j ontrust r mural. TVESD4lfiipite... - tli' 18684 Z a csoi,& : l.; ; ..lCita*e; 33 liseaciet. Cow Commlttset Th e Democratic CountyCommitteewill meet , Knon's note!, in Alontrose, on W e dnesday, Feb. .120, 1868. .At one o'cloolc P. AL A . . Ail"-.attendance of the taescbere is respectfully solicited. The friends of the Rev. S. F. Brown, sre invited n to make -s him, a donation, on F e b. 12, afternoon ._apa. evening at the house of N. Reynolds, in east Bridgewa ter. All arei n a avited' to • attend as we ex pect to have good oyster supper. Per order .of Committee. Tatinting. Gentlemen'+ own materials made up; cutting done. 'clothes cleaned, repaired, and pressed, cheap, at E. L. `Peeks'. Two apprentices wanted. Don cm. •__ _ On Friday afternoon and evening, Feb. 14th. The friends of Rev, .Luther Peek will make him a donation at the house of Edwin „T. Webb, in Franklin, Where an Oyster:Supper will be provided. All are respectfully invited to ,attend. .13y 'order of Committee. Manners and Customs. Res. Mr. Arms formely.a missionary in Turkey will' deliver' a lecture on Turkish manners-and customs at the Presbyterian Churchin Montrose on Tuesday evening the 18thiinet. Proceeds of the lecture to be appliedito benefit of a new Church at Nicholson. The ?reputation of Mr. Arms gives as eurants ofa rare treat. Old Folk& .Concert. The' Brooklyn "Old Folks' Concert," under she 'superintendence of S. B. Eld ridge, avill'lsa repeated at New Milford an Thusadu evenening, Feb. 13th, 1868, at PhinnnyzasHall, commencing at i x o'- clock. no following are the names of the singers: Mrs: and Mrs. S. B. Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iPost, Mr. A. W. 'Kent, Miss Frank Boughton, Miss Hattie Kent, Mr. C. R. Palmer, lffr; L. B. Tiffany, Miss J. S. Boughton, Mrs. A. H. Hewits, Mrs. R. 11. Kent„ . Mr.:W. L. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bailey, Mc. G. W. Palmer, Mr. Jas. Adams. The singers will be clothed in Ancient Costume, and-sing ancient Sacred Music; and modern -Bongs, Quartets, Choruses, etc. Come ositcud see the dress of fifty years ago.. 'iTtreiprocceds, after d.fraying expensesoar&used for benevolent purpos ,ell. 'Pali:death:ll Tate-468. As considerable interest is felt as to the result of •the next Presidential elec ;titan, I append a few figures giving the probable result.: Total number of votes in the Electoral Coil.ge, :(i:slut:ling the South,) 317 Necessary to a choice, 154 Total number of rotes in the Eletoral .Co!lege, (excluding the Sunth,) 247 Necessary to a choice 124 The States-that have hell elections that areemphaiically Democratic, send to the electoral - Cullege as follows : California 5; Conn.'s% Del. 3; Ky. 11; Md. 7; N. J. 7; N. Y. 33; Penn. 26;—Total 98. Thus giving the Republicans Ohio, 21; and the balance of - the Northern vote, making a total of 149, a majority of 51. Counting Ohio, ((which is certain) to the Democrat ic 98, making a vote of 119, still giving them by 9 majority the President. It is however very probable that the States of Nebraska, Nevada and Oregon will each give us ,3 electoral votes, making 9, and 128 total. - This kai:lug on the North ern vote, gives a Democratic majority of 9. Should New Hampshire, (which now seems probable) give her 5 votes to the Democratic candidate, it would secure his election by 19 majority. Should the whole negro vote of the South, 70, be given to the Northern Rep. vote, 144, making them a total, of 184, still giving them the President'bitl ma jority. Should the - Soilthern whites carry La. 7; Texas 6; Weet'Va., 5; - N..C. 9; a total 0f . 27, it would change the figures to 157 Rep.. 160 Democrat, a majority of 3. Should this "Mostinfatnous Congress continue itsinfamous acts,' the States of the great North Vi r 4Sl,* will recor4 their votes with the other Democratic States, thereby insuring the utter and overwhel ming defeat-of the Republican and radical negro party 'of these States, whose career began in,rewolutiou, succeeded by despo tism, continued in Anarchy and confusion and will end, I trust, in ruin soon. E. M. T. Lathrop, January 31,1868. DostracUve Fire in Scranton, Pa. . Sensivros,Peb. s.—The buildings Nos. 323 to 330 on Lackawanna avenue, were burned tonight. Loss over $100,000: in. surence $65,000. George It Wilson, hat ter.;-Darby Melvin,-liquor dealer ; Dale Keene, produce corntnission merchants ; D. Morns, merchant tailor; George Blake & Co. Brooke 00., fancy goods; Cran dall-4 4 Co., of the Pally. Republican ; Mrs. Jind . Coolbaugh, are the principle losers. The . Republican saved the engine and two clyinder presses ; everything else lost. Slaskelt and CO.'s stock on the first floor nf. N0..632 was not burned, but. very badly injured by water and plundering. In all the other buildings the loss was total, Eight or ten families in the upper pert. ofitiebuildings lost everything,, , On the 4th bet. at the Montrose M. E. Parson'age;l4 T;OtheiPeo /tr: 7 ELli An Liittitor Din:took, LIBBIB Brarlifilit Pe' 'At the P,ieibyterifin prnhi 8 07 4 1 11 4 h4e p6l,'ll'eb: 4th, 186Cby ite‘ , .' S. El. Mo on,s Mr. JasorrXr.:l3annalt land:Mies CARRIE Tarr both.of Susq'a Depot. At Herrickville, Brad. CO., Jan. 30th, 1868, by E. Cara,Vq,, Mr% Oft..,s,.Me.rott, of P4Ookfoitp, god gisq,litrc4:§o3coprs, of _ _ Ur - Notices or Inarrlgpve and deaths ,publlstiedfree of charge. 'Obituaries published if paid for at the rate of fifty cents per hundred words. Inillontfoie, on the sth i nst., Mr. fl DRINICER, aged 64 years: ' • -Public Sale. Stibeirther mill sell by Auction' a his residence AL in Forest Lake Township, the .feliowins property : 60sheen. !Stows, 2 yearlings, 2 calves. 3 'hogs. hay, provisions kc. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock 4. DI. Mon day,dfarch 9th. 1858. Terms all stuns . under 5 dollars. cash. 5 dollars and'over 6 Months credit with into-roes and approved secnri ty. W 1 LSON J. TURRELL.. Forest Lake, February 3d 1563. PROOFS OP THE SUPERIORITY OF THE MERICAN lißralthaama • V I V" AL ma 40 3EIC M This eciantrYhas reason to be proud of this splendid specimen of American operative genius and enter prise. That It will work a revolntion in the watch numn:acturing,of the world no one can doubt who ex amines the operations of the Waltham establishment, for it tarns out watch movements at just about one half the cost of imported movements—beside the uni form reliability of the machine made watches must give them a great advantage over all others wherever Known. A poor time piece of the machine make will he as rare in the future as a good one of hand make has, been heretofore, for machinery is arbitrary in its performance, and can makes perfect art iciejust as ea• sy as one that is is Orthless. It will be a cause of con gratulationlfthisbtgoly useful American Enterprise shall have the effect of driving out of market the t hou ',sods of trashy foreign articles miacalled time keep ers, by fri'rn 'sang so excellent and economical a snbatl , tate Y. Timer. • We have had one of the works of this company in case for some considerable d comparing them with former first class works of difforent manufacture possessed by us, they have established in our opinion their superiority over env ever introduced for correct ness as time pieces."—The florid. •• We notice with regret (writing of the Paris Expo sition) the absence of specimens of American manu facture, which, nit/)112h corn paratilly only of remit birth mooning. is.eiready product It:results of the most satisfactory character. The watches mnuntacturcd by the Waltham Company are certainly, so far as strength durnbilit. and excellence as time koppers are coneern• ed, as good-as anything produced by the French or Swiss mannfactnres."—N. Y. Herald The beauty, the precision. the greater cheapness, the uniform excel lence of a wet ch constlucted he ma chinery PO exquisite thnt the mere spectscie of its op eration is poetic, gradually give the American Watches a public preference which will not be decoived."—Hor pars Week's,. EVERY WATCH FULLY WARRANTED For Sale by all First-Class Dealers in tho United ROBBINS & APPLETON, 182 Broadway, New-York. feb Mal For the Democrat. ASSIGNEE TN BANKRUPTCY In the, District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania : In the matter of l In IL S. Searle, a bankrupt. Bankruptcy To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment asassignee of H. S. Searle. of the borough of Moutrofe.in the county of tiusquehanna, and ru tsof Pennsylvania. tv!tilin said Dis.rict, who ban been ad• Judged a bankrupt upon his °mu petition. by the Dia tries Court of said District. Dated Jau.23d, 1 86S . OtO. P. LITTLE, Assignee. Idontrose, Peb.II,ISGS.-3tso ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the Baited States for the Western District of Pennsylvania : en the matter of lln L. Vought, a bankrupt. Bankrupcy. To whom it ',nay concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint meet at. aastenes of A.L.Vouulit,of A ahem. in the co. of Suesquellann.t. and State of Pennsylvania. within,-aid District who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his otvosietition by the District Court of tutid District. (1130. P, LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose, Peb. 11, 1848.-3 w N OTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. TIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the 3d day of February. 18foka warrant in bankruptcy was leaned against the estate of JA3IES W. CA Hid= or Dimoek; Susquehanna county. Penn eylvanin. who has been adiutiat d a bankrupt. on hie own petition ; that the pit% meat of any debts and de liyery of any property bi Lim are forbidden by law ; ;Basta meeting, of the creditors of the Fold bankrapt. to pima their debt., and to choose one or mnre Debi:zones of bleestate, will h.,. held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at No. 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.. before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the 6th day of March,lB6B., at-fen o'clock, A. M. TiIOSIAS A. BOWLEY. !11. S. Marshal. as messenger. Western District of Pennsylvania. treb. 11-40, NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice, that nn the 4th clay of Feb. A. D: 18rS, a warrntit,in Bankruptcy wee lesned against the estate of liewton A. Lane of Montrose, tinsonehanna Co. Pennsylvania. who has been adjudg• ed a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of and debt and delivery! of any properly belonging to such Bankrupt. whim or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more assignees of his estate.• will be held: atn Gourt of Bankruptcy, to he held at lito. sO3 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn sylvania. before Edward N, Willard, Register, on the 91.htlay ofMarch.-.lsoB,at 10 o'clock. a. in. THOS. A. RUWLET. D. S. Marshal, as Messenger. Western. District of Penn'a. Feb. 11-4 r BANKRUPT'S ASSIGN +'E. In the district Court of the United States for the Western district of Pennsylvania: . In the matter of }ln Dankrep'ey. John Faurot a Bankrapt. TO ALL WIIOII IT NAT 00170/717 . : . Ti'eundersigUedgives notini3 of hie appointment as assignee ofJohn Fount of New - Afilford lathe County of Susquehanna, State of Pennsylvania'. within said district. Who has been adjudged c. bank'upt npon hie Own petition in the district Court of said district. Da ted Dee-12th 1857. 4. 11. Mc COLLIIIf. Montrose, Feb. 7,1608. Assignee. TllEnnderefgned baying been appointed an auditor by the Orphan's` Court of Susquehanna County. to audit the adatln'stration account of Ann 'Ramey. ad mfnlstratrizadotn Denney. deceased, on exceptions' died to said se/ alit. will hear the parties interested at the once of Fraser & Case, In Montrose on Saturday, the 11th day of March next at one o'clock in the after noon. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. Febynary 10,1868—t yr , . A PEL• TURRELL. Draggifit, Mont rosoAss sa AIMANAti . for nee. for tvary is 3 rid near rbsacourtfrm PIPIN Cal a' Agilla to. • ' c~a~'~"' mbllt4l..T3met. ziou averliinicuts States and British Provinces For farther information address the Agents, Auditor's Notice• 74, ' the tti ipliansteaurtot fillsquebaptuatnnipty. t4d putt. the:land-1n the Willi 0 die adminiatmar ores fa tat* 01 Solablett Wllifadra''deceisid; hereby etre notigeth a t he will attazata tkedutletot bit appUlatiaeuri at bilk °Mee la Mautroati sa Saturday the 11th day a - march next at 10 o'Cirltk - AL ILT'vrtiete - itlrporiona having any claim upon paid eatatao Will .present the eamo. 4 ar , lareverparred. J. E. 041141(.4.1.1 4 . : Auditor: . • ritzHevitioe. T4r`llrta''of llait leyJi - Follet . Will tie disioleittiiibte 'brat day of March beat •by limitation. 'ride boil"; hem will be ebtitltiaed by the etibattiber. etridtly:lor It sax PAZ, on sad after that date. " The eob.ertberfeeling grated for,theliberal Wittott-i 'age tu the past., would. respectiblly tolicAt a eontittiu -31103 of the pane; knowiee that he tea make it forthe Interest of all tq ilo eq,by telling goods theaptellat : hilb la peerage do under A, credit syettin. TILW.LII - 7 Now Milfor . il,"!'eb.'4th 1563,-4w . Q. E: PICKETT, t 7 , • ad. 4101.1.041.451154901`. • .1 All Calla promptly attended to. Cheraw tow, Ad dress, Auburn 4 Vornera, SurtiO co. Pa. lteb.4tf Farm for. Sa le; subscriber offers for rale his Fern Blinated In JL Silver Lake township, 2 fillies from the 'Snake Creek road, uric tulle east or Shad Lake, and. II miles from BmgliaMlim, containing about, 94 acrei49 acres Improeet, with new dwelling boos% barns Slid out buthlinga. Thie farm ie well watered, 'well tiMbered, and nutter a good - state of , cultivation. Fur terms apply to the subscriber on the premist!it:. • .7 JOLLII-J..bIUttFLIY„ ' Sliver Lake, Feb. 4; 1864.6;L1M MICIPTIPTCO TnE greatest eure for rheumalltun, lantencali , mitt. lacies t ie.,' the Gre4t Knglish-sweeny ,fpeelflt Lin t Ment. (tend on %, rappers r but it btu dune In Busqlu counts. It tratectired iNclarao and Antlitt edinlanddinte ly. Don't full to try it. ('rice, 6b cts.per bottle: Sold' by Abel Tturell, Burns ee. I iehola, and all storekeeptle or drugtkts. If it does not give '4811,411(110u, returb the bottle belt full and your money will be re tunded. D. G. 0 AREY & CO., • Middletown. N. T. Fck• 1. 18G8 To Horsemen. Don't let your Donee go lame, Fore or anieeted ; go to the store and hay Carey'a Great lingllsh Sweeney Lint ment,as It never tale to g.ive eatisfaction. 1). G. CAREY CO., Middletown, N. Y. Feb. 1, 1838 Auditor's Notice, rIFIIIE undersigned. an nnditor appointed by the Donn of Oommon Pleas of hump', hanna County to distri bute the fund in thehauds of J.C. Niorgan, assignee of A. T. Thu in, will atteud to the duties of his air polutmeut at his °nice in alcntrose, on Tuesday the ad day March, BuS. at one o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons aro required to present their claims or be debarred from coming in on said fund. W. D. LUSK, Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 4, ISCei. 11 -1 4 STATE OF JOHN - HUDSON, late of Nlontrose. Suscea county, Pa., deed. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named d••cedent having been ?mutt d tothe undersign ed, all persons indebted to said ertate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment. and those having claims astd!tptt the saute to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. JAS. E. CARMALT, Ex r. Montrose, Feb. 4th. 1369. BANKRUPT'S 'ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania.. _ In the matter of L. W. WELCH, a bankrupt. ihnkr " teY * To 17lam it may Concern: Thy undersigned hereby gives notice of hie appoint ment as Assignee of L. W. Welch. of Bridgewater township, in the • Gouty of Sustuchanna and State of Pennsylvania, within said district. who has been ad odgedu bankrupt upon hie own i)etition.by the District Court of said District. Dated Nov. 4th, 11367. • CEO. P. LITTLE, Assigned. Montrose, Feb. 4,1563.-3 w Noti<oe. MBE School Directors of Dimoek township on the 1 27th day of Noy.-18t1?. gave an order for $l5O, with interest, due In one 'car from date, payable to Scrib ner & Co , New Nora, or their agents, N.Vachob 6 Mc- Dowell. Pittston. Pa,, In payaieut for School Appara tus. to be delivered by the paid Scribner Co. or their agents. A I persons will take notice that the order for said Apparatus I. hereby reveled. the parties failing to deliver the articles as per agreement, and that the payment f said order has been stopped. By order of the Board. F. li. BUNNELL, Sec's. C. S. GATES, Pres't. Dimuck, Jan. :,186 . 8. 3w* Dissolution. TIM cO-Vtrtnerehlp .heretofore existing between the andereiv,..ed under the firm name of Crane & Leebody, ie (hie day dioeul red by mutual colleen% Mr. Leebody AV/ continue the bto.ltie-e, and he le author ized to nettle. Ahe-aceotinte of the late firm. The Out slandingutounts mart be settled immediately WM. M. CRANE, Elk Lake, Jan. 22, 152.2 -2213 0 JOHN LEEBODY. BANKRUPTS ASSIGNEE. In the District Conrt of the 'United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania : In the matter of AThert Post, a bankrupt. ( In Ilankreptey. To Wuon IT Mat CONCEUN : The undersi,, ,, ned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as assignee of Albert L. Poet, of Montrose. In the County of Susquehanna and State of PennaPra nia. within said diAriet. - who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated November 12. A. 1867. GEORGE P. LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose. Jan. 28. 18.68.-3 w vsTATg. OF MICHAEL DOYLE, .decensecl',lnte. of doconnt township, Sump° hanna county, Pa. Lettere testamentary. upon the estate of the shove named decedent having been granted to the audersig,n ed. all persons Indebted to saki estate are hereby noel- fled to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the FOMC to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. CATTIAMICE DOYLE, Elx. JAME, DOYLE, Eer. Choeonnt, Jan. 7, 1868.• VSTATE OF WM. SMITH, late of JcsPup, Fusqnchanna county, Pa., deed. Letters of administrntion upon the estate of the nbove named decedent hiving been vanted to the un dersigned. notice If hereby gtven to all persons indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment. and those tutving claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOlll7 SMITIL Adm'r. Jessup, Tan. 7, 11X8. 17 4. STATE OF ALMANSON NYE, late of Jackson, Stieq'a county. Pa. dcc'd. Letters of *dad nletration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign cd: all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment. and those haring claims ugatnltt the same to presont them duly authenti cated for settlement. Jackson, Jan. 21.13G3.-6w• SHERIFF'S SALES. "Es Y virtue of certain write issued by the Court of „Ullll Common Picas of Susquehanna County. and to me direct.d. I will expose to sale by public venduc. at the Court-bourn in Montrose. on Friday, Feb. 21st. 18 68 . at 1 ti'elock:P. M., the 'following described pieced or parcels of land, to wit : All that certain piece orparcel of land. situate lying and being lu the borough of New Milford.,Snsunehan. na county, Penn'a. - bounrled on the north by lane% of 111 re, Richard Morse, on the east by the old Great Bend and Chasheeton turnpike road, on the swath by land of horses Barnes. and on the west by land of Jolla Hay den— containing abont thirty perches of land. more or less, and having thereon one framed dwelling-house. Milken in execution at the suit of E. C. Baker. assign • erto L. A. hinith, va. A. L. Voaght and L, L. Vong,ht. —ALSO.- The following describe_ piece or parcel of land situ ate in the township of Harford. Snalplebanne County. Pennsylvania. bounded as follows, to wit : On the north and east by lands of Usury Drinker. south and west bylands of Daring Tingley, containing abont 69 acres of land, be the same more or less, and abont flits acres improccd.one house, one barn and gird attache d. one.orchard. nod being the premiles formerly occupied by William Gow. [Taken in execution at the suit of Vaatgagolso ?O. W. R Cobb. 8.7. Tani ebiliff. Oda% Matra" Am. * Oft: Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Sus. '4lruehanna - County, for ltin. 7 tit ade andiniiirtiainitniiiince of 'Act of bly of t& *tbotiiinu, -. A.V. 18344 BATiAIICE . Or INYMBOTORB I BCCOUNTI3.4BB7. 4. ' Townebips.- - D,apitta't paid. Per ei. adons. _..„ .„„„,„_ Anbur0...„..,..., 14,5.34.63 61,431.49 $75.351 $27.64 Apoiticon.,4 ...... 470.70 447.17 23.531 I Ararat .. . . ..... - ~. ;122.09 801,49 • , 15.57 4.73 8r00k1yn....,..... 1,188.72 1,196. W. 59.27 8.23 b idgewater,::.. , 2,623.16 2;385.32 125,54 27.89 thoeorint. .. 4' . 4.4'.. 638.21 ' 601.29 - 31.65 627 elltrinlE;•;-.;” ' 1,16922 ' 1 . 078.66 50.87 84.50 Dloock ..' ' 1.406.153. 1,132.64 '7914 8.76 Bandair. . .... 248.47 930 11 12.11 423 Poreit Luke 1.275. 1,202.42 63.29 9Es Fran51a....,...: 775.61 731.68 1 88.66 2.37 1 , 14ad5vi110....,.. 251 237.01 , 12.47 1.74 etbsbn - -,. 1,340. 1,253 44 65.97 21.27 i are Bend'. 4wp4 1,1512.65, 1.396.117 67.77 1 /N 4.90 Great Bend hour. 607.751 471.89 94.84 11.02 Barroy4 1,210.82 1.209.64 68.87 8.51 1 HannOUY 852 02 787.88 41.99 14.20 _limner ... ... - 71512 671.4. 133.41 9.85 Jaeln3oll . 1,151.36 1,069.51 65.76 9.09 Seesup.;.,.. ..... 821.18 770.94 40 68 9.66 Lathrop. 604.01 - 62345 31.81 7,76 Letitia.. 1,0.11.29 981.63 61.6 6 800 Liberty ll 818.66 785.99 40 85 zigi Little eadows. 144 89 • 137.17 7 ...W lifiddietown 834,16 789.60 4 1 51 839 Montrose 1.551.86' 1.461.32 76.91 13.63 New Milford twp 1,744.29 1,647.72 86.71 4.36 cier.3l.llfurd bor. ___316.06._ _360_2118.90 5.69 nekland 459.56 412.12 -72112 WM Raft' 1,073.61 1,008 42 53 14 12 9 5 bilver Lakel 851.74 805.31 42.473 35 7 Sprlnvllle 1,1011.24 1,097.99 64.10 .24, 15 Surq'a Depot-1 83199 WI 80 49.21., 2 0 .99 Th omson ... •.• . 524.78 491.231 95.81 '7.9 1 ----- 1 - --- $0.718.63 51,664.18, $.579.59 • RECAPITULATION., Total a tiv't orDnpllcates, • - $31,65.45 • paid by collectors, $29.718.68 • esses .to collectors, 811.59 . •, .pact. to do . 1,5a4.18,------$31,055.45 LIST OF co Auburn, J. 3.: Manning Apalacon, ' S. Rice Ararat, J. A. Today Brooklyn; A. Titaworlb Bridgewater, 11. J. Kent Ctioconnt, M. iv array Clidlird; • -B. S. Lewli Blalock, W. Babcock Dantiatr,• W. H. Slocum Forcer-Lake, - W. 43..-timall- Franklin. J. if. Makin Friendatille, 51: Marinari Gibson, Great Bend tp%W.S.Barnes Great Bend be., r ..E, Gill Buford, C; U. Miler Ilarm'any, D . Tailor Expenses of Susquehanna County for 1867. [Dm To Commonwealth costs, /toad Viewers, Road Damage, - • 1). Wakelee, late Commissioner J. T. Ellis, co 11. M. Gage, do • • batuael Sherer do Constables, - • • A snessurA, ("rand and Traverse Jurors, • Court house add .lall—Fuel and 1.1,,ht5, Court house, - . . r. Lane, sheriff, S. F. Lane sheriff and Jailer, • L 0. Isbell, Town Clock, Stationery, - - • • 0. B. Eldred, Prothonotary and Clerk, Priuting, • - Old Jail, Justices of the Pence, - • W. A. Cro.suson, Commissioners' Clerk, Internal Revenue Stamps, - - l'ownship and Ueneral facetious, • S. Croasmon, Court Crier, St ro ad tt, Brown, Insurance, • S. 11. Canfield. Wyalusing bridge, balance due, WM-Tingley, Ilopbottoro bridge, built in 1800. James Rorke, :garner* bridge. • , - S. 11. Canfield., Meshoppen bridge. advancement on contract, • - - - 177.00 State Lunatic Hospital, - • • Bonnty Bond, No. redeemed, • • 678,61 D. Summers, Cato Sheriff, - • 89.53 Unseated lands, - • • • 25.00 H. J. Webb, et al. Postage, • • 11.58 Wild Cat Bounties, - • • • 2,25 Eastern Penitentiary, - - 528" J. F. Deans, L.ll. Turrelll, Eli Barnes, auditors, 22,50 Treasurer's percentage, - • • 1,689,91 Three refunding order', • - 12,99 Jail orders redeemed, Nos. I to 150, inelasive, 20.296,19 By Po. orders redeem`d, No.l to 626,inc1u5ire,517.10.07 Treasurer's per centsge, - • • . 1,689,91 Three Refunding orders, • - • 1i.98 Paid County Auditors, - - - 4450 Jail Orders redeemed ,No. 1 to 150, inclusive. 20.296,14 • rarest Apelacon Bridgewater 8r00k1yn........ ...... Choco , •ut... ..... Dimoek Dundaff Fornit ranklin . Frlendsvillo Gibson " Great Bend twp.l Great Bend boro. liarford Harmony Herrick Jackson Jessup Lathrop Lenox Liberty_ .. Little Meadows.. Middletown Montrose. New Milford twp New Milford but. Oakland Rosh Silver Lake Springville Snsq'a Depot.... Th0m50n........ RECAPITULATION. Total etn't of Duplicates. - •• paid by collectors, $ l , " exoneratlous to collectors, " percentage to do Balance of Collectors' Acc'ts for Dog Taxes-1867. Amount lExone • Townsbipa. Dap -I Boatel • - paid. ...rations. Per Ct. Apolncon $20.001 $19.7j $l,OO Ararat 14.60 10.01 4.00 49 Ashurn 63.50 64., 6.50 2.70 Bridgewater 67.00 1 60,28 azo 3,2.2 Brooklyn 63.00 48.45 2,00 2,55 Clifford 60 00 52.25 5,00 • 2.75 Choconat 37.00 29.93 6.60 1,67 Ditnoek 48.50 43.701 2.50 2.30 Dundaff 10.50. 13., 2,03 72 Forest Lake 4..50 42.75 3.50 2,25 Franklin 23.50 M.. 3,00 1.52 FriendsYilic 7.50 6.65 60 35 Gibson 63.00 57.95 2.00 Great Band twp. 33 50 0,93, 2,00 1 Great Bend born. 13.00 10,88 1,50 1 61 Ilarford 43.00 40.85 2,16 Harmony.. 18.50 16.72 2,00 - • 78 Herrick 33,50 28.08 3.00 1,66 Jack50n........ 42,60 . _17.05 • 8.60 1,95 Jcsatip 2 3 .0 0 •22.60 4.00, I.k) Lathrop 14.00 11.4 2 1,501 52 Lenox. 65.00 61 .75 3,2 k Liberty 30.00 17840 - 1,60 Little Meadows. 4,00 9.80 1,00 . 20 Middletown 65.00- 51.78 50 2,72 Montroso 26,00 14.70 . 50 - 66 New Milford tap 64.50 67,48 4.00 8,02 ' NeWMilford ber. • 8.50 7.60 50 40 Oakland - - 11.54 0,03 2.00 47 Rnsb .. _........ 57,60 49, 5,60 2.60 Silver Like 60.5 01 • 47.03 1.02 2,47 Springville 44.60 - 81.43 8,00 2,07 Saves Depot.... 40.60 88, 6.00 8,02 Moat eon ........ 20,50 18.63 8, 00 B'7 . —4......--... $2,232,50 $1,090,78 682,50. 1557.27 L. GRIFFIS, Adm.r, RECAPITULATION Totil us% of DupMain. • paid by collectofo. $ " ogoOorlitiMl tocallecters, " Pgre. 6oll 4 ll to do $3t,655.45' tLECTORS Herrick, C. A. Coleman 'Jackson, E.sl.Prench ,Jeeenp, A. Sherman ' Lathrop, B. B. Wood Lenox. M. W. Rood ;Liberty, L. E. Stanford , Litt. Meadows, A. Williams , Maddletown, Sam'l Dodge Montrote. F. B. Chandler N. Milford tp, J. Walworth ,N. Milford,. bo. O. D. Foot ,Oaelaud, S. ILEastabrooka Rnab, Cbaa. Carter , Sliver Lake, T ELGage ,Springville, A.P.Brown • Sustea Dep., S B. Lovelace ,Thomson, L, O. Tinal Contra, Balance of State Tazcs, for 1867 Amount paid Dnplicate To wnsb Vie MEI $1,567,39 'Bl2l,llltifdDlle - - VAL Thrihtei.Th.Scrolttfr q ° l o' s - 2 T s .' e L sam . 50 To amount of Ihnillanes rot 1/367 ' • To amount In Trelouretictlnulo as VT aliS Auditor's ifspott: , - .. •. - -' $154,45 '.. corm. 1 (c&. fly esonerstions to collectors. . S ,r , , GO Patentige to , , do OM • Orders redeemed,No. Ito 55,1nc1. 1,1r3i15 Treasurer's commission unreels. $1,090,73 at 2ht perct. ri...13 Treasurer's"commitplon on orders. $1.013.15. At 2X per cent. 26 : 83 ain't to Treas. hands to balance. V 5,4-11.141.4 g inlantrar of 8141 41 d t i litr d C ag y ar izkiaet Curi a! To am't in Treas. hands as per Nat And. rep. 3,621.93 loan from W. IL Cooper & Co. 0,001400 additional taxes from collector .of Now . Milford borough, 9.07 am't reed on State tax daplimte taw. 159,00 am't reeeirtdfrom Wool ox•yoke. 1.60 anal reed from salts of old stores, ' 10.00 am't rec'd from additional taxes, 2,12 ain't received from returned land tazest 1,13 ain't rec'd from S. F. Lane, "heti/Mary temllB,9o amount of duplicates for 1861, $81.888,40 $0,390,81 Ca. By am't plaid County Aneters.- _, 11 "4° am't of eionerstions tticollettoll. IS 1112 . 6 ° em't percentage to do 164,18-I,i •9 three refunding orders. 123 . County U, dere redeemed, NO. 1 tO 4`!Q,17. 129 . 07 3all Orders redeemed, No. 1 to isd. 20,03.19 Treasureed commission on receipts, $30,132 80, VaLB,4O Tread. commission on expenditures, $87.460.67 930,01-1.039,91 am't lu Treas. bands to balance, 4,303,02 Treasurer's Dame, Montrose, Dec. 91 , 1861 . j c . 13. DODGE, Tress Treasurer in &et with Commonwealth of Penaga. 1887. Dr. To aggregate am't ofState taxes levied and as• sessedifor the use of tho Commonwealth of Penn'a for the year 1867, as per statement 01 County Corn re; flied with said Treasurer, $1.507,99 To am't of State taxes levied and assessed on National Bank Stock, as per certiLcate of Auditor General. 103,80 1867. Contra, By five per cent. allowed collectors , ans't otczoneratlons to do per cent. allowed to collectors on Bank stock, flee per cent... - . 5,19 Treas. per ct, on $1,429.54 at 1 per cent...... 14,28 Treas. per cent, on pB.nl, all .... 99 amount in Treasurer's hands 1 51149 1867. St atement-cit - ,:...." 2 4 frs-Ace't. Dr. To set of Jury Fees tii,pe rtifleate of the Clerk of the Conn of quarter Sessions 540.00 1887. - Contra,_ Cr. By ='t paid Tress': and charged in his nee't....533,80 By 3 per cent. retained for collecting... 1,20 $1,086,11 435,00 .000,00 937.50 410,00 879,00 45,00 850.82 .234,50 031,08 230.55 975.63 44740 1,011163 25,00' 441.73 3/9.51 437.25 114. 19,45 800.00 65,75 762,28 100.00 117.75 65.00 530,00 44540 SherlB'B - 081Ce; Montrose, Dec. 81;'_1897.-.S. F. LANE. sheriff. Statement of Snaquebanna County Treas ury, Jan. Ist, 1868. Available Funds in Treasury $4,603.02 Uncnrrent mon - Cy of previous years 600,00 Available Notes to Treasury ' 739,50 Stveral meta of Notes, Donde, Judgments, ac. -- as per last Auditors' Report 600,00 We certTly the above to tie a correct statement. J. T. ELMS, i B. 31. GAGE. County.Com'rs. BAWL SIMMER, Attest—W A. Cnossatoa, Com'rs Cler . Confra 01/Ice, Alontrote, Jan. 10,1861 Susquebanon County, as. We, the undersigned, Auditors in and for the Conn. ty of Susquehanna, met in pursuance talons duties, at the Court House in Montrose. Jan. oth. A. D. 1868. and did audit.. adjust and Bettie the several accounts of the Commissioners and Treasurer of said County, all of which we found to be correct. ... We find in the hands of Charles B. Dodge, Treasurer of said county— Of County Funds $4,508 01 Of Dog Tax Funds I.s 45 Of State Tax Funds 1,511 01 L. K. TURRELL, Eli BARNES. County Auditors F.B.CDANDLER, Auditors' BMus, Montrose, Jan. 7,1130. X 1,150,58 Cr. Courts of Appeal. THE Commissioners have axed upon the following days and places for bearing Appeals from the As sessors (triennial) assessment of ISed, to wit: Auburn, at the house of Elijah Adams, Tuesday Feb. 11th. Dimock, at the honso of John Foster, Wednesday Feb. 12th Springville, at the house of Dr. Brash, Thursday Feb. 13th. Brooklyn, at the house of J. 0. Bullard, Friday Feb. 14th. Lathrop, at the house of D. Wilmarth, Saturday,Feb. 15th. Lenox. at the house of V. Cafferty, Monday Feb. Clifford and Dandaff, at Clifford Corners llotel, Tues day Feb. 18th. Herrick, at the house of G. W. Potter, .Wednesday Feb.49th. - Gibson, at the house of James Miller, TbursdaYFeb. 20th. llarford. at the house of Wm. Gow. Monday Feb. 24th. New Slitter% and boro, at Phinney's Hotel, Tuesday Feb. 25th. - Jackson and Ararat, at Joseph Garry's hotel, Wed nesday Feb. 26th. Stoopehanna Depotand Thomson, at Enos Blossom's hotel, Thursday Feb. fath. Oakland and Harmony, at Enos Blossom's hotel, Fri day Feb. 28th. tit. Bend and bete. at Barnum's hotel, Saturday Feb. 29th. Bridgewater, at the Commissioners' office Montrose, Monday March 2d. Montrose. at the Commissioners' office, Tuesday March 3d. /°•,-* Jessup, at the ComMistioncrs' office, Wednesday March 4th. Forest Lake, at the Commissioners' office, Thursday March sth. $39 150 58 4.34 1.01 4.29 2,08 1.11 53 1 2.58 4,21 2,16 1.47 2.64 1,27 75. 2,601 6.70 The Commissioners wish it distinctly understood that ihey rill close their appeals in each town nt pre cisely 3 o Clock p. m., in order to give them sufficient time to reach theft next appointment the same evening. All persona having business with the Commissioners will please govern themselves accordingly. lty order of the Commissioners. , W. A. CROSSMONOCom - I's Clerk. Comm'rs Office, Montrose, 1. Jan. 121, 1863. $84,31 $74,4 81,587.39 28.64 64.31. 74,4 1--$1 ,567 PAH FOR 9A11! nnnE subscriber offers for sale his farm containing about ninety acres, about twenty acres is fine tim ber land. the balance well fenced, (mostly wall,) and under a good -tate of cultivation ; good buildings, &c. Situated partly in the township of Bridgewater, and partly In the borough of tfontroie, on the old Chenan• go turnpike, known formerly as the Sanfl Warner farm. Ten or twelve acres lie on the line of a new road about to be opened, from which there is a splen did view of :),foutroso, a .dcatt readily be sold for build ing lots. Any one wishing to locate near the county seat cannot find a more desirable situation. A portion of the purchase money can remain on the place for a term of years. For further particulars call upon or correspond with the subscriber, at Montrose, Susquehanna county, Paß U. B BAS I 3lontrose., Dee.'l7, 1867.--3 m 1,57 The Montrose Democrat is ?traLtsurrkrinsnt TozanAT dion.wriO. AT MATnosz STIZQUELIAtiNA Covm. PA.. BY ads— 4t3pß 'EL gr es co iv, AT $2 Pen ANNUM IN ADVANCE-0B $23( AT END Or TEAR Basiness advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines. three timos,and Wide for enchadditional week. Yearly advertisers, With listed changes. charged $lO for four squares, (twin& column $l5, - half column $3O. onecolnmn $6O. and other amounts in exact proportion. Business cards of area flues, $3; or one dollar a lino. per=ral notices at the Customary rites ,— about 50 tin addition to business rates. Job Printing} exenated neatly and promptly at fate prices,. , lasedst Wortgarzos , gam Justices'. Constablce Scbool sac otherbtankafaimee. ..2".cprven u ," sl=llo tt,1P*41;1113,0 colgrim AUDITORS' REPORT. • .... . _ wogr a t,lgliza s zroralreetkmill° l —he mt. ligaladritt. , Comprising a largo triaOrtareht of NEW Dry Goats, Groceries, Crockery, ilardwore, Shies, Iron, -Medicines, Paintei! Oils; Boots okShoes,*all Paper; trine • • dow Shades, Hold and CdPi kofdlo liotee, Laite' and GOV Furs, Balmoral and Hupp Skirls, 4E4 4it.i and combined, forming the most compl ete op - portal:rig for selecting to every department of b trade, and be sold at The . LoWest Market Prices. New Milford, Der, 17, 1867. MAD CREEK M-I,,LLS, ivcrvcp il.f rd, .12 4 4%., N. MOORE, Proprietor. era In folapiratlon at . last. Mr. Moore won Id ear to tho goad people of Susquehanna county that Ito bas fitted op his Mill at a heavy expense, vilth ell the modern fraprovements In Bolts and Machinery, and is confident ha aus ao al good work as the beat. We have ono of the improved Sliver Crieh Smut & Separating DiachineSe said to bo e beet machino of the day. ere b l ip. l a i d the heilitiachlue for cleaning llackwb, art th• co tot?. The serelceeof Mr. JOHN li. IMP/CM, ea et .erl =cod miller, have been secured and be will lineal t 0 all oalls. New Milford, Nor. 19, 111(7f.—tf $45,p0,87 FOUND, TNMontrose. between tho Store of I.W. Bollard imd wooden end of Brick Block, at that little oho horse _Boot/aid Shoo Btoro, a new and elegant assortment of -13CHCitig $1,071,19 Cr. ...$74,44 ... 04.al For fall and winter, Conaisflag of Men's. thick and fine Boots, Boy's Boots, and a good assortment of Shoes, con sisting of Ladies' Kid : Goal, and Lasting Balmoral:, Misses', Children's and Baby's Shoes..tc. Also, wort made to order, and 316pairIng done on short notice. Oct. 29, 1607.—ti C. 0. FORDLIAM. • $1.611.19 313.4901:7333EL ella GREAT PIANO FORTE And Melodeon Emporium, 650 Broadway, Now Yak, and 06 Washington Ilto Chicago, Crosby Opera House, Wholesale Agents for the United States for Wm. Knobs & Co's Celehiotad Gold Medol Woin,is.c.fcortedt. Also, Agents for A. H. GA LE et CO., nuil other lest. class Pianos: W. tare the largest will best °started stack of norm which; for Power and Sweetness of Tone, Riley and Agreeable Touch. end Beauty of Ffnish , , have, byjudses. been pronounced unrivalled. Whole—ale Agents for Carhart,Therm 4¢ Co's Caw brated Harmoniums, Melodeons and Organs. Manufacturers and Importers of Musical Instruments, and all kinds of Musical Alcrch4ndi.le. or Remember The place, I. BA UER 'CO., Cto Broadway, New Cork, gird 69 Washington St.,ehleagti. 6 6 T'lae .A.ge." A DEMOCRATIC IN PI DILAY ANDVIP 'MEW ;ODRA NAL LLIADRIA. --1 The attention of the Deracienttie and Cotservative citizens of the -country is called to the Daily and Weer ly Issues of thin widely circulated journal. The die intalnation of strand political doctrines should !crib. mend the earnest attention of every true friend 01 the Union and the Constitution. The events of the past politicallyear are full of significance* The uprising of The People in opposition to the destructive policy of Radicaliem, clearly shows that the masses are deter mined to restore again to power the great Democratic party, every page of whose history is ailed with the glory and prosperity of our common country. No mom effectual method for presenting the Tr tb can be devised, than in circulatine Democraticjournals. It is the intention of the Proprietors of The Age to make it. In every way, worthy of the support and cm/Melted that have heretofore been extended to it. Improve.. meats are contemplated in every departmett.nna td pains or expense will be spared to keep it in the front rank of American Journalism. The Daily Age contains the latest Intelligence from allparts of the world, with at tieles on Government, Politico, Tnule. Finance, and all the current questions of the day: Local Intelligence. Market Reports. Prices Current. Stock Quatlous, Marine and Commercial In. telligence. Reports of Public Gatherings. Forelan and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports. Mot: Noti ces. Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Music. Agneultural Matters, and diecussictis of whatever subjects are of general interest and Impor tance. keeides Special Telegrame, it has all the at f hesoft t Aset3tetPrssfr every rt of the lutedSaianralsoteLsoced/s; disp atches receivedby the Atlantic Cable; and the news from alt parts of Europe Mought by the steamers. Is Instantly telegraphed from zvkateVer point 41m..steamers first Una. -The.Weekly Age will be a complete compendium of the news of the week. and besides the , leading editori rls from the Daily, will contain n large ainotint of interJ mated matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be in all respects a first class flintily Journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Fatmer. the Merchant, the Mechanic, the Family Circle. and the Gerimal Reader, having, in in fact, every characteris tic of a live newepaper. At an early day will be begun an intensely interesting serial, by one of the most pop , niar and fact net ing anthers, and it is also the intentlnd to publish, from week to week. In the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest 'Swells. Trans or lin nan.v.-000 copy, one year, OA; six months. $4 50; throe months. $2.59; for arty I P4l period. at the rate of one dollar per month. Payment required invariably In aevance. Postage on the Daily. thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid id the niliee of &livery. Trans OF THE Writxt.v,—Onecopy, one year. $2; five' copies, one year, $0; ten copies, ono year,/17,50; twen ty copies, one year, $33. The Publishers, desirons of extending the Influence of their weekly Issue. hnve determined to Make such re- duction in its yrice as will place it within the reach of every UM in the country. Therefore, t meet the means of nil classes, from and after.Tann trry I.lF4B,ith. Weekly Age will be furnished to clubs at the following extraordinary rates: One ilundred copies, one fa:firm , . $lOO.OO And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—ad• &Honed copins nt the mime price. Seventy five copies, one 3 ear. one address. $84.00 And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—,o& iiitional. copies at the sam price. Fifty copies, ona year. one address. $62,50 And one copy exire of the :ratter up of the dab—Wadi- Clonal copies at the same price, Fortycopies, one year. one address, , $12.0$ And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—ad: ditionni copies at the same price. , Thirty copies, one year. one address. $42.00. And nue copy extra to the getter up of the club—,ittdt , t tonal copies at the same price. Twenty copies, one year. one nddresa, $BO.OO And one copy extra to the getter np of the eltlb-44• ditional copies at the same prise. ' Ten copies, one year. one address, 616.50 And one copy extra to the getter up of the e1ub—.4441 4 ' tional copies at the LIM price. Fire copies, ore year one address. ' ' 58.50 These prices, which are cash invariably fa advance; apply only to yearly subscribers, and tba papers must, in every case withont exception, be sent !b one address: Pr' The above term trill be rigidly adheiedtet. prang on Philadelphia. or Poet office Orders, pelablat lo theorder of tho Pntdiehera; Seng safer. ere prefera ble to any other mode of remittance. en , who eerie marreyby ExprerP, mint preirs.-E:preirecharcee.,epe. eimen copies of the Deity at u gent gratis, en applieation at this dace. Adirtrtlttrueree Inserted at moderate rates. Address WELSH A ROM 4SO Chestnut Street Pbtladelphill aeLlaLottazi. Tlitenbseriber will sell et ;mane sale- on-flatirt Fob. 15.1868, atone?. th e following re of tato, to wit z One Tavern Plana situate at itbnin 4 COrnsts.tood bnildines, and about 2 acres of to d; OW. tt.. VW* of about firl tierce, Meetly improved, gtoott ballAinit4 well watered, S yonng and thrifty Orchards; tibiae. is Dimork. Toms made known on tbedayet MUNI 4 Caftan JA. 1.1% Jose. E. V. MOOSE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers