cotrwrir ..a.przy.da.xxtis Local News. We wish our frieuds throughout the county would furnish us with any items of local interest that occur in tiwir re spective ne ighborhoods. We desire to give partieu/ar attention to our local col umns, and trust our friends will assist us. - - Acknowledgment. On behalf of Fire Co. No. 2, we tender warmest thanks to the following named gentlemen for their generous donations ou the night of Feb. 22d: B. Stroud, (Ins. Ag't,) F. B. Chandler, (Ins. Ag't) IL IL Dunmore, Geo. L. Stone, C. M. Gore, A.. 1. Gerritson, Kirby it Bacon, . Amount, B. L. CHANDLRIL, IL T. limo, Secretary. Foreman Montrose, Feb. 23d, 1866. - Commercial Colleges. Wetcan sell scholarships in several end ing Commercial Colleges—Binghamton, Poughkeepsie, and others—at a handsome reduction front usual rates. 'Young men who wish to attend one, can save *5 or $lO by this means. Bank Robbery. On Friday night last the banking house of Chase, Chandler it Co., of Great Bend, was entered by some one through the window, leading into the back part of the building, used as a printing office; and a sack of pennies that happened to be left out. of the safe, about $1 worth of postage stamps, and some change from the draw er of the 'News Office, on the other side of the building were taken. • Whoever it' was, found that the treasures supposed to be in a bank, are not so easily accessible, even after the room is entered.—Pewnsyl. vanies. Sewing Machines. Any one wishing to buy a first rate sewing machine, can, by inquiring of the editor of this paper, learn bow to procure one so as to save *lO ; or two persons can each buy one, anti save $2.5. Several ma chums, now in nse in this county, pro cured in this way, work as well as any. Sudden Death. • The Leßay'sville Union of the Zld says that Charles Atwater, Esq., Postmaster at Rushville, Susquehanna county, died suddenly at his residence on Saturday last. He W:if; taken with a fit on Thurs day, after which- be never became con scious. Pianos, ffielodeons, Ste. Those wishing to purchase a first-rate Oman or Melodeon made by Geo. A. Prince & Co., or a Piano from either of several popular manufacturers, can learn how to procure an instrument of their own selection, at the factory, with the makers' warrant v, at a considerable less price than they can otherwise purchase, by calling upon or addressing the editor of the Montrose Democrat. I==ll New York Wholesale Prices, Reported for the Afontrose Democrat by -Jost/J . l CARPENTER, Commission nievcch -ant, 323 Washington st. New York, to whom shipments of produce may be made. Two thirds of the market value will be advanced on the receipt of the goods if 'desired, and a quick return made for the balance. Full directions and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mail , to those making shipments. Prices for the weekending Feb. 23, 1866. Beans, white sound, per ha., 1 00 2 40 Butter in tubs, per pound, 30 45 " firkins, at 30 40 " rolls, lit 28 35 Cheese, choice, " 16 18 " dgfrximon, " 11 14 Dried Apples ta 11 15 Dried Plums, per lb. 35 40 " Cherries, 40 50 41 Raspberries, -.1 90 45 '" Blackberries, 30 35 Eggs, fresh, per dozen, 34 37 Flour, wheat, per barrel, S 00 15 00 IA rye, IA 550 600 Corn Meal, per hand. 2 00 2 10 Buckwheat flour, per baud. 4 00 4 10 Flax, per lb. 23 25 Feathers, live geese, per 111., 65 75 Beef Sides, " /2 14 Mutton in carcass, " 10 12 Teal, " 11 13 Pork, dressed, " 10 12 Wheat, per bushel, 1 75 2 00 Rye, tS . 90 1 00 Oats, " Zl3 '5B Corn, It 80 /1 90 Mies, dry, per pound, ' 25 - 30 Cl._ green, 44 is 15 rlops,emne, per lb. 50 70 Lard, common AtO best, per ib., 14 18 Beef, mes 4 ; ,• ~_'*-,: per barrel,lo 00 18 00 " prime, " /0 00 16 00 I Pork, mess, " 24 00 30 00 14 pr i me, 00 Hams, smoked, per lb. 1 0 22 8 23 Shoulders, smoked, " 1 14 18 Bacon, " 16 20 Honey, ig . 23 30 Chickens, " • 18 22 Turkeys, gg 18 24 Geese,, , • :, ~.,- ," , 1; ' 4 14 18 Duck s , ' . a.. ' ' 18 '22 Clover Seed, per lb. 12 14 Timothy Seed, per bushel, 3 75 4 50 Flax Seed, taper per lb. 2 1 29 3 00 Tallow, 2 /3 Wool,,washed, ..,_, . ~,,.. 50 .60., ",“- • " ,%, :univished,; , ;:fg ' '...: .1::' ; ', , .1:30 %If ; 4S Apples, per barrel, 5 00 7 00 WAlleockts-Porous Piasters.—A Druggist sae other day, you have no need to advertise your Poroas Masters, for every one sold certainly Causes a dozen to be sold, ands dozen sells a gross, and so on.-- You will not be able to supply the demand soon. But we can supply a thousand yards a day. Affection of the .Spine Cured. rIABTPOItti, Conn., Nov. 110, 1661. Messrs. Thos. Alleock d Co.:—Please send with dis patch twelve dken Alleock's Porous Plasters. Our daily experience confirms their very superior excel lence. At this moment of writing, a man applies for one. who by entanglement in the shaft of machinery, had both his legs broken, spine severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very soon by the application of a piaster to his spine. He was soon enabled to work, and now be la bors as well as ever. Ile would cheerfully pay $3 for a single Plaster if they could not be had at a lower rate. lam surprised that surgeons do not make use of these perforated plasters, to the exclusion of all others, as their flexibility and adhesiveness are greatly in ad vance orbit other plasters with which lam acquainted; while the perforations peculiar to them rendered them greatly superior to all others for ordinary surgical uses. Knowing the Plasters to be so useful, I have no scru ples that my sentiments should be known. J. W. JOHNSON, M. D. Principal Agency, Brandseth [louse, New York. Sold by all Dealers In pa, dicines. Feb. 15, Imp rff-11 etb el Colors Destroyed,—When nature Or time has planted on the human head such colors as rebel against every idea of comeliness, replace them with those lorious and exquisite black and brew° lie ges cveiyw here deemed the Standards of Beauty, which are produced in five minutes, without Injuring the fibres or staining I he scalp, by Cristadoro's Hair Dye. . Mannfactored by S. Cristadoro, No. 6 Astor noose, New York. Sold Druggists—Applied by all Heir Dressers. [Feb. 15—]mp re — Dr. Tobias , Venetian flora Lini wettt,—Pint Bottles at One Dollar, for the cure of lamettess. cute, galls, colic, sprains, etc.. warranted cheaper than any other. It is need by sill the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not cure ring hone nor spacin, as there is no liniment in existence that will. What it is rutted to cure it positively does. No owner of home will be withon it after trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an over-heated or driven horse. For colic and belly-ache it has never failed. Jnst as sure as the sun rises, Just so sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse embro cation otthe day. Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortland St. New York Feb 1 imp rlif - Dearness, Blindness and Catarrh— Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oc enlist and Anrist, (formerly of Leyden, Dolland,) No. 519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the moat reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at hie office. The medical faculty are incited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL ETES inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. [July*, 1965. ly ggr Strange, but True.—Every young lady and gentleman In the United States can hear something Ve ry Mach to their advantage by return Mail' (free of charge,)by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears calminhumbug:ell will oblige by not noticing this care. A lll others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CiiiiPMAN, Dec. 3O.—lytimp 831 Broadway, New York. Oriro Conatimptlyea.—Tbe advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after hating suffered several years with a sr vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Constimp tion—i, anxions to make known to his fellow-sufferers the mains of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre scription need (free of charge,) with the directions for - -preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, +sthms. Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, and ail throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser In sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable : and he hopes every sufferer a 111 try his remedy.- as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription. met, by return mail, will please address U. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kluge Cu., New York Dee. %, ISCe.-I,yemp Fir - Errors of Youth.—A. gentleman Arbil suf fered for years from nen - ons debility, premature decay. Auden the effectsof youthful indiscretion, will. for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which heseas cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adrertiseee experience. can do so by addressing, JOHN B. OQDEN, No. 13 Chambers street, New York. Dec. 86,1663. Iyerup nee -The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid, Published for the benefit and as a caution to y , ting men and others, who suffer from nervous debility, prernacure decay of manhood, etc. supplying, at the same time the moans of self-cure. Boone who has cored him self.after undereningeonsiderable quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope, a single copy. free of charge may be had 0 f the author NatneNtrt.. 31sT rant. Beg... Brooklyn, Kings co. N. Y. jan:X) I yam V: 211.28Mit.Mt X.. 613. G.IE 19 . In Union, on the lOth instant, by Rev. D. A. Shepard, Mr. Rrrroan McCLAitv, of Snsfita Depot, Pa., and ALMIRA TILBU RY, of Owego, N. Y. r3MALTMCIBI. "Deaths, as well as marriages. arc published free Obituaries published at the rate of fifty cents per hund red words. or five cents per line for poetry. Cash to be sentArith the notice. In Sublette, Lee co. 111., Feb. Ist, 1866, At.nt:trr Cr,AM formerly of Middletown Centre, Susq'a co., in the 02d year of his aye. Dr. F. C. BROOKS , 12sician urgenn, HAYING located at MOCK, Basquchanna County, Pa, will attend promptly Wall calls with which he may be favored. (Mice at 1.. illakesiee's. N. B.—Has been connected with Will. Eye Hospital in Philadelphia one year. Dimock, Feb. V. 18t,6. lm• Executors' Notice. irtSTATE of WARREN P. KENNARD, dec'd, late of Jel Bridgewater township, Susquehanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. J. P. lIARDING , / S. L. KENNARD, Bridgewater, Feb. 27.1866. Gw Auditor's Notice. MUM undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phan`a Court of Suagtuhanna County to make die. tribution of the funds In the hands of the administrator of theestate of GARWOOD MITCHEL, deceated, will attendto the duties of hie appointment at hie office in Montrfte i on Saturday the ...14th day of March, 1566, at oneo'cloa, P. H ., at which time and place all pdrsons insterested in said fund will present their elution or be Icrerer debarred from coming in on eald Ned. J.,s ArcoLumi, Auditor. , Feb. UM- Auditor's Notice. n lflE under.igned. an auditor appointed by the or tbe?uutuizeinCiciumrttr fineju s e e ha we n i r i ta w l i oung h. to e g i t4ti nt te . tor of the estate of Lahan Russell, deed, uillattehd to the duties of his aopointment at bleutliealn Montrose, otk,,Thursday, the tOtb day of March. A. D. 1.868, at o'- clock. P.M. at which time and place all persons inter ested In said fund will present their cl alms or be forev erlisbarredpann tattling In on said i und. 27 M. , TI.TRICER, Auditor. : 4866 . :4W rt.e332.004VEL2.. TIIRI:SOLDIER'S AID• •_ H. Sterling o - late of Binghamton, WILE: give wood -- itattiractlon to all his ctu3tOnteni, If and do work- tltitouo7.other Boot" - =Shoes Shop Ali lii■ vicinity:- Call 'and see for yourselves. itOota Balt.aoledj-lor via ematOmihisa—other work - aor °O A • P oppoaite the Binghamton atom , in.Otaihman'a building. licratrose, Zan. 25d.1866. tl N'crtioe. IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. rpm preservation of the natural Teeth is unquestlon- JL ably come of the most important considerations that claim the attention of all thonghtftil, sensible persona. To accomplish this, some of the most skillfnl and tal ented men of our country have been and are still en gaged. Among them we will mention Dr. 7. 8. Smith, of New York, who has spent the last thirty-dye years constantly at the epernting chair—never in all that time meddling with plate work, or allowing his atten tion to be distracted from the great object and triumph of the prefesaion, viz the preservation of the Natural Teeth. At the solicitation of the people of iiopbottom and vicinity I have made arrangements with him to vis it that place on the 22,1 of the present mouth, and re main ne long as the prompt patronage of the people in that vicinity will warrant. ggrßoums at Wilmarth's Hotel. T. J. winArrox, Feb. 20,186 C. 2w Binghamton, N. Y. Ilt_licstic)xx ! TILE subscriber haring concluded to go West. will offer for sale at auction on Tuesday and Wednes day, March 13th and 14th. 186 a, commencing at ten o'- clock A. M., the following named articles, to wit : One Cow, a span of Horses, 2 Calves, 11 Sheep, a yoke of 4 years old Oxen, a bleeding Sow, 2 Shoats, a Lum ber Wagon, a two-horse Spring Wagon, Sulky, doable Sleigh, double Harness. Os Sled. - Bob Sled, Drags, Chains, a large lot of Cooper's Tools, Truss Hoops, Pine Lumber tor coopering and shingles, a quantity of Hay, Grain, and Vegetables, Household Furniture, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH. P. REYNOLDS, Auctioneer. URI NEWCOMB. Bridgewater, Feb. 20, 1266. ADMINISTRATOR'S ME! MILE undersigned will offer for sale at auction. a the house ofJohn F. human, In Lathrop, on Saturday, March 24th, 1866, at ten o'clock. A. M., the following described real estate, late the estate of Davis N. nil- Ups, deceased, to wit: All that certain parcel of land situate in Lathrop township, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows On the north by lands of S. G. Osborn, east by lands of Drew Lord, south by lands of F. M. Williams, and west by lands of John riske—containing sixty-three acres, or thereabouts; with about twenty acres improved, together with the appurtenances, a small house, a barn, and some fruit trees. TRUMS.—lseenty•flre dollars cash on day of tale, three hundred dollars on COl3 tlrrtuttion of saie, and the balance In installmonte payable at thp end of one and tiro years. tilr•Persons wishing' to purchase can learn all the particulars by addressing the undersigned at Ilopbot. tom, Pa. E, 3f. TEWKSBURY, Adin'r Lathrop,' Feb. O, 18C6. Auditor's Notice• TUE undersigned, an auditor tip ointed by the Or phan's Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the funds in the kinds of the administrator of the es tate of S. A. Woodruff, deceased, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of snld decedent. will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Bentley, Fitch t Bentley, in Montrose, on Wednesday the 2ist day of March, 1t , 46, at 2 o'clock. P. M., at which time and ribievall pervonn interested fin t.aid fund will r.:tient their claims or be ((meet r deba red from com ing in on said fund. B. S. BENTLEY, Jr., Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 20, 1:43G. • Auditor's Notice. MBE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Susquehanna county to distribute the funds in the hands st the actotlntant of the estate of DAVID LAMB, deed, will attend to the duties o' hie appointment at the office of Fraser & Case, in Mont rose, on Wednesday. March 7th, at one o'clock. P. M.. when all persona Interested in said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred, F. A. CASE, Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 12, ISIA. Auditor's Notice. Tllundersigned. an auditor appointed by the Or ans' Court of Susquehanna county upon excep tions to the accour t of the administrator orate estate of JOHN CLIFFORD, deed. will hear the parties interes ted at the office of Fraser & Case, in Montrose. on Sat urday the 10th day of Mnrch next, at one o'clock. F. M. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. Afontrose. Feb. 8. 1t4;8. 4w Auditor's Notice wont undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or /. phans' Court of Susquehanna County to make dis tribution of the funds in the hands of the administra tor of the estate of Samuel Carlin, deed, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In the borough of Montrose. ou Saturday, this 10th day of March. 1806. at 1 o'clock, p. m.. which time and place all persons interested In said rand will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. febo 4w C. W. TYLER, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Tllll undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Or. tdians', court of Susquehanna county to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrator of estate of Joseph E. Webster. deed, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Montrose on Tuesday the 13th day of Alarch,l£4iA, at two o'clock, p. m., when persons interested in said hind will present their claims or be forever debarred from comin in upon said fund. feb6 4w %V. 0. LUSK, Auditor. Auditor's Notice- THE undersigned having been appointed an auditor by theOrphans' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the hands of the administrator of the estate of Michael Gallaher. deed, will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in Montrose, on Saturday the 10th day of March 1666. at oneo'clocit p. m., at which time and place ail persons interested In said fund will present their claims or be forever debarr• ed from coming In on said fund. jan:3o 4w I. 11. MINS, Auditor. Administratris' Notice. ESTATE OP THOMAS G. FLYNN, deceased, labs of Priendsville hero, Susquehanna county, Pa. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, nil persons Indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having elaintsegamst the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. • EMILY M. 'FLYNN, Admlnlstrattlx. Friendeville, Jan. MI, 1866.• Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of SYLVANI7I3 IifOTT, deceased, late of New Milford township, Basq'a county, Pa. Lettersof administmtion upon the estateof the above named decedent having, been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fimi to matte Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly sante:AP cated for settlement. OLIVER LATHROP, Adm'r New Milford, Jan. 16, 1866. eWcir Age Al- THE Pribseriber offers at private Nile the Tollowin: described real estate, viz : A ?AIM containing 140 acres, well watered and wooded, and a good dwelling house, almost new, two Larne and an orelaard—only X of a mile from blmoelt Corners, on the Montrose road. Also--00 acres of valuable land contiguous to the vil lage of Dimock, containing , dwelling 'louse. I barn. a good orchard, and the building known as WOODRUFF ACADEMY, which at a moderate cost could be easily converted into a good dwelling house. MI of twill will be offered together, or divided up and parceled out to suit purchasers. Also--a dwelling house and lot, directly upon one of the form corners, withaborse barn, wagon shed,:and:a good store house, suitable for the Dry Goods or Oro eery trade. The above described Real Estate, together with • a quantity of personal property and live aback, will be of fermi on terms favorable to the purchaser. L. R. WOODRUFF. Dbnock, lioaqueluunia Co. Pa. dau.'.2; 1666. . a st:'" - - .. .,,, , , reit7Crtl4oo. q.;:' 'ALL persons owing me by note or boot:account are reqaested to tall and settle tbe same Immediately: • Montrose, Jan. 9, ISCA.--3th F. n. WRERS. PURE' LIBERTY WHITE - LEAD. PEFERRIID by all practical painters f 'Try and you will - base non th er.- - • -Itantaitetitied.only , ZIEGLER & SAUTU, • Wtrolefaie Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers. jazad ly 137 North 8d street, rbilad'a. ri PUY" ar CI C101:1113. NEW SPRING GOODS, NEW SPIUNG GOODS, AT TUN Binghamton 131retzL'olx Store. Binghamton Miraita.4:3ll. gEitc•re. zbx.sLxv-Ir 43pC14C13015 .41. t 41(1. I=*rdicseges, BEFORE THE WAR! I. N. HINE & CO. IN THE STOES OP G. L STONE a CO Montrose, Feb. MI, 186& APE RAVE NARHEM DOWN, EL&RKED DOWN, PRICES ON ALL WINTER Dress Goods, Shawls, AND WOOL'S GOODS OF ALL SOISFS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, AND ALL HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING ! AND WILL lIMLL 'TERI NPar tb.o =est 00 nays, 5_REG494.4149 Q -400 0 - ' CALL AND SEE US. C 9 .. ~ r Thissinbatun Cie Co. N. S. DESSAI7iIt ItAXAGnrci Rums.. Montrose, Jan. 9th, IM. 'URI= DOWN, Cloaks, Dr. Schenck will he professionally at his princlial of fice No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 9a, m. until 4 ~ No, 59 Bond street, New York, every_ Tuesday, ite m 9 to th No. 38 Summer street Bostodi Mess., every Wed nesday, from 9 to 3, and every other Friday at 108 reetß alti tmoreoughetxaßmtnmoonoM the A ng a withh V s Re b plrom a ter, the charge is :luxe dollars. Price of the Palmonte Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each ft BO per bottle, or fa 50 per half dozen. . Mandrake Pills, 25tents per box. janl lyjw. For sate by all Druzglets and dealers. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R. ON and after November IN, 186 d, Passenger Irr i n a win runas follows: A. M. P. IL ..- "T. it. Leave Scranton, . 5:50 10:50 41:50 " Kingston, - - 6:55 11:15 . 1 - 6:20 Rupert. 9:15 - • *35 Danville, goo - 9:110 Arrive at Northontberland„ Iceollcr, " . :r" • :: 7 : 10:15 , : - NORT/IWARtl,"••• - --- Leave' - -Northamberlrrid, !COO — ' - -" --'' 414 Danville, • .8140 • ' ` 049 " rinpmi.o: . 15 . ' A.O. Ziii " Kingston, - • t 35 • 8:30 • tISO Arrive at Scranton, • 3:45 0:35 - 'flo Parsengera-taking train sonth from Seraiitonnt Ole a. m. vii Northumberland. reach Tfarripbarg at 12:30 p. in.; Baltimore 5:30 p. m.; 'Washington 10:00p. mA vii Rupert reach Philadelphia at too p. en. : L . gi ogdoo. N o y ; 25 . • , IL A.TOlnit, finpt. Dn. E. P. ursEs • lAS tl aria an ni ty located at Priendavitle for tbepar• pose orpractlcing medicine azd.surgerria all its branches. He may be found at. the Jackams kireasit. • °Mee boars tram 8 a. rs., to 9p. m. lanlett Ptiendaville, Pa., Jan. lath, 1666. -,r = Tire,. Life and Acoidentai GENERAL: INSURANCE AGENCY, 7itt.2.3latrogge.. roca.. Home IntittranCe Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, lnsurance Co. of North America, Phil's, 3°°° Capital and Staples, 1,700000 'rata:malarial Fire Insurance Co. ofM. Y., Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000 Girard . Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Phil's, Capital and Surplus, 300,000 Lycoming County Mtanal Insurance CO.Ol Manley, Penn's, Capital and Surplus, 2,500,000 Security Insurance Co. of N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000 Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, 500,000 Enterprise Insurance Company, Phira, Capital and Surplus, 375,000 Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus. 700,000 Kensington Fire and M. insurance Co., Phil's, capital and Surplus, 390,00E1 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., paying 50 per cent. dividends to the assured. Capital. 10,000,000 American Life Insurance Co., Philadel phia. Capital, 1,000,000 Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn.. Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, 500,000 Ire — All business entrusted to our care will be attend. ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD Er. BROWN, Agents. rir'Oelce over the Post Office, Foot of Public' Ateaue. Etiuxos ~noun, Crum.= L. Baows. Montrose, Jen. Ist. 1866. 1 y WAlTED—Ag,ents and canvassers for LLOYD'S ILLUSTRATBD Battleffitstoryi CilrU-MALT MILMUMT-ar...I.CUZT Complete In one Volume. CONTAINING Gen. Howard's tribute to the Volun teer ; battle descriptions ; bitegrophical sket ches; 49 portraits of generals ; 17 maps of battlefields; 18 battle pictures on tinted paper; 4 steel-plate vign ettes, and a genera , review of the war—the whole orna mented by Illustrated borders. A brilliant history, and an invaluable companion for reading and reference in every family. Sample pages and illustrations sent to applicants. Canvassers who want territo should at ry once apply to 11. IL LLOYD CO, jarttn twste p No. 21 John street, 11. Y. g retar..o Werti.C3o. mew. mr.zrzewickziaziss TS A LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Susquehanna and all other Counties In the United States, or New der sey._Sella at Vendnes. VW — Address P. Reynolds, gentrose, Pa., or call In person at my Tailor Shop, over Chandler's Store, in Montrose, where shall be wden not otherwise en gaged. [Dee. 2e, I. am SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE N . FOB LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL If your bowels are costive, If lOU have worms, If your breath is bad, TRY TABS. If you feel droves,. TRY TRZIL If you are low spirited, TRY TEEM. If you have a sick headache, TRY ME. TR. If you bare taken a drop too much Y TEEN , TARE FOI They only cost 25 dents a box. A L DOSE. TRY TEEM. Blue Mass, and other preparations of Mercury, actu ally produce more suffering and death than the disea se/ which they profess to core. And yet this corrosive mineral so denounced by the allopathic doctors, is prescribed by them almost universally In Liver Com• plaint, Consumption of Lungs, &u. THE 21APIDILLBE PILLS are composed entirely el roots and - herbs obtained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their Watery effects will appear as soon as the medicine is brought to the test of a fair experiment. SCHENK'S MAND RAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness et the stomach; but when given for Dyspepsia, it may be proper to use them in connection with SCHENCK'S NU WEED TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive faculties are speedily , restored to their full vigor, and the worst cases of Indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest Internal organ of the body, that to it is assigned the Important duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when It is dis eased or inactive the whole body suffers sympathetically it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce won derful changes In the genera) health, and effect cures which may appear almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, breast and shout dere, aching, of the limbs, a feeling ofgenend weakness and wretchednes, and other alarming and distressing symptoms, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily removed by the nee of SCHMNIC'S MANDRAKE Costiveness, piles, bitter or cony ernctations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression, mental anxiety, languor. lethargy, and depression of spirits which unfit a man for the management of business and the enjoy ment of life. are relieved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAIIS PILLS. Du. Scatraca.—.Deur Sir: I take pleasure in sending you a certificate in addition to many you have already received from suffering humanity. I can scarcely and language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and SEAWEED . TONIC have effected in the entire cure of one of the Most stubborn cases of the af fection of the liver. Par three years I suffered beyond description ; all my friends, as well as myself, camp to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. So terrible wag the condition to which I was reduced that life to me had bpcome a burden; my whole system was in a state of inflammation; I could not eat, nor sleep; my whole body was filled with pain; swelling would ir rise in my wrists and ankles, rendrring them totally useless. On several occasions I was attacked with a rash of blood to the head, which would fell me to the ground, and I would be carried sway for dead. I ap plied to several eminent physicians of oar tity, who ad ministered all the medicines that they thought would reach my ease, but of no avail. One of them said he could do no more forme, and ad vised me, as a last resort, todrink cod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash I declined to take ft. Acct. dent put your advertisement In my hands. I called on you ; you examined me and told me the nature of ray disease. You then ordered me the Pill s and Tonic with an observance of diet, pledging your word that in one week I would And myselfanother man. I followed your advice, and, as you predicted, en astonishing cure was effected. I continued your Pills and Tonic for some time, and now thank God for hie goodness, and your valuable medicine, lam once More restored to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who are suffering from affection of the liver to give your Pills and Tonic a fair trial, and a care will be effected. I have Bent many persons to you, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow citizens may require will be freely given by the subscriber, at his residence, No. 819 Federal street, - between Bth at. and Passyunk road, CHARLES JOHNSON, BU., feb Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer. 801TVELWA RD NOTICITO THE'PWILIf. TIT!: eaaed stlh i scriter ui r c espectfUlly Informalm public that Blacksmith Shop of H. 0. Clemons, Deer the Foundry of:l3syre CustOmen§ will do well to call, as they can get eiery. thing done in the Blaekemithtng line neatly and prompt iy for cash. C?PlParticelar inteutfOft ghee to florae Eibosiing • EDWARD P . tiTllilß. Idontrose,Dee. Id, 1501 tf Co-Partnership Notice. _ 1. 17111P. Co-partnera6l% of MIST, BROS. 4r411.41111. tins terll}lnated I the death of Mr. 11111 ton 1.. Blair. The business will be continued by the under , signed under the firm name ofIiVNT,BROTIISIty. T:P. UNT. Scranton, Feb. let, IS A. 4w A. &HUNT: PI RE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD w ILI, do more and better work at a given cost. than VT any other. Try It Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, , , • Jan3o ly 137 North 3d street, Phllata. THE REGULATOR t READ QUARTERS for BUGLERS! Great Inducements for 1866. Clll3lOO. 313.49k."27211131\7, NEW 31TLFORD, DEALER IN STAPLB & FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 4 CAPS, READY !IA DE. CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, YANKED NOTIONS, TRUNKS, TRAYF.LING-BAGS, And lots of Goode too numerous to mentionott th• vary lowest market prices. Call and examine—no charge for showing di:Qs—ev ery article warranted as represented, and will sell Cheaper than the Cheapest. GEO. HAYDEN. New Milford, Pa. WWI Si . ti z • z/z D. W. LOWELL; Principallr. Proprietor (VP the above !barite tfon. respectfally eons attention TLY to the unsurpassed facilities of his course ofinstrac tion, and the important additions and improvements which have been made in and to the selteral departments Whig College. The course of instruction extended and perfeetedotegent4 to • • • ' YOUNG DIEN and LADIES - The beat facilities for obtaining a CODEPREHENOIVZ, 111181111330 EDUCATION. The thorough, novel and Interestit g coerce of powArrazei ACTUAL PRACTICE embraces a completerout Ina of transactions in even im portant bradch of buidness. A Store, Bank and Railroad Steamboat, Telegraph, Post-ofecea, it., are io full !arid suecessfhl opera tio n, rejoresentine in a pleasing and sat-, tefactory Manner, the ftfly routine of actual business We, In which the student becomes in progression au amateur • Wmac, ICKRCEUVRT4III) BASIKER,-, receiving, in each capacity, a practical ralableknavvi edge of badness in its maitiftrions forms and.ploeev PENMANSHIP. In this essential branch of business education no Col lege offes better facilities to the learner. 'Phe. Spews :fan system will be taught in nil its variettas by the skillful masters of the art. Specimens of Writing from this Institution have received the highest encomium• from the press. For gonoral information. terms, address for Col. le.e monthly which will be rusiff , d free; for specimens of Penmanship, enclose two three-cent stamps. decl2. o .ly Address D. W. IJJWBLL Principal, ,Lcrwell's Commercial College, Binghamton, N.T. Y. CHEAP CLOTHING. This day received our Fall and Winter Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING! OVMICOATS I UNDERCOATS, HATS AND CAP 4 PANTS AN!) CYSTS, nor's CLOTTING, FINE FLANNEL SHIRTS, rnynn Look at Prices of a Few Articles : Overcoats, heavy and warn, as low as d 0450 All wool Business Snits, Cost, Pants & Vest, 15 00 Union Business Suits .• 000 Good Undershirts and Drawers, per pair. 114 And other Goods in proportion. [39 — Garments made to order, and warranted to AL Flow '-and ..GrOCeries! Such as Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Molatuies..Salendds. Spices, Salt, &c., as usual. Call and where. examine oer Stock before porcbalizrielro- Wanted—Egge, Chestnuts ; and grafted Winter Ap• plea, for which t he highest pricesvill be paid in cash. G. L. STONE & Itontrose, Nov. 38. 18ed. "THE 'FAMOUS BARBER. Come and see the lemons Barber. Famous Barber, late of ' • Late otitayttnowat Weeks% ' Now at'F.B. Weeks` Store Rootai7:: Pttelme shaving and stampooing,l. Pind'me mating hair to suit yea, • - Rind me ready at your sersiea, • At oar service, / . • CHARLEY` NO Stentrose,Oet. 15, 1855. tt .01,01CRE'/V4, iFEiEJifIfIIATOIL Strength to the Weak ! Youth to the Ag e d ! Tbis preparation is unequalled as a ttejuvenstor sad Restorer of wasted or inert functions. ' 'Ttka&ed should bCeertain to Make - 014 - Blob/est.& .bouseitold god, Inasmuch as it wilt' rendei then' i-Amtb tot to reentig and in. strength, and, ensola tbenkto lire over aesinthe daps of their pristineJoy. ; lt not only - hileratea but strengthens, sod is really: en' Invaluable blessingiebeCializ to those-Alto-hove breerleellleed to a condition of . servility r seitnbase, misfortune; or mill. Imo slat e s& - ,No =ger what the sita° of the tens) , of any human organ, this, superb preparation_ will remove the effeetat once andlerever. 321ICIPIX.IEt3ErnrEll 4 7 . , mires incompetency, general debility, nervois theapseL. ty, dyspepsia. depression, loss of appetite, low spin., weakness of the organs of generation, Imbecility. men tal Indolence, emaciation, enonj. it bakninost deligbt ftd, dedrable a dingy et.. abet nett tem and all who are In any way prostrated by nervous disability are earnestly ivlvised to seek a caw in Ibis most excelllnt an &Unequalled preparation: • Persons who , brinpludence.haye lost • their natural vi Vri3 r f 4 l uPS/ a-PPlllialicntatoLapecdy cnreln tba, • "*" -- `3arcplicrin feeble;the hingtild; the despairinednd' wi l t phoold give this valuable discovery a teat; ft be faului lotill 4 Y Offerer:dates: all other -articles- for the nme.mrp_oses. • ;L • - - • , FE4ALES,r-This . 13tepanition ,la invalnable,to Clemons ivitaknessea of all kinds,as it will Seaton, thas wasteditrengtkwith,wonderfal permanence. , •If 15 also it grand tonic, and win give niletriii.Yepep sta. the first dose. ''A brief persistence, - in I ts rise,,wM renovate the stomach to a if Of petted bealtb;-atid Mulish Dyspepsia forever. • . -- One Dollarper Dottie, or,alaboltilc!tfpfp, v -iiiiild.,lry Druggists generally. • " - • bent by express anywhere, 'Vetoing HIPIVILINGS & HILL -:.Vropyiet * (3 DZY Ittt V s9l(l,..ktrAbel ...Montrouv ..• Dec. I, '6s.comly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers