ELAMS, PLAsTEL—We PAN' baba um ample sapplvklev:b tiroand Valer, tor gala at ntrose , by T et CHASIER. Iloawaaa Feb. 8,1871. ew ri.y4(9401141 . 1,Ae5:4:34 Illi01111:111RSIUSSII WILL ItECEM PROPOSALS o g rforniableg material and betiding' school bane on the premises of Anderson Johnson, West Dimock, user the Jessup line at the residence of mid Johnson, on Saturday, April B th,i 1871, the amore to be completed and ready for acceptance by the first day of October next. Plan and specifications can be found with either of the Committee. HENRY C. SIIIILP EPHRAIM H. HOW'S, Dims*, Muth 4'1,1871.-3w Committee. TO =HY, A GOOD DAIRY FATLY.—WIII put on from ten to AZ. twenty Cows, if deintd. YLIORAS IL DORNELT. ftiouxlnt, Nardi ft, URI Good Gem to the Soldiers of The War of 1812, A ND TLIZIR WIDOWS I—Corctreso has recently port. A ed • Law Granting Pensions of Eight Doi tors per month, where tbcre was • Service of Sixty Day. or 11:101.P. For many of you I towered Land Warrant.. from IMO t . o . in t ind m my record, t,rct. an n d e ga i pL 7 r., mo In de, , fan p t . loit sions,and persons bringing or Bending their el n olmo to my eteace can have the benefit of my moods, and thole business will be promptly attended to at rotes eo. taathied by law L. F. FITCH, lioutunie. March S., ism dar FA (4:4.o:*4:votowcts 11\TOTICE LB lIEREBT GIVEN, That In pursuance of ill se set of Assembly, the following named perrons have lied their petitions with the Clerk or the Coot of t4tlter newilons of the Peace, In and for the County of nettanna, for Licenses to keep Taverns, Eating Roues, and to sell Liquors by measure In said county : J. 0. Bullani. Brooklyn, Tavern. L. 8. Lewis, Clifford,. Tavern. John Foster, Friendeville .Tavern Alm Tierney Friendeville. .. .. Eating_llouw. Charles IL Moors, Gibson, Tavern. 8. R. Holmes, Gibson, Tavern. Usury Ackert, Great Bend Born, Tavern. Michael Kabul. Great Rena Born, ........ .... .Tavern. ti.7:f3iaTionjareaiDen7:liiony --" '' tat ern, George McNamara, Great Bend Bon, By Mnanatv. Dab H . Smith, Great Bend Township, Tavern. John M. Myers, Derrick, Tavern Judson Stone, 'Jkl Fo' st Lake, Tu g ern. ilizabeth Gary, Jaeksun Tavern. David Wilmarth, Lathrop Tavern. C. N. Ham, Montrose Tavern. John S. Turbo% Montrone Tavern. Suns i Nichols. Montrose, lily Deanne, Abet Tureen, Montrose . ..... By Meanure. Ainey & Hayden, New klltordlittni By3l eatture. Wm. Smith, New Milford Bon%. . ...Tavern Philander Phinncy New Milford Dort, .. '- Charles Morse, Rush N. D. Sayer, Ruth W. U. Sherwood Bash P. E. 1.3,..... 1 „ spri.g.iii, Jeremiah Stephens . . hAngrille .... . Taros.. Denali" Ouey, Stuarebanna - Depot,... ...... fly M. aSIIIV. Frebeill P. Idmen. tioNdetutoe DOIX)C. 'By ?dennure. Thorns Fermon. Subquehanna Depot, BY I ' 6 ' 4 " re. William Howarth, Sagoachanna Depot....E.eti ng nom ae. John P. Kent do do Hating lioaAr Frank anima do d 0...... Eating lionae lit ichaeljo c : gla do do hating Donee. Martin rring d 0........ .do - Tavern. W. W II Lehkiaa,. -.do do Tzivvru. A. H. ,Dandall do Jacob Docker, Jeraup.. do Wis. H. Packer, Ilarford, ... .. ........ . . do J. W. yanbcrn, Thomson . . . . . ... do . . Jelneph D Llnnbei7. Auburn T. J. Barn., Grunt Bend . I==E=M , L, F. 60 -cmgrata Iletrfurd Wm. Goa, ILtrfard Jky Thompson, Manx!: T. J. Planer, Brooklyn Montrose, March COUIT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, The Honorable F. D. Streeter. President of the Court of Quarter Senior of the Peace, and Court of Common Plea. and Orphans Courtin the Thir. temath Judicial Dtstrict, composed of the counties of Susquehanna and tradford, and the lions R. T..Ashl,) and A. Bsldoin, Associate Judge. in Susquehanna County, bane issued their precept, to me directed. for holding a Court of Quarter Sessions. Common Pleas and At ii l i pb=mrt. in the Hero of Montrose and county of a, on the 5:1 Monday of April, 1811, it being thetOth day. Nosica to nr.rtEDY Gtrals To the Coroner and Jas. Hera of the Peace of said county of Susquehanna, that they may be here to their proper persona. at o'cicek in the afternoon of mid day, with their records and inqui sitions, and other remembrances, to do those titiqms which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by recoguirances against the prisoners that are or obeli be in the Jail of said conuty of Sulam:, henna. are to be there, to prosecute *gallant them as writ be just. Dated et Montrose, the 20th nt Mnreh. in the yes! of our Lind one thousand ctght hundre land WM. T, OX LEY, Sh. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 33, 12!!. 4w BT. VITUS' DARCE CURED BT MRS. A. A. TAYLOR.—NO CURE NO PAY She can be coneulted at her reAdence in Briagewn ter, on the farm adjoining Ex-Shedd' Johnson. kt.t of referenees given. A. A. TAYLOR. Bridgewater, March V., IS7I. If fiInEEMELT-WIP"fElt E LAT-a. 1313. BY VIRTUE OF WRITS bosun/ by the l'ourt of Corn- CM Maas of Susquehanna County and to tee di rected, 1 will expose to sale by public vendor, at the (burl Cicalae In llontrcose, on Saturday, April Nth. 1871, at one o'clock P. M., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : AU that certada piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Great Bend. in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania' known as the Elijah bkin nrr hum,lataly deeded by eald Elijah Skinner to George W. Scranton, and by mic George W. Scranton to Elise T. Young and Edgar Thomas.and now fn possession of Os mei iteed,bounded on the north by lands"( }loses Brown, 011'10 Mt by lands known as the Young. Skinner and Thomas tracts, on the south by lands of A. T Tree. bridge and John Blanding. and on the woo by an de of A T. Trowbridge, David Thomas, and the late Jaime Mc Crory, deceased. containing 400 acres, be the Raffle more Or fete, and all the right, title, interest and claim of mid R. T. Toting and Edgar Thomas in the nate-mill former ly oneljpioa by the said Elijah !skinner, and the water and min privilegeappertaining thereto, and in about fire acres of bind on which mid mill stands, anih•r and by virtne of a lease made and execat d by //owe Brown to George W. Scranton for said privilege and said five Beres of hmd, being the same farm and tool of land, mw-mill and mill privilege which John Young. Esq ll4h Sheriff of Susquehanna county aforesaid. conveyed to Ike told Benjamin S. Bentley. bowing dote the 111th day of January ETA which said Bentley and wife con veyed to said Irene G. Reed. e ith tho appurtenances, three dwellingbourns, four bullet, one raw-mill. out buildings, otrhW,. and about 9:013 acre" improved. [To ken in execution at the suit of G V Bentley leme G. Reed and Morahan Frisk, Ernest Emmen, ()stet bout, and IL .1 Preston, Terre Tenants ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcel of land sitnate in the township of Bridgewater, in the county of cue sznetianna and State of Pennsylvanio. bounded end dr. =flied as fames, to wit: Beginnin.7 et a poet, the north-mat COMM of a lot of land now or ice of Dm& Searle; thence along the line of eller Krarl• lot south (4:1 degrees and to minutes west. Pit percloes to a post thence north 10 minutes weft vy perches tea poet : thence north to degrees amid° minas es esa. 191 perches to a post' thence eoathi thirty minotec met, asj., perch es to .be place of beginning, containing 97 scree, with allowance, be the same more or less, with the appurte names, I frame house, 1 frame horn, 1 wagon house. I orchard, and about 75 acres Improved, [ raken in roe cotton at the mat of Jackson Baldwin vs, Allred Bald wi.] ALSO—ALI that certain piece or pared of 'and situate In the Borough of Goon Bend. in the county of Susque hanna and State of Pctinsalvania, bounded and describ ed as follow., to wit: Beginnining at a point in the easterly vide of Main street in said Borough. at the junc tion of Water Lane with mid Math street thence east erly along the southerly video( mid Water Lane 120 feet to land contracted to Cyrus Decker; thence along Deel,,- cr's line southerly 81 feet to land contracted to A. W . Larrabee ; • thence along said Larratwee Hue westerly 110 feet to mid Main street; thence northerly along mid Main aired 51 feet to the place of beginning, contOning 831 square feet of land, be the wane more or hats, with the appurtenance. 1 frame do ening h else, and all im en In execution at the roll of George ETeic ra, Newton W. Boyce and Walter Pal ntin, assign ed to L. J. Stratton vs. Neaten W. Decoy.] - ALSO—AII those two pieces or parcels ef land situate in the township of Rash. in the county of Susqnshanna and Stile of Pennsylvania, the fleet thereof bounded and described as follows. to wet: Beginning at an iron-wood in the original emit linen( the Roben Carson warrantee, thence north 'a degrees west to perches to a beech ; thence north at degrees mat alone the hue of said Car son surrey to [becomer of releg. iload , ev's land, thence cast tctopost tun range with the line of land known so the Francis tract Cooing the Hannah ilumply searrnateet thence south, still in the range of the emit line of the Francis tract to the eouthmet corner hereof, hero; the southeast corner of the Justice Fianiee arruntic thence wed don the eolith lino of the ref Juetice Frank's tract to the place of beginning, containing lOU .... acres be the same more or leo The second ~ira or thereof adjoining the above described piece of Girbonded and described as followe, to wit: Berth ming at a hemlock tree corner, a corner of land of Peleg Headley (now dammed); thence cart ith s perches to a post, another corner of said Headley's lend; thence .math St degrees west 45 perches to a poet: thence south Si nevem east V perches to a port; theory ,oath hO perches to • hemlock tree, the southeast corner of the original survey; thence west 1611 perches to a post, the southaresteorner of the originsurr ey ' thence north 17 degrees met, 1415 perches to the beginning. containing , 130ameie and 1.10 perches of laud, 'octet measure, be the same more or less; excepting and reserving, out of the last Mote described land to the nee of the school home where it new glands, being half an acre which George 1 UMW deeded to the school direetora of Ruth townattfp, for thealte for • !school house add no other purpose, and also the privileg of keeping up a mildsun es it stood erect de on the MI day of April, 1140, and taking the teeter en deeded to L Othei S. Carter by the said Geinge Little for the afotaald purpose and no other, with the appurte naneml, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, and other out build logy, 1 orchard, and about UV OWED improved. [Taken in caseation at the snit of R. 4.1. Moore vs. John 1,., Moon.] ALSO—An that Certain piece or parcel of land eituate In the township of Bash. in the cowry of Soequelianna and Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of Benjamin Canfield, on the cast by lan& of Wid ow Norton, on the month and west by bade of Albert and AnArew liibbord, containing 109 acres of land, be the same more or low with the apj: f rt i enances, 1 frame house, I frame barn, and coattail , 1 orchard, and about 25 serve improved .—[ Taken execution at the snit of D. P. li[bisard. assigned to A, Lathrop, vs. b, A. illbeassekar A. /I D. R. Lathrop. tea. S. A. Shoembee, D. Hankinson. vs. S. A. Shoemaker, avid C. P. Road. ad miniatrator of Samuel Roberts. deceased, sottSovO to A. J. Gerri Don. vs.ll. A. Shoemaker.] ALSO—AII that certain place or parcel of land situate in the township of Huh, county of Susquehanna, and State of Peonsylnairt. bounded on the north by lands of Jay Martin. on the cast by lands of John C. Graham end Charles Galligan, on the south by lands of James Logan. 534 On the West by lands of —Mellon. Cons Slag 108 saws of land. be the same more or lma, with the apprptenances. I frame Niue. I frame barn, small eichard. and about Macre. Improved —Palm le exe cutes at me salt of Theodor° Devine, me of C. Hob. I .6 l 6— G ri ge 11 = 44 that plea, or of of lual situate Is tbsiournshi t i t s lik ti ndt,ln the voitoty of Susquehanna and SO" • or la , bounded on the north by Maas of Sdirsid on the east lauds lienry Gram on soutlab *liana and cm the we by taste of dames Lfafgas containing &lams of Lod, samemote or t with the appartaaantsh and scree ha (Taken in execution at the salt off of Al and Pfdl 1p O. =,1M 16 Ottatti phonse D. ALSO—AS t lb f uti. t cortein place of and , Innate in the of ADi DM county of bug cehanort and ErtSZClins.Dfoida. banded OS thc north by laud' at Hien Reynolds, en the 3tby lands et James Logan, on the south b y) _lands of William Donna , and cm the went by lands of William N. Bennett, containing 63 acres of land, be the lame more or less, with the appurtntiances, 1 frame house, 1 young ombaniandall improved. in execution at the snit of Phalle. Reynolds, to t= of C.D. Lathrop, rs. Thomas Dentin 2d.) ALSO—AII that certain plans or parcel of bud situate in the township of gpringirille, In the county ofensque. banns, and State of Paineylesais, bounded cm the north by hods of Veiny Ken on the east by lands of Jolla' Ike on the south by , leading to Nicholson and 'Prat ing bottndry between said aud Dennis Johnson, and west by lands of William Gistes 4 containing RD acme of land be the same more or less with the appartts ruiners, I small frame house, 1 small frame barn, and about 8 5 acres Improved.—(Taken In execution at the suit of E. K. Bunnell annigned to Kirby Bunnell, vs. Saran V. Whitlock and Wallace H. Herrick. T. T.] ALSO—AII that certain piece of land situate to the township of Rush, In the county et Susquehanna, and Baste of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: On the north by lands of George Harney, on the cast by lands of Benjamin Otis on the south by lands of S. A. Shoemaker, and on the west by laude of Ilenry Deis, containing about 50 acres of land be the same more or leas, with the appurtenances, I frame honer, 1 frame barn, t frame corn honer, I young or chard and about 40 acres Improved.—]Taien In execu tion at the suit of M. W. Smith, to the ate of D. D. Searle, vs. Charles Who, and H. A Roberts.]: ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of lanll situate Indhe towtuiltip of Franklin in the county of Sasquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow., to wit: On the north by land of Raymond Smith, on the cast by the public highway leading to the silage of (treat Bond, on the south by the public high ; war leading to Snake Creek, and on the wear by lands of John Johnson, containing 83 acres of land. be the same more er Tenn, It being the same land which Joseph L. Merriman and wife granted and conveyed to said Harry Smith by deed dated May 18th, 1860. with the ap purtenances, I frame house, one barn and shed. I wag ! on house, 1 °retard, de., and moistly Improved en In execution at the suit of livery C. Trier, executor of Jolla A. DUtIMOIV, deceased, assigned io F. Whipple, vs. Ellen C. Smith and Harry Smith.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate In the borough of Frlendavllle. to the county of &argue , Minns and State of Pennrylvanin, bounded and denerib ed as Billows, to wit : On the north by the public highway leading frem Montrose to Owego, on the east by lands of Philip Millen, on the south by lands of S. T. Morris, and on the went by lands of Thomas Hagan, Win. Buff ' um, and lot told by Sheriff to N. C. Warner, contain- Mg it acres of and, be the same more or lens, with the appurtenance., I frame house,. I frame barn. some fruit and ornamental trees, and all improved —[Taken In en eentioa at the stilt of Mathew Mclnerney vs. Hiram Cook.] ALSO—AII that certain piece of land sib:late In the township of Lenox. In the moiety of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania. bounded on the north by the roar brand, of the Tunkbannock Creek, on the east by lands of Charles Wilson, on the 'oath by land of Alva Cook and John H. Cook, and an the west by lands of Harney and John U. Cook, containing IC acres of land, be the same More or less, with the appurtenances, 1 dwelling boa., 1 harn, and out•haddings, 1 orchard, And all improved. (Taken in execution at the cult of Silas Hartley. v•. F. M. Robinson and H. N. Mott, and John Millard. en. Harry N. Mott and Emery Harding ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of laud situate In the township of Dirnock In the county of Siniquehan• ne and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fiii.ows, to wit On the north by lands of James A: Bausch. on the cart be lands of Israel Reynolds anal Ira Butts. on the south by lands of Wilson Beech and Marcus Hinkley, and on the west by lands of KM. Tiffany and Peter Strupler, containing about 1/7 acres of land be the Caine more or less„ with the appurtenances, one frame house. 1 frame barn, 1 corn home, 1 horse barn. 1 blacksmith shop, I orchards, and about GO acres Unproved. Auto. all that Interest of E. N. Moore In all those other two pieces or parcels"( lam' situate In the township of Dintoik, In the county of Susquehanna and Stale of Pennsylvania, the first pl•ce dercribed as fol• lows, to wit: 13,3;011u:in at a birch tree irt the line of , tartlet Dolan's line, the eolith west corner hereof; . thence by kind of raid Dolan, Nell Sherman, and John W. Gray. south NS degrees eart 110 perches to a hemlock , ma; thence by bind of said Gray south tea poet and stones Haar the rood) side of the need; thence by land el F A Muzzy north 81 degrees nest 103 perches to a ; poet cud crones 11k the line of T. R. Williams ; thence by land of on id Will:erns and Bart let Dolan aforeanid north 7 degree. west tel perches to the place of beginning, containing about 311 acres of land, be the same more or less. The second piece or parcel of land adjoining, bounded and described as follows: Beginning aces stake and •toner in the line of .1. B. William • real and the northweAt of Sidney Spenceie lard; thence north 7 degrees west 11 perches to the wet hwe•t corner of the lot above described • thence along said lot llue south ebts• degrees east .lii . nads to a stake and stones; thence south 1 degrees earl II perches to a stake acid stones; thence north 800 e.c.grvers went 4.1.1 perches to the place , of beginning, containing 3 arr. of land, he the some 1 more or le., with the •ppurtenances, one frame hon., ! one frame bare, one black-smith shop and oat buildings, nue orclard, and mostly improved. (Taken In execution nt the salt of A. I athrop vs. E. E. Moore; J. Tt. Dewitt ,b Co., vs E. E. Moore; Sayre Bros., to use of T. Spore, ' ye. H. B. !Moore and E. E. Moore.) r. ern T. ern. TaN ern Vas rn . Ts ero. ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcel of land s hunt° In the tow. ship of Clifford. In the county of Susquehan na end slate of Penn-311.11A. hounded on the south by I sods of Burgess smith and El. Stephens, on the south• e-t end nest by node of Hem, Coddeback, no the northwest be lands of Cmidebas k and highway learlingfrom Cliffenl Corners to Leutmville to lauds of Nelson Phlastpr, on the northeast by lands of said Phil. lips to rt . o I rr of road from Clifford to Lentils file, thence south along said road to the place of beginning. con /Ding shoot 32 acres of land, he the same more or less, tit the appurtenances. 2 frame houses, I barn , some fruit tree, and shoot ti acres improved. Ann, all that other piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Clifford. in the county of Susimebanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and decribod as follows, to wit: I Beginning at a post and stones in the remtiomsterly corner of the farm formerly owned by S. 1) Tompkins. . deceased, and by him cuoveved to Norman White, from thence smith 36 degrees west 11 and 6-10 s perches to post and stoni a. the most southerly cornerof the farm cons ey. ed to S D. Tompkins aforeaald to said Norman White: the ore north GI degrees west 47 and 2 tOths perches to post and stone,. the most Dot - Merle corn, of lAnsi• on neti her John smith and adjoining [ands of said Nor :n White, thence north 3t/ degrees, and t.l) minute( east to the line formerly the eastern honnciars of the farm denied by S. 11. Tompkins aforesaid to said Nor man White ; from theme south 46; degrees cant to the place of beginning. ClPnlalniTlC about 10 sere, of laud, be the eau, morn or less, with the appurtenances,. (Tak en In execntirm at the suit of J. C. Stewart vs Wm. F. Wilson ; Richard H. Wilson, use of F. 11. Tattle, es. W. F. Wilson ; Geo. A. Lindsey re. W, F. Wilson., ALSO—AII those two certain pieres or parcels of land situate in the township of Gibson. (one mile fr-catiouth Gibson on the Tunkhannock creek road 11n the county of Susquehanna nod State of Penusylvania, the first piece hounded and ile.erilied as frilkos e, to nil : Bedo uin; at a corner in the center of the Tunkhannock creek. in hoe of Cachet Pickering'. lot; thetaes about north west about 05 perches to comer in line ofill.Bonner's land to. Ironwood tree standing on n rock: thence in lire of 11. Boner's land, about northeast about 40 perches by a comer In John Felton's line: thence by said Felton's line about southeast 59 perches to the centre of the Tunkhan nock creek; thence down Use center of said emelt shoot 50 perch. to the place of beginning, containing about 20 acres of laod,hc the came more orlesa.with the apport en! r 11C-CA,I dWellinZ beans., 2 harosi small orchard.and most ly Improved. The second piece or parcel btmoded as foC lows: On the north by lands of Fitch Res-r a mie. on the southeast by toe Tunkhanneck creek, on the soothwest by the above described lot, on the west by Hamilton Bonner's land, and on the northwest by James Porter's .d Widow Walker's lands, containing about SI acres of land, be the saner more or Iffe, with the appurtenances, one now-mill, one cabinet ahop, one dwelling, house, one small shop, to c small orchard, and about II acres improved, (Taken in execution at the salt of Wilber Gardner vs. hi. N. Walker ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Rush. In the county of Susquehanna and State of Penns} loana, bounded and described as follow., to wit: On the north and mat by holds of Roswell Coleman, on the south by lands of Joseph 51c- Cormick, and on the west by the public highway, eon Mining 0 nere• of Land, be the same more or leo., with the appurennuces • one small house, one small barn and shed, and all improved. (Taken in execution at the salt of Boswell I 'olvlnno. Bastin:ma to J. 51. Ford, ca. Hiram Stone nod Huklay Morse.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Herrick, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, formerly known as the Mott Tavern Stand, more recent as the Tilden stand, and lastly us the Edwards stand, in the vil lage of lierriek Center and on the line of the Jefferson Railroad, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Morse, Nichols & Co., on the cast by Lands of Morse, & Co., on the south side by lands of Morse, Nichols & Co., and Israel Rounds, and on the west by lands of John M. Myres, containing about 25 acres of land, be the same more or has with the appurtenances, one tavern house, one du citing house, two barns, some fruit trees, and all improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of D. C. Roberts and others vs. Aaron Ed wards.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of New Milford, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post and stones the northwest corner of lot No. 176; thence south 4 l 4.5 perches to a post and stones, standing in what is known as the old road; thence a west erly course following the centre of said old road 57 perches to post and stones; thence south degrees west tti perctwi to a post; thence by land of 'Pierce Dean north Etltl,i degrees west 61 perches to a post ; thence north 1 1 .4 degrees east 141 perches ; thence by lands of J. P. Hard- 1 ing south 88 . 34 degreeseast 116 perches to the place of beginning, containing 70 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 2 frame houses, 1 frame barn, 1 orchard, and about 51:1 acres improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of Albert P. Dewey, assigned to , Rodney Jewitt, vs. Harvey . Baker, and Charles Wilson, use of Link and Powers, vs. ILarvey Baker.) ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Auburn, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, itounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of George Place, on the northeast by public highway and lot of Charles Jayne, on the southeast, by blackwalnut road and lot,of Charles Jayne, and on the northwest by lands of IL J. Carter, containing about 2 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame dwelling house, (and half interest In 1 frame barn), I blacksmith shop, some fruit trees, and all improved. (Taken In execution at the suit of Oliver J. Reimel to the use of Allen Jayne, vs. Wm. IL Trecn and D O. Cooley.) ALSO—AiI those three certain pieces or parcels of land, ( comprising one [rum, and yz- . cantiguous,) situate in the township of ewater,_ in the county of 8118(11:01011110, and te of Pennsylvania, she first piece bound ed and described as ibilows, to wit : Beginning eta poet and stones in a line of Denali& Mc- Benzie's land, (now •Win. IL Jones's ;) thence east by leaser Sus= Wallace 67 perctuts to stake and stones corner ; thence south by lands of said Susan Wallace 27 and 6.lotits ;aches to a comer ; thence cast by lands late of Phineas Ames, jr., ibipexches to a stake and stones corn et ; thence north by lands formerly of said Ames and land formerly of John Bard, jr., 107 and 5- 10ths perches to a post and stones corner; thence west by lands unsold to a post and stones corner ; and thence south by lands of Benajah McKenzie, (now Wm. IL Jones's,) 140 perches to the place of beginning, containing 108 acres and 40 perch es of land, be the same more or less. , The second piece or parcel, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post and stones the northwest corner of B. McKenzie's old farm, (now of Wm. 11. Jones); thence by lands of John Young, north 14y degrees east 02 perches to a post and stones in north line of Wallace's tract and south line of Drinker's land ; thence along said line south €0 . 314 degrees cast 100 perches; thence by land surveyed by James Shaw, south 114 degrees west 92 perches to a post and stones; thence by lands of B. McKen zie, (now Wm. 11. Jones's) north 881,2 degrees west 100 perches to the place of beginning, con• Mining 57 acres and 80 perches of land be the same more or less. The third piece or parcel, described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post and stones the northwest corner of said James Shaw's old farm; thence by land unsold of J. W. & H. B. Wallace north 1!-,2 degrees east 28 perches to a post and stones in north line of tract ; thence along said line by land be longing to the estate of It. Drinker, deed, south t.:14 degrees 66 perches to a post and stones a corner of Roswell Kingsley's land; thence by land of said Kingsley south Iby degrees west 6 perches to a post and stones: thence by land of said Kingsley south 80 degrees east 49 perches to corner of stone wall, the northwest corner of Perrin Well's farm, where he resides; thence by lands of said Wells south 13: 2 ' degrees west 15 perches to a post, the northeast corner of said James Shaw's farm ; thence along the north line of the same north 881 den Tees west 115 perches to the place of beginning, containing 16 acres and 94 perches of land, be the same more or less, making in all 182 acres and 54 perches of laud, be the same more or less with the appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 2 frame barns, shed, 1 corn house, 1 milk house and other out-buildings, 1 or chard, and about 150 acres Unproved. (Taken in execution at the suit of A. J. (ierritson, vs. Jame ,, Shaw.) ALSO—AII that certain piece orparcel of land I situate in the borough of gnat Bend, in the 1 county of Susquehanna and State of Pritiv.yl - vania, bounded and described us follows, to Wit ' Beinning at the southeast corner of lot bought bell. P. Doran on Washington street; thence along said street in a southerly direction 60 feet: thence in a westerly direction parallel with Wil liam street 120 feet to the corner of lot bought I by Murray ; thence in a northerly direction along line of said Murray's lot 60 feet to lot of H. P. Doran ; thence in an msterly direction along sail IL P. Doran's line 120 lbet to said Washington street and place of beginning, known as lot No. 39 on Wolleott's Village map, village lot, with the appurtenances, an call im proved. Also all that other piece or parcel of land situate In the borough of Great Bend, bo coded and described as follows, to wit north erly by lands of R. J. Stevens and 11. I'. Doran, el.derly by other lands of Walter Paintin, south erly by Wiliam street, and westerly by lands or P. Curley, being 23 feet 8 inches on William street and extending hack as far as the line of said Stephens andDomn, village lot and all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of H. P. Doran vs. William MeElligoli..] ALSO—AII the interest of Theodore Doyle in all those two certain pieces or parcels of land, the first situate in the township of Ararat and Gibson, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit : Beginning in the centre of road leading from George Berry's to Joseph Dunn's ; thence north 47 degrees east by the lands of Ru ins and Caney Barnes 8 and 6-10ths perches to stones; thence south 43 degrees cast 88 and 4-10ths perches by the lands of George Knight to the centre of road; thence along the centre of aforesaid road 124 and 7-10ths perches to the place of beginning, containing acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenan ces, 1 frame house, 1 frame spring -house, some fruit trees, about 20 acres improved. The sec ond piece or parcel situate in the township of Ararat, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of S. N. Brooks, on the east by lands of "W. (1. Doyle and Shubael Baldwin, on the south and west by lands of Justin L. Doyle, containig 35 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame ham, some fruit trees, and about 28 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the bait of Oscar Wash bum, administrator of D M. Smiley, deceased, vs. Theodore Doyle and AntTeline Doyle.] Notice is hereby prep. that all bid, Inn,t be paid in rash on the day of stale. WILLIAM "I' XLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 13. 1871. SIIERIFFS BALES—By virtue of writs Is sued the Court of Common Pleas of 5..1,- quelianna County and to me directed, I wiil e \ - pose to sale by public vendue, at the Court 'louse in Montrose, on Friday, April 14th, 1871, at 2 o'clock p. in., the following pieces or parcels of land, to wit: All the interest of Randolph Snell, in all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Rush, in the county of Susquehan na, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de sribed.as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Esther Id Blakeslee and John P. Devine, on the east by lands of John Devine. on the; south by lands of Sylvia Stevens, and on the west by pub lic highway, containing about 20 acres ot land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenan cts, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 orchard, and mostly improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Sumner & Smith, vs. Randolph Snell and J. 12. Stalford ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of( %fiord, in the county of Susquehanna and StAie of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin ning at the southeast corner of C. T. Gillln's thence by said Gifiln's lot north forty-three and a half degrees west 60 perches to a hemlock corner in the line of land of Pulaski Chamberlin, thence south 461 , 2 ' degrees west along said Chamberlin's land, 40 perches to a stake and stones, thence south 43 1 4 degrees east 60 perches to astake and stones, in line of land of Ezra Truesdale, thence north 4634 degrees east 40 perches to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres and 80 perch es of land strict measure, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 young orchard and mostly Ito proved.—[Taken in execution at the suit of T. F. Johnson vs. Adolph Miller, Wm. Miller di: Co. to the use of Solomon Bolton vs. Adolph Miller, J. C. Stewart vs. Adolph Miller.] ALSO—AII that certain piney or parcel of land situate in the townslup of Lathrop, in the county of Susquehanna and State of l'enmyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north lands of Van Akin, on the east by lands of Edits and —Osborn, on the south by lands of Harvey Taylor and on the west by lands of Drinker, containing about 23 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, 1 small orchard, and mostly improved.—[Taken in execution at the suit of James Wilbur to the use of W. Wi Wilbur, assigned to Loren Wright vs. Samuel Mead.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Springville, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described ise 6 Atillows, to wit : On the north and east by lands of P. E. Brush, on the south by public highway, and on the west by public highway, containing about one half acre of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 store and dwellinghouse 11 backsmithshop, 1 Cram barn and out building and all improved.—[Taken in execution at the snit of Albert Beardsley, assigned to A_ Lathrop, vs. Zophar Barnes. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of New Milford, in the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit :- Beginning at a point in the middle of the road lending from N. K. Sutton's saw mill to the Hall place, (so-called) and apposite a post and stones on the east side of the road ; thence by a line of other lands, of said Button, south 43 degrees east, 160 perches to a chestnut sapling; thence by lands of IE. S. Page north 47 degrees east 93 perches to a large stone set up for a corner; thence by lands of said Page and by lands of Towner. north 43 degrees west 167 perches to a point in the middle of said road south 12 degrees west 29 perches, south 83 1-2 degrees west 27 perches, south 49 degrees west 24 perch es, and south 8535 degrees west 27 perches to theplace of beginning, containing 57 acres of land, be the same more or less, with the appur tenances, I frame house, 1 frame barn and out buildings, a few fruit trees and about 4.5. acres Improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of N. S. Sutton, vs. John Donal ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcel of lad, situate in the Borough of Susquehanna t, In the minty of Susqueluinna tuld State of being the south part of village Lot _, _of ATM H. Smith's hinds, made by Addition hictOo, bounded and descrioed as fol lows, to wit : Beginning at the south corner of Walissn Skinner's lot; thence south Nig do ve% west along the north bounds of a street 84% 'feet to the east bounds of a side street or lane; thence along said lane north 853¢ degrees west, 40 feet to a corner of Margaret Guilln's lot; thence along the same north ON degrees east 39% feet to the west line of aforesaid Skin ner's lot ; thence along the same south 28 de grees and 80 minutes east, 40 feet and 4 Inches to the place of beginning, containing 1400 square feet of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 store and dwelling house, some ornamental trees and all Improved. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, sit uate in the Boro of Susquehanna Depot In the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl vania, being parts of lots No. 59 and 60 of Mc- Kee's survey of village lots for James H. Smith, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at the northwest corner of lot No. 62, (now or formerly owned by Skinner and occupied as a barn lot); thence south 543( de grees west 13 feet along the line of Daniel R. 'Pope's lot to a corner in line of E. W. Forbes' lot ; thence along the Caine south 25)4 degrees east 84) legit to a corner; thence south 51% degrees west 78 feet more or less, to the east bounds of the four rod road, leading from the River road to the Lenox and Harmony Turnpike: thence along the saute south 59 degrees east 70 feet and one-third of a foot to the north bounds of a two rod lane ; thence along the same north 5414 degrees cast 60 feet more or less to the south-west corner of aforesaid barn lot; thence along the same north 3513 degrees west 99 teat to the place of beginning, oantaining nearly 19 square rods of land, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 two story dwelling house and out-buildings, end all improved.— [Taken in execution at the suit of W. W. Welsh, vs. E. W. Forbes.] Notice is hereby given that all bids must be paid in cash on the day of sale. WM. T. DOYLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 20, 1871. TORONTO CflhJ F t Jr.—This celebrated horse will stand for a limited number of mama the prmy eat reason. commencing April nth, at J. 8 Tarbell's. in Montrose, on Satardey of cacti week ; Mondas Wed nesdays, and Fridays, at the subsenbere. In r West Dlmock. Pentorter..—Toronto Chief, J• was sired by the fast trotting stallion. Toronto Chief, now commanding Svou the season ; he by Royal George and his dam by Block wood. nut of au S.clipse mare, Royal Goon ze W:l4 sired by Black Warrior; he by imported Tipp° ; and he by Messenger. of HnglAnd. Tonowro (.111E1% Jas's dam was sired by the thorough. bred Jefferson on: of a Majesty mare. Jefferson was by Sr"l nin he by Sir A rrhie, the sire of Sir Henry. and grandslre of American Star—dam. old Farothe. Tonce,ro Cuter has trotted the best stallion time nn record—halt on', . One nffir, YOU; two roJies, TOROSTO Cuter In.. wex herd by J. B. 'room, of Blooming Grove, Unmet. Co.. ft. Y In the spring of 18n2. Any one wanting information with regard to his pidigree ur stock. can address D. B. Hudson. D. G. Courier, 0. Owens or C. D Bowman, at Blooming Grove. Tonovro (mo% J. .if IG hands high, blood boy, weighs Leo,. pounds, tins disposltiou and is conslthoed by the best judges of horses to tie a very muscular built bolus. lie has never bee. [Tallied, but gloss signs of groat speed. An it/nu...nun Is solicited. TEnms.—Tololure with foal $l.l Other rules as cus toms, . J. M. CItISMAN, Proprietor. Elk take. Pa., March I - 5, 1871-4ra ' , LOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, For sale by A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, March li , 1871. 3w I ALI:ABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber offer+ Ids farm at Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co., Pa., cotitain.s over 130 acres 100 or 105 of which are cleared and under cultiva tion the land is well watered and good for either tgain or grass, there are between two and three ll'undred grafted Apple trees on the place besides peach, plum, and pear trees, the farm is conveni ent thr churches and ,•ehools with good build ings, 130 rods south of Quaker lake, the farm is a good one and admirably located. Addressor tip' ply to 31.tUR10E M. DONNELL. Silver Lake, Susqa. Co., Pa., March 8,'71. 3m. FINANCIAL New 7-30 Gold Loan Northern Pacific *RAILROAD COMP'Y, SECU RED B Y FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD BONDS SAYE! PROFIT.\ 111.1: PERMXENT! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer for sale at par and accrued Intere•it the First Mortange Land Grant Gold Boo& of the Northern ?made ituilroedt ompany. Thep are free from United States Tan. and ere ii.soed of the following denomi• nations; l'oupons $llll, $5O. add 81,000; Ifezistered $lOll. e LOW, Oita* and *lO,OOO With the 641111, cunildeuc e wi:h which we commen tl ed Government hands to Capitalists and People, we now, after the fullest itt, edigstlon. recommend these Northern Pacific Railroad bond, to oar Meads and the general public. GOLD PAYMENT.—Both principal and Interest arc payable In American gold min, at the office of Jay Cooke ,t Co., New York City—the prtociple at the end of 9l year., and the Interest at t rata of seven and threwtenths per cent. per anuimii lin::.)carly, first of January and July. PE ItPECT SAFETY —The bonds we are now sell ing, are secured by a flat and onlv mortgage on all the property and rights of the Northern Peelle Railroad Company, which will embrace on the completion of the work . 1. Over Two Thousand Miles of Road, with rolling clock, buildings, and all other equipments. 2. Over Twenty-two Thousand Acres of Land to every mile of finished road. This land, agricultural timbered and mineral, amours hag In ell to more than Filly 11111 lon Acres, consirts of enervate sections, reaching wenty to torty miles on each side of the track, and ea tending iu a broad fertile belt from Wisconsin through the richest portions of Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Wahington' to Paget Sland. While the Government doer not directly guarantee the bond* of the Road, it thus tinnily provides for their full and prompt payment by au unreserved grant of land. the most vilnsble ever conferred upon a great national improvement. TliE DIRTGAGE.—The Trustees under the mort gage. are Masers. Jay Cooke of Philadelphia, and J, Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Central Radroad Company. They will directly_ and perma nently represent the interest.. of the First Mortgage bondholders, and are required to see that the proceeds of laud seine are used in per chasing and cancelling the bond, of the Company if they can be brought be fore maturity at not more than 10 per cent. premium, otherwise the Tie:gees ore ti Invest the proceeds of land sales in Culled States Bonds or Real Estate Mort- g. gee for tht further security of Northern Pacific bond holders. Also, that they have at all times In their con trol, as security. at leant 500 acres of average land to every ffI,IX tif outstanding fret mortgage bonds, be sides the railroad itself and ail Its equipments and (ran ch. es, I . ItOFITABLENESS.—Of course nothing, can be safer than the bonds u( the United States, he: as the Gov ernment is no longer a borrower, and as the Nation! present work Is not that of preserving its exlitenca, but that of Drvrtoerso a cuattismiv, we remind those who desire to increase their income and obtain • more permanent investment, while still having • perfectly reliable security, that: United State; 3-20's at their average premium yldd the present parchaser less than 5 , 4 percent. gold Inter est. Should they be redeemed la live years, and speMe payments be resumed, they would really pay only 0." percent., or if in three years. only 34, per cent. as the prevent premium would me-sun - tote be sunk. Northern Pacific 7-31, selling at par In currency yield the to rester 7 .1.10 per cent. gold interest absolutely for thirty years. tree from United States tax. $l.OO curren cy inverted now In Felted States 3-Ate evil yield per year In gold, say $52..00 $1.1.X10 currency invented now in Northern Pacific 7-Stre scull )held per year In gold, ESII.III. Here in a dlliurefiCV in annual Income of nearly one third, besides n difference of 7 to 10 per cent. In print iv, erten both classes of bonds are redeemed, THE ROAD NOW BUILDING,—.Work was began In July last on the eastern portion of the line, and the money provided, by the tale to stockholders of some six in illlonsof the Company's bonds, to build and equip the road from Lake Superior across Minuesota to the Red River of the North-210 miles. The grading on this division is now well advanced, the iron Is be mg rapidly : several thousand men ere at work on the hoe, and Owlet the first of Augnat next this impor tant section of the road will be in toll operation. In the meantime orders have been sent to the Pacific coast fur the commencement of the work on the western end In early Spring. and thereafter the weak will be pushed, both eastward and westward. with as mach upend as may be consistent with solidity and a wise economy. RECEIVABLE FOR LANDS.—Tneee bonds will be at nil times, before maturity. receivable at 1.10 In pay ment for the Company's lands, at their lowest cash price. BONDS EXCHANGEABLE.—The rrglatered 'bonds can be exchanged at any time foy coupons, the coupons for registered, and both these eta be exchanged fur others, psyable, principal andlhterest, at any of the principle financial centres of Europe, In the coin of the various European countries. HOW TO GET THEll,—Year newest Bank or Bank er will supply these hoods in any desired amount, mad &any needed denominations. Femme wishing to ex. crumge stocks or other bonds far these, con do so with any of ouragente who will allow the highest current price for all marketable securities, Those living in totalities remota from tanks, may read money, or other bonds, directly to U. by express, and we will send back Northern Pacific bonds at our own risk, and without coat to the hasoat ar . F ar farther information. phamplilets. maps, etc., call on or address tbo undersigned, or any of the Ban ks or Bank. cm employee to sell ibis loan. Fos „Ls Jan. 11.-2wlw2r WRI. EL 000 -- co. Montrose, Pa. GOLD JEWELRY. A New end largo supply, Moatroac, Nov. 24, 15 63 ABELTIIRRELL. nELAWAItE, LACKAWANNA and - 11 - , WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter Arronnentont of pereinser Hayseed Nov. SUMO. TEAMS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mill Pautnirr Ilan Pasn train. train. STATIONS. train. trill A. IR. A. lE. P. El. P.l 9 8.00 New York... .. ..... 5.00 11,15 1 New Hampton. I 1.35 e 19,00 Mantua:a Chunk.... 1140 19 15 Delawsre....Dlne... 14.3 .. 3,91 11,15 Scranton 9.15 7,06 g 4.9 0 12.95 Nicholson ~ 7,55 I 5,401 4,95 9.00 Ropbottom 7,38 6.131 4 4.,57 1.40 Montrose 7,10 4.15 S 6.15 9,10 .Naw Milford 6,54 3,43 4 . 6,15 a.anGreat Deed........ 6,25 8.20 ,7, P.M. P.M I *Foot ot L1.a1 . .. 1.. Y P.M W. P. 110LWELL, General Pau. and Ticket Apo 33.9.1:11.13.81T5/E5 : B ESTR BARGAINS IN TOWN IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. FLOUR t PRO. vicious. Dried end Canned Fruit, Vegetable., &r. a. the Heads! Navintion. A. N. DCLLARD. Mont rove. Februarg. 1871. Btt fOAP LETTING—The Supervisors of Bridgewater will meet at the house of Charles Sprout, on Saturday, April 15th, at 10 o'clock A. 11., for the purpose of letting the making of a road from his house to a road lead ing from Montrose, past Myron Baldwin's, one mile and ten rods in length. H. BREWSTER, Z. H. BREWSTER, ) Supervis- JAMES CALPH, ors. Bridewater, March S, 1;11.-3w. FARM FOR SALE.- the old Milford and Owego road,one telf Itille east of the Univer salist CDUrCh, in Brooklyn, containing eighteen acres, with house, barn, and shop, all in good repair, for particulars, enquire of the proprietor on the premises. C. C. DALEY. Brooklyn, March, 8, 1871. 2w. DISSOLUTION.—The firm of Parmeter Shelp, recently engaged in the Meat Mar ket business, Ls this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The hooks and accounts of the firm are in the hands of B.. Thatcher for Immediate col lection. PA.HbIETEH SHELP. The business will he conducted hereafter by the undersigned, who will try to please all who may give us a call. _ _ DAVID PARMETER March 8, 1871. 3w EACANTTLE APP : • 171. MERCHANDISE, Ac. Ute notice that lu pursuso scmhly of Una Common*e meet the demands apoo the poses, the undorolgued, Ape for said county, has prepare log In mid county, and p ctns which to him appears the acts of Aesembly, to wl. • ISKENT.—DRALERS IN , In Susquehanna County, of tha several atm of As th to provide revenue to • Treasury and for other put. railer of Mercantile taxes d a lint of Merchants trod , d each merchant in that mast and right according to E L Adams .... P C Bushnell Wm. White Li L Lou Franco it Swisher George Drown. EEM11111111111:1 , Black, Bartutaa, & Clear / I water. - Grow & Brother... 133111=1 ARARAT. Payna.A Bloxham I EifftE! =Lil22 ZONTROSS BLyons 6 Co_ Z Cobb J B Very 14 TllTatly & Cramer 14 1111;Zo 14, ass ay, ....14 C Rogers 13 Hem & Eldridge. ... ...1I Wm. Craver . . ... . ....13' D A & A Titawartb sr COOCON UT. Webb • Eiki.e P B Chandler. 1332 CM f.yens, Drake & Co ens= Biros R Niebule p m W m.. 1 AM .... M Hickey . I N Bti I leri ctirronn. T J Wells 14 , T N Johnson 11 N Baker PII Gardner ...........14, II A Williams . Wells & Brattier 13 Stamp & Talbot.... Wm. :11. Boyd & Co ICNRodUrd J R J T Boyd. Morse.... qt== DUNDAM SG Wearer pm 4 . . 14 I P. Davie. 131 Henry Spencer 14t P etuunbers ...... .....141 A Richardson 13 I N Bollnrd EZttilti W B Deans M==l I "..t '''' . A Torrid p in . 11 Head, OHM% & Cop m 4.10 I.4ittetiburg, Ho sen- i I bum .t Co clO : McKenzie, Farant it C0..11 'J 11 DeWitt it Co 12 A Lathrop DI MOCX. WM 11 Thayer. Mlles s Sherman 11 Blakeslee. 14 , Sieve. S Lcebod♦ ... 141 PORED? LARK L Ball . L B . SICW MILFORD Almey & Hayden p m 4.. 14 J Dlckerman.jr 10 James AtMns 14 Barrltt p m 4. 19 David Hammen, p m 4... 10 L Maas Co 10 T Hayden & 14 Moss & Krum. 14 ,0 M Hawley 12 ;John Barnes 14 !McCollum & Brother 11 fl Garrott & Son. . 11 P 1 Tencyrck . ...14 PTASELII. D C 3 F 11 Fordham... .13 /I 11 Merrimac.. ...... .14 J L Merriman 13 H L Blowers 14 1,111END311¢3.6. .13 J GOMM M MeMannue 141 Wm. Buffom pm 4. .. le; Robert Will tar 0...... ..131 ORMAT 9END P. 4,1. Whiting .8. Preston ....... Id It 8 Clark . .11 D T Estabrook p m 4... .11 L 8 Lenttelm. 8 W A g. oistrn It Wm. C Mclntosh 14 M C McCreary .. . ..... 11 Thomas CrenncB . 14, Walter Paintin 141 Wm. Baldwin .... . 14. H. P Doran .... ... . 14j II A Clark 18' 141 Georze WesselL L W Chichester 141 D C Bronson 14 II 8 Hanna_ ... . ......14 0 1 , Fargo 14 IM3M Mrs. M Tuhcj L M Sherwood in Co 13 IN Grandeer. pm 4 13 N D Snyd.. ......... .J 800n5. . ... . .. ..14 Alger A ewis 14 IU T Spencer ... 14 IR T Hendrick ...It 111 tinge rford & Merero le _ll 'lsaac Meserule ..... ....14 Z Barnes 14 Gae r t . ./ Page 3rs .. ' . . DEP0 T ....1 L 31 Lyons 14 ,W S Beebe p m 4 14 Fernan. 14 B Casey. 14 George II Crandall 11 J Allen.. 14 Myers Morris 14 Thomas McDonald.. ....10 BF Smith 14 Ed J Pendergast.— 14 John Tlerny 14 Linton Store Association 10 Walter Barber... .......11 D S Lyons 14 C J Lyons 14 Lewis Freeman 14 It P Doren 12 Henry C Loa p m 4 11 I James Bell 11 W I Falkenbttry 14 B Thayer. ......... 12 McDonald !h . % ....... II P D Lyons 11 13 L Adams 14 Mrs. E McGrath... ..... 14 Wm. Ball 14 OT Smith 13 Ellen McGuire 14 Guttenberg. Rose n !mom A Co C &J II Cook 12 J C Foot. 10 D A Lyons 19 C A Miller. . . ..........15 J C & J 20l 12 It Milian° 14 John W Osborn 13 Mrs E R Forbes 13 A C Parleman 14 anNErt LIKE. GIBSON . rooperathr Company....ll Geor:e II Wells p m 3. ..II lames Fuller . ....13, Donn & Co. .... . ... .....II I)B Holmes p m 4 12 Kennedy & Son p m 4....14 Ahlillrrn & Smlley p m 4 In Wm. 1) Byrne: 14 11 31 Tingley 14 HARMONY Brnnt & Co.. J B Stevens J Belanger & Co.. 8 A Lyons & Bon it Munson C J Lyons amnia. G 1V Potter .4. Co ..... 14. e C Speocm 19 Illorse,Nicholo..teo p m 4.10 IIeRPM/D. C Edwards 14 0 Payne & Sun 14 E T Tiffany 12 L 11 Peek... . ...14 J ......141 Jones & Tanner 11 T J (km 8 Ce... . . 12 .. ...... ......14 Babcock & Newton 14 JAri.Boll. II M Benson 11, D Roberts 14 Norris & French. .......19, I Potter... ... ....14 JESSUP. John Warner.... ..... 11 J 11 Ruaenirrarie p 14 Jooepb Webster.. D D Stanford A A Berman.... . T Sullivan 14 IC 0 Hecker 14 Depute Mahony... 14 Mrs. M Gage 14 LITTLEI ata.h.powe R ft Beard lee. 1) It Gmrl,ld ..... THOWEIN. to L Lemlot 14 IF Al Ovllett 11 LATIIILOP. Ball & Brother... E Tiffany Jr. Co. Classification of Venders of Nerohondise, Saint. lan" than $5,000 •• $ 5,00014. than $lO,OOO " 10.000 " 15,000 15.000 " 93 000. •• 20.001 • 80,000. " 30.00 " 40,000 " 40.010 " 50,000 And then Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county will hold a Court of Appeal at the Court House In Montrose, In and for said County, on Tuesday, April 18th, 1871, at I o'clock p m., at which time and place any of the Merchants described, definal, and class ed MI aforesaid. or their agentS or attorney.. may ap pear and appeal from said assessment if they think proper. URBANE MALL, Jackson, March B' 1871.-6 w Mercantile Appraiser. G ROCERIES Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Saleratus, Crackers, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Raisins, Zan te Currants. Tapioca, Starch, Vinegar, Soaps Cream of Tartar, Soda, Cream Yeast, Corn Starch, Farina, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Camels Buds, Chocolate, and the best Molasses in the world, at the store of ABEL TTRRELL Montrose, Dec. 2-8, 1870. THERE WERE SOLD IN THE YEAR 1870, 13,1341 OF Blatchley's Cucumber .riguammi "1047c)codli 3 u.riaris, 3r.ffsURIIs I , O I I P 3 VINIT 0 1 712:10711 . 2 1 17EIP Simple in coneuuction—Easy in Operation Gluing DO Taste to the water—Durable—Relic and Chum. Them, Pumps are their own beat recommendation, per wile by dealers in hardware and agrienltorai men% plumbere. Pump makers, Am, through the coon try. Cl=lan, te., famished upon application by mail or otherwba. Single Pumps forwarded to parties in towns where I have no agents upon recei pt of thcregular price. In haying, bo candhl Mt , You Pump beam my trade mark as above, as I guarantee** other. MUMS. Cfre 3334144Coilierjr, MANITIPACTORM Moe and Wareroom. 624 Is 626 19211111 rb 64 Philadelphia. March lb, =ran Pa JEWELRY A. TVRREL.T. A trlnTOß's NOTICE. The under sigeee, an auditor appointed by Om Orphan's Court otSusquebanna County, to distribute the feuds in the hands of the, adrolutstator of the estate of W. H. Ureenwood, deceased. will attend' to the duties of hisrointmentat his office in Montrose , on Thursday. . Otb, '7l at 1 o'eleek. v. it., at which time nod place all persons interested Will present their claims or De forever debarred from deleting any of said fund. W. W. ‘VAISON, Auditor. Nanterre, February err ESTATE OP BiItIBAEL BALDWIN, late of Ararat Imnothili. Pennsylvania. deceased. Letters testa mentary non the estate of the above named decedent Wing been minted to the ondentlivned. notice la given to all persona indebted to the SUDO to make immediate paymeut, and those having dating upon the same wilt present them duly authenticated for settlement. LBONARD O. BALDWIN. t Ezccu t LYSLAN E. BALDWIN. Ararat, Februaryffi, Iti 1. AUDITOR'S NOTICE—The undersigned, on Audi tor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of 5t11 , 9121 , henna county, to dirtribute the lend In the hands f the Administrator of the estate of John Heys, deceased. will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the uface of W. U. Jeatup,Erq., in Montrose. on Tared-1y the S.Stit day of March, A. U. LSI% at I o'clock. p. m.. at which time and place ell perenns Interested In said fund will present their claim. or be forever debarred from coming to upon said fund. If. COOPER JESSUP. Mantra°, February 22, Ital. ate Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The unershmed. en Auditor bilk appointed by the Orphan's Court cf nroonchanna County to distribute the hind In the hands of Elliot AI. J drich. J. W. Cassington and Ell Barnes. Executors of the last Will and Testament of William C. Wood. do ceased. will attend to the dullea of his appointment. at blo office. in the Borough of Montrose, lo said County. on Monday the 10th day of April. next, at IX o'clock p wt.. when ail persons may present their claims or be for ever barred. JAMES E. CAIIMALT, Montrose. February 43, 1871. Auditor. A UDITOIL'S NOTICE.—The under -- X. signed, appointed au Auditor by the Orphan.' coon nr nunglienan county, upon exception. to the Goal =mint of the administration of E. W.Smith admin. istrnter of the rotate of Melinda Drano. decemcd will attend to the <tettes of hie appointment at hie °Mee. n Montrose. on !intraday the let doe of April. A. D.,, 1871 at 1 o'clock p. in. D. W. 5E.8.111.E. Montrose, Feb.ls, 1871. 4w Auditor. L , XICCUTOW NUTDE.—Letteno Testamentary In the Bid mite. of Jeremiah Meacham. late of Montrose, nu. ociebanna County. deceas d. hacrng !seengranted to the antnierther, all panons indebted to sald estate are reques•ed to make immediate payment, end all persons having claims against said decedent 1,11 risent them without dela,. ALFRED BALDWIN. !font:use, March 9, IS7I-I'•w Expel:ker. A E'DITOR'S NOTICE.—The ander. ignetl. an Auditor. appointed by the Judges of the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County: to distrihnte funds remaining In the hands of James Worden, AdMiu6tmtor of the es- Cate of Sob, Payne, deceased will attend to the duties of said appointment. at hie office. in Mout mar, the nth day of Aprli. at I unlock in the • Iternoon of that &iv. at which time and place all persons interested e make known their claims ur ho forever debarred hum coming In on said fund. W. A. CROSSMON. Montrose, Morh 1, 1811, 4w Auditor. ,STATE of Polly Slyter, Lae of Forest Lake town• sttlp, Penneylvania, tleased ; Letters Testamentary upon the estate of the above named cleeedent. Lavin•• been grouted to the uuderAgned, notice is given to all penes Indebted to the soma to make Immediate par. moot, and those having claims upon the same. will pre. sent them, duly authentltted : for .e•tlement. • MEMEiSMEM lURLIC BALE:—The undersigned will sell by Auction, on the film' known as the William L. Post farm, near Montrose, on Thurs day, March 21, 1871, at ten o'clock, A. M., the following property: One pair of Horses, 1 two year-old Colt, 5 Cows, 4 two-year-olds, 2 yearl ings, 2 shoats, lumber wagon, bum', double harness, lumber sleigh, whiffletrem, neckyoke, plows, drags, drag teeth, cult ivot or, grain cradle, elder and barrels, hay, and other articles. TERMS :—All sums under $5, cash ; and over, 9 months' credit, with interest and ap proved security. A. REYNOLDS Montrose, March 8, 1871. 2w. XIDLITTOWII PUBLIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully slate to my former Custom, ra and the public generally that I am again carrying ou the TAILORING BUSINESS, LN MONTROSE, and propoee to do all WORE in that Line, In a FASHIONABLE, NEAT, SUBSTANTLAL MANNER And at Eistiarsctory Prices_ Particular attention given to CUTTING nod SPECIAL CARE need to intro the work Plain for the person who puts it together. Shen on the ;rest .1140 of "Public Avenue." over Burnt. et Nicheln' Drug Store, euiJoluing the office tor Or. Hulsey, Y. UNK.S. Mourto,.e, February 1, T C H 31 AK ER AND JEWELER, Susquehanna Depot., Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, dc. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for $l2 00. American Watches, at Companim re. duced prices. ear Goods ordered fbr parties, from New York, at less profits than if kept constantly on hand. Solid 18 caret Rings for $1 75 per penny. weight. A. B. TARBO X_ Susquehanna Depot, Jan. 2,5, 1871. tf. LARGE CLOVER & TIMOTHY A-4 GEED. For Me by STANLY TURRELL. warrant ad CLEAR of DAISES.. STANLY TURRELL, Foreat Lake, Neb. ra, ISTI. 4w. ABEL TURRELL irr REPS constantly on hand one of the most minim otts collections or DRUGS & MEDICINES In the country, and bestow: especial attention to PG lecting and buying articles to this department that are pure and genuine. Ile also keeps a great variety of LIQUORS AND WINEN, bought either direct from the dl.tWer, ur Importer, and teurruntml strictly pure. Also, a fall assortment of Palau, Oil., Varnishes, Brush."... LLbricating Oila and free Stmts. iism - uric, Wall Paper, Glass, Kcroaens, auline, l'lstuls, Linn' and ammunition. A due variety of Gold and other JEWELRY, PClfum cry, Yankee NOTIONS, &c., and other, goods too nu memos to mention. ' Dozing several years past persons have been In the habit of forming clubs and rending to the Great Amerl eanTea Company, New York, fur their supplies of Tsui and Coffee, for family,use. Abel Turn:ll le now sapplylng UM people with these Teas and Coffees, at his store lu Mowry., at the camas prima that these clubs and oohs, persons pay at the store of the Company In New York. Thu., purchasers will save the expre-s charge, trouble of dabbing and rink of sending, by buying of Worth of: Goods In enure for the opening of the Fail Trade of 1870, in a fltil and Dretn, and Turnatvg, and Faruy Goods In Empreu Crofts, Demur, Merinos, Itptina, Catcoa, Mazda, Corsets,anboard Fitts, and Hoop Skirts, Ladlo and Gen!, Farr. Iltgatollober,Fanep Lap Baba, aftdi assortment al MIAs, Maiming. Ladle: Gloats, Man.*, Ifosiery, Doasolte Gblloar, &c, A*. with a meml assortment of Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, Oils and Paints, Groceries, Crockery, Baniware, Sierras, Iron, ifcc., furnish ing a superior opportunity for selections, and ww be sold on the most favorable terntsrbY Sew itiltarde ISew. JD,l5ly A. B. TARBOX, ABEL TURRELL, ' Itontrose, Pa $OO,OOO. general assortment or Ladies and Gent' 8'• Xrartillriur. ESTATE NOTICES. `STATE OP PETER M. TILT \TAN, _L.4 irate of Sump' Depot, BOAR% co. decd. Letters otadmhtletreiton noon the Melte of the above named deeedent barbs beengranted to the 1113 d ermignp , i, oottea la hereby given that an ponces insicht,t to the woe AM requested to make Lonnedlate paymtmt, those having claim upon she same will prelim' theta du ly authenticated for eettlanent. J. M. TIITMAN, Adzer Sun . ' dopet. Jan. IS, 1870. ax-. Co. Mt. EIXLCVVI72I2'OI9I YOUNG AMERICAN 1.. . itV I WIC in 141' "X' . in offering this Liniment to tha ppublic , u we do In NII confidenee. that It must Rupert... U.. all °there now In use, an an Internal remedy, for the mate of all dlueo.en In the mach of that clansof medlchten wean safely wave, without the lust fear of contradiction, that it stands un rivaled In the hot of medical compounds externally ap plied for the care of diocese, Feeling therefore that It In unnecessary to pods remedy so eminently wonderful In Ito effects, oto nuntetionsly infallible in its power. of canotng the deaf to heat, the blind to see, the ner- VOCIR. drawn and crippled dieumattc to walk erect and re joice again In the power and vicar of manhood, this pre pumlum Is offered to the public on its own merits, and drams no ralcnuic origin or essential Cam of the Araht• an deserts ; but on the contrary to what Its import., and In a mrc combination of the powers of North Ameri. can products. Kra Yoga, Dee. 14, MO. Tbiu notice Ls to inform all dealers In proprietary medicine., that .e have atabliabed a Depot 10 Butuine henna county at Monceau!, Pa., for the male of Dr. C. F. Brown's Young American Liniment, and that Mt. A. BALDWIN in line that Palpate. S WARD. BOUTREIBLAND dc CO.. 1 Wllll= Street. tine "A;Ork Agencies williocce. be established at central places In every township. rnd pabllshed In Wallet below. I am reedy to furnish It at wholesale prices to agents. P,At cre and cimulan tent free upon application to the ara... aeriber. The Liniment Is now for raleat retail by the fbllow• lug agents, to wit: Burns& Nichols, Montrose. A. Turn. Adams, Auburn 4 Corner.. WiMani White, Auburn Centre, Nosh Baldwin, South Auburn. Wait.. t Vosburg,Elkluner's Eddy. Keeler 6. Vaughn, Wyabash . l& n. C D. . F. If. ?o am, F Dr, V. Unmet, Ounptown, J. Burrow. it Sons, Stevensville. L. M. Sherwood, Rushville. It. T. linudriek, Thayer. Dimeek. E. B. Besrdslee, Little Meadows. Inthert Winters, PrleudWrille. L. Ball, Btrchardrille. D. A. 6. Titsworth. Brooklyn, Pa. I. It. Hind., Factnryville. W, U. Curtis, Dailey Hollow. E 11. Tiffany. llopbottom. J H. Very. Montrose Depot U. Hawley, New NatZ. T. H. Easterbrook, Groat Bend. Any persons in township. not above named, disking agency,eu mat obtain It by addressing A. lIALDWIN, General Agent, Montrose. Pa. Jan.ll,ll';l—ln • FARM FOR SALE, Con taintug one hundred end Oily acres, one hundred under improvement—with good build ings, orchard, &c. &c. Price low, and terms made racy. Inquire of L. F. FITCH, or G. V. BENTLEY Mont rose, Jan. 4,1871—t' D ENTISTRY C. A. SACKETT'S Dental Rooms, Ness 111.1 ford, Ps Port len tar attention given to all operations nn the nato• rsi teeth. Arinacisl 'Forth inserted in all the rufous yled now in on, Perfect satisfaction vomit led Wall. Com awl sec ow, and satiaffyonorolves. om on hours. our. each dssy. 1371 —ll F URNITURE ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PI.KAIZ TAXI Nonce: The extensive Farnham Eatablishment of William W. Smith, having been redtted and gr ntly Improved, the proprietor respect fully announces to the citizens of Montrose and !feint. ty. Shut hr is constantly reeking and kuepe on nand the izi-gcst and hest asasortmcnt of NITIET7F6.3O to be found anyarber this side of New York City. Delike. nlv.no. Towelreek4, Lounges, Footstools ite. • Center C ard, Pier, Toilet, Dining Kitchen and CEMMI=ti CTIAIIIS —Cane and Woodneat Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodeent. , of every varlet, and style. Sorerand Tete•a-tetes. famished on short notice.— Cane seat chairs reunited. ' , SPRING BEDS. A largo aveartment—cheapest and beat In the market Cane Seat Chaim I am now enablcdto supply my customers with* new sobstant ial cane seat chair, of home manufacture, which will hr found greatly superior to those formerly in market, and yet are sold at a less price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. Ready made coffins on hand or furnished at short antic e. Hearse ales ye in readiness If desired. I employ none bat careful and eapertenced workmen, I Intend to do car work well, and tell It ow row Asc.= be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. liontrose,lreb 18,;1868. NEW WALL PAPER, arrlved and tellirMell i b& ELL Ituritroto. 49 11 1 ;N% ISI9. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS, Main Street, 6 door. below Borre - burneroilontrose FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PRO VISIONS. We are constantly rev, lying i nd now have outland. a fresh stuck at donde In onalli e which we willed) camr! cHrm I CHEAP I for cash, or exam 'go orprodOClO. 00011 TEA'S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEE?, &e. Wehave refitted abd made additions to out Stock o Palle. and are now ready to forward Hotter to the best commisplon houses fe New york,gree of charge, and make I lbersladvancements on consignments. Call and examineoor Stock before pnrchaslng else where. a n dcowrinceourselves oftbe GOOD QUALITY 4ga LOW, PRICES of oar Goods C. G. MINER. - - 11ontrose..Aprtl 10.1860 -4 . e• , ...". ' f 4.....,'Nrr,z I • ~, -/, , -tz:- 1840 - ' 1.870 ':- ---•--- -......... 1 The Pam Munn Is by universal consent allowed to have won for itself a reputation ansurpaised In the Ida• tory of rot dleal preparations. its Instantaneous effect In the eradication and extinction of Mein all Ha IS- Hoag forms incident. to tbe human Owtilly, and the nn.. solicited written and verbal testimony alike masses In its favor. have Peon, end are Its own best advertlis. went& The ingredients of the Pa= Katie, being mei, VtOITAZIA, reader - It - a perfectly sate and eigimeloas remedy taken internally. as welt as for external APPll cations, when used actor gto direellwas. Tim stain upon linen from its nett really removed by Washing with alcohol. This liedielne, justly celebrated 'lbr the ars of sis many of the aftlictions Incident to the human family, has now been before the public overrirtarr IMAM and toe found Its way int° almost even cantata the world: nod wherever It bas been weed, the sumo opinion is ex pressed ol its medical properties. I y r e qu ir ed,ck. wherro_prompt mar ble. the slate= m the Pain Biller ls in Its sost instentaneolts effect In Itellevlng Vein Is truly wonder. tut, and when used according to tireettons, .1s Use to its namo.iil'AlN KILLER. 014crvor aszact Tilaracttlimr QUA For Bale at Lathroes itore. Nara 1,18.71. 8w O. D. LAT/IROP. PEBBLE BPECTACLICEP - ak o ma% Opectaeles,a imppltjtt gal= 4 l Nocitrisa. Nov. 10, ISCO. ABlib T W. B. COATS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers