TE li rt4.9 2 9 ll t7r; -14431" 1 1P1k-TritalLi •0 ~ A. A, , , Correct • • Tlid grollMelirbiriany tdins, Is.by put too large, andithedratiwill , be unmerciful unleascorreetions- are made. The follow ing cusses should be stricken WTI bead men, -Mest:iin the - service, - Noit'iresidents,' Those who. have.served , titto years, 'Altdtalted in 11413 who paid $300; Those under 20 yeatawf age, The over 45, „ • Aliens, 2 • Those having manifest disability. . Many are enrolled twice or more, .and some' ant notenrolled at all. Thisewtight to beCorrected. Every' town should' have Jitibliti meetings to examine its list of the names enrolled; to detect the errors and frauds. llitt 'we do not knOw how these ntii(t.cts can belir,operly attended to When the`publie cannot see the lists. All cannot girtAit OorantoNto, examine the, roll, audit' they,oll4l,he iniaritcOulatnot admit There is but one. way: ,The board should make the list politic; iiiittas done in other diAricd.K t Attila thii.iiiiirrio! be done'; if each a public t mit:slag and select a committee to ask for a written list 14171 1 t°" sjti erif er Fl r irtimr ' rgit'".. 'hid 41,1* b Sochi; erY'sodu. Iliwofo9..D, 50th P. V. lit. • , The •141 , or I Nutt Pennsylvanian,' printed at Susq ,IprilN. Ilya ,1, : ~ : i i.s i'... The I,l4W4i4fkttlePares . ritcelveij from I s Daniel 1:111$, son Iltflenry tliy; Esq., klftMlAktiugh:: It ,was written, alma two-weeks . apt' ' - To the folks at home—l am still • here, and - enEing gnat; health at present, as you Mastl)by:4l , K ". ,. A.: have, ea heard from brother since I have been here. Ed. triPtifft slid *O. 4d!1 1 13 8 areltere and en , iiyinfi the same blessing as myself at pres ,ent. - Iflealse . : - pabliill 'he 'foll6.wing . died filide,pnsoners::. Ed.Sloat,Andrew Eder, Daniel. March, blank' Brown,laa. latilky. Ebteueserbivena .was left sic k at Camp Andersonville, Ge. Charleallodine and William C. Avis, sick at Charleston, S. C. The rttitilifihniiyliarit here and •A0j0y i°449411c4•114).-?x,,,-: Agricultural Notice. • • • "The - atio nal meeting of the }Tartord A rienitural. Society for the election of 011 tierifor the enautng year, will be held at Ifarford . ort.-Monday, evienink, Jan. eth, M members are invited to attend. W. B. Oyu.; Seely. 14 94 Cal Neeting.' `The antinal•meeting•of the Susq's Co. Medical Society, will be- held at the office of E: L.'Grardner; Secrets% is Montrose, on Wednesdayolan. 4,1805._ All 'regular practitioners nre inviicd . to rittena. dea The annual ni eet mg or th 4 umueban 7 nq (Agriou It Oat Mety .4val t he Lehi at. the Court fions,c; ..the Borough of Montrose ; on Tuesda y ec.ening,tite first weettiliif etitirt, : 2 1863;' for election of officers for the ensuing year. w. C. L. Iltowar, Scey.' StockhoNers' Ideating. The annual meeting of the stockholders Winetiox it Harmony Turnpike Road COmpany.wilt he' held At the house form erly occupied by Joel Seeemback, in Gib son, on the,itrst, PloiAty s (segred day) of JailWS, 1865, at ten o'clockin the fore- EMMA. _• - . JOHN ISIHLEIrrTreaS. • New York Wholesale Px RePortedifir%tint Joszan CARPANIVI E Commission merch ant, 323. - WAtthingterrist.dgew 'relic, to Nhom shiwents o prodncemay be made. Twkithlidkof thet : initrkpkyhiee ;still be , advanced on the receipt of the goods if de'stieWind a, quick return made for-the balance. Full direeticrns, and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mad to th aso - TAkkag•libiPOlCatirr: ' - P4tirfrafor the weckiediv Dec. 23, '64. Deans, white sound, per.ba., 260 800 Butter in tubs, per.pound, 60 60 firkins, -44- 45 60 48 _ 50 Cheese ; -choice. " 20 24 ''aimaaaas " 14 16 Dried Apples- . ." 14 16 Eggi,Tresh; - per: dozen, 43 1- 45 Flonr,awbeat; per, barrel, 4 900 • 15 0 0 " rye, • , - 9'15: . 9'50 Feathers,' live geese, per lb., 75. 99 Beet Sides, •- 11 16 Mot ' ton.44,.s.angsa, _ i i „l4 Vett .5 j -- 41- 11 3 15 'pork,;llreisedi: ' ° lB Wheat ; pet. basbel, • • 1180 240 R ye. , • (4, 1.56 170 Oata,, • • " 100 106 Coro, 1 130' 191 Rides, A rrpoun.f,„ :1 2 24 grgOi: 'I I 'l7 t' c7..2 23 Lett Amato:llle, - 11 442 BeeflM*l '4)1,111100;.48=00 prime,.. " . ,40, 20 00 Pork, ttiee,' ' 00 41 00 ,Prjalte, 1 /0 00 37-94 fgam4 , 1b...c 24 t. T. ;20. :Shoulders..ftint#oi, r le l 26 'Timothy tfeed;-- per - 4 ao 800 k.:l' r viierl6."...' ?:(11 SVOOI, Irl l ole4 v , i .,11,15 - e , 120 ! zr ~70 ANsfel" " 56:•"13 00 fell.repottiof theNiti York Ilarketißan .4 , sei.lii ,otcfbovin.q9.4-1 1 m. uußeatid :up to hit editirday.; 'hdve fife' 'a Weekly Price Current:elf 'Produce, 'for the use of oar friPlloo.lo9 410): Qsfl to Onalbre in tbe,t*lre list' is pren the -lowes4 end ighest prices whichk, are 4evereed,by Way, end coodttion. • Many articles that .F# l * o° .? ° : ooo 4:Abcivltfigt r° 01 44 .0 r0t.0.4-12114.460.-, • fOle,,ofPims. - t TheT,TsAtilt. alivirikAnk rose, will be Bold s for the ensuing' year, on Saturday, pi . eFMber p. m. Soldinf Bounty, fay and Pandas. Siddldis b frippOitfooldiers who may net& Ccdlect h ig BoUnty, Back.ilty, Peisiobliriatiey, will &id it to their interest, to. call, upon Geo. P. gontrose. Be hidis l't ary forms awl instructioni from the departments, ih fiimiliar with the business, und, carefully wadies theinterest of cliects, Gharges.lpw,and no. charge whcrp a 'clajts itrilot collected. ,r Only One 'Dollar: 11 Ottrffiende' 7 Wilt tileatie notice,that the firicemf t,se t,he ontrcis DugotmaT, (until t otherw ste t ell) "wdl lie ridieed to the very lowyratti - of ,Oss-Eroaaant.pryeur in advance; , i);sYfililein' gad, or silver coin, or billA of specie-paying banks. Those who prefer•torpoyjn the eommon currency of the, cish •will he chargea " two,dollars; " which are now worth about 45 cent, each, in;eoin-r-and i aµa is worth only itsformer value:; . This lam Baud. red action of one third from our old rates ; and we , presume -no one will ask us to lose more. glMernOlPsiti!Plti9v4o l ,oe• Lin "gene an the Draft. The COnimercial Advertiser of Dee. 20, after referring to President Lincoln's "stale. joke" of a draft "to make up for deficiencies occasioned by credits on the last call," says : "It, is 'perttotly amazing after the con tinued trust and confidence which the pet). ple have repoXed in the President, and the generous 'and magnaniir.ous treatment which they have extended to the many errors and short-comings of his adminis tratioo, that they should still be treated like children or fools. We have already exposed at length in these columns the absurdities and bad faith shown in these inultitudinouz "calls" and "drafts" for men to till up our armies, and we do not care to renew the subject. We cannot resist the temptation, however, to bring once more to the head of the War De- Part'Pe9t. -the -following... despatch, which he xelogrOhild to General Dix on the 3d of September !est i , while, the last draft fur - 5 00 4099.Fra-itis pentag . '; Thkuatral and other cr Atti required y the act of Congress will ailment to about two 'hundred thousand.; including New, Yeti:, which has not yet been reported to the department; so; that, the President's tsall of July 19 is practie.ally reduced to three butidred thousand men. One hun dred thousand new troopiis, promptly furn ished, are all that General Grant asks for the taipture of Richmond, and to give ,a finishing blow to the rebeLannies -In Ow ileWMstresidue of - the-call irucild• be, adequate for " -- garrison§ in " flirts, Lenrd - to guard 411,,tbe lines of cep) niegoinn,,and B UPPI7, ' and ' Aie the country:fro..fn . , gueril las, meat:amity. to tziule,' iniaect-COM merce and travel, and establish peace, or : det'and . ifanikuilityin every state. ." Ltrwrzt Ai. SrAxozr, Secretary of War. We would also call the attention of the Tribune, which for several days past has heel?, urning,tbe President to order !moth er draft, to the following editorial ex tract from its columns of the 31st of Aug. latit Information that reaches us in various quarter - ,,jes,ti6es our convictior, that, in addition:3o crediti for men previously furnished, at least two-thirds, and prob ably three-fourths, of the half-million called for will have already passed mus ter, or be ready •for master, on the morn ing of Sept. 5, and:that one half .of the country will thus' be out of the draft by reason sc _their haying filled .. kkeir quotas by.iowilihips, wards, cities,-condties and states. It closes its, article by : asking : Is it gond p.olleoLfor_the,government,ta adhere to the system cif - draftingso repugnant to the interests and: feelings of the Amtrr can people—after an experience of a year anf/A half bas:oho*,n it to be so entirely inadequate to the desired result? Tim _Herald of Oct. 27 (before the elec tion) said in its nests columns .: .Tbe statement in tin World, purport. in g to bevent from Washington, that Lin , coin re-elected, call' for'it peremp tory draft of three hundred thousand men on the first of January, is pronounced by Gen. ,Frfutterly unfounded and devoid of truth. Two days afterward the Herald follow. ed this up editorially, byprououncing the statement in the World an "electioneer ing'Oorbaeli." an d : The; according' to the World, ballot box stuffing earned the recent elections against the Democrats ; a rweeping draft, it Lincoln should be reelected, will be the first thing in order 'after the election, as The Times teemed with statements, pretended to be by authority of General Granfolat oftneamere already in the field, to 4. fintsh up, the rebellion and resoreliesoe and *volts% to the-coun try. The Tribune *as oonfident that edit Of the two preiloes drafts would be - the " lest." Were the men who control ; these papers short-004d and ell !fide 'aequpited . With events the t they were deceived themselves or were they willful ly deceiving others!: The fact, is upon us now. The dnift is . ordered,' and, there is reason to believe that it ivill . be.esecuted vigorously.. No impottutefeleetion isimmediataly before us; and frw considerations will 'probably be filloied to Mitigateits severity. John D. Defrees . asks Of Con greini-a ifeteit'appropriation .of ban' a mit !ionof dollars on. acooon,t .of th e paper 'item; . patafiear be tanght paper* gighteea cents. per koaad, sad htma liumirstle it cry thirty4ersu atop.- J CONGRESSIONAL , PROCEEDINGS, Dec: 1,9f- , House.—Mr. Davis (Rep. of Md.) Offered the resolution reported' by him on Thursday, which was then tabled, declaring ihat Coatress has the constitu tional right 3,9 a voice in deciding the for eitn ray of'the government, and that it.isi, Oluty oldie President to respect that ' voice. Adopted ;--118 to 8. The2d branch ofthe resolution, declaring against the..right 9; the President to explain away and repudiate the voice of Congress when so expressed, was adopted, 09 to 58. These votes are a severe rebuke to the insolent; conduct of Lincoln and Seward in writing to France that Congress had no authority to announce the Monroe doctrine as a proper foreigkpolicy. Senate—Dec. 20.—Mr. Wilson intro duced a bill to increase the number of ca defeat the West Point Military Acade my, and to raise the standard of admis sion to the same. It provides - that, hereafter, the Presi dent shall appoint, in addition to the num ber elreadranthorized, two cadets from each .state, nut fifty from persons who have served not Jess than one year in the army. $o person shall be admitted who is lesif than seventeen ngr more than twvhay years of age. The standard of admission is raised by an increase of stu dies, in which the applicant for admission must be proficient. The hill was referred to the Military Committee. Mr, Harlan (Rep. lowa,) introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire into the expediency of requiring all residents of Columbia to take and file with the pro. vost .marabal of Said district, an oath of allegiance, and to prohibit all persons from doing business in said district who shall not take said oath. The reiolatioa was passed. Mr. Powell, (Dem. Ky.,) desired to call up his resolution, asking ter information as to the cause of arrest of Lieutenant- GoverirJacobs, of Kentucky, and Colonel W . ooltord, an Elector. Mr. Powell ad dressed the Senate on the subject of his resolution. Gov. Jacobs had been spirit ed away, he knew not where, and Colonel %Yr:milord:was in jail, in Covington, Ken tucky. lie thought the Senate owed it toitself tkcali information as.to what, of- fencer. there had been committed. • - . Mr. Wklre (Rep. Hass..) moved to ameud by inse rting, "ff not incompatible with the ppblie interest." The sitmen'dmint -was adopted, and at terwards the resolution as amended, was passed.! , Holman, (Dem. Ind.) of fered a resolution, which was adopted, in struoting -the: Committee on the Public • Lands to inquire into the expediency of setting-npart_some of the public, lands for tato omens or auhltellt who brava titrPermanently disabled during the present war, and whose circumstances re quire the generous aid of the country, granting to' the several states the lands, the proceeds of the sales of which shall be expended in providing homes or such oth er relief Ba the state Legislature may de. determine. Mr. Cox, (Dem. Ohio,) asked leave to introdnee thefollowing, but Mr. Stevens (Shoddy) objected : Resolved; That the Secretary of the Tres snry be directed to communicate to this Rouse what,. if any , amount of gold in the treasury, , not -necessary for thepay ment of th e 'interest of the public debt, has been disposed of under the joint reso lution approved March 17, 1864 ; what amounts and the' yarions times when the same . were disposed of; at what rates, and what agents were employed in the transaction; Dee. 21.—1 n the Senate the•Honse bill to tax whiskey was passed, 22 to 12—not voting, 14. House.--On motion of Mr. Ancona,, (Dem. Pa.) it was resolved that the Com mittee of Ways and Means be requested to inquire into the expediency of reducing or suspending the import duty on print ing paper, and they be and are hereby re quested to report by bill or otherwise at an early day. On motion of Mr. Coffroth, (Dem. Pa.) the Committee on military affairs were in structed to inquire as to the amendment of the enrollment act, so as to allow any person drafted to put in a substitute at any place where a mustering officer is sta. timed, to be credited to any part of the congressional district in which the person resides at the time the substitute is ac• cepted. After a debate about retaliation for pris. oners of war, the-House passed the tiefi plenoy bill, and adjourned to Jannary btb. —Speakine , e of the exchange of prison. era the Sprin gfield Republican says :" Let Gen. Butler be . overruled in his senseless obstinacy,,and, let our perishing men be recovered before they all die. The peo ple have a right to demand this in a man. ner to be no longer resisted." —A free school for colored females was recently opened in Baltimore. AA a mark of esteem for the President of the'United States as the author of the Proclamation of Emancipation, and the deep interest he has manifested in the welfare of the color ed people, 'the parents and friends of the children who attend this school decided to qa_ll,it,the.!i, Lincoln School." •. .. soLDlz,pitso„ - 130101tTY, I i tNSIONS, And Back , Pay ! 11M'aslessisroe4 LWm 00777 07 703 0071:101. 0777. Will give prompt ittemtiortet ill claims Mtn* teal totrose, his care. -No stuns Wen susenAl. _ Mon . XeC- ° UM teuTrER. TALLOW, EGOS, MOND APPLES and "JUD most kinds of produce wanted to enduing. tot. 9 s 4o o lo, cim".4 l 4,:tVWlThi am ,.. 7 I.ELCB110611.; At Barford, 0 1 11 the 17th inst., liy Rev. A. Miller, Mr. WARN= EL Witusirm of liarfuro, and Kum Itnis Toads, 'of Len- ra kirs In F klin, en the 18th, by Rev. J.N. Diament, r. George W. Park, of Prank lin, and . Angeline M. Suonon, of 13rooldyn• , In Dito. , lr, on the 15th inst., Mr. I. NAnus DeuEETY, aged 59 years, 9 mo. and 7 dat's. He leaves a large family and numerow friends to mourn his loss. PUBLIC SAL, w n,L oni t em y 3 R cf: D Z Oß SA:LIC4L . M7CllOlt, AN. ad, 1865, truneuclog st. 10 o'clog, a, m., D t.g . foto log desettbal,properts, to wit : 3 Itorse c l two-year old Colts-6 Cows-8 diale r s Sbess-8 yall Wagons-2 lumber ns-4 Saosts —2 Alps salssi t -1 two-horse Walsh—Dairy Figures —Haman V.ftatts-4 Cook Eitoeo.iloosekokl Pont. tore. ete. garTerkikkutelo known on tler cl Ede. • 1382A1213., Auctienzetr. 31EW.12ziyo East Iteldotniter, lIeC 5 . 1665. , • .11 . LOPS FOR SALE. 1 6 11.1%beiemeri‘iff.reeianfta.thj,cext. t e the extenelv o rb of the sc., L. &W. sc. za.'Co., now In progress. bey are laid oat In arnvenlent shape and good else, an may be porebased at liberal rates and on easy terms o Bytom. Great Bea . 4,1864. EXZCITTORIS WILL BtiOLD AT Tali BOtIBB LATE OP A. MOS TIWKSBURY, dec'd. In Brooklyn on Tirednerday tkcatti day of danuary,lB63, at 10 o'clock, a. M., the fullOing 1 sett Cane' bottomed Chalis-1 Cootlag Store-4 Parlor Stovea 4 Tables—Looldng Glasses— Sap Tubs. (nearly new)-41 Sap Boller-1 ons-b se Wagon-1 C d ounty Map— , lßench Surolv—and aumerna bther at irs. Also at saunitime and place, tho widow of said deoa dent will sell be HOME AND LOT lately owned byhim, situate in Brooklyn village, eon. tuning about 4 seiet . 'Tbe buildings, house, barn, olte.i are nearly new. Brooklyn, Det. Bth, 1884. E. A. WESTON, Er NT.EMT:AICTEI. TBE undersigned will sell on her Dusk Cgs :eat Glick) in Dimock township, on THURSDAY, DEC. 2911 t, 18911, Two farm Horses, 1 two-year old Colt, S Cows, I Calf, 29 Fheep, I new covered CarriaLe Lumber Wagon, I Oz Out. 9 Plows, Cultivator, - u6 row, Horse Bak', Yokes. Cbalna, quantity of Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Beans, Flax Seed, Potatoes, ally: Straw, some Pine and Basswood Lumber, also one Cook Stove, two Parlor Stoves, Beds, Bedding, Bedsteadai. Chain, Tables, Carpets, two Clocks, Milk Pan% and mar articats4t Bousabobut and PA= use, 100 Sal mesons to mention. TEP.MS OF SALIL—AII mum under Ass dollars, cast' down ; five dollars or over, one year's credit wilt' interest and approved security. rir Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock, a: kt. Iwo ELIZABSTiI °ILES. East bitstock, Einsq's co-. Pa. 11_ S. 7-air INN. The Secretary of the Treastiry gives notice that seriptions will be received for Coupon' Treasury Notes, payable three years from Aug 16,1364, with semi•anan al interest at the rate of seven ea three-teuths per cetit. perannum,—prindpsi sad Interest beitikto be paid in lawful motley. • • These notes will be convertible at the option of the bolder at niaturity, into six per cent, gold bearingbOndas payable not less than Ova nor mere than twenty Lattre train their date, as the Government May elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O . $lOO, $330, $l,- 0015 and $3,000, and all subscriptions malt be for any dollars or sumemultiple °flirty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charres as soon attar the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be , prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15. persons making deposits subsequent to thatodste mutt pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties deposlting_tweetylve thousand dollars and upwards for these noes at any onalltdei will tie allotted a commission of one quarter of one per tent., Which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount. certified to by the officer with whom the deposit wa. made. No dedectione for coma. missions must be made from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. IT IS a NATIONAL Savrtros Basra, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, lad the best sectuify.s— Any savings bank which pays its depositor" In U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country,. aridircannot payanything bet. ter, fur its own assets are either in government securi• ties ur in notes or wands payable In government paper. It is equally convenient ass temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated. interest, and are the beat security with hankies collateral; for dia. Convertible into a 61z per eent. 640 Gobi Bends. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per swum, forthis current rata for 11..21 Bonds Is not less than nine percent. premium, and before the war the premium on slaver Cent. 11. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It oval be, peen that tiro actual profit on th is lean, at the present market rate, is not lees than ten per cent. per annum. Its Slemption from State otffitiriioipal insatkn. But asidafrom all the advantage' We UV& IM _ 1ZE134111- ted, a special act of Congress exempts sij_Bonds and Treastry Notes Wen lees! taxation. On thdateragn, this exemption is worth about two per Mgt. per &n -um, according to the rate of taxation In vaxton• parts of the country. 11 is believed that no securities offer so mat induce. meats to lenders as those issue by the govestment. In all other forma, of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock Companies, or deem*" corn. , on muniti. only, Is pledged for psymerd.wh tbewhel• property of the country Is brlu to secur e the discharge of all the obligations crawl:Tailed States. While the government offers the Most liberal terms for its loans, it beheves that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patHntism of therilieple. Duplicate certificates will be fished for alltierposits,-- The party deposg must endorse upon the original certificatt the denhtninatlon oldie Beta required, and whether they are to be lamed in blank or payable to or. der. When so endorsed It must be left with tbe officer receiving the deposit, to be faimliple4 to the iTteaptlT Department. Setemipttens alit bereeetved ley the Treasurer of the United States 'at • Washington; 'the several; Antietam& Treantere and detlamatettaries, sad by the MST NATIONAL DANK OF DOICIDANTON. .• 111 • DAN,Wr2 sad by all lotattaaal Saab arbiebare tapadtatiell dr*. Ita ta6bey, tata • , ALL azarthresu satnis Atny'nesateas throughout the country ieffrgitPe further Won:cation sod AFFORD BURY FACILITY ?O SUBS Aug. - • - ' nam4 .4o antmeg:44 At KINGSTON, Lamle o=4, Pa A FIRST-CLASS. SCHOOL OF TRADE. 4 ! 11113 ` 6T2:* . ,r .P. 173 ; 4 1 .44 1 !-TI:! Ant. lit. 6!12._ I V. B. -614743 :I*Pl*. FLOUR I . FLOUR rata.RISPLUILIMOI7I. bribe timid." WM:4*i) WorpoustrionalLalittelovestssabort Autiitio 's NOti - Ce. n undersigned, ari ainiltoi appolutcd try thi linnet T of Common Pleat olllasquellanna countytonlstet. bete the rands In the ahellr° hetet etteleg beet th e sale f versos:lml proliett_ Om matter HENRY WORM vs. STBPkurn WGlldit, *lll attend to tba duties of his met:4lml at kb envie In Montrose. on theigEtt:jam,'lBBs l at I o'clock, P. 51; when di pergola totemated /maid fund trig im uzut t j af t, claims or be roma debarred from math in OD studfatal A. O. W AA:Um Mon;e9DA,Dets. 15, 1854. TEM andersigm4 &a antlitof .apaoltited DI IbliOe Mum . * Court of Sotaqtrehanna connt7 to mainadle filbutfon Of tbo fonds In Um bands of the admtaletrato of the agitate of OEOI/OE U . COOLEY, dec'd. tend Vodka dude% of Ma appointment at bbLoalke fe Montrose. on Wednesday tbeftith day of Dec. next, at o'clock, p.m., whoa all persona Interested in se* rand wlti present Mar edam orbe forever debarred.' • S. E. STUMM, MiLtlol'• Diro. 1, .Auditor's. Notice rundersigned. an auditor appoLhted thetr plan'a Court or flusquetutnna Conn 7 to make die. trOution of fonds In tho handa of the Lxecutor of the estate of ELISIIA. MACE. deed. among the heirs,lags• tees, &c., will attend to the diltlea of hie appoltament at his office In dm borough of Montrose, On Wedtteads! the tith day of December next, at , 2 o'clock. D. When all pentoas interested Weald pull Molar their claims at be Varian debarred. Dec. I, 1264. P. 13. STEEtTIC2, Andltee. rpm' sidertltmed, an - andftoi• uppotnted . by the Os , I. Court oY Susquehanna coma, to'coaks dis tribution Intlioniattetof theist:ate of G.W. Crocker, de ceased, will attend to the duties of Ids appointment (Mt Thursday the 29th day of December,test, at 1 o'clock, p. m., k Oa utiles In Montrose. a; which time.and,placs all persons Interested In the came will present :het claim, or be Weser bared from comiug to on said fund. A. O. WARREN, amellter. . Nov. .28, 18e4. tvgjg old/maimed having been appointed an auditor by the Orphans' Court of Susquettartm county fa the matter of exceptions filed to the Admlnlattatort account In the estate of WM. VAN HOMIIIN doe'd, will attend to the duties of hisappointment at his office In Montrose. on Wednesday the 4th of January. 1866. at 1 o'clock. p. m., at which time and place all persons Interested will give their attendance, and they shall be heard. Nov. 28, 18C4. A. 0. WABEEN, Auditor. L PATRICK. 3)1?' 60 01028 EMT UM, MILLINERY GOODS, FURS, PIECE GOODS. & READY. MAIM -CLOTHING, Gattenburg, 10 - s - ti - thaunt Oft. • OP THIS PLACE, HAPENO Xeneired part of, and ate teShielt ad. ,dltions to their new stock for the coming fall and winer season, do .reSpectfallif call thit attention of the potato to it, and *mild feel vet" happy to see their no. mercaut friends wh ic h for call- and extuniee their now goods, which for variety, style, and price, cannot be extelle In these parte. Sayers o 1 goods, eolltnititht their purses, Wiliam' it moat to theiradveatage to call on us drat, before looking elsewhere, as we are prepared • tooffer extra inducements. Our Stock comprises DRESS GOODS, - - both foreign and domestic, mach as TRENCH MERINOS, PARMATTAS & ALPACCAS cololgall wool an ii,olutAn PLAIDS, 7,711193 and l tsvizrstin orArri."lN l " wootadd pnrtwool DELAINS. plalA and printed DELAINS, etc. Plain Black, Ribbed, Brocha, and flaacy =doted. DOMESTIC GOODS. Prints, Sheeting*, Stripes. Ticks. Denims. de. de; Flan tel. and Collan, fancy Shirting and opera do. LINEN GOODS, SHAWLS & la LAI CO slets.3l2C. ,p of the latest and most popular styles and make. Also. Beavers. Broadcloth, Ladles' Cassimere, Waterproof Cloth, ,tc„, for Cloaklugs, and a vary large variety of Cloak Trimmings, and Ornaments thereto. MILLENERY. GOODS. A fall line, in Ribbons, Velvets, Blonds, to. itc. usual ly kept. - 3mtirEs. A very large assortment and extra bargains. HOOP-SKIRTS and CORSETS. arta very best and superior to any other style out—warranted to give Natisfaction. Ilesidrs this. ourstock embraces an eadlesevarlety of ifiaztoy Afta-tioless too oumerune to mention. For Gentlemen's Wear, the largest and most complete stock of Ready Made C10d034, & Furnishing Goods, evet introduced In this market, to which we call mirth> darsttention. As we manufacture every_gartnent we sell we are thereby enabled not only to sell them much CHIAPER. than others who buy them of mentactnreiv, but am alsomote aafely guarantee our own work, as ws Snow our market, and are bound to have them give mtidaction. oar Mock In this lino ie com,lete. We have all styles of BUSINESS/ & OVERCOATS, and 01l salt Ito match. for Iffen, Youths h'lttb7•• FURNISH[NG GOODS. Fan Flannel llbat:i ot 7B,ers. Drawers, Tim Cam Mere% Broadcloths, Beavers, Vest. Inge, mss. Vie. for (Lem Work, to which brach we per partiaaar at. teat Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co. Montrose, Sept. tft. 188 t. macrTorPANY, of WervcriseStoris; CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. MUTTS lit Jat 88,84trott urte, A , I. Ifiltoirtimith, seep Chalk. J. Martin. President. lob McGee. Art F. Wilmaxtb. Vice " Policies Issued end renewed. by the undersigned at Ms Oahe, la the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. non y BILLINGS STILOVD, ,A/tat. A.' G. .ElirisTOLDS, WOOL CARDING, Ma* 21.18541-.4t . - mulosvkar, ra. sTEULIM(re . 111/[l3ltOS/A. rgg: _oilmjfair Clint sale by ARSE :riprip4„. Photograph Albtirctis t .' pm 134 LE HY , . esar.:oaaa mutton. Ps. r DEI 00107/41 u rforectloa. how mllOrt 'MOW obroAd 0 1 Auditor's Notice• Auditor's_ Notice. Auditor's Notice. - ''''D - r;STE - rlst . '4 DISEASES. RESULTING FROM DISORDERS. OF THE LIVER • 413110/01161111M1718 44110411V0 OICCIMILD BY HOOPLA,ND'II Gerintm 3 itterit, s'itz Grow masovizannoti Thew intert Itave, Federica Morsel:Ail have and- dogive _ totter Svisfactioa t EAU /lOU TESTIDIOR? DVS HORS anitimoTesis ?Berks. TO 'romp POP. 211E:s1 I . Than any other unit:Win the teBrketl • Wiley any 46 Mcontrattet this usertlam. AND WILL PAY . $l.OOO Vitas one who Fill PeOduce a Cetti:exte vibl . lel abe b na WS L not Clanots. • - GESZIAN prenatal wmci 'Ter, :luseof Chronic; or Nervous Debility . , Diseases of the Kidueys, and diseases arising Ere& a disordered stomach, 013 SENSE Tag POLLOWENG SYMPTOMS. Resetting from •Ditorders of the Digestive Organs; Consttpstiox Inward I"..lsarnilness of Blood to tlioe Mid, Acidity a the Stomach; Names, Heartburn. Magnet tor Food. Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Mt. tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swim. min gof the Head, Hurried and Mtg. tan breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffoca ting Sentntions when in a lying Posture. Dimmers of Sidon - ffou.l or Webs before the at i tt h l!l ' ettel e e v n e c r y d O l t a Pe D re u p li ira P t a lo in n 4letliaoew nem of the Skin and Byes, Pain la the Side, Back, Cheat, Llaibe..tc.. Sudden Flushes of nest, Burning .tn • the Fleeh. Constant /b.f. lathy of Evil, and great Depression of Spirit ttatrurrlnT33lll:24/. THAT THI9 HITTKIISI 111 .Tot 430.ocaki.Co11a, CONTAINS NO BUM OR WHISKEY, ( Z.n4 Can't 'Bake prunkartis ! • - auT IS THE BEST TONIC In the World, lIHMLip WHO SAYS h From ths Hey. Lest G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Bap. list Church, Philadelphia' •••• • • • I have -known Itooflaatrs German Bitten fa tar liakv.wacr been I have used them in mj own family, and have been 11() pleased with their effects that I *us Indated to recommend them to many others, and kno w that they have operated in a strikingly bens. finial manner. I .take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseaaes for which they are recommen. ded, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be *indented. I do this more cheerfully as Hoolland'a Bitters Is Intended to bewail the afflicted, and is "not a roam drink." Yours Truly. LEVI G. BECIL Front Rev. J. newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the Ea• cyclopia of Religious Emotriedge, and Christian Chinn. tele, Philadelphia, • Although not dirposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines In general, through 'distrust of t r iugredi• ants and effects, I yet know of no audiclent reasons why a man may not testify to tint benethe he believes himself to have received from my itimple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of oth- Ma. I do this the more readilrin regard to Iloolinnd's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jtickt-on.of this city,lato cause I was prejudiced against them for many years.on• der the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend. Hobert &memo ker 4sq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try theta. when suffer. log fromgrest and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these bitters at -the begiuttlig of the present year..was followedby evident relief arid ret-tora., tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almok despaired of regaining. I Therefore thank God and my Priced fox directing me-to the use of them. J. NEWTON' DROWN. Prom the Rev. Joe. 8. Kennard. Pastor of the 10th Bap. Get. Church. • Dr. Jackson :—Dear Stri—l have been frequently re quested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the prattito as oat of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases de clined ; but with a clear proo(lp various Instances. and particularly in mrfamily, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters, depart for ones from my usual comae, to express my full conviction that, for general debility of the system aud especially flit - Liver Com plaint, it is a safe apd valuable preparation. In some wis res it may fall ; tut usually, I doubt not, It will be very benetield to those who suffer from the above cause. Yours, very respectfully. J. KENNARD, Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia. Prom the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist ,Church. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir: —I feel it due to your excel. lent preparation, lloolland's German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disor der In my hood and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so. and have experienced great mad uneneeted relief: nay health has been very materially beneWed. I confident ly recommend the article where I meet with CAI& simi lar to my owlsousd have been assured by manrof th eir good effects. AesEectfolly yours. ' w WIISTBR, Boaborougb, Ps, Frounthe Nov. own , Hendon, cline Gen= &foamed Muth, Huts Berke county, P. Dr. C. N. Jackson:.—Respected Sir bare' been trdubled wlth.Dyspepsia nearly twenty years. and hays never need any Brebottle medicine that did me (IP much good as Doetbmi baring takrs Bitters. ram verymnehtmproved in brains altar s. Tows. with rupees. J. 9. BZILWI. .sazucsus. lam Sloe. (bolding aearli_d per B oold qoaslll73 $1 OD ottle—hall dos. $4 60 Om tiro-.7S cto per bottl&-tialf dom. • 404 BEWARE or COUNTERFEITS. Yee Caine signature of " C. a JACESON," la of the WRAPPER ot Gantt bottle. Rauhd your neitiest druggist not hate the article , tte Oat be put off by Imo( th e Intoxicating preyarat!oull that may bo offored to itasibtoe s but send to 011. and we wiAforwsxd, securely pocked. by Mass. Principal Office and Man Cindery No. 63.1 MICK gr. Philadelphia. • apt Les & 33‘774,32.191, *. . (gamma to C.3Gdfcteen & Co.) tr eral tarot sts And Dea!ero In every 104 hi ja i ADEL 7 . 17111t314.1ki1e 11.11.
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