0 Co 11::Mir'I r S" 3PW.A.IaMIIii. Deal News. . We would be thankful to our friends t hroughout the county for such local news as will be of interest to our readers. Send gs the facts, and we will put them in proper shape for publication. School Books. See advertisement of School Books, and note the advantages therein set forth. Assessor's Office. We have removed the office of Asses sor of Internal Revenue to t he rooms over the Drug Store of Burns & Nichols. En trance same as to the Democrat Office— first door to right hand at head of stairs. Officehoars, as per regulations of the department--fr Ont 9 . m. to 4p. in. ' No changes have yet been made of As sistant Assestiors. Attend ! The:Ladies of the Presbyterian Church in Montrose will give a Supper at the Academy, on Friday evening, Dec. 21, 1866. Come everybody. Lecture. Don't fail to attend Saxe's Lecture, on Dec. 22d. Mr. Suxe will deliver his cele brated Lecture on "Poetry and Poets," with recitations from his humorous poem, Yankees and Yankee-land." The young men finding that the hall would not hold enough at 25 cents each to pay expenses, hive been compelled to raise the admis sion fee to 40 cents. Sale of tickets will commence this week. • Ths Ago. • The attention of the reader is directed to the prelt-pequs of the Daily and W 1 ekly Aye, pnbfished in another coltimn of our paper. The A3e is one of the most ab y conducted Democratic papers in the coun t y, and those of our friends who dteire a city paper cannot do better than sub scribe for it. Read the prospectus. New Year's Ball A New Year's Ball will be given at 0 e Glenwood Hotel, on Tuesday, Jan. Ihr, 1537. Excellent music, etc., will be pro vided. Dec. 11.w2 V. CAFFERTT, Prnp'r. Eedical Society. The Susquehanna County Medical So ciety will hold their next annual meeting in Montrose, Wednesday, Jan 2d, 1867, at the office of E. L. Gardner. A Clink will be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when all persons who may present them selves for treatment, will be treated free of charge. Morning session to commence xt 10 ' , 'dock, a. m. All regular practi tioners are invited to attend. Dec. 11. td E. L. GA.L'DNER 3 See . y. Special Examinations. Special Teachers' examinations will be held as follows : 31.ntroie S. H. Nov. 28 Jackson, Corners " " 29 Rush, Su i yder's " Dec. 15 A!! wi , :hing to teach. the present term, who could not attend the-general exam ination will attend the above. W. W. WATSON, Co. Sup't New Milford, Nor. 22, 1866. Agents Wanted. 200 Agents wanted immediately to sell Territory for the Fire and Burglar's Alarm in the different States ; and on the Patent Hammer in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Extra inducements gi% en to good and responsible agents. For further par ticulars address 0. E. PicsErr, General Agent, Auburn 4 Cnrni•rs, N0v.27w4 Susq'a Co., Pa. —ln May, 1866, a Mr. Kimball, ( f New York City, ffll over a lamp-post which was lying on the side-walk and frac tured his leg. Recently he sued the corpo ration for damages, and a jury awarded Lim $3,400. —Cincinnati is flooded now with coun terfeits of the new five cent coin. The coun terfeit has an unmistakably greasy feel, but in other respects would not, be at once detected. —A clergyman attending the Sabbath school convention in Chicago, in the coarse of some remarks with relation to Missouri, said he believed that the "negro children of that State are no better than the white children." —A smart young lawyer hearing it sta ted by a lecturer that man is merely a ma chine remarked "then I suppose an attor ney may be said to be a suing machine." —Hans who is a judge of morals as well as of money, says that being tender to an other man's wife is not "legal tender." NEw Yomr., Dec. 4.—The result of the charter eleetbin wds the election of Rich ard B.Connolly,theTarnmany and Mozart nominee for Comptroller, by a plurality of 2,066. —There is not a civilized country on the face of the earth that would not joyfully accept the Southern States as a part of iis dominions and grant them equal right with their own people.—Boston Post. —They tell in Washington of amistake made by the wifeof a Western Senator and er.member ofthe Cabinet. Th e lady is the daughter of a Methodist preacherand her husband before he became .a poliacian,was 1 . 1 circuit preacher. At a party one even. lag, "M. Montholon, Minister of France," was presented to the lady, and she desiring to do the agreeable, asked, "Pray,: sir, What circuit do you travel By Atlantic Telegraph—Great Britain. - - - LONDON, Dec. 5. The London Times, in an editorial of this morning,lully agrees with the policy of the President of the United States, m set forth in bis annual message to Con gress. It frankly declares that the Ala bama case ought to be settled prompt ley it :Ifni:ably. It tixpresses deep regret that the whole matter was not compromised thus disposed of at a much earlier date than the present. LONDON Dec. 6—Noon.—Two more regi ments of troops and a company of engine ers have been ordered to leave immediate. ly for Ire ald. The Admiralty board have ordered three ironelads ()fate home fleet to sail for the Irish coast. ,Dunt.rx, Dec. 6.—Frequent arrests of Fenians continuo to be made by the Gov ernment officers, who are increasing in their vigilance, and prompt in taking ft.:- tioa in all suspected cases. 'The Gover nor of the city prison has telegraphed-to London asking to have a military guard assigned him. Orr Awe, Dec. 7.—The Herald of this city publishes extracts from letters writ ten by-a citizen of Montreal, who served in the American army and afterwards in the papal service. When in the South he became acquainted with John H. Sur vitt, whom he identaed in Italy serving in the Zouaves. This person informed the American Ambassador at Rome, who sent for instructions to Seward. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29. John Bigler has been established in possession of the office of Unified States Assessor for the Fourth Distriet, his nredecessor having been ejected by the United States Mar shal. CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DEL SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CURE CONSUIIIPTION, the system aunt be ro wed so that the hangs will hest Ta accomplish et* the liver and stoccuteh,mttst SrAt be cleensed and an appetite cre sted for good wholcaoneo food, which, by these medielnea will ba digested properly, cad good hosithy blood made; thin betiding up the constitution. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumulations; and, by uslng the Sea Weed Tonic In con nection, the appetite Is restored. SCIIENCK'S PtiLMONIC SYRUP is nutrielom as well is medicinal, and, by using the three remedies, all impurities Sr. expelled from the system, and good, wholesome blood made, which will reps] all disease.' If patients will take them medicines according to directions, Consumption very fre quently in its last also, yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the !intend stomach. It dam not follow that because the bowels are not costive the.• are not required, for sometimes In &asthma they are necessary. The stomach most be kept healthy, and an appotlto crested to allow the Palmdale Syrup to act on the respiratory organs properly and allay any Irritation. Then all that is re I aired to perform a Itmex=ent cure Is, to prevent taking cold. Exercise about the rooms as much Its passible, eat all the richest food—fat meat, game, and, In fart, anything the ap petite craves ; bat be particular and masticate well. w. ea. mo. 1 yr. A SEW PECITTIE FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Phalan's "Night Blooming Cereno.” PbslenPs ..Nlght Blooming Cerens.” Phu'lon , * *.Night Blconuittg Conn:m.oP rhololWe "Night Blooming Comma", Phalan's "Night Blooming Cerra■:* A mold orqui.lte. delicate. and Fragrant Perfume, dbH led from the rare and beautiful Eimer from ah:cia it Lase", its name. Manufactur.d only by PIZALON dc SON. New Week. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASE FOR FIIALON'S—TASE NO OTHER. jlyl7 ly pulp x n 29 oew M — Empire Shuttle sewing Machine• are superior to ull others for Family and Manufacturing purposes Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy ; noiseless ; durable; and easy to work. Illus trated Circulars tree. Agents wauted. Liberal dis• count allowed. Nn consignments made. Address EMPIRES. M. CO., 61.6 Broadway, New York. July 2.4—1 y fgr Notice. —The beautiful Piano Fortes of Gnovz- STEEN at tn. are deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Mute of InAruments of the kind. %%e cin tot suggest what is wanting to make a musi cal instrument more perfect. although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be at tained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pres ent excellence, the, had submitted them to competi tion with instruments of the best makers of this coun try and Europe, and received the reward of merit, over nil others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but jus tice to say that the judgment thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect instru ment has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent.— Surely, alter this, they are entitled to the motto, " Ex celsior." [ lune 19—ly M - Strange, but True.—Every young lady and gentlemen in the United States can hear something ve ry much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblikge by not noticing this card. All others will please addrrss their obedient servant. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Dec. 21.--lysmp 831 Broadway, New York. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh Treated with the Inmost success by Dr. J ISAACS. Oculist and Anrist. (formerly of Le. den, Holland.) No. 519 Noe Street, Philadelphia. Testimoniats from the most reliable Noumea in the City and:Country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty arc invited to accompany their patients. as helms no secrets In his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Philadelphia, July 1, 19115. o , 'ro Consumptives.—The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks bye very simple remedy. after having suffered several years with a B.!. vere lung affection. and that dread disease, Consump tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferer. the means of cure. TO Oil who desire It. he will send a copy of the pre scription need (tree of chatge,) with the direetions for preparing and toting the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. • sthme. Bronchitis. Colds, Coughs. and ail throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser In sending the prefcription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceives to be Invaluable ; an I he.bopes every sufferer will try his remedy, As it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishlmr the prescription, rEzz, by return mall, will please address REY. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. Dec. 20. 11343.—lpsmp ClT'Errore of Vouch.—A gentleman who suf fered for years from nervous debility, premature decay, and all the effects of - youthful indiscretion, will. for the sake of suffering humanity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions. for making the simple rem edy by which he WAS cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN: No. 18 Chambers street, New 'York. Dec. 26. 1865. lysmp The Confessions and Experience of on Invalid, Published for the benefit and as a caution to y.,ung men and others. who auger from nervous debility. premature decoy of manhood. etc. supplying at tho same time the moans or seitcure. By one who has cored him. self after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope. a single copy. free of enarze may be bad of the author. NATBANIEL. MAT ma. Esq., Bfooklyn. Nino co. N.Y. Una) lyszup7 b continually recetrim new supplies of genuine Drnds and Medicines, which will be sold as low as st any other Ste .4 in Mottrese. WA Cough, A Cold, Or A dote Throat, Ragman izazawrzArrzarnos, MOD SHOULD MI CIEECIEID. Ir ALLOWED rd coaTimus, Irritation of the Lungs, A Permanent Throat - Disease, or Consumption LB OTIMI TIIS RESLIL? BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, RATING A DIRECT DIFLETNCE TO TEE PARTS. El=f2 For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh. Consumptivo and Throat Diseases, Tnocazs ARE CsED WITII ALWAYS GOOD SUCCESS BINGID3,B AND PUBLIC SPEA&EBEI will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, mud relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs The Trodies are recommended and prescribed by Phy sicians, and have bud testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit., and havingprored their efficacy by a test of many years each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are tmivcrsally pronoun ced better than other articles. OBTAIN Only BUMPH'S BRONCHIAL Tnocnos," and do not take any of the Worthless imitations. that may be offered. Sold everywhere. nov27 6m ampla NEW 'YORK MARKETS. Reported for the MONTROsE DEMOCRAT. by Fenton, Fitzgerald it Tracy, strictly Produce Commission /der. chanto, Se Whitehall Street, New York, for the week ending Dee. 8, 1866. Flour. per b. $B,OO 0912.001P0rkme55,b1.21,50 (al 21,75 Wheat, bush, 2.23 Ilt 2,8318eet, mess. IA 12,00 qt, 18,00 liye, 1,28 cp I,4o;Lard, per lb. 13 a 14 Corn, 1.00 8 I,2a , Tallutv, 12 0 - 5 13 Oats. Gii 03, 6 7 Eggs. per doz. 36 (T 5 40 Butter, per lb. 45 4h 30 Wool, lb. 60 (4 55 Cheese, do. 15 fat 17 Dressed Hogs, 8 Q 9 7a3III.ALT3EVS. e—No tices of marriages and de.stbs published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate &fifty cents per hundred words. In Binghamton, Nov. 30, 1866, Mua- THY, wife of Wm.. B. Sterling, after an illness of six years, aged 56 years,,and 5 months. Peacefully lay her down to rest, Place the turf lightly on her breast ; Wetly sleep beloved one ; Rest ti I the trump from the op'ning skies Bids thee from dust to glory arise. ' 1867• GET CP Torn CLUES. 1867• " Net" A Democratic Morning Journal. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND GREAT INDUCEMENTS. UNION, RESTORATION, AND CON! STITIITIONAL LIBERTY I The Daily Age contains the latest news from all parts of the v, mkt, with editorial articles on Government, Politics, Trade. Finance and General Subjects. Local News. Market Reports. Stock Quotations, Religious In• telilgence, Legal Summary Foreign and Domestic Cor respondence, Commerciallntelligence, Reports of Pub lic Meetings, Theatrical Criticism.. Reviews of Litera ture, Prices Current, Literary Notices, Agricultural Information, Art, Dinsic, itc. Besides Special Tele grams, it has all the dispatches of the Associated Press tram every part of the United States, and also the dis patches received by the Atlantic Cable ; and the news from all parts of Europe brought by the steamers, Is in• stantly telegraphed from whatever point the steamers first touch. The Weekly Ace will be a complete comsandium of the news of the week , end besides the leading editori als from the Daily, will contain a large amount of Inter esting matter prepared expressly for the weekly ferns. It will he In all respects a first-cas family Journal, par tieularly adapted to the Politician. the Farmer, the Mer chant. the Mechanic, the Family Circle and the General Reader, having every characteristic of a live newspa per. Each number will contain an Intensely interesting by oneof the most popular and fascinating an. Mors. and It is also the intention to publish, from week to week. in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest novels. WEIR:MEM ALWAYS IN ILDITA.NOE. TUE DAILY.—One copy, orteyear, $9.00 ; fiX most.. $4.50; three months. $2.50 ; for any leas period, at the rate of ONE DOLLAR vermouth. Poetage. thirty cents per quarter, to be prepaid at the office of delivery. THE WEEELY.—One copy, ono year. $2; five c op lea, ouc year, $9; ten spies. one year, $17.50 ; twenty copies, one year, M. To Clubs, %here the papers are sent to one address, the following seduction will be made ; Five copies, one year, $8 50; ten copies, one year, $18.50; twenty copra., one year, $3O. A copy will be furosetted gratis for each club of ten or more, to one address, for one year. Portage. five cents per quarter, to be prepaid at the oMce of &lively. The above terms will be rieldly adhered to. Speci men copies or the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on ap plication at this oMce. Advertisement" inserted at moderate rates. Address, WELSH do HOSE; 430 CRESTNIIT STREET. Dec. 4, PHILADELPHIA STRIVED O stou p . ABfOUTrom J I g i o; a p a sla i red two years old Here, An e y o e no glvingrelgifloi fern in where It nay be found. ortolan:ling It,WIU be suitably rowirdod.. Ti. iIRGS. Nontrowp, Dee. 1,1 S it tf Ablierii g ned In atidttor appointed by the Court Tof Common Pleas of Bustin tut County to 'dis tribute a hind in the hands of the Sheriff arising from theeale of the real estate of George Pooler, taken in ex ecution at,thd suitor ff. J. Johnson, will attend to tile duties of his appointment at his olllce in Montrose, on Friday, Jan. 11th, 1867. at 1 o'clock p. m.,at which time and place all persons interested in sai fund may present their claims or be forever debarred from corn. coming in on said fund. • D. W. SEARLE, Auditor ?ilontrose, Dtc. 11, ISO. ESTATE OF GORTON LOOMIS, late of flartord, Suequebaunn County, Pu., deed, Letters of admint.tration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persors indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to ,make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly antheutf cated for settlement. A. J. TIFFANY, Adm'r Brooklyn, Dec. 11, 1666. .Auditor's Notic©. riiiiE undershtned, an auditor appointed by the Cr .". phau's Court of Susgni henna County to make di 4. tvibutlon of the fund In the hands of the adminis trator of the estate of Amos Crandall, dec'd, will attend to the duties of such appointment at his office in Montrose, on Friday, the 4th day of January, 1867, at two o'clock in the afternoon. at which time and place all persons interested to said fund wilt present their claims or be forever barred from coming in upon said fund. A. 0. WARREN, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 11, ISGC. 4w Auditor's Notic©. rIHE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Or pphans' court of Susquehanna county to distribute the intiantif of thd fund in the hand.-of Philo Burritt, administrator, among the heirs and lecal le_presenta. tires of the estate of Samuel Borritt. deceased, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Montrose on Monday the 7th day of January, 1807. at one o'clock. p. m., at which time and place all persona arc required to present their claims or be debarred from coming in for e share of said estate. W. D. LUSE, Auditor. Montrote, Dec. 4. 1866 Auditor's Notice. TIIE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Susq'a county to distribute the fund arising from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of C. F. Loomis, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office In Montrose, on Tuesday, January Bth 180. at one o'clock, p. in.. at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be de barred from coming In upon said fund. W. D. LUSK., Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 4, 18813. Auditor's Notice. THE 'undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or plums' Court of Stmqnehanna Comity to make di n tribution amongst creditors of the fund in the hands of the administrator of Jonathan Miles. dcc'd.will attend to the duties of his appointment at the oftics of Fraser & CAPP in Montrose. on Saturday, the sth day of Janu ary, 1867, at 1 o'clock. P. M., at which time and place nll persons interested are required to present their claims or be forever debarred from conning in upon said fund. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor Dec. 4, 1660 Auditor's Notice. MITE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the 11. Court of ommon Pleas of Susquehanna county to dl.tribute the fund in the hands of the Sheriff of said county arising from the sale of the personal property of Tinker & liagar,will attend to the duties o' his appointment at the office of Fraser Jr. Case, in Mont rose, on Thursday, Jaw 34,1587. at ten o'clock, A. M., when all persons interested in said fund will present their claims orbe forever debarred. F. A. CASE, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 4, 1866. Auditor's Notice TILE undersigned having been appointed an auditor by the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County to audit exceptions to the account of the administrator of the estate of D. N. Phillips, dec'd. will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in Montrose. on Thursday the 10th day of January 1867. at one o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons Interested in said fund will be heard. J. B. M'COLLUM, Auditor Iti - introsc, Dec. 4, 1566. STATE OF STEPHEN D. BAILEY, -1-%4 of Liberty township, Susq'a county, Pa., dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed. ail persons indebted to said estate aro hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. • LYDIA A. BAILEY, Ailm'x Liberty, Dec. 4th, 1866.• ESTATE OF MICHAEL RILEY, deCeased, late of Auburn township, Susquehanna county; Pa. Lettereof administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the rindersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. ELIZABETTI RILEY, Adm'x Auburn, Oct P:i, 1866. WM. DONLIN, Adm'r Auditor's Notice. MILE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Court 11 of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to make distribution oft be fund now to hands oPthe Sheriffof said county,arislug from th , sale of the real estate taken in execution at the suit of Leonard Dudleyve. A .L.Post et al., will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In Montrose, on Saturday the thld day of De cember, A. D. 1868, at 1 o'clock, p. m at which time and place all persons interested, will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. C. W. TYLER, Auditor Montrose, Nov 27,18414. 4w SALAMANDER SIRS, WILDER'S PATENT. with Powder and Burglar Y Proof Lock—(liey won't fly out)—for sale by r HENRY C. TYLER. AIso—BEST 'FAMILY SEWING MACHINE LN THE WORLD, 1 1"3121013 La CO XILIELN CUM With Rai-swims FEND, to fasten ends of seams. Not complhated—perfectly simple to all, except—other agents rEr - Please call opposite "A. Lathrop's Store," end SEE for yourself. Sold at Manufacturer's prices. H. C. TYLER. Montrose, Nov. 27, 1668. tf Dissolution. THR Arm of Carr & Avery has been dissolved hymn tual convert. The notes and accounts will be left In the hands of T. J. Curr for collection. T. J. CARR, Flurford, Nov. 27,1861. 11. U. AVERY. T. J. CARR continues business, and respectfully so licits the patronage of our old customers, and of as ma ny new ones us feel that they would like to save mon• ey by buying Goods for less than they can elsewhere. Nov. 27, 1866. 4w ABEL TUR,RELL Is continually receiving NEW GOODS, And keels constantly on hand a fall and desirable as sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oile, Dye-stuffs, Teas, Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa per. Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Benoit', Tanner's 011. Lubricating Oil, Neatetoot Oil, Refined Winkle Oil, Varnish, Whips, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Cape, Musical Instruments, Tot et Soaps, !lair Oils, Brushes, Pocket Knives Spectacles, Sliver Plated Spoons, Forks, and Ivory handled Knives, Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, hc. ALL TDB Patent Medicines advertised In Montrose. and nearly every GOOD RIND IN ANY MARKET. ' • In short, nearly everything to restore the sick.'to please the taste, to delight the eYe, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce totter real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration Is impracticable. as it would fill s newspaper. Cell attlie Drug and VarietyStors of ABEL TUREELL, Montrone, Pa. NEW FIRM . . - MUSIC & JEWELRY. THE agbnriber baying formed a par.nersblp with ME. J. A. STEVENS, wishes to mako Ms best bows to his old Customers. and inform them that the Mercantile Department of the business will herett.tcr be carried on by 0. D. Deman k Co. with increased capital and facilities, a large s•ock of New floods La all departments, it store taorouF, , bly refftled, find DP X' 10 0 .11.e3clu.00ci. The Watch-Flaking Department re retained by me, and will receive my personal atten , firm. I have secured tbeservtcee of Mlt. C. li. WOLD BYE, a gentleman wh o has had twenty-flveyeara in the beet Aloes of Europe. and has no emperlor . thu coun try. I shell tiverclore. be able to do all work- within thicerdaytifroia the tint? It le telt. The (Hoch rind Jewelry Repairing - Will be owned by Mr, Stevens, who will do all work in that line promptly, uhd in the best style. Nov. 21; 18Gti. . , O: D. DEVAN. - arMDErre. will consist of a full assortment of the following goods, suitable for this market, which will be so d as low. and many of them - tower, than by any one else this lido of New York city. Read the Catalogue. CLOCKS & WATCHES. WATCHES. American, SWIB9 and Eng,lleh, both gold and silver SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, An styles. including their cetebroted Colander Cloelvt, which tell the day of the month and week, also the name of the month, making the changes for every month correctly, with no care but to wind therm mice a weeek. JEWELRY. Heavy, solid Gold - Chplns;,/kOks and Keys. Fine eel- Id sets of Jeweirf=l'ins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ear &e. &c. WEDDING IfINGS SPECTACLES. Warranted to At all kinds of eyes SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding eight small Photographs GOLD PELVS. A ane assortment, with and without holders. Old ones repainted. SOLID SILVER WARE.' • Made to order of pure Coin, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Thimbles, Putter KII iVCd. s igapkiti Rings, Fruit Knives, Vest'Chaine, PLATED WARE. Thebest In market—single, double, treble and quad rnple plate, and W.iftllANTED—from a full Tea Set down, including Castors, Cake and Card Baskets. Ice Pitchers, Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sagar /Jowls, Cups, Tea Dells, &c. MUSIC. PIANOS Mannfactnredfiy Decker Brothers, which, with their late Improvements, surpass those of any other makers. Also, Bradbury's New Scale Pianos—a splendid instru ment. Other Pianos from $350 to $5OO. C:llll.NiE7' 0 AG.-141 S, From $llO to slslo3—warratted for five years. They are the finest reed Instrument in the World; and I have only - to say !hat 1 have sold nearly $15,000 worth of them in the lust four years ; and they are all In good or. der and have never cost my customers scent for repaira. VIOLINS, GUITARS, &c. Violins from $5 to O. Flutes, Fifes, Clarionets,Ban Jos, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Forks, BRASS BANDS Supplied with instruments of the best American man ufacture, by the single Instrument or fuilset, at the ma ker's price—also music for any number of itn4ruments. Instruction pooks and Sheet Alosic on hand, and new supplies received every week. Piano Stool's from $5 to Sifi. Polet- t Sewing Nadia We have the exclusive agency for R. S. Roberta' Pa- tent Parabola Needles—the beet hi the world. Try one paper and if not eattsfled the money will be refunded. Fire Arms and Sporting Materials. 211IVTI P , ZpCMCI - SITU tiarm,•.. 117/. fles, all styles Revolvers, Fowling , Pieces, Shot r ßelts And Powder Flasks, Cartridges for all the 11. S. Army guns ; also C.S. aud other Percussion Caps, Cooper Cartridges, all styles and sizes. 0. D. DEMAII. Montrose, Nov. ^_7, 1566 LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J.W. Bradley's celebrated Patent D CJPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SS 1-E. X .t,_ ri" . The wonderful flexibility, great comfort ar d pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elaptic Skirt Mill be experienced particularly in all crow dedatsemblies, Op eras, carriages. railroad cars, church pews . , armchairs, for promenade and housedress. es the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and con veniently 11c a silk or marlin Mess, an invaluable qual ity in crinoline, not found In any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed tht pleasure. to tort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic et, el spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and youne ladles they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring. but will preserve their graceful and perfeCt shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as neelese. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom are not . only double springs, but twice (or double) covered • preventing them front wearing out when dragging down Mops, stairs. &C. - - . The Duplex Elliptic Is a great favorite with all Indies, and is universally recommended by the Fashion 'Maga zines as the standard Skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable •advantages in Crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture. stylish shape and finish. flexibility. durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Ellip tic, or double spring Skirt, and be sure-you gct the gen uine article: UTION. To ,gnard against imposition, he partic ular to notice that skirts offered us Duplex." have the red ink stamp, viz.: " J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs" upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through ,the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein,which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to be found In any other skirt. For sale in all stores where first-class Skirts arc sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the Patent, RESTS, BRADLEY & CART, 97 Chambers, and 79 & SI Reade streets, N. Y. Oct. St, 1896-3 m ::;.., ...;;;,, :: •.: -:;- • ,' . :,..:::,, •''cy • '-. :.;,.. :,-;-) CrAtiT""-f ,--- , ',: N .• 3 I \ii 4't liii,-.T WO. I: L.l-1 .;', . ' c ,:, •i s 1 . U,i't .:.1 v:.(Pi.' ,l "l;4 l k'; •, ~ . i „.., , .... -1, r...,1•=. 4 1 re.:'.l PATENTED MAT 294 1860. TS le an article for washing without rubbing, ex cent in very dirty places, which will require a very Blight rub, and unlike other preparations tittered fur a like purpose, will rot rot the clothes, but will leave them much whiter than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spots as If by maglo, and softens the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will la ordinary ca ses entirely remove It. This powder Is prepared In accordance with chemical science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which Is secured by Letters Patent. It has been In use for more than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite wherever it„, has been used. Among the advantages claimed are the following, viz:— It saves all the expense of soap usually used on cot ton and linen goods. It eaves most of the labor of rabblng, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows It Is unturpassed. With one quarter the time and labor usually required It im parts a beautiful gloss ant: lustre, much superior to any other mode. No water required except to moist en the powder. Directions with each package. And can he r adily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing for a family of live or six persons will net exceed three cents. The manufacturers of this powder are nwnro that many useless compounds have been introduced to Olt public which have rotted the cloth, or felled In rerun , ving the dirt, bat knowlyx the intrimic excellence of this article, they confidently proclaim it as being adap led to meet tv demand -- which' haklont." exif.ted; and which hasherctororaTeraaltied . unaitpplted; Ushuaia. tared by • • " HOWE STEVENS; " " 280 Bittadwayjloston. Alto. Martufachiren of FM 1 Dye Colors. For isle by Graeae and dtaterik every where. oetleSmsmp9 soLaYmegi touVrit, PENSIONS, And:. act: . Pay! 'pH E undersigned LICMCSVD . AGE:Tr Or PRE GOVERN* J. NEST, Will 41 ye prompt attention to all claims Intim. Lcd to his care. No charge unless snocessfnl. Montrose, Aug. 'U. J. McCOLLInI. . _ NEW GOODS. • ,spsxnex ar co 4C) X 3 which will he 'sold 1.713.13.41..t= ;Ppm. cuLtozr.. Sculptor Drvss Goods, Silks, Grenadines, Challie,s, Printed Cambric% Lawns, ffluslics, Prints, .Delaines, * Poplins, Hats & Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. &c. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD. 3foutrose, ?Say 20. MORE NEWS FROM MAIN ST. BOOTS! BOON BOOTS! MEN'S BOOTS, BOP'S BOOTS, YOUTH'S BOOTS, TRICE BOOTS, .ZIP BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, A large, Ilne'assortment AND BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Consisting. of Ladies' Kid. Lartintand Goat Baltnor• ala and Gaiters, .ten's Brogans, Boy'. Balmorala, Yorith'a Congress Gaiters, Baby Shoes, etc. etc., all o f which will he sold AT SMALL PROFITS! N. B.—Klkintla of work made to order, and repairing done neatly. C. 0. FORDIIA.M• Montrose, May 8, ism tt 3r...,-7CO 3Ft. SS PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND BACK PAY. • PHnll fined.e AGENT o T n EC lit-71wi:. g prompt attention to all claims entrnstedto his care. Charge' low. and Infor mation FREE. L. F. FITCH. Montrose, Jan. 14. lEk5. tf HIDE FIRM fOR HIE I QITUATED in the townehip of.Trickson, in the Coun ty of Stholuellutia, cout.iniig about OCTICO with one hundred and sixty acres improved, Dwelling House, good tiaras, well watered—a drat rate farm fur Dairy purposes—two Orchards. Said farm will be sold altogether, or In parcels to cult purchasers. Terms of payment ninde Lasy. Fur further information call upon A. Chamberlin, Esq., Montrose, or upon the anbacilber. QUALIIITIOR Of BOUNTIES! QOLDIERS: Congress hteijnst passed an act to equal -17 your Bounties I Thom, who have nut already done Fo. ehonla atavliemiass. owe moss orpareuts noldtcrs who hall: , died In the service. are entitled to tho same bounty the soldier. If living, would receive. Having already preruired over two hundred claims, those woo have delayed making application will find it greatly to their advantage to give me a cull. Invnlids and widows entitled to nn Increase of pen sion tinder ,ict approved Jnne ii, ISM should also tuaka application. Informatiou free. CEO. P. LITTLE. Licensed Government Agent. 3fontrose, Ang. I.lSt i. tf J. A. STEVENS ..-„,,-- 1 ,- WIIISKEES, MI:STACIIE4 ...!..... A - ' 4 'l4 forced to grow on the snit).- 4 - • -.F:. k . 4, thest face In from three to 5 ~, -,. ' weeks by using Dr. SEVIG- ~. - 2 ,, NE 'S RESTA UItATEL R , ~. ..,Ey.z,.., CAPILAIEE. the most WOU• :IF' '. , •c 0 ,:.7r 1. :!. derful di.,covery in modern-.;, - '4 7 , 7 Z1 science. acting on the ISeard '* ; . -' l .- . .- - ' and flair in an almost mime- Woes manner. It has been need by the elite of London and Paris with the most flattering success. Names of all purchapers are registered, and if entire sutisfeetion is not given in every instance. the money will' be cbeer fully refunded, Price by mail. scale' and postpaid, $l. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. lid dress EDGER, Sli I 'TTS & Do.. Chemists, No 283 Riv er street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents fur the united State. myl Iverepq SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, ,E311:1c1. 13 ett.43lr.. Pair. rairm, undersizned, LICENSED AGENT of the GOV ERNMENT, haying obtained the necessary forms, ,tc., will give prompt attention to all claims intrusted to his care. No charge unless successful. GEO. P. LITTLE‘. Montrose. June 6th. NEW MILFORD GRADED SCHOOL. Winter Term. TAE Winter Term of this School will commence on the first Monday of December. , 188 e, and continue eleven weeks, under the same corps of experienced' Trackers who have en successfully conducted - tbe School during the past Tenn. Prof. T. T. HUNTER, Principal. Miss ilscxx V*uuuy, Assistant,. " NEMLIDL.BEAIIDITLET, Sup't HodelSehool. Pair may and Intermediate., " Memos lIATDISII. • Instructor Of Music. " ti.J. Boum, • - Drawing and Panting.. TUITION, PER TERM, In Advance.. High School $5 00 intennallato 00 Primary ~... 800 Languages....... -1 00 Music 10'00 011 Painting • 10'00 Water Colors , 0 Students wishing board or rooms will- apply to the Secretary of the Board, who will clieerililly respond. either - personally or by letter. The Directors feel gratethl feftlie patronage ettend ed to this School, and It is hoped that the salitactiott whial the plat term has given, will-be a sufficient ins ducetnent for the continuance of the taint. F. W. BOYLE, Pres% Selma &ord. JOHN FALTHOT, Seey. [Nov, 6.-44 • 73cp2323xlvisc ELECTRIC SOAP Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves Labor, Saves Clothes, Saves Women, it al all Grocers sell it. It Is used by cutting Into small shavings and ding*. ina in hot water, then soak the clothes ore to ten Min• nt s, and a little hand rubhlul• will make them as clean as hours of machine rubbing would do, with ordinary snap, and %Ili/most delicate fahrlc receive no Injury.— We can refer to thouNands of families who are tieing it, and who could not he persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. arliold by all leadinv Grow rs throughout the State. Manor ictured only by 3:3C0.11313XZW1S zacrtrin, WHOLESALE OFFICE. 107 South Fifth Street, -Philad'a. Nov. 18, 1866.—lysatto - • . WEBB & BUTTERFIELD Are now receiving their iqew Stock of Also, a good assortment of smccoms, L. D TIEN%ON, Adtnloi*trator of Dov , ea Ekneon, dec'd Jackeop, Sept. 4, Is6l. II EVERY VARIETY OF GOODS at the Fatrdate Cheap Store V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers