7P•i;D:IM;I' NM.4I.4iIAIR OP TEC FORD AGRIN1111110), SOCIETY WILL BE mom - itAiFoRD Wyef/S,u,lkilaY,4 Th, 1110.0t4P•41;8,e!6. No*eziallazas Sainst. . , . mess I—holuiss. Sub-division 1--Stallions, Matched gar -8A8? Bost tinftpy far* . over 4 yeiri old, $4 2d $3 1 , 14 r od stallion, same age, ' 4 ." w " Pa matched : horses, . 4 . 0 '3 " pair horses for all .work, 4 3 " singe driving horiid;, ' '3 " I'll i rog).ortnar4tinvico)t 3 '" • 2 JCdges—iXtm. e: Ward, New Milford; 0. L. Hallsted, Nicholson ;:C. D. 'Lath sop,- hkultrese. _ 2L-Colts and Mules. Best pair 3 year old coke, $3 2d $2 -"K-LEsbar- ir-year old-oolts,c 111rilelyVais nrd colt, '2 "' 1 YPArs 9k) colt, 2 " l! one year, oln colt, 2 45 1 " pair mules 2 111, 1 Judges:A:tat. Kent, Bridgewater ; S. Brundage, tiibson • .1. S.Peckham, Brook lyn. CLASS 11-CATTLE. Sob-division I—Full Bloods. But durham bull over 2 y'rsold,s4 2d $2 46 64 I. year old 3 " 2 COW over 8 y're old, 3 " 2 4`. devogi bnll over g fre old, 4 " 3 "' " cow one year old, 3 " 2 " " cow ever 3 y're old, 3 " 2 _ §ub-divlsion 2L-Grade Dorhame. 404 bull over 2 years old, - $3 2d.52 **' boll one year old, 2 " 1 " bull calf, 2 " 1 " cow, $3 2d $2 3d $1 " three years old heifer, 22d 1 " two years old heifer, 2 " 1 " one year old heifer, 2 " 1 " heifer' calf, 2 " 1 " three yearlings, 3 " 2 " three calves, 3 " 2 Judges—l. P. Baker, Dimock ; W. W. WilHams Gibson ; Rufus Walworth,Weii ?Moir Snt-division 3—Grade Devon& Best boll over 2 years old, 44 bull one yeat " bull calf, ,4 cow, " 3 years old heifer, " 2 years old heifer; " One year old - heifer, " heifer calf, " three yearlings, " three calves, Sub-division 4—Natives. Best bull over one year old, $2 2d $1 "cow, 2 " 1 " i•ko years old heifer, 2 " 1 " 3 yearlings, 2 " 1 " 3 ealVes, 2 46 I J 1008 --- Oliver Perry, Jackson; Mos es Chamberlin, Gibson; Otis Grinnell, aaTfOrt/ • . . e Sub-division 5-o.sen and Steers. • Best p'r working oxen 5 y.or over,s4 2d *3 4. „4„: do 4 y'rs old, 4" 3 “ r paii fat oxen, 3 " pair steers 3 years old, 3 " 2 " 'pair steers 2 years old, 3 " 2 " steers one year old, 2 " 1 " pair steer calves (broke) 2 " 1 Tudges—Stepben Breed, Brooklyn; M. L. Catlin, Bridgewater; E. R. Grow, Lenox. crass in—Sheep an4Swine. Best fine wooled buck, 46 3 44 lambs, " middle wooled 1 ":" = eweii " coarse wooled buck, i nn3 h. . . buck lamb ofeae, -" h, " bgagr,- • " breeding sow, ..tk.sprWg pig, 3 -2. " fall pigs (not less than four), 3 " 2 Judges—Horace Seymour, New Mil ford ; Hubbard Smith, Lenox; H. F. B ".red4 , Brooklyn. - , r • cLASS iv—Poultry. gest pair tu rkeys, s: "-pair geese, - • " four ducks, " five cowba, " five spring chickens, clAss v—Grain. Pest peck winter wheat, $1 2dl 16. I '. spring wheat, '1 " - 114 rye, . 1 " - -" ' oats, 1 MI " half bnahel corn in the ear, 1 " i " peck elpyer seed,_ _ .. 1 - 1 " " peck flax seed, • gig —_ _ Judges—B. I. Harris, Harford ; J. L. Gibsop ; Stephen Bell, Lenox. CLASS vi—Botter; Cheese and Bread. Best firkin butter, $2 2d $1 66 pail butter, 2 " Itfar butter, 2 " 1 zo 'foil-Miter, "..1 " loaf wheat bread, 50c " loaf4rabate . kread, 50 " Indian bread, 50 Oda' biscuit, - • -.Y 50 edg*-0.:1::' Babcock, Ilarfciril;- : rk lestililo: Gibson ; CM:Gere,MelitiOgk' CI:A813 - viz-Fruit and Ye eta I''- Beat fall apples, at least 3 varie. ties, not less than 1 dozen of 'each, - • :':01 2d 500 " winter ap . ples,samegnantity,l " 50c il iUtmeg;• - • , . - g ! itll peac , _ . b b tla " graPeat I " bO6 . " and greatest variety: of fruit, I. " 00c . 4 6 Vint.peratinia 'Aare, *4l 406 . _ " winter !Rash, 50c " three heads cabbage, ' " twelveonione, 500 ' " • six beets, 500 r iit ; 7506 T agrdaavitlvegetibled, eit.soo; Judges—H. Marcy, Lenox ; Wm. E. Tingley, Harford ; E. S. Tyler, New Mil ford. a4u3s via—Vinegar, Wine, Honey and Sugar. Best cider vinegar, 500 " currant wine, 500 " blackberry wine, 500 " grape wine, 500 " wine plant wine, 500 " 10 lbs. honey, $1 2d 50c "" •: - 0.00.119T , stirred_ 100.tiCAL:00: gg drained sugar, 1 " 50c " maple syruy t, ,. 500 Judges—L. Smith; - New Milford ; G.M.Gambld,liarferd ; Mrs. Alvin Stearns and Mrs. Alanson Aldrich, Harford. - r - Beit harnesssidis leather, $2 " upper leather, 1 (-7 14cli e g` 11 ,4 1 0: , U • Tw o calf skins, 2 " pair fine boots, 2 " paircoarseiboots • b 4 -• '7 , 2 " cafriase liatnesti; ' 2 2 " sett team harness, 2 Jnolgeta--.4.. 0. Stile Gibsopi ,Rnasel Thafehiati -Irtirford f ` Jo hn'i r -Sinitb;jlirew Milford. CLASS x—Agricultural Implements and Carriages. Best common plow, side bill plow, cul tivator, corn sheller, straw cutter, horse rake, horse bay fork, and churning machine, each 81 " mowing machine, 3 " threshing power, 3 " double carriage, 2 " single e,arricgc„ 2 " market wagon, 2 " lumber , wagon, 2 " single Sleigh; 2 " lot ,of egnculturel. implements, 2 Judges—Seth Abe), Gibson ; Alvin Stearns and M. Oakley, Harford. CLASS —C abin et Work, Hardware, &c. Best specimen cabinet work, 82 " sett chairs, 1 " rocking chair, " sewing machine, 1 " churn, 1 " butter pail, 50c " butter firkin, 590 " sett hori3e - Shoes; 500 " lot tin ware, 500 cook stove for coal, $1 " cook stove for. wood, , 1 " parlor stove, 1 Judges—J. C. Edwards, Harford ; E. F. Clinton, Gibson ; Wm. Brundage,Kar. ford. $3 2d ft 2 " 1 2 " 1 $3 2d $2 3d $1 22d I 2 " 1 2 " I 2 44 I 3 " 2 3 " 2 ctsas xi—Dorriestin ey?As. , Best 5 yards woolen *pine); 42`id41 " 5 yards plaid " 2 " " 5 Tanis full cloth, 2 1 " pair woolen blankets, 1 U pairs syc,mtet - t- 1 PlitkeW wiinteri yarn, 1 " 5 yards linen cloth, 2 " 1 ". 5 yards Vf0,01e,4 P;. o lre4Pgi -2 " 1 " 10 yards woolen carpet, 2 " 1 " rag carpet, 2 " 1 'Jutiggsl-4. - NeArr , Milford; Mrs: Otis drinnell, Geo.P.Vrilinartli, Mrs. Jonas Adams tforford. : r) CLASS xrii--uroamental-Needleworle, &c. Best patchwork quilt, $2 2d 50c " quilt of any gtter 100, 1 , " 50c " be&spread; 1 " 50c " worked skirt, 1 " 50c " worked collar, . soo " 25c 1 " lkorfifcd4inbroidpjy, 'n ped it oil ' a 'ailil "ethbfOldery, •:.. 500`" 21C " bonnet, 500 " 250 " ladies' saps, 500 " 25c " knit,hood, ,_„,,, ... .. ~.,.5(10,,!.!,..250 “ riail7fiaircovely - --- - -,- 6b&` -*--250 " fine shirt, 500 " 250 $3 2d $2 -3 •f- 2 " 1 3 " •2 3" 2 " 3 " 2 2 it 1 Judges—C. P. Hawley, Gibson ; Mrs. E. N. Carpenter and Bapbronia Far rar, Harford ; Miss Tionisa Brainard, Gib son. 4 " 3 4 " 3 CLASS XLV—Paintings and Flowers. Beit . int Plintitre- 7 77; 7 YWi:2II: " painting, any other kind, 500 " 250 " drawing, $1 " 50c " exhill i hjcAQS_pllptogroplgi dtfitanilit.fitYpes,' 500 " picture frame, 50c " 25c " variety of flowprs, 1 " 50c " floral ' ' 1 " 50c • " exhibition artificial flowers , and fruit, 1 " 50c JudgefiL;S:P.3:o64:AlaitortiYMra. L. A. Smith, New Milford ; Miss Mary Al len, Harfurd; Mrs. Truman Bell, Lath. rop. CLASS xvL:Plo4ng.' • $124 1 Al 1 " " 1 " Best plowing,Bs-3d, A4-4th, $3 -sth, 2-6th, 1. The plowing match will be held on the farm •of C. H..401.16r, n th(?-41#itr, on"Wedaiiilityf'WAtit as the Fair, at 2 o'clock, p. Committee of Arrangements—Geo. S. Whitney, Jackson Tingley, Asa M. Ham mond. Aidgps—Wm. T,. Moxiey, New AM ford ; Jonas Adis Itarford ; Lewis Brainard, Gibson. SuperintendeAtp. Geciii4..Satil—athEdnitarpintei. Ass'ot " —Tyler Briwster. Cattle—G. P. Wilmarth;lko: Carpet ter. Sheep, Swine and Poultry—Andrew Gars" A-le.-1 7 1 1 *qt, -- DagFl: 4 .oolllDie vole wirrkairkow- Attoid44ll:','POll-010fik'*7'7.4.to.o: Floral Hall—W. B. 13o110";Tko. Pavia, 341 ' 4; r 4 0 0314 4:( 417(115Wler , siffiy war', Miss getserCarpeolet. NOll‘ ‘ tlr # 1 4#44 1 14t, IMlge' of - Menibeishipitat • Will '441.104 f ill of family who are females,_ *ld inor„, ,mgo phihirpo, , I{l. Poe° 41sitats, 25 eta. Ch44rip.R.Tiier 10 zeF'S of i!ge,lo " ' oOrgypiO, mid they ftimilON Free. Repdations . . .TheGronnda will be open on Wednes day at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the reception of stock and all articles for exhibition. It is very desirable that all animals and' Articles, intended for exhibition; should be entered on the Secretary's book the first day of the Fair, or as early as 10 o'clock a. m. of the second. Cards will be furnished, at Alai Sechatia; ry,' . B /Ape on the ground to place upotvAll ommals.or . orticies for exhibition. , , , A sulreot,police force will, be,ripon the 09014 dit t y and night to maintain orr: C4F-ARli'PE,Citelet the property of exhibit-, . ; :Judges are requested , to meet.at• eFetArea office o!olock, on pWay, and receive their booka:be-, fore entering upon their &hies. 'The i payneent of one dollar for mem bership, entitles the person to exhibit in all the classes. Competition for liven-li mns in the domestic 'and ornamental de; partments free for all. No animal or h article shall receive more than one premium, and the judges may withhold a premium when the article is not• worthy though there be no competi tion. Arrangements will be made for keep ing stock over night. The Annual Address will be delivered on Thursday at 2 o'clock, p. m., by S. P. Longstreet, Esq., of Wilkesbarre. Music will be provided for the occas ion. Ample refreshments will be furnished on the gronnd. P. CARPENTER, JoRN LESLIE, Ex. Com L. R. PECK. Strange Coincidence, .. Andrew Jackson was born in North Carolina, emigrated to Tennessee, and was elected President of the .United States. During his administration the opposition were wonderfully exercised ,because he dared to remove men from of fice who opposed "the government." Andrew Johnson was also born in North Carolina, emigrated to Tennessee, and is now President of the United States. The opposition are just now wonderfully exercised about his remov ing men from office who are opposed to "government." Philadelphia was the on ly city in the Union whose municipal au thorities refused to extend hospitalities to General Jackson on his visit to the west, and• Philadelphia is the only city whose municipal authorities refused to ex tend hospitalities to Andrew Johnson on his visit•tO the west. But the people turned out en Masse to welcome' Andrew Jackson, and by a de cided vote at the polls sternly rebuked the municipal authorities for their con temptible, meanness. The people of Phil adelphia also turned out en masse to wel dime ,Andrew Johnson, and will adminis ter. a shuilar rebuke to the present muni cipal authorities at the ballot-box. Strange coincidences sometimes happen in this wicked world of ours! The 4Qntrose Democrt Is Pt:rattan= EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, AT Mornurn, - SIIBQUIVIANNA. COI72ITT, PA., 13T 8. Z. Or7ORRYTF3ON, AT S2,PER AFNUX IN ADVANCE—OR $2) AZRND OP YEAR. MIBIIIO3/3 advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times, and 25cts for each additional week. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged $lO for four squares, quarter column $l5, half cola= $3O; one column $6O. and other amounts - 1n &seat proportion: , }palaces cards of three /lees, $1; or mu:dollar; a line. lafLegal, notices at the customary rates. Job Printinz executed neatly and promptly at fair prices., • 'llleeiia,"lllortgages, Notes Justicek, Constables', School and otlifir blanksfor gale, : Iroxnexua: C'erossla lowa. NEW MILFORD MDR HEAD OF NAVIGATION. TRPElizeli tmd t Vgat turdim rebuilt 1114 Fontidry, is Pro- PI6 WS, PLOW POINTS, SAW MILL GEARING, MOWING MACHINE GEARING, AGRIC'ULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, such us farmers and others may . require. Also, The Improved Iron Chimneys. VPootidry opposite Hawley's Store, nest to Plan ners Hotel. J. 8. TINGLEY & EON Naw Milford, May 29, 18132: tf •• • SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, azitpdt. 3130 - 0315. 35 2 / 4 3r, THE undersigned; LIOHNSED_AGENT of the GOV.: EillfidENT, having obtained the necessary fonzul, prompt attention to all dame intrusted to Ills care, Zio thargo Unleis successful L • OEO. V. LITTLE. Montrose, lune Oth. /130. pENsioNg i . BENTy .AND CK PAY: • mite undersigii!d:upElipAVAGElsT TM GOV ERNMENT, wilt glee -prompt attention to ail claims entruste d to hie care. Chargee low, and Infor mitten ITER.L. F. MORtrpao. datt. - 14..M. • tt SOLDIER' . BOUNTY' . . • '9 , - PEA o,itge • •-•-• .. L. _ Amid Back Payl Ittlereigned , Liman , amyl , UY onus Goyim* , teWrplg, give prorript attention to all clakTelutpp: trie care. • No chilrffo Ina* auccebettil. Montrose. dug. M'&3. _ • Jai: xceOLLIIII. DELAWARE LAciawimrsx_., WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. ' Spring Arrangements for 1866. PASSENGER. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD: Morning .'veriing - Morning I Evening train. . train. STATIONS. $ train. train. A. 111. P. N. P. 131. P. 111. .114,00 New Yori -11,80 7,05 New Hampton 1 I ,5,20 10,85 2,80 8,10 •6_,..• r ti 13,15 7,59 Mananka Chunk.... 1,32 7,25 -0 ,. • $1445 , 8,20, Delaware.— ... ..... 1,80 ,7,20 ,;„, 0 ,, - 4,80 10,25 Scranton 9.45 4.10,, p e f -6,86 11;31 Nicholson" 8,85 8,02 ols 5,58 51,54 iippbottom 8,18 2,47 6,20 12,15 Montrose ' '7,65 2,26 P 6,41 12 ' 36 New Mi1f0rd......... 3.3 4 2, 0 7 4 1 1 . p 7,00 12,55 Great 8end......... . I " ,1 7. 1 15. 1 - 5() ' at, .. A.M . . P.M 41.111 P M,,, ,CONFECTIONS..—Wostward. :,; The Morning train from New York connects at. Ma.. nniika entink with the train leaving Phil a d'a(itervlng: dbpot)at 1,30 a. in., , andatEren fend with Um:11;h toallfralton the Erie Ilaillyay,;wth Bleeping car ati tabbed, stopping at all the prindpat StOti ohs' On that road, and arriving at Blatt° at 3.loalta, The Evnningstrair. pow NO , York connects at.bra ritinktrelnink with the trai a leaving Phillidelphla (Rho sinkton depot) at 8,30 rh..m ;; at Breat Bend .with Express on the Erie Railway west, arriving at Buffalo' atl,4spon. Eastward The Morning train from Great Bend connects there , with tim Cincinnati Express on. the Erie Railway from the west; at Manunka Chunk withi a train rorrbilad'a and Intermediate stations, arriving in. Philadelphia at 6.80 p. in.; and at New Hampton With a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Rendlugand Harrisburg, arc' v atilarrisburg at. 8,80 p. m. c The Evening train from Great Bend connects there witht the Newyork Eipress on the Erie Railway from the west ; at Manunka Chunk with a train which runs to Belvidere, where it lies over until 0 o'clock next morning .; and at Now Hampton with an •Express train for Easton,liethieheta, Allentown, Reading and Liar rishrira. At Scranton, connect ions are made with trains on the Lackawanna andßloomsburg R.R. lonia from Pittston Kingston, Wilkesbarre. Berwick; Bloom shn Northumberland. Harrisburg and intermediate satiate, and with trains on the Delaware and Hudson railroad o and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. WATTS COGEE, Superintendent. IL A. 1111111nr, GeniXitt Agt. • ...Fri t 1 It yin= 4lpal INT 31123 72V" Si; C> R3Ol DINER & COATS Post's building, below Boyd's Corner, is the place to buy your , 11011li, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP HINER & COATS • Would inform the public that they are now opening a New anti Choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIEti:Just received from New York, which they will sell cheap for cash; or exchange for all kinds of - Fanher's produce. - We have made arrangement. with one of the beet Commission Houses in Now York for akipPing Untie* and Pioduce, and will tarnish Palle, free or charge, and make Liberal Advancements , on consignment 9of Butter. Also, CASE paid for,Ent ter, GraLu and Eggs. A fresh supply of GARDEN VEGETABLES, by Rs pries; always on hand. MP - Thankful for the liberal patronage already re. eeived, we hope by dealing honorably with ontanstOm. ors to still further ortorui our trade. C. G.. MINER, - - Montrose, June 5. 1666. am F 0 UIT Z'S 1 1 Ruse ail Catile Polders. t ilib ir CD illand (ID' In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in los: the Limo, /Aver, • &c., this article ti' AT • eats as a specific. By patting from •, ' " one-half 'a paper " to a paper in a ^ '••••••• barrel of swill the -_,__-_ above d I se ages will be eradicated ' or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Chelera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for $l. PaIIPAIt,ED BY .4 S. A. FOTIT2'. •fir, BR 0., AT TBZIB WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DREW, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Bid. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through. out the United States. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE subseriber respectfully informs the public that he has leased the Blacksmith Shop of H. C. Clemons, nenr the Foundry of Sayre Brothers: Customers.will do well , to eall, as they can get evety. thing done In the Blacksmithing line neatly and prompt ly for cash. gar Particular attention given to Horse Shoeing. EDWARD P. STAMP. Montrose, Dec. 2 1 3, 1865. tf • „ WIIISKERS, MUSTACHES fOreed to grow on the smoo •_ thest face in from three toy weeks by nein.' Dr. SEMI- it„ E 8 ES „o AURATEIIII • CAPJLA the moft won. 4, 4 1. ,Wt,p 'deign!' discovery in modern eg , ,?:' , •14;„: ,, , • • ecrence, acting on the Beard • 7 : s • and Hair in on almost mirac. • tdCons thornier. •It has been used by the elite of LoOdon sad Pane with the roost flattering snecess. Names of all purchaecre arc registered, and if entire satisfaction Is not given In every Instance, the money.wlll be cheer.:- fully refunded, Price by mail, scaled and phstilaid, if. Descrtntlve circulars's nd testimon lois manna freti.;• Ml dress BEROEII, SHUTTS & Cb., chemists, No. 2851119- er arca, 'Troy. bi; Y; Only agents for the • 'United State. . • 'myl emi mgr UAL,: rw'vrirr- u 1, 4 7.1 - 7•"•._ . • ' 4 1 4N r crPOR.134P llintywrioßsE ..1f7413149.49' riPri4l3Adaatiti•,* Hand Rakes, Scythes, Snathsi. Extras for the Ohio fOwer; FRUIT LJ A.Xt , • " (I . lhte'si Willoughby's: and Griffin's Eurekao very eh Rap by the dcfen.) HardWaP, Paints and: ils, Glass. And - Putty, Lamps, Nails. . and Screws, Lead Pipe. dtpptror, July 3,.1866. tf ,„ .atmonM:l A FRESH' LOT OF NEN 0 - 0-01)S, JUST ARRIVED FOR Tin .; • 0 3 0 . 1* . tnoS At iVILSO, WARNER•i. .. , 3:.; • la EAVlT.—Anburn Got- . _.,,. 3- • ..'''.- 3''', ii.) den, Flaxen, and Silken,l` ,„ t- emus psoduced by the use 7 -. -,.., I§l, .c,4 J,, ofProf.Dtßnrox'sFßlSEß ,'- 1. ;• .t. : • 2.- LE.CIIE.V.EAUX. One ap• en. ~ , ,i -..i...0r ..i...or ' plication warranted to curl ti,. ' ,i 1. 0.! ' ,Jr T.,..:i',, the most straight and stub- - ‘ „i...:-- - born hair of either nes into wavyrinelots or heavy massive ends. Has been need by the fashionnbles of Parii3 and London, with ,the most gratifying results. Does no iniury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed' and poet paid. ill. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER, BRU'IsTR.tt Co.,Chens ists, Nn. 28.1 'Myer street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for the United Sta Ms. ' mri iyefspg Excelsior Excelsior I CLIEICALI9ILIMT—II4BMI. O I3I , ; HAIR 'EXTERMINA.TOR FOR Apzl.9VßiiG SUPERFLUOUS U4ilit. rilOthe Ladles especially, this invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to femalabeanty, is'easily applied, and does not burn,orinjure the, skin, but acts directly on the Mots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low fOreheads. or from any part of tho body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. This is the only article need by the French and is the only real effectual depil atory powder in existence. Price $1 per package, sent post paid to any addres. , . on receipt of an order. by IrEttanit, Snurs4 :Rs Co., Cheinists. myl Iscfspit tlir) River street, Troy, N.Y. V3Eir-dgil./3% l l3Xiti-EZk.11t. 7 15; WHITE .- LIQUID ENAMEL 9 FOR Improvin^ end Beautifying the complexion. The most valeable and perfect preparation in rise. for giving the skin a beautiful. pearl-like tint, that is only found in yonfh. It quickly removes tan, freckles, pimples. blotches, moth patch 0, sallowness, eruptions and all impurities of the skin: kindly heating the same, leaving the skin white nnd clown" alaba"ter. Its use. cannot be detected by the closest ecrntiny. and being a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and Is-con sidered by the Parisian, as • Indispensable ton perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold durin,," the past year, a su ffi cient guarantee of its e ffi cacy. Price only IS cts. Mailed. post paid. on receipt of an order by BERGER, MUTTS CO., Chemists, myl lycf"pq 283 River street,:Troy, N. T. 1, PKR TEAR! We want Agents every -5 00 where to sell our IMPROV eM $.1.0 Sew ing Machine". Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial.' Warranted rive years. Above sal ary or large cominissions paid. The onTy machines 'mid in the United Slates for lees than s c,4o, which are fully licensed by Howe-. Wheeler & Wilson. Grover & Baker, Singer & Co., nud Baebekier. All other ebeapanachines are infringements, and the seller or user are liable to arrest, One and imprisonment; Illnatrated circulars sent free. Address. or call upon SHAW & CLARK.. at Bidde ford, Maine, orthicag,o, 111. [may:ffii 1y• NV. IL COATS 1 14 4Tew Mlimartra. Baldwin, Allen, & Mitchell. I. =W- - ~- - + After retiring for thirty days at " hard lahor," have re earned business at the old stand; under the name and, arm of BALDWIN, ALLEN Sr. 'MITCHELL, DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Batter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked kal ibul, Caudle; Tea, Coffee, Spices, - Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, • Clover d Timothy Seed, Flax- seed, Beans, . Browns, Nails, Thankful for past patronage, we shall be happy to fie° and wait upon our old and new customers.' • AllYloods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L ALLEN. B. N. MITCHELL. Montrose, Aprlllo, 1.9GG.• §:nal A MONTH Ati,ents wanted for six entirely IMF. new articles. JuSt . out. Address 0. T. GA-. Y, City . Building, Biddeford, Me. [mall ily• la invaluable. ea the quality • milk. It has IMPORTANT4EMALES proven by no kxberiment to crease the qua - Cif milk and ?iktBEES 4r V/vio itet:Viu SAI - PILLS") Aweitty per and make the ter at blatteniat , , ft gives them metite, looselt htdei - aad, them thrive' WILL irnmediately 'relieve without pain all distnr- Vl' bancea of the periodic discharge, whether arising from Ha xatiortor stippression. They act like acharm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or inv. moderate menstruation, and arc the only safe and reit ahltyrciriedy forFlushcs, Sick ilearachc, Pains in the Loins. Back and Sides, Palpitation of the lleart, Ner vous Tremors, Hysterics. Spasms. lithium Sleep, and other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Mims or Whites, they effect a Speedy care: Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills Aretbe only I:dollen:lc that married and single ladies have relied on for many years, or can rely upon now.— IhrwAim nip bier/moss F These Pill. form the tined preparation ever put forward. with Immediate andper• eistent success. DON'T DE DECEIVED. Take this advertieement to yotarDinraist, and tell him that you want the beet and Moat reliable Female Medicine in the world, which is comprlecd In - D T T Cheeseman's, Fqma.lp s Pingi They have received; and nre now receiving the sane tion of the most eminent Physicians In America. gitilicit Directions- with each box—the Price, One Dollar per box, containlng„ from 50 to 60 Pills, Pills eentby trudi, prompAly, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized agent, In current funds. Sold by Druggists Generally. • HUTOIIINGS & • 111LLYER, Proprietors. Dey street. Nov York,_ A IllEt rRUELL, Wholesale and Dutall Agon for Montrose and Vicinity, • Oct. al- . Foully $2OOO A YEAR- made by nay, one with $l5. Stencil Tool IS; No c4parlanti, necessary. The Presidents. cashiers epd treasurers of it "Ranks ersitirim the circular. Yerwardell tree with orpieli. _Address .the 13teuell_Tool r ugfield, Verniort: jyal blitiS'emp PURE. LIITERTY WHITE ,LIIAD, -Dim PERIM bY allpratticallialitteie ! Try 11,'itild A, • yott bay', otttcr. l , ' Manufactured Only by A.,ZIRGILER &, SMITE, Whores/tit - Drug, Paint and Mee Tlealera," jan3o ly /37 ..*9.4 1 i ,4d14C91,1-P-410.4'a! AGAIN! -.----- 7 CRANVO HOWELL -It CO ' 2, Ng no* reeelidt , a large and well-sele cted gone% nditelstltig patto atmk °I ce JP:col:am% Pion .- 8114.11, SYRUP, 310. LASSES, ,I . • t TEAS, COFFEE •'SPICF.S. • ' FRUITS. • ..IiAILF3, • powc A , , WOODEI-Wlial . , • •"RMS. • ' • , HASKINS e ' • . IaRD.SII, . •TS/Z9o it' o l • FI I tP4 and hi fact a choice viirletyni all kinds of ' ' GROMlES.&:::novisiso DAIRY RALT. : : TABLE • BBL SAO .10:. ; Grrt ate which wo arebound 3o self wholesidt or retatiff cheap Soil cask or, ready ply; . • Call and see Infdre btiying ,elsowlukt, for we- lake pleagure imnponfina . o7.goi?dn wjtfth FT 99.19i0ry . ALL -KINDS.. OF PRODUCE taketki; eicktingo for Goode at tho trestitinaket pita, rp g holi k ) aiementof Boyd's 1:421116g heat be* sezi3rUaket. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Fresh Meats and Fish of 'all kinds ' kept fay O. M. CRANE. JOIN HOWELL. P. T. ks74ltiTtOl , Montrose, 213.66. Manhood: Zip* Lost, 'llo*. stored. ; rittbished, a new edition of DT. Ciallpr• el well's; Celebrated Essay on the radical care (withont. medicine) :Srenmaxonirnor..a,' or - Sinaltuli Weakness, Involuntary. Seminal Losses, IMPotency , Mental arid Physical InmfracitY, Impedimente to ltir. Tinge, etel;_slso, Consamptiau,..Epllepsy, and Pits, In duced breelt indalgence or seartal extravagance. eria6d enVelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated battior in this admirable ,essUy clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yeari'successfal practice, that the alartning consequences of self•atniselnay be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the - knife—pointing eta a mode °lewd at once simple. certain and'efferthal, by meansof which every sufferer, an matt-r svb,at his coA dltinh may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately i sad " rjr"This Lecture should he in the hands of Avery youth and every man In the land. Sent„vinder neal,;in a plain envelope, to any addreati, post paid. on receipt of nix cents, or two post ; stamps. Address the publishers, " CHAS. J. C. KLINE. CO„ 127 Flowery. New York, Poet Mee box 4,58 G. • March 20,.1866--lysmpt' Peace & Peace 'Prices PEACE ESTAOLISIIED. Large Lines of Prices Congitered &Rednced • I:3r. 22111.2.2"ritt Istors rere. - eng, for Spring-Supplies, new and !argil Stocks of . Dry Goods, Groceriei, Crockery, Hardw are, STOVES, IRON, .ST.kE,L,' Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, ,Ben zole, Carpetings, noor,Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hots & Caps, Boats cf.: Shoes, Cloth, &e. InclndLutt, as nsunl, rnrfelfes of the most pores styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHA W S, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &e., which he will sell on the most faroroble terms fo CASIL, PRODUCE, or to Prompt Time Bflyers, Flour it Salt on hana as usual. NEW MILFORD, June, ISW. HUNT BROTHERS, :SICrt.B.I%T e rCiPIV, Who' ale S Retail Dealers In aii2Dwrfiliirs B • X 3El_ ®ITT , STEEL, NAILS, svoiKvi.%, %a.oNEL!..I, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. BI NE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & T'DAIL SPIKES RAILROAD cE MINING SUPPLIES. • OARBIAGE, SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES. DOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, • PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE mom; HUBS, SPOKES, PELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS. it ANIMA, VICES, STOCKS • and DIES, BELLOW HANATERS,'SLADOES, FULES,'&e. CIRCULAR AND mrizzAws, BFLTING,PACRINO . TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES.' FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER& FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES, Scranton, March 24, ISGS. . ly ' Lackawanna & Bloomiburg R. B. QN Ar^.and after November 27, 1865, passenvii tral2. ,wril run as follows: SOUTHWARD . - - A. It. A. a. T.ll. Leave Seriatim, 5:60 1f,e30 . 4:50 . " Kingston, 6:55 11:15 t : 11 " Rupert. 0:15 . " .Danvillo.. . 9:50 RIO Arrive at Northumbe rland, ' 10:30 1813 ~,, NORTHWARD. Leave .. Northemberinull, 8:00 " Danville, 8:40 Iraq " Rupert, 045 A. X. tao Kingston, 2:35 8:30 &t 8 Arrive at Scranton, 8:15 0:35 SO Passengers inking t in south from Scranton at 00 a. m. via Northomberl nd,' reach Harrisburg at 12:80 p i . tn.; Baltimore 5:30 p. ,• Washington 10:00p. tn.: TI Rupert reach PhilagelA is at 7:00 p. in Kingston, Nov.'s: B. A. Stipt.- HOWARD Arisoctatlon,Phlladelpbiti, 74. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and aelo nal systems—neW and reliable trestle ent —in Reports at the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by mailln Wad idttor envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. Spirit Hotroneross, Howard Association, No 9 South 9th itteei Philadelphia, Pa. ERIE RAILWAY, etBANGEof hours, commencing Monday, , July V 1866. Trains will leave Great Bend Pa. at about Got following honrs, via: 131•41:01.13.g , 8.05 a. in. Night Express, Mondays. excepted.. tof fir chaster, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk maxinj; rant connection with trains of the 'Atlantic andUrsul Western. Lake Shore and Grand TrUllkirgiTh all poini West ; also at Binghamton fo 8 ease .at Owego for Ithaca, and St Einlira for Canandaigua. 8.45 a. in. , Lightning Express, Daily, for lincliutafT.- Buffalo, Salamanta, Onnkilk, and the West. Stul:, at:Great Bend mr3tondays only. ' - * 6•97 a, tn. , Mail Train, Snadays" exeePtAld, for BAIN% and Dunk irk. 11.28 a. in. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. 8.80 p. m, Day 'Express. Sundays excepted, for Ra. chestcr.,Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk. +Pit 047 Wt?_‘: Conneett at Binghamton for, Syraense ;at egvef Ithatar at . Elmira for Canattnetignat tit 'Salina-O.D, with the Atlantic and Great Weatern EallwAyi4lld Buffalo Witlitho 'Lake Shore and Grand Tiling #,. 1 ..• :971Y4, for all points West and South. , • ' • 7, 52 - Is.-trit .Exprees 8444-7Y. I I9Pc9PtOi flirr ld, Salathanca, and Dunkirk, Connucting ntittt t , 9 1 1 for.tho'West. • _ . • ' ' Mlllmist. • • 8,66 ,a, m.. ; Cincinnati Express. Mondayssalelt tit Lackawaxedforilaerley, and ,at Graytottrtio . burg and Waryrtelt. . • . ' 1.48. p.: m. ,Day , Express, Sundaya excepted. • I 9'll p:m. New York had B9l4morelluil k • tspted, 21.44.11. in. Niffht•Expreas,' Daily, cqudecfing a 8.13117. ' cotirt,f9c Wuravick. • ; „ • • ' if. TUDDLIC, Gen'i 841,11few.704 1 . WTI; 11. BARR; Gong rallacriger.Agent;"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers