t ‘ ii ; ontrog ginuotrat. TCIIBIIAIt, <lets 16, 1887. Meaeal Irt.tellisezzoo. Local News. We will be thankful to persons throli,lh out the county for information in regard to all local occurences of general interest. If you feel that you cannot write for the publio eye, just send us the facts, as brief as you choose to tell them. arriages, Deaths, Accidents, Fires, Crimes etc., etc., are always matters of a public nature, oc curring almost daily in every neighbor hood. If you desire to have the paper in teresting, do not neglect to send us the Local News. Cattle Brokers, M. Persons who buy or spit cattle, sheep, Jac., are liable to special tax, and will save penalty by reporting themselves to the revenue assessors. Ail who speculate in farm prodacts or other articles, will al so do well to pay the tax before com mencing business. Internal Revenue. $2875715 have recently been recovered and saved to the Government from a manufacturing _establishment in this county for taxes due in 1864-5-6. A large amount has also been found to be due from another firm, which will very soon be realized. These amounts have been secured in consequence of a change in officials. Verily the new assessors have proved to possess some "efficiency ;" and if you don't think so, ask these add other de linquents who are being looked after. Fire in Susquehanna. • On Wednesday night of last week, an engine which was returning from the `Sum• mit, ran into a train of coal oil cars, and fired it. A large part of the train was at once run out of danger, and' but six or seven cars, includinga car of lumber, a car of shingles, and a car of cheese, were burned. The foundry of the Erie Com pany was coosiderab!y damaged, but by vigorous exertion the fire was kept sub dued, and the building .saved.—Northern Peassyleania. " THEIR NAME Is LEGION," may be ap plied to the innumerable diseases to which the skin is subject. It would be well for those who are afflicted with the,„appar early incurable ulcers, old soars, erysipelas and eruptions, to use Grace's Celebrated Halve, which cures in a very short time, eats, burns, scalds flesh wounds, tts. Examinations. The regular annual series of examina tions of Teachers for the Common Schools of Susq. Co. will commence the first day of October, 1867, and continue as follows: Ararat, Church,S. IL, Oct. 9 ....Lyons' " City" ..Burrows' " ..Village " .Glenwood " ...Bronson " ....Centre " ..Academy " ....Hollow " Herrick, .... Clifford, .... Gibson. Harford, Lenox, Lathrop,... Brooklyn,... Dnnock,.... Springville,. Centre '6 Auburn, Rush, Jessup, Bridgewater ) Academy " A - Montrose, Franklin .14:,./ Liberty, Forest Lake, Snyder's " ..Bolles' " Forks " Wright " .. Ross " Middletown, Choconat cb } Friendsv'e, " Little Meadows, - November 2 Silver Lake,... - .Brackney " " 4 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1, Examination will open at 9 a. m. 2, Applicants will not be admitted after the class has been examined in the first branch. 3, All applicants will be examined in two additional branches—History of United States and Theory of Teaching. 4, Provisional Certificates, only, will be granted at these examinations. 5, The examinations will be thorough and practical. 6, Applicants will supply themselves with two sheets of foolscap, pen, pencil, ink, and Fifth Reader. 7, Institutes for theinstruction of teach= ere will be held at City School House, October 11th, Dimock Academy, October 19th, Little Meadows, November Ist. A full attendance is looked for. SPECIAL SERIES. Special examinations will be held at Great Bend Nov. 18th, Hopbottom Nov. 10th, Montrose Nov. 20th, Rush, Gran ger's, Nov. 21st, Forest - Lake, Nov. 22d, Jackson 'Corners Nov. 26th; Lenoxville Nov. 28th. 'After which no examination will be held.. Teachers will be examinld at the special examinations upon this con dition : that they are already employed and present a written request and an ex cuse for not attending the regular series, signed - by at, least three directors. It is hoped that Boards will be fully represented ateach examination,* there will be a good opportunity to eniploy teachers, and important business will be brought, before them. Teacheris should in all cases be supplied with a five cont.revenue stamp. Persons wishing prompt replies to•let ters relating to school Matters should in close a stamp to pay return postage. W. W. WxmoN, Sup't. New Milford Sept. Mb, 2861. - ligErLadies' and Children's Fanny Furs at Jobs Fareira's, 118 Arch street,,Plill adelphialtiock large. Read bis Aver litameny and give him a oil. • . . . . , 111919kMIEL TIDUIIiELL it coettnetallytecelelng new supplies email:dna Drugs ant Medicines, which will be ;sold as low ea atan'iroMer Steve its Mt:amuse. Or Gardner's nnelness Collett!, /MONO- GRAPHIC INSTITUTE and LADIES• ACADEMY— is the proper place where young men and ladies can ob tain a practical knowledge of the Most important branches of business. Every one should Iniprove this opportuatitf, as the course is the most thorough of any College of the'•kiod In Northern Pennsylvania. Lile Scholarship, $35,00. Send for College Paper, giving 'full particulars. Address J. N. GARDNER, Principal, Scranton, Pa. Aug.t 13-6 m. tar Colgate 4 Aromatic Vegetable' Soap. A se perfor Toilet Soap, prepared from relined Vegeta ble Oils in combination with Glycerine, and eape daily designed for the nee of Ladies, and for the Nursery. Its perfumers exquisite, and` its washing properties unrivalled. For sale by all druggists. May, 28 1867.—Ayampig The Greatest Paln.litellever IN THE Wo ELD. Warranted superior to any ether, or no pay, for the cure of Chronic „Itheutuati sm, Toothache, Head ache, Sore Throat, Mumps, Burns, Cuts, Insect stings, Pains in the Back, Chest, and Limbs, Sprains. Old Sores, Swellings ; also, to take internally for Diarrhwa, Dysentery, Colic, Spasms, Sea Sickness, Vomiting, and Croup. It is perfectly innocent to take internally, if used according to the directions, and never fails, as thousands can attest. It was first introduced in 1847. and new millions of bottles are annually sold. Every one who'has once Used it., continues to do so, and re commend it to their Nerds as the most valuable medi cine extant. Certificates enougn to fill a dozen news papers have been received by Dr. Tobias. His medicine, the Venitian Liniment, will do all that is stated, and more. No one will regret trying it. Those residing r t a distance from a physician, will find it a reliable medi cine to have on hand in case of accidents. Ask fur Dr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment. and take no other. Price 60 cents and $l. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 60 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. aug9.oml I=l=l Infallible in Corrmtin; Irre gularilies, Removing all Olui.ructions of the Monthly Courses, from whatever and Always Succetuful as a Preventive. A CERTAIN REMEDY for all complaints so peculiar to the sex, viz., Distressing and Painful Menstruation, Retention, Pain in the Back and Loins, Pressing-Down Pains, Rush of Blood to the Head, Dizziness, Pi mnese of Sight, Green Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, and that most annoying, weakening, and the begining of all other fe male weaknesses, The Leucorrhma, or Whites. " 10 " 12 r 4 " 15 " 18 " 17 " 18 " 21 " 22 quieting the nerens, nald twinging cues tne " rosy color of health:: to the most delicate. Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both by mysel f and agents, to all parts of the world, to which answers have been returned. in which ladies say nothing like the above pills Mtve been known since the Scietice or Medicine dawned npon the World. " 23 " 24 " 25 " 26 " 28 " 29 66. 30 66 31 Ariother Clergyinan writei as t'ollows "My voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponeiL-1 have discovered the" Fountain of Heattb" on this side of the Atlantic. Three bottles of Peruvian Syrup have rescued me from the tugs of the fiend Dyspepsia." A pimpitlet of 82 pages. containing & bistory of this remarkable comedy, with a treatise.on "Iron as a Medicine," will be sent free toany adress. •Ategenubie Moo' ;Mules B:rup" blown in the; J. P. mital[o=7/7onrietor Bohn, Donlan& sip 28.Vey8tssei, New 'York. eiNl3l3OXiA.Mie igICIMZCP34/3. Dr. SOICENCK'S PULXONIC SYRUP Vs great medicine cured Dr.d. EL masses, the Propri eaw,'of Pulmonary Consumption, when it bad assumed Its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be Inevitabie. UI. phyilchmspronotinced his me incurable, whoa ho commenced the nee of this simple but pawerftd remedy. Ws bralth was !tutored in a very ishort time. and no return of the dismiss bas been aPprebended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his .prescut weight is more than two hundred pounds. Since his recovery, he boa devoted his attention exchi evely to the cure of Consumption, and the St...cum which are aerially coMpileated with it, and the cures effected by his medicines have been very numeumuS and truly wonderful. Dr. Sourzgoic makes professional visits to several of thirlarger cities weekly, where he has a large conceive of patients and it is truly astonishing to are peer consrumptivei that tam to be lifted out of their carriages, and in a few mouths h.althy, robuxt prrsons. Da. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, and' MANDRAKE PILLS am generally all required la curing Consumption. Full directions accompany each, so that any .one can take them without seeing Dr. Soutacoc., but when it Is convenient it Is last to see him. He giros advice tree, but for a thorough examination with his Itemiroineter his fee is three dothing. Posse otwervo, wbon purchasing, that the two likenerace of the Doctor—one when In the 1.1.4 stage of Consumption. and the other tu he now la, in perfect bealth—are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Drunriste and flealeis. Price $1.50 psr bottle, or $7.50 the half dozen. Letters for advice 'should always he directed to Dr. Schenck's Principal Odice, No. 13 North 6th Street, Philade pals, Pa. General Who:mato Agents: Demas Barnes 4; Co-, N. Y & 8. Hance, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Waiter 1 CiticaJo, /11.; Collins Bros., St Look, M.o. [3d w. ea mo.l yr. Dr Card to the Ladies.—Dr. Daponeo's Golden Periodical Pills for Females. They Aclate P a Charm In Removing &mimeti. Restoriug Nature toil.: roper Channel. c and 100,000 Boxes hays been sold in Two Years. Full and explicit direcions accompany each box. Price $1 per box ; six boxes, $.5. Sold by Oil e Drng• gist in every town; village, city. and hamlet throughout the world. Sold in Montrose, Pa.. By BURNS & NICH OLS, (Druggist...) "Sole Agents" for Montro,..e. 11- dies, by eroding then to Montrose Post Office, can have the Pills sent, (confidentially) by mail to any part of IM country, free of Postage. Sold also by Eareouno ..tCLanu, Great Bend, Cc/km finowri, Depoolt, CLEVEn. PIERCE' k Co. Blnzhamton, Crrununi S Snooks, Scranton, DEVAS BARNES & CO. New Yoult,'S. D. HOWE, Sulk Proprlctor, Nee• York. July 1-I}3• Irlriren thousand Dollars+ worth of GOODS at wholesale coat, per inventory just taken, for sale by ABEL TERRELL, in the Brick Block. About this amount eonatantly on hand. and NEW GOODS contin ally arrtying. The people can fled nearly everything they may need at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, Pa., July 80. 1867. FOIL THE ILINDKFACIIIIT. rholmes •• Fight Blooming Gramm+, PhalonN .rliglit Blooming Cereop." Phalonho •'l4l . ight Blooming Cereas.” Photon , ' •" Blooming Corimo.” rholongs Night Blooming Cereus.” A molt 'exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, dinti led from the rare and beautiful flower from which it takes its name. Manufactured only by PILtLON & SON, New York. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. pyri ly stop x ri29 oew garlierofula—Constkmptlon.—Dr. LUGOL, of Paris. one of the most eminent Chemlen of Eurepe, said : , .- "The most astoundin n ,, results may be anticipated when lodine can be diss olved in pure water." - Dr. IL Anders, after fifteen years of scientific re search and experiment, has succeeded in dissolvi ug one and one quarter f rains of lodine to each fluid ounce of water, and the most astounding results have followed its use, parricularly in Scrofula, and kindred diseases. Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water ii, for sale by J. P. Dins more, &Way Street, New York, and all Druggists. ~sep rte — ipo yelp e• ggpip,.—Th ere Is no disease which experience ban so amply proved to be remedia ble by thePernrian Syrup, (a protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron,) as Dyspepsia. The most Inveter ate forms of this disease have been completely cured by this medicine, as ample testimony of some of oar first citizens proves. Prom the venerable Archdeacon Scott, D.D. DUNHA.W, Canada East. • • • ".I.BM an Inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 23 years standinel *, • • "I have been s wonderfully benefited in the three short weeks daring'which I have used the Pe simian Syrup. that I -can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me areastonish• id at the change. • lam widely known, and can but re commend to others that which has done so tench for me." 1 , • • • INC.4I6.3ELI'LLe:ILCIrMIEI. At the-residenee. of the bride, in Mont roses'on, the Bth-inst., by Rev. p. C. Olm-, stead, ME M: T. litcli • Eraly, ofßridgewa:. ter, and Miss — ELIZABETH S. &arm, of Montrose. In Harford, on the 3d inst., by Rev. A. Miller, Mr. LINOS W. MOORE and Miss JANE A. CARPENTER. At the house of the bride's father, by E. A. 'Weston, Esq., Oct. 4th, Mr. BENJ. Miacits, of Susquehanna, and Miss MARY J. B.E,RKIZIER, of Brooklyn. At the Eagle Hotel, New Milford, on Wednesday, Oct. 2d, by Win. C. Ward, Esq., Mr. GEO. R. BERRY, of Clifford, and Miss THANKFUL D. PICKERING, of Jack son. In Dimock, Sept. 25, 1867, by Rev. S. F. Brown, Mr. DENISON REYNOLDS, of Davenport Centre, Delaware Co., N. Y., to Miss E. E. Goss, of Dimoek, Pa. TI3III.ALT3EIC!9. 11E7 — Notices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate of day cents per hundred words. In New Milford, on Friday Oct. 4th, 1867, after a short gild severe illness, Mr. DENms O'NEAL, aged 58 years. In Jessup, on the 3d, Mr. WILLIANt Smati, aged 79 years. NEW YORK MARKETS. Reported for the Mort-mown DEMOCILAT. by DE HART, SHAFFER & CO., Commission Merehants,4o3, 404, 405 and 4911 West Washington Market, New York ' City. Oct. 12, 1867, Beans, per barrel $3,30 0 $3,50 Butter, per lb. State firkins, prime.... 36 6.1) al do " tabs, •• .... 116 0 90 do Orange county pails._ 45 n 50 Cheese, per lb., 12 t 16 Eggs, per doz. 30 a, 33 Flour, per bbl. extra State . 9,00 0 13,00 western 9,51) 6 . 3 12,00 Rye Flour per bbl 7,50 t 9.00 Corn meal,. " 6.00 0 6.:A) Wheat, per bushel, 2,50 0 3.2 l Rye, . do 1,5 q 0 1,60 Corn, do 1.20 G 1,80 Oats, do V 64 70 llay, per cwt., 1,00 0 1,20 Sheep, live per lb. 05 41. 0.4 lambs, • ki q, 10 Calves, ••.. . ... ... ...... . 09 0 10 Chickens, live per pair ... . 75 65 1,16 Tallow, per II). 11 ).5 I 1 Wool, per lb. 415 ) 56 litttr 'Airerlisrmetit Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. F. B. STREETER. President of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery. quarter SC of the Peace, Common Pleas, at d Orphans' Court, itt the thirteenth judi cial district, composed of the counties of Susqnehanna and Bradford, and the lions. It T. Ashley and Alfred Baldwin, Associate Judges for Susquehanna county. have issued their precept, to me directed, for bolding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in the borough of Montrose, and county of Susquehan na. on the 2d Monday of November, 1667, it being the 11th day. NOTICE to LIEREBT OMEN to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of said county of Susquehan na. thatthey be there in their proper persons, at 2 o'- clock In the afternoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions. and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done.— And those who are bound by recognizances against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail bf said county of Susquehanna are to be then and there, to prosecute against them as,. ill be just. Dated at Montrose, the 11th of Oct., in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. S. F. LANE, Sheriff. Auditor's Notice HE undersigned having been appointed an anditor T the Orphans' court of Susquehanna County, up on exceptions to administration account of J. P. Hard ing and S. L. Kennard, executers of will of W. P. Ken nard, late of Brigewater deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in Montrose,. on Thursday, November 7th. at 2 o'clock% p. m , at which time and place all persons are required to pre sent their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. WM. J.'TtliltELL, Auditor Montrose, Oct. 15th, 1:367. BANK ASSIGNEE In the District Court of the Lulled States for the Wentern District of Pennsylvania : In the matter of In Bankruptcy. John Brackney, a bankrupt. j To WHOM IT May CONCERN : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as assignee of John Brackney, of Bmckneyville, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylva nia. within said district. who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated October 51, A. D., 1867. OcSw3* A. H. LEWIS, Assignee. LADIES' FANCY FURS , At JOHN FAREIRA'S .Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. 718 ARCH STREET, above itb, PHILADELPHIA. Have now In Store of my own manufacture and im portation, one of the largebt and moat beautiful selec tions of 3Pro,za.cry 30'.ta.riss, for Ladle& and Children's Wear in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gent'a Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my Goods at very reason. able prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Susquehanna County and vicinity. 07 - Remember the Name, Number and Street. - .1 - 0111 V FAREIRA. No. 718 Arch St., above ith, south side. Philadelphia. have no partner nor connection with any other Store in Philadelphia. Oct. Bm4 THE NEW fillifOßD FOUNDRY IN PULL BLAST frIIE undersigned would respectfully Inform the poo l. ple of New Milford and vicinity that hie Foundry situate in the village of New Milford, is now In opera tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Castings of all kinds on call, or will get them up to order. rerConsult your interests by giving me a call. \ J. S. TINGLEY. New Milford, Oct. 1, 1851.—tf F CD> Pt SI Ak. IA . rsHE undersigned offers for sale his Honie, Shop and Lot, located in the village of Gibson, Gibson town. ship, Sneq'a co., Pa. Terms made known by enquiring of the subscriber on the premises. 'lie will also offer for sale on MONDAY, NOV. 4th, 1867, at one o'clock, if not previously disposed of, In which case notice will be given, the following property: fourgears old mare, broke to harness; I set of ell verplated single Harness, nearly new ; 1 open Buggy, nearly new ; 1 open Baggy, new ; 1 two- ,, eated Pleasure Sleigh, new ; one-borse Lumber Sleigh, new 1 cylin der Coal Stove, cooking nearly new; household Articles too numerous to mention. Five months credit with interest and approved security. All some under $5 each down. d.. 8. HOWELL. N. thou having unsettled seconnte with the undereigned ere hereby notified to call end arrynge sbe e 'oothotrl totkrpo4ol , 7. lit gawsza., Gibson, Pa. r fiept, 10, 1067..--ft• MUMS & NICHOLS, DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Beep regularly supplied with unadulterated _ Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions, &c. Fresh from ew York City. AD of the most popular Patent Medicines sold in this section, among which may be found Ayre'x and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem.- ' bold'.s Buchu, Sdienek's Pulmonic Sy rup and Sea•taeed Tonic, Duponco's and Chessman's Female Pills, Hall's Cough Balsam, Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial, ma, Hair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Hoof. land',s German Bitters, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, And many other kinds of real value and merit. in fact our Stock embraces a (Inc assortm en t of everything us usllly kept in WELL lIZOULATED Drug Stores. pirPrescriptlons receive particular attention, and are CAREFULLY and promptly compounded. *,„• store formerly occupied by J. Etheridge. A. B. BURNS. • Idontrose, Pa., Sept. 17, 1867. .A3lOB NICHOLS. T 3E-11101 I=D 1-a .A. 40 JM WIIEEF. YOU WILL FIND TILE 1311FA%T 11%1111T' DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, PIECE GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, And Furnishing Goods, Is certainly at Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's Haying again purchased a large stock of New Goode Fall and Winter Trade, we would request a call and examination of our Goode, feeling confident of being, enabled to please and satiety as regards variety and prices. We would especially call attention to our fine and large selection of gta4 fflaVe elotOng Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., for Custom Work, As we are the manufacturers of all the Clothlne we sell, we are enabled to DEFY ALL COMPETITION in regard to WORKMANSHIP AND PRICES Garments made to order after measure, and good fit ting guarantied. A good aseortment of MEN'S 8s BOYS' HATS, Just received. Also a large lot of plain a trimmed HORSE BLANKETS. (6utttitburg, A.ostubanin Co. M. B. DBEISAIIER, Managing Partner Montrose, Sept. 24, 1867 Auditors' Report of Dimock Bounty Fund. Balance in Treasurer's hands. &c., $ 1.32 Amount uncollected from 1865, 1038.18 Duplicate for 1866, 8828.06 4821123 Amount paid on bonds, &c., 114000.87 Exoneration', 262.22 Per cent. to Collector, 71.25 do. to Treasurer, 20.40 Amount uncollected for 1885, 89.78 Amount in Treasury, 339.74 4847.58 Amount of bonds nnpaid, $4886.53 Amount unprovided for, 4520.78 WM. C. MILES. OLNEY BAILEY, FAudltora 0ct.15w3 F. li. HOLLISTER, FARM FOR SALE. T 1, 7 ? e d w erlhin to o r d d °Lars a le bo h u ls t P on e e nn a ll e tu t z l lt o e m d Montrose Depot, count:Bing about .120 esti With. about 80 ages mader cultivation, a good Dwel ling Mouse, 3 Barns and other outbaildings, a good Orchard, is well watered ; In fact, a good Graiti or Dairy Farm. Persons desirous of purchasing will reeeive all ne cessary information as to terms. &c. by calling upon tho undersigned, an the premises. ALBERT ALDDICII. Montrose Depot, Aug. 20,18117.—tL - • T ARO OIL, and a great variety or OILS for MACIII• IJNERY, far sale by ARM: TIIIIIISLIf., ABEL TURRELL ' S STORE. • 1- 11 .7 sensual, Is fall of desirable Goode. Call and see riEGRATEN ELECTRIC _OIL, rozweil ABEL 'ITIBRZEZI N9TICE IN PARTITION. TO Sarah Methane, now residing In Oakland town. shin. Susquehanna ootmty, Pennsylvania, and children and, lineal deSO4tldanta,as folloses,,to wit : Charles Mb Kung, oldest son, now"reeddini - Itt *N"ew 'Bedford, Ha rald county, Illinois; Mao F. McKune, second son, also residing at New Bedford, aforesaid; Joseph Mc- Kune, '2d, third son, since deceased, leaving a widow; named Jane Maxine, now residing In Oakland town. ship aforesaid, and two minor children, to Wit : Mary E. McKune, aged eleven' years, and Fanny McEnne, aged eight years—the Said Sarah McKune, of Oakland aforesaid, having been duly appointed guardian of the two said minor children by the Court : Benjamin F. McKune, fourth sou, the petitioner; Betsey Ann, in termarried with O. M. Nichols, and now residing at New Bedford aforesaid ; Mary V., intermarried with A. .8. Lathrop, and now retodin! , at Wyanette, in Bureau county, Illinois; Phebe P. who iutermarried with J. B. Minry and since deceas ed, leaving her said husband and three children, to wit ; Henrietta, Francis K, and Sarah E. 'Mazy, all now residing at or near Efmira, Chemung county, New York ; Eunice. intermarried with John Walter Smith, and now residing in'Claren don. Calhoun county. Michigan ; and Sarah intermar ried with James McCannon , of the township of Oak land aforesaid; and also one grandson, named Timo thy Wheat, who was the son of Esther. a daughter of the said Joheph IdcKune, deed, who intermarried with Horton Wheat, and died before the said Joseph—the above said Timothy Wheat being a minor, aged about twenty years, lnd now residing as deponent is inform ed and believer, at or near Vannettanville, in Chemung county, New York ; TARE Nonce : That an inquest will be held at the late dwelling house of Joseph Mcliune, deceased, in the township of Oakland. Susquehanna county. on Thursday the 24th day of October, 180, at 2 o'c:ock, p. m., for the par pose of making partition of the real . s tate of said deceased to and among the children and sepresentatives. if the same can be done without kpp prej dice to or spoiling the whole ; otherwise to value and raise the same accordLg to law; at which time and on you uro required to attend if yuu think proper. S. F. LANE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose Oct. 1, 1 867.-1 w Auditor's Notice. TE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Judg es of the Orphans' Conn of Susquehanna county to distribute the balance of the fund lu the hands of the ittlin'r of the estate of E. T. Wilbur, duc'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of R. B. Jr G. P. Little in Montrose, on Wednesday the SOth day of October, at 1 o'clock. p. m., at which time and place all persons arc required to present their claims or be foreNer debarred from coming in on said fund. GEO. P. LITTLE, Auditor. Oct 1, 1867.--td Auditor's Notice. TOE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of StuNnehanna County to distribute the funds of the estate of J. B. Carrier, deceased, late of the said county, will - attend to the duties of said ap pointment at his ofilcu In Montrose. on Thursday, the thirty-Brat day of October next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons having an interest in the said funds, are required to present their claims or be foreverdeberred from coming in upon said fund. A. CHAMBERLIN, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. Auditor's Notice. rpus undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Susqut henna County to distribute th'ebalance of the fund in the hands of the adminis trator of A MORETT HOLLENBACK.dec'd, will attend to the duties or such appointment at the office of W. D. Lusk in Montrose, on Friday the Ist day of No vember, 1867. at 1 o'clock, p. m.,at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims or be be debarred from coming in on said fund. W. D. LUSK, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. 24, 1567 Auditor's Notice. TIE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Or 'thane' court of Susquehanna county to distribute the balance of the fund In the hands of the Adminis trator of Wm. D Dewitt, deceased, will attend to the ditties of his appointment, at his °dire in Montrose, on Saturday, the nineteenth day of October, 1867, at one o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in on said fund. FURS, A. W. BERTHOLF, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. 24, 1867. 'STATE OF DALTON TIFFANY; late of Harford, Sunq'a county. Pa., dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those hhvin„7 claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. , Oak:ey, Sept. 17, 1867 rroord urine zuperior vuauty " 7 r' M . 1 ' MADE LT Waltham, Maas. The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, less somplex, more durable, better adapted for generalise, and mora easily kept in order and repaired tha9 any other watches in the market. They are simpler in structure, and therefore stronger. and lees likely to be injured than the majority of foreign watches, which aro composed of from 125 to 300 pieces, while in an old English watch there are more than 700 parts. How they run under the hardest trial watches can have, is shown by the following letter : PHYN. RAILROAD COMPANY OFFICE OF THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, ALTOONA, Pa., 15 Dec., INA. Gentlemen: The watches manufactured by you hare been in use on this railroad for several years by our enginemen, to whom we furnish watches as a part of our eqbipment. There are now some three hundred of them carried on oar line, and we consider them good and reliable time-keepers. Indeed. I have great satis faction in saying your watches give ns less trouble. and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. As yon are aware, we formerly trusted to those of En glish manufacture, of acknowledged good reputation; but as a class they never kept time as correctly, nor have they done as good service, as yours. In these statements I am sustained by any predeces sor Mr. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series of years. Respectfally. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. .11na•kan Watch Company,• Waltham. We make now five different grades of watches, named respectively as follows: Appleton. Tracy & Co., Waltham, Mass Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Mass P. B. Bartl6tt, Waltham, Mass Wm. Ellory, Boston, Mass. Home Watch Company, Boston, Mass. All of these, with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted by the American Watch Com pany lobe of the best material, on the most approved principle, and to possess every requisite for a reliable time-keeper. Every dealer sellkng these Watches is provided with the Company's printed card of guarantee which should accompany each Wateh sold, so that buy ers may feel sure that they are purchasing the genuine article. There are numerous counterfeits and imita tions of oar Watches sold throughout the country, and we would caution purchasers to he on their guard against imposition. Any grades of Waltham Watches may be purchased of Watch Dealers throughout the country. BOBBINS dc APPLETON, 182 Broadway, Now York. EYRE & LAN DELL, Fourth and Arch Ste. PHILADELPHIA, Are now offering a NEW STOOK of 7211 . 3 r Grcrodilis, For the Fall Sales of 1867, SHAWLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. N. b. Job Lola of Goods received Doily. Sept.. 10-6 ii SOLDIERS' BOU-NTY ) PENSIONS, axial Mao] . 'mew, mE nadereinted, LICENSED AGENT of the GOV. EionaNz wiring obtained the necessary tome, esc.. Will give prompt attestiOn to all claims intrusted !Aide eare; No thatge Indesseweestill. GEO. P. urrzr. Koh trete, June Uhl Mg. Only Direct Line ,to France-. The General Transatlantic Company'si Splendid bfair SteAtashlpe : ST. LAVItENT BoOSIEDIS • Saturday, Oct. 5 PERRIER Elticnassa..., ...Saturday, Oct. le' VILLE DE PARIS.. Sirptolis '..Saturday, Nov. 2 EUROPE LEnentz Saturday, Nov. 18 To Brost or Bane, (wino Includeda First Cabin, $12 1 ; Second Cabin, $B5, On gold). These Steamers do not carry Steerage Passengers. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent, 58 Broadway, N. Y. A. J. TIFFANY, Adm'r WATCH Pt! a4rAtgelneo4,-,. "Beyond the.PAiseiesippi:" Complete history of the Ni lo glutei, 'and Territories, from the Great itiver to as Great Goan. BY ALBERT D. RICLIARDSON. It popularity is maned by the sale of over WACO copies In a single mouth. " Life and Adventute on Prairies. Mountains and the Pacific coast. With over 200 Denriptive and Photo graphic Views of the Scenery. !ties, Lands. Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and'rerrito ries." To prospective ernigrants and settlers In the . "Par this History of that vast and fertile region trill prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to climate, soil. products, means of travel, &c. Agents Wanfed.—Send for circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address -National Publishing Co., 28 S. Seventh St., Phihmelphia, Pa. A few more A gents wanted • To take orders for our popular Books and Engravings, either on conunission or salary. Oar publications are standard works by the best authors in the country,. among which is Tiffrny's Sacred Biography and History, Holland's Life of Lincoln, Abbot's History of the War„ Headley's Lite of Washington. Rev. S. Phillips' Christian Horns, and others. Agents will not be required to' canvass territory previously occupied, unless preferred. For particulars address, OURD 05, BILL tt 00., Publish ers, Springfield, Mass. A List of Newspaper& We have pnbliehed a complete List of all Newspaper. In the New England States; price 25c. State of New York price 2.5 c. Del 3.1 d., and Dist. of Col.; price 25e. bhio; price 25c. Pennsylvania; price 25e. ; price 25a. Au. of the above for One Dollar. O•. P. RoWELL & CO., 40 Park Row, N. Y. MADAME FOY'S • PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER, Combines in one,garment a perfect fitting Coraet,ant} the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the pub lic. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoal • ders instead of the hips ; it improves the form without tight laciug • gives ease and elegance; is approved and recononendedby physicians. Manufactured by D. D. SAUNDERS & CO„ 06 Summer St., Boston. THE CELEBRATED Este y Cottage Organs. J. RSTRY S; CO., Brattleboro, Vt., The Original Ilrventors and Manufacturers. Combining more perfections than any other In tbs. world. Have taken theist p i r:t th il e n e ra o s un at u all the principal Faint 395 SCriallinlzton-st , Boston ; 'Bl7 Ilroome- at., N. York; 18 No. Rhlla ; 115 Randolph-a , Chicago. Agents Wanted. TO INSURANCE AGENTS, &C., &C.—We wish to secure an agent in every city of more than 5,000 population, to act for us in canvassing fur busi ness, A man who is already established in some aces ; nation which allows him a few spare hours, can easily increase his income several hundred delhea per year This is an opportunity for active men to secure a profit , . able connection with the best established Advertising. Agenci in the United States. Address, with full par ticulars, reference, Sc., GEO, P. ROWELL 41 CO., 40' Park Row, N. Y. WE ARE COMING, And will present to any person sending as a club In our Great Ono Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Hoods, &e., Silk Dress Pattern. Piece of Sheeting, Watch. Am, free of cost. Catalogue of goods, and sample, tent to any address free. Address J. 8. Hawes & Co., Skt Hanover St., Boaton, .Mass, P. 0. Box 512. i. A ei A DAY made by any one, w lib any parent 11J Stencil Tools. I prepay samples free. Be- Ware of infringers. My circulars will explain. Address A. J. FULLAIf, Sgringfield, ermont b_ Mr _ O . To 8100 per month and trove:Bine expenses. rinent, nverulit• lug White Wire Clothes Ltnes. State sire. and address .A.33ER1C.3.51 WIRE ConrerrY,l62 Broadway, N. Y. You're Wanted : Look Here: Agents, both mule ind female, wanted„everywhere to sell the PATENT Itrimovzo 1 RESERVOIR, (by which from one to two pages can be written without replenishing with ink), and our Fancy dad Dry Geod.. etc. Can clear from $3 to $lO a day. No capital re quired. Price 10 cents, with an advertisement de scribing an article fur sale in our Dollar Purchasing Agency. Circulars cent free. EASTMAN ft KENDALL, 65 Hanover St., Breton, Mace. 6,OAGENTS wanted. to sell Six New Inveo -00 dons, of great value to families • all pey great profits. Send ttri cen s ant t l x: r pages and Parllpio gratis. Agents Dave madeslso, Ephraim Brown. Lowell, Mass. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTHERS.—THE GRAFTON MINER itI.PAINV COMPANY are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint-in use ; two coats well put on. mired with pure linseed oil, williast 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, had, stone, ollve.i,or drab. to suit the tasto of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car makers, and Woodert-ware,Cah 11118, Metal and Shingle ;loofa, (it being the and water proof.) Bridges. Burial Cases, Canal Boats, Ships and Ship Bottoms. Floor Oil Cloths, (one manufacturer ha ving used 5,000 bbls. the past year,) and as a pant. for any purpose is unsupassed for body, durability, elasti city and adhesiveness. Price, $5 per bbl. of 300 which will supply a farmer for years to come. War, ranted in all cases as above. Send-for a circniaros hick gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAN IEL BIDWELL, Proprietor, 254 Pearl et., New York. Agents Wanted. Consumption can. be Cured. The true Itemedy at iIII3t. discovered. Uphata's Patty MAT. Cone, prepared from the formula of Prof. Trous seau of Paris, cures Consumption, Long Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Idarasmus,General Debility and all morbid conditions of the system dependent on defi ciency of natal force. It is pleasant to taste, anda sin gle bottle will convince the moot skeptical or the virtue of tho great healing remedy of theltge.- $1 a bottle, or six bottles for (S. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. UP HAM, No. Q 5 south Bth at., Philadelphia, and principal Druggists. Circulars sent ftee. ONLY. $l. UNPortTIINATIS FIVILARVIR. $1 ONLY. My Injection cures Glonorrhcea or Oleet.-in ten daya, without noxious drugs. when all other remedies fall. Dn. litmus RElLnern, - Station F., N. Y. City,. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OP MARRIAGE. The Cheapest Book ever published. Containing nearly three hundred pages, And 130 tine plates and engravings of tho Anatomy of the Unman Organs in a state of Ileolth and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors,lteDeplatabla Consequences upon the mind and body, with the an thor's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and Suc cessful modoof cure, as shown by the report of muses treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who', entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any ad dress, on receipt of 23 cents in staml r sor froctlenal cur rency, by addressing DR. LA GRO No. 81Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted up on any of the &settees upon which this book treata„ el. ther personally or brined. Medicines sent to aaypart of the world. Manhood and the vigor of youth „restored in four weeks. Success guaranteed.. DTCRECORD'EI Essence of Life restores manly ppw. - or;frolu whateter cline(' arising, the effects ()fair. ly pernicious habits. self abuee,impotency and climate. give way at once to this wonderful medicine, tf taken regularly according to the direction. (which ars very simple. and require no restraint from business orPleas. nee - Failure is impossible. Bold bottles. at $B, or 4 quantities in one for $O. To be bad only of the sole Appointed agent in America. HERMAN GYUTZBS,O2II Powery, and 905 eitev.,4.1;,7. WE STILL. LIVE! l'""illiTabtglre 4 4 Impostors or " patent im ant Cad ire* or tnoehlne , Stencil tools." Send Mr pew cautogoo otlMPßOnw.srmirort ma, yule. tiee, eV S&L oarernilv fintabod and taro lA. it SPEWS% it CO., - w.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers