Fizzed Pacts la Agircidturi: Somebody has got up :the following list of " fixed facts in agriculture, and for once in a contlendatiiin Of the i3ort;liaE: the nail on the head in mostof them : 1. All lands on which clover or the grasses are grown, must either have lime in them naturally, or that mineral must be artificially supplied in the form of lime, i stone, oyster shells, or marl. 2. All permancntimprovemed-4 Ina., 3.latids: whiehl.linvilbeenlengjtiln*. tare will be fieriefitta: the . : E_lp k wour:,. of phosphate of lime, and - -iticuiiiit_ whether the deficiency bcf:stitilittliii : Ati; form of-bone-dust, guano,t,:nativci' l tai 001411 ate of lime, or marl, the lahrl4*.delihee' also. 4. No Jand_Yomi ho' high state of feaßity:polesn:alover- anal : t h e' grasses are - cult ivated in the oonise - of rro. 1 tataion. _ - , . 5. Mould ia - m - disensible_ in every- 60_ and a healthy supp ly can only be-pmert 4 _ ed through the cultivation of clover and the grasses, the •tnrning in' of green crops or by the application of compong rich'm the elements of mould. 6. Allzhighly concentrated animal ma• nures are increased in value, and their benefits prolonged, by admixture with plaster, salt, or by pulverized charcoal. 7. Deep plewitir.matAr,ltupzcives , he nroductive powers of every variety of 'soil that is not wet. " r.- 8. SOSOiling : sound, land, that is not wet, is also eminently conduciv,e to in crease production. • 9. All wet lands should be drained.„ 10. All grain crops, should be barirest ed before the grain is thoroughly .ripe. 11. ,Clover, as well as the grasses, in tended for bay, should be mowed when in blossom. • 12. Sandy loams can be most effectual ly improved by clay. When such lands require liming or marling, the lime or marl is most beneficially applied when made in to compost with clay. In slacking . lime, salt water is better than fresh. 13. The chopping or grinding of grain to be fed to stock, operates as a saving of at least•2s per cent. 14. Draining of wet lands and marshes adds to their value by making them, pro: duce more, and by improving the health of neighborhoods. 15. By stabling and sheltering stock through the winter, a saving of one fourth the food may be effected ; that is, one fourth less food will answer than when the stock is exposed to the inclemency of the weather. 16. To manure and lime very wet lands is to throw manure, lime and labor away. tg'Drain them first. 17. A bushel of plaster per acre, sown broadcast over clover, will add one hund red per cent.. to its produce. 18. Periodical application of ashes tend to 'beep up integrity of soils, by supplying most if not all, inorganic substances. 19. The thorough preparation of land is absolutely neemqqary to the successful growth of crops. 20. Abundant crops cannot be grown for a succession of years unless care be taken to provide an equivalent for all the substances carried of the land in the pro ducts grown thereon. 21. To preserve meadows jJa a first-rate productiveness, it is necessary to harrow them every second autumn, amply top dressing, and roll them. Gen. Jas. M.-. Ashley of Ohio, is a mem. ber of Congress who is very apt to say what bethinks. He is an uncompromis ing Republican, but this does not prevent him from having a most contemptuous opinion of Mr. Lincoln, and his demagog ical trick for getting voters for his own reelection, by the farce of holding elec tions in rebel states, where we have only a most precarious footing for our armies, and where, the instant that they are with drawn, the whole community are a unit in expressing their attachment to the rebel Can!!!!. in a speech deliveredie Congr, e 4, Gen. Ashley made ,tha follOw 7 ing statement with refeterice to the late elections in Louisiana. He said:. "The farce of an election was gone thro' with, and of course the men representing : an organization whose loyalty was never . I questioned, were defeated. It could not well have been otherwise:, A military commander who announces that martial law is the futmia:legtal lavr 'of the - 5We; and that all must vote, would .iiet • difficult to elect any one , he may designate; especially when the aggregate votedidiet exceed tenor twelve with three candidates in the field. Hahtes wholevote i n the State, - dB claimed bybis friends, is only 6,l7l—less thane-one fourth= of my congressional district. "Third' are fifty-four parishes in the State, only twelve of which am under our control. Of thenumber -who voted for Hahn, I have been drediblyinformed that over I,ooo:7pre_epployed io]the: qtftirter master's department; ;about Afift areittie policemen in the'City'of New . Orlesuml, city laboters 1,100, and nify. Ofirdnis, lon ; some 1,600 were . soldiON to be citizens of Louisiima.: mayor of 'Nei , Orleans rt;* removed, bye'Gen. Banks, and-one appointed who c'd and would control:oe tr4sindrinfluence of the 550 PoliiiemeitsAtY.U,..bii_. #124,' city o ffi cers. With all tue'llimtarY power of the department to stiktOrt the-votes of all the Government employ ems. thi.Louisiima sOldieraina.:o a nlibifune4 hit entire - Vote the twelve parishoisrasr but 0,171, and yet this insignificant vote is paraded heft:rig thiinatintry4ml ;whitish ingly called the voice of the entire Stapp of Lonisiank Tithich in 1860,, vote, of over 60,000. Relining hardly;as - ,1;:':“' votesidtha:infitiPP4 l4l4 . l 'Airs; - ° t3 4* Beauregani had: ilYinpatliisui' ners in attendance upoil l hilefurfortdAriAlny . city of New. Orleans atday or two :after this election." I=ll --~k~l`cSY:;r6 - s'd✓;;4..;~~crx~:z•.;.rvs.~;.,,v-,.:g,`Z'^•~actr7►b.»•: s'^-T.,s.sAr .. ,- 7'sa.: c~_..,.;,rs_.:7....;.n.•eas.c~c::Aarr~.<:~arr»sc`'T~aai~s~aa::<^~ 7 1 L•. , ,int• ,$: A .4f-th • Ealt ' t ... The country may rest a s sn , ,ti 4, . very formidable rebel reifist , , ',..4 ••, rapidly on the - .4 1 ' that a few months will usher i , - ~- L ~ 't tering of the; rebel armies. . '', - IP ' a brou_ht about simply becan.•t`_, 11 4 , Na .. : :. dmiuistration feels .d t i .i v ssity .) 1 ::- ,7 'italP:.j. , . 'der to p o ~.- : own 'eXll3 : t ' 4..'i t .,,r-WEI lon r.'"' e Secret ary,... 'hi anbenaces at : Adminis -4,1101.i...f"--ikr,dehfi ~ , o, 0 inAlower" to ,Altiii. gi.ollnint. y he has i - .• : $ hAificietritorcenf , sss : ,then he has I )i i ialai l i a olikootp, i_ . ik: cry is still l*UnttfrOal*Oltr, tAft:.!,... n. Thom laidal:oV-1,,t- .. , few days ii al it ig ahr#rigAiligi k : • ..A . • the West 0 aidill.,•;;;; , !,4Pn against the 'rebels;' and gerliatel".• it ..,ments are hunimmeed-M., ... .• • , .VF n the East.— Whenc:lVVinfidit4;4erinte) upon the innOtir.4ll4;tiOtnihi*JlTAllniii's army, tOokhaftiiiio.4o4ol;o* - Tfoteceiving, : $ $ thelbeAtiiiity:igiAdministration's hearty co-operation, there can be no mis _take ill the Iva* , - : - ,Agi tho Ra 1.1400 (cam paign. ' OterWlielthinig drimbem sart. the Pittsburg. Pod: are Surei!..9 win, especially when Ithtty ere true and ,tried., ) arid ,cem., mended h_ytnen.of.stieh talent and; endu raitce as Pins. Grant An 4 Meade. .: The km/100g reactor will.trahabY•_in quire how, it, IiaPPRP --that - for . thu ' 4lltl time since the rebellion legin, the Ad thinistrationseems-to exhibit some - sapie-. ity. The President, nearly two weeks since, annbizaiet - 1 - that "G*,. t trh.V, pursu ing his own plan of iiimpaign; and' since then the Secretary of War to , ~-,, e coun try that the Admmistrati ... . 1 ;11 laboring to hel . t sLLieutenan e,‘,s :..- - 1!;ay ,giving him $ !'l: - • '.,....).- • $. : . 4. : '.v14 . , 0,-.4_474e reasonTef - f* . liliL;z,-.... , ': , 1 , '**llloll, ALIO weehs e •thciri% a - 0 :-... i .: .., W :*..ofiiirtt tion *ilk! hattitirMtAiiefigale-'ltod It was considiniktiiecimaie — * i 9 • ceases in th4.444l.,*lutriffrttititWO holders and Schntrhebirs" in utonothinating Mr. Lincoln._; ThiA is the reasee'*ht activity in ,the present; emergency. It, will be: remembered': hat the:States hare elected, delegations , packed, with the parasitei -of the preeent.dynasty, co that all ; other aspirants are ruled . out gibe. •beglaningi• and all that was Considered, necessarynof only to insure - Mr.. Lincoln's ,nomination, , but his entituaihstie endorienient, was'ile-- cided military success hy Gen. Grant. The time bad arrived. for victories ; the growing discontent in.' the President's party admonished•-him ~ that . 'nothing -but succesS ;would save hiittfirota being:uver slougheit at Baltimore., "Old Aber and his managers reserved their !euereett,notit the proper time the eve of their ' , National Convention. Had they nearly two .years ago, when Gen. McClellan .was within a few miles of Richmond; shown him one half a chance, he would haveheen in _pos session ofthat eity ; but. that Wth3 mot the programme: then. capture of the rebel capital .at that early day would- have pro stratedilie rebellion, andthat was natal° purpose of the! Adm inistration.i ' Prolong the war was the idea of the • contractors, and it has been prolonged. until the Ad= ministration's necessities demand military successes. I Now, upon the eve of the Abolition National Convention, we find the Administration giving General Grant a wire blanche, backed by gush an-army as puzzles one's brains: to compute and comprehend. Thus. ,the nation's patience and resources have been exhausted ;- hundreds of gallant fellows have given. up the ghost, anda like number of wid owsand. orphans mourn their losses, and all becausnof the scheinesof Abolitibnism to retain).Tower --in•the , • Government.— Harrisbary,.PciiriotcE V'nion, 23d. -. . r Pak . i.2lL4' .- • BOOT- SHOE , • GE' : - - F. B.WEE B eintC :;t sgrook, • " ' 'lr t tPairi s - • .1: W. ' aa if".l . i'.•••I 1. ' anal AWOD/C.. censiktingOt oyerythiligintiehtellno - ofripparei.. from: Malts ii"l : i t i :lf i ereatre md3ra % al e ld sr :Gaiter , Cuesper {Lan any other house this side of,NOwiforit. ,Corna.cara. jeo--for --yourselves. Nontrose,O tw . t t a n ‘.., 4 tAlPOPPdi 7l- t rO aul tii en f • E~~3_.n I~BII~iEiIIICn fi OQQ 1~181~ WOOLEN GO 1 IS, -I r sl 7 l g...9oe)4TritApo• Pe Sao ,•41 Chith:...140414111 W 11 4 14.11 tlittr_lard is on of Casslntere,lbeet ,finietiMlLK4s tfesitiW Oh, bee t finish, thes,e4sisi Gay - and Nixed Caselateresote ete.Am, a cent s .- zvfnEnne l p The G t - P AVl.VaeZtAtoilatai*ila r e ;tordtdetay.' T s( gri.;„ • AXOB . • cebtittowt4llo),Qtttr.lBol.-"rtf.ii i i '':' !• ''''' ' WOOL -5- 0 . RlNNa i ld j .: : ' ”:-;,'• • , 1.15 - ,: )i . t - 4 • 4.: lit ';',6:l - ',le - ,,, ~,.; • , b I, . ! t 88 1 s. • .riy.l.,- ;... ircf 4 ~ . 4 ,,,,,!. • f (:.c. , A, bur, $: I, HE tatdendoted having tesumed-tba -possession cd hLe old eland . =ado OA taut i cruma, ow= - My . -• aII '1 7!: •::).e..",ff :17Z, FilleV DYE 0011.01" ix* them, for Moly AIM TDBRICLL. 1; E '...1,11; 4 .•• , - I. v 5, l' Xtfi,l • I 44 1 9. 1 :P.. r:1 - ' ..., ~, . 'ROVISION - STORE...! AT ' RIB 14)13va. obt,AQmor, „opPosilto IslnwieDime• 0 IiANE &- RERG E R SON .. ... . , .... ~. .. „ T ony seqentlally announce to th e ,public- tbat Ty they hate on hand'air extensive stock et - - • ' ~0..), •••• _ , , ft , Wi'' ."- lei , - , .. • ! ; 1...., e 'Po , • •.) *„),-• - Al,, ~ , ....) . ~., ....—./ ,\,...../ J • - ' 4.1 i.: i t.l ~. , , , , jr Git°oB, ll H l F l t . MOITIRONS ; H t i which' Chi:4 Wi i readi Pay GONF.gCIUONERY, ofUa sorts, and of the beat varieties., IS s e(lh 6 1 14114 is csnSkantly rec'd., rielleznemierritio place. , elvis Re b, call. sh paid for Veal & Deacon Skins. .4$ lu. CRANE. P. T. FISIZGERSON. ontroso, April ..1}364. rs: - ' ma Jaw nW GOODS. THE undersigned. having enti3red Into tinniness uu der the name and etylo of • WEBB.: itir BUTTERFIELD r 4 bee leave: to inform the priblio that they are now re ceiving from New Nark' a large and well selected stock of, Goods of every description; consisting of the latest styles of Spring and Sommer • Prints,.- Shaine S 9 LiPelanes 46 , 11 ` 1 f!4 11: ke1t . e4 , ctioftoiietcfleta: 2451:LwvvaisK. A OF GROCERIES, of au k!nd.S. A good aehort4cid of Crockery, . Glass., Ware, oodeb. Ware; HAIPS'AreCAPS,- BOOTS'igi SHOES,' DiktBEFILLAIkPARAI3OLS,NEOXI TIES, GLOVES,- - DRESS TnenaNak • _. ' t COLtAßS;Adtlitee it , st• • ', f, • 1 .! 71 Alio good -assortmedt of - • HARDWARE, Consisting of Shovels,, Spades,: Hoes, Forks, . Scythe's, Pruning-books, &c. it kinds of Wilt. imettag-ial tairenl22t. change.--Call and•see neat Webb's-old-stud on Public 'Avenue. A. B. BETTERFIELD. 11, J. WEBB, 3totittpio, April >is .386 E TdF.6OID BE cIISSID I 3*:•lo636.greenia: STUPY-,.F.,(7)QXOMY an 4, b4y ypyr • SPRIMINUNDS BB Bougrog ~.0RGE,".114. IDEN • ,sotmiattagof Boots antl.(...Shoes HAl'B: *Elt_Vr4w.r 4 qcvloteraof.: i*OyosesMaidr4/4eo* TgUNTS," TEAMMG-Barl, Danniraiter Cdk . e;ed ENIIITB. t' . • 'UNDER Mini Droutim NECK - 4W; • • 604/6'B, Oottorj, Randzerefikre, Vrosbredoi;&e.; Be. I have lotaand Unclotof Ooodß, to outE Old dtrYburg, Wnea RomeMber,tll9 Place:, Ntrth'wing . .Ofth . e , !MidOg latelj*ipled i . py ;211 . i*, r"tbMt' intkitVitk Pew Unlit; AUTO. 1864‘,1,-, E ,. • . „ ....: . , i..,, -...., ~.._ ,__,. , ,,t ~ DO; . :,', 10144.441.50Kitinii; ENsubscrm his Oiebrigili. d l uie York lly, t4t info ha hasje s =gitpla Now York Citierah kWallvelected a I - f . • • and various oijter Articles, suchm ere neidgeljamery 7 Yalti4lTAZlVlVdikas W"..9681 atnno e L lease call and exam no. ------- 4 to 71101T14 - VrfETiOtinit -4 " 9rametiamEgritugma i azaidir.hia , Or pound, for odost tho inefifitilvalp ititiCAIRVAICPLitit Reedier wane. wanted In =hulk pr and Vertet7 Atm or •• A. N. MILLARD. Mr X"11. , at', T:.' c MIMS c:NEW. , ARRANOEMENTS :•,,• . . i Nita ~ tii;!HIR:.2,110,01.111, ATEVir&AUXEMP • ~.• . )1 • i t> : ! For 0A1.8.4' - iii csiagllctacz4l. pQE lust retuft s i t id ck fr2;ln the Elwt With a now 5116 well gtatt g -glatrt: 6lottng The Latest and most approved Styles. CLOTHS AND .CASSIMERS. , gari9L.C) o 4:.W.apEt.i.MEi3; Of every Description. Of C,4.7t7 14.." Of the choicest brands, Including Hart's celebrated brand: " Fish, Dairy .Coffees, Spices, Sugars,. Vcilasses, At very Low prices for CAM!, tErCall and see for yourself. Clasit paidfor Grain, Butior t Eggs, etc. 2,000,000 doz. Eggs wanted. rirtwo doors below Boyd & Webster's corner, In the Store formerly occupied by N. I. Post. G. L. STONE, , E. L. VirPRES. ' Moritrose, /kill' Ist, 1864. tf JAMES R. DEWITT, DEALER IN DBI6OIIEIIIO 1011011 S CHOICE VAMILY 9200222722, 9 *;Litr 9 BOOTS AND' SHOES, flats and Caps, cDociia.m r. "Sr, GLASS-WARE, I. ;lAD ouLtil, HARDWARE AND NAILS .CMPZI MoMILAMMICEDEt., eft Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. . 3. S. DeWITT. $225. SEVEN OCTAVE $225. ROSE WOOD PIM-FORTES! GIIOVESTEEN do 00. 449' Broadway,N.Y. -ENLAMOW3 SCALE PI-ASO-FORTES, with /1 all latest improvements. Thirty years' experience, with greatly increased fedi- Idea for manufacturing, enable us to sell for CASH at the above unusually low price. Our Instruments re ceived the highest award at the World's Fair, and for five successive years at the American Institute, War; ranted five years. Trams ICET cant Call or send fOr descriptive circular. [March 17-3 m Ole Vontpist gemotrat, PUBLISTIED.ON THURSDAYS, AT MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA CQUNTY, - 1121-323:1SUFLITEINCVIVV • AT 81,60 ?MONNE! STRICTLY ER ADVANCE: Mere payment is made in advance. $2, and all acxonnts collected; :will be :tithe rate of- $2,f4 a year. 4IIVERTME3fENTB inserted at the rate of $1 for each squarest tun lines or leasy solld apace, three times. And 2&-cents for each • subsequent Insertion. Yearly adrertisergallowed usual changes, at $4O for aCOlumn. fiLANA7B,keptfor sale and printed to order. J0.i7tE111t2727G done in ',good style On bort ‘,,spoix;x3arimmt.Est PINSIONS i ...BOIAT T Y,, AND BAS.I‘.::PAY• Timukijtmgo AMMO 171,E Gov- El:l==T, glVo prompt 'attention to all" el4imsotrafted to !tie care. Clmrge lo*. aid infor• maIott,WYRES. • „ L.. F . PITCH. gouttow.4o. - 24, 2864. . ., „0m • lvtifi l Air::enfippg.l/ 4 AZ -277Z 7., `Mataxliltar"Line,of LiVor3)oo/47aCkaS.%': pillEBONElwhilihig to tend tar thelrfrtendi In the old ••country, eon tinrehaatepaisage tlckettebt the above line front theirebectitierel Dratter, on leetaitl!or bale In awns to atilt. ' PKRA g0..1 Bankere. Montrose; duly 17, 1864. t • • - I nvaimATION•MTTRIZEIT ~Vonitittalon VI ,ater .3nif "pubiars Driem.4 l l B 37o. 4t • TUMMX SOLDIERSt . ' , BOUNITY BOUNTY, • :'111:40k Pity t4erlMP= Amorr OP ram Govan* care N VOMptattentip all i claime inupfr Motitttlie, 4t . ' 4131"5 estuans. HOPE GOLD COMPANY► skas- , ,cioin JAM' onxix COUNTY, ; • ' • COLODAI)O , ' • Capltiil MOOD shires. $25 each. a.. • . )lotsdoc, , , GIEW,, Balt . jiwjnmewTwt nN. T , H/&GO NewaYorkii Coxna,b•Wrrs. r re N. -Now.York; At. C. TYLEBoNew.ltork. 13.6111a4nnivr erWridenCeAA; ' teeldeamMil EzeollinuaraDllN.DVANS; Governor olotadbMorffloryLli , .-• Vico-Preeldente--Hort. S . G. Anarm.D, Dr. P.ll:Juton. • 'r Treasurer—WAyrra.B._LA.Trrozr._ _ _ • :: ' I '! ° 7;!7,g4P4 T V.P I U L T, IS ,!00,41214 H.. BURRITT 1 DgAtatain IStapfeisdiraloade. crockery. L. - liardwace. IraihfUreas, ,aad paint% Boots and Shoes, UatcantOrpst *BDINIP,Ikobro, Grocerlesamisloas, sto-7WswallbrdiPs: Aprilll, 10114. . • • , , • , NATI 3ESAL.xxlvw.oiligs, AL-gra - )22. 1 .2.0v- , . isit4st.4iL*cr,'XclilV, lENoa ts.'Lb 1 Atm,. 0; 'AGA? 5. . 1 " b" • NEW FIRNE . : ,, BALAWIitt ALLEII,::AGAIN:I-"i 7 WEST PUBL.T.9 Ay&NIA ' , P W' R # FtObtrit, FEED, _tgALT, .aatt4.041a#3040., - ; Wheat, Mover,` Thhothyl Sc I-laz-Seed, s "Os, C. llll d l 4' PORK; -Eidtsi DittgOltZtri Fish, Smoked Halibut, ), Syrups, Molaesee and . 'Stott,' TEAS, COFERE, SPICES, BLOOMS_ AND , NAILS. Fuld fbr Butter. A. 'BALDWIN, WM. L. ALIZN. Montrose, April 1,1,11864 ." . THEFAMOUS'BARBER " Come and seo the famoua Barber, Famous Barber, late of Late otliaitionaiv at Wilson's, Nov at At, 8, Wileon'a Store Room, Find , me Shelling and shampooing, Fipd rde cutting hair to suit Yon, • Find me 'ready at year service. Atypar service MORRIS , • CHARLEY' Montrose, 0ct,15, 1663. tf GEO. P. LITTLE,. L le irar E VAL et zo n v nt, kr z i4sciaegifi crie ..• BACK PAY, PENSION; &C All claims entrusted to my etire ' U'ill be attended to promptly. No charge unless suceuesful. Montrose, March 10, IS6-4.=sm CalirEalene,candles,lami , oil, &c To nrell's AND EiSeedt WlLeastt, FOR SALE' BY BALDWIN, ALLEN dc Bontroee, Penn9a. STERLING'S AMBROSIA. for restoribg flair, tor vale by ABEL' TETRRELL. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PAY, AND PENSION OFFICE, Over the Post-Office, 3347-crimtrcogssif•, rook. BIIING drily authorized to prepare the necessary pa- Irma for all applimulons for Soldiers, and the wid ows, parents, heirs and children of deceased boldiers,for Bounty, Back-pay it Pensions, I will attend to that business for the sum of "TYPO 7:14:11 , 12-T-a1116.1z1LIS" for each claim—this to cover all expenses, including Justices' fees, Clerk's Certificates, and Postage. This is about one-third the sum tali:Lally charged for the business. • . All persons interested will please take notice and gov .ern themselves accordingly. "PltAllrsial FRASER,. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and 'Claim Agent. Montrose, Oct. 22. 1663. tf HUNT BROS. &BLAIR 03 C73M4I!6,,ISTaIiC)Ny . WhOletrajebt Retati Dealers in • / 21422DV1122 9 X.3a6C10114", STEEL, ,NAILS, sufavvoLts,. , BUILDER'S, HAIIDWARL, MINE BAIL, COUNTEBSUNk & T BAIL SPIKES. BAIIIROAD. & MINING SUPPLIES. , • adithilek' aro nv6.4 , aiars; ssztys .497.0 BOXES, B.fiLTH, NUTS MEd WASHERS." PLATA° BANDS, MALLEABLE IRONS, Nubs. EP9Rws. PELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, , Ife. ANVILS, VICO, STOCK S and DIES] MELLOWS, • HAMMERS,ISLEDGES,,F,ILEEIP&I. &e -eI:RCM/LB AND MILL sHWII;EHLTING, PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS; , PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR &:GRINDSTGNES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHER & FINDINGS. FAIRDANICH SCALES. Scranton, Mach 24, MS.' ly I - zszsmistaixorcr %Bt in ',Surgeonl .. -..,. , T Att. bretichant,iblge;EfeiginPrOMllli I k E. 111 4: rtmentifilnp and give certolcates: to . all. entitled:o Peas One; Wili attendlp all applicatlona that may presentOd to bite, at 'Montrose', Pa. itoonir at 3.8. TV. beirtrfOtei,, • 1 .1, . • . ', •• : E. PATBLCIL. , . , Montrose, April il, 1863.—tt .. , . TO'' , iitMrt:liiiid,._ , ABU.!t . ff. precently receliek and ton'tip rep:Sarni ew PuPP4en •t. it • :, t -t ' hos: •0 i n the I tomcat?, ilepartnietairOf trailetn mitieltlllit le engaged, embraclog'ermthing. Yf l th.f4WOventioluierr, Se Wl:lidera hie - einaretnarike TO lame Num alive/mot , wiVI their. Pliltnlip nut nterit a coni ainnance - o their favor,. e public are reaPffiseiftali in vited to call at bla Store, and examine ilttalittee Pill; nes of his rood.. Atit . L . trtnama . No' °Libre for sale . , of 1 . . `r" 7 , • ' gyoriiirCrediu,SusuuelnutnaUounty.and probably coin prising thegreatest variety or most rilterenearticies of Any StereiniheWtorthein part bl Pennsylvania, and per ihapsiot.theantkr,e Stato. An assortment is kept i n , about thirty - different Atranches' Of trade, and' the selec tione aro thigh from abuntlforty lor th e bostlioti Bee in New York, and more tbsn flitar-,Dgalarit and Menefee. tUrcrs out of New York. A large,proyortion of the Goods are brought direct fromtlnillantiterni Wu) insuring genuine articles. Customemon sintering the Store =Mtnet etpcettofind-evelythlng: in: sight, 'but nearly every article wanted will he produced by inquiry. Some idea hrthe Stock may be fotpied trithe fOlicrelug generarautline, butennairastionlSlmpozeticable, Drugs and Pledicines, Paints and , 0115.,D7a Stuffs 'Groceries', 'Liquors, 'Crockery, Giass , Ware, %van an d -Window Pap er, Jewelry. bilrer.Ware,Perhunery. , Esaey 0004 s, musical Instruments, Brushes, American Pocket Huives:Tablw Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware, Limps, . Itiateriels for Lights, Hardware, Bed.CordsAitone Ware, ,Dry Goods, Mirrors, Window Glass, Lithographs, Var nishes. Bird Cages, Spectacles, Whips, andlashes, Brooms. Guns, Pistols, Ammunitacm, Tobacco, Medi cal and Surgical Instruments, Salt, Soap, Potash, Um brellas, Porcelain Teeth, in shottosearly:erverything, to restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, 'tag/UW . 3 , 111e fancy, and also to conduce to the real and • substantial comforts of life, The atfention of the public is respectfully inilted to my steel of el:loft bought exclusively for cash down, be sold on the same principle for low ERRE prices. ABEL LL, • Montrose, January lst,lB*B. MEW SOOLAI A FULL ASSORTMENT OP HIL & MTN GOODS, M 7. JUST RV..CEIVED;:Au and will be sold AT A LARGE REDUCTION from April prices. arThie Reduction will include the ENTIRE STOCK which will be found as large as anal, andWillbe sold on THE MOST LIKE TERMS 3E -11 c:or CALS.IIEE ON TIME, or for PRODUCE H. IrCrEPRITT, Nov, 1863. KEYSTONE HOT E L , At Montrose, Pa. Wm. Ff.. EIATCII, Proprietor. f ilms new and commodious Hotel is sitnatedtm Public it Avenue, near the Court house, and centre of the business portion of Montrose. The Proprietoris contldentthat he is prepared to entertain guests ina way thatcannot fail to gl ve ENTIRE SATIt3FACTIO.N. The Hotel and Furnitare are new, and no expense has been spared to render it equal if not superior to any in this part °Otte State. It is well supplied with ail recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always bo ready to respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this house are new and Convenient. The Proprietor respeethilly solicits the patronage of his old friends, travellers, and the public generally. jan63 tf netca 6 WESTERN PLE%II-rcsista... THE PASSENGER TRAIN LEAVES Great Bend at"1.408..ta., after the arrival at 6.30 a. m., of the z Cincinnati Express from the west, connecting at Scranton, where It 'arrives at 10.10 a. In., with a train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg . Rail road,' for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, KingSton and Wilkesharre, and by omnibus with the Delaware and Hudson railroad at Providence. for Olyphant and Car bondale. At Hope station. thistrain connects by mini 'bus with the Belvidere Delaware Railroad fur Phillips burg. Trenton and Philadelphia. At New Hampton Junction, where it arrive, at 2.25 p. m., th.• came train connects with trains on the Central Road of New Jersey forEJlzabeth. Newark, New York, Easton. Bethlehem, Allentown, 3ianch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg.— Paseengem, ny ttits train arrive. in .New York at 5.50, in Philadelphia at 8.00, and in Hartisburg at 8:10. The train leaving loot of Cortland street, New York, at A.OO as Walnut, street, pkilatielphin, at 6s. -in,, connecting' with the Piesentrer train of this road. leap jag New Hampton Junction at 11.110 and arriv ing at Scranton at 4.02 p. m„ Where it cornects with a trait:ion the Lackawanna and Blontatibuig Railroad, and witNikeonnalbus atoning to the ?Delaware amt,Radson Railroad. Thlt train arrives at Great liend at 11.10 p. m., making a close connection with Rae mail train going West on the Erie Railway. AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN zer,6Bsci-antoti itt 10.10 a. tn., conneetirig id Great Bcnd with ibct.DatExPresa train-west On'theNrio tiv this train Passengers arrive, at Ithaca, Syracuse, Bat tik; ‘tc.'the Nnue . day. Rettirniiit,' thia. train leaves Great Bend at 240 p , m., oa the arrival pf the New York Express going East, and Buffalo Express going West, and arrives at Scranton at BAD p. m. • JOILN BRISBLNI, Snp't. • R. A. ErEliritt,' tletelTlckin Age'nt." Scranton, May 20,1E63. . , LACKAWANNA & BLOOXISEURG !,, ,ON and . after:April 20; : 186,VPinisengef Trains • will V/ run as follows : • MOVING SGUTIL.,..I - • , • - Passenger. • , • • incom.• LeaVe • • Seitifiton, tit , 5.30 mini 't 'll.Oll-A. m. KlN:stou t . et , ' 0.40 /grief,' 19.80 p.m. • t u at e e r i t i I : t i nt '2 • • 9: 5 4 Ltn, arrive atliorthumneriapd, ;048 .; ,• t - , MOVING NORTH: '• • Leave No rthrimberlind • -4:80`p••, m. • - Danville, . ZOO,- :• - ' • Rupert, . 5.45 Kingeten, I , -0 11051 '•••••; • 1.45 :p.m. t r, lirriyo at Scrantay, ....- • .10 p.m. . , 8-80 ,p ! itf. A passenger tralh also toil* ingston a. in. for Scranton to einanat With trai for Igew York. • 'Return ing, Imes Eicranibnot, firrival of train Alrora NeurYork, at:4.2op. is. , n f6gr - 4 Passengersiabint thin' So_th t ..... Scranto n it 5.30 a. to.. via. Northam eriand, reach Harrisburg 19.30 p.m. B3ltimoro 8803,. m.. Wasitington,lo p. m.. Via Rnpprt they reach Philadelphia atl.oo_p.• m.• ' • :••i . .; , • -••• • • , lILEO. B. HUNT, • Sup't.• }litigator, April 113•• 18G3 ' ....... -Ti Viildotkto - Bicret4 tho Million. MOST caluable and wonderfal puhllcation. A work of 400ingesi and SO' &dared diatribe.' Dr. Hen tor'eNadel'ilecud, air orlginal.andpopnlar treatise en Man and Woman, their physiology, functions, and ion al diger:Wee? every. kind, Withmeverfalling veurodlee for their speedy cure. The practice of Dr. Hunter has long ,been, and still le, naibonibled, but a; jlic cargest se. Ofmumerotospaione,lt has been.inducod to extend his pedleal useful:lest through the medium of bte "Vade Mettutd:"" Did. 'a 'Talton b that 'shoal& be in the** otAririfotaiitt In the land, tm preceptive of Secret vicea,_orns.a guide for the alleviation o ono of, the meat OW/ did destructive scontet Oust ever visit -013 ulseirlat .9neeppyomenrialy enveloped, will be for ward: f pyostage - to any pert tittle :United States for 60 ditttsta:E: 0. atampa4 orlicoples for ff. Address, PcmtPaititPll.lluoler,,liti. atrept, lies! :York. dune uilays--1y" , • • ....i4i;c6016:1PIS1111,1;. , CAR sale by ABEL Vcria • stoittoset , HOWARD AssoerlettiOloi4Pittlitdelp l lo, Pa. Diseases at theNervens, Btnnlnal.Urinary and 'ex its* systetne—hese and' rellabliat'ettlonient—in Deports of the ISIOWLEASSOCIATION. IMentity mail in seated envel fits of we, Addrop Dr. J. WUXI 'Floocarrom, wareAtiitteation, No. 9 &SO 9th streak,. Philadelphia, Pa. °MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers