The Montrose Democrat 7TlUrlnDivicartrenirLllllAT MOANING, AT MOWINOSZ MNOODMIANNA COMTE', PA., MT AT $1 PEA mixtru 4v •DTANCE — ON " X39olr.Traft Bates of Advertising. Three-km . lh. Inch of !pace, or km make • square One 3 repeat or leak $l.OO ; 1 MO. 111.115; 3 mo. $130; MO. .30; petty. fil. 0. 1 . 4 4 110 nal, 1 630,, 63.60; 3 ma. $6,30; 6 !no. t13.0h I year, .00. °normalcy col,. I mo. $6.30 : 3 mo. $12.00 ; 0 mo. 1 year, $3ll. Dal colmnn. 1 MO. $13.00; 3 ma. $35.60 ; 6 mo. 1.33.00 1 year. $6400. One column, I mo. so.oo : 3 mo. $33.00 : 6 an. 100.( 1 ): 1 year, $100.03. Auditor's Notices, $1: 10 ; Executor"' And Adminitnrs ton' Notice", ri.on. All conmunlertions of limited or lndleidtud Interest. 10 et". perline. Obituary Notices, 10 ate. per line. Marriage and Death No; lees free. Sob Printing executed neatly and prolnptly at tab prices. itht4l. Notes. Justices', Constables' School ana o lf tge tgs rbla -ge n s is for sale. gMoctilautouo. Sharp Prat,Uee. Mr. Baker himself told us this story. Be said it was true ; nor is this unlikely. I have known Mr. William Henry Baker personally for a number of years, and I HID inclined to think he has hitherto never in all his life told the truth. Now, it is so manifestly improbable that the most consistent man should protract a long and useful career of story telling to such extraordinary without at some period telling the truth by sheer mit&ul vepture, that it is quite likely Mr. Baker may have committed himself in this in stance. At least the time has arrived for human nature to assert itself, according to doctrine of averages. " On,ly once, gentlemen," said Mr. 8.. " have I been deceived. William Henry keeps his eyes open, in a 'general way ; William Henry also takes the liberty of seeing oat of them. llb uses them, as a rule, for purposes of observation, gentle men. Still, I admit I was once taken in by as•dead a swindle as could be ; I am not ashamed to own it. I made money by it, after all ; but I was swindled. "It was about adiarnond ring. I knew the fellow who had it for many years in the way of business. He was a commer cial traveler, and used always to flash this, ring about whenever he came round on his jt,nrneys. A jeweller friend of mine, who happened to be in my office when Mr. Blook called asked, I remember, to be allowed to examine it ; and had pro nuanced the stones to be of the purest wa ter;telling me afterwards the ring was worth about seventy pounds. Mr. Blook's initials were engraved inside the hoop of the ring : ' R. B.'; and besides that, it was a ring of peculiar and rather old fashion ed make. Indeed, having once seen the ring, no one would be likely to mistake it for another. Well, Mr. Blook got into dif ficulties, and went so entirely the bad, that I never saw or heard anything more of him. But about two years afterwards, whilst walking down a back street, my eye was taken by a ring exhibited in a pawn broker's window. Mr. Blook's ring,ll exclaimed directly ; ' 11l swear to it.' It was in a tray with. a number of very seedy looking rings, and was as dis colored and dirty as they were. I went into the shop and asked to look at it. The pawn broker, an old Jew, said 'vesh: I might see his ringish but he didn't know nosh about ringish himshelf. They wosh unredeemed pledges—thash what they wosh—and they wosh all marked at the monish advanshed upon them, with a very shmall overplush for interesh—thash all he knew." "There was no mistake about it. It was Mr. Blook's ring,and had his initials inside. But how did the Jew get it ? lle would soon tell me. Referring td his book he found it had been pawned two years ago in the name of Smith—'Thash all he knew. Would I buy ? It was dirt cheap —three poundsh twelve and cost him all the monish " Three pounds twelve I repeated. thinking he had made a mistake; for the ring was worth twenty times that arrint ! Well, if it wosh too dear, be had some sheaper ones—beautiful riugsh, he dare shxy—but he knew sho little about riugsh you shee, essphet that he alwaysh ad- Toughed to mosh mouish on them. One couldn't undershtand every thing in his bish nisi, you shee, from flatironsh to di month. " I bought the ring after beating the Jew down half a crown, partly to prevent. his suspecting its real value, and partly— well knowing the disposition of the pecu liar people—to oblige him. " I wore my new purchase about, with I no little inward satisfaction at having bettered a Jew at a bargain. In my own mind, I accounted for its coming into his . possession somewhat in this way ; Mr. • Blook must have sold the ring when in difficnities to some one else. It was quite certain Mr. hook had not pawned it at the Jew's, or the Jew would hare known its value. The ring must, then, have ei ther been lost by, or stolen from, a snbse- quent possessor ; and the finder, or thief. (whichever it happened to be.) being ig norant of its value, had taken it to the Jew, who knew no better. " There is a certain commereial club in our town, which I occasionally visit. The members are of an easy and somewhat lively disposition ; generidly given to in dulge in that playful style of banter pop ularity known as 'chaff: My diamond ring cone in fora good share of it. I can stand chaff as well as most men; but I put it to von, if when you know very well your brilliants are real, it isn't a little annoy ing for the chaff of a whole body of people to assume the character of jewelry dis belief in the value of your ? For instance, the waiter answers the " Did any gentleman ring ?' " 0 yes, one of the members would re tort ; it was the gentleman with "the '' 4 paste diamonds.' Amin, there are kinds of sham brill- I hints known as Irish Diamondlcand Isle Wight Diamonds. The club Not one or two members, but the wnole body) refused to r'eVitize Bitch distincticins, and insis ted Cit‘ilesignating the whole class of shams as Baker's Diamonds.' Baker's Paste, my gems were also denominated. Th e y aewaiy sent me by post a circular : of somebod s Baking Powder, adding to it at the en , where it says the public is ==respectfully cautioned against spurious imitations, but more particularly against a rather spacious preparation to deceive the unwary, known as Baker's 4 Fade."' Now, after two or three weeks, this be- came tiresome. Still, I. took nu I } utrne, and affected nOtto think the remarks in ted forme. • • • " I hardly know-what Made me go and etch on m,y friend, :Ole-jeweller. It was not tbat I had any doubt of the genuine- ness of the diamonds, especially as ho was the very man who had before valued Mr. Blook's ring at seventy pounds. But it had been so dinned into my head they I were false, that I wanted just a formal con tirmation of the estimate he had previous ly formed of their worth. " 0 yes,' said my friend the jeweller : "I recognize the ring again directly. Want to know what it's worth ? (He put it in the scales) " Well—h'm—about seven and twenty shillings for old gold.' " Eh?' said I, aspule as a turnip. 'Why didn't you tell me it was worth seventy pounds ?' " Yeg,' ho answered ; 'when it had dia monds in it—nut when it has paste.' Talking the matter over, the jewetler sugested, that on Mr. Blook getting into dittiulties, the first thing lie did was to sell the diamonds out of his ring, and get their places supplied with paste ; whilst, finally, he had pawned it himself with the Jew. ns a paste rin g . " Well, 'William Henry,' said I to my self, 'the Jew has jewel you, and the club has chaired you, and you may consider yourself trod upon, after the manner of speaking.' " But the worm will turn. "Did the jeweller let out diamonds on hire ? I asked. " Ile did. " Would he have a certain alteration, which I suggested, made in my ring in a fortnighrs time ? " Ile would " And keep it secret ? " Certainly—business was business.' " For the whole of that fortnight I nev er went near the club ; that was proba bly the reason why my appearance at the club dinnerwas greeted with such lively sallies about Baker's... Taste. One would be wag recommended me, whilst helping a tart, 'to keep my linters out of the pas try.". Believing him to intend some ob the !gems on my little tingei, I thought it time to fire. " Gentlemen,' said I, 'for some weeks I have listened to casual observations in which the name of Baker has been unwor thily associated with paste and pastry, but have refrained from making any remark lia‘,ing been firmly persuaded . they could only apply to industrious tradesmen em ployed in the manufacture of home bak ed bread.' (Oh, oh !) 'lt now occurs to me that such remarks were intended in alinsion to the ring I wear,—a ring—l take this opportunity of informing, you which, unlike the wits who have amused themselves at its expense, is indebted for its brilliancy to natnre.' " They hooted me ; they heaped oppro brious epithets on the name of Baker ; they laughed and talked me down. I'll bet him five pounds it's past6', said one. So will I,' &aid another. 'And I.' 'And I: " So said eleven of them • " Really, gentlemen, said I, am sorry you should take the matter so much in earnest. All I can tell you is, I believe my ring to be a diamond ring, and this, notwithstanding I will freely admit I on ly paid a very small sum for it." " They laughed and hooted me still more at this admission. They said that settled the question, and that it was paste. " I told them I didn't think it was. " Well, would I bet ?' " I would rather not. " More hooting. "At length, very reluctantly, I over came my scruple& The name of Baker is a mime too closely allied to the gentle bred (arms, four lorves, ppr--segant, quar tered—crest, the due, levant) to allow it to be wantonly sullied. I bet. `• We adjourned to the jewellers's. '• Without question, they were dia monds,' the jeweller decided, 'and some of the finest he had ever seen.' He ought to know, as they were his property—hired by me for the occasion. `• Eleven fives is fifty five, gentlemen.' " Having established the value of my r:rig, and freed the name of Baker froin suspicion, I paid for the hire of the real gems, and had the paste stones rest in their places, believing after all, the repu tation for diamonds to be as gold as the possession of them, and free from the anx et.v. it was talked about, and noised abroad; it even ft-ached the little back street where the pawnbroker lived. Yon should have seen him. "Beal shtones! omy heart ! Slieven ty-tive roundish--dead robbery—clean gone. omy lxxotshe and bones! not to know that fokshs do shotuetimes come and pawn real diamoushe parhte. sho as lo have less ineresh to pay hr taking care ifif their ringsh. omy bleshed heart, on ly think of it!' "lle came to me. He grovelled, and wiggled, and twisted himself before me.— Be prayed me to sell him his ring again.- • 0 my tere Mishter Bafier, yon musht shall:it to me, or I shall be a rained old manshe. The time wosh not out, and Smit nis come to redeem it, and he shays that it dosh not get it by Satur day next he will ruin me,--sh-help him, he wilL 0 Mishter Baker, think of st; twenty }}roundish—all in gold—sholid money. Now my tere. what do you shay? tbersh a good mansh! " What did I say ? Could I turn a deaf ear to the distress of the old man ? There are people who might do it,ntlemen, but not 'people of the name of Bakcr.-not W. IL Baker. I certainly did ask him fur more money. We compromised it at last at twenty-two ten, which ho paid, part in sixpences and coppers, and owes me forirpeucelialfpenny to this day. " Twenty-two, nite and sevenpence-halt pmny, and fifty-five pounds, is seventy seven, nine, toven and a half. It just paid for he real diamonds; fur I brought , the ones I had previously hired of the jeweller, and had them set in a ring the fac similieof Mr. Bluok's except that the initials inside are IV. H. B. "That Viti the only time I was ever swindled gentlemen," Mr. Baker conclud ed. :"'tome music teacher once wrote that `• the art of playing a violin requires the nicest perception and the most smsi bility of any art in the known world."— Upon which a Western editor comments in the following manner: "The art of publishing a newspaper, and making it pay, and at the same tune making it please everybody, beats Man' higher than a kite F=l " What's in a name?" asks Shaks mare. In most eases, nothing. But if Strong, of Pennsylvania. were to go into the Cabinet, there would be everything in it i for the „name Would be the only strong thing in the Cabinet. —lmitate the example of the loeonio tive. He runs along, whistles over :liis work; anl yet never 'takes anything but water when he wants to " wet his whis tle." PERKINS & HOUSE'S NON-EXPLOSIVE LAMP. Kamen Maas See at Lao) ' The subscriber Is prepared to offer the people of Susquehanna County Perkins' Patentnorpes, plosive Kerosene Lamp—the only positive Balt , ty Lamp now in use. It has been thoroughly tested by scientific men, and also by practical use, and is found to be needed in ß nuttily. E. 11. ING New Milford, Eitumfa Co., ba. Agent for Susera, Luzerne and Wyoming co's. Jan 12th, 1870.—tf /Vt 13EL TURILELL, DRUGGIST, MONTROSH, PA., I• continually receiving 3EW GOODE. And keep. constantly on band a full and desirable a* aortment of genuine DRUGS, MEDICLEEZ, CHEMICALS, LIQUORS, Paints, Oils, Dre•Stnirs, Teas. Spices, and other GTO eyries, Stone Ware, Wall and tt Indow Paper, Glass ware, Fruit Jars. Mtll - 0111, Lamps. Chimneys. Beep. sae. Marbincrs 011. Tonners' Ott. Barefoot Oil. Re lined Whale trli, Sperm Oil, Olive 011, Spirits Turpen tine, Varnisnes. Cris ry Seed. Vlnear, Potash. Coneen.. trilled Lye. Axle Weise, Trusses. Supporters. Medical Instruments. Shoulder Brace*, Whip., Guns. Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead. Gun Caps. Blasting Powder and Pose, le pill.. Strirss. Bowe. etc. Flo es. Fifes. etc., Fish Books and Lines, Bar and Toilet Soaps, Bair Oils, Bair Restorers, and flair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Bolsi". Sorel acles,Sllver Pleted Spoons. Porks. Knives. .P.c. Deatlst Articles, a general assortment of FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, and PERFUMERY All lb. leading and best Undo of PATENT MEDICINES, In short. nearly every thing to restore the sick, to plasm the taste. to delight the eye. to gratify the Caney. and also to conduce to the real and snbstantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as It would AU a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety *lnfra of ABEL TIIIMELL. Montrose, Jan. 5, 1873. /ILLINERY GOODS. Silk Bonnet Velvets in black and colors, Patented Velvets and Plashes, Flowers, Feather*, Ribbons, silks *Wins, and Etropes old ladles' divas Caps, ladles' and children's uimme d and untrimmed Hata. Frames, La ces, month, Challlea. de. &c.. alwaye the head quar ters at Gurrattnito, ltmomnavx a. Cos. LARGE ARRIVAL Of new Beaver*. Broadcloth*. Coating., Plaid and Plain Ounsirneren.--alro a new thing for Ladle? Backs, by the yard, or ma& up to order. by Nov. 94, 1659. E. L. WEEKS & CO. 7vEIV SHAWLS, NEW DRESS GOODS, New Nino , . New Fancy Goods, New lloodo,Ueriver trimmed. Jost received by Nov. 74,1859. E. L WEEKS & CO. p URE LIQUORS SEEI.I"S NATITR GRAPE BRANDY, distilled strictly pure; ands variety of other Brandies, including Cher,. Brandy, Cider Brandy, Cc. Nearly all the direr , sent kinds of Rom. Rolland Gin, old By. and Bourbon Whiskey. Alcohol. Pure Spirit, Ray Rum, lc., constant ly on band and for sale by Montrose, March 24th, 18G9. pROF. G. E. STEDGE, Would notify the public of Auburn I Corners and viclititv. that he Is now prepared to tame &II horses eo• Imbued to Ilia care, no matter what or how had their ha bits are If not broke, no charge made. Also, Instruction given how to tome your own horses. A °burn 4 Corners, Sept. 22, ISS2.—y DRESS GOODS Black sort colored Drees Silks. 'tarp Poplins. Frush Merinos, Entpra„.kipaocas tp.d Poplin :Upset MP, Collates. 1 arruattas, Bombazines, Dclains and Mohair goods. In all colors sod qualities. and %criet variety at licittrubarg, Itosentuicito & Cd• I.3AINTS and OILS, of all kinds. for A. Pale by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Mara 21. 1 88. 500 PAIR GOOD KNIT It SOCKH. aeu o. good Stocking Taro Wanted laonedintecy at Guttenberg, Roubenbautn & Co'is. TILE PLACE TO BUY YOUR -1- GOODS. and to ant bargrinp. it at. Grrrratnaan.-Roaranarn. 6 Co's. pm Nos AND ORGANS. Prices erectly rodoerel for cub. New 7 Octave Pillool , of ntrattlass maters for ils73 and onward. New Cab'net Organs for IF* and upward. Srawd-band atnamonta from $4O to ttrrs. ..Monthly Installment, re. color.", and In.tromente for rent. Watercolor. No. *l. Broadway. BOBACE WATERS. Oct. E. !NS. HATS, CAPS, k FURS Hata and Cape for Men and Hope wear. Farr of • grades, at tterrencazaa, 134warrnars, & Co•s. WOOLEN & KNIT GOODS. Ladles' Merino Under garments. Hoods. Dore. Gloves .te. Gents' Wrapprre and Drawers. Haas, Sestets, Gloves 01,11 sorts. In (mat variety. at Grrrreanaco. Hossanarst. d Co's. PWINES, We have Just received an assortment of Lake and Mound Vineyard Vines, from Messrs. Wilson, Moms( Chamberlin, Now York. which forilchnemand savor they sayer° unsurpas. sed. and that purchasers can tely upon their Nulty—being free from adulteration, of any kind. The trade mark of the arm appears upon every bottle. both on babel and seal. . Id ea t rose . Feb. 3, MD. -7 F ALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mrs. M. A. WINDER has just arrived from FASHIONS.. and London with the late.t. designs, personally Pei ed tram the greatest novelties ; also, the most elegant Trimmings to be secured In Paris. Laces. Ribbons, Velvets. Bridal Veils, Flowers. Fine Jearelry.and,Trlm• teed Paper Patterns. imam and Cloak Making. Eirlnslre agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for cutting ladles' dresses. sagnes. hterptes. rte. N. W. corner of Eleventh and I:kern:on BlM•ts. Sept. 21, 11433.—Cm PhP.adelphla. ALL RIGHT FOR 1869 IZEIINTEVIr 3317REtr'I ll r Ir In ~nptant receipt of NEW GOODS, by which tux aseortment le rendered more end more complete and attractive for nil bit usual eartetics of trade lot Ma. In New Dry Good.. Scw Gnxrrie. New //ardioue, caul New Stow. boa. Ha&Ma. Paiute. (lib. Boob d Shoo, Wan Paper. triadeno Modem Hate& Capt,Deffato Robes, Ladles Ferry, Harp Skirl,. which wig all be 'obi on Ms most femora...Ye tom/. Nor Mlllord, Jan. 1.869. QIIAWLS, CLOAKS, plain and fancy CLOAK - 1116801nd Cloth Trimmings In pest Ira tidy, at Outlaw:ft. tiosqftum &Col. 1869. PHILADELPHIA 1869. 3PlEtro ere. HOWELL to BOURKE, "Manufacturers of PAPER HANGINGS to WINDOW SHADES, Sales Rooms, Cor. Fourth & Market Sta, PHILADELPHIA. Facthry, Cm Twenty-third and gamma Bts. New Stiles every day, of our own make. Oct 20--jwlo stew afivationnento. I was eared of Orate° sod Catarrh by a simple rem aft , . and will send the receipt tree. Jal.9t4 Hrs. H. C. VTOGWIT, Hoboken, H. J. Kill the Demon ;1.4;1:6 iw=4: paln Inatardly.and heals old Moor/ Woleatt's Annihi lator cam Catarrh, Bmachitts and cold In the had. Sold by all dragglits and WI Chathum Sqoare.N.Y. jal9w4 UNIVE ssh ism. THEATIWI L TILW EST, lathe old'establisred Western Universalist newspaper. I : thea current secular end religions news. and Is a t and chcerhil home visitor. Eight hwge hares of In matter, giving something for everybody r No other paper Oeeded In the bunny. Bend ss.lsopind get It one year. Specimens free. Premiums to now Wheat. hers. Clubs wanted. Address WILLLUItiON d CANT. wax, Cincinnati. Ohio. Jan. 19w4 4017R.81 WCll.l=l. CONSUMPTION ! AMOS WOOLRY, M. D, of Kambloke County. Ind. nye : For three year, past I hare used Allen's Lang Baum extensively, In my practice, and lam satlailcd there lino better medicine for lung dlseruse in me." L9AAC A. DORAN, M. D., of Logan County,. Ohio, says : " Allris's Lung Rah= not only sails rapidly, but gives pcsfem sattsiketton In every easewithlin my knowl edge. 11213111 g confidence In IL, and knowing that it pos sesses valuable medicinal properties, f freely tour it In my daily practice and with unbounded !success. As an ex. pectorsut it is mast sertalnly far shend of any preparation thave tTer yet known." NATHANIEL HARRIS, M. D., of Middlebury, Ver mont, isle - " 1 hue no doubt It will woo become a claw ideal remedbd neat for die care of all diseases of the throat, bmnebled tubes end the ItCt." Physicians do not recommend a medicine which Imam merits, and what Dry say about ALLEN'S LEN° BALSAM. Can be taken as a fact Let all aditeted trot it at once. BOLD DT ALL MEDICINE DEALEAS. jan.l94 LAD TEDEUOS TO CONSUMPTIVES—A gratehd G rather win scud to all Imo wish It, the directions by which his dauglk ,ter atter being glean op by the phyei chum and &nullde of by her tatty r, was restored from confirmed consumption to perfect bean, withotelbe use of medicine. Beat free. Addresi dec.29-4 Ma Otunti D. Flugis.m. Jersey City, N. J. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome prospectus Cl our NEW IL LUSTRATED FeklIFY BIBLE, to any Book egnik, bee of charge. Address NATIONAL PUISLI.BIIII4O CO., Fhtladetptda,"9--11 FARMS RS' HELPER Shows bow to &mole the profits of the Farm. and how Fartnets and their sons CAD eacc make $1(e) per month In Winter. 10,000 copies will be mailed fr« to fannen..— deed name and address to ZEIGLER, iIiteCUUDY & CO., Philadelphia. Pa, [Dee. tiP-4 THE BEST. THE BEST. VErTIM SCIENTIFIC AgIERICAN.AgiI A weekly illustrattiournal of 1G pages, devoted to Ma chinery, Agricola° Improvement.. Chemical Science, and New Discoveries. A Splendid Journal. $1,600 Cash will be paid for clubs of subscribe on the lOttrof February. A tandsome large steel plate engraving of 10 distin guished American inventors, presented to vabscribern Specimens of paper, proxper-tuses,and blanks for names gent free. Terms, ez 00 a year ; $1 60 for 6 months.— Discount to Clubs. E book of importance to all about to apply for patents, sent free. Write for fall particulars concerning prises and patent.. to DUNN A CO.. Publishers and Patent Solicitors, dec2o-4 37 Park Row, New York. EtTMALGlA—Nenonsness and Female Weakness iN Cuned.—A Clergyman's Widow suffered for years with the above diseases ; will send tht means of her own mire free. Mrs. DITI, Jersey City. N. J. (deal-4 1870, THE NURSERY. 1870. The best, cheapest end most richly Illustrated Monthly Magazine for Chikiren, $1.50 a year In advance. Sub. scribe now, and get the bat number of 1339 FREE. Addles, JOHN L. SHOREY, dee"l-4 13 Washington Street, Boston. THE 1116IC COMBallt change my col. ored hair or heard to a permanent bank or brown. IL contain. no poison. Any anneal, are It. One mat by mall (mil. Adder.. 111-0,1114, 4,..."1•13 rtprlllgUCW, ALBS. Dee. ^Z-2.11 55 TTU B B ( $ .lO - ILICIIITS and BEHIND TITZSCERES. The most adicy, rapld hook out. 19,000 ordered the drat month. Agents ow secure deld PA $2 10 outfit tree, by caning Skile oat, and addressing RMELEK & CO. Pub:inhere, Philadelphia. Pa-, and Middletown, Conn. Dec. 0-4 LOIIILLAILD'S " IIIMINITAL" SMOKING TOBACCO is an excellent article of gran ulated Virginia. —Wherever introduced it is universally admired. —lt I. put up In handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLARD'S " YACHT CLUB" AMORINCI TOBACCO has no superior ; being denbeet- Wised, It cannot injure nerveless constitutions, or peo ple of sedentary habits. —lt le produced tram selections of the finest stock, and prepared by a patented and original manner. —it is very aromatic, mlld.and light in weight—hence It will last much longer than others ; nor does it barn Or sting the tongue, or leave a disagrcimble iifter-tute. —Orders for genuine. elegantly carved. Meerschaum Pipes, silver monnted,and packed in neat leather pock. et cases, are placed in the Yacht Club brand IJORHAARYS"CENTMWf CHIMING TOBACCO. —This brand of fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. —lt Is without doubt the beet chewing tobacco in the country. LORILLARD'S SNUFFS RAVE been in general use in the United Stets% over tl e d e rars, and still acknowledged - the best" wherever n -If your storekeeper does out have these articles for sale ark him to get them. —They t re sold by respectable Jobbers almost every. where. --Circulars mailed on application. 1. LORILLARD 84 GO. Dec. 15,-11 New Yurk. 13.1r6D:0A,,A% 0, 0 ; o GXBI Especially designed for the use of the Medi. cal Profeseion and• the Family. possassiug those intrinsic medicinal propr:tles which belong Loan Old and Pare Mo. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Com. plaints. A delicious Tonle. pat in to Mum =Main log one dozen bottles each. and by all druggists. grocers. de. A. It. 131NiNCIER S CO., mtalilfshel 17713. No. IS Beaver Street, Neer York.. For rale in Montrose, by July 14—ly ABEL TIIRMELL, Agent- 131*8.N8 a NICHOLS The Great External Remedy. Dr/ area .ad Slut. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM She niputation of the n b to well edge. WM, tbAt Hitt, Odd be dln Ude connection. On HAN ft bee never mei to can PAINFUL NERTOUS APFERTIONS. CONTRACTING NUS CL_ ,1:11 STIFFNESS AND T ALUS TSB JOINTS, STITCHES InthaSIDIC co Net,STRAINS. DRUMS& RURNS,SWELLING 9, CORNS end FROSTED FEET, Panne affected with Rbecenetbm tan be effectual!" end peneesnantly need by rainy RIG woad= ration; Upenctrates to lb. nerve and bone I "ied. On ;Mal It viliean SORATCIIRS eirszazr, rou,gru.. FISTULA, OLD RUNNING SORES. SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOINTS, grinzrEas OP SHE small, re. itym = HOLLOWOW& HORN aaa mug DAZE IN I bats met ider ma% moss la teasing sw 11111ziare shahs Oa reia of tbitPublia. I midair la readatatletenfraaPtysaaaasto hirmaa, tufting to Its cazatras "ma, DAVID H. nun, tole Preprider, DAVTAKERI, 6 COSTAR'S: EXTERMINATORS For Rats. Roadies, Ants, Az 1;u tba Powder rcii inßibta or ado by all tents:* otoCiMnip imitations. tyr • Costar'i," (take co other ) DAUCTIES & CO. What the Doctors Say : inghamtou 4dvertistuunto. 44CIONE AB THE WINDS COME. CO M E AB THE WAVESCOME." Preparatory to occupying our new and ele gant Store, No. 21 Court Street, corner of Court and Water streets, two doors east of Alrelanaann Bros., we will for the next SIXTY DAYS close out oar entire stock of BOOTS & SHOES, RE GARDLESS OF COST, as we wish to fill up at the new store with an entirely new stock of first class goods. We have on hand the LARGEST and BEST assorted stock of Boots and Shoes in the city, and every one in need of anything in our line, will certainly find it to their interest to give us a can. _ Come and be convinced that we will do as we advertise. EGGLESTON & SMITE, IN COURT tMLILIT, (Lincoln Block.) Dee-19, INS. • BINGHAMTON, It. Y. J . . F. "PC:OW.3EI3FL REMOVED NEW STORE, NO. 82 WASHINGTON STREET, First Door North of the City National Bank. SPLMs,TDID STOCK, Brilliant Display ! DIAMONI)S, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. SILVER WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, Of all Styles. and sold CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. I hoe, also the best and most complet • stock of SOLID SILVER #4SID PLATED WARE i Prom th• best and moat popular makers, wlstme goods have given perfect satisfaction to my patrons for the past 0.. years. The stock wilt be found the beet ever opened In Megbamtan, aid at all times will be kept toll led complete, consisting of SOLID SILVER TABLE WARE, TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, NAPKIN RINGS, FORKS, de., together withal] the varieties of Plated Ware, each as Tea Setts, Cake Baskets, Napkin Rings, Castors, EMS'S, Forts, Spoons, £c.. of Slagle. Doable, Trebly sod Qaadmpl• Plato YT SPLKSDM STOCK OP NUL-Ur 4101 r C 343 0 73113 was saner more complete. and I am making canasta daily additions of all the new Nor• elfin of the Baaaon. ALL MY COODS AS REPRESENTED ifor farther proof of this I refer to G. W LIOTMIKTIS. LEWIS KRTMOCR. T. A MCIWAN. J. B. WELLS, D. DENSON. ' W. LAGRANGS. B. 0. MERSEREAII. RILEY DINH. U. DUSENDUBIT, WAGE/ MBU3SAE.II.I PLEASE CALL And EXAMINE 01111 GOODS, AT 82 Washington St. BINGHAMTON, N. 1, I. F. TOVIII. Roir. 3, Ida.—tif STROUD & BROWN'S Fire, Life, and, Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, MaCccatz. coach, .17.. m. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, over Home Insurance Co. of N. F., Capital and Surplus $1.000,010 lovurance Co. of North America, Capital and Surplus, 9.000,000 Franklin Fire Insumneo Co., PM* Pa., Capital and Surplus, 2.670,,000 Lycoming Connty Mutual Insurance Co.of Honey, Penn's, Capital atidSurplus, Farincr's Mutuallnaurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 700,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn.. paying GO per cant. dividends to theassared. The notes given for half the premium neverto be paid under any circumstances. he policy will always, be paid In full, and the notes given up. Capital, 1 - 4000,000 American Llle Insurance Co., Plilladel. phis, Capital, 1.000,000 Tmvolerslnsurmice Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital. TOCIAX) Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford Conn.. Capital and Surplus, /112,01:0,01:0 Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct., Capital. 11700.000 acctrord Live Stock Insurance Costpanv. insurance on all kinds of Lire Stock, acainst theft and death Irma any cause. Capital, $17.090A90 or All busyness entrusted to our owe will hothead ed to on fair testae. and all losses promptly adjusted. flrotdear cast from Banish:lEollles of W. EL Cooper k Co., Turnpike st. Montrone. Pa. STROUD IL BROWN, Agents. M. C. Flarrox, esq., Priendsville, Solicitor. Cans. B. Satre, Montrose, do BILLIROO STROUD, Casnans L. Baowor Montrose, S p 1. 1969. H UNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON. PA. Wholeeale I Retail Ilealeestli HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, 111 NE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK & T RAILBPIKEA RAILROAD et MINING SUPPLIER. CARRIAGE , SERIES d uirp BOXES, BOLTS, N U TS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS. SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES BOWS &e -,.,NVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, B I L L OWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES. 6c- Lc. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, lIPLITNO, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, pLAWnit PARIS CEMENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCII WINDOW GLASS.LEATIDIRdt FINDINGS FA MEAN K'S SCALES. Scranton, March R. 1663. ly AT A RSIT ALL'S ELIXIR. iv A- IIEADACiIIi—DirSPEPSIA—COSTIVENESS. If you %UUCP with Headache, try 2Lsrahallle and be convinced that although other remedies have failed to cure you, Ws will give you instant and perm anent relief. If by over excitement and fatigue your nerves have become so weakened that headache ad monishes you tbat something more dengeaotie may happen, each an Palsy, Dimness of Sight, and other alarming nervous affections, then Marshall's Elixir, by giving tone and strength to the system. restores you to perfect health. Whenever food which alionld be diges ted remains la the stomach. canning pain and unreal ours fur the want of that principle which would render it easv of digestion, then by using Marshall's Elixir you will supply this deficiency end prevent its recurrence. and PO hs radically cared of Dyspepsia. The stomach being thus cleansed from an unhealthy to a healthy con dition. COPtiVerkee and the other atteodant disorders of the bowels are of neceesity prevented. Price of Marshall's Elixir. iitt 00 per bottle. Depot. DM Market et. Philadelphia. if. MARSHALL A Druimists, Proprietors. F.,r sole In Montrose by Ap . i—lygd BURNS It NICHOL.% . ITAN HOOD : HOW LOST HOW I REST• RED. insrpabllshed.a near edition of Dr. Colverarelra Celebrated Essay on the radical earn (without medicine) rf Sperinstorrtnea. or Seminal weakness, In- voluntary Seminal Impotency. Mental and Physical Iticapavtiy, Impediments to Mar lege. rte.; also. Cossvarrots Futervr. and Fits, Indiumd by srlf.indulgevre or -cabal Cr:tar:43MM Price in sealed envelope. °WV 6 ccetta. The celebrated author. in this admirable essay. dead, dem emirates from a thirty yearn' iticceatibl practice, that thy ularm In. *con.rquences of erlfahave may be radially mired althorn the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the applies , inn of the knife i pointing 001. mode of cone at once eintple, certain. and effectual. by meam of which every sulterel. no matter what his con dition may be. may core himself cheaply, privately, and radir-ally. 'Thin Lmture•bottld be In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under teal in a plain envelope, to any addresa, postpaid. on ceeelpt of six cents, or two post 'Lunn.. Alma, Dr Culver-well's —Marriage Guide," price 2.5 eta. Address Pnblishers. Nor 17 GUS. J. C. ALINE 6 CO., 127 Bowery, Neu T rto, Poet office oltx 4,586 LADIES' FANCY FURS. le of the Block be ten 'lth and 811 its. South Side. .111 LA DELPIIIA, trier. manufacturer, & er In all kinds and vat FA SCT MRS Ladles' artd Children.' wear. wing enlarged, remod andimnroved my old favorably known Fur nportum,and having ha pried a very large and splendid arm ... an tilffercult kinds of Fun from first hands, In Europe. and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen. 1 would respectfully Invite my friends of Susquebatua a and adjacent counties to cell and examine my very large and beacitlhit Resort ment of Fancy Fore for Ladles and Children. lam de termined to sell nt rt. low price. no any other respecta ble House In this city. All Furs warranted. No role representa done to effect sales. JOHN FAREIRA, Sep.42-4m 718 Areh Street, Philadelphia. DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND COATS, aisle Street. 5 door., below Boyd `e Cartier. Montrose FLOUR, GROCERIES, ANT PROVISIONS. We are conftantlp ree lying nd now have bend afresh stork of Goods In our Iff e,wbleb k Ilse)) CHEAP! CHFAI ! .CHEAP for cash ,or egeha ge orprodtkee. GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER (I: TIMOTHY SEED, Are We have refitted and made additions to our Stock of Palle and are non . ready to inrtrard Butter to the her t cam/111.40n housee in New York, free of charge, and make I iheraladveneemente on consignments. Call and examine our Stock before purchlaing else where. andcon•lnee yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY k LOW PRICES of oar Goods C. O. 74117 ER Montrose. April lii, IMO F URN rru It E ESTABLISHMENT OF WILLIAM W. S.VITIL PLEASE TAKE Nonce: The EXAMINE VtllllllllEO Establlahment of Wll'lam W. Smith, havtpg hee* refitted and greatly Imp roved , th e proprietor respect fully annonnees to the c drone of Montrose and Atha ty, that he le constantly making and keeps on band the largest and best asaiortment of F 1 17.1=1.. J_V" IrPI73EILIO to bo found anywher this ado of New York City. Desks. Divans. Towstracks, Loanges,_Pootatools 46. Center Card , Pier. Toilet. Dintag. Mahan and 2 extension tables. Chum —Cane and Woodiest Rocker, ' ding, Slag and Woodmen of every violety and Ayle. Botsmand Tete•wtetes, (unlined on Otien =Um — Cane Cut etudes resented. SPRING BEDS. A large assortinent—chespest And but le th ms►let Cane Seat Chairs. I am now cnallcdto supply my customers with a new substantial cane seat ch.M r, of borne =antedate , which wumlb be found gerea a r t e ly o s d p ta o pr i ce frmery n CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. Or Ready coffins on band or shad short no U cs. made Benno always la rsadlaaar If da l sired u 1 employ none but metal and experienced workmen. I Intend to do my wort well, and sell it as low alma be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITM Jlfertrwa• gaitivid vitt 'taws:, DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA and WRSTION RAILROAD. Sommer Axregeoul 10, . ELOXOPD Mall MIS. A. M. li 8.00 11,15 12,0= 11140 Go • 8 0 7 kg 4 5j% a a 5.58 i p 05.2 Pasant train. I 8T412/039. I. U f a. New T0rke....'..;.: 1 ss, New 1,1116 *annulus Chunk.— • ILIO " 1l a 6 Ni Scrancholsonton 9.15 Tionbottatn... ...... . Montrose 7,15 New Milford ...... 8.54 i Great Denti........ . LIM *Foot of Libertpst. /LAI B. A.IIENRI Genera) Pau. andTickel 11,0) 12,33 .00 MO LIO P . All IVO T EIIIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. 1-4 Oo sad once Sept 20, 18IS. trains on tbitlakt. Valley Railroad arUl rau u Leave W6,690.1=1> don B. R. W. 8.40 a. m. Athena 6.54. " Towanda '9.191 Laearrllle 10.65 " blunnefe B'y 10.51 " Meshoppen 11.16 " Ileboopany 1191 " Tank'nock 11J4 " LAB. Jane. 19.51 p. m Mama 1.25 " Wilkes , Barre 145 " White Pleven LOS •• Welt Chunk 4.10 " Allentown 3.45 " Bethlehem 6.00 " Eneton 6.90 p.m. Philadelphia 11.25 " Ar. at New lurk 9.25 " UP TRAMS. Leave New York 655 p. tn. Pelladriphia 7.45 " Easton 10.00 " Bethlehem 10.00 " Allentiwn 10.45 " Belt Chunk 12.00 m. White thin p. n:L Wilkes-Bee 2.150 " Pittston 2.10 " L. &U. Jon. 520 " • Tank'nock 4.21 " idehoepany 4.49 " Meaturppen 457 " ekinner's E. P. 15 " Laceyville 518 Towanda 6.21 Athena 190 " Ar. at Waveriy Junction, E. It. W. 1.95 " rErNo change of ears between ilelenton W Ma York, or between (Scanlon and Philadelphia. Nov. 11,1869. f ACKAWANNA it BLOOMSBURG .1.4 Railroad On and attar May 10, IM, pasaangu trill/lb Wi II run a. follow.,: A. 11. A. X. P.N. Scranton. 8:23 920 4:011 Kingston, 6:= 10.115 15:011 Rupert. Mil 'UT Danville, 9:04 Arrive at Northumberland. 940 Et Northemberlend. ti:X) 4W Danville. 6:51 5-12 Rupert, 7:.10 A. 7.. SAS IlAugatou. 9:85 7:45 - Ik4o Arrive at Scranton. 10:40 5:63 11:116 Kingston. May 10. DAVID T. roux% Supt. E RIE RAILWAY 140 D Mlle. Under one Management F 4 `ales With out change of conches. Dread gange—donble traeltfor Claseland. Toledo. Detroit. Chicago. Nibrankew, St. Paul. Omaha, and all points WOt and North-Wet, Mansfield, Gallon. 'Urbana, Dayton. Cinelnnstl,lndlan apoila. Louisville, St. Loots. and all point* Wegt and South-West. New and Improved coaches are roe through without amigo to Buffalo, Rochester, Ogres land and ClueinnatL • On and afier Monday, Nov. 13th, IMO, Thai/ lOU eave Great Bend at the foltuwlng bean viz : GOING WEST. 5.= A. R. MA IL TRAIN, Sundays excepted.. • 1156 N. EMIGRANT. Daily. 1.15 r. WAY FREIGHT, Sundays axcepted. 4.18 r, 34. DAY EXPRESS, Sunday excepf.d. 8.03 r. a. EXPRESS MAIL. SexdATA eIeoPIRL GOING EAST. 7.53 • x. CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Monday* env ed. 1t1.43•. vs. WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. t1..M1 P. x. DAY EXPRESS. Sundays excepted.. 9 43 r. e. NEW YORE MAIL. Sundays excepted. ' 11.03 P.S. LIOLITNING EXPRESS. VA New and complete •• Pocket Time Table" of Puisenger Traina on the Erie Railway and co= [ADCS hoe recently boron pobliahed _ and can be p on application to the Ticket Agent at the Compinrif office. WM . R. BARR. 1.. D. firmat, NOV. 21 Geu'l PasnengerAgent. Gazil Bap.' ROOFING TERRE PLY PELT ROOFING. tbe bee wage me,,,,[imposition with the but Patar-proeFatie lathe bestnianner. and st the lowest mice to the eon Scanitt. There IL let. a foundation of Tarred Pelt; id. [rarer of srater•proof Composition; Nowell= layer of/hit: Ith. another 'oyes of Composition; Sth, anol2loB. inlet of Pelt. FAREIRA 'lB Arch St., mead for aradars and Sauvka We otrrr to the &et • purchaser In sub lobes MIMS gmr. fret ofThirt the y Tbre. Pl y Pelt. wan the necessary coating, for Dollars. 4.4vii7r4ra PATENT ROOF PAINT. lo Rim Is composed of glans. one. MI Masan substances, combined with distilled tar and the but known dryers. It cantatas no mineral otilimLut,, and Is prepared, ready for use, about the cog Adis , dinary mixed paints. It costs muchl es7l, — gs ito elasticity longer, and Is mote durable. County rights for sale. ..• fbr areakrra and aapartieulsoVAddresi MICA ROOFING COMPANY, 73 Malden Lune, New York, Sept. Bth. tB6o.—Gat AMERICAN LIFE INSURAIIPE > COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut Ms.': ALEX. WIULLIDIN, J. S. WIL4OIT, l'resident. See. fl GROWTH OF THE AIEERIOAY. DATE. NO. OF POLICIES. AMT. INIMIMID. 1.03%e0.00 1 205,000.00 18,312"93 t4,159,9N.5. EINI The Amerlam Issues policies on all desirable Warms at low ?Mrs, and for emptily and promptness In meet. tog Ideees I■ unsurpassed by any company In the trol. red states. comrcl of orznaistoogrh' 110 N. JAMES POLLOCK. Ex-Gov. of Penn's, Dlreeics• .1 111:10A11 TIIOMBON, Prot. Nan. It. Lc ra !DTA Third St. GEORGE 1 6 7IJOENT, Gentleman. fetldents, 19411512- town. ALDER? C. noDzirre, Pits!dent Youttb Bank. PHILLIP et. mrsoLg. sofa HON. ALEX. 0. CAVELL, U. 13.8enstor,Merchnt 91 North Water St. ISAAC Una/MUDS r. Atleauep•at•leaw IMO Malicia SL L. IL iimmuDlN,_ _mechipt. Wind Ilonthbftlft„ UININT lIIINNSTT. Merchant, US Santhroarth St. NEORGB W. mu- President Seventh National Dark. i/o's&CLAGUORN, President _ CninnterClSJlM , lineal r 701 IN W ANA MAKES. Calt Clortantellatna4lslm. corner Sixth and Market Sta., and 818 & =Fatlst% Stma. • ' fits . STROUD -4 BROWN, :4491744c act.l3 , At , MatilWri OWHlRlDAwitiOgatalatrHOwdrVirs Diarsasaet thaNaloiMershdihtfri sez aalaystwaa—arrw and rolbralatrastakar—ta. p aul the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. scatty,* .11 IVAIIOIIIIII,IOMAIIO °fangs. AddieseDr.*: ROVIII7OIII, Howard Association , Ilona= ie. e",s,f TEAI6 LEAVE MUSTWARD. DOWN TRAINS, eye a)a. WM UM " tu p. IL 1117 " BM •,, LSO •• 4.411 tli • J 7.3111 0.10 " UM •• LS " 1.20 1 '• .5. lea " 1100 • SS*. • " CIO • 4.211 ' .11.45 " CU " LUI " ifs" if " BOUTUWARD :SORTLIWAUD AS AN INDLICE3INT, Pus P. n. - t it s iox amt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers