c;fotrzegrir Ah-aS3P.".,WELEII. Lail. News. We would be thankful to oar friends throughout the county for such local news as will be of interest to our readers. Send us the facts,-and we will put them in proper shape for publication. Donation, The friends of Rev.J.F.Wilber will giv - e him a donation at Lynn, on Thursday, Jan. 10th, 1867, afternoon and evening. All are invited. Agricultural Notice: The annual meetieg of the Harford Ag ricultural Society will be held in Harford Village, on Monday evening, Jan. 14th, 1887, for the election of ulcers and the transaction of business. J. BLANDING, Seo'y. Becker Bros. Pianos Are for sale in Montrose by 0. D. Bo man & Co. See what is said of them in another column. GO AND REAR BARNUM! THE GREAT AMERICAN HUMBUG! FIFTH LW:MAE OF TUE COURSE P. T. BARNUM, ESQ., of New York City, will lecture before the, Young Men's erary and Debating Club of Montrose, on Thursday evening, Jan. 10th, at the Academy Hall. • Subject=—" The Art of Money Getting, or Success in Life." Don't fail to see the "WHAT IS IT!" Tickets, SO cents—to be had at P. 0., 0. D. 13etnan's Music Store, Bunts & Nichols' Drag Store, and at the door.— No reserved seats. Assistant Assessors. Daniel K. Mors s, of Carbondale, Lewis H. I.:Lts, of Pittston, Capt. Geo. N. Richard, of Wilkesbarre, and John Gor- man, of Hazleton, have been appointed assistant assessors of U. !•_l. Internal Rev eti ae, in place of Messrs. Faruhsin,.Shiffer, 13,1zIer and_Morrison, removed. , These app6intmeuis are made by the Seereory of the Treasury, upon the nom ination of the Assessor. Notice. The annual meeting of the Susquehan na Ccunty Agricultural Society will be neld at the Court House, in .Montrose, Tuesday evening the second week of Jan. Court, 1867. C. M. GERE, Sec'y. 3luutrose, Ji p n. 8, 1867. td Auction Sale A. B. Smith has sold the Mitchell farm, and will sell at auction, about the Ist of February, twenty cows, three two year old heifers, one pair two-years old steers, seven yearling. heifers, one pair yearling steers, one yearling bull, five pigs, one sheep (a good churne* horse-power, tlu ink machine, drag saw, circular t.aw, crosscut saw, Buckeye mowing ma clnne, horse rake, hand rakes, fanning rail, pocket grist mill, corn sheller, two carts, four wa4ons, road scraper, plows, caltivator, drag, chains, hoes, forks,crow bars, shovels, -blasting driUs, carpenter's work bJneli with iron screw, iron vice, soythes, grain cradles, rope, hay, grain, tw) hives bees, vinegar, potatoes, white lead, linseed bil, chrome yellow, window glass, putty, tar, candles, lard, tallow, pork, nails (assorted), pick, horse shoes, churns, milk pans, milk pairs, swill pails, grind stones, axes, iron wedges, ox-yokes, field roller, steelyards, steel traps, and a lot of other traps not too numerous to mention.' ale notice of the day of sale will be given through the new papers, and hand. IA a. New Vora, Jan. 8, 1867. 2w. • Montrose! Gold Company. When a Corporation like the "Mont-. rose Gold Company of Colorado," on which we publish a report by its Su perintendegt in our issue of to-day, is free from indebtedness and apparently in a po sition to return dividends at an early day, we should presume that the little amount required would be eagerly taken up by pub,cribers. The 'company's condition Is presutnmi to be good, as its stock has never been manipulated through Stock Boards.—J' fining Index. Fran the Report, referred to in above, ` we learn that the Superintendenti Ittr. Iciahany, is confident of final success, when further working capital is raised, as heretofore proposed. To further the raising of additional working - It:IP& to prosecute tbd work to a paying condition, the company have " Resolved, That for the purpose of raising twenty-six thousand dollats 026,- 000), which we believe will be a sufficient stun to run tunnels, sink shafts and open up rich ores, and put our company in pay ing condition, weoffer thirteen thousand shares of Treasury stock at, a sum not less - than two dollars per share." Of this amount, over five' thousand shares are already subscribed,. Gift Enterprises. Probably every city and village in.the Union has a considerable ticket interest in the Art Association distribution, which is to come off at the Opera House, Chicago, on the 21st ofJanuary, and which is to in clude in its prizes the Opera House itself. The occasion will therefore be one of al most national interest.—Es. Yes; but almost every one who invests mill be cheated. AU the gift concerns in the country are frauds designed to - enrich the managers Red swindle the pmple: Fire inffOntriti.ki. On New Year's eve, about ten o'clock, afire was discovered in the -house former ly ()Tied 'by George Keeler.',' was ex tinguished without serious loss to the, building; although the contenti were bad- ly injured by the fire and water. Mr. C. W hippie, is the present occupant, and the family bad been absent since about five o'clock, and left little or no tire in the wood stove. The fire evidently origina ted in the basement, which 'was but little used; and for these reasons, it is thought the fire was the work of an incendiary. The property was insured. List of Jurors, Drawn for January T. of Court com mencing On Monday, Jan. 14th.. GRAND =ROM Auburn—John Overfield. ' A'polacon—John Hickey, jr. - Bridgewater-4. L. Grilling, Thomas Carney. Brooklyn—George M. Ely. Clifford—Abram Burdick, Avery Bur dick. Dimock—William J. Park. Franklin—Sheldon G. Hamdrick, E. J. Webb. Forest Lake—John Strange. . Gibson—S. S. lugallq. Groat Bend boro— Richard Stack. Jackson—Asa D. Corse, E. M. French, Amass A. Page. Jessup--John Shelp. Lathrop—Horace W. Ball. Middletown—Orrin J. Baldwin, John M. Davis., Iste,w Milford—Horace Seymour. Silver Lake—John Brackney,Daniel D. Gage. Thomson—James H. Foitter. TRAVERSE JIIINDR 7 S-FIRST WERE. Auburn: John Carlin, J. M. France. Brooklyn : James 0. Bollard. Choemtut : Thomas O'Donnell. Dirnoek : Charles M. Bolles. F t Robert Winters. Frat•kiin : Covil Park, 0. AL Hall. Great Bend : John Belden, Charles Hamlin, Orlin Fox. • Great. Bend boro: Joseph-H. Coffman. Harford Hdrace Harding. , Harmony: 0. B. Weeks,llarry Sbntts. Jackson : L. C. Benson, Wm. Larra bee, Wm. IL Norris. Jessup: Charles Bolles. Libel ty : L. W. Allen, Garry Law, R. Kenyon, jr.' Llthrop : Philander S. Bronson. Montrose: Fayette Avery, Hiram T. King, Wm. 11. Cooper, Henry Mitchell, Wm. W. Smith. New ;Milford : Geo. Harrison, James Tennant. Rush :.Daniel Seel6r, Aare te man. Springville: Sylvester Strickland. Silver Lake :.Nathaniel IL \Vakelee. Susquehanna Depot : J. H. Cook. TRAVERSE JCEOES-SECOND WERE. Auburn : Isaac Howard, S. B. Howard. Ararat: Jol)n H. Tooley. Apolacon Matthew Quinn. Bi idgewater : S.C.Day, F.P.Hollister. Clifford : Wm. W. Johnson, E. S. Lew is, .Tames B. Johnson, Cori! Peck. Dimoe.k : Wm. Graves. Dundaff: O wen Phinney. F ranklin : N. T. Buck, Jamb Stephens. Forest Lske: Stanley Turrell, George ,Patrick. Friendsvil'e : John Carroll. Gibson : Ed win Bennett, 0. Washburn. Great Bend : S. M. Monson, A Keech. Harmony : I. L. Comfort, Jac. Comfort. Herrick : H. L. Corwin, U. E. Lyon. Liberty : Job N. Knapp. Lenox :"Milo Hartley. Little Meadows : Ansel Pox. New Milford born : Josiah Mose. Oakland : John Parsons. Hush Abisha W. Gray. Silver Lake : Win. North. Springville.: B. F. Risley, Gibson B'nk(-siep. S•isq'a Depot: Timothy Boyle. Thomson : A. T. Galloway. NEW YORK MARKETS. Reported for the Monsoon DICSOCr4T. by Fenton, Fitzgerald .2. Tracy, strictly Produoe 01pwrilaidon /der. chanty, 38 Whitehall Street, New York, for *be week ending . Jan. 5. 18S7. Flow per bbl. $lO,OO 0 14,00 VirbiAt, per bushel, 2,50 $5. 8.83 Rye. .do , . 1.25 40 1,28 Corn, eo . .. 1.05 0 1,25 Oats, do . ... 65 0 ID Hinter. per lb. - 45 Gis 50 Cheese, " Pork. mess, per bbl Beef, mess, " Lord, per lb. Tallow, F:n7s. per doz. ........ Wool, per lb. Dressed Bogs, per 1b... -CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DE. ' SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. CUR= CONSIERIPTION, the isyltast. be aura so that the lamp sill hut. To casmoilsh this, tho liver and stomach men drat too eleftall'A and an amt".to are. Wed fm good wholensmo Iced, which, by those roPRIPInat win ho digerged,prozerly. end good healthy blood mist thus banding im the constilatlon. SCEIENLIEII HAN DICASE cleanse, the stomanh of all hill= or memos acramaUlons: and, by using the E,,M, Weed Tonle bs con , notion: the appetite Is restored. scuzNcirs PULIIONIC SYII'UP Is EttMleloto u well as medicinal, and, by using the thresranadles, a Impurities are egtelloi from the system, sad good, wholesome blood made, which wlllrepsl all &eats. If witients wlll tato Mato medichsesesseerdlo.3 to direalons. Consamm:lon very fro. Vaal/ in Ste lad atolls yields rostilly to their salvo. Take the plUsfromently, to cleanse the livcrindstomath. It does not follow that Demme the bowels aro not costive they are not re-vire:Ll= sometimes In diarrheas they are neeesaerr: The stomach mast be kept hmlthy, and an appetite crested to allow the Palattmic Syrup to saws the respirator, organs properly and allay any Imitation. ' Then all that/5 minis's.' to parform a Is=onnent mom 1 / 6 10 iamoOnt , ta-VAS 'NU- E:lmes° shoat the rootae rJ much as posolbla, cal all tho Nob% food—Zat Snag, gam°, and, b =Anti the oP• peattOceases: tad bo puticalrs and amsticola ma, wart:Stsi I n. tlY"The Confessloam and illispposltnceof an Invalid, Published fur the beeefit and sea caution to y tiny, mon and others. who sofibr from lief volts debility. prematur e decay of iluinitnod. ete.stiPPl7ingat M ega) " time the mcians of self-cure. Bdoae who has cured him. sot f liner undergolm: considerable qnftctt•ry. 13y, enelo shz s pnet patrl s ddreased onvt , lope. n single copy. free of charge may he bad of the /Pallor NATIIIicINI. MAY. rear'. Esq.,•firoeUlyn. Kings so„isl. Y. jamUltlysanp7 • or/LIM% TERIBBILL to counanallynieeivine DOW swills ofesimins Drop sad Moliciooo. which somas low aossarm dolor Swwtsi Nostrums: &IP Notles.—Tho bewatilhl Mao Plata of Gaon *Tars & Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima TAuliof 11181mb:hints thelfliad. We carnet in:nest what t! Wantinicto make a musi cal inetniment more perfect, although we are slow to admit than the limit of improvement can ever, be at tained. . Before they had brtnight s their 'Viands to their pres ent excellence, they bad submitted them to competi floe with instruments of the best makers of this coun try and Europe, and received the reward of merit, OVI. all others, at the celebrated-World'. Fair. It tributiEb tiee to say that theindgment thus. pritmounced•lnis not been overruled by the musical world. . . . . Still. by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, It Is admitted that a more perfect instru ment has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of ninking eteellenen more excellent- 2 Surely, alter this, they are entitled to the motto, " Ex celsior." [ lune 19—ly 1171Deafilisit; IBltallness maid' Oitalaik Treated !frith the ntniest success by Dr. J`" ISAACS. Ocuilat .and Anrist. (formerly of Leyden, Nolland.)No. 619 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Codniry can be seen at hie office. . The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as hd has no tiecrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Philadelphia, July 1, ISCG. ly. pmt Cough; ♦ Cold, or A Sore Throat, Ilatmeas tintrotera ATTYNTION, BROWN'S, BRONCHIAL TROCHES, ZUY1111•• WALCV ntrttrescis ?Anse. GI ME 2YMEDLTi RELIEF. Par Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive Tr.ocans ASE USED WITU ALWAYS GOOD 1117CCEEll SINGERS AND PUBLIC BPI' A 71 7 P 8 will And Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, at.d relieving the throat after au unusual exertion of the vocal organs The Troches ntelecomm6ided and prescribed by Phy 151CiallS, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country- Being an article of true merit, and having ptoreel their eilleaCy by h test - orbaany years each year ands them in new localities in various parts of the' world, And the , Troches are universally pronoun. ced better than Other articles. . . ()wrath only Bnowrea Baoricater. Mochas," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that maybe offered. bold everywhere. nov27 Gm empl2 119 — Einpire Shuttle Sewing Machines are superior to all others for Family and Manufacturing purposes Contatu all the latest improvements ; are speedy ; nnlasless ; durable; and easy to work. Illus trated Circulars free Agents wanted. Liberal die count al lowed. No consignmev is made. Address EMPIRE S. 31. CU., tii6 Broadway, New York. Jelly 24—ty Zeilf 3EUEL X .41L C;r On the 24th nit. at•the house of the bride's mother, by Eld. W. C. Tilden, Mr. J. WEBSTER THROCEMORTON end Miss MATrIE DEPOT, both of Jessup. On the Ist inst.; by Eld. W. C. Tilden, at the house of the bride's,. father, Mr. CHARLES E. HOAG and .Miss .MARY A. \VAEErx, both ot•Silver Lake. On the Ist inst., in Forest Lake, by Lid. W. C. Tilden, Mr. liirtssr HOSFORD, of Friendsville, and Miss CAROLINE E. LEONARD, of Forest Lake. At Bacon's Hotel, in Nicholson, Jan. Ist, 1867, by E. N. Bacon, E-q., Mr. JOHN SCIINE, of Timichnn.".l., and Miss MA.r.o.kusr A. TamBLE, of Au burn, Pa. Dec. 25, at the house of the bride's father, in Dimock, by Rev. A. 0. War ren, Mr. STEPHEN GIRARD C.E.OOKER and Miss LYDIA A. MOODY. CO'hiotices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at tle rate of fifty cents per hundred words. In Forest Lake, on the 19th ult., Mr JABIES SLATrER, aged 78 years. TEIE firm of Crane, Howell k Fergerson has been dlosolved by ,nutttil co to !Ilt. The notes and accounts "(the late firm hare been placed in the hands of P. T. Fergersun, who is authorized to collect the same ; and all indebted aru notified to settle without delay. Montrose, Jan. 8, 1867 Partnership Notice. THC undersigned having enteredJnto a partnership under the Arm name of Crane e llowell, Will Con tinue business at timoidatand r urbere thankful fen fa vors lo the pa they will atm° to : *merit patron age of old and new customers. 0. Id. CRANE, JOHN HOWELL. Hontroso, Jan. 8th,1847. Administrator's Sale, OF 'eitate, tate the estate of Rev. Hugh Monahan accessed, all the interest of said dece dent in the following described property to wit: nll thnt certain lot or piece of land situate in Forest Lake town. ship, County of Susquehanna, Pa, joining lands ofJud sou Stone, 2d. containing ono hundred and elk acres, and now ocenpled Syreter Dunn, a nd formerly owned by James Pentlegrast, will be sold at the Court House in Montrose on Monday the 14th day of January, 1667, at one o'clock P. M. PATRICK MONAHAN, Admr. Dec. 25th 186 d. 1516 .19.03 a 20 0 .12,00 1518,00 /91 14 ... 19 ei 13 ... 36 021 40 ... 50 621. 55 8 OD L 9 STOVES! STOVES! A NOV and VE ! Li e s le c r e t e st i o y c c k d a of d for saleonh m Cooking. Parlor t Shop t favorable terms. IL BURRITT. New Milford, Dec. 11, 1866. 40) I..er, .7MIZ SS " PENSIONS, BOUNTY, AND . BACK PAY. THE undersign. ed. LICENSED AGENT of THE GOV. ERNMENT, wil I give prompt attention to all Maims entrusted to his care. Charges low. and Info! , =Mon FREE. L. F. FITCII. Montrose, Jan. 14. 1545. ' If A anbseription paper to raise nenlithral working LI. capital for the MONTROSE GO. D CO.. will he for the pre.ent in the hands of H. C. Tyler or J. H. Me. , Colimn. Esq., where those wishing to take stock with a fair chance of doabling their money in a few months can call ft.d do so. Montrose, Sept. 4. 1886 . STRIVED OR STOLEN, A BOUT 3 wleci 17). a pale red two years old Heifer it. hoc) the farm known as the lt,chmond HW farm in Sliver Lake town hip. Any one giving informut nn where it may be foastd, areal:truing it, will De nimbly rewarded.— 6. 1 . SAY= .13 BIOS. Ifestrose, Dee. 1, Me. AND 5a0171..D 32 =CHID. Zr ALLOWS!) TO CONTIIII7II, Irritation of the Lungs, A Permanent Throat Disease, or Consumption U OPT= ?E aZIVLT and Throat Diseases, 7ZIMB'I'I3ICA3. Dissolution. 0. M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. Ft:ROBESON T_B<Co C2O7EK. ! 11. C. TYLER. _ Preet Montroso Gold Co ESTlLTlC6P.PArfabittrit - CO'LL, deceased, late of Suites Depot, ansquebanna county, Pa. Letteraof admtration upon panted estateofthe abase named' decedent having been to tbe undonagn^ ed. all persons Ilidebtea to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them duly anthenti; hated for settlement. UUGU P. DORAN. Adm'r. ' 'Mr:GOMEL pl . :list:ow., Ada'''. Great Dend, Dee.2s, 1666. Auditor's Notice. AE undersigned. an 'auditor appointed by the Dr phan'ee Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the balance of the fund in the hands of Sally Ann Lang ley.administratrix, among the heirs and legal repro• sentatives of the estate of Henry Langley, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at office in Montrose, on Thursday, the 17th day ofJannary, A.D. 180, at one o'clock, p. m. s at which time and place oil persona are required to present their claims or be for ever debarred from coming in upon said fund. JAMBI H. CAMMALT, Auditor. Montrone, Dec. 18, 1880. Auditor's Notice. TDR andersigned an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Sasonehatna County to die tribute a fund In the hands of the Sheriff &rising from the sale of the seal astAte of George Punier, taken in ex ecution at the suit of U. J. Johnson, will attend to the duties of his appointment et his office in Montrose, on Friday, Jan. 11th, 1.467, at 1 o'clock p. in., at which time and place all persons interested in said fund may present their claims or be forever debarred from com. coming to on said fund. D. W. SEARLE, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 11, 18(U. STATE OF GORTON LOOMIS, late of !Tudor& Susquehanna County, Pa., dec'd. Letters of admint4tration upon the estate of theabovo named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persors indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly anthentl- Wed for settlement. A. J. TIFFANY, Adnn'r Brooklyn, Dec. 11, 1866. Auditor's Notice MBE nridersigned having been appointed an auditor by the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County to audit exceptions to the account of the administrator of the estate of D. N, Phillips, dec'd, will attend to the duties of Bald appointment at bison:ice in Montrose, on Thursday the 10th day of January 186 T. at one o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested in said fend will be heard. J. B. if.'COLLIIM, Auditor Montrose, Dec. 4, 1868. 'STATE OF STEPHEN D. BAILEY, of Liberty township, Susq'a county. Pa., dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent haying been granted to the undeksign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. LYDIA A. BAILEY, Adm'z Liberty, Dec. 4th, ISM • SHERIFF'S SALES. 121 Y virtue of sundry writs issued by the Court of II Common Plena of Susquehanna cotibty, and to me directed, 1 will expose to bale, by public vendue, at the Court House, in Montrose, on "aturday, Jan. 12th % 1861, at 1 o'clock. p. m., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : The followingaheed oed piece or parcel of land situ. ate in New M Ilford township, Euequelanna county, bounded and described as 10110W11, to wit: Beginning at a stake standing on the lire between the laud form erly of Archipna Parish and the heirs of Henry Drink er, deceased ; thence north BSX' east 119 ptrcbes to a stake and stones, being the Lortheast corner of No. 8, granted to Andrew Allen ; thence South Ur east 102 Perches to a stake and stones; thence north 8 3 36 west 1 91 perches ton line run for a road line ; thence north 16' Is est 165 8-10 perches to the place of beginning— cotitntning 99 acme and 35 perches of land, more or leas, with the appurtenanees,l Framed house, 2 barns, one eider mill, one corn bouse,one shop. two orchards, and about eighty acres Improved. [Taken in execui ion at the suit of Henry S. Lyons, assigned to E. A. Pratt, vs. Floyd Lyons. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ• ate in Lenox township, Susqeuhanna county, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of D. Kintner, Davidson and J. Hartley; on the east by lands of --- . Gleasou_i on . the_songatjaa,t, and on tiii;svest b bl lands of Francis Sheridan and I), Kintner—containing about 124 acres, be the same more or less, with the ;appurtenant es, one dwelling house, two barns, one donning and shingle mill, and. about 60 acres improved [Taken in execution at. the salt of Shapley. Hopkins & Robins vs. Hiram Buck, ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ararat township, Susquehanna county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the nc rth by land of Ira Nichols ; on tile east by land of A. B. Borden ; on the south by land of Hobert Dunn 4 and on the west by land of Widow Cudney—containing about fifty two acres, be the same more or less, with the appurtenan ces, one log house, one framed barn, one orchard, and about . thirty acres improved, [Taken in execution at the suit of Thomas J. Archer to the use of Nelson Pot ter vs. C. J. Simonds. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land sitnate in the township of New 'Milford, and coon t ° y (Succquebanna, bounded as follows, to wit : begin- ' n inl: at the junction of the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike road with the road leading to Dennis M'Kee by's,Aor farm formerly owned by Dennis 111'Keehy.) thence along the last mentioned road north 81),(' east 74 perches to line cf lot conveyed to Dennis M`- Keeby: thence along his line and line of lot late Jede dial' Bingham's south esg• west 91 and five tenths per ches to a corner; thence sonth 61.10 west 104 and one tenth perches to corner in line o(James Vencott's land; thence along his line north 8839 west 186 and eight tenths perches to a corner; thence south SX' wes4.6 and .401 tenths per hes to a corner; thence north 87X' west 109 perches to a corner In Corwin's line; thence along the same north 2)c east 59 perches to a corner of a lot conveyed to John N. rune; thence along south lino of said lot 87).(' east 103 perches to the southeast corner «f said lot; thence along east line of the same north 23s - east 7 and eight tenths perches to the south west corner of David Mackey's land; thence alone south line of the same north 98X' cast 2211 perches to the cen ter of aforesaidiurnpike road: thence along the same south 133 c east 85 and sixtenthe perches; thence south gag east 15 . and eight tenths perches to the place of beginning. containing two hundred acres, strict meas ure, ho the Came more or less, being the same land which the executors of last will of B. Moylert. deceased, were empowered td-sell in Beaton three (8) of said will in the exception and rreservation from said general powers, being the last of the land included in said ex ception, the opal egate; of the sales of said excepted property exceeding twelve thousand dollars, and the same premises which said executors mortgaged to Hen ry Drinker. seq., of Montrose, to reecure a debt or two thousand dollars; awing by said S. Mayldrt in his life time to said Drinker. (except) nz school house plot.) with the appurtenances, one dwelling honse, three barns, one wagon bones, two orchards and about one hundred and lifts - acres Improved. [Taken in execution nt the suit of ..Vllllam Coleman .11'Call vs. Amos Mu lent.] ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of Rush. County of Susquehanna, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at the mill race of N. D. Snyder's saw mill adjoining Loring Hen ins land; thence along said line north to a stake and stone in line of L. Elewings land thence east along lice of said ilewins land twenty five rods to a corner In line or Henry Drinker's land; thence south along the line of said Drinker's land and N. D. Snyder's to the mill race; thence along said 'mill race west to I. Hewins line the place of beginning containing twelve acres be the same more or less. it being the same piece of land which Ira Duel and wife conveyed to Loring llowio by 'deed dated Sept. 30th. 18114. Assn.—All that certain other piece or parcel of land situate in the township and county aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit:Beginning at a post and stones corner in 'he north line of Ichsbod Terry's lot; thence by the fame south eighty eighteand a half de grees, east sixty.five perches to a beech' corner on the north side of the main branch of the Wyalusing.creek; thence by Ira Dulls lot north one and a half degrees, east forty four perches and south eighty eight and a half degrees. east ninety six 'perches to a post and stones corner; thence by lot +0.21 the estate late of Mary Rhonda. north one ands half degrees, east 22 perches to n post and stones corner in the south line of No. 19; thence by raid lot. and by lot no. 13, north es,tr west 164 perches to a post an&stones corner in the ljpe of lot No. 17: thence by said lust mentioned lot.sonts3r west 138 and six tenths perches to the place of boxthning. containing 113 acres and 84 perches more or less, being I lot No. 18. as marked on the map or pl an o f to survey and sub division of Henry Drinker's body of Meshop peg land in Reels township aforesaid subject neverthe. less to ihe contract between Lorin; Heroin and Irish Terry dated the 25th day of June 1662. ALso.—All that part OT the tract conveyed to Loring Heroin by John Boss. by deed dated Juno 12th, 1849., lying on the north side of the Wyclasinx creek road, supposed to contain about thirty acres of land be the same more or less. the abovedesrribed pieces lying contiguous to each other and are used as ono farm, making in all about 185 acres and 114 perches more or less with the appurtenances, one framed house,. ono barn, ono wagon house, one orchard, and about one hundred acres improved. (Ta ken in execution at the suit 01 Loring &win, vs. Thom. as 'F. Dunn. B. P. k NE, Sheriff. Sheriff'a Otaer-inntrese, Dec. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. 110DREFFR11ED by all practical pabatere l Try it, and yoreerlll have no other. IllianafiCtored only by ZIEGLER a 8111T11, Wbolesale Drug. Paint and Glue Nelms. land° ly ' 1$! Worth M *set, Pbtlatra. NEW FI i E,M. MUSIC & JEWELRY. MEE subscriber basing fanned a per(nerabip with .1. MR. J. A. STEVENS, wishes to make bin best bows to his old Customers, and Inform theta that the Mercantile Department of tbo bneiness will boree,:ter bo carried on by 0. D. Semen CoI with increased Capital and facilities, a large a - ocic of New Goods in all departments, a store thoroughly refitted, and 1.1"100133 Mteclu.oecl. ,:: The Watch-Making Department Is retained by rue, and will receive my, personal atten tion.. I have secured tbeservtces of hilt. C.ll. WOLD. BYE, a gentleman who has had twenty-fire years in the best chops of Europe. and has no superior in the coon try. day therefore Do able to do all work within three from the time it Ls left. The Chick and Jewelry Repairing Will bo owned by Mr. Stevena, whb will do all work to that line promptly, alai in the beat style. Nov. 21, 1868. fa O. D. DEAN. ca trite. seracmc. will consist of a fitil assortment of the following goods 1 suitable for this market, which will he sot as low, and many of them lowar, than by any one elisi this aide of New York city. Read the Catalogue. CLOCKS & WATCHES. WATCHES. American, Swiss and English, both gold and alive! SETH THOMAS. CLOCKS, All styles. ncl adtn g• their celebrated Cal ender Cloaca, which tell the day of the month and week, alio the name of the mouth, making the changes for every month correctly, with no care but to wind theta once a wecek. • JEWELRY. Bony'', solid Gold Chains nooks and Keys. Plus aol d d sets of Jewelry — Plus, Moore Buttons, Studs, Bar tinge, ,t,c. &c. WEDDING RINGS. SPECTACLES Warranted to lit all kinds of eyes SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding eight small Photographs GOLD PENS. A tine assortment, with and without holders. Old ones repo inted. SOLID SILVER WARE. Made to order of pure Coin, Consisting of Spoons. Forks, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Napkin Rings, Fruit Entree, Vest Chains, de. PLATED WARE. The best in market—single, double, treble tmd quad ruple plate, and WARRANT= —from a full Tea Set down, Including'Castors, Ceke and Card Baskets. Ice Pitchers, Walters. Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Cups, Tea Bells, Sc. ac. fie. MUSIC. PIANOS. Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their late (improvements, surpass those of auy other makers. Also, Bradbury's New•Scula Pianos—a splendid imam matt. Other Pianos from $3OO to $5OO. CABINET ORGANS, From $llO to sl2oo—warmated for five year.. Tbey are the finest reed instrument In the world. and I have only to say that I have sold nearly $15,000 vorta of them in the last four years ; and they are all In good or. der and have never coat my customers a cent for repairs. VIOLINS, GUITARS, &e. Violins from $5 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, einrionets,Ban jos, °altars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Forks, &e. BRASS BANDS So ppl led with Instruments of the beet American ❑facture, 4y the single instrument or full sot, at the ran ker's price—nlso music for any number of instruments. Instruction Books and Sheet Bitirie on hand, and new supplies received every week. PIIIIIO 8100111 from $6 to eas. Pofeel Sewing Needles. We have the exclusive agency for R. J. Roberts' Pa tent Parabola Needles—the best in the world. Try one paper and if not satisfied the money will be reftinderL Fire Arms and_Sparatu , /W. t. ni:en s,biseticars, and Henry's Breech loading Ri fles, all styles Revolvers, Fowling Pieces, Shot Belts And Powder Flasks. Cartridges for all the U. S. Army guns ; also U. S. and other Permission Cape , Cooper Cartridges, all styles and sites. O. p. BEMAN. Montrose. Nov. 27, 1866 LATEST FASHION'S DEMAND J.W. Bradley's celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (CR DOUBLE SPRING) The wonderful flexibility, great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the lluplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crow deo assemblies, Op eras, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, its the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and con veniently as a silk or muslin dress an invaluable etre ity in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady ha mg enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt for a sin,ele day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children. misses and young ladles they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their graceful and perfect shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom are not only double spritigs, but twice (or double) covered • preventing them free wearing out when dragging down stoops, eta% re, ac. The Duplex Elliptic is a grcatfitvorite with al) ladles, plea ... _ an die an versallirecommrlnded by the Fashion Maga zines as the standard Skirt of the fashionablewerld. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in Crinoline, viz: superior gnallty. perfect manufacture, stylish shape and debit, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex tic, or doable spring Skirt, and be sure yon get the gees• nine article. . CAUTION.—To guard against imposition, be partic ular to notice that skirts offered as ?• Duplex" have the red ink stamp, viz.: " J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs" upon the waistband—none others are genuine. A leo notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through. the centre, thus revealing the two (or double)) springs braided together therein,whieh la the secret.of their deaf bility and strength, and a com bination not to he found in any other skin. For sale in all stores .where first-class Skirts aro sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers, and 79 & Reads streets, N.Y. Oct. 31,1869-9 m SNOW POWDER, PATENTED NAY 29, 1860. fr . 1119 is:tn article for washing without rubbing, ex- J. copt in very dirty places, which will regains a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations °Tiered for a Ilke purpose, will Lot rot the clothes, bet will leave them much whiter than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spots as if by magio, and softens the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary ca ses entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chemical science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured, by Letters Patent. It has been in use for more than a year. and has proved itself an universal raved ta wherever it, has been used. Amen: the advantages claimed are the following, viz:—' It eaves all the expense of soap usually uded on cot ton andlinen goods. It saves moat of the labor of Tabbing, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed. With ono quarter the time and labor usually rsquired fore parts a beautiful yloss ant lustre, meal superior to any other mode. No water required except tooteitito en the powder. Directions with each package. And can he r adily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing fora family of Aye or six persons will not exceed three cents. • The manntheterers of this - powder are • aware that publicuseleps compounds have been introduced to the which have rotted the cloth. or failed 'aroma. ring the dirt, hut knowing the intrinsic excellence of; this article, they confidently proclaim it as being *dap. ted to meet a demand which has lam existed, and which has heretofore remained misapplied. blanufac tured by HOWE Sc STEVENS, 2rti Tiroadway. Roston. Also, Man ernottarers ot Family Dye rolora. Fur vile by Orocera anti de lers every. a where. optifsitnamp9 el LASH and STAN/3 FRUIT JARS, and also Spear's Sept. N. 3 - Walt tly Proseretalßelutima t it 11l ttal. L VOUTZ'S - r:CELEBFIATED , ,;IPREIX an) minx kowinatC - • Thts preparation, long indlirtirtildt 120014 . !11l thoroughly reinvlgoratetroitesmiown ind low•spiritea bossea t lsy strenthenlng and cleausingtheittomach and Inte is tines. It a sure preventive of all dies/sees incident to MI animal, etch as Lung Fever, °hinders. Yellow Water, Reaves, Cosigns. Distentper, 'Fevers, Fotesder. Lass-Olr Appetite and Vitalltnergirs Its nee improves the incresseS the appetite. gives a smooth sad glossy skin, and transforms the miserable skeleton Woof*, looaing and spirited horse, TO KEk.PESS OF COWS, . , this preparatiou is Inuitlnside. It Incretines the Wroth ty and improves the quality of the milk,. •It has . bees proven by actual experiment to 'lncrease •tho quality of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make Ma bete ter firm tad sweet In fattening cattle• it 'ever. then an a petite. lousens their hide, and makes Sheattluire much faster ' " •- • IN ALL DISEASES OF'SWIPIE,' inch as.Conghs. Ulcers in the Tamil!, Ltriirr; acd.:thha article arise, a speedo. Fly 'patting from one. halls paper to a paper in a barrel td sallt the ahole g itsemed rin be eradicated or entirely prevented. It fen fa iime, a certain preventive and cantor the' Nos C7aCder fa. ?rice cent, per paper, or papers ha , Ptt pared by 8. A. FOUTZ at their wholesale 'Drag awl kiedtalne. Franklin at,. Baltimore, Md. For ttiliit-ZY MO" and storekeepers throughoritthe jutted BtatA... • . gar For sale In Montrose by novni ypqls • , ABM TITABBLI". NEE FARM FOR SIM QITIIATED to the township of Sacksotk, is the Co.es ty of SttsquehOutt, containing . about 2.00 .a. 4131•0150 with one hundred and sixty acres lettproied' , Dwelling House, good Barns, well watered—adrat •rato bum foe Dairy purposes—two Orchards. Said farm will be cold altogether, or in pandit* sole purchasers. Terra:lot payment made easy.; For further information call upon A. Chamberlin, seq., Montrose. or upon the subscriber. L. D. DENSON, • Administrator of Bores Benson, dined. Jackson. Sept. 4; 1866.. tt A large, fine assortment. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, And Bath:, Pay!' JHE undersigned Ltereratim Angler or urn Otivies. KENT, will give prompt attention to allgatraahltrie ted to hie care. No charge unless emcees Montrose, Aug. 20.'63. J. BrIieVOLLIIIt. MORE NEWS FROM MAIN ST. BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! MEN'S BOOTS; BOY'S BOOTS, YOUTH'S BOOTS, THICK BOO7'S, KIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS. AND• BOOTS MADE TO'ORDER. Alio, a good aaaortst ant of Consisting of Indies' Fad. Lasting and float Balmer. ale and Gaiters, Men's Brogans. Born Brlnaorala. Youth's Congiess Gaiters, Baby Shuts, etc. etc.. all of which will be sold AT SMALL PROFITS! N. B.—Klklnds of work made to ordor, and matting done neatly. C. U. F011.1. 1 HKil• Dlontroso, May 8, nes: ti J. A. STEVEN'S Wllll.lllllOll Of BONITIES! OLDIERS : Congress has jnet passed enact to eons& 0 Ise your Bounties I Those who . have not already done so. should make immediate app lication. M lication. W. .b ..n , orttrearrsresismcrotalfty - snoln 31131 . 11 ", living, would receive. Having already prepared one two hundred claims. those who have delayed making application will End it ' greatly to their advantage to give me a call. • Invalids and widows entitled to an Ineroase of pen sion under act approved June 6, 'MM . ...should Ego make application. Information tree. • • • GEO. V.: 'LITTLE. Licensed Governinent Agent. Montrose. Aug. T,IEGE. tf . _ 11USTACTIres forced to grow on the.suouo• Sheet taco in from three to 5 jj weeks by using'lW. SBVICI NE 'S RESTA tittArtva/ • c CAPTLAIKE, the must won derful discovery in mniern science. acting on the Beard -. and flair In an.almostmlrec.- ramie manner. It has been need by the elite ofLondc* and Paris with' the most flattering *Decors; - Names of all purchasers are registered, tad if entire eatiefettiali is not given in every instance. the money will be cheer fully refunded. Price hymen. seale and p ostpaid, $l. D eaertptive circelere r d testimonial,. pilled f re e. A 4., dress BERGER, SEt'TTS & Co.. Chemists:No 11.55RIT er Street, Troy. N. Y. Only agents Ibr the United State. myl iTcropq SOLDIERS' BOUNTY,. • PENSIONS 4). . • mtistwois. la3r. filidE node/led, LICENSED AGENT of. the .81101. ERNMEN , having obtained the neccuatyterm a. &c., will give"prompt attention'to• all claims to lila care, No charZo v!Se II6 43 S I I GN I . L i - Montrose,. Junb Bth, 1884. ABEL TIIRRELL Is continuallyreceiving - NEW ODS~ And keeps constantly onhand a full st4desirable , p. o t of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, - - Chcmicals,. Liquors t Paints, Oils. Dye-stuffs: Spices( other Otoccries, Stoneware, Wall and-Window rilv" per, Glassware. Lamps, Kereiene. Beneolo, Tanner's 011. Lubricating Oil. Ncatstoot Oil, Refined Whale Oil, Varnish. Whips, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps. Musical Instruments, Tel et Soaps. Hair 0110, Brushes. Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Elver Plated Spoons, Forks. and Ivory Dandled Knives. Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Falicy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, ka. ALL TUE Patent Medicines advertised In Montrose, and nearly every GOOD =AD IN, ANY MARKET. In short. nearly everythin. , ' to restore the sick. to please the taste. to delight the o 3 o. to gratify guaranty. and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of Ilse. Enumeration le I mprret Icablo, as It would All • newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Storo - of ABEL TURRELL, Ilfontrose, Pa. 3Dica333I3IINTO , - ELECTRIC SOAP Saves. Time, Saves Monty, Saves. Lam; Saves Clothe',Saves Women, And all Gocers sell it. It is used by entting Into small shavings and diesel,- leg in hot water, then soak the clothes five to ten min. otes. and a little hand rtilibln g will make, them as clean as boors of madams gobbing , would do. with ordinary soap and tbeinpst delicate fabric receive noiniory.—, We can: , refer to thousands of families who aro tainsit, and who woad not be pomaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIgi . SOAP.' _ Sold by all loading area : tarougit, ant the State. -31onor,,Inred only by : - : • 701C03330.3C1VEd X,COM P IElp WIIOLIZSALE OFFICE, 107 south Fifth Street Philiirs, Nov. 13. 1861.—irmte , EVERT VARIM OE OWES: laths Mateo amp Rigits§.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers