BUSINESS CARDS. G. S.. GILBER.T, ra10032.01043 41.12.4311:110zi.0 03 r. sop 't Mtt Great Send, Pa. ROGERS & ELY, Zalaernased. 11.ixoticrameares, gyp. Brooklyn, ru. • PETER, HAY, aloamisoci. 411..u.articosta.ectr, febi unt Auburn 4 Corners, Pa.- • M. C. 817TTON, Zaleexustecl .01'.10.olticoosteaor, - apl Nat Illetendsville, Pa. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, • 0C11011'0:1, Lasalle co.. Ponn'a— PENN AVEVUE an 6 68 • J. W. BURGESS, Proprietor. .C. 0. FORDHAM loooite twos Dealer and Idanntsetorir.lfontrose, Pa. Shop on Main street, °radon? below the Post Ones.. AU kinds of work made to weer, and repairing dons neatly. Jag !I STROUD At BROWN, FIRE AND urn INSURANCE AGENTS. Omee over the Post Mice, Montrose,Ta. Ail badness attended to promptly, on fair terms. Van. 1.18611. amuses &moms, CEIMILEJI I. Bnowx. LAMBERTON & MERRIMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 204 Market strect. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Liu:erne and Susquehanna Ccnanties. C. L. LAIMIRTOE. R. L Ilzurtrxeri. Dec. 4,1866. Dz. E. L. BLAKESLEE, tiIIYSICLLN & SURGEON, has located at Brooklyn, nnweit eo., Pa. Will attend promptly to all calls with which he may be favored. Office at L. M. Bald win's. 11—ly DR. E. L GARDNER, PBYBICIAN and BURGEON, Montrose, Pa. OfNee over Webb . Butterfield's Swre. Boards at fisarle's Rotel. my6s tf G. Z. DIMOCK, P11"ThICI t.N and Surgeon; Montrose. PtiL, OtMee our pm Post Ordee. Boards at Searle's Motel. DR. D. A. LATIEROP, iiirmr,be round at the Septette Iletel.—Recen No OE IL IXontreze,ten. 1et,1863. 11. BURRITT, ft SALSA In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, 17 Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Paints. Boots and Shoe., Bats and Caps. Ears, Buffalo Robes, °MMUS. Provisions, ete., New Milford, Pa. WM. U. COOPER & CO., A) APIEIRS. Montrose, Pa. Stmeessersto Post. Cooper I co. .0111 es, Lathrop 's new building, Turnpike -st. +t. noweenro °soma =INT =RM. McCOLLUM t SEARLE, TTOILIETS and Counsellor, at Law, )tontroae,Pa. CIL. Office In LathroVe new building. crag the Dank. a. a. s'eelsant.. D. D. mains. A. 0. WARREN, i t TTONNZY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, LI. sad Ittemption Claims attended to. red Lir°See Ant door below Boyd's Store, Montrose, Pa DOLT. E. L. ItANDRICK, P& tHIRGEON, velment:My tenders his IC - professional services to the citizen of Friends. vino *ad vicinity. ilromee In the Wilmer Dr. Leet. BIM*. at J: Hosford's. j 1730 ABEL TURRELL. i‘rki.Ent In Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Dre /Staffs. Glass Ware, Paints, Oills,Varnish, Wing dolmans", Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Petra sermae—Agimt for an the most popular PATENT EDlClNES„—Nuntrose, Pa. DR: AVM. SMITH, gammas DliniTlST,—idontroie, Pa. - a7oliee Lathrepe new building. weer t Dank. All Dental open:Werra will be •lle s a a a 6 ertermed in good atyle And warranted. JOHN GROVES, 'EVASHIONABLE TAILOP., Montrose, Pa. Shop ever Chandler's Storer, on the Public Avenue. WWI orders Ailed promptly. In brat-rata style. I ' Gamine done on short notice, and warranted to At • WM. W. SMITH, CIABIHRT AND CHAIR MANIIPACTUREMS,—Poo V of Yale street, Montroee, Pa. tf P. LINES, I.i6IIIOICABLBTAILOIL—kontrose, Pa_Bhop 1s Mentz Bionic, over store of Bead, Watrons Arrester. All work warranted tot to fit and finish. f Cutting done on shon notice, In boststfie• Plea) J 0 HN SAITTTER, Rlesrran'rllLLT announces that be is nay pre pared to cut •ail kinds of Garmenti in the most Pandit:wads Style, and warranted to St with elegance asd *ass. Shop over I.N.Dullard'sStore,Montrose. 01141:)I-OCAIMPLEEP . moon BOUNTY, AND BACK PAY. ' T Raundeeel T of Tft EGON'. attention aril l to a ll claims antrusteti give to ease . prompt Charles low, d intar motion FREE. . Itoatross Jan. It f 8 tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, And Back Pay ! Tundersigned Aare? 07 TEE Commun. r i tt Wigs= er. willgtrirranaprattentliratordi elatmsintrus• tad to hiss:ire. Noehnize unless siseeeseraL Montrose.Aug.:o.M. -. 4.B.,IIIcCOLLIIit. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY PENSIONS ifft4i4t.Diso,cos..-104sszr. TlaanalleiaideokiTCENNlNYAGlM of ItiV Gov- NNELVT, having obtained the necessary= ee.. give_prompt attention to all claims in to his Cam No charge Intim successful. GEO. P. LIITTLIB. Nos June CM 1864. _ CALVIN C. HALSEY, [llllllllll6 SORGEOI , For Pensioners, assi Applicants for Pensions. aroma it Public dvenne t aver WM= of J. Ly ons ban. Xaninate. Pa.. May !6. 1861. The Montrose Democrat PTITUTIONDITTZT iTZSTPAT MOICIITEG. AT 3[olllB y, Streqtrtmagra Comm . , PA., pi AL. a. ca-zoupt. Mt X 6 1 , SS 0 nT s AT. $lllll/1411=111 ac airucz—on $23 AT LED of yr,AR. Bastnemo advertisements Inserted at $1 per square of 1011nee, three thee,. and Zeta for each adaftlonal week. ' Teed, advertisers; iiith usual changes, charged $lO "Inbar squires, varter colnuni slst 11alf wham $lO, atiecotains fad, andother amounts In exactproportion. B Giblets cards of three lines. ;or one dollar a UM. grifigia notices at the customary rates. Solo Printing emlocuted Justly sad promptly at fair prices. ifartektee, Mtn, airtime% Courtablee, Scl il l h orittotket DWI° for sale. . Terms 40arstai ric...inra. 110, FOR IRE HOLIDAYS! 104: 03- . 1 0[ 1 );i 3-1 ( 1 ) sttuing Pattint, WITH REVERSIBLE FEED. THE BEST MOH= IN USE! WANING FOUR DISTINCT STITCHES. 3 3 1 3:Y Coma.° for your Wifo. A Written Warranty Given if Required. READ ITS VIRTUES : We cialm for the FLonLneg the following advantages over any and ail other Sewing Machines Pint makes four different stitches—the lock. knot, double lock, and double knot, on one and the same ma chine. Each stitch being alike on both sides of the fab ric. far Every maine has reversible feed motion which enables th c e h operator. t by he simply turning a thumb screw, to have the work run either to the right or left, to stay any part of the scam, or fasten the ends of scams without turning the fabric. tai"The only machine having a self-adjusting shuttle tension—the amount of tension always being in exact proportion to the size of the bobbin. Iw — changing the length of stitch, and from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be done while the ma chine is in motion. ilgrThe needle is easily adjusted. Wit is almost noiseless, and can be used where qui et Is necessary. to motions are all positive; there "rents springs to get mit of order; and its simplicity enables themost inexperienced to operate it. It does not require finer thread on thennder than for the tipper side, and will sew across the heaviest seams, or from one to more thieknesses of cloth. with ont.change of needle. tension, or breaking thread. larThe hemmer is easily adjusted and wiliturn any width of hem desired. 1119 — No other machlne will ao so great a range of stork as the Florence. rsynt will hem, fell. bind, gather, braid, quilt, and gather and sew on a ruffle at the tame time. The taking up of the slack thread Is not performed by the irrepu, tar contraction of a wire coil or uncertain op eration of wire levers. The precision and accuracy with which the Florence draws the thread into the cloth to unapprcetched in any Sewing Machine hitherto offered in the market. We tarnish each machine with "Barnnin's Self-Sew er,"'whiegildes the work Itself, and is of incalculable value, es ally to Inexperienced operators. Prlt folly protected and licensed by Mae Rowe, Jr...and his associates, and our Letters Patent. While possessing the above, and many ether advan tages, the Florence Is sold at corresponding prices with other first class Machines, and a metal examination will tally substantiate all that we have claimed for it, and Justify the assertion we now make, that it to the best Sewing Machine In the world. We warrant every Machine to be all that we claim for it, and will give a written waranty if required. Liberalarrangemests made with those who buy to sell again. Further reference may be had by addressing 33C. Q. .1r3r1.101E1P11.,,* MlCcoxvlzrcomeet, pa., AGENT FOE SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Dec. IS, 1865. Sm New Skirt for 1866; The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX (double) ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. THIS Invention consists of Duplex [or two] Elliptic Pare Refined Steel Springs, Ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the tongbeet, most flexible, dune and durable spring ever used. They seldom break or bend, like the single spring and consequently preserre their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any !tingle spring skirt that ever bas or can be made. Thewonderihldezibility, great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skin will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, Op eras, carriages, railroad ears, church pews, arm chairs. for promenade and house dress, awthe akirtcan be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and con veniently as a silk or muslin therm. A lady haring enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel sprinc skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies this aro saperior to all others. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double ,steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down sitars, stone steps, etc., etc„ which they are constantly subject to s - ben in use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part. giving to the wearer the most creedal and perfect shape .possible, and arc unquestionably the lightest most desirable, comfortable ant economical skirt ever made. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietors of the Invention, and sole roannlaeinrere 9: Chambers. and:9 &SI Reads streets. N. Y. For sale In all Srst-class stores In this city. and thro' out the 'United States and Canada. Ravens do Cuba Mexico, Somb America, and the West Indies. Or Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt, jan3o am PURE LIBERTY WHlrh LEAD, the whitest. the most durable. the most economical Try it! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drag, Paint and Glass Dealers, jaa3o ly 137 North $d street, Plilad'a. DELAWARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. Summer Arrangements for 1865. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE =I/ iti ARD. EASTWARD. oraing Bben train. trai A. M. P. ing I Morning I Evening. n. STATIONS. train. train. • . P.I. P.M. New York...—. New Hampton.. Man anka Chunk Delaware........ Scranton N1ckt0150n........ Nopbottom...... Montrose New,Milford Great Bend CONNECTIONS.—Westward. The Morning train from New York connects at Mil lman Chunk with the train leaving Philad'a(Kensing tau depot) at 7,50 a. in., and at Greatßend with through 'mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car at tached( vtoPPlng at all the principal Ptatlons on that road, and arriving at Ennio at 6.10 a. in. The Evening train tram New York contectsat Ma nunka Chunk with the train leaving Philadelphiti (Ken sington depot) at LSO p. m.; at Great Bend with Night Express on the Erie Railway west, arriving at Ennio atl,4sp. in. Eastward. The ?doming train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west ; at Ilianunka Chunk with a train for Philad'a and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6,50 p. m.; Al l enew Hampton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, wn, Reading and Harrisburg, arriv at Harrisburg at SAO p. m. The Evening train from Great Bend connects there with the New York Express on the Erie Railway from tbewest ; at hdannnke Chunk with a train which runs to Belvidere, where it lies over until f o'clock next morning ; and nt New Hampton with an Express train for Easfim, Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Har risburg. At Scranton. connections are made withtrains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsbn rg R.R. to and from Pittston Kinotan. Wilkenbarre, Berwick, Bloom sburg,Danvfile, Northumberland, Harrisburg and intermediate stations, and with trains On the Delaware and Hudson Railroad eand from Carbondale and Intermediate stations. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. It. A. Ilzwax, Gent Tkt Agt• jiy4 tf THE MASON & TIMMS' CIAL33IZTEITI COR.GI-496.N13, MIORTY different styles. adapted to sacred and seen • tar music, for $BO to $6OO each. Fifty-one gold or diver medals, or other first premiums awarded them.-- Illostmted Catlin:ivies free. Address, MASON it HAM LIN. Borton. or M& ON BROTHELS, New York. Sept.2,lB6s—Damp LOTS FOR SALE. 11satweritier otters for Pale a few choice Building oto in Great BentiVillage, in close proximity tO the extensive works of the 8.. L. & W. R. R. Co .* now in progress. They are laid out in convenient shape and good size. and may be purchased at liberal rates and on easy terms of paymenf. Great Bend, Dec. r, iB6l. E. PATRICE. ABEL TURRELL - -,1 conttnually recalling NEW G ODS 9 And keeps constantly on hand a fall and desirable as sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Yens, Spices and other Groceries. Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa per. Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic, Tanner's 011. Lubricating Oil, Neatstoot Oil, Refined- Whale'.4oll. -- NorEit'h. Whine, Gans, Pistols; Cartridges, Powder, . Shot. Lend, Gnu Caps, Musicri Instruments, ToPet Soaps, Hair Oils. Brushes, Pocket Knives. Spectacles, Silver Plated Spoons, Pocks, and Ivory Handled Knives, ..:Dentist'a Articles, mend assortmeutctf_ FanaY . Perfainertr; &c. ALL TOE Patent Medicines advertised in Montrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY MARKET. In short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye, togratify the fancy, and also to condnee to the real and substandsi comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would 1111 a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TUBBELL, Montrose, Pa. irL*Utt i GROCERIES _Bl USES! J. N. DEANS, Jr., I 3 now receiving a largo and well-selected stock of new goods, consisting iu part of choice and corrim'n DAIRY SALT. TABLENALT, BBL SALT. CANDLES. BRUSHES. d:c., ac. Ac. FLOUR SUGAR, TRtir, MOLASSES, CHOICE TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, NAILS, WOODMV:VALRE, BASKETS, BROOMS, ROPE, .te FRUITS, PORK,. RAMS, LARD FISH, and in fact a choice variety of all kinds of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS which we are bound to sell wholesale ordeelant cheap for cash or ready pay. Call and see before buying elsewhere, for we take pleasure in showing our goods, whether yeti buy or not. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken In exchange for goods at the best market prices. Store on Posts' Old Corner. • Y. N. DEANS, Jr. Montrose, June let, 18115. NEW GOODS. :Is ll *lI • cs,prlng . ,summer •Qr. tc• r, gag . PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. DRESS GOODS. consisting of GRENADINRS, POPLINS, CIIALLIRS, DELAINES LENGES, k.RA M ATTA - S, MBRINOES, BRILLIA,NTS, JACONETTE PRINTS, and a good assortment of all kinds of Goods in our line. Montrose, May 11, 1S&. JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRY ODDS ND NOTIONS, CHOICE FAMILY 0I I 22.11 , D T rz TOT BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, c.rmoodomr..3o 3EL " 4 3r, GLASS-WARE, Limps AND oulAs, HARDWARII AND NAILS, ; ISICIIXa33 XaMILA.TZ:I3I=I, dba. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. IL newrrr. 640 10,80 aX 8,47 1,50 7,45 1,44 7,40 10.15 4.80 ! 840 8.12 8,38 2.61 8.10 2,38 7.49 2,17 I 2.00 i A.M P .11 TO BOOT & SHOE FIRERS OP SUSQUEHANNA courrY MI B. WEEKS . CO. basting sold their Stock of . llats, Cips'andß.eady litade" Clothing to Joshua Boyd, F. B. WEEKS will continue the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, in its various branches My Stock is now complete— havinga large arrival oral' rein ,Sfring „Sighs, Ladles Glora , Bld; Lasting, Goat. and Calf Sal morals and Gaiters. Mimes' Lasting, Kfd and Calf Balmorale. A large assortment of Infants' Shoes. Men's Calf, Kid and • Lasting Balmorals and Gaiters. Men's •floys" and Youth's Calf, Kip and Stoga Boots I am prepared to sell CHEAPER FOR CASH OR READY PAY, than any other house this side of Few York. IperDealers supplied at New York jobbing prices. Store west side of Public Avenue, second door above Bearle's Hotel. F. B. WEEKS. Montrose, May 13, 1863. - A FRESH LOT OF NEW GOODS, MST ARRIVED FOR TER rorliag Trade, At WILSON, GRIFFIS & WARNER'S. Are now receleing their CONSUMERS OF TEA ICS:I3 113r11-13.416.1r AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 35 &. 37 Vesey Street, New York, Are now patting np an excellent article of Black Tea with Green Tea flavor that will meet the wants of lovers of Tca. The trade mark of this tea to TIM LONG ARM CHOP, It is put ap in neat pound papers, 60 pOnnAS In a box. It is rapidly becoming a favorite Tea with the commu nity. From present appearances it is destined not only to become a great taverna, but standard Tea. In conse quence of its fineness and sweetness of flavor and great strength—which makes it The Most Economical Tea in Use. We have long made it a study to furnish a Tea which would rattail varieties of tastes, but never until the pro duction of our Lingo Aux Cuor have we felt that wehad attained that much desired and long sought for object, The Long Arm Chop is a Black Tea with Green Tea fla vor, and can bo relied upon for its uniform purity and healthy effects. This Tea is composed of the choicest leaves, and cored without coloring matter of any kind, and in precisely the same manner ne If prepared for na tive consumption. It is consequently more wholesome and delicate In flavor than the artificially colored Teas. Natives of Tea countries never color teas artificially nor sort them into Gunpowders, Imperials, Ilysons, Twan kayo, &c., for their own consumption ; they do so only when preparing them for other markets. It will be per ceived, therefore, that the Long Arm Chop combines the virtues of all the varieties of original and natural Teas. is the aim erne Great American Tea Company In introducing this Tea to the public to make it martially advantageous to them and ourselves. ts - The Company warrant this tea to all ten dealers, and the dealers extend the guaranty to consumers, that if the tea Is not perfectly satisfactory it can be returned and the money refunded. TOg FALL BT TEA DEALERS. GROCERS, AND DRUGGISTS Throughout the Country. Retail Price, $1,25 per Pound. The Great American Tea Company, 35 Br. 37 Vesey Street, Y deel2 New ork. • Dr. N. L. Brundage, SURGEON DENTIST, HAS permanently located in Montrose. Office over Webb Battertleld's. People of this vicinity, especially those toothless ones wanting beautiful plates of Teeth, would do well to give him a call. All work warranted to give sathsfaction. "I'IECEI NEAP PATENT: Dr. B. Wood's Plastic Metallic Filling. an improved fusible metal for Filling Teeth. for which I have the right, privilege and license, granted by him to use for Dental pniTioge• in my own practice as a Dentist. It is called Catitninut Alloy, and is designed to take the place of amalgam.. tin, metallic oxides, &c. for filling. It does not contain mercury, and hence au absence of the difficulties that in such a variety of ways occurs, or are liable to occur with the agent, Its Qualities and Advantages. This filling ill designed for making perfect and durable pings, as a substitute for gold IA hers economy Is an ob.. Ject and for Inferior material where the Teeth can be, saved. and not for temporarily stopping those which are diseased and worthless. Assuming then that it be skillfully nsetirthco•Pra'; 'f tic Metallic Filling possesses advantages above every other material tint gold for filling Teeth, while It can be em ployed in many .re where gold cannot. It can be 1,- trodnced with facility and accurately secured. It mold, closely to the walls of the cavity without recession or shrinkage, forming a perfect plug, solid throughout, One excinding air and nu:datum. ' Montrose, Oct. 10,1865. LIBERTY WAITE tEAD, Liberty White Lead. Liberty White Lead Liberty White Lead. Liberty White Lead TRY IT I TRY IT ! TRY IT t TRY IT WARRANTED to enter more Su rface. for same weight than any other. Buy the best. it is the cheapest. Liberty Lead is whiter than ar.y other. Liberty Lead corers better than any other. Liberty Lead wears longer than any other. Liberty Lead is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead is more free from impurities, and•ia Wairahirrro to do more and better work at a given cost, than any other: Buy the BEST, It to the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by 15.11(1..XM1ZE, WHOLESALE DRUG S PAINT & GLASS DEALERS, 13? NORTH THIRD STREET, Je 29-Iy* ruttrzormrnte. ERIE RAILWAY. 1V GI lhcW ' z m r nci l io 3 da yNalstCB .;anel lyayelda.aantt following home, vlz : ' 4 l7Gr•eksitlare‘rcl 33cslamicl. Train I. Buffalo Express, at 3.26, p.m 3, Lightning Express for Dunkirk.. 3.31, a.m 5, Mall, 7.52, p.m 7, Night E. for Dunkirk and Buffalo, 3.00, am 9, Mall for Buffalo and Dunkirk 5.27, a.m 21, Emigrant 11.13; a.m 27. Way Freight 1.02, p.m zidgwertimrdworcl 313craz.zati.., Train 2, New York Express. 4, Night ress 8, Steambo t Express. 8, Cincin nati Express , 12, Night Fare's.. 28, Way Freight. 16.35, a.m Trains 3 & 21 run daily. Train 7 rune daily except Sun days and Mondays. Train 8 runs daily except Mmidays. Train 3 stops at Great Bend Sundays and Mondays only. Train 12 stops Mondays only. All oth ers run daily except Sundays. H. RIDDLE. Gen'i Supt, New York. WM. R. BARR, Geril Passenger Agent. HOWATID Asseelation,Plinadelphla,Ps Diseases of the Nervous. Seminal. Urinariand sex ual systems—new and reliable treatment—in Deportrof the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by math' sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Addrry;aDr.J. Srtttta Hodorrrox, Howard Association. No 2 South Othstreet, Philadelphia. Pa. FRESH GROUND CAYUGA PLASTER, FOR SALE AT Sterlingville, Wyo. Co. A very superior, fine ground article, will be sold A& cheap for CAB OT or Ready Pay, Grain, Re. Call at the old and well known MC0W1 . 37 .7 61 Milan E. J. MOWRY. Stcrlingrille, Feb. 20, 1655. ly• LATE and IMPOETANT NEWS MOM THE SOUTH I NY - FORT FISHER CAPTURED /PIUS time. and the good people of Wilmington and I. other places in Dixie are said to be much TERRY fIed ; but the good people of Montrose end vicinity need not be alarmed in the least, as nearly all kinds of goods are noi.g down, and have been going down (into the Store of the subscriber) almost every day for a long time past. and all wishing good Goods had better can and examine qualities and prices before buying, as it is my purpose to sell goods strictly upon the principle of lire ana lel lire. In the Franklin Hotel building. Montrose, Jan. 24. A.M. BULI•Apn . FAMILY GROCERIES,- • TEAS.--Choice Teas, good at 101, better at Uta, and bear at 13 and Ins per lb. Sugars, Syrnpn and 2do/aseee that are swat, and Vinegar that Is ROM sour. Tobacco (the "filthy weed") from 20 to 120 eta. per i lb. and some n the shape of snuff. Yankee Notions, Books and Stationery. Pocket Diaries for ISti3: Candies, NuttcCrackers,'Cheese, cider and domestic Wines, Batter,: Lard, Potatoes, Onions, Fresh Oranges, Lemons and lots of other Good things quite too numerous to mention, for sale ivy Montrose, Jan. ISGS. A.N. DULLARD. Peace & Peace Prices. PEACE ESTABLISHED. Large Lines of Prices Conquered if Reduced 3211.1.1 4 3ritt Ie novt, receiving, for Spring Supplies, new and large Stocks of try Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Paints, Lamp and Lin Aced Dils , Ben zole, Carpetings, Floor Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hots el: Caps, Boots d Shoes, Clocks, hr. Including, as nstml. full varieties of the most popular styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c., which he will sell on the most favorable terms for CASH, PRODUCE, or to Prompt Time Buyers. Flour & Salt on hand as usual. NEW MILFORD, done, 1865. yimerobsse.l3.o COOKING AppARATEg! -Fisthree a gi E cl eSsPcoatoTeVarnenreYtiann,ed. Cooking rare. h. FISIIR'S Patent Kerosene Glue Pot. Glue kept hot all day for three cents. $2 to $6. FISKE'S Patent Shade Supporter and Attachment to support a ,bade or for boiling water. Price, 50 eta. IILLINOS' Patent Union Kerosene Oil Stove-1, 4, and 10 Burners. Cost, $2 50. $5, and $lO. 1210 — Circulan Free. Address, Kerosene Lamp Heater Co., 206 PEARL ST., KEW YORK. July 11, 1865. tr F• js i , pill '.. TW0T ,,. 0 SIX 1 e` ---r-- - 46 '• • THE SPECIFIC PILL is sattielont to effect a prompt and radical cure of SPERMATORRIIOEA, or SEMINAL WEAKNESS. and is equally the specific remedy for every species of Genital or Urinary Irritability. Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions. from whatever Cause produced, or however severe, will be speedily relieved, and the or gans restored to healthy action. PROFESSIONAL OMNIONS.—" I have usedyour SPECIFIC Pn.L in many eases ofSpermstorrhea with the most perfect RUC .ess.* 4 J. MILTON SANDirnO,ll. D.,LL.D. " I have cared very severe cases with from six to tea doses of your Specific Pill." B. KErru, M, D. Price, p per box. Six boxes for IS, be mail.' Ad dress J. VrtIICHESTER, No. 3G John St., lg. Y. March =.—lyeo'sr• BOXES • HUNT BROTHERS, IS 4:111..9.1\7 1 1 1 1C1Z5T, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in IME4D 2,, SIEEL, NAILS, SPYLKIPAg, %1110 1 / 7 .1.-, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK& T RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD df, MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES. BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS. de. • ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS. SLEDGES. PILES, Sc. Sc. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BOLTING. PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. II AIR & OIIINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER S FINDINGS. FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton, March 24. 183.3. ly POUTZ'S Pst lin nil el ifiro Powlors. TER. ff EA COUGHS, TEMPER. CTRS, ron LOSS OF A. FITE AND TI ENERGY, am. use Improves wind, increases the appetite-qv . a smooth ylosq skin. transforms miserable akel horse. .at 1.42, p.m . 4.18, a.m . 8.38, p.m .. 7.10, a.m . 8.19, a.m t u t In all disease' of Swine, such as Coughs, L'kers In ett the Lungs, Liver, ' -• lewe' &A, this &Weis j . it e - -. s sets u a speckle. ? . By putting from .. c ,' ,7 ' .. ' one-hal f a paper - tio a paper in A . ___,- barrel of 'wid th s --:- I `..- ------ '0- --,.-- "--. above dlse a sea 4 : --__::: . -, &-- -' - - will be eradicated -4- 'l7! •-•---,.. -- or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain we we preventive and core for the Hog Cholera. Price 23 Cents per P A aper, or s PaPors for $l. et =SPR= BT S. A. FOUTZ ..ft, DUO., 4 4 AT TM= I; wifingsiLE Dark MD MEDICERE DEPOT, No. 116 .Franklin fit., Baltimore, Id. MA For Bale 11 , Draggling arid Storekeeper• troveugh- oct out the rotted States. _. • OF Less the !exact Dacha tor all disease" weans the ahl of a Diuretic, except these et the, Crinarg Ottani, nib se Gonorrhoea and Glee& ; la these me the Lendlad* and infecblith the leoprovad Rose Wash. g TflZ rrtruers . ITATZ=. rirex.irturrTre TO rsis IN THE UNITED ET.b.Tql 43.G.UT, and also are la very general use. In all the STATE stozrlzas TC3LIO 'ThsTrrcrioNs threngtiont thi land, as tre:l in private practice, and alit eenstaired as limitable remedies. This preparation, 610 long and favorably Ak, known, will that , WO oughly reinvigorate Owed broken-down and " loweldriced horses, NA , ' by strengthening and cleansing the Ilml• stomach and Intel tines. It - !..fare pre ventive of all dig eases Incident 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Is Invaluable. res the quality 01 0 • milk. It hu proven by ea- ad experiment to muse the quark- opt - of milk end t twenty pm and make the to r Arm and 1 , 3 In Iktterdnit it gives them Ippetite, loosen, 1 1 .1_, bide. end i m " them Wive fl FLUID EXTRACT SAUAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S FM= EXTRACT BIICRII. Pet Non•llttlintion or Ineantizmwe of Priest. Isdazonoi. Cs, nr t.'lcerttfam of Cos Ma..1.10r or Makers. 11:11111.1.1 it Cut P..o.cortt s Glan I, Crar,!, r.-i Dtwil Depotlts, Drone. Swrriszc Orzsulo Weakneti„ Debintr, humidor Clow plaints, ate. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Impr-c)veci. Rosso Wash Wia ra ileally rztormialte from the iryitece Dimas., 4:4 Inc a Ilablts or Dlutpatiai, see Uwe (spew, ti.e.:4 egi: 'Untie of eta, lea isemire34ne• er esparure: e•inpkteil zur,reseeing Maui empUtzsmaitimoi lonferesa remediaa, CopaLia and liarenry, In caring those dbouia. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTBACT BUCHU Is ail Diseases of the Crinary Organs. 'Meths, inhaling la net.a er Porn erheetsr oasts* ...If indents!, wad no mattor ofAoss kip standing. It is pleasant is he hal and odor. IlitfEDlATff Is adios, and sums sireagthingag than any et the preparations .f terr or Zr.*. nese suffering frora Brent, Dams far Assisgua Am u& teifiene, lowan Ito A t one la OW. The Leader taus% be aware that hal/aver sight eas be the atea•k et the Shims diseases. It Is certain is affect Ids Zodi 17•alti, Modal Powers wad Ll'app:staa. It a. trwatearnt 8 subaditsd te, Censiunpitest er Isetigir nag 11:1112C ♦II 41 abime &mai,' TIMILITO Vie aid a ► elloiraila, MEI BOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHY Is the Great Diuretic. Ilh - L.311301-OD-"S Enemy enaccersattro Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Ter par'lyl2g the blood, romans' all Illtesees wistag trees excess aml imprudence 1, RG, (break coastltatlesat wee arblmg tram as Impure state of the bleed. eat Mc • only relable and effsetual Unowa remedy for the cure of 'Scrofula, Scald Used, Salt them. Palms time Ihrelllag of the roots. tleeratlons of the 'throat sad Legs, Vetches, Maples.' the Face, Tietter s llegalpelas, and all scaly sraP 'ions of the skln; and beautifyint the eostoteites. .'-,-...'' D •k-vi'..l.__-..1:7'..k1 Irma. .A. a IrAIT Of the wont disorders tbaf, s let mankind arise frees the corm:4l9a that accumulate, to the r.. 4. Of all the the eoverles that kayo been mad• to purge It eat, acne see equal in effect 17:71.317:0LYS COMPOr.v. r.:72ACT OF SALSA PADILLA. It cleanser and renovates tLe Mood, ImtUL tho 'rigor of health late the eystem, ant purges out the humors whir make disease. It otistutatte tho healthy functions of the body, and expels the dhorders that grow and rankle In the hoed. Such a remedy. that eenl.l be relied on, has long been sought for, and new, for the tint time, the public have one on which they can /s -pent Our space here does not admit of eriiteates 1. Chow Its egeets, but the trial of a einoa battle en shoo le the sick that It virtues surpasslar anything they h tee ever taken„,-- TWO tahlecpoonsfol of the Extract of itarsaparllls, 'Aga to a pint or water, h equal I. the Llabou Dial Itrias_, as! one bottle, Ls equal to ovation of the Lyrop of Walsall', or the decoction as usually toads. ma above Extracts are prepared en peril? 'slut:ft principles-4a rsecto—and embody As erreagth et the Ingua[lents entering late their eeneresitlea. A ready and continrive tut wUf be a comnarisea et their paper ties frith these act forth la the IL L Dispeasatorg. now To usr. TIM HEMEDIES. In Diseases of the Mood, llatners en the Ti.., Sr set and emery part of the body, use Extract larsaparila, eT plying to Pimples and all external Motets es Iraptiess the Improved Ease Wales. MEDICINE ,Db7J7IfItED TO 4N7 ADDRZSA Meet loten fame I1t„1.11DOLD'8 DRUG & CMLIDCAL WATIEDOLSA 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, 011 1111 111:43DSOLD'S UDDICAL DEPOT, Damps Apvtoses is 6U Coovntrete•Unse SOLO CT ALL,OREG;STS ptIMIIHERL Beivare of Counterfeits HELMBOLD'S
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