the tans and t ire~icte. Summer Arrangements err Horses. It member Of the Royal College of Vet erinary Surgeons, writing to the Times; expeeee the fallacy of fhe liopillar belief that a horse is benefitted by "a month's run." Re says that as new pastures are beginning to look green, and the weather promises to become warm, owners are thinking of giving their horses a treat by turning them on. to grass. "I have work ed my horses bard," say they, and they need a snmmets run." It will rest their legs andfeet ; besides green food is the natural provender for horses, and they will enjoy a few. month's rest at grass, and .be all the better for it." It is all very well for the young animal, protected by long hair,lengthy mane and tail, whose time while young has to be got over one way or another, and it is found convenient to let him forage for himself; but with stale and "grogg y' horses requiring rest, and whose owners turn them out with thus object, the matter is entirely different. "Rest", properly so called, is not to be had in the pasture. In the simple process of gathering . his food the horse walks many miles during the twenty-four hours, if the pasture bo ,bare, and the same process obliges him to throw extra weight on his fore legs and feet, which it has been the intention of the owner to "rest." Besides, in the summer months, witness the poor horses huddled together for shelter from the myriads of insects which surround cattle when grazing, and watch them ner vously tossing their heads, switching their tail, stamping, and thus jarring the feet and legs, moving to and fro in the vain hope. of escaping from their tormentors, and if4hisbe `tett" When the sun is powerful, the feet become hot and parch ed, the horn is Tendered brittle, and breaks off in pieces. Besides, nothing throws a horse so soon out of condition as green food. The consequence, in eight cases out of ten, is that the animal comes up from the guise in much worse form than when turned out "to rest"—if lie es capes getting staked, or being kicked by his companions. What, then, is the best method of ' dealing with horses in the summer, when either rest is a necessity or otherwise - desirable ? Put them into a loose box or shed, well littered with tan bark, saw-dust or straw, or all combined ; remove the shoes, and rasp of the sharp edges of the crust to prevent them from breaking, supply water without stint, give a liberal allowance of oats, Indian corn and bran, with cut chaff and hay, the whole of which will be better for being made ready damp with water. If, on the part of the owner, there is predilection for green food, give it in small quantities, mixed by hand with the hay, always re membering_that the fat which it invaria blyprednees is so much lumber, not con dition, and that when the horse reti&Ens to work, the fat is thrown off at the frost of an additional wear in the feet and legs. Keep 00 Surface Nlala and Mellow. Heavy land is liable to become's° crusty at the surface, that growing plants cannot flourish luxuriantly. For this reason, the hard - crest should be forked up often in flower pots, as well as in the open ground. Stirring the soil frequently iF the garden. anti with; he horse hoes in the field, in dry weather, will contribute to the benefit of the crop. By the loosening of the soil, the. air, and especially the night air, charged with moisture even in times ofl severe drouth obtains ready access to the roots of the plants, and becomes coudens-1 ed in the soiL Very often during a hard summer dronth we have seen corn leaves and other vegetation roll up during the but come out again at night in conseqbehee — of the falling dew, or the prevalence of the most air. When the' ground is not stirred it becomes crusted over, or baked as it is called, and hence the moisture from below does not find its way up to meet the condensed moist air. But where the ground is freqeuntly hoed, the reverse is the ClitV, ; hence the benefit of repeated hoeing daring the summer months,Upon this point one of our late' En4lishjournals mentioned the feet that during the extremely dry season of 1826, a gentleman was in the habit of hoeing with his own hands,- three, drills of tur nips daily. The result was that the three thus hoed were a good crop, while the held upon the remainder of the field oed less frequently was much lighter. lUD Busku.—The amount ,of injury lone to the tender stomachs 4, children, invalids and sedentary persons by eating badlareadday.,aftesday, from one .year's eriafte(itiother; Intuit be' enormous. A eshrbieitnnot tiialte=good bread of ev cry description ought not to be allowed tonse-room for an hour; and that moth erisgrisuiruslltnegligeut,. whatever may tetteepositibtr;Who does 'not teach her daughter how to make it. Alum is used tofet t a i wiiitenesmoitness and capacity of (Moisture. Lime corm be em ployed with equal effect, having the ad vantage of correcting any sourness in the bread or stomach; besides affording an important ingredient for the making the bone strong. Every housekeeper should knowhow to make two or three kinds of bread.. Extra* from the_Conneeticut Blue The following extracts from the laws ordained by the people of New Haven, Obvious to their incorporation with the Saybrook and .Hartford - colonies, afford an idea of the strange character of their prohibitions. As the substance only is given in the transcription the language is necessarily modernized:— No quaker or dissenter from the estab lished worship, of the dominion shall be allowed to give a vote for the election of magistrates, or any officer. No food or lodging shall be afforded to a quaker, adamite, or other heretic. If any person turns quaker, he shall be hatisliediand suffered to return, but up on pain of death.- No priest - shall abide in the dominion; he,stall be. banished, and suffer death on his return: Priests may be seized by any one without .a vagrant. -• • intuit° 4=3,s riser but with an entherirod ferryman. 'No one shall run on the eabbath-day, or Wilk in his garden, or elsewhere, except rinrereittly to and. from meeting. No ODES shal travel, cook lanais, make bedi; sweep bouse,cut hair, on the sabbath _ 9-11foguiti shall kiss her child on - the labblakor; fasting day, •,--Vheilibboth'sball begin at sunset ou Td pick ear of corn growing in a neighbor's garden shall be deemed theft. pertion accused of treaspass in the night shall be judged guilty, unless he clear himself by oath. When it appears that an accused has confederates, and - he - refuses to discover, them, he may be racked. No one shall buy or sell lands without permission of the selectmen. A drunkard shall have a master ap pointed by the selectmen, who are to debar him the liberty of buying or sell ing. Whoever publishes a lie to the prejudice of his neighbor, shall sit in the stocks or shall be whipped fifteen stripes. No Minister shall keep a school. Men stealers shall suffer death. Whoever wears clothes trimmed with gold, silver, or bone lace, above two shill ings by the yard, shall be presented by the grand jurors, and the selectmen shall tax the offender at £3OOO estate. A debtor in prison, swearing he has no estate, shall be let out, and sold to make satisfaction. Whoever sets a fire in the woods, and it burns a house, shall suffer death; and persons suspected of this crime shall be imprisoned without benefit of bail. • Whoever brings cards or dice into this dominion shall pay n fine of £5. No one shall read common prayer, keep Christmas or saint days, make minced pies, dance, play cards, or play on any other instrument of music, except the drum, trumpet and Jews harp. No gospel minister shall join the peo ple in marriage; the magistrates only shall join iu marriage, as they may do it with less scandal to Christ's church. When parents refuse their children convenient marriages, the magistrate shall determine the point. The selectmen, on finding children ig norant, they may take them away from their parents. A man that strikes his wife shall par a fine of £10; a woman that strikes her husband shall be punished as the court directs. A wife shall be deemed good evidence against her husband. Married persons must live together or be imprisouad. No man shall court a maid in person or by letter, without first obtaining consent of her parents; .£5 penalty for the first offense; .£lO for the second; and, for the third, imprisonment during the pleasure of the court. Every male shall have his hair cut round according to a cap'. PUN ISHII ENTS. From the early records of Massachusetts we learn that the following singular pun ishments were inflicted in that colony two hundred years ago: Sir Richiird Salstonstall, fined four bushels of malt for his abacence from the Court. Josias Plaistowe, for stealing four bask ets of corn Dom the Indians, to return them eight baskets again, to be fined A 5, gnd hereafter to be called Josias, not Mr. as he used to be, Thomas Peter, for suspicions of slander, idleness, and stubbornness, is to be severe ly whipped and kept in hold. Capt. Stone, for abusing Mr. Ludlow by calling him justass, fined 111100, and prohibited coming within the patent Joyce Dradwick to give unto Alexan . der Beck 205., for promising him marriage 1 without her friends' consent, and now re fusing to perform the same. I Richard Turner, for being notoriously drunk, fined £2. Edward Palmer, for his extortion in taking 225. 7d. for the plank and work of Boston stocks,, fined SS, and sentenced to sit one hour in the stocks. John Withe bound in .£lO to good be havior, and not come into the company of his neighbor Thomas Bell's wife alone. The Tillers ExpedlenL There is a fable among the Hindoos that a thief, having been detected and con demned to die, happily hit upon' an ex , - dient which gave him hope of life. Ha j sent for his ailor. • and told him that ho had a secret of great importance which he desired to impart to the King, and when that had been done he would be prepared to die. Upon receiving this piece o? intelligence the Ling at once ordered the culprit to be conducted to his presence, and demanded of him to know his secret. The thief replied that he knew the secret of causing trees, to grow which would bear fruit of pure gold. The experiment might be easily tried, and his majesty would not lose the opportunity; so, ac companied by his prime minister, his courtiers, and his chief priest, he went with the thief to a spot selected near the city wall, where the latter performed a series of solemn incantations. This done, the condemned man producd a peice of gold and declared that if it should be planted it would produce a tree etery branch of which would bear gold. "But," he added, "this must be put into the ground by a hand that has never been stained by a dishonest act. My band is ndt clean, therefore I pass it to yodr ma jesty?! The King took the piece Of gold; but hesitated. Finally, be said: " I remember that, in my younger days I often filched money from my father's treasury which was not mine. I have re pented of the sin, bat yet I hardly dare say my band is clean. I pass it, therefore, to my prime minister. The latter, after a brief consideration. answered: "Ryser° a pity to break the charm through a possible blander. I receive tax es from the people, and as I am exposed to many tempations, how can I be sure that I have remained perfectly honest? I must give it to the governor of our cita deL" • "No, no," cried the governor, drawing back. "Remember that I have the serving out of pay and provisions to the soldir. Let the high priest plant it." Andrthe high priest said— " Yon forget, I have the 'collecting o tithes, and the disbursement for saeri- At length the thief exclaimed— “ Your blajesty, I think it were better for society that all fire of us should be hanged, since it appears that not an honest man can be found among na.” In spite of the lamentable exposure, the king laughed; and so pleased was be with the thiefs , cunning:expedient, that ho granted him spat:den. .-- The Lebanon. Ado:Meer nye , •.A. mortgage is now, or will shortly be at the Recorder's office, to be tecorde4 on which there are twenty-tire thousand dollars worth of revenue stamps. It is given by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad cot& pany'to the Fidelity. Insurance, Trastapd Safe Deposit of rbibdelphia, lar the sum of 525,000,400,4bich sum the Railroad Company has recently obtained as a loan from certain bankers and brokers in Philadelphia for the - purchase of -Coal lands in .Schuylkill'.county—the Trust ft7y above maned acting as trustee e al lcan holden" few advatiotuntS. HOLIDAYSBSRO SMEINARY 11011111ATIMITIIG, 9 MillEe_Ctitd:aairi:fig VV:Zlglie Oda sTatasnitrtediaMlCinn "C ita a p _tertue:deaL VDT MI6 Of CUM capable of eating all DLICIACM of the Throat and Lange; performing many remarkable cures, merits a trial from all who are wafering horn similar 4 fectione and vainly seeking relief. WEI you let prejudice Lotresent you from being cured also. and Cals.—The Druggists ray Ileum them all The relief and cures of it are marvelous. =very sufferer will nd iellef and cure. Illseaseskt"eq uirs only a hoe doses. —Ras cured eases pronounced incur able. Debilliy..—it renovates and invigorates the system. Liver Cbtaphint —Rost Effective Regalator of this OTy ipepsin,—lts healthy action on the stomach cures it. t=r.—lt la tumlth-gtvingandappetiva-restming. organe.—nenon on them is marked and prceipt. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Is rich In the medical quali ties of Tar, comb i ned with vegetable ingredients of un doubted value, which make It unsurpassed, not only for the complaints enumerated, but It Rapidly Restores Ex boosted strength, demises the stomach, relate" the Liv mend puts them to work, causes the fool to digest, and makes pure blood. ani begets a vivacity appreciated by both sound and sick. If_ you are &Meted In any way, we know if you try the Life-giving Tonic Properties of Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar, you will add your testimony t o its greet value In correcting _any " ills that flesh is heir to." Prepared only by 01.11 CROOK a CO.— Sold by Drts everywhere. HALL * POUTER, Jrnittion City.Kanam, Wholesale Agents. Tor Scrofula. Scrofulous Tumors floral utousDkesses 01 the Ryes, or Scrotum In any form, Rhetunatism. Diseases of the Liver. Dis eases of the Skin, Erup tions . Pimples, Bolls, Tetter, Scald Bead, Diem and old Sores. or any disease depending on a depraved condi tion of the b take Dr, Crook's Com pound Syrup of P oke Boot. it is combin edth the best tool, preparations of Iron known, and la the beet Alterative and ?mi ller made. Cleanse your Blom. Try one bottle. Sold by Druggists. Prepared only by OLIVES CROOK 6 CO., Dayton, 0. ROTAUT Measn*ig Fatteat.— The best. A dor able sad reliable .de. Never gums, and not Itable to breakage. Bend for circular. Address Box 40. Edam esanatoirn. Pa. H. IMBD FAMILY LIQ OR CASES, Each Cue containing One llottle of Old Pale Brandy,Hollandl Gin, " Rye Whiskey, Old Pale Sherry, Fine Old Port, Old Bourbon, Garanteed Pore and of the ocry beet Quality. PRICE SEVEN DOLLAR. I .. or Post-Moo Order, IV, 15 Broad St., New York. Bent b Exprets C. O. . U. HEN. DEMO Agents! Read This UTE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF 5.:30 PER WEEK and EXPENSES, °reamw a largo Commis- Mon to fell our new and wonderful Inventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marehall, Mich. AGENTS wanted to .en Wheeler lb Wilsims Sewing Machines; good territory, great inducements t no capi tal requir.W.; horse and wagon famished. H. HIM MAN, Agent, OM ldarket.Street Harrisburg, Pa. $326 A sioNln p lt i o d neJr . m=s rurtAr St Apple Parer, Corer and Slicer. Price 82 00. Does all at once. Warranted satisfactory- D. H. WHITTEMORE, Worcester, Masa. e 20,000 Worth of Goods in store for the opening o the Fall Trade of 1870, in n full and general assortment of crd Genf Dress, and Aandidderg, and Fanep Golds In gatprett Ciotle, Deana. lf nines, "Wins, Caicos, Sheath. Corasts,sassbansd Fells, and !Lep SUM Ladies and Gotta Fars. Bnffalo Robes. Fancy Lap Robes, afoll assortment of Mau. Castimeres. Ladies'ClotAi, FlartneLl, Hosiery, Domestic Cottons, dc, Sc. with general assortment of flats and Caps, Boots Shoes, Oils and Paints, Groceries, eme-kory, listramares gin•roa, Iron, be furniah ing a superior opportunity for selections, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, by MEL 33WILITT rw littford. Not. 80 1620. FINANCIAL New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANENT! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer for Sale at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD BONDS OF TT Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMP'Y, rHESE BONDS arc secured, first, by -a- Yin: mortgage on the Railroad itself, it, rolling stock and all equipments . second, by a First Mortgage on its entire Lan Grant, being more than Twenty-Two Thousand Acres d of Land tolhach mile of road. The Bonds are free from United States Tax; the Prin cipal and !Meru. are payable in Cold—the Principal at the end of Thirty years, and the Interest Semi-annually. at the rate of Scum and Three-tenths per cent. per 1111131116. They are tuned in denominations of $100,5500, $lOOO $5,900 and $10.091 The Trustees under the Mortgage are Messrs. J. Cooke, of Philadelphia. and EdThomas. President of the Pcnnaylvania Central Railroad Company. These Northern Pactfic 2.30 Bonds trill at all times be. fore maturity, be receivable at ten per cent Premium (or 1.11:0, in exchange for the Company's Lands at their low est cub price. In addition to their absolute safety, these Bonds yield an income isrger, we believe. than any other First-Class security. Persons holding United States Five-Twenties can by converting them Into Northern Pacifies, increase their yearly income one-third and still have a perfectly reliable Investment. HOW TO GET THEII Tour nearest Bank or Banker will supply these Bonds PEBBLE SePs E nCeTer ACLyE f S o — a n l b a b o y S c t om Xcatrose,moaeo,,Ma suppl,rrTeßßEL Good Zeros to the Soldier: sofll ho War of 1812 A ND TIIEIII WIDOWS 1-.Congreas has recently pass ed a Law Granting Pensions of Eight Dollars p month, where there was eService of Sixty Days or Porously of you I procured Lard Warrant., from too° to ism, and my records and papers, then made, furnish now the Important facts necessary se I ng n Procuring Pen 'lotus. and persons bringing or ndi cirri g to my office can bare the free benefit of ray records, and their business will be promptJl attended to at rates is tabllsed by the law L. F. FITCH, 3tontruse. Muth 5:41811. 4w efagap ADvERTuaNO.—We insert au miser timementuidOht Hundred American Nampa. tont fin Biz per Line per week. Onc lino UDC Week mit th;nors, two lines will cost Twelve Dollars. and Ten Hues win cost Sixty Dollars. Send for a Printed List. Address GEO. P. HOWELL CO., Ad vertising Agents , No. 41 Park Row. New York. 6 Vice of our A Is Fraud: IeZ9ERTRELE6B. these He dire honest Patent _VlTtZt e si n tctsgreenzettri:eobft=l: the liudg.; rel. Agents leant& send for cheaters. GEO. S. BROWN, Comteellopetlair. 817 O. &net, ear. 9th, Washington, D. O. FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE reIIANS KM Glares awl all kinds of Motu and Clot.U. fhp , mamma Feint. Orem Tar, , histwally, arillweit the last Lkinry to the Chest tabrie. Bold by Ihnteists and Fancy Goals Dealers. FRAGUNT povner. mon &relay Fa., New York, 46105a0e4D., Mower VTALVABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The V subscriber offers his farut at Silver Lake, Basuto:Matta contains over 130 acres 100 or 105 of which are cleared and under cultist'• lion the land is well watered and good for eithra. or gram, there are between two and three hundred grated Apple trees on the place besides peach, pinm,and pear utea, the farm bcxmveni. eat for churches and schools with good build ings, 130 rods south of Quaker lake, the farm Is agood'oaeand admirably located. 'A.ddreas or ap• MAURICE M. DO LL. P IA ? Lake, Boat. Co. Ps.. March B'7l. 11341124.41:04301:1 4 013 t u t Bon. BARGAIN S IN TO IN mows !MOLT GROCERIES. FPO PRO. dewed ma exuled Fru% TegetalAr ri A um e. *e., A X B A. 4 gun, A. N . 90 • CALL AT ROBINSON'S BOITTHERN TIER PwI7I=LNITT:II - 5.3E11 EMPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. 11.-2.11 Goods sold warranted as represen ted. . Bingtuunton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a TULE 11LOOM The reputation this en. eellent medicine coleys, s Is derived from Its cures, 4 t o, ~...,,,0,,,,,,:,. ~....- eases of Scrofulous din , ease, where the system seemed saturated with 4,." „‘ . S corruption, have been ':• , ~. -.. purified and cured by It. Efl —,:5.., Scroftdcms affections and .....x .,,., , tek.,..,:,, , .it. disorders,which were ap , i.g.,—..f_ . - - , : -- p...n. , prorated by the mom. lons contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically nand in such great numbers in almost every Bee. don of the colmtry, that the public scarcely need to be informed of Its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison Is one of the most destructive enemies of oor race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constimtkm, and !writes the attack of enfeebling or fetal diseases without exciting a suspicion of Its presence. Again, It seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of Its hideous forms, cit. , on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber. elm may be suddenly deposited In the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver or It shows ns presence by erup tions on tbo skin , foul ulcer ations on some of the body. Bence the map clonal use of abottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad. citable, even when no active symptoms of disease Fr. Person a ff licted with the following coas ts generally find Immediate relief, and, at ength, cure, by the use of this &WS APARILL .L.4k Sl. Anthony's Fire, /Lose or Erysipetas, ntter i p s t /therm, Scald Head, Einyeserm, Sore , Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible 01913 of Serofirdosui disease. Also in the mare concealed Dam, as gsprpaia, Heart Disemea, Fa., .E. ferry, Terra and the various Ulecrous Wiens of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and iferrwrial Diseases are cured by It, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladiesby any medicine. But long continued ruse of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leneorrhaa or Makes ,Uteri.. Ifflerrations, and Fesnate ul Diseases, are coin. aiVriran n d invigorating effect. inn b to Drrer Ti m lions for each ease are found in our Alm anac, ' sup. plied gratis. Rheumatism and Clout, When canted by accumulations of extraneous mitten to the blood, *ld quickly to It, as alto Liver =Tit s , Torpidity, Canaria...a or lejlenne. the Lint?, and .Taundice,when arising, as they often do, horn the ranid , poisons In g am , as Mile SAMIAP ABILLA Is a great se. starer Ow the strength end a n d of the system. Those who me Languid and Listless, Denson dent, Sleepless, and, troubled with Ferrous Ap prehension* or Fears, or any _of the affections symptomatic of Weaken... win find Immediate relief and convincing evidence of Its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED DT Dr. Z. C. MB * CO., Lowell, Dar, Practical awl Analytical Chemists SOLD BY ALL DSUGGISTS Sold by Abel Turrell, and Burns Nichols montrose, anti all aruggins ana oeolers every where. [Dec. 21, 1870—y 12r O. T. s3l=il.ol;ll72ltrel YOUNG AMERICAN Ls I IV X MiliC ENT In offering this Liniment to the while, as we do In full confidence, that it must supercede all °there new in use. as en internal remedy, for the care (deli diseases In the reach of that class of medicines, ere can safely assert, without the Inn fear of contradietion. that It stands un rivaled In the list of medicil compounds externally ap plied for the cure of disease, Feeling therefore that It is unnecessary to puff a remedy so eminently worn:tern:al in its effects. somyncrionsly infallible to its powers of relief, causing the deaf to bear, the blind to see, the ner vous, drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re joice eosin in the power and vigor of manhood. Ibis pre positcm is offered to the public on its own merits. tad claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Aridai an deserts ; binds tho contrary Is what its Importer. ant Is a rare combination of the powers of tiorth Ante* can products. • New Tons, Dee. 1.1. I 6 0 This notice Is to inform all dealer, to proprietary medicine*, that we haro estatillobed a Depot in thistme• hanon county at Moutrose. Pa., for the sale of Dr. C. P. Dtoon's Young Alpert= Liniment, and that Mr. A. RAIDS 1N Is oar for that Dorman W.OU3, sountEnerip co., 133 William Street, New York Agencies win soon be established at central places to every township, and published in the list Dem.. lam ready to famish it at wholesale prices to agents. Post ers and circulars, seat free upon application to the sub- Scriber. The Liniment is now for salcat retail by the follow lag agents, to wit: Barns & Nichols Montrose. A. Tureen, E. L. Adams. Auburn 4 Corners. Noah Baldwin, Smith Auburn. Waltman & Vosbarg, Skinner's Eddy. D. C. & P. 11. Pordham, Franklba. J. Burrows & Sons, Stevensville. L. 11, Sherwood, Raahville. T. ILandrick, Springville. NVllliam Thayer,. Diatevk. E. B. Beardslee, Little Meadows. Hobert Winters, Friendselte. I.L L. Ball. Birchardvillc. D. A. A. Ttserorth. Brooklyn, Pa. L. B. Hind., pactoryville. W, H. Curtis, Bailey Hollow. E. M. Tirany, Hopbottom. J. B. Very. tdontruse Depot. 0. M. llawiey, New Ntlford. T. D. Easterbrook, Great Bond. Tewksbury Brothers, Auburn Centre. Avery & Beaumont, Camptown. Sweet , & Lechody, Alit Lake. N. Granger, Hash. S. It. Stevens, Lacyvllle, A.. 1. Silvam. East sprtnabin. J. L. Merriman, Upsonville. .1. W. Roomer:ate. Pairdale. • Anyn persona In townships not above named, desiring as agency. may obtain It by addressitur A. BALDWDL General Agent, Jon.ll, urn— Zan Montrose. Pa. ABEL TURRELL HES entintontly an pond ono °tan most nnmer ons collations of DRUGS & MEDICINES In the conutry, and bestows especial attention to se• letting and toying articles t n this department that are E lie and genuine. lie also keeps a great sariety of Liquona AND WEARS; bought either direct than the distiller, or importer, ad warranted strictly pure. Also, a fall assortment of Paints, Oils, VatnhOws, Brushes, Lalincalits and Pp; HMO. urocerles, Wall Paper, Ghug..Tormsens, Violins; Mugs. Guns and anununltion. A fine variety of Gold and otherPerfam• ea. Yankee NOTIONS, &a, and other goods too nts mum to mention. Dump seven! yews post persons rove been In the habit of botmlug clubs And sending to the Great AMR!. Wadi Comma; Pew York, fur their supplies of Tea and Coffee, for Ourdlyome. Abel Terrell la w supplying the people Igith same and Coffees, at his ewe in Montrose; at the same prices that these clubs and other persons ply at tbe store of the Campanili% New Toth. Thus, will Use the amen ebuge, Mashie of OM bill ir lrind deka sessling,47 buying of 1111111 t REMOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA.WBA. GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts—Fluid Extract liken barb and Fluid Extract Oataw ba Grape Juice.. • "Vert Liver Complaint. Jaundice, Billions direction', sick or Nervous Ileadsehe. Costiveness, etc. Pure. ly Vegeta tie, cord:ache no Mercury, Minerals or Del eterious Drugs. These pills en the most delighttally planed tin. superseding =store% malts. magma* etc. I=3 is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They Mee tone. and noseneither noun n l aZting pains. They are composed of th e gnat in is Alter a few days' use of them , such en ins gallon of the entire system takes place u to appear miraculous, to the weak and enerrsted, whether arising from Imprudence or dls. ease. H. T. Heimbold's Compound Fluid Extract Ca tawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated, from the fact that sugar coated P il ls donut dissolve, but ran through the stomach Without dissolving. consequently do not produce the desired effect. THE CATA WBA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not neces sitate their being sugar coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. HENRY T. HEUIBOLIYS • RIOIILT CONCENTRATED CONFOUND FL UlO EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Win radirany exterminate Awn the ',stem Scrofula, Syphilis. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes. Sore Legs, Sure Month. Sore Head, Uronchitts, Skin Disease. Salt Rheum. Qattara, RIIDDIZICS Mom the Far, Wtate Tumors, Cancerous Sw eet Nodes, Mama, Glandular Swellings, Night , Bash Tetter, Hu mors of all kinds, chronic ithemattam, Dyspepsia. and all diseases that have been established In the system for years. Being prepared expressly for the above complaints. Its blood-purifylng properties are greater than any other preparation of Barsapartlla, It glees the complexion a clear and healthy color, and restores the patient to a state of health and purity, for purifying the blood. nv moving all chronic eonstituticotal diseases eddy : from an impure Mite of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the care of pain. and swell tog of the bones. Ulcerations of the throat and legs. Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Eryelpelas and all Patty eruptions of the skin, and beantifylog the complexion. Price 111 60 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S 311Cts.t - r , swot 33Na.lokau. THE GREAT DIURETIC. Ras cured every case of Diabetes in which It has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidneys sad Bladder. Retention of Urine, Messes of the Prostrate Gland, stone In the Bladder. Cakulus Gravel, thick dust Deposit, and Maroons or Milky discharges. and for en feebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes. attend ed with the following wympt , ms Indlsposh ion to ex ertion, 11Xl• of ne rv e s, loss uf memory. &Molt, of breathing, creak trembling. horror of disease. wakefulness, dimness of ision, in In the back. bot hands, fitishin,g ef the body, v drynes pa s of the skin, eruption OD the thee, pallid countenance, universal lassitude of the muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of el7,hteen to twenty five. and from' thirty-eve to afty-five or in the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains ; bcd , wetting In children. Ifelmbold's Extract Dacha is Dieretie and Bleed Pu rifying, and cures all diseases arising Item habits of dis sipates and excesses and imprudences In life imputit les of the blood, etc.. strrading maths In affections for which It is need, trod yphilitic allectioaft—in three die easel used In connection with Helmbold's Bose Mesh. LADIES. In many Wreak= ;peculiar to Lidice, the Extract Su rinam Is nnequalled by any other remedy—se In Diplo at* or Retention, Irrnalarate. palnfulitess or suppressi m on of customary_ em-wit. lacerated or Salina state of the Uterus, Lneorthas or Whites. amenity, and for all complaints Incident to the gen , wbetherartsbac from :a liberate° or habits of disstpatkm. It is prescribed ex tended, by the most eminent pbyetelans and midwives. for enfeebled and delicate eonstlint'ems, of both sexes and ail ages (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms). 11. T. nsunsours trams Cures diseases arising from Imprudence. habits of dis sipation, etc., In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, cad no expxsure. It emotes freqtrent &tire. and gives strength tit minute. thereby removing obetmetbms, preventing and caring strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent in this class of disease, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thousands *bo have been tbe victims of incompetent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cared In a short time, have found they hare been deceived, and that the poison" bas, by the use of - powerful as rtageem." been dried up in the system, to break out In a more ag , gestated form. and_Peth a ft er marriage. USE BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MOW for all affec tions and diseases of thellrinaryOrgats. whether existing In Male or Female. from whatever cause orighlating, and nor of bow long standing. Price, One Defter and Fifty Cents per Bottle. MERRY T. MiXDOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASEL cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only apectic remedy In every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradluace Pimples, Spots, Scrobraic Dryness, Indnrations of the Cataneotte Mem brane, etc.,dispels Redness ar dinetplent Inflammation, Rives. Mash, Moth Patches, Mines, of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and purposes for which Selves or Mu t. manta are used; restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and Interco continued healthy action to IVA ?MSC* on which depends the al:trembly cleaners and vivacity - of eomplexion so much sought and ad mired. Dal however vales a remedy for existing defects of the skin, 11. T. EllembolVe Rose Wash has long sustained is principle claim tounbounded mama age, by possessing qualities which render it a toilet sp• pendage of the most Rupertative and congenial chan ter, cambining In an elegant (annals prominent re, quisiteo, safety and efficacy—the invariable scanapant meets of Its use ass Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. It lean excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an Injection tbr diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in convection with the extracts Beebe, Sarsapa rilla. and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as ra commended, cannot be stormed. Price. One Dollar Per Bottle. Van end erolleit diredious satompany the medicines. Eridenee of the most responsilde sod reliable than actor famished on application, with brindled, of thou sands ol &log witnesses. and upward of 10.000 Unso licited ontilestes and recommendatorr letters, many of wtneb are from the highest solutes, indndlog tient litysicisos.elersmoso;Btatermen, etc. The pray prietor has newer insetted to their publication in the newspapers ;h e does not do this from the act that his articles nab ss Standard Prepantlallo. and do not . need to be propped up by caddeStes, Henry T. Bekabala; amine 'Delivered to an7ad6ren. fiance Dom observation. ftstablisbedepwsrel of Twenty Tests. Botd by Div& nista everywbme. Address letters for totormstion, Fn honlidenat BENET T. HELNDOLVD,Dratthistand Chemist.. only Depots:'—te. T. Iliummes *lend eivevolcil Wardmie.. No Not ltrowDray Now otit, , oe T .Hismhoters Nailed Depot, tee hoe* Teeth, NNW& 1 "1 1Sr tor robl Auk tor Dam T ligthhotest a so oast ABEL TUREZLL, Naftali,. ra. CONCENTRATED preparation. A GREAT RIEDICALIISCOVERY Dr. 177A=='3 O.!.=Da3IA I GAR, BITTER g Hundreds of Thousands 21 2 t o Bear tr o arm cu ortlgtilarcctl 3 onder- g. i t gi WHAT ARE THEY?trA g.; g 0 • Bs • g g 01 g F.' a *a E 1!, 8 C A 2.. o, g • s g 41.4 tt CI Gig TREY LUZ varevux agk I 'ai_FANCV • DRINKOiIi stsdaor rear Unto. Whiskey. Proof Spirits mut Writs* Metal doetored.lipited tied stmt• owed to plass the hots. called" Tonlot?"APP:Gt• cm" ••Licatarcra," att. that, lead the tippler on to drunkenness Lad rein, but are a true Medicine. made Dom the Native Deets end Herbs of California, rico from 0.11 Alcoholic Stlmulnots. They ara tho GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. and A LIPS =VIRG PUINCIPLZ•perent Thmorstor and Inslgarator of the Bysteln. carrying off on whom= :natter andrestoting the blood ton healthy Condition. No poison can take these Bitters according to Gree. UM and remain long unwell. $lOO wilibe Overdo? an Invertible case, provided the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the Tital ono= wonted beyond Gm point of ?clod?. Nor InOommotary and Chronic Rheostat. tlan nod Goat, Dyspepsia, or tearer:lour Bilious. Remittent nod Intermittent Harms Discuses of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Madder, them Dittoes Lave been most itnecaLl. ha. Such Diseases are canted by Slanted Blood, which I, gencmlly produced by derangllteola •f the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA Oft INDIGESTION, MOO ache, Pain In the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, tautness, Soar Ernetatlets of tho Stomach. Bad taste to the Month, Whom Atticks. PIIPILOWn of tho Henn . frOomn,tion of the Lungs, Pain in eta regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other palate' symptoms, are the °Moorings of DisPoesin- They Invtgoridd the Stomach and stimulate the tor pid Beer and bowels, which rendcrtbcon armament& agleacy to clanneing the blood of MI impurities. and Imparting now life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, EroPtiona.Teircr, Sect Mecum Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Modules, Boils. Cos buncles, Plag.Worms, Bore Eyes. Erre?* sloe, Itch, Scurts, Discoloration, of the Skin. MmerS and Diseases of the bldn, of whatever name or nature, are literally dog up andearrled out of the system In • short time by the use of these Bitters. Ono bottle PS such macs will convince tho most Incrulatom of their sureties effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Mod whenever yen Bad its teiperitles hunting hrongh the skin la Pimples, Env- Sons or Sores: cleanse It when you find It obstructed and sluggish In the Tens cleanse it when it (afoul, and your feelings coin tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will too, PIN, TAPS and other WORMS, larking in the system of so many thousands. are effectually destroy ed end remelt:el. For full directions, nod mirctrdiy the circular around each bottle, printed in [eosins- I gcmges—Nagllsh,German, French and Spanish. J. GALE= Proprietor. U. IL MCDONALD et CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. tan Francisco, Cal. and 0 and hi Commerce Street, New Nark. csr sou) Dr ALL DULTIOISTS /5.1i1D DE41.1212. Oct. 20-7 empcte SIGN OF TEE GOLDEN MORTAR , ; _vAllOrr 4-41 331ZrEILIVEI els WiTXC1713 4 0 1 1. 03 , DRUGGISTS, Would reepertfidly lury to the publla, that In addition t their areal neeortinent of Ma WILMS AND XEDICTiILS, they have Paint! and Gre-Strzak. Wines and Mutton.. Patent ItietHeinee. Spectacles, Eye Glneeett. rocket Knivee. Kamm Violin B. Guitar String... A 1.., jnet reeetTed • a flee lot or Revnlvere, Gun Cap!, Gun Wadding,. - Cartridge!, itn. Ws keep always an hand and for 'pale, Muting Powder, Ono Powder, Rifle Powder. eco and Cigars of • su prior quality, and ef general Tobi assortment of Yankee No ti ons. IllErßemember tie CREAP CASH DREG STORE o Hams & Nichols, A. B. BUTCCB. A.llOB NICIIuLS, Montrose, Dee. 14,18'4. STROUD dt BROWN'S Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, miac>3:Ltircpage.. Po. CAPITAL 1111PRESENTP.D, over Home Insurance Co. of N. Y.. Capital and Surpins. 164,000,040 Insurance Co.. of North America, Mink, Capital tadSorplus, 2.000,000 Franklin Fire Inanrance Co., Milli, Pa., Capitaland !Raplos, 2,600,000 Lynamlnn County Mntual %Pomace Co.of Money. Pcnn`a, Cant tal and Sambas, 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life illstirance Co. of Hartford. Conn.. Capital, 3J,000,000 Ampriean Lite Insumnce Co., Philadel phia, Capital. 1,000,000 Travelers'lntatranie Co: Hartford. COOl l .. Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capita), "tomes Hartford Ftro insurance Company, Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, stco:kono inerwlbustnews entrnsted to our care will no attend ed to on fair teems. and all toast* promptly adjusted. nernaite drottinor cart from Banking 0111ce of W. IL Cooper & Co., Turnpikest. Montrose. Pa. STROUD Ei BROWN, Agents. M. C. Stemma. Esq., Friendovilla, Solicitor. do COAL IL 8111711, Montrose. ilikunes Brawn, Cr um= L. Mums. Montrose, Pa. olan. 11. rro any pernon producing any medicine shovidet t hilf J. unsay ilea e. permanent Mee as Dv. NT WS VEGETABLE EIIEUNATIGIIENIEDT.: Used inward. ly. only. A pleasant medicine. free Dom ildarious drum Warmuted under Oath, to have ttecumnontly cnrcd 95in every 100 patients treated t ildehe past ten years. in testimony). I t is the scion prescription of Profess. or Jos. P. Fitter, M. D., a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania; A:vae;-4tow ono of Philadelphia's oldest rem- br physicians. and Professor of Chemistry and Tolokelogywoo has made Neuralgia, Chronic and Dtheglethff Bt;oimlatism the speciality of his satire prior:tonal lifo-4 fact vouched for by the signatures as complain each bottle of many prominent renowned physicians, clergyman, and other testimonials. Tepee , . e t sufferers from polsonoas quack neeireme Red nee less expenditure of money. a legal signed guarantee, stating exact number of bottles warranted to Cure, will be forwarded vale to any soarer sending by letter a full description of 'diction. In case of failure to eine. amount paid positively. refunded. Medicine sent any. where by express, collect on delivery. Addicted toiled to writs for advice; all information and medical advice seat by letter grins. .Prthelpei °Mee, '4 South Fourth speed, Philadelphia, Peons, The remedy sold or ote Mined by Druggists. • • Aprlllo,ll-17. For Bale by ABEL TUTMELL, Montrose Pe. InirMood'iy the Watclatakerildabie street, Montrose, PS. AUDITORM NOTICE. Tag UNDEESIENNE, an Auditor, appointed by the Cohn of .Calanien ss of Susquehanna county, to make distribution of the fund arising from Sueriffs sale of the teal estate of Eliza E. Smith and Harry Smith, hereby hives *elite that be will attend to the duties of his appointment hi hi. °Cleo. in Montrose, on Monday the 19th day ofJn% MI, at 1 o'clock, D. m., at which time and Oats. OM persons interested are requested to present their Moine or be forever debarred from coining In upon said Ena May 24 ISTI.-41r A. W. BERTMOIS, Auditor. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI. ATION, For the Bellerend cure of the Erring and thirtni Principles of Christian Philantlinnm Exam on the Errorsof Youth and the Patna Age to relation to Marriage and Social EH% with sanitar aid for the afflicted. Soul free. to sealed eneelooppeser. Ld dresa 110WAIID ASSOCIATION, Box. P. 'old& TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flour,f3alt, Batter, Pork, Lard. ELM, Sal; IDA, Tana., Caseate, Clackers, Cheese, Coate, Spteea. Dhaka Teas, Sugars, flee, Dried and Canned Pratt. Tobacco, Divas, Bust, • sod ell other articles mostly kept in s Ant classairsessr and Pnrrlsion Stone. fie vrlll mark oar Goodi as for as we en oak NA elj format, or exchange for produce; ' ' PATRONAGE soucrrzr) Montrose, Sept. '-9, 1870.—tf ABEL TITRRELL, DRUGGIST, MONTROSE, PA; le continually retetelng NEW GOODS And keeps constantly on hand a full and disir@ble • soruncut ul I:erotism DRUGS, ALEDICIIIES, CHEMICALS, MOODS, Paints. 01la, Dye•Stnffs, Teas, Spices. arid other lbw. curies, Stone Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Glass- ware, Fruit Jars Mirrors, Lamps, Chimney*. Ems setae. Mathison 011, Tossers' Oil, Nemsroot Oil, lila ailed Whale Oil, Sperm Ott, Olive 011, Spirits Timms. tine, Vandrnes, Cynary Seed. Vinegar.Putash. Cowes, ira led Lye. Azle G ro use Trusses . Sapportcrs,Medimo Instruments, Bhonkler Braces, Whip., Gans, Piatob. Cartridges, ?Order, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Bluth% Powder and rase. jollrut. Strings, Dows.ele.l l ls l o, Fires. etc., Fish - Hooka and Linea, Bar and Talletliosys, Bair Oils, Bair iteanwers. and Bair Dyes. Brashest Pocket Knives. Sprenteles,l3llver Pleted Bpoons,Forks. Knives. Mc. Built st Articles, a general) amorintent FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and rEars2ERT. All the leading and Lest lands of PAMM WIEDICINFM, In abort, nearly every Dung to restore the slyly to please ibe taste. to delight the eye. to gratify CM fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial confute °flirt. Enumeration la Impracticable as It would di a newspaper. Call at the Drug end Variety Stare et ABEL TIIILBELL. Montrose, Jan. 5.1810. PURE LIQUORS. SEELY'S NATIVE GRAPE 111RANBE, orlctly ;are ; and a satiety or other Brandleu Inetoj e sit e ac h :rands ordlt6Ci.delralandlYCTlZ'ollt Ryeiatitillturixrs' Whicires. Alcohol. Pure Spirit, Bay Bum. Ac., constant. ly on bind and for sale by ABEL TEM= Montrose, Burch .1.11b.1513. re.33XaZa =Citrates: 01T051111 1113 coast DOM. MONTROSE. PIORTA.. _ 301111 S. TAII.BELE., PTOPlrEstsr• Meld Stave larre this Howe daDy. mounting *Di the W" the Sete. and the Uhl& Yale' !As.; • ValyS.lBlo..--tt , . GOLD JEWELRY. Ace.. sod bnosoopoli. ABEL 11711211.11. Ncrotrose. Nov. 14. INN A. B. TABBOX, WATCII3IAKERARD JEWELER, Susquehanna Depot, Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, dm. Re pairing promptly done und warranted. . PINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality: SIIVE7 Detached IMinsiafor st 2 00. American Watches, at Companies try dated prices, 127 - Goods mdered for parties, from /TM York, at less profits than if kept constantly tot hand. Solid 18 caret Ringsfor t147 5 4i5. - nY" weight. A.B. TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 28,1871. tf. SGO 000,000 T EM Every kind of Tea In marketjust smtved.ael or nee at New York wholesale prim.. _Alto a Meuse meth:tont of COFFEE. , . Bay of me and trrit_mrsis Marc ABM! itrua=- 1 . - —At Sher. Wood's, the Vitehablta, Matno street, Montrose, Pa. CONGRESS WATER. • TIIREELL'S. ROAD LETTING—Tho BoweWoo of Bridgewater will meet et the bone of James O'Brien. In North Bridgewater, April Rah. "at I °leak p.m.. to let Om bothilna of road leadinnfrom Jas. O'Brlen's to Thomas Hickey's. To In let to the lowest bidder. - , JAMBS awl". fIOBACE BREWSTRII, Montrose, April 11. "it. Z. M. BUSWIFTER. 21r. NEW WALL PA.PER, • altt mind. and iclihr, ehesptA n .. liontromilpiling.ltnt, ABB!. al. Atrianltund College, of Pennsylvania. Tills Etis T rrunos ivlll moan for the SPRING. TEAK OF 24 WEEKS. On Frldsy, rebniary 10, 1071. For geneal Circular, catalogue and other in. formation. Address. THOS H. BURROWS. President, Agricultural College, P. 0., - Jan. 25.1810.--tf. - Centre Co.. Pa. simmumnts 044.11nnu8l8Y. Mktg Tear, COO direr. 13 Grsaaheavektarmt .0 eatment-411 lan; Beat Stoat' LOW Would Ica know what, alsen„ how. a ~I rapt. stlide,•evagmotl ts -es, root', grate, aallat ia tlare paets. apple toed. adz Boas potatoilita awenbonze and Orden plan% Bei Ye..•.n.oW VRO6TABL4B7tBD B ilneet, bat collection—ea &Alla. Send 10 ante ter New. Mutated Descriptive Pago. &ma itiallh "Rah tbr Catslegae• et Brae, attb p directlana—a4 most Beadthg aa4 Garden ilaati—as pages. and Wholesale' Fria Llit—ne pages. • Address lOrtaliastpa, Mao% _ . Hat justsettn s from ..ew rink irtiVa hop ail dittos to Ids anal stock of dor, rood/. Nontiot& lift. t& TALBOT * STAMP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers