Den interprine. The New Jersey herald says that Mr. Joint . Jillson, of Johnsonburg, has on enterprising hen who is a candidate for editorial honors. We have In our possession on egg; thil product of this fowl, which measures Bby OM inches. We only wish she had ntade the.effort little earlier, that it might have been a prominent feature of the table at our Easter dinner. - • Midland Railroad. The grading of the Midland Railroad trill be completed from Franklin, Sussex county, to Unionville, Orange countyt N. Y., in three weeks. The tics; have been distributed along this section, and the Work of laying the rails has commenced t)et‘teen Hamburg and Fraklin. In the vicinity of Munsons Gap 1,000 men have been ad.led to the working force. The super structure of the high bridge over the Wallkill at Ogdensburg is completed. The work on the eastern section, along the mountain side toward Jersey City, is rapidly pushed, and the Wallkill ttnd Bloomingdale sections will be connected by the close of Autumn, which will complete the ; road from Unionville to Jersey City. By the first of July it is expected to run ears from Un ionville over the Midland Road to Franklin, and thence by the Sussex and Morris and Essex road to Jersey City.—.Y. J. Derald. itepublican County Committee At the Republican County Committee Meet ing, held at Tarbell House, on the 17th instant, b. W.. Searle, Esq., of Montrose, was elected Oenatnrial Delegate; Jas. E. Howe, of Great fiend, Samuel Falkenbury, of Susqehanns De- Pot, Representative Delegates, to attend the State Convention at Harrisburg, on the 17th of May. • Conti Proceedings-•9econd Wcek I). B. Cook Vit. C. S. Bennett and George Kish haugh.. In thls case, which was on trial when we made up our record of the first week's pro ceedings, the jury found for plaintiff one Lund• l'ed and ten dollars. Reasons for a nets trial were filed by defendant's attorney. Court appoint L. 13. Crook ot•erseer of the Ivor of Great Bend township. ...Commonste.alth s-s. W. 11. Georgie. Convict• ted Ltsi Reek, of stealing a horse. Defendant sentenced to restore the stolen property to the owner, to pay a fine of $lOO and costs of pro secution, and to undergo an imprisonment in the eastern penitentiary of one year and four months. Commonwealth s-s. Charles Weston. Court direct that defendant be taken to the house of r2fitge at Philadelphia. Albert Brown, use of H. H. Vancott vs. Al bert brown. judgment opened. Verdict fur plaintiff for $ll4 99. Martin Bisbee vs. John Lord, Franklin Lord, and Joseph Lord. Judgment by consent in favor of plaintiff for five dollars and casts. Court appoint James C. Wheaton Clerk of Franklin township. David Milano vs. John Short. Ejectment. Verdict for plaintiff for the. land in question, to be set aside and verdict entered for defendant on his paying plaintiff as specified. Thomas It White, use of Abram White, vs. Auburn School District. Filed agreement of parties that judgment be entered for plaintiff for $385,48. Martin Bisbee vs. John Lord. Trespass. Ver dict for plaintiff for $23 25. D. L North, use of B. S. Marryott, As. D. 0. Turrell. Judgment opened, Settled. Judg ment entered for plaintiff fti $129. Each party to pay half of Froth.motary's costs, and no bill to be taxed by either party for witUesses's costs. Amos B. Merrill vs. Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. Appeal_ Verdict for plaintiff for $39. S. EL Sayre & Brother vs. Wright Lowry. Debt. Jury disagree. In the matter of application of David Wil marth, of Lathrop township, for a tavern license, license refused, with leave to file new petition at next January sessions. John J. Young vs. 0. F. Hibbard and Orlando Stone, Ejectnaent. Verdict for plaintiff for land In question, to be set aside and judgment entered for defendants on their paying plaintiff as specified. Cure for Coliar-y You can find the beat and largest assortment of paper collars at aere'e sews Room. GEr.E. M — Serrices at the mnirorsaliat Church, Mont rose, nest Sunday, Bodies to be Exhumed. The subscriber being the only survivor of a large family of brothers and sisters, all of whom have died of that dread disease, consumption, and whose children lire following them by the same disease, has consented that the bodies of some of the first who died may be exhumed to satisfy the belief entertained that It will arrest the further progress of the disease, which is de stroying the remaining sUrvivors. The exhum ing will take place on Saturday, April 29th, at 10 o'clock a at., at the, burying ground on Da• cid Whitney's land, in Lenox township, this comity. This notice is given that all Interested msr be present W3l. B. TOURTE. Ilarturd, Aprlllo, 1871, 2w. Montrose Academy, The Summer Term will begin 31enday, May 1, 1871, and continue eleven weeks. Instruc tion in the common English branches, also in Latin, Greek, German, Botany, gook•teeping, and such other branches, as may be necessary. English literature and general history will re ceive attention. Tuition, from $3 00 to $6 00, depending on the advancement of the pupil A. IL Ent:ELM Principal. April 12, iB7l Teachers' Examinations. The Spring Series of gm:tin:lions, will be held as follows : Liberty, Lawsville Center, Monday, April 17. New Milford, Moro., S. H., Tuesday, " 18. Susq'a.Depat, Graded S. H. Wednesday, " • 19. Gibson, Kennedy a H., Thursday ? " 20. Clifford, City S. Friday, - 21. Friendville E. H., Monday, Rush. Snyder S. H„ Tnesnaf, " 25. Hollow S. IL, iyethresaar 20. Brooklyn, Center S. Thursday " 27. Montrose, Graded S. H. f Friday, 28. Each Class will be formed at 9% o'clock, A. „ and it is necessary that applicants be present at that hour. No extra or private Examina tions. Teachers will preside thelaselros With paper, pencil, pen, ink. and Cnicia 6th Reader. W. C. Trorama, Cearnty Supt Forest Lake Center, Apra 3, 1871, Weather Rep't Ending Apr111..42,1101. ALT. TIME. MI. WIND. REATIMft Ounday, 7 12 2 1 411447. 7 12 Tuesday, T 28 . 12 58 9 50 Wednesday, 7 48 12 67 9 48 Thursday. . I _7 48 2 58 9 81 Friday, T - 46 12 66 9 52 t3atainfiy • 242 12 48 - 411 Auburn Thins. —TeWhabury Bros., opened a new store, at Auburn Centre, on Friday the 14 Inst. —Milton Harris; he. 4 been doing extemive rc pairing on his saw mill this spring, and . will be to taw in a few days.* —The school directors have at last come to the conclusion that some of the "Sheep•pens" that Superintendent Larrabeejustly called the school houses in Auburn, are unfit to instruct the youth in and are going to build some new houses. The building of one was let to Jacob Titman, consideration $630. —Mineral water is all the rage down here, ev ery farmer nearly has from one to two springs on his turn. Good bye Saratoga 1 you will soon lose your summer visitants. e. Gold on Saturday was quiet but weaker, particularly at the close. The opening figure was 111, and the range throughout the day, between that point and 110 7-8 dropping finally, at 5 P. M., to 110 a, a de cline of Sterling exchange, 122a1221. NEW TOME PRODUCTS muourrs. Corrected weekly by William llocladon, 231 Fulton St., New York. Week ending April 18, 1871 Butter, pail 35040 " ' firkin 83014 1 Cheese, dairy, per lb 11014 factory " 11015 Rep, per doe , • 17016 • Flour, per barrel 4 7506.45 Corn meal, 100 lbs 2.2002.30 Wheat, per bushel 1.2001 50 Rye 95Q,,1.00 " Oats 51055 Corn ' " 89000 Hops, crop of 18;0 16(.420 Beef, sides, per lb ...... ..... . ..... ... 10014 Hop, " 8012 Potatoes, per bbl. 2.0003.b0 Tallow • " 11010 Be wise to-day, 'tis madness to defer— Next day the fatal precedent will plead— Thus on till strength decay and life itself is tied. More mortals are hurried out of life by tulultenttion of food than by war, pesti lence and famine. No article is more fre quently adulterated than Saleratus. Many unprincipled renders are sowing death and disease broadcast by the sale of poi sonous alkalies. J. Monroe Taylor's Gold Medal &derails is warranted pure, eco nomical and perfectly. healthy. x:Am.zi_wix,s. DEctEtt.-1n Great Bend, April Gth, 1871, Henrietta, wife of F. 11. Decker, aged years. Ili - Lt.—ln Susquehanna Depot, April 12, Lydia C. Hull, aged 03 years and 3 mouths. GARDNEIL—In Susquehanna Depot, April 15th, 1871, Sarah Gardner, aged SO years. Lanesboro, April 16th, Alicia, wife of Seneca Mayhew, aged 71 years. ADAMS.—In Harfbrd, April 10, 1971, Winsor W., son of S. J. and A. E. Adams, aged six months and twenty four days. ADANIA.—In Brookdale, Susgnebanna Co., Feb. 10, 1871, Mary, wile. of Daniel Adams, aged 70 Years. Then let our sorrows cease to flow God has recalled his own ; Rut let our hearts, in every woe, Still say, - Thy will be done." 114S8.rtz=tx.a. -- mai. SWEET.-REYNOLDS.-At the residence of the ofhiciating clergyman, Dec. 30th, 1.110 by the Itev. 11. Jaegue:, Mr. Leßoy 1). S%Neet to Miss Phoebe E. Reynolds, both of Lathrop, Susquehanna county, Pa, , attnty ItsinC 5 liirectorm. Two lines in this Directory, one year, $1.30 erstA additional line, 50 NEW MILFORD CAIT OA PIASTER.—NTCHOLAS SHOEM AK ER Dr_aler In gennino C 431142 Planter. Fresh 7r.UZlti, O. M. 11. LEY. A,ent for Empire Seeing Nfachine and American Been Burning Stove. Main street. W. L MOSM dCO . Dealer, In Dry Goods. Mat., Cal.. Boum and Shona, and thaseral Merchandl,e. on Main atree,i, necond dour below the Episcopal Church • UNION HOTEL, kept by WILLIAM SMITH, on Naha street, near rbc DrpoL-1 W. S. MEAD. 'Foundry. and dim ter to Plowa and other oteusilo, one door from rhinney's Llo:el, Maio ht. N. F. KINIRF.II. Car-m:e Ninkef alld Undertaker, on Maio street, two door. °dun. Hawley'n e•thre. • SIcCOLLEM BROTHERS. Dealers w Groceries road Provisions, on Main atrant• U. GARRET & SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed- Meal, Salt, Lime,. Cement. Groceries and Provisions on Slain Street, opposite the Depot. W. it- T. IIAYDEN, Mannhaetorers of Cigars and Wholesale dealers In Tante° Notions nod Fancy Gonda. on Main Street, below Hplseopal Church. • MOSS it. KNAP. Leather Manufacturers and d.aler• In Morocco Findings. Sc., near Eplacapal Church. • AINEY k lIKTOgN. , Dealers In Drorze and Medicinea, and Manufacturers of Cigar., on Main Street, near the Doput. W. STEPHEN'S. Horse Shoeing, and general Repairing, ou Hain Street, watt, of the bricgc. J. DICKERMAN. JA.. rfoller knecnorni mercluull. non Clothluti. Brick Storo, on Main St.-cwt. GREAT BEND. ti. LENCIEIM, Manufacturer of,Leather, and (healer In general Merthandtee. on S[alnßtrrrt.• D. P. DORAN, liiercbdtit tailor and dealer In Ucally Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Grucerteland Provisions, Main Street.• LESOXVILLE HMAM WHITE. ManroteacttrOr of and diller to eniert or Floor! sod Casting. GIBSON EDWARD:4 & BRYANT, Ittnataatniati of Wagons and Sleighs, DCI4I. the Inge Her State. I.IONTROSE ABEL TitIEE.ELL, Peokr fn Siedielnes, LI ;pore, Paints, One, Dye Suaffo, GioeUrike, Jowelry OL/0111!. etc. Pi 2 1 : 'EY JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Ism °Mee one door below Tarbell Bonne, Public Avenne. • W3l. l COOPER & CO.. Hankers. sell Foreign Pas. sage Tick-. ts and Drafts off En d, 'Deland ant Scot lantLl* J. B. FLETCEER'S Eating Saloon la the place to get Ice Cream, Oystertitatid CMmsdn &cry BOK On Main street.. STROUD 11 15110 1 31 C. General rise andLlfe Insur ance Atenta ; also. sell Railroad and Accident Tickets toKew Yorleart4 Phlladelfdda. Mice one door east of the Bank. F. B. CHANDLER: General Insurance ftte Sewing Ma chlucAgent. Pnblle Avenue.• BURNS & NICHOLS, the place to get Oro:sand Medi cines, Csts, Tobacco , Pipes, •Poeket-Books, Specta cles, lislAce Notions; 6e., Public &venue. Wit. L. COI, ha rness maker and dealer In all articles asnalte kept b ,' the tiadei opposite the Bank. • Bola & CONCIVI. Denten. In Stoves. Hardware, and Mannar-WITS of Tin and Stieetiratt ware; *nett of Mato add Tnentrike street. • EL IL MORSEL - Merchant l'allor and dealer in . Cloths, Trimmings, and Varnishing Goods. and ' agents for clinger aewlrat Ihicilitteont Main ntrect4 Pardlum building: . . . . A. N. nuudairi. Dilalet in tiniceiks, Provlefou•, Books, Btastonerysond Yank ee Notions, it Bead of Public lorenuo.! " ' T. SPORE & CO., Dealers in 13t.oreS, Bardnare, 41,arieultaral loaploskents, Floor and proceriv4oppb , IRA Valle!! Douse. . • . ELTNBFORD b XITCEIEL. Livery and If:ann. Stable. in feu of plink building. • lownza, A PLASTEIL—We keep on hand as ample aupplp.of Ereeb Ground Cayuga Vaster, ter sale as Aloetroaellepoi, tip eb.B.IBM _ TWFANY CHAftER. Ow 'Madame Depot:F 011,'EPT- 9 -i„, - - , '.„ , •44.-Tka,U,Wir, , .. p,oticto. Bear in mind When disease has undermined the healthoand the physicalsysteM has beeume prostrated, a:titian:tient !hat wBl uotOnlyitrengthed, but remote the cans; should be immediately resorted to. Mental dtstreas is alio a (Mittel source of the breaking down of theconstttutton, and ittrittrei of thisvinemy to hialth are tmly slim ing. For all such maladies Bostettcr's Stomach Bitters Lave been tuned unsurpassed. By acting directly upon the digestive organs, they remove the heavy, disagree able feeling after eating, so often complained of, by per soneof delicate temperament As soon as digestion Is restored, the nailing Bads hie strength increasing, and Ids general health Improved. . Thousands of persons certify that It ntny be felled on In all gases of weakness or nervous debility attendant upon scdcmtary habits. The generallts of Bitters ore so di...nil-cable to the taste that they are obleetloilable to n weak stoma Is. Thin Ir n o t the ciao alth iloatter's Bitter, a loch toll he found mild and pleas ant. Itsliktrnic plan tt, hanks and rout+ contribute their restorative Juice., to sender IL onto king and strengthen ing. Ito he'd+ is the only-pure stimulaut welch has ever been produced, cons , lit in, no Dui! all, or env other &t -hesis.. element. The insist .4eful and skillful client, Ws have zed the.nittms, and pronounced them harmless This is scientific testimony , bat the tcstl. many el the hundred. of thonsonda e'llo hove experi enced the preventive and enroll% e effects of the Greet Vegetable Tonic and Alterative of modern times in still more conclusive. In Fever and .Sane. Dyspepsia, Bit Luis. Nero. Complaints Chronic Complaints nod genet%) debili ry it la nearly infallible he anythiti: tn th is fallible World tan be. IN Getting — friarrteri.—Effittay. for voting Men t on thu delight. of home. and the propriety or imbroprlety of getting married. with ranitary help Om.° who feel unfitted tor matrimonial happliirmi. Kent free, In .ealed mirelopes• Adorers, 'IOW Mill ASSOCIATION Ws P., Philadelphia, Pe. IPS — Blootuaburg Stoic Normal School, and LITEIIAILT s Col/UM lAL INSTITUTC.—The Faculty of Ulla Institution aim to be very thoootah in their In. woe' ion• told to look carefully after the health, toan nerd and inorald of the _ • • Apply for Cattalo„o4c to 11ENRY CARVER, A. M., Soot. Principal Mew Adttcrttormcitts. DR. D. A. IL tiriff.olr. Ilns opened an Mlles. at the font of Chrstnnt reef. nnvr the Catholic Church, tt here he eau lie consulted at all t hues. ...Montrose, April ta, iRSI. ly LATROP'S MEDICATED BATHS, WITH nr Without Electricity. aft thecage tl.matido for RhentliatißM, Llotallic and Chronic Dimas OS. At the foot of Ch,, that ntrva, Montroa,-, Pa 3loutrome, Aprtl 26, 1671. ly OTICF.—The firm of WEi It 1: (;ERG wne , 411..r.01ved ani the flrAuf April. The n has opened ' A OR3CERY STORE nt the old. •lond nerd is IVAN re, is LI new lot of goods which will be nett; at the LuWEST c Ant! PRICKS. Call nett nee It J. WEBB. 31ontra: IS'.*l kAUTION PnrchasinEr, a Note riven for .) Patent. to Peter Keck, for tine Hundred ns ehall net pj It uulLss commlled by Ito. Note given !tiny n, 1,4711. El-11 A THE SCII() 0 L. lt I l " OR E larmly tnatronlzml by yonno men then soy il other fora lin•nom , nod Academic Education to En•amen•e College. Ponizhkeepale. N. V. It i• the Old. r 4. 11,4, rnnq reagmaNe Praellml School In the faire l StfliCS, end the: only one providtroz ,•I nation, for Grad• tane. Refer to patrons in every State. Addre-a U. 0. EASTMAN, LI.. D., Pr.iclent, HOLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY. HOLIDAYMBURG. P. A. Dr. Cg . 41 :) , NMI TAR. ISTABLISHED 1832. A rya-icily n hien NJ two liven toted for len iris.. and proved In then. rands of ran, cinp.ilile of I all liliiennee of the Throat and Long.; nerfirinini; minis reales Utile curer, merit el a trial from all who We Fllfreiltg Dam Similar af fection, and vainly neclinu :eller Will on let prejudice nt you frian being r ured air°. Laughs and Colds.-1 nu !Jru; ;14, on,. il,nres them all Astuna.— 1 h.. 1,1,...1a,:d ul it ,re ta.try,:ham.. br o nchitis Ettrit Trr Ono I dirt and core. Throat AtlmEnts-114.omre only a Lang Ditoases , Matt tumid C.,...ten prouttunced Incur. hit!, Debility.— lt renovateF rod Inylc.omte. the orymtem. ',lvor corn Etltt.ll, a Itx:olatur of tills organ. Dynpepsia.—lte healthy action on the btontach cams Appetizer.-1t 13 health-gif In; and appetite-restoring Jrtnary Organs —Action en them IA marked and pno Dr. Crook Wine of Tar Is rich In the nurclical quail ier of Ter. c , ni , lnet scan rear:table ingrethenta of uu drmhted value.. Ili( h make It unrurpanned, not only for tin compl.dnin eouracrated, btu It Itupidly Restores Ex c.t.....W1 the elttlll.lsh, refuse. the Liv er atal put , 1111(1 work. cadre,. the 'trod It. 111-1 kt t , pure hhnnt. ani beget, a %Iv:tufty appreclated ny both n,lorl urd -ick If 'on are aftlteted In any tray. ft e on try the life-Z,VIIV Tonic Properties of Lir I Foe ts's CVO:: ..1 T., you Will Mill )I.r to-t molly to its great %aide to cerrncliog ant •' ii s that flenh in het rlO " Prepared only be I MN' ER UldrOK by Drnaalnts e olsere 114 LI. x POUTER, Junction v. lianeur. Wboterale Agenta. For gcrofala. FereActs Tumors Scrof - 1.11,,e,1,1. ,, ..t.., ~i ;,,,. 1., ~,... ~, , ,,1,,i4 10,..., . r A. form. Ilbeum 1112.111. P1,.....”..f 1 lie I, Lr. Di— . ~ • 11-I, .f ll.* .. .LIU. Ertii, lOU, Pim vle6. Boils. :::::-6 T.,t,. r. t.caill II c.. 111. I i Celli 1111 d old SUrrA., ~,,. Any dlpu , e depet.dlng on A urpraved coudt : ,);,, t lieu c 4 the blow!, Luke Dr, Crook's Com : pound Syrup of Poke Hoot. it In cumuli,- ' , c ult.ll tl: bout lout • prepalrAtions of Iron /...- le r on ,, , ,l. A . Ad e l i s ca tt o bt. y . r o t t : r thir i a o t o , c, ve . a!l . o r l y P , u ,i t l i , .. ki ) bottle, lro'd by Prtvg-j , q A. Prepared only by OLIVER CROOK & CO., Daytot, 0. USE THE RED HORSE POWDER.—("4 and 40 to , kxges. Red Prade Mark.) nom., cum( rtf Wander...—Aarou Suydrea C. S. Aeo,iant Mount -Etna. Pa_ C. klicott'e Livery and Exchange Sta ble Sunbery. Pennsylvania. for., Cured ! d' . Founder— Wolf Itheltte,• Danrille , Pa.. A.. Etli Xlerchant, Wn,lltniztonylile. Pa... 1. Nice Sloanaker'n. Jerrey Shore, Harts rum,' of LOW] Ferer-11,. S Tiro r. Iw win. hnrg. In. liar., cured (bye.—Thou.ciiagan'a Colon Cn . Pa. Ilow cured of of Cl,o'ern —II, Barr'A 1..4 A. Cad. wallader'e , Oil ton. Cofra cured —Dr. M'Clecry. J. IL M'Cortnlck'., Milton, Pa. tleie.kenx erred of ('apes — Dr. D. T. }treble. Wit taontotcri. Pa , Dr. U. 4. lutv,.. C. W. Sticker. John and James Finney, Milton. Pa. Hun tired, more could be cited whore tdock wan pared try using the Red llorre Power, pr-pa-erl by CYRIA BROWN, Dragai-t. ChrrnOt and Hon•eman, at hi, Wholo , xle a .n Detail Drink and ellemleal Emporinrn, Broadway, Milton, Pa.. to whom all order, ehunld hr addreo.ea. FOR EVEN DOLLARS PH LINE We will insert an advertieement ODT El Ma 0 1•7 TS In One Hundred and Fifty.dve First-Class Pennsylvania News Papers, Including Eleven Dallies. Sce refer to the pnblisher of this paper, to whom our responsibility Is well known. List Boast Address GEORGE P. ROWELL & CO., Adrerllsing Agents, No 41 Park Row, New York. $lO A DAY FOR ALL With Stencil ToolP. Ail arvr.s A. E. C:l2 g : 11 Sprlnmld, Vt. Hai the Atpla Parer, Corer end Slicer. Price 12 00. A MONTH Horse and Corriere fernished 0-.1 Execute. pald, 11. Shaw, Alfred, Mc. Agents ! Read This ! VITE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF PO FEB VV WEEK and EXPRNSE%. nr adores largo Comml. stun to sell our new and wonderful Inventions. Address ER S CO.. 161111,11 Rn, Mich. CUT 1 1 111 S OUT! A ND rend Tacatr•ticc Cent. for a Ticket and draw a LK. Watch, Sewing Machine, Plano, or !OM." article of volt, No blanibi. Six rur One Dollar. Address, PACKARD B CU.. Clnc.ndfal, Ohio. FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. Futile Tana Norma The extensive Furniture Esmidishaleht of Wilitare W. Smith, having beta reacted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect ful))• announcer to the CltiLCl7s of Montrose and vicini ty, that twit. cantina dr tnakina and keeps on hand the Lamest and best askartment of P° "CT 1R- -CV IS' TT 3FIL to be (mind suywher this side of New York City. Desks, Divans, Towetracks, Lounges, Footstools &c. Cert-er Lard, Pier. Toilet. Dining, Kitchen and PitqnblJA Cables. Coat= —Cane and WoodieSt Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodseats of every satiety and .tyle. Sofasand Tete , a.tetes, tarnished on short notice.— Cane seat chairs resealed. SPRING BEDS. A large alsoftment—ilheapent and best in the a:lathe Cane Seat Chairs. Tam now enabled to supple my ens eaters with a new tdrittalcane seal choir, of home mankfteture, which will be foruhd greatly ssperlsr to fhose formerly in market, said yetaro sold lf t lets pate. CANE-SEAT CIIAIRS RE-SEATED; m- Ready made coffins on hand or famished at abort notice. Hearse alwrye in readiness If desired. groploynone but careful end experleneed workmerc !Intent:fp, do my stork welt, and sell ir ns loir as can tie afforded. WY/ZIA If If, SMITH. lifontrose,rek IS, 18G8. • TEA! Every kind of Teal* marketjust arrived:dna. or liana at pert York vholeegl pride— Akio a dna auttoent - of _COFFEE. Ikty orscie 'and edam ' ADEL' =ANEW •.__ ••. vailriitil Zhu Zabito. D ELAWARE, LACKAWA7 4 ,:IsTA and WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter &Mogen:Lent of passages lines effect Nov. ILIE7O. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. naill Pasnegq -• ' - -Mall Peenger train. ' train. STATIONS , train. train. A. M. A. 111. P. M. P. M. • New TorM'.. • • ••• • • I 5.00 Ti 1 t 1 1: 0 ,2 Now Ilamhtoll 1 1.135 .O• i 130) : Bu r am2ll CALIntIZ. 12.40 ~ T I 12 1 t. Delaware.... Dine.„ 12,33 1 t 3,..51 11,15 Scranton 9.13 I '7.0.5 . ;:t 4,90 12,13 Nicholson ~7,55 5,40 .. 04,19, _ 1.00 „Ilepbettem• ~1 1.58 6,13 2 • - 4 . , 4.57 1,40 Mantroee'... t .• ~ • ..• ' •1.15 442 I: ‘ 11 ., 5,15 • 2,11) Nee/ Millorall , 'I . .cr.54 3,4.5 I k ; n,15 2,50 I Great Denti1..,,... .. , 51 6,55 iB.o a P.M. P. 111 I *Peet of Liberty-et. A. P. 51 WyO,IIOLWELL. • - Getw•rel Pale. and Ticker 'OS STROUD, Tickilt Agent, Mont/ RAILWAY I,3aomileß ttoderonii sanlllleggetept-860 tu;les arab. out ch.. &or couches. firtula lititimulunble truck route to all points west, north•west and snutßuest. New mpeoved Clutches Are run through without change to Rochester, buffalo, Duukirk,Clevelund, and CIIICIO - EMIL On and after lilondily.Bee. 1 , 1,1F43. Trains will lease Binghamton at the following hours, viz: • GOING ."ZIrT, 2:55 a.m. Night Uldrma, nlondsfa excepted) 3:25 n. m. Night F.^.a.prc.. dally. 6:34 n. m. 3I li Train. Sundays excepted,_ for Buffalo • • . and Dunkirk. 3:go p. m. Elmira Accommodation,Snnd ay excepted, fco4 p. in. Day Expreal.sundayeexcepted. ten_ p. tu. Expreea Mail, Sundays excepted. 1e55 p. m. Wey Freight, Sundays excepted. 1:03 p. tu. Fan igtau t nuin, daily fur tile weal. GOINX :1:05 a. th. 5'1,7,11t Stpresa, sondp7•s excepted. 1:% a. in. eine:noun Exprm•s, Manday+ excepted. 1:51 p. m. Day Eqpres., aLI Sutya except. 7::A1 a. tn. Arc •mmadation Train. daily far Snequalmar.a. p. tn. New Yoik Mail. Senders excepted. 1920 p. m. Light al na taprepa: 9:10 a. N. Way -Erelght,tinedaya excepted. • • HAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. gar4S - recloialaull tom fete" Poet TlateTable" of r.o.engerTratne on thu Erie 11311 , Lwy and - c..itecting II fccelipy boon pobli•hed, mod can he had on op. plication to the Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. nrcsna, MSt. IL HARR, Gaol Supt. Gent Pless'a A gt. Dec. 14, is7o. LILLIM4S STROUD, Ticket l gent, Mot.trose Pa T EIIIGLI. VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after Dec. 20, 1870. trains of the Lehigh ILLi!toad will mu as follows: DOWN TiLAINS. Loren Waverly Jtinc lion E. It. W. 6.35 a. in. 0.25 0.40 p Athena 645 " 8.35 660 Towanda 743 " 4.10 4 Locayellie 8.35 " 5.16 " Skinner's E'y 641 " 541 " sleshoppen 9.00 " 502 klehoopany OOS " 5.10 " Tunk'nock 931 " 5.40 `• L. A B. June. 1000 2. - 44 rttPton 10 40 " 2..1 0 " Wilkes Boric II 00 •' 315 " White Llaveu 12.9 A " Well Chunk 1.40 •• Allentown " Bethlehem 2.50 " lEo.ton 911 " Philadelphia 5,03 " Ar. at New 1 ork 0.15 " UP TnAms. Learn Now York G. 121 a. m. Poiludripilia.7.3s .. -, lime m. Earton 9.05 " 1 .45 p ra. Bethicham 935 " 11.25 " • Alit-tat.. 9.49'•. 4.00 -• • Wen Cimnk 10 115 " 4.20 " White lia'n 13.18 p. m. D. 45 ••. Wilken.Blic 1.35 6.88 " Pittcton • 1.50 " 8.15 " 1...2, 11, Jun. 200 " ' . , 8.35 " Tun le nock 2.54 •• 6.45 " Idehonpany 8.20 " Dlrtdmp n en 327 " •• Skinner aE. 8.45 " . Lacryville 9 - 49 " .. Towanda 4.59 " sthrnA 536 '' ' .. Ar. at Waverly Junction. E. 11. W. 5 45 ••.. . trg.'Nn chnitee prom. betwn Scranton Lod Saw York. or betwern scranton and titdiadelphla. Ilecambcr:s7. 1970. . SPRING 1I ! SPRING 101 ! At Lenitelm's GREAT REND. Al Lenlaelm's GREAT BEND At Lentsclues G4tEAT BEND Is the place to Isuy DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CIOTTI HARDWARE, CROCK NOTIONS, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SUDE:S, C_UtI'ETS, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTS, Al! of which have been putchased during the late decline, and will be Bold at prices ac cordingly GOOD CALICCi, only 10 cents per yard GOOD MUSLIN only, SO cer U. par yard. GOOD SUGAR, only 10 cents pci pound GOOD GREEN, BLACK and JAPAN TEAS, only DO cents,- par pound, HANDSOME DRESS goods for 2,scts a y'rd A Suit of CLOTHES fbr $lO. All other goods at corresponding LOW PRICES ! We also make a speciality of the SHIP PING BUSINESS, and will send to the best HOUSES EAST butter and-all other kinds of PRODUCE. The -HIGHEST market price and prompt !Maras guaranteed also PAILS .11nmished and MONEY ADVANCED, to CUSTOMERS when DESIRED. Panics wishing to buy GOODS crtE,Arf and find tba LARGgST ASEiORTNENT ih Susquebarina Clottnt$ 6 , to aelo,' from will do well to call at L. E. 1161UUMIDVS iTtillE, Great Bend, Pa. April 5,1871.-4 m. s (Todd Menai to the Boldier.a.ofThe War 61 1812, A D THEM WID OWA t—CtregrugOule formStif Fa"' ed aLaw Gmnting- Penetrate Of FjettrDolisrs per mouth, where them walls berrtecoratty Mirror more. For many of you I procured Land.Warrante. from 1 550 to lbSe, and my records and papera,rhen glade, Nrnith now the important facts tecesssaarry ln Procurbt.. Pen sions. end persoms bringing - or - rending their clams to may °ince can have free bandit of my records, and their basilicas wilt be promptly attended to at rates es. tabllsed by the law L. F; FITCH, Moulmein, garoi.n,urn., •• ••:• •••.,; 17~0dD LETTiNO-4he Saperliaore otttridgetiatef inn meet at the house or dame* O'Lltien; to North' •Bridgematee. April•Mkt, , at 1 o'iock to let the 'hulloing or a road Madly.: froosial: O'Brten`e Wl:bottle!. ..ktir.keri. , 7a be kt to the barest Mader. • •• - JA3tEtt • • BORACOMtsterefrout. ' ittmttose. 4Qrf tt ;• 3 1 :PRMSTEN. :11t. 'pEOPOSALSPOR of Silveri Lotto will be received on tha let of Nay. Plans and :epecifirstions clay be !sera by calling on Mr.' Joseph - Ward, of the abovo place. The right to 'elect any or all proposals Is reserved. Place of meeting for rejection or adoption of proposals, on the ground alive!. Loire; April IP, 141. IL DISSOLUTION flrilEM [lnn of McKenalc, Arent &Co. is ibis day die . Solna by tetanal torment. The books and ac counts are In the bands of the at:cent:ding arm , _for Im. mediate. settlement. kIoIKENZIE. V. C. FACTROT ,lliOntzose, April 8, 1611. W. AlcCAa. NEW FIRM TtE i3n.lues will be eontliined by Mcgentle d. Van rot, with increavad facilities for doing baldness. and lessened expenses, we shall be nbla to sell goods to tow that it will be a indneesneut to buy of us, to those who wish to aeon Money by patronising Ito ready pay syst...m. ' 311:1C13:2Z11{.. - C, C. i uiio r. April 12, 1671. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUAAN are Treatment niadfederal Miro of Sea - anal Weaknens, or Spennntorrbma. Induced by polf-A base. In voluntary Endaalonar frnaputaney. Ncrirous Debility, and I mpedunnnte lo'Sflarrltze ,••enerAlly ;"Cpmauniptlon. Hp dep.,. and tits: mennd nod phyamsl Ily dont CULVERWELL, I.),..Anthor of the • Green Ildalrfl.' The worldiennuned author, Itlthia admirable Lecture clearly proves from lie owe evperience that the a %qui, consequences of delf•ubh.e may be effectually removed without mcxlicine and without dangerous surgical opt, mtlous, boogies. Instruments, rings and cordials. point ing nut a mode of cure at once certain and effectual. by which every suff,rer. no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheattly, privandY, and mdleollY• This lecture will prove a boon to thonsands and thou sands. Sent undel. arid. In a Wain endelope, to any addrese, ansecelptof sia cents, at two 11,111111170,. by ad dressing the publialtera, A/W. lilt. CULVERWELL . B - ,l7 6 Carriage Guide," price 25 cents Address the Pub haler CHAS. J. CU:4C. & CO. 127 flowery. New York Poet °Mee fiat 4 536. lISSOLUTION.—Tbe firm ofJ. It DeWitt ,f Co., be. . this day dissolved by [oaten' unisent. Either pert het. Is enthorizal to settle the accoutila of the tete firm. JAMES. it, DaW PERRY BAILNIRM.T. Montro.e, March 20, JAMES It DzWITT Will continue the httelnetv, et Vas Old Stood. where ho will be happy to see his old friends and all who wish to buy 1p his line of tootle. JA.3I.En IL DEWITT. Mantra..., March' 9, '.sit, rpoitoArro CHIEF, Jr.—This celebrated horse will statid fir a limited number of mar. a the pre. rot season, commando.; Alxil Orb, at J. s Tarbell'o. to Montrose, un samrdvy of each week t Alonday'a Wed nesdays, and Fridays, at the subscriber.. in West Moloch. Pt:tritium—Toronto Chief, Jr., was sired by the foot trotting stallion. Toronto Chief, now canunanding $W:t the season; he by Royal George and his dam by Black wood. out of au aelipse mare, novel George was sired by Black Warrior; he by imported 'nape; and ha by Messenger, of England. Tonosro Curer, Joe dam was sired by tbn thorough bred Jefferson out of a Majesty mitre. Jefferson was by Virginia; he by Sir Archie, the sire of Sir floury, and gratidoire of American Star--dam. old Favorite. Tonorrro Comp has troth d the best stallion time on record-half mik, Lax; oue mile, tßi; two macs, B:7. TO110,;TO fitter Jr', was bred by J. B. Vrootn, of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. 1., in the spring of 11,{n0. Any ono wanting information with regard to his ptdigree or stock, csu address D. R. 'Judson, D. G. Cornier, 0. Owens or C. D. Bowman, at Blooming Grove. Tononro enarr. Jr. , le WO: hands 111,.111. blood hay, Lain pounds, tine di spositnan and le conelde•cd by the beet Judges of hones to be a very niu.cular built bone. lie hoe never born trained. but given eigub of :rent 'peed. An inepertion Is solicited. 'roof.—To insure with brat flu. Other rules as cue ternary, Inburduce money due. March let, J. M. CttISIIAN, Proprietor. Elk Lake, Pa., March 13, 7 - ALLTABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The V subscriber offers his farm at. Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co., Pa., contains over 130 acres 100 or 105 of which arc cleared and under cultiva tion the land is well watered and good for either grain or grass, there arc between two and three hundred grafted Apple trees on the place besides peach, plum, and peer trues, the farm is conveni ent for churches and schools with good build ings, 130 rods south of Quaker lake, the farm is a good one and admirably located. Address or ap • ply to ' MAURICE M. DONNELL. Silver Lake, Susris. Co., Pa., March 8,'71. 3m. FINANCIAL New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE! PEttMANEIVf ! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer fur Sale at Par and Accrued Intertst, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMP'Y, - . IIF,SE BONDS arc secured. first, by ' t a First htnrto.age cn thd lialtrotul .torte and nli necond • by n Flat on its enilre Land Orant, being. more than Twouty-l'wo Thato.and drreo of Land to each mile of road. The Bonds are free from United Sham, Tax; the Prim elpal and Intere4t are tuirdhle in Gokl—the Principal at the end of Thirty years. and the Interest Semi annually, at the rate of Seven and Three-tenths per cent. per annum. They aro I.sned in denominations" of oleo, $5OO, $lOOO $.1.000 and $10.1.Y.11. The Tru.treo nrdef the Mortzdze Are Mersrs. .1. Cooke, of Philadelphia, and .1. Edgar Thomas, Prooldent of the PChniyivaald Centr3l Itelruad Company. These Northenl l'acific rA) Bocdc will at all timer be fore maturity, he rereivuble at ten per cent Premium for I.lm, in est:lig:lnge fur the Company n Lands at their low est cash price. In addition to their absolute safety, three Bonds yield an income Isrget. Mt: believe, than auy other First tines security. Persons holding United States Five-Twenties can. by converting them into Northern Pacifies, increase their yearly income one-third, and still barn a perfectly reliable investment. HOW TO GET THEM! Tsar nearest Bank or Banker will supply these Bonds In artrdesired amount. end of any needed denomination. Persons wishing to exchange Stocks or other Bonds for these, can do oo with soy of our Agents, who will allow the highest current price for all Marketable Seciritics. Those living In localities remote from Banks. may send money, or other BAILIIiA. directly tone by express, and we will send back Northern Pacific Bonds at our own riek and wlthorit cost to the investor, Far further informs stilt, pamphlet., maps, etc., call on or address the under. it T v o ed. o t f Banks or Bankers employed to sell t Bale by n. COOPER ft CO. Montrose. Pa PUBLIO NOTICE, I Wduld respectfully state to my former _a. cu.tom,. and the priblfe generally that I am again carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTROSE, and propote to do all WORK In that Linn, Ina FASHIONABLE: NEAT ; SHBSTANTbiI MANNER And st Slttettetniy Prices. Psdlenlsr attention given to CUTTING and SPECIAL CARE need to have the work Plato fat the person who putt it togsthei. Shep on the tweet tide of "^nblic Avemue." over Burned Ntencrht Drag Store, adjoining . the °Mee et Dr. Halsey. P. LINES. Monrtove, Fobromery Urn, tt ABEL TCFRRELT., Tr EEPS cennitatitly on hand one of the meet (tamer• Inc one collections of DRUGS & MtDICINES in the country, and bestows especial attention to se• looting and boying articles to this department that arc pore and genuine. lie also keeps a vest laklety of , , LtQUORS AND WINES; bought either direct flom tha &tinier, or, Impoiter, mid warranted strictly ptfro. Mee, a fall destirtment of Paints, Oils • Vatelthes, Hinshaw, Lubricating ties and Dye Stuffs:. Ofocorios, W a ll ro t " taws, Kerosene; Vtultus, PtstolsOluna and ammunition. A fine atiticty of field Rod other JEWELBY, Perrtint el7t Yankee DKr/lONS, &c., and oilier goods too nu merous to mention. . , During eeTwol years peat persons kayo been. In the habit of laming clninwud sending to the. (heat Arnett ciinTea Com mow, Now York, for Owir 'tiapplietiof Tea and 0[070o: for fatally.ste. • - • Abel Tortoni!' nOw ("applying the people with these 'remitted Coffees, - at billow° In gentrusei at the same prima that theft alba and other persona pay at the _stare of the Company in New York. Thtute purchasers will sacs the oreas charge, trouble of chibbleg and this of lencling rp , by buy'ug of ABEL TUBBELL. • 1/011trobrc Ft U. 8. mamma won= rinwilvarda 'rrrrsncruci. Math. sr. urn TIM IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 23,1 day of March, A. D. ISTI, a Warrent In Bankruptcy WIIII Darted a..lainat the Eatato of .IfittilY N. Walker of Gibson Town ship, to thertlanty of nnequohanna, and Btato - of Penn sylvania., who tuts been adjudged a Bankrupt, on Ida own petition' that the payment Of any debts andtlollvory of any property belonging to such Ilatillttrot to him :or for Me use, and the transfer of any property ,by him are toe bidden by law; that a Meeting ut et•Wittirs Of said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or morensslgnees of his Eilleite. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holdenat the Office of E. N. Willard No. SOS. Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. Penn's, before E. N. O.'llhard Esq., Register, on the 19th day c i: MII, A. D. at II o'clock a. s. • A. HUE 4w. 13, B. .Ifaralutl, - as Messenger,' You WILL TAKE NOTICEI—That a meeting of the Susq'a County Agricultural Society, be,'Leld at the Conn Lions! , in Montrose, on Tuesday Eve.Apol ,11 1871. A general attendance is earnestly clilred, Iw, liertnY C, TYI,OI, &tip trOTIOB TO OIII1DE:118 T . IIECNDERSIC NED WILL RECEIVE rltoPoseu for furnishing material awl buildings school !tense on the premites of Andereon &Moron, West Dimock, near the Jes.up line, at thu residence of NaldJohuson, on Saturday, April th, the wme to-be completed and leafty fat nceemante by the Bret day of Ottoher next. Plan and specifications am be (send with either of the Committee. ItEllitY C. SHELP. • EPLUIAI.Iifi. HOWE. Thwack, March :2, 1871.-3 x Committee. OTIC 'a IS lIEREBY GIVEN That Utters Patent 11 4.1! been Issued to the Montrose Itallnand COMM. 07. and the subscribers to the Capital Stock of sold Comiesny are hereby notified to meet at the Hotel of P. E. Brush. to the village of Sprtngsllle. Sa•9uchanua County. on Thursday, Apra47, tell, at 1 o'clock. r. for I he purpose of urgatitatug :he Company by the eke. lion 01 a President and twelve Directors. BENJ. PAItKE. Chairman. 13. 1 , . SLAT: ESLEY, 11. C. TY - I.:Eiji. 24.1 f. SAYRE, W. U. JESSUP '•• - " CHARLES L. BROWN. Conoluisitloners [Attest ) R. L. BROWN. Secretary. Montrone, April 12, Ital. To tho Public ITereby certify tent 1 hare for cetera! yethi known an I oracle put ap nod prepared by 11. Taylor. de a remedy dor ST. VITUe B A NCE. ' and have observed Its eftleapp in many cases. and they vete always bene ficial. Knowing Its composition and mode of prelims. Lion, I cm truihfully vouch for Its cirtnee nod efileant. Oreat Bend, April it, PATRICK. At. D. I. VLDAICIII4 DEALEII IN 31ARDLE II HAD STONES. Monuments, Jtc. ; algo. In Scotch Grablto. All Mork done to or der. and vr. - .lTeured. itesidedce and shop, lint dour Booth of the entholie Choral. Idontro,e, 11nreh s 9, 1871. 4ta• FOR SALE. AFARM OF FIFTY ACRES In Silver Lake, for sale cheap and on easy terms. Inquire of 31untrune, .March J, 1871.—1 m J. B. MCCOLI.I.7 Y. ESTATE NOTICES. EXECUTOITS NCTCE.— Letters Testamentary la the eatate of Jrrendah.hleachant, late of Montrose.. sus quehanns County. decoas d. haveng Otto lyrstued;to tlec sobeeriber, nil parsons Indebted to said estate are reques•ed to matte Isumedlato payment. and all persons bariog claims ngalnst said decedent will present them without delay. ALFRED BALDWIN. Montrose, March 8, 1871— 8w Executor. T i IsTATR of Polly Siyter, late of Forest .take torn. dJ chip, Penn.ylvama, dosed ; Letters Testrunentary upon the °owe cif the above named decedent, having been granted to the underAgned. notice le given to all perminri indebted to the mum to make immedlateipay meat, and there haring claims upon the axone. will pee mat them, duly authenticated. h r rettletdbut. HARVEY BIRDSALL. Biecutor Forest Lake March 15, Dal. ai WONDER OF THE WORLD.—Pittsburgh, Pa., January 1871.—r0 whom It may concern :—Ttito la to cetity that have given A. BALDWIN, of Montrose, ea.. the !yell:mite control of the sale of th 2 above loan ed remedy in Susnaettanun County, so Ipng as he chooses to continue In the business, and that all orders hereafter should be addressed to MM. to reeel+e siltation, 23. IL TILTON, Proprietor. March 22, ISII, Ina REST BAIZGAINS IN TOWN IN CIIDICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR! PRO. vtoinue. Dried and Conned Fratt, Vegetables, 4:e. .4.e., at the Head of Navigation, A. N. BULLARD. Ntantrote. lehmerr Y 3. 1671. .AISKENT.—DtALERS IN :., In Susquehanna County, ice of the several acts of As ,alth to provide revenue to es Treasury and for other par 'praiser of Mercantile taxes cd a liet of Merchants trad uced etch merchant In tllat Just and right according to IrEIICANTItE APPII. t MEItCII.tSDISE. be. take notice th.d. In personal' senthly of this Commonwer meet the demands upon the poses, the under,igned , API for sold county. has prepare lug In sold county, and ph etas! winch to him appears the acts of Astern}, to !nem. & Tlnglry 11 , N Id Finn 13 E L Adams, . P C Bushnell "m. White II L L0tt..... Franco k Swisher George Brown._ Black. Buttons, & Clear cr 1 - Gross S Brother 12 T Johnson 13 C C Worth . 1Z Payne k Bloxhzust. 111 GMEMMI MEM 111014TT.OSC. ilt R Lyons & Co.. .......11 Z Cobb 14 i Webb & Gore 14 r A Chandler 14 IL 11 13601 14 1-yona, Drake A Co 11 Sayre .1 Co 14 Burns /1 Nichols p m 4...12 Wm.d 11td/ord _II A N Bullard 14 Stamp /ii 'Talbot 14 Wro.ll. Boyd it Co ..... ..11 C N Stoddard-- ........ 13 .1 it J T Etuyd ...... .. ...I4 IS H Montle— 14 Alper & Coats 14 IR Sawn 14 II N Bullard 14 W W Smith 13 Co Fordlui= 14 W B Deans.— ..... .....14 'S 31 Willson la IA Torrell pm 4 12 Read, Orillladt Co p in 4.10 tltittenbh4 , . Aoaa u- I to Daum ilt C 0..., McKenzie, Yarant &C0..11 IJ 11 DeWitt A: Co ' 11 4 i A Lathrop 10 I I _ IMI, lIILIFVEID J D Very Tiffany & Cramer 14. J H Dap 14 U M 11..laway 141 C . ....... .131 Kent Eldridge.— . ...111 Wm. Craver . 13 D A & A Tit, , ,,ortb 12 CEIOCOMUT. 14 CLIFFORD. T J Wells 14 T F Johnsen 13 N Dater_ ......... .141 P II Gardner ..... ........14; II A Wll limns ... 14 ' Wells 6 Brother 13, lICNDATT. S 6 Weaver p m 4.....,.14 I E Davie. 13 Henry Spencer ...... .....14 E I eharnbern. 14 A Richardson . 13 1 Dumcc. 1Vm..11 Tito yer 19 31i1rs S. Sticruimn 13 II 111313,41,4. 141 Stevcns 21, Leeboty • 14 FOREST LASE 74 L Rail L B Silvers . . .. ... /dory & tinidta p m 4...14 .1 Dicker Man, it . 10 James Atkins H II Bnnitt p trol, 13 'David Summers pm 4.-19 I ti L Etties & Co 10 IT Hayden - 14 11101,1 91 H a wnap...,... ...... 14 oey 12 John Hanseo. , 14 ;McCollum & Brother 19 11 Garrott & Run II P 1 Teneyetk • 14 autiA9n. DCSFR Fordham... .19 E II Merriman 14 J 1. Merriman 18 Blower, 14 PRIENTMTILLt. 1 F .7 Gornm • .11 , M 11cMannut..... ........14 ' Wm. Miran) p m 4 1!i Robert Winters 111 CIIITIAT BEND . R Stack 11 Malting' & Preston 13 1 It S Clark • 12 T D Estebrook p m 4.....11 1 S Lento lm IN W A i..olstin.. ... ..... ..141 Win. C Melntosb 14 21 C McCreary 14 Thomas Cresaek 14. Walter ?biotin... ...... —l4l Win. Baldwin '4 11. P Doran 14 11 A Clark 13 George Wessell 14 L W Ch1ehe5ter..........14 D C Bronson 14 H S Mono., ......... .....14 0 F Fargo 14 T T Manson.. Mrs. X Talley *ctn. L N Sherri:owl & C0.....13 !N Granger p in 4 13 D thader:.. ........ ....14 1 j Roane 14 14 Atzer & Lewis 14 0 T Spencer 14 R T Hendrick 19 Ilungerfora & Idescrole..ll 11.82 C Mezerole 14 g Barnes 14 Glil lte d DEPOT. Pune 18 L .11yons • 34 W S Beebe p m 4 14 C Fenami 14 El Casey.- . Ucor—e 11 Crandall 12 .1 len 14 Myers M0ak....• 14 Thomas McDonald 10 DP................14 M J Pendermist.. . 11 John Tlerny 14 Colon Store Asgoetallonin Welter Bather 12 D S Lyond • 14 C J Lyons— 14 Levels Freeman 14 11 P 13 Henry C Leap m 4 12 Jame.. Belt 19 W J Falkenbury F It Thayer. . 13r McDOnlld 6 Etna ..... _ll FD Lyons. 13 111 Tarbox 14 L As ....... ..'.14 M es. B cfl ...... 14 Wm. Ball 14 OT Smith - .13 Ellen McOnlre 14 Onttenborm B ose beam la CO J 0 &a II Cook 13 0111!!ON. Cooperative Company....ll George Il Wells p m 4.-11 James Puller 111 Dunn & Co 11 E Holmes p In 4 .13 Kennedy & Son p ni 4....14 Milliken & Smiley p m 4.15 Wm. fY Eymer 14 H Tingley • 14 UAbSthi T. W BrArit & C 0...... ..12 D Stevens.... 14 JSelilager&Co 12 9 A Lyons & 50n.... ..... 12 S Monson 13 C J Lyons 14 R' Potter Jr. C 0... ..... .12 C C Spencer 13 , Morse,litchale&Cop ral.lo tuniroan. .T C Edwards 0 Pnvuo & 50n.... T J Vi White Jones & Tanner... T J Carr &CO' B Sinn& Babcock & 'Newton 'l4 ... 141 p... 14 sexton., 11 31 Denson 11 D Rtherte..„ 14 Nnrrl• rh, French: 1. J Y Putter' , 14 I C Foot.. D A Lyons 'C A 31111er. C & J II %1 Millano.., 14 Joba W Moth 13 Urn R El Forbes 13 C Parleman H 'MVP. John Warner 14 J II riodenknlnt p to • 14 LIZISTITT. Jr:lenb. 'Webster 14 1) D t4timford.:. 14 A A Beeman— ... urtur 112,4edvrt. 61t Beardelee ... • • • ..,.14 D R. Garfield • 14 . - ertun cant. Sullivan ' , 14 S 0 Meekvi 14 Deana Mahan, 14 31m..11 Glatu t .. 14 Oh Lewi lu e tuaYaoA: 14 IF Id Gullet!. ' -a ; tiTnnur. dell & Brother... TlCany & Co. Classification of Wakes of Kanlnsight. Bales , loss than $5,000 - z ... .claaa 14 , • " $ 0,000 Imo than $lO, 18 000 ' . io,oto . 33 L 1,1.100 " 13 " " 10,000 " 000 " 11 - 23,4:00 " 30,000.:- "10 ••. 80.000 • " • 40,W1 " 40.000 " , .150,000 .... L. -• " l if And then 'Ades of the Coast of Common Pleas of said county all! old s Court. of App eal - at she Court Mouse in ?f Moose bland for said CO - nittj, on Tuesday, • AprillBth, 1871 i at 1 o'clock p. or., St sOhlcir Ilfne , and piece °toy of the Merchants described, defined, and claw ed its aforesaid,' Cr theft agsnta of attorneys. may t r i a - wee and appeal blurt salCassessinent if they proper. • URBAAE BALL, • , Jackerm, March 8' 1811.--6 w ?loran We Appraller. IpiEBBLE SPECTACLES,aIio:tori _I o n Spectacles,* new sapptujor Istel,7l4_ Ran:rose. Nor. 10.1843. • A*14.1. TOMS/. 8110-,Woriffle, The 'AVatchltfeigCr, "MOO street, "lontin3e, ea: •-• • A OARD. ICUT OUT Mai Kew.' fro MOSE MEACCINTS And others who bare 4 , 1 long given me their patronage. I tender ro; b in , felt thanks, and intinia continuous of the seam u their influence, to the, BPLENDID ISISWHAILDWABBspaz of Smith, Cohn a CO., 8 sod 81 Vane street, New York, where orders should be dictated to me lad dtntU. al to the Ann, to insure early attention, and I would add to my patinae, end to those who `• pave by on bath s Ado. that I Skin nett* be undersold, by Say Utile concern In New Tork, or elsewhoro. eotesee Owe , me a fair trial. Our goods are a ll new. and bought fot cosh, for the nur byand Northern trade. • M. C. TYLER., Agent, and Assistant Montrose March 49.1811. • Buyer, ESTATE Oil FRANCIS CLARK. We of Ape:ascot townstitp. Stinnebanna County-Pa.. deceased; Loi ters of Administration upon the &novo named decedent having been granted to the nuderaignal. notice taboret., given to all persons Indebted to said estate. to make tin mediate payment. and those hating claims against ion tame to prevent theta duly anitteritlealed for settlement to ths undersigned, FRANCIS • r.ittiteic WALSH, - Administratolvi now. BLintrnse, garelt 21.18T1.-6w fulamtata lutnerei CONGRESS WATER, • at TURRELL'B, FOR RALE: 'PHE 110 TEL Proliertv, located 'St Maack Corners. and long and laiorahly known It the Law's 110 W: connected with which aro about Twain,/ Acres of Valuable Land. For particulars address or toll an C. C: 2dILL3i DirnorJr, Pan Jan. 33, 1 9 71. 1L ExaccaDar Tyr. 10. ItititColl7lll2l67oEli ItItTICG AM RICA T_s X 1 1 4 XWE 3EI rir or • • to offering tido I.toimsol, to the pbl3l,le, sa we' . its Ili roll cortedenell, that it titbit silpetEede 121 others:tow 1111 use. as an Internal remedy, for the cure of all disuses Ix the reach of that class of medicines de can safely ass. without the least fear of contradiction, that it stands Mt rh.ated in the list of medical Compounds externally ap plied for the cure et disease. Feeling therefore that le unnecessary to puff a remedy so eminently wet:Oat:l In It. effects. Kt mysteriously in its powers retie, catelog the' deaf lb bear, the blind to see, the nee• drawn and crippled rheumutie to walk erect and re , joke again in the power and vigor of manhood, Wept.. paralton is offered to the public on its Own merits. and claims no volcanic origin or essential oils of the Aceid an deserts ; bUt on lhai contrary la what its Imports, aim is a tare evanbintition of the Indwels Of North Astr* can prothictiL lints Toni, Tics. 11, MIL This notice IS to Inform ail dealers In proprtelar, medicines. that we have established a Depot in nrts4lfte• hanna county at Montrose. Pa., for the sale of Dr. C. Y. Drosrn's Young American Liniment. rind that Mr. BALDWLN is on:i t.. agentfor thaw, erpose. „D. SOUT ERLAND t CO.. i3O WMlsat Hemet, Sew Tory Agencies win soon to established at genital piselia to ovary township. and publithed In ttib lift halo*. I ant ready to Ihrnish it st wholesale prices to agents. WA) ere and cirettlars tent free uponapplication to the scriber. The Liniment IS now for =teat retail lay the FJE4 4 4 , ing agents, to wit: Burns It Nichols, Nora:DCA. A. Turrcll, E. L. Adams, Auburn 4 Cornerg William White. Auburn Centre, • Noah Baldwin. South Auburn. Waltman A Vosharg, Skinner's Edgy. Keeler • Vaughn. Vt D. C. d F. 11. Fordham, Dr. V. Hornet, Cartirown, J. Burrow. A Sons, titevensvills. L. 31, Sherwood, Rushville. It. T. Hendrick, Springville. William Thayer, Diruk.k. B. 13:Bearcisies, Little Meadow/.. Hobert Whitens, Friendavllla. • IL L. Ball, Dirchardville. D. A. A. Titsworth. Brooklyn, Pa. L. IL Hinds, Facturyville, W, H. Curtis, Bailey Hollow: E. Al. Tiffany, Hophottom. J. B. Very. Montrose Depot. O. Al. Hawley, New Milord: T. D. Nasterbrook, Great Hand. Any persons in townships not above :liaised. Well/ an agency. may obtain it by addressior A. BALDWIN, General Agteiti 1817—Un Montrose. TA F at EOR SALE Containing one hundred and thy active, odd hundred under improvement—with' good build. ings, orchard, tee. dm. Price taw, and Jona made easy. Inquiie of F. Frfai. or G. V. Billintra, 3lontrose, Jan. 4,1871-4 f "KEW WALL PAPER; Jost arrived. and 'Olin: clasp by ABEL TMRELL. Elositrasa. April 19.187!. I, ;P'- = arms= Tux Cr?cr noTig; , JOllfil TAfIUELL, Proitriegbi. Eight Stagy. leave this Musa daily, • carkiectlna wino, the D. L. & W.,•the Erie, add the Lehigh_ ltall: ways. Raly 6 ; l67V —tr ATTENTION 1 iVE•LL GIVE YOU °PITS T. D. TAYLOR, so long known in Bingham ton as ono of the most popular Cutters/ itid' fashionable Tailors in this section of country has formed a co-partnership with E. F. New ' comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared , to furnish men's wearing apparel of alikindsi• and in style and worknianship superior to any establishment in this section of country. We GUANANTEE SATISFACTION' to all who may favor us with their patronage. Shop at Post's old corner, on retain Avenue:. T. m tertogi E: NEWCOML Elentroie, Oct. 19, • ABEL TURRELL; , - • Nu Jost rellitrned ironi it eir fork IRA 'limp a dltlon to Ma nenat stock a dolts gocia •. • Montrose. NIT. N. 1669. • EUP TISNi ‘ s 'cs - 000 WILL BE PAID. j URALCIA TO any person producing any medicine - showier/JAI/. as mans living. permanent mimosa Dr. PTTLERIS VEGETABLE lIHRIPAATiO REMEDT. • Used tuwsed. lv only. A pleasant medicine; free front Injurious dregs. Warranted under Oath, to have permanently cared% trt every BO patients, treated to the part ten years. idea testimony). It is the scientific presetiptionof Pr orme. or Jos. P. Pitlor, M. D. anraduate of the Univeralty•of Pcnnsyllards. A. V.. IMA—nolt one of Philadelphia's oldest molar physicians, and Professor of Chemist,' nod Temicotorr —whd has made Netiralgia, Chronic and *, Indematory mAticsationt the .spechtlity .or his =Urn p r femons; ufn—n fact vouched Mr by the /1101.11111ral . conmanylng cub bottle of thany . vow leant renowned'. ablidcians cltrgymen,and other teatimonletia. Top*, testrodartirs Tema &battens quack nostrums and me lesa impenditaro of money. a legal signed guantater.i . railing once number of bottles warranted to core. wilt • bb forwarded gratis to any Maitre/ sanding by letters fall description of egictiou. Ind kaanf_fathirt to ears; • amount paid positively refunded. Medicine seat any- , , where - 0,94mm, collect on delivery. Afflicted Invited to write for advice; di-information sod medical advice . tent by letter grails.' Principal once. Id South Ymillt sweet. Philademhia, Penns, The remedy is sold or ola, 4 4 41 4 DeagglsN. - • APIP I M/P' 4 7 l 70/ Bate bi .1/AL lusits4.L. .=At Shei-Wailes:thci * lt'atc&lfebei, !data* . , street, Montrose, ' • • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers