as the Wilson, arc littler than the more . , delicate kinds. Directions for these, as! The Montrose Democrat well as for Raspberries will be found in a I Basket item. Currants need more sugar than the foregoing. Blackberries and Huckleber ries are both very satisfactorily preserved. and make capital pies, Cherries and I plums need only picking over. Peaches need peeling and quartering. The skin may be removed from ripe peaches by scalding them in water or weak lye for a few seconds, and then transferring them to cold water. Some obtain •a strong peach flavor by boiling a few peach meats in the syrup. We have had peaches, eep three years E and were then better ithan those sold:at the stores. Pears are peared and halved, or quartered, and the core removed. The best high-flavored and melting varieties only should be used. Course baking pears are unsatisfactory. Apples. Very few put up these. Try rome nigh.davored ones, and you will be pleased with them. Quinces. There is a ! great contrast between quinces preserved in this way} acid those done up in the old way of pound for pound. They do nut become hard, and they remain of a tine light color. Tomatoes require cooking longer than the fruits proper. Any in telligent person wlic, understands, the principle upon which fruits is preserved in this way, will soon find the mechani i cal part easy of executing and the result satisfactory.—.lmericaa Agriculturalist. „. TtriumMUDlvinYWEronten•T MOBAllte,VOSlOrrlosi SuvuiEl4 , llsl/k Cotrzirr, PA„ Br 23. 3E1.. SAMPLE rim aNistrit rarairrATlCE—on 82% AT END or TEAR Rates of Three-Panels inch or apace, or leer. make a eqnsire. Ono squire, 3 weeke or less, $l.OO ; 1 mo. 51.3 3 ; 8 mo. $2. 66 ; Smo. S 160; I you. Sot Onc-righth cot, 1 , um, 52:50; 3 me. 6 rim I year. $20.00. Ono-Tuter col„ 1 me. sma. ttmoo: 6 me. ; I year. $.lO. `Half column, I mo. $1.2..M1; 3 me. V. 13.00 ; 6 me. Vt.o o ; 1 year. One column, I mo. F:3. : 3 me. S3C 115 ; 6 mo. F 00.00: lyear, $lOO.OO. t Atone:ten Notice., $3 50 ; Exeentrira' and AciMilliFer3- ton.' Notice*. $3.00. „All e mamunlcrtions of limited or individual intemst, 1 cts. per line. Obituary Notices, 10 eta. per line. Manisa? sad Death Notice* free. lon Printing executed neatly and promptly at tall prl vs. Deeds, Mortgages, Note.. Justices', Constables School and olbeiblankator sale. Zplu tam and About Canning Fruit. So nine b has been said about presery ing fruit in air tight cans or jars, that we are surprised that the inquiries still come for descriptions of the process. AS our circle of readers widen, it each year in cludes-new ones who,do not seetn-ff have practised this admirable household ecOno my'. Only a short time ago a letter came from Africa, saying that the writer had seen peaches from America put up in a thin liquid, and asking how it was done. In our families the cannin g of fruit is a matter of•conrse, and we dvise all who hare never tried it to do so at once ; they wilt be-sure to keep up the practice after wards. The principle should be understood, in order to work intelligently. The fruit preserved by placing itin a vessel from which the external air is entirely exclud ed. This is effected by surrounding the fruit with liquid, and by the use of heat to rarify and expel the air that may be entangled in the fruit or lodged in its pores. The preservation does not derend upon sugar. though enough of this is used in the liquid which covers the fruit to make it palatable. The heat answers: another purpose ; it destroys the ferment which fruits naturally contain, and as long as they are kept front contact with the external air they do not decompose, The vessel in wlnch fruits are preserv ed are tin, glass, and earthenware. This is used in factories where large quantities are pnt up for commerce, but more skill in soldering is required than most, per sons possess. Besides, the tins are not generally safe to use more than once.— Glass is the preferable material, and it is readily cleaned and allows the interior to be frequently inspected. Any kind of bot tle or jar that has a mouth wide enough to admit the fruit and that can be secure ly stopped. postively air-tight—which i, much closer than water tight—will an swer. Jars of various patterns and pat ents are made fpr this purpose, and are sold at the crockery and grocery stores. These have wide moutli , , and a glass or metallic cap which is made to lit very tightly by an Indian-rubber ring between the metal and the glass. The devices I for these caps are numerous, and mach ingenuity is displayed inventing them. We have used many patterns, without much difference in success, but have found back was some difference in the fa cility with which the jars could lie open ed and closed. The hest are those in which atmospheric pressure helps the sealing, and where the sole dependence is not upon screws and clamps. - To test a jar light a slip of paper and hold it with in it. The heat of the flames will expand the air and drive out a portion of it-- Now put on the cup; when the jar be comes cool. the air within will contract and the pressure of the external air should hold the cover on so firmly that it cannot be pulled off without first 'letting the air in by pressing aside the robber or by end other means as is provided in the 1 A young lady at a ball was asked by construction of the jar. When regplar a lover of serious poetry whether she hail fruit jars are not used, good corks and !seen Crabbe's Tales. cement must be provided. " Why, no," she answered, "I didn't Cement is made by melting II oz. of 1 know that crabs had tails." tallow with 1 lb. of rosin. The stiffness of ; " I beg your pardon, Miss," said he, "I the cement may be governed by the use i mean have you read Crabbe's Tales?" of more or less tallow. After the jar is ; " And I assure you, sir, rdid not know corked, tie a piece of stout drilling over ; that red crabs, or any other kind of crabs, the mouth. I)ip the cloth on the mouth • had land." of the Jar into the melted cement, pres, • The customers of a certain cooper on the cloth with a stick to break tip the ina town out West, caused him a vast I bubbles, and leave a loose covering. deal of vexation by their geeing habits Everything should be in readiness, the jars clean, the covers well fitted, the fruit and persistence in getting all their tubs and casks repaired and buying little picked over and otherwise prepared, and work." cement and corks, if they are used in hinul. I stood it long enough, however," As the bottles or jars are to receive a ye-, said he; -until one day old Sam Crabtree ry hot liquid, they must .be iradninlY brought, in an old bunghole, U.k., which he warmed beforehand, by placing mater in said he wanted a new barrel made. Then them, to which boiling water slowly I quit the business in disgust. added. Commence by making a syrup in • —An old negro, in one of the South the proportion of a pound of white sugar to a pint of water, using less sugar if this ern States, was working in the field near quantity will make the fruit to sweat_ his cabin during a thunder storm, when When the syrup boils, add as much fruit a bolt of lightning went down the chim as will cover, let the fruit heat in the err- • neY and killed a little piekininny, lying rip gradually. and when it comes to. a in the cradle. The old negro went boil ladle it into the jars or bottles which and seeing the dead baby,•exclaimed : have been warmed as above directed. Pat Now, Lord! yon tink you lab done in as much fruit as possible, and then add great tinge. jest went and killed a little the syrup to till up all the interstices nigger baby dat aren't wort morn two among the fruit ; then put on the cover dollars and a half," and going to the door. or insert the stopper as soon as possible. he co , ntinued, "Spos'n you try it on old Have a cloth at hand dampened in hot I Siinn water to wipe the necks of the jar,. When one lot has hurtled. preeei•d wi; h more, adding inure sugar and water if more syrup is required. Juicy fruits will diminish the syrup much less than others. When the bottles are cold, put them away in a cool, dry, and dark place. Do lint tamper with the covers in any way. The bottles should be inspected every day for a week or so, in order to discover if any I are imperfect. if fermentation has com menced, bubbles will be seen 'in the err up and the covers will be loosened. If taken at once, the contents may be saved I by thoroughly reheating. Another way is to prepare a syrup and allow it to cool. I Placethe fruit in the bottles, cover with the syrup, and then set the bottles nearly I up to their rims in a boiler of cold water. Some wooden slats should be placed at the I bottom of the boiler to keep the bottles from contact with it. The water in the' boiler is then heated and kept boiling un til the fruit in the bottles is thoroughly heated through, when the covers are mit on, and the bottles allowed to cool. It is claimed that the flavor of the fruit is bet ter preserved it this way than the other. All the fruits that are used in their fresh state for pigs, etc., and Rhubarb or Pie-plant, and Tomatoes, Green Peas and Corn cannot readily be preserved in fami lies, they requ ire specialap paratua. Straw berries—hard fleshed sour varieties, such BREVITIES An eminent physician has discover ed that the nightmare in nine eases out of ten is produced by owing a bill for a newspaper. A wag says of a woman :—"To her virtues we give love—to her beauty our admiration—to her hoops, the whole side walk. When children trho arc born with silver spoons in their months grow up. there is seldom anything of them left but the spoons. —A little child looking at a picture 01 Eve in a Boston gallery, exclaimed : "Oh. mother, I should think that woman would he afraid of gyassll.9eirs::: —A young man wanted the yonngest of three marriageable daughters, but the old gentleman dew• into a violent rage. declaring that if he wished to get into his family, he must take them as they come, the oldest first. As a man was driving cattle, and wishing to alt er r their course, be called out to a hoe at a short distance, to turn them. t..ays the hoy, they are right side out now. Well, head them then. They have heads on. Whose boy are you? 1 don't know; I'll go in and ask mother. An Irishman who had been reduced to a mere shadow by a severe illness, was asked by his physician what he thought of a future state. Ah docthor, it makes no difference:" was the an6wer. -yez ain't left enough of tne for the de \il to naturalize." • An editor in the village of Mitchell (.% W. says " One little garden patch of ours, was profitable last season. • The snails eat up the cucumbers; the chickens eat up the the snails; the neighbors cats eat up the "CHILDREN CRY FOR THEE." chickens; and now if we can get hold of something that will cut up the cats, we'll i Wells' Carbolic Tablets. try again,' A , r 4 .11- P, all orlanft rp —At an assemblage of a few friend , ... -- m." 1, " ,, P , ”'" - -• -1-04 '"'"""'" one evening. the absence of a lady was Th., noticed, W bleb was apologized for by an ' \ argnailitanee who stated she was detained they 'sm. fitrnig.l,.,n;:,;hi.:,,;.,. „he. the Ktlintys lo hot prrh•rht their (unction* property. by a little incident. Send for *.rne. Pnr.. k.!", CIO r i inftil ..0 " Ah, ye exclaimed Mrs. John Smith, run. li, prier.l. , 3) N "and a beautiful little incident it is, too : l_Al.:''i"t4"'"`""b"u's, 14, weighs just nine pounds and a half." —"I say, Sandi°, were you ever intovi eaten ?" No. Julius, weber, was you?" " Well. I was Samba" " Yab ! but golly, next morning. I tho't my head was o wood-shed, and all de nig gers in Christendom were splitting wood ill —.Jones went to sernade his lady-love, and could only sing after this fashion: . " Cub, oh, cub with me, The boon is beabig. Cub, oh, cub wit me, The stars are gleabig, All around above With beauty teabig, Moonlight hours are meet for bib." Jones felt that he was .au unfortunate being when a small boy opposite where he was singing, cried out, " Blow your dose, you dab fool." .TIIE HORRORS op WAIL—The number of human lives destroyed by the war in Europe can, us yet, only be guessed at. It is within the limits of probability to say that at least 200,000 men have been up to the present time, sacrificed in the con test, and „many thousands maimed and mutilated. The elections held thus far in 1870 have resulted so as to give the Democrats two,more United States Senators .in. the Forty-second Congress. The white man's ball is moving. Each election carried gives it fresh impetus, until at last it will crush the maim] party to powder in its progress. - —An old bachelor says women are like parrots—they are willing to be caged up if they only Gave a play with. —On the lath of October, the Georgia State Agricultural Society will hold their annual Fair near Atlanta. Twenty-five, thousand dollars in premiums are to be offered. The citizens of Atlanta offer a special premium of $2,000 for the fastest trotting horse, $5OO for the next hest— open to the world. - A resolution has been unanimously adopted by the Georgia State Agricultural -,Suciety, extending a cordial welcome to the North, to the East, and to the \Vest, to participate in the grand exhibition. Trains will leave Atlanta for the Fair Ground every thirty minutes in the day during the fair, and special arrangemeAs trill be 'mak for tlie accommodation oftlm •pryss. Premium lists can be obtained upoii application to the Secretary, Georgia State Agricultural Society, Atlanta, (in. --A man attached to a traveling circus in Tennessee saw a non-paving head ob truding inward tinder the edge tif the can vas, and aimed a blow at it for the pur pose of making it literull a dead-head." lie sneceeded iu reducing the head to a state of insensibility, and upon examina tion of the prostrate fnrm,it N 1 as found to be the hauimg coltwed elergytnnty srt hat region. Another outrage upon the pro scribed race. _A vc ry dinm•stic and d,•V „ tcll Wilt sacs she cart•s mrm , hus baud's income than she dues for his ,nit —Although Jenkins says he only oats once a day. still he has three meals—rye meal, Indian meal, and mealy potatoes. —The apple crop in New. Hampshire is immense, and the market is already glutted with the fruit ; fifty cents a bush el being the ruling price at present. —We hear much at times about the ex pense of cam ing on" the government. Pretty spoil we wall Le COUU t ing, the cost about carrying it about. —The Report that C o mmil.,re Van derbilt IV:18 suddenly stricken down b) apoplexy turns mit to he a heart he hoax. originated for sbad, j.,bbing purposes some det•pei . ate rascal. lcW drertiocmtuts. DAUCHEI A: CO FORTUNES 17, I Sump. Diamono. K. L'o., Wthatii, , t , n. S••11C. AlsrVT.• kNTED Frrß FREE LOVE: • ITS VOTARIES, by B. El.t.u. The oto.l ern - mu,. book of toodt•ro timo.. .1 . 11.• whole eobjeel laid hare mid hideon-oeee ••xtio-eel to .11 venal texer• WILITTEN IN TUE IN Cullom ...VI, ANS 1'1,11.1 , IT V nA for Ns nins• raid II•1111, S. Polillehing • , • oo fl u" 11,1 ago and St Logic. Sept 1.-4 o TO SILL Ora runup TF4O.ks I CHINA & UNITED STATES. INFORMATION for the People. 4 Before the FOOTLIGHTS, ac. Our RULERS and Our RIGHTS. iCheapest R nest Family Bibles. t Dart Tux, Offrrett. ...andrvasfrenC.rahZ ~ ,b, _ _ `4" i.h (Nrl 7 ( Acr-NTS WANTED t 'MALE UL FEMALE. Fon TUF .1 20 .131791C1 A.M. LI P.M OF WO MA N: 131" OEO.❑ NA PLIEI s, M. D. Thlr liner's. Mutt to the ehetit .nerrir4 of the rear COX". ha , atm.', ikern ...PI 11 rill n.ll- with it rapidity quite tmpreeedralnd. Agent. all agree that ihri make money footer 'selling It thou any other Mach first. chaster/limy I. rtlfl ape Arad lit liner for postaphirt, ArSdresa, GM). M A CLEA N Pirsuatiert. Philadelphia. Noir York & Bo4ton. t.ept 14,--hr GETTING UP CLUBS GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS Partin. enquire how to zet up clubs. Our auxwer rend for Prier tier. and a (lab form will a. company it with NI direction..—rnaking a .nrze '4311147 to a,n.u merr and rOUtiIneMOVV to Club orgauizo, THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. ~4.43 P::•TIZY sTICEE.T P. O. Bux SFC3, NEW TORS. s2oooper year awl eXpullr, uartuultreit to 11P ambitions loon and ...mon •olliou our world ranown , l patent Pilvor Mould %%1, elorip.. Fur full pirticutur tht Guard Wirt. 51111, Phil Pa. Sept 14.-4 o 4rt R 5.61:2,:a.,D OSA Es S THE 11161 C comir In riIIIIIIZI . nn r o•I 0 ,4 lin', ”r 1...artl to u permanent Mack nr bros. , It e‘attniflt , DO poi.n. Any one can 12.• IL OLII2 octal by mail for $l. Arlan... MAGIC COMB CC.. Springlleld. Mn... Ang. 31--Im rt ' 9 4 , s egVe 9,5) y 4 25 '7 ISAS - I -, 7 t: :1;14 4 )1 • . 14 . , q 0 1? Mild, Certain, Safe and Efficient It le far the hest Catioirt le rented, yet tit e.ivered. and ut once rol..ree nod Int nz.,rate all the Onal fnnc• lion, militant cutteim: "dm, to any of them The most complete en et•-. her Ion: ltended rt. nee in roam laen lltles, and it. Tam offered 1. , the arnerul NAV, Ile with the con% ietion that it Loan never tail 10 accorn plieh all that le claimed fur it. It aroduces 111:1e or no rain • leaven the utitan r freofratu-irritlatiuu. and never over taxi.l ur er3ites tire_ net - vino, erten. In all die ..., cof the elan. Mood.emnili floor.lrldneye —of children.. and In mane diflieuntee p .collar to men. It brims wonutti relief and Certain The mire. beet phyliellne recommend am. prescribe It and no person who once nee. this n 11l voluntarily return to the use of any other Cl.l hmi ir Solt by mall on receipt of price and postage. 1 BOA. ttn.2s - • P4.tagi., 6 cent. 5 BOXES. 1,00 • - - • is •• It Ic *old by all dcllrr• In drn:r. cmi madlelneo, and by S Ie Pnoprietor4. Tr wont St linaton, Mast. enz.3l-13namw A GOOD DNIRY AND GP.AIN F.A.R.11 FOR .BALE. Horace Birch:ad offers his Farm for Salo situated in the township of Forest Lake, Susquehanna County, Pa., Ilmiles from Mont. rose, containing 120 acres of land, 11) acres of which are under a good state of cultivation. The farm contains one full bearing orchard c: grafted fruit, and °he young orchard just begin ning to hear ; a good comfortable farm house horse barn, grain barn, and all the necessan outbuildings iTquinsi by a good farmer ; well fenced, well watered, and a stream of never fail ing spring water running at the door. It Is just such a farm as a good dairy seeds, being well located for dairy purposes. It is situated but 1,14 miles.from a good school. and Baptist and Meth odist churches. For terms, &c., address M I LON 11l I AIM, July 6, 1870.—tf Forest Lake, Susq. Co. Pa. F LOUR! FLOUR; From 1111 ,1 day forward, we shall sell Flour at retail at We hang out no false eolora, but mean just what we'say. 111 tile making Flours specialty, our stock of FEED, .VR4L, SALT, LIJIE CEMENT, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, dx. Will he kept full and sold at very 44ma1l profits. H, OIHRATT tk, SON.. Nett• Milford, Mardi 3,1870.—1 y. 1, 1 P. S'I'AM P, PROIIISIONS Floor. Salt, Barter. Pork. I.not, [Sam, Salt Flnh. Tntlow, erackero, (*beef°, Coffee. tiPloen. Chotto Tenn., Sugar, fit,. 1/rled and Canned FOOt. Toharro. Ctirano. Sault. and all other article. tp.antly kept toe trot doer Grocery and Proviotoo Store. • We will mark our Good. 0. loss as we Can afford. and for c 2.11, Olrerxtsnor, fur produce, Montrope. Fch. I. Ino.—tr 'FIE PLACE TO TRADF 0•111111113 11 4' 1854. i am acquainted with Mr. E. T. Balmbold ; ha fn. caviled the 'Dna store opposite trtresldenee. and gran rtircr••Bil in conducting the business when:tethers had not he. n cqnally K hefore him. I harc• Donn manor/1- nm BFST VARIETY OF GOOOS, AT TIM MOST . hig imprcened with hi- character and entnrplic.” bat WILLIAM w EIGIITM AN. Firm of Potters & Reight man. %tautest -fining • Chrtnipin. Ninth and Brown Street*, ritlindei . phis. hlallenber Aesenbaum eS .Co •.s HEADY MADE CLOTIIING, For mon, boy.' and youths' emir. Fine roloction of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. COATLVOS, F..r C 0.,. Work. We take ItlMOttreernd makeup mot. toonto b. order. after the urn eat and moot tardy style, Lan,e t snotty of PIECE 1:1)0I)9 to Tell ho the rani A Ch-ate: FULLNIULII-Nt3 01.111/S. Stool:tie, Iton , i tpe r and Linen Collar.. othltto. Trunk, nano. I etc, Large oelnetlon of nen cot tabo r of Sept 14 -4v. snrion• mnt.•rial In onr Dry Gond.. Dt•lartmcnt you Poplin, )(choice. Alperae ihlark and all the lead and rhea.", Pivot, Percales. printed t tresu dice and )(waine. French ltingliannh Table Linen, Towels. Napklno, Suion Morllnl. Jaeonrip PARASOLS, Snn•hadea. Skirt*. Comet., Kidd anti 1.1•Ie Thread Glorett.llmtery. Elandketcbteft., Collars and C'uff•. etc. .1411 AWLS. fl q I - F.S. or ' , marina material and In differ y lea DKEnti T .11\141N iyS and Rut WU, Marto. Ilea Trintining. Puffing. Frlngre, rte. U( ,Y ESTI(' GOODS, 3lunlino, Callen... Veto. Duu fun W , .11.1Ve n ial,!•• In trimmed and untrimmed . flat-. ',lnd.., n. . F 10.% era, Itiblani, sawt.. Illindoun. Wanip. Yrunrc.. murk and cniorint Crept,. Sc. dept 13 3%, T 11.• ..0 ore marked own) I)OWN aw lt l wtll tudilpet tt lan. QUr ore Imuxht and wig•fled 1/111111 prat can. and we tlattcr ourreise. that we Lan give natlornetivo Cu all. 14'111 »m,' the receipt by %%1,-111 wit , . cured of Cotarrh Hod Itehfnetto tree .I,l.l.reee Mrr. 3 , 1 C. Lett ttett. Hoboken N. J. Sept 14-4 I=l EW FI It )1 , The Plltwaihrn. are POW 'veering from Near York tie.. and fresh mock of which will he cold at s low for ceeh. Among th nninienini , oriole. may he rittiad flour, I buns, Dried lksf, .quffstrfl .11”14.7A11, Cod fish, Hard-ere!, ,fr. Td.. Coffee, Swore, Rice, Mace, Worotterphire Sauce Cncned Pentheo. Pears. Pine Apples. Sweet Corn, Tome to Quinces, sad ['Jamul. Cocoa. FaADA. Extract Leiner.. etc. att. All kind. of SLUTS% Citron, Orange Peel. elf. CROCKERY Lt OLARSWARE. dud astraatea. , drat daP,goodriandi rheay. . . In 10A/t r io:l 10 the Grocery trade, we have purchiwerd 1 Gee. C. Bill's News Odic!, where you eau find a good iwiettion of stationery . Boob, lindly. Weekly and . . .. Monthly Papers. Magazines. Books and papers not on baud will be ordered and. furnished on abort notice with• out extra charge. special care given to orders. No trine ble to , how goods—so drop In and. see for younselves. 1 re — Coods delivered without c.t.tra charge. i Or'Wane are genuine unless done up in sten! env - iv; H. J. W aria, t , ed wrapper, with facsimile of my Chemical Warangal. C. M. GLIM, c WEBB 6 (JERE. and signed Montrose, May 18, WM. I . . • AGENTS WANT per day) by Mc AMPIM CAN KNITTTNG MAOMINE CA., BOSTON, Mom. or ST. LOW, Mo. Unne 2S-5m JEWELRY WHOLESALE PRICES EllE=E3 PATRONAGE KOLWITED E. P. STASII'. And where ytiii will Awl JUST RECEIVED Largr and bandpome roleetion of HATS AND CAI'S, N EW DRESS Go oDs WHITE GOODS MILLINERY GOODs M. v. DESSAUER NEW GOODS GROCERIES & PRoVISIONS, A N.l timing raid Smulttng Tolxicco, etc. A. TUTIRELL TO PHYSICIANS. Tit. irons, August 1546,18811. Allow mo to c el yoarlattenlion to utt Preparation of COMPOUND EXTRACT of tucHr The component part, are Dacha, Long Lvd, Cabe', Juniper Baria,. MODE or ruarartarrna,-11nettu. In vim° Juniper 5.171er, by diettilat lots, to form a Doe glo. Cube.. uz• trailed by dirplateinent with rpiritv obtained from Juniper homes; very Dille sugar la nrad, ands Entail prOportion of optrlt. It la more palatable than any U 0 ,4 i 0 me • ituchu. as prepared by Druglista. is of a dark color. It tea plant that emits Its fragrance : the action of a tt one destroy thls (lie active principle), leaving a dark and ;Oat thou. , decoct I a. Mine Is the color of The Beebe in my preparation predomin• ate.: the smallest quantity of the other Ingredients ere added. to prevent fermentation ; upon inspection. it will he found not to he lecture. a. made In ?ber m:l.lpm., nor Is it a Syrop—and thereltero Can be need to canes Where fever or fndammation exist. In this you have the knotakalge of the Ingredients and the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor no with a trlal,land that upon Inspection It will meet with your approbatihn. With n feeling of confidence, I am, very reopecrfully. IL T HELMBOLD, Chemist and Druggist of Id your* eaperlatee. From the largeet Manufacturing Chemists in the World.) RELAIDOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BtuLIU for wcatocrr {WIMP g from Indiscretion The exhaust ed powers of NaturewLieb ate abroninanied by so ma ny slarming symptoms, among which.eviii be found Inn to Exertion. I.oes ofittemory, vr ket o I ig,* • !tenor of Disease, or Perchodinirr of 6Mt—ln Universal Lersli ude, Proraton sti. and Inability to en ter into the enfoetnents erreiety. The Coliet lint on. once affect • d with Ch vont". Wosk nes.' refit, irenthe not of Medicine to strengthen and in vtgornte the, *stitch lIELMBOLD'S ESTUACT BUCUU inrariAbly derv. If no treatment Is oubmitted to. Coo .amptlon or tn.anity ea eaea. II ctionotrs'e PLotn RXTRAeT 6 , T flume. to affoctiomr to-collar to,, Ir unyinalled by sof ottlYY preps rstiou. no in Chloro.i.. or Retention. Pninfolnees , or Soporeorttin of eoetomary renrontions. T.TietTrated or 86.1 rno Mato of the Uteran. and :art complaint. foci dent to the sex. or the decline or change of If.. llebahold's Extract Ruchu and Improved Rose Waxh will endleally eate.rminate from the system diseases •el. •Ing from hallos of dissipation, at linos espwnse. little nr nu rhange to dter. no Inconvenlenre Dr exposure compleu ly snyr , seding those onplensant and dangwr on, remedies, l'opaisa end Mercury, In all these discs. UPC . P Fluid Extract of Buchn In all dlionin• re of the, org - tos. whether exintlng In male or fernale• from whatever C3Cinc and no m 5,, ,, of how l•rng ptnwling It Itiplemoint in 14.1 C Awl mt.flote In melon, nod more otremehentrig than stay preparntionn of Rork or Iron. Thoee nn tiering from broken down or definite couett tutioun, procure the remedy ut cure. The rmder ratt,t be aware that. bowever Flight ma be the attack orthe ahhve certain af fact thv bodily health anti manful powers. All the above disc**ee require the Aldo( a Diuretic. HaMBOUYS EXTRACT BUCHU le the Oreat t Illcat Diuretle tiOLD BY DIWOGISTS EVERYWHERE 1 j Price, $1.23 per Bottle-6 Bottles 10.30 Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms In all . communications. • I Addreas H. T. lIELI.4BOLD. Drag and Chemlad %Vara:mac, 594 Broadway, N. V. 1 June 1, In).-37 ABEL , ginghandon akivationntuto. [li TURRELL 0 • 7 J. W. orc•Zmit. NEW 'STORE, NO. 82 WA.SRINGTON STREET, lint Door North of 9.4. Motional Book Brilliant Display! DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, BEST OLOCILS IN TIM IIAKKICT, SILVER WATCHES, ramie% siolss AND AIIIMICAN GOLD - NVITCIIES, CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. 1 twee %leo the Heft kmd most complete stock of SOLID SILVER MID PLATED WAAL From the hest and most popular makers, whose roods hale adieu perfect aattentetton to my patrons for the past d•e years., The .took will be found the best ref opened In Binghamton. ova at Mt Omen wUI be kept full and complete, uunel sting of SOUP SILVER TABLE WAR E, TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, together srlthall the vs rletles of Plated Ware, .orb as .Too Setts, Cake EliteMl4. *Weis Hinge. Castors, liaise., Fork.. Bpoorke, ie of Single, Doable, Treble end Quadruple nets ir.ds..wcrw GrOOJos was never more complete. sod I ass mating constant daily addition* of all t►e nest Mar entail of t►e 61.11.10 n. LL MI" COODS AS REPRESENTED For further proof of this 1 refer to RS ll4°llll * a. W DOTCMCNS. L EW I S J. S. WBIJ.Ji. T. m mertaAN. W. LAGRANGIC, D. minim's. It B. VIERSERBAII. RILEY BUSH. WADI/ MERSERICAU U. DUSIMBETRY, PLEASE CALL and EXAMINE OCR GOODS, AT 82 Washington St. BENT;IIAjfTO.Y, N. Y. Nov. 3,1362.—1 f HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI- Parr the Relief end cure &t he Erring and Principles of Chriatian Philanthropy. Essays on the Emmet Youth and the Yollies of Age, in relation to Marriage and Bala! Evils, with sanitary aid for the emitted Bent tree. In sealed eevelopes. Ad drees HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia. pEBBLE SPECTACLES --also com mon Spa-tables, • new supply, fat rate by blantayse. Noy. 100/101. ABEL TURREL. NEW WALL PAPER, Jett arrived. and Win:. rhea? ,lii . lientrek. April 30.1879. ABEL lusellELL VIRE! EIREI FIR - V.—Your house A. may born out. Beek refuge at ones, either In the temerre. Besot*. N. Y.„ . . pi 030,000 M't Idonbattan, • . . Lnemoo North Aineriean, • - • • PZ,OOO 00 ilesto Otrftd ser. . . • . - 750,000 AM . • • 000,000 00 Enterprise, • • . • 600,000 00 Or Norwich. Coon.. chartered Wei. I€oo. the oldest &Da Co., 1.13 Cotinettlent ,Antba stare are old estsbitehed, first dim Companies, s, and reliable, Whip been triad sad proven. , Look on tor little new wild cat sore. plates sprlnghor pp all over the c.onntry Jan to make money. Cell or send your applioutons, and L lOU tee that you are Surly dealt with. 111 ANDY CL AIMEE. ?II .fife gad AA e cldeaj toiramote Agent, at the ettice of W. D.Lack. rag, If impose. Yetirsuiri 1, U. T. UlaatiKlLD ORUIT .7MBe tot'dalebf A. TURRELL. REMOVED SILVER WARE. Of Al Styles, end sold NAPKIN RINGS, FORKS, Sc MT SPLENDID STOCK OF J. F. TOZER. ATI ON, DRUGGIST, MONTROSE, PA, tectlb`aalf~'Fc~eT+tff~ NSW GOODS And keeps constantly on hand a full and destriblo IS ointment ot genuine DEL US, IIEDICINEB, CUEMICAI43, isquoas. Paints. Oils, Ilye-Stalts, Tess, Spices, and other filfla. eerie., Stone Waco. Well and IN lndow Paper. Ow*. Ware. Fruit - Jars, Mirrors. Lamps , KM* Ilene. Machinery 011, Torment' Oil. Nem afoot ()IVY/a lined Wlude oil, Olive Oil, Srdelta Tiktpitv One. anaimes, o:nary Seed. inCgar.Pouyeb, Allarbeen tra led Lye. Ant. I/cease, Trusses. Sopportere,lledlcal In.trunlenta, Shoulder Braces, OunvPbtab. Cartrigger, Powder, Shot, Led, Gnu Cam 13.111/111:4 Powder soil Foie. Vitali.. Strings. Bows- etc. RUM., Fifes etn., Fish nooks illid Llors,Bar sad Toilet 1301 Pk. Rate 014, lisle Restorers. and Bain Pocket Kolve-.Speeiseler,Erilver Pleted epoons.lrarkk Kulree. /Lc. De..tlet Articles, a genell aespirkwentlpi FANCY GOODS, lENVELItt, and PERPOInDE& An the leading end best kinds of PATZ.'YT 3EDICIN7OI, lo short, *emir e'en' thing to testorelha sick, la please the taste, to detlghtlfidepe, to grad WWI ilint"/ , and oleo in conduce to the real and suhaant eomfAr ts of life. Fammeration Is Impracticable, writ would In a newspaper. Cull at the Drug sod Vaidetygdora of Montanan, Jan.s, 1870 FARM FOR SALE! The ;iiWribe'r for the east part of Nor Milford townthip, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE ACRES 1Z acre* Improeed, well watered by aprloga,and a mall creek. There are two honaea. one new. and three harm, one new, end otlavr ontbuildinge,and two good otrbitnibl• The kind not Unproved lei benilly timbered. Terms eaay. Fur farther Informotton earl an or addle,e the eabcriber at New Milford, Snatea Co. Pa. Moo. 10, tlo69.—tt STROUD do BROWN'S --- Pim and - Accident -- GENERAL IN AGENCY, CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 114,000,0f.0 Insurance Co. of Ncirth America. 5.0u0.000 Frann Fire insurance Co., Phila, Pa., C kli apital and Surplus, 000,000 Lycommg County Mistual Imp:trance Co.of - • Money. Penn a, Capital and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual I [marlines Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus. Convectlntl Mutual Life insurance Co. of Hartford, Coon., paying elf per cent. divJdends to the assured. The notes given fur half the premium is never to be paid ander any circumstances. be policy will always be paid in full, Sod the notes, given tip. Capital. 17,000,000 American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital, 1.000,000 Tmvelers'lnstintneaCo. Hartford. Colin., Insuring against all kinds of accident• Capital, , Y 09,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart- ford. Conn.. Capitaland.Sllurplus. Ct., 5t.000,000 Putnam Fire Insnmtice Co., artturd. Capital, Hartford Live St cie Company. insnranteon all kinds of Live Strict, e.minot theft and death from any canoe. Capital, SI 1.000,000 refrAll business entrusted to our mire will be attend , ed to on fair terms, and 411 losses promptly adjusted. rair - 0111ce first door ra-t from juakhig /joke of W . 11. Cooper &Cn.. Turn ofkeet. af ourrose, Pa. STROUD tt BROWN, Agents. Si . C. Suns.. COO.. Friendoville, Solicitor. Coos. 11. Sktrru, Montrose, do STSOOD. CnanLas L. Bnovig. Montrose, Op 1. 1009. MIN ER AND COATS, shin Street, 5 doors below tioycl's Corner. Montrose FLOCK, GItOCERIES, AND PROVISIO NS. Wusro conotantly Teo lying. ad nen Pannenhenli, •fresh stock of tlood• In ourlli e. which we CHEAks CHEAI !! • • CU-E,AP tor ceAti,or exchn ge orprodocer. 0000 . COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER TliftiniV SEED, he We kiaverettted and made additions loon, Btriek of Palls. and are ncov ready to torsrard Batter to the bes t comralsolon hulloes In New York. live of charge, and reick..llhsraladrencesient• on consignments'. /'nil and examine our . 7 iock hero, purchasing else where and,onvinr.• rt, h e GOOD QUALITY k LOW PRIM' of oar floods C. (1. MINER Montrose. AP* ll 1 1.. 1 IIyNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, PA Wliolevele I Rotall Dealers In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK A. T RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD A MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE eIPRINGE. AXLES, sKEINB AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE • IRONS,' II CBS, *POKES, FELLORS. SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, Qv. ANVILS, vlces, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. PILES. de. de. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BFLTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. RAIR d GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEA TIIER A FINDINGS PAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton. March 21. 1522 11 FIJRNITURE ESTAI3I,IsIIMENT OF WILLIAM W. SMITH. PLEAPE Time Mmes.: The elterl4l,o FOR1111:11 . 111 garaidishment of .Willingn W. Balkh, having been refitted and grrally improved. the proprietor respect. rally llttliOtinces to the cItIICDI4 of MOWN.a and vicini ty. that h. le constantly making and keeps on hand Off largest and hest asstortmout of Parr rt. .LNT zir - Er vs_ 1331 to be' found nnywher thie Oda of New York City. Desks. Menne. Torrehneke, Lounger. Footstool , le. Center Card, Pier. Toilet. ()lulu:. Kitchen And entenrion table?. Comas —Cann and Wood-teat Rockers, Cane. inlf and Woodeeate of every variety and etyle. gora•and Tete-a toter. furnished On short EOM. , Cane sent chairs P resenird. RING BEDS. A large as —ebeapeet and beet In the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to supply my coalmen with a new anbatantialcann aeat chat r. of home Mall ufacto re. which will h.. (wand creatly superior to those ronnedy to market. and yet are old at a lama price. CANE-SEAT C IBS 1? E-SEAZED gllr needy made corflne On hand or to at ,port nods.. Hearee aloe,* In readiness It desired. I employ none but careful and exPerienend workmen. I Intend to do my work well, and sell it as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Montrose, Feb IS. 1868. PURE LIQUORS SEELY'S NATIVE GRAPE BRANDY, distilled strictly pure; and a variety of other Brandies: including Cherry,Brinds. Cider Brandy, Cc. Needy stlitho differ sent &indoor Nom. Rutland (lin. old BY.) and Bourbon Wldakey. A trobol, Pure Epirit, Bay Sunk &c., constant ly on band and fur sale by libmtrosa, March 9416,1860. CONGRESS WATER, . ut TURRELL'S. =MEE ABEL TUItiLELL JACOYI WAYXAN $00.000,003 CIEETECI AlMil. TIIRRELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers