.001:71V1 111 r Quarterly Billeting. , , P r ovidence;,permitting, Rev. D. C. Olmstead, We newly appointed i 3 l4Adinfx Elder, will hold 'his first Quarterly Meet -2; in the TL E. Ch RNA' . of Montrose, nest S:i.turday and Sabbath ..(15th and I(itli). Services to commence on Saturday, at o'clock P. M. Indian C0nc ert ....... . :th wanetunlea Gr - eatllndian Exhibition. N e oskaleeta's Coneeri, and Willie Wash burn's School of Olympian Games, three e ntertainments combined in one, will be liresented to the peoplebi Montrose and Yleinity at the •Ae,adanq Hall on Wednes day and Thursday. evenings. of this we,:k. The managers. promise a rich treat a luarter. Fire at Susquehanna. On Friday morning last, about 3 o'clock toe barn of E. 11. For, below the depot was discovered to be on fire, and was con gulled. The Erie Rail way Company's wood pile took f i t e from the barn, and about 1500 cordsbf wood were destroy ed. An engine arrived from Owego, about noon and the fire was being extin guished when our informant closed his letter. Union Pacific Railroad. Attention is directed to the great en terprise of the day—the Union Pacific. I;:alroad—a skeLeli of which may be found on first page. It is a matter which should interest not 'only those who may h:tve funds to invest, but all who wish to be posted in reference to the internal im provements of the country and our routes trave:. Accidental Drowning, Mr. William Clay,residing in the South Ward of Abington, near the gravel pond, was drowned on Monday night lasi,while to gaged in fishing, with several others.— Deceased was about 40 years of age. Ile io-ives a wife and child to mourn his loss. II: was largely engaged in the fruit busi i:ess. Home Papers. IZecollett if a home weekly paper js to suppor‘ed, home ibfluence must do.it. l':%ery dollar sent to an Eastern paper is the expense of the local journal. A t,tnlty acquires prominence through its :qers more. than in any other way, and :0 every one who has an interest in his eoun! y at heart, bis:home paper is a neces i:N. Never will such a man take a paper :ent home until he is able ito take a sec. ',a paper. , His first paper will be his umc sheet and he will so identify his own interest with that of his county pa- As to consider his subscription as mach a matter ofyearly duty as payment of his yearly taxes.—Ex. Catching Haws. Charles li. Holbrook, of Forest Lake 10 - u Ship, in this county, informs us that he has captured twenty-three Haws of the variety known as " hen ha wks," since the first of April, 1867. His mode is to ireef a fence rail in the centrhl portion of \the field, with a mink-trap imbedded in the top end, so as to be not readily no need. The traps are not baited, but fas- Ned with a small chain to prevent them Hug carried of. A hawk chances to ht upon the end of the rail to watch tor its prey, is caught by the feet and se cured alive. He states that several oth ers have been caught by his neighbors. lie has used but two traps to capture the above umber within the two months. 1=11=1:1:11:11 New Node of Selecting Jurors. Following is a synopsis of the prowls king of a law passed by the Legislature, at its last session, " for the better and more impartial selection of persons to servo as jurors."'_._ Tho law is a general one, ex cept as to Philadelphia: TWO_comwS.szoNras TO BE ELWTED. The a& provides for the -eieetiOtytri enn!tlly, of two jury commissioners, the first to be chosen at the coming October election, forthree years:7 , They arenot ; ;to be eligible for re election •more:tbhn>in once in any period of six years. ONE OF EACH PARTY Electors can only vote fur one person as a jury commissioner, the two persoi Eire ceiviag the highest number of votes to be declared elected—the_ object manifestly being to provide a commissioner from each of the political:parties. HOW TO SELECT JURORS. The jury commissioners.are required.to meet with one of the judges of the courts, at the seat of justice, thirty days before the first' term of the court - of Common Pleas, in each year, and proceed to'select, alternately, from the whole of the quali fied electnrs 'of the county at ; large, o 0 so ber, intelligent, and judicious persons," to serve as Jurors in the several courts du ring the year, the names of the persons so selected to be placed (as heretoforej'in the proper jury wheel, the, same to remain locked and in the custody of :the jury commissioners, the keys tt:010 kept brthe Sheriff. MIA WING OF 'JURORS. • . The . ,laW provides that the jury:commts- Fioners and the sheriffkor any tivo'Af shall draw-from tile wheel (panelqi . ofiju ; rors, grand antlietie,in the tnannel. herd tofore practiced; but before . trotieeding to select or draw jurors, ,the „pry cow bioners must ,sever"all"y,afia or affirmation prescribed by. law to, be taken by the sheriff` atidrcounty coinatissioners. THE-Wnvr 31(11)E goes into 'Operation after ths first:of De. ember zest, when so much ofimy icte of Assembly,as make it the duty of the slier,; iff and_cgunwpaai*slopers ri t9.,d4W.4l.l-* rocs, will.cease:te.hatioiiay force of dffeet, All acts. itrrelatiantnthacustody,..sealing, unsealing,. looking' and :opening , of the ju ry wheel; aml alt iota itrippsing or punishment. on the ilicrif :'and_coittity. cOnirnissionerS for anythin g —hone or omit ted injelation ,ta",,tte ciistOdy r :Cr, ()inning of the jurs' wheel and the_ •ocia rors, will ~retnaiit..ic foice, an - d . aPply to the jury col nin 81 . (311b d -sheriff. - LTS.F.,Niti cis, A STD rim ALT • The juiyconin*stoners are allow - ed'aik compensatiUn dollars and fifty. (Alias per day, and fonr ,cents per.piie circular from tloir residence to the.;court The jury' commissioners 'shall take ,opon theinselvcs to discharge the duties oftheir • ttfride under. a I:tenaltY2Of jibe hundred &l tars for each and.i‘i•ery neglecCiorrefusal to attend tcrthe sanie,:•to ba stied toi and recovered before any Justice of the pence as ordinary debts. - VACANCIES -In case.of-inability, s'tnichoss of death, Or any other num - old:Ole cause, or, in case of negloot or refusal to iiierve, a vacancy occurs, the President Judge is empowered to till the.same., • 3Ur.2•.RRS:BGF+S. Ttfay 29th, by Rev. John E. es,M 11,1'. E. BRUSH, M. 1.). and 'Miss .luLt ANNA„L'Anntor, both ofSpringville..., . • Nrku I.Diyerttsem eats. • F. E. LOoMPI. • DANIEL LOOMIS (47 lIANNAII, A TTOR NETS AT LAW,Solicitorb in Bankruptcy, LI. and general Heal Eiintr - ard Collecting Al.rents.-- Vniunblo city Lot Rasifinnren, Farmn, WO Coal for eisle. [Serantun,.,./nuelBG7—ye 30StreWST Ct.\ Mr. Into the enclosuro of the subscriber on jr about the 28th Of Mtiy dark brown BULL. 2 years old. The 0%, ner id requested to prove property, pay charges, nod take hint away. N. D. SNYDtIt. Rush, June it, 18.67.-3 w Statement of Bridgewater Town ship Bo anty Matters• Amount of bonds Issued, Autuubt {mid utt the above June 3d, ifin-r, Palance to Lc prol i 'ed for eiclnslve of i Dniditate of to levied for 'lff,d, Ex.,iinrat wastai t'ulleetor, , Ani't paid on Duplicate, . Balance. in the hands of Treasurer, ~ :2,16 96 We certify the above eci-lia correct ns . near as can be aft ascertained. 7, M. BREWSTER, 1 JAMES TURRELL. '-Auditors. • 108EPH PORTER, 1 Dridgew \ , \,,tine 11, 1f67.-3w• Auditors' :pport of 'Brooklyn Bounty Fund. 11164-5. 57 mot putt in U. S. scrricc by School Di rectort, $19,20.9 00 Bo I. Els i esned, $14,167 16 Money loaned, : 4;551 S 4-119,222.00 BROOKLYN BOUNTY FUND. [Du. • •fo bonds issued. $11,667 16 I'o money ' , tau ed,(no bonds Oven) VS I To iut. on bonds to June I, 1566, 955 41—V.1,171 .19 1861. Cr. By bonds redeemed : Aprill3, L. Richards, No. 12, EtIM 03 Aug. - 20. J. W. Tewksbury, " 17, •• ls, J. H. Tiffany. •• 15, 107 h 3 '• 2n Eliza'. Titlany, '• IS, 107 50 '• 14, F. Whipple, •• IS, 423 :>0 " 24, H. C•. Gnrnccy, •• la, 325 50 Mar. 2S. R. F. Breed. .1115 53 19. C. R. Palmer, I. 0. Railey. " G. W. Palmer. May IA, d. 1). Richard. '• 23, Manny Perigo, '' 4, 204 4'41 F. Tewksbury, "" • 10, I 101 IZ '' 23, Nit: Hs Aldrich. " 5. 2i Si '4rl, Iteynoltht," G, 33 Vi " 23, N. Aldrich, ••• I, 101 00 " 2 2 1. I. H. Sterling, " 7, 00 .041 Feb. In. Rilph Sterling, " 21, '53 37 " 15, Win. L. Perry, "YU , $ll 00 „5; 1 1 40 Orders to pay loan, SI Orders to pay interest, ' 093 94 $20,171 49 1864. 11. L. .13.1iltv, Ccillextor, Dr. To Duplicate, $6,100 98 By amount paid Treasurer, $6.202 IS P.xonorations, 104 311 Percentage, IA 41--$6,40 t) ¶lB 1865. A. E. Tewbbury, Collector, Dr. To Duplicate , • -- s2lt4FrB4 I3i - ata'tpatet c Tieadsar4r, --- Exonorations. 28 53 Percentage, M. 37 Balance due Treasurer, 7 p 1—52,625 84 18.66. 44Vrefit fiencarlh, Collector. Dr. To Duplicate, 11 1 ,2657 01 By amount paid Treasurer, $7.,548 86 Ezonorattone, - - rercentai:O. . _..3981 ,$2X57 01 Bounty Fund, Dr, To Jblancp..,on n ponds and Jut., Jan o-,1,19('f!.....41,1.42.2..31 Tb pite . yekrinyrest. to* : JianO; I8X17;-, - A% 33, $12.107 04 Collected on Duplicate, 1800, 2,548 50 Balancoitti ' be provided f0:r4un63,12861,,; , :' 0,559 08 (Signed) S. W. BREED, E.L.DLAKESLEE, . Auditors. 0. W FOOT, Rroplalyp, Jpoe 11, 1806.,3w . . - _DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA awl WESTERN R. R. Summer Arrangement, 1567. ENGEE TRAINS LEAVE PAR WESTWARD. I EASTWARD fail I Paenngr' Mail I Plunger rain. train. STATIONS. train. train. .M. A. M. P.M P.M. 9,00 New York".... ..... I 5,25 11,80 ' New 11ampt0n....... 2,30 7 12,18 Mantinkli' Chu n k .... 1,35 i 12 45 Delaware.... Dine... 1,30 i 1 ; 4,3 0 10,10 Scranton 9.45 I 6,20 ! 5,20 111,43 Nleholetin ~ 8.35 4410 I ~, 5,53 12,051 Ilopbottom 8,18 4,07 1 g 5.23 12,88 MontroPe 7.55 3,35 c 6,41 l,a4 I New,,Blllford • .. 734 8.05 I t 700 1,35 Treat`tui tend I - 7,15 2.40 P.M. P. M *Foot of Liberty-et. A. M PM : I.9 IIS tr IT I CB rY AnD • The Mail train from New York connects at Ma nunka Cuquk with the train leaving Philad'a(Keustrig ton dtiot) at 8,00 a. in.; and at Greatßend with through mail train corthe Brie liallsrar„ with sleeping car at tached. stopping at all tifeprinciPal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6,18 a. in. The assenger trait: from Scranton connects at Gr't Rend with through trains going west and cast on Erie Railway, arriving at Buffalo at 1,28 a. m., and at Sala manca at 12 in. • CONNECTIONS-EASTWARD,. The nail train from threat Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west ; at 3fanunka Chunk with a train for Pfdladta and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at . 6.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arriv al ilnrrisbnrg at 8.80 At Scranton. connections aresmade with trains on the lackawmin a sod.l3lo9tritburg ILE. to and from littei ern Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Berwick, Bleemshurg,Danville, Northumberland, liarrisbnrg and intermediate station s, and with trains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to andirom Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. 'A ;HENRY, ' J. BRISBIN. June ii. General ',lkket, Agent. - •rresident. 'l'~he on Pacinc ‘- Roacl. CA • • : • • • A Rt, - nbw ort stiuciing agla I4road front : Otnaha, trintaid4 thd Ocean, ma king king with Its ninintieLinns all u &woke.. line The Company now offer a limited amount of their first hlti RTC} %GE BONDS having. thirl veer" , to run and hearing annual intereet, payable on thodlrst day of Jan. , daip one Jett.; In the city of New York. at:, the rate of ell ret i cent lit..go)4, • vt o u t. e on the:dollnF: - trbjsto.d waiconveted ntilen a the tat of Jvintial.y,'lktiT. and is fatly caitilinied. and trains arc regularly running over It. The Contnany haw now on hind •infliefent iron. I irs. etc., to finish the reniateinginwho" canteen-bare td the Rocky Mountabaq..S.V kitf4ll m u tes contra. tto be done September 1,.t tills - year, and it re‘ expected that the entire road w!rt he In running order front Omaha to its weatern connection with the Central Pacific. now being rapidly built eastward from Sacramento, nl. du ring 1870. Estimating the distance to be flui It by the Union Prt eific to 14 I;sfis miles. the United States Government Issues its sit per rent: Thirty year bonds to the Com pany as the road in finished at the average rate of about .41014011.4)cFrolle, Innotmang to q f s l-1, 2 S XI. ' Wll4 COniptlit J.' Is alsesik3rtnitted.to issue its , oarit first Mortgage Bends to an equal alumni]. and at the same O filch by special Act of Congress are made a first ineri , age on the entireltne, the bonds of the Uoited t su i t,. s bring subordinate to theM. 'I lir t makes a tionat inn of 12.1400 times of ltt.d to the mile. n mon id big to .1.0,113,MYY0• acres est invi ted to be worth sllo.ooo,fioo, making the total resources exclush rof Cue capital, $111 . 8.416.1510; but the full n e of the laud% pannot now be realized. The authorized Capital stock of the Company is one loindred ntilli , m dollars of which Ave millions hare ready been paid In, and of which it. ismot Supposed that more than 25 millions it most will be required The cost of the road in estimated by competent engi neers to he about one hundred million dollars, exclu sive of etplipment. The railroad connection between Omaha and the east in 11.IW com piety, and the earn in_. of the. Un I on Peci tie on the sen lons al early ilni , hed for the tirst two weeks in Aty were i , ,113,1i0n. These sectional earnings as the road progresses will much more than pay the intere.4 on the Company's bonds, and the through business over the telly line of lallroad between the Atlantic and Pa cific must Ate immense. The company respectfully submit, that the ahnvo statement of facto fully demonstrates the security of their Bonds. and as additional proof they would sum;est that the 13.0/1115 now offered arc lees than ten million dollars on Dlilmiles of road, on which over twenty mill {on'doilare Mive already helm expended !MO m iles of this road the cars are now running, and the remain miles are nearly completed. , tie pre.ent rate of premium on •zold these bonds payannual interest Ott the present cost of nil it is believed that on the completion or the road, 1,k.. the Ge‘ernment Bonds, they will an above par. The compary Intend to -ell but a limited amount at the pre.sent low rate and retain the right to advance the price at their option. Stili-crtptions At' ill be received in 'New York by th , . Continental National Rink. No. Nasqatt ,t., Clark, I). co., Wall John J. CI c.c) Son..itanker , , no, 3.3 wall it.. and by hank* and Bank er, gene.rally throughout the United States, of whom maps Anddescri ptive,pamiMie to may he obtained. 'chary will ehtgite dent by wail from the Company's office. 714 na.an street. New York, on application. Sttli,cri. be viii svlt•rt their own Agents In whom they hat C eon tidy 111`,. who mono itII he re,ponsild e to ll.em fur the wife di lit to yof t h e bonds. $24.'110 IV i.ntin (10 te.565-93 VI 10 I INTERNAL REVENUE, Collector's Notice to Tax-payers. A I.:. person= residing or doing bnainess within the llth Collection Di.trict of i•ennsylvun la. compris ing the conn tie. I Luzerne and Suet - men anna.ammesed limier (heart of t ongress, entitled " An Act to provide Internal Itevenue to support the Government, to pay interest on the public dect and for other purposes," approved .puns 30111. 1564. as amended by subsequent acts are hereby notified that the Annual List of ha, been rect.! cd from the acting A.,e.1..F.0e. laid t h.tt the witieh by t.attl actA they me IMble to Ire, home become due mad pa)- abM. 11. C TYLER, Esq., Deputy Collector, 'l% ill receive the collections. as follows : In Montro , e, nt the 0111 re of the Depn ty Collector, from ..frine. Ist to 171 h. from S a. in. to 5 p. tn. In New Mllford, at f'all's Hotel, June 19, from 9 to 11 n. m. In Urent Bend, it Dayton Ifonfic, June 19. from 1 to •i p m. lu SaFgm'ltanna Depot, at Ilaunel's Hotel, June 20, a. m. to Y p. 111. In Brooklyn, at IMllard'e Hot( I, June 22. 9 to 11 a. m. In Spring - vtlle, at din, Lntlirop'fi Motet, J I 2 to •1 p. at. 1, 127 (1-1 2,4 k; 3, 101 40 13h 11.311 i 00 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Means of the Company I', nspr as fur Busine,s Value and security of the liondx, Nine .Pcr Cenl, jell 3alp UNITED STATES TIES FOR 1961 lArSUSQUHHA A COUNTY., In Lenox., at Glenwood Hotel, June 2-1, 11 a. In. to 12 in. In Clifford, at Mrs. llewetson'A Hatch June 24, 2to p. In Gibson, at Siniley'n Store, Jane 2.i, 10 a. In. to 2 p. tu. IN LUZEILVE COUNTY, I will attend to receiving:the £ tan eln per-on oe by dc. putt', nB tollows : In Scranton, Jrme 21. from a. m. to :I p. rn, at R"yo ming In Carbondale, Jane 10, from S n m. lot p. nt., at 'Harrison Donee. In Pittston, June 28, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. in., at Eagle Hotel. In White Raven, June 22. from W a. tn. to 2 p. In., at titark4 Batch _ In Wilir.esbarre at Collector's Office daily. After which time costs will be added to amounts un paid 4 .t collections promptly enforcer' according to law. Taxatilen may pay at any of the above stated places at the time designated, as may best suit their conven ience. • 0. E. WRIGHT, Collector 12th DN. Pa. , Collector's Othece, t,. Wilkea-Barre, June 1, 1867. f MEW FURNITURE ROOMS! fril; subscribers would seepectfully Inform the pnblie that they have commenced business In Cush man's old Shop, where we keep coustang unhand and matinfaeinre to ordor all kinds of • • , • ,v .(t ? 6 ..... 7 • % - SLUT AS Bureaus, Bedsteads Lounges, Settees, Stands, Tables, Bedsteads, Tables, of a superior manufacture, Also, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving Work Tab!c. All those iu want of Cabinet Furniture will do well to give us a eali before looking ele•ewhere,fur we i ntend Lett make onr work good, and Fell It cheaper than any other eidabliehment in h•utiquelianne County. N. 11.—All work done when proiniaed. VANORSDALE, J(sll* lA - BEELER. Tifontroae, June 4, IW.-1y NEW GOO. IS. 'mx. mvcriza."ximitr W 01,1.1 ) inform his friends and tholinblic that he has in store and is receiving large and now sup plies of including every hind ofGOODS manly wanted in this markets nit parcbasee imint•nihde . since the great bleak 'dOemorprieetcwlff enable him to offer the most favor ablOnduceptente'l n prices, etyle and Variety In bry.Gooild, . Groceries, Crockery; Hardware, Stove;Yk'd,or," Drugs, "fictink Of b, triceetiny Window Shades, .t . ' • ; ,00te.xG sltoes, dc. (to. . . and will be sold for Cash. , Prodnceotapproved:eredit New7d.ilfbrd, Anno,rifi67. TNION HOTEL, NEW MILFORD, %;. -1 Pa. Lately kept by R. C. Vail. JOHN FA UROT, Proprietor. , • Weals. always ready. Time to 4 ,eaf; 'without being hurried, for persons arriving on the stage, wishing to, take thecars. lab ti IIUBBARD'S AWARDED THE FIRST GRAND tiOLD MEDAL AT THE GREAT NATIONAL FAIR HELD AT AUBURN, NEW YORK, IN JULY, 186 q. • - We again offer this celebrated Mower to the Farming and can safely recommend it as one of the beat Mowers In the World, as its record shows. Mannfact unit] by us. S. EL SAYRE tic BROS. "13 MR TEE MISSISSIPPI :" From the Great River to the Great Ocean Ocer 20,000 copies sold in one month! `Lire And Adventure on Prairies, Mountains, and the Pacific coast. With over LtoU Descriptive and Photo eraphic Views of the Scenery. tildes, Lands, I%tine,., People and Curiosities of the New States and Terri- torn o. To prospective cnalLiTants and settlers In the ",Far Wt..t." this binary of that vast and re lon will prose no invalunble ,upplying ao tloco f , a of a Mil. SULliebtic And teliallr guide to rlitnote, produ. -, noo.tito of tr tvol, Send for Cireulsr-t And rice oar to, ma and a full de scription orihe work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH. 'NH Cu , Plilladelphia, Pa. A GENTS WANTED for a pew Work entitled Crorzr or TM! In ,RT L LIFE :" for la dies, clergymen and others, it has no egnal to sell. For taring and territory, n L. STEBBINS, Hartford. Conn. JOHN J. Clsco, Trea,urer., New lerk A iNIERIC, I AN STOCK :JOURNAL, a first elms monthly. conialuin^ 3fi lart:e doul,le cal nmb Emzes, only 50 els. fors months. Try it! Will rave cry farmer many dollar-. ae e caeca Horse rind Cattle Doctor free. Address N. P. Boyer & Co., Gum Tree, Chester Co. Pa. 1 )11IED SEEDED ('III RIUS soli at, -• sell nt GS rts. pet gnaxt in Citymnrgkits. Weaver's Patent Cherry Stoner will stone three linshels per hour and r.eparati.,r the seed from the fruit. Sent by exisre..,6 on receipt or $1,50. Agents wanted everywhere to make $lO to $2O a day. The trade supplied by BARBSTER BROS. & CO.. Readlrmilardware Works, 'Reading, Pa. Toilet & Pearl Powders & Lily. White, ;GENT WANTED, to sell tho Amer -L ndow Polish, the beet ever offered to the pithlic. It cl eans wh.tlows a 4 fast as fast as yon can wipe them with a cloth, without slop or water. It leaves the glass clear as crystal. and free from streaks or li at. It aleu clean. and pol:slies Gold, Silver, Cop per. Braes, and Tinware, better, and tvith less labor titan anythina urer known. Agents are. making from fr... 25 to $5O per week. Everybody wants it no soon as they see It. need. Send 2 cis for Kemple and terms, or call on the JIL RICAN POLISH COJIP.I.S 41:1 Cheatnnt street, Phira. IATARRII Brunch it Scrofula of ev \Jury-Phase, Liver and Kidney Disease. Wm. It. Princ..-, Flush imr N. Y., for Ca years proprlet or of the Li omen N rseri ea, has discovered the Itemedial plan le which are positive elites for afiove and all inheri tel and Chronic diseases;9)yspem.ta..6thmn, nervous debility. Ithenutatirin, and all S'i•ms le !naiad lea, 1111(1 11111Cre resulting from tmpuri y of the blood. Litton to incurable. Explanatory circular. one stamp. Trustee on all diseases, :hl cents. IMPROVED BRICK MACHINE. Manufactured _exclusively by us. A FTRR an experience of 23 years with all the differ ent Machines, we offer this to Brick Ilakers as combining everything most desired by them. We only ask a fair examination, and would proles to have thpse about to purchase some and cc the Mlchibe at work, and compare it n'ith any other in the country. We make Lie Adams Machine, for making front brick, Hall's patent machine. clay temperimr; wheels, and ev ery thing complete to starts brick yard, Also, engines and hollers, eau° mills, portable forges and Machinery of all kinds. • t PEEK KILL NANUFACTCRING CO„ Trxiroarcylirocl Zoor Inee7 .0t131.1 erielvuxLrilavolat BOOK AGENTS 'WANTED FOR M. C. Meet:llBlE7, ,llannfactarcr of al I 1.111(18 of No. OUG South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia Orders hy mall promptly attended to GEO. P. ROWELL t&. CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, 40 PARK ROW,,-NEII I , YORK. ETIIII . ES 1411TAMN,Il-;r'.) We have facilities for the tranlati ' lonof the basine4 of a GENERAL ADVEwrismo AGENCY, which are not. Fur Passed, and we think not &quailed, by any shuilal cY tabllghmenl in America: Our special lists of," One bemired Newspapers" offer remarkable lueucements to such as are desirous of ad vertising extensively. Send 10 cents for it copy of Sic Advert Iseen Gazette, giving Iteta and tut: particulan3 The huge amount of patronage controlled by us ena bles us to promise oar Q ‘ Comers the ; most favorable The Adver pablished by 80, con t.:ling much information ot value to advertises. ? Price $1 per annum In Mivanner , GEO. PR 0 WEI,L, tiCO., , Adveittiking Agents, 40 PARK ROW, New:York, (Parrnerly Bobton atvahJ ps - TATE OF RICHARD GERRIT -A-4 SON,deceased, late of Diutock township, tiusque• henna county, Pa. . Lettersof a dml nisi mitten upon the estate of the above named decedent having hoen granted to the undersign ed, all per Sons ipdebted tp sattliestato pie hereby noti fied to make immeditite,, payment', and those having claims aVallFt the emu°, to present themduly natttentl catd for settlement. C. C, *ILLS, Adin'r, Di mock, April 30: •••• • ••1 - " •-• ' , .P1.3r2:10."/?" - Cjortap - pr'S 5r.a..zr.33 mr•ct•TIOX:11 . 1. BY a recent decision of the Court of Clittna• all ofil• ears holding commidalone between dates of March 14.18641,02pd,Mix are z an titled to ts perlaropth for each eervant alloweditur rank. I • • 1-* For curtheTioforrorgioel apply to - . j Ggo. P. IJTTLE Licensed Goveranaent4geat. blontroie, ,!latch 25, 1267.. U 4 31-4:AVERS %lEM . _ lIEMM ='~= _-. IE:1=:1= GRIT hTTRACTIONSI ILEA D QVAIITEII.3 FOR Variety, Styles, and Bargains, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS MILLINERY GOODS, REAM MAN CLOT 1%, Merchant Tailoring, and Ge'nt's Furnishing Goods Gnttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co Take great ideninre in informing tin* friends and the public in general that Dry Goods have taken A 11'0771 ER TUMBLE, and that they have purchased a more than usual large stork of prritlg c SUlllinCr C:Do (=> , which for pi ice. variety, and style cannot be excelled We hw e in stock— DRESS GOODS : Mack and Palley Preps Silks, Rini] .Irohnir Dress Goode in all styles and colors, plain. 11_u red a nd stri ped it ne Organdies, Cambries, and Lawt,,ll.indsome DeLains, &c. &C. WHITE GOODS: Swiss Muslin, Mulls, plain, barred, and striped Jacoucts, flqurcd and striped Brilliants, a line lot of Drapery Masi lilt', Marseilles quips, A".e. LINEN GOODS: Black and brown Table Linen, .Tabie Cloths. Towels. Na i birdsent and shirt ing Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tuck and Drilling for men and hop'r wear, Sre.. Domestics. blenched nod brown shirlings. Calicos, Gingluans, Ticking, Cottouades„..tc. FANCY GOODS: Suneriorrinal By, tildd Gloves. l•ilk :1E1,1'1.131e Thread Gloves, all colors, dress and I oil k Buttons, Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces. 1 oils. lloseries, new. Etyles in Balmoral Skirts, Par asols, surishadmi, etirstte, =id Hoop Skirts. Shawls, Basques and Sacks t Of cloth and silk, splendid variety, and cheap. IRILLINEDY GOODS : At wholesale A large and complete stock of millinery Goods, artificial Flowers. Ribbons, Bonnet Frann•s.Blocks, Straw Bats. Bonnets, Plonds.La ces, &e.. which we JOB to the Trade al, Now York \ V holet4ale,piices. READY 11EILDE CLOTHING Of onrOWN rnan nfacture—the largtiat and tastiest variety in the county. We guaranty our work. • IAIEROIRANT TAILORING s We have over 100 different patterns of Cloth, Cassimern„andCoatincs for tortoni work to select from: hare a FIRST CLASS CUTTER. and are enabled fo give perfect satisfaction in regard to good ilts, style and prices. Parties preferring to have theirlarments madi, to measure, arc requested to give tti3 a call and exam-. Inc our stock. • GENTS' FIIUNISMNG GOODS: White and Flannel Shirts, cotton nEd merino Wrappers and Drnwers.loves, Ties nod Rena's, paper and linen Co ifiiialkerelii et's, Traveling Ilags, 'Prinks and Utnbre Ras, r.-4. - r - A line varie* of 6enta and Boys 11.4 . T g F CAPS, CITE.IP. • 03atten1ar, gostubaillit, M. S. DXBS6IIER, Managing Partner. 'Mon lroAc. May 14, ISG7 ABEL TURRELL Is continually receivin g NEW GOODS, And keeps , constrintly on lend a fell and desirable as sortment or genuine, Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals, Liguori9, , Paints,: 011a,r , Dye-stuffs, .Teas. Spices rood other Groceries, Stoneware, - Wall and Window Pa per, Glassware. Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic, Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Oil, Neatsfoot 011, Refined Whale Oil, Tarnish, Whips, . Guns,. Pistols,. Cartridges,.. Powder, _ net, Lead; Gag ceps,. inetrumeate, .--Tottet Soap, jfairOils. Druebee, PoeketKnivoe,_.Spectiteles.: Silver Plated Bpnots, Porkis, aOd Ivory Handled Knives,-, • •Deatisre Artteletioleuetaiassortalent of Fancy floada, JenicarTitrfinnery, &c. , . =Ann -•-• . Pat.nt ; -Medicines -. uiwertimi in MOBtrose. and nearly every GOOD WIND IN ANY MAILLET, In short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life, Enumeration Is Impracticable, as it would 511 PM? pripvr. ,coll3tthn prugpng Va!jety StoP QP ABEL: VIRRELL, 'lfentroge; GARDEN' SEEPS. A large a FSort ment. Large papers and small. :Attie% FLOWER SEEDS, for salts by . Montrose, AprA 10,16e7. ABEL. TUBBELL. AND REAPERS. ". - HEAR YE ! HEAR YE! GfINERMS & PROVISIONS will call at the Store of the b seri er, where they will Choice Flour, Fish, Hams (sugar cured), Coffee and Tea, Sugars, Syrups and Molasses, Tobasteo, Snuff, Cigars, etc. etc. Alio—A good Stock of ir .4L N1E.M133 I•7' CO 'r XCO WO. s e h no l an d Blank Brinks, and atm Otis eellancons Books, Writing Papers and _envelopes cif superior gnat ilie.4 and perfumed, Gents' and Ladies' Paper Collars," Canned and Dried Fruits, Oranges cE Lemons, Condensed Milk, a choice article, and in fact almost everything. needed by ell the gated people of Stitotirlomon County who gel. hungry and dry, awl by puichnzing them of first Store south of the Court Ilogra And enet aide of the Public Avenue, you can gave tit ma 10 to Alpe; ccat. Mout roee, March sth, ISO. THE BOW[ MAME CO'S SEWING MACHINES, FOR. FAMILIES & MANUFACTURERS. THESE WORLD RENOWNED. SEWU(G MACfINES Were awarded the highest Premium of the World's Fair . in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fair of 1866, and are Celebrated for doing the best work, using a . Much smaller needle for the same thread than any otheeMN chine, and by the introduction of the - most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best to* chines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn, under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, • Elias Howe, Jr., the ORRIINAL INVENTOR OF THE SEWING 114 • CHINE. They are adapted loan Binds of Family Sewing, and to t he usu of seamstresses, dress makers, tailors, man ufacturers of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing., hats, caps. Corsets. boots, shoes, hardess,Bad dles, linen proods, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk,' cotton or linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stit,-h, alike on both aides of the articles sawed.' The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe,and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and alt Sewing Ma chines are subject to the pin- . • ciple' invented by him. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. SIBLEY & STOOPB, - ' General Agents, NO. 922 CHESTNUT BT., Feb, 26, 1667. BLACKSMITHING.• A.nE undersigned have this, 'lay tor Med 60-pa doer. • ship, under the firm name OT Stamp & Manta, 1W the purpose of carrying on Blacksmtthing In all its branches. itIET - Strfci attention will be given to llerselboeing. All work %slime done neatly and promptly. The pleb. lic nru Invited to call. P. Montrose, March 4th, 1861. tf P. I'. MORAN.' National • Steam- , Naftation. Company,. . 'grit= x Lir stcora g e tickets from LIVERPOOL &OBERMAN to New York reduced to Meurrenci. Steerage Si: from LIVERPOOL Tbpitvis, gelftar! eet DRAFTS ON IBBLAN1) in sums to snit, for sate by - ind. R. COOPICRa ifontrose,' April - - • ' - . . AU persons who wish to 4E1170 Mon eV IN THE PURCHASE OF find a Good Stock of A. N. BULLARD, 699 BROADWAY, 'NEW. YORK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers