ormow. — NES' - SUDS. .4.,N5 7.5. T • rA ntarr,l'" • . 196 , .a.im0ttc.22.0cr. 1400, Soscea Co. Pal- OrdeyNhy moll or otherwi re promptly atteuded fo .M0.14,1869'4 M. MAI INAN, • 'Er. 8. .41.1.3.aticarsecr. N. !J m 6 Fria lideville. SUOMI& Po. Pa. 31. C. SUTTON, _. Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, a yr 7 FoStf r rie RhvUl e, Pa. • - IZOGETIS Sz ELY, 17. 49. ALiaLatican.c.ergsl , my I (1* Ilrooklyn, 'Pa C. S. G I LBE T, 117. ..m.iii.oticass.o42.r.. 6(.1)7 GP Great Bond, Pa. - A. W. BERTIIOLF, A TTgENET AT T.ANC.,yontrose. Pa. Ctico in •IV wart end or Brick Bluct, over Wile:on Gere's etore. Particular:mention given to hualnee. pertain ' ing to the Orphan's Cone. [Jan. 1, 1563. GORDON 11. FRINK, IIGTOGRAPIIER. Gallery over B. IL Lynne "n_ S ore, Public Avenue, Moutrote. Pa. Jani•nr • .:LtDre. A. J. AINEV, iiltitsii^.TAl and ST:Ttra:oll, has located at Proolt dyn, Sorg. Co. Pa. Will nttend to all calla prompt Ty. "Mtide the one formerly occupied by Dr. E. L 131.tket.1,.e. [Brook:l3n, Sept. 3, 1357.—tf DR . W. W. S IT 11, DEzmsy. Roo., orer Corwth's nard ware Store. 011leo loom from 9a.m.Lc4 p. M. Montrose, July 1, 194.—tt JAMES E. CARMALT:' 4 TTORNEY AT LAW. Oaten next loViinne. [Montrose, Dec. 18, 1.868.—tf. WM. D:LUSK, TTORNEY AT L kW. Montrose. rft. Ottlee oppo .LV site the Frankltu Lotel, ticur the Court lloase. Nov, 27, ISt:lL—a ABEL TUAIRELL, 3F - ArFt ALER-in—Dru , -Patent Medicines. Cbemienla, A 1 Liquors. Paints, OLIN Atre-St oft,.. Vont Miley , . Wit, ' o : Ginet. "GroeOties, NVare," ntorWitatow ..:Paper. Static ware. Lumps, nerm.cae, machinery Traf.lee. (inns. Aram naitioa,linivca. t•pectiChio.'Brueh• 0.. FUncy . Goodsoicavelry, Nth! lt . e.T. 4 rilla. One Jar the moat numerous. • xtenalve. rind ralnahlo eoVec • floe. of floods in Saayuchanna County. rEatabltahcd in 1648.1 EMuntroEe; Pa. . , . . D.W.SEARLE, • - • • A TTOTLVEY AT LAW. ( - Mee orer the Store of A 1..1. . Lathrop. In the Brick Block., Montrose, ro. • - *ay 1, 18176. Dm W. L. RICHARDSON, TITITSICIAN St SURGEON, tenders his profe_ssion al .errices to the citizens of Montrose nod vieini tr ufliraathisrcaidenee.onthe corner east of Sayre 4: Arm.. Foundry. [June 38, 1567,-11. P. L. LOcYr4, ' DAMM.IcXen. LOON'S & HANNAH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors in finnkrnpley., nog Genural Itenl Fatale at Collecting Age,og.— Vl".a.thlo cAy Lots, liPsichowes, Farm.., and 'Coal — Land o Cro sale. LSera xi ton, June IS477—y* E. L. WEEKS CO 0 rCTEgSORS of l o N. lITN. - E a CO., Denlero In I Dry Goode, Cloitilii6 , Ladles and Ali-, es fine Shin. ....Al•co, agents lair the et : eat Ainerie-iu Tea and tkidec Coin Nair. [April, I, 'SG:. • E. L. ‘Vrns..s. - • - - C. C. Perna:. DR. E. L. GARDNER, T3TITSICIAN :Ind SURGEON, Montrose. Pa, Gives foe, , eeint Inttention to diseases of the Heart and i nntry and Seraiettl oh.ea,es. Oftiee over the Poet ()Mee. How:Ca at Se:lily's Hotel. tiept. 4. IStiti. • BALDIVIY, ALLEN, &.; McCAIN, jEA LEas In Flonr, Salt, Pork. Fish, Lard, Grain. Feed. Candles. Glover and Timothy Sect!. Also, tiroctries. -itch xw Sumirs. Nlolabtics, 163 naps, Tea and 4.. olive. 1: vetof Politic ..kvottuc. Montrose, April .7, DO CT. E. L. HANDRICK, rjrIYSICTAN S SURGEON. respectfully tendert , profes-sional services to the citizen or Friends. rifle and rid:illy. rfe - Opice Intl° °face of Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Liusford's. ilc3p GStf JOHN GROVES, c.ITTONA BCE T.kr..011, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Ctrandler'n Store. Mr - MI orders tilled promptly. In castrate style. Cut ting d.ite on short noace.,und warranted to LL WM. W. SMITH, CRINET AND CHAIR ILANUPAGITLRETA—Poo , of Main street, Montrose, Pa. 11. BIMRITT, 1) RAVER in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, hardware, iron, Stores. Drags. OUR, and Paints. Dom d Shoes, Tints and Cape. Fors, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Proyial one. c;e., New Milford, Pa. • NCI. Tr. COOPER & CO., T_, A NKEILS. Montrose, Pa. Stt CCeSAOI 4 I to Pot t,Cooper Cu. Unice, Lathrop's new Uttilding„ Tru - nplko-st. It. II UNITING coorEn DIIINICZII. A. 0. WARREN, TTORNET AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension. and Exemption elairne nttended to. febi rtirthtice Gres door below Boyd's Store, Montrose .Pa BURNS ct . 'NICHOLS, J)INLETS in Dime's, Medicines. Chemicals, Tye stud's, Paints, Oils. Varnish, Liquors, Spices. Fun er rt tele. Patent Medicines. Pei (emery and Toilet )r tato*.Pfescr:ptions carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searles Motel, Montrose. Pa A. B. Brum Sept. 11, ISC,6 Dr:. E. P. 'TINES, TrAs permanently located at Frl endfwlfle for thepnr -11. -13 oge of practicing medicine and surgery in nil its Imme es ile may be found of the Jocluson llonae. .flice I;onre from 8 a. m.. to A p. m. janldtf Priendarille. Pa., Jan. 15th, 1806. STROUD & BROWN, 'Milt' AND 'LITT 2.737.1ANC1R ACZNTS. All E business attended to promptly. on fair terms. Of fice first door north of Montrose Ilotel," west Fide of Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. Van. 1.1866. -Dr:Assam &morn, - - CLUB:LES L. IV:Ann:. C. 0. FORDIIAM, M3007' S lI9E Defiler and 31anufactnror Montrose, Pa. Shop on Main street, one door above I.N. Bol lard's. All kinds of wort' .L.ade s to order, and repairing .done neatly. iagl JOIIN SAUTTER, CTFU: LL Y announeei that he IP new pre. • hied to cat all kinds of Garments in thamm.4 -114 utbfeStyl.e. and war:silted to fit with elegance ••• • -iiihopinci...Litiamllateci.amalsonty. BOUNTY, .PENSIONS, astatl.cl. 33,tvelm. riensidersi g ned. LICENSED AGENT of the (lON% T ERNMENT. having obtained the neeeeeary forme, give petimpt attention to all .t laitns Intel:wed chatze tiniest , eneeesPitil. Cilto.lln LITTLE. Montrose, Tuna Gib. 11384. 4Tfti r itifei.meert ioargforinitisn: a•i • •.): Ca V American. CyClit&clia - . A POPULAR DIcTIONARY OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGIV - • ' • Edited by atoms Jttnat and C l ain: to A. Divits, aided by 'a numerous select corps of wtitete,•ip all branclaeg . of science. art, and literature: - Ds 16 large tolumee,Sro : donbie•culamn-pages in The leadingelaims to public censideration,which the New American _USClOptedia possesses may be 'thus briefly stated: _, - - 1. It surpasses nit other works worksi In the -fulness and ability of the articles relating to the United States. ' "2. No other work contains so many rellaule blogra pities of the leading men of this and other nations. In this respect it is fat-superior even to the more bulky lincycloptedia,Brittauica. ' "3. The .best minds in this country have been em- ployed in enriching its'pages with the latest dim. and the most recent discoveries in every branch of manu factures. mechanics. and gen .irat science. J. it is 5 . , 11 library in Itself, where every topic is treated. nud Obero information can be glean d which win enable a student. if •he. is en disposeiLto coneu it ether authorities, thus affording him an invaluable key to 'knowledge. "5. It I. neatly printed,. with readable type, on good paint, and contains s most copious hides. d. leis the only,imirk which gives any thing ap proaching correct desertOtions of cities and town. of America, or erniTaces reliaide statistics showing, the wonderful growth of all sections." Beery one that reads. stery one that mingles In foci ! sty, constantly meeting with - ntinslons to subjects on which he needs and desires further information. In retiversailtrn.'in tradv,in pref. ssional life. on the farm in the family, prietical tricot lons are continually aria lusf.:whieh Ito man, welt read or not. can always sails factOrily answer. If facilities for - reference /Irina' band ther.-are consulted, and not only Is the curiosity arid i tled.'nnd the stock of knowledge increased, but_ perhaps information is gained and ideas are snggested hat will. directly contribute to the business imam of the party coi:omen. ' A CyclOpmdli it preeminently ,lie work foronr coun try and generation. This is the age of steam, .No one has time to e.rope amo, a hundred different works for every little feet required. Net thout the certainty of at tug It at 'last. . With a C - cloptadi t, embracing every cone. ivable subject, at d h 'elm; its topics alphabet l eally arranged.. not a moment is lost. The matter in unestion lifottpd at once, digested, condensed, etrit ped of all that is irrelevant and nnnecedsary. add verified by a comparison of the best authorities. Moreover. while only men of fortune ran collect a library oomph to in all the departments of knowledge, a Cyclopmdia, worth in itself for purposes of reference at least a thousand volume.. is within-the retch of all.—the clerk, the mer chant, the professional man, the farmer, the mechanic. In a country like ours, where the humblest may he called to responsible positions requiring intelligence and general in ormation, the value of retch a work can not he over-estimated. PRICE AND STYLE OP BINDING in F - ,xtra CLith' .per voL. $5 00 In Library Leather 0 00 In Ilitif turkuy Morocco " 0 50 In 'half Rtvi.i.i, extra gilt .i 'I 50 in Pull Mor. Mitique, gilt - edges ''' - 0 00 In Full Russia , ii 0 CO The Aiinualbyclopdi;a,. Commented in 1861. ' - -- srl - rort W KS' zrow•orm • Tho eamo pricy VO In Me 'and 'unitriim with' the lion• American Cyclopmdia. runtistiO ONE yOLUME ANNUALLY. EEGISTEEING :ALL VIE imrorriwr EVENTS OF EACII TRAft -VALUABLE - AS A worm.. OF RE'FETZENCR. "It is en enterprtee of immense value to the nubile, and ought to lie in tvery library. public and private. ns an Invaluable book of refercuce."--Iflas and Argus, ARinnu, N. Y. We can confidently and conscientiously recommend , tho •Aunbal Cyt-loptedia' to all who would hare. in 'rm. ,. curate and readable hiStorc of contemporary cents elosenrhand and as a safe work of relerenee':—Ertning to indeed amnst excellent 'wort:. it is thotona and reliable. and just sne4 a irgrk (111.11% greasy needed. a faithful ehronigier of Important emit.. too numerous to he remembered. and of too much neeontrt to be lost." Clerriand—Daily Plain Dealer. _ . _ . In Extrt Clot _ In Librtry Lentho.4. In Ilalf turkey Morocco In I , nll RIIFSia, extra gill In Full 'Mot. Antkquo, gilt edges In Fall Rug,Ma Stdd Subscriptinn onlq • We arc to %rata of noon AGENiS for the abot•e work. to whom 11. trill Afford a ltsntts•,me liring in obtaining .iihscriptions. Terme made known gm application. We ;its° publish the tiltotving, by subicription, and fur a Well we want agents : &Acid* , of the American Navy during tho Ores nebellion. Id two vole. Price saes . The Military and Naval History of the Rebellion. 1754, :,Price Tho Comprehensive Bintionsoyof the Bible. Neu . publit.biec 21..N06., of which eta are ready. Tr.ce vJ cede • Ancient Riatcry. Ia :3 v 01.5. Price $3 50 each. The History of-the Baited 6tttes of America. In vol. Vries. The. Civeloured.ia of - Wit sad Humor. Edited lir P...Dertou. the celebrated Comedian. In Prico $5 each. - The Eepablican Court. 1 rol. Price Cyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anec dotes. Vtat. Price Oi each. A Cyclopmdia of Drawing. Desizneil as a Text-Boni; -for the Mechanic. Architect, Engineer, and Surveyor. In 1 vol. Price ;10. Send to the Publishers fur Cirenlare and Terms. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers. 4-13 and 415 Eroadu ay, New Turk. SUE.NS & NICHOLS, DRFGGISTS Szo APOTHECARIES, Beep regniarif suppiled with unadulterated Drngs and Medicine 4, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps. Yankees nitions, &c. otc. Fresh. from New York City. All of the most popular :Patent Medicines sold In this section, among which may be bound • y re's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem bultl's Barba, Schenck's Pulinonic Sy null and Sea weed Tonic, Duponco's • and Cheeseman'e Female Pills, iluirs Cough Balsam, IVishart's Pine Tree • Cordial, laws Nicuots Hairs Bair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Kinnedy's Micheal Dixeovery, Hog. lanes German Bitters, Husletter's Stonzach. Bitter*, And many other kinds of real value and meet. in fact our Stuck embraces u fine usburt EUCD t ofeverytdting 115- uallly kept In WBJ.I.I2FIfiId4TED Drug Stores. CV"Prescriptlons receive particular attention, and are car:Erni-ix and promptly compounded. sr,os flare formerly occupied by J. EtherTdge. ' A. B. BURNS, -Montrose, Pa., Sept. 17,1367. ASD.Pti NICHOLS. lerehant T loring, . thes'erlei , t(of a first i'lass C;l4,tter and - wilrtreKipen the Caste= - Depurtment of 'their et tublisligieutuu,Tueitcluy urhere they will be prepbreli te huilte up ~to order, in the , latett and moat leebluushle ttyles, bit kiiidt *t lien's and Bey'e Clutti leg. -Yarticular Attention given to ; . • . .• . Fsperience,d , Pgti, Olt Tot JO, ken. r atoiatritee, Oct. fill, itiet cacti volume per vol., ,S 5 0.1 11 at G E. 1.. 'WEEKS & CO. OUTSIDE-CUTTING. W!IMIIP===TI H'O'Ntr -BROTEERS - RD - M r 411:418 -‘ x I A. STEEL NAILS, .... - BUILDER'S HARDWARE XINE RAIL, COUNTERMINE( 47' RAILS 7 PINA'S 1 RAILROAD A , MLNING SUPPLIES: , CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES: SKEINS 4ND 1301E8. ROLM. NUTS and ITASNERS,I P . LArAvn BANDS. - MALLEABLE. ' 2 IRONS: IIUBS.A'PoK.EI3. FeLLOES. SEAT SPINDLES."ROWN. ANTILS. I.IOES, STOCKS - Mid DIES;' BELLOWS •• ILO! itIERS.• SLEDOEs. CIRCULAR AND 1441.8Awsi . BRI.TTKO: PAPAW! TACKLE Bi O KB.pLAsTKR PARIS • OmIENT. HAIR A ORTNRSTOKES. • FRENCU WINROW - GLA L TIIERA giNDINGE; • PAIRRANK'S SCALES. • • • Scranton, Marcb 21, 1E63. 17 EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. gaiEsnoow, cio BROADWAY, R. Y No I Fanny Maciagg. Thie NlllOlllO has a straight needle. perpendicular action, itinkes the Lock or Slit 4 tie St i •h, bleb will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both *idea ; perform perfect sewing on every de. nript ion of material, with cotton, linen or silk thriad. Plaitsm, Fells, liinde, Braids, Traits, Quilts, nd Gather& As a Family SlachinO it has no uperior. Prim -with Hemmer and Braider. $6O Parti-olar attention is called to oar-New Impr . pTed 31 fact nring Machines. They Mtn light nod tire corn- Darativviv noiseless; simple, ditrahle and efileittiet..- For cloth' or I. ether work they have nit competitori.f. No, 2. Mnebine, with ttemnter and Ilraider, Si. '3.10. 3 Ilachinc,•sal. • .. OgrAirents wanted, tn alum a liberal diectintit will be. given. (Oct. 22, 1667. , -0!r , • ORDVESTBEN'S GROVESTEEIWS PIANOS, GROVESTEEN'a-.PIANO kg, 445-Broadway i -New York, ' 7 499 Broadway, • New York, 999 Broadvray, Now York. • Are unrivalled - for Dvrabililp. Tower. nod Erentirss Tone. - 'rho. are last bocomtog the favorite over oil others. with Nitnietalfs: , Ataatcorrs., nod all lov.ra of GOOU lm Utile. 4hew are Warranted is every re enact. Yells olio third lower iha other e r a class makers.' Seedier Circular. • GAO VP;STEEN ck CO , 0c.22 490 Broad tray, .2Vew York. LADLES' 'FANCY FURS , •At JOHN TAREIRA'S old .I.....stalili4ed Far Ma hie factory, No. 71,S A RCII STIZEET, :those 7th. PIIILADELPIII.I. Thve now in Store of rav own mann( rants and itn pnitt anon, one of the Insget , t mid nio:t beautiful Brice tiob s of 3PiLilo3r Ormuriss, tor Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. Also, a fine assortment of heat's Fur Gloves nod Collars. f no t enali;ed in di •pron• of tat Goode at vol. reason. able price,. and I n onld Ihercforn colicit a call from my friends of ru-onrha ono Counts - and vicinity. pr. Remember the Name, Number and Street. .7011 N No. 71S Arch St.. above 7111. s( nth side. Philadelphia. n°l - 1 have nn flirt ner nor connection with any other Stint In Phiiadt'lphia • Oct. Sei4 • 9 On 9 00 !I\T _TULL ELLiST I ryl HE undersigned would respect fully infn-m the nem pie of New Milford and vtei.tty Chit hi, Fonedry situate in the % illage of New 11i 'ford, is now in oper a I inn. and that he iv at cpared In furnish deast logs ul all klhas on call, or %% ill get them up to order. tarre,ousnltyour lutertetsliy giving me a call. J. S. TING-LEY. New ItUlford, Oct. 1, ISGT.—tf SINGERS InTPaovr.D HUY SRN MICOMEI TTIE Singer Manufacturing Company have succeed e.I In pro:Meng a sewing Machine no near perfee Lion as human U can.accomplirb. To be had of MORSE & LINES, Solo Agents For Susquehanna County, successors of Read, Wat one Foster. Muntroe.e, July M, IS67.—tf. Three Cheers for Gen. Grant. IIIP• lIIP, prof CYLarlats Morris. THE Hayti Barher, hms removed his shop to the as,menr .4 E. L. Weeks' New Storo. where Ile is prepared to giro ;rood i fautt on. When I go to cx pln n thilsontsject language falls to expreto, GROVESTEEN & CO., 499 Broadway, New York. 3Folisuri.o 3F 6 4:::tortess. Our Last new addition to our different styles La attracting the adniiint ion of both ca ides and populace. %We mention specially. some the claims of this new Piano. Believing the exterior should he LIP bi=tifal to the eye as melody le to the ear, we have paid great at tention to getting them np in a stile that Is conceded bv a•I who have seen them to be the ham mutest. Piano Forte made. They are au entirely new style, with four full round corners. heavily carved lees and lyre: base richly moulded. and conlnins oar latest improved new scale and action. 3be tone is nielotlion•. and Its adapt ability to passages of every shade of Irma the softest murmurs. the t ressendo. and the F F. gives the performer every advantage of the Concert grand.— Price Vitlu. 1y44 MkTow Znriza. Baldwin, Allan. &. McCain. Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, . Bailer, Cheese, Dried Beef ; HamS,. Fisl4 . olnoked 11Ol ioiil COndles,Tea, Ceiffee, Spices, Syrup, Molaoes, nigar, • Seed Wheal Clover & Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, ProomP, - Naqs, ete. Thankful for grist patronate. vre Amp be Happy to sod and wait noon onr old and new, cuitomere.": All AatnlrloyrFatrttuted. reatroiiit:Pib.s, 1467. DEALERS IN t. 11. IieCAIN -'v 4 - 4 i • r yi wog; r. EllAt INSHMANCEAGENet • E;M;=Mi;M ilbrito Insurance 63., of N, Capital and othirpliss; •-i - PAW". Illearance Co. of North America, Phil's, —Capital and ;100.004 International Vire insurance Co. 0f24: 'Capital and Surplus, _ ._ . • 1,500,000 ,I f yconting County Mutual Insurance Coot- Money; fauna, Capital and Sulats. spo,ooo Farmer's3lutualttiottnince Co. Yo ri.l'a., lindSnrplus, 4500 .9 00 4iiterprise Insurance Company. PhD's; Capital and Su rpitt s, 173.000 Ineursocs Co. State ofrcumfylyania, . hU ' Capital and Surntus, 7 00,000 Connecticut Mama' We Insurance Co. 01 • Dartford, Conn.. Paying 60 - Per cent. - 'dividends to the assured. The ni.tes for half the prentinni Is Owlet SO be paTd under any circumstances. be policy will always be paldin.fall; and the notes given op. , Capitat, " ' 10,000,600 American .Liielusuminco:',Coi, Pbltadel. . phia, . 1,000,000 Travelerteloottrance Co. Dartford, Conn.. - 'Tailoring against all klndif of accidents --- Capital. 500.000 Dartford Firo Insurance Company. Dart ford. Conn . Capital and ihirphis, $1,581,163 .rutnam Fire Insurance Co., Dartford, Ct., $500,000 Dartford Live Stock Ineurands Company , . invirance on all hinds ef Live 'Stock, theft and death' from any _Cattle. Capital, $500,000 WAD N151130:4 entrusted to our care will he at ti-nd. cd-to on fair terms. and 11111 looser promptly adjusted. STROUD it BROWN, A 01.11 s. - 'Mr-Office first door north of" Montrone lloteL,"tvest side of Public Ave.ine. M. C. Surrosi sag., Priendsrille. Solicitor. Iltr.t.rxos Sernooo, CrtAIILICII L. DUCIWN. Montrose, Jan. let. 1867. 17 gr I I3CE 3P.31.a.E1.C.1M WHERE YOU WILL FIND TILT. VEST YA.ItIETY DRESS GOODS, FAYCY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, PIECE GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, Aud Furnishing Goods, Is certainly al Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's Raving ar.aln par:lased a largo stock of New Goods Fall and Winter Trade, we would reemenat a call and ex:min:loone( our GendP. re. f . old/tent of 1.1.2 enabled to please and rat imry as regards variety and trice, We would einoTially call attention to oar fine and large refection of grab•R Alabt Catijing Cloths, gossimores, for Cuntnta. Work. Al we nre the menufActnrere of all the we .ell. we are enabled to b IST ALL CUMPETITIOS in regard to WORKMANSHIP AND PRICES Garments made to order after measure, and good lit ting guarantied. A good assortment of MEN'S & BOYS' HATS, just received. Alcoa large lot of plain a trimmed HOUSE BLANKETS. attfltharg, TIOStUbanM 6; Co. M. S. DE3SAUER, Managing Partner Montrose, Sept. 21, ISM The- Great Cause of Human misery. Jest Pnblislied in a sealed Envelope. hiss six cents A Lecture or. the Nature. Troittnent and Radical Cure of Serail:l2i Wimkness. or Spermatorrucea. induced by Mr.:these : Involuntary EmleeionP, Impotency, ervdus Debility. and Impedimenta to Marriage gen er illy; Consumption. Epilepsy. and Fits; dental and Phy-lcat Inc ip 'city. &c.—By 10)13 d. CULVERWEL M. D., Author of the "Breen Book." &c. The world renowned author, in Iltie admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from hiv own experience that the awful constquenees of self abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangvrons cur viral operations. b. ogles. instruments. rings. or icor dials. pointing out a mode of cure et one • certain and effectual, by whit h every sufferer. no master what hie condition may he. maycnre himself cheaply. privately, an radically. Thta Lecture will proven boon to thou eanda. Rey t ander seal to any addrefn. In a rlaln Pealed en velour. on the receipt of Mx centa. or two postage etatapp. Ala° Dr. Cniverweiro Marriage golde," price 2.1 cent.. ddrese the pnblltbern. CIIA S. J. C. K LINE & CO., Bowery,• Now York, Pug. OfUce box 45SG. March 10, ISO7-Iyamp. • BLACKSMITHING. Till; undersigned have thlo day formed a co-partner chip, under the Arm name of 'Stamp a Moran. for the purpose of carrying on Blacksmithing in all It's branches. CgrAtrict attention will be given to rforse•shoeing. All work will he done neatly and promptly. The pub lie are invitedro call. FL P. STAMP. Montrose. MareliCh, 18M. tf P. T. BIONSIC extenrive co.ortmeot o • pore. Liquors for medico porpp±eo, em l )..ins neariy.vv.ery kip 4 in ;nal kvt, con- Etautly on band too;for,oale by AUL TtritRELL. T Vi'ELVE YEARS REPUTATION I has proved Dr. I , !WARDS' Tar. Wild. Cherry end Conch Syrup t The runAt NueretsPrul a6Rbill So ed ar le s i c%rt n . Pa. fah Et 9. 1 11 1 1 4 7.. " Whoopl ur l'ough,,,eru„.Rrua; 1 gtTatte.7.l.a.Vrar.. _ - :1;• • ...%,?1! IL ;1 0 t IR Howi t mininto k s ,, .. SEWING) NACIIINES 699 B4O4DWAY, NESV' YORK. FOR MILE & HINUFKIMIERS. THESE W O ItENOWNEII • SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest Premiumat the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fair of 1866, and are • Celebrated for doing the beet. work. using a much smaller needle for the same thread then nor other ma chine. and by the Introduction of the inost approved binary. we are now able to supply the.very bLst ma chines in the world. Titese niarhines are made at our new and spacious. Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the inimediute supervision of the President q' the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF THE SEWING 11A *CHINE. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewinr. e arl tot he nee of desinstresses, dress makers tailors, mall afactarers of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing, hate, caps, corsets, boots. shoe., harness.ttad ales linen goods, hmbrellas. parissolr.etc They work equal?y well upon Bilk:linen. wooden and cotton goods wilb silk. cotton or linen thread. They will gram. quilt. gather, fell, cord, •,rnld.hind. and perform every spectre of sewing. maklne It beam iful and perfect slit h, flake on both sides of the articles sewed. The Stiteh invented by Mr. Ilowe,and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and all &wing Ma chines are subject to the !win eiple invented• by him. SEYD FOR A CIRCULAR. SIBLEY & STOOPS. Genr‘ol Agents, NO. 022 CIIESTNIIT ST., P 1111 . 9.1. Feb. 7.16, 1367. MINER & COATS, FURS Main Street, 5 doors below IIoyd'• Corner. Montrose UR GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS, We are cnnakint LT receiving and not have en hand a fresh stock of Goods in our lint, «Lle i 14 1: 14 ill sell CHEAP: CHEAP CHEAP for cash, or exchange for produce GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH,. LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER ck TIMOTHY SEED, .Lc We have refitted and made additions to our Stock of and are 111 PV ready to tont - aryl Butter to the be t commievtou homes in ties• York. tree of chilkie, and ink liouraladvauce.neuta ou conetginmente. Call and examin e our Stock before purchaeing, clew Where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHEAP PRICES C. 0. MINER. - - Montrose, April 16. 1667 pRIE TIAILWAY.-01) and alter Mon day, Nov. f.'Sth. 1867. trains will kayo Great Bend ut about the following hours, viz.: 2.5 a a. in, Nixht Express, Mondays excepted, for no cheater. En &to, Satamanca and Dunkirk making di rect co ,nection with trains of the Atlantic and Orrat WeAtorn, Lake Shorn and Grand Trunk Hallways: fur all 'MiIILA West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca. and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 32a a To. Night Express. daily, forliochester. Buffalo, B•tlamanca, Limikiik and the West. connecting as above, Stops at Great : Bend on Monday mornings °lila. 5•27 a, m. Mail Train. Suodava excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. conuecti ng nt Elmira fur Canandaigua. 3.53 p. to. Day Express. Sundays excepted. for Ro chester. Blank). Salamanca, Dunkirk.. and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmirt for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western hallway, and at Buffalo with the I.ake Shore and Grand Trunk Hall ways, for all points Wert and South. 'I. 51 p. m. Express Mil. Sundays excepted. r r Bain -10. A slam roar, and Dankirly connecting with trains far the West. 1160 p, tn. Way Freight. Sentiays excepted. 11.81 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West 24 a. m. Cincinnati Expre4m. Mondays - . excepted Lackan'axen for Ilawley, and at Graycatirt roi New burg and Warwick. a.OO p. m. Aectimmodntion Train Pally. ' • 2.00 p. in. Day Express. Sundays campted. connect. at I ackawaxen for Hawley. and at Jerrev City with midnight e_xprcis train of New 'Jersey Railroad for Philadeipl in , Baltimore and Washington, 0 - 27 p. m New YorkOnd Baltimore Mall. 8n Whip ex c,ptia. eg:meeting at .1 - crser City' with morning ex pres• train of Few - 'Terser * Railroad for 'Baltimore and Washington. and at Nei York 'lyitti mor.,lng az preis mins for Boston and the east • • 1413 a. m. Night Repress.: Doily; connecting. at Bray conrt for Wrirsrtel , ; and nt,New York with afternoon trains mud steamers for Btfiston arid NeW 'England cities. - - -•-- 10.20 3. m. Frelgbt r Sdeida'ye exripted. WM, R. BA RR. B. 1111)PLE,. - deg 10 , Gaul Paesengfr Oexxl. - Oen, Buret . . eirAT New and complete 't PneketTime,Table" Palsenaer Teams - on the Erie,Ttelloshy npd euneeetine: Lines has-recently .horn publish. d. awl run ,he pr.-cured on upplicatlente the Ticket Agent lit the Company's *Mee.' - RosmaDAssociallori;Pb lladelph la ,Ta DI/waren of theNervnnp.SeminnlXrinnil nnd nes na) wiPlPtai— nye" TIM relloll.l tete rider tp Appal . t . ths 111;07,61XD AS Sp CIATIOII r 'mettle sealed, ; 14ot:01061)m he* Kelpite: ‘AddreeP Dr; 3. 41114.1er Roue write. tibwomikwildott;7ld flppsseilliatie Philadelphia; Pa. ' • of our Goods W. R. COATS GOING WEST. GOING EAST 111, 1 11111 . ' Dr. ueporieck's asides Period:MMUS Cbr &take. 1214 4.WINIllitgelnIttgriPP: e? r, r)".' EilsJ,Nnea All of the above Plus are lafaillblii in eirreed4 menernalirrogoder - lifea4ndlittetithrirLottehrinta or Whites. They aro anccetaitil as preventimit. sheuhl trot be ao daring pregnancy. airtber-wou _redoes abortion. Price, one dollar. perlrX, fuot, diet two kinds named sent by thatl:l6 tritd; it i 7 Poittte paid, in kaled eovelope, oo „recelpt,ptcote Ihr for each box ordered. The latter twO,:kinda„ a jean, and heavy, will bo sent by milli Postage Old. oath receipt of one dollar and twentrcents., . Address ABEL TURRELL,'Dni,44r,'7lll6zlrote, Please Read this Carefully. MITR anbatitheia have entered 11262 a pi t tiperOlpfo r 1. the purpose of carrying on the • Merchant Tailoring hosineve ; and having , suppllud ourselves will' • ant rote stock• of materials, suchs' Cloths, Cassimeres & Trimmings, We are prepared to fortOsit Coats. Vests,Pants,Overeogts.ske npon very short notice, made In theistest style, of the ih.y e t maLertals, and at very low prices. We aleph,. fur sale, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, SUS !'ENDERS, COLLARS, IST . ECE TIES, GLOVES, and all the other articles usually kept in an estalillah ment of it/Leff:tad. We maybe found to the swims formery ll occupied Vy Gnt. F. Fordha, betisten C. N. titoddur . Shoe Mors and R. B. Little's law office, 'rest sidem Main limit, Montrose, Pa , doing business under the uamtoniunie & Lines. S. ii. Mouse, Montrose, May 29, 1361.—tr Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R It, U 0 andafter November 21, NM, passenger tram will run es followp: !' SOUTLIWATt ' A. M. A. M. T V Lea ea Scranton. 5:50 10:50 C.i..) " Kingetiin, 6:55 11:15 aal " Itupert. 915 I:S3 Danville. 9:50 • c - .7.,0 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:50 . , Mil NOIITII WARD., -, Leave Nod hritnlivrlrrid, 8:00 - , 3:03 •' Danville, S: 4 O • IA • . Rupert, 5:15 A-N. 4.11 " Kingston, 24:15 . li:90 rsn Arrive at.Seranton, 2:45 0:55 tio Passengers taking train south from Freatit nOl 3:io a. m. via Northnmherin nd, reaili tiareishoeg at 14::-0 p. m ; Itaitim.ire ri:un p. m.; Waiihlnginn lAttunv. m.; Via AU pen reael• Philadelphia at 1*:00 p. m. Kingston, Nov. 25. 11. A. FONDA, Supt. .1.5 1 ' ' 11 lEf, A W illi E, LACK A WANNA and WESTERN H. H. Wlntar Arrangernt:tit, 11574. .e.f.• PASSENGER., TitAlziS ,I.EAVR. WESTWARD.. 1 Eis4 - 14,.„s Ha. Mail Paennv Mail 'I PaPnger train, train. 1 STATIONS. I train.' train. A. M. A. M. P. al i P. X. i 1 11:T11111 Nor Yink•.... ..... I ' 4,50 I 1 Naar Hampton I. 9.,M. I I' F r i I 12.3 R I NhanUlikti Chunk.... 1 1,40 f 11$) llelaware....Dine... I I.iti I' i ; L'. ~, 1 6,41 1 11.43 I Nichulron I 8.40 4. 3 .6 !. 0 0.03 12,04 I Hot/bottom I 8.23 4.10 , 11 6,2.5 t 9.3.1 liootrooe . 8.00 3.4.) I L t. 6.47 1.08 I New:M[ord • 7.391,3,10 ' - .. I 7.0-) L.:5 1 Great 'Rena 1 '740 9.45 1 , '4l P.M. P.M I *soot of Liberty-lA.-IA.)1 .P M ; CO \N Eel lONS W ESTW Mn). The 'Mal/ train from New York conriettp at Ma. clanks Cit on k with the train leaving Philad'atKenotsg• ton depot' at B,*in a. m.. and at Great Bend with through mail train on the Erie Jtailwa7. with sleeping cat st• tacked. f tOpidlia et all the phncipal Ftatiuus on that road. and nrriv Ina at Buffalo at 6.18 a.M. The not , enzer t rain from Scranton comical , at. Grt Rend with through tralna going west and east on Erie nrriving at Buffalo at 1,113 a. m, audit Sala manca at 12 m. CON N ECTIONS -1: A STCVAUD The Mail train from Great fiend connects there with the Cincinnati Expreaa on the trig Railway from the weet ; ntManu^ka Chunk with a train for Philall'od and intermediate Mallows, arriving In Philadelphia at foot, na.: and at New Hampton white train for Easton Bethlehem. Allentown. Reading and Llarriaburg,arris. at narrfeburg at B.r.ft p. m. At Scranton. connect ions are made with trains. toeed from all station: on the Lackawanna and Bloomebarg R.R. arid on the Delaware and Haddon Canal Co's Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed be low R. A. DENNY. General Pam and Ticket Agent G MIDNEIV'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, AUD PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE,' SCRANTON, P.L. llug Neu Viepare for Buoiness. There lie time coming , when you will be either- a drone or 'e five man in sociery—s time when husitm men will be - wantedotnd those who. have been prstn• mink educated rurely lair preterted: "Toting 191. D. do not wait become your muly a:Mead:mho been Lir glected. and think that ft !ciao late now to tasks as attempt but ru-olee to Improve the greatest'opoortse• ity ever ode: ed to young mon in this section of tam try fur obtaining a • PRACTICAL utrsmtss'znucellos. I have established thfit. College eiiineciallyfot *dea ling young men fur _burble.* ; giving, theM. tbe meat thuruu,,,h course of fitactleal intitruction, combinibe THEORY AND 'PRACTICE. c. • • c, • • c, with the assisiatiee of Officers, Bahke, ete.:of 071'6 lea in Northern Pennsylvania. A ay student, pOsecissing 4 cqmmot, itettool is prepared us ccinmenee the business studies:and if deficient In these branches will be individually Iprtrec• tefi free uf,chatge Fur termeadd ItrorinalloW actuf for/ tames raPtt Orin. ..lull particulars. • J. N. GA6tErt,'Prttielpal. • Ja;F: 7,1669.-1 y , ; A. DECLINE 'IN Ft 40113. • . . !. furulehlng Oro,. ritte7koterteielkini 4 it l34s ° . vmotET. ELECTIZTe For Bale by - • ABU WIC ;. „, ,; v Lamattr P. Tsar
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers