Countg t3oinetis pirectim. Teo. lima% is this 'limier'', one Naar, 111.50 each addkional line, 50 eta. NEW MILFORD Y. 4 • MOSS iCO , Deakin In Dry Goode, Hate, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and General Merchandise, on Main street, second doer below the Rpl•eopal Church. • torraff tvoPrati. kept by WILLIAM SMITH. on Mein street, near rbe 1 11.110 . _ °LABIUM:MAKER. Agent for Leiters double Turbine. Beat water wbeel In nee. tlatiafaction ..tUffinteed.• W. 8. MM. Foundry. sod dealer lo Plows sod other theltalle, cue door from Phlnners !Wel, Main ht. la, F.! NURSER, cantor, vaker and Undertaker, on MOO Otreel,lto door* below Hawley', Store. reCOU.I7 *BROTHERS, Dealers ,n 2 Orocerlai • end "Pfnittolenti,'on Arida ntreet.• , . • amintre;ft SON: Dealers itt lish. Lima. Cement. Groceries and Precisions on • J1,44,444e4 prposito the Depot. W. & S. HAYDEN, Mannfactarers of Cigar,. and Wholesale dealers In Totten Notions and Pettey Gtmtds. on ➢font Street. below Bplaonpal Church. • NOSS t KNAP. LesthiT Manatirtarers and dealers ha Morocco near lipi.copal Chnrca • AINV HAyntx. liedicra in Drugs and Mealieioea. *rtA NfaintfActuccrs of Cipr! , , on Main tifzecf, oar NC. 9TgPRO.I. ` 4. home 'Amend and canon! Repiring en 'Min meta, south of the brit. de. J. DICK/TAMAN. JR.. Dealer In general merchandise and Clothing. Brick Store. on Main Street_ brIIIFPLE & MEAD, Dealers In gvaeral Merchandise ua Main Street.. O. M. HAWLEY. Mater In greueral•lltrelgodli.". tln Main Street, opposite Phinneol Hotel. - GREAT BEND. 1.. S. LENFIEVM, Manufacturer of Leather, and dealer lit cameral Yehrundlee, on Main Stool • M, P. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer Rrady Made Clothing, Dry Gonda, Groccrien and Provision*, Halo Street • LENOXVII.I.II HIRAM WHITE. Manufacturer °rand dustier In intrri ar Plows and casting, GIBSON EDWARD+ & BRYANT. Mannf:M➢ren of Wavni and Sleighs, near the Ingalls' Siore. IIONTROSET ABEL TURRILLL, Dealer in Dents. Medicines. Li soon, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff., Groceries. Jewelry Notions, etc. 21, "M WEBB & OEIIE. Sea,. Office, and deal,* in Gmerr 144., and Proviniono.Cnackery. etc-, Public avenue. JAMIN CAIMALT. Attorney at Law. °Mee one dour below Tarbell Roue. Public Avenue. • wit 11 COOPER & CO.. RAnkera. acll Parelwn Pn•- rage Tick firand Draftalui England, Ireland and Scot J. R. FLETCHER'S Eating ..4alom] Is the place to grt lee Ceeam. Oyntera and Clams, In every style. On Blain streeL 'STROUD d MOWN. General Fire aveLlfe 'boar •oc. drama ; al.o.sell Railroad and AccidentTirker. in New York mild Philad.lphia. Once one door earl el the Rank. V. R. ICMA N FR. General In.w mace and Sewing Ma ebtor Aw•nt. rnhhe A runum.• 1 1.. TM RUT- pinre to get yo Groceries •ed Prom...e. Moor, Pork. Laird. Ten. Sneer. Mee, To. hoe,.. R.UAT gezaro. Ityytten and Ftereshatentn, on. der s. LI. '.oyn.t Iteothery.• BURNS k Nrcnot.s. One place tn krq nragea and 31,111- clew, Cirsa, Tobacco. P.cket-fitonkv, Specta cle, Yankee Nation,, kr,. ruhlle Aernue. 1.. COX_ Startler+ maker and dealesin all articles nodally kepi by the trade, optawite the Bank. • noyn & CO.. 1),-ilen. in Stoves. Hardware, And N •nufnrtnrcre of Tin and Stieettran ware_ corner of Main and Turnpike etreet.. S Si. 111C1Tt‘P, SErrchant Tailor and donates in Cinth, Trimming, and Furnishing Grinds. A=unts fur Singer Seirin2 Machine.. on Ellin Street. Fardham A N. 81 - 1.1.4 rtn. Dealer in Groce•lca, Slntionrry and Yankee Notions, at had of Puhli- Arcane. . arOUE is CO.. Dealers in Stoves. Tisrdsrara. A %Tin! nnil 'wider:nerds, Flour and Groceries. Gyp, .Ire T. !hell floosie HATN§YOED k MITCHEL. Livery and radian:re siiable, to rear of Bank building. • J It DrWITT d Ni., Dealers in Dry Goods. Hard wareslid c•eneral merchandise, corner, near hilick Moil: • Focal .niclligencr. Change Mr. Wm. J. Mulford has removed his stock of g 0 0 ,15 into the builirmr, formerly oeenpied by Baldwin, Allen & McCain, %slide he is repairing and generally changitagitis own latdlding. Notice. Rev. S. F. Brown, of Tonkhannock, will lec ' ture on Tmnperance at Woodruff's Academy, in Dimock, on Thursday evening, Oct. oth, at 7 o'- clock. Free lecture, and freciliscusvion. I)e.. T.. 1. & M. Wheaton will be at Lynn on Monday, Oct 10th, where they will remain one week, for the purpose of completing all engage ment* with their patrons in that vicinity. The _Wowing Monday they will be at Dimock Cor ners. All parties interested are requested ,to call promptly and close up their business, as thhi will he their last visit to these places. Oct_ 5, 1870. Jefferson Railroad. We learn from a circular from the office of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., that the unfin ished portion of their road, front Laneshoro to Carbondale, will be shortly completed The minx:it:tors for the work are Moors. Evans Robinson, of this city. This road, when com pleted, will give unbroken railway transporta tion to the mines, and will enable them fully to supply the demand for the well known Lacka wanna coal, and only through their own agents. 'No advance In prices is anticipated until De cember certainly, if then. This information may 1w of service to the consumers of Co3l.—Bing- Mmlon Dem. Serious Sickness. We hear it reported that at Port Dickinson there areal least half the pimple prostrated by form of fever, supposed to proceed from the water drank in that locality from wells that are nearly dry owing to the long continued drouth. From other sections near us, we also learn of sickness from similar causes. Very many welli whiet were never dry before are without water, and rain is most earnestly desired. —Binghamton Dem. Litt of Jurors, Drawn fur special term of Court, on Monday Oct. 17th. 1870: Auburn—John N. Gyle. Ararat--Chauney Avery, N. P. Bartell. Brooklyn—Oriando A. Eldridge. Bridgewater—Edwin It. Strbbins. Choconut—James Donellv. Clifford—Luman White, S 1 m. Meredith. ,Dimock—L A. Main,' Horace Spofford, Jas. Wallace, John Young. Forest Lake—Thomas Booth. Friendsville—James E. Fitzgerald. Franklin—&J. Webb, Melvern Davis. Gibson—Albert Barnes. Great Bend boro—C. 8. Gilbert. Great Bend tp , —David Marsh. Merrick—Eber Dimock, Geo. Burdick. Harford—Wm. E Tingley. Jts.aup—Alfred Melleeby, Henry Shelp, Wm, Bbelp. Jackson—Jesse Williams. Lenox—Abram Churehell, Alonzo Payne. Liberty —M. L Truesdell. Lathrop—Albert Gatm. Montrose—A. N. Bullard. Middletown—E. D. Galutia., Bush--Norman Devine, R. Reynolds, Jr. Susquehanna—Wm. Smith. Spnngville—Dpvid Thomas. • Borough Items. t=1:11.1 .eons ihindaiis upon his new barn. —The sociable connected with the Vphicopal Church will convene at the residence of H. B. Hawley, on Friday evening next. We_had.A..vessaAt and gentle rain of abbot- nieirt,terif4boltrialuration titi Pride* last and the dry, famished earth licked It up with astonishing , —At the sale of the real estate of J. H. McCain at the Court House on Saturday last the house and lot Mithe born sold for $5,215 to Captain Cooper, and the farm in Auburn for $5,975 to Azor Lathrop. . A 6a-b r rOlic/Tt FriQ the Stage stables of Leonard Searle, again threatening the destruction of the whole block of buildings on' tlieWisi . iiidi:Of 001114 keeiritibat thaMu be to our fire department, by another splendid dis play of their efficiency, it was arrested before doitig but We Teem it ourdiny to make especial mention of Rough and Ready Company Na 1, qw we were informed that they succeded in placing their engine at the cistern and getting, a tia l ream pf water up_on the fire in Ices than Toilr rtirauas Irani the time the alarm tams given. The cistern is about 30 rods from the engipp f hott,send the stayipt! 71tere the fire wai fictiatil- 1 1Vroditi 100 iilyAaing live our worthy fireman r , • Flpeclal Examination. Gibson, Kennedy School House, Tuesday, Nov. 15th. Forest My house, Saturday, 19th. Montrose, at my office In the Court House, Monday Dec. sth. Onuses Will 'IC I - Surtned at 9 o'clock, A. a. in Regular Serial., and at 10 o'clock, A. IL in the Special Series. Teachers to be admitted must be prevented befbre the close of examination in first branch.. Each teacher to be provided with pen, ink, paper and Union sixth Reader. Individuals designing to teach will find it max-ssary to attend at some one of these Ex aminations if theylissaire Certificates this Win ter, and should Pin . adios in their (a - n district, or where they expect to teach. Directors and friends are requegnd to be present. W. C. TILDEN, CO., Supt. Forest Lake Centre, Sept. 30th, 1870. Teachene Examination. The Annual Examination will be held as follows : Auburn, Low School House, Monday, October 17th. OctSpringville, Centre School House, Tuesday, ober • Lathrop, Hillsdale School House, Wedcnsday, Oct. 19th. Brooklyn, Ccuttri School House, Thursday, Oct. 20th. Dianock, Corners. School House, Friday, Oct. 2 1st. Forest Lake, (Ware School flOnse, Monday, Oct 24th. Middletown, Centre School House, Tuesday, Oct. , 25th. Apoliwon and Choramut, Freindssille School House Wednesday, Oct. 26th. Jessup, Bolles School House, Thursday, Oct_ 27th. Rush, Snyder School House, Friday, 28th. Silver Lake, Brnekney School Horne, Tuesday, Novetnber Ist. Liberty and Franklin, Laissrille Centre School House Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. Now Milford and Borth Bole School mouse, Thursday, Nov. 3d.' Great Bend and Boro, Boro School House, Friday Nov. 4th. Harmony and Oakland, Susq. Depot School House, Saturday, Nor. sth. Jackson, Corners School House, Monday, Nov. 7th. Ararat and Thomson, Aldrich School House, Tuesday, No'. Etth. Herrick, Lyons School House, Wednesday, Nov. 9th. ('ity School House, Thurdssy, Nov. 10th. Glenwood School House, Friday Nov. 11th Bridgewater, Montrose School House, Satur day, 12111 Tempertutee Lectures. The Rev. Thos. Roberts will address the Citizens on the tinbJect. of Temperance at the following places: Wefienstlav evening. Oct. 12th, M. E. Church New Mltfarti.<_)(...). 4) • - . Thursday evening, Oct. 13th, Great Bend. Friday evening. Oct. 14th, Susq. Depot. Saturday evening, Oct. 15th, Lamborn and win bteaelt unilieSabbAttrir desdred. Monday'ev - etting:Oct:l7th,Thomnson Center. Tuesday erening.-Oct. Mb, Ararat. Wednesday evening, Oct. 19th, North Jack . son. Thursday evcnin,g, Oct 20th, Jackson Corners. Friday evening, Oct. 21st. South Gibson. Saturday evening, Oct 22d, Burrows Hallow and win presch on the Sabbath if desired. Monday corning, Oct 24th, Harfotti Tuesday evening, Oct. 25th, South Harfora. Wednesday evening, Oct. 26th, Glenwood. Thursday evening, Oct. 27th, Lenuxville. Friday evening, Oct. 28th, Cambran Lodge, Clifford. Saturday evening, Oct. 29th„ City Lodgr Clifford, and will prtatch on the Sabbath if de aired. Monday evening, Oct. 31st, Dundaff. The Lodge Deputies of each Lodge are earn eitly requested to see that that appointments are freely eirculatetLand that proms places are procured to lecture In., 0. W. MACEY, D&t Defy. Remembered Our thanks are due Ex. Sheriff Johnson of Bridgewater one of our subscribers for a large and wellfilled hasket,tif flue tottuttms. Mr. Johnson is a live benitCrat of the true tribe. May Fate will and Fortune favor that he may again 'ire the nation ruled by houea men and pure De:mberatie....-Piinelples e 4 43mre. Rush Slinerni Springs. SNTDER Horse, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Sept. 28th, 1870. _ Finn? Sim lib; ngo 14;ilay lt*rrived here ftom the South quite an invalid, but through the power ful influence of the combined virtues of these health restoring waters, and the good living forniSiled,Pl MlXT,bost_,.ls,..D..Snyder,who, by the is the representation of a eliss of - ,vod old jolly land-lords" that know how to "twee good'chest" "In the diva Of 4i attrd Ling sip -7 l now return to the xitk.rdeling as if 1 bad paid a visit to the land where eternal youth is ttistor ed; with health grently improved, and carrying back many pleasing- recollections of this quiet Summer Retrial. How many of our good people in search of health, and relaxation from care, make the mis take of going down into the low lands of the Seaside to fitshinnitglo LLSPri, to .seller in the, heat, and endure the continued excitementyl which swarm about Sea-side resorts in Summer; while here among dill hills or rather mountains the cool fresh mountain air, the beautiful scenery, the. crystal waters Welheyfgei gargllagioviti shoals or erpattitllng the snmshine, and tneand cring through the meadows; the music of merry birds, to drive away dull care, and the manly sports of hunting and fishing, to increase the appetite where the e=s, milk and butter are fresh. good . conks atiii pretiy plenty, all. combine 4.0. make us happy cheerful and heal- , Or. • • . . mom flutter&ld are making such arrange-_ ments as willsoon "place the peculiar merits of these Springs_ prominently before the public, and the many who have aireadyboen benefited by them tire enga,gitig the Spare rooms of Farmers in the vicinety, for their friers& next Summer, as Hotel'aceoutOdatlalla-a.iiiant keep Pace with the constantly inure:ming number who have dis covered that Zero Is the 'place to opend "the heated' term • Talk dbouttpfx* an' ltrvalid, in such ..plate si this 'keader, you couldifitlo you wanted to convince the most obstinate of sweethearta that you were dying , for her, you would find the Mineral water and,"dad Snyder's" table too much far Pen: and before you knew tt, you would pass up your plate for "another s li ce of the roast pig." May the Springs ever pour wealth into the pockets of Messrs Butterfield & Co., while they impart health to all who are so fortunate as to drink Rom such a fountain of health, and may the Shadow of mine host at the Snyder House never grow less. A. L. W. The War CeotßritATE § Septe=ber 28,---A &pa taint.). Of oftteerS of the P•aden troops, who have been besieging the city of Strasburg, reached this city early this morning, bearing official dispatches announcing the capitulation of Strasburg at five o'clock last evening. The announcement was made public this morning and crea ted the wildest delirium of joy and excite ment, owing to the fact that the greater portion of the troops engaged in the be siegement are from this city and vicinity. The official dispatch was read from the balcony of the Ducal palace to the great crowd who filled every street radiating from this mag,nitioent September 29.—Exciting ru mors coming from Amiens have been spread over this city, to the effect that the quarries of Mont Valerien, on the west of. Paris, have been mined and blown up, annihilating a hundred thousand Prnssians. The truth of this report is unknown as the origin of the rumors cannot be defi nitely fixed. They have, however, created great ex citement here, There is no Prussian movement on Lyons. Further successes arround Paris are claimed by the French. Considt;rable insubordination still ex ists in the French army. The greatest part of the French fleet has returned to Cherbourg. A new and dreadfnlly destruction en gine, announced toeclipse the mitrailleuse has been served out to the Mobile. Leboeuf is said to admit a knowledge France's unpreparedness of ear; a want of courage to acquaint the Emperor with the truth. Railroad Accident . Xiw Yoga, September 28.—The train on the Erie railroad that. left Rochester at four o'clock on. Tuesday afternoon and the Atlantic and Great Western express train due here of twenty minutes past seven this morning ran into Lent's circus train, also hound eastward, and standing on the track at Turner's station. The cirrus train had heated journals and 're mained standing on the track at Turner's station for ten minutes, although it wit: known that the express train, entitled to the track, was &oiling tip behind them and twenty minutes late. On hearing the approach of the express train the engi neer of the circus train, knowing that a collision was inevitable. put on ad possi ble steam and - started off. The cra-lt came however, the express train knocking two passenger cars of the circus train in to splinters. Not a whole seat was left. The cars were tilled with circus perform ers and employees, male and female. all I of whom escaped with only slight bruises. except Whitheek, the director of the cir cus, who was instantly killed, New Discovery In Art M. H. Tarry, in a communication to the Scientific 'Association, informed the members of the discovery of a new process called photoglypty, which requires no light, and operates with great rapidity and cheapness. Heconfidently asserted that phobiglyp ty would be to photography what photo graphy has been to the ambrotrpc. A negative upon ghess is first made. then exposed to the sun, or to an artific ial light, in an ordinary frame, by replac ing the sheet of nitrated paper with a slight layer of bichromated gelatine. Tin' sheet of gelatine is afterward removed, and afterward washed with warm water : the parts exposed to the light, through the negative, swell more or less, according to the intensity of the light that has pen etrated. A positive, in gelatine, is thus obtained, in which the parts intended to be black on the proof are in relief. This positive once obtained, a large quantity of proofs may b• taken without hating a recourse to light, or to a glass negative. In this process plates are uY•d one ezuti metre in thickness, made of an alloy of lead and and antimony, similar to that used in printing type. The sheet of gel atine is, applied to this plate, and the I whole, the aid of a hydraulic press, is subjected to a pressure of more than a hundred atmospheres. The gelatine, in stead e.fbeing flattened, penetrates into the alloy beneath, which is tolerably mal leable ; a new negative is thus obtained in ,metal, upon which the black points of the proof are represented by the deeper hollows, and the demitones by the hollows which are less deep in proportion. This metal shape is afterwards used to print proofs with the greatest facility.— Gelatine, colored black or otherwise, as desired. may be poured upon it with pre caution ; a sheet of common impel. may I be laid upon the shape, arid submitted to the copying press: a slight pressure suf fices to make the tbin layer a gelationad- ; here to :he paper. arid a splendid positive proof is obtained. which' it is impossible to distinguish from a well executed pho tograph. This proof is not endangered by the action of light ; to fix it and ren der it unchangeable, it has only to be dipped in an alum bath.—Applelon's Journal. The Date of the Crucifixion Herr Falb, the German savant. in a work recently published, shows that flier,- : there was a total eclipse of the moon con comitantly with the earthquake that oc curred when Julius C.war was assassina ted. on the 15th of March, 11. C: 44. lie also calculated back the Jewi , h cal endar to A. D. 31 ; and the result i of his reSrarches fully confirms the fact record ed by the Evangelists of the wonderful physical events that accompanied the cru cifixion. Astronomical calculations Filmy without the shadow of a doubt, that on the 14th any of the Jewish month Nisan (April 6th) there was a total eclipse of the sun, which was accompanied in all probability by the earthquake when " the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake and rocks rent" (Matt. xxvii. 51) ; while St. Luke describes the eclipse in these words : " And it was about the sixth hour (12 noon). and there was dark ness over all the land till the ninth hour (3 p. 133.), and the sun was darkened."--- (Luke xxii' 44). This mode of reckoning corresponds per fectly with the result of another calcula tion our author made by reckoning back from the great total eclipse of April 20, 1818. Thus, by the united testimony of as tronomy, arebinology, tradition, and bib- lical history, there can be but little doubt that the data of Crucifixion was April 6, A. D. 31. Democratic Prospects. The Albany Argus one of the oldest and most enlightened of the democratic newspapers of the country, has been re viewing the political situation and pms peels, and comes to the conclusions that by proper exertion the democr a cy c a n carry twenty-four States which it enu merates, in the next presidental election. These States cast an aggregrte of 222 votes, more than two-thirds of the eke toral college. It is not improbable that the pridietion of the Argus will be folly realized. The tide of victory sets every, thing in favor of the Democracy. Death of Ex-Governor Ducker .1;4-Governor William F. Packer died at his resideL in Williamsport, Lycom ing county, on Tnesday afternoon last, September 27, 1870. Ile was the second sun ufJames and Chuirty Packer, and was horn in Howard tounship, Centre comity, Pennsylvania, on the 2d day of April, 1807. —The United staks Supreme Court is to meet on thlober 31. A liilcano near San Rafael Valley Cal., has commenced a violent eruption. —On Thursday the Akerman Election bill pasßed the Georgia House by 61 to 27. —Notwithstanding a furious eastearly storm, the Forrag,nt obsequies in New York. were attended by many thousands Persons, and were of very imposing char acti•r. N w Ottt.r.Ass, Sept. 30.—There were tweh e deaths from the yellow feter here yesterday. XI& 426..P1L PCS ..9.405-MIS . LEA N—SIIETARDSON—In Lathrop. Sept.: 20th, 1870, by Bev. George Spaulding, Agnes S. Le an and Horace 0. Shepardson, of Gibson, KNAPP—Porrt•_tt—At the same time and place, by the same, Silas B. Knapp, of Jackson, and Lucy S. Potter, of Gibson. TINGLEY-013E14.-1n Gibson, Aug. 21st, 1870, by Rev. R. G. Lamb, Sanford B. Tingley, of Hvrrirk, and Miss Amy Odell, Clinton, Waync Co., ra. DEAN—Bo vsys—ln Gibson, Sept. 29th. by the same, John G. Dean, and Miss Mary A. Bry ant, both of New Mill - fwd. UICK —BOLLEE,- JeSSII p, Sept. 27th, by Eld W. C. Tilden, Mr. Asher Qniek, of Spring. rifle, and Miss. Ruth A Bolles, of Jessup. N—ln St. Joseph, &pt. 28th, by Rer..l.Slattery, Patrick Riley, and Miss Katie D..rtn hoth of I)in o sk. COUNTY COM MITTEE. Auburn —G. I. Swisher. Ararat—L. A. Baldwin. A polaron Patrick ‘Valsh. Bridgewater— B. S. Searle•. Brooklyn—C. J. Lathrop. Clifford —J. C. Devker. Choeon ut —M. J. Golden. Dimock—C. C. Mills. Dondaff b,ro—J. C. Olmstead. Forest Lake—A. B. Ora& Franklin—J. C. Wheaton. Frimidavilie—Jamen Mead. Gibson—George Milliken. Great Bend boro—A. B. Whiting. Great Bend tp--T. D. Hater. Herrick—E. R. Barnes. Harmony—lL Hobart. larrord L. T. Farrar. .Jessup—J. B.*MeKeeliv. J w •i i . t ,o ti —T. (.coos—Sylvanus Titus, Lathrop-iVni. Stanton. Li bertv—lfichard Balky. Little Meadows—Thos. O'Dow-1, Jr. 3l Milk-town Owen Smith. 31 witrose—C. 3f. Gere. Nen• 3f ilfbrd tp —Elliot Aldrich. New Milford lioro—Wm. Hayden. Oakland—J. Stevens. fins!' —Thomas Iteilding. Springville—H. 'l'. Handrick. Susqueiutanna —A. W. Rowley. SIB r lake—Timothy Thomson—Chester Stoddard. OFFICIAL DIRECTOR V COUNTY OFFICERS. President Jutize—Hon F. R. Streeter. A ancole Baldwin. It. T Ashley. Frio holintlry arid Clerk 14i...oils—J. F. Shoemaker. Register. Recorder. etc.-4 eninne It. Lyon.. Pistrict tortrey —D W. Searle. Treasurer—Ben)smin Sheriff—'('m 1. illoxlvy. 1).-prit y giwritr-311 B Ilelme. intro W. Cimionsn. Corn nil ssio era—Sarni Sherer. J. T. Ellis, Preserved Rind• Commissioners' Clark— Wm. A. Crnssmtin. Jney commissioners—F. 11. Streeter, ex officio, Daniel Brewstor. Wm A. Crossmon A nd itors— F. B. Chandler. Tracy Hayden, 11.M.Jones. Coronet—Ur. C. C. Halsey. OFFICERS (IF AOI,ICt7I.TCRAL SOCIETY Wm. 11. JCVLI.IIp. prerident ; 11, M Jure*, Jame. K. ..10, Vire l'nadeM.; (leo A. Jegoop. Corn rptandlno Secretary ; Henry C. Tykr, Iteroniln Secretary ; Gere. Tn•a•nres ; 11. 11. Barrington, A. Baldwin, 11. 11. nldm,cq Ext.eonve Committee. MONTR.O , E ,II BRIDGEWATER ASYLUM. Ilturt-rona.--John Trumbull, W.L.• ox, B. Langdon Tlmtch••r. Secr.d...ry— Benj. L. Baldwin. rdeward - Dnvid Marti. —Dr. J. I). \•all. C=l Barge..—('. M. Gene Comma—lX A. W. W. W. 1,1.4.11. A. J. Geri. %% tn. 11 . Jessup, C. M Creed..ll. J. F. Shewmaker, D. Brewster, D. Y. Austin II A. bean•. icusitatie—John C. Howell High Con.tahlels J. Whipple. `reh..l Dlreclorl—Wm. 11. Jeerop. J. R. DeWitt. W W. Wat,rub, B. Thateher, D. F. Ahrtiu, M. B. Udmc. EIMMIZI Prewhytert3n—Bar, Jacob Q. Mlller Eplooepel—Rev. E. A. Warrleer. Raptlet.- Rev. L. B. Yard. Aletteeibri -Rev. Klee. Elwell. Caeillefic-•Rev. J, blAtivry . ASSOCIATIONS W. 117,1, Chapter, No. ND, meets at 1111110 Die Hall on Thursday of each month on or before full moon. Warr., Ludt,. No. 240. A. Y. 11.1 . meets at Masonic. 11,11 the first Wednesday of each month on or before full moor, alto the e.-rood Wednesday tberrati r. Montrose Lodge. No. 151, 1. 0 of 0. P., meet• at Odd Fellow. Dail every Tuesday evening. 01. Juhn•• Boeampm..nt, No SO. meets at Ood Fel lows Hall the td and 4th Friday earh mohth. Rebecca Degree Ledge, No. 7. meets at Odd Fellows Hail the first nod third Friday each month. Montrose Lodge, 1..0. of 0. T. meets at Good Temp lar. Hall every Monday evening. Good ' , emerge t Temple of IYonnr. No. 16 rneet• at Good Templar' , Hail then , ' Rritin , ' r ..rh month getv Advertiocuunio. XTOTICE .1 1 1 Notce Is hereby givoi that I have this day purchased a large brown house at Court sale In Nicholson, sold as the property of Ebenezer Rozelle, andhace left the same in pos session of said Roselle during my elmare. IiEO. VOLHABAS. Sept. 30, 1870.-3 STRAYED OR STOLEN. From the /*scriber on the, day Fore paugb's show watt/ Montrose,a Coach dog. 3 y. old. A liberal reward will be 'mid for his reoar- SWAOICIIMIEFt. Auburn Oct, 3, 1870.-Bw. Guilenbery, Rosfnbauin Would respectfully can your attention to their NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods, which for variety of Styles nevea has been excelled In Me place- Oar assortment of DRESS-GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING MATERIALS, FLAN NELS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS,&e. &e. 2174,1;y0r 2343 ttIDT. IN MILLINERY GOODS Trimmed and antrimnsed Ladies' and Child*" Rat" Flowers. Panthen., bi.Ack and colored Velvet', Ribbonr ate. ae. never more handsome. IN Ladles' and Children's FURNISHING GOODS, Skirts, Corsets, (Mures, Handkerchiefs, Colines and Cuffs. Merino Wrappers, Hosiery and Knit Gonda. cheaper than fur the lasi ten yactra. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! For Men, Youth., and Boy., • full 2nd complete "lock. Meted full suite from EU to s,p. OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS! Of all the different grade, and at all price, CLOTHS, CASSIIIHRES, SHIVERS, Itc. for Custom We take meaores and get op garments to order in good style, and Warrant good fitting and sattatactory • Ork. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. White and lannel Shirt., Merino Wrappers & Draw ers, Hamill. rebid's, Bows, sod Paper V liars & cuff.. Suspenders. Gloves, Umbrellas, Trooko 3 nateb great variety. HATS AND CAPS For Men and Buys, of the latest style sod In great rani sty. Onr Stark has been .elected with care, and a. we hay oar unods In large quantities n e frequently aura from 10 to 211 per cent. In haying. As we ask as small a mar. gin • cost as any dealer et, or will take. we ran furtly promiseyou good batgain•. and will make It fur your {metal to deal with or. • . • AD We ark I• a call, examicallon of our stock, and coroparlroo of priors. M. S. DESSAVER Montrose, Oct. S. 1870. FOR SA LE. Twenty good Yearlings, and two two-year olds—terms easy. A. MILLARD East Bridgewater, Sept. 1870.-3 p TALIC VENDUE. The subscriber will sell at public sale at his residence in Springville, on `Wednesday, Oct. 12111, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. ra., the fol lowing property, to wit : I span of Mares T years old, 1 three years old bay Colt, 1 sett double Harness, 2 Cows, 1 valu able breeding Sow, I Lumber Wagon, 1 Buggy, 3 Sleds, 1 Iron shod Sled, 2 Plows, 1 Cultivator, I Harrow, 3 Log Chains, a large quantity of good Hay and Straw, a quantity of Corn, Wheat, (hits anti Potatota, a lot of good Cabbage and garden productions, 6 hives of Bees, a lot of Poultry, Carpenlera' Tools nearly new, 10,000 feet Hemlock Lumber, such as Plank, Scantling and Boards, also some Cherry, Birch and Maple Lumber ; a quantity of Household Goods, such as Chairs, Tables, Stands, Dishes, Tinware, a lot of good eider and other Barrels, 2 large iron Kettles, 1 Settee, a Work Bench,, one first rate hum or churn Dog, one Paint Mill, a quantity of leaf Tobacco, Grindstone, Grain Cradle, and many other articles not mentioned here. TERMS OF SALE.—AII gums of $lO or no tier, cash ; over $lO, six months credit, with in termit and approved security. GEORGE HENRY. Spring Till c, Sept. Vt, 1876.--t8 riOURT PROCLAMATION.—Whereas th ki Hon. F. B. Strtvter, President of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail De liceri, Court of 9uarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in the Thirteenth Judicial District com posed of the Counties of Susquehanna and Mulford, and the lions. R. T. Ashley, and A. Baldwin, Associate Judges in Susqueluanna County, have issued their precept, to me direct etl,for bolding a Sial Court of Common Pleas pec In the Borough of Montrose and County of Sus quehanna, on the 3d Monday of Oct., 1870, it being the 17th day. Dated at Montrose the 19th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hund red and seventy. WM. T. MOXLEY, Sheriff: ABEL TURRELL KIMPS constantly on hand ono of the most owner ens collactluna of DRUGS & MEDICINES In the country. and bestows especial attention to se , bating end baying Articles this desist - orient' that are pure and genuine. Ile Also koeps a great variety of LIQUORS AND WINES, bought either direct from the dlellller, or importer, and warranted strictly pure. Aloe, a full assortment of Paints. Oil.. Varnishes, Brushes, Li.bricsting Oils and Dye Stuffs. tiroccries, Wall Paper, Olasa, Kerosene, Violin*, Pistols, limit and ammunition. A floe variety of Gold and other JEWELRY. Pathan try, Yankee NOTIONS, &c., and other pude too on. meeting to mention. During several yesrs past persons have been In the h, bit or forming clobs,aud sending to the Great Ameri can Tea Compeer, New York, fur their 'supplies of Tee and Coffee. for fstullnuse. Abel Terrell is vow supplying the people wilts these Tess and Toffees, at his stone In Assures°, at the same prim* that these dubs and other persons pay at the store of the Company In New York. Thus,. pa:simmers will wore the °lyre.* charge, trouble of clubbing end risk of Gangling, by buying of ABEL TUIIIIELL, Maatiose. Pa CALL AT ROBINSON'S SOUTHERN TIER FURNITURE EMPORIUM, 88 Washington Street, Binghamton, N. Y W bum you n ill find The Largest Stock, the Mixt Asgorturent, and the l.oe art Priers of nny house in the city. N. B.—All tiotxls sold win-muted as repre4en Led. Binghamton, Aug. 24, 1870.—1 y "LARDING & HAYDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS IN SITITELI, CHEESE, SVGA, POVL- TRY, GAME &e 325 Washington Street. New York REFKLIENCE! , . Irving Nstional Rank, Ncw• York. S. Hutchinson k Co., 113. f; 117 Worth St. N.Y Roberts, Smith & Co. , 112 White St. Wagner & Kellam. TEI Murray Street, Mulford & Sprague, Ri Chambers St. C. B. William. & 268 S 270 Canal St., •• MEMIIII & NICHOLS •••:\, DRUGGISTS ,k APOTHECARIES, Keep regularly oupplled with UNADULTERATED Drugs and Medfd now. Chemical a. Dr:Sing*. S. I.lqnoro. l'Aint, olio mid:Tarn rah. Perforntry, Polley Swint, Yohkee Notions, de. de. Fresh from No York City. All the most popular PATENT MEDICINES mold In lbia section, among which may be found Ayrr'• and Jars , . Family Medicines, liemhnlin• Bn lin], Schenck's roil mouie Syrtiti and Sea Weed Tonle, Inip:inen's and Cheesemsn's Ye male YIII., 11:111's • out.Th Balenm, Wig-hart' n Pine Tree iernial, . RoIIY Heir Renewer. Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's Med lea! IJl.covvry. Ilinniand's t;.-rum Ktxt,s. liostester's btumneh Bitters, And teary other kind. of real valor nv.d merit. In fact oar Stock erobrdcor a floe arson[ met. t of everything eau. ally kept la well ',Tainted Drag Stores. r?— Ip t lons receive nnytlcolor attention, and ter:2l'o3lV andloomptly compounded. •.• Store formerly <recopied by .T. Etheritee. A. B. BURNS. AMOS NICTIoLS. Ilontro, , o, March 23. IK7O AsANticion : 110 W LOST, HOW i7ESTORED.- 1111 publithed, a new million of Dn. ert.ven- WELL'. ULLEBEIATVD E` tar nu the radical care (with. out medicinal cf SreIIIIAVOILWItra, or Semlmal Weak. nest, Involiinmry Seminal Lo• res , lyporExcir. Statical 012 d Physical Incapacity. Impedimenta to Marriage. etc.: also. Oonsnmpt ion, Epil.p.y, and Pitt, included by pelf induhrence or se ntal extra van:code. VP — Price. In a sealed euvel .pe, onlyn cents. The celcianged tabor. thts 111111111,1ble moony, clear ly demonstrotes Lam a thirty years' succestrui smart• ire, that the alarming consent:mice+ of self-ahnse may radically lured arithont the dangernna use or Internsl medicine r the application of lice knife; by means of which every itutTerer, no matter what his condition may be, tinge cure himself cheaply. privately, and radius/Iy. of Thi s Lecture should be in the hands of every Ninth And man in the lane. t , ent. under ' , ear, In n plain CIIVI•lope, to soy rtddre, t , paalpaid on xecript ed dr crettr, or two p. 1.4 stamp.. M.o. Dr. Culvertrelre Guide: price ri cent..; Address the Publinhers. CiIAS. J. C KLINE &SO IV Bowery. New York, Pont 011 lee Box 4,5,46.'" Ang. 31, 1h711.-1 y WANTED AO FISTS —To sell the HOME STITTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Price. 11.5. It makes the ** Lock Stiteh:* alike on both .ides, mono the only 11. record ander-feed Shuttle Mach inesold for lengthen .an. Licensed by Wheeler I.t. Wilson. Grover & Baker. and Singer it Co. All other tinder-feed Shuttle Machines sold for Icon Thin $6O ore infringement. and the seller and User liable to prosecution. Address JOHNSON. CLARK et CO., Boston. Mara, Pittsburgh. Chicano. 111., or tit. Louts, Mo. Dune 21r-3m THE FOLKOII IMPROVED Twenty-Fire s l 2eJ — Dollor Family Sewing Machine. The cheap eet First Clare Machine In the Market. Agent]. wanted In every Town Llttentleommleelon allowed. For teme and circular. addrem A. h. Ilaxmrox, Gen. Agent, No. 700Cheetnat et.. Phlladelphla, Pa. [may 18--Amth• 1113URE WINES. We have Mid received an arrortment of Lake and Hound V ineyerd Winer, from Meirpm. Wilmot, Morro. ..t. Chanbeflim New York. ',which forftehneasemd flavor they any are ansurperma nod that poichneens can rcly upon their purity—beim/ l. fore from noulterntion. of any kind. The trade mark/of the firm appear. upon every bottle, both on-Label andirent. UtitYß & NICHOLS. Mont rove. Feb. :13SCD,....y__, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MANSFIELD. TIOGA CO- PA. English and Classical courses. Terms begin September itb, December 12th, and March 21t.b. State appropriations .hr students. Students ad mitted at any time. Apply - to CHAS. H. VERRILL, A. N., Mansfield, Pa. Aug. 31. 1610.-1 y SCRANTON STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. All kinds of Pure Spices. C. W. KIRKPATRICK & CO. Wholesale Dealers In THAN COPPISES, SPICES, 1 1 IIIST41110: . CREA.M. TARTAR, Arc. No. 617 Lackawanna Avenue, a few doors east of the Wyoming Howie. We grind all our Spices and Coffee. Coffee roasted and ground to order, at the shortest no tice, and as clump as in any city. C. W. KIRKPATRICK, H. S. SEARLE. Scranton, Sept 21, 1870.---3 m -- -- -, \\N VIIIip c\ AV rc 1 \ [l-F . \, .0 ;46..... 0 'Z.. T,l- •Z_ z . -18.40 :',' ,- ill 7 0 , _.........._ ,i This celebrated ,nnrllelue has won a deservedly high reputation as an am:Whir orpain and a preserver of hesith. It has become a hreasehold ternary, Irani the nict that It Oats immediate and permanent ostler. It Is a pure m at bl preparation, made from she best and porederials. sale to note and keep In every family.— h la nsmintniended by physicians and persons of all clan ea. and to-d o y. afters public trial oft irty yeerf—the as. era, lifr of mart—it stands unrivalled and ttereelled, spnwling oeefulnesa wrath° wide world. Its large and increasing sole affords itteiltive evidence of Its endur ing fame. W de net dertn It neceseary to nay mach to It. h,,, not per email bottle uill do more toconvlace you ante efficacy than all fits advertisements hi the "rid. Uit elt one fair trial and yen world eat be edit out for ten time. Its Coat. reo - Dirertione acentopnl each boitle. Pelee 2Srts. bOntei. and 81.00 per 13011/0.. bold by ell Medicine Denier.. [Oct. I—lm A 1 1 EXTARANTED—((ems /1 MONTH_ . •er it I h.• All ER IcA N 1{111 , 1111(1 MACHINE 114./TU.N, 114 An. caI:ST.IMAF. 13. y, A tiENTm WANTED TOr SELL. Clmmberllu'• LAW BOOK FOR BUSINESS MEN' TIIK HEMT 41 'IIS,•DD.TIo ROOK ()CT, Addreu. () 11, c..A , E CO,„ DAnTrurtu CoSN. N. pi 21.—txt ANTE?, AGENTS. ir.V) per der) to ern the V eel .nest,d 110llIrrTLE . IXG (•lIINK. II t. I ht. natl 11E feed, make. h, NE to W ok ottleh'• 04.10. "n both end to fully licaneed. The bust arid cheaw•et %re g it) the minket., Address t LA Itn. & , to -ton, &Wee Pitteburgh Videngn, 111 , or Ph. Rte. Veld. 21,-Bm, . - -: i.. . as . , r , ,' , Olsen !a.m.., •itll b 8a; Prof. Dal , Ir. Ith St, National, 0., awl D. Greene, at N. C...are nub - b tTe= Ula r ear “ An ' t r idtVi l ° 1, 4 ,,,, :ith..s te. \ knife or If VIM it ••• 1. - otoninlntr, and with bat hula •A IA ek tL. .fr i a root and Ilan la ID ntorwl. if taken In id 10 VS Wornness not reborn. Beware I.:,:, vs op of barn Pm. faamors. with Weir Bli bqras trod awn., stealing oor IA BO r p atiregalse• to.— -s meats. No mho,. , MMMSWWI DENTISTRY C k 4 wKErrs Nam Rooms, Icew Milford,Pit. Particular a ft,mt !nu given to nri ope• st lons nn the nattt rat teeth. Art {finial Teeth Inserted In all the various styles now in ne. Perfect tatiatactinn guarantied Wall. Cnmo and are me. and eatlefy yourselves. Otdoe hours. hydra each day. Jan. 5. IS7O —ly T.A. Ft.. 13 MI .L. Li U - tram. II S. HARD)NG. BEN. L. HAYDEN JOHN S. TARHELL, Prop Helot. EL:ht h•ane till. House (14Ily. connecting witty. the R. 1. .t W., tlc Erie, end the Lehl•yil valley Rail n-a) e. [July ,1,1811).-,-tr THE HVIERIOII HAIR CURLERS Sold at Dry Gthtdo, Trimming.. and :t:otlonStonm :NZ. —1111 S tte . 1 Buce.. 111...riLd rt.. Nt:tilt.d ft ,e to any part or the United b • te. Optant recttlpt the money. [Jane 15, tHlTl—Gruiw ALT. RIGIT r FOR 1878 mac ra . l Y lelh eirn-tani r,reipi of NEV. GOOD', by which hie ...Ott meat ir rendered more and more complete and ntinictiic for all trip lintel var;etirA.o.f trade for lea). In New Dry ee'neele, .V,Er Orwerleit. Neer send Neer Stores. iron, jr,di c in,,, DLL. Ikwebeet Shoe... Prtner. Mindow Sha.ks (nil.. INfraln Paw., Larhew Fr•nr. Hoop uhich nil A. 'old en 114/ ~,net femora& term.. New Milford. Ja M n. leTn IRON IN •THE BLOOD. NAITIIIO3 OWN VITALIZING AGENT—MOM sure you art Pertnin= o Pamphlets free. J. P. DYNSMONE. No. as Dey Sr., New York. Sold by Drugghtts generu4y, M.,t, in. y p trll PS ! l'i" MPS ! Cucumber Wood. Pumps The Best and Cheapest Pumps ever made. Durable, reliable. accurate and perfbet, and giver no taste to the water. They arc rulapleii depth or well unto water very easily one ean put them in repair, & when to directions," give perieri Amis. ASK YOB BLATCFILEYS . CUCUMBER WOOD Plailik Every Pump mold by me or my authorized' agent guaranteed genuine. CHARLES G. RLANCTILEY.Msnft 624 and 626 Filbert street. Ap. 6-6 m • T EA' Every kind of Tea In marketjnot arrived. and for Pal. at New York wholesale price.. Also a fins as sortnient of COFFEE. Boy of too and none express charges. ABEL TERRELL. Montrose. Pa.. Aprll.2o. 1810. A BEL TITIIRELL, Ras jut retturned from Now York with a huge ad• Mann to Me wenal stock of choke goods. Sparer°, Nov. 2.1, • ==! Mu:CTWISE. PF:NYA INDSOPEILsASILE ALITILLIE Pt)!: ME LADIES, [Pnlentrd.T:tly 9th 18T7 h (•orier k the moat perreet ver c.frored to the idle. It Ir melly operated. •nt in nppearrace, nod trin .1 ftjare the hair, an there Is best r• gaired. and no metal.. en b~l~ucu need to not or •nk the hnfr. taunGctnn:d;oaty, and far Mc - MILIAN 6 CO. Nt.rth Front Street, P..ILADCLPIJIA, Pi. TOILEY'S for cisterns many 43 feet, and throw and Niftily. Any and keep them nit up according hey never MI to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers