• Friendsitip'n 2 Trinity.' The Heart—around which is twined the Rose r the Willow, and the Forget me-not. BY SAMUEL CAM:6I3ON. What worthy offering shall I lay On Memory's consecrated shrine ; What tribute to the olden day, To tell to other hearts of mine ; What token, which, when distance dwells Between the .friends of other hours, Most sadly, eloqently tells Our feelings, like the words of flowers; Silent and beautiful, yet fraught With all the strength of living thought; What record shall 1 leave, which seen, Shall make once more the deserts green, Give fancy wings of golden light, Whence dew drops shall descend around Making the darkened spirits bright, And Memory's region holy ground; Telling of one who loves to wake Remembrance, for her own sweet sake ? First, this dark wreath of hair I twine In meet devices for the shrine, And form a Heart to friendships true, A sigh its breath—a tear its dew, Emblem of all the fervent feeling Deep dwelling beyond words revealing, Which, each a bright and separate star, Call back those hours of bliss afar, And round the joyous spirit.roll The consolation of the soul. Next of this hair a Rosa entwine, Another tribute for our shrine ! 'Twill tell of beauty, such as Heaven To earthly minds bath seldom given; Of beauty clothed in innocence : As pure as dwelt beneath the skies, When angel forms descending thence, Walked through the bowers ofParadise; A smiki more bright—a voice more sweet, A mind more beautifully clear, This earthly pilgrim may not meet, In all his devious wanderings here, And crowning all the inner sense, The high, refined intelligence, Playing-like zephyr,. which has found Sweet flow'rs along its shining way, Giving and gathering odors round By morning beam and evening ray; Mind, of that mysterious lore Which but in giving, grew the more. Now of this hair I next entwine A bosom tribute for our shrine; The symbol of undying thought, It is the fond Foungr-ME-Nor Come, ye spirits of the past, Ye who hover'd, felt, unseen, O'er us when we wandered last, By the bright lake's - Margin green; When the leaves that round us stirr'd Seem'd to breathe some friendship word And the ripple of the lake, In our spirits calm and pleasant, Seem'd prophetic sounds to wake, Telling of the future present; And the beams that flung around Showers of gold upon its water, No unsuited symbol found In the smiles of virtue's daughter Come, ye spirits, and entwine Tirie meet tribute for our shrine. And last and saddest, let me wreathe • The WEEPING-WILLOW, drooping ever, That mournful tree which loves to breathe Upon the bank of some dark river; Where deepest shadows dwell the longest, And where its gushing grief is strongest; Oh ! let one tear, one tribute tear Fall with its soothing influence here; For this is sorrow's sacred tree, . Suited to memory and me; Oh ! 'tis a soothing thing to weep Above the grave of burled bliss And green our memories to keep, In such a soulless world as this. 'To weep is joy—the balm of feeling, The wounded, broken spirit healing; The friends whom I have loved so dearly, The hearts that beat with mine sincerely; Whom I regard by every tie Which truth and honor sanctify ; They know me well—and well can feel The friendship kept with saintly zeal ; Through every change of time and care, Pride of my principle and prayer. The weeping willow, fancy well Weaves with its boughs the mourner's spell ; And suits my spirit as I think On hours forever passed away, Which dtaughts of holiest feeling drink, That bid defiance to decay ; And bring the pleasant scenes once more, Which, with those friends, I lov'd before; And, dearest Amanarrrn, when you view These wreathes now wet by sorrows tears, Will not your gentle spirit too Distil one drop of sorrow's dew, For him the friend of vanish'd years ? Here is the HEART, and round it twine Three wreathed offerings for the shrine, The WiLtow—Rost —FonnEr•ME-NoT— And each bedew'd with tears from me, Laid upon=friendship's altar spot, United—:Fnurrinsiiip's TRINITY ! And now a prayer—a ferventprayer Such as the pare in heart m ight share; A prayer of life to Heaven from me, Worthy of friendship and of thee ; A tearful, melancholy call Upon His love who ruleth all. God of mercy—God of love, King of worlds below, above; At the footstool of thy throne, Let me breathe the humblest tone, Of my prayerful soul to thee, God of Mercy's Majesty. Every where is sorrow found, Ills on every hand abound ; Slander, with her : evil tongue, Blighting hopes, however young; Withering name, and fame, and heart, With a seeming artless art ; Slander, with her sister Malice, Poisoning virtue's brimming chalice ; Who against the arms they wield; Who can reputation shield ? Folly—call it what you- may, As it wears unnutaer'd foritui, Ever leading us astray, Through life's calmness and its storms, Seemingpleasure—open ill, All is folly—folly still. Love of earth and earthly things, Which thy righteous judgment brings, Clinging to the treacherous woo And for earthly sakes forgetting Love above for dross below, . • • • And the streams in heaven that flow For the gulfs, our paths besetting ; From these, and all their brood of strife, Protect and save her; Led of life ! And let, if such Thy holy will, The brightest blessings which may live In earthly hearts, be hers, until Thou wiliest deathless ones to give, Up in thino own celestial clime, Beyond the rash, dark reach of time, Where sorrow comes not, neither care, But, purified from earth, the soul Is like thy heaven, all bright and fair, And walks in robes of glory there, A guest through the resplendent whole; Of thy eternal realms—the bowers— Blooming with everlasting flow'rs; Rivers of life and music flowing, Rejoicing in their shining flight, Joy, peace and sweetness still bestowing, And every pulse a wave of light. BUSINESS CARDS. Dn. E. P. NINES, • HAS permanently located at Frlendiviile for thepur pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all its branches. He may be found at the Jackson House. Office hours fremn 8 a. m.. to 9 p. m. janlBU Prindiville, PA., Jan. 10th, 1886. C. S. GILBERT, MaiLoos:Lased. Bv.izticosserox . . 6.31)7 64t1 Great Bend, Pa. ROGERS 5..; ELY, Malloeaxese•ct AL•tacot t icorie.arsEs, style* II eookl yn, As. PETER HAY, Liooaosad. ASLits.crticsaaimer, febl 64tf Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. M. C. SUTTON, „, talcpenrussoci p 7 65t1 Prieadowille, Pa. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, SCRPO.TTON, Luzerne Penn'a—PENN AVENUE anz6 63 J. W. BURGESS. Proprietor. C. 0. FORINIAII, BOOT & SHOE Dealer and Mannfaetnrer Montrose. Pa. Shop on Main street, one door below the Poet Office. All kinds of work .ade to order, and repairing done neatly. jani STROUD A; BROWN, Lines AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. Office over the Pott Office, Montrose, Pa. All business attended to promptly, on fair terms. (Jan. 1,1866. Buts:gas Fornoun, - - CrtAtu.sillbL. Bnoww. I.AMBERTON Si MERRIMAN, TTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 204 Market street. Wilkeabarre, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Lnzerne and Susquehanna Counties. C. L. Lasauturon. B. L. Misiduatax. Dec. 4, 1865. Dr. E. L. BLAKESLEE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, haa located at Brooklyn, Snag's co., Pa. Will attendromptly to all calls with which he may be favored. O fi ce at 1. M. Bald win's. [July 11-1 y DR. E. L. CIARDNER, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Montrose, Pa. Office over Webb . Butterfield's Store. Boards at Searle's Hotel. my6s tf G. Z. DIMOCK, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Montrose, Pa. °Mc. Dyer the Poet Office. Boards at Searle's Hotel. DR. D. A. LATBEROP, itrey be found at the Keystone Elotel.—Room No AL 25. [Montrose, Jan. Ist, 18135. H. BURRITT, DEALER In Staple and Fang Dry.ttoode, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Stoves, rugs, Oils, and Paints. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Furs, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provisions, etc., New Milford, Pa. WM. IL COOPER & CO., BANKERS, Montrose, Pa. Suceessorsto Post,Cooper B Co. Office, Lathrop's new building, Turnpike-et. WM. IrTINTTING C0017:11 • =NAT DBIZIXIII. McCOLLITM do SEARLE, A TTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Montrose, Pa. foL Otlice In Lathrop's new building, over the Bank. A. 0. WARREN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, and Exemption Claims attended to. febl lar'Ofilee first door below Boyd's Store; 'Montrose, Pa DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizen of Friends villa dad vicinity. VD — Office in the office of Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Hosford's. 31y30 ABEL TURRELL, EALER in Drugs, Medicines, Chemins/a, Dyes I.I I E tuffs, Glass Ware, Paiute, Oils, Varnish, n lo Groceries, Fancy Goode, Jewelry Porto nary, &c — A g ent for all the most popular PATENT 111,1CII938,—Nontrose, Pa. DR. WM. SMITH, ill:TROBON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa. - °Office in Lattiromr new bulledng, over A . the Bank. All Dental operations will be • 1 14 a 461 performed In good style and warranted. JOHN GROVES, I.ASMONABLE TAILOR , Montrose . Pa. Shop over ("handler's Store, on the Public Avenue. gar -An orders filled promptly, in drat-rate style.lll Cattinr, done on short notice, and warranted to tit 11 104. W. SMITH, CABINET AND CHAD MANUFACTUMEW3,—Foot of Main street, Montrose, Pa. ti P. LINES, FASHIONABLE TAlLOR—Montrose, Pa. Shop In Phoenix Block, over store of Read, Watrons 41 Foster. All work warranted as to fit and finish. Cutting donevm shorapotiee, bettstyla.s lan'SO Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R. ON and after November 27, 1865. passenger trains win run as follows: SOUTHWARD A. M. P. M. F.M. Leave Scranton, 5:50 10:50 4:50 " Kingston, 5:55 11:15 6:20 Rupert. 9:15 Ees3 Danville, MI 9:30 'Arrive at Northumberland, 10:30 10:15 • NORTHWARD. ' •.. Leave Northemberirud, B:iXi 2c05 " Danville, 8:40 3:40 ' ' Rupert, 9:15 A. N. 4:15 " Kingston, 2:85 8:80 616 Arrive at Scranton, ../ 4 4.5 9:85 8:10 Paseengiers taking train south from Scranton at &ISO a. m. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg at 12:80 p. lu.; Baltimore-5:80 p. m.; Washington 10:00p. tn.; Tit Si_ pert reach Philadelphia at 7:00 p. in. Kingston, N0v,..21, -, - 'IL A. FONDA, Supt. • , . . PURE LIBERTY .WHITE LEAD. ThiIIIPERICED by all practical painters f Try it, and X you Will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wboletale Drag, Paint and Wane Dostera. laza° ly 137 NOM Drattett, JOHN; sharrrEit, rikESPECTFULLY announces that he fa naw pre - lb pared to cut all kinds of Garments In the most fashioable Style, and warranted to dt with elegance and cu e . Shop over 1. N. Bullard's Store, Montrose. sc)r_mx)x3rAß.l6 , PENSIONS, BOUNTY, AND BACK PAY. TYreThleirrToT r?° l- Rr g eTotael. .:11 claims entrnstooto his care. Charges low, and infor mation FREE. L. F. FITCH. Montrose, Jan. 14, 1885. tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, And Back Pay I • Fig und w ersir iv ed epro t =ttent G on to L . clatti G s c gru nlf s: led to his care. No charge unless sticcessful. Montrose, Aug. 20,'63. 3. B. McCOLLUM. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, •PENSIONS, 494,1141:1 3361, X:0191, - 5P. THE undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of the GOV ERNMENT, having obtained the necessary forms, &c.. win give prompt attention to all claims intrusted to his care. No charge unless successful. GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose, June 6th,1864. CALVIN C. HALSEY, EIIMINMG SURGEON, For 'Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. or-Office In Public Avenue, over the Store of J. Ly ons & Son. Montrose, Pa.. May 26, 1864. tf The Montrose Democrat In PITBLIMED srairr TIIESDAT 2.IOTININO, AT MONTRONE, SVEKIUZEILNI , .7A COUNTY, PA., HT 8. W. Ca-Y3RRYTA3ON, AT $2 ran ANNUM IN ADVANCE-ON $2 AT END OF TIAN. Business advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times, and Picts for each additional week. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged $lO for four squares, quarter column $l5, - half column $3O, one eblumn $6O. and other amounts in exact proportion. Business cards of three lines, $3; or one dollar a line. 'Legal notices at the customary rates. Job Printing executed neatly and promptly at fair prices. Deeds, Mortgages, Notes. Justices', Constables', School and other tplanks for sale. 'forma t Clawssix 3Zcirecrza.. JUKE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- the whitest, the most durable, t he most economi cal. Try It ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, Juan ly 13 North ad street, Phllad'a. THE MASON & HAMLIN Ci.49.3312V.MT o~cs give, ORTY different styles, adapted to sacred and secu • F lar muffle, for $BO to $6OO each. Plity-one gold or sliver medals, or other first premiums awarded them.— Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MASON & HAM LIN, Boston. or M.ASONIIROTHERS, New York. • Sept. 2, 1865—i y amp LOTS FOR SALE. T Mi t e s n i b n ize re b a e t r offerst Villa g e , in a fe c T ose choi c e roi tu n t g the extensive works of the' 1•... L. &W. R P . R. Co., proxim it y to In progress. They are laid oat In convenient shape and good size, and may be purchased at liberal rates and on easy terms of payment. Great Rend. Dec. 'I, 1864. R. PATRICK. JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRIGOODS IND 110TIONS, CHOICE FAMILY a t le Clialtlll22, reo- All 9 'BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, clial.c)4o3Eir.. 'MI FL "Z", GLASS-WARE, IA %MP tii &ND 0 1 1.1.4%, HARDWARE AND NAILS, ESC)XarI TAOIEALTZEICEIMI., dbo. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. R. DeWITT. TO 1100 T &SHOE WEARERS &jujfljjs :ypli{.lsJ .1 B. WEEKS & CO. having sold their Stock of Hate, Cepa and Ready Mode Clothing to Joehtut Boyd, F. B. WEEKS will continue the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, in Ita various branches My Stock Is now completo— having a large arrival of all Bell) ,sfring Ladles Glove-111d, Lasting, Goat, and Calf Bal morals and Gaiters. Misses' Lasting, Kid and Calf Balmorals. A large assortment of Infants' Shoes. Men's Calf, Kid and Lasting Balmorals and Gaiters. Men's Boys' and Youth's Calf, Kip and Stoga Boots I em prepared to sell CH E.APE - R.:,FOR CAS H oa BEADY PAT, than other house this/tide of New York. eaters supplied at New York Jobbing prices. 'tor! wed aide of Public Menne, second door above Searle 's Hotel. . F. B. WEBHS. Montrose, May 18, 181. A FRESH LOT OF • , NEW GOODS, MIST ARRIVED FOR THE , . eirO* l 334l . ' fr i rnae, WILSON, GRIE4IS a %mums. ABEL TURRELL Is continually receiving NEW GOODS, And keeps constantly on hand a fell and desirabld as sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs , Teas. Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wel' and Window Pa per, Gleeware, Lamps, Keivsene, Benzole, Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Oil, Neatsloot Oil, Refined Whale Gil, - Varnish, Whips, Gnus, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Musical Instruments, 'Toilet Soaps, Hair Oils, Brushes. Pocket Knives Spectacles. Silver Plated Spoons , Forks, and Ivory Handled Knives, Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, !Lc. ALL THE Patent Medicines advertised In Montrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY MARKET. In short, nearly everything to restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would All a , newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. NEW GOODS. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD Jae now receiving their • g,pring isunniter (ar CI. C 7) 31.71 . PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. DRESS GOODS, consisting of GRENADINES, POPLINS, CIIALLIES, DELAINES LENGES, PkILAM ATTAS, MERIN 0 ES, BRILLIANTS, JACONETTE PRINTS and a good assortment of all kluda of Goods in our Hue Montrose, May 11, 1865. New Skirt for 1866. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX (double) • ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. THIS Invention consists of Duplex [or two] Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom break or bend, like the single spring and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. . . The wonderful flexibility, great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, Op eras, carriages, railroad care, church pews, arm chairs. for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and con veniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure. comfort and great aonvenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and yonug ladies thiy are superior to all others. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and win wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt aro also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps. etc., etc., which they are constantly subject to A lien in use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part. giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably - the lightest most desirable, comfortable ant economical skirt ever made. WESTS. BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietors of the Invention, amtsolc manufacturers, fl Chambers, and 79 t 81 Itende streets, N.Y: For sale In all drat-class stores In thi a city, and thro'- ont the United States and Canada. Havana de Cuba, Mexico. South America. and the West Indies. 09 - Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or denbte) Igprllng Skirt. J 416.030 atc. Dr. N. L. Brundage, SURGEON DENTIST, HAS permanently located in Montrose. Office over Webb Battertleld•e. People of this vicinity. esp_ecially, those toothless ones wanting beautiftil plates of Teeth, would do well to give him a call. All work warranted to give satisfaction. 1 1VMEllal NIEW Dr. B. Wood's Plastic 'Metallic Pilling. an Improved fusible metal for Filling Teeth, for which I have the right, pnvilege and license, granted by him to use for Dental purposes in my own practice as a Dentist, It is called Cadmium Alloy, and is designed to take the place of amalgams, tin, metallic oxides, &,c. for filling. It does not contain mercury, and hence an absence ofthe difficulties that in such a variety of ways occurs, or are liable to occur with the agent, Its Qualities and Advantages. This filling is designed for making perfect end durable pings, as a substitute for gold where economy is an ob ject • and for inferior material where the Teeth can be saved, and not for temporarily stopping those which are diseased and worthless. Asenming then that it be skillfully need, the Plastic Metallic Filling possesses advantagee above every other material but gild for tilling Teeth, while it can be em ployed in many cases where gold cannot. It can be il - with facility and accurately secured. It molds closely to the walls of the cavity without receseion or shrinkage, forming a perfect plug, solid throughout, thus excluding air and moisture. Montrose, Oct. 10, 1805. LIBERTY WRITE LEAD. Liberty While Lead. Liberty White Lead. Liberty White Lead. Liberty White Lead. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! WAnnswrzn to cover more surface, for same weight, than any other. Bny the best, it is the cheapest. Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. Liberty Lead covers better than any other. Liberty Lead wears longer than any other. Liberty Lead I. more economical than any other. Liberty Lead fe more free from impurities, and it WAIMANTLD to do more and better work al a given coil, than any other. Bur the BEST, It Is the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by 211311X43-1-233R. efd Einigri r riat, WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT & GLASS DP:ALMS, 187 NORTH THIRD STREET, Je 20-1 y• PUILADIMPII . ERIE RAILWAY. clilig.GTErattrwiTle?e°alliveln4rheeaiNendoll'daayt;tNal:ovultstttti following hours, viz: 1717.3ost•vorebrcl 33crazia.c1.. Train 1. Builo Expreas, ' at 3.26, p.m. 3, Lightning Bir.preas for Dunkirk.. 3.81, a.m. 1., Mail, '7.52, p.m. 7, Night Ex. for Dunkirk - and Buffalo, 8.00, a.m. 9, Mall for Buffalo and Dunkirk 5.27, a.m. 21, Emigrant 11.18, a.m. Way Freight 1.02, p.m. 31Elaastvcr evria 32340,1,323.ci. Train 2, New York Express. 4, Night Express 6, Steamboat Express 8, Cincinnati Express 12, Night• Express.. :23; WEy Freight 10.85, a.m Trains 8& 21 run daily. Train; runs daily except Oro.; (Ws and' Mondays. Train 8 .runs daily except Mondays. Train 8 stops at Great Bend Sundays and Mondays only; Truitt 12 stops Mondays only. All oth ers run daily except Sundays. H. RIDDLE. Gon'l Supt, New York. WM. R. BARR, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Tir0W42.1171 Aasoelatlnin, Philadelphia, Pa. .Hloseasea of the Nervous, Seminal , Urinaryand Ban nal ariems—new and reliable treatment—in Reportn of the . OWARD ASSOCIATION.' Sent by snail In maled lett r envelopes,frea of charge. AddresaDr.J.Sinumi HOUGHTON. Howard Annoclatiou,Dio S South Otlintreet, Philadelphia Fa. LATE and: IMPORTANT NEWS . FROM THE SOUTH I Or FORT MIER' CAPTURED .fial THIS time, and the good people of Wilmington and other places in Dixie arc said to be much TERRY tied • but the- good people of , Montrose and vicinity need not be alarmed in the least, as nearly all kinds of goods are acing down, and have been going down (Into tha Btore of the subscriber) almost every day for a long time past. and all wishing good Goods had better call and examine qualities and prices before buying, as it is my purpose to sell Loods strictly upon the principle of live ann let live. In the Franklin Hotel Wiling. Montrose, Jan. 24„ A.N. BULLARD. FAMILY GROCERIES, TEAS.—Choice Teas, geod at 101, better at 122, and beat at 15 and 160 per lb. Sugars, Syrups and Molasses that are incest, and Vinegar that is tome eonr. Tobacco (the "filthy weed") from 80 to 120 cts. per lb. and some In the shape of snuff. Yankee Notions, Books and Stationery, Pocket Diaries for 1865. Candies, Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, cider and domestic Wines, Rutter, Lard, Potatoes, Onions, Fresh Oranges, Lemons and lots of other Good things quite too numerous to mention, for sale by Montrose, Jan. 1865. A. N. DULLARD. Peace & Peace Prices. PEACE ESTABLISHED. Large Lines of Prices Conquered & Reduced 11. 13 - Lirritt Is now receiving, for Spring Supplies, new and large Stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Ben gale, Corpetings, Floor Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hats d Cops, Boots & Shoes, Clocks, dc. Including, as usual. full varieties of the most popular styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c., which he will sell on the most favorable terms for CASH, PRODUCE, or to Prompt Time Buyers. Flour & Salt on hand as usual. NEW MILFORD, June, 1510. , lirb..eincomezie COOKING APPARATUS! F i a s rt H i Ls! c a o t o 7 . ,: d N a n t r;;e n r e y ti n n t: o d . C s o 2 o kslun L to amp- e - a t c h ;: ee FISRE'S Patent Kerosene Glue Pot. Glue kept hot all day for three cents. $2. to $6. FISBE'S Patent Shade Supporter and Attachment to support a shade or for boiling, water. Price, 50 cts. LlLLirios' Patent Union Kerosene Oil Store-1, 4, and 10 Burners. Cost, $2 50, $5, and $lO. ["Circulars Free. Address, Kerosene Lamp Heater Co., 2041 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. July 11, 1865. tf PULMONARY AND NERVOUS DISEAES ) 14( -M0Aikolsitilittt$. A CT with promptness and certainty in every stage of .ioa. CONSUMPTION, and with invariable efficiency in NERVOUS PROSTRATION, General Debility. Dyspetr sia, Asthma, Bronchitis. Female Weaknesses, Loss of Flesh or Strength, and all derangements of the Blood. They Increase the nervous or vital energy, relieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Expectoration, Improve the Appetite, arrest Diarrhma, promote re freshing sleep, and create new and healthy blood. Let no sufferer fail to try this remedy. Circulars Free. Pmczs :—ln 7 oz. and 16oz. bottles, $l.OO and $2.00 each. 6 small or large bottles for $5.00, by express.— Sold by all respectable druggists, and at the sole general depot, wholesale and retail, by J. WINCHESTER, 35 John St., N. T. March 16,1665-Iyeow• HUNT BROTHERS, ISC.VI...4I.IWerCZPIV, Wholesale it Retail Dealers In 21;a2D Mara pt. cp• , STEEL, NAILS, 5P11113. 1 E1%, %110117EIAS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & 7' RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD & MINING .SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES. BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS. SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, &e. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES, .2.c. Ac. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BOLTING. PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR th GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHER A FINDINGS. FAIRBAN F.'S SCALES. Scranton, March 24, 1863. 1y FOUTZ'S I'l'l ca 6fil ROM alid a Pollhrs. TER, HEAVL COUGHS, DI TEMPER, P YETIS, FOUND] LOSS OF APP TITE AND VIT. ENERGY, Are. use Improves wind, Mermen the appetite—gi , a smooth a, glossy skin—arn transforms t t oalserabla shelf horse. In all diseases of Swine, inch as.. Coughs, ricers in CD the Lungs, Liver, 's - , It "( to., this article A acts as a apeelfic. • Dy putting from ..,.. , .'"f • one-half a paper to a paper in ae. _ _ barrel of swill the . 1 __ _ a _:-• above diseases __—___" - ~ .7- -,--- '...7 , will be eradicated , ,---- - - _---r - 7 - -- s . or entireiy ,prevented.„ If given In time, a sertila preventive and care for the Bog Cholera. . 111:1, at 1.42, p.m 4.13, a.m 8.38, p.m . 7.10, a.m • 3.12, a.m Price 25 Ceutaper, •Paper, or 5 Papers for Si. PRZPABED ST vir S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THlLLaihr o WHOLESALE DEM AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Proalit St., Baltimore,. Md. big' Far Bile by Druggist* and atottkeepsys throuldi• o c t eat the rutted Stateeo This preparation, CE long and favorably known, will then , liwk/ oughly reinvigorate Omni broken-down and AI, low-spirited horses, s•vo by strengthening and cleansinthe 001 • stomach and totes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of all dis- 141 eases Incident to onal maratlon Is invaluable. lm proves the quality Op of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the gnarl- is% tity of milk and %to_ cream twenty per Pm= cent. and make the butter firm and 0 3 sweet. In fattening cattle, It gives them an appetite, loosens C I their hide, and makes them thrive PI HELKBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BITCHS Poa Non•netesolen or Ineontiactice of Wino Indamota., or e:core.l., of ra, DlaildtLr or Li-Iners, tr.soasos of ;:ao P.. 0 Stra: J r,:ck Dcr-i D-orsi c,l 0-zat.!z I Teliht2coo, Deb3Ely, recoolo 134,111- ; , !.‘::33, Lc. 11.1.:11,MBOLD'S rLU:D EXTRACT BUCHU I - ci %Vash 'l7". r -I: r VX • , - 11.1 . 14:111 front Cl° system Disease, art, t. o • r r , 711 t,ungt C;. 111,/ in tyrrr v 4.3 iarit. O, 112y0111,11; completet. 50.:1,.1 Conte u r;,in7c: 'of rznoccriet, Id,: and .1741. c ary, In coring tllcrrc ditcar U:-31: 1-lE_LIMI3OLID'S FLUID EXTIIACT LUCIIU rk Dianasai of ena Urinary OrganaochtiSer re.. 51.1 1; Ia 3.1‘2...1 or f von wYcllovan. eota,ao 0 natal?, on , : na rtzt:f.e,,l",a, to ..Carne io laa 10.; If Ili: La iti tat 2:111 odor. 111:.! (Li T:7 in tieri,a, aad urorn s•renconrie; thou any of to a preparatinali of L 1.2; o, I-on. T 103 , ) su.T.:rin; f•o--a L'ne.::ore D+.o•. or Dolicato Co' •Ivii tn:ivne, procu.•e I:emer'y c: once. Yti I I:,lier I.lust bu atraro tbat however ray'. tug atta•k of thu abort ,r,,aase,t, it is utaia la 17,1 If.ntal Toxtra dad nest. Irl tre.:meut In, C•twuusntlua Cr lasaa" • 1,41 •Love <l.l.4asti roq•iirr l'ad aLI d:arei:n. NEL BOL:,'S EXTRACT DUCHU Is tho Great Diunutio LII~Li.T_; QLT i lIICIIILT CONCZYTIAT ED Compound Fluii Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifylie the blood, rern . orfne all diaoaaes arising fron e%%%%% and imprudence la life, chronic conadtutional c sacs arisiny f:osa as kupirro 'tato of ilia blood, p.l t•t only rails: az d cd'zctunl bnorrta remody for the care al l:crofala, dca'. I !load, Falt F.boutn, Fain / anti E webs; the Bonet I:learnt:one of the Throat god Lev, Ltetchro, Pimples o a tho ACC, Totter, Erysipelas, and as acnly am. Ilona el tha akin, and beauttbing the conrtraton. ...1 - 714 4%, , • NOT A. irTiNlr Of the worst dlsordors that mallet mankind arhe free IS corruption that accumulate., In the Mood. if as Vat ter cerreries thst hare been CA2.44 is purr, it eat, nose Its equal in effect ll.l7.lf.7ol.D'9coirroC'Y £.177,1C7 OF SAITS.II'.II:II.LA. It clean-set and renovates Blood, instills the vigor of health into the syst,..on, ea purges out the humors which matzo dlsease. It tticulatt, the healthy functions of the body, nod expel. etedherdr, that grow and rsalle In the Mood. Such a remedy, Cart could ho relied on, has long been ' , ought f• r, and now - the first time, the public have ono oa which they can pea 1. Our s?see here does not admit of rain allow its effects, but the trial of a single bottle Oen the ale's. that It has virtues surpassing anything by 1.-1 ever taken. Too tattlespoonsful of the ratrsct nt Farsapart'll, to 3 plat of water, lu egos' to the Lisbon Diet I one bottle is 'gnat to a. gallon of the S:rttp•E &aril - Parra, or the decoction as usually mad*. The above Ertracta are prepare/ on pavely seise% principles—ln rseuo—and embody the fell strentit of the Ingredients entering Into their enmvothion, A rola* and sonelusive test trlll be a comparison •f ti.ck prnru. tin with those sot forth In the U.S. Dispensatory. HOW TO USE THE In Diseases of tho mood, limner' on the Page, er err and every part of tho body, use Extract garsayarill I, se plylny to Pimples and all external Iluntors or Eruption the Improved Dose trash. Use the Extract Duch. for all diseases ray:trial the sid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Orzans, sect Conarrhaa and Gle-t; In those use the Extract recta and inject with the Improved rose Waal:. co" Tnrsr EXTRACTS HAVE DELI ADICTTre TO USIS IN THE UNITED STATES AILNIT, and es. a-a La very general use In all the STATE H0ZP17.11.3 A:) PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS throughout' the land, az wsl it in private practice, and are conetacred as laralsebli remedies. MEDICINE !MERITED TO ANY ,ADDIMAI. Direct letters to— F7.I.IIIIOLD'S DUCH it CHEMICAL ITAREISOLIS, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan lied, MIILIMIOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dmoollm Symptoms in all Communications SGLD BY ALL GRVGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits! HELDIROLD'S FLUID EXTRACt SARSAPARILLA.
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