0=!I --41fotace:Oreele7; is manuscript is no toriously bad, and it is said to require a printer of no ordinary skill to set up his i " copy," if he happens to Write it n a hurry. • The recent newspaper anecdote of an article headed William H. Seward, which Mr. Greeley had returned to him set up " Richard III.," is fresh in the minds of all ; but an occurrence still more funny is related,' which happened in the Tribune once some years since. V .Atiarritiositor had made 80 many errors is " the philosopher ' s"" _copy; that, if irrita tedhimstosnel-At:de*ee- that he wrote the typo a letter;:diachargini hiM from further duty. The compositor be ing utterly. unable to decipher the con tents of tbe note on receiving it, took it ty tile , lereman, who explained to him that iitexprpised, that he was not " not a Care fermatitiad'ltri Greely dispensed with htiitki44-7 XAtiliext day he applied for a situation iirtilai:giijobbing office in the same street asVisist ant foreman. The proprietor in q,eire4,if he.dbulid bring a recommeq4a tioriliini his last employer. AltiLliiiikika letter from life.,Gree -1,,y," tiliir-youn glub .-beral3r, produ cing the document. The, wertbylob printer scanned it for some minutes with a perplexed air. -.4114--ni—tricarelid man—services— signed 11. Greeley"- , engage you." Ana le did,. and never learned until two yeaffiffer*ard, that the letter 'from Mr. Greeley was ono of discredit, instead of commendation; as We had supposed. ' --Irar;t6 -reckless. course pursued by the radicals, who are largely in the ma jority in both branches of the Pennsylva hialmislature, is awakening public at tetirtion-and earnest comment. The man- ner in which many 7 bills were passed last session, to say nothing of. their questiona 'l.4k character ; has startled thousands tthrmighout the Commonwealth. The people, everywhere, are demanding re form. They see the absolute necessity of changing the style of legislation. They uow look to the Democracy to correct the •ei it, and, if good men are placed in nom ination by the Democratic conventions, hundreds who never before voted our tieketrwill rush to its support. In view of this fact, the approaching delegate elec tions are invested with the greatest im ' Ti'ortateeiT The first thing to accomplish is to elect sound and reliable men as our repiesentatives in the several nomination. conventions. If this is done, the battle will he an easy one, and the victory will be overwhelming. \.• Rancid - Batter. We ea from an exchange the follow kkg recipe : "To a pint of water add thirty 'drops (about half a teaspoonful) of liquor of chloride of lime. Wash in this two and half pounds of rancid butter. When every particle of the butter has come in contact with the water, let it stand an hour or two; then wash the but ter well again in pure water. The butter is. thpu,left without any odor, and has.the s'strUitii,ess,pf, fresh butter. These prepar atioina bf >have nothing injurious in them." The' same paper says: "We forthwith olstaiiied some of the most rancid butter, and it was bad enough for any stomach that had more sensibility than a wagon wheel. We doctored it as per recipe, and when placed on the table along with ciew,,good. butter, very able judges could ntit•distinOisb which was the new batter. Here is a fact worth a year's subscription tvl 21)4P0T-4. Qom" We - were much =Used by the fol. rowing incident related to us by one o Uncle Sam's officials: While the troops were in Nashville, a lit tle fellow frequently passed headquarters enquiring whether any one desired his services to sharpen knives. The boy was poorly clad,-and seemingly very ignorant.. One morning when be stopped, as usual, who prided himself no little on ,his literary attainments and sharpness. of speech, asked the boy " if ite thought he could sharpen wits?" The Juvenile eyed the, elegant uniform an lytunt and replied, " yes, for them what's got any, but I never think of bringing sharpner round here !" Why Davis was not Tried. 1 he Washington cioriespondeat of the New -York World says: Thettltiinate release ofJeffersun. Davis been an exciting topic of discussion among the Cabinet; and his present free dom will result in a few days in eliciting ' tVitiailiaf` he cannot be tried on the ehargit of+bigh 'treason. The Attorney Generalis said to take this view of the case; and .Judge , Chase, he holds, is re sponsible for, the result, as the Judge, du ring the 'yeat,'decided tint the rebels were ordir:tojustify the dispo sal of the "blockade runners in prize courts, and belligerents cannot .boAried,for trea- sou. To reversethe decision would be to dedare all the sales of prize vessels un lawful.',-:It will - remembereq.'that the ...South - cl g aimed'sueb vessels should be the 'l . Ol - Went .45f, adjudication in Admiralty ' t e.Ottrtil'btit to overcome this objection, 4.ndge Phase declared they were belliger .enta:f !Ws, in ;the true cause why Jeff. Pitv i ishas not been tried. -4:-Ciergymtm -writing to a friend 1 1 00,0 s!4y,y4;)yage„ to Antope indefin y postpond. 1134v0, discovered the i . foun. lain of healtV -onihiireide of the Attar!. tic. = Thriailxittles Orthe•Peruvian Syrup giavefeieued the from the:. fudge of the r . fiend Py5.14 . 42." kytiiiepticiekeuld drink from ttkisfouttein. . °l 4ixtreii6il'DilvisTrit,l folnily is stopping. at Montreal, The Ivlcintrose Democrat Is PmEtI3IIIIIDrIMY TUESDAY' MORNING, AT MONTROSE SIISQUENANNA COEN*, PA., NT A. itTe 133 XL RIM' El AT $2 PEE AN2WII ➢ ADVANCE—OR $!3 AT END ON TEAR. Bnainess advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times, and 25cts for each additional week. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged slp . _ for (our squares, quarter column $l5, half column $3O, one colnmn .$6O. andother amounts In exactpropartion. .Badness cards of three lines, $3; or one dollar a line. rfir Leon! notices at the customary retes t —about 50 per cent. in addition to business rates. Job Printing executed 'neatly n 4 promptly kt f4tr.pric.c.s. . . . 'i Deeds. htortgagee, Notes. Justices`,, Constables', School find other blankstor sale. grawirut a acistax SUCCESSORS of I. N. urn & co., Dealers in Dry. Goode, Clothing, Ladles and Misses line Shoes. Also, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee Company. [April, 1,1887. B. L. Wawa. - - C. C. Fumed.. M. C. SUTTON, - Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, 65tf - • Friendaville, Pa. " yes, that will do ; BUSINESS CARDS. E. L. WEEKS & CO. JAMES E. CARMALT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office next to Franklin Hotel. Montrose, Dec. 18,1866. tf WM. D. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose, • Pa. Office opposite the Franklin Hotel, near the Court Rouse. nov27 '66 DR. E. L. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases of the Heart and Lunge and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Post Office. Beards at Searle's Hotel. [Sept. 4. 1866. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & McCAIN, DEALERS in Flour , Salt, Pork, Fish. Lard, Grain, Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April 17,,1866. BURNS dr, NICHOLS, DEALERS In Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Liquors, Spices, Fan cy articles. Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar tides. OrPrescriptions carefttily compounded. Public Avenae, above Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa A. B. Burma, Amos Nvnota Sept. 11, 1866. D. W. SEARLE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office over the Store of Z in& Cobb, opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa. May 1, 1866. DR. E. P. HINES, L' AS permanently located at Prlendsvi Ile for [hewn , pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all its branches. Ile may be found at the Jackson house. Office hours from 8 a. m., to 9 p. m. janl6tf Priendsville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1866. ROGERS Sc, ELY, V. IS. AL.ll4zstiCblkaersß, myto• Brooklyn, Pa PETER HAY, V. Ell. AL-Lzioticuirs a ex, febl 64tf Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. C. S. GILBERT, Mr. SS. Ah.u.cticaxLecr. sep7 6411 Great. Bend, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, Elm. AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. All U bailness attended to promptly, on fair tends. Of fice first door north of "'Montrose Rotel," west side of Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Jan. 1, IS6II. BILLINGS - - CHARLES L. Inown, C. 0. FORDHAM, BOOT h. SHOE Dealer and Manufacturer. Montrose, Pa. Shop on Math street, one door below the Post Office. All kinda of Work .nadc to order, and repairing done neatly. Jani 65 Da.' E. L. BLAKESLEE, • EfiIIYSICIAN & SURGEON, has located at Broonlyn. Susq's co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all calls with which ha may be favored. Office nt 1.. M. Bald win's. [July JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces that he is nay: , pre. pared to cut all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to fit with elegance and ease. Shop over I. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. DOCT. E. L. lIANDRICK, PPHYSICIAN&SURGEON, respectfully tenders lits professional services to the citizen of Friends ville and vicinity. per Office intheofflceof DO: LeeL Boards at .1. liosford's. 11y80 63tf ABEL TtTRRELL, (NE A LER In Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Glass Ware,Paints, Oils, Varnish, SN'in lowelass, Grotertes, Fancy ' Goods, Jiwelrj Perfam nery,Ac—Agebt for all the most popular PATENT 1 4EDICINES,—Montrose, Pa. JOHN GROVES, I 1 FtSIIIONABLiI TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop rone door west of Saarle's Hotel. Far doneers filled promptly, in first-rate style. tie Cuttinon short notice, and warranted to fit WM. W. SMITH, CABINET AND Ch AI'S MANUFACTURERS,—P'OO LI of Main street, Montrose, Pa. tf H. BURRITT, DEALEFLIn Staple and Fancy Dry Goofs, Crockery Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drags, 011 s, and Paints Bootsand Shoes, Hate and Caps. Furs, Buffalo Robes Groceries, Provisions, c:,:., New Milford, Pa. W3L H. COOPER .8a CO., Montrose, Pa. Succesionsio Post,Cogper .t Co. °Mee, Lathrop's new building, Tumpike-st. 11 , IL OUNTTING 000rza.... ..... DRINKER. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Borinty, Back Pay, Pension, and Exemption Claim! attended to. febl PH - Office first door below Boyd's attire, Montrosc,Pa .V.O3LaI:PICM3EI.6I 7 , nom OuNTY - ,• AND -BACK PAY-. • nzofgrlT zt.oe claims entrantento hl5 care. Charges low, and infor. -oration. - FREE.' Montrone, Jan. . • , . • Three Cheere- for Grant. - HIP; HIP ILUREztift oheirielei adtcs,lrrlal. 1111111 Hayti Bather, hair lizathietr op ;to the hasement of E. L. Weeks' hiew - ItWW; heird he'll ,ptimpsstodto glee kood ootiefsetion.2 -:qi I go to' ez• pata Mb enbjectlaugnage s isUe to etptete tt. ; Fire, Life and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Ziercs2strOese. Home Insurance C0.,0f N. F., Capital and Surplus, 13,000,00 Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 1,700,000 International Fire Insnrance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Supine, 1,500,000 Lycoming County Mutual # nenrance Co.of blaney,Penn'a, Capita and Surplus, Partner's Mutual Insuranc Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 1 Enterprise Insurance CoMpany, Phil's, ' Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, 700,000 Connecticut hintual Life In I snrance Co. of Hartford, Conn. pay! g6O per cent. dividends to the p assn ed., The notes given for half the premium is never to be paid under any circumstances.: he • fOM" will always be paid in full, and hen - otes gi Insurance lltal, American • Life co., 'Philadel -pids, 'Capital, Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, Hartford Fire Insurance Compatty,'Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, Putman Fire InsuranceCO ., Hartford, Ct., aital $5 Har C tfo p rd Live Stock Insurance Company. 00,000 Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, against theft and death from any cause. Capital,_ $500,000 10'All business entrusted to OUT care will be attend , ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. 5T8.017/1 ik BROWN, Agents. 1 Office flrstddor north of" Montrose Hotel," west side of Public Arcane. M. C. Burros, ESQ., Ilriendsville, Solicitor BILLINGS STROUD, Czwu.ne L. BROWN Montrose, Jan. Ist. 1867. ly RAILWAY.—On and after Mon- JII-L4 day, April 29th, 1831. trains will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOLY:CG WEST. tits 5. In. Night Ex real, Mondays excepted, for Ro chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.35 a. In. Night Express, Daily, for Rochester, -antfulo, Salamanca, Dunktik, and the West. Slops at Great Bend on Mondays only. 5:27 a. in. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. 11.31 a. in. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. 3.53 p. m. Day - Express. Sundays excepted. for Ro• cheater. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca ; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all points West and South. 1, 51 p. m. Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for Dun lo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West ; also at Elmira for Canandaigua. 12.40 p. m. Way Freight, , Sundays excepted. GOINCi EAST 1.06 a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Graycourt for New burg and Warwick. 6.00 p. in. Accommodation Train Daily. 2. 00p. M. Day Express, Sundays excepted. 9'27 p. in. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sn ldaya ex cepted. 3.43 a. in. Night Express. Daily, ronnecting at Gray court for Warwick ; and at Now York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New Engine d cities. 10.20 a: m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. WM. R. BARR. . li. RIDDLE, may? Gen'l Passenger Agent. Gen'i Sup't. NEW FIRM. MUSIC & JEWELRY. THE subscriber having formed par.nersbip with 1. MR. J. A. STEVENS, wishes to make his beet bows to his old Customers, and inform them that the Mercantile Department of the business will herea.ter be carried on by 0. D. fleman & Co. with increased capital and facilities, a large stock of New goods in all departments, a store thoroughly refitted, and ricsa:oest The Watch-Making Department Is retained by me, and will receive my personal atten tion. I have secured th e services of MR. C. It. WOLD BYE, a gentleman who has had twenty-five years In the hest shops of Europe, and has no superior in the coun try. I shall therefore be able to do all work within three days from the time it is left. The Clock and Jewelry Repairing Will be owned by Mr, Stevens. who will do all work in that line promptly, and in the beet style. N'ov. in, 1866 0. D. I3EMAN, - C7FL SITC)C333. will consist of a fall assortment of the follorfing goods, suitable for this market, which will be sold as low. and many of theMlower, than by any one else this side of New York pity. Aead the Catalogue. CLOCKS & WATCHES. WATCHES American, Swiss and English, both gold and silver SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, All styles, including their celebrated Calender Clocks, which tell the day of the month and week, also the name of the month, making the chanues for every month correctly, with no care but to wind them once a weeek. JEWELRY. Ileavy, solid Gold Chains, Hooks and Keys. Mosel- Id eets of Jewelry—Pins, Sleeve. Buttons,, Studs, Ear Rings, W'DDING RINGS. A large, fineassortment SPECTACLES Warranted to fit all kinds of oyes SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding efilit small Photographs. GOLD PENS. A One assortment, with aid - without holders. Old ones repointed. • SOLID SILVER WARE. .31ade to order of Pure Coin, comtisting of Spoons, Forks, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Napkin Dings, Fruit Knives, Vest Chains, &c. • PLATED WARE. • Thebest in market—etpgle, double, treble and quad ruple plate, and wasnaNten—from a full Tea Set down, including Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, ice Pitchers, Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Cups, Tea Bells, Ac. Lc. MUSIC. PIANOS. Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their late improvements, surpass those of any other makers. Also, Bradbury 's New Scale Pianos -a splendid instru ment. Other Pianos from $B5O to $5lOO. CABINET GROANS, From slloto 81200—warranted for five years. They are the finest reed instrnment in the world, and I have only to say that I have , sold nearly $15,000 worth of the in the last fear years ; and they are all in good or. dm - Od have haver costtny customers a cent for repairs. VIOLINS, GUITARS, 41.. c. Violins from $5 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, Glarionets,Ban jos, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Forks, dic. BRASS BANDS Supplied with instrnuients of the best American man ufacture, by the single instrument or full set, at the ma ker's price—also music for any number of instruments. Instruetlon Books and Sheet Music on hand, and new stipplite received every Week. Plano Stools from $8 to $ l5 - • Paled . Sewing ee die& Wehaws the exclusive agency for R. J. Roberts' Pa. tent Parabola Needles—the beat in the world. -Try one paper and limit sett the money wine refunded, , . Fire--11r1/10 sad R ling Materials. Allen's. Spencer's, a ti Raney is Breech loading Tu. II 1111 styles Revolvers, Fowling Pieces, Shot Belts sod Powder Flasks, Cartridgeslor ail the U. S. Army goes ; also 11. S. and otherr - Percussion Cape, Cooper rUltittotyall styles and sites:: - • . . sa: P . .:BRAitN. 4 ;3 .. •::1. - A. - ilefintENS. idantrosey Nov. 27 1 1 1 • „ 4 ISFOlLlUMAiiisoegatioilAilbanaelphia, Pa 11 Diseases of theXervoti Seraltal,reizuluali deer nalsy_stema-r,newillid rejlabletreatmehtill•Repbeteot the FiciWAltD A StiOCITATAQN: Bent I,* mania sealed ettereOeliipeeqtreegeiteharge.., Addreestte.s7.)onum liovatrroa,BoatirdAiettelatiotr,No iliouthOth 'tree Philadelphia, Ps. MINER SL CQATS, Main Street, 5 doors below Boyd's COMO?, Montrose FLOUR, GROCERIB, IRO 2,500,000 PROVISIONS, 10,000,000 • , We are constantly receiving end now have on hand, a fresh stock of Goods in our line, which we whistle].) 1,000,000 CHEAP! CHEAP CHEAP $1,585,163 for cash, or exchange for produce GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK; FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER et TIMOTHY SEED, &c We have refitted and made additiona to our Stock of Pails, and are now ready to forward Dotter to ttia be,t commission houses in New York, frch of charge, and make liberal advancements on consignments. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing else where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHEAP PRICES C. G. MINER, Montrone, April 16, 1867 GROVER & BAS'S 11271 Et UnitlllEn WEITZ AWARDED HIGHEST PREMIUMS At the State Petra of New York, Illinois, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, • Alabama, Ohio, Kentucjcy, Oregon, ' Indiana, Missouri, California. American Institute, Franklin Institute, Maryland In stitute. Massachusetts Mechanics' Association, Penu. Mechanics' Institute. St. Lords Agricultural and Mucha!lice Association, And at numerous Institute anti County.Falrs, including, all the Fairs at which they were exhibited the bast three years. Fret prizes have also been awarded those machines at the exhibitions of London, Paris, Dublin, Litz, Besancon, Bayonne, St.,Dizier, Chalons, And they bave been tarnished by special commend to the Empress of France, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, • Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and Queen of Bavaria The Grover & Baker Elastic Stitch Sewing Machines arc superior to all others for the following reasons 1. They sew direct from the spools, and require no re winding of tread,,,, 2. They are more easily understood and used,' and lees liable to derangement than any other machines. 3. They are capable of executing perfectly, without change of adjustment, a much greater variety of work than other machines. 4, The stitch made by these machines Is much more firm, elastic nod durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed and iroued,thaa eny4ither stitch. 5. This stdwin • tothe manner In , which the en der thread ts t, is much the moat plump and beautifql.in anttlainin a tine I.llllprie ss slid - beauty evenmpt4 fre4nentiy cra,"lo and ironeptiatil they are worn •out. . • ; e. The structure of the Seam hi suOls that, though ft be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, It will neither open, ran, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. . . . . .• 1. Unlike other machines, these fat teri both ends of the seam by their own operation. 8. With these dachines, while silk is used upon the right or face stde,of the seam, cotton may be used upon the other side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the seam. This can be dons' on no other ma chine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitched or made up with silk. 0. Them machines, in addliton to their stmeridelirter its as instruments for sewing by a 'change of adjust ment, easily learned and practices!, execute the most beautiful . and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. GROVER a BAEKR S. M. CO., Oct. 21.-10 m $1_1500:1: YEAR - here sell l o u V r i l e tlVl i tt V A NPID ev S e e r ZI . ins; Machines. 'Three new kinds. Under and tipper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The only machines sold in the United States for. less than $4O, which are fully licensed by liowei Wheeler & Wilson: Grover:* Baker, Singer &Co., and eaehelddr. All other cheap machines are Infringements, and the seller or pser are liable to arrest, tine andimprisopment. Illustrated circular!! sent free. Address,•Oreall upon SHAW & CLARK, at Bidde ford, Maine, or Chicago,lll. (mayktilly • EnuALiiiimulF IouNTIEs OLDIERS : tongrese has just pawed enact to Coal- PO ire your Bounties I I :Those who have' not Weed" done so should , ake inimediate application.. ,WI owe heirs or parental:4Bol44ra who halve died e the service, are entitled to the same bounty the sold ie r, if livingi.would receive. Having Already proper over two hundred claims. those who have delayed making application will find it ! greatly to their 'advantage to. give me eta% Invalids and widows entitled to an increase of pen sion under act approved June 6,1866) should also puke application. Information free. , ARO. . Licensed Gorernment Mont. iontroie, Aug I 1806 ti ' • ' . , Clover & Timothy-Seed Foy Bala trbesp, by A. N. BULI•AUD Montrone, Nardi Mb, INN.. ==ll WIIN of onr Qoode W. R. COATS At the Fairs of the 405 Itioadway, New York, 130 Chestnut street, Mira. ~,,,,,,,,,,,, • II tag • IliCia:4ll4Kriratoity , Wholesale & Rotall.Deilera in, r" ritt2.3o WV/2 rap O STEEL: 'NAILS slitatigs, BUILDER'S HARDWARE: BINS RAIL, COUNTERSUNK ft , T RAIL SPIKE 8 RAILROAD et XINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and • WASHERS, P4ArED 8.,4ND8. IIfALLEABLE IRONS. ROBS. , SPOKES, t ' ITELLOES, 4 EA7! snzatz l rys. sowik etc. ANVILS, VICES STOCKS". and DI GS, BALLOW'S BAMMIGI4 , SLEDGES:FILES. acidic. , • CIRC AND „MILL SAW A S,.TIISG. P.ACKING TACKLE BLOCKS; PLASTER PARIS *. CEMENT. 'TAIRA GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATILERdc FINDINGS FAIRBANKIS SCALES. Scranton. March SA, MS. Ii New .IEI Baldwin, Allen. & McCain. DEALERS IN Flour,• Feed, Salt, Pork, Rutter,' Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candles t Tea, Coffee, Spices, • Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, Clover & 6 Timothy Seed, Flazleed,-Beeme, Brooms, Nails, he: fix Thankful for past patronage, we shall be happy to see and wait upon our old and now enstouirre. All Goods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. J. 11. MeCAIN. Montrose, Pub. 5, 1857. 7Z1C1P33.13X1V13° ELECTRIC SOAP Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves Labor, Saves Clothes, Scree.: Women, And all Grocers sell it. lets need by cutting into Mali shavings and dissolv ing In hot water, then soak the clothes five to ten min utes, and a little band rubbing will make them as clean as hours of machine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap. and the most delicate fabric receive no injury.— We can refer to thousands of families who are using it, and who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. ['Sold by all leading Grocers throughout the State Manufactured only by X30.13333C1V19 de MIC:ONT3E, WHOLESALE OFFICE, 107 South Fifth Street, Philad'a. Nov. 13, 1/366.—iy*a.fix Lackawanna .& Bloomsburg B. B. lAN and after November 27 1 nes, passenger trains will run as follows: SOUTRWAPD A. x. ♦. P. N. Leave Scranton; 5:50 10:50 9:50 •• Kingeton, 6:55 11:15 6:20 Rupert .• 9:15 - 8:53 •• Danville, ' 9f50 9:30 Arrive at Northumberland, , JO:30 10:15 IsTODTRVYA RD. Leave Northetnibcrinid, 8:00 . 3:05 Danville, 8:40 3:40 .. Rupert. 9:15 A. 11. 4:15 " Kingston. 2135 8:30 6:55 Arrive at Scranton, 8:45 0:85 8:10 Passengers taking train south from Scranton at 5:50 a. m. via Northninherland. rearh Harrisburg at 12:20 p. m.; Baltimore 5:30 p. Washington 10:00 p. m.; vMi 'Rupert reach Philadeitibla at 7:00 p. tn. Kingston, Nov. 25. B. A. FONDA, Supt. GREAT DEPOT -FOR.- 1-X.A.rr/S, CEILPSt, ,•..F., -lAcovri=xxr4'ar., FIANISHING GOODS, GLOVES & MITTENS, II!!11 BOOTS & SHOES. ALL tINDB' OF 1.11c.N .- • IFI3 It 131; . - made ,to oilier, and. 'Merchants' iiiiiiptled at Oct 10Vres NO" TokiepiCes., • •';-: .•- •7 ' • ' t • N . .?" .k :•• : •-• ••• •.H • . • • ' 1 •; , 1 I .•';' :: "I, • ."7, 1 • ••, •• . 1 ••• :;+ ; i• 11 1 40# 141 0. * 1 . 41 '10 3 / 4 14 1 0 . 1A1i - 'fil rcroolvaba go; o;olcelos;irtkot,:a,i,d4o,4tki?fiao. • V.P.A ,XlDEtr i t , 0,1 1. 14 . .) ; Id , . tt • • - Pilikurose, litostectitigilit; 41 2 61. • Latest Fa ions Demand J. W. BRADLETS•Oelehrated Palm • DUPLEX :ELLIPTIC (OR _DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. The Wended dexibility and great . 'comfort es 4 pleasure tb any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Ski n will be experienced particularly in all crowded Aun t . blies, Operas, carriages, railroad care, church ;Km,. arm chairs, for promenade and house dress. as tbeelin can be folded when in use to occupy a alnall Vacs % easily oreenweniently as a silk or muslin dress, an 1.. itillable quality in crinoline, not found in any wi l , spring skirt; - A lady he:rag enjoyed thepleasuie, comfort arid p i t convenience Of wearing the Duplex Elliptic /tee' spe lt Skirt for a single , day.will never afterwards willAw, dispenne with their use. For children,. misses, Rd young they are ininerior to all others. T.hcy, will t got bend or, break,like the single sp.( l , but will preserve their perfect' tat graceful shape as; three or tank ordinary 'skirts wbuld- have been limn. ' away as useless. The hoops sue covered with das i bN and twisted thread, and the bottom rods ere fret cu l double springs, but twice (or double) covered. prerem. log them from wearing out when dragging dawn stoop s stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is "a. great favorite with unlade, and is.quiversally recommended by the F 81141013 iishs sines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy, the following inestimable advantages h crinoline, : superior quality, perfect manafseten, stylish shape and finish, fixibility.l durability; senior and economy. inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex B. liptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and bo sure you get the gentdne article. CAUTION.—To guard agairfat imposition be parties. lar to notice_that skirts offered as •• Battles" beret/La red ink stamp, viz: " J. W. Aradley's Duplex Bled Springs" upon the Waistband—none others Iregen. Me. Also notice that every hoop wit admit a pie he. lug passed through the centre, thus revealing the les (or double) springs braided together therein, which Is the secret of their flexibility and strengthand a eon. bination not to be found in any other skir t. For vale in all stores where first class Skirts are to:d throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the Patent: Vests; Bradlii k Carey, 97 Chambers and 79 S 81 Reads sta., New York. May 1,1887-3 m VOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE A; AND CATTLE POWDERS. This preparation, long and favorably known, sin thoroughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirket horses, by etrenthening and cleansing the stomach and Intestines. It Is a sure preventive of all diseases incident to this animal, such as Lung Fever, Glanders. Yellow Water, Heaves, Coughs. Distemper, Fevers, Founder, Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, &e, Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite. gives a smooth and glony skin, and transforms the miserable skeleton into a the looking and spirited horse. TO . KEEPERS OF COWS, • thla preparation Is invaluable. It increases the quilt!. ty and improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by actual experiment to increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the tin. ter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an a petite. loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, each ne Conghs, Ulcers in the Lenge, Liver, itc.. tbi. article acts ae epecifle. By patting from one hall paper to a paper in a barrel 01 swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and core for tile flog Mole. re. Price 25 cents per paper, or 5 papers for $l. Pre pared by • S. S. A: FOUTZ & BRO., at their wholesale Dreg and Medicine depot, N 0.1% Franklin st., Baltimore. Md. For sale by Druggtiti and storekespers throughout the United Rem tar Tar sale In Montrose by .nov2l ypql.6 ABEL TURRELL BY MAIL, PREPAID. CHOICE - FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, New Strawberries, Grapes, Bulbs, &c, BAL WATSON'S OLD COLONY NTIRSEET and . Seed Establishment, Plymonth. Mass., I. new sending out by mail prepaid, packed with great care in gotta perchn silk, Boas to reach any pert of the taint in perfect safety, a complete assortment of the finest Grapes, Strawberries, new large Currants, Gooseberries, Blarkberries,= Roses, Flowering Plants, Bulbs, 3 , c. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrahr, Evergrnens, Hedge Plants, will be sent by freight paid to Boston. Also, the true Cape Cod Cranherry.fur cultivation in wet land, or in ,npland and Gardens, where it produces at the rate 0(400 bnshels to the acre: with directions for cultivation. Priced descriptive cat alogues - will be sent to any address. Now is theben time for planting. The beet way to obtain good trait. flowers and seeds. Is to send direct to the grower. Send for a Catalogue. Wholesale Catalogues to the trade.— Agents wanted. [March 19-2 m A.Leetnre to Young Men. dust published in a sealed Euvelope. Price 6 cese. A Lecture on the Nature, Ticatment, and radical cure of Spertnatorrhea, or seminal weaknesa, Involastei emissions; sexual debility, and impediments to mat rlage generally. Nervousness, consumptien. Epilepsy, and fits; mental and physical Incapacity, ressiltinc self abuse Robart d. Culverwell, El„ author of the " Green Book," &c. The world reno caned author, in this admirable Lee• tare, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequdncea of self abuse may be effectually re moved Without medicine, and ,Without dangerous sup gical operations, bougies, itistniments, rings, or cm dialtypointifig out a mode of caplet once certain and effectual, by width every , sufferer, no matter what hie condition maybe. may cure himself cheaply. privately. . and radically. This Lecture will proven boon to thou sands. Bent under seal to anv address, in a plain sealed ell . velope, on the . receipt of six cents. or tivelpestiV, 'stamps. Also Dr. Calverwers " Marriage , price 25 cents. Addreas the „publisher!. elluS. KLINE . 1.11 Bovrery, New York, Post btEce boi. 4556 Mitt 10,1867—lysnip. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA anti WESTERN It. IL Winter Arrangement, Dee. k• PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mail' I Evening MITII Er'evieg train. train. I STATIONS. train.' train. A.III. P. 111. P. N. P. ti 9,00 New ..... 5,36 I • 11,80 New Hampton...... 2,10 12,18 Manunka Chunk.... 1,35 I h• 12 45 Delatvare __Dine ... 1,30 S i 4,30 10,10 Scranton 9,45 6,9:1: 5;30 11,49 Nicholson ~ 6,351 o 5,58 12,08 Ropbottom I 8,18 4.051 2 4 6,20 12,381 Neutron, 7,55 3.35 I ?, 0,41 1,08 New 5111 ford 1.341 801 1,15) 1,3 8 Great Bend.,. . I 7, 15 s ' l° l a P.M. P. M *Foot of Libeity•st. 1 A.ll P CONNECTIONS—LIVESTWARD. , The Mall 'train from NeWYork conpeeta at Sa nunka Chunk. with the train leaving_Philsd'inlien sin g • ton depot)st 7,30 a. m.; and at Greataend with t9r: 9 lin mail train on the - Heti, Railway - with sleeping esc Alkched , 6tOpiaing at all the principal stations on that road, and, arriving at Buffalo at. 6,18 a. m. 'The aisengertrotti from Scranton connects st Of 1 114md-with through trains going west and east on Erie EallWay, - arriving alllnftaio at 1,68 a. in., and at Salk Inaba' at 18 m. • • . 'CONNKCITONB 4 —ILLBTWARD. . The Mall train trim Great • Bend' ccinneets there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie BAUM f r°l Ile' Wein ; atMartunka Chunk with a train (or Philed and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia st ' 0.001 1 . and ahNew Hampton with strain for Esgr Bethlehem; Allentown; Reading and -Harrisburg, Or". at Thsirieburg at 8,80 p. in. At Scranton, connect ions are made withtrains on the Lackawanna midi:lb/anything MR. toad from Pittston Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Derveick,Bloomsburg.D l l Tlne• Northumberland, Harrisburg and Hudson . and rorittitrains on the Delaware Hudson Raluou 'Wand frail Carbondale and inter:Undies stations. LI& /I.&NRY,, , BIIIBIIIN , ""nov27 . General Ticket Agent. Presidet. ;•- .t „, sOLDIERVA3OUNTY , '''PENSIONS ax~a: PET. nratiaadeestned„l,lol443.llD AGEPT.of : 7 3 row , Tataitgrootaleoft the tweets isittt glee:prompt attention. tol All Wats . 12 / 1315 "' to, la care. . No chergeonlese successful. . • lino. P. taws . Montrose, Juno etb,
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