Hi YEBIBiEET lESS. - June 27.—No.battle of torportance yet come off, and inay not ror softie time, tho' looked l'or by outsideril.• • ' 1 It is thought that Blair *ill be Sp' and Forney Clerk of the II use, Ethridge' clerk of Senate. This squflches Grow. Great excitement elists.in the serisation• circles-at vague rumors of filaits to iiiVide the Union, or to settle the troubles in a ,constitutional way, -find sa‘!O the Union in eace . . There is datigerHthe Angel of P ' eace hasiled the land, and the .D?agon: •of war is • Kentucky setabut •one z:secessionist to Congt-cis=—Burnett. - - Ctittenden and', Wickliffe .are - among the LThiatt metubeh.:l Eorty , troops were killekatAYsiindotte,l Kansas, on' tiw, 23d, - by the falling down of buildings as tlrey were. . of them, perhaps, are killc4. A terrible riot broke oneat :Wis., on Monday, msulting, in great lois of property, told injhring several persons. Martial law was proclaimed and more uro?;ps sent for. Some So hien attested. Caused by the bankers throwing out of 'circulatica he notes of matiy State banks. It is naiti that contractors-for the amy 4 3!ankots will make a profit of $20,000,00. -Rena and cheap goods .ptofitable when sold at very.highptiOes. • An officer engaged at tliO Groat Het tight, says - in Washington ;,that- ):)ur loss was betweenSeo and 600 killed t woun ded, but we get no oftleial)reporq MAIL AERAIIOENFIITS—moh - rBOB P. O. MAILS ARRIVE—DaiIy (p•undier ;exceptedi) fboM the Hank and South, by Railroad at.T.h; V4:31, Daily, (sunday excepted.) from the, Weat.,.lty Railroad, at 93 a, tn. ri Frorajiinghamtou dikrt, every. Tatiedar,Tifurrtljay, and Saturday. at IN p. m. , - From Tunkhannock direct, every.:rne.day 'Thuraday and Saturday, at 1 p. m. , . ._ 4 , tr• From Towanda direct, necry TucAay -and fiattirday at 7 Daily from Friendarille (aunday eti.. - I Cepted) it 634,' ' - 4 P' m. MAILS LEA V.B--tDally (anndaya axcepted);tor thee:tat and h oath, bv railroad, at 5 it. in. E • 5 Daily (sunday excepted) for the went, be rlilnaatt, at .1 For Binghamton direct, every-Monday, Wenneisday and Friday, at Ta. m. • t • For Tunkbannock direct , ever Mobday, WOdneadaY & Friday, at 6 e. For Towanda direct. every 30intinyand Frid/xy at Ta.m. Daily for Friendaville (eundar cx.) at TX i• For Lacerville (through Anturn),:leaves Monday, at 0 a. ra.--istrivii Wednetiday at 5 p. at • D SMALL DEEDS ! ' MEDIUM SIZED. DEEDS! . '‘;'*' l ;;A-T' LARGE DEEDS! ADMINISTRATORS' DEEDS ! ' EXECUTORS' .DEED! ' QUARDI ANS' OP:DS: TRUSTEES' DEEDS! &C., • -and 'MORTGAGES`! All of the most desirable_sf, - yles ;‘ilprinted very neatly, on tii=wt-rate parchmenit paper, for •stile at CASH prices -Atiorneysi 'Justict:"..s, and others, kvhO Want Weds,— whether one hundred, or but will - do Well to call aiia took at the fresli, choice varieties at the DnmocitAT:loFFnfre. , - Weekly Market Reports. t i%.:Li:w-yomi wiioLES.Ax.i: . rnici-. , ‘VlleatTlortr, V bbl., S:5,00c4:1,00 Rye; Flout', 1) bbl., :3,100i: 4,00 Corn !Meal, "P bbl., 12-,Bog 2,85 Alleat, V bu., - 1,50 Rye, , , -I) bu.,...0,55C - 4- , 0,62 'Oats; ' p bu., (3211x1 0,30Q00,35 Corn,- .1) bu., Butter, J lb Cheese, '1)„,lb Ir) lb Lard, 1)Ib MONTROSE PRICES. cgr.RENti Whoa 1 , 1 bushel. $l, 61.,51N Wheat flout br a. a. SS,OO Rye . • 56 cents Bye flout 1.1 cwt.... 2 • cfmtn Com meal c ,50 0•4 1,75 cents !Corn ..40centfk I Pork r ~..101e.12cents .•.:25cents I.mrd ? 12 cento t Butter 11"45.:.120 10 cents GO Mind! Eggs 1.4.40 z r... 10 cents <lna Buckwheat 02145 . Beane Pots RINGIIAIST.Q).; W1101,F.- Floor klbbi Whest pl bu lt}i - 1 25 hoe do .. 50% • Corn do .. .. ~ .. 50 Oats dd.. .....,' .. 7 Beamdt., .. .. 125 e, 150 Soctwbott .. . ase. - flow {1 cwt 1 62.. rt. 'I Apples V bti .. 5P5t, .75 - Oiled di) .. .. . IZIEti. I V a. .. , 56 !63' ' -: 00 9 1 601 Potsloon . Checqe J DA Ilnr .? ton 5.1.. t. :14 bbl ••• packing .. 1 6:(1. 175 Pe -Orit 100 •^Dlrkene 11121 .. 10 Great Discovery I—Ampletests, both ,b able prac titioner,. and chemical anarrsis, have demongrated the great value of Prof. Do Gritais " ELECTRIC 3 OIL," for the relief and cure of pain. Dot the, people themselves, are render4ng their verdict in a mann& bbth Unmistakable and satleactory. More than twenty thousand tittles have been sold in a very short thne-agreatlproportlpn to those who heard others recommend it. who had triell it. That its a splendid. discovery is everywhere acknot4edged,and nothing like It was ever before prepared,. The only Genuine ELECTRIC OIL is Prof.We Grath's which is to be had at all the mspectable Drngirtsta bathe cities, and at wholesale and retail, at the puoprietor'a preen of the agent. Soe adrertieementa. • ; Zrn For sale in this town by ABEL =WELL.' Rotheri, Read This.—The follow] wl an extract trcaa a letter written by thepastor ora Sam Cithreb to :he "Journal and .3iennenger.'^eineinnaaiiPhlo. It says %Our:lee in favor of that world-renownedmisdadae—ldss. WtasLow's SOOTLEING STRUT YOB MIMI/BEV7 4 XIT/TITIg, 0 I • • We see an advertisement in your columns °flint. Win. slow's Soothing Syritp. icow we never said it wore in favor of any patent medicine in our lifs but Wp feel com pelled to say to your readers that this Jelnolbittnbug_.. li nrr TRIZB I. AND KNOW IT TO BZ ALCIT CL MI. It is probably one of the most anceessfol medicines f the day. becauee It Is one of the best. Those who have hies cant to better than to lay in a supply. ideal) y 1.0. of 0. E.—letorrnost LODGE. 10. 154, meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Montroee, on Tuesday eimntnes. A. s O. Warners, Sec. 'Wm 4:8m: Br, G. Bt. Joha E o ucanapmeiat No. 'SO. me-ta at Odd reel mouth . C. el r lTL e ;g,l " . d /tVg. =.lsls°r Board oilitateftiotico . lebei 4 aby giveii, that the Board of Relief, compoeed of.the ,Asaoulato Jhdges and County Comcolssionere, will meet at the Conaniiialonere °Mee, in Montrose, on Monday. July let. 1 1, at two o'clock, p: m., and on the drat Monday of etch month thereafter.to reneive aplicatione and make appeopriationa for the relief of Volunteers and their darnilies,i under the proviaione of an Act. entitled "Ari Act to create a Loan Iltad_to provide for arming . the State, unproved May 15.18n1 Dr Damn or BoAup or*ltruzz. ntitiSh.intri.XBtotr.3ll:l9l.; '• VANORSDAVE—BAPCOCK---in Bridgewtiter, on the:sth inst., Robert liunt, of the New •-VorIC Confer ence,,Mr. Williaml - 7Vanortidale, of Neut. rose, and Miss'Emma E. Babcock, of the former place. WILSON—BUSHN-ELR—fullarford, on _the 13th inst., by Rev.• E. Richardson, Rev. Amos B. IN - Haim, and Mis. 4 Elizabeth Bushnell; Both of Ararat. - ~~;a:~~sig. • DAY—inGibson, - on thellOth mitt,. at the house of his son-in-law, Oiihn Esq., Dr. Erastiks - Day, 'aged 84 years: 7: - 1)r. Day Ava ' s born in the ton of CheSter Con n., and in 1800 emigrated to,3lonnt . Pleasant, Wayne county: 1 1 4. His itay there was short. Being buritt out, be moved to Herrick, in this county, where ,he resided over fifty years, 1,41 is connpan ion and sharer'iiith hint of the toils' and privations of pioneer life, departed to the spirit land son 'two years ginee.' .. He livedae nearly all the first settlers of this region in their- ,graves, resting_ from their labors..Dr„Day was much re : t.pected mid beloved, eSpeciaily,by his .be reaved children and graedchildren.— When the "snmmons " came, he calmly 'submitted to it, as Alt of all men Our nub(:rs where arc they?" R. r; Jt , 7 111), 1%1;t31-2(1, Benj. aged i,• - - . . . ... ABEL . R. 5 - rug Ea 1,, . , r . " . • l ' 7 ` )Px63EL.-- Tllll - ;:UNION. i .COMPROMISE! - -MAKE PEACE.' 1. m ..- '' - 1 - ' - --- . - I Now offers for sale one 'of tbe largest . and ' 480`?'tc n ' Forever t :, . . , i nir . tatfemm i - , tit t g ,,,,,-n OW 'a_ ' i ._.. ~ i -., best . selectiohs .or, -to sell, or exchange for a good farm neirrldontrose,. or 1 . ' . - ....--_. . .. for other good property, with cash Of necessary], to ad- I . just differences. _ Also, nnlers for ' . • • ' ' ' THINK XAMINE ..• , • HARD-WARE,- .., IAND .SAVE 25 CTS ON A DOLLAR • received and forwarded, as nsnal, to INOONET, cone 1 - . , BY -BUYING YOUR ; S, CO., 23 Park. Row, Nets 17nrk, forgood prompt_paytag I -9" . Merchants, of al., at utuat time. P.O. address during the Summer: montrose.-Pa. SPRING. 4 . SUMMER ••iti.c..TrLEß. ~ - ...._., ti• •it .t . • it I • ' - i" • j •._i ' ) ' •- 1 .) 0 _.-__ • , ...._. ~.... Q ii • " .' __.o.__ . . IIAYDEN BROTHERS, i !. THE PEOP EIS AGENTS, , I ' - ----ATI TUE— !ORIGINAL'. ONE PRIDE 'STORE! • CIRCIT * LATING .LIBRARY. BEST WORKS BY. THE BEST :AUTHORS. coss. 111LINDIZED VOLUME% INCLUDING History, Blogyaphi,'Travels Adventdres, Poetry, Romance , LTlLJ? . which the public can , haVe the benefit of Mr •,. trilling RIM per week. Believing that many will prefer to 'obtain the reading of such books in this way rather than pnmtiase the %corky. If successful I shall a d d from time to ttHe each NEW WORKS, as will be of Interest tol the ptlbltc,Arrofitable to myself and bin• proVemenr to tlpi Library. For further muilculars call a f t Montrose, Jutib 25. SMITH'S 'NEWS OFFICE. AT TYLER'S STORE I 'FIRST STORE BELOW TARBELLS FilliE."GrapeVineßradle,"Botgan Pattern; Bost Silver Ste Scythes, Smiths. and Rub Stones, Hay Forks, and:olllpda ofErvinfriLTsols, At Tyler's Store: BEST•Barning Fluid, Kerosene Catnphene ; Tallow, Adamantine, and Sperm Candiesokes 0111.; OTILIEWS OD LIVER, Pure Olire, Vaator, and Metallic Oil, for C anathtnery; slso Harlem and British Oil. • FOR THE HAIR, AND . MOUTH: MUALLEN'S World's Hair Restorer. 2ylobalsamunr I,ieme t'ocoaine, Lvon's Katharion, ono and two shilling Hal:Tonic, Glenn's Trear's and pose Hair Oil, Potriadtsde-Philocome, PfilladclOtia and N'AL ork Month Wash, vie.: Parrish's Fragrant Ellser. for the teethond and gums, Dalytimple's Mouth Wash, Dental Soap, Ac. AT • irIELSIIVIS 13244 RE: mo i mg e wzn e l i t i or s Piljg h r o lg ii hc i ri e, l , n e llt , Vegetable "' AT - TYLER'S 'STORE. • ili _P k LE or . • • xsx‘ir Gt:cicor,a; • arit•COCMPLIMIS, FRESH CODFISH, STONE WARE, WOODEN - • , &c., PAINT & BRUSHES, :BLACK, ING, SCRUIONG, • • NAIL ; and LATHER BRUSES, ALI ; VERY CHEAP. ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, S LAMP I 13LACK,.' TALLOW;, SOAPS Of ev'erfkind but SOFT.- :Yr Dont ask to get trusted at TYLER'S STORE., Buttersen ttoN and palls retrosejunciort 41e* * * * * *i * * * *.* * latiete. ,MIT ittZi 4-o,logi 0,50 . " ,10, - 10(4 - 11 0,16 . :0,044 10,09-iqr.o, 1 0 :0,09 "(40,08 UMOSI NOTHING. BEE HIVE, AI.P. PRICES CIII.I4.EICT. Pork :X. bbl $18b0(11410 00 ' Dre.anellors 11 zri - -r. 7.00 Boer on toot'.. $ 00a 4 00 - drinfed .. 5 504:5 600 1.1 1 . 51)1 ... .§ .. 10 00 Ilidc.m ..' .. ..t. O.',X 05 I Iltuns .14 1?) .. tips . I..lbotoaer . s .. ...g -.'1.. OS Lard ..-. _.. „X 1141:5' 10 Butter, Arkin.;. I. ' (d. 'l2 , ;••roll ''..l 13Q; 12 N'A."',l! Igfiiiicti - 18,z.• 600 1 ' ' '' ' - Timothyseed 1 3 Wool? lb • , ..3 '2sa, ,• 30 I White Pien s 4.1 tilt . '' 750 • • - Please look at the following irices_:,, Para Sols, fur -. . , *5 371 Plam Silk ParasolS, large, • .. 50. Large size Mantillas, / .50- 1 Alt silk and worsted barege Shawls, 1 00 ..:4 Stella . Shawls, „ , 1 13 ' All wool and, silk Brodie SliaWls - , - 3 00 Striped Brocbe Shawls . 250 Good oil-boiled Silk, black, 69 Fancy SW, . '. Handsolne Faney Silks, .. • 8-4 wide Bareges, Nice Cballie De Labe, . .; Good - Lawns, , . Calicoes, warranted fasvcolors, Heavy Brown Sbeetings 1:2 yams yd. wide bleached Muslin ; 1 00 „Kentucky Jeans, • — 124 All Wool Cassimeres, 10 I * * « * * "A.l , THE ** * * coen.T-stiint GREAT SACRIFICE GOODS SELLING AT GiarsAT RUSE AT Tarr TO SECURE SOME OF TIE 211 M 111-b2R2 8 Paper Muslin, dont& width, Good Watch Steel Spring Skirts, 25 Ladies' white cotton Hose; - 5. •Bockts and Shoes, from 50 cents to 1-75 . . And all other goods not mentioned here sold equally cheap. Goods vvill be sold as advertised, ind warranted to give attiklabtfoil. ' % ' 'Ail of the above Goods have been bought entirely for Cash, at large Auction Sales, at tmmense sacrifices, and wilklic sold at a small advance. . Ladle!, and all vrbo want to — purchase anithing ln the line of-' DRY GOODS bill find ft to tbeir advantage 103 tall at onr plane before purchasing elsewhere, as we will not be undersold. , An immense stock's:if • BONNET RIBBONS,' - r • BONNETS, FLOWERS and RUCHES - , .and Evergthing in the me .of I. Millinery . 'Goods, 1 . Constantly.= toll for the Wholesale and.Rotail HIRSCH - NM BROTIIIIIS, toeneeConrt and Water Streets', • . . Slim of „D the EE HIVE. Binghirriton; • Jlite 130, I.Bfri. • Ad.thinistratoes - • . WHEREAS letters orAdminlitratlon to . the e.stabea DAVID ALMN. late of Bridgewater, deed. hare been granted to the Subscriber, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to ' make brimedisut pay ment, and those haling ciatma or demands against the estate of the saidgeeedent, will make known the, tame without delay to - Montrose,June.l3.-firo B.2dcpOLLI.II, Adsolr,. - L. HARDING da.CO., • , . EALERS in Dry Goode. Citocetien, llni•dwitre,liendy j-trxadc Clothing Hoots & Shoes, Sash, Glass, &c.., Nicholson Depot, hliay 7t14-7. " • "BRDWIWS IifiO.NdiMi'ROCUEI3. for Ituarse' aims. 121r}*out fifty different kinds ot • Ire, and other Patent Medicines in proportion. Montrose,-Mitrett. i i. . JOEL TURRELL. Myer's Extract of Rock Rose; 4111 E grrideet rt.tnedy for SCROFULA, and other Wad i red dtaeasee, ever known . liarril sm...r.py the , Sac k or Pound.. ' A.TIIRRLLL."' Sheet. 1111usie. L pcbtvrpilluzvEiewa , QMCK STET, Inxic'a Lau and other . ew Yl,tcce. at • ap2 EfIVXXII•I3OI3i. ;OUR STOCK IS 'OW COMPLETE ! NEW•GOODS.AitRIVING DAILY. II LARO :FOCK OF- ISTA PLE and EANCY DRY'GOODS, I GROCERIES 4 PROVISIONS, HATS AND CAPS, . BOOTS AND ,SHOES, IWALL PAPER, f WOODEN WARE, I •COAL•OIL, YA 1 7 10,"E NOTIONS ; • ; SKELETON SKIRTS, - FLOUR, SALT, FISH, NAILS,. " PAINTS. AN D -OILS, And a great xariety of articles too numerous to Mention, ;which a e are - boast to oat Cheaper thin the Cheapest ! • AT -WIIOI.I;:SAT.R AND RETA!.I, oDUCE taken in Excha»ge for Goods All (pads sold at ' . • ONE PRICE and NO DEVIATION. Our system of.doing biminess gives satisfaction 1 PALL . AND'E;XAMINE OUR GOODS, WHETHER YOU IltY OR NOT. WE WILL SHOW YOLT.BARGAINS UNIIRARD'OF favdra thankfulltincelved, and larger ones n p.roportion. Ynnro, ax.a.srpitsiv 3314.4C0E111. NEW MILFORD, Jung 1861. rt CHIGE Of TIME I '01:1M1YIER ARRANGEMENTS. (DEL ATV E, LACAI.d IVESTR`N R. R. - 1 017ASIMMEMIN ASSI:NGERS reach New York et 4, p. m„ in time for ;IL the iltideon River,'tliTul L. 1. Sound ateamera. I The Expreee Vain Notth connecta at Great Rend with the mail train for the Vest on theshlrie Road. 1 On and after Tharaday, June 13th, traina will be ran as follows: EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS. MOVING SOUTH. MOVING Noma. • The Night Express Train Passengers from N.York F.ast on the N. S &: N. E.. leave Pie6No.2,North Itfc arrires at Great Bold depot s , r at La. m.)7.00 at mfl 1.11 /Or foot of Courtland-st,a,oo connects with the i From Philadelphia Express train for__ ~ 7 . 'leave Kenington, ,10 \:Y. aml Phllsd'a Leave J nactlon,, • 11.20 which Wares at . - 6,45. Due at Washington, 11;4 Due at New 'Milford, ', 031 Bridgeville, ( p.m.) 12.01 Montrose, - 7. - 2-1, Bope.(Phil.conection)l2,ol nopbOttoto, 7,45 Del.l5 minutes to d1ne12,16 Nicholson, .8,02 Columbia, - 12,46 Factory% Ille, • .8,85. Water Gap„ ` 1,00 Abington, &40 ; Stroudsburg, - ' • 1,14 Scranton, 9,90 I Tobyhanua,--. 247 Moscow, ' _ , 9.57 1 'Moscow, - .1,01 . .., . . Tobyhatina 10,35 ; Scranton. 345 titrondabrirg, ' 11;43 ;Abington. 4.18 Water Gap, ip. m.i 12,02 Wactor ! .-vine, • 4.32 llolumbia, 12,16 Nicholson, 4,50 , Delaware. (15" to dine) 12,Z Iloptrattom, 5,11 Elope, (Paned connect.)l2,so 'Montrose, 5,32 Bridgeville, 12,54 New Milford, " . 5.52 Watthington, 1,23 Great Papa, 6,10 ..tunction. - 1.40 Connects with mail train . '1... ew York. 4,001 Wert, at 6,121 Philadelphia, 6.50 I and Night Ex. West , 1,11.1 4 The Egprow. Auiseager Train South, connects at the ,function with the 2, :::p" p. tn. train on the New Jaime. Central Road for Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Reading, arta liarriebewg, be. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN , . . heave Scranton A t0.m.19.%) N. T. Ex. train' East arrivea Factory-ripe, 10.30 at Grant Bend at(a.m),11,30 Nicholson, 11.00 Leave Gt. Bend.(p.rn.) 1,40 Mont/Tn.?, (p. rn.) 12.15 .11controse,235 Urent Bend, - 1.15 i Nieholoon, ' ',- 3,50 Connecting with Dunkirk I Factor y vtlle, 4,45 ',Express 18', , t, at .2.,:"0 i Due atScranton, 6,10 ;The Accommodation Train dm, not leavC-Scranton till after the arrival of the Morning Train on the Lackawanna and Illoomkburz Railroad. tint.. giving Paimengers from the Wyoming Valley ailirerf connection for the Wcat by the matting train. inn' the accommodation of way travel on the southern dlviaiou, apassenger air will be nt tacheml to the Express Freight train, leaving Scranton at 4a. m., due at Strouds hiirg ti, Jagetioii, 3,15 p. m.; Return inF. leaves , Junction at 3.50 a.m.; due - at Stroudsburg 8,:0„ Scranton 330 p. m. !Passengers to and from New York. will change! cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via. Bet Del. R.R leave or take car* at Hope. For Pittston, Kingeton and Wilkes-Barre, take Lack.t Bloontahurglt.R.at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald. and Carbondale take Omnibus at Sf =top. Tickets aold and bag are checked through. . jcp JOHN' BRISDIN, Superintendent.. C. N. JENKS. Got. Tiekct .391. Scranton, Pa. WM PANIC & WAR PRICES! 50 311 01 6+ 4 SPRING STYLES NOW READY. Mr. '3ElN:r3FLlVi e r ill ry IS now receiving a full and Choice stock of - SPRING AND SUMMER GO*Dgi Inchidings great Variely of 'rich Prints in new styles. Gingtiarns.Brilllants, Lawns Challles, Dress Tissues and Bareges ; Black., Fancy and Foulard. Figured Dress Silks. very low with a full assortnient of Silk, BrocheCaahmere atl Stella Shatvls.; Nana Sas, Dusters, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and• Fluwera; 'Hoop Skirts, Broad cloths, Cansitners, Siuninct Stuffs, dic.,; with a large ale tort : anent of other ' • Staple and F a n cy Goods, k . .a,usttal. in Groceties Crkery..llardtkare, IroniNatla, Stoves, Drags, Oils. -Dome and Show, Hats and Cam Cloche, - Carpentering; Floor 011 Cloth,. Wall Paper. Painted and Gilt Window Shadei,lte.' The Stock la large, and bought . for Cash during the present War Panic. and will be wild at low-down prices, and on the moat favorabletetme for Caah. Produce, or to Prompt time Finycns. N.)13*...-Plour and Salt constantly on hand. • • • . piew 1111ford..blay, UNION GOODS AND INSIGNIA, E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL t ' I General Depot, 12 111 411. 1. NN Street, New York. ne and splendid deslces at the VI VELC) ra PE toweat t S c 57 " '' 1 ' ' .., , let quality (white) per r thousand ' D.OO • • .I let " Light SUR • 5.60 E 1 2nd •• ' I,' " 4.75 ill Name and Business Card minted on them if desired. ' A single package of Splendid. Envelopes sent post paid for 20 cents. 150. Splendid Enielopes post paid for $1.00.- UNION PAPER extra quality at $3.50 per Ream. One. 1 quire eentpost paid fur 25 dents.cent ;UNION BADGES ANDi ROSETTES, elegantly made up at IP, 15. 20,,25 and 50 ClltO each. Liberal.discount, when ordered be the quantity. _PORTRAIT OF MM. ANDRItSbN. Z cents. THE YOUNG CONTMENTAL, 25 cent,. A character k oil& • i . lIE_STAR SPANGLED ' BANNER, 25 cents. A heart _stirringdeslgn. E . • MOMBARDMENT OF BUNTER, 25 cents. A splendid . colored engraving. f_ . MASSACHUSETTS 6th 'llegitnent•and the Baltimore mob, 25 cents. A eplendid (colored engraving, giving a correct Ides of the terrible transaction. Sent postage paid, On receipt of price. ( 11.A.RbEE ' S TACTICS, For Recrgits and Volunteers. Wing a complete manual of all military Melee and regulations. and never before pUbllshed so complete and eheap.sent pint paid for 25 eta each. Liberal discount when ordered by the doken. All information concerning Union Geode, arc.. sent on application. (; Mr . .AGENTS SCANTED. Address all orders and cOmmunications to 1...1. ,VOIGT .ix. CO. No, 12. Ann street New York. PATENT MICA .AMP CHIMNEY. • A Lamp chimney' putt will not-Break! nuns groat Invention toinmeudiltaelt to every one using.ooAL OIL LAMM It - glees =gra Ilghe re gaires leas rimming. atuf not break by beat or cold. Wing, or any ordinary , ' For sale by atorelreepens geperully. throughout lha , and the Cinadas, and wholesale by the itannfacturors , and Patentees. • . , HOMINY 4IHUMPUIIEY., . . • No. 3SI, N. Second Street, Phil'a. 'N. B. A largerimd enperioi,etock ChDiftA. ClO.ll J401411113;13ili allows on hand, at prices defying com petition.. .Tao the ihrtkmd Oil, at manufacture-re price. - • _ marl 4w• arALL) GE1 7 11.A.L10 PILLS. 17 l'o!fflf, kin& d tread ashy 0 , _ 0) EVer. offered in Susquehanna County, and prebably, comprising 'the- greatest VA RIETY ormost different articles of any, Store in the Northern part of Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the, entire`,State. - -An assortment is kept in about thirty differ ent braheles of trade, and the selections are made from aboim forty of the: best Ifouses in New York, 'and more than fif- ty Dealers and Manufacturers but of New I. ork. - .A large proportion of the Goods are brought• direct from the Manufacturer's, thus insuring genuine articles. euStoin-. ers on entering the Store must not eipect to find everything in sight, but nearly ey ery article', wanted will be prodnced by imiiry: • Some ides of-the Stock may -be fronted by the following general outline, • but enumeration is impracticable. . . DRUCS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS IYD 'OILS; DYE STUFFS, GR OVE4'I , . • LI Q.ll ORS', - ,C,R 0 CKER r, GLASS-WARE, ' • WALL and WINDOW PARER, JEWELRY„ . . . • SILVER-WARE,. . • PERE& ALERT, • FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, • BRUSHES, .4 MICR/ CA.Ar POCKET KNINES, TABLE CUTLERY and • • SILVER PLATED WARE LAMPS, MATERIALS for LIGHTS, HA RD , WA RE, ' • • BED CORDS, • • • DRY GOODS, MIRRORS, WIND 0 li' AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGRAPHS, VARNISHES, BIRILCAGES, • . SPECTACLES, WHIPS, tf.-.LASHEq? GUNS, PISTOLS, AMUNITION. T. 0 . IX X. C ,TIEDICAL & SUltai CAL I,4littnients, SALT, SOAP, POTASH, &C., UMBRELLAS.. :I' 0 RC EL, A TEETH. Th . UttentiOu of tbC public is respect fully infited to - thy stock 'ot'Goodsi. bought 'exAnsively for - CASH •and will be sold on the same prin&ple for low prices. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, 3tay.lst, 18(ft. GROVEIt & BIASER'S CELEPIiATA'D• NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOR FA 3111.1" .\\l) .33: FACTURVW USE, 49513roaclway, New-York: Agencies in all the principal Cities and Towns in the States. Thc Grover 5. Baker SeWing Machine Company are now manufacturing, and have on exhibition at their dth ferent salesrooms, machines making the Shuttle or Lock Stitch, of the same patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated Grover & Baker Stitch Machines, thus affordlog .the Public, the advantage of comparing the stitches orthe the leading machines and exercising their own judgment as to their respective merits. This le the only company that tit.ttufactuthe both kinds of machines and therefore the only one thatcan offer this privilege to the purchaser. "We speak from .expertence when: we say that, after having tried all the principal sewing machines, we must accord to that of Grover &Baker the ' pre-eminence. Those indispensable features of sewing, strength, ord. .tormity, and elasticity, all of, which are brought out in this Incomparable invention, make it the Arst sewing machine in the country. Others have their good points, but this combines all, and possesses every characteristic necessary to make it molt _destrable."—N. Christian .4drocofe and Journal. " MZRIT VS. PRZTENCIL—We perceive that'the Gros er st Baker Setking Machine is• terry day growing more and more in favor, both for Manufacturing and family purposes—but especially as adapted to all the require ments of family nee. Other machines, by dlntof brazen puffery and . conitiving with committees at annul fairs, bavebeen thrust fOrward into the first place; but they are fast being this unmerited position. The real merits of the Grover & Baker Machine. arc beginning to be known in a practical way, and daily is the demand for them In- . creasing, while the demand for heretofore better known, but inferior machines, is proportionately decreasing. So It turns out in this, as in many other instances, that *hon esty Is the best policy,• and the right, in the end, comes uppermost " A trialof over two years enables us to say with the greatest confidence that there is no better ism:blue for general Family nee than Grower S Baker's Sewing Ma. chine Co. •It makes a beautiful elastic seam that does not rip with wear or 'rutting. runs almost noiselessly, is plain, simple, - "easy to work, and not liable to get out. of repair, fastens the has of its own thread, and uses threads and silks directly hom the, spools on which they are boright."--..V. Y. Leader. Grover Baker's Machined' Work, la their peculiar flitch, aid fabrics put together by it may wear and drop to pieces from original weakaesior bait usage, bat tome apart or glee way at the mums they Cannot; they will bold together when the cloth or c an to around theca hangs la rage and tatters.—N. ..•• The points we Conceive most Deceseszy aced . holm* tant to meet the wide range of requirements In a machine for family sewing, we end more•fplly combined In the Gr ov er & Baker, VW extent of capacity, simplkity of construction, ease of management. advantage of using thread from two spools without ro.winding„ . strength ot work, elastitity, durability and regularity of stitch, and quietness of movement. ..We therefore make award' to the Grover it Bak •—er.".Avport CommittoioC Touitrist Mote Far qf IS6o—ida? V fit. Louis aryel'aiiof 1160. F. B. CJIAI44,EX, ...Agent,. .' iy eq"m* .• Montrose, Pa. ~.• ' , La w B o oks. . • P,.:RUOYB DItiEST, EIWO Justice, Dunlap'e forma Gat!, dolfts rerruz. and ahem at ... - . . p 9 FAIVLITII'Iti. . Aat;iilor~s . = • NOTICE Is berebygriven'that the underilkned , an • Au; ditor appointed y the Orphans Courted SUlllactilis county, to make distribution of the bind !tithe hands of the ado* of Estate of Josiah Ellis: decd, tnift =mpg the 'hairs and lap] representatives of Mild ltetnte, rjll attend totbe dale' of his appointment at the offlcsiet McColhun t tirarle. In Montrose on Monday July Istrl Ib6l, - at one o'clock p. mat which time anti place all room having any claims upon sald.fand are required I preterit the same or be forever thereafter debarred. jet!, 4w D. W. SEA 1, Auditor.; ' r • • Li - NEVV . GOODS. NEW NEW NEW L. HARDING & 'NICHOLSON D LIBERAL DISCOUNT, We are determined not to ba ottt-doiie STONE WARE, • - ia the way of • . LOW PRICES% ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Tekcn In Exchange rel 7,1" CIO 0 CIO 0 32/ D L. Relevant & co, BROOM S Nicholson Depot,.May sth, 1130.—Gm t . STILL ON THETRACK!' • FARE REDUCED. 'ONLY . 15 CENTS! BETWEEN MONTROSE - a 'MONTROSE DEPOT T H' Regular Mall Line • wild carry passengers between ,the above places for the sum of 1 5 cents, or leas. Passengers will he called for at their residences by leaving their names at the Post Office 'or at the Franklin House, Stages leave theirraeklin Douse at Ga. nt..' and 4 p. precisely. , J. S. TA.RDEX.L. 'Agent, land Girard Stage Comptuky,'Mootrose, Pa. it'opartuership heretofore existing iutder the firm 1 of lit/ENtt & thirdity dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and acconpts will be In the hands of K P. Sam for settlement. .►ll persona indebted to the late drur will eta the Importance of, making Immediate settlement. Snrnmersrllle, Pa., March 9th, 1881. CU-PARTNERSHIP. rtli nn E d S e u r tgri na ber m l Lapi tL eried Into copartrierehip B. L. SUTPHIN • &.00., • • 1. FOR VIE PCRPOSII OF CARICYINO ON TILE MERCIATIII BUSINESS! at the old stand lately occupied by Yoting .t Smith. where we hope to merit the patronage of oldFriendw, an well M , gain the confidence of many new one*, by a system of prompt and honorable dealins; in oar pneinens. It. L. SCTI'IIIN, FREEILiI4II.IR.NLII, Y.. PI:SMITH. Summerseille, 31nrch lith, 1861. - tratt494t ' 3000 ROLLS, a A I LLNEW PATTERNS, J9loilfinErll3 313cocols. Elltcoreo. Moatroite, Pa., April:lth, THE subscribers take pleasure to announcing to their friends that they have this day returned from N. York with another addition to their stock of Goods, selected 'rich great care, and especial reference to the approaching festive season. Any person desirous of making CHRISTMAS &NEW YEAR GIFTS , (and we hope none actil deny themilelvea the pleasure) can find a rich and execrative assortment to select from, and at the very lowest Cakh prices. EVANS &- ALLEN, ' dec22 No: 2 Odd'FeUowa Hall. °Binghamton. . Watches—Ladiee Glamond- Enameled, and Odo— m splendid article. Also a varietyof Gold and Silvea Eng lish, American and SWISS, limiting and Plain. very low. Gold Cbalno—A very extenalve•variety of Vest, Fob, Guard an&NeeleChairm. . Evolve & Auxo. Ear Rings and Breast Phis—An Infinite variety of atylee and prima, in sets and bin le. Finger Rings -I)Sato mid, Baby, Rigatd, Pexi,Scale Ckaaed and Plain Gold Rings —a large stock. Bracelets—Gold. Jet, Mated, and HAIR Bracelets of all patterns and prism - Ryas', & Amax. Ulcer Ware—Every description of Silver Forks, and Spoons. ilapkineßlngs, on hand, also Soup and Gravy Ladles. Cups. Card Casts. Pie, Butter And Fruit Knives, Childrens' seta. 'Alta. etc.. warranted good as colnr Plated Ware-A.Beautitulaaportment of Ice Pitchers Castors. Cake Baskets. Walters, Butter Dlshe s, Sugars Salts. Knives, ptorks, Spoon{, Toast Racks, Cups Goblets etc.. etc.. by , Briars dr ALLAN. - . . Sleeve iluttons andaituds-4 large stock of all patterns and prices. Beads—Coml Necklaces and Armlets, Amber, Coral, Pearl, Gilt, Steel. and silver Beads. Shell Climbs---A good stock-ot shell, back and side Combs, also Buffalo, Horn, Ivory, and DresslngTorubs, Hair and-Tooth Broolim etc.; etc., EIIiTA.WO3 ces No. 'l' Odd-Fellows Hall, BingLuunton. GOOD 4. , MADE To 6 E C " ? ' .I. l ' ' " 4 6 ,- a. 1 ' .) • la• \ : 0 1 ,' READY-PAY CUSTOMERS. DISSOLUTION. MIRY PRESENTS! PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS ! • NEW ARRANGEMENTS IN TILE • • BRICK BLOCK. undereigned. having- taken the Rooms fbrinerly • occupied byW. B. DEA NS. is now prared to furnieh all who may desire with a good and trut.Ml Portrait. Being well posted in the production of the various kinds of Pictures of the day. I dotter myself that my work is not excelled by any fn this section oldie country.. Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the AiIIBR97:I7S, , PHOTOGRAPH, - -MINLAINOTk.P.E,. NAVILLOGR'APIL Locket Pictures down to the smallest sized miniature Ring. Transferred Ambrotyporthe finest thing' ut, for esudipg by Poet to any partof the World , without extra postage. My Pictured are bold. vigorous, and etpreeeive —not those faint, lifeless' shadows often odd about the country._ Pictures taken in all kind* of weather, equally well, except those of young children. No picture need to taken unless perfect satisfaction is given. . In dressing for a picture, avoid light colors,—such as blue, purple, - scarlet, pink, etc. Most Whers take well; as green, black, red. snuff., brown, Orange., yellow, etc. rlr. Remember that the - place to get your "picture" is to the Brick Block; oVer,Ressi, Watrous Fosters store. . •i. IL INIZLICTON: Montrose, Ps., Nov. Rei.h, I. BALDWIN & ALLEN, Under Montrose Democrat Office, ARE RECEIVING .Fresh Ground Western FLUE every 80 days, which we warrant to give 'satisfaction se paw in market; if qat good returned at 010 eXpellte. Tied , and Buckwheat Flour, SALT AND PORK, BY .Tit LOAD! BARREL an POUND. HA NS, (,Su g ar, Cured) • Dried Beef, I- Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, Molasses and Sugars, - • TEAS, Cp.PEEE, SPICES, SROO3 aht 11 x e oti,r fur guru at iqw Prico, for READY LAy 31entrore, January: 1861. ODS. CA-I=I:JELA.T REDUCTI ON ODS. • 4 efet . 1 / 2 ~ e t 1 ) co ,s, GREAT CROWD EXPECTED i MEM AT THE STORES' OF , Gutteilberg, (Igostitbaum, AT Montrose, Susira County, Pa l Ehoiik New-York Susquehanna Depot,- Pa. OUr uen f ee ris o t be and the n nb re ll in gene ral N i k r r tiOn i3t c m on t a u eg a In the money Matra In the titles we can purchase GOODS VOR CA% FROM 1010 N fER . CI:I4OWrit THIN Fannerly, 1 Therefore we are determined to offer the public our . general stock or - • EAR MADE CLOTHING IjitY GOODS, .k Jorgest and best STOCK °GOODS . . . Kept in ANY COUNTRY Store- I • 1T1‘ ,,, ...1"" , "'1t' , 1'''.11. ,, Y r . . RS: . 1 it;.. in 4 Lan r c,,,,,, , •,. , ,,.., ~.I ,, , kflat. 40.,1%,11 , 11i.t0 f this side of New 'Fork City, ' " , add app...., Iby ~11, La.., 1.• • . i,..,1 fl. 'qt., i. f.lrlo IPr r5t.t,,....11.,... C. ~.i i i e. a.. , :,!.......... :..., Defy Competitio n ~. ~ ),.. „..„.•. 0,1t..17 , ••• ~., t• . 1.,. It, :at t (al •a . 1.• At Prices which ' - 4 ' -- "" t. • 74 . . - ; .b. pu -...h..., 0,..,.i b.,.... wl4 1 /Xi, 411 ttl, .. , 4.-••n J. as we will sel, fur CIELJEI±IIfr at the small id vane "! ''''''''''':"''''' ""`• ""•"' 44 , '''" "'' " '"''" . . . . ct ,c:3,4, ~ , it..... : 1 .. 5 1 . a. , 4 . ~.. ~ 4rd ..Lit vo r.i. .• of ten per cent above the•wholes e cost. We still ajl ' v1i: ' ,4;nf,',1 ' ,7i, , ,, " '. ' ' ''''.. ' 1 ' '''''' ' la ' . the following GOODS at thwanneketi priced, viz:' ; • Let tt.,,, ,i,rt .1... of ‘,.., .4 ' Black Frock Coat worth $ 9,for £56,00 , NOP ......f‘a. - e Liv Ett i 1.- i l'A'it:l -ti.li Uiliti.. , ,sit Black Frock Coat, worth ' 10 for' 7,50 ! .., y ,, ,11 eurr Li Vv . .. c . .. . jAttllet., Ill'Iou• At- Black Frock Coat worth 12 for 'too , 1 5 a n i.k . :, ,n 1 . ) . 3 . 61;r , ri in. 53 :Chronic I)lirrticordi, - k at Igi 411.14, /Ir....tit- Business Coat worth $5-fir .$2,75. t rY. liroll.r. 5..1 1 s' ip A t0m . . , 3, ibtilltliti . BUsiness. Coat- worth Gifoi . 4,00 . - Costa sirnr., chol- ~ .i . r„ t I ... t ..... ( :lOU.. ranuelm..t.io!, e l :0 rant um, rls.tu• (her . Coat_ worth $5- for - $4,00 . knee, Jattn .1 i c r.-... 1-2 cr nnar Wenlargradk• ' Over Coat worth 7 for 5,75 i ~ td. Ai:o ttoy t.., f,...1 .-• , 4 • ......,%:- ... Al, Oral/. fi. . Over Coat worth lO for - .7,50 .:.. Ir l . ) ;',„"Tiv: il :. :.' 4 .'." il '.'"'.• :''''''',. - ..', 1 , 1.- "Over Coht worth 15 for • 11,50 • . . t W;;,/ , ;la,: ~... ' . % • :' ''' ' ' '''.".' 1 I" .0, 1: ...' 1 V. 0 or' thror Te2;- • 1., . • Over Colt worth./ 20 for 15,00-- . spoonfuls a..: 1.41.- I , ' 4:9 .t f -, ,,,....tr.,tf I, r Black Pants, worth $4 'tbr *, $3,00 ' );i , te it.3l'. : t E;I4 (41 - 4 - 4.114 :,;-,• Black Pants worth 5 for -. 3,75 ; l' .l fi ti.T r ii•NT i...;tt 1 N 'l' ?In aid3C-r7 x :4•11 .Black Pants worth • 0 for 450 ; TUI' ryemen tift,ll, .. !::)_ stt..,..r.t.ovi. Fancy Cassimere Pants worth 144 for $2,1 , MYTH T 01: :;,•1 tt E::.. - ' • r.,.. lee t.h,f-14:::' orln r Itolli , . = ' Fancy Ctissimere Pants worth 5 for 34. - I. .Fancy Cassimerej/ants worth -o.llyr -4,1 ._ • a2l. Z:171 -1 0 V - 31 '1.3 Black Satin Yost 'worth $.3 for $2,25 '1 .- V t .3::.1. V . Black Satin Vest wadi 4fr 3, ! - Black Satin Vest swrth 5 foo 00 r 3,50 . 1 • GATHARTIC PIL Lgi: ..• - OVER-sums ,t,- OVERALLS only ,31 i UND'R GARMENTS EQUALLY LOW YOL ; NG E. P. MM. AA Winter Lae fairly appeared, we Invite the niteatlon of v _ L -it toren ron,pootlo.i 11,71, n, 71 ••••.11.11 t-t 11.7 p.-.-a t ..."7-':. - ••••y • W i ta..Et i rXCll:rX.S.ar.llllr i . ran i ' r ' t "7 . '"' 'l ' d ' i' . m ." ".' ""!- -1-.1 "!:• - • - me:miry c-str:t. aa ,t, gam& ...I salt o . rt,,t/- .. CI - ::rit a. Catl,ll7 7 I. MI t ~-.1,--1. v :11 ...I 13t - . Also 'GENTS who insh to avail themaelvee of the °ppm. . ru n grme.,s., a ,i,.. - G• sli 0 ... h shi m ,i.. • tunny to make come Fair One a nice 1a1.818. 8 Pato.. Is, Mr' $4 Hoek end 1.01i5,....; ' ,Cesetgretww•,, P ale.- 1. ... 111.11 Sarrar•4l 88 8. 8 ie . Christmas or New-Years .4E/ - Ike %whole ...say . . 01 :iv, ~,,-,..41,1 co:4. ../..,%... .. . frenoontly, If 11,....- ••••-•-ti. • 1 , 41171 4: 1 , 7 , 1„. 11 , .u. -e •4 , - , . ' ...... PRESENT ver. Lae.. of A litir - Mr, a eireeplou•ri.• ri) 2-17 matins. ger Colgl urtr, , 0 eme. ' Yeelyle,,llifest !n0... new.. linctomil". .. , ... E. 4 ,..., 0 „..i., the bend,. . to one large assortment of In IItn•10 Pi a tory, j)l 4B 8,48,8. V..(11 . 1.• : t _..., ~. • ' _ • (11411d111.21 or Allnli a. Ithreatosoll.m....frr 11 • :f- P' XS I=l:s3 ' t - Purifier ef the /110011 1 ,... cr7.l tont,' .11.••:-.-. to a! , 7. teal Is heir, too norctrtaiti IS to il...dna it: n_+A1,......'.-- 7' - meet 'Dose. t nix. ini . CLOAKS,SIT.ALAVLSThe'. LlVe t t ll s. B .vll7r i a l t E or all.: 7.• 14 0:. i ii1t Fa t • *hurtle Plata are r,..talled by 11 . mci.c.. t,..er.....,,. ILli . ' • - and . ,1 ' sold tcboiccatle by the Tradt ;nail tl,•-, It rcr to:, tit. , • BON'iTAT S. . • 8. T. lA% SA NPO it I). M. IL. 335 Ilya ad lir al' ~ %e• w -1 . 41. - ;• • : , OUR ASSORTMENT OF , - - • --•-• —-- - _ • . - • 4 t : NL'4W •VrOODS - ~. DRESS-. GOOIJS : -NSW- . . . 6 , 9" tar C)C, .13 lEir , . 1 , .. . ' AND - - . 1 - - JUST IIECEIVE1)! • _ • . . . • . . : TRIMMINGS • StIII.3IE4SVILLI4.I4. . ROUGIIT LOC FOR CASH IS ALWAYS LARGE it .COMPLETE, Plen;e tire us a call and, we ilk : H[l4lo fv,y!al CO:IPRISING • HAIIG A INS t • PLAIN mid •,- strri,am .dc . co.. FANG? 'SIP'', s , . April Nth, 18,6).-7-3t•- Ell22310:11, . . P ALPER. of all colors and shades..: 4 . LARGE qt.A*ITY Or WALL and WI:MM . P7G • • • PER, new for the springtradeja.t..irriirkf, DE 16hArueo i 4 etc #4. c, . 4. lfontrone,•Aprii 30th, IS4I. ADEL TLTIIIf OUR ST .. . . . . .OCK . .OF . . Susq'a, County , ' -.- .- 1 Classical and Normal School DONIESTICKS • ' • - 1 , AZ' nerD4,(lBP - t*4l. , • • . CANNOT RR EQUALLED ' . - • • PROF. S. S. HARTWELL, B. A., PRINCIPAL:. - . . .- .. Ili: ITT 1111 PRICER, -1 - 31 ,, B. a CA ,3 4,AilDisa I ? . Ilieil.tliDif, AW,:sravre. i Mn. Min E. BLACKKAN Good Heavy Shootings, 6to Bca.; per - eel 1 1 11 ,&nary M. :ft"H/tiaDs. er,;Tiaeat.. 1 Marie on Plano. . Best 1 Heavy Shootings, 7 to 8/et4. pr fil , Dr. U. Z. MOCK. Led 'der niyAnatemy and Physfolo ; : l . - ;- DE.,'NLMS, frini - i 8 to 12i cents per yard 7 ril HE FOURTH TERM of the preeent Acid...tale Year TICKING; S. -10 to 15 cents pty yard,i-N 1 `,?,# 1 "1 1 :4 1 ',, 11 . 0 ' i MLi1, 1 .,,,b4;i . ,ri, c 3 ) 1 ,°,,r 4 . 0. 14, 3 ,. 13 ,1 n r. r hi he GL.NGIIAMS, from 10 to 15 . cts. per yard' ! i ii ireetion of Prof. S. •S. HARTWELL. that if is iii-a dour , - ' CALd' I ICOES,fast colors, 12iyards only .k - i ' ' ! l i n rFn e ffa u g i to"rO n a.,4"e:i lf uen r t'lo7, Pe l - ros i t: Hi w a faln7 l% a to ,„ed " Rest Merrimack, 10 yards•only*sl.l preparation for College, foe teaching and other pursaita.- eill do well to avail dim elves of itS ad% autagea. Thse . , • - I , • are referred toll:woo who tuive already done so. - ' , ........ 4L3OrtitCp3a 313.31,1tit5g. r . • 1 For Pirtteularos, Sec Circular. , ,c` F. - 11F.AP, Secretary, . W. Jr.:*.SVP, Pre e 'f. A - choice article, only '1 . 21 cents, 11. -I /•• ,: -.. . ; , s .- - "71 - • i - 1.• .Pest Steel Springulfkirte r • . . • t . z 7„ .' 1„ ) , i , ,? •' • A nice lot — selling at I, ets.pe r spring . I . - , - - ~ '''' /•- ` 4 . 4( .`‘ --:-). • • -4 ' l • , .. . , .. . Ladies' &molly Woo . 1 Vests sad FA • Drawers. • tablished in Pittsburgh, is 1840 -•-; The Oily Peonnu whit College in the ; • 1.77ii0a, - Comforted ba a Praetirat • 3/err:hunt. . /AVER 6000 Students have attended It from Thlrq kJ &e'en:OllRWL Ilene Slineirnedala have been awarded DuffeZ,6yeteut t lf e lk,ok Neeplog; and the-new drendsejunt Jostled n lettere front atodents to Phil adelphia. Baltimore, Mt nte. Cincinnati tie-, provin4 It to he the best knurls. NY:Al:Vint Promtnall were usetiV i rvaltdod- the rentoanehin Wm min% titO , w { tlt= e l ate Vreftvieon, C. P.Coeltran. aeoundonbe , edly peuinen in America. Da/ Editloo ot 'Du& Bonk li,..ceru op; poet- piid, 2.P.,„ and Duncan's. Gems of Pentonneblin • . -5,0 r, Doff and Dungige. ?New 'School Copy Books. 6 Na'a. :For samples of D in Co c lusu'e 8111110.11b4iiiti Ornate en tal Promaniddp,,eltb the Pc. , , irrultrot6l pegee.ft,cll.:o cents to stamps to -_ _.. • nov y LAMBS WOOL HOSE. 1.....116p2101191_ accitseizrres. Of the Latest Styles, &c ., &e. G Thankful to the numerous customers fOr t tbeir generous patronage the past year, I we respectfully solieitsa continuance of ! the same.' (gutteltber, ?tlostitbaum, A 4 o ICentrw, Pa. D:cor.hr IV)t, 1560, which :comprises the Igl l l'..gA s g 4't ROOFLAND'S . • *t‘ll MEDIC/b.._ c 440 4 r4rn 4,1 STANDARD REMEDIES • . of filo proooot agc,havc popui.it,ty - only through year , ' r: (r i a...uuded imisfort-oc reudero , l CI c.4.30f. " • HOOFLA.,ND'S CERM AN -BITTERS KILL r .111 , h LI 41.:13. DI . Liao? Coalptaint. 13.71.pepuli, JalruWe; Norvatua , - Intlig; DtSC11•0? 01 Lao Kid Welt. , sad aU 4 . llissarx .' from a'..llnorlerotllivcr. wit of tLe. tocp aclkand Ordgum4 I3L RILL Kr:MUT' /4).vr,T 'taw mit r egnitt, itYilt, Aid AUL Sri our Almanac for tr...f. cents per Dtatio Hoofland's BaLsamie Cordial Grughs, Colds, or Hoorseoes., BroacEltb, Lsilussso, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipiiat Coososopds4 sod has performed the most est•nistaing eMses orrr koinia • •CONIFIR.3IEICCONSUAIPTIO3. Ai • ISktriiicel forsti,t. it is 'um:quailed. Plus, 2. vests pt -r, HOWLAND'S GERMAN PILL, being well known threukhoitt Davies awl limarice, nee& no mosuesati,..iliere. Tht.y ere rcrtae6 es. prrpitrett with great nottetriem..and are ogerwoetedi batter Cathartic Pill can Lo VtuCT; :SKS-psi bow. Mies* medicines are prerwred by Jr. C. 31: - .1aaJo. Co., Philadelphia, Pa., (4.1 and ate kat Lt druggists and dadera in :lied:eines nscrprtais. The wain of C. I. un tho outside of eit:la bottlo or Luz. In our" Errryb:ely'r radii/led innually.yott. will and Ultimo* coat nntitnerktatory iatstkiitCrottl parts u( the rotadr.). Ihre.,...iitnanaca aro given, away bit, ail outagants. ES EN EL N'S TAR _AND WOOD NAPTHA :-1101a12, le the best- Medicine lit Me world for Ms cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, !Moult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. For the relit,f itf patients in cuiraficed slaw sf Consumption together with ell DiewaseS of the Throat end Chest and which predispose( to Consumption. It attacks the root of disease; and makes diefed dadroyer Newcomb to itVtoenee. It alsoprodw nes free ecrpectoratiort, & Induces heallhy (teflon Dn the climaxed Mucous -Membrane and atina4- It is peculiarly adapted to the radical taro of ASTHMA.. . Oni dve of Mb inraluaNc337 UP often girt, eve and rovequen ',rep. which Me portimgar nature Mediseve deldes. ./1 iarerypleasitat 43 the !wk. and prompt In Po settle. Try it & -he eon elated Mat it fa in raluale in the cunt gr !Bronchial. _Ai' 1 ectipiao. • Pri ce !A rents per Bottle. Prepared only 47 - pr. A. ESEArVEI.V. and add by A, Rem- well,. If; corner 9th vid POPLAR atm*. Philair a. ;ea. For 'ale in iron/tor Gy nut 29 tr....l;te) ABEL 'PURR F.LL Primate.. LIVER. iiii'llt3.ollATOß - • _ NE.VE.U. IS= Pure Vr••; - Inbir - F:xtrnrirc, and Jul np CUES. ;\l: 9 161 A, as•al ' , alit 1.4.. e in In nny, eli fltn(r. .Tbr len.l2l:y Co-' • - Er tor, arli, 1%04, tf . 1.1. 'L.. • , K. • 111 his peeet e Tbrronnuni• Irrn,s.... r. O,V , WI, I.I,IOIIgI.SINItrOf sit& a•vorert.t m ex!•re,.• m4er •—• • 1 turn. Itinlin the m o Au: :4 Prereatket 11 PI t t % .. 1.• AilTer,t 4.1 . The. F:13111.r" C.l - • I'll t !ITT(' PI e 1. bu. <with 4.tar. ,•••!•.r. t.. 4 t v r. PI.FY d 90?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers