactire and well mulapted to physical deed!. nnernent. raw from Nanny p/arws and asloons. the In. =are tabial." More than a,ocsu young men hare wen prepared for Col ege or buteesa. Tenwasitoderate, rli „ luicirenlar, to • - • - J. PATTEII73ONi A. Insuraais Co 6111 , bem doh:: 'twines. thirty one )Cate.. Six leans it ha& laid .no avomneuta, and the aferega.~ late of aeseesment dmlni the thin }one yenta Milburn Vilma carr..a Taws Ibe alotement. for. the Yelatimi *laded:tea 14 ran /at. , and the Campanp /nu *dear na7llta over al: &bill WNW ILILIM-21:10 =es unperior Wniin OAF Ti - I: ten land, neat Led:haven. Pa_ Five tbausisnd acres Ilenzong Ton= land, Po:t.at Co , Pa. P. W. SnmAren, ideologist anaSictner,r; Pantylik, pa. - . B O R[ER:. u• 5. exists per gallop, sith .lAeugazacm ]lnx.r.iretireelne Moot deer Est, et. Age fur tt at your kart% or tend a 3 cents fora ell! &pd. alrectioto to 400 North Third &met, Philade4ita. A GESSO WAVED for the • Trisamisztalleusloaa. ol Lifo Corpr.ta ON Tux NASCCSASD - 11rigtrsz or rue M.mkor- Lna Fr:cc-Twit. BY tfattlfrre, nu.hor of The Papirag Lye- qf Wow:ft." • Its-elates & Lae mak .C.Z: f. Ind of ilew fsta; 'Scituate but outrpoken ;. piaci/col and poptihir, , flighty endoried; sells rapidly. Sabi h. oulmeri piton only.. Eta:mire territory., Terms liberal Price ihr Address -for • Oliaente. Au., a. G. FE.H.GUS & (.0.. Publishers, Philadelphia, Po- " Agents -Rend This ! WE WILL P. 14 Azesdas molar/ of $3O Per Week and Expenses, or show a econnnsoinn to sell rear new and tronderird luseutiona. Address M. WAG NEIL S CO., Marshall, nieh. MIWELDOLURS. - Shrewd but gullet meta tau Mike n fortune by rerealiny, the weret of the Mariners tom one. Addras EDGAR arras, 688 Broad'anT - New ark. x.p : co.a :,1131rIW,T1/9i. GeaD am CipiCElltand Distribution for the Benefit of the Fondling" hylam of the Sis'ers of Charity to the Clttyy• of Kew York. anti SOLDIERS• and SAIL. Olts•OttPtlSES. HOME. Washington. D. C, to be hold to WmMinton, D. C., under and by virtue or a nennit from Hon. CovatabirAmer or Internal lleyenne, ot . t. TUC/MOAT, JOLT 2DIL, p amore! After the Concert. tbo Commissioners wiß•award to the sucecisafal Lickart,hOldcre. 3 , 00 3 GIFTS -IMOUNIJNEI TO '* 200 1 0 9 0- - ss 3 ,_ooo lam** tali Will be sold. at $S +Nita: - Don.' Y.MCVOLLOCCIII, of Etkron.-Ald„. Major cm. T. C.6ITIC, Baldfrre, WV. Contralratonem. Don... Tea. S. N tame:, Pittstaxter. , Pa.,•Traetca Beferences:—lllejor-Gen. D. Banter. C. S. A.. Warb them, D. C.; Don. Jas. S. Ne:ley, Pittatiargh, Pa, ; First N 113101131 Dank. Da:ttalown, 310.4.1toplitSka & Co.. Bank , Itageretaoin : Bon. R. J. BrooLtate Attor ney . Baltimore; C. P. Abbott.: 20 P.O. Aaento.. Baltimelo: - John 11. rowldr, Esq. Ezekutne, +bee, Baltimore, -- Abe itag-Zttate, cartalad to by =au*. pi. Tletetasal cinmptes can be itsd.of P. C. DEVLIN, Geserat egant , Stationer and Printer : No..lll - Nassap Street, New York. Tickets sent c. U. D, ff desire& Send Jew Diroulare contsfaieS &satiation - Of %Prism Tickets' for' Salo also l 7 firmer' & Sanaa:ire, at SAD , News Stands,,,rtilladelphis, Uarriaburgli,.Dittebttrgb. &a. and willzte of Pemifylrarsia fiailroadandeonnere . n ELAWAREitACKAWANNA and Wzarit.nnau t lioaa. 'Winter iirranemr.at of imftrasr o .. " ; srect Irv. 214819. „ TRAUB LEAVS .iiiirkiiiial f .1-1 : .:- I :::iiiiiti.i.r.o: 1 train. tt tratin I Ma in., STATNS, IO - trio. tr4l l A. xi. AL. mr. ..- •- , . P. -111. Pi 31 21 At . .11:1: . Yar p .. t ... 4 ~• •s, 1.. ,, it -: 1 ] 120 ~ , itaati4a,ai4:::: V... 40 14 LI . ..- Defiware....Dlno.., I.M. ~,, , .1 Oa .3.511 11,16 Iteranton... .... ..',... 045 45. r 31 1 118 11.14,V. ~ .718 4 - 1,....t $ 4.57 1,401 Montrose ...... "`. 7' . 4,15 . 45 4 5.15 1 2.10 New Milford...:_... • 1 6,54 1 3.45 . P.M.'l P 2II Cl :P l o t Org Melt 1 6 'l 14e3 y-st: A. 51 P.M • V. P.M:OVA/ELL. ' General Pass. Sad Ticket Ages ID. ; Ticket Agent, 340124044,•1 it - IEIEBT a IV9RLD IS CONING TO Montrose, July .24th. lIIIIDENBURiII & CO'S GRAND CONSOLIDATED MOWS AND CMCESES, MENAq-ERIES, LIVING WILD ANIMALS A Grand Consolidation of Extraordinary Attraction 7. A Long Line of xnialvrEl%TehE 7/Zzmn9. Containing living specimen: of the most Rare and Carl ono Animals and B ind, known to Zoology All the truly Great Artlete in the Arenle Proft.a.r.lon.— The Largest and Boat! Menageries and Circuses Combined. ever organized. AD the Animals, Splendid Specimens of their Species. Every Member of the Circus Company • 331A - 1=33.1 V'em-ticriutom Nstear, ONE nu - stmni !MD TIM HORSES, AND OVER ONE HUNDRED 31EN I Man, Asldeibto the Chula Department, Thomas Haywood, Late Jester to the Queen of England ! 'Who received the Mammon. &dory of *BOO PER Weep t Clef Jwit added-PROF. CONELMS DEN of MONSTERS Performing Animals, Living Tigers, and arenas I One of the Grand Features of this Establishment is ♦ 1:111AliD .F3ELMMI OUTSIDE EXHIBITION AT ONE O'CLOCK P. It ZEISS LOUISA. BLISS! Will }lake a Teraratic Ascemtion upon a Eflogle Wire From the Gitutad to the Top of the Center Pole. and then Execute a Fancy Donee upon a Platform erected:upon the crater pole for that purpose. • -$- Come and yen the GRAND PROCESSION AT 10 O'CLIK, Beaded by the GOLDICS CAB OP MUSIC, and followed by the Dme. Elephant. Came l, forges. Peak*, Maim Ete. =EMI DON'T FORGET THE ,DATE! • : • A212312210ii.30 Ch. C 11221.211182, 23 Cts. DOORS MEN AT /X LA IN .ligoxecriber ths Grand • '. Free Outside Exhibition. .N.EW . MILPORD, JULY 22.. ?MIMOSA AMY 24. • 'I64NW, Jig 19; : CU AXLZS WMIW6 Ages► - , NISW 'NODAL ,PRODZICE . - • , Corrected , w eekly by William trodsdOn, 231 , .;• .• j Rldton. st., Now York; 6:- ..: .. • Wici ending Julk 15;1'811. Butter, pall .‘",.. .- ' ..:.-..• 22(028 :.".. firldn:!. '.:-' ' ' .••.ii . !27@30 Chtaise,dairy,per lb '-• ' ..•,, ' , ;,. 1 ' . 74A10 " factory "....... , Roll ~.p,i d orti, . ~.... ;,....;. 44, ....; 7 . 21622 Flour, pet liarcil.. - ..' ' ' 4.150N.43 Corn rueal i .loo 1b5,..,-. ... .. 2.20€02.30 Wheat, pih. , bindlel. :4. ::- .". „ • .i.. 1.2001.50 Rya .... Oats ' ' 1bg.53 Corn 1334g90 Hops, crop of 1,1370 . 10020 Beef, sides, per lb 10(g,14 Hogs, ' • 1:1®12 Potatoes, per libL 2 0063.40 Tallow " 9010 glaiiroad time fabler,. N. Y. ar. E. Time prable. The following will be of interest to our read ers, especially those wishing to connect with that road at Great Bend. We arc indebted to the Bend Agent, for the following: TEAMS EASTWARD. No. 4, Night Express : : 2.57 a. in. " 8, Cincinnati Express : 7.29 " " 88, Way Freight, : : 10.80 " " 2, New York Express, : : 1.47 p. to. " 82, Accommodation, : 8:50 " " 0, Steamboat Express, : 9.17 " TRAINS WESTW ARR. - No. 7, Night Express, : : 1.52 a. in. " •9, Emigrant, : : : : 5.24 " " 29, Accommodation, : : 9.85 " " 87, Way Freight : : 1.07 p. m. " 5, Mail and 'Express, : : 8.50 " All of the above trains stop at Great Bend and carry passengers. ERIE RAILWAY. I,3ootntles adder ono mlnagement--880 toileo with• oot ch to .e of coach,. Broad gunge, double trick route to all points creot, north-went and north-vent- New nod mproved Voncheo ore run through %cahoot change to lioctmotor,nofrolo, Dauktrk u Clsvt•Ltud, aud Ciuctu oat I. On and after 111onany,Dec. 14, Itrin. Trains will leave Binghamton at the foltowlng hours, viz: GOING WEST. 2155 a.m . Night Exdress, (Mondays excepted] xYS n. ro. Night Express. daily. f.•:H a. tn. Mail Train. Sundays excepted, for Dural° and Dookiric p. m. Elmira Aecommodat lon, Sand ay excepted, A:01 p. m. Day Exprm2.Sendgye excepted. 9:11 p. m. Exprers HandayA excepted. p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. I:135 p. m. Emigtant Trani, datly for the weet. °omitSer. 3:0.1 a. m. Night Riper... ltunda y• excepted. 7:211 a. tn. Cincinnati Exprm.s, M•ndays excepted. 1:51 p. m. Eqpreo.,Bundayt excepted. 7r.4)•. Sr Arc .mmodatlon Train. daily toe sn,qu c t,ne• &LS p. in. New York Mail. Sandaca excepted. m.4.iglstntsr Expresx, nally. ttlt/ a. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. [s'{ r, , siFed and complete '• Pnelket Tuno Table" of Pa..enger Tenho! nn the Erie ITallway and connecting Ilnetatto recently heen puhltohed, and can it had on ap plication to the Ticket Agent of the Company. 1.. D. BUCKER., WAL R. BABB, Geril Stspl. Gen . ! Agt. 14, IN7I. BILLINGS STROCD, Ticket Agent, 310 ntrotte Pa A EITIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after Dec. trains on tho Lehigh Valley liollroad will run no follotco : p. m. p. m. n.m. 3.M. I 9.n1 A M 11 m 5 m Elmira nls 535 12.4) 9 In 7.4 G 11 50 243 5 3 ,1 1 Warmly 9..00 2.0011.43 R. 05 4-30 1 .10 330 5:93 Tovremla .... *413. 4.3) 11.33 7 10 9.25 4.43 4.40 7.25 Tenkhanamk 04 a m P1'1.04.0 4 45 Wilkm , Barre, 4.M 1 15 7.12 lianell Chad:. p.m. 10.40 p.m. 9 11 Bethlehem.... 9.3)) fia•ton 9.00 Phliadelphla New York Moving North—Read Upward. South—Read Down HARMS TII E INGREDIENTS THAT COM I'OS ROSA DALI S aro pnl,l i4zed on every parksze, there firro it is note secret pi conseoroatt ly PLITSICONS PRESCRIBE IT It is a edit' alit mire for Scrofula, Syphilis iri al 1 ill forms, It heuma• tisin, Skin lua-ase,.., Liver Com t and r.ll diseases of tho Blood. • C 17.1 I ,=C7 LOSailt:3 rill dtt trwe peed than ten bottles of ilia Syrups of Sarsaparilla. TH: UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS !rive wed flocdalain theirprartfee 'la the past three years and fatly endorse it as a rehablo Alterative and Blood Purifier. D. T. C. rrc n natl.= int. T.. 1. cor xis, Ult. R. C A nit. a. F. O. 11A SILLS, LA. I S. SPARKS , of NichLurlll6, McCMITITA, Columbia, S. C. A. A OBLfiS, Edgccomb, N. C. USED at ENDORSED BY J. D. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, Mang. W. 51T1771, 3.lekr.nn. .1„ F. V 111.1.L/.11, Lima, uhi. R. HAI.L, 1.1=34.C/him. ' k.—`i Gordonsville, Va. C. 21IcFADDE.N. l'tiurfreeto bore, Toon. Our spare cill zonal:bur of any or. tended remarks is relation to the eirtursof Itusadalia- Toth° Ilodieal Professtma tee guarantee a Fluid Ex tras t superror to •ny they hare rr.i. used in the treatment of diseased Blood; motto the aelreted aro say try iterradalic and you will be testa:el to health. rtasadalls is sold by all DruggiMa psino $l.:10 per bottle. AM: tress DEL GLEIZEND3 & CO. • . Nortafedirie2 flleoristr, Ull.2lloltr, Baltimore, July 19,1871. ly A CRANEIrTO TER " BRICK." AENRY C. TYLER has reniored hie Insurance Oillre to that of A. W. Beretta!, Emil., OVRIt WILSON'S lIARDWIIE STORE, where he trill be phased to ser v e hie friends and the public generally. with rue, Life, and Accidental Insnranee—Polieies, written 7b-Day. and IOISACI promptly and honorably sth )noted. All my Companies have been Tried and found [foray. and any mai who Says Difereany, does so for pelf Interest. Please call and examine Statements. .te., Ae. N. B. 11r. Rertholt will attend to any balneas in my absence. 11ENNY C. TILER. Moutrcrse.Jaly 12, int, 4w. WOOL-GROWERS TARE NOTICE. ILI OTTS. WOOLEN MILL Is tanning as usual, Mk- LTA lag all wool flannels, checked And white; also, cotton warp flannel. Ins beat ever made; al l wool tweed* and trieslntercs. A Isms. tot of cloths on baud, for sale or to exchange for wool. Please give moo GUI before disposing of your wool elaewbere. Mill. miles cords of Montrose. J. W. MOTT. Montrose, June 'I, MI. tt " PUBLIC NOTICE. y Would respectfully state to my former I Custom. m and the publia generally that I am itilu ennyiug on the T AI LORIWBUSINESS, IN MONTROSE, nod propose to do all WORE In that Line, In a FASHIONABLE, NZAT, 'SUBSTANTIAL MANNER, Awl at fiatlrrie tory Prfeee; Particular attention "gis,n toCUTTINO .suut: SPEC/AL CARE treed to hare the work Plalltrorthe ?mop who puts It together. tiltep on the west 'elde at." Amer Burns k Mewls' Drug Store. odjulaigg - tbe 011ie of Dr. Wil sey. uses Mourtose, Februtn77, Int ST. vrrtrr mica cm= 117PriaitIt...A.;4..:TATL08.—NOCUPS ifia Sbecan be co:Emitted at her resideaeaja &idiom*. ter. on the Di itArtabAltritt.AberiErlebtPtA. ' , Wad at referenats giveb. - A. ai TATUM ~ .Bgiolgawatat:Natth2ll.ls7l: - =' • '‘ THIS WAY, GERRIE! 33Ectorp00r1 HORSE HAY FORKS ! A, J. NELMS , PATENT EMPUOVED. Twenty-Twa State Fair Premium+ Awarded This Pork In Flitcen Month a—. 1869 and I=. ALSO NELLIS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An implement - that Firer] , FATIROT, Carpenter, Mason HORSE RAKES, Hand flakes, Scythes, Snaths, Grain Cradles, Iron, tll echor Brand) • Steel Springy. • Carriage Dolts. Crow Bus, (Steel and Iran.) .131•XcarlatCsr • 00 N . 331 3211 P OT That always Ares an ALARM writsmnt when the Coffee Is Ready for the Tsble. TRY ONE and you will find tho Coffee Always Right! Axes , Grind Stuneics irtra, / 1 "0 , wawa, - • ltubto;: - DrawAaiNca„,, Scythe Stones, , Latcht.e, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stores, Tin. Warr, " Linir„fcr. Montrose, Jelly 5, DOTI/ it, CORWIN. ADRINISTRATOR'S OF Real Estate.—in pursuance of an order of the Orpan'sCourt of Sus quehanna *nutty, Pennsyintula, will tai sold at public min, on the preinleel, in Aubnrn toWnsbip, en Thursday Wo rith day of July. IFYI. at ten o'clock. p. m., the WI. lowing real estate of Stephen King. deceased, to wil : A valuable farm, situate in Auburn townvhip, bounded and descrlbat as ful lowa, via., bounded on the north by lauds of William King, east by lands of Ray King. south by lands of It. F. Taylor and west by laude of J. Rininger and containing about forty eight Acres of land, thirty-five acres iminoved. Truss or Satz.-000 tutadred dollar, down, A 330 on confirmation finally; siMil in six month theruafter, $l2OO one year thereafter and the balance In two equal annual payments. with interest on the whole sum remaining unpaid from confinufition at each payment. STOKELY ELSO, Administrator. Auburn July 5. 1871. Id MITE SCHOOLDITIECTORS af Bridgewater tnwnehlp. .1 will receive 'rated proposals for the building , of a new Echool Home, In Heart Lake District. until July Dahl aehool lonise to be almllaet.n the ono In Bo Babcock Platelet For eperificollono and partic ulars, cal{ on B. Thatcher, Montrose. order the Bnru-d. W. E. BADEOCK, Secretary. Bridgewater. June INTLLOST SOLD H,5 'WATCH. D. BITER-WOOD, The only Welch Molnar—ln Mon ti; traVo nh'et Iw n a e " aVeT of Montrose, Jane a, 1511, If VIEITATE of HARRIET LILLIBRIDGE, late of Nair ..L.4 Milord Itoro. SaNnehannah Connty. deceased: Letters of adminirtralloa upon the canton( the ahove nem d decedent having been granted to the undersign ed,ati persons Indebte.l to the said rotate are hereby n"tited to make immedfate tatym,nt. and there harin4 claims against the Mlle to present them drily notheuti csted•for tiement. ELLIOT ALDRICH,. • 115 715 8.15 4.10 411 535 0.25 5.50 50 6..31 850 p.m. New liilford, Jane :IL Admhilstrator. TTIORONTO CIIIIKP, Jr.—Thla celebrated horse 1 will stand fit a limited number of lair, the pros, eat canon, cominenelli4 April salt. at J. S Trailed', hi Alootruse,• on Matardry of each week. Munday's Wed neaten., and Friday's, at the enbeeribert. In West Dimor.k. Plgnortr..- , Toronto Ch was aired by the GIP! trntling •ttal.itm, l'ontoto Chief. now commanding tuato the PC.1.011 he by Itoyol It .urge d hitt dam by 'Slack wood, out I,l ' on ',Celli,. inure. Iloya/ I teotde IV .1 'I eurt,i by Biagi,. wartior; be by J tnitott !at am! tut by Metwenger. of England. 'Ponoxso Cluzr,./tis.d.rat true aired by thc thoron-zh. bred Jefferson out of a Maje:tr mare. Jefferson wan by Virginia.; he by Str Archie. dm sire of In Ileum and grandnire of American Star—dam, old Favorite. Tonoaro Cuter has !sutud tho w beet stallion time on re Fnr ' T ' o t ' ..lll',.;;: s breil . l . , iri'"rtn;, z- til Illooming Grove, Grange Co., N. 1., In the Sprill; of [Hued. Any ono wanting information with regard to his pidirree or stock, c.,.n addmrs U. it. Hudson. D. G. toner, 0. Owens or C. D. Bowman, at Blooming (;rove. • Touu.vro Coasz, Jrt.., Is 14)4 hands high, blood boy, rvetntle l.llitlll.ohndrt, flue dl4postt lon and - emtsfdered by the hest ,Ind,res of homes to be a very muscular built horse lle boo never been trained. but give. signs or gnat speed. An Inspection Is solicited. TEItY,.—Tn insure with foal $l5. Other rules a, ell: , tomory, ln.ur.ince money flue. March lot. 1572. J. NI. Proprietor. Elk Lake, Pa., March 13. lbll—lm. PHIL SHE RIDAN. liLf ORGAN HORSE—six yearo old—Dark 111 Ftly—Fineen and one fourth band* high —Weigh* one thott,and ' , es . ..m[l4lre pound, A noted work Move—Grua strength—blleellent ISotLom —SPionded 'rms./ex-1%33.d. 210 SZiltl~ Sired by Griffith', Young Home, "Ilohen." Ife has bean handled and trained by Mr F. GRIF FITH, who now hag him In eharge. Come and fee him, On Thnradare, Fridays. and Satrirdays, at J. B. Tarbelre Sables, In Montroae. All other dap , . at Clifford Corners. Testis. $lO to lustre. C. Sl. CRANDALL. Mourroae:May 17, t 971.—tf Proprietor. • WIN'S EIMER MOWER, .13XVIMCI r i" 133ELALN1". AL and by Wilbur's Eureka. Zowor AL and Reaper Manufaaturing Company, rough kertnile, N. Y. The Eureka Mower hay nothing In common with other machine, except the use of the Ordinary cutting appa- Mt nu. The wheels are large and •el dlrect:y hack of the ends of the cntter.har, whichlscuusequently directly Id front of the maehtne. The cutter bar is either Four Five or Six Feet in.r.• can be Oct to cut any rekulred height. and is mired by the driver to pass ointructious with verfect ease. The machine has on bevel gearing. spar gear being n.cd throughout. It has all the advaatages of aJolnted bar without object I olmble-feat urea. and readily adapts lured to the ruutivennesanf the grotud. It giver us plea.nre to be able to elate, that where the Eureka has been used It la rapidly superseding the awk washy arranged side cut machines, and wo are aware that lie growiug popularity has excited mach op. petition. We therefore ask that the farmer. of the country will guard against any unfavorable prrjadirap from the elate. ments of interested parties, Judging only of the merits of the machine frompersonal experience In Its ace. The bar being in front. obstacles are more readily seen andavolded than when the bar lent one side. The pitman works at right angles with the knife, con sequently there is not the jar which in moulp!casant and objectionable in ail machines where both are in the same hoe. It is Motun in the same relative position to the knife, nod works elitally well whatever. the position of the cutter-bar. The machine can be oiled, obstacles. tan be removed from the guards , and the bar folded Without the driver getting off. It is readily thrown Out Of gear by 'hand or foot, and backs out of var.' There iv absolutely no side draft. It ride, VeMeal/, and an - orris greater safety to the dews then any oilier machine. . . the horses are placed far apart, with long neekyoke and ceener, and le rye, the machine is datren lilac a •Ide.hlll plow or n horse-rake, hack and forth on the path, side of the piece. One horse walks In the standing gram eutlndy beyond the cat, prfariut: It down in the T ld = 'inm r hich ttet tt Iber other stand laß 02911. Nither horses nor machine go on threats grass, width is left nearly standing and trill elve more rapigly and eaunaly than when a udder to used after a side-d rat mower. The ECISEKA is admirably adapted to mowing side hills and lodged grass, as to both neat advantage can be taken of the moat favorable side of the place ititi lot on which to work the machine hack and forth. It Is easily maailated,antlwith a corrceptindlng,expen ditu re orposver,auts a math wider malts LUIS O.W/oth er is use. The Enreka to oo simple In construction that we pie enabled to offer It at n price much below other standard machines of the same =peaty. Gun pnarzs ton THE comixo MUM/ AO port cum. No. 1 blower, 6 feet Carnet; Bar, Mammoth Size, fll6O Ofa 6 *. •• Standard Size, lei 60 `• 4 " Baby Size, ' 111000. Thls Celebrated BLecbine can be obtained of S. If. R. Grow, Glenwood James D. Walker II al es Moore Gibson aritinCAo or the taboalber. at New Milford. Snagaehan• ounty.ts Pa. U. W.IUON. 614 Si Oeneral Agt, for Northern PA. Improved netiorm Wheel Churning Maine, cheap and durable, maaaractared and iiir,aale by !. , ha aabscriber. MI orders pramPtlY ti c li s t ßou LttliaMetulana, Pa., Juno 't, 18111.-2.10, ACD'TOWS- NOTICE. — The undersigned an Auditor. . appointed by the Orphan'. Court. or Sneoriebenne .tonnty, to distribute. the, lauds in the bands or the-Ad ministrator of the estate or licit thigh Monahan; de• ceased; will attend to the duties of his appointment., at his office, in Mot:trate, on the 15th day Or July, un, at o'elotitp. in. it which time and place alipernonei bite, rooted ha maid lend MOIL preneat their ebiltuai . or be for. era dobarredfecen Omfez In on eebt TX , W. SZAUer • Montrone ( June 7, Aliditor; and Palutor Should !lave Notice to Builders. Tleyea4orivoticoza., Prioo. M1C10211.13.46.T.a3Z1 or IraMogl4PFErf . IWILL BELL LEASE., for a firm of tot" th e 1 property at the outlet of JonesltLatc, mina term a. mill wake It atrotticct for Oar ono to Iroiloytlttt mo who desires such a property. There la 49. With Three Etna of STONES it, is000i) 4)1,1;ga 49:404„w-accizar.4l, (Mullny,) new gearing, in good running order, and .80 acres of chimeYarmlirg Lend; mostly cleared. Now is your ticniWas the now. railroad; about: belpg built will enhance its wane. For particalarsloolcut the racially, or call on or address B. S. SSISRLE4 Montrose, 3147 17, 1871.—0 - Montrose, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. • , Contains no L AO SULPHUR—NO SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER. aid_ is entirely free from the Poisonous - and Health—destroying Drugs mica' 111:: other Hair Proportions. Transparent and eL=r as crystal, It will une - 413 this finest fabric,—perfectly SAFE, CLEAN and EFFIQUTIM --Eitehleraturu3 LONG SOCUUT NUR AND "FOIIND AT LAST! It restores and trcrents the hair fromlsceondb?, Gray, Imparts a soft, glossy appearance, removes Dandruff, Is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falllngoff, and restores It to a great extent when prema turely lust, prevents Headaches, cares all humor., en tatteonacruptions, and unnatural heat, AR ,KDRESS. ING FOR THE lIAIIt IT IS THE BEST ARTICLE LI TIIE MARKET. DR. C. IVITTI, Patentee, Ayer, Maas. ?revved only br PROCTOR BROTHERS, Oloneester I(assactaisetta. The genuine Is put up In a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name or the Article blown In the gigss. Ask your Drn7-tat for Nertitz's Rua itesronarnrs, and take no other. (3f' Sendtwo threS cent stamps to Praetor Brothers for a •'Treattoie on the Human Doir." The Information It eonbilos In worth SSW 00 to any person. MEM The "Paso Ktu.cu" may Justly be styled the great medicine of the world, for there is no re:ion of the globe Into which It has not toned Its way. and been largely used and highly prized. Moreover, there bine clime to which it has not proved to be well adapted for the cure of a comilderahle variety of diseases , it is o speedy luta safe remedy for burns, scalds. cuts, bruises, wounds and ver ion s other InJurtee.los well as for dysentery, diarrhoea. and heart complaints generally. it is admirably situated fur every rare of men on the face of the globe. It le a rem , significant fact, that notwithstanding the long period of venire that the '..rettnSiller has been be- fore the world, It has never test end - Whit-0Y its popular ity. bat 015 the contrary, the call for it has steadily In creased from its arm discovery, and to no previons time has the demand for It been so great, or the quantity made been so large, as it is to-day. Another elm:llllcent fact la, that nowhere has the Pain Kilter ever been in higher repute, or been mere general. ly used by rim Iles and inill vidnals, than It has been here at home, where It true dm discovered and Introduced. That the Pain Killer trill comae to he. what we have soled D. TOE ORR,. weenies or TUE WORLD. there can not he the shadow of 4 doubt. -Prorid.nce Advertiser. REVOLVING HORSE-RAKE. `ATE Are prepared to farnieh these rakes of a superi or quAllty, at both wholegale and retail. SAYRE BROS., Manufacturers. 'Montrose, MIS 3, Rai. tf FOR SALE. . TILE HOTEL Property, located at Ditoock Cnrnern, and lonu and favorably known aa the Leu tp Ilntel, Count-clef! with whlct are about Twenty Acres of V4lnahlo Land. Par partici:dant add mice or call on C. C. MILLS, !Smock. Pa., Jan. US, ISTI. tf. Executor, WATCHES ! WATCHES ! BELOW COBS'.—Rattl prices.— g: I Fine 18 ht.. Gold - • • 40 14 Aluminum Gold • • - - $lB 9 , PereColn Oliver - • • $l5 10 Ornide Gold - - • - $l9 We offer to the piddle oar elegant assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Watchea and Chains indent.. Undo of de weln , ac the lowest cash prices ever oared here tofore to Purchasers. Full Rutty Jeweled Levers, 181 t. lleld Renting cased Watches, warranted. usually cold at Via, only $4ll each. Elegant second Quality 18 kt. Gold. full Jeweled Lcv, cr Watch., warranted for time awl dt.t,'s.3oteack. Extra "Inc Time Keepers. Alum loom Gold, Renting eased, full Jeweled Lever Watches ' actrutl to gold In ap pearance and far wear, warranted, at $l4 and $l3 race. Pure Coln Silver, Hunting ca ed, full Jeweled Lever w.u.lles, at $ll and *IS each. Fine GraMatruh! Watches wltlieztru fhenrrcements, at $l2 and $l5 each. Aims, Flue Gold Chains, Ladles' and Grate; from MO st 3 each • -. Dolled Plated - doe Gold Choi 1111,2%54, Wand $ l =b. 01.1 f. WATCHES are regulated and adJoeted to keep time to the minute before sent to pnrchnsers, and if not toned no, we will take them back at any time and return '''' f ' YREQ,l3(llE NO MONEY LN,ADVANCR, and all goods ordered from as will.be tautly Eipresl..l:. 0. D., with privilege to examine them before pajd tor. la r all ease! oidoring chime. tad RiglLasar will receive ono Watch. Owl* Please state the kind and Prfco of watch reqnired, and order direct from B. OClSktgor Vow P. 0. lion .54W1. SI John Street, N. T. New York, Juno TECH WERE SOLD ! THE YEAR 1870, 13,13-sa. OF Blatchley's Cucumber •rx (B)m.a.zum. NAV co c• cll. 3P 1L1.1:113.31;1 RASURINO 11.18.558 feet In length, or sufficient In 01 the agureeats for A WELL OVEIt 40 MILES DEEP. Simple In constrection—Easy In Opendlou Riving no Taste to the trater—Durabk—Reliable and Cheap. These Pumps are their own bent recommendation, For sale by dealers in hardware and agricultural imples ments, plumbers. Pump makers, Sc. through theme°. try. Circulars, furnished upou application by mail or of herw Single Pumps forwarded tn parties In towns whet I have no agents upon receipt of. the regular retail prim In haying. be careful that your Pump hence my trade mark as above, patented March g15t,11371, as 1 guarantee no other. 0.113.6 Lea. C 3-. 23.243htaillitiojr, MANUFACTURER, Ofllec and' Warcroorn, 624 at G2G Philadelphia, March 15, 1671.-3 m Pa. Mahood: How Lost, How Restored. dust publithed, a new edition of Dr. Calvet , Celebrated Easay end tha mated' cm ; (without medicine) of SPECAATMIOXIIZA, or Stint. nal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, biro. Tracy, Mental and Physkal Incapacity, Impedimenta t to Marrlam,„ etc. t also Posscarnorr. Eramersr, and PIS!, Indllted by self-Indulgence or normal extravagance.. cM^ Price. In akcalcd envelope, only cents. _ • The celebrated tutthor. In this admirable essayielchrlY demonstrates from a thirty years' snecessfoLpmetlee; that the alarming consequences of self abeseimsy boradi. rally cured without the dangerous WO of inionvtlmedl. doe or the application of the knife; pointing out a. • tango of cure at once simple. certain, and effectual, by `moans of which every enteraq no matter'what bis con. - , mimic, may be, moycuro himself. ,cittlY.,PFAnOtoi.l's nud e 437" 'This Lecture should. be in thre ham* of etc?, youth and every man in the land. Sent. ender seal, an a Idaln envelope, to any..addrces , postpaid on receipt of els. cunt* or two po s tage stamps. diso,,Dr Culvertsell's •`.histrriage Ouldo,"priect addheas the Publisher., ELLNE .h CO,. Itotrum New Yerit-Post Ono? Con ,615,50.,... STATE NOEDI AL SCHOOL, • MANSFIELD,' TWA CO- PA: English and Classical courses. Terms begin September 1114 December 12th, and 'Tarok 27t1i., State appropriations :Or students. Students arl , nilt!cd at any time. Apply to - - • .; CHAS.' H. YERRILII, A. M.; • Icianstield„l'a. Aug. 31, 1871 . 1..-4T' ". DENTISTIM h C. A. SACKETT'S Dental Rooms, Newlin/04Pa; Particular attention given to all operations oitbe nate. rat teeth. AniMelot Teeth inserted In all the rations yips now In moo,. Portent satisfaction walnut tad to all, Cum and see me, and satisfg you:salvos, OlEgoAntiva. outs each evy. taan. IS: lB G r ~ . . CCAC 4gainot Puevbasiing a Note _alreo for Patant, to MU mock . tor uneltuadred. Deallf IF, as ug gl it Rot pay I , t,to4rss compeltrgilly taw, ra it gri May 0, 1,10. ' EldAt#. New 111!folddivr11:0, 1871, trir evounig &oitttoo-- Two lines in Otis Dira:tory, ono year, $1.50 earl! ciddilional line, 50..e10... • NEW' MILFORD. CAYtkili SIOSMAILSB, Dealer In genuine Caingarlaster. nub round, ITAAVLIM, Agent for Taapiro fleirrag Math; • and Amertatin Base 73arntng•tltoto, rain Street,. NV. T. MOSS ,t-4XI Dcalersin Dry GoodiMati,Caps, Boots and Shoes, and Oenerol Aferchandlec, oo MAID street, second door below the Episcopal Chinch. • UNION HOTEL, kept by WILLIAM warn, on main street, near rbe Depot.—• W.K. 31SAD, Foundry. and dealer In Plows and other utensils. one door from Phlnners llo:ol, Main St. N. F. KIMBEA, Chr=apr Makes and Undertaker, on Main Went, two doors below liawley's Store. • McCOLLUM. BROTHERS. Dealers. in Groccrice and Yrurialons, an Main ntreet.• GARRET, T. BON. Dealers Irerrlour.. Peed. Deal, Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries and Provisions on Main Street, opposite the-DepoL". W. & T. IliTllEN:llfanntriettirers of Cigar* and Wholesale dealers In Yankee Notion■ and Fancy Gavdt v Op /lain Stmt.!" Wow Eplscopal Chureb. • MOSS ffi ttat.A.o naiintitettirers and deafen In Morocco Vino:Sags. dm., uFarEplecopalChurch. • 'WOMEN. boaters In Drees and Med Weal. and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, noir the Depot. W. STEPIItSS, none Shoeing and'soneral Repairing. on Main Street, month of the brit.go. .1, DICKER:WAN. JR.. ticider In general merchandise Sad Clothing, I4lct Store. an Maio Street. ,GREAT BEND L, S. LENSEIV, 31annfnctnrer of Leather, and dealer in gen end Mecch.andi co, on Main Sucet.• EL P. DOMAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Ready !dada Clothing, Dry Goods, Grocerica sad Proyislosts, Main Street.• LENOXI'ILLE. MASI WHITE. Manelactunenotand dealer in atirrl or Ploarr road Custinim. GIBSON RDWARDS & BRYANT, Manufaeturers of Wagons and Sleigh., near the Innlhe Store. MONTROSE ADEL TURRELL, Dealer In D'Algo, Medicines, Li. quors, Paints, 011 d, Dye Sluff., Groceries, Jewell?, Notions, ctn. f.op', St, "Ai JAMES E. CARMALT,°nary at Law. Office ono door below Tarbell Eon., Public Avenue. • M. H. COOPER k CO.. Itankors. sell Foreign Pas sage Tlck,ts and Drafts on fingLaud, Ireland and.Bcot land.r. J. IL FLETCHER'S Either Saloon Is the plaee to. get tee Cream, Oyster* and Clam., In every mile. On Math. ettcet.' STROUD & DROWN. orncral Fire and Life inAtir once Atlantis ; nix°. sell Railroad and Accident Ticked to New York and Phil:16:1011a. ORco ono dour caul °R ho Bank. F. B. CHANDLER. Geueral insunwee and Sawing Ns. chine Agent., Public Avenue.• BUILNS k NICEIOI.S, the place to get Drams earl me!, Ce. Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Bootle, Specta cle!, Yankee Notion!, Ac., Public Avenue. WM. L. COX, Ll:truces maker and dwrlerld all' articles trendily kept by the trade, oppoelle the Dank. • BOYD & CO3IST TT:Dcalers In Stoves, Hardware, and lilunufsztarera of Tin rind Sheetlron ware, corner of Male and Turnpike street.. S. It MOUSE, 'Merchant To, for and dealer In Cloth•. Trimming., and Furnlehing Good.. and Agents for Sinz, beaker /Lachine, on Main btreet, rumbas% Imlkrlng, A. N. BULLARD, Dealer In Oroceries, Provisions, Boots, Suttionery and laniaca Notions, at hood of Public Avenue,. T. -SPORE .1n CO., Dealt:re in Stover, hardware, Agri caltqrnl I mpinmeuts, Pion? and Groceriva, opprs atto Tanbra.Uornin RAYNSFORD & airman,. Livery and Exc.Lange la tear of EWA budd in g. • PLASTER, PLASTER.—We keep on band on ample supply of Freeb Ground flaynda Planer. for enle as Ilindruse Depot, by TLEFANY &CRAMER. IlinntrmorrVput-Feb. 8. 14nt . Ma - lEWELRY A. TURRELL ATTEN TON I r WE'LL. GIV,V. YOU "FITS T. I). T.A.YLOllliscklung.knimen hi Bingham ton, 0.5.0u0 of the most_popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors Insection of country has formed a co-partricislilp , with. E. F. New comb, oFMontrose, and they are now prepared to 'furnish men's wearing apparelof ankh:lds, and in etyle;on<l. workmanship superior to any establishment in this section of country. We G17A420711E: SATISFACTION toall who may flivor us with theirpatronage.- Shop at Post ' s ohl comer,. on Public .venue T. D- TAYLOR, E. F. NEWCOMB 3fontrow,det,l6, 1870--a FulaNrruitE ESTABLISHMENT OF .WILLIA.M . IV. SMITH. PLEmin Tans Ncrixer.:. The extensive Furn Dire Establishment of William W. nodal, having been refitted and arca tly improved, the pioprlefor respect font 4111101113CC$ to the citizens of Montrose and vfelni• ty, thaebe Is constantly mainland keeps on hand the largest andliessasswattmtnt of to be rand snywher this side of New York City. Desks. Divans. Towcinicks, Lounges, Footstools de. Cantu' Lard, Pion, Tolle% Dialog. Kitchen and extension tables. Comas —Cane and Woodwat Rockers, Cane, Flag sad Woodscats of every variety and style. sofasond Tete-a-tetes, furnished on abort notice.— Cane scat chairs resented. SPRING BEDS. A large 11.511ortment.--chea poet and best. In make Cane Seat Chairs. kern now: enabled to 'supply my castemenswith a new itobstantlalcanescatchair.of 401310 meraletnio, which will be Nand greatly superior to those formerly In market, mid yew° sold at aloes. price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. r - Ready made eoliths °naiad or furnished at short notice. Dearest alwsys tia readiness If desired.. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen, I Intead tx. tinvay mask welt,nnd sell it anion, *scan be afforded. WILLIAM SMITH. 31antroseMetv 18, 1.8*.. D ow& TOWN . EW MINER. AND COATS, gain Street, 6 doors below OW', Corner, Modtros FLOVA Glt o t)gitigsis .4 Id D FR 0 VIS/ONS. Weave eeititahtly foe twinge id nee hive unbend, a fresh 'task el Goede.t u.purtli e.which we willed', :CRUX' t CEs44,i CHEAP- tiitasb.or ezeti•go:iorpxoda.co. • 'GOOD - TEA,s; •' ._COFFH.H,..SUGAR, • • •; :MOLASSES, SPICES, - .; PORK, FISH, :LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER . e 'TIMOTHY ,ISEED, &e • Vire,haro refitted and Mello addition, to roar Stoat . ° Pltiboted ttre now rearly_ro worhßetter to the ,bett amotiterfon bootee lit Noir Yorfr,tree of chit rge; and ma k4 therAtettratteemente , on eunrignmente. , • Cell en d zamteeon r tort 'before pnrchealegeke, whercAnderiarineerontwolres ofthe GOOD .QUALITY .LOW PRICES of our 004. , C. GI:W!OR - • .- W. R. COATI; ..Wolwase. April 16.1889: ' • - - i• . • - U , :.lra ANSE. 'mi. 11,4 in:teetotally trots . .411- awes atiosouisa *gap insolilit,..t:essid . maim for firm* ete/stidysiviritubirs arpktvit . y °pasta* . Addsilil!sonivatlvrolk., sPBDitO At Lenhetnei GMAT BENIX . • At Lembohet GREAT 8EN1571.?" At Leabeim& GIOILITEENIX Dyl3e awe tabor DRY GOODS,MOCEKEk CLOIIII. ISG, IterEDWAllg, CROCKERY, • NOTIONS, ITATBand 201:YLVo mut- 5130Eff, CABITISMALI. PAPETt, on FAlN'ri, • dso4 &V.. An of agile have been - Mated: &ft the late decline r s:4lva be sold et Olt" . . corifogly-: GOOD' enllC47, 034 IlyfentwOrjirt GOOD 3111TSLI,N only fireetittpperiarL GOOD SUGAI4-oaly lOoealtsper vomit. GOOD GREW MACS and JAPAN . TEAS, only 90 and/ pa , pond, FLINDSONE-DRESl34podsfealrodmixi A Suit, of CLOTHES tbr $l4l. AR other goods at eargisiartding. LOW PRICES We taw make a speciality of tae. SEIM PING BUSINESS,, and will wind to tae beet HOUSES EAST buttes and-all abet, kinds• of PRODUCE- Tho- MCIIIEST market vice and, prompt zertneas guaranteed also PAILS flandsisid • an& ItIONEY ADVANCED, to CUSTO3IERSwhan DEMRILIL. Parties wieh®Stabuy atK ) D3 find the LARGEST ASSORTNEN't im Sitquellancat Comity, to select tom lOU do well to mil at Great Bend, Pt. April 5, r971.-4ui,.: LATROP'S PERDIOATRD RILIRS t NVITI7 nr Wltbont ElpetArt as the Ma 4Saisaadar,.. , for terilMtfut aad 2 1111". 6 %l4:raw, Zarll 44 • 18 TL • 4 wm - vcr cxcocorotai.'' 6atttub - trg, (I gro=gum (to: Having A Largo And Wen stock of S' in & sommurnoK MILLENERY GOODSy DRY Joh) rakcy aeons, All of the Newest, Handsomest Design( And also, a Fine Assortmeint ' BEADY MR CILIMUM-1 - . Sweatt' we halt& lhosttantion of ow POZING II6 I the pnblte In genentl, t 0 &An us a ain• sad OolshintiOift trio same before buying cheerio:ire. ' • trrnartaater, =Op= tick' . 1 Mrairose, May. P-1! A OARIi.. larr OEM OP PEP i; . - • 0 TIME PIEBOXINTIS And antra Imo VMS' ID T km: Oven me OM Parenalle. Miles ity kook kit thanks, and InTitetraalantahte 4 t the , etu their influence, to the .. . • MEMO 31* of smith, Cohn & 00418 and 81Thetbeettitit; filar York. where orders should bo Metaled ko attend dtraelt• e d to the tyro, to tumor early atteotton,atd t wed saw to to?, ta m = e, and to those seho pm* by *Me ether std / and ay* 11111111ftt dit4 little MIMI) to New otitirrr set. sL_ Ins a fair WA Uttagcassl animpp„.sud ougebt east., for thong*? by tiaerti MA M. C. 'TT - '• ' • Agent, and Aestetsat .; 1 40trtee rt.. l Es l + ' - .• • PM. WUBDIIS 0? 1834, WORW—Tlttobthlth, .re. Jemmy 10 2 1811. *moon Hatay coaterna.:Tkts Is to etell} that Moro gthettA.BALAlllllcondontroes. Pa.. the eachtstve control of the nth of the abothelleap ed Tenn* In Bdtenehanns Coen ;so loofas be eletelea to eonththe le thebnithesCand t beregtee should be addressed to btet,totheetes et 31,,X. SILTOZI,IIII i., MattirVi 1011. . rt •- - ' ' '.- ', ' • . - . _ r :i, )rectivel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers