She taw zqui tiTtside. Flowers and Vines In the House There are many beautiful botonical es perimenfs which can be conducted in house during winter, which are not em braced generally in the list of flowers and vines in our parlors and windows. How many of the fair readers of the Telegraph have the. beautiful vine of the sweet potato running over their mantle shelf ? This pretty sight can be enjoyed. by placing a sweet a tumbler or other glass vessel, filled with water, pass ing a pin through the tube so as to keep the lower end from one or two inches from the bottom of the veseel. Seep on the mantle-self, in a warm room, and ev ery day give it sun for „an hour or two, and is a few days rootlings will begin to appear, aiming for the bottom of the ves sel, and in two or three weeks . the eye will begin to shoot and rapidly grow and run upon suspended twine or any little trel lis-work prepared for it. The " Morning Glory" can be propoga ted in parlor windows, where there is some sun, to perfection during winter; it flowers with its natural colors, and 'the delicate little vine can be made to run ov er the window. A hanging' vase is: the prettiest for this. Suspend an acorn by a cottotithieiid.* as to nearly touch the waterArtlle,; : ilitils vessel,.(a hyacinth glass is Pert* the hest,) set upon the window or mantle, and let it remain there for eight or ten weeks, more or less, without being interfered with, except to supply the evaporation of the water, and the acorn will burst, and as it throws a root down into the water, a sprout or stem will be sent upward, throwing out beautiful little green leaves; tiles-giving you an oak tree, in full lite and health . within your parlor. There are many of the mosses which can be very successfully grown in the house through the winter; and with the forego ing afford an interesting and refined en joyment for the feminines of a family, and a real pleasure for all who have a taste for the beautiful to witness. We trust to see a greater inclination on the part of the ladies to introduce into their houses this most agreeable addition to their domestic pleasure.—Gerouralown Telegraph. CORN OR OATS.-" I feed my horse well. but somehow he looks rough-coated and don't seem to be very well. " What kind of provender do you give him ?" " Oats, and plenty of them.' That's 'What's the matter. Too many oats: ',tall the amount of oats and the nett in corn would, no doubt, work an int• provement in him. We hare found oat that horses should be fed entirely with oats for provender. They need something else. Give them corn or cornmeal part of the time, or a mixture of oats and corn. and see if they do not improve. And, be the way, don't forget to give.him, twice a week, a mess of potatoes as a medicine.— Country Gentleman. BONE FELON.-Of all painful th'ng , , can there be any so excrutiatingly painful as a bone felon? We know of none that flesh is heir to, and as this malady i• quite frequent and the subject of • mut h earnest consideration, we give the latest receipe for its cure, which is given by that high authority, the London Lancet : "As area as the disease is felt, put directly ov er the spot a fly blister, about the size of your thumb nail, and let it remain fur six hours, at the expiration of which time, directly under the surface of the blister, may by seen the felon, which can be in stantly taken out with the point of a needle or a lancet." COUGII IN lionsEs.—A cough is rather a symptom than a disease. It is often caused by the irritability of the air pass ages, occasioned by previous disease. A chronic cough in a horse is often occas ioned by in in the treatment of influenza, distemper, and diseased respira tory apparatus. It is also one of the ef fects of liver disease, and sometimes of worms. Tou much dry fodder, especially chaff, often aggravates a congh. Carrots and other roots and green feed may be advantageously used. Give your horse a warm stall, with bedding a foot deep, with moist cut feed, a little laxative med icine, and nit much work. MXNCE Pres.—The following receipt for Mince pies, which are now in season, is cc nildently rocommended by a writer in the Germantown Telegraph, after using it for many years: "Boil a fresh beef tongue tender, let it get cold, and then chop it fine with one pound suet, one-half peck of apples, two pounds of currants, picked and washed very carefully, one pound of citron sliced, baif an ounce each of powdered cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger, three pints of sweet cider, one pint of Madeira wine, half a pint of brandy, with enough sugar to sweeten to your taste. This will make a large jar full." rfonsEs.—Keep all work and road horses sharp shod, or if there is no ice ketp them upon strong caulks, which may be sharpened at short notice. Sharp caulks wear dull very soon on bare ground, and become dangerously smooth. Spar ins, splints, besides sprains and bruises, capped hocks and knees, etc., frequently come from slipping on the ice. A UsEnt TABLE.—To aid farmers in arriving at accnaracv in ascertaining the amount of land in different fields tinder cultivation, the following tab% is given by an agricultural ,c3temponry : 5 yards wide by 968 yards long contains one acre. 20 yards wide by 242 yards long contains one acre. 40 yards wide by . 121 yards long contains one acre. 160 yards wide by 34 yards long contains one acre. 220 feet wide by 166' feet long contains one arse. _llO feet wide by 369 feet long con tains one acre. 60 feet wale by 726 feet long contains one acre. —A western corespondent of the Bos ton Journal declares that the statement that the buffaloes are deserting the plaits is a fiction. They cover the plains for miles and mites. The railroad track bothers them. They run along by the side of the track for miles, and when they come to a culvert dire under. —There is a larger number of newspa pers published in Pennsylvania 'thin in any other State in.the Union. .—The hog population of Illinois is 2,- 250,000, • —qbectktikrpltilne has broken out in England In the first gism lies your 'danger : . Don't begin gent - at duertiotinatto. iiiiiiiiiiiiii —TO VIE WOBKING CLASS.--We prepared tet fiwni.b all classes with con's''' employment at mune. the 'thole of the time or for the spare momenta guineas new. light. and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from :Ise to Su per crentec, and a pro portioaal tam by devoting their whole time to the heelers.. Boys and girl• ea n nearly as tench at men. That all who see this notice may aced their address. and test the huskiest. we make the unparalltal offer to such as are not well satlelled. we will sendsl tow for the trouble of writing. WI particulars. a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Ths People's Literary Companion—one of the largett and bast bunny nearspapers ever published—all sent five by mail. Udder, If you want permanent. Profits' ble work, edam's R. C. All.Mtlit CO., Augusta Maim. Mho Dew York Day Dock.—TITS CHAU- J. PION of Mite Supremacy .A:lnst the Wort (L A First-class eight page DEMOCItATIC WEEKLY,. established in ISSO. yS per year, $1 for six months. Subscribe for it, For Specimen copies, address "DAY BOOK, Now York CIO." rilt. R. 9. FITCH'S Fa= Phyatelass 190 L./ Imgcs; sent by mall free. Yeacheas how to care ell dlsea4es of the per oe ; akin. hair, eyea,ecoopleklott, Write to 714 Broadway, :New York SEN I) won OUR PAMPHLET TO ADVat MEM Price 23 coots, (ho. P. Row= .t Co., 40 Park Row, N. Y. 3312.T.C1-4163 tb 33XL0'8 Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue, OP FLOWERS IND YBOET4BO SEEDS, ANDERIZZERPLOWSRIBM laws. For 1871. Wl'the ready to, mailing by the middle of January. :notwithstanding our great lone of type, paper. engmv • &e., by tiro, which destroyed the Job Printing Office of -.he Rochester Democrat and Cleronkie, Mth December. ISIO. It will be printed on a most elegant new-Unto/ paper, and illustrated with nearly Fire Hundred Original Engraving*, And two tinny executed Colored Plates—specimens for all of which were grown by oarseives the past reason from our stock of bends. In the originality, execution and extent of the engravings It to unlike and eminently superior to any other Catalogue or “Floral Guide" ex tant, The Catalegne wilt counter of 112 ram and as loon or published will be sent free to all who ordered Seeds from as by mail the lest season. To others a charge of 15 cents per copy will be made. width is not tha value of the Colored Plates. We assure our friends that the inducements we offer to purchasers of Seeds, as to. quality and extent of Stock, Discounts and Premiums, ore uusurpasscd. Please rend orders for catalogues without delay. Our Colored Chromo Tor 11}7.1. 4 Will be ready to send out In January. The Chromo will represent Forty two Varietite of showing and popular blowers of natural wizened color. We design to make it the beet Plate of Flowers ever Issued. 8 se 19114 Inches. The retail value would be least Two Ilottere ; we shall, however. Awash it to customers at 7. cents per copy. and offer It as a Premium upon orders fur Seeds. See Catalogsie when out. Briggs & Brother, Rochester, 111.,'T 1.826 ro"WLI a" vglairaTil,., 1870 The oil .ustulanl remettv!urtkumits. Colds. Consump tion. ••XoMing Butter," Com.zu Bnos, .t Co., Boston. UUpham'. Depilatory powder. Remove. tupetdaotal hair in era 1:111011LMI, without Injury to the elfin. bent by null 10r51,23. Vpham's Asthma Cure sAieve. most 'Went paroxyeme In five mintites end e rats to ape , dy etue. Price $: by mail. The Japanese Nair Stain C Arms the whiskers and hair s beautiful BLACK 01 Bitmvx. it consists of only one prrparation. c+nta by mail. Address S. C. LTIIAB, No. Tal Jayne &sent. (Slut:duns sent free. Sold b; all Brargb.”... TUSCARORA ACADEMY. The 2nd Session of the 25th school year vill begin January Ott,. Those dredring boarding, tarnished room, vrakilog and tuition in o ant-doss Boarding School fm a term of nearly six months, PEs. Please send for a circular to &At:l4ll4,min, re. rrNIVERRALISIII t What Is It t Bend for the Suirin Ihe, Cincinnati A lame Slave sreek'y ; evtaiginhed SM. It meet. all the wants of ill. $2,50 yer year, WM eax months. Try it Speceimess free. Addrcfli WILLIAMSON & CANT WELL. Cincinnati. Ohio. N WFAN DA Rl3 oppose. gecte and and Primitive Chriettanitv, Beet and theap rt Family Weekly: 8 tokee; lY columns. Edited by Eiders EMMETT and J. 8. LAMAR. Oni, $2 pearl Sperimene free. R. W,CARRULL.k..EO.,Puba.. (Intim:llW. kthio. i . sP'ns ! o"c' d srnll e nro"l- Gemrwerffereareeens4l;„.. Watch fur y. ko nke Ir. Address - People's ir er i. iy. - Da y . on. 0. 11 EN ITERIE NORWAY. OATS, and ALSIIiE I'LONER. Sample pack a¢ea free In all Pa rmcv. ; afro, a copy of thr RICAN STOCK JO V ILNI A L, by co•cloying .tamp to S. P. porn, C•.., ParLenbury, Cbcater Co., Pa. A GEWM! —Evtr,v. Book Agent and all who see t], chit , write mu and no n - Inc. Addres• F. 8. Publitter. Springneld, Slant. Ver . It win pay. T 43117 IfORII. Safety Steam power Cat Steam angines, with and without cut-oft, and Set bowl Safety Steam Boilers. built In quantities by spe cial machinery. Send for drunter. at GortLintel.. N. vicK9s 'FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1871. Tux Fturr EDITION or Ofa lICTIDISSO AND rim Tuonsann copies of Vtrk• Illustrated cat elosne and Floral Guide r Ls published nut. ready to rend out-100 pages, an Seaving of &Immo every desirable Flower and Id egtable. It elemantly printed on fine tinted paper, illustrater whit Three Hundred fine Wood Engravimis and Tot. beautiful Colored plates; The moot bestitHal and the most Instructive Floral Guide published. GEESIAN EDITION pablleheil, to all other respects similar to ate,English. Sent free to all toy customer* of 11370, to rapidly as possible. without application. Sent to all others who order them for TEN CENTS, which la not half the cool_ Address .114.21 ES TICK, Rochester, F. T. $1 TO $lO PER DAY. YEN. WOSlllbr, who engage in our new business make 'from $S to StO per day in their own localities. Full particulars and instructions sent free by mail. Vallee in need of permanent. profitable work, Annaba address at once. °comic Srmson S Co., Portland, !Lane. Employmo ,t $3 0 Age el% t e ll . :new a:11 3d ne:M sel4 terit ' . a . Address it CO., Marshall, Mich. AGENTS! READ THIS! WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY CF $.ll PER WEEK and expenses, or allow a large comadasson, to sell our new and wonderful Inventions, Address M. WAGNER .t. CO., Marshall, Mich. 13113YCHOMACIN—Any lady or gentleman Can make at,Ouo s month, secure their own herminess and independence, by obtaining _PSYCHOMANt.:Y. FASCINATION, or nOUL CHARMING. 400 pages; cloth, Full instructions to use this power over men or animals at will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or Writing Mediums, Divination, Spiritualism, AleileinTi Philosophy of Omens and Dreams, Brigham Young Harem, Guide to alarriage, Ae., ail e.ntained In tubs book; 100,0 sold ; price by mall, In cloth $1,23, paper covers L .Norma.—Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy free. As no capital is required, all desitiou of general employment should send for the book, enclosing 10 chi. for postage, to T. W. EVANS & ti South - Bth St., Philadelphia. CURIOUS, HOW STRANGE! The 'talented Ladles Frigate Companion" contains the desired Information. Sent free for two stamps. Ad dress Ws. U. DIETZBII., Handier Pa. Feb. lit, STROUD it BROWN'S Fire, Life,. and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Montrose. Eice. CAPITAL IMPRESMITED, ever Homebasimance Co. of N. T., Capital and Surplus. 114,000.01.0 insurance. Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital addSarplus, 2,000,000 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Phil., Pa., Ca and Surplus, 2,000,000 Lyroming Cotmty Mutual Insursnee Co.o f Monty, Penn's, Capital srulSurplus, Connecticut Mound Life Insurance Co. of 444X4C°1) Hartford. Conc., Capital. 40,00(4000 American - Lite Insurance Ca.,' Ptak/del. - phis. Capital, 1,000,000 Fray elersluenranceCO. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of iscatients Capital, 200,000 Hartford Fire InSurance Company, Had. ford. Conn:, Capital and Surplus, 112400,000 13rAlbusitten entreated to our care willbe attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. iarAffiee erstdoor east from Banking Waco of W: IL Cooper it Co., Turnpike sk.MOntross,"Ps. SUOUD tt BROW7St, — Agente. M. C. Sorrow, Elio., Frlendsrille, Solicitor. , Ciao. H. Sarum, Montrose, de u Baltas Stamm,C was 1,, Dimwit. Montrosa, PaJan.2l,. 181. • VIVANTED—ACENTS. Oter itsyLto_ . sell the VT eelobtate4 • 13011LIC SU - OTT= 8.141 cnnza. Bs, the Tauleoteed, tOekotthc „lock clkekd One on both sblecland to follyllcansed. The bedews Review Machine in the market. Address So b na t 011. CLA Us A CO., Boston, Pass., rtloborgb Pa. , Chiono, 111., or bt. Louir, Mo. bept. I:1,-3 • CALL AT ROBINSON' 8 SOUTIMIN TIER 36‘17.1 :2 1.1%Ti a r r CrX1. EMPORIUM, • 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. V. Where you will lind The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any house in the city. N. B.—All Goods sold warranted asrepresen ted. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 'The reputation this ex cellent medicine enjoys, z iei r 4 o .:. ., ;. to derived from are cures, t / -- ' • cases of Scrofulous sits / . ease, where the system a seemed saturated with ..._& . ti., corruption, have been .., -. '"' periled and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and .. ..... • ‘ ' . .t.„ disorders,which were ag. ....j : ,,. . :.. ;.....-' gravated by the scrota. ' • ' lons contamination until they were painfully afilkiing, have been radically cured In such great numbers in almost every sea Lion of the country, that the subtle scarcely need to be Informed of Its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison Is one of the most destructive ,enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt 'tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and Invitee the enact of enfeebling or fataidisesses, without exciting simpleton of its presence. Again, It seems to breed Infection throughout th e body, and theri,on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among_ the vitals. In the Islam', tuber. elm may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tamers formed in the liver, or it shows its presence bypitions on the akin, or foul ulcar saloon on some of the body. Hence tho amm eter's) use of a ilia of this Sarsaparilla is ad• vlsable, even when no active symptoms of disease Pr. Persons afflicted with the following com generall&ellnd immediate this Le s llif: and ir s2 • iit c . ° l.Wh l onse se e v o r. 21.. or Eel/ 1 4 ,4 as Petter, Sail Rheum, Sealer Head, Ringworm; Sore Epee, Sore Ears, and other eroptimui or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more conecaled forms, as a pepsta ! Dropsth Heart Disease, Fits, E pil e psy , h enemata, and the Tartans Merriam meows of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time la required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leueorrhan or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Femora Diseases, are cora l:natty soon relieved and ultimately cored by its potrifing and invigorating effect. Ifinute Direc tions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. ilthemnattins and Gout, when caused by necuranlntions of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, es also Lire, Complaints, Torpidity Congestion or Itifforn matis of uener andJaeindiee,schen arising, as they often dfro; the rankling poisons In the blood. This SeLDSARADIDL A In a great m ete= for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap prehmurkuss or Fears,'pr ens of the affections symptomatic, of Weakness, will end immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PRZPARED BY D?. X. C. AYES 411 c CO., Lowell, Mass, Praalleal and dnarytioal C7nrin4ls. Sol I by Abel Turrell, and kl3urns tt Nichols Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every where. [Dee. 21, 1870---y Gultaiber g, :Rosenbaum d 'Co Would rcepectfully can your attention to their NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods stitch for variety of Style. carer tae 3cart excelled Ir this place. Our aseorttuout of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING- MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS :&c. &c. 2 4 .Teror Woe; X3otter. IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed nnd nntrimmed Ladles' and HOP, Plower., Prather., blsek and colored Velvet., Islobons &c. &c. never more handsome. DT Ladles' and Children'• FURNISHING GOODS, Marts, Corsets, Gtores, Handkerchiefs, Contr. and Cads. Merton Wrappers. Hosiery and Knit Goods, cheaper than (or the Last ten years. CLOTHING!! CLOTHING! Pox Men, Youths, and nome, a full and complete Mock. Mob's full snit. from MO to pi. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! Oren the different grades, and at ol; price, CLOTHS, CASSLItERES, BEAVERS, eze. for Castom gc0.000,000 we take measures and get op garments to order in good iitylei and warrant good fitting and satisfactory work. GENTS'. FORNISMNG GOODS White and Flannel Shirts, Morino Wrappers & Draw. Cr,. flandicerehists, Bows, Linen and raper Collars & Cues. Suspenders. Mutes, Umbrellas, Trunks & Such- CIS ID great Tilllid:. BATS AND CAPS, Mcn and BM. of the tatart din* and great In Tllli Or Stock has been selected with care. and u we buy our goods in large vigsa we freommtly Aire then 10 to 20 per cent. in . As ate ads as small a mar• gin 'bore cost as 11137 et can or will mikee tan jitstig pronilse pint good bamsitue, and will It tor your - Intent to deal with us. All We ask Is a call, examination of one stock, and comparison of pricer. Ilustrote, Octi.SIOZT .Tbe "Weddy Pairidi . 1 " THE GRAET PAPER FOR THE FARM AND FIRESIDE. :r SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. The WEEKLY PATRIOT will contain best selected editorials from the Daily, with full telegraphic reports of everything of interest oc curring,. including a full report of Congressional and Legislative proceedings. Special attention o ill be given to the crop and market reports, and such matters as will interest the farmer. One copy, one year........ One copy, MI months_ ... Four copies, one year. each Ten Twenty " Fifty a TUX BLOOD. Additional copies at last named rates. All pipers separately addressed. Extra copy of WEEKLY P4rziior, free, to getters up of Clubs of ten or Inure, and copy of Daily, free, t t getters up of (Tubs of fitly or more. ,Tbe ".Morning Patriot !" READ OUR TERMS. One copy, one year, by mail *7,06 Five copies, " Ten " .60,00 Larger Clubs at the last named rates. Papers may lN separately addressed, but must be taken in one package. The money must accompany the order to insure attention. Address B. F. METERS & CO.. Harrisburg, Pa. WOfce, 720 ilicot& Gibb Ch,estnact B Street, EWING MACHINE (Philadelphia. " I give my hearty preference to the Willcox & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine." Fehrint FEaR. " The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of the Will cox & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than satie fi ed." GRACE GREENWOOD. " I have the Wheeler &Wilson, the Grover & Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. I use the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it far superior to either' of the others." Mns. lirsay WARD BEECH= ° My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a pft, if she must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibbs." REV. GLIVEE CRANE., Carbondale, Pa. "The Wilcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whose working is so sure and sinaple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." REV, A. T. Pawn', Illasionstry American Board. " We have used various Sewing Machines within our family, but 11,is the 'unanimous opinion of the household, that the Willcox & Gibbs is the best of them all." REV. J. S. ROLX; Brooklyn, tux. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of exantruction, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." ENOCH LEWIS, Of the Pennsylvania Central B. R. A correspondence on the subject of Sewing - Machines is respectful 1g solicited. D. 8.• EWI:NG, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Dec_ 2i4, 1 trio-3m INURE LIQUORS SEELY'S NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY, distilled strictly pure: and a varlet• of other Brandies. Inalncline Chem Brandy. Cider Brandy. CC, Nearly all tho differ; rent kinds of Ram. Holm Gin. old Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol. Pure Spirit, Bay Rum. fie., constant. ly on hand and for sale by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, March 24th,1869. P.A. Mit.l3 17 LL 33 10,176312. JOAN S. PAISIBEL 1., Proprietor. Eight Stage, leave thin Ronan daily, elm/netting with the D. L. l W., the Erie, and the Lehigh Valley RAIL =ye. . (July ii,lB7o.—tt ALECTIJRE TO Tovlza irEN lug Published, to a Sealed Ektrelope. Prted aka cent.. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of epermatosedwa, or Seminal Weakness, Intel. nutaryHmlssions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Harriago gene. l oy Nervotumces, Consu mption Epilepsy' and Fits; Dental and Physical Incepacity. re sulting from Self-Abuse, da,—By ROBER7 d. CUL. VERWELL M. D., .4,n bar of the " Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, In thicadmirable Lect ure. clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences cf Self AbOse may be effectually re. moved without medicines, and without dangerous stir, gieal operations, boogies. instntments, rings, or cor dials, pointing out a mode of cure at onto certain and effeetttaLby which even , eaderer, no .m4tter what his condition may be may cure himself theaply;privately, and radical. Tots TirCTURE WILL PROPS A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSAILDS. Sent under seal, to any ddress, id apl tin sealed en velope, on the receipt of air cects. or rata postage stamps. Also, Dr . Cuiverwell's "Mann , ago Gado," price= cents. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE 4 co. mrSorroy, New 'York, Port Ofllce Box 4,5116 —Dec. 14. M. 8. DE6BBIIII THE PA •RIOT 1871. The Only Democratic Paper Published at the State Capital. DAILY AND WEEKLY REDUCTION OF RATES CIRCULATE THE "PATRIOT,' READ OUR TERMS Silent OITOPRIS TIM COURT LIDDISY, TO PHYSICIANS. Nzw Your, August 15th, 1869. Allow me to c 111 your attenlion to toy Preparation of COMPOUND EXTRACT• of BUCHIT L h o e ip c . o r mg , a rr g . parts are Dacha, Long Leaf, Cabebe ?done or Puaralumox,—Fluchn. In vacuo Jnulper Berrie*, by distillation, to form a due gin. Cunene ex • tracted bdisplacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries; very little sugar Is used, and a small proportion of spirit. It Is more palatable than nay now to use. Bache, as prepared by Drug:lets. is of a dark color. it in a plant that emits Its fragrance ; the action of a flame destroys this DM active ptinciplel, leaving a dark and glutinous decoetion. Mine Is the color of ln• gredienta. The Bimini in my preparation predomin• ales; the smallest quantity of the other Ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspection, It will be found not to be a Tincture, as made ix Pluir macopcea, nor is It a Syrup—and therefore can be need in cases where fever or inflammation exist. In this you have the knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation. Roping that you will favor us with a trial land that upon inspection it will meet with your approbation. With a feeling of confidence. I am, very re 11. T spectfully. LMIhOLD, Chemist and Druggist of 16 years experience. $2.00 ..1,00 7.3 _1,25 .1,00 ['From the largest Manufacturing Chen:nate In tbr World.) . . Lam acquatnted with Mr. if. T. He/mbold he oe minted the Drug Store opposite my residence. and was Mccessful In conducting the business where others had not been equally PC before him. I have been favora bly impressed with hie cheraMer and entarnrise," WILLIAM WEIMITM Firm of Powers A Vieightman. Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadel phia. 11121.31BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT EI:UM for weakness arising from indiscretion The exhaust ed p , vvers of Nature watch at e accompanied by no ma ny alarming symptoms, among which.will he Maud in. disposition to Exertion, Loss otiMeuaory,Wakettilness. (lessor of Disease, or Perchodings of Self--in Let, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and Inability to sit ter into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Week nmstorequires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and in rlgorate the, which LIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCTIU Invariably dem. If no treatment la submitted to. con sumption or insanity ensues. lizotnow's Ficth ByrneCv or Brent% to affection, peculiar to Females. le unequalled by any other prepa ration, as in Chloroale, or Retention. Painfulners or Suppression cf customary evacuations. Ulcerated or fichirns state of the Uterus, and :ari complaints Incl. deet to the sex, or the decline or change of.fife. Ilelndfrolds Extrart Aldan and Improved Peso Wash will radically extemdunte from the system diseases 'wi ring from habits of dissipation. at litt,e expense. little or no change In diet, no Incouvenlenre or exposure : completely superseding those unpleasant and danger ous remedies, Copalva and Mercury, in all these Weeds- Use Uoimbold's Fluid Extrset of Machu in all diseas or. of these organs, whether existing in male or kinnie. from whatever muse orienating, and no matter of how longstanding. It is pleasant in taste and odor, • • im mediate" In action, and more strengthening, than acy preparctious of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken down or delicate coma tutlone, 'procure the remedy at onto. The reader meld be mare that, however Piight may be the attack of the above discaoce, It le certant to feet the bodily htadth and 'runnel pus Ctr. All the above diseases require the aid of a Diuretic re; HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Ia the Great fleet Diuretic SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Pelee, 81.23 per Bottle-43 follies 8040. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. Addreee H. T. lIELMDOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 691 Broaderay, N. Y. Arone are genuine unless donsup stki engsse. a l :per, with taeolmtle of trig Chemist Warehouse and signed JUnea , 1810.-Iy. n. T. BEIXDOID A GREAT MEDIGAL DISCOVERY • Dr. W.aLICZW.S 0.:2470 - A• GAR,- lIITTERS Hundreds cf Thousands c g ' reartgrar t, r o ur W . onder. I .5.4 WHAT ARE THEY? g rR: 0 .0 5 ; 2 to. C'7 D tt 6 F - „i 1 I o a 9,0 4 Sag ev e 9 VIA 1 t's g r g p a r. ors © TEET AUP. : lOTA PILE E a:IFANCY DRiNK.; 4 ; omen Poor limn. Whinier. Proof Spirits and Rahn" LIQUOTIS doctored, milked and meet, cued to pima tho taste, called" Tonics,"" dypett, era," « Restorers," fie., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rein, but are a mno Medicine, coax from the bfatise Moots and Limbs of California, Incs from all Alcoholic Stimulants. -Thai arc the GREAT BLOOD PEUIFIEZ and A Lim GaiNu PRINCIPLE a perfect Ithaorator and /art:orator of the System, carrying ott oil polsonona matter and romans the blood to a heigthitcoultrea. • lie poison can take Mono Mama FseugitlitSs4ircu. tine and remain long unwell. 11100 Vilna &lien for an inestrato4oll.p . „ the bones ern not datroped by tritutt=i -pal= OT other means, and the vital mans szatn; Imiroatitto point of rcnalr. . Fur I nanincraitery and Chronic 17.1eabilii. tlem Rod Goat, DSnvrpeln, or Indainnfinur itemitteut and Intermittent eve= Diseases of tan 'Mood, Liver, Kidneys, and Madder. them Rimers Lave been most mass. Au. Stich Diseases mo named ig Vitiated Blood, which to genentily produced by dersagancat of the Riaostive Organ.. DYSPEPSIA OIL INDIGESTION, Merl ache, Pan In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Thditams of tho Chest, Dizziness, Four Enactatdor. of the Stomach, Dad taro In rim Month, Dillow-Attacks, Palpitation of the Boort, I.l.llmumation,of the Lungs, Polo to the regions of the Kidneys, and rihtmdtcd otter pahatul symptoms, are We ofiaprlnzs of Dyspepsia, They Incluorato the Stomach and stbradato the tor pid liver and bolrele, radon render them of unequalled eflacacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting 6CW life and vigor to the arholo system. FOB SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, fall =emu, Blotches, (pole, Pimples, Puetalcs,Bolio, Cur. boucles, Mau-Worms, Scald-Bead, Coro Kycs, Ervin etas, itch, Scarfs, Dlactllorr.tione of the Skin, thar.ors and Diseases of the Llrin, of udiatoVer nem. Or natal. aro literally dog op arid curried oat of the .1-stein In a Short limo by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such ea/(1.3 000vineo the cost incredulous of their curative enUct, Cleanse the Vit.toted Mood whenever you Led Its topurttles bu.-stlng hrough the stet to Pimples. true. lions or Sores ; cleanse It when you tad it obstructed and sluggish to the wins; c:canno It when It Is foci, and your feelings will tell you when. Loop the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. Nortuniin 4' 1,.51 PIN. TAPE and other WORMS. lurking pa tho system of so many thousands. aro effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, road carer:illy the circular around oath bottle, printed fa four lac. ranges--English,Ocream, French and Spaldsh. .1. WA.I.S.F.F, Proprietor. F. 11. McDONAI...D S CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. En, Francisco, Cal„ and '4 •nd 21 Commcrcc Gtrcct . IZaw York I;:rsoLD lIZ LLI DEVCOLSTS -y tlnpcte T EA: Every kind Af Ten to mntket jrfrt nrriveci. enc for eal•• at Nov I..rk wholveale price . Alro run mew or COFFEE. Buy of me 3lld ..nve expr..,l ABEL TULLUELL. OFFICIAL DIRECTOIII COUNTY OFYJCERS. Pr..141,•nt Judge—llon. F. R. Stret ter. Agnocinte Joulgeto—A itallivrtn. R. T 1441eY. Protlitalutory mod Clerk. of C.Mrt. - J. F. Nh.,..k,r. It4.c.rder.,te --Jerome It. Lyon,. rirtrlCt A torm.y —I). W. Sear..:. Trewourer-11,11).,tni4 61,14,4. Sheriff—Wu, 'I. Motive. Deputy Stiehl—N. U. Ileinte. Surro•yor—James W. Chapman. l'ommibeon,eru—Salu'l Slh.reor, J. T. Elite, Pree‘ervcd it indn. Cummltodonene Clerk—Wm. .1. fro:nun/on. Jury couuho.louuno—F. D. smDotor, .drkk". Btewytor. Wm. A. Crot , scnon Antliturn— F. U. oh ...ter, -racy "hoyden, U.M.Junes. Coroner—Dr. C. C. /lultey. OFFICERS OF AORICI:LTERAL SOCIETY Wm. I - L.11,03N). rTe.idellt lI.M. JOIIe,,JETICSKas eon, Vice Preoldunts; Geo A. Jessup, Correppondinp, Secretary; Henry C. Tyler, Becoming Secretary; C. ?d, Gore. Tremnrer; 11. IL Harrington, A. Baldwin, H. IL Skinner, Executive Committee. MONTROSE Jr BRIDGEWATER ASYLFAL 11mm-rum—John Trumbull, W.L.Cux, S. Lamplnn. Treaaerur —B. Tlmtrh.•r. Secretary—Bald. L. Baldwin. Steward—Davad Martin. Phyt•tctan—Dr. J. II Vail. Burgess—C. M. Gere. Coantil —W. A. Crossmon W. W. Watson, A. J. Grrritson, Wm. 11. Jessup, C. M Crand.,ll, J. F. ahoonaker, D. Drowsta.r, D. F. Austin U. A. Deans. Constable—John C. llowsll.. Itigii Cousthble—chark. d. Whipple School Dlrectors—Wm. 11../cßottp, .1. R. DeWitt, %% Watsou, 11. Thatcher, D. F. Au.tin, C. C. 1110*u. Prep.byterinn—Rvv. Jacob G. 111111er E A. Warriner. Bepti.t—ltor. L. B. Ford, MettloAlst—Rer.' l , - Elwell. Catlxtilic—Rev. J. :flattery. Warren Chapter, No. PM, memo at Masonic Unit oo Thuraday of each mouth ou or Donne full moon. Warren Lexlce, No. 2.111. A. Y. M., meets at Masonic Ball the first %Voduesday of each mouth on or before Nil moon, and the second Wednesday thereafter. Montroee Lodge, No. 1&1, I. 0. of O. F., mete et Odd Felluwe Nall every Tweettey eventug. St. John's Enatropment. No. 50. meets at Odd Fel low& 1.411 the 2d and 4th Friday each month. Rebecca Degree Ledge, No. 7, meets at Odd Fellows [loathe drat and third Friday each month. Montrose Lodge, 1. 0. of G. T. militant Good Temp lar. Nall every Monday evening. Good Samerita 1 Temple of Honor, No. 16 meets at Good Templars' liali the:id Friday of each mouth. The Montrose Democrat ?BIM lIED OY W SOY,: as OAT MORNING, AT MONISM ,SUBQUEIIANyi• COUNTY. PA, OT 23. 23., latzsa.vcrx. mrsr, AT $2 nen Assuit Ri ATIVANC2-011 S9.X AT imp erre/A Elites of A'ilvertiang. Thrco•fourths Inch of ,pace, or tess,inake a square One square, 8 weeki or lees, $l,OO s 1 mo. $1.13; 9 mo. $5.55; 6 m0:41.50r 1 11.11 f. sl‘ One-eh - 41A col., 1 mo, $2.50; a mo. $6,50 ; 6 mo. 61300; 1 year, moo. clue.quarter,col„ Imo, $0.50 3 Dan. Site): a ma: ttal ; 1y ear, $3O. Ilaif column, 1 no. $12113; 3 ma. $l.OO ; 6 me. $35.00; .1 year, $ 55 . 00 . One column, 1 mo. $^5.00: tlmo. $3O 10 ; 0 mo. $60.00; 1 year, $100.041 .Pindltor'sNotieeß, $950 z-Execntors' and Admlnittns. tore, Nati:ea:VAG. All enummulcrliond of limited or individual interest, 10 eta. Obituary'Notleen, eta, per lino. ,• adagiage and Death Notices free. Job' Velliattna executed neatly and promptly at tftti p 1 ?ca. • 'Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, Justices`, Constables' act:Loot Stull otttorblstasfor GOLD JEWErAY,.. - • , siontru A ::,7.V.H lB , n supp ABEL TVItRELL ly, BOROUGH OFFICERS EMEME! ASSOCLATIONS i ,~ rc . ..c? `~ STATE I%4'o,loElth scEroot,"L - ziAlinEw,Vrocia co.; PA. gpglisb. and Classical courses. Tenns -begin September 7tit, December 12th, and lißtrettrlth.. State appropriations :or studettti. Students ad mitted at any time. Apply to CHAS. IL VERRILL, A. 31anstield, Pa. Aug. 31, 1870.-1 y HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOC'- - ATION. For thelaellefand coreorthc Erzingand Votartimate,ors ninciplep ottbriAthn Pfillemthiopy; Mourn on the Errors of Youth end the Ponied of Age, In relation to Shortage end Social Ertl'. with sanitary old for the afilleted. Sent free, In sealed envelopes,' Ad. drers IIOWARD ASSOCIATION, Doi P. Philadelphia. afarch W. TALBOT 3: STAMP,. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Floor. Salt, Butter. Pork, tart Gam. Balt Flab, Tallow, Candlas, Crackent, Cheese, Coßee. Spices, Choke Teae,--Sugars, lllce, Dried and Canned Fruit. Tobacco, Clgare, Small, and all other anlcko nanally kept In a tired ciao, Grocery and Provielon Store, We will stark oar Good• as lon- as we an afford, and sell forcasb, or exchange for produce, I'ATRONAOE SOLICITED S TALBOT & STAMP. Montt-axe, Sept. tf ABU. 'lli ItRELL, DIWW.; 187', MCLNTROSE, PA In cuntimmily receiving NEW GOODS And keen con.tautly 013 band a full and dcairable a .ortautut el genniun 31.SD1CLNES, CIIEMICALS., LIQUORS, Ps i ts. 01!., Dve-Sinffe, Tess. Spices. And other Gin e...rt., S:une Ware. Welland N‘ tudow Paper, GlAss- F wa. e.Fruit Jars. Mirren, Lamps. Chlrune3s, hen,. , pet. Ileen.ecry OA, Twiner.' Oil. Nesiefout Oil. lie fl Whnl, o.i, ',perm Oil, Olive 01 , . bluets Turpert tine.i artlifllCP. (-yawl Set •d. Vlueg, I nil ied Lye Arts dresse, Tresses. i3'nplinsters, lledicnl Instrument*. Shoulder Braces, Whirs. Giles, Yintuls. Poe der. Shut, Lead, Gun Cap:. Blasting l'n they nud Foss, pdi CU - II:lel, UtIWIS. Cie. Flitte•, F res its , Fish Heels nod Lint... Mir and ToiletScins, 11,., U. 1., Hats lt,torrrn, and !lair .1.1 yes. Brushes, Pocket 6ul, ~Spccitvirr,Silrer Plctt I Sorout„Fork• De.sti et Articles, a general uiestmetrt co. FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, laud rEartaTEEX All theleadlng end heel kinds of PATENT MEDICINES, In short. nearly ever, thing to restore the Fla, to elen.e the mete. to delight the eye, to eratify the fand,; and ttiro to conduce to toe real and substantial comfort* of life. Ennilienet/te) Ie Impracticable, as to would Qtt a newepaper. Cali at the Drag and Variety Store of , _ MIEJ. TIIIMELL. I2onArose,dari.s,l6lo, DENTISTRY An those In want of falac Teeth or other dental WOrk should call at the ortice of the subscribers, Who are pre pared to do ail kinds of work in their linear! short notice. Particular attention imiti to making fall and inutial setts of teeth on gold. silver, or aluminum plate ; *Le on wy,t on .y cast composition the two latter preferable to any of the:cheaper substances now used for dental plates. Teeth ofyoung regulated, and made togrow natural shape. .The advantage of havtng work done 4 permanently_ lo- cat vi and 'awls...ibis panics, most be apparent to all. AU work warranted. Please call and examine aped mena of plate work at our °face, over Boyd & Co'a hard ware store. W. W. SIUTLI. S 13nOTICEIL. Montrose, Ants. 18, A:CEItTS B'ANTED TO SELL Chomberllln's LAW BOOK FOR BUSINESS MEN TIM BEST st'SsORIBTION BOOK OUT, Address, O. lb, CAFE dY CO„ Ilizetroun Coax. Septtf,--tax ATTENTION ! WE'LL GIVE YOU, " FITV T. D. TAYLOR, so long known inEllnglum. ton as one of the most popular Cutters, and fashionable Tailors in this Bection.of country, has formed a co-partnership 'with -E. F t New- comb, of Montrose, nud they are now' prepared to furnish men's wearingapparelotallkinds, and in style and wr•orkmanshhip -superior to any establishment in this section ofcountry.Z. WO GUARANTEE SATISFACTION to all who may titvor us with.thele patron go, Hhop at Post's old cornet., on Public Avenue, T. D. TAY.LOR, • isrgyfpom i t 3lontrose, 0ci:.10,19,•1874.1ti ' ' ==MEiGi DR. CLARK'S OFFICE ; AA BINGHAMTON, Is rooms No. ilind 20 In " Pcr Lea - !Raid," No. 81 :4Vashlogton.atrpet, witera the 1)r. can ho found oval , Saturday and Monday...Do no't fail to call tin him. • • Nor. IV, 1870:—,tt , • ‘J... -0025GRE88 WATERT , TPII, ADEL TlffeltELL, - just returned from lieWTOV#l,4lalge ad Mt:W att) his moat storic of chottirgbo Xontroze, Nee. 24,1%9. _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers