ocircriverir 82iPaPIAL3IUS. Increase the Democratic! Vote. One dollar and fifty cents spent for a sound Democratic paper, where none was read before, is more effective than ten times that sum spent in the month before election. If each'of our subscribers will see that some doubtful voter reads the Montrose DEMOCRAT, he will be almost certain to vote right next fall. Try hi 40, • Crossing the Isthmus. Travellers from this section have now no staging between Hope and Belvidere, to reach Philadelphia. The Belvidere Del aware Railroad now connects with the D. L. Str W. R., near Delaware Statiotr,"and trains have commenced running between Manunkachunk (the new Station) and Belvidere. A Villainous Slander. Thestatement in the Montrose Republican of last week, to the effect that the propri etor of the St. Charles Hotel, at Scranton, had refused to give a hungry, wounded soldier, a little bread and butter, because he had no money, is a falsehood and base libel, as any sane reader might know. So far as we have observed. that Hotel gives soldiers good fare at reduced rates. Postal Eloney Orders. An exchange says that the postal money order system, just established by law, provides that no money order shall be issued for less than $1 nor more than $3O. All persons who receive money orders we required to pay therefor the following charges or fees: For orders for sums of not over $lO, $2O, and $3O, respectively, the sum of 10, 15, and 20 cents. Money Wanted—s2,ooo. A Farmer, owning a farm worth $6,000 desires to borrow $2,000 to pay off all his debts, and would secure the money a mortgage to run not over sir years, with interest annually. Any one wishing to make a safe investment, can learn the name and residence of the applicant by inquiring at this office. myl2 3w* -® A Libel Contradicted. .• A wounded soldier named Greek, a member of Co. 0, SOth Pa. regiment, states that in passing through Scran ton on Ms way home, he stopped at the St. Charles Ho tel, (which Is kept by a bitter copperhead,) and told the landlord that he was out of money, and had not had any thing to eat for twenty-four hours, and he asked for a little bread and butter. But the landlord refused to let him have any without pay."—lnd. Republican, Montrose. We are authorized by Mr. Burgess to state that there is not a word of truth in the foregoing statement of his refusal to give a wounded soldier or anybody else a little bread and butter. We have known Mr. B. for ten or twelve years, and we are satisfied that such a thing never oc curred in his house. We venture the as'. sertion that not a single person,be he Democrat or Republican, can be found in - Scranton, who; believes that a sober, well behaved soldier or civilian ever cplled at the St. Charles Hotel, during the time it Las been kept by Mr. Burgess, who was denied a-meal becanie he had no money. The informant of the Republican has evi dently been guilty of a deliberate false hood.—Scranton Register. Death of S. E. Leonard. The following preamble and resolutions were-unanimously adopted by the mem bers of Rough-and-Ready Fire Co. at their regular meeting held at their Engine House, in Montrose, Saturday p. m., May 21, 1864: Whervc% An all-wise Providence bas seen fit to remove from earth our much beloved friend and. brother, S. E. Leonard; and Whereas, His was one- of those rioble natures, combining agenerons disposition, a warm, true, and tender heart, capable of the finest feelings, with a pleasing exteri or, drat won him a multitude of friends, and disarmed those who would be ene mies.of the thoughts of enmity; and .Whereas, He has been for some time an itative member of Rough-and-Ready Fire co. and always devoted to its interests— he died in Freedom's cause, universally beloved and mourned ; therefore Resolved, That knowing the Providen ces of God are oftentimes seemingly strange and mysterious, and yet He doeth all things well, we bow with humble sub mission to this sad bereavenient, and as lie has taken from us one of our dearest and befit members, Resolved, That although not pierced by rebel shot, in his death we recognize that of a veteran hero , who has laid down his life in the strife of right against wrong.--k That he is another of the many victims of treason's wicked war, and to her skirts his blood will forever cling. Resolved, That personally as a Compa ny and as a community, we have lost a friend and a worthy member , one who was " No. 1" in name and deed, and who gave promise of being an ornament to so ciety. Resolved, That we tender - our deep* and most sincere sympathies to his be reaved relatives, directing them to the Great Comforter, who will throw over and around them His protecting and con soling arm, " who chasteneth those whom lie loveth, and who will wipe away all tears." Atiorved, That while life lasts we will cherish his memory ; that altho' he lies in the wild " wilderness" of Virginia, with no egarved stone to mark his resting place, we will make a mausoleum of our luzltrta, which shall be more enduring than mar. ble, and a Siting tribute to one so good, so noble and who has so early fallen. Reza:al. That a_copy of these Tanga -tions be sent to - his relatives, and that they be inserted in both the Montrose pa pers. Resolved, That our house be dressed in mourning for the usual dine. GEo. F. BA Y , - H. C. Pom }' o, Com. 'O, F. Foimum, ' Letter hom e Lieut. Warner; 50th P. V. Caswanwsvniar, Va. May 14, 'B4. KR& STONE repeat of Capt. Dim ock, it becomes my painful duty to inform you of the death of your son, Silas; who died Thursday, May 12th. He had a chill in the morning. The battle was raging furiously, and the wagon train was order ed to the rear to within about three miles Of Fredericksburg, and he got, on a wa• pm to ride. When the tram arrived at its destination, he was found dead on the wagon, looking as though he bad died without a struggle. • A box was Made, which I can assure you is far better than thousanda'have had who have died within the last ten days, and he was buried by Lieut. Cornwall, of his Company, near Tabernacle church, about three miles from Fredericksburg. Would that Words of mine could con sole you in this. your great loss, but I can assure you that you have my sympathy and the sympathy of the whole Company. He was beloved by all who knew him— not a man can Say aught against him. He was indeed a good soldier, and a good boy, and we feel his loss greatly ; but of coarse a mother or a sister will feel it more than we, although we loved him dearly,;still it would be mockery to say that we mourn him more than a mother. His watch and a number of trinkets are in my possession, and if my life is spared until I get to an express office, I will send them to you. I would willingly pay the expense of getting him home out of my own pocket, if it was a possible thing,and the Company would raise almost any gm't for such a purpose, but at present we can do nothing, for we are continually in line of battle', and every day more or less are added to the list already gone. More than one half of the Company are either killed or wounded, and still the battle con tinues. The whole North and South will have occasion to mourn. But I mast 'close. Consider me your friend, and feel free to call upon me for anything yon may wish at any time. Yours, in affliction , FßED. R. r ARNER, Lieut. both P. V. Theodore F. Warner. At a meeting of the Rough-and-Ready Fire Co. No. I, held at their Rooms on Saturday evening, May 21, 1864, the fol lowing preamble and resolutions in rela tion to the death of Theodore F. Warner, &member of Co. D, 50th P. V. V., and also a member of said Fire Company,were unanimously adopted: Whereas, We are again called upon to mourn the loss of one of our nnmber,who, battling for the sustaining of his country, and the upholding of the principles ofjus tice and freedom, nobly fell, a victim to the myrmidons of treason and rebellion, and Whereas, It is seemly and , pr'oper that we should as a Company express in a meas ure Qin feelings at the loss of one who, though but compgratively a short time a. member, yet for many years a resident among us ; therefore Resolved, That while we cannot but de plore the loss of one who among the first " buckled on his armor," and marched to the defence of his government and her most sacred institutions, and who has as the acme of his patriotism laid his life up on his country's altar, yet we would meek ly bow to the will of Him who ordereth and controlleth, and who doeth all things well. Resolved, That in our deceased brother fireman we, recognize a tract patriot ; one who has sacrificed his all, even to the lay ing down his life in his country's cause; that we will cherish his memory in our hearts; place his name on the roll of hon ored brave; feeling assured that when in the hereafter, honor is given to whom honor is due, fame will inscribe on her ev erlasting tablets, his name, among those noble ones Who from love of country,have fallen heroically battling in her defence, and future generations shall write over it "800 Popetua." Resolved, That we tender to tbe relatives and friends. of the deceased our earnest sympathy and condolence, in this the hour of their sad bereavement ; feeling that any expression . we can make are but empty sounds in comparison with their loss ; and recommending them to the kindly com passion of RIM who only can assuage their grief and "bind up the braised reed." Resolved, ; That as a token of respect to our deceased brother, our Rouse be draped in mourning for the usual length of time. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be presented to the relatives of the deceased, and also that the same be published in each of the Montrose papers. _B. B. Basmsy, as. Frres, Com. DitmEL SAYRE, Montrose, May 21, 1884. —The Tribune says that the subject of arbitrary arrests was recently discussed in cabinet council, and that Secr'y Chase manfully denounced them and that the suppression of the' New york papers and the extradition of Arguelles were both condemned by him as devoid ofpolioy and wanting in law; and that the defense of these measures was more irritable than logical and assured. —Senator Sumner, refined to deliver an address, recently, before the Young Men's Association of Albany, for the reason that the association does 'not ad mit ngroes! Sumner charges them, in his refusal, with being "the champion of mote 'and vulgar prejudice." So the pink of "loyalty", declares it 44 VUlgOr,"%tp ,130 t Ma in withitegroeg 1 —The Supreme Court of Vermont has decided the act authorising Soldiers Whoa out of the State, to ',vote for State offlireri, is unconstitutional, N.Y. Wholesde PlicereProduce, Reported for the. Ifentroie Democrat by JOSIAH CARPENTER; Commission march. ant, No. '32 Jay streetOfew-Yerk, to whom shipments of producemaybe made. Two thirds of the market value will be advanced on the receipt of the goods if desired;. and a quick return made for the balance. Full directions and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mail to those making shipments. Remarksfor the week ending May2Bth, '64. Wanted—beeswax, beans, pea', BUTTER, dried apples, peaches, plums, cher ries, raspberries, blackberries, EGGS, flax furs, hides, bed, pork, po ultry, seeds, wool, apples, flour tallow, feathers, and corn meal. Steady—Hops,. Firm—Fresh meats, *heat, iyr, oats, corn. . Quiet—Buckwheat, cheese. - - Beeswax, pure, per pound, 8 58@$ 60 " impure, " 40 42 Beans, white sound, per bu., 240 300 Peas, per bushel, 110 140 Butter in tubs, per pound, 35 40 " firkins, " 36 44 " rolls, it 34 38 Cheese, choice,. " 15 16 " common, " 10 14 Dried Apples ."- 10 - 12 " Peaches, . " .28 • 30 " Plums, ii, 18 20 " Cherries, " 28 30 " Raspberries, " . 27 30 " Blackberries, " 17 18 Eggs, fresh, per ' dozen, : 24 • 25 Flour, wheat, per barrel, 800 11 50 " rye, 46 500 700 Corn meat, per hundred lbs., 200 250 Flax, per pound, 20 - 25 Furs and Skins, see Price Current, for list. Feathers, live geese, per lb., 05 75 Beef Sides, " 8 14 Mutton in carcass, " 8 15 Veal, " 8 . 14 Pork, dressed, " 10 - 12 Wheat, per bushel, 145 185 Rye, 66 120 140 Oats, 66 85 88 Corn, t 4 120 135 Venison, per pound, 7 11 Ganie, see Price Current for full report. Pigeons, per dozen, 1 25 Hides, dry, per pound, 25 30 " green, " 12 14 Hops, prime, --" 20 28 14 66 4 'l4 Lard, common to best, per lb., 12 15 Beef, mess, per barrel,l2 00 20 00 prime, Pork, mess, " prime, " 10 od 18 oci Hams, smoked, per lb. 15 17 Shoulders, smoked, " 12 13 Bacon, ,g 14 15 Chickens, o, . 20 16 Turkeys, it 22 20 Geese, a 13 14 Ducks, ill 21 24 Clover Seed, 111 11 -13 Timothy Seed, per bushel, 3 329 Flax Seed, it , 8 40 3 60 Tallow, per lb. 12 14 Wool, washed, " 75 90 " A unwashed, " 50 .55 P a Pleg, per barrel, 300 5:00 ple Sugar, per pound, 15 .20 . Ncrrs.—A full report of the New York . Market can be seen at the office of the Montrose Demorrat, corrected up to last. Saturday. We have on file a weekly, Price Current of Produce, for the use of our friends who may call to examine it. In the above list is given the lowest and highest prices which are governed by quality and condition. Many articles that are not mentioned above, can be found on the report in this office. tip-Wes no Miter /—Buchan's Specific Pills are the only Reliable Remedy for all diseases of the Seminal, Urinary and Nervous Systems.' Try one box, and be cured. One Dollar a box. One box will perfect a cure, or money reihnded. Sent by mall on receipt of price. JAMES S. BUTLM, General Agent, March 24-41 m Station IN Bible House, New York. tarlosportant to Females.—Dr. Cheese- . man's Min.—The combination of ingredicnth in these Pilla Is the result of a long and extensive practlce They are mild in their operation. and cannot do halm to the most delicate; certain intone:ling all Irreviarittes Painfal Iffenstrnations, removing an obstructicms; whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, ne., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. DR. CREWMAN'S PILLS was the commencement of a now era in the treatment of irregularities and obstructions which have consigned so many to a pnastaruna Guava. No female than ekjoy good health =lees she is regniar, and whenever an ob• struction takes place the general health begins to de cline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward wish IMMEDIATE raid P:=WSTENT SUC CESS. 7/^lcosiot be aoo®iv®ici.— Take this advertisement to your Druggy : Ist, and tel hint that,reu want T and most RELIABLE 'male SfedWne in th Work:, which Is comprised in these Pins. Dr. CatIEBENEWS PILLS have been a standard Remedy for over thirty year and are the most effectual one ever known Wall complaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they areinvaluable, Indexing, rota certainty, y. They are known to thousands, ar AVar r t kea s ruled= different periods, throughout the denary, turfing the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians In AJnerielt- Replielt directions, staling wheat/to/should sorbs wad, with each Box—the price $1 per box orals:ass for $5, containingftrmrsOtotlOpUls. sentby mall peropt ly, secure Rom observation, by remitting to the Propri etors.Plittiguarro its generally. GS& HILLY/fil, Proprietore,_ mhBlBllB o ' 81 Cedar street, New-York. Prt3old In MontroSe by Abel Terrell in Tnnkhan noel by .1 . W. Lyman; In Great Bend by L. --WBwalloto Imo Or Mr ifofeadde "Snail," " Tonic Bitters," •' Sarsaparillse • ' Neryous Antidotes, Its &e. &a:, and after you are satisfied with the rein% then try one box of oleLDr, Buchan's English Specific Pills—and be restored to health and vigor in leas than thirty days. They are purely vegetable. pleasant to prom t and mints:yin their effects on the broken down and; constitution. Old and young can take them to ,good advantage. Imported and sold only In the United 'Rates only • • jag. B. BuTLER, General Agent, ' Station D, Bible Biumeallew York. P. B.—A box sent to any addresson receipt of price— which is Ono Dollar—post free. (March xi" pm rir DO 119t1 with tObe Curaff—Dr. Boeban's English Specific Pills aim In less tban 80 days, the wont cues of Nervousness. Impoteney t .Promaturepomy4lominal Weakness; !malty, and an Urinary, nem, and Ner. Tons affections. no matter from whit, muse produced... Price, Ono Dollasper bar. Bent, post.pahl Vasil, on receipt of an order. Address - • JANES Btati on BUMS& Genetta U, Biwa House, Xerbliolt. March SS-3M . • • . Eira. Oettfilestuara cured of Ifei4ritel th eame t ene - premature Deasy, and Youthful Error, wanted by w hoesire to benefit others, Will be happy and furnish all need tt,lfree of ehurge,) the recipe and directions fey maklrig the Sh:g i e relOwlY used 111 hit ease. Titowirlahlng_to profit b his Ornerlenee, and ;possess e s Valuable 'Resta receive the same, by' settowff, , katrethlly seal Jr, eddresidn it • ' ;ODD , D. OD , N 0.40 IDWaanet,l3..T. It 10 00 18 OQ 44 14 00 30 00 Mulibs, Bleached and Unbleached, light and heavy grades. Callcoes.and Gingham' of the best make, Do- Laney. l7cks, Cbeeke t Btrlpee, drt. Flannels, all colors and qnsUUes. PIECE _GOODS. Broadcloth, Caesimeres, Ladlea'Cloth;Cottom4lea, dm, Hoop-Sit:Ws and CORSETS; uza lar g est stock 'ind4;inperior make and quality. mianiEkt - GOODS.• We keep Candidly. irostrine• of all goode need tot millinery purposes, and ofier finch at New- York prices. . . READY MADE CLONING. Oar assintment in this branch of trade ears not be ex celled, and,ss:onr IMMIX!, are mask that we are men nfitetaritig eVarygarreent we Mill; KW are certainly en abled to sell them much cheaper tlmn those who are not. We still Continue to • . take .13P Garments to Order, and re gd ashen ttuwe who would like to hate - their TeartashFAIMONABLY made; alma as Perhiel FIT, to try us as we m =Oc e tet gdeg de toolot tdliffattiOn to the most partteabir. Thallotea Ifoota of the• Finn, • formerly In thebandaV Mr. Bombs= MI 'row deft with Mr. Theeeetrem, one of the Mitten of the Flrmould who has charge of sad tmetneee. He would respeetftilly roust ell thowlitottorinoteihtOnerihuto IMh male up.mithoZOOke mhetbe eleteell "- • GhtttiogiOrm goloyd4um 0.00. WALL - AND -WINDOW PAPNA A hew strop* : 111/3;, Br. Tobias" • ifeanilans,,ALlnlnselst.--NORif TESTIMONY, Mists - tocarldit e thatler tbelast Ave years I have need in tn yditunity Tobias' celebrated Venitian Liniment, aid in•tiverk tistanile have found It fally equal folds recommtedatkopi I ,hole tonal% tir give almost instantaneous reNerni eases of toothache, cronp..billotp colic sore throakilam in the chestand back, and diem:either!. recommend It/ trial to etnitnniffed with any Ari th e above-nalued' diseases. , . JAMES IL-WARNER. Hartford, Conn.; Oct. 16th,1861. Bold by ail tiniggista. Office, 66 Cortiondt at. New York. May d.r • HAWLEY'S BOLIITIFIED .11:3046aatet,140 ream;: YOB =arm* Innamoro .InumEmlie THE • TEETH. /THIS article to prepared with the greatest carp upon A. scientific, psitmplea r isnd warranted not to contain anything in the slightest degree deleterious to the Teeth or. Gams. Sante of outmost ethinentneatat See. porta have grtren their sanction to, end- ch t le commend it ea_ pre, parathet of superior .4; ea for cleaniordg; whitening hid preserving the 'T tit, It 41(2101th= readily, rendering them beautifully white and pearly, .w tbont the slightetFt Liejnprttithe enagtel. It is healing_l4 Iberian where:they arenrcertittil and EOM. Ititalso an excellent dlainfoctorfor .oid made. rayed teeth, which are often exceedingly offensive. It gives a rich and creamy taste tothe month. cleansing it thoroughly. and imparting rt delightful frogrrattee to the breath. - - k , PREPARED ONLY BY A. HAWLEY & co, .., N. W. cot . 10th 1 eta., TWIADEILEM/A. AND SOLI/ DT L . Pram 23 CENTS. • - • Tiellarti=3 l .oZaidaajlle . The following opinion of Dr. White, as bribe high es teem to whleq behOldelhetratital Cream, multi* suf ficient evidence ofits value; to quote other testimoni als in detail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the names and address of persona who speak of rt a excellency for the teeth. • Ilanstartvivs, April 15th; 1868: Having careltdly e'zatnined.A: Hawley*, " Solidified Dental Cream." Ihereby,ottectfully recommend it to the public genitally. It is an estellent _preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth, and can be used by all persons with the utmost confidence, as itt properties arerperiectly harmless. Besides preserving the teeth. it promotes healthy action to the gums, and imparts a pleasantness to the breath. Dr. W. , 11. WIDTH, 1203 Arch street. Tune. iNosislir.rt. D., "Wald. 491. N. 4th st. J. Suomi, 254 S. Bth et. S. Vsirnestattce. Surgeon Dcmtist.42s Arch at. C. A. ILmasamm. bentimt. 1319 Walnut at. S. Dramatis*, D. D. S., 734 Arch at. F. N. Dam, 821 Arch at. . PDWAIID Towstaturo, Dentist, 528 N. 4th at. L. H. Douptium, 8177 N. 10th it. . M. L."Lovro; Denuq , Grit, 6th at. ; June 2, 1E164. ly A. G. REYNOLDS, WOOL CARDING, SZlPcsza.e• as 117armaa. May 1. MX4—tt CALVIN C HALSEY, MIME SORGEON, }or Pensioners, and 'Applicants • • for Pensions. IlirOfflce In Pehlio.Aveztee, oreohe Store of J. Ly one & Son. 42119troee, Pa., May 26, 1801." pfm•ToKfis.-of app[R! TBE best quality and In eripriqtrantity, $1 GO per Thousand, and InLots Of Five or Ten Thouaand at taper thousand. 'All orders by mall or express promptly forwarded For Sale by JOHN OAIILT, May2o NO 1, peak PLACE, NEW YOBS. 11 1 '3113C01 3PI- where gain GOOD BARGAINS egin be bad, is at the store of GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO, rulllB t'irm have not been discouraged by the late 1. advance in goods, inn have a LARGE 870011 of seasonable goods on hand, and are reediting daily addi tions to lire same. We are eelling Rani EON crsau at Exceedingly LOW Prices. We respectfully request allwho are malting cash pur chases to try 115 before all others, as we have resolved on Selling goods - that tvervanlyteereteer,sradltave there fore marked our prices accordingly low. i• We will certainly try to save a good many the trouble and expenses of leaving the countyand going a distance in order to buy cheap ; so we say again,give us a trial and we will convince you with the facto orottr assertion. Our assortment to - IDLIT 0100202,, • • nth ago DRESS 000DS. r in . ~)! 1110FIAllitS, ; • LVSTRES, ALP ACCA S, PLAIDS, DeLALNES, - LAWNS, itc, is laiVe; CHOICE HOMESTIr GOODS, Ttrgare again manufacturing this MoWer, which has become so celebrated through- Yl'' out the Country, for its STRENGTH, EASY DRAFT, and THOROUGH WORK DT ALI,,,MNDS OF GRASS, and take pleasure in offering it to the farmers of Susquehanna and 'adjoining counties. We refer for farther particulars to the Many tanners. and others Who have used them. Send and get printed Circulars. MONTROSE, May 16th, 1864. SA YRE& IMPEL BROOKLYN, Pa. Manufacture of Woolen Goods. 4D73AL3P WM:lqt 1. RTES MANUFACTURE OF WOOLEN GOODS, both in the household and the factories, has become - of great Importance on account of its forming at present our principal article of clothing. The nature of our cli mate makes it necessary, and the scarcity of Cotton has ,greatly increased the value of wool and fabrics made froni ; and being engaged In the business of making Cloth and Flannel, and also Roll Carding, and Cloth Dressing, we have thought that a few remarks with re. gard to handling Wool, and the proper process of man u -facture, might be of service to the country, and a bene fit to ourselves, The first process with the fanner who intends to make his wool into rolls for spinning and weaving at home, after washing and shearing, 11 assorting the qualities. hie,tve do' not expect a thither to do as perfectly as a regular manufacturer but by trying he will approximate towards it , and be imply paid for the little pains re quired, by having uneven thread and smoother fabric. The fleeces should be whole and should be spread out. OA a table--the waxiest wool will be found on the skirts of the fleece, and can easily be distinguished by looking closely to the fibre. Two qualities from each fleece will perhaps be close enough for or ea, but as the sheep in our country differTirc r ? ITV; • grades of wool—the coarse part of one may do to go with the finer part of another, and thus make three or four qualities out of the lot. If it Is going-to the manu factory or to market, the fleece should not be torn, but after removing the rag-locks, should be rolled rip com pactly, skin side out. Not less than one pound of-lard, fresh batter (moll should besent with every ten pounds of wool going to the carding machine. The next thing of Importance is of course to be welt carded, for which we wlll be entirely responsible ; but ip the matter of spinning and weaving, we have another caution to add. Unless the yarn is evenly twisted, and beat up evenly in the loom e the cloth shrinks unevenly in fulling—making some places wide and others nar row. and if the finisher succeeds in pressing oat the wrinkles, the cloth will resume its contortions again when Made into a garment, and the mechanic is some times wrongfully blamed for a coat's. lantern- Jawed on a man's back. It is easily avoided y giving the wheel an equal numbmof turns to s given length of thread drawn opt. We find this dituculty increased of late years, and have come to the conclusion that if some of rho spinners do not keep better time on their pianos than.on theirapinning wheels, we should hate dreadful ly to listen to their mastic. ' As every moment of labor should be employed to the best advantage, and eleryloance of material appropria ted to the best purpose, oit account of our war, we pro pose to write some other thaptete on our branched bus iness afterthls is read sufficiently to - be rememberethsed shall endeavor to do our work nice enougq for a balmo zal skirt ore doctor's coat, and make trousers nice en ough to last a farmer through a _year's campaign, at least. • . -INGHAM & WthnicCH. Boas FACTOITY. CRISIVIt.OWII, Bradford eo. May Id, 1864. IVOTICE is hereby given: tie pursuance of, an or 11 der of the Orphans' Court - Ot Blimplehstua county to me directed. 1 will expose to public sale uy on the premises in the township of Now Milford, In said county, on SATURDAY, the 11th day of Jane n ext, at one o'clock in the aftornoon, tho following described locoor at of _land, late this estate of, BERRY dec'd,.l43 t, . _ All that certain piece or parcel of land lying and be ing In the said township of New Milford, bounded as follower:- Beginning -at it point in the centre of the ghway, adjoining lands of John _Reynolds ; thence north 43 1-2* west 110 perches to a corner; -thence north TB' east 48 perchesto a beech sapling; thence south 43 1-9' east ~11R perches to the. highway ;, thence south along the cadre of the ' Maws) , mad 8 perches to the place of beginding ; con big 41 sires be the &Me more or less, with the exception of about three aerosol/ the northeast corner, heretofore sold to Calvin Well man, by deed. TERMS OF I3ALE.—S2S down, one third of the bal ance on confirmation; and the balance in one and two years with interestrninually_en the whole tam unpaid. ELLIOTT ALDltlCH,..ll:xecutor. April V, MIL Do- BRE'WSTER, AUCTIONEEI:EINIIIIISIMOIL ir 3,/,,r,°"!:2;ti Si*Oret) M eMt AND - UPE MlieliAMCM'Atittint Othee to E LetaNt's battling. ea:ond of Brick Meek. An hie talc taasiaesa at the :Alice will be transsed , try , Montrose. Marl 1. et Stld.- I 0 . . .. ERIE'RAILWAY. c18814438°f h ergrlta lx v i N ncil tlienVlEV,iit l itu i tti; following bourn, via: WESTWARD BOUND. ' EASTWARD BODED. 1,, Day yew 221 0.11. 114 2, A.Y. Expreva, I;l7pm .8, I._l_ lett .Mani : Steamboat ,'% 'lel° p.m i 6, Rail at i-..' .- , TlBpda Wreineltuiatt 4 - . > 8:118a.m Wt. way IPreigat, I:oBAirt tet-Y.l')/ Freight. 100 Lin $l, EV,I4IIIIIt, , Dila ami r z „ Train ja,,inn lf e evetp4aVo. ft run, iturniam bat doe, not Pm o4oAyti, ,_ In rilowl not tut day! and Monday.. ORA'S '.IOT, D en. Supt. _ ,•„ IX Viittor; Oirnox - Paskoooper-mcohiola env 0011••.-- Buller/an particular. glir 'Reference yens qt. pertenee. uoaraa atthe Ralston* Rotel. neu,tro.isei*Voleek • : , HUBRAIIITS LIGHT MOWER THIS JR, THE pps"r 'MACHINE IN. USE EXECUTOR'S SALE. U. S. 1040 BONDS! THESE BONDS are issued under the Act of Congress of March SG', 1864, which provides that all Bonds is; sued under this Act shall bo EXEMPT PROM TAXA TION by or under any state or municipal authority.--. Subscriptions to these Bonds are received in United , States notes or notes of National Banks. They are to be redeemed in coin, at the pleasure of the Government, at any period NOT LEss THAN ern non atoms Tani sow? mins from their date, and until their redemptionlTVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILLBE PAID IR GOIN, on gonds of not over hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest is payable on the first days of March and September in each year. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re corded on the books of the 11. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds ere payable to bearer, and are more convenient for com mercial uses. Subscribers to this roan will ave the option of hay ing their Bonds draw interest from March let, by pay ing the accrued interest In coin—(or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for premium,) or receive them drawing Interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exempt from Zunfoipal or State Tax- atlon, their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of Lax levies in various. parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight Per Cent. Interest in entrency,and are of equal convenience as a perman ent or temporary investment. It %believed that no securities offer so great Mute merits to lenders as the various descriptions of 114 Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the filth or ability of private parties or stock companies or separate communities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the whole property of the country is holden to secure the payment of both princi pal and interest in coin- Theie Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from pee up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus. made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder will dare the benefit or the interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt of the United States on which inter est Is payable in gold, on the 8d day of March, 1664, was $768,985,000. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,937,128, fettle the customs reven ue in gold Ow the current fiscal/year, ending Jane 30th, 1884, ban been so Birgit the Meat over $100,000,000 per annum. It will be seen that ever% the present gold revenues of the Government are largely in ezcess of the wants of the Treasurer for tho payment of gold interest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of Importations, to $150,000,000 meow: on. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United States Treasury until March 20, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TIM MILLIONS A , WEEK. Subscriptions urtlibe received Lathe. First National Bank off/dhulelphis, Pa. Second National Bank of Phllsidelpl4, PM Third National Bank of Philadelphia. Pa. . AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS • which are depositaries of Public money, and an RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS ib rot ieztjet the country, (acting es agents Or thelcrltion al Depositary Banks,) affil Walsh further Intennatton on application and AFFORD MIRY FACILITY TO 8171380113D1M. May MOM, 8m Executors' Notice. NOTrCE berebyidven to loAltiadebted tar the estate of JEREMIAH CANYIBLD, , dawned.- late of Middletown township. to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having demands against said Me' tate will present them to the undersigned for settle- - meet. . , isourrtati Csatruara, dolunut -Buxom, Elawtria. ducL utf, " Eremite:lL Middletown. May tir 1864.-** MOOhistratorge ivOTICE is hereby giv_en to all tedebtettto the,' .L 1 Estate of ADRIAN BUS , late or Bridgewater, twp.,, deceased, to make immediate payment, and a 1 persona having dame against said estate will present there to the tmdersteed for settlement. M. K. BUSH. and AMY BUBB. BdAlsawater, May 19,186!,-6w• Administrators. MECUTRIX' NOTICE. warms is hereby civern that letters testamentary 11 upon the estate of WILLIAM 1114111X)11, late oil Franklin. toamship, deceased, Dave been granted to the subscriber, and *Epergne having claims against sale eg i a t o aro requested to present the same, OnV for settlement, and those indebted to same are re= to makefennedlate payment. EANDIAII RELEDON. Executrix. Pfnkfin. April 11 , 1864. 6w5 Auditor's Notice. NE'' undersigned an ;Auditor appointed by MS 0704 ans , Court or Susquehanna mmoty to distribeletU. - thuds Intim matter of the estate ot 1 . deceased, Will attend to thedaties Of his appointment On Thuteday l tho 16th day ofdrote. 1864, at one o'clock. p. to.. at his °theta hiontrcise, ifhich time and Owe datums interested In the same present •their or be throve? barred from comincin upon said Lund.', mayl9 4t A. O. auditor. Audit,ores Notice. NOTICE is berebigiven t that A. O. Waxen baring been appointed an Auditor by the Orphans' Mint Qt Susquehanna county to distribute the Lands In the reatteraftbe estate of A.- LIMO. dimmed. will Wawa to the duties of his appointment on TuesdaLtheillt sat June,lBB4, at one o'clock. P• °Mee tn moat' me, at mid& time and place all potion. Interested mill present their claims or be forever barred from coming to upon said fund. niVl94w ' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers