the tarot ante tiroidr Buckwheat Cakes. I love to see in satamer tune, The Eirmer plow the land, And hnnuicast o'er the furrows sow, The buckwheat with his hand. I love to see the little germ Come springing up to view ; And see at moot the gmwing plant r. eq) rent with sparkling dew. I love to see the blossoms ope, As white as pearly snow, While oei the fields the gentle winds, With laden perliune blow. I love to see the blooming field Put on its coat of brown ; And see the heavy laden stalk With ripened grain hang down I love to see, in even swath, The cradled buckwheat lie; And help to rake and rear the sheaves And set them up to dry. I love to see the loaded sheaves Before the old barn door, And hear the sounding flail Upon the threshing floor. I love to see the Canning mill Blow off the dusty chaff; And see them measure up the grain, And "strike" the bushel half. I love to see the water wheel. Revolve with mighty power, Which sets the mill stone whiting round To grind the bnckwhcat flour. I lore to hear the thumping Within the noisy mill, And see the miller scoop the flour The farmer's bags to 611. 1 lot•e too see the busy cook Ifer pankmike batter make, And on the heated griddle pour, The limped flowing cake. I. love to see the half done cake, With skill turned upside down, Until the stove with steady heat, llas baked the pancake brown. The-buttered cake upon my plate I dearly lore to see. And when with honey sweetet.el well It looks more temptingly. Then all the pleasures I have named A greater one I take-- 'Tis at the table, when I sit And eat the Buckwheat Cake. Dutch Dairies. The farmers' boys and girls of ",Imerica. I am confident, would lik to go with me into a dutch farm-house. Stable, house I and dairy are under the same roof. The house which we visit stands on the bank of a canal—the water in the canal almost on a level with the ridge pole. One of the dairy maids has been out to the canal to wash her pans and dishes, and now she is taking them- back to the house, drawing them in a little cart. Look at her shoes—wooden ones, turned up at the toe like a skate—clump, clump, clump. they go as she steps. She leaves them outside the door, and puts on a pair of slipers as she enters. She has a bonnet so cur s that I shall not attempt to de cribe it, tof just such a pattern as was worn by er grandmother. Some of the cattle are iu the fields, blanketed to keep them warm. A girl with red cheeks and bright eyes opens the door of the stable, and takes us along the stalls to see the cows--twenty-six cows standing by their cribs, or lying down chewing their ends, fastened by rope halters—and, funniest of all sights, each cow has her tail drawn up to the ceiling by'a cord and pulley, so that in time their tails grow straight up into the air! There are great tabs filled with milk, and curds and whey ; there is a fire place in the stable, where they scald the milk, also the cheese press. We enter a little room and see the pots of butter and the rows of cheese—not such great For Seven Dollars Per Line, we Will ones as the New Hampshire girls tarn out, 111 NsERT AN ADVERTISEMENT ONE MONTH In but cheeses almost the size of a sixty-four ; 1 Otte Mildred and Pau-Fire Flrr-.t (lase pounder cannon ball, not quite round,', Pennsylvania Newspapers, but like the earth, flattened at the pules. Inelndlng Elzren Dailie, If you were to go with me into some of 1 We refer to to tho PolAlrtor of thin Pont:. to shorn our the warehouses of Amsterdam, you wouldrerpouo , Za it mun kuowo. ssat late.ant 3P-x-caio. see cart loads of the cheeses—enough to Address GEORGE P, ROWELL, & Co.. Adrertiring freight scores of ships. They are kept for , Agents. Nos. 4U and 41 Park Row. New York. mouths, and years even, and never lose their goodness, it is said. You have read how a Dutch admiral, in a sea fight,' after having fired away all of his cannon balls, kept up the batteries with cheeses— just such cheeses as these which the bright eyed dairy maid takes pleasure in showing. We go from the stable up a short flight of stairs into the kitchen and say "Good morning" to the farmer's wife, who curtsies like a little child. She shows us over the house, draws aside a curtain and shows us the beds iu the recesses along the wall, like a berth a ship. Au old clock—its brass weight and pendulum as bright as sand and soap can make them —ticks in one corner. She takes great pleasure in showing us her treasures, in the -front" room; a bureau of the richest mahogany, set off with bead mountings, with carved feet like lion's claws • with rows of gilt chairs dishes around the room "Ist under the ceiling—old ware, cups and saucers, which her great grand mother used, which she will hand down to her daughters, and they to their chil dren. There are old pictures on the wall —flue engravings; more china on the tables and stands. Everything is so clean and-nice that you are almost afraid to be in the room. . —rm. der 40— -- flow tomake hens lay In the rater. A writer. itiTthe "Western Farmer," says: - Being an old. han d at the business, and I think successfel; I Wish to give, for the benefit of thoteintereated, my system of feeding poulty to force them. I chop up pretty hne meat of any kind—baked, roasted or raw—and to about a pound of meat-14ot about half a teaspoonful of cayenne-pepper. I mix thoroughly ; then feed, the meat to them. always being care ful to have them fed about an hour be fore, with grain or other food. If tricat Is nut to be had, then make mush of either corn meal, oat meal or --buokideat flour, using one teaspoonful for about twenty hens. Never soak your corn. It is a poor plan. kind, must have hard feed of some kind, or they will hare poor diges tion and then of course other diseases. I feed the mixture as much as twice a eoldlwheather I feed oftener, and bave .no-neighbor Who can • show. meWeggiftom 1.1)e same Amber of hens than Lonnowither have they mom vigorons,-..„%sethy,stdek. • Old morter,. charred botiN.l' - ,"elirtreoal; - etc., are good. gnu ,Itutvtirigintuto.- NITHAM WITCHES. TILE Extensive use et these watches- for the last tit teen years by Railway Conductors, , -,Engtn eers - nud, Expressmen. the most exacting of tratel-Wmtrert.b .. lhas thoroughly- demonstrated the strength, itcadlnesi;aur: ability and accuracy of the Waltham Watch. To antis 17 that class in all these respects, to to deckle the ques tion as to the real value of them time-keepers. More than 500,000 of these watches arc now speak inf., for themselves to the pockets of the people—a proof and a guarantee of their superiority over all others. The seperior organization and great extent of the Company's Works at Waltham, enables them toprocrnee watches at a price which renders competition tattle, and those who buy any other watch merely pay from 23 to 50 per cent, more for their watches than Is neesssary. These timnpleces combine every Improvement that a long elperienCe has proved of real practical WC. 11211 . - irg had the refusal of nearly carry invention in watch making originating in this' country or in Europe, only those were foully adopted which eevere testing by the most skilfull artisans to our works, and long Use on the part of the public, demonstrated to be essential car rect anti endirrieg time-keeping. Among the many Improvements we would partial brine: The invention and- rise of a centre pinion of peculiar coastructlon, to prevent Carnage to the train by the breakage of a main-springs, is original with the Ameri can Watch Company, who, having had the refusal of all other contrivances, adopted Fogg's patent pinion asbo :rig the best and ninitlesn. Hardened and tempered balr.aprings, now universally admitted by Watchmakers to be the best, ere used It all grader, of Waltham Watches. MI Waltham Wattles have duet-proof caps, protcrA log the movement from dust, and lessening the necessi ty of the frequent cleaning necessary in other watches. Oar new patent stem-winder, or keyeless watch latl ready a decided success, and a great Improvement on any atom-winding Watch In the American market, and by far the cheapest Watch of its quality now offered to the public• To those living In proportions of the tott ed States where watchmakers do not abound, watches with the above mentioned improvements which tend to ensure accuracy, cleanlinces,drimbillty and convenience, must prove invaluable. Tho trademarks of .the various styles made by the Company arc as follows : American Watch Co., Waltham, Mass. Amn. Watch Co ; Waltham, Mass. Atncriam Watch Co', Crescent St.. Waltham Mass Appleton, Tracy Lt. Co . , Waltham, Ma, American Watch Co., Atlanta St . Waltham, Mass Waltham Watch Co.. Waltham, Malta. P. S. Bartlett, Waltham. Mass, Wm. Ell ry, Waltham. Masa. Ltom• Watch Co.. Boston Mass. Exa.ntrof the rytalling of the a mamas carefully before buylnc. Any variation even of a single letter, indicates a counterfeit. • _ For rota by all leading jenrelert. No watches retailed by the Company. An illuotrated history of ‘entch.making, containing ranch rit.efni Information to watch-mean:l - n cent to any address en application. Robbins & Appleton, General &Tents for Atneitcan Watch Co.. 193 Broad way. New• York. rilitE °Welt and hest ennductid emantilc College In Ike Country. Fur rireulara. write to P, DI FP d, PONS, Pittsburgh. Pn. II.kE.PEES' EDITION OF I:FFS 1 , 111 rn",..teoinpreliewl% e %%net: inthli=bett. Cun tuftu Nationul 1341. k., Bookk,einng. Sc. IUNCLE JOSH'S Trunk , Full of. Fun. 4 PORTFOLIO of Orst.ciss Wit and Humor, con -1.1.. taming the richest Comical Stories, Cruel Sells. stue Splitting Jokes, flumonms Poetry,qualnt Partxlies. Burlinle Sermons New Connundrnms and litirth.Pro. yoking Speedier ever publ ir bed. Interspenied with ere riour puzzles, amusing card trla,, Feat: of Parlor Nag ic. and mark,' :WO Fuoiny Engravings. • Illustrated C. • er. I•ricr 15 etc. Sent b) mail, portage paid, to any part of the I. n 11,41 Status, oil e:1,1. of price. I.II(.Ii;ENS 4Y. FITZGh.RAL), IN Ann St., N. Y. TAR. S. Sr vrrcir s Fainity Physician; 1)13 ; by rnail ro, Trachoo> now to curt Untoarmee, of the trer on f Ain, Asir, eyea.cramplesion. Wnto to 114 Broadway, New York. BLOOMINGTON, (ILL) NIMERY 1, 9 TR Tear, MO Acres 13 Greenhouses. Larrx.t As sJrtment sixes. Rest Stork I Low Prices ! Would )on know what, when, how to phut! Print. shade, evergreen trees, root.. grafts, sea...limns, ()sag. plants, apps seed. early hose 11.1.1110 CY. shpt hs , , roses, greenhouse and garden Plants. 4ke FLOWKII and V Ell ETAJ)LE SEED?! tlnt, best collection—sons and qnalitv. Send le cents fur New. Illustrated Dederlptlve Catah;,mo—ito page,. Send stamp. each for Cataloger' of Seeds, with plain directions-4:4 pages ; Bedding and Garden Plants-32 pages. and Whole...llr Prise Lint-21 pages. dd ree. F. K. PiKENI.X, IlloOrragion. Ilhnols A GREATR OFFE.—lrorace Waters 4SI Broadway, N. Y., will Menet. of One Hundred Plane. Melodeon*, and Orzans of six flrft-clam makerA. including Waters, at Extremely Low Prices,For During Mit , Month, or will take a part caeh and hakince In monthly or quarterly enistallmente. $1 TO $lO PER DAY. MEN, WOMEN. who mime Mourners business make from h 1,5 to ARO per day In their own localities. Fall particulars and Instructions sent free by mail. Those In need of permanent, profitable work, should address at once. Gron.ot SITAFON a Co., Portland, Maine AID INDEPENDENT FORME =NT FOaR ZUCCIPTIVIIMEIES : t.); 4c made in a quiet way by marl that are capable of keeping the secret., Addlees JAMES GOODWIN, G: Exchange Pince, Nee; York. dep rsE Tu AE BALSAM 1870 (.7.1‘.7 POPULAR BALSAM , ht old Pundard named y for Coughs, Cold,, Uousurup don -- NoUdnd Eater," Cm.r.r. Biwa, Co., Boston. ii999311i9q194 TO THE WORKIRG CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the epare moments. Business new, light, and profitable. Persons of either sex racily earn from Lae. to td per evening, and a pm portioual sem by devoting their -whole time to the business. Boys and girls ea to nearly vs much as men. That all who eve thin notice may send their address, and tort the business, we make the unparalled offer: o such as are nut well satisfied, we will seed El to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars. a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The Profir's Literary Coreponion—one of the larlvs,-44 and best family newspapers ever published—sll rent free by mail. /leader, If you want permanent, profita ble work, address 8. C. ALLMiit CO., Augusta Man( =333.131 4 :E3rm055t For 81.1. ft Salary per week, and expenars. paid *3‘./ Agenta, to nail oar new and rwcful dieoaveri. Address B.'Strttr& CO., Marshall, 3116. A VOID QVCKS .— A victim of early ludieerction, LS. comiug. to mons debility, premature decay, Se.. haring tried every advertised raved v. has a simple means of itellteure, which he tOli send 'free to hie fellow sufferers, Address J. Q. TUTT LIE. TS Nassau . Street. flew Fork. Feh. let, 18-11.-4 w. FARE FOR SALE, 1 - I NACCOUNT of poor health, the subscriber offers his far= for sale, situated about three miles west of Montrose. between the old Owego and Chemurgy Turupikes, adjoinhv land of D.IDAIIInds. containing about 1.24 acres of land. 85 acres improved, the residue well timbered, cmfortable buildings. a choice orchard of about lOC trees, and well watered with never falling springs and creeks. - fafr Terms easy, Zuguire.of tit% subscriber, on the farm. or of J. Grlidis, at Read., 4rltts store ; Montrose. 3 1 470 -1 , 1 GRIFFIS... Bridgewater, January, ' —-- • Cw*, TEA! -A- evertmptce Te;tin alarlM,just arrisetLana fur val. rit 1 4 r - ew York oduiltlale price.. Also a ilaaaa , rortment of COFFEE. Boy of me and rave e reef. rtnves. ABEL Montrooc. Po. AprilN 1:770 . . - • - CALL AT ROBII 4 IBO - E'B • 801:TIIERli TIER P r EnWiT l iZrM EMPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Where you will find The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. 11—All Goods sold warranted as represen ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the ptirposea of a Laxative Medicine. - r , Perhaps no one medl eine le so universally re gulled by everybody as /a =Mara°, nor was ever - any before so universal - ly adopted into use, in e t riera .t. co a ti osi n e, try r an th d . am in o i n i i yet u c n purgative ' PtU. The obvious rea . son Is, that Ms atom. re •"*liable and far more etesa • Mal remedy than any - • other. Those who have tried it, know that It cured them; those who have not, know that It cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what It does once it does always that it never fells through any fault or neglecter its composition. We have thousands upon thou. sands or certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and wo need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions-In all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Thar sugar coaling preserves them over fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being timely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify tiro blood and stimtik.o It Into healthy action —remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such. derange. meats as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given In the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pill. rapidly cure:— For Dyspepshs or Indigestion,Listless. net's, Languor and LOS. of Ap petite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the atom. rah and restore its healthy one and action. For Liver Complaint and its rations Map. toms, Bilious Headache, Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, Hiltons Colic and =nous Weyer., they should be Ju diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause It. For Dysentery or Diarrhea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Gout. Gravel, Palm. ration of the Heart, Pain in the Side, Back and Loins, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disap pear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in largo and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as It produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Puts to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, mad invigorates the system .i flare It Is atm ad vantageous where no derangement exists. On of these Pills makes him fee{ Lclacti en ly bettor that ! from dose their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. DR. J. C. AYES it CO., Practiced Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., V. B. A Sol.l by Abel l'urrell, and Item... Nl..ntrose, and druggist.. and dealer, every here. (Dec. 21, 1670--y Gullazbety, ReAcnbaum 0 1 'Co %Vcald rt, fully cull your atlvntiot to thcir NEW STOCK OP Fall and Winter Goods which for TorletY of Stiles nere3 has beer esetllcd it this place. 00f assortment or DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS,:&c. 2%7" ovr ex. 17P' v‘is Miottor. IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed Ind untrimmed tadim , ' and C'hild' Firoverg. Fnagler•, ldnek and colored Velvets, inbong &c. &c. never more handsome. I.adles• end Children's F , RNISTIING Goono.. Wan-tn. orpt.te. Wove.. Ilandkerchicr, C'ollarn and Cu?.. 'Merino Wraida.,. Ilnaiery and Kull Goods. ehenper thee fur the lael ten ymre. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! For Men, Youths, and Boys, a roll and complete stock Metes full sults from $lO to VP). OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS! Of all the different grader, and at all priecr CLOTHS, C.I.SSLUERES, ESEAVERS, 5., , e. for Cuttom take measures and get up :Torments to order in gnod style, told warrant good feting and sotlefactory :root. GRNTS' ILT.NISIIING GOODS White and Flannel 'Marla° Wrapper! & Draw ers, ifaadavrainfe, /Mire, Linen and Paper C. Darn & Critro. Suspenders, Ginnie, Umbrella!, Trunks St Satch els la great variety. 1.1.A.TS AND CATS, c .;* Men and Boys, of the latest style and great In sari Onr_Siock has been seleeted with care, and ea wi luny oar goods In large qapauties we frennently save from 10 to 93 per cent. in buying. As we nib asexual' a inst. Mn abuse cost ne Any dealer can or will tuba. we can justly-premise you gootibut-a, ins, and will make it for yntirinteset to deal with us. nfk.lo enni of OW etOCk. pad Montrose. 0c11.070.5e raitrolitt VOW Zab E RIE RAILWAY under min management—SOO miles with. out chin eof coaches. Brood gunge, double track ronto in nll pointy went, Korth-wont nod routh•w est. New inproved. Conches nro run through without change to Itocheater, Buffalo, Dunlara, Cies eland, and Cinutn. natl. On and after Monday) - ,Dee. 11,1311. Tralu3 leave Itlnghalutou ai the folluvi lug Imam viz: COINO t rt.m Night Exdreee, (Mondays excepted] 3:25 am. eit Itxpreee. daily. teat a. m. hall Tmln. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Danklele. 3::X1 p, m. 'tinned Accommodation, Band ay excepted, p. m. DaY ExPeee.. Sunday, excepted. w. 12 p. In. Expense Mall, Snndays excepted. •tent, p. ro. Wej ereight Stmdays excepted. 1:13.5 p. m. Eudgtent Tlain, duly for Lbc Wcat. tioLYN E.T. \ acn3 a. m. Night Express, Sundays excepted. 7:•.1,1 a. In, Cincinnati Express, :Mondays excepted. 1:51 p. m. f/ny Eqpress Sundays excepted. T:tu n. m • AtcommOdation Tram. daily for Snsunehanta 8:15 p. m. New York Mall, Sundt vs excepted. 111:,10 p. m. Light ctn. , Express, early. 11: to a. m. Way Prergla, Sundays excepted. re-.% reel ..ed And complete .• Pocket Time Table" of Poiowum,Tritins on the Erie Railway an d connecting olio mcebtly horn pnbi,hed, And eon be had ou ap plication lu the Ticket Agent 01 the Company. L. D. RUC KER. W R. ri.krtn, Gehl Supt. ratea Agt. Dee. I, It,lo. l EIIIGIT VALLEY RAILROAD. J un and after rk.e. uo, 1,70, trains on Um Lehigh Vainly Railroad w 111 run as follows : Loore Wnwrl3 June. lion E. 12. W. f 1 Xi a. Tn. 3.4.3 p. m. n. 40 p. m Minn. IT 3.35 • . n59 •' witmla 7.25 •• .1.111 •• 7.'40 L . lc.vrll;e ZT " 5.311 " Skinner's Wy 8.45 •• 5(1 10,1toppen TT 07 " 5 Behnoppny 0114 •• 5.10 .` Tunk'T,Tch .I " 6.40 " L. Tt B. J nun. 10.3) 5.40 " B.T.TITton 111 40 •• 7. 51) " Wllkes Barre :1 in 8.15 .• While ILiven 1055 '• 111• ch Chunk 1.10 " Allenloun 2.37 •• Bethlehem 2.40 " Easton 3.17 " Philatlelphla 5.05 " .'.r. at Nam 1 Wk. 5.25 " Leave New York 3.49 n. rn. Pniladelphla ••12.00 m. Raton 41 ''i.4i p.lll. Itethleham 5 .1.1 •• Allenttwn 919 4.00 4.00 • 1 111,- . 11 (bank 10,55 " 4.20 ••• 'White lo p. tn. 5.15 •• 1.30 ••5.5.2 " Pitte•ton LTA " 8.15 L 811. Jon. 200 " 41.`6 Tunl..'unck 351 " Tlelmonany 3..41 " Ileshoppoi 1 •••• Skinner', , 5.3.15 " vllle 3.49 •• Towanda 4.:24 •• Athena 535 " `• Ir, at Waverly Junction. E. B. W. 5 • ;V — No change of ears between Scranton and New York, or between scranton and l'ldladelphia. DecJrnher 1873. TH'i GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN {laFßY.—Just published, in a Settled Elvelope.— All Price Six Cent+. A Lecture on the Nattier., Treatment and iladleal Cure or Settirnal Weakne,, or Spermatorrtien. Induced by relr.Ablo , o, In voluntary Emisslens Impotency. Net - roes Debility. and Impedim•nte to Martian° v,•nern Ily : t•onsatept ion. Ep ilepsy. and tits; mental AndpliyAiral incapacity. etc. Dy 12WIT. .1. rt . LC ERN' E LL, M. D., Author of the • Green &c. The svorl/1-lenouned anther, in this admirahle Lel-tore ninarlY Prnvcc front hisowu experience thnt the awful eon, a osnee. of ,If-11:N.0 may he effectually removed it ,out tol4ll, ins. and a ithout dangerous sur_aeal op, ration, laatzes it,tretnentQ. rings and cordial., pint 1 0 , oa t a of care at certain an I ettel that. In whis I. ex et . -or matter shat ht. c 10,1111.. y 1., um. cur, hin.,•lf pm, ittelv. and radienlly T t“, .11 p5. , ,0 a boon to thousand- and thou nand! tto,t •••• al to a pl.tin envelope, to any athleco.. oneeceipt ~r lit-..r 10 0 iwol:1,20 I.y ad dretetioc 1110 1151.11-51, 111 t.. (1 I.VEILWEI.T.'S E=I=I2IMEMI Gibb Chest-nut B Street, EININ S MACHINE CL--72.ila,.;_ielphia. " I give my karty preference to tho Willcox Sc Gibbs Elent Sewing Machine." "The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of the W illcox &Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than gatioied." GzAcr. GREENWOOD. " I have the Wheeler & Wilson, the Grover & Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. I use the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it far superior to either of the others." HF-NRY WARD Baacnmi. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a yip, if she must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox d Gibbs." REV, DEICER CRANE, Carbondale, Pa. " The Willcox & Gibbs is the Daly Sewing *whine whose working is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." Rsv. A. T. Pawn, We have used various Sewing Machines within our family, but it is the unanimous opinion of the household, that the Willcox & Gibbs is the best of them all." "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, I have seen no Sewing M chine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." Elwell LEWIS, Of the Penrsslrottla Central E. B. A correspondence on the subject of Sewing Machines is respectful ly solicited. D. S. EW72IrG, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Dee. 28, 1874-3 in FRE LIQUORS SEELY'S NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY., distilled strictly P. , : and a , arietv,f other Erandier. Incltidlng Cherry Eran,lv. cider 11,1;1111, Ct. Nearly all the diirer• rnt ""i. Run:.;lll. Old Rye and Bourbon Whi.-key. A te..1101. Pi!, Spirit. Ea) R constant. ly on band and (or rale by ABEL TEE/CELL Montrose. March 1.11h,150. TA R$ ma meta ii cotralo• 31011TROSE. PEC.V.I. JOHN S. TAnnEty, Proprietor. Ei2.llSLighs scare this liousz dally. connecting with th;., D. L. 6 W., the. Erie, and the Lettah Valley Hail- Ways. Wye, 18'7W—tit - ( "W ti RE...SS WATER. at TURRELL'S M. S. DESSACEI. DEEMED Silent EZtM= Missionary Amerkan Board. REv. J. S. Hot" Brooklyn, NS CIITOrITE TMI cOVU? 110092., HEIM T. HEIMSOED'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Paris—Flnal_Extrad Mien barb and Fluid Extrael What , - ba Grape Jnide. FOR Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Affection,. Sick or Nen-ow+ ll.dache. CU,tIVCII.4O , etc. Port Verxt.v.le, containing no )limmiry, Minorals or Oct etorious Dingo. Those pills are the most delightfully pleasant purga tive, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There is nothing inure acceptable to the stomach. They give tune, and muse ueither 'mania nor griping pains. They are composed of the finest ing.rettlents Alter a few days' use of them, such on invigoration of the entire system takes place as to appear miraealons, to the weak and enervated, whether arisin g from Imprudence or die. vise. 11. T. jilolmbold'a Compound Fluid Extract Ca tawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated, from the fact that sugar (=led Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without dissolving. uonsequeutly do not produce the desired effect. Til.: CATA tVl3.k CHAFE PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor, tin tint neces sitate thei r being sugar coined. YUICE FIFTY CENTS l'Elt DUX- 11ENRY T. TIELIIBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COnPUEND FLUID EXTRA C T SARSAPARILLA Will rarneally exterminate from the rryortern Scrofula. Syphilis, Fryer Socrnr, l'ls'ers, sore kve Sure Legs, Sore Youth, Sore Head, Bronchitts, Sisin am., Salt abeam. Cancers, Itunionas Ism the Ear, While S,‘ vll - Tumors, Cancerous Alfrettoue, Sister, RiCketr, Snellinge, Night Sweats, Rash Triter, tie titer. of all ktinlc, chronic Ithent.tikm, Cppensl.l, and all disuses Unit have trees catalniched In the syetca. for years. Being prepared exprer.rly (or the abate romplaintr, blood purafylng properties are f•rrater than any other preparation of Sar•apanlla, tt Oyer the complys.:4 in a elver and healthy color. and reriorer the pat Vent to a inane of health and purity, for purifying the 14lod. re• tonality all chronic eon-Ilt ntioual dir.ler art -hz front an impure Mate of the blood, and the nets ladlallle and 1•11,1lIalkn ... n remedy for the corr.( pater and swell ttmt of the hones, I'lreration4: of the thrust and leg, Inolenen, Pillinlve nil the Fare, Krpopelar nod 4411 44,41) erupt lour of the Pkie, and beoutilyi .g the complexion. Price $1 30 per bottle: IIENUY T. lIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED Fluid Mstria.cst 321"saLcai.v... TIIE GREAT DIrRETIC, Has cured every ease of Mahal, In whlelo II has been given. Irritation of the Neck or the Bladder And I nolan, atatzton of the Rhlor3s. Ilex:militia of the lilducys and Itiadder, Itxtentiou of Urthe, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, tiotone in the Bladder. Calculi. Gravel : Brio k duet Deposit, and /olnentrne or Milky dlechareee, and for es. feeitled and delicate conetitutlione of both rest', attetati ed whit the following -y Inoliepoeto tun toes tto ion, It,r of {0.,, to-s or nwt,,,,ry. dollicoolty of weak nen toe : tremtoling. horror of discus, unkelulnees„ diranc..s of thrum,. pins in the back, loot hande, tionehing c( I he hood), dune.— of the skin, eruption 14, OW Coe, lll/11 CNA us the run-v.l4r scat-•n,, -to. ~ e ,l by pe re:Oito frt.., the wzr• of Ogliteen to Men!) 11 ye. nod remit kitty are I.• Lilly tile• or to the dechue .•f Ur , : nrt, r couut.e uuut ur La, yawn; uutting lu vhildrk:u. Ifeltehld'et F7Ttraet linrhn l Din re•tlr and Mo., rti rift intt.ntl core+ all theea.e. nrkintt Cr,,,n hnhit- of illlO :111/1 and Intle-ndenrer in life impot it of tie 1.,, ,itioe tctmlivs;! rona lies in nirVei lotre , fnr IA hit it it I• tnnnl and rlt 141'1111k mfr. - in.-- in lin re die. cart, uped iu “ntueCtioit a ith note Warh. In myny afTnetinn• perullar tolartn.s. tt e ritrart Burden h- oneyinalleti by ant nth, remedy- as 111 (hi 4 or lf,•l.•nt Irre,zobtrity, lutinfulnef. or ouppreodon of rwoontary 111(.1.r:tied or Scliirn. plate of the Vivra., Lnrorrlorn or Whit,. ,Po t tilty. an d for all conaplaintr ito.blent to the +ea. whether nriv.ite: rem, In diseretlon or habits of (lieeipatlon. It Ic prreerthed CS tenalvely hr the most ranntcut ith)vde lane and smithy', es. for enfeebled and deheale Nat, „.,,, and all a2to , (attended with any of the above direatota or ffmotouir), H. T. TIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 71T-Clll Cores diseases arising from impnulence. habits of din. sipation, etc.. In all their stazes, at little expense, lit Ile or no change lu diet. 110 illeollVetilOne,rlllll 110 CS 1/01" U It entices a frequent circler, and gh ex, strength to urinate. thereby rerrovln . g obstructions, preventing and string strictures oft he rethra, allaying pain am! inflammation, so fn./nett in this class of disease, and expelling all polsouons matter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons, and who have paid beam. fees to he owed in a short time, have found they have been dectived, and that the !poison - has. by the tine of - powerful as ringents,' been dned op In the System, to break out In a more ag gravated form. and perhaps after marrisgr. USE HELM BOLD'S EXTBACT ItUt'llf: for all offer. t ions and diseases"( theUrinaryOrgans, whether exist Inc In Male or Female. front whatever muse originating, and no matter of how I. , ng standing. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Bottle. L . DERRY T. LIEMBOLITS IMPROVED ROSE %VASIL cannot he surpassed as a Fare Wash, and will be found the only specitic remedy in every species of Cutaneous A trection. It speedily craillcuto Pimples, Spots, Scrobutle Indurations of the Cutaneous Mem brane, Or ."Mir.p.A. Redness and lquipieut Rives. Rash, Moth Patches, DrynFss of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes fur which Salves or Oint ments are used; restores the skin to a State of purity and sonnets, and futures continued healthy action to its vessels, on which depends the agreeable elceraess and vivacity of complexion so much sought and ad mired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, 11. T. Ilembolt's Rose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to unbounded patron age, by possessing qualities which render It a toilet ap pendage of the most Ropertative and congenial chars. ter, combining in au elegant formulaprominent re. quistles, safety and efficacy—the invariable accompani ments of its use as a Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. It loan excellent Lotion for diseases et a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection fur diseases of the I. num; Oriztuls. arising from habits of dissipation. used in concoction with the extracts Ruchu, Sarsapa rilla and catawba Grape Pills, in pinch diseases as re commended, cannot Ins surpassed. Price, One Duller Per Dottie. Pull and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and citable char acter furnished on application, with hundreds of thou sands of witnesses. and upward of :10,000 nose licited certificates and recommendatory letters, many of winch are from tile highest sources, including emi neat Physicians, clergymen, Statmincn, etc. Thu pro. prietor has never resorted to their publication in the newspapers; he does not do thin from the fact that bin articles milk as Standard Preparations, and du not need to be propped Up by certificates, Henry T. Helnibold's Genuine Preparation. Delivered to any address. Secure from error:Mon, Established upward of Twenty nate. Sold by Drog'. gists everywhere. Addrose letter§ fotWortnatlea t in confidence to EIENEX , Z . EETALEOLIEB. Druggist aid Chemist. Only Deputy—U. irEmedw . Drewon chemical Warehouse, No likt Ibbadwayv Now Toth, or If. T lostatoobn's )11,xlical Depot, Eli Sooth Tenth insect,. P T hiladelphle. übwARE OF CoUNTERFerrs *lc, rut 1144' Ilsestaos.Wp I Tulle au other: A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY 15r. .W VINEGAR BITTERS v. tt Hundreds of .Thousands Bear ta Mont r o ta:loader- o rr S A WHAT ARE THEY? "F. g f. T.: :1 Eg t." g Wpb e^ P. 4gE. o r. oar $ a c. 4 F.: 1 ". Ol t 2 E r 2 -: rd .2 g. g r. .6. 3 aoF 0 O t TEET AIDE NOT A VEX 07 A.. FANCY DRINK. ;;°; to of Poor Bum, Whlsicoy, Proof Spirits and Ratios Liquors doctored, rpleed and creel. coed to please tho tido, contd. Tordes,^".AppeLzr era," "Restorers: sc., that lend tbe tippler on to groonoeviess and rain, but area true Medicine, tnada out the !Cativo Roots and lierbs of Calffornia, freo rout all Alcoholic Stimulant°. They are Ma e BEAT BLOOD runwtran. sad A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE c perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tho blood too bcolthy condition. Ro person can tad tOcso Bittara according to arca tlon and reinain long euivell. SUM willbe gloss heron inenrablo ease, provided too bones aro rot destroyed by mlecred poison or other means, and tho vital ord.= ruled beyond tho point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic R beams. than and float, Dyspepaln, or Indigent/mt. Bilious, Remittent and intermittent Fevers Dleennen of the Blood, Llncr, Kidneys, and Bladder, Mello Macro bare bona mutt mecca ful. Bach Disease. aro cauccd by Vitiated Blood, 'which la generally produced by deraugeraeLt of the Dkread we Organs. DYSPEPSIA Oft INDIGESTION, licatt ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightnms of the Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Dad taste In the Mouth, Dillow Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, It.flammation of the Dings, Pain In the regions of the Eldneys, and o hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of DyrpapsLa. They lartgorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor• phi liver and bowels, which render them ofunequalled efficacy In cicanning the blood of all imptultles, and Imparting new Life and vigor to the whole system. • FOIL etlr,.llll DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Dolls, Cur. boucles, Bing•Brorres, Scald-Bead, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scarfs, Dlseditoration,s of the Skin, Humors and DDICZSC3 of the bkin, of whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. Oco bottle In such cases mill convince the meat incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you and Its Impurities bursting hrongh the slain In Pimples, teen tions or Bores ; cleanse It when you and tt obstructed and sluggish la 1.110 veins; cleanse it when It is foul, and your feelings will toll you when. Keep the blood yurc and the health of the system will follow, PIN, TA PE and other WO R3IS, lurking In U. system of so many thousands. era effutterally destroy ed and removed. For full directlomi, road carefully the circular around each bottle, printed to [our le.. sciagea—finglish,Germaa, French mad Spanish. J. WI t 00 ", n'OprictOr. GD. MeDONALD & CO., Bregrists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco. Cal. and It] and 5t c4JOIIIICIC.6 Yurk. La' FOLD DY ALL DRUUOLSTB AND DF Oct. y e,uipcte SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR riLIV feks XVIICIMECA lAEA, DRUGGISTS, Woolf rol.ertfolly ,ay to the public, that to addition t hetr Ilona! n,urintcut of PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES 1 1 .'Y Puinio and Oil.. Vartdpli. Dyr-Sthtl , . Wine aunt looluor.. horn, Nit thrirw, f.:)e 1.,“1“.1 Stritz. jrl-1 roct•l‘cd 4111. lot ”r Glut Law. 1111,. Carl Sc. We keep Is a)%nn hr.,.1 an for ;sale. rovtder. P.m 11,. Rol,. ra,t, s. T.. 1 I, 5t:un...,13 ,n• perior qll3/11y, and a ..4,11 4111 II i of I=l6m! N. tlobs. member 11. e I'IIEAP CA:11 PRtl; STORE flume& N 1,11.4%. .1. IL 111•1t1CF, Moutroee, Dee. 11,1 , 70. AMOS \ll IIuLS FLOUR ! FLOVI?. From this day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES. . Wc hang, out no false colors, but mean just what we say. While making Flour a specialty, our stock of FEED, J1P...11, 5.11.7; LIME CEMENT, GROC'ERIES, Will be kept full and sold at very smalr profits. 11. GARRITT a:. SON. New 31ilford, March 2, 6 1.80.—1 y • STROUD (E. - BROWN'S . Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 21eIcizatrcoiso, CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over Homo insura two Co. of Y., Capital and 'Surplus, - • $4,000,0 1 0 Insurance Co. of Mirth America, Phira, Capital addSarplua, 2.000,000 Franklin Fire Inauraoca Co., Plata, Pa-, Capital and Harping, 2,600,000 tycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn's, Capital dBorplus, 4,000,000 Connecticut Untual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., Capital,oo,ooo,ooo Lilo inatusuco C 0.., Philadel phia. Capital, 1,000,000 Travelara'lnetiranco Co. Hartford, Conn., „Insuring against all kinds of accident* Capiffa,, 700,000 Hartferid Pie° 'lniniranicCompany, Hart. ford. Conn:, Capital and Solving, ' st, saran bustaces entrusted to our CATO Wlllbo attend td 10 on fair terms, and al/10116CD promptly adjusted, C~lltllwdreldoormot from Dankin._ , . Office of W. co,,Tyrnplito at. Hontroso,-Pa. „ "'"'- - STROTID - * BROWN, Agents. . ~.Priendsvillo, *Solicitor. iiitcra, Montrose, do thmtilba pincnna, CrtatiLia L. litionni Montrose, Pa. Jan. 41. 1871. STATE NORSIAL SCHOOL, ittANBFIZI44 21043 A CO. PA. English and Classical courses. Terms begin September 7th; Donau*Er 12th; rind March 27th. State applbprlaticnia'Rtr students. , ' ratted et any tittle. Atmli to • - Lat., 31anstleld, Pa. Aug. 81,1870.-1 y • • lIOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, ' For the Relief and cnro nlthe Erring and Untbrtrinate,on principles of Christian Philanthropy. Emmye on the Em men! Youth and the - Follies oYAge, In retotlnn to Marriage and Soda! Evils, with unitary old for the afflicted. Sent free. In sealed envelopa. Ad drere HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Phlkiletptilt. rt. e IRON IN THE BLOOD. r.• . ... at Stllmp. aud c pel4 ttPease by supplying the blood wILIS NAT.lis'a OWN VITALIZINO Ram—IRON. • Cu Wit/kn.—Re Pore yon wet Penntans Pamphlets [rte. J. P. DINRIIORR. Tin. 34 Dei RI., New Ten. . OuM by Draggista geturay. • Ilarch 16, 1610.--y TALBOT & STAMP, GROCERIES & PROYISIOIS Floor. Salt, Mater. Pork. Gatti, Ham, Raft Fish, Tal Candlad, Crackers, Cheese, Cottoe, Spices, Cholas Tea:. Sugars, Rice, Dried and Canned Fran. Tobacco, Cigars, Snaff, and all other articled asually kept In a trat class (tracery tad Provision Store. We will mark nor Goo ax low as we can grant sod cull for cavil, or c.schunge (or produce, liontroee. Sept. 1.0, 1670. t.l A DEL Tura:ELL, DIWGOIST, 1101fT1.OSE. PA, LE continuely receiving El= And know, ronplantly on hand a full and dc.irabie tlf elte talent Ili genuine DRUUS, 3IEDICINE9, CIiEMICALB, LIQUORS, Paints. 0110, Inns. Teas. Spleeli, nd ialher ' Gro. terror. Stone Ware, Wall and V. Inch.," Paper, Glam.- ae. Kru it Jars, Mirrors. 1.2111111. limneys, Kin". *en, cry (hl, . (11 1. Neal 'loot Oil, Re a...l (Vitale Sperm fol. Ul.r e Ul. Spirit!, Tamen t gee, Varninnes, t ynnry Seed. Vinegar_Potsteh. Coomm, od i t e. A tie t. tuner. StappnrterP. m-traimaits, Shoulder Deuces, Whips, (tuna, listols, Lartrolaes, Ponder : Shut, Lead. (Jon Cups, Illastlng Pal, der and Face, it/Rill , . Si 11 11:10, 1:01... et. Flutes, Fifes. etc., Fvil 'look,. anti Bar and Toilet Soap, Harr Uric. Hair IteMlarer, and it 1 . 4. c)..,•( Kai re-. Stasi acles.Si Iver Meted Elponue,Forkel itC. De.thet Articles, a general aaaorleaent of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All the leading and best kinds of PATENT JI EDICINIDP, f •hint. nearly every thing to reetnre the via, to plum the Welt, to delight the rye, to gratify the lane', and al..° to conduce to the real and eubotentlel eumforte of Ilfe. Enumeration Is honraetlealde, es it would MI a utvrrouovr. Call at the Drag and Variety Store of ABEL TUICRELL. Montrose, Jae. r, ISTO I )ENTISTIZY MI those in want of false Teeth or othertiental work .11.,u1.1 call at Ike office td the. ,•Ithreril.ent, a ho are pre laared t o do all kinds of work in their line on short notice. Particular attention paid to making full and partial saris of teeth on gotd, silt err or aluminum plate ; also on B'estow's cast crontas•irion ; the two latter preferable to any of the cheaper 0011PLIJIMII now used for dental plates. Malt aryoung persons regulated, and made to grow In natural shape. The adrantatze of having work done by petmarotaly lo cited and rosponsible parties, meat he apparent to all. All work warrantro. PICIIPC call and examine [mad men, of plate work at one office, over Boyd& Co.' bard %lvo More. • W. W. EINITII & DIIOTIISIL Montrose, AI 18, 180.—If ATTENTION ! WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." • T. D. TAYLOR, so long known In Bingham ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and titsltionable Tailors in this section of country has formed a co-partnership with 8.-P. New comb, of Montmse, and they are now prepared to furnish men's wearing apparel of alikinda, and in style and workmanship superior to any establishment in this section of country. - We - GUARANTEE SATISFACTION • to all who may favor us with their patronage. Shop at Post's old corner, on Public Avenue. T: D. TAYLOR, E. F. NEWCO3LD. • Montrose, Oct. 10, 1870.—te • ABEL TUIIitELL, nos Jost rettamml from New York with alma ad (Minn to 1115 mmal..foCk of choler) goods. Moutroeo, Nov. 31,1d'9. $60.000,000 Dll. li. TP.AYER, ECLECTIC PIP/13ICIAN'611711(ilEON, Ogress his professional services to tho citizens of 130"q•st and adjoiningeounties. Mice. nt hta residence. Mel shoppota. Pa. Will be at Mone Friday of pieb week. tipeemi attention given to the treatment ot Chros4 Diseases. T.bose having Called tolget • relief groin tho treatment orairother I'hys.letans are especially, twat= to glee moo trial. Since my location tn. thts Idelnity,l have treated tuttessitilly some of the, worsktbrina Alt Consnmpt lon, Female 1l eaknessflllyspepsta, • Cony, St. Vitas Dance, ar Patients taken to boant on reasottabin 'Oft", Clernormen and their ramlUcs tre*4statultgaili;:, + No charge for coneultation. " Neshopphn. Nov. 16 , lElL—tin• .; .• -FOR SALL lIE - 11.0TUL. Tropeitt ior tee 4 ~a t C•ornorr, and long and knOwre as tho lant In Unto! connectral with irlOttiaritribontrtrenty 'For Acres et Voluble Land.- •••• L•-• - particulars *arm oral! Disrock, I*, Jan. 25, ,•• •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers