Teachers!' ILastitum An institute will be bell at Springville Hol low, on ,Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17 end 18, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. at Friday and closing on Saturday at 1 o'clock, p. in. Teachers in adjoining Towns will. be expected for the whole maim; directors and citizens are earn estly Invited to be present. An Essay or short .Address with discussions on Friday evening. W. C. TILDKN, Ca Supt Forest Lake Center, Feb. &1,1871. Weather Report, Readily Feb. 1, 1 71 DAY. TAKE. DEO. WIND. WEATICEII. sunain 7 18 19 24 9 29 Monday, 7 31 19 87 9 In O. - TUelidan 727 & 1.11 81 a. - .987 Weartasby, 7 84 N. w. 18 88 - • 9 89 Thursday, 7 29 1.2 9. 28 N.W. Friday, 7 18 • - 12 80 9 28 Saturday, 12 7 21 N. w. 14 9 1 The Wonder of the World, This powerful-remedy can be taken internally as well as externally by the tendereit Infant., :.It speedily removes and effectually cares ill pales of whatever form, acute or chronic,;:eitemd 'tor, or Internal Warranted to cure atlitelaitna:tn; This medicine will have its place in thil'find • class of remedies as soon as it is introduced. For sale by A. Baldwin, General Agent for Susquehanna County, and will soon be offered for sale through the county. 'Montrose, Feb. 6,1571.-2 w. wc.a.ra.re.llL.C3l.73lS. risn—STlTAcum..—At the holm of the bride's father, January 20th, 1871, by Rev. J. IL Wes ton, Mr. Edward P. Fish and Miss Sarah E., daughter of Rev. A. G. Stilwell, both of Lynn, Susquehanna County; Pa. Movlcumtv—Hounzostt.—January 5, 1871, at the Catholic Church, Friendsville, by Rev. M. Murphy, Mr. Andrewitloyniban and Miss Ma ry Horrigan, both of Middletown Center. Bens—Dont.ts—ln Friendsville, January 21, 1871. by the Rev. S S. Maniacly, Mr. Ed ward Burk knd Miss Catharine l3oyan, both of Auburn, Susquehanna County, Pa. 7Z/ZI.A.T3EICE3 . BGRDICE.—In Clifford, Susquehanna County, Pa., Decctubcr 24, 1870, Simeon B. Burdick, aged Si years, 3 mouths and 25 days. Gone to his Ilea'renly Ct.artms.—ln Gibson, Pa., January• 3, 1871, Mr. Watson Claflin, aged G. Apetiat VoanswerableArgumenta.—Estahl !shed facts are silent arguments 'which neither pen nor tongue can shake, and it is upon established facts that the reputa tion of llostetter's Stomach Bitters, an a health-pra serving elixer, and a wholesome and powerful remedy, Is based. When witnesses come forward in crowds, Tear after year, and reiterate the same statements in relation to the benegclal effects of a medicine upon tlisuurines, disbelief in its efficacy is fitereqy imposvi biz . The credentials of this unequalled bailie and alte rative, extending over a period of nearly twenty yeias, Include individuals of every class, and residents of every clime, and refer to vie in .a prey dent a n /.1.: the e nn plaints, which afflict and harm. the human family. Either a multitude of people, strangers to each other, haveanurally been seized with an insane and motiveless desire lo deceive the public, or Ilostetters Bittern, for no Less than a fifth of a century, have been affording curb relict to sufferers from Indigestion, fever and ague, bil lions, general debility, and nervous disorders, as no oth er:preprration has ever Impanel. To-day, while the eye. of the reader are upon these lines, tens of thou sands of persons of both sexes are relying upon The Bitters as a sure defence against the ailments which the present reasontengenders, and their conldence is not Inisplaced. The local potions which (arcuated dealers sometimes endeavor to Inlet upon the sick in Its stead, are everywhere meeting the Coe that is due to fraud and imposture., while the demand for the great vegetable specifiC is constantly increasing. nrcettinsg Marteled.—Paisays for young lilen,ort the delights of home, and the propnety or lingruprlety i4a r 'd'lb'trih"lP for rho eT=ruTonitdpinLtent r sealed envelopes. Address, Lit/WARD asibuCLATION Los P., Philadelphia. 1:12. ratrltioontsbarg State ?Worn:il School. and Ltreautur & COMILIZCLAI. Inertnrra.—The ramlty °Uhl* lnatltatl•ro aim to be eery thorough In their In etruction, and to look carefully after the health, tam acre and morale of the etudente. Apply fOr Catakresoe to /1.13...XRY CALMER. A. M.. Rcpt. 28-17 Ptincipol DEW TORE PRODUCE 211AILRETS. Cormelea sroakly .by William liods.cican, 231 Fulton St., New Yoe:. Week ending Jan. 28, 1871 Turkeys, per lb. 14 to 1: Chickens " 14 to 17 Geese "12 to 15 • Ducks " 16 to 20 Butter, pall firkin.......... Cheese, dairy. per lb.. , " factory Eggs, per doz . Flour, per barrel Corn meal, 100 1b5..... Wheat, per bushel..... Eye " .... Oats ,a .... Corn al .. . .. Ilops, crop of 1870.... Beef, sides, per lb .... „ Hogs, " .... Potatoes, per bbL ..... Tallow - LVALLEY RAILROAD. .a-4 On and alter Dee. O. UM trains on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will ron , as follows : DOWN TILISISS Lean Waverly ;unc tion E. the n W C43 a. m. ro. n. 6. 3 40 0 p.m. Towanda • '7.1.5" 4.16 7.30 '• Lac. 8.33 " 6.36 P.Linner's ry 8.40 " 641 " 3teehoppen 0.00 " 6.03 lltehoopany 908 " 6.10 Tank'eock 9.33 6.40 L. AB. June. 10.30 " 7.40 " Patna') 10 " 7,50 " Wilkeo•Barre 11.131 " 8-13 " %%lithe llaven 1223 " Welt Chunk L4O " Allentown 2.13; " Bethlehem ILO " Donau 817 " P_Padelphls 6.03 •• At. et New fork 6.23 ' lIP Tfteera. peps new Teri COD a. m. " top 9.313 env; 9.33 " Alloandwn 4.44 • Web Omik six% wtateicerf..ts p- - U'ilkee-da e inn.= 12.0 L. /111..1nn. 4.00 Tan Leonnt 2311 " eb0043 3 5 S ld esboppen 317 " nklariceas E. 8.46 Lannyndla 3' 4 4 Towanda US " Athena IS* " Ar. K Ware l 47 J;t6 49. & W:§.45 VIIIMo tures 'al' we batmen!' Senate iinul new Y or baling's /*ma* z);18A tinfindOaand Vtaladelptde. FARM FOE SALE.. By the Subscriber. Ininiediately, and cheap. Situated in• Forest Lake Townsbip, Susqa. Co., Pa. Containing 189 ACM, 93, improved., VA timber, two burns. and 6 house. horse barn and new milk kuuse,i two orchards, and Plenty of never failing water. Joins 4L Triden's &rm. _Prike W.M per acre. First come first O. HANDRICi. Forest lake, Feb. . Ist 1971. • County a uointoo Putting. Two Una in Clio Dirretosy, ' one year, 10.50 erteh additional Wu, 50 et& NEW MILFORD. CAYUGA PLASTILIL—NICILOLA9 SUOICHAKED. Dealer La genuine Cayuga Plaster. Fresh ground, 0. M. 'Doran . , Agent for Empire Sewing Machine, end American Base Burning Stove, Skin /Street, W. L MOSS di CO , Dealers in Dry Good.. ram Cep., Boots and Shoes, and General Merchandise, on Main street, second door bolo* the Episcopal Church. • UNION HOTEL, kept by WILLULII SMITH, on Main stmt, near the Depot.—• W. 8. MEAD, Foundry, and dealer in Plowe and other Utensils, one door from Phinney's Ueda St! N. F. KIMBEft, Carriage Faker and Undertaker. on Main btreet, two door* below Hawley's biers. • , I .McCOLLTIM BROTHERS. Deaths Grocerks and Provisions, °olden civet.* 0. GARRET ,th SON. Dealers in Floor, 'Peed. Meal, Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries and Provisions on Main Street, opposite the Depot. W.. .1b T. lIATDRN, Manntacturcre of Cigars and Wholesale dealers in Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods. on Maio duvet, below Eplecopal Church. • - - clear - cloudy 11089 & KSAP. Leather Maoufactnrrn and denier• In Morocco Findings. Sc.., near gpfecnnal cnnrn.4. • AINBY a HAYDEN, Dealers In Drug and blediobe., and Manntactorers of Cigars, on Main titreet, near the Depot W. STRPHRNS. !Three Shoeind and general Repairing on halo Street, south of the briuge. J. DICKBRILKS. Ja., Dealer in general inerchandiec audit:loudly( Brick Store, on Main Street. WOIPPLIr **%IEID, Denier,' In gcnenalMerchninike on Nair Streot. GREAT BEND Mannfaettlrer Leath ri g nera el Merchandise, on ]Sala Streeter,.* and dealer H. P. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Rrody Mode Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, Main &met.* HIRAM WlllTlL:Mannracturcr °rand dealer in roped or Plows and Cdatingr. EDWARDS S tRYAIiT, lillouttetorcre of Wagons God Sleight, xte.ir the Ingalls' Store. ADEL TERRELL, Dealer to Drugs. Medicines, IA quer., Paints, 011 s„ Dye Sitar , Groceries, Jewelry Sellout, dc. [4ep. 21, ;10 WEBB & GERE, News Orrice, and denlens In Gmcer lee and Provisions, Crockery. etc., Public Avenue. JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Law. Office one door below Turbell Bourn, Public Arcane. • WM. II COOPER & CO.. Banter,, roll Foreign rn. page Tlck.ta audDraßa on England, Ireland and.Seot J. IL FLETCHER'S Eating Saloon Is the place to get Ice Cream, Oysters and Clams, In every style. On 'Hain etrcots STItOUD & BROWS. General Fire and" Life anon Adonl• ; &No. acid Rallmad and Accident Ticket • to New York and Philadelphia. Mbar, ono dour cast of the Bank- P. R. CHANDLER. General lasi:mince and Sewing Ma thine Agent, Public Avenue.• BURNS t NICHOLS, the place to get Deny...and Medi came. Cigue, Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Book., Spectra clue, Yeekee Notioue, Public Avenue. %%M. L. COL Flame.• maker and dealer In all article* aerially k.pt by the trade. opposite the Baal'. • BOYD A CORWIN, Dtllero , In Storm Ilardwem end Manufecunws of Tin end Sheetirun ware, corner of Main and Turnpike street. S. H. LOR•tE, Merchant Tailor and dealer in Cloth•, Trimmings, and Furnishing Goods. and Agents for Singer Sewing Machine, on Main Street, Fordham A. N. BULLARD. Dealer In Gmee , les, Prowlrtons, Do..ks, Stationery and Yankee Notions, at head of Public Avenae.• . SPORE S CO., Dealt,. in Stove., Hardware Agricultural Implements, Flour and Grucer.r*, uppo rite Tarbell RITNSFORD d. MITCHEL. Livery sod Exchange Stable, in rear of Bank building. • J. IL, DnWITT .t Dcalen in Dry Good:. Bard warn and gener.al march/Incline, corner, near elirink gnu Aducttignunt,s. IlourarATUlC PIITMCSAN ♦ND SrBeEoN. Ha. permanently located himself In Montrose, , where he will prompt ]) fateful to all milt in hie prof...ion wth which be may be favored. °Mee and resldouce west of the Court Hoare, near Fitch d Watx]ris office. PLASTER, PLASTER—We keep on hand an ample supply. of Fresh Ground Cayuga Plaster, for sale at Montrose Depot, by TIFFANY & CIIAMEII. Montrose Depot Feb. 8, '7l. Bw. UADITOR'S NOTICE. The under mgnea. se auditor appoleted by tha Orphan's Court of Susquehanna County. to disiribute the funds In the hands of the, administrator of the estate of W. K. tireenwood, deceased. will attend to the duties of 4 gapolntm4Tt a a t t t . ros w e, h caT t h i levds . an y .i pinceall persons Interested will present their claims or be forever debarred from claiming any of said fond. W. W. WATSON, Auditor. 8 I Montrose, February S. 1.511. 4w DSSO LITT IO N.--T he copart u ersh ip 1-1 heretofore existing between W. 11. Boyd, J. B. Corwin and 11. P. Crary, under the firm name of W. 11. Boyd & Co., le dissolved by mutual consent. on the first " Me t ; 1 4= o . tea M a r ie C hi n' g the band. tir ! g of r %T. l the lorTj SJ. 11. Corwin. whu are duly authorised to genie die same. W. ft. BOYD B. CO. . 27428 4.7540.45 2.:N10.2 12041 50 0541.00 . 51@55 Fogoo . IktO dloutrose, Fcbrnnry 7, Int . 100,14 9(012 2.00 rt 3.60 ;IWO PUBLIC NOTICE. IWould respectfully slate to my former cumorwre and the pubtle genelelly that I am eghlu earryteg on the TAILORING BUSINESS, IN MONTROSE, and propose to do all WORE to that Line, to n FASIIIONABLE, NEAT, 'SUBSTANTIAL UAN:CER And - at Satisfactory Priem Particular attention given toCrTTINti sad SPECIAL CARE wed to hate the wort Plain for the pens= who.puta It together. Shep on the weld Ade of "Public Avenue." over Darns ,t. Nichols' Drug store, adjolnlng the Once of Dr. Halsey. Y. LINES. Mumma, February 1,1671, U 1.2.151 m. 1.45 pm. 400 . 4.50 " 5.85 " 8458 " 8.15 " 8.35 " ILO . FOR SALE Or EXCHANGE for Real Estate Stocks or Merchandise—The Patent Right of a No 1 Plow, for Sugar:luuma Co., or all of the State of Pena. Address B. T. H&UPT. Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. Feb. Ist 1871.-4 w • 1:4:1 i,l4ll:4 , 'Cii v C.i S:1 STATE OF PETER M. TILLMAN, late of Sutra Depot. Bug's cth dee'L Letters lit admlniettation upon the estate of the 'beet mnot used Ls decede hereby nt o twi venneO been smutted to the undersigned. ice at all peasons Itutebted to the same are requested to make immediate payment. end those haling claims upon Me lame alit present them Mt ly authenticated for seukumat. awe , Dept:, jszt, v t . nuatar. mer. r4P°A Large Volume would not con tain the mass of testimony which has au cumulated in favorer Dr. - Wiatar'a Bal sam of Wild perry 44s sato, efficient ;remedy ititurvog cong4 _ colds and pul monary disease. Many of the cares -are truly wonderful, LENOXYILLE GIBSOI , I 31ONTROSE j. D. VAIL, Montrue.e. February S. 1811 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TOE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF 8118QUERANNA COUNTY, FOR 1870 Made and publlphed In putinutace of= act of Aliaembly of the tats of April, A- D., 1894. tors Accounts for 0. nalhutee of Collect 187 Apn!aeon Auburn.. Arurat 13ric4rew titer Clifford. Choconut,.. Dimock Dundaff.... Forest Lake. Friendsville. Gibson_ _ Great Bend.. Get Bc'd born Harmony . Hanford Herrick. .... Jer•sup . Lathrop Ixbos L. Meadows Liberty Midi] liitown.. 3loni rose New Milford. " Oakland Rush Silver Lake. But:ll'n Born Spring v ille.. Thomson... 82360.60 362915, 478.80, TOWNS AND COLLECTOICS SAME Apo!aeon Samnel Rkeinerriek Kishbaugh Auburn 11 N. Hellogn Jackson S. L. French Ararat A. C. DrivislJessup Lucius Stalih Bridzetvater. —M. Mott Lathrop 11. 11. Wood Brooklyn Reynolds' Lenox. .....A.. Churchill .F.xera S. Lei. Little Meadows. J Barney Chomnot M array; l.iherty Dawley Dintock B L. BrushNiddletostm.... T. Monahan Duntlair. ...... A. B. Mill• Montrose J A. How el/ Franklin .... F. A. Smith New Milford ...J. Baldwin Forest Lake Wm. G. Small . M ilfortilloro.N.But [era. Id Vriendsville F:d'wd Gubbin.'Oakland. _J. M. Thomas Gibson ... P Whitney Rush Samuel Smith Gn.atllend It. N. Ives Siher Lake. ~ .J. Doniran Great Bend Boro.K.Whituey , Susijn, B.r o . L. M. Lyons Bannony D. Taylor Springville. ...A. P. DIVIVII Barton!. ....J. C. 'larding Thotusam.... L. Lewis Total amount of Duplicuttes, $32360 60 To amount paid by Collect ors, $1,1:12O3 57 To amount of Percentage to Collectors, 153917 To amount exonerated to Collectors, 478 86 . $&2360 GO SUSQUEHANNA COGNY EXPENSE& To Comtunnwealth Costa.... ............ # 11r79 2.3 Road View* , . 1110 iNI •• Road liamaze llr4l 00 8. Sherer. late ........ 19 , 21 .1. T. Ellis. Commirninner ..... . .144 (X) P. Mnds (97 So E. L. fleobn •• SO no Conetablee 540 11 Aasersorn 1514 fa) Jnrora. Grand and Tmi Else . . ......... 441 Her.l.trr 814 Court nonme and Jail Fuel and Ligilt, ' Court Honor. Including Itepalrr on Court Room 11113 al General, Tom nehip and Special Electioun 715 70 Town Clock ..... tr, to W ill lain T. II or ler. Sheriff.,.... . 90 70 S, F. Lane, late Sheriff . William T. Moxlev, et al . Jailor and Ek.,l 14 Starionerv.inrln log new Index for I . rotiioflise. Sni Snake Creek Bridge ..... znAl 10/ Printing. 491 75 luterert Inannince . . . . 3541 ri9 i'roorman. Crier 54 (01 Baldwin, Crier . . 00 W. Irvin. Into Treasarrr—State Tax, Mit 77 Lunatic 110.9,17.11._ .. 549 an Porta:ze and Itevenue Starapa. 1a (0) I.'td itonnfle. 311 W. A Crossenon. Clerk ..... . . Un (KV Justices ca the P. ace_ 1I 49 Ilona. Resieemed PAM lit Airicu tura! :Sod. ty 104 get U. B. El trod. late Prothonotary and Clerk. 327 Eastern Penitentiary 3ul WJ F. R. Chumlles. et 11., t. ounty :Walters. ...... tXtOO County Line Survey IS2 00 County Lit, Expenses ........ ..... . 21$ ?ri Tn.asnrer's Pureattazo 1313 71 Four Ectutu:Hug Orders.... I IS 22 Vly County Orders Redeemed from No. t to No. WA Inelo-Ice . . $.31061 61 14:3 Four lictunding Order. 115 Total 13alanec TY I)9(3 TAXES. SUSQUEHANNA CM: bTATESIE-NT OF COLL], 'TOW,: A CCOVNT Exon- , vrat:A.l ApoLawn. Ararat. Bridgewater Brooklyn Cboconu. t Dimock ..... I)undaff . Franklin........ Forest Lake Friendsville. Gibson Gillend township Gt. Bend Bon)._ Harmony . I larford Herrick Juckson Lathrop Little Meadows.. Liberty Middletown Montrose New Milford twp. New Milford born Oakland Rush Silver Lake Sitstea Boro Springville Thomson ILECAPITC Total Amount of Duplicates, $1420 00 To amount paid by Collector, $1213 74 To amount Exonerated, 121 110 To Collector's Percentage 64 76 --s—sl42o 00 STATEUMST OF DOG ACCOUNT FOG 1870. Benjamin Glidden, Treas. Cr. Dr. In Account with Dog Taxes To amount of Duplicates 1870, $1420 00 To amount received from IL IC Kellogg, of Auburn, Ex onerated tax, 30 Toamount inTressurces bands as per last Auditors Report, 361 84 CONTRA. By Eionerations to Collectors, $ 121 50 By percentage to Collectors, GI 76 By Orders redeemed from No. 1 to No. 53 inclusive, 1343 78 By Treasnrer's commisicm on receipts of $1233 74, at 2 per cent, 24 67 By Treasurer'sCommi.ssions on s' expenditurei $1.343 78, at 2 per cent, , 20. 87 By amount in Treasurcrs's • hands, to balance, 203 70 41785 84 BENJAMIN OLIDDEN, TREASURER, OP BUSQ. CO., IN ACCOUNT crnszer emu CUD COUNTY. December, 81. 18TO. Dr. To amount received from It. V. Kennedy late County Treasurer $ r& Toamount of Duplicates. for 3870 exra CO Two/mount received Dom Unseated Lando, 1888 and urn 130.1 00 To several amounts of Loans, for 15Z.. 00 To/Lemmata received from Superrisore of For cot Lake—C-ommattorealtO re. D. Sane_.... 332 62 To amount received from additional Asaw..ement of Taxes 153 21 To amount received frontlfm. T. Baxley, 4I .SherllT-40,7ren0 .. .. ..re TO IM O 4 I —V *DM- ......... Wal& & cetre To amount received front Overseers of Poor of Bard:ore reel Bridgewater. Commonwealth NIAIII 00 00 To amount received from Pio, ril. April Term. 1883, (third u'eek, Mauer Term) 613 22 To amount received MOM J. R. Crocker, Collect. or of Dlmock—intern Tax I 93 To amount received from L. Lott, Collector, Auburn—aeturn Tax 12 23 To amount received from Commonwealth. Va. James flays to 50 To =moot received from Commonwealth, vs. D. C. liohrrla M ZG To amount received from Commonwealth, %%I, E. - T !Sennett ... .......... ... ... 13 17 To amount received from Su,pnrhaana County, VII. James and Joseph rarmeter 41 05 To amount rimelvml from B. L, Brash, Col:cctor of Dimock—Additional Tax . . 4 49 To amount reeeirisl from Michael Murray, Col loctor of CilOCODU..—lteturn Tax........ .. 4CA December 31,1370. Cr. By Recurrent Monet t IOD By cmonot of four Be'tuldinz . 115 Dy amount of County ( - Inters redeemed, from No. 1 to No, 061. . 31031 GO Dp Illnont of exemeralitttra To ( 'ol feet or. $ 478 tot By amount of perCenLlZe to Collector., 151 M 17 $ ".AO',' 03 ..• ' By amount of Trrnnorre. per cent. o n Receipts. }..linet Ri, two per cent.. .$ 4"r2 48 By amount of Trenroreen per root. ou Expenditures. Ei3ioGl (7.1, 2 per ci., G'2l 13 ----$ 1213 31 By. amount In Treastrer's Ilan& to led s 9140 02 0431E0? STATENEEMT OP W3l. T. MOSLEY, SHERIF?, IN ACCOUNT WITH SUCT reLl TUC 1.470. December 31. Dr. To amount of Jar' fees as per certificate of 1110 clerk of g.tarter Seevion $ 31 00 fly amnant paid Ti easar r. OP per receipt $ 81 .1 13y 3 per ...L. rat:Lined (or clll mtio LIENJA MTN GLIDDE'N, COUNTY TIM %SLIM/J. r ACCOUNT WITU TOT CWIZONITEALTII Or PSNNSTLTANIA Decenibur 31, le7O, Dr T, amount of State tax levhd and avaepeed un National B.tolt stocke no per certificate of the Anditortieneral S 145 170 By ti per cent. aroved Collector By Tr,msureet , Cottamtbalvnon 044.% at litter c •nt By amount doe the ContmorAvealth ..... STATEIIENT.OF TREASURER'S ACCOUNT, IN RELATION TO 110 AD, SCHOOL AND BOUNTY TAXES ON [rANNATED LADD, lsus AND 1839. ROAD TAXES. ROAD TAXES To amonot of Rood Fly ='t paid too, arreutoror the el/ I p ..... $ 01. — 40 yearn 184.0 $ 1005 lolly Treaeurer',l per. ceutage at 5 per ct. 50 1 $1033 6.3 SCHOOL TAXES. SCIJOOL TAXES, To amount of ' , eh. By ain't paid town -001 Warrant,. fur By; $1249 71 the yuarr lsttS awl By Tr,aetilttee per -1b6:1 $ 13 - 15 GI CetnAge at 3 per --- teat 65 IT $1 , 113 31 BOUNTY TAKES. BOUNTY TAXES. To WIWI:WI Or Dom, By unit paid town tv ton levied fur rlopo $ 513 12 the year.. I.J6land By Traaaureen pur ytt,s 571 71) re 144„;.., 013 per ct. N W. W. WATSON. LATE CO. SUPERINTENDENT, IX ACCOtIVI fIU aI:NCEILINNA couNrr. December 31, 1370. Dr. To amount rereivrd from R. C. Ketnedp Conn ty Tn.:usurer, J.ku. 13, 133 d.... ........ 333 Of/ By paid experoKro of Conoty lortitote for 1569 $ 111 By briance refunded to county Treasurer In Dec. Int • 67. STATEMENT 01 , SESCe.3 &II ANNA CO. TRF.AS RE It, January let, A. 11,1b71. Available funds In the Treat.° ry Armit,ll,lt• Nolen • • • INlCllrrellt looney of previous years . • Scieral amounts of note,. boucle, J edge tneutr be per last euditore Report We certify the tor-•oirg In bet correct Staternent. 5. T. ELLIS Y.II DS, County E, BEEBE, I . Cornemsatunera Aticia., W. A. Cliasslic4C, Clerk 1,1 - NtEUANNA Cot - vrr, : We the undersigned Auditor. In and for the County of SlleriellllLlllll Met •o pae•tr atlas of our duties •t the .tdultoro °free In Montrose en ItlonlaY 2,1 Pct. And dto .\ od.t 1-1 sod ...Ai ie the sal accounts of the Com:att. oncrr and Trea,urer of w.. 1,1 counts,,alt of Which a reoronefb ex on to Lion We find to be correct. We dud in the hands of Ben) tott u Glidden Trevotrer of cud County Amongst of CelifllY Funds. Amongst of Slate Fond.. . Alltlottill of 1.b.,;; Funds • •• • T ItAC Y Y./)EN, 11. '.ll JONES. %County Auditors. A 110 S NlClltota, Auditors' Office, January .1, 1.`,71 AUCTION! The subscriber baring sold his farm will offer for sale at 1114 resitlentai in Summersville, on Thurthhiy, February 11th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. tn., the following property tg w•it : One pair horses, one colt cooling 4 years old, one pair colts coming 2 years old, one pair colts coming 2 years old, one colt coming I year old, seven cows, one pair of working oxen, one two year old steel, six yearling steers, one yearling heifer, one deavon ball, one derham bull, three calves. A quantity of hay, one mowing mach ine, one horse rake, one horse hay lurk, one corn planter, one -cultivator, two ploughs, two setts double harness, one sett single h3lrnu,, one buffalo robe, one coon skin robe, and many oriels not mentioned. 50 P 5 47 05 59 191 51 84 .51 78 9 18 34 as 38 95 2 65 2 47 3 12 1 (;(, 2 72 TERMS :—All SHIM; under ez, cash, $5 and over, nine months credit with interest and ap proved security. Nc;'w Milford, Jan. 16 1871 1 97 2 5 1 9 ) 1 55 1 40 2 90 4 sth 4 WI 1 50i 2 501 1 .---,OUILTS OF APPEAL. The Commissioners of Susquehanna County have fixed upon the following days, dates, and places, respectively, for hearing appeals from the assessments for the year 1871 : 2 20 1 07 1 30 2 40 Fricndsville and Choconut, at the house of Lawrence Winer - pp, in Choconut, on Tuesday Feb. 7th, le7l. 1 45 4 45 2 77 2 52 2 47 Apolacon anti Little Meadows borough, at the house of M.Newtuan, in Little Meadows boro on Wednesday Feb. Bth, 1871. Middletown, at the house of Wm. H. Sher wood, in Itush, on Thursday Feb. 9th, 1871. Bush, at the holm of Wnt, IL Sherwood, in Rush. on Fritiay Feb. 10th, 1871. Springville and Dimock, at the Louse of Dr. P. E. Brush, in Springville, on 31onday Feb. 13, 1871. Auburn. at the house of Dr. P. E. Brush, in Springville, on Tuesday Feb. 14th, 1871. .Brooklyn, and Lathrop at the house of James ,0: Blluard, in Broolilyn,on We inesdav Feb.lsth, 'lB7l. Lenox, at the housed A. F. Snorer, in Lenox on Thursday Feb. 16th 1871. Clifford and %aide, at the house of Leroy D. Lewis, at Clifford Corners, on Friday Feb. 17 1871. - . ilktew Milford township and borough, at the house of P. Phinney, in New Milford borough, on Monday Feb. Mb, 1871. liarford, at the house of Win. Packer, in Mar. ford village, on Tuesday Feb. 215t,"1871. Herrick, and Gibson, at the house of. Samuel llolmea : in Smileyml Wednesday Feb 224.1871. Jackson and Artwat,rt the house of Widow Geary, in Jackson, on Thursday Feb. 234, 1871. Sls lu ehanna borough and Oakland, at the house of W. W. Hotchkiss. in Sesquchanna De- - pot, on Friday Feb. 24th, 1871. harmony and Thomson,at the house of W.W. Hotchkiss, in Sustptchsona Depot, on Saturday Feb. 255th. 1871. $1785 34 Great Bend township and borough, nt the home of John Green, in Great Bend borough, on Monday, Feb. 27tb,.1871. ' Silver Lake and Liberty, at the tmaaaorneia Jones; in Liberty, on Tuesday Feb. 28th, 1871. Forest Lake and Jtssup / at the Commisson ers' of in Montrose, on Wednesday March 15t,.1871. Montrose and Franklin, at. the Commission era' office, in Itlntioose, on Thursday March 2d, 1871; - . Bridgewater, at the Commissioners' office. in Montrose, on Friday March 84, 1871. By order of the Commissioners. W. h. CROSSMON, Comners Office, Montrose, Jan. 18,-1871—td PEBBLE SPEMACLES—:•aIso com: -IL Won Spectacle*, i now soppli, For ulleNr a Noniron, Nor. 10,16c1 . AUL TIJXB J. $ U. 140 ICI 54.) li) AUDITORS' REPORT 9111 In a -VS 11l AUCTION ! DArm Scusrm. FOR THE HOTEL Property, located at Dlmock Corners, and long and laeonthly , 'known as the Lewis Hotel, connected with which are abont Twenty Acres or Valuable Land. For particulars address (mean on C. C lams, Dlmuck, Pa„ Jan. *o , 1871. tr. Executor. ROAD LETTING The Supervisors of Silver Lake township will meet at the house of Ellen Phelan, February 4th, 1871, for the purpose of letting the building of a road hum John Mahony's to the Snow hollow road. THOS. PATTON, J. DOW, M. HOGAN. 2w. Silver Lake, Tan: 25, 1871. Supervisors. R OAD LETTING The Supervisors of Bridgewater will meet at the house of Charles Sprout, on Saturday, Feb ruary 4th, at 10 t/ ' (210 , : k. A. xi., for the purpose of letting the making of a road from his house to a road leading from Montrose, past 'Myron Bald win's, one mile and ten rods In length. 11. BREWSTER, 31. li. BUSH. JAMES C.N.LPII, Supervisors. Bridg,ewater, Jan. 23, 1871. %V. 1131INISTRATOR'3 SALE—WiII he sold ti at Ruction, on the premises. late of Samuel Roberto, di-ccarecl, in Jevsup tuwnehip. on WelinePday, the 15th day of February next. commencing at 10 o'clock, A ■. One span of young hortLes, eight con,. three year calvem, eight hires of bees, one lumber sleigh, one fanning mill, out two buret baniere, a quantity of but. nheat, oat*. rye, corn, farming uteni.ll*, hi:udit/Id furniture, Sc., dc. . „ frailts. Ail FUZIA under tA 00, malt, over that *Mount, nine months' credit, with interest and approved ernrily. C. F. ItE.lll, Administrator. Je.up, January 23, 1871. 3w FARM FOR SALE. PIN ACLIOUNT of poor health, the entiserlber offers his farm for sale. situated about three lava west of Moldings. bidtteen the old Oise „•%1 and CLimango Turnpikee, adjoining land of DADJllinds. codtninfim about 124 acre, of land. 55 arms improved, Liu residue well timbered., emfortahle buildings, a cho , to orchard of about MO trees, and well watered with never Luling springs and cream Or Terms eel. Enquire of the subscriber. on the farm, or of J. Wills, at llead Grills ,t Co.'s store, Montrose. 'MILTON tiItIFFIS. Bridget% awe, January Z., Mt. Gw• Agricultural Oollego, of Pennsylvania. TIIIS INSTITUTION will • reopen for the SPRING TERM OF 24 WEEKS, On Friday, February 10, 1871. For geneal Circular, catalogue and other in formation, Addr%4B, THOS. H. BURROWS, President, Agricultural College, P. 0., Jan. 25, 1870.-If. Centro Co., Pa A. B. TARBO, NITA 1' CHMAKER AND Jl.l WEILER, Susquehanna Depot, Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &R. Re pairing promptly done and warranted. FINE SILVER GOODS! made a speciality; Silver Detached Levers for *l2 00. American Watelaa, at Companies re duced prices. far Goods ordered for parties, from New York, at less profits than if kept. constantly on hand. SMid 18 caret Rings for el 7:5 per penny weight. A. B. TARBOX. Susquehanna Depot, Jau.lls, 1871, tf. FINANCIAL. New 7-30 Gold Loan SAFE! PROFITABLE ! PERMANENT! Jay Cooke & Co. Offer for Sale at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LANG GRANT GOLD BONGS Northern Pacific RAILROAD COMP'Y, IIIESE BONDS arc secured. first, by a First Mortgagtt on the Ilalln.ld itAelf, Its rollitit: Mock/sad all equipments, second. bra First. Itfortirage Sts entire I.auti Grunt, belltZ atm , than 'l'nantj-ra. Tbous.aid Acres of Laud to mob nate of road. The Don& ere free from United Statue Tax: the Prin cipal and Interert arc payable in Gold —the Principal at the elid of Thirty y.rb. and the ILrt.•reet Semi an at the rate of Seven and Three•tenths pet ceoL per Ul.lllllll. Th,y nre Ipsoed In denomin....tious. of jIW, ezw, $1 and slu uO.), The Trlparet, under the - Mortgage are Menem. J. Cooke, 01 Philadelphia. and J. F..lzar Thohunt. Preditlent 01 the Penuaylvan. Central Railroad Company. There Northern Pacific 7430 Bonita o 11l at all time, be fore maturity. be receivable at ten per cent Premium (or In exchange (or the Company s Lands at Weir low. ert each price. In addition to their absolute eafety, these Rends Held ar t Income 11.1hrer. w e Uelle e, than any other First (.lass security. Persons holding United States Fitr.Twentiee cut. It, converting them Into Northern Parities. Inersehm their ',early income ouc-third. and Hill lia,e a perfectly rcltah HOW TO GET THEM! Tour nearest Bank or Balker will enpply theae Bonds in an, desirsd amount, and of any needed denomination. Persons w lashing to exchanv Stocks or other Bonds for these. can do so with any of oar Agents, who w all allow the highest current price for all Marketable Securities. Those living In lornlltles remote from Banks. may send money, or other Bonds. directly tons by exprese, and we will send back Northern Pacific Bonds at our own risk. and without cost to the investor. For further informa tion. pamphlets, map., etc., call on tar address the under shrned.or anv or the Banks or Bankers employed to sell this Leon. Per sale by . . WM. 11. COOPEU di-. 00. ..I.l.untrufe., J.anctry IS 1, • 4w..alt. ONLY ONE DOLLAR,: SEE WHAT YOU, CAN GET FOR IT. 1 lb. Tea—black, green, Japan, gut powder or English breakfast. 2 gallons Molass , s, or 3 lbs. prime Coffee, roasted, or 4 lbs. green Coffee, or 5 lbs. Tapioca or Mseeemni, or 6 lbs. cut loaf, granulated or pulverized Sugar,or 7 Pis extra nice Sugar, or 8 lbs. yellow Sugar, or 9 lbs common Sugar, or 10 lbs. brown Sugar, or It lbs. Crackers, or 12 bars Soap, or 16 lbs. Oat 'ilea!, or 14 lbs. Samp, or 15 lbs. Homminy, or 20 lbs. pastry Flour, or 25 lbs. XX Flour, or 50 lbs. and more of Salt, or 100 cents worth of any of the 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. i Bring on the Dollars .: " Perfect fits" and sat isfaction guaranteed, a no grumbling. LY NS, DRAKE & CO. Montrose, Jan. 18, 1871-4 • ABEL TURRELL KEEPS constantly on hand onoof the moat nunaer ons collections of DRUGS & MEDICIIiES In tbo country. and bestows especial attentiou to see lectlag and buying articles In this department that are yore and genuine. flu also keeps a great Tarte* , of LIQUORS AlsiD WINES,• bought either direct from the distiller, or Importer, and warranted strictly pure. Also, a fall assortment of Paints. Oils, Vamishes, Brushes, Lablicating_tilla and 12Ye thud's. tiroceries, Wail raper, 'Glue, Ticrintene, Violins, Pistols', Runs and =munition. A. One variety of Gold and other JEWELRY. Perram my, Yankee NOTIONS, Se., and other goods too nu• merlins to mention. Darin , ' several years part persons bare been fu tho habit of rooning clabs,and sending tattle Great Amer!. can Ta Company, New York, for their suppllas or Tea and Coffee, for Isnallypae: - Abel Terrell is now supplying the peeplkon these pricesnd Coin" absoru la Diantrese, et the IMMO that these and other persous pay at the store oPthe Company in New York. . Thus, purchasers dadwill 'aro the 41:p bybaying of • ro's chime, - trouble 44spbblug and ler ADEL TVERELL, iiontrose, ra. 7;f1.. C. 3r. 3311.0117173,79113 YOUNG AMERICAN T-aINX2S.MNIV. In offering this Liniment to the public, as we do In full confidetuw, that It moat ruperr.ede ail Inhere now In o...fie an Internal remedy. for the cure atoll dismount to the reach of that classof medicines,, we can safely assert, without the least fear of contradietion,tbat it macula ma. rivaled in the list of medical compounds externally ap. plied for the core of die use. Feeling therefore that it is unnecessary to puff a remedy an eminently wonderfhl in Ito effect., so tnyeturlously lo Its powers of relief, cawing the deaf to bear, the blind to see, the ner. scum ,intwn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re. joins again in the poster Ilea Vigef of manhood, lids pre. pamitou is offered to the public on he owe merits. and cLtitas no role:wig origin or ontentled oils of the Arabi an deform but ma the contrary is what its imports. and I. s rare CDMllllllfloll of the powers of for th can products. ifcw Yong., Dec. 14, IS:O. ThLi notice is to Inform all dealers in proprietary medicine.. that we hare establisinal a Depot In Oeue. banns county at Moutrostf. for the sale of Dr at. F. Drown' t Young American Liniment. and that Mr. A. BALDWIN la our w..-eht for that purpose. WARD, SOUTIIEMLAND & CO.. 13) William etrect, New York Agencies will semi be established at central planes to evcry township. cud pubed In the below, lam ready to furnish it at whol lish esale yrkest llst to agents. foot ers had ciretiluts sent tree upon application to the sub. scriber. The Liniment is now for walnut retail by the follow. log agents, to wit: Burns S lilebols, Montrose. A. Turrell, „ • E. L. Adams, Auburn 4 Corners. William Whits. Auburn Ceram. 'Noah Baldwin, South Auburn. T i4>aV Waltman •S. Vosbur, , Skinner's Eddy. Heeler IC Vaughn, Wyslasinga D. C. ..k F. H. Furdbrun.Ftnarklin. • Dr. V. Hornet, C1.110(01V11, .1. Burrows Ea none. stevennville. L. X, Sherwood. IL T. Hendrick, Springville. William Thayer, Diemen. E. B. Beardslee. Little Hendon*. Robert Winters, Frieudsville. H. L. Ball, Birchardville. D. A. S. Titsworth. Brooklyn; Pa. Any persons in townships not above named, desiring an agency, may obtain it by addressing A. BALDWDI, General Agent. Jan.ll,lB7l—Sti Hants..; I's. piRE! EIRE! FIRE!—Your house may burn next. Seek refuge at effect, either in the i.ssILT2II. Security, - - - SIOuU,OLO - - • - I.SUU,IJUU UU North American, G:f3,UUU UU I.Lauever. - - • - ILO,UOO CU Girard. Philadelphia, - UUMUU ULI k:Utertirlse, - • - UUV,UUe Or Norwich, t'oun., chartered 21ay,1938, the oldest block CO., in Cuunecticut. Allot the above nee old estuldinhed, first rues CUMpaniea, sure, bbd relWUic. Wlldtag twee tried aud proven, Look out for little wag wild. cat .91- ies bpriuging up all over the country Juat, to make money. Call or rood your applicattuns; raid 1 will vet, triatytut are LUrly dotal a au. II =3:lt C. TYLEIL Fire, Life and Accident insurauce Agent, at we orAce of W. I.i. LucC, Friy....uouteutic. Pubruary 1, la. U.-11. FARM FOR SALE, Of One Hundred and Seventy-five Acres, sit• unted between Silver Lake and 31tid Lake, 100 acres improved, and nearly all the remainder in heavy hemlock timber; having thereon a good house, barn, shed, granary, etc., orchard of 130 apple, cherry, and plum trees; watered by never !idling springs and creeks. Price, 5•25 per acre, some of whirls can remain on mortgage. ALLEN J. SHELDON, Silver Lake,'Pa. FARII FOR SALE, Containiug one hundred and fifty flares, one hundred under improvement—with good build ings, orchard, &c. Price law, and terms Ina& ea.•y. Inquire of L. F. FITCLI, or G, T.I3ENTLF.Y Montrose, Jan. 4, IS7l—tr D ENT LSTRI C. A. SACIKETT'S Dental Rooms, New Milford, ra Particularettentlon given to ell operation/ on the nate NI teeth. Arililcisl 'Path inserted In all the melone yle.* nose In arc. Perfect NI tistiction guarantied to all. Can and see me. end satisfy yourselves. Omen hours. oar• each day. brae. 5, ISTO —ly F URNTIITHE ESTABLISHMENT OF II'ILLIA3f IY. SIfITIf. Fi.OnoO TAES Norms The extensive Furniture Establishment of William W. Smith. having Leon refitted and greatly improved, the proprielortespret- Cu Hy automate.. to the cttizeos of M too Woe° and v ici of ty, that he is constantly making and lcepo On baud the largest nod best asssortment of 3L be found norAther this side of New York City. Desks, Divans. Towelracks, Lounges, Footstools £c. Center Card,Pier. Tdoing. Kitchen and ' - extension tables Cukircs —Cane and W,od,edt liockrro, Cane, Vag and Woodseats or every variety and ..t) lc. Sofasand Tetr•a-tetes, furnished on short notice:— Cane seat. chairs reacatnil. SPRMG BEDS. A large assortment-cheapest and beet In the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to supply my customers with s new suiwtantlal cane sent chnir,of home manufacture. whl eh will he found greatly superior to those formerly In market, and yet are gold at a less price. - - CANE•SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. Reidy made coffins on hand or furnfebed at short notice. nears° always In readiness if desired. I employ none tea eta reral and experienced workmen. I Intend to do my work well, and sell It as low as can be afforded. WILLI,AiI it'. SMITH: Yontrose,Feb NEW WALL PAPER, • Just arrived...and callus rhesp by Youtrore,Aprll 20,1P29. _ . AtI.EIO.IIMRS4. DR R. TRAYEa, • . 'ECLECTIC PUYSICIAN .t SCIIGEON.. Offers his professional services to the citizen* of SUM , ' an 4 adjolningeoantlett. Office at bid raldence, c sheppen. Pa. Will be at Montrose Friday of midi week- Special attention given to the treat:tenter Cbroni, Diseases. Those having 61led to get relief from tint treatment (gall other Phyalclana are especially invitee I to give rocattittl. %palmy location .In;thia Nicinttt, have treated eucceserally some of the worst forms of Commmption, Female Vieskara, Dyerepala, Cancer, St. Vitae Dance. da:• Patients taken to board on reasonable terms. . . . Cleramen and their fernlike treated grattaumely. Nothargefor eenertitarldn. "-- Meehoppen, Nov. 141870.-3 m• '• D OWN TOWN NEWS. MINER - AND COATS, Stain Street, 5 dour* Wow lloyd's Comer, Mouttese FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS." "". Wearo constantly roc tvinot Ed- now have unhand, afresh stuck of Uouda 10 Muth e.whlch'we rinsed, CHEAP I CBVAI I CHEAP for eneb,or exam orproduto. , • G 0 OD VP! • • - COFFEE, 'S:UO R, •• • - MOLASSES, SPICES, _ . PORK,LARD, HAMS; FRUITS;" CLOVER 46! TIM OTM.k.. _SEED, am. Wehove refitted sod melte additions to oar 'Stock ri Potle.and ere now ready to tnrward Butlorie the beat commierlen tenses In 'fierk,tree:ot eboryte;rtad make' iberaladrancestents eoaelproente • • Call and esomineour Stock before parctia.lnteles Where. oodennvinee youreelveo ottbe • GOOD QUALITY 'do - -' , LOW lißTOks - of our C. 0. MISER. • • : . It . ..COATS liontroai, April 16.3E42. tBO Nilfre \-- Z 7 1840 7 1870 - TIE GMEAT FAMILY MEMICMM. pit= itcretLIALLT. •' It rum sudden Colds, Cottent, do. - , and We Stannael Ureteral Debility, Norslog sore Month, Canke,r. Llrer Complaint.,Dlttimpela or Indlgoatton.Zratv or, Pain In the ha:mach, Dowel Complaint. Painters' Calle."Aslatla Chalets, plarrheet and. Dysentery, APPLIED gX:ryazzALL*., Cores Felons, Iloilo and Old bores, Severe Barns. Scalds, Cuts. !Raises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ring. Worm and Tetter, Druken Breasts, Frosted Feetquid Rheumatism. It Ina sum remedy far Ape, Mils and Fever. PAL.V ELMER, Taken Internally, should be adulterated with milk or tenter. or tondo Into a "pup with molasses. Pere Cough a row drops do augur, eaten, will be more e.Tectlva than anything Mr - Directions accompany each bottle. Pare 43rt.. 50ets.aind $l.OO per Bottle Bold by all 31edlcIne Dealers. Web. 1-1 m NEW FIRM', NEW GOODS Tho tobsertbers aro cow recalvics froze New York caw stud fresh . GROCERIES ct PROVISIONS, 'Wikir,liWiltim wild at a low agora for cub, Among the aaa;ala.p dos sculy be foam! jeii:3ri llama, Dried Dee; Smoked Irate:tit, Coe. fish, Mackerel, lie. Tens, Corea, Sugars, .Rica, Mace, Worsterahlre Sacra Canned Peaches, Pears, Pied Apples, Sweet Corn, Tema toes, Quinces, mad Motu, Cocoa, nubs, Extract Lemon, etc. ate. All kinds of SPICES, Citron, Orange Peel, mc. CROCKERY GLASSWARE. A No 1 Chewing and Smoking Tobteco, etc. AU of whtett can bo warranted lut first elan goods, and away. In addition to the Grocery trade, wo have plarelaisesi Geo. C.lllll** News Office, where yon can Ilnd a good aelection of Stationery, Books, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Papers, Magazines. Books and Mon not on hand wlllho ordered and famished on short notice with out extra cherg,e. Special care given to orders. No trou ble to chow goods-so drop In and see for yonnelves ;Pr - Goods delivered without Wins charge. 11. J. Wren, C. A. Gzez, Montrose, May IS, MM. GROCERIES. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Saleratus, erneliens, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Raisins, Zan te Currants. Tapioca, Starch, Vinegar, Soaps, Cream of Tartar, Soda, Cream Yeast, Corn- Starch, Farina, Nutmeg's, Mace, Cloves, Casssia Buds, Chocolate, and the best Molasses in the world, at the store of ABEL TURRELL Montrose, Doe. 28, 1870. SIGN OP TEE GOLDEN MET A R .4 - 7* - mas - cr.istavt3 as mrscirccomaira, DRUGGISTS. Would rrrpretfolly ray to tha publl, that to addStlon t their usual azaortraent Of PCEL - DRUGS lIEDICLSE9, they hats Paints end Oils. Varnish, Dye-Biters. Wines and Liquota, Patent 3ledicinets, Spcetartat, Eye Gla*ses. Pocket Knives, Gunn, Violin & Guitar Strings. Also. Jost reedited a doe lot of Ilevokters, Gun Caps, Gan Wadding, Cartridges, de. Wo keep always on hand and for :sale. Blasting Powder, Powder. L•fflo Powder. Tobacco and Clgsrs of a an parlor quality, and a general ratsortmcnt of Yankee•No [Was. re'llonemtver tLo aIEAP CASH vitro no= o Bums S Niclol.6. A.+B. BM WS. Montrose, Dee. 13,1510. .!..5105 NICHOLS FLOUR FLOUR ! . " From this day forward, wo shall sell Flour at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES. We hang out no Mao colors, but Men'Just what we say. While making Flour a specialty, our, stock of FEED, MEAL, SALT,.LIME CEMENT, GROCERIES, PR0910375, de Will be kcpt Aill and sdld it very squall profits. U. GARRATT& BON: New Milford, March 2,1870.—1 y oPcipc o o o ' Worth of Goods.', In afore - for the 'opening ol the FaU TradeoflB7o, in a fill and •- • general assortment of . • Drui,imd 1144tOtug, and ramp goods 14 Znprar Cicala,. DeeWA.. Citerk, lam* Corsete;euttesua - .rob; 'aid Ecop BUM, La<lks and Goa Firt.',l4a4 lloka;Amcyfr Lap DoEcai afall amilinent cf Mat, ,Citatmensc ' • 1444 5T1444,- Flannel. 4.k.. c f*f . ' • 21os1collet ,Cottclu,44 de.. • with a ,gencrui r rosortzneut of irate suit C t orv, Bobts ; t Shoos: 0118 and Points, OroceTit- - , Craelery;llnrdainre,l3toves; &c.., Aurae • ing_a superior , opportunity for selections, and wUt bo Bola utopostrattorable ,rormit. br • MC.-' 8 s. =AA pt. von% %EI3D & GEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers