She Patriot ginnocrat. 3. B. ILINVLET, EDITOR.. PENNiA ‘ 1816,D171111DA P. APRIL 28. 1871. THE SITUATION. Congress has adjourned! The country is relieved! A short breath of freedom from partizan legislation may be drawn, which, all who flake any interest in the wellfare of a true republican form of gov einment will hail with joy. For the benefit of our cotemporary of the Montrose Repu&liran we would repeat that in keeping with the failure .of our aspiring President to make any "magnate allusions" to the important issues that were and still are agitating the people, in his last annual message, Congress has as fully and studiedly disappointed every hope of the people in a return to the ad ministratioh of civil, Constitutional, and impartial government, under Radical power. Having utterly failed to carry out any magnanimous "allusions," they have most adroitly succeeded in perpetrating some of the mostgigan tic "illusions" that were ever attempted, to lure the people of a free Republic into the hands of a parti zan military power. Hope in the minds of the people has been raised, at times, during the last session, in one branch or the other of Congress, by a momentary gleam of light, only to be followed with disappointment and a - pall of greater dark ness We are not of the class who have at any time, neither do we now wish to raise any undue alarm, or sensational cry as to the palpable tendency of the leaders of the party in power, to girdle the blood bought liberties of the once United States of America, by a centralized, partizh, military dictation, but it seems to us that no man of common intelligence and in tegrity, can fail to be convinced by the few but long and weary years of example and experience which are past,. 'that the Executives and Representatives of the nation's confidence, are designedly and willfully premeditating the full usurpation of power; and those to whom, by ,the letter and the spirit of our wise Constitu tion, were only delegated powers, and Iliac only in trust, subject to the will of the people, are dilligently plotting to in stal themselves masters instead of ser vants, and instead of the life-given' free dom of a republican government, in which no man can be deprived of his "life lib erty or property," but by due process of law, meted out ut the hands of a jury of his peers, the role of a military court martial can invade every sovereign State, and a political military execution block be erected upon the ruins of our civil courts ; and instead of a free exercise of an nntramnieled franchise, he may be doom ed to march to tite ballot box under the ban of & military gauntlet, a slave to the beck and nod of some "military satrap: Who says this is but a sensational dogma of' a Democratic editor, needs but to read the - Military Ku Klux Force Nil," which became a law in the land of boasted free dom, by one of the last acts of the XLII Congress. One of the bold attrocities of this bill is the power which it places in the hands of the Executive to suspend the writ of Habeas C7rus, at will. The avowed ob ject of this bill, is to groat the loyal communities in the South, against Kul Klux outrages; but the true animas is to • present by force of arms, if need be, the recerrance, at the Presidential election in 1872, of such Ku Klux outrages as hap pened it New Hampshire, at its last elec tion ; and it is no snore than the true sta tus and demonstrated facts now developed will warrant, to say that the despotic pow er given to Grant is intended that he may declare the whole country in a state of insurrection. proclaim martial law, olam all the legal tribunals, leaving the people without any remedy, save an appeal to n.-ms. Are the people of this country ready to submit their rights, as freemen, thus tamely into the hands of any man, of whatever name, sect or part. 7? Mark how cautiously the mind of the people has been educated to submit to the earn coils of tyranny that are now ham pering them, so sedulously affixed by Rad ical demagogues: When any measure has been brow' bed by them that has Caused the people to become restivejand threaten their overthrow, they have Yet:stilted a little, and covered up their henkriis de signs, with an outward show of actrniesz cence in their wishes, only to renew the attack upon some other ground, until the people to "oft familiar" with the face of " vice;" have endured it, and parted one by one, with many of their sacred rights. .Necessity, the tyrant's plea, during a terrible fratricidal war, and a like inven tion now,is the mother of the same despotic . plea, in times of peace. One hope yet re mains—the ballot boil—though somewhat entmmmelell by infamous legislation ; yet, it is the true appeal, and before this ave nue of escape is rendered worthless, let. a Representative. Republic again bless the land, based upon the fundamental princi ples of pate Deutodracy, and we believe that prosperity will a,gaili covet this nation. Milt on Salt and bini. The New jersey Herald says that when the Honse.toted in favor of free coal and free salt, we thought there inns a .• • prospect'of the people being Mien! 'Of some of their tai hardens, bat tie tire, disappointed. The genate step in, in' favor of 'the monopolists, and says to the country, the duty shall not b tai6i off coat.tind salt, nor from sugar, tea iiiid cofrec - ., .4110 Country used to iely on the Senate-rettl'air treatment; but there it no Angler reliance to be plated on that ball . y; It is completely under the influence 0 thC Ku-Kiris-anti higir larirmanagers.. Cool Troubles. There is a strong probability of a gen resumption among the miners in the Lehigh Valley, The mine of fill, and Fellows Scranton, commenced work on Friday last, all the old miners going to Work, the following notice having been promulgated as the status of these mA. "NOTICE TO MINERS.—The general Council having decreed that each district or region can resume work whenever they are guarrauteed a basis on November pri ces, I hereby announce that the miners in the employ of Messrs. Hill & Fellows are allowed by that decision to cnt coal for home cousumpton. . They are to be paid the November price's 81:21. JOHN J. HOWELL. " President Pine Brook District, No. 45. Hyde Park, April 21, 1871." Sixty-five car loads of coal were taken out or. Friday last. Apportionment Completed The Conference Committee on Friday reported an agreement upon an appor tionment bill and it was finally adopted by a decided vote composed of both po litical parties. In the Senate the bill was passed by a vote of 27 to 4 ; and in the House by 67 - to 30. By this apportion ment a change of four votes will give the Democracy control of the House, where as in that of 1864 it required at least ten, and with the popular vote of the state in our favor, it is very probable we can carry that branch of the Legislature. —The World ttinks that Geary—our own bullet riddled Governor Geary—is afflicted with "chronic versatility and palpable weakness." I.,et us hear no mom of that from the metropolitan press. There is not a State in the Union that can boast of such a Chief Magistrate as our own peerless Geary, and we are not going to see him put upon now that he has had himself "interviewed" prepara tory to entering tho Presidential sweep stakes. We back him against Grant even if he does carry weights in the shape, of a half a ton of rebel lead. In addition to the lead in his legs, Geary has "sand in his craw."—Pift.eburg Post. Connecticut. The canvasser!. of Connecticut, met at -Hartford, on Friday last, to canvass offi cially the returns of the vote for Gover nor and other State officers, and the fol lowin is the report which they will make to the Legislature. English, 47,492; Jew ell, 47,450; Scattering, 17. This gives English a clear majority of 25. Showing that the people of the "Nutmeg 'State" have elected him, but as the returns must go to the Legislature, which is Radical, no human mind can predict, " what may come out of Babylon." Narrow Gamve Ronda A narrow gauge railroad is talked of from Bristol to Doylestown, by the way of Newportville, Flulmeville, Attlebor ough, :Newton, Stoop's Corner, Pineville and Centreville. These roads have an swered well in England where they hay° been tried, and many of them are being constructed. The road proposed would be a profitable one in the carriage of coal and other freight and passengers, and the proper energy would build it. The cost, said to be only 136,000 per mile, makes it a much easier matter to build them than the wide gauge. I=l=l PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNORS.—Pen n - sylvania has had sixteen Governors since 1790. Of the sixteen five are now living —Wm. F. Johnson, residing in the wes tern part of the State; William Bigler, in Clenrfield county; James Pollock, di rector of the Mint of Philadelphia; An drew G. Curtin, Minister to Russia, and Jobn W. Gear!, the present Governor. Curs?. VOIT9.—The close votes in the elections for Governor in New Hampshire and Connecticut bare caused an inquiry as to former memorable instances of that kind, of which there are many. In 1839, Marcus Morton, Democrat, was chosen Governor in Massachusetts by 1 majority. In 1840, Edward Kent, a Whig, was eke ted Governor in Maine by G 8 majority over John Fairfield, Democrat. In 1848, Secretary Ford beat John Weller, Demo crat; for Governor of Ohio, by about 250 votes. In 1850, Horatio Seymour was de feated for Governor on the popular vote in New York by some 250 votes; and in 1854, he was beaten again by the "fusion", candidate Mr. Clark, who had 509 more votes than Mr. Seymour. —"Horse-lien," and others who pre tend to know, say that the following di rections had better be observed in using iVieridais's Cavalry Condition Powders; Gives horse a table-spoonful every night fora week; the same every other night for 4 or 6 nights; the same• for a milch cow, and twice as much for au ox, The addition of a little fine salt will be an ad vantage. We: hare heard recently of several se vere cases of spinal disease cured by Johnson's Ailodyne Liniment : one case of a man forty-five years old, who had not done a day's work for forty years. The back should first be washed, then rubbed with a coarse toweL Apply the Liniment cold, and rub in well with the hand. A Using Bead on a Dead Body. On Monday morning Mr. George Shack fard„ a respectable resident of Little Falls, N.J., fell from the top of a• load of hay, and struck the ground on the back of his neck. After a short time of insensibility his head recovered, but his entire body was paralyzed, and in that condition it remained all the afternoon. The head was Well and healthy, but the body was utterly powerless. Physically Mr. Shack ford.experienced nothing unpleasant be tond his utter helplessness. Megtally— horriir. He dcworsed freely, and des cribed-hilt feelingi in his awful condition. Being tinable to eat, ho failed tast from Tuesday morning. • ogaingt stripttit To e to quit chew mg tobacco; betituse it toys, " He tout is filthy let Mai be fil th"' OIL" ;•;!ite.fthtitt baton lie tit.) ft thytis iii Faxic# ediitiniksiOtifFtiithltftieb Anon both E 'dee Specimen Economy. The Pittsburg Post says: There is no theme so fruitful in self-glorification for the Radical press as that of the reduction of expenses in the administration of pub lic affairs. One would suppose after read ing these effusions that Grant's adminis tration was really a model of economy and retrenchment, Bat when the matter is examined critically it is found to be nothing more than electioneering bosh. The actual state of the case is about this : The expenses of Congress during the past year are more than one million dol lars in excess of what they were during either of the two previous years. It cost two hundred and seventy-two thousand dollars more to collect the, rev enues from customs, than it did last year. The miscellaneous expenses, which in cludes buildings, have increased one mil lion of dollars. The expenses of the United States Courts are one million three hundred thousand dollars in excess of what they were during the fiscal year of 1867-8. There has been an advance of eight hundred - thousand dollars in the expenses of the Interior Department under the re former Delano. The increase in the Pension Bareau amounts in round numbers to eleven mil lions of dollars. The Postoflice Department costs eight hundred thousand dollars more than it did two years ago. here we have an aggregate increase of expenses during the past fiscal year urnounting to sixteen million one hund red and seventy-two thousand dollars, and this does not include the various items that will be dovetailed into the Deficiency Appropriation bill, and which will bring the increase of expenditures fully up to thirty millions of dollars. Now what is there to offset this? This principal item is a reduction of two nril lion two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars in the expense of collecting the in ternal revenue. But the falling off of receipts and the innumerable defalcations of collectors more than counterbalances this reduction, which has been brought about by the consolidation of revenue districts and the reduction of the number of officials. There is a fictitious claim set up, which by comparison with the expenses for the same item during the last two years of President Johnson's term, it is sought to turn into political capitaL We refer to the expenses' of the army and navy. By comparison it will be seen that the aggregate expenses of the army arc one hundred and twenty-five millions less, than they were during either of the last two years of Johnson's administration. But there is no actual saving of expenses in this. The army has simply been re duced. During Johnson's term the Radi cal Congress was repeatedly asked to re duce the military and naval forms but it was refused, consequently, while the stand ing army was large, it necessitated a large extienditure of money. But by compari son,it is found that it cost a large per cent. more now to subsist and pay a thousand soldiers and their officers than it did in 1867-8, so that there has been no reduction in expenses, but in the num ber of men. Add to this that during the years mentioned, more than a hundred million dollars of debts contracted dur ing the war were paid by and charged to the expenses of the War Department, and we find this boasted claim of one hundred and twenty-five millions of dol 1, pu re The war claims paid by the War De partment. and the extra expenses fir the unnecessarily large spading army during 1567-S, is almost equal to what is claimed as a reduction of the public debt in 1870- 71, and the increase of expenses, as shown above, during the latter period indicate that instead of a reduction of expenses, there has been an increase of not less than twenty-five millions of dollars. The collections of the Government from the people in the shape of taxes ag gregate about live hundred millions annu ally, and as the reduction of the public debt—so claimed, from April Ist, 1870, to April Ist, 1671, amounts to only about one hundred millions of dollars, the peo ple would like to know what has become of the other four hundred millions of dollars, which have not only been spent, but other demands created, which can only be met by the Deficiency Appropria tion bill, The claim that the administration of Grant has been an economical one and has saved money for the people, is not sustained by the facts. W hen we take the amounts collected during the last fiscal years of Johnson's and Grant's ad ministrations and deduct from them re spectively the war claims paitlin 1867-8, and the alleged reduction of the public debt iu 1870-71, we find that during the latter year there was fully one hundred million more—excluding the items de ducted.----disl3tirsed by Grant's than by Johnson's administration for the same I period of time. ---.41. sr EMTlaced Clemency. Is it not noticeable in these days when laxity in discipline so lingdy prevails, that we often mistake when the peroga tivo of mercy should be used 7 Beginning with civil government, how frequently we behold the sad effects of mistaken kind ness. 'Tis true we aro all fallible crea tures; and to the honor of human nature be it said, we do forget and forgive; yet how apt we are to be lenient when justice would be not only more fitting, but more kind. It is abuse of mercy to pamper or needlessly wait upon the monster Rulloff, yet how ready and anxious some are to show their cheap sympathy for a wretch, who flouts kindness and scorns alike both justice and mercy. Without citing addi tional instances of the abuse of the attri bute of mercy, how strange it seems that administrators of justice so little regard the influence of this misplaced favor they so often exhibit, upon the well being of society, rendering sentence as though they were not standing between the villian and the commonwealth; as though they had no helpless wives, or unprotected children. It seems to be hard for juries to convict, harder for judges to sentence, and more difficult still for executives to resist granting undeserved pardon. Mur derers upon the scaffold often acknowl edge the justness of their sentence, yet the, mawkish septimentalisra of a large portion of the puldiecia inclined tq loosen their oords tend let them go, failing "in a great tne,ssrtre to sympathise with the ag , grieved mid afflicted friends of the mur dered victim, misplacing their sympathies, and. shedding their tears of sorrow with thelelatiree and fried& of the murderer, .who o t;onspicudinly present themselves het* .the sympatlfttits Crowd, in what are tailed halls of jtistlbei the street, eetnetitiiet ri C heal' rden speak admiringly of the skill displayed ty the stealthy as sassin; of their cunning in eluding offi cers of justice; when oar securities are stolen from their place of deposit, we hear men jestingly speak of the shrewd opera tions of the adroit.thief, betokening a lax determination to punish the guilty, offer ing an indirect encoriMgenomit to the murderer and thief to be Smart, and they shall be applauded. Public sentiment is mightier than law; then wily do men treat so lightly the commission of crime, aiding in dividing public opinion, en couraging the vicious in their career of vice, and leaving their.own door ajar fur the ingress or the murderer and robber? In all this as a people - are we notgrowing weaker? Some regard. the tempering of justice as a favorable omen; relapsing from the hard and inflexible rigidity of earlier times, to be more humane and merciful treatmettt of later days. It may be, that the growing disposition to see all men upon an equality, gives rise to a re laxation of authority, and that the uni versal sentiment in favor of absolute free dom, induces many to seek absolute li censew--Gvhen, (N. Y.) Republican. What hi a Carpet-Bagger t When the civil war closed, and its dan gers had passed away, a swarm of "loyal" adventurers, whose occupation was to shout loudly for the suppression of the rebellion, but to incur no personal risk in defense of the Union, rushed down to the South, with their carpet-bags in hand, fol lowing the track of the victorious army like so many hungry vultures. They had neither ammeter, nor credit, nor money. Their wnrdly goods were in the bags which they carried. They went in search of plunder, intending, when gorged, to return to their navtive North. They had no sympathy or tie with the people whose homei they invaded to despoil. They sought Federal and State offices, and by shameful practices obtained both, only to rub and rule with the vilest tyran ny and the mod shocking venality. The whole tiovetiment of South Carolina is in their hands is-day, with a mixed ex cept ion, and almost every Southern State groans under a dmilar affliction. Such is the cadet-bagger. A canting, I thieving knave, who drawls through his nose a lecture on "moral ideas" end 'hu man rights," and pichs your pocket at the same time; or, like the pious Whit te more. sells a eadetslip, while waiting de mand for his vote. There are numbers of them who have infested this city for years; who own no property ; who have no visible means; who pay no taxes; who vote elsewhere, and yet who have the aud acity to intrude in the local affairs of people of this district. Between this Ishmselite class and the citizen who comes here to settle among us, to exist his lot with oars, and to take his share in the fortunes of the District, there is of course no analogy. All such deserve to be, will be, and have been cor dially welcomed, whether they hail from North or South, Easter West, and wheth er they come with or without means. The moment a mah - drossel the threshold of this district, intending to reside here, he is entitled to the same privileges and rights as the oldest citizen. No different spirit has ever been manifested, and no other people have ever shown a readier or more liberal hospitality toward the stran ger, without regard ke his political or re- There is me city in the Union so cosmopolitian as Washington, and so entirely free from provincial preju dice in its social organization. And this itio ° c l o t t ri l d o si etion i lt n t i l e l e n m t s: n a i n t d nf o t f hP. a n n e t t tr i t n e u n - r ed collision of outspoken thought and liberal ideas. The future of this District depends greatly upon immigration. If there was no higher motive to encourage it, that of self-interest would naturally prompt-us to advocate it in the largest tense. And it would be farthest from our thoughts to suppose that the enterprise r intelligent la bor, refinement, and walth which are in vited here to aid us in building up the National Capital, could, by any possibili ty, be classified in the category of the odious creatures. knorn as carpet-bag gets, who hare done so much damage in the South and to distract the peace and hamrony of the Union.— Wash. Pairod. Foreign Gleanings. —The cannonade of the Maillot Gate continues. —The Dukeof Brogile has retnrned to his post as French Ambassador to Loudon. —The Assembly at Versailles now re jects all propositions for armistice and conciliation. —lt is announced that Germany sup ports the claims of the inhabitants of Alsace against France. —The fire hundred million francs in demnity due on the Ist of April from France to Prussia remains unpaid. —The Parisians hare been driven to the right bank of the Seine, and have not attempted to return to Asnieres. —Several thousand interred troops hare just reached Versailles from Switzer land, and thirty-two thousand more are ready to follow. —Dombrowski reports that Versailles agents assassinated the Nationals, and the police agents stripped the dead Commun ists on the field. —The Versailles army hare thrown up intrencbments on the left bank of the Seine, and are now concentrating at Puteaux and Conrbevoie. —The Prussian military authorities have required the government to furnish information of the number of troops daily arriving at Versailles. —A despatch, dated at St. Denis, says that there are symptoms of the Prussians leaving the forts, which will be given up to the regular government. —The taking of Asnieres was accom plished by stratagem: The troops of the line stimulating friendship and fraterni zation, thus passed the outposts of the in surgents without difficulty. —During the discussion in the Corks yesterday, Senor Castello spoke to strong terms of' condemnation of the house 'of Savoy. Ho was called to order by several members on the 3linisterial side, and a scene of confusion ensued which only ter minated in the adjournment. —Another revolution is imminent in France, the cumtraten ;having arrested the Central Ccimmittee on the ground of its negotiatin g ivith Fresideqt 'nierr to betray Paris ; turu, the Nation atOnards threatea to great' the Commune sinless the committee are released, Complete anarchy reigils in Paris. ,tonnebtitut 'loads thirty-113 a wid two of original 11:eTo1ntipgary sohliere. Stigose the youngest 4 44 theta to hare tatirrietl at the age dmitithe beginning of war e she most no' to ill retry CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. SENATE, April 17.—The Sdnate'refuse4 to recede from its amendments to the Ku- Kln~ bill , a Committee of Conference was ordered; a Committee of Conference was also ordered 'the: Deficiency bill. The joint resolution authorizing Professor. Henry of the Sinithsonion Institute to receive a title from the King of Sweden, was passed. At one o'clock the Senate went into Ex ecutive session. After the doors were opened the House bill donating cannon to the Pennsylvania Military Legion of Philadelphia, was passed. Mr. Stewart submitted a joint resolution proposing au amendment to the Constitution, providing for a system of free common schools ; ob jected to and withdrawn. After some further business the Senate took a recess, and upon re-assembling adjourned. Hors..—Under the call of the States, a number of bills were introduced. The House then proceeded to consider the res olution introduced by Mr. Bell, of New Hampshire, disapproving of payina b off more than 825,000,000 of the public debt each year. A test motion to lay it on the table was rejected—yeas, 3; nays, 169. The House refused to second the previ ous question, and the resolution went .over. A resolution instructing the Presi dent to cause to be submitted to the Joint High Commission the claims of American Fenians imprisoned in England, was of fered, but its opponents prevented action being taken on it by not voting. No quorum voting, a call of the House was ordered; but the morning hour was expir ing, the resolution went over. Several motions to snspend the roles and pass bills were negatived. At 2:45 P. 11., the House adjourned. SEN.IT➢„ April 18i—The Senate took up Mr, Blaies resolution calling for hrfor maim' as to any stipulation or agreement between the Attornev-kleneral and coun sel in reference to the case of Yerger, be fore the Supreme Court, by which hear ing was postponed. Pending discussion, the report from the Conference Commit tee on the Kn-Klux bill was received. Al so, the report of the Conference Comm it• tee on the Deficiency bill. The report on the Ku-Klax bill was discussed until 5:40, when the Senate took a recess. In the evening session the debate was re sumed. The report was finally agreed to— yeas, 32; nays, IG. The report on the Deficiency bill was then taken up and de bated. liorsE.—ln the House,. Mr. Butler asked leave to make a personal explana tion, but Mr. Beck objected. Mr. Bell's resolution, on the subject of the reduc tion of texation, was discussed by Messrs. Cox, Nibble]: and Kelley. At the expir, ation of the morning hour it went over. The following Senate bills passed; To restore Commander George A. Stevens to the active list: to authorize the payment of duplicate checks of disbursing officers; to create a port of delivery at Potomac, Va.; to enable the Athmtic and Pacific Railroad Companys to mortgage its road ; to amend the act of July 4, 1870, to rt since internal taxes, in reference to the transportation of goods in bond; to au thorize the Secretary of the Treasury to convey the United States Branch Mint at at Dablonegu,Git., to the Trustees of the Forth Georgia Agricnitursl College. At 4:20 P. lr., the house adjourned. SI:NATF., April 19.—After the reading of the journal, the Senate went into Ex ecutive session. At one o'clock the doors were opened, and the following bills pass ed : Hume bill cOnvotl ing the f, g ialattln: of New Mexico in December, 187 u; House bill to amend the Internal Revenue laws so as to pros ide that in case of difference of guage ut connecting railroads, goods may be transferred from one elm to anoth er, under the personal supers ision of an inspector. The Senate concurred in the amendment to the bill for the relief of N icholas P. Trist. The Executive session was then resnsued. At 4:15 r. u., the doors were again opened, and a new Com mittee of Conference on the Ku-Klux bull ordered. The report of the new Com mittee of Conference on the Deficiency bill, was concurred in. A recess was then taken. Upon re-ssseruhling at 8:30 r. 31., the bill for the sale of the Indian Chero kee hinds was passed. Housk.—The House met at half-past ten. A new Committee of Conference on the Deficiency bill was appointed. A number of bills were introduced and re ferred. Mr. Shellabarger, from the Com mittee of Conference on the Ku-Klux bill, made a report and P - splained at. Mr. Kerr, the minority member of the Com mittee, opposed the report. The debate was continued by Messrs. Beck, Brooks, Willard, Blair, Poland and Burchard against the report, and by Messrs, Butler and Kelley in favor. The debate was then interrupted by the presentation of the re port on the Deficiency bill, which, after a few remarks, was recommitted. Mr. Bing ham opposed the Sherman amendment to the Ku-Klux bilk Mr. Farnsworth also op posed the Conference report, Messrs, Smith, of New York, and Perry supported the report. The debate was the» dosed, and the Conference report was rejected—yeas. 74; nays, 106, and a new Committee of Conference was ordered. Among the Re publicans voting with Democrats in the negative were Messrs, Banks, Bingham, Blair of Michigan, Conger, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, tiartieki, :Hawley. Hooper, Packer of Pennsylvania, Poland, Sheldon, Strong, and Toweend of Pennsylvania. The Conference report on the Deficiency bill was then taken np, and Mr. Dawes explained it. The report was agreed to. The House then took a recete. SENATE, April 20.--=A Committee was appointed to wait on the President and inform him that Congress was ready to adjourn. At 1240 P. bt. the Senate went into Executive session. At two o'clock the doors were opened, and the President declared the Senate adjourned without (lay. Horss.—The Rouse met at half-past ten o'clock, and received a message from the Senate informing the Rouse that the Senate had concurred in the Conference report on the Ku-Klux bill. Judge Po land, Mr. Shellagarger and others, ex plained and advocated the report, while Messrs. Kerr, Beck and others leading Democrats opposed it. Tile Rouse then passed the bill by a vote of 04 to 71. The benate concurrent resolution for adjourn. merit at 2 p.m. was passed. Mr. Butler moved to suspend the rules so as to per. nit him to make a personal explanation in referenne fo -the scene in the Senate between himself and Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, Agreed to, Dir. Butler then made an attack on the personal chardpter Of Senator Dayis. /re alio Made allusions to Mr. FarnsWorth, which brought that gentleman to the floor. Mr. Farnsworth Oinqe(llintlet With embezzlement of the funds of the National Soldiers' Asyluni, and peritiry . „ fr. Deck replied to Biplerli . _ . . attack on Gairett Davis, and said ho had seen Farnsworth shake his fist under Bo t. ,leys nose in the Committee-room, in the resence of members of the House, and utler ditinot resent it. TWO colloquy was Teri . personal in its character, Nessra. Farnsworth and Beck both assailitik But ler witliout mercy. At 2 o'eloek the Speaker's hammer MI, puttinimn Mid to the controversy, and the House was de: clared adjourned without day. Carelessness. • carelessuessi_in a mania quite as repre hensible as in a woman. A woman care less and untidy in matter of dress will be found to be equally so in household affairs; she will be as innocent - of - a well ordered house as of a well arranged toilette. So in a man, carelessness in his person will in variably be found to extend ,to business, and in course of time he will become care less of his home and affections, of his morals and reputation, of the perform ance of his promises, and indifferent of the opinion of the world. Carelessness and indolence hence travel hand iu hand; the one ever connected with and insepa rable from the other. No confidence can be placed in the industry of a careless man ; no hope of his attaining to position or distinction in the world. Living but for his own ease turd indulgence, he seeks it in the present, taking no heed for the morrow; postponing imperative duties until the opportunity for adjusting his af fairs to his OWII or his family's interest is passed; he is ever found to be a victim of his own carelessness, and procrastination, often bringing ruin upon himself and dis grace to those whom he should shield from want and infamy. 4. man too indolent to give proper at tention to his dress, with soiled linen, neg lected hands and unroll:4A boots, his whole appearance indicative of carelessness and neglectful habits should necer be looked upon with favor by the opposite sex. A careless husband is a matrimoni al bankrupt; therefore young ladies should'beware of wastino their affections upon a young man whose appmrance de notes indifference in personal matters.— All the talot and genius in the world, unless it be blended with industry and perseverance, with a due respect for the opinion of the world, esteem of mankind, and with a proper respect for sac will not be able to keep a family in the necessaries of life, or to command that influence ne cessary to obtain for children honorable positions in the world. There are two classes of men equally to be avoided by the female sex—thu careless, neglectful men, and the man who sports Shalt jew elry. The one will prove throughout Ns whole life a failure, and with whom a on ion could not but be attended with the most diliterious consequences; the other, in every act of his hie, will be found to be utterly devoid of truth and upright ♦ ness, a stranger to integrity, and an in n separable companion of deceit and false pretension. Xocal ttitiligrucc. Business Notices —'fbose subscribers who bare promised us wood will oblige us by bringing it a little near er, for it is a little too far off at present forth , to A number of mh...irllaneous ad-f..rtkentrits from Geo. P. Rowell S: Co., published this week. —Dr. D. A-. Lathrop 'announces by card and adverti,emcnt this week that he IA now prepared In rare the lame nod the halt, and k moy be the blind. Call on him. —Elias ii. Welman enutiotst thcpeople against purchasing a note given to Peter Keck for patent right. —Notice of the dissolution of the firm of Webb Sr. Gcse, April Ist. Business at the old stand continued by 11. J. Webb. Personal Our thanks are due Boa. L D. Shoemaker, fur the first public Document, ever received by Lt 9 from Washington, since we have been pub lishing the DEMOCR.I7. oc:m Railroad Meeting Remember the meeting of the subscribers to the Montrose Railroad Contpany to-morrow, April 27th, for the election of President and twelve Directors, at Springville. Wouran School. Directors, The bill providiog, for the election of women for School Directors has been defeated in the House of Representatives at Ilarrisburg, by the very decisive vote of 67 to 27. Full Moon. It is worthy of note that there be X full moon the first week of each of the first seven months of the pear. In July there will be two full moons, vir.: on the second and 31st. And in the remaining five months the moon will be at the' full on the last day of each month. Boller Explosion The boiler 'o Sutton's steam mill, in New 31ilford, situascd.on the East Lake, exploded on Tuesday the 18th Instant, killing the engineer and damaging the mill to the /IMMO% of $l2OO. Barney Butterfield, the engineer, was tt son of widow Butterfield, of New Milford Boro, a young man about 18 01.20 years of age: lie lived about five boars after the accident. The immediate cause of the explosion we have not learned. Fire to Thomson Rev. N. P. Bartell's house was burned last week. The fire caught in the roof while they were all absent, except one young lady. Mr. Sandi and son were quite a distance from the house, in a back field at work, bet reached it in time to save part of the furniture. Me was in tending to build a new house this summer, and bad some of tbo lumber in the . ghnit for tin purpose of seasoning, which was also burned; also about one hundred bushels of potatoes which he bad in the cellar. We have not learn ed the estimated loss, but there was no Jesus. ance.—Montrose Republican. Remembered. Wo can truly eatify that our table has been graced with some of the finest honey, audio the generous amount of a large box, well tilled, for which we would tender our obligation to our friend and eqbacriber,3r, J, D. Chalker of Brook dale. We can fully appreciate ono part of the joys of-that Scriptural land ihllt lowed with milli and honey." To Stop Bleeding. " It is said that bleeding from tivround, on man or beast, may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in equal parts, Wend on with a cloth. ,If the bleeding be profuse, use a large quantity, say from one to three pints. It May be left on for 'tours, even days, ifneceisary. 'The person iito gave us this receipt, says that, In this manner, he saved a home `which "Wan bleeding fronkiorroandcd artery.'" The Pleedlus ceased in five ~ , peinateii after gm. ,application.-. , Elk Adeavele. " eonsumption Mn.. Enrron :—I saw a notice in your last issue stating that on the 29th day of April, there I would be en examination of graves In the Cemetery, in West Lenox, near Mr. Whitneys, With a. view of arresting the ravages of Con , •atimption in a certain family, fie. Theitudltion Is this, when a' number of the wrembet4 of any family seem to be failing, one after another from Consumption, it is because the dead are praying upon the living ; and that the kat dying does not decay, and return to dust, until the death of another member of the family. Or should it be found on examination that the vitals had de=yed, the „first member, in the eounxion will be found =decayed, as to its yards; or there will he retard' a vogitabler growth in the dust, centering Ds roots In the vitals, as near as may be, This plant, or the undeeayed vitals, must be removed, and burned to ashes and taken by the living, and then the fearftlfatiges of Consul:elk tion will be arrested• Now, Mr. Editor, allow roe to give you the history of what I once saw myseif, end what has been the result. More than 'thirty-three years ago, there !feed in Jeffrey N. li., a family by the name of Johd Frost, three members of which had died with Consumption. One other member was but just alive, as was supposed, dying with Cone sumption, andotbers were in different stages of that fell dlsca'se.• Hearing from different SOLITUS reports CO t• firming the truthfulness of the statement in thct tradition, above refered to, they resolved to test its virtue by an examination. Public notice of that fact was given, and probably a hundred people were present to seer it. Two grates were to be opened, the first and last, in the Tale of death. The first grave wsur that of the grandmother of the family,stax the' fathers skle, dead eighteen years. On opening that grave, all that it contained of mortality, sate dust, was the lower Jaw and one large tone in one of the lower limbs. Theta was no vitality or form of it, either' regelable or animal. The second grave contained the last dead of the family, a girl that had been dead about nine months. On opening that grace the body Wag found not to he decayed but slightly in;any part: The same would be true of any ode dying with any disease except some putrid disease. Nina' months would prpduce hut slight change in a body excluded from the air and five feet in the ground. But the body was opened-and the lungs, heart, liver and stomach were taken tat and delivered to the family for them to Mince to ashes and take to cure the farther prosiest' of Consumption in their r•.mks. Now what was the result? Is the tradition true? When I was in New Hampshire last fall, fry the same cemetrv, standing beside these graves and others, I asked a citizen of that place if any' other members of the Frost family bad died of Consumption since the above discribed examina tion? He told me that two, and I think three, had died since that time and others were feeblb showing the failure of this infallible remedy. It did not arrest in any degree the ravages of Consumption in that family. But I have no drrupt if did as much for then) as it could for any one. In this case and alf other simular ones, the teudancy of Consump tion is inherited and cannot be eradicated any' easier than the Ethicqr,nin ran change his skin. It seems-strange to me, that any one shonltt think of receiving medical assistance from any such source or that any one should believe In such a tradhion. It has no reason or facts to support it. After the case above mported, I took pain., to inquire as to the correctness of such cases,• and I found in every - case that, 'lt wca said by some body, that some body said, soiree one else, some where, had heard of some one who knew of a case over same where, that was so." Very Respectfully, A.. 0. IVAnttzN Coal Olt Lamps, • Fill your lamps by daylight and keep them cleansed. Never burn rr lamp when it le less than half full of oil. Never hi! a lamp near the fire, Turn the wick down bef6re blowing it out. Keep your lamp-in a cool place. Coal oil is crplr.vive »lxtt betted. Don't let your childrut meddle with oil or lamps. If you want to blow yourself tom, pour a-little oil our of your era vs the ire to , start it If you ha'un't sense enOugbe t 6 use coal oil properly, burn candles. Insurance. 3foxrnosit, Pa., April - 29, 187 f. ED. DEIfOCBAT : .The following notice re , fors to one of the solid Philadelphia fire Insur ance Companies, and, which appears to na, fa , a long step toward the resumption or epecia payrncett Ti *Eros the' Fithfib Berard Philadelpbla of A'pri Uth, 1871 :---The Franklin Fire Insurance Corn pany, have declared a quarterly dividend of eight dollars per share, payable on and after the IStb of April, irr elear of nil buts. It& prof dividend is n new feature, and is, we think, the' first voluntary division of a coin profit, by an incorporated company, since the suspension. A New Route to the Coal Regions.. A correspondent of rim "World," et Para Jervis furnishes the following nabbed gossip,. which is certainly important, if true: Borne' time a,, ,, rra darer was grunted for a railroad to connect the coal region with the Dust= States: This project has since laid dormant, but is noel , being revived with every prospect of sums& It is proposed to start the road at one of the many roads centering at Wiikesbarre, Pa. It, will then strike the valley of the Delawaie, and follow up that river to Port Jervis, where ft will cross the Erie and connect, with the Mutt• cello and Port Jervis RaUroad, aimed in ex collent running order, and doing a large busi ness; following up the Neversink valley, Priming through Sullivan and Ulster counties, and meet— ing the Hudson at Ponglikeethie on the large. suspension bridge proposed built at. that city. It will then continue its course easterly. stricking some of the main lines leading to the larger New Famed SulloW. N. D. Whitney, Esq., of counsel fix Edward N. Runoff, has handed to. us, a con,' ofa polOont for commutation of the sentence of death, tat imprisonnteitt for life. It has been steed bye numberof our prominent citizens: Boort/arras, Apnl 18,187 f. To Ha Erreilenty, lion. John 7'./foffnunt, Gore,. nor of the Slate of Nato York: Bit —We, -the Undertinged, citizens of the state of Now York, represent that Edward U, Runoff, was at the Court of Over andTerminer, held in and for the county of 'Broome ' Septettk. ber, 18701 indicted for the murder of Frederick .4 zik, on the 17th of Augustlast,. at Bing. ham, . That nt the Court of Oyer and Ter. miner,' old - at Binghamton, inlanuary last, he was trictrciti ttiii said indictreentould was eon. victed of murder In the first degree, and that be. was subsequenfirsentenced to be executed :on the 18th day,.of May next, at Binghamton. Therefore; your petitigners respectfully pray thatt the said Edward H."Rtilloil, be by Your Excellency commuted to that of' lifipristApment lu some of bur state prisons for life. It la requesfed that persona &Am*, to alga this petition, call at the office of Beam; Eact , } r9. 4 3 .-Cii l3 o Pt _ rcct:—Bin#7Emntwa RellecY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers