- rpr .14-teife ane*ci3eding!y-practycal. wo -1413-.2-('Ylny her tunably, however, and Infant.' hat. little ways . It's a reckils ''..teiclhatiii.tbat she henpecks me, and the , ':?,youtirtnan in our naborhood who said to Vwas distendin my diafrant with a 'tattle oboktail at the village tavern— who said _to me in these very lang,widge, home, old man, unless you want an- Otheiteapot throwd at you by 8..1." litobtibly regrets Kevin sed so. I said, . 4., iteitty Jane is my wife's front name, `°`gentleyouth, and I permits no person tol altiod to her as B. J. outside of the family ,9Kle, of .which T am it principally my self., tour other . observations I scorn int] diSgnst, and I must polish you off." go wais:an able bodied young man, and, 'it.tnii,Vin his:coat; be inquired if I wanted •to be grtitutd to-g, powder I said yes, if thettk l was a powder grindist handy, 'loth- W 9j/1 d for* m ogrestei,pleasure, heamok me n'painful blow into rhY right eiKl6inisTrinie to make a rapid retreat iiitothelre - dlace. I hadn't no itlga that the tietny Was,so well organized. But I iatliedistud went for him:in a rather vigo ritAy!efor my time of life. His parents lived near by' and I will tnmply state that fifteen-minutes bad only elapsed after his gust hit , when be was carried home on •a shutter. His mamma met the sollum ,Proceasion at the door and after keerfully tooking over her offspring, she said, "31y Saii,'l - see how it is distinctually. You've been. foolia around a thrashin macbeen. roil went in at the place where they put the-grain into the thingamyjig and let tie bosses tred on you, didn't you, my son P' The pen of no livin orthur could describe that disfortunit young man's sit '--,,nwation more clearer. But I was sorry forAtim and I went and mussed himlill he got,ttvelL. His.rea"mlar o riginal father had - atitt:rothe war. I told him I'd be a ft ther to-him myself. lie smild a sickly Oid,l'd already been wuss - than two fathers to-him. Anecdote of Latta the Pirate. At a meeting recently held at St. Lon is, for the purpose of forming a historical society, the elders of the city related ma nv retniniseenses of the old times, among which was the following story of the pi rate Lafitte : In those days were three Men s in the village who used.to recount their adventures with the ‘ pirate as mem bers of his crow. They were once chased by an English man of war. !Woodside after broadside was fired at the pursu.er —every inch of canvas was spread to the wind—and every maneuvre known to ac complished seamen ~was executed in vain —the Englishman was fast overhauling them, aud their shot and grape told fear fn.ly. Lafitte himself was wounded in the leg. He jumped into a barrel half full of flour to staunch the blood, and from that position waved his sword;above his bead tifi*rotark a itSir~o k itigiir and pouring storms of iron into them and their rigging. Soon the shot gave out. "Charge theguris with dollars and doub loons !" cries Leine from the flour barrel, and in they - went for there were - plenty on board. The Englishman received the se, A and amazed and counfonnded at the extreme novelty of the missiles, wore upend and quit the action. The pirate escaped." ===l Mysterious 'Disappearance. . A young lady named MercellaSim mons, has been missing from our neigh boring 'village of Hawley for a week past, under circumstances whioh leave but lit tle ground to doubt that she has either, met with a fatal accident or been foully dealt with. On Wednesday evening of last week at six o'clock, she left the Mil linery establishment of her employer, Mrs. Dunlop, - to go to her home ' and since that time no trace of her am be found. , It - wr at first feared that she had been drowned, as she was obliged to cross a small bridge.on the way to her residence; l thoronkh Search a the river for milealjthitellawley has failed to reveal anything fo confirm that theory oilier dis appiitaneez A belief that she has abtinoted.by some unprincipled villain is now becoming general. She was a young lady of good standing in the community, and no efforts will be spired to clear up the mystery which at tends her sudden disappeafance.—Hones dais Herald. —li the ,-United States were as dense ly populated as France, our population would amount to 528,000,000; if as densely as Belgium the United States would then contain 1,195,000,000 inhabi tants-1:10,086,000 more than the popu lation of the entire world in 1806. Great Britain contains 235 _persons to the iirtaion mile; Italy, 225;_ France, 180; Prussia, 179, Anstria, 155; Spain, 84; Tur key, IS; the United States, 11; Russian Knapire, 9, Russian Europe, 32,,and Bra zil, 3. The eight European countries named are said, to contain over 270,000, 000 inhabitant,. —lt is related of a son of Robert E. Lee.that at a recent dinner party in Rich mond, one of ' the gnests proposed as a toast, " the Fallen Flag." Colonel Lee prOmptly placed his hand upon the glass atiPtrosn. " Gentlemen," said he, "this w-ti .not do. We are paroled prisoners. WfinnW: have but one flag, and that is tha flag, of -our whole country—the glo riolut pld - ,stlet and stripes. I catt recog nize no other, fight ; for no other, and will drink to no other. —A Boston pedagogue hag been arrest ed et livington'for mildly whipping a boy in his school so that. be died on the 3d in stant, gals in be tried for murder. BUSINESS' ,Q4RDS. J _ AMES E. C ARM ALT, .ATTORN&Y AT LAW. Mee over Stone & Warner. Montrose, Dee. 18.1568; tf •• - • • WWII. D. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Montrose, Pa. Office opposite the Franklin Hotel, near the Court'lease. nov2 'GS DR. E. L. GARDNER, 1311TAICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases or tho Heart , and Lungs and all Surgical diseases. Offipe over tho Poet Office.: Boards at Searles Bowl. , [Sept. d. 1686. • . • BALPWIN, ALLEN, & MITCHELL, , . IINEALrItUn Flour, Salt, Pork, Fiala, Lard, Grain, 1../ Feed. Moines, Clover and Timothy seed. Also, Groceries, each as Sperm Dlolassee. glyrups; Tea and Coffee, Wen bide of Pubticatvenue. .11ontrose, April :7, WIG. 0 - -- litrßV`§'& NICHQLS, jjNR.ILR,RS_!u Drugs, Chemicals, Dye -.1." gauge, Palate, Varuteh, Liquors, Spicer. Fan 'cyliticlie. Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Tell etAr dotes. OrPrescr:ptions turctully.corupounded. Public Avenue, above feoarle'e Motel, 310 utroea Pa A. B. Brims, • Altos NiCEICILS Sept. 11. 1886. D. W. SEARLE, TTORgET AT LAW. oiSee over the Store of Z 21. Cobb. opposite Searlo's Hotel,llontrose, Pa. May 1, 1866. DR. E. P. HINES, rir AS permanently locatedat Prienderlile for theper- ICI pose eofpraCtichag medicine and emrgery In all its branches. Re may be found at the Jackson n(113110: Office hours from Et a. in., to 9p. m. janl6tf P rfenderville, Pa., Jan. lath, 1966: ROGERS SD- ELY, Ma locatimeci ALuotioaseors, myto• Brooklyn, Pa. PETER RAY, Xs 0 colas& o ci. t ic.33.e) , fabl G4tf Aubu rn 4 Corners, Pa. - M. C. SUTTON, XJl.43.exa.tisecil ..a.xaciticozioeer, ap7 b'htt Fricadsville, Pa. C. S. GILBERT, .T.Jickerk.eacacl .9.lzatic:irLoor. scp7 6411 Great. Bend, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, E‘IRB AND - LIFE . INSURANCE AGENTS, All IV business - attended to promptly, on fair terms. Of fice first door north of " Montrose M otel," west Fide of Public Avenue , Montrose. Pa. Brm.tsma STROUD, - CIIARI.nS L. ptow-s C. 0. FORDIIAM, OOT OA SINE Dealer and Manufactorer 'Montrose, LA Pa. Shop oti Unfit etreet, one door below the Poet Office. All kinds of work ,ade to order, and repairing done neatly. jani GS DE. E. L. BLAKF4T.E, ICIRTSIEIAN SURGEON. has located at Brom{lyn, Slaves+ co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all calls with which he may be favored. Office at 'L. M. Bald- wine. (July I 1-1 y JOHN SAUTTER, DESPECTFULLY announces that he is maw pre. 1.11 pared to cut all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, und warranted to lit with elegance arid ease. Shop over I. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. DOCT. E. IL. HANDRICK, narsiciAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders his. 1 - professional services to the citizen of Friends ville and vicinity. Mr - Oface in the wince of Dr. Leet. Maras at 3. McCord's. j1)20 63L1 ABEL TURRELL, Stud's, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Win lowGiass, Groceries, Fancy Goods. Jewelry Perth ueryote—Agent for all the most popular PATENT AE li EClNES,—Montrose, Pa. DR. W.M. SMITH, ITRGSON DtiNTlST,—Montruse, Pa, C.lofiles Lathrops' new building, over t , e flank. All Dental operations's - PI he o; formed in good style and warranted. JOIIN GROVES, VARITIONABLE TA:11012, Montrose, Pa. Shop I.' one door west of Stacie's Hotel. ar All orders fdlcd promptly. in lira-rate stylo. slitting dons on short notice, ancrivarmuted to at WM. IV. SMITH, ABTNET AND CHAIR MANUFACTUREIIS,—Foq C of Main street, Montrose, Ya. tf P. LINES, DASIIIONABLETAmoR.—Montrose, PA. SCo p 0 L in Phrenix. Block, over store of Read, Watrone" t Foster. All work warranted as to Qt and finish. , 'ntting done on short notice, in beet style. Jan't3o H. BURRITT, ri„KALER In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, HJ Hardware, Iron, Stovcs,Drugs, Oils, and Paints, Bootaand Shoes, Hats and Caps. Fars, Buffalo'llobes, Groceries, Provisions, ca., New Milford, Pa. WM. IL COOPER CO.: DAITICAIIS. Montrose, Pi. Succomorsto Post,Cooppr &Co: Office, Lathrop's new building, Turnprke-ot. umirraro coo EM MY DIIIITIIIIII. A. 0. WARREN, . - A TTORNET AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, LIL and Exemption Claims attended to.. febi Odice Arst door ttplow Boyd's Store,' Identrose,Pa TTNION HOTEL. xF,w, , krriFoßD, Pa. Lately kept by R. C. Vail:" JOHN' FA UROT, Proprietor. Meals always ready. Time to 'eat. without being hurried, for persons arriving on the etage, wi shin: to take the cam. le3Gtt D AYTON ROUSE, GREAT BEND, PA. NEAR THE RAILROAD DE OT. Theldonge le open at all hours of the night for the accommodation of Passengers. 4p6l* DAVID THOMAS, Proprietor. Fire, Life and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, ISACcriatrcriso, Bea.. Home Insnrance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus. Insurance Co. of North America, Pura, Capital and Surplus, International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 1,503,000 Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of P'ail's, Capital and Surplus,, 200,000 Lycerming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Manny. Penn'a, Capital and Suplus. Farmer's:Mutual insu r ance Co. York , Pa., Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Phira, Capital and Surplus. Insursoce.Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus. Kensington .Fire and M. Insurance Co., Phll'a. Capital and Surplus, 300,000 COnneettent Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn., paying CO per cent. dividends to the assured. , CapitaL ' 10,000,00 0 American Lite Insurance Co., Pbfladel• - phis, Capital, • 1.000,000 Travelera7lnsurance Co. Hartford, Conn.. Insuring u p thast kinds of accidents Capital„. • nartfordFir,e insurance Company. ilart fool: Conn.. Capital-end Surplus. Puttiana Fire InsnranceCo4 Hartford, Ct., Capital, $500,000 r - v - An business entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STItOITD tr. BROWN, Agents. 12W - 011Ice &indoor north of" Montrose Hotel," west side ofPublie Avenue licamtaa seraotrn. allol4roce. Jan. let. 1.54 f,, . 17 17' OROYEaltzsa • T“, Ea Itl At tho Stitt° ritiro of Now York, 'lllinois, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, In&iana, Missouri, California. At the Fairs of the American Institute, Franklin Institute, 14_a—land Is stitide,ldassachnsetts Mechanics' Aisoniation, Penn, Mechanics' Institute, Bt. Louis Agricultural and Idechantoe Assainatton, • And et namerou. Institute and County Fairs, including all the Fairs at which *they wore exhibited the past three years. Frstprixes hare also been awarded those machines at the exhibitions of London, Paris, Dublin, Litz, Besancon, Bayonne, St. Dizier, Chalons, And they hare bean furniethed by special command to the Empress of France, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, • Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and Qw.en of Bavaria The Grover & Baker Elastic Stitch Sewing Machines are superior to all others for the following reasons 1. They sow direct from the spools, and require no re winding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and need, end less liable to derangement than any other machines. 41. They are capable of executing perfectly, without Chang.' of ntljnatment, a much greater variety of wor' than other machines. 4. The etit, , .l made by the , c machines is ranch more firm. elastic and deral,:l, especially upon articles which require to bu washed and ironed, than anyother stitch. b. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the un der thread is inw*rought, is much the most plump and besetifol in use, and retains this plumpness and beam:* even upon articles frequently washed and ironed until they are worn oat. 6. The structure.of the seam is such that. though It he oat or broken at intervals of only a few sti t ches, it will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. Unlike other machines. these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. S. With these machines, while silk is used upon the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be used upon the other side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the seam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitched or made up with silk.. 9. These machines, in addition to their superior mer its as instruments for sewing, by a change of adjust ment, easily learned and practiced, excrete the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. Oct. 241.-10 En I)LRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- tho whitest, the most durable, the most economical. Try it ! lilinintactured only by ZIEGLER SMITH, inn3r) ly fIELA WARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN It. R. WintsrArrangement,Dce.lld. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. t 1 EASTWARD. , Mail Evening ' Malll Evening train. train. STATIONS. train, train. A. 11. P. NI. P. AL P. M. 11.00 '' ' ', :. " -.T v T ll ' a r m " pi . o . ... - : --- 5 2.11 i I 7: 11,0 a. , 12,18 1 Manunka Chunk .... 1,33 -i = 3 r? . 112 45 I Delaware.... Dine... 1.30 a 1 4,29 10,10 1 Scranton 9.45 I f,,a11 ' 5,36 I 11.43 I Nicholson - ~ 8.35 I 4,110 1.0 o 1 5.52 1 12,03 I Hopbottom • 8,18 4.05 a : - . i . 6,21 12.3.2 I Montrose.... ....... , 7,55 los 4 :-' 6,41 1.03 !New Milford 7.341 3,05 t i Z I 7.00 t 3 51 Great Bend I 7.15 2.40 Z, i P.M. P. 31 'Foot of Liberty-st. A. Id PM , CONNECTIONS—WESTWARD. The Mail train from New York. connects at Ma n n nka Cann k with the train leaving Philad'a(Benstng. ton depot) at 7,30 a. in.. and at Greatßend with through mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car at tached. stopping at nll the principal stations on that road. and arriving at Buffalo at 6,18 a.m. Ths 1. asseng,er train from Scranton connect* at Get Bcnd with through trains going west and east on Erie P.nilway, arriving at Buffalo at 1,23 a. in., and at Sala manca at 12 ru. The Mail train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west; at Manmaka Chunk with a train for Philad'a and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6.3013. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harriabiarg., arriv at Harrisburg at 8,30 p. in. At Scranton, connect ions aro mado with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. to and from Pittston Kingston, Wilhesbarre, Berwick,Bloomabarg,Dariville, Northumberland,,Harrisbarg and in termediatestations, and with trains on the Delaware and linds.on Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. TIMMY, BRISBIN. nar27 General _Ticket Agent. President. lc' HIE RAILWAY.—On and after Mon day, November 19th 166 G, trains will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST. 3.00 s. in. Night Express, 3iondava excepted, for Ro chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shoie and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 8.15 a. in. Lightning Express. Daily, for Rochester, BuiTalo, Salamanca. Dunkirk, and the West. Stops at Great Bend on :Mondays only. 5'27 a. m. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train. Daily, for the West. 1.01 p. m. Day Express. Sundays excepted. for Bo chester. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse : at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all points West and South. . T. 21 p. in. Express Mail. Sundays excepted, for Bun lo,Salamancn, and Dunkirk; connecting with trains for the West. 1.00 p. in. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. f,...000,000 1,700,Q00 GOING EAST. 7.01 a. m. Cincinnati Express. 'Mondays excepted, at Lackawnxen for Hawley, and at .Graycourt for New berg at Warwick. 6.12 p. tst7Accommodation Train Daily. • 1.13 p. tn.. Day Ex'pres.s, Sundays excepted. 9•10 p. rn. New York and Baltimore3Lail, Snadays ex cepted. . 3.43 a. m. Niglit Express. Daily, connecting at Gray . court for Warwick. WALE. BARR. H. DIDDLE. nov27 Getil Passenger Agent. Gen') Snp't. 2,N3' 0,000 S;IuAD~ : SAFES, VITILDE.It'S PATENT, with Powder and. Burglar 1Y Proof Lock—(Eeywon't fly odt)-forveler by at:ate. AIso—BEST FAMILY REWIND lIACIIRCE Ibl TUE • WORLD. Ir3l=l X II .IEaCEELEIIVCriI7, With Rerzusrate FEED. to fasten ends of seams. Not complicated—perfectly simple to all, except—other agents. lair Plisse call opposite " A. Latbrop's Store," and S E J0:504'14f. Sold at Manufacturer's prW, If. C.' LER. Montrose, Ney,X, 181411,„' $1,583,163 Ozanne L. Buoys WE= orAariza TIM HIGIigSTEIitHIMS GROWER 4: BAKER B. SI. CO., 495 Broadway, New Tore :SO Chestnut street. rhtl'a 132 North 3d street, Philad's CONNECTIONS-EASTWARD 401. :Xi Z.' 021. t the alittcore of uttenburg, Rosenbaum 8t Co :, JIM look at thosztoosive Assortment of NEW GOODS, For Fall & Winter, 3t!.c.eiTe4 wuk.rte . ln " Yett. 1= LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS X.M" R'QW/►T., And prices Bc:thine/cry to, every one DRESS GOODS, MCICII.A.MaINIEMI:Iir CVCOCOMEi COTTON GOODS, SIIATVLS, CLOAKS,FURS,SKIRTS AND FANCY GOODS, too numerous to mention WINN' And Gents' Furnishing Goods, Any Quantity and sVie Gattnbarg, oseubittm M. S. DRUMM, Managing Partner Montrose, Sept, 18, 1866 GREAT DEPOT -FOR 13-4L9E"Ei, CI -ALP IS, FURS, CLO►'~'SI~TG, _ FURNISHING_ GOO_DS, a CLOVES & MITTENS, BOOTS & SHOES. ALL SL'iDS OP 1' "AA CV Vl3 Rti4, made to order, and ] erchante sepplled,st the lowest Now York rates., Thavab asa Ilpvitatte examtnir,(l4i And get the priFekitthejdoslAtiii Goodi:- POlic A eeeee ~Moßtrose. Aug. 1 . /SCA, A FRESH LOT OF NEW GOODS, MS? AVRISIGI FOR TILE M•1352•132g; mace®, At WILSON, GRIFFIS & WARNER 'B . wavy ringlet s or heavy Inttsei re curls. Has been nred by the fittshtonablatiof Paula and London. with the most gratifying reenita. beecuo tnlury to the hair. Price by mail, scaled and pot paid. $l. Descriptive circulars malledlree. - Address BERGER...MUTTS k Co.. Chem. ists, tio. sas ttiver-etrata„.Troy..N. 1. Only agents for the Vatted States. • myi lychmet - . • Excelsior Excelsior eiza.mosftelaxams.aosvel HAIR EXTERMINATOR, FOIL RE3ICMLNG SI:PERI - U:OI7S HAIM rillft the Ladies especially. thin invaluable depilatory JIL recommends ittiolf air-being an almost Indiapunsable article to female beauty, Is easily applied, and does not born or injure the skip, but acts directly on ihs roots. It le warranted to remove superfluons hair from low foreheads. or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin 56ft. smooth and natural. Thls is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price $1 per package, sent post paid to any address. en receipt of an order, by BUrelen, &WTI% 1b Co., Chemists. myl lycfspq 21.5 River street, Troy, N.Y. CIMILZL.MTMIZAX.sALISL 7 E 3 WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL , FOR Improvin - and Beautifying the complexion. The most valuable and pertect preparation to rise. for giving the skin a I:want-Ifni pearl-like tint, that is only fonnd In ronth. It quickly removes tan. freckles, pimples. hlotihes, moth pa tch.t. aallowness. ernptione and all impurities or the sktn. kindly healing the manic, leaving the skin white and clear ac alabaster. Its nee cannot he detected by the closest scrntiny. and being a vegetable preparation iv perfectly harmless. It is the only atttele of the kind need by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian na Indispensable to a perfect toilet. UpwArds of 80,00 n bottles were sold during the past rear. a sufficient guarantee its efficacy. Price only I's cts. - Mailed. post paid. on receipt of an order by BERGER, SIIUTTS &CO.. Chemiata. myl I ycfspq 25."., River street, Tray, ti. $1,500 PER TEAR ! We w - nnt Amata ev e ry. where to sell oar IMPROVZiI $2O Sew. tug Machines. Three. new kinds. Under and upper feed. Soot on trial. Warranted fire years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The only machines sold in the United States for lees than $4O, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler Wilson. Grover S. Baker. 'Singer /c Co.. find Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infringements. and the Seller orsuser are liable to arrest. line and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars Pent free. Address, or call upon SHAW .1i; CLARK, at Bidde ford-Maims. or Chicago.lll. [mayellity• DtT e -Isnr Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchell. 33..ELT-a70 , 7 1 7 - XINAT eel .ALIT-s.T-a 70 IST After Wiring for thirty days At " hard labor. - have re mimed boalness Al the old stand, under the name and firm of BALDWIN, ALLEN Sc MITCHELL, DEALERS IN Finny, Feed, Salt, Pork, Bailer, Cheese, Dried Beef, 'faint, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candler, Tea, Cofee, Spices,. Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat ‘ Clover d Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Brans, Brooms, Nails, dc. d-c. Thankful for past patronage. we shall be happy to see and wait upon our old and new cnstomers. All Goods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. S. N. MITCHELL. Montrose, April 10, 130 n:• , `nn A MONT 11! Agrits :enured for entire"; •1E71./ new artielse.. jtv•t. out. Addreer , 0. T. GA• ItEY. City Building. Biddeford. Mo. [rna29il)• MINER & COAT tost's building, below Uoyd's Corner, is the place to buy your FLOOR, GROCERIES, AN PROVISIONS, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! • Would.inforai the publlcthat they era now openi n a Sctoraud:ChatetiStock at FAMILY 01:00BRIES. just received train New York. which they will sell cheep for cash, or_cxchange for all Weds of Farmer's , produce. , We have made arrangement~ with one or the beet GU:MIMI= Rouses. in Neer. 'York. for skipping, Stutter and:no:lace, and. will furnish. Palle free of charge, nod make Liberal Advancements on consignments of Rutter. Also. CASgimid fo'r_But ter, Grain and Eggs. A fmhsnpply of GARDEN VEGETUILES, by Ex press, always on band. ee=l*MOO . for the liberal patronage already re, e hope by dealing honorably with our custom ers to still further extend our,trade, C. G. MINER, • • Montrose, June.. 1868. REMINGTON & SON, manufacturers of REVOLVERS, BOLES. NIINCETS and CAR BINES for the II 8 Service. Also Pocket & Belt Recei vers; Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes. Revolving Rifles, rifle and shot on barrels and gnn materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In then clays of Hones brealdna and Robbery, every HOW, Store, Bankand apes should have one of . . REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late im provements In Pistols, and superior workniarithip and fonts, will find all coranined In the new REMINGTON REVOLVERS. Circulars. containing cots and description °Mini will be tarnished upon application. firms, ItitaiINGTON & SONS, Mon , N. Y. • - NOTICE TOT THE. P.UBLIL T'ita Ilar ti reetfUlly Informs thcpublie that • Blacksmith. Shop of U. C. qemons. near the Foundry 44 Alpe Brothers. Customers will do 'well to, tall; as - thiy can get thlngdone lathe 1114c,b144.111 . 4gUn0 neaklyandpromPte for cub • Ilarrar.B9 l a,r iittattlpikeven Viand/Mai o , 31c,mitrose. 14C, 2G. lam 9 L. C. ICLIMER, Bighlo Robes d; Ladies' Peas, k#4944 oo cfor, " . "" rt 4 ltFc` 4 l . :-. tumurs. x4 e untaii'ocim isiiew • • SRAUTY.Aubunt --Gol den, Flaxen,and Silken CURLS produced by the use orProt Dr BREL - WorRISER LE CRILVEXtX. One sp . - pltention warranted to curl the moot otralght and stub born hair of either sex Into AGAIN! MAR & COATS . ~ .- ___)- -- • 5 :'-• ' GR . .. . i t oott_&,p l oy i s i m i , CRANE, HOWELL & co., A RE now receiving a large and well-selected stock of ..a. new goods, coliiisting in part of cboice 4 comae* FLOUR, DAIRY SALT, SUGAR, TABLE SALT, byarr BBL SALT, MOLASSES, CANDLES.' CROTCH TEAS, /MMES. COFFEE. tee:, Ac. SPICES. • As. POR PRCITS NAILS, E. WOODMWARE, HAMS, BASKETS. LARD. BROOMS, PISA • ROPE, Sec. and in fact a chol,-e , ariet y of all kinds of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS wtdeb no are bound to sell wholesale or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay. call and see before buying elsewbbre, for we We pleasure iu 'showing our goodr, whotier you bay ur net. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken in exchange lor Goods at the best market 'prices. e-. 17. — Shop In basement of Boyd'a building next below Searles lintel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Ments.and Fish of all kinds are kept for 0. M.-CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. FBEGERSON. Montrose, May 1, 1866. Manhood: How Loot, How Re- stored. TEST pubished, a new edition of Dr. Culver. wells Celebrated Essay on•the radical curs (without medicine) of hrannaTollllltOZA, or Semnual Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Mar riage. etc. ; also. Consumption, Epilepsy. and Fits, in duced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. r3" - Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated anther in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates. from a thirty years' succeSsful practice, that the alarming consequences of aelf.abuse may bo radically cured without the dangerous nee of icternal ' medicine or the uppliention of the knife—pointing out I. Muth , of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con t ion may be. may cure himself cheaply,- privately 11V. d radically. .tr", This Lecture eheulti be In the hands of every youth and every man In the land. Sent, under seal. In a plain envelope. to an, addre.P, post paid. on receipt of nix cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. clj 4S. J. C. RUNE k CO., 12T Bowery, New York, Post Office box 1,:;`4. March 20. Is66—lysmp. HUNT BIi3OTHE-RS, CZ) /..dt!LINeT Cio Nhofe ale & 'retail Dealcrn In lII.L'aL) r '' 24) M. 9 STEEL, NAILS, tr,b t 415. 0 N BUILDER'S HARDWARE. JIJEE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK d T RAIL s rs RAILROAD dI AfLNING brPPLIES. CARRIAGE 'SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEIN"? 4.- rt BOXES, DOLTS. NUTS awl WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MAT.I.EABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOIIS. (r. ANVILS, v IrEs, STOCF.S n , ) , 1 DIES. PFILOWS lIAMATEITS. SLEDGES. FILFs. CIRCULAR AND MILT, SAM'S. ITELTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PT.ASTF.R YAMS CEMENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES. • FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATII ER & FINDINGS .FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton. Much 24, 1863. ly PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD WILL (In more :411 hotter worliat a Oren cost. than nny other. Try it Nlnnotte.tnrefl only by ZIEGLER. SMITH, Wholosnle Drug, Paint. and (11,25 s Lc:Oen, .1.to:10 ly ITT North 3EI street, Phllnd's. LaDZZS' rzzunr runs, AT JOHN FARBIR-I'S Old EF ablz shed Fur l'ar.rtfarlou, No. 71S 'ARCEI STREET, above 7th. la AVE now in store of my own manotacture and im- CH one of the largest and most beautiful selections of FANCY FURS. for !Adis& surf Children:* wear m the City. Also, a flue assortment of Gents' For Gloves sod Colla.cs. I am enabled to di P11 , 15C of my goods at ♦cry visions- We prices. and I would therefore P call from toy friends of Samtichinna county And Tfcinfty. Remember the name, number and !tree.. JOHN FA REIRA, N 0.718 A RC'II St. eh. 7tH, comb aide, PIIILAWA have no Nance', nor connection with Anl•.oth er Store In Philadelphia. Oct. 10, 4mjtv inrOIVAIID Assoelatlon,Philadelphin, Pa Di.eavea of the Nervona, Seminal, 'Urinary and se*- nal apqems—n en and reliable treatment—in Report, of the !lOWA itILASSOCIATION, sent by mail In sealed leteer e nvelopes, free of charge. Adelrei a Dr. J. SEILLIT /lor OnTon. linvrard Associatior,N9 ZSoutti 9th 'trot Philadelphia. Pa. R EADY MADE CLOTHING - - at the Fairdsle Cho3p Store "THE FAMOUS. BARBER." Come and see the famous Barber, Famous Barber, late of Hayti. Late of Hayti. now at Weeks', • Now at FAL Weeks' Store Boom, Find me shaving and shampooing, Find me mating. hair to suit yon, • Find me ready at your service. At*onr service, CLIARIX;Y MORMS Montrose,Oet. 15,.1863. tf Lackawanna et Bloninalintg , R.B. CO and after November In, 1863. passenger trains wllllllll as follows: W. R. COATS A.. 111,. , .16. X.' P.X. Lean, Scranton, ' • 0:50 10:50. 4:50 Kingston, 8:55 11:15 .- ' 11,10 " Rupert, ' 0:15 .. 4 8:59 " - Danville, ' ' 0:50 9:50 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:80 ' : .-" .-" 10:15 NORTUBTADD. - ' ' ''. Leave Northumberlutd, 8:01 3:95 " Danville; 8:40 . 8:40 " Rupert, . , 9;15 , a. rt. . 4:13 " Kingston, ' 2:35 8 : 30 , 6:55 Arrive at Scranton,; ' 8:45 9:33' &10 Passengera taking' tmin south from ScrardOn at 5:00 a. m. via Northumberland, reach riarrisborg at 1.2•20 p. m.; Baltimore 5:30p. m.; Washington-10:00p. m.; via 'Rupert reach Philadelphia at von p. in. ` Kingston, 'Nov. 25. D. A . FONDA, Supt. NEW GOODS WEBB &- BUTTERETELD Are now receiving Moir Now.fitock-ot ith ACP 31.3 1 which will In, sold L . 03ELCIELI I I I Para. ,0431933. Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Grenadines, (Mathes, Printed Cambria, Lawns,' Muslins, Prints„ Deimos, Poplins, flats & Cam, Groceries, Crocker*, Hard ware, 4747. 4:43. Montrosc,Wll7 110,1 . 815r 8D ar'irCrrg"jin4L' X 1774'. CD IV_../ 8017THWARD mom
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers