The Montrose-Democrat 4 :MILEIZZO VMMTWIMIMADAT MOIMINO. 1T MODIMMII 131MCALM17kIL CIMMT, 1. 33EiMAits="J r,-.. AT $ll ILL LAMM AK AMMANCL—OD ism AT rancor teas ' Rates of Advertiaiptc. Tatite-fottrsl B Inch of spate; fatless. mike s 'pare , Oasl9 iimiee: 9 weeks,oo; 1 ma. $1..-0: 9 Mo. - $2.:1; SOSO. $4.90 1 Yrar.P. . 06,41.0 th col.. 1 ino, $2.50; 3 MO. , $6.50 : 660..sitect a rear, $19.00. • tes.onarter col., 1 mo. 15.,541,;; man. $L1.00; Ilan. p . . 1: I U i fie ll orimn. 1 mo. 11 2 C.C: 3 loci. IPS:CO la . M ° ; W M ' T 1 !var. V 15.00.1 find(len Death of Jude Steele, One column, 1 m 0.2415.00: 3 mo. $36.00 ; a mo. $66.1K1: • 'I year. $lOO.OO. lion. (leo. P. Steele., for thirty years a Amma'. Nonce', SI a 0: 'Executors' and Administra tors' Notice.. ¢l.l/n. All cooanniertlnar of limited ur prominent democratic politician Of this Indivkins] lizternt. to rte.. per Um.. libitunrs . Notkeo, to 0, u 1, t v thi ,., si , , , u 1.14141 . 111 V at his residence in els. per lbw. Itarrlavo and Death No.lres free. 1 WLI kts. Barre, on liretliiesdaY afternoon of Job Printlnsg erect:tall neatly sad promptly at i this a oek, of efor,,restion of die lungs. lii au, prices. _— - _ : 11:1s 11.• !it the allies of Sheriff and State Deeds, !ktortp Zee , . NOT... J ;petted% Constables' i ;Sella t 1 ,e2:111d was non one of the Ass .ci- School and other blanks for sale. ate J inlgezi of the COW' 1 V. ! Fen men ,in our county have 6.r so l n og ia time e‘.•rted so great : influence in po litical attlilis as the deecasvd.- lynrl). Adv. Ma 0 tra.l Xxktolligezteco. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I I A. 'Pleasant Entertainment. CUUNTY OFFICEIIS. Wt . spend( - ', a von! plo:rs.trit parlor Dranuoit• I Prealdrat latia . c- Iltm. F. It. SirM - ter. Entrrtaimucui at die lititme of \lr. W. 11. C. 4,p. Artructair .fudge. , A elau - ie. rt. T. A,lthley Prothotiolar) etatl ricrk ereoUrt• -W, I'. Stier , ' er, WI . ..i - -fifty 1:1 - eltilli.: Folk 141, AVM , li , ' 4 - ;.!I V• Iteglpter. Itecttml , r. A c —lmam: 11. Lyittiit. ,•ii fur the benefit of the Public Lip :tl i 111 li•-• Pietrict Niter. , y- I) W. Searle. Trearumr-ltenputitt Glaideu.',tact. TIo• entortairollom ot::; . 1 0.11 fins .0 a Sheriff-Wm T. Ntarrley. I , r Deputy Sherif! -NI it Ilelmc. olinvtlli' piooo 11,:it VI - Tho Spirit of '713. itr Sorreyor-Jetarr W. Chapman Commlesloacra--Stiml Shrrer. J. T. KM,. Prercrred 'tilt . C. a•ii iz 11 om.iii. reprt , !l; , l Io fiN ~ I I lAr Binds. octet's, in tia...• act:. Camxelealonerte Clerk-Wm. k Cromarom. Jury COMMlPtinno , -1 , U. Streeter. e.r ottrip, Daniel , 'The gilt of the pieco ,I a- I. r. pro. , iil li t ,. Breerstor. Wm A Croromon rli.tit.; ,. nal ltatl taken via , k ill 'Oll N.,,r-, 11 ilcll Asiditor.,-F. B. I %Atll,. Tracy Itaydeo,ll3l..louee Witmer-Dr. e. C. ilalery. - , tt ,011.3 ii liati a-....0i Iva :old IP ' ll3i :I'd 1.. r" I ;:1,1 - to ta• a ihan. NN l. Art- always }.le,, Ito ~ .e, Ihr 1110STPOSE S filtilittEWATEß ASYLUM. I .4 - out %, ftnititl% that it Illinireous.—Perrin Write. Julia Trumbull, W.L 't.tx .• • I by Treaseter —B. U. Camp.. th,y art , `• comitur n Ihe tnannel ~111 steward—n. Beajamtu a u those ntll-thnet! character:, they e ill he very Phyaiesaa—Dr. J. D. Vail. apt to find us an ay. The ai II I ennetell, that we wore fully sati4l..l st nh 1 :„. nurge„—C. , m. c0r, . m.,0 _ O. F. Ainoifo.. teal. and are willing - to be extmsed trait lire re. L. Coe. Dankl sayre. 11. F. Terrell, Amue al: The characters were repr,a•nul ht Mr and 3. Faster. D. P Searle, A D Bttefiel. 3 11, Tiatattitrer-.1. D. Vall. Conerattie--Johe C. ! )Irs. Quiper, J. Williams. 31.isses 3f. and I f 131 d. High COnPtable—Charier J. Whipple. I tile, and Mial H. Drinker ; and a e believe that laettool Direct ora—Wm. tl. Jemetti, J. IL DeWitt, W '.lll prtment %Fi ll hear us out in saying that l‘,r the W. Watson, B. Thatcher, D. 1'..% 1 mg In. M m. Helm, late and place the scenery and char.., ere - well representewl. This was followed by a closing: pier' en ith Change of Basw." The i lcuraster- w. r. , ; i•p resented by 3lessrs. Heron ii.‘s)n :old .1. I:. tar Mien F. Mulford. and Mrs lLop. r This BORorGII OFFICERS 3113.1bT BUS Presbyreqsn—itrv. Jatnh Miner Erisottpal—Rem. F.. A. Virsrrtner. Thaptirt —Vacant Methodist -Ike. King Cetlinile--Rev. J. Sinner?. • eta- . loarly a n vet, it it..,n ..1 1 1,, .. , ... - ~..,1 , ,,.. ~,,,, m i l „,, prt, llt Blur. .111,1 was no moil 1/1,,ri11c.1 that /11/ Thoraday of coteh month on . or before full moon. present were well pleased. :Mil reLirt,i /t Its ;I Warren Lodge,2l Co. Ne . 0 A Y M., meet, at Ma-o I nie ‘, feel ing , , trial t hey had p.s-ani a )dv.,..11 1' Ball the first Wethacaday of ench month en or helory / + 2 " 1 " ran moon, and the second Wecil.mulay therm/Pt r. I evening, and also had rolltribtlieri 1/ /' a Wilt 31.0ntrose Lodge. No. 151, I. 0 Of 0. F.. meets at Odd 1 I ti, blob it is hoped ail! be of all , Id p• is. , r ft ...- .. Fellows Hall every Tune/day welling.welling. . 4. p St. John's Eneampna. nt. No in meet/. at Old Fel. I good in this community lA' thrd l'uzzles. lows Ball the Yd and .ith Friday each tnolith. 1 - - --sei efit• •Me- 1 here is a word of only five letters. and Rebecca Derr., Ledge. No.:. meets at Odd Fellows ; ' Thu mouirose - Railroad. ntia the first Friday each month i f tan (al s o a,% ay Iwo of them ten will re- Itlontrom Lodge. Io.ofo. T. meets at Good Temp. I On Weilnca.lay last the follow in,: 0,1111 I 7,...,n 11:11 n. I; 1 , often, If you take au et' of tars Ball every M . tlemen, Composing a Railroa Monday evening. d l witive I toll I. II II ill remain, • . • 'orn Good ttamerint , Temple of Honor, No. 16 meets at , Good Template' Halt the3d Friday °reach month. I vii Pittston .8. IL Sayre I', Tarbell. A.. Crib 'n wne is a ward of fire letters, and if von __ - '''''—'-•-• I Ss, C. D. Lathrop, 1.. F. Fitch and C. NI. here. take au av two of them it will rt•main. Vii r 'We would again Mill the attention of our II C. Tvier, all of Mont mist% B. F. Illakesley„ot .C, , t,/. 'l'nk , sway ty• six will remain. readers to the very generous offer which we i tiprin,gaille, G. E. Palen, .1. 11. Palen. l'. 1 b•i• Take m eal 11IV first letter. take away make them, in giving Mem the American St..k I nek, C. I/ I:varltltrt, P. !darer John D.1,-, and my second fetter. take away all my letter, Journal free for one year, in emu - 1(111 , in with the . ' liarvey Sic:Arr. - nil of Ti.itklittinoi's Tin ii :it'd • I dill ala ars the salmi. It is tile stall -.i Dr. A. L. ,SUOVILL. it We int-enter or ;;:vonii owe- Dmcrat, by (Implying. with the term ,hihcal preparation , . which has become very popular, nod are subscribing (or renewing) at once, and pay math eI/ /r WWI, iesvin2' our iciwwdnett Yt an to , carrier . ! have been liberally tided. Among bix inventions are ing one year in advance. Quite a large number :I g -it:lto the enterprise n.ferr.• I 1 ,, .11 ,,,, ... 21'1 11 , T l '' r '' Is one a 11;c1', if yuti change the , "it w. Italeant for the lung. - and ••11.,•rtvort and Tar." have done so already, and the time is limited.— (. ..„4. t. t i . i Fur the past wiz years A better Lung remedy Mr been lif diris•tle concerns the toisintl... intere,. of Mt- 1'‘.5. , ..f "li'' t'r its letters. means Do not .delay, for you are only asked to do what ,\\.,.. 1 i ‘,. 1 ii. t d d at J . , tir,i. : n sco ffere vu d L to re l f h e o rr p in n a hl i l:. ,, 7ead 11, follow tug letter foam Ur. , 1 •II • I .III • Fr./ 1 %% / ii . i i • ' ii for your latent—to pay in advance for the 4 ton anti Wilkes-Barre tile} seek hi these plat es hat is the won t:' It is II it i led. - l'htix.. ' .Demorrat, antic's: ire one of the beat .A.gricultm I encouragement comm. nsurate with the a•lvan. 1 Messrs. J. N. 11. t nnis ..s. co . • i cal Journals that is now publish:al for one year. t t t , t b. 1.• •• I 0 TI i. ' • ' , I gra o t. i trill i . n Itir. ay 01 osing. Ike $ alior the I. ;1101 it hee;;lneS united. , GI. /al./ ,-I make the cottoning bum JanuarT, 1870. Lot not that old - tninr wliiii 1,1 terll as Ii cr beeri used but statemeill forma perfect eon, i/ tmu and knowledge of I February 10, :1 mecting will be•liehl in this pia•-•. _ procrastination pilfer from you this golden op- : pornmity. : w bell awl aloe" the Sill9ert a ill be iiiscuss , l '" ".'• i" Alneri" ? I t tS a; it is only used I thy heueftle..4 ALLEN'S LYNG 11Al2.1AM ln coring the t 1.. DITOI VS NOTICE. 11% it-e In .Ititel lea. I am" th" 4""" Petj""nr e"""Prnr.'l 1 h' ; " TV Ti e undersigned, on auditor appointed by the j . further. Below'we give a COMllllllliCal ion ~., ' ‘1 n••ii ‘‘, n• 111.• n• only iii VIlw,•1, In I .. 1 ,„,„ 0 ,41,,„.g„ t t... on taw ~ mina a nd on the •1111, am. 1 toyban's Court ail rnsqueltanna comely to diatrib t ute . ' the C'"aintill" .. 'etting r'r b the l' ^ ',l' ,, in a vet' , , . .. , i i • ' I train vat' that It Is by flu the bed expectorant rem'''/` the lund in th.• hand/. of the adminietrator of the es alt. interesting. light. :MCI count - it nd it I, the .titcl il ' ' ka -" " C , 'N", alt ' . rlcillr - .j . ° ll „. ''''"`l Iw : 'I I : I with wince Imo In •in•-•••-sis- 1 1 '... I , •••idlis and all the' .d EII 1 , ^ll• w l l Idn ' nd lo th ' ..lU "' f Ir.: :/ - !!I I I. 1.• t W . \ , 11,/ it, th•tore 71 and i early ' , tag, ol ion,: on/i/Intni, lie bore it t o be a rer. t a l t Ids an, In Montree. on 'Friday he lion of Pitts:ol,Ln, , • , s ~ r.• In /I'll I min eon.. and if es er y I, lib ,ly woo I d i,,, t . it by them. , 'l' ll i sn ''''''! ... l" : " :3 )" .l . pl ° so f - N r i., . "' il p h. er!. ' 7,l ° .:a . r t e r l ett "U'i ' re' r d k ir p p .m r , es .. l .lt:t h h i t c! tr ' -At t h e last i ieiCi s iiin of !Iv. 1., ..;',-la 1 :ro nn aol , \\ l i , i , i s it t i m . , I ItlitekßlTHill rti's•s-O 11 It ready to adminh.ter upon the drat appearance of discs., cl a ims h or e debarred from cowit.,Alcls;,,l AII ,liter. wn , 1 „,,,,,,. / 1 j,,,,,rp0r0ti0 ; ,, u o/,://lutOy L./ ton . 1 _ , , ~ , kk • 11,1 , he nl4 k ~.. s a ; about the Longs , there would be rvrr few 0 , 000 or bout I stnies a.raitroad than „'tile point on th e helii.:l; '”" '" I .'‘ ."1"I•I'" I • " Feb. 2, 18:0.- 1 , s / atiMumptlon. It Canso , the play : pia mad matter to raise. Valley' rrail. at or hetwei-n Tonkii..ilitewk ni ,,l lb , ko '' and -hose 1. (:1 poker and shovel.) 1 without Irritating those delicate ergo tale Lungs), and Neishoppen, to the Slate line near Blitgliailil.,il (;r1 1/11l spell Ile late wf all things with without producing constipation of the Bowels. it a lso t 1..1)11 .0 1Cti .I .'s: ( iT1c1;:. 1 via. Motatruse. The distance by the old NV tikes t‘to I. lit•rs ? Thu , . - , ii k (deear.) ! give, strength to the system. stops the ni g ht.sweats, and • 3 , - Barre and Binghanitou pike to Binghamton 1, The undersigned a& auditor appotnted by the Or , thangen all the morbid secretions to a healthy state. forty miles. Three taut en /ball Tunkhailtua•ls -.... ..... ...... 1 ,1...,,•. court of Sti./queltanna county, upon erre?- . any, A.L.scoviLi. t.oun tiled to the seconnt of A. D. crone, acl Tb o . W tile ?;111111nil al 31;n1 In, ha., o b., n ;inf.. \ cli ' —A titn •vit t lutist:lsta: meeting among 1 ,-- '::., Yours 0-Pect diet t thole the halattee of the fond to the hands of . • eardfullv by rAluorienced eu,-ill4ll. tram .11aucli !Ile It ,_t PS ill Moll II 1 Conti ty, last week. 1 — sort by all Mrdith , 1"-.1,r, febita- 1 administrator of the emote or Jonas Minn, deceased, .._ will attend - to the dm', of his appointment at Me (bunk dlifinit. Inc ri de( s..i‘siin. iiiiii the 'inn,. ti boll in,- i no ura,.t.''s 1 1 , 11 ,1 1, was mwt im Mlle , In Montrose, on Thursday, Mch 10, MO. at 1 from_3l o nvrose down Stuike Crack In Btllg.l,..ttil. WANTED—AGENTS. ~-d.,.k,... W•I 1 t lit-1111,111$ groan ill , ill It Wily, one or j ton lias also he el ; carefully e • arnine.l by i•oriii, '' - ei . F. A. CA , E. Andit••r. C l em a :aid e dean •1 of eleptantine pro- ' *75 TO totoo PER MONTH. :a osironw, Fri,- 2. P.'7o. ' tent enginems from Ifingimmion lit: mill i- i•it- ' " i l imy f eas ibl e .. tin. feet lal the as er.ig•• 11. dI V- port i. it, iliritlll: to her feet cry 111g. '• ( i lo- 1 Everywhere, male mud female. to Introduce the reeding sixty-tive feet to the wile, an, 1I ho Ilifil- rt . 1111/ICllliall . turd brews tie lamb '. . ea. grade being about eighty-titre liail to the i t ith•. ,_,., It r.l igi, di ! Lord, if this nigger had i. d ve e 'l Genttine Improved Oommon Sense I F.\ li.i FOR ,died., . and that only tin a short didance. Cost ~' gr.,.1. s , in ., "f a Julie 'u'l she'd ily right I°l FAMILY SEWING MACHINE • i ing estimated by the engineers at from ••••a 111 , , „ 1 Lake 100 acres improved, and lAke to _lnd , _ , . I TAU klachine will admit. hem , fell, tuck. quilt , ~r d, fifteen thousand dollar- per mile_ The „Ind . , Ilea vett. iler eittliuma_sm wilt; checked- distance from Pittston t;; Binghamton wuuid be 'at that ji; rictu rt. by a matter of fact sister, . bind, Maid and embroider in a most superior manner. --.-- ~,.,,r,,to:flt7hseacbaricas,ntesittlinatiell:ny ithimelmwra.d:ntrinSmil; by this route probably not far front sixt ti‘ cii I, raised her head and brought the new 1, PRIOE ONLY 18 DOJ.T.ARS, Finites. It is about the grime distance as from eon ~rt's I hotigh ts hock from the idea to I : I reli v , .. eu . r . s, e t : ,v., h el a ti ll i : v l L ,ra. watered, and ft..,i eo br:o„nt agoras o . f t a li 1 ..,, ,.. 11: 4, k 0r Lark blaring applegr n _ sexauton to Binghamton via. Great bond, and 1 , FTLLY WAItIL.ViNTED 10It FIVE. YEARS. 1 • 1 the grade it is believed will be raster than that ; 111 e oral. 111 " 1 Y ; - You fool, nigger, what . i venient to churches, schools,ete_ Me will pay SLIM for any trutehlne, that win n•ir a I Inquire on the premises, or address ,of the D. L. &W. Itlt. At Binghamton, as i, Ido you mean ?if vim had a June bugs , stronger. tun, heantlittl. ,n• more ,- tooth • I s A. J. SHELDON, I known, this road when built would lawn...yet the wings d o n't volt 1 -,, li n ts. a w ont ! p ec k e r i team titan own. Wreaker/ the I St. Joseph, Pa. Jan. 15, 1870. — likla Erie,•the Albany and Susquehanna, the Bing- , „ I; ;,I /wl/11:/• tau 'lure you net half it t - .F. L.k.STIC 1..00K sTacii... hamlon and Syracuse lilts. :rod the l'itenan- i -ii • .„..- mite . i Canai, thus at the terminus furnishing a I,ol' •, . Even eccond stitch ran be eut. and .lit the drab can _ _ —.1.1. 41•11 , 41. not he pall.' apart Irlthollt tearing It. We pay Acciil. outlet Ow the coal of the V,ille, bysit le ..tipply- _ • i • 1,,, 11,•0•„ ~.. 1 lit great wars is dead. fri•itilsl3 11, Va.) per iniitiill and --spear,. or a c.oianls. . l'I'llNIsIllNI; tit/tips, , ins the market along the Cl ute, which 11,14 her.. ‘,..,.. , , - _..,, _ , . 1 s l o p rpm, n tich twice that ainuant eon be made. . I Whin; taxa nionopolized by the 1) L. ,'.: W. lilt .ll' ' I -I' l'` Ali" 01111 fulliiiii iii 111(1111 . ! Address SECONIII &CO • 1 .,,,., 1 nocl Paper Collar,/ and 11111 , .. Tice, fearfa . 1 o n. M on i xone a lone eonsunies het us ...en 10 o 111 l II' l'l‘lllllrliidr war.. ill the American j pin* b,, g , fi,,, ikod,,, , L, lbw., or S. Loom,'. It .1 r or ISI'L in the Cal list alit . . and ill the t . arid fiance thousand tons of c•cil per ii.oBllln.nnil mid Flannel Shirts in variety. nt large quantities are also c i a,..,a,,..i, a t :..,,,,,„_,. ,•, CAUTION -hescire of all Agemosellin-Itachine. c a . Or-rrevarnu, Itoassia•Cll. &Co i. ,t froilean ll lkr, died. in Lonthol, on the `Jth ' der the iiiii:ilainc a • our, utlhon/ they roit ellow• a Cr- o .W. I 800, hu-peuders,Llsolirents , tiatcheht, Trtiuks, Whltc .- -- ville and Ditnoek allhi• rmlie. on, I ,••• Ht. I:.r • ins!. a' the .i g e or ❑ s3. Ile evnimunded at thicate of . t gene) stetted by us. We shall out hold oar niers, many of iv nom are .11... anlitt_; lit, tr wool ~Ar e, , „,,,,,,, n ,,ibl e 11,,,,, , „roilisiii Machines stdd b. taller , vO()LEN (mom: . stove., Tin. ay.Tng, 1.1,1 llf 1 • “Ii I , /lin. .lii./ ir. 111 i. rilek I I I:: , .1 - Wadi i ilgtu ii ni i " 11 ,1 11 , wa Iiv""11- y_i i Pim" lr c d l". " ,. " .!,' r s':i i` r ' ; `,' :.. c i i : l i l siri ' i r,`,l ;:.•7 ,i g e,! ; ,7.', l s . " i z ,',. 1 d and ti fly cents per tom 'Willi dn s cost red;1011 j ilcd tit N(.11 . Orkaile. ....e all„ ..iv 0 horses . ~,„'". mi k*, 4 ,, n 'e . l, - maettne,i were °unwed rrnmus by our i V lamb+. pint" at i 1 , ,r t :, 1 ",,'• 4 f i ",,'W .1 .,P . 1 1 d 1V,,,, ° ,7, , o ne halt, of Sit 111 tit I . 11 , .11.1r , I , ll i•'il i Ile In _hut tinder him at Waterloo, and fought Agent., i5....a 1., r i-,.....,. :i n .,n by parti/, nil., ropy i afilirtintr. naltirls, c I rearaai evmstnlipl inn s ould be Very 1:,r,.... , - 3,4 i , I could ikartily be estimated. . tr t,+ ,i rears for t 'ltrist jana agatill et il , nt I.To'i.ned:serin..,.`:.'7..-`,...'.'''' '' ' '' s ''''''' r "''''' ' '7..... ‘ , 1 ,',., .. 4 iVcift " . ' ,..; d ill i s , i " . re lt . y r l' l l l i r rani . In liril'n'tiet*::47r'ini.!tes7. 013.7" ut;rmsugat... am,. .I.r. CO s. This route , alter lei-sing, W c ,, o ,i ng t •,-,., ~,,,...., .. 1 '..r.'..5. Ile di...ling...l.:lied itiiiisilf in his through the untie of Susquelianm, 1',,, n .arly old age at the Alma and I n kermari. Nu north and south, nod anfong at t la-- t , I . elder- ~ ,• nt.ral in the liritiell artily at the time of prising people tub., an. nettle 31).1 ror:/// , 1 i , /..e. hi- tl. Aft c./111,1 la,,t. of * a more distill cu.. i lis ' i ' d- Al S P rin g Tille thc-r " i 'L" l ' d ' 1 ,, I , Y g;;-Ii i ii I e I reel-. ti en. Kt ails was all I rish tine ot stages u, the D. L. S.-. VV. Mt., (UAL :. 1 , *matt*, tour daily lirtevand from - both point, otal . . Ile w a-; horn at M (lig. tit 1..... e -,'. • other lines . south and west At Mon .. , :I - take-this method of acknowledging a rose the iiverage nunther of pa.sseugers Ltiiy 11, —We learn from our exchanges that a donation of $206 from the !Tient here of and train the HAL is about thirty. and liehe‘td Aarillll. , rumor prevails in Waallingtnli to the'Masonie fraternity of eliffbrd Lodge to i li:i dy er b ra . i.h .u ct than , undr r thar iii n d illn i ia:r , . ‘i Lo t .. HI, elf. et that the late Ex-,`an Stati on the evening of Jan. Stile Also a purse I n ß ess , I . . ‘ leAt. i .i7i ti,l s t: l Ct ' s ‘ o ' 7l . l:l It 114... I.tri ' iZ li •cil 1' ii. did - not -die of-disease hut-voluntarily. -or $22.50 front Nicholson Le-sige to be ail- ..,t i, , With i i A 50..., I-A-. the 6.114.. e exoeption of s•-•rtiltoli. l 1 it ~ illtl Ito a bingillar fbiiileidenfte if dad to the above—making the handsome it is the best depot to r t he t ._ C ompany on u,' If. ;NI ari I / /II ,111/11111 little followed King in an mum of 8228.50. I shall ever remember' L. it W. Mt " , untimely demise. and rushed madly and• the donors with gratitude andfprayer for 1 Susquehanna 'county rontaitis a popi l tilion e..i. It I i rirrhidden into the presenect of a God this unmerited expression of their good timated at fifty thousand, twenty thousai, 1 tit is It„ 111 lio ha' dOtied and olfended by his will. EDWIN IL II y:SSON. ( whom would broom” trilitilari t•• gli•• r'.•i'l .to 111 , murder kf an intioeetil WI)- Clifford. Jan. 2'l'. liii;ii. I The people are inn- tly tmgritred in 1ii.1,1 \\ ilia WIII In lqt,ighatn's fate, rill i pursuits, and anutially raise fur market a larizsi sinl ig fri , rn atiiiiiigi ? ASS:OCIATItANS 'Mr. D. D. Snyder gfrrC a very pleasing ballad entertainment at good Templars' Hall on ! Friday evening last. There waa not a very large audience, hut the riveted attention I which the singer received showed elearly- that good music bath charm,- Silteeeprdon. The member!' of Rough & Ready Fire C. ?co. I,yip be happy to receive their friends at their near rooms, on Friday evening, Feb 11th, from 7to 10 o'clock.. A special invitation is tendered to or Chief Engineer and Assistants, and broth er rtremen. By order of the Company. Brucfl RD, Sc' Donation. The friends of Rev L P. Towner will make him a Donation visit at the Pie and base imantof the Church, in Fairdale, on NVoinesday. Feb 9th, afternoon and evening. All are invi te. By order of Comraitiee. lismatton. The friends of Rev. 11. Roog,hton, of the first Universalist Chureli in 'Mr aiklyn. will make him a Donation visit at the Parsonage, on Tliursday. Fel.. I th, after noon and evening. All are invited. Brooklyn, Feb nth, =EI Destation. The friends of Rev. IL IL Gray will make him a Donation in I►imock. at A.R. Carlin's Feb. 10th, afternoon and evening. All are respectfully invited. Ihnuperauce Lecture Rev. S. F. Brown. of Tunktiannock, will lie tare on Temperance at Good Templars' Hull, in Mosaic , ' se, on Monday evening. Feb. 14th, at 7 o'clock. The public are invited. Shoeme Burned. nmrplia id hhv, grain, eggs. poultry, butter, The building known us the Lou t tar- ' eheee, beef and pork. all of which are , ern, owned by Dennison Lott. Esq.. and iin the Valley and would there find a rrwly mar oactipied by Samuel Clark, 'situated a few ket on opening thk road. miles below Lynn, was destroyed be fire , The people from Tunkhannuelt to Uri r-i• on Thursday }light. last- Airs, Clark he- hare been solitited for subseriptiou-, and abo.n ink Sick was canter with some difficulty *lOO.OOO 00 hag heen sulk.eriherl. and the right from the building. What thc;loss was we of way has been nearly alt released for the road bassi not been infortned. There is u re - between those points. Between 'Montrose and ported insurance of $3OO upon the build- qmton the canvass has not as yet been so thorough, but a liberal spirit has been manifest .. ed, which prensist%, future btleV ,4 Prominent men ol",Binghanton have given strong assu zinc& theY irithowi their towns or oilier trove Hulse money to meet the road at Montrose . I . 4orlstruCted-hi that Place, as . they are very anxious to open communication with the coal tbe monopoly, at Scranton.' They are dadmined to have another road to the coal fields at Kl . :llo .. wirr!, and have sularryed various :TeamYew Insittute. • An Institute will be held at thc liasson 13ehool Hotesetlprin' grille township, an 'Friday 14010itarday, Feb. 18th and Illth,tommencing eclock,'A. St. of ratty, 'Az' Edsicatfoital - Adthe Tills discussions, maybe exPe,Cled on ' , ltiday‘eng. Instruction given by scrpert TifiChera Teachers oho tan attend, are urged to be pres mot through the entire session. All Directors andbirods OreituestiOn are iimpleited to aid in Iheneellorts to improve our Schools, by their proem and encouragement of others. W. C. TILDEN, County Supt. roma Lake, Feb. Ist, 1870. EN .; Winter is upon : us tiow ill. , good earn*. About .tive,ltc rol!Sn and it is snowing -still. scarletl ever: A sad case of liereavement by this dis ease has °yenned: nestr, us. Mr. Daniel Markey, of Garbondale township, about one thilthibore town, lost his about three-sears ;Igo, ! and ! has lived with: his three children,„, ,The ! eldest child was a daughter about, 18 years of age, beside which' were a younger! daughter and sou. The three children have now all fallen vie- i time of Sthulet Fever. The eldest daugh ter was buried on Wednesday of this week leaving his, house desolate.— Carbondale Atit‘anee.,. _ 41;a:dee weat of this, to reach the coal of Sullivan polUkty, but, thole routes: being much lortgq,nria*ovrr hcrier gradei, seek a Jane thm at Montrose with a road to Pitt/ton if It tail lie proeured. :Now why cannot this road he 6AilL,ol3s,opteptinwhattbas long. been felt, ba a grca t peed, a northern outlet Tor the coal and ; iron IPI - Volley ?; 'Tim people along the line are itnsetinis atittwilling to do ail in theli power, but. while gag ate Felkto-do farmers, and in- tleperiilent ittlireirigUienY;"-ttftla 9 unidri rtelOn c , yet they cannot raise the money, requisite. liVatoiltalailititi,amtriOWW l6 4o 7Ao * and Iron companies of the Valley largtly ested in this emerprise The.Penn'a Coal Co. are now sending their coal via. Hawley, Lacka, waxen and the Erie road to Binghamton, over 1150 nines, and competing successfully with the D. L. &W. KR Co. If they had a route of less i than half the distance, would they not be large ; ly benefitted? -Arent.% our rift:v.l34W la i riitnly ! interested in procuring at • a lower 'price , than they now pay the products of the farms of Sea -1 quehanna county? It seems so to no. A public meeting, to consult about these in- Wrests, will be held at Wilke4-11arre, Feb. 9th, 1 and another at Pittston, Feb. lOth.—Pittoton (jazette. tln, dis- Amateur Dramatic Company. We have just been handed a programme of the Seri a roma. Drama entitled "Ten Nights in a Bar-lbann," which was performed at Nichol son on Monday and Tuesday evenings last, and is to be repeated again this evening. We are acquainted with the piece and can emphatically say that It is one of great merit In its cha.sten in2 and moral effects, and its tendency to vividly 1 point re t the paths of vice and intemperance, aid show their terrible results. We are pleaded to recopizu among the east of characters Mr. t' T Mitchel. formerly a resident and a native lII.i ;11111:4 . . • 1 ./ al.o a f. rm r pnldl or ourg t• an. tall' prepared from the know ledge .• e lii- abilities to say that he tonal mrr it 11...4 earnest applause. We •Uere in tocricsl I. one oho witnes at the performance limit 011 Mmelay and Tuesday evenings, that tin, 11111011 , 111Ilei be said in its praise. Thus Car it started 1.. r the henetit of the Lodge of but thin evening it in for the ismet•t .a S thbath School. We are deprived f the privelege of at telullizfarfr nu ... home. lint we would heartily` Welcome' ma fritm l a Mr. Mit lel and Lis companions at this plate should th e , think last La come. t Itensarknble real Stocidtlid 8 roz,i(l , l) t of Thom!, in si.) years last April cut 40 cords sto‘c wood, during the months of De nd,,r nod are-1 the instanee. , that call be roconled of such strength, at such all advanced age. I:+4•upe of Prittoners Four prisoners escaped frwri the coon s t j.ol at 11 Ilkvs-Barre, on Thursday II • Th , •ir s an. NI whael 11,11;•rs, •- Ilti !0 Park: .Tattb, Dail,v, of I'hiladel ?T!).-.1: k Plains .1. Gal , I,L;llicr. NeWtl , ll. Sheriff Rhoads the it apprehension. —The bill nieori)orattug the Avondale .I,s,,viation has panza.d the Legis lature. 2XX .ELFILIFILT.IIL Gr3ELIS . TIMA,EV—TIFFANY — In Clifford, Pa., Jan. 18th, to Rev. E. 11. Mynson, Mr. A. Montgomery Tinglvy. of Itarford. and 311,s Mattie Tiffany, of Rridg.•water. Avls-- , -GARY—ht Itn b. Feb - ditb, by Rev. il. II GrAy, Dlt• W. IL Avis and Miss At 3. Gary buth.ofßush. STANTON-1n Bridgewater, Jan. 25th, 1870, Willie E.. son of John E. and Mary S. Stan. ton; aged 10 minithe andlft days.' -• ' • .Dearest Willie than halt left na, And thy toss we deeply feel; But Gad thatfitta Octet) , I It ir usansoN—ln Ilarford, Jan. 2, 1.873, Lyman. E. Richardson, aged 25 yearn years. 11arford; -. Jaa , BLlly, wife of Daniel Oakley, aged 67 years, 6 months. Rusk Fet fttl, Rachel, wife of lleaen, a n ted Saycatt. and 6 months. • V. CE 31..11 k 1R KETT; „ NORWAY OATS FOR SALE I Corrected weekly by,.. William Ilodsdon, 231 J. , Xulton y • The result of my• experiments the last season Week, ending Feb. 5, 1370. with the Norway Oats have been fully up to my , expectations, and lam satisfied they are well • ' •" • • ' • • • ........ I adapted to our soil, and that every farmer who ; pot4p*bly can:should get the seed. I bought last `,"' ,9 •,; I spring of the Ramsdell agents in New Tork,one „ 1 bushel of 39 lbs of the Norway Oats. • I sowed • • ...... ; I them on one acre of good ground, and harvest .r,,„`"B:,.";""„„ I ed froth it 70 bushels of 30 Ws, per bushel, mak • • • ••- • • • +•""A'•" . Man of 70 bushels from one. ..... 12246t.45 I also sowed in the same lot on equally good 1(4 ' 9 , 3 I I ground, 3 bushels of 30 lbs. each of common oats •• . .. 30(4 5 v :on one acre, and harvested therefrom 55 bushels 03435 , of 30 lbs. T ier bu-hel, an increase of 13 bushels i i 6 f-,,,, a + 2 ..9 from one. Therefore from this trial I am alas • • •.; L„` , "„.„ tied that the Norway Oats will produce twice as much a. the. common Oats. it any wish more • 4 -uu , confirmation. I would relic them to reports from • 'part.: the country. given in the Hurst ear Yorker of J4ll. 31.11, 13 . 70. I_sa I 5 9t.rz to PRICE $4 per BUSHEL of 22 lbs. Butter pail ... EbeeseidahT, per lb " factory ". , Mgc. : :;per doz flour, per barrel... Corn meal, 1001 b. Wheat, per bnsliel. • Rye data = Cum • ( 110 p.% :rtip of 1889 B e ef; sides, Per l b • Hogs, PotAtota, per bbl. Turkeys. per lb._ Chirkeni " .• • kw gkilvatigmtub. i t DMINISTILITUIC _il_.E. .. Notice 14 hereby given s that in obedience to an order of the Orphan H Court of Suaquelisuna to., 1 the undersigned will expo ,e. to publit. sale on the premises, on Tuesday the first day of blareb. A ID. 1870, at one o'clock, p. tn.. the following de scribed mcssuage, tenements, &c., situate in the hon,ugh of 1 , 44 Milford, county of Sunquellan - nu, Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ ed ie. 6,110,, , ... to s% it . I On the North by lands of Nelson linger. west by a road or highway, south by lanai of E. A. Pratt, 21n1 east by lands of E. A. Pratt, contain ing on, hall :tor,. more with the appur tenances, house, baru, fruit trets, etc. TF:10I SALE —Vin down : :500 nn d ual rinatinn or sale ; and in one year thereafter, with JOEL o. TE , an.Ey. E,tat, 1. 1-I. Warn. New Milford, Fcb. 9, 16:11. - --- 131 LES. A MIS-;IONAItY. WIW HAT) SI , NFEI,EIt J, r yearn with rile., wee coned, fled will ,end the re relpt fret , iiEV, YOST UT DIY. Jrriey City, N. J. Ifeb9w4 .R..,.., c,LANui..... ~,TENTS WA, N - r Ku . $lO 0 0 t o lt: , I' letter (emet•-. rc ie g ,l . c , 111 . . , 1 r g;n r e: , ...kltal , c . 'Witmer/ Paten , Eperl.a.teig :I:iate Ih,y Clothes Line,. CticapeA4 and bent clothca Boca in the world ; only :i ctn. pet foot. awl man lag a hundred yearn.—Ar, the Iltatom Rico Wm St . N. 't,et 10 10•erhen St.. Chicago, 111. fez • volt PATENT ORGANIC •vl , Bit.\Ttrll Ear 11-,1 p.reeptible, re moors Singing Noises in Lae Rein:, and enables Dv-after ! 'ions to hear doti Weil) nl Clinreh ur Public Aseembllen. • Treaties on Donnie., a itb Wain, ,At run. sent free. Dn. T. lit rSr,Ln'aL4 td4 rquailo it). N. Y. ifel,9,w A N ',ENT Fit .Paris B Y Sunligh t and Gaslight , .4 IVORK th.s,ripte, of Mr MIS TERI ES. 17 R TI-E4.., .qPLE 1108,5' and ('1{1.111..:::, ( . 1n - op r.ijus. Ir tells how Parts has become the Gayest and moot Beautiful City in the world; bun it• Beauty and Splen dor are purchased at a fearful you of 3tlonry end Suffer ing; bow vlsltnt' Pre SWIIIIIIO.I be Pruneeolob3l Ado. - LC , t11t.113 : how Virtue and View 1;1"am-in-arm In the Beau- „ mr , howls tow we can a ff o rd, and dintmoot how the Fearful t-rimes are committed, . urcr ' h . P and concealed how money is Squandered In uoe:egut I for ruri''' ' lu our) and Amodio I!in ling• rn 0:1 , blip , of noted Life and Seetn . . to Part, .kgento w•toted• _-- v4ssing Book. -out free Addr.... NATIONAL PUTti 1.111 M• rniludemnia. pa. I W i d , a ill furnish rails and ship Butter for those who otire no to, and endes.or to give pod satisfaction rATItON AGE SOLICITTID. A aI,FT44'"L- "'"d7-Ladka An , Gentle. Men (or rb,ir 'ware' mumt E. -A Sewing. litlatinc. au Wnt. 11. Blble, money and ~ih- 1? .F.. 1 I.) 1.1 I ( ' LoT H N gondogiven masmtninm. Wllen. - Wlwwr, What, 111, and otbnt particulars Free. Addtcsi 'Van .4 'kn., The Lage-t. 4 , 141.1:. In Ow rnanty out nwn we lo d a e mn fy 171 Iretadway, utaoure—s,4,,,Ll,d .11 ma work den low all eomirel,tion. e. nut 11 . 1. and hope complete emu,. Alu.l3a 4 lame variety. ni Gr-rrnwncno. ROPENISACII, I Coe. $11(1131411 I°lll4ll Fott: vial! Ev.tttninea.:LAGlFlSTS ANTF.D.- Circular nod ( OLD JEIIELIII plcF ant:. Addr i-r•r I MACHINE (.19.. Bath. Me. . tit•b9..-1 AGENTS INAMED FOR THE iiFoLETS OF timeTOV ES ! STOVES INTERNAL REVENUE , ne Circa American thee Bunter and Page Heater . WEED r The W 111.40, rtits.z, t ;old I:ing. 411rawba!: Frind• Divuietnii systematic ltul4 ..) of the 4D ruhri i Tremont.), . iirtimnixed Depredatlon , , 0.1-ptrucles and raldr nn the ci,,,,, run , e nt_tiflicial Turintude, iitairea,anee, Tyranny and tiorruptina -The Ill", , mri lino. Fm.d,,,,,,. In. otructire and Important !lord, oe i pn bit,,k,..,i o in i m .j r , , II UFF.I.,() h( ) B ES, .uthe.oe bet, Inallriottat , l , . r e Idelx.•, 1.1,11 tt r I itllfllly I complete andartirate detail.. Bath with Ind without trimming and 11111117,, just ~ vgiustari, t armors, 31tchuolest, only Citlon. and received at Taxpayer. arc dirvellyintrrestad In the Stratagem,. Ar. ',t :it, 1,69 tlncee, Machination* anti eritsiOs . of Corrupt runt/don, _. .. MHz IMetillert, Oath Gamblers, Droirtsscit Forgers and ratty Idultlisetors.- Pablished in ono attractive volume, — - - --- . T -- - about. 500 woll•fllied pm,,,,p, with spirited illustration , Price low to suit the times, f 3.00. Sold by supscription B F.ArTIFUL - SETS of F 1: ItS only. Send far circular and bpecial term. w >I. FLINT. Publisher, Philadelphia. Ex, Itehlu I .IV/311C8TErCrri. CULTIVATOR'S Gill DE, FOlt THE DENTISTRY Plower and Kitchen. Garden 24th edition of this popular work, which has met with , so ninth favor to the. past. Is ems ready It halt been re. , written and Improved. printed 'with new type s and on I Particular:titration given to all nperntlons nn the yarn lino paper, illustrated Pith a Beautiful Llaurr, sph. end 1 rut teeth. Artlitclol Teeth Inserted In all the various many other floe engenvitip o f nature, y te aatati,,, r u n ntylcs now In nee. Perfeekentlsfactino Guarantied to all, dearrlption ami d (be culture of over 1500 leading varletlea Come and sec me. nod satisfy Yourseb,s• (take hours. of FlP , reis and 1, egdables: also descripttve not of the I el hour. each day, novelties of LUC premno seaman •, to Which is added a col- , J . su• 5, I slO —I y Welton of eel choice French Hybrid Gladiolus. This t sunk, We feel Confident, will compere Ihrorahly with any ,-- - -- -- ----a ---- similar one. Rona Levi Bartlett, Warner, H. it - - I:IATa OAPS, dc FURR - , "I have received • copy at your superbly gotten up Amateur Cultivators Gni& think it far ahead of any Mit. and Caps for Men and Bova' wear. Furs of all thing of the kind over before isbued from the American :rade., at - GT:TTLIVBERO, R0.L1.111.C11, & CO'b. press. tient to any addrvv , upon roretpt o r 2 . 1 " ru „ t , , pape r 1 , . cover, and 50 crate for tastefully bound lu cloth. 4 .'1 WabaDraN rt CO.. GOMOrt,•kiaan. Ifeb s wl WOOLEN & KNIT GOODS. Ladle.' Werino U . ndo: garments, Hoods lions, I intO outO4 4 DolOttmot ant Colitribyeaimplc rem- Glover/ &e . Gents' W A Wrappers opd =WU'S.Scarfs , ody, owl will send the receipt tree 1 3aelteta. Cloven of all aorta, to greatyastety. At i zas.vt4 , - •• - Itto.ll C. LTOGETT, Sackett. to : Gtrrtorlonc. ltoost•sArte. 6 Col,. Call soon, ni I have hut few to sell. For Sale by IL L. SUTPHIN SumwerNville, Feb. 2. SELLING OUT GEO. 11.‘YDEN will offer kis entire Stock of Goods at Coil for tlw next sixty days. A large stork of Dry Goods, Orocerirq, Cloth ing, ItootA, Shoes, Hats, Cap% Crockery, etc. THIS IS NO lIUNIBUG Me .lia - 1; must be sold, as I have to leave the bni Now is the time for hatpins. Those having rev Rutter Pail: , will plea, return them. All persons indebted hy note or hook account will please settle up without further notice. GEO. 11.4.YEEN. New Milford, Feb. 2, 1870.-4 1.12k1:V EY & ST A NIP, 13=61 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS h si r Il o ilo, pork. Ilion. Salt Fish. Tallow k. ( oak.% Spir,ro, Choice 'I etul. Sugar:. W, e. Dried and Canned Fruit Tubeiru• (lora. Snuff. • and all other arts , n•unllr kept in a ling (Aare Grocer cud 1'n,1,1. , n Siam. Moutn.e. Ft b. 2. If Montros A e.N.gutilLi'lrSB69'"r"fil. A RILL TURKEL,- IMMIEII Ne:v 31111ord. Pa., Dec. 15. IM/9.—tl I andln three w k, raued, d [oar rtripe, Mink, Fiteh, Sable, Coney Meer Mg at tor. 21, Intiti. E. 1.. WEEKS & COS. - - c . A. SACKETT'S Dentsl Rooms, New Milford, ra RAMSDELL'S NORWAY OATS. This Oats wiU prodnee dcreetinies m moth as any other Oata. For sale at lowest market price, by W3L J. HEAVY, Jan. :16, 1870.-3 m• St. Josephs, Pa. VALI:SLR FARM FOR MLR IN ARSURN TOWNSELLP. The subscriber offers for tale the vakutble Farm situated in Auburn township, lately be. longing to J.H.SIcCaln. Said farm contains two hundred and eight acres, one hundred and silty acres improved. There is said farm a first class two-story house and new barn • two orch ards ; a quantity of fruit trees. S aid is on ly four miles from the Lehigh Valley Railroad, well watered, good timber, and in every way a first class farm. l'ersons in want of a good farm will understand that a chance to purchase such a property is seldom offered. Fur terms and particulars. Inquire of E. L. WEEKS, Assignee of J. IL McCain. AL4o, for sale, the lI(WSE and LOT Inblont ro.e now occupied by J. 11. 51eCain, with about tiix acrei of land belmiging thereto. E. L. WEEKS, Assignee of J. H. McCain. Montrose, Jan. 19, 1870.—tf Books for Farmers tr. Stock Breeders is,:t acomt Bohm! Volumes of the AMBRICAN STOCK JOT:ECN. AL. fur Inlet Clmtntiting 321 large double column plitpu. ,W p.wingt• patd for . $1.50 Bound Vournes of the American Sleek Journal for VOA routainprEtTE pars. scut postage paid for $1.50 The llarrytaan s Manual, sent post paid for • at; eta. The Horsemste• Manual .. " 55 'M The Horse Breeder's Manual u o " The Sheep Breeder'. Manual '' 'M The l'oultry Breeder's Manual l' 2.-, The o hole 11, e Manuals scut post paid to ono address for $l.OO Agent" unsaid. to utout liberal Induentricuts will be °Cured:. Address N. P. DOT ParkEß Publishers, etburg. Cheater Co. Pa. Janlq- am Biqa c•r the. 440170,ti015. • . • J. B. SUER-WOOD, WATCH MAKER, PUBLIC AVENUE. MOICMOSE. PA.. Id door above Searte's Hotel. am prepared Ludo ally piece of work pertaining to the trettle. Pe - Work Warranted. Pan. 1.1810. PREMIUM CHESTER WRITE PIGS. YORE Blood Short lloni )Durham). Devon, Alderney nud renhire CLOVP6. Merllo, Southdown and Cote scold She.•p. Carhmen• Goat. Imported Suffolk, EPAPZ, Berkshire sad Salon 140,mA all choice breeds of Poul try for sale. Send for Circulars and Price*. Addresa N. P. BOYER A, CO. Parkesbnip, Chester Co. l".t. 'V °TICE. - 1 1 The. Book Accounts, Notes and Judg ments of italdu in, Allen & McCain are in my hands for collection; and all persons having Notes and Accounts against Baldwin, Allen & McCain, are requested, to present them for set- I ement. E. L. WEEKS, Ae.signee of J. H. McCain. Moutrose, Jan. 19, 1870.-4 DIsSOLE;TION The firm of C. F. READ & CO. was dissolv ed on the 31gt (lay of Dec. 1869, by mutual con sent. Either party will attend to thesettlemcnt of account:, C. F. READ, K GEORGE HARVEY E. P. STAMP. C. M. READ. The lm,inmq will hereafter be conducted a the old stand under the firm name of READ, ORII O I , IB & CO. 31untrose Jan. 1, 1810.-09)3 GENUINE IMPORTED NORWAY OATS. SAMPI.M SENT FUER TO FARM BS. From 100 to 120 bushels grown to the acre. weighs from 411 to 15 pone& to the bushel. This oats lea, been grown on every variety of soil, and to every State of the Union, with the most perfect cows.. The grain in very large plump and handsome. has • remat k hie thin beak, and ripens earlier than the com mon varieties. The smite is bright. clear, stout and not liable to lodge. is perfectly dear of rest; and grows from 4 to ti feet high. We nave both the White and Block Norway, both the same price and equally productive. We will send one low . * of the above Oats to any address poet paid for. . ............. el CO Two quarts.. port paid.... ..... . ..............2 On One peek sent by aprons or freight 3CO Hall bushel, fi01) 10,00 One bnplicl, 40 pounds AUTION. it2fr — We wish it distinctly anderstoo • that this is not a light Otaer, weightsg OS to 39 lbs. raised In New England, and sold under the name of Norway, hut Imported Seed, every mattel guaranteed to weigh 41.11 b., or the moe.-y refunded. Samples both kind*sent free for a three cent stamp. Also Circulars and Testimontarna Address all orders to N. P. BOYER &CO.. Parkesburg. Chester Co.. Pa. Jan. 19th-3m. Eggs of Pure Bred Fancy Poultry for Hatching. F. hate on bond the hart and heat eclectic:a! of V Fancy Ponitry to ho round to the enent`7. carefully hosed and ahlpixal to ony part of the couraq. For Larval:tn., and prices, addrees !V. P. BOYER & CO.. Parkeshurg. Chester Co. Po. JanlB—Cm (kItOVER ,t 7 11.11iER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY 13eanty and oldot 'city of Stitch. Pct fectlou and Simplicity of liaeldnety. Ueln: both threads directly from the [Toole. No faeteulng of seams by hand end Lo waste thread. Wl,lO range of application without change of adju,t. meat. The ream retalni to beauty and Ilrroueva after %rub. Mg and trotting. Beattie. all kinds of work done by other Evirtn,: Ma chin., these Machine', execute the MOft beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. irr•rbe Ifigheat Premlnma at all the fairs andvxhi bitions tho United Suttee s e wing o have been awarded Mu Owner lister Machine., and the work done by them, wherever exhibited to compe. titiock. 0. id. HAWLEY' E. L. WEEKS CO.P VirThe rem highest prize. THE CROSS OF THE LEtilON OF IiONOR, was conferred on the represent. atives of the Greeter l Baker Sewing illaehines, et the Espositiou Universe!le, Paris, 1861, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. Jone I. I Sr CAYUGA PLASTER. I keep constantly on hand an ample snp ply of fresh ground Cayuga Plaster. for sale at $8 per ton. N. SHOEMAKER. Suntmersville,Jan. 19, la7o.—tf WIZARD OIL and nearly evetiything At =ARUM DRESS TRIAIMINGS • & FANCY Goons. • 8au00.3 0! oaeorionoto. It Outrtssass. , & Co's. SEWING MAcIIINEs, ca BP.OADVCAY, NEW YORK roisTs Ol EXCELLENL For file by F. 13..CIIANDLEIt. Montrose T HE FLOOD! COKE AND 81:11 TED FLOOD or Nevcr CA-cocoas, An craved it 4.(PD. R. LATHROP,'S. DRESS GOODS Is large qs r astltles, of all Styles and Prices. LARGE STOCK of Hato sod Cops, Furs, Ready Made Clothing, Cosi mores. Boma+. Sacking", Hone Biatkett. 104 Hasaketa, Bed treads, Ilardwarl. Crockery, .Boots, tad eon. te, to. to we AgeHlti :for ttorCelebrated PARHAM SEMUNG-MACHETEt A. i D. It. LATHROP 3loatrooc, okt. ta. 180 BE IT KNOWS! That the lamest and best selection of READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTES • I gssl MERES. DRESS GOODS OF ALLKIND tI DEsTIc GOODS. SHAWLS, CLOAKS. FURS. RATS it CAPS. LADIES! a, GENTS FURNISHING " GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, etc. ate.. to be found in this put of the State, catt-alivare Ist Coved at the attilamouri and perste:4oSe Of Guttenberg, 16 , senbaum 'Co M. IL J %UM; representlnK this fins is Slant, Knee, arriving lately UM SOW TOM With A VgBY EITENISIVZ SOCK. of above mentioned goods, satiable for the Fall and Wint.t weaves, aad hart= taken panting*: pains In se lectiug h.ndsosoa etylca and designs, as well as looking to the oldpreverb, •• a penny wed la a penny awned.' ' orraelees of havi BARGAINS' for whoßantll:obverting In makin ng g their parehiann. all W. would vaguest a call and Inspection of our goods GETWIMILISO, ILOSMBAIIM - • CO Ettratrote. Oct. Ist, 11%0 FARM FOR SALE! The eabseriber erns for to his Fenn. sitnate Lsi the east past of New 31111bnl tosenship, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEYIUKTT-IBREE ACRES 123 acres improved. well watered by ITaingbdind a nun creek. There ere two houses. one new. Led three barn. one new, inel other outbuildings, end two good °retards. The tend not improved Is heavily timbered. MUM made may. For thrtber taforrociton call on or address the =beriberi! New =ord. Bueq'a Co. P.. Nov. 10. IR6o.—tf W IRE . RAILING, WIRE GVARDS, Vol atom Fronts, Asylums, i.e. Iron Bedstead*, Wire Webbing ibr Sheep and Poultry Yards, Mass and Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Screens Sp an kl Ores, Kultl, Re. Bras" Cloth for Arrest. rs, landscape Wires for min dome, ere. Paper Makers' Wires. Ornamental Wire work, etc. Every information by addressing the man. orociorers. M. WALKER A SONW Ap.4ylgd Nell 9. Sintb et, Pbtlaidetplan. rrIIE ELI AS HOWE szwaizi NACHINE! Acknowledged by all to be the beet Sewing Machine In tbo DOD% hoy ony null] you have tied them. Nov et, LW?. E. L. WEEKS 111 CO., Agings. CASU PAID For 31135.1trzt, Co, and For fluor, toj Nov. St, IRO. ~, E. L. W FEES & CO. ABEL TCRRELL, Ilia Juot niturood from Nov Yoh with 'a large ad ditloo to Ms usual stock of hole* goods. Montrose, Noe.,* ISM • 4iiii9iiiii99ii TO THE WoRREeO CLASS.—We era now prepared to furnish ad elasse4 with consent employment at borne. the whole attic time or for the spare moments. nosiness new, light and profitably. Persons of either se= mostly earn from Ulm WV -per evening,, and • pro portional sent by devoting their whole lime to the bus loess. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.— That a I who ere Ibis notice may send their addresa, and test the business. we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well "Mien sit, we will send $1 to pay for the =obi* of writing. Full pa:Um:dam a valuable sample. which will do to commence work on, and a co py of Th e People's Literary Companion—me of the lar gest and beet family nevrepapers published—lll sent fros by mall. Reader. if you want permanent" Profita ble work..addresa E. C. ALLEN & CO., Angueta, Maine Nov. S. 180--tm TH I[4:E BRE SALVi inrjtare this WONDERFUL SALVE has been the secret of an old Connecticut family by the name of pheba Baker. ofrArow it names forth to bless man kind. ha power to ALLAT ram. to Dooms acrsentso. To neat. neaps, la veil eqtraordinary ; the like of it has ['over been known. 1000 persons already bear tee- Limos .. One person telys 6 ' 1 bought •$1 Pot, and I would ant be without it for $lO. vol had to o all the arr , to E. T. far IL" Phyriclans recommend IL and $4 pots are ordered daily far Hospitals and Public Initial. Mini, to every part of the T. B. For Cuts, Burns, Boils 4 Bruises, BnlesY l wil WITH- Cancers, Sore nappies, Broken Breasts, Chap-' OUT IT pod Lips and Hands. &uptions,___blind and IN TILE bleeding Mies, Corns. Bunions, Chilblains, bites of animals, In sects, etc. etc. DON'T BE - - Alt ATUZZIA IS kap lt tar UM 10,000 Boxes are awes, away to teat Its illicit , . V° tore/ Drugglst lad getona v. 0,4E0 IS polo sent. safely puke°, by tapas'. Addreto COSTAR CO., 13nown r < typo, N . T CUSTOM. WORD. 'MERCHANT TAILORING. Ao elegant aesortmeat of Clothe. Doeskins. Caubetesea.ltelecrs, CAlnebtllas, Velvet mg faatlYeatloga.&o.,' for Custom Wotk . MCIIIIUM ta ken. Good fitting and erorlctoaoship aaraateed or no uga, at Orrertnizao.ROILICSILIMII, I CO's. ARO OIL: ands great Tarte of OILS for of LNZRY, for .ale by AUL =USU. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVER coats, of all dam kris wino% Road aid COW' moo to great rat et 7. at Ottrnt&olo.4ealtaluate, & Co 's. LIiCOB WATMAN HOUSE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers