IVoW the, Time , fOr Marge*.lna. SUMMER GOODS AT COST ! We are CLEARING OUT the balance of our Summer Goods now on hand at cost—conatattaz of Grenadines, Poplins, Lawns, printed Jaconetts, Alpacas, Chatlie Delains, Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Ladies' Sackings, Cassimeres, 'Cotton and Silk Parasols, &a. &o. The above Goods will be sold at COST in order to close them out prior to filling up for the Fall Trade. Goods shown with pleasure. 0.46,m0r.a .4..10TE1 'MEMO 31 1 1:30Z1. IrClotTlat..EUET-073E 1 1 3 A. D. BU'rTERFIELD, NON PROSE, Pa, July 23. ISTIT. ALM° Post Office, cast side of Public Avelino. geiv `bbertistmeAts. Only Direct Line to France. , The General Transatlantic , Company's Splendid Mail Steamships: ST LA.UttENT BpoaNOZ Stittlrd.ly, OW. 6 ' PERMRE Dueutsxn.:.....Saturday, Ott. 19 VILLE: DE PA IiII , ..SATtNON: Slturday, Nov. 2 EUROPE LEMARIE. Saturday. Nov. lb To Brest or Havre, (wine included,) First Cabin, $190; Second CaI:W.VA. (in gold). ! These Steamers do not carry Steerage Passengers. GEO. 3LACIa.ENZIE, Agent, 58 Broadway, N. Y. "Beyond the Mississippi:" Complete History ri the New State; and Territorlee from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Bt ALBERT D. RICRARDSON. Its popularity IS . att”ted by the sale , of over 20,000 copies in a single mouth. " Life and ..k.dventete on Prairies, lionutains and the Pacific coast. With over 500 Descriptive and Photo graphic Views of the Scenery. Cities, Lands. Mines, Peop!e and Curiosities of the New States and Territo ries. " To zrospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far West, this History of that vast and fertile recion will prove an tura:liable assistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full. authentic and reliable guide to climate, arli. prcdnets, means of travel. Sze. ..d.geraF Wan t ed.—Send for circulars'and sec onr terms, end a fall d , t:•,ription of the work. Address National Publishing Co., al S. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. A few more A gentsxvanted take orders for our popular - Books and Engravings, either on commission - or salary. Cur publications are standard works by the best authors in the country, among which is Tunny's Sacred Biography and History, Holland's Life of Lincoln. Abbot's History of the War, Headley's Lite of Washington./ Rev. S, Phillips' Christian Home. and others. Aeents will not be required to canvass territory previously occupied. unless preferred. For particulars address GUR.I)O2I; BILL oga CO., Publish ers. spring,field, Mass. A List of Newspapers. We bare published a complete Lint of all lirewspepere In the New England States; price -Tic. Stare of New York; price tne. Del . ltd.. end Dist. of enl.;' price Vic. Ohio; price ne. Pennsylvania ; price 9.5 c- Indi ana ; prim. Sc. Am. of the ntenre for One Dollar. G. P. 110 WELL .k CO., 40 Park Row, N. Y. MADAME FOY'S PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER , Combines in one garment a perfect fitting Corset,and the mOs; desirahre Skirt Supporter ectr offered the pub lic. It placer the weight of the shirts npon the shoul. Hers instead of the hips; It improves the form without tleit lacing ; gives ease and elegance; is approved and rocommenucd by phTsicians. 31anufnet tired hg D. B. SAUNDERS & CO„ DO Summer St 2; Boston. T HE CELEBRATED Estey Cottage Organs. .T. csrßl - rE CO., Brattictoro, n.„ The 0.-ii:na; ir.rentors and Manufacturers. Combining more perfections than any other in tho Nrorld. Hare taken the Ist premium• at all the principal Fairs in the country. 11115 Washinton..t , Bo.ton; 417 Broome-at., N. York; 18 No. 7th-at., Phi la ; 115 Randolph-et, Chicago. Agents Wanted. INTstr.ANE AGENTS, &c., &c.—We wisti to secure all agcrlt y roao popniation, to act for us in canvassing for Mist -1::-.es A man who is already established in some occu pation which allows 11. m a few spare hours. can easily increase his income several hundred•dellara per par This is an opportunity for active men to secure a profit atile cenneetpin with the best established Advertising Agencj in the Lnited States. Address, with foil par ticulars. reference, A:c , GEO, P. BO ELL d CO.. 40 F.irk Row, N. Y. COMEDITG, And will nreQcnt to any person sending na a club in our Great One Price Sale. or Dry and Pa: cy Goods. a Silk Drvss Pattern, Piece Jr sheeting. Watch. &c.„ ir-e of crie... Catalogue of goods. and i.aniple, rent to any address tree. Addrese J. S. Havres S Cc., 30 Hanover St.. Boston. Maas, P. 0. Box 612.3. • A DAT made by any one, with my patent b.11A7 Stencil Tool.. I prepay samples free. Be a are of infrinzers. Nly ci enlarg will explain. Addrese A. J. FULLAM, Sgrringiaeld, \ ermont. To ,SlOO per month and trarelUnd expenses, t.;;) I II paid good adent. to bell our Patent Everlast ted, Wh i 74, Wire Clothes Lines. State age, nod address WULE CO2IPANT.I4i2 Broadway, N. Y. You'io Wanted! Look Here: Agon:., both mnle and female, wanted- everywhere to sell the PATENT IsuctovEn INI limpravota, (by which from one to two pages can he written without replci.ishinz with int). and our Fancy and Dry Goods, etc. Can clear from ta to .$lO a day. No capital re quired. Price In cents, with an advertisement de s-ribing an article for sale in our Dollar Purchasing Agency. Circulars Pent free. EASTMAN & KE:CDALL, 05 Hanover St., DoEton, Mass. AGENTS wanted. to sell Six NevlnTen -6,0000 twos, of great value to families ;_all pay gceic profiLs. :rub nen s and SO pages and sample Lowell, g• /Wye mac c $150,000. Ephraim Brown, Lowell, Mass. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTTIEIIE.—THE OR kFTDN MINER kL PAINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in nee • two coats well pot on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color. and can be changed to green. lead, atone, olive, 'drab or cream, to snit the taste of the consumer. It Is valuable -16 r House.jtarris, Fences. Agricultural Implements, Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Wooden-ware,Can *as, pistol and Shingle Roofs, (It being fire and water proof.),Erldges. Dorial Cases, Canal Bouts. Ships and ship Bottoms. Floor Oil Cloths. (one Manufacturer ha ving tined 5.060 bids. the pest year." and as a paint for HAY purpose is nusupassed for body, durability. elasti city and fidheFiCeneFP.. Price, $6 per bbl. 200 lbs.- which will supply a fanner for )ears to come. War, ranted in tdl cues as above. Send for a cirenlarmhich gives fall particulars. None genuine unless branded In a trademark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAN IEL BIDWELL. Proprietor, 254 Pearl st., New York. • Consumption 'can be Cured. The true Remedy at last discovered. Uphrim's Farm Itiney.enan,prepared from tire formula of Prof Trmiii7: - scan of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases. Bronchitis, Dyspepsia. 'Hareem us.Ceen eral Debility and all morbid conditions of the system dependent on dell eiency of catal forte. It Is pleasant to taste, anda ain- Fle bottle vigil convince the most skeptical of the virtue anti great heeling remedy of the age. $1 a bottle. or sixbottles for. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. DP . HAY. No. 25 south lith st.. Ph ll adelphia, and ptincipal Druggists. Circulars sent free. kJ 4 NLY $l, IrrAouruNATE Utmetztrit. $1 ONLY. Airy injection cure, Gonorrilteu or Glect, in ten dam without noxious drugs. when ail other remedica fat'. Ds. Eirsr.x.! annum; Station F., N.Y. city. A PETi3IOLOGICAL VIEW op MARRIAGE, The Cheapest Book ever publishea. Containing ,nearly three hundred pages, And 130 fine plates and eniztreinga of thi Anatomy of the Unman Organs In a stateof Health and Disease, sethatreatite on .Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the.mind and hody. with the eu thoeeflau_of Treatnient?—the only rational and, sue- • catgut mode of care, ns shotid by gie report - erases treated. A truthfaLadviser to' the married - and those contemplating.tnarriage, who entertain doubta.of thyir phystral condition. _:eat free of. postagelq Amend- , art on receipt of 25c:el:its in stamps or frectlinal cur rencyrby addressing DIL cgwx, tifildattlen Lane. Albany; N. Y. The author any` be up. on any of the diseases upon which this book treats, ei therpersonally or by wad. liedleinee sent to arty part elate world. Manhood and the vioor of youth restored in four weeks. Success guaranteed. R. RECORD'S EPSODCC of Life restores Manly pow _LP or, from whatever cause arising, the effects of ear. ly pernicious habits, self abuse,impoteney and climate, give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly according to tha directions (which are very simple, and requ. re no restraint from business or pleas ure.) Failure is Impossible. Sold in bottles. at ,t,A, or 4 quantities in one Air $9. To be had only of the sole appointed agent in America. HERMAN GFUTZE,..N,raI Bowery, nod 405 ‘2d Av., N. Y. One Dollar! One Dollar!! A QENTS WANTED everywhere for V our One Dollar sale. A Watch, a Tea -Sett, a Shawl, a Dre,sa for one dollar each. Send 2,5 cts. and Frump for ttfo cheeks and circulars givillff full partieu- Inrs. Address ARLEVOTO-V, DROWSE (P.. CO., 253 Washington street, Boston. A GENTS WANTED.—SIO to 820 a day, to introduce otir new patent STAR sHrr- TIE SEWING MAMIE. Price $2O. It uses two threads. and makes the genuine Lock Sala. All other low priced machines make the Chain Stitch. Excl. naive territory riven. Send for circulars. W. G. WLLSO-V CO., lianv,facturera, Cleveland, Ohio. VIE STILL LIV4I fl m or.l . be hninhcgcred cast iron at madams • • S , encl toohr. ? ' "° S r ;n ( d )r for l o )a n t r e n n e t cr Catilnue of Litrl 10 rED STENCIL DIES, 2.0 varie ties, all V Sled. carefully finished and tempered. S. If. SPEN CE??,,A co., Brattktaro. rt. Proofs of the Superior Quality AMERICAN MADE AT Walthevaxa, Maas. The American Watch Corripany. of Waltham. Mass., respectfully subtrrit that their Watches are cheaper. more accurate, less complex, more durable. better adapted for general use, and more easily kept in order and repaired than any-other watches iu the market. They are simpler In structure, and therefore stronger. and less likely to ho Injured than the majority of foreign watches, which: are composed of (rota Ids to 200 pieces. While In an old English watch there are more than TOO parts. How they mu tinder the hardest trial watches can have. is shown by the following letter: 6 PENI. RAILROAD COMPANY. OFFICE OP TEE OESEPAT. SrpEIIINTETMENT, t ALSoONA, Pn ,15 Dec., 1566. I Gentlemen: The watches manufactured be you .have been in rise on thiS railroad for several years by our en;in , men, to whom we furnish watches as a part of our equipment. There are now some three hundred of them carried on our line, snd we consider them good and reliable time-keepers. Indeed, I have great satis faction in sttylrg your watches give us less trouble. and ra hare worn and do wear ranch longer without repairs than any watches we hare ever bad inuse on this road. As rou are• aware, we formerly trusted to those of En glish manufacture, of acknowledged good reputation ; dint as a class they never kept time as correCtly, nor lisre they done as good service.ns yonrs. In these statements I am Enrtalued by my predeces sor. Mr. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series of years. Respectfully. EDWARD R. WILLI.saIS, Ocnerat Superintendent. Anglican Wate/i Compaiy, Waltham. We s make now tive different grades of watches, named respectively as follows: Appleton. Tracy & Co., Waltham, Mass Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Mass P. 8. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass Wm. Ellet7, Boston, Mass. Home Watth Company, Boston, Mass All of these. with the exception of the home Watch pany to be of the best material, on the most approved principle. and to possess every requisite for a reliable time-keeper. Every dealer selling these Watches is provided with the Company's pt-toted curd of guarantee which should aecompany each 'Watch sold. so that buy ers may feel cure that they ate purchasing the genuine article. There are numerzas counterfeits and imita tion, of our Watches s soldlirotighout the country. and we would c.mtion purchasers to be on their gourd against imposition. Any ~v ades of Waltham blotches may be purchased of Watch Dealers throughout the country. BOBBINS A: APPLETON, .182 Broadway, Now York EYRE & LANDELL, , Fourth and Arch Ets. PHILADELPHIA, Are now olrering a NEW STOCK of Dry C=- az) cies For the Fall Sales of ai 1867. SHAWLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. N. B.—Job Lots of Goode received Daily. Sept. 10-6 w NEW FURNITURE ROOMS! enbscriber would refp¢ctfolly Inform the pnbllc T i t b 4, hati Commenced brislneve in C. Cu,h msn'iloia Shop,where ho keepsconstantly on hand and manufactures to order all kintlb of V.W .:' T 4? , VP ',. - .., -, • Zt.n , :.:9..ti'otki4;t:-.,:ifte* .12 , ..aM '1 , ....r.,5:. . • ttt7-4,..":":*& SU:3I AS Bureaus, Bedsteads, Lounges, Settees, Stands, Tables, xtension Tables, of a superior manufacture, Also, )3arrett's. Patent Ladies' Revolving Work Table AB tiOise in want of Cabinet Furniture will do well to give me a calf before looking elsewhere. for I intend to mato my workpod. and cell it cheaper than any other eelablisfiment-twhenna County. N. B.—All woelt done when prom irrd. JOHN WHEELER. Montrose, Sept. 8. ISG7.—tl The Richest -Man in the World Fatrset of n Letter from Baron Solomon Bothechild dated Pane, Sib Aprll, 1.861, 25' Rae Faulty, St. Honore ' Will you. be kind enough to have forwarded to me here 00 buttlevof your Indian Liniment ; if you will at the same time tioi.e Send the aceofint,l will forward you the amoard through blesers. Belmont 6 Co., New York. • Baron Solomon Rothschild having recommended to =any of hia friendslfajhr Lane's Liniment, and they being desirous to ernuare At, he ehonld advilb himto establish a depdt in Faris.' THE INDIA& LINIMENT, As a relief. ever re'ad4; as a hiller of pain, taken in • wardly, or outwardly applied. has no equal. For the relief and cure of Rheumatic and Nenmleie Affections, Sprains. Bruises, Ac. it is unequa led. It is aleamost efficacious taken. Inseardly._ln the_ cure of Cholera, Cramps, and Pains in the Stomach. Diarrhoea, Dysente ry, Cholera Morino, Cholera , Infantum, etc , and is without exception. - the most wonderful Panacea the world affords: 140 Family shmildbe Without it. Every Traveler hyjand or sea saiould have a bottle Miners and Farmers retiding tit a distance from Physicians should keep 8 constantly on hand. In case of Acci dents or sudden attacks of.. Stomach Complaints„ its value cannot be estimated. Inqttire.for Ittajor. indian'LlatmeiftiAnditi 4 taeno_other. • Price 60 cents per bottle . For vale at. holesa le and:retail by Dem as Blanes 41 C0.. 21 Farit-EOw.X. 71. • Gale 14 Robinson. 136 Greenivich 51; K-Y..; FTC. wen 4 04152 Fulton et.. N. Chtus..lil,Cdttenden. 33 ath Avencie, N. T.. and by respectable Druggists thmtighontabo,scorid.-, None genuine unless signed by Joint Tames LAan, and countereigned by J. T. LANE & CO. Proprietors, 103 Broadway. N.Y. Orland for Oizanisr. -pRIE RAILWAY.—On and a ft er Mon day.Au Aug. Eeth, M. trains will leave Great Bend at about the rournsiag holm, Viz.: 5.53 a. m. Night Express,. Mondays excepted, for Ro chester. Bu ff alo, Salamanca and Dank-irk making di rect co,nection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; nt Owegofor Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua, 5'27 a. m. Mail Train, Sundaes excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. -5.53 p. en. Day Express, Sundays sxcepted. for Ro chester. Buffalo. Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca ; at Elmira for CanandaiguaSalamanca with the Atlantic and Great We Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for sll points West and South. ' 7.51 p. m. Express Mail, Sundays excepted. 1 , .r Burt lo. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. 12.50 p. m. Way Freicht..Sunde ye excepted. 11.81 a. m. Eadgranerrnin, Daily, for tha West. 7.13 a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, at Lackawaxeu for Harrley,and at Graycourt for New burg and Warwick. 660 p. to. Accommodation Train . 2.60 p. m. Day Express, Sundays exc4-ptc 7 d, connect at Lacitawaxen for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight exprttes train of New Jersey Railroad co: - Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 227 p. m New York and Baltimore Malt. Stridays c,:•- e•pt ed. rohnecting at Jersey City with mornitos ex press nof New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Waahingt on. and at New York with !nor., ing ex press trains for'Boaton and the east. 4:3 a. tn. Night Express, Daily. connectiry at (.ray court for Warwick and at New York with al t ernoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 10.20 a. tn. Wa• Freight, Sundays excepted. WM. R. DARR. H. RIDDLF.. sop. 3 Geri' Passenger Agent. Gen'} Supt. J . . rrlicsmaist , o' Patent Atmospheric CHURN DASH! Patented May 7, 1867. The most Important and Valuable , raven lion of the 10th Century. 1. This Dasherts anperior to tiny other. by helm: na simple as the old Dasher, and combining he at M.f. pher:erinciples therewith, and the Butter Gatherer 2. It in superior to all others, inasmuch as the aattle power applied to this in Hire Inechanical operations will make one fourth niore reclprocattomi. :3. It is superior to all nth. rs. ina,much as it prodn cea the Butter in a much shorter time. WATCH 4. It is superior to any other. Inasmuch as it produ re. a ranch better quality of Butter. 5. It is ~u p-rior to any other Patent Ch , irn, inas much as air SW p••r cent cheaper than any other. It is well known tnflairyraen and other•, tloit rntter is contained in minute globules or sacks. coveted with tnemhrtine, and regnirer the nction of air to prep:: e the coverlet.: to be removed by friction. The Scientific gAy.: "if cream is dashed against a hard snhetance. or ma.hed between bar- or rollers. It breaks the ;:lohnhet and heron , es oily, by destro)ine that orain. it sh o uld be thrown into currents and counter currents hy the action of air. causing a friction by the act it n of the currents azaiust each other. retnovintr the covering without breaking or burstit the globules." This is the principle which the inventor of this Dash endeavored to keep in view, and the resn't .bows much larger yield of Batter obtained in less time than by any other Dasher. Ex lied men TS have proven that any other method ex cept pumping air through the cream. will nut penetrate sufficiently to oxygenize all the globules preparatorN to concentrating the Butter. 'throwing it Into the air by elcv , pers or old fashioned Dashers. (Ines not sufficiently expoeC it to the air to bring out the Butter. Tho above Patent Dasherhaa been purchased for Sna onehanna Count r . hy the undersigned. The process of chnrning can erre at any lime, In a Glass Churn. at Baldwin, Allen S.* McCain's store. An agent will ran vas:, the conntv goon tie possible, to sell the D.igher for individual rights :ills° township rights will Le sold. Alontrose, July 23, lEll7.—tf A. Please Read this Carefully. rinITE subscrfhers hire entered into a partnership for 1 the purpose of carrying on the Merchant Tailoring business:and having supplied ourselves with a first r.,:e stock of niattrials, suchas Cloths, Cassimeres & Trimmings, We are prepared to furnish Coats, Vests,Pants,Overeoatsofte upon verf short notice, made in the latest style, of the beat materials, and at very low prices , . Weals° have for sale, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, SUS PENDERS, CVLLARS, NECK TIES, CLOVES, and all the other articles usually kept in an establish ment of this kind. We may be found in the rooms formerly occupied hr• G. F. Fordham. betwtcn C. N. Stoddard'a Shoe ~ t ore and It 13 Littler law office, west side of Mnin ,troet Montros , ., Na , doing business under the name of Morse S. Lines S. Monst, • - P. LINES Montrose, May 28, 1867.—tf BM SEWING MACOME! THE Singer Manufacturing Company have succeed ed in producing a 'Sewing Machine :1, , near perfec tion as human eh, II can aceompli.h To be had of MORSE & LINES, Sole Agents For Susquehanna County, successors of Read, M'at ono & Foster. Jkl.outrose; July 23, 1847.—tf. $2O. AGENTS WANTED- $100• 'tittle and Female - . to introduce our New Patent Star Shuttle Sewing Machine. It is adapted for family use and Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike on both sides. Priee only Twenty Dollars. Extraordinary induce ments ib Agents. For rull particulars. address DEMO -NT & Wit SON, 62,0 Arch 'troct, Philadelphia, Pa. Inl3l-3ms in TNT GOOD /LOUR, AT 7TIE Miarelrboa Three Cheers - 'for Gen. - Grant. Hip, HIP, lIHREAN „ Casaarlees ibtr.cor-4•11s. rislynilitrher, has removed We 'Mop to, the nateraeritstWeeke' 7, rew Store, where ha Is - prepared to.glitegntid - irkiliftietlon. When I go to 'ex plain thtaadbfftt Language:alit to.exprites It. MONEY TO L A - few 'hundred Toners toloii'n, In such snme arid . tbr Inch tlmd as will snit, on first-class. notes. Address (naming your proposed endorser.? "Agent, Montrose P. GOING WEST' GOING PAST te . )24 74-11 o 0 23 "i7iTetter Fire, . Life and Accidentel , GtiERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Tilria;ratragse, lase. Hornell:1811=0 - C°. of N. T., Capital and Surplus; Insurance Co. of North Amorica, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Muney, Penn . 's, Capitol and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. 'York, Pa., Capital and Surplus. Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford. Coup.. paying 60 per cent. dividends to the assured.. The notes given for half the premium is never to be paid under any circumstances. ho policy will always be paid in full, and the notes given up. Capital, American I.! le Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital. Travelers'in surn nce Co. Hartford, Conn.. Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hart ford Conn.. Capital and , turplns, Putnam Eire Insurance Co., Hartford, CL., Capital. Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. Imin ranee on all binds of Live Stock, aealust theft and death from any muse. Capital, 000,000 business entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. • STROUD • St BROWN, A gen ts. or - Olnco first door north of" Montrose Hotel," IVO, t side of Public Arcane. M. C. SET-rex, Esq., Priendsville, Solicitor. BILLINGS Smoro. CILAILLILD L. BuOWN. Montrose, Jan. let. 1867. 17 SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, tab 33 Et C imias3r, E”ndersizned. LICENSED AGENT of the GOV. Eit NM ENT. having olitnined the necessary forms, ite . will give prompt attention to all Malmo intrusted to his rare. No charge unless successful. GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose, June ilth i IFf t. NEW FIRM. MUSIC & JEWELRY. %IBM suhseriher having formed n par.nership with .111_ STEVEN , wishcii to make Lis bert bon , to his old Customer+. and Infortn them that the Mercantile Department of the tinniness will herea.ter he carried on by O. D. Boman & Co. with Increased capital and facilities, a large s ock of New Goods in all departments. a =tore thoroughly refitted. and M=irioarat FLecilsoc,cl. The Watch-Idaking Department Ts retained by me, and will receive my personal atten tion. I have seourud the sem Ices of Al It. C. H. WO Lll- BYE, a gentleman tch o has had twenty-live years in the het vhups of Europe, and has no superior i 9 the conc. try. I shall therefore be able to du all work within three d.,ye from the time it is left. The Clock and Jewelry Repairing Will he owned lit pr. Stevens, who will do all work in that line promptly, and in the best style. 0. D. DE.M.A.N 40) - CrilL 03 '1" 0C; IC Nov. 21, IMAi will consist of a full assortment of the following goods, suitable for this market. which will be so d as low, and many of tbt•m lower, than by any one else this side of New York city. Read the Catalogue. CLOCKS & WATCHES. WATCHES American, Swiss and English, both gold and silver SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, Ail otyle& r including their celebrated Calender %; hit 11 tell the day of the mouth and week. alto the name of the month. making the change+ for every month correctly, with no care but to wind them once a JEWELRY. Ue.vy.! Gold (look:if:11d Rev . Fine gel. d eels of Jewelry—find, S)feve. Buttona, Studa, Ear &c. WEDDING RING S. SPECTACLES. Warranted to fa ail kinds of eyes SOLID GOLD ALBUNs. A nrat tittle Charm holding cigh: small Photographs. iOLD PEN s. A fine assoriment, with and without holders. Old ones repointed. . SOLID SILVER WARE. tide to order et pure Coln, consiking of Spoons. Forks. Thimble.. 11,-.1t , .r. Knives, Napkin Fruit Kb; vet, Vert Chains, • PLATED WARE. Thehest in 'lnarket—stnele, double. treble and nand. ruple plate, and %V A IMANTED—from a full Tra Set &mil. 1110 mil ug Castors. Cake anti Card Baskets,. Ice Pitchers. Waiters, Butter Dirtier, Sug.tr Bowl r, Cups, Tea Bells, &c. MUSIC. PIANOS Manufactured hy Decker Brothers_ which. with their late improvelnuht4. surpass those Qs any ot her ;natters. Also, Btadbury•. New Scale Pianos - ---a splendid instru ment. Other Pianos from t.:150 to $5OO. CABIN.ET ORGANS, From $llO to 41..00—warranted for five rano They are the finest reed instrument in the world. and I have only to say that I have cold nearly $15,000 worth of them In the last four year ; and they are all itt.good or • tier and have never cost my customers a cent fur repairs. VIOLINS, GUITARS, &e. Violin. , from $5 to $54, Flutes, Firm Mari on ets,Ban los, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning FurLe, BRASS BANDS Supplied with inetruments of the beet American man n factu re. by the single instrument or full eet. at the ma kerb price—aleo music for auy number of Inutrumeut9 Im-troetion Book,n And Sheet Mn con hnod. nod new .upplies received every week. Piano Stools irom $6 to $l5. Perfect Settling Needles We have the excln.ive a g ency for R.. 1. Roheil s' Pa tent Parabola Needleei—thehe,it in the world, Try one paper and If not enttstled the money will be refunded. Fire _Arms and Sporting Mo terials. Allen's, Spencer's. and TTenr'y't Breech lorullnu lU ffea.all style. , Revolver*: Fowling. rietes, Shot Belts and Powder Plaska, i:ltrtridges tor all the S. Army guns ; also U. S. and other Percussion Caps, Cooper cartridges, all e4yles and sizes. 0. D. DEMAN. Montrose, Nov. 27, 1866 The Great Cause of Human Misery. Just Published in a seated Envelope. Price 81.2! cents A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrucea, induced by self-abuse Involuntary Emissions ' Impotency, Nervous Debility, and impediments to Marriage gen • orally; Consumption. Epilepsy. and Pits • Mental and Physical incapacity, &c.—By. 808. J. CLIVE:EIFEL M. D., Author of the "Green Book," &c. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec• tu'e, clearly proves from his own experience that the a witti eutiscnnences of self abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine; and withinit be,-effectually stir dical operations, bungles, . instruments. rings', or cor ials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will proven boon to thou sands, Bent under seal to any address, in a plain sealid en velope, on the receipt of six' cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. CniverwelPs " Marriage guide," price W , cents. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., S 2 Eoivery, New York, Post (Mee box 4556. atarch 10,16117—lyamp. • 1111:0W,AUD I A.esoclation,PhIladellitila,p. T f o!settes of the Nervous, Seminal.Urinnryand se misysteme—netv and relhible trey tment —in Ileportsof the HOWARD ASSOCIATION, "gent byiniflfrir*Ted otter envelopes. free of charge. ••'AddressDr.l.Bint,Lts HotionToN. Howard Association, No 9 South 9th e tree Philadelphia, Ps Tit HON EMS. SEWING MACHINES, }B,OODA 1,700,000 1,%1,(K)0 FOR FAMES & MINUFACTURERS, 2,500,000 THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest Premium al the , World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fair of 1860, and are Celebrated for doing the best work. aging a meal smaller needle for the risme thread than any other ma rhino. and by the introduction of the most approved ma. hinery, we are now able to supply the very best ma chines in the world. Where machines are made at our new and spacious . Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF THE SEWING IIA• 10,000.000 LOCY),000 f 1,593,163 $500,000 They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, end to the use of searnstrespee, dress makers. tailors. man ufacturers of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing, hate, caps, corsets, boots. shoes, arness.Sad ales. linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect atit h, alike on both aides of the articles Dewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and all Sewing Ma chines are subject to the prin ciple invented by him. BEND FOR A CIRCULAR. SIBLEY & STOOPS, General Agents, NO. 922 CHESTNUT ST., EMMA. Feb. in, MT. Main Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner, Montrose. FLOUR We arc constantly receiving and now have oil hand, a fresh stock of Goods in our line, which we will sell CHEAP! CHEAP! , CHEAP! GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUG An, MOLASSES; SPICES, PORK, ~ F ISH, LARD, • HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER d• . - TIIIOTITY SEED, &e A lar;e, fine assortment St'e have refitted and made additions to our Stock of Pails. and arc now ready to torward Butter to the be- t counnitteiun hunsee in IS VW 1 otk . Irer of charge, and melee I. tier:L.l4d vsneeatente on consignments. Cdn and examine oar Stock liefore purchasing, else whore, cud convince yourselves of the GOOD QUi ;I LIIT&, CHE'AP PRICES C. G. 1111SCRR, . . .W, R. COATS HUNT BROTHERS, ISCJIMALIVTON, Pa.., Whoienale & Retail Dealers in, 2.l°A D WicaLd Ira L I los_ carx Da- STEEL, NAILS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD & MINING SUPPLIER. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS; NUTS and WASBERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, MIDIS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, cre. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES. , BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES, ae...t.c. CIRCULAR AND MILLSAVVS, BOLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, FIAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHERS FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton. March 21, 1863. 1y , • J. A. STEinms 699 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. MINER & COATS, PROVISIONS, - for cash, or exchange for produce of our Goods Montrose, April 18, 1867. New F irm. taldwin, Allen, & McCain DEALERS' IN Flour, Feed, ,Pork, Puffer, Cheese, Dried Beef,Wams,'Fish, Soaked. Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Cofee, Sprees, • Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, , • Seed - Wheat, Clover d• Timothy Steed, Flapsieul, Bemis, Broome • Rails (fe; -- fte •- ' 'Monklid forpalt patronage, ,we shill bp hippy to see and wait upon our old and new customers. , All_GoOdalindlDOUrvirtlented,T, •A,tALbWIN: t , ,nII.IIId(TAIN. Idontrose, Fab. 5,1957. :STEVENS HQUI3II, L'22; 25 & 27-Broidtfhty,' N. Y. Opp°Oa BostlitfirGreet6 ON E • ittflifit'S.LlS'i VTAAN:. MITE STEVENS AOUSB Is well andlitdely humps. J. to the travelling. public.. The locationis eapecially suitahle to merchants and basin - eel 'mid . ; Villa clots proxtmityto the business part of the c ity—ls on the highway of Southern and Western travel—audadjacezt to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots - . The Stevens Rouse has liberal accommodations fo r over 300 guests—it Is well furnished. and'poeSeesesev. cry modern improvement for the comfort and.entertala tneut of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilatedprovided with gas and water-the attend. ante is prompt and respectful—Mad the table is supplied with every delicacy of the season—at moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. may 9-412 n Pnorwrirwea. To Tin LADIES Dr. Duponco's Golden Periodroll'illslottemalas. Dr. Cheeeemau'l Female I J. Velpau's Female Pill.. SirJanies Clarke Female Fills. All of the above PHIS are infallible. in Correcting menotrnal irregularities. ana in enrinetettelhorres et. Whites. Thay are soccensful as preventives—hut should hot be use • during pregnancy. an they 'tit duld prods" aborYton. Price one dollar per box. each. The ant two kinds named sent by mall, to any address, pestage paid. In sealed envelope. on receipt of one dollar for each hoz ordered. The latter two kinds, being to glass, and heavy, will he nt by mail, postage paid, on the receipt of one dollar and twenty cents. Address SBEL TURRELL, Druggist, Montrose, pc j)ET,A W ARE i LACKAWANNA and WESTERN It. It. Summer Arrangdmit 11367. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAN'S • WESTWARD. -, ( EASTWARD. Mail I Paanngr. Mail " Meager train. . train. 1 STATIONS. train. train. A. 111. `IA. M. P. M P. M. , Pf } 8.60 New Yorks . .... ..... 5,25 + 1 11;30 New Hampton 2,80 12.1 ' Mantinka Chunk.... 1,35 ei. 12 45 Delnwire.... Dine... 1.35 !' 4,30 10.10 Scranton 945 5,36 111,43 Nicholson , . 8.85 n 5,59 12.09 I rfonbOttom... .... t. 108 5,6.2.) 12,39 'Montrose 7.55 F. 6,41 1..1,108 !New Milford 7.34 7,180 1,35 1 Great Bend 1 .7.15 a, P.M. P.. 51 1 *Foot of Liberty-et. 1 A. 41,. CONNECTIONS—WESTWARD. The Mail train from New York connect nunka Cnunk with the train leaving Philad'at ton depot) at RA) a. m.. and at Oreatßend witl mail train on tile Erie Railway. with sleepini tacked, eitupoing at all theprincipalstations i oad, and arriving - at Buffalo at 6,18 a. m. The 1 assenger tral' from Scranton connects at Gr't Bend t \ ith.thrnnh trains going west and east on Erie P.allway. arriving at Buffalo at 1,28 a. m., and at Sala manca at 12 in. . CO SNECTIO:+.7B-EASTWARD The Mail train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west; at. nanunka Chunk w Hit a train for Philad'a and intermediate stations, arriving .in Philadelphia at ti. m.: and at New Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem. Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arrit• at Harrisburg at 5.:30 p. m. At Scranton. connections arc snade_selthtrains on lb. Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.n, to and from Pit tto t Kingston, Wllkesbarre,Berwick,Bloomsburg,Danville, Northumberland. Harrisburg and intermediate stations, and with trains on the Delaware and Hodson Railroad to and from Carbondale and Intermediate stations. It. A. 'HENRY, J. SWISHES'. June 11. General Ticket .Agent. President. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R. OO and after November 27, 1665, passenger trains will TUc as rOHOWP : SOUTIIWARD A. X. 1. Y. P.M. Scranton, 5:50 10:50 CEO Kingston, 6:55 11:15 6:20 Rnpert. 9:15 8:53 ~ nan:llle, 9:50 2.30 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:%0 10:15 NORTHWARD Leave North timberlrnd, 8:00 3:05 Danville, 8:40, 3:40 Rupert. 9:15 a. at, ' 4:15 " Kingston, 2:35 ~ 5:30 5:55 Arrive at Scranton, 3:45 9:15 8:16 Passengers taking train youth from Scranton at 5:50 a. m. via -Northumberland. reach liarriaburg at 12;11 1 p. tn.; Baltimore 5:30 p. m.; Washington 1(000-p. tn.; vla 'Rupert react. Philadelphia at 7:00 p. fn. Kingston. Nov. 25. H. A. FONDA, Supt.. IOTTTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE -A- AND CATTLE POWDERS. • This preparation, long and favorably known. will thoroughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strcnthcuing and cleansing the stomath and intestines. It is a sure preventive of all diseases incident to this animal, such as Lung Fever, Glanders. Yellow Water. Reaves, Collar's. Distemper, Fevers, Founder. Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, Jtc, Its nag improves the wind, increases the appetite. given a smooth and glossy skin. and transforms the miserable skeleton into a flutte looking and spirited horse. TO IC.F.EPERS OF COWS, this preparation is Invaluable. It Increases the quanti• ty and Improves the quality of the milk. It has been provenby actual experiment to increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent and make the but• ter firm and sweet_ In fattening cattle, it gives them an a petite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster IN,,ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, snch na Coughs. fleets in the T.nnge, Liver. &c..thie article acts as a specific. By pottier from one half a paper to a paper In a barrel 01 twill the above diseases ;will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and care for the floe Chole ra. Price gr> cents per paper, or 5 papers for 11. Pre pared by DAVID E. FOUTZ at their wholesale Drag and Medicine depot. N 0.116 Franklin at., Baltimore, Md. For Pale by Druggists and storokeppers throughout the United States VP — For sale In MontiOs° by noc2lypgt6 SCRANTON BOOK BINDER:1 1 ri -A .1 .- Te G h ' e e s e t u a d ld t k h •r e s to r h v e les funnel l f. r. l%ale e :Te are prepared to furnish io Banks. Insurance Compa end Merchants, Manufacturers, Coal operators:l:folds others, with BLANK BOOKS, of every description, on short notice, bound in any style desired, in the most substantial manner, at reas ona M ble prices. agastnes bound, and old books l abound, at 'Sew York prices. Orde s left at the office of the paper publishing this reivert I seM ent ,or cent by ,the be attended to and returned without tuttiecessary delay S. IL BILL. • Scranton, Pa., Juno 18, 1667. tf NEW GOODS. _ IE3C. 'MI TYPLIEIL 9r 2. 1 1 1 TAT OULD inform his friends anti the public that he V V has In store and is receivin g large, and new sup plies!of •, .! .- . . spßlNG:&lol#l.[RtooDs P including everi kind ofGIOODS usually wanted in this ma rket. - i . Nis purchases help?. made since the great break dotvh ofpriees, will enable him to offer the most favor. abledriduceinertts to prices ? style.and, variety in DiyGoods, Oroceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Drugs, -Paints Oils, , Carpeting, Window , • Sh ades, . .Boots & Shoes,: &c, cC:e: (~_, and will be Old for (,ash.Prodage s tmapproved trait Now Mil rd; June, 1867. . . .. , BLAcKtiviitti TFIE undersigned have this day formed a eo-psrtner• ship, ander tin:farm name of Stamp & Moran. for I.tto purposo ot* variple on Blackesplthlng tn . all to brunches. ' -.; ; OrSirteiatteritlen will be 'given tOVialid:ifroeleg• lie are invited level/. . , z ; i p; ISTA L a Montrove, Mush 44th K q P, 1. 110PJX, a, 20.5 4,zoi, 4.05° 0 1 3.35 3.05 2.40 P M, eat Renotrg thronat car at on that ABEL TURRELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers