Hi Piettera thrthe dug Abe fo llowing good ..a4vIP" from the Chicago Tribune: " Money is cheap and abundant. A pa per dollar is depreciated to forty-four denti,..goM valet). CurrencylS' plenty, and growing Plentlef. — Come easy, go easy, i§fthe prevailingfiiling. But soon er or later, the present abnormal condi ticiifl'oLthings will terminau*L-gioiliaps gradually, perhaps suddenly.,, The values of all commodities,including Milifigy, are fearfully " w.sterei," but when the crash comes the water will be bailed -out,,leav ing only what is represented by the gold standard: Men are Walking on high suita, and are Making long, but insecure strides. Bet all must dismonnt,one of these day P % and oome down until their feet touch the earth. • Many' will be precipitated head long who now tower aloloon their stilts. Nese and prudent men will prepare in time for the inevitable change. The class irlio-will suffer by the termination of die war are those in debt. A merchant with a eltfiek ofgoods on . band,Worth say $50,- 000, and half paid for, wilrrialize enough therefrom to pay what be owes. When the goods are all sold, he will find himself still in debt for them from five to ten thousand dollars, and this 'debt he must liquidate, principal and interest, with gold, or its equivalent, or go into bank ruptcy. The consequence of the end of the war with the debtor class will be to increase eieiy man's debts about 125 per cent..,--• An obligation of $4,000 will become, in practical effect, slo,ooo—that is, it will require property'or labor now worth in currency $lO,OOO to pay it. A note out standing drawing ten per cent. interest will then draw what *mild now be equiv alent to 25 per cent., of thereabouts, to say nothing of the principal of the .note, the difficulty of whose payment will swell iris corresponding ratio. • ' • ••• '4l PET ROILEVA. Seven years ago, Venango county, Pa., was regarded as one of the poorest, as it is one ol the smallest counties in the state. More than one third of its entire surface could hare been purchased for less than threa dollars per acre. Its best improved, farms would bring little if anything over thirty dollars per acre, and its entire in dnstrial products did not exceed three: h s tindred thousand dollar's. Choice" oil lands sell now readily at from three hundred to five thousand dollars per acre, and they hate been sold , as high as forty-five thous and dollars per acre. The yield„ of oiVrom the county ,during the year was over fifty millions of dollars, or greater than die en tire coal and iron trade of the entire state Of Pennsylvania, and should the present price of oil be sustained, Lbw prodUCti win be nearly eighty millions of dollars the corning year. That oil, as an article of commerce and exportation, is to become of the first im portance is very certain. Its .uses every- Where are daily multiplying, and the de mand for it augmenting in the same pro portion. It is rapidly displac . ng all oilier substances as a lubricator. As an illumi nator outside of cities and towns, where there is no gas, it has taken the place of everything else heretofore employed for that purpose. In time the same will be the case in Europe. Predictions are now made that it will be extensively consumed in the production of gas especially in the towns remote from the coal mines, as there will be a great saving in the differ ence of the cost of transportation. Nor is it at all unlikely that it will be applied to generating steam in ocean navigation. There need be no fear of the failure of the supply. The extent of the oil bearing territory and the richness of the deposits, is such that it may be considered inex haustible. Since the original discovery in Pennsylahia, oil has been found in Western New York, Western Virginia, and Ohio. Fine surface indications are also said to have been discovered on the Pacifioccast.—Journal of Commerce. car There is a gentleman in St. Louis, . Missouri, who has two bushels and a half of children. • His name is Peck, and • be is the father of ten boys and girls. Four pecks make one bushel.—Mo. Demo. " There is a lady in West Liberty, Ohio, who has favored her husband with thirty six dozen children at three births. Her name is .Gross, and each child is a gross— a gross is twelve dosen.—Tolede Blade. A citizen of Urbana, Ohio, Was presen• ted by his wife with a child, some months ago, sad he has been the father of one more every morning since. Of coarse his name islfore.--Vrbana Union. There is slartner in Putnam county; N. York, who has a mile :and. ajtaxof child ren. His name is Farlong, and he has l 2 bbildreu. Eight furlatts , mAce one —Lezier. roOklyn, N. Y., claims to be r aheaa o f you all, gentlemen—We have a lady here who has presented her husband with two leagues of children *lime is Miles, and she hatrtleen thexuother-et ejs little lirilei.'Threemilemakenleague.—Zagle. There is nothingibusnal about any of those children, though. ~When'we'"wths taking the census, for 1860, we found a /An% thrmer Lt:nor,Sisg'acounty;Pa, who had seven remarkable children. Part ~ofthem were girls, yet all. were • perfect mechanics when only seven years of ugel Their father's name Was Carpertler, and all the babies were carp,enterailontre* siirOnevf postmasters, Mr. !.smian North, in Allegany county, New e Tat, Intiliettivieted'ef steEnt , ilie postage atamps,offoflettm !nailed at his office, and destroying the letters. When detected he confessed ,hie, gu 4 op old, and width" Mety- ,thinutaad dimariv, 4 - 14 80 eflithets of " bulb," ~ ii $ heats " wire 'first applied to ate& anima , tbill:con the London Exchange, a. bolt 834, • ...When• two parties contract, i one to delleir it'd thooth'er to take stocks oil s Pature day t' a specified Prins, it is the interest of. e deliveruig partyln the interveninglertcd, to deil . rC' sa - stockk and orive reoeivingliartfto relit - 3 thiiinT - The former in fityledia bear, in allusion to the habit i,i' that Mitmatio puli 'thin - 0 :down with his paws, 4nd the latter a bull, from thicastom of' . t' animal to throw up an 'Object with.bis • orbs: - ' • THE REGULATOR HEAD Qv oaten FOR BARGAUITS. NET GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH! • • ° P r 415 C ll 4-- 1 7 3 4 4 . *:: '' 4 1103 : 3 1r -, r ,NEW XIISOBA PL, Has jcstavecteed a large Btoek of • • IG, (For Great and Small,) SHOES,BOOTS, ?mph. Traveling-Bags, ; Gloves, Hosiery. Cellars. • Neck Ties, Scarfs, Fancy Shirty, Under Shirts & Drawers, Back Mittens, Umbrellas, etc. aiitieb will be sold at a email advance from cast. Call before Purchasing elsewhere. I HAVE THE . BEST & CHEAPEST groom IN TOWN. GEO. BANDER. Se* Milford, Nov. 1864. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, 47. W., _3Erli.rgesas, Feria, 421.4creaava.ep, 'ON, Wooriatiosr. 51C01...X)X.11113R.51 7 PENSIONS,- BOUNTY, AND BACK PAY. mlrEnndeieigned.LlCENSED AGENT OF TEE GOV. ,a RENEW` will give prompt attention to al. claims cat:listed to his care. 'Charges low. and infor• motion FREE . PITCH.. Montrose,;.July. 14, 1604. em LADIES FANCY FURS. on ESTABLISHED Marniniato/79 in. Gaiety. Also, sane , assortment of Getits Fur Gloves:aid Collars. As mjr PUTS were afl purchailed when Gold was at 4:1 much lower premium than at present. lam enabled to dispose of them at very reasonable prices. and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Susquehanna County. and vicinity. Of - Remember the name, number and street 1 JOHN FAHEIRA. 718 atell Strect,above'Tth. sonth Pidy Bept. 8.1854. a= PHILADELPHIA. on! have no partner, nor connection with Any oth er firm in Philadelphia. HUNT B 0 S. & BLAIR •ln..A.ZavrChAT. IP cli.. 1 r:WltoleealcalleadlDealere la .1 &alumni - 11S o I1:41. ICA Pr STEEL, :NAILS, S, .BUILDER'S HARDWARE , ' luNz 841I K (Lammas= it. r RAO, 4PrirEs. 4ILBOAD4--MININO AIIPPLIES, C4NNIAO 4PNINOs, ,AELEs, SEEM AND DoL i rs, sun cold WASIIES, PLATED DANIA - MALLS.'sVELP lESIIS,SSDS.SPDEPA PELLOES, BEAT SPINDLES, Dolys, ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, 103114498, HANKERS, smogs, PILES, de. de. CMCDTAR AND MILLSAWS.DOLTING, PACIRKw 0, TACKLE BLOCKS, -TLAf3TER PARIS -- CEMENT, BALE a GRINDSTONES. PEENOR VaNDOW MAE% LEATHER & IPANDINGS • FATEMANira 8043313, eirp4OuJair 6l4 4 lB63 : •IY ERIERtiILW - AY. o f gav, 4 l l ov i g tftr a fig a t i ..44l:l2l4 WESTWARD BOUND. . _EASTWARD EDITED. 1, Dar/CW* I N -- 2= Disl AN.T.Egireit..l:46 p.m 5, Mali, at 7:49 p.m 5, Steilaboat " 7:81 p.m 7, Night Express= Can Ea, Ciaclnnatl t. 7:10 asa 21,,Eadapnat, . , 40:05a.m 21, Way PrAglit EWA= 14. , TATY 1 .elSh!'i ' PB!IS , 1 1 4 , — ~, T royi. a 41041 L . aiIAP bat d lc Atmat_ag zap. den . CRS uTi• . • . . .._....... . :.. A . . fete a) °erse mortat, PUBLISHED ON THURSDAYS, AT WITROSE, SUBsatlSHattid. COUNTY, PA., =Y 49.. IT. cb•in.riazirreicow, tit ) ArS4,OO PIIRAIME STRICTLY IN VANCE. • Wherenannent finet made. in advance ra,50.,i, wl,ll beeharged, and 50 cents A year ad& n ail charged nponadlenbsetipttons eat into concede:l ben over a . year In arrears. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted et the to of it fi4 each 'Tumor ten tines or less,sollit three tam and IS cents for each _atthsequent nee ion. - Yearly advertisers allowed eanatehanges, at tad or a column. BLANES kentfor wale and &tined to rdar. 170IIPILINTINO done In good 'style atiortnotira. WISMS BALSAM WILD CHERRY! One of the oldOet and most reliable rOnfdies In the world for cop n~ ColdCliThOoping Conrch, Br cowry of reathlng, Attliffia, muss. Boro Throat, Cz9up,,sad oyer7 31911 OF THE THROAT G$ CHEST, 'SSISTAIIIS BALSA)!!! - orWILIOll.l3lAllit So mural has .the use of this ireinidy **mew and so Popular trig everywhere, that it is unnecsi - ry to recount, itretrtuei, ft itiorks spia r tfor U. and Po utterance in 46.abuidant and, roiuntary testimony re, he many who row tong suffering and settled disease Imo by its use teenretiored M prirtidertgarand health ? W can pro duce amass of evidence in proof of our atePtlans, that CANNOT BIT DISCREDITED. The Rev. Jacob Serlshr, Well *known and much respected amod; the 'German population of this country, makes the ellowi,q, state. wont for the Mmefit of the afflicted : lieworcur, Pa., reb. 10,1839. Dear Sirs :—Ffaring realized in my featly important* benefits from the use of your Taluahlpreparation..- Wale. Baia - Ma Wild Cherry—it affo ame pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some ght years ago 1 one of my daughters seemed to be in a d Ina, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then pro cared a bottle of your excellent Balsam,tud befere she he taken the whole of the contents of 4ie bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my Individual mac, made. frequent use ofyour valuable medicine, and have always been benefited by IL JACO! BECHLFIL Praia ,Teasin Sniffh,Eaq. President of the Morris Coun .. ty Bank, Morristown. New Jolley. °. Having used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for about fifteen years, and, having realized its beneficial results In myllimily,it affords inegrcat plearare to re commend It to the public as a valuable remedy In cases of Weak/an% colda.eonitts..tc-, and a remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken to perfect safety, by the most delicate in health. From lion. Jobn E. Smith. a distinguished lawyer in I have on several occasions used Dr. W blare Balsam of Wild Cherry for colds, and always with decided bone. fit. I know of no preparation that is more efficacious or more deterring of general nee. The Balsam has also been used with excellent' 'effect by J. 8. Elliott, Merchant, Rail's Cross Reads, Md. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless domed "1 BUTTS," on the wraPPM FOR BALD DY J. P. DDISMORB, No. 491 Broadway. New York B. W. FOWLS a CO., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. PAREMAIS Redding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS' _EXPERIENCE u3B fully established the superiority of . ill)), ARCH STREET, .abovelth, NITL'A. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Ito Yellow in Stare °fray n importation and Non tore, one of the Largest 41 most Beautiful selec ts of FANCY FriltS, Over all other healing preparations. It cores:ill kinds or SORES. CITTS.SCALDS.BITILNS, BOILS, lILICEES, SALT RITEUM. ERYSIPELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE LIPS, SORE EYES. Etc„ removing the pain at once, and reducing the most angry looking swellings and Indamation as if by magic. ONLY M CENTS A BOY. 700 ILILLE J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. S. W. FOWLS .t CO., No. IS Tremont at. Boston. And by all Druggists. June 9,1563. lycow NSW 2E'' X EIL , NEW GOODS. T HE undersigned having entered into business nn 1 der the name and style of WEBB it. BUTTERFIELD, be leave to inform the public that they are now re ceving from New York-a large and well selected stock of Goode of every description, consisting of the latest styles of Spring and Summer Prints, Shallies, Delanes, cistissanmer es, .ocrttcorizitaelS. A LOT OP GROCEES, Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, HITS Si - CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, IYMBILELLAS, PABASOLS,NECIE TIES; GLOM, AXLES S ZUXNUNC SOAAM „ dlen, 1,409 . 3 alsprtmeitt#,. coasYugl: of Shovels,. Spade; . Hoes, Forks, icythes, Pruning-hooks, klx4e of ri'vcolioll•tagioe taken le ex change; Sall eadaee Waal WflOtfo Dia Owl on Public Menne. • • ' A. D. BprITIMELD. IOI3B. 2tituffkoli • . nom - gia;mi;argidid lONNlON3iiiiiritiVountit, SiIIOOLPF_TRADE. EnSl433,lorscMO : UM Mai* •der vms~.Lrax acorcesmrzwicm.pr4orc.. Westminster, Nd -AND of all kinds. A good auortment of 11A,RDWARE, FZEMIIMMEM „ _ NEW ARRANOEMENTS A SEW CAll EOfl 20U,000! NEW dc. CSaAP fir. .rs?. _- 1 !) 9 For CASH or Ready Pay: O_EQ. z. risTot si as CO. 111Au t iz e t e z t i7, t e o d e l r ir 0 11 1, the ,st with anew and glotting ' The Latest and moat approved Styles. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS. sarrtCo4o3M - 13-, 3CM 1 037 Of wiery Deeeriptl?n: 39 11 11:1 Of the choicest brands, Includin Bart's celebT 4 ted hfoud., H Fish, Dairy .Salt, Teas; Coffees. •1 Spices, Sugars; Molasses, At very Low prices kw CASH; qpircan and sea for .yourself. Cash paid fol Grain, &mei, Eggs, &c. 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted: ligT - Two doors below 13oyd Webster's corner, in the Storaforcontly occupied by NAL. Post. G. L. STONE, S. L. WISEES. Moitrose, April let, 1864. U JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRYGOODS NOTIONS, CHOICE FAMILY (6 1 2 0 4211111122 9 - BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, tome.c) va "Sir GLASS-WARE, LAMP% oms, HARDWARE AND NAILS, Clls3 Man 1.011.111 1 23:111X4t., dbo. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. It. DeWITT. BOOT. SHOE, GM FURNISHING STORE F. B. WEEKS & CO. H A T Jost opened their SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, # r_ GENTS' FITE.NISHING GOODS, consisting of everything in Gents' line of apparel. from Boots to Hat, Ladies' Fine Spring lialrne.rals and Gaitets, Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other house this aide of New Tart. Come and see for yourselves. Boots &. Shoes made to order Montrone, May 10th. F. B. WEEMS it CO. HAWLEY'S SOLIDI/lED 3Doe3altetl4ox•eana., FOE CLEANSING, WHITENING& PIM/WM THE TEETH. MIMS article is prepared with the greatest care- upon scientific principles, and war not to contain anything In the slightest degree deleterious to the Teeth or tiums. Some of ourtnest eminent Deatal hur geous have given their sanction to, and cheerfully re commend It as a preparation of superior qualities for eleansing,.whitening and preserving the Teeth. It cleatis them readily, rendering' them beautiftilly white and pearly, witholut the slightest injury to the enamel. It la healing to the gams where they am ulcerated And sore. !tie also an excellent disinfector for old and de cayed teeth. whit% are often exceedingly offensive. it gives a rich and creamy taste to the mouth. cleansing it thoroughly, and imparting a delightful fragrance to the breath. PrOZPARtO ONLY BY A. HAWLEY J Co., ' 11.. W. cor. lath & Lombard.kts., PRILADELIIMA. AND SOLD DY ALL DRIIGGLiTS. PRICE 38 CENTS. wreests.zn.ciaallefrls. The followingbpinion of Dr. White. as totha high es teem In whicq ho holds the Dental Cream, must be suf ficient evidence of Its-value rto Atone other testimoni ale in detente needless, =pouting ourselves by simply giving the names and addresa.of persons who apeak of its excellency for thetcalt, . . paa.j,DEIRMA, April ISth. 1868 . Having earettilli , examined A . Llawley'a " Solidified Dental Cream," I hereby cheerfully recommenditto the public generally. It la an excellent_preparation for cleansing add preserving the teeth, and can be used by all pOTIODB wall the utmost conddedee.os its properties are perfectly harmless. Beside! , preserving the teeth, It promotes a healthy action to thekkups, and tinparts plessautoess tollie breath. •• , Dr. W. IL .WHI VI. 1209 Arch street. Tris. Inansx, Dentist; 491 74. 4th et. ~ 1. 805tax,;254 8. ekbet.• • •-- • • ,„ E. Vertnenstren. Surgedn Deettat.42.s Aid' et. C. A...Kevroseenry4 Dentist: 1119 Walseast. • ' - S. Du.z.nrcatnre, D. A. 8, 734 Arch at. P. M. .Dixon, 827 Arch et: Enver.), Townes/14 Dentist,B2o N. lthzt. L. H. Dourntair, Dentist, 801 N. 10th at. M. L. LANG, Dentist. 629 N. Bth et: Juno 2, 1884.. 1y , • • 140Aufekotqe -9f-WdoleD , Goo • de cmcatxx—r*m. In answer* nameroda bigaMois fo whiff *re could make up woolinto cloth if,bronghr hereafter; we have to ray : There !sail the wool taken in that can be done e t h e nf comingt w a g inter.w.ea . As moat perue tknrbest o wanteheir goods fom to notify, tbSto of this kid to prevent disappolament. > , • • In the meantime we shall do taguesson's work Alt satiation:4lV polotblo,' and Oake addltiono to 'opt machinery and fixtures:UO at to be , ableto do ell that's orkrelliPother year.: Wo shallop Mond eolorontd &nth for cdribmeiro dnrinfrths tall. • • r • - --- - - -- INOHAM & WRENCH. IlcArn Eactop t s.ValtrOwoo 77, - / 5 / I .4trfir; 0 6 Pr:/, , ;5 134 .• laulinvitits , votatastunrwatei • . .- 5 . 7 " P. as, Mina% HMV satetZti A FULL ASSORTMENT OF fia & WIER GODS, Or JUST RECEIVED, 4§11:-., ' , gni will DO sold' ' " AT A LARGE ittmitnort from Aril pxlevi. OrThis Redaction will inelade Cho ENTIRE sTocx. which will be brand as large as Donal, aaOlrilLl?pjaeld we THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS 3Ficor 40 4 ASS ET ! ON TIME, or for P.RODIJOE 11111111 ITT, Nov, 1863, New' Milford. ABEL 'rURRELL Nowoffers to r sale owl of the largett suldbestbelettions of -j j TJ Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably cam pricing tbegreatesit:Verlcry Or tDMlLdidtkuntfirtiele,s of any Store in the Northern part of Pennaylvania,andper ham+ of the entire State. An assortment it kept in &twat thirty different branches of trade, and the deice. ' tints are made from about forty of the, best lionises in New York. and more than fifty Dealeraand Menefee turers out of New York.. A large prep-141mi of.the Ooodeare brought direct from the manufacturers, shut insuring genuine articles. Customer' on kuiering the Store must not expect to find everything in sight.,bni nearly every article wanted will be prolueed by inquiry. Some ides of th e Stock may be formed by th e following general outline, but enumeration is impracticable, Drugs and Medicines, Paints and 'Oils. Dye Staffs, Groceries, Liquors, :rockery, Glass Ware, ,Wall and Window Paper, Jewelry, Silver Ware,Perittmery.Eancy Goods, Binsicallnatruments. Brushes; American Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware, Lamps, Materials for Lights, hardware. Bed Cords,Stone Were, Dry Cloods.Mirrors.Window Glass. Lithographs. Tar nishes, Bird Cages. Spectacles. Whips, and Lashes, Brooms. Gans. Pistolif, Ammunition, Tobacco. Medi cal end Surgical Instruments, Silt, Soap; Potash, PRl brellop, Porcelain Teeth. in short, nearly everrthing.to restore the sick, to plenee the taste, to delight the eye, tog ratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real sad subatantial comforts of I ife. The attention of the.pnblit Is reapeetfully invited to ,my stock.of Goods, bought exclusively for casb down, and will be sold on the same principle forlow prices. • ABEL TIIBBELL. Montrose, January 15t,1863 KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Mimtroae, Pa. Wm. L HATCH, Proprietor. TIIIS neWand almodlous Hotel Is sittiateden Public Avenue. near Ow Coati Holm, and nearly in centre of the business portion of Montrose. The Proprietoris condflentthatlie Is prepared to entertalngueste Ina way that cannot COI togive MkITIHE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no capture:has been spared tovender it equal if not superior to any In this part of the State. It. Is well oroppliedwith atlVeCinn Improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be ready to respond tothe cull of customers: The Stables connected with this : bona* aro new and convenient. The Proprietor respeetiblly solleits the patvonageof his old friends, travellers, and Our pnblicgunmily. )anSS tf WM. K. HATCH CALVIN C. HALSEY, MIMING MGM, For Pensioners, and Applicants 'for.Pensions. IL Or Office in Public Avenue, over the Stare of .1. Ly ons S Son. , . Montrose, Pa., May .26, 8864. tf ' H°WARD Association, Phfladelphiaj Pa. Diseases of the Nervous, SlinDial..Uflosilifinf finA* nal systems—new and reliable treatment—in Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Sent by can in selled letzer envelopes, tree of charge. Address Dr. J. SILILLIX Houonvos, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th street, Philadelphia. Pa. cent; T2l "THE FAMOUS BARBER. " Come and see the famous Barber. Famous Barber. late of Jiayti, Late of Hayti, now at Weeks. Now at F.. 18. Weeks' Store Room, Find me shaving and shampooing. Find meentting hair to suit yon, Find me reply at piny service. At your service, aunurrutrams Montrose,Oct.ls, 1668. •tr SOLDIEFiS I BOUNTY, • PENSIONS, a3aci 3E3a,034, 17ay., MEIE andel-sinned, LICENSED AGM'er of the EMMETT, having obtained the netensaty forthe t willgive prompt attention , o ell claims intrusted to hie care. so charge unless env:cleft). 0110. P. Lrrn.B. , Montrose, June 6th, 186& , DELAWARE LACKAWANNA:4r. WESTERV RAIL-ROAD. Tipae. of Passenger Trains, 0 L : l2, 1/364. tnWAIM. r LiAvi.6 STATIONS Great Band Now Milford, Montrodi . Hopbottont, Nicholson, F Ari t t= 4 b Chirk Sum'it,' Scranton, . • Strondebnrg, annrikaChntik !Iliad's change! • ow' XiaraPihn• . 4.10 al 1.40 1 a 4 1245.50 11' 11.15 10.45 'M SO 10.00 6.21 6.00 I 8.39 5.16 4.54 i i 4,40 4.82 6.10 1.22 12.10 ill M. P 11,25 rt The.P.assengerTrian' , :Northi- ~! Leaves New Hinnyton on4he iiniTla of the *II Titan , which, leaves Newlorit at 8,09 R. and Atoweplut Chunk on the rtrri valor the Minirbieh leases Thou . .(limminztou pepot) at 7.15 „ #lt; Hermit& thief train manes elate ca,neecttoos with testes op the a w anm it, Bl o omsburg; sad Meltware d§ Hedsonkt roads. and it Great Dead with .the Sail Tata on the, Bag RAH*LY Doing :vest. P;issengei' Train 4gAtliv, Leafei Great Died after the arrival of the Hhiebanati Borelogrons the West, connecting I at' Seranten mittc trateson the Lackawanna & BloontOomertdDelaWere, & Hudson Railroads; at Mannnka Ronk' with, the' treinforPtrdedephia4 and atNewilamotonwlttrtreine for trqw-Tbrit, the Lehigh Valle), lieffltbms. 'to. pao• seem Ud .' by e tette arrive ' fn' Wew-Yorek at ti:40,10 pbtAdsiphlaot GM, and itt,Narelebitt& 14.0410 p. m: :_ Thit: Accommodation ,Train,• , t, N o rtotsra.conoct*.wirest Bead wttb. pie imxir.b. press got ngWest, by which tuiseengera pmiVis, At WU* ands yracuse the SAMS •• • • t• 9. , Southward, leaves Great Bentitifter the arrival ot the Nowirgrk Itxprege gojng Rut: ttrAll PassengerTrUni On the ItHe Railway tat Greet Dead . • • • WATTA copwa 11. A.• Mgt.:. •- • • • FLOUR..FLOUR! „ cimidenireitla "NAM, QUORPIRC fitistlitlietrAartalaik,•l WMA.'t EIVOISBUIttI rt4i.xPe4va... 012°Alttr . ". ise 4 •Pau-s- Tow -in ... ~ usioreiNorrawano. mance._ , , 31aLL . - lisertork.. .*co..sett Northumberlasd,_ , ~•" . Danville.. "SAO' • '' ' • Ranert, Blobmstairg, 10.33 " Kingston, 1952 : en- , 44.01111... m. . (us p:.m. Pittston., 13.150 • S.W " TAD " Scranton, 1.30 " 10.00 " , 1.61 " '..''' WPM: ASAPPI3V.VAIta Sonatas,•• • !,,,140p. R. !FAO 11. 4 14., 49,44,. at. Pittatda, LW Ile • 11.31 '' Kiogston„ , 3l.2onottn. 8.30 " . 6.ssleave. , .13.0:9 la. Bloomsburg, 9.25 p. m. • Ito Oort, .. 825 " • ' Danville, . 9.15 " Boithogiberktialtil% " Passengers taking the mil train loath tannest nit% : l irb!s e r;A l i t it n m f M. gl u tt r lt h rraP43. p a d . ;Virg p c a c delph aSg."l.OO a..m. The mall lralefrum Nora laD4 leaves -Immedistelg after the antral of the EA press Train from' Ilairleburg rind Baltimore, allowing plumengtirs lesprlng7htlade/Ahs at 0.401), m., to emck potato on tale road daring the next forenoon. New andelegant Sleeping Cass actompany the Night Trxina s t ack yrity between Ntuthombertand end Ph pall. H A. 'FONDA, Pep't. NEW GROCERY VARIETY STORE DASEWITIIFA I SiTARBELIaIIOT-gL. Tenbecrtberpronlet-infolhS hhroltl rrifietlhh_gle 1 the public gent:ay:that - hit' hid Pat MetursiedlTtelli York CiiHrOA 4 WESo l lete.4Manumit at • sad fatiOTlll k iDtil{e7 . ' ll;ti Cs;l7j4h 11 ; i;r o i g "Il i fatalb , , add that Mel , , wfb bosold eits prices that =not fall to suit. PliAse all andet lllStit• illontrote; Feb. 4 i 864 ., • WM. H. COOPER & CO. AGENTS /OS Thompootro ". Black' Star" Lino of • Livortiod P4oktits:' -ni 030106 iliting to dead lot . thilt Mends is tbi old .0 .eonntry,lito protege passago' tiatoto by 00 boos Unshorn the Imbgaibers: . Also; Dratto'bo I t3landidy Wein sumo 10 Nffi B. COOP= & CO., Itialtor3. Mordrooo, , Jukl7, 1863. If A ..LECTURE To "rcria.22.6 de li. Just published in a sealed eaueloo; ants; A LECIVItr e on the Nati:ire, Treatment itzditadical ()vireo? ninttorrhm ee a or Seminal Wknese ln valuntary.Dlr, salons, Sectod Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousneas, Consumption, /fp iletorty, and Fits; Menial acid Physical Ineanatity, re sulting from self-abase, de. Ay Bortictrr .4.lo4vantrip.lt, If. D., author of the'" Green liooh," de. The world renowned author, in this admirable LK. tore, clearly. proves Arun his own ear zrinnet that the awful consequences braelPabuseixtly '6c...effectually re moved without *Madge and without dangerous surgi cal operations, b a ngles, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode °retreat Mice certain and effeetu• al, by which every sufferer. DO 111702-. what ;11s.. Ong lion may be, may cure himself cheaply. vHsgitely. And rtidleallY. Thin Ledpre will,proee- • boon to thousands and thourande. Seat under iteat , to enyaddreas, lb sphilti, settled en. rehape, on the receipt 01 eta cents, of Iwo postage stamp, by tddre4nd6g C. a co.. 4.1 g j 7 trt Bower!. N. Y.. Pop% omen box., 45813 xivicmcix.ikat __ _ _ nanufactureri and iimilesin WOOLEN GOODS Camptown, on Wyainning Creek, Bradford Ca ra. Rolls; Carded and , Cloth Finished. . WrManufacture Cloth. for CoMomera Oa Abates, or e ' at the following.priem per yard : Caaalmere, best One; 45 Omit. Flalri Cloth, best dnisb, One, tse. Gray and Mixed Caestmeree. cte. Tweeds, 12 cents. Common Fulled Cloth, Oct's: White Flannel, 21 cents, Madder Red Flannel, d eta) :oMy;Flannet; The Gray Flannel made with taate, and vary enlMble forOlottang.. We will card Rolls (or persons horn a Motives to take home without Way. lIANVET INGHAM, AMOS WRICICH. Cainirtown. ,Moy 10th, 1164.—tf B. m. Pettengiti & Co., A7O. 37 PARS TtOW, Nem York, and 6 Slate iStre t e. 1 1 1 Bmton,asoaragentsforthe Montrose ntoatatt In thomeities, and are authorized to take advertisements and euteimiptionsfor nett our lowest rotes. SOLDIERS" BOUNTY , PENSIONS, And Rack .Pay ! rue anderrigeed Lter eszp- nozoi rteGoisior• fire: will give prompt attention to nflelainis Mow ted to We care. Noel:ago ankle ineeeeettd. Montrone. Aug. %WM T. & MeCO4lOll. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. /1314*-=' 90 ' 6 Dl* think" OILPiI tOVNTT. • cotorted)o. • •. Capital BOA* ..s93ehaek. 1111710t13: • Jour EvArtooiorooo. Gao. W. Gooirux, lialtVre F. B. Juno N ow-York. REIIIIIAII7I "'MIL N. T. IL S. Cony, w-York. COUNZLIVIarnOI. T. kiousn, New-York. DI. C. TYLER, New-York. 8.0. ARNOLD, Provideace, B. I. president—tile Excellen,qy jOrpi EVANS, Dovernoo of ry. Colorado Territo. • 171eorreadenta--UOll, O. 4nrou), Dr. LaorrlPP 4 Ty e seorer=l l 4l.fflas U.'LAWY9S. Beezetary.4. DAvrze. (ap!lyscaeoll office No. pp ClUr streci, .NAw-York. . . =MI Acton. mod*. tion. P. U. ROD' LOD -3.10 616; O 4 1, LB° le 6.15 . 8.0 7.05, -, • witirresscorcr • • xatrtin fn. g Stites:SA '!. IT= enbenrtber having bees Appolnithe Coal*. _lLastssioner ofrensioas,a birDICAL WRIIOIIAr at large to examine and ittnieeitntraltpa to an minted to Paqslons, wtil attend to all aWleatlona that mat „hi tressOted WM, at Montrose. ya. Rooms at J. 6. T 4. eregotel; I B. PATRICE. ' 4ontroar e ttprp 6, 1863.—tf N•E ,• • ri IALDWIN , &AI49 Ago( I:! • r 01 , , sum op.rusuo amtaiim, .P.Loti M t, , FEED,.s4w ; 4 Wheat, 'Clover, Timothy t Flax - Baa l 0%41484 Lard, _ TORZ Jl4•Xifio vm -r13 K 1 11 41 1. plefi,Samicallg t alibut, Syr#lllq.i‘pWaisimis: land ,tan #44 . 0 61 044t4P , T0N;8A04 1 0 44.AraiN,141z,5,, Oath fbr Itatterg t - ' .110autmo. , ipto maw exdp l3l776 gsb.cialtiriW 6P" • awsuaapp. „.0%.w2;)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers