Important NattOnal Works, Published by D. Appletorts‘,Ce , 346 and' 48 Broadway, Now. York:. - The lottowing works are sent to sub.eribera in any part of, the- coon ! . (upon .reeeipt cit:retail price.) by mail or ex press. pre aid : Tnn -Ncw Cret.oectux-:—A popu-- las Dietionary_ef General Knowledge, edited by Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dana, aided by numerous select yorpa of writers in all branches of Sciencea. Art, and Literature. This work is being,publinhed in about titteen large octavo volumes. each enntainine7so two-column pages. V'The first I 1 s . ulutnes are now ready, each eon 'Raining near 2,500 original articles. An addi tiornal toluene will be published once in. about three months. Price in eleth,s3 ; cheep, $3,: N:1; utorroeco, $4 ; halt Russia, $4,50 each. The • New American Cyclopahlia is popular Without bt ing superficial, learned but not pe dantic, comprehensive but aufliciently detailed, free from-personal pique and partysiotjinlice," fresh yet acctirate. It is a complete, Statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the iseopolof human intelligence.• Every important article in it has been spt.cially written for its pages by men who are authorities upon the topics - of which they speak. =They are re• ,quired to bring the subject up, to thellWr.t moment; to state just how it stands now. ,All the:statistical information is from the Wes; re ports; the geographical accounts keep, pee with the latest explonttlens;. historical matter include the freshest just views; the biographical notices not only 'speak of-the dead, but also of the living: . It is a library of itself.- .. AnitIMIIIENT Or TIIE Ortiarts or CoNGErs:s: Bciltp a History o f the United Strifes, froth the organization °fate first Federal Con gress in 1.789 to 1858. Edited and compiled. by Hon. Thomas 11. Benton from the Official Rteordsof Congress: Tho work' will he coin— pleted in 15 royal . octavo volumes of '750 pages each,ll of which are now ready. Itoadditional volume will be published ones in three months. Cloth, $3; Law Sheep, $3,50; Half Morocco, •4; Half"C...lf, $4,50 each. Tut Way or Paoccatsm TILE CYC: ormota na DEUATEP.—:'orm a club of four, and remit the ptice . of four books, and tive eopies will be sent at the remitter's expense of carriage; or fOr ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent at .onr expense for carriage. To AGENTS.;--NO other worbi will en liber ally reward the exertions of agent. -4 s .tet.7l4 . Wanted in this Cotinty. Terms made known on application to the Publisher:" Sli FIRMS FOR SALE, IN NEW MILFORD, PA. Tr1,14".i .. ctr,T,•• pale : Out' FARM, on ivhiell the subscriber reaidea, iremaid boro, containing about WA:leer:l, in a good *tate of cultiration„ euitable 'reisind grain. grazing, and dairy purpotwe. Also, dnotlierFAßM iri said born, near the Railroad Depot, containing 50 aerea with a number of godd Village Lott: on the came, in the centre of the villa:le. Also, a FARM sitmated one mile from said barn, containing V. 3.1 acre:, with a frame dwelling house, two large barite, and about TO scree improved ; lb° balanee.wol timbered n ith Che,,teut etc, and the D., 1, W. IL It. Co. ?nye cash for w'oo:Lgiep and other lumber on the road. • - Also, another FARM in NeNi' Mil lOTA townaldp containing, ttv acre, inn good rtate occultivati on I'lolso sores Improved. Also, another F.ARM,iw said toWllShiy. containing 50 acrep..with tuf table builbinga I9d improve. meats for &mall farm. Also, fifty nores of miiinproveii land, in ASS towurblp, m;itable for a mail farm. The above prepert v will be sold very low for eish or on accommodating terms on credit. Any In formation in regard to tho propert' will he given,py the subscriber athis residence in New Milford-Ps. . WAX. C. 101743.1=L30. wiTEHEs •JEwEiRy- . &C . W E a zin t tl IT l rcr ‘ f n ul ,. l i s ...i n v fo t 1;11 1 ~o . i , l ri ,f , r i, e n. ; , 3 ,:; ..„p i a n t r4t . .n, r. , and offer who?es.a l le c a L n ' d retail, at . the lo;v4 ' ,t cash pru•cr a large and very choice st o ck of ll'atches, Jeirt/ry S;iver ,C 7 Plated W ares of every anxiety - and etale. EVers description of Iliamond Work and other .I..oselQ, made %tinnier, at Abort notice. :,..7"*.t/lf:nort• trcrra tie - el In be as represented. R.—Parlinular attention given -to the repairing of Watehe• and Jewelry, of every dewript . • STAVEI-7!JI st. BARLEY. No. EV . ! Market ft. tmoutla side. Pbil'a • I an • E3EMBI ATIMIGHION MD! C.l7 2nd DOOR AtiON'nft - LFORD'S. _al LInE 'PUBLIC generally are informed that a FREEE EX. lIBMON begiven at all hours of she day. of lIEW DS of ull sorts. viz: Drew Goods of Summer Print., !Molina, Challis, Lawns in patterns, cheap Bkhop Lawn.. Thillianta. Book, Bard, J'aconetts and Swsee Mull, laidit 4o rollars - and Sleeves, Dimity, Marseilles, Moreens. Furni ture Trait*, liftituelcv,leans. Nankeens, Sommer Stuffs Giants Shirts, Cotton Drawers, Collam Cravats Neck-tie,. and Suspenders. A new and larLte tot of , LEATHER-WARE, inch u (Wilts Fine Calf IGlnte—irond 'nns; nice heavy am. ilirht Shoe!, ttplendicii.adlef‘ Galt err trom 5 to 18 nhlilinga warnintell to Ut. White, Brown, and Black 'HOSIERY. Parasols and lintbellas, Bandltoxes and Work Rasket6. . 331.1..rx3.11.3a.,fr. and Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow CandleA. RraF,and : Japaned Lauters, Wash Board.. and Collec While. aish Drnsbes.lted Cordoba feet lonc, whlttla and rpring Clothes Pita, Pine and CEDAR rAms,butidePa I'ILE of, Plagon. " g eig (telt g ME at of every, Tariety, among which are Taelen and Corn Starch ibr glorlonspaddi not, Cream Tartar, soda•Pt arch Saler:au,. Castor Oil, Epsom Salts - , Black and Scotch snuff, and its. - of things which won't do to recut til)oret, but elea,.e to, call, examine and fall about. W, are ready and u tiling to chow Goods. even thought they may not atilt and thankful tit email favors. 11. C. TYLER. 1 .4MIt. hwi hoh.le of The chilling Bair Tonic. It 1 - 1.; beats anythinc ever aluxd: up. TYLER'S. _ ONTRI ?SE, 'May 9th, 1591. 'l l lrE 51T1;5,C13,113F.11, lIAVIN t; P1'1:- chased the Rock of ..I.,'W.IItIIERLY owned by A. N. BUTT. RI). thi, r method of Informing -• tho.Fr,Pho take the tbd stock has:again been removit to t he "Id etr.od. he/ow the • 4 -7Jeaaa.ezeor'est Ortioea. vebarit '*,l will be moil eeppy st ie v.Oll Upon inn,O, oho may savor him with a call. • ANY-:' 'BOOK , . Yl.lll.lLlSfitti) 4cisi inlieinfi can he obtained by leirt inz your ortlern. with the price of the4ticik and publi.lier':- tb. ik.olg. MHO, any article in - the •• Ro, and Stationers" line.. . . , NEWTS - k ll= : n7 ;I ' l v A t Ledoer. W:ekly.. - il r erenry.:( Tipper Floe: ; Spirit. and all the Illindratud Papery fur rides, Buck ;Iv o ,. .42ra SUROOL BOOKS—AII the old and new editions. LARK BOORS—A. very nice assortment.. . . . CIITLKIIY.—Tip top article of American. • GOLD PElie-Ver Fine °not. Ladies & Gent2.* .PEREITXERY—A.V.c Harrison's and others. 31:1 4 011EGEi— •• CMr. 'and I. will endeavor to A A nave es, to ror:r Ow to my own. YOC111•.1.1 - 1•1010.r. • • 8. A. mimnto , E, PA.. Stptt•itilwr 1 , :. 1467,-tt• !. ,7 0 - ,' , 4 ., ,- r .,-,„-. ) = • ' , ... 3 t.c,.. ,0, 1 43 , _va s .... ....) _____i ..1..!!!) _. _, imi.,.e li , T ay. Copartnership heretofore cNl;ting lulu ..en the uD _dIKIIIgI).4II.I. this; dav dic , .ol, • d hy, un consent • _ - James C. Vtlenton withdeon in:: front the firm The Took accounts.und note. will be s,und w ith R. KI:N1 0 N', .ir,„ who will cvmtinne the hnnitn In all ire Nnrie . :crouches, and keep a large tuck of ar C> CO 3:3° S , !. Which will be sold very low foe C.t.SII Olt APP OVFD I'APER upon Four Months time. Tintee indebte to R. Kenyon. Jr., L Co.. will are the to eteeity of .rT.I %tag , tbeii Indebtedness at one... as the delaa due to the int must be paid. n. lienyoii,Jr.iebitrekt unthorized to • n • for the tient whenever nee-. nor to cattle the h oe h te ,,, t also, authorized to rts:elpt fur the firm whettet er neeee.. . - 7 - , Cy in closing the business. ' ItOtiElf RENY oN, .ic„ 1 sots-ravenous , SAVE THE PIECES .1 WiIEATO.N. , ; Isow.o ilk Centre, :lan. IS. PCI.- 311 i L pharmaceutists -and Clitatims- i E CONOMY }' . 1 - - DIsPATCH 1 . .-o . , o s o s gVir"A &rata- Tenn Sans Nrer.."Wl - ~,,,, PITTSBURGH PA: , . , As'accidentit will happen, even ha well regulated4.a -•3IA,N II 0 O 1). ... Three BITIT.RS are cold In 31ontrosaby . . lies, it is Veer dmdrable to hare some cheap and exhiven- HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. kI y 1 ... Allgl„ TITIZELT. nrugdist -----.--- ' 'lent way for repairing furniture, toys, crocktotc. SPALDING'4PREPAR.E.I7 , ftl: f TWIT Publlsbed. In a Sealed Entelope :On tire nature. , Mrs. L. J. BIXBY 4 , meOti. all 'such emergencies, add no h colloid can rdfOrd ft/ treatment, and radical curt of spermaturrito• . or sem. 1 I to lx• without It.' It is always mid , and up to the nick " Mal intskresrs sexual dshility, nervonsnoss an I invitlnn• ja.A y in ; j ipt l retini.ll from New York with a choice, , Ing point. i ',' ' uulemissioim.,todoeiogimootenerltindroentu. to Weil 3.8 •• beautiful:and extimelve tosortmont of Pall & winter 1 physical iszacity. 'By itoirr. .1 - ... CULVER ELL, M. I . „ " CSEFU . .1. 4 RP H 0 rd f t: ." It, AtrUitr 4e - Orwn laig," 4-c. The WWI( rtnlolgard 1 . Vililis Ti N. Ire —A Brush panics eseh Bottle. Petal 25 Wither. III: admirable Lecture,ektiely prat . a from hie !' ; :, ; .•' : ''.. :; ' •_:' : : gfiltifEllY :V' ! cents. Address. /.6..17/1" C. SPALDING: elm raperkfakaalhat Mr awful 0111.eIlnerleea I i self.atate .14 ready to furnish the L,adies of Montrose d - 'vicinity with 1 NO. 48, Cdar Street, New-York. , r ~....... ow behest, qtly nrtnored without medicine nd without . • . dialterOSlT tiltrpeal •alwratlun... iron ice, I stabinenta. • s B . 1 I - e UTIO V 4 • • •lino or alllllllllll. pointing out IL 11114C0If t 111 , 111 t Mee ,II ' llioNi LE timA j a and strectuad, by.which ...Yell allffl.ll.l .no unmet . i BONNITS ! i , 1, Al , certain unprincipled persons sib attempting to palm what Ids condition may tw. may cure himpeitchsaplo.pei. : , milk. Old ettchkaili. This leclurs win prose a boon to as good and ns rich /12. can be purchased anywhere. She , off on the nnanepecting public, imitations of my Prepared thousatideand thonsande. Iretmi the very nicest goods, such DS eanntst fail to please . Glue, I would caution alt icons to examine before var . chasing and see that the full name, , hsrtr under meal. ins plain ent dope. to an,...v. Addrele , ot the trtost difficult. Prices very reasonable. , • , ....._:___ .. _ _ , p, d, un re. , ip tof two postage *total:lo.l7 adders •...; The Ladies are invited to 0111 and examine her Goads I 11-xr• *.r.A161112 1 70' 4 PREPARED GLUE-.. 0 lir CI 1..1. t' KI,IN E. , . PT Room, iirptlf :le Maler qaluon. (second floor,) Main in on the outside wrapptfr : all others are aWindling coun t r Lk,. ~.. N. w N 6.4 Kt. , / 0111.:, Dos. C,'?, ....,,, , r NT. t ~,./. PA ' - ' ;.. I .4. , 1r -te-te 4 e I • , . • . ": W ( x' T ROSE PEN N ;!. rinH subscriber stung pre ased_ 11. re6dad and newly furnished tht above well known and popular Hotel, prepared to aaonimodate the- tray 'cling p9hlie and . othore with all the attentions and cbd i veniences usually found in first.clas. Houseai No effort 'will be spared by the prietoi : and his Assistants to make theHOtel, equal in every point to any'in the country. Thelitar ,will supplied with,the Choicest Liquors'. • - TheStubles,connecled with this House aro large, roomy and convenient; and careful line. attentive 'loaders are always in charge theni ' • -I. S. TAILTIEI.I.. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. I.4cated over the Suequehanort Valley Thnik. BI!NGHAMTON FA - CULTIC: . D. W. I.OWELL, Prinfipal, Professor o(ithe Scicnce of Aicotims, Practical - Accountant. Autlibr of 1.0 - oven's Treaties upon BOok-Kcep ing; I )isgratns illustrating the same. - ' Jona:RAM:IN, Commercial Accountant,,Profes'r of Book Keeping and Practical - Mathematics. Ctiarts, Assistant Professor in tho Book Keeping-Department. A. J. Wans Err, Professor of Practical and-.or nsmental Penmanship, Commercial Calcula tirins Correspondence. LECTER i I lon. Daniel •S. Dick irson, Lecturer ou.Commer eiat Law and Political .Economy. Hen. , Ransom BalFom.. Lecturer on Contracts, ' Promissory. Notes antd-Bilk of Exchange. R}•%.. Dr. E. Andrei - es, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. • _. ENAITIEVING COMMITTEE: linn. Sherman 1). Phelps, Wm. R,OsbOrn, erravy R. Morgan, Etq. Tire 'object of this (.liege is to afford to all an optiortunity of obtaining a thorough Business Edue.ltiOn, The Books aria Forma are carefully arranged by practical acmintants exeressly for this In stitution and onbraco all the 'vent - improvv. monk:— . • The course of instruction eignprises every department of business: The reamer will %thoroughly tatighlohe science and practice Of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz: GeneraPMer. chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis sion,- Sfearulkoating, Railroading; - Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &c. ' YOUNG NEN Can qualify themselves in a f!bort time, at this Institu tion. to 1111 i ruportarit and lucrative situations. Ample referen'ces can be given where graduates of 1860 are now filling desirable sit nations with salaries tram' 016;1000 . per annum.,• . The Proprietors are in possession of testimonialti from 'some of the first CommUre 'a! Houses in the State, to whom they bare furnished.boi)k-keepers, showing theirientire satisfactionand confidence in the ability of the graduates of Oil- , Institution, PENMANSHIP In all its branches, taught by the most skillful and thor ough masters of the art. No College In the countrY',en joye a higher reputation In thie department. De• partmenuentirelv separate item that of thegentlemen. Students can enter College at at tithe. :s.o vacations. Time to Complete the course, from a 10 10 Meeks. stn dent:. rortts , in..: the-requisite exiimination are presented :with the unnt elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma Issued by any Commercial or Classical Institution in the Union. . i,lstance rendered to graduates in procnring , sitnat For trrtns. of tuition; prim- of hoard, teStimonials of graduatentliling positions...CT, addis,s the propriutcirs (or mrculars conmibing„, full partleulars. LOW1:1,1„.t WAY:NV.Ii, Proprlviors,Binglunton Communist College, \. n•. s, -v Binghamton, N. T. KEYSTONE - HOTEL, t ret t ontrpse, Penn,. WIVI. ruvrcEtr i Proprietor. ritus new nnif commodious Hotel situated' 1 on Public Avenue, near the Court Houtie,and nearly 'the centre of ,thc,; . business portion of 31c•ntroso, is now filly completed and furnished, and was opened on Mprolay. the 27th day of September, 185 S, for- the accommodatiofi of the public and iravelers. The Pr*priotor, feels confdent_that he is now' prepared to enterta:n guetas in a manner 0)51 :ChM-lot:I - ail - 1n give Complete Satisfaction. Thj - Bottd and Furniture, ro new, and no es. pease has been spared to render'gt equal, if not supplier to nny establishment in this.part of the Vtale. It is well supplied with all tho recent improccments and comforts, and obliging waiterie will always.lw readyto respond to the Call of eustotners. . I The btahles e - ahnecteil with ,this' Helm .ire . Nevi, and Convenient • 'The Pnlprie!or rj,pdctfulry'• solicits the patron agq.of his old friend, and the public generally. . , • 1.11 :it. K. I lATCI I. B CE R,H Ay E HOLLAND BITTERS ' SUE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY 1 , 4 , 8 TAYSPEFSI,/i t . DISEASE OF . THE KIDNEYS, LIVER s comPLAINT, WEAKNESS PE ANY KIND, FEVER AND'ACUE, . • Anu WlTeM.bum emomvient upon a disordered i5T0111.4C11 OR LIVER„ Foch:a. Imli.:estifin. Acidity of Um Stomach, Colicky Paler,. of dlgatlt. , lintpondeney, Costllnalot, itlind and 111,..ihnttiles... lo all Nersoth, Itheumaric and Noninhri.! Aare:bins, it` iena lithinurrous Irishmen p;oved highly Iwoelirial, and I o nthorn tileettui a decided cure. This pi a purelylvegStalar emopoutol, prepared on strictly rrimdiPo pri0ri 1 46.,... after the manner of the oelehrated 11.,11:Ool Ito reputation at home pro. Ito lOt. ,, dortion here, tier demand commencing with or the Falbeiland Fr.; tier.] ones the, fare of Cite .Miclits mu.drr:.onov of whom brought with them raid menial down the tmlition of its value.. if is =et to the Ativrieen 1.0;16% Stowing that itt. Indy fsd 71.0e/Irilsal ririnos inunt to orilltro./clfgeol. It F ).nticularlc recommended to thnta pennons whale rotOttituti•ot may h',-e ',evil impaired by the menth:one ion or areVot other forme of dieellistion. Ormerally • to elbet. it nude its way directly to the seat of lifu, thrilling and quiclteolog every nerve, ri nsing tip the drooping !Tick, Mot, to fact, Jawing new health and vigor •• fie the eyetem.. . litYlliCE.—Whoever expecte* to floa this n'beverage wid h,;tlialrpoilited,, , hin to the ekk, weak and low spurted, It will timer s grateful aromatic rebind, Downed of 'lnsane remtkilal prepertlee. • . . "j • READ CAREFULLY! ;The ,Geoultiet bhehly coneeptrated Beerhaver Rolland Illtterele put ufi iu Leath, only, and retailed at 0:m /AMA& per bottle. et eixbottles for Err!. DOLLAIIM. The gieakdeinand for:tide truly celelmated Medicine hae induced mini imitatlidis;hi& the public 'Mould" guard 'gab* .. purclieslide. . f Beware or Inmosition. -Sea that our ZS= is tal . the label of every bottle you buy. , • ' - Sold .by Druggists generally. It eon be forwarded by Esireas to moat points. _ SALE 140tRIET0118: . , . BENJAMIN PAGE 'SR. & CO. ehe CURES' I ‘ C I IW CURE -( ecit fiervousHeadache CURE - ‘ 4l kinds u'" o_e__ • he lie the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Nerrotta or Sick neactelahe may be prevented : and If taken at the commencement of an attack, imedlate relief from pain • , and sickness will be obtained: • : They seldom fail inremoving e Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. i . , . They act gently upon the bowebo.—removing Oistineness. For'literary 'Men, Students, Drlicate Females. and_all persons of *aleatory habits. they are valuable as, a laxidire, improving the appetite, giving tons and vigor to the diges tive orgsnr, , and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole. system. 1 The c'EPILALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments. having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented •ind relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, Whether originating lii the, farrous system or from a deranged state of the at . They ate entirely vegetable 1 their composition, and aymbe taken at alltimes with per ect safety without mak mg anychange pt diet, and Me absence of anit disagreeable taste renders it easy to adinintsterdhem to ehildren. Bewar6 of:Coli r nteifeits. , . The genuine have Ave slgnatUres of Henry C. Spalding oneach bor. Sold by Druggists and other neaten% In Medicines. A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the . • r.rloo 813.104373.te5. - All orders should be addressed) to . lIHNRIC C. SPALDING, llnvl9 v Sch 48 Cieilar:'S regg, New liorlt. ____. _...,_,- -..-_.,_,--__:_-=_-.--..,-.. --__-=, a — . -- ::._r.z. : _. 7 THE 'FOLLOWING ENDOIDIESIENTS OF -- , .... . - , s,Rfilijaglif t ll ll Zl . - CEPIEALIC[ PILLS, WILL CONVINCE • WII 6 SUFFER' rRO3I 711.1 T SPEEDY AND OHRE CURE —IS WITHIN • THFIR REACH As these testimonials 7r,e4 unsolicited by Mr, .4 unquestionable - ;:y of this iruly Recovery, -Spaldingighey . a fort proof of the rfficac; (I; COh N., Feb. 5, MEL .SriLtmin. .fitTe : n. and / like them po erßl • orth mote. , to whom I gave a few on. Adige ' ob't geret. - JAS. KENNEDY. ' I lase trled your Cephalic .Pll that I want yon to oend'me Part of 'hope aro for the n out the . firpt box I Fot horn Scud tht• rims by mall, And • mot verford, Fa., Feb. 5. H. C. Sisaldin4ir I wish yon to send me one m ; I here retested a gr,eat Cr YtAITP, ref Qpruee Creek. lan Sp4ldlun. - Sir: You will pleete send them im'mediately.- ILE= P. hare ii4ed one b escellmt. Henry C. Spalding. Esq. Pleape find enoloteti twenty me another box of yoni Ccph the heat pile I have ever tilt, Direct OM= H. C. Spa'dine., wish for some circulars or I ,your Pills tnomparticularly b hve anything of the kind. phi, large show hills, to bring afore my customers . Ifyun ase send them to me. is subject to /Si . revere - sick o days). ma. cured rf an at-1 Ahleh I cent her. Nulty yours.' One of my curtomers„ who , headache, inrually lasting tw WI - in an Amer Ly your rut% ' ileApect rg, Franklin Co.. Ohio, 'January Reynold b Henry (7...Sr.:tiding. Cedar ttreet, S. bear Inclosed trnd twenty-tire& box or "cephalic p 1114.7 Ith Iternoldshorg.'Frankliniconn Your-Pi/is trork like - 4E ch instanter. Tta . ly nts, (2Z.) lot aChinh semt, m ect to Rev. Wm. killrr. at , Ohio. • In=ffM Mr. Spahtiny. sStr • L , . n for a boa of Cepb.alk. l'llls Ileadadie and Cciativenes!.l they had oo yowl an effect I a a, 1 Sot long since I luau to,y for the cure of the IS:CrirOLIP and received the f :MM. • and rraa induced to Pend for }lewd rend by return m n. Pirort to 1 : R. WIIKEI.F:n. Ypallanti. Micb ..._ Front 7 Exam Cephalic Pill. accotnplieh t made, viz.: cure of hendscli g I tar, ...Vorfolk, Fit •. e ollject for the were lo sit Itt form. • Priam 1111-. Errant ncr, Xorfolk, Va. They ha - i'e been tested i more than a thousand cases!, 141 th entire snscess. • Einar Bemperat, St. Cloud, • If TOO are, or hive heeni troubled with the 'headache. eieud for a box of cephalic pills, so that you ,may have them pa case of as attack. " From the Adrertiirr, Providence, . • • Thetephalic Pills are said tole a remarkably affective .remedy for th`e headache. 'Fend one Elite . very bolt- for that very halt:Cent complaint which has ever been dis covered. .. : - ...._.1 - • F'rony.theAtm, R. R . Gazettr, Chicago We heartlir endow Ur:Spalding; and - life unrivalled Cephalic - ! • • From the VolleylStur, liunateha. Vu. We are Farr that person?. stifle - ring with the headache, w•ho try them, will etiek tO them. - - _ From thr Path FiOder. - New Orleans La, . 'Try them ! you that are adlicted.. - and we are sure that, vour Cesiimuny can be added to the alri.a , dy numerous het that has received kenning that no mber medicine can produce. Fran the Sf.! Louts Democrat. Theimme,nee demand fa i r the article (cephalic "pillel la rapidly increasing. • • From the 'Gaulle, Darroport,..lMea. Mr. Spalding would not connect his name With an ar tick he - did nut know to possums real merit. Front the Advertiser, Providemie, R. I. The testimony in• their fat'or Is strong, from the most reSpectable quarters. From the DoilylNews, Neivport, /2. I. cephal le ruin are taltltt# the plate of all kinds. 05" A sitlirbottle of SPAI.EiRCCPS PREPARED GLUE, . wl sate ten times its cost annually.. SPALDING'fi ItitPARED GLUE! SPALDIG'S *REPARED GLUE! SPALDING'§ "RPAREI? GLUE! ABEL. , TuR,RELL ,: rt :: !:•1 ec t e ' lvin l g Pd on rm e: s ;;:l e ie le l c i t rl i Vei t t in alit i ge t r 11-111.cnigoil Is • . .-.. . . -. . • „ a . l ever offered in this market: Tin! quality of nearly every thitig good ; all warranted as represented. ‘ • [ Terms e'lleady• OA and - Low l'ricis.. A general idea of the stoek may be farmed from the following enumeration: lIEHS, - .• MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, , - VARNISHES, - WINDow GLASS, IDES STIITHS, OROCEIUES, (}Lass WADE, 1 Citock.anv, , Stirrers. Clucks, • WALL I'APER, ' .pAVINDIS TAPER, • WIND'W OIL SHADES,FANCY Goons; , Mualealinstrumenttaamps, Jewelry,- -Perfunierv. Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushes, Whips.. Umbras ' Bird Cages, . Pocket Knives. flays. Pistols, Ammunition, Liquors, Trusses, Supporters, iShencder Braces, part mma's, - Spetacles. (Silver .t.. plated - Spoons,. Forks, d.c. (bid pens, . I Stationery, Vlolitre.Gultrir, Bass Viol Strings,. Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, 'Artist's Tube paintsalrush es, .te. A.c. Also some Drs." Goods, Wooden Ware, bard 'and Japanned Ware, Fluid and 011 Cans, Camphinc, Coal .011, Bunting Mild, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, next foot, lard, olive, castor belled and raw linseed Oat, I.lVbite Lead. Zinc, and all kinds of colored Wilts. Vine. [gar. Canary Seed, also all the popular PATE MEDl ellirE9, and other things too numerous to mention.. I : It is impracticable to give mote than- a general outline r.of my stock throteet_the newspapers. everyone wishing ISOODS is invited to call and examine. Cfistomers on !:enterlng'tbe store must not expect to find every thing in Fin"sight ; but-nearly every article wanted Will be produced by nquiry. ' • ' Thankful for the liberal patronage - hitherto received. he [hopes-to merit a continuance and large Mums.) of the. 'same.. - . ..,, ABEL TeItRELL.. ',. Montrose, -June .5, 1801 ' . WHOLLIALE SALT DJEALER, ' • 201 Wamhingtoapst, . Tiredly opposite Wasiiing,ttin Market,) .New YcorXm., • TILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and S COUN'T RV trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT;at the very lowest figures; 40060 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash -ton's celebrated brand.for tablo and dairy use: Jeffrey Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, ece. end WOO bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu mem, SL-Uhes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &c.,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels,zsro - re and stort , 4uses. Any purchaser wishing Id select from a good assortment -will.find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put till in small bags of different sues, and*constantli on hand in ship ping order. Also a aptendid article ny Rod: Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale by , the quantitY, in - cases of live dozen each. THE BEST ROUTE FltoM WYOMING VALLEY TO PHILADELPHIA; NEW • YORK, 'BALTIMORE., . And all Points North &. West. LACKAWANNAA. BLOOMSBORG RAILROAD Two Daily. Passe_nger . Trains ILL gIE EC ZS SCRANTON AND NORTHUMBERLAND, MOVIN,/ MON 17.“(1 • .I.ltiPa N. Y. N. Y. Phll'a ?fait. •Expri.s.. I*.t.linnoc • Mail. A. M. P. W, Les P Scranton. 6.11) 4.25 Nort uland, 5.141 • 4.15 • .leri cc at • Ar iri• at l'ittt4nn. 6.34 i. 5.1 ri.2o Kinpttin, ' 7.05 5.20 Bulo t. 6.55 5.50 shickoviuny, 7.rit it .45 ti.oo ItetWilli. 5.:20 Der tit k, 7.15 fi.B, 7.* $ll ck,hinity.l.4s 7.05 Itupert. 9.00 7.40 iiing,atitt, 5.20 7.45 Danville. s.lO • l'ittston, 5.57 ' 045 Nortliuland.lll.oo 5.45 I Scratiton. 9.25 NAS THE LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD ° re box of emit' Cephalic / izr folly benttiffroin I t, .I.NN STOllillOrStt l ogdon co., Pa., Jan. 19 bore of your Pill!. Srnd Hy Jtio. It, SIMONS. ro4lr IWO'. and find liven At Scranton. for Nen• York and Philadelphia, and Inter mediate pointy emit: al-•o for Great ]trod, Ilinghamton, svractme„ Buffalo, Niagara Falk-, and all Importanrpointe At 1 uperl.ll como , rl-. with the Catnui,-.1 Thniroun. for ,poinbr both Ezro,l And At -Nortinbnlo•rintul it connre.o with tlt Sunbury nrii Erie Railrond for noint.\Veo and Schub icrnou. Thlo. Jan. 2.1 ye cents, for which •end -lie Pill,. They nre truly A. STnVEIi.; Wynn dot county. Ohin: Mao.. Ike. 9. W. B. WILKE!A • ` A /AIMS Delicious Tome Stimulant, E.,peciallY denlaPeql for the nee of the Medical Prote,a-ion and the having vroNerceileil . the railed " Osin-," • •• Aromatic."' " - Cordial. "Nedleated;' "Selinapp-." ete.. 1. non en dorsed ho all the prominent. phye Han,. ehernit•ta 0101 I'oll - an po-F.easitiz all those Isitits,te medicinal (pialitleo (niui , and diuretietwhich beloni: to an OI.D and PURE GIN. Put up In quart bootee nutfeold by all Drug gists and rofere. ete. A. AI. BIND:GER A: &0.. • 17714-] Sole Proprietor. oe 4yl • . No. l 9 timid Streyt. For eali•"al Turrell'e Drug Sinee, Monti - tow. • rrx.eure Ilaidath-c Mark These Facts! THE TESTIMONY CF THE WHOLE• WORLD: . Bad Legs, Bad Br easts , Sores and Ulcers. aa LL depeription, of times are remediable by the prop /1 er tuid diligent use of this inestimable preparation. To attempt formic bait logs by ph Bering the edges of the wound together is a folly; for...should the skin unite, a boggy diseased tion remains underneath to break nut with tenfolditury in a few days. The only rational and successful treatment, as indicated be nature, iy to re duce the inflantmation in and about the noun& 'and to 'soothe the neighboring parts by rubbing in ,plenty of the. Ointment as maltik forced into meat. - Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Scarlet and other Fevers. • NY of the above diaeamcm may be cured by well rub bing the Ointment, thiee times a day, into the cheat, throat and neck of the patient; It %rip soon penetrateund give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth ',tenet operate upon the whole symtem ere Itsinftuence can be felt in any local put. wherearthe Ointment will do lie I work at ogee. Nnoever triew the- angnent in the above manner fur the diecacee named, or any oimllar dblordera affecting the cheat and throat, will find themiselvea reUev -1 ed as by a charm. - . Piles..tisctula, Strictures. • TllE. above class of ConaplaintS will be removeti by nightly fomenting the parts with warm 'Water: and . then most effectually rubbing in the Ointmel. Persons suffering from these direful complaints shout lose not a momentin arresting their progress. It should he under stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint- , meat on the affected part., but it must he Iva - Fibbed in for come considerable time two or three times a day, that it may talren into ;the syeem, whence it will remove any hidden sore or wouneas effectually as . though palpable to the eve- Where again bread and water poultices, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will slo great service. This is the'only,sure treatment for females, cases of cancer in the stomach, or where there may be a general bearing dnwn. • , • sidct, ! ! i_6ltoks-All, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. AS FOLLOWS C N!:(T W TII TIII: DEL. LACKAWANN Mg:STERN RAILROAD NINE ` Okt: 1 . 2 • , , • • ‘;.=-1 c•-• olloway's Indiscretions of Youth;--Saes and Ulcers. BIA)TeliEs; an alno swellingn. Tan, With certainty, he radically cared If the Ointment be used freely.`and the PMn tx taken night and morning. an recommended in the in the printed inntructionx When treated in any other way they only dry np in onoe - place to break out in another: wherean thin Ointment will remove the b z umor from the system„ and leave the patient a vigoroun and healthy being. It will require time with the - nn of the Pilln_to ensure a hinting cure. Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis anditiff Joints, Vrnortrai thin above coin laintn diffev .widely in' Al their origin and nature, _ye ey all require local .treatment: of the wore canes. of path dineawen, will vieldin a comparative . abort apace of time when this Ointment In dill,gen rubbed Into the pautm affected„ even after eVery other elms bare failed: In - all serious maladien the Pills mild be taken accorditig to the pilot ed direetione ac x nip:toying each box. Both fl Ointment and !'ills should be used in ' the following cases: •1 • . _ad Leg i,\ Chlegafoot, . 'Fistulas.' Dad Breasts:' Cliilliint us, Gout. Nuns— . ,Chappcd Hands, ' Lumbago, tilanduhir SwellingsCarns, (Soto . Piles, .. • Bite of Moschetoes,Cancerit, Rheumatism. =and Sand-Flies, Contracted and „. "Scalds. .. • Coccebay, • Stifi'doluts, . Sure 'Nipples, Sore Throats, Skin : Diseases, Scurvy, ilorenoads, ~ Tumors, . . 'Ulcers, , • _ 'WendeS, • • Yawn .. ' Le. &C. au. miring f—None are gentunc unless the words "Ifoi.. Low.svoNew-YORK AND Losmost."• are *dbeernible us 'a watermark in every leaf of the book of directious•around each pot or box: the satne may be plainly seen by holding the leg, lathe tight. A handsome reward will be given to any one -rendering - such information as may lend to the detection Many party or parties counterfeiting the medl• clues or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. *,,,*Sold at the Manufactory' of Professor Homowsx 80 Maiden Latte , New York, ash by all respectable Druggists and Dealers In Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at g 5 cents. 6s- pmts , and V each. . . re' There is considerable saying by taking larger boxes' ~ t .13 . --Dircetione for the guidance of patients in every el:' , ..rot.r n -e aryw?.t o . 2E „,A, 1.,7. -.— t . , -. •'- -7 . BR M#M .. . . . a • ' MARE this method of InfOrmlig their OLD.AND . J. Fr I ends that,theybavo Just recelsodan addition to tpl former stock of Goods, which they - . '... . BOUGHT - FOR; CASH, , • • . AT -- -PANIC PRICES !, 1 , • ' AND - WILL SELL - TIIE3f TO .l • - . . C A atil l ' BUYER I si . Prices' -Perfectly' Astonishing: We have not tame to enumerate articles, °or pikes, but ltivlte.the public to call, examlue, and 'Stilly themselyea of the truth of what ;we publish; and of course, then buy. i J. L. MERRIMAN-it SON.. Gpsonrille, Dec. 2000560. (11II I CE Lot ofiamily GrOcerlea Just received and *el k.) ling 2Uper cent, below former prices: ' ' I • FANer Confeetiotary for the Rather. at • SIERRIMANS• • IrMI, - VARM PRODUCE or kinda..tfor tchlett the*. market pikes ;tilt be pal& in node, tit I.lfionville. Pa. ;. MERRIMAN CHILDREN UEE."41.1- MRS.'WINSLOW, An experienced :Curet! and Female:Physician, pree to khe attention of mothere, her • - . SOOTHING SY-11.11, FOR . CIIILD,REN TEETHING, which Greatly facilitaten the proem's titt teething, be 'soft ening thezume, :redueliM all inflammation — will allay ALL PAIN.aod ;iipaemodic action. and la NiUltE TO REIGIPLAT.E. TILE Depend upon ill, mothens, it will .give mat to yonilem RELIEF AND S , HEALTH TO YOUR nnuarl. We have put up and-mold this article for goer ten pore, r and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, *hat: - w, , hese never been able to say of any othei media:le-- NEVER 1L11.4 IT FAILED. In a SINGLE LNSTANCE, to EFFECT A CCM. When timely need. N,'ever dld ive know au instance ofdiesatlefiction by anyone who bad maid it. On,the contrary, all aresielighla with Ito operatione,land epeak terms of commendation of Ilif magical effectriand medical virtues.: We say in thle matter WIIAT WE DO 'KNOW." after l'en yotre' experience, and PLEDGE OUR RE PUT A T lON for the fulfillment of what %re here declare. In almost every instance where the infant le suffering by pain and ethaustion, relief will be found In fifteen io minutes after the syrup la admiulatered. This valuable preparation is the prereription of onie of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES to New Etzlatl. and.line been used ei ith NEVEIt FAILING SUCCESS in . • THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only - relieves the child from pain. but %rig° , the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives and energy to the whole system. It w ill almost met • relieve • t GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND IkIND COI and overcome convulkonsl which, If not •Peeedlly end In death. We believe It thil'BEST and b ritEgT t.tly in the WORLD. in all race of DYSENTERY DIA Malta% IN CHILDREN, whether it arises teething, or from any other came: We would say t mothars who have a child suffering from env ofthefcn ing complaintr—lli SOT LET YOUR PREJUDI I I NOR TILE PREJUDICES (,/, o TILERS. stand betp vou and your inffering child: and the relief that wt :SURE—vim ~‘IISOLurEvic.SCRD—to follow then this medicine, if timely. used.. Full directiona for I will am= pany each bottle. Nonegenttlneunlesstin simile of (Tim§ S PERKINS, Neu York.; is or outside wrapper. Sold by Druggist throughout the world. -, PAuclparOffice,l3 cedar istreel, Sivrd•T, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS :PER BOTTLE. 41e(-01 y yor sdcin .yin) tru4t! by :Abel Tim in. o v ,w. ht , fs . , • . LIFt PILLS,S . , 1)110ENIX . BITTE ' S.' r r itEsE 3t - CCICINpS bate now been 'before the - p,tblic .1 fora period of Thirty 1 ears. and during that innt i teeve maintained a high character in almora every part Of the Globe, for their ex.traordlnary and immediate power of rostoring perfect health to persons suffering under i early every kind of disease to which the human fratne is I able. The follooing are among the distressing variety' f hu man diseases in o hickthe . I ‘ ,r . '... r .1,.T A 1-,1 ,Lai- 1.7 h 7L 7CIFE L. ej.t. ..t,..:.-'s_Jj j....1 ts.e-.ei:— , ,,, ..1 1 A ee. well knno it to be Infallible. [ DYSPEPSIA; be thoroughly cleansing.the Ist tenii lid stomachs, and creati DOI. too of pure.bealt by bile,inptcad of the stale and iterld kind :. FLATULENCY. Loranf .11. petits. Iltaribul . :l..licarlael,e,lto oth.eit, ,a. N. Temper.tAnx uely, Ltingoor a 4. ifilaneliol y. MI irli are generalsvmptoms of tivie e psia,,tinishAtea patina] consequence 14 itsicure. COSTIVENESS, by elean-ing the o hole length 1 f the intestine, with a solvent process. and N, it bOUT clot :nee: all violent purges base OW Wools costhe in ton da i s. FEVERS °fall knob., ley reee tering the blood to a re. mlar circulation, thro' the.pcocess of mApiration in inch asts+, and liver.' solidly') of all intestinal obst ructions in o thers. The Life Medicine, hate been kunivre tee cure TaltUM ATIsm permanently in three- weeks. and GOUT in half that time, by rernovinglocal Inflammation from the' mus• de , and lig:n:l4lin" if the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds. by freeing and strength mini' the kidneys and, leladicler : I het operate mos t d e light Ai ly o r. these important organs, and hence' have ever been f and: eertaile remedy for the o oral cases of GRAVEL. Al-. WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings f the bowels the slime matter ree.witich these creatures al here. SCURVY, ULCERS. and INVETERATE SORES, by -the perfect pnrity which the'.n Life give to the blood and all the hutnom . I SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAI)CO,IPI.I7X ONIS. b ) i r alterative effect upon'the thiidt that feed t h ak in and the morbid time of which OCCaSIOI+ all erptive co'mplaintt. cloudy. and otherdliagrecable com plex The ute of theterillt for a s.;ers rhort Iliac nat. ect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM. add a Milking. int rove meta In the clearneto of the-pkiti. COMMON C ►LDS and INFUENZA will alwayt be cured hy one doeej or hy two in the wor-t cites. . PILES. • The original proprietor of tueditne4,, wa.t.curcd a 35 year, st aro:ling hy the WA' f the 144_ ,Vi,licitire alone. FEVER AND•AGu . g.- , For 4Couree of the 11Vetd • tolfr -qedy --... .......• .. ..,.... ...,. (..r il coma!, these Medicine...will berm - ina a safe,+emir . and certain remedy. Other Medicines lease the r 'stem subject to n return of the disease—a rare by thesej i Medi• cln es is permanent— Trythen,. Gr - Aati.tifd ...ind Le rect. liillous Fevers( and • Liver 'Complaints. General Debility. 1.0,e , of Appetite, awl tinwares Of Fe males. The:Medicitiestinve been used with• the most beneticial resnits in cases of this descriptinn:— , 'inv. Evil.-and .„..crofzia. in its worst forms. skid:, to th •tnild set powerful action of — these Yemaikable Medkines. NiehtSweats, Nervous Debility. Nervous Comilla is of all kinds. Palpitatwit of the heart, Painters' Colic, arc speedily cured. -- I Mercurial Disietmes.-Perione! whote constrh have become impaired by the injudicious use of 3 , 1,1 will.tind these Medicines a petfeet cure, as they net to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Me infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparati Sarsaparilla: Prepared and sold - by .: W. B. BOEFAT.I • MroDCOADW.CI '. New-lif -For Sale by all Druggists. • _ intraent - Afflicted, Read wILLIA.MS'S C(iIIPOUN S tlou for ltn , Nits iriwarranted toettecti in every. case, and in all stage% of the disease, or tbe will - be refunded. Full direction's accompar.r each, For sale br Abel Tyrrell, Mcintrosn Hera Brooklyn.: T. J. Babcock, -Unlock • Pcnuel Car Harford ; G• Jackson ; J. B. Slocum. A. 4. Merrill, Ilop b ottoee:.A. J. Merrill,Scranton This Is to certify, that Mrs.' Emory has been aMi years past with that distressing complaint known ••• vitclA. - and that bar ing failed in securing relief elons Phssicians, sheveas induced from reports to Wilt iam;"^Pile Solution," which we obtained at! his Agencies In Tnnkhannock, Pa. Tlft result ha ttirmoet,favorable. The trial was,made with It r and after using as directed for a few days, what good reatsln to think was a perinanenj. cure was e. Several other cases. of a similar 'nature in. this have used it with like results, With Mr. William **no cureno pay " every one thus afflicted will ce do well to try it. 11. It. EMO Pastiwof Tunkhannock, Wyoming dune sth, It+6o. . • PIMA.III.IEES .FLAGS.! ; FLA S. ILARRIS, UNION FLAG MANUFACT' S. E. Coll. .FOURTH 1, 7 :1XE7 STS., MUTED ' STITES flitS . I OF ALL SIZESJ ALSO, : UNION BADGES : OF VARIOUS STYLES & SIiZES. - • . LIFE* . MEMORIALS. ,1 ~ _ . ' I WOULDN'T TAKE ,A WORLD FOR ITHIS: a lady remarked to us a day ortwo since, as i she ezhifilteni the'portrait of an only chit'l ;tone to the "spirit land ;" 10116 was one of ' - 901:T13332E1'i ' . " Howl should. regret it, bad I not- enured this precious memorat of that War o n h." S ,tiotight we. • The loved ones- are notj alway with es, and white Wotan call them ours,,evety Otoi should - Secure such a memorial; especially since they on have them so .truthfully tplteris by that succo4:ll artist, „A. B. TUBBS, of Bing v..rit.m. -.-: ' • i It CMWtrMINTICIALTMI. D. cualtiraristlnnino Givoitoo, y World,for itatRiIATIBM, and a ll - M I N . , tot to CURE. - Fever and Ague in onedii; ! .! Chills 10. five minutes; . - 'Deafness In two to fontdaye ; • ' • • Burns and Scalds In ten minutes ; Sprains,' Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days Indammation day Neuralgia, Croup, Tootache t ßerns, in ten Minutes; Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abicess; in ten days ; • „Bruises, 'Wounds, Tenet; In one to three days; Earache. Stiff neck. Ague: air • Felons, Broken Incest, Salt Ilbeilm,Lti 6 to six days ; Quinsy, rnipitatiori. Pleurisy, In one to ten days ; Asthma. Oout, Erysipelas, in dee to twenty days ; 1 1 `tosted Feet' Chilblains. •St iff Joints, ebroilic Rheu matism, Sole .Throat, Beadier +over, and the lame made to walk, by • few bottles. • - This OIL. (he Grath's) is mild and pleasant.. and is a great; Family Medicine fbr children teething Le. , Ladies should sal use It. It always leaves you better ' than it Inds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. AFFLICTED ruin" xnt orrAns, AND CURED • ONE WEEK. • . - Read leDer from Rev.:James Temple. • "Pnmenstamti, Jung 9th, 1855. Prof. De (Wait : I have been a IntelMl for thirteen years with Neuralgia and-other painful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years past.' Last week I gut a bottle of your Elec tric Oil. The first night I slept soundly and well, and to ,day lam like a neirlntal. My Wins ectitidmot believe her eye.. Your Electric Oil has done 'in one week what the physteisciiref Philadelphia failed to do id:thirteen years. Gratendl y REY.JAMES TEMPLE, • _ • 510 jouth street. DEAFNESS CURED. : - Nsw Ham!, May 19th, i&6. Prof. De Grath: My brother bus bUen deaf for'3 years. After trying many !bingo', be used !your , qua few timer, and It cured, hint entirely. . . • CLIFFORD SCRANTON. Wir'Fidrtude by ail Drug'late, and at the Depot, 211 *ath Eighth-at, Philadelphia. , feb2L3m cy ARE, YO, - Cr INSURED ? 3EL X. 33 7.AA.CU.A.217' IA receiving nivlicatlone for Lusiitance . 1p the foliow• lug Cs/wanks: . Wyoming INSURANCE dompany, • . WI LK E. 5.8,11 R Prig. Chaiter rerOtiaL Capital.... $100,000.. -SUrplus.. ;.*7,000 Or.Outizfei. .11 - prember . '„,?( f, A, D:1957 ' • Dun:civics. G. 51.1follenbeek, D. G. J, P. Dennis., Jobe Reichard, D. Morgan, Cleo Dorrance , Sarni Wadhams, D Lscoe, S L,D Shoenstker, t Geo P Steele II It Hoyt, R. C. Smut, .Sec,'y, : 0. M. flosicsascs. Prat; W. G. FtrERLINd. TrO2f. L. D., SHOEMAKER, rfre Pref. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Itirtfottl, Connetitut Paid up Cafilial, Assets, NORTHERN FIRE & LIFE ASBUR.CNCE COMPANY,. No.: 1 Noorgate street, London. Capital, $6,299,000 Annuli Revenue, $1.000,000. • Ws' GETTY. A gent, rhtladelehta. l a ( S ) 'Lyn ill be te , e of tiAing efle It the COWSErrICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM , PANY of Hartford. Connecticut. AccumulatedCapitul Any one ulphing their lives Insured will'do well to call and ;..vatuine their 'node of 'lnsuring. and their rates. which are better than those of anv , othertompany. before taking rondos elsewhere, - P. BLACKM.4ti. oc 9 'MI Office over Chandler .t Jef Aup's store, Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry. --Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.- Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Coughs; Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Isthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Croup; Whooping Cough, Croup, Consumption, Consumption, Conmmption, Consumption-, Consumption, aid like diseases, find. an letailing antidote, a . ready relief,! and a sure and Oeedy cure, in that .great and uairereally appreired 7 r emedy, Wieter's Balsam" of Wild Cherry. Wistar'e Balsaio. of Wild Cherry. The Bev. Jacob Bich's?, Welt kieies avid week respected anionvie German mu-- Udie cirtkii cosi t'iry, makes As .folieneing idatentatfire bauipit :0 , ! A 4 - . letzurrs. fil. ‘ll`. FOWLi & Co.; &Mon, Dam Sim: Having milted in my family important benefits from the use of your valuable preparaiion, WISTAR'S EAL -111.24 Or WILD biIEILIVF, it affords me pleugre nocturnal - id it to the public. SoMe eight yearn ore one of my daughters sciuued to be in a decline, me _Pepe, of, her iecoverre were entertained. I then rum oured a bottio of your elcolient-Balsam, and before - she had laXen the whole of the contents of the bottle them was a great improvement in her boalth. I have, in my individual ease, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always .been benefited by it. 'mad. Ammer, eaalioa the meta l valuta *Paine; is owl Mere is Weed . , deal of spuriovi admit of Wildawn ghoul Oltrovrolunit the Owenby. ,• ;ACOII BECULEit. • . Virginia Tastiznoity. Cesiligres free MIL - . IVOILBORi4 It NORTON. gei lA. Exasiiiutr Oa, Rickutosd. RicasiortD, VA., Feb. 93, 1860. Silesiall. W. FO wiz & Co., teem, Gentlernen I with pleasure testify- to the great merit of your in valuable lung Inediene, 7 llT. W/dTjUi'S BALSAM 07' WILD 912111 LY, which it thuitsise highly valued by many of Qui esteemed citizens, who have tested Its Wanes by . taid. I Ent made iise - of this ftalsani' some three years sines ler a violent; and distressing weigh which balked the skill of physieiano, and, to my !Joy, erierleneed such gratifying relief as to induce mato persevere in its mss. I' always katii, it by me, and ever find it to be unliii ing In•its items. No medicine that I have ,ezei used has given su l r.h speedy relief. lento? truly. lions rear!. er fail ;rcury. nn of .0 LlT ,wenre money Vale. p=tead, penter, d. ndaff; From Jesse &any Zsq., . , . Priuridnd of tNi Norris Camay Bask, end tele is ma' knows U mut estditaktkrouglast Niue Amy. - MOIRLSTOWN, N. j., Jan. 9,1660 Meows. 114 W. FOWL!. k Co., —Dear Sin : Having tmed.tor. Wlsir,Wa Mamma or WILD CUZIPAY for about Ottan Years, and having realized its beneficial milts in my Wally, it afibrdi me great pleasure In Dmommendinig it to the public as a valuable remedy in cases of we hags, aids, mite, 4 , e.,tad a remedy whkh consider to be indrely innocent, and may be cabin with protect safety by the Most delicate In 1 Yours very respir, JESSE ted for I Iv the nn2 ra ry lone of 9 been • It fall. here ectetl. motto i rtainlj • Y, .13., Pa. QT i • .• 132' &meal of Pure, and worthless counterfeits The only Gamine * Pure, and Medicinal Babam has the acme of " LiBUTTS," written with a pen, and the printed name of the proprietors, "S. W. FOWLE c 0.,” °Tribe oder wrapper. —1 I Xi lona suffer with any (Nadu iir Qe 21wimic Lens, or 'Oar, cam 'is like sadly using WilltSoB Babuun'of Wild Olierm WhMWs Babsam of ild ,Mmrdsr, parrAngliArs . FOWL) & 'Coq No. 18 T i REMONT STBEET, 808T.4 Dreggistt, Peaky! ? and 4mia/41i is f*".11°111 j • lOW 11:7 • i. I , ll id.citShi lite 'Med 4agel VfrFor 14+ by Abel Turrellimul.Read, Watrous & Fox ter, Montrom. ; '1;.• 11. Woodeitt Blzuock ; Amor Nichols Brooklyn t. Whitney & Mosley. Hayford : Wesd & Ward' Great: Bend': J, C. Ohn.qesd, pundall"; L.. Bridin, Great Bend. • • • • •• • • MEAT MARKET . On Pablie liral. Searles Hotel.. • • lEEP,consta l tlyt on , harnta good supply of MEATS . of nit kinds. CASII. paid for Mei Cpille s Culyai 3 Obeett,and itiso locfilde" - of fill kinds. "- MENSIVCK &,11AWLEV. 4 N. T. itratFrocii. -• 1 . Ifontit4e. Mar:h 30th.1—'5 1 1,—tf. 11yer i a Extract of Rock Bose,. rrE g reatest remedy (or 1461101 , 4 A, gnd other kind red diiepises, ever koctwil i"" SAM 47 t!u9larficliisk wit'" 444 ' A.TltitftKU. Sheet . It •,_ pcmor ertyiremeznpa. QUICK STEP, Liz liep an,ol other Niw2Leeiviiii icinc; cs • $1,509.030 00 ..2,19.1,100 OR e 3,370,000 00 thotoirlstt; re., Feb.16,1E51 NOPORNE NORTON DAILYSIAILBOUTE,BETWEEN . MONTROSE &FRIENDSVILLE. CWACHS'S carryfne mails mid passengers between Montrone and Friendarille willleare Searla'S Hotel, in Montrose, daily, at 7 o'clock:, a. m. and acme Yriendw rule at 3 o'clock, p. mr Firliomil and earrbtues can be procured at the Livery Stable of the subscribethiltontrose. on reasonable terms, Montrose, Aug. A, J. IJ. GOQDWIN. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS . AT THE FOOT or MAIN 'STRUM' . TIIE extensive Furniture ,Establishment of .Ssitria Enopignit having been refitted and greatly' improved, the proprieloretespeetfrilly anoonneetotlie citizens of .Montrose and vicin ity that they ark. constantly making and keel) on hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of • FURNITURE To. be found in the Country. We givp the following,. list of some of the ar tiehia which we Will' sell at greatly reduced prices, for Pisit Of . 114 ADV PAY: . Bureau., Walnut or: Mahogany, with glass, from $lB to 635. • 7 Bureaus with marble or brocatellelops, from $lB to $2. , L Add a largo assortment, from $B,. $10,12, IL to $lB, • . Naafi Stands, Card Stnnil4, Corner and Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to ten dollars. • Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Footapols, , mans, Lonagcs, - • • C.fentre,'Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen,. and Extension Tables: - clutra—Cano and Wood 'Seats, .Roekers— - Cane, Flag, and )Vocd Seats, of every variety and style. . ' • • • . - Sofas. tete a - tete; furnisWid at short notis • at New York prices. N. 13: Readj , wade coffins ,an .band or fur nished at .short .notice.--liwses always in , 'readiness when deSired. employ .nono but CAEHFUL and F./MR.I 7 ENCED WORKMEN.. We intend to do oui WOl/ . l{ Wri.t., and sell ft as Low ay it_enii be 'afforded. W. W. SMITE', • • , A . • E. Ii..¢3IITIL Montrose, Jan. 18th, 1060.—ff. • • CATHARTIC PILLS. Are you sick, feeble, and COLI2- pbltdng 3: Are you out of order, witb. your,system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable 2 , - These , symptoms are often the , preludeto serious illness,. Some tit or sickness Is creeping upon youiand abbuld be averted br a timely tike of the - right remedy.. Take .Ayer's Pills, and cleanse out the disordered humors pu rify the blood, and let the Odds more on unobstructed in health again. They stimulate the func tions of the body lato vigorous setlvity,linrify, the system from the obstructions. which. *make disease. A cold settles 150 pie• • *hero In the body, and obstruct+ its natural !Unctions. • These, if not relieved , react upon themselves and the surroun ding organs, produeing ge ? , eel aggravation, suffering, and disease. While In g e e. e e l oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural se Om of the system, and - with it the buoyant feeling of ).with agates • What is trucand so apparent In this trivi +I and common eomplaint, is also true in many of the deep seated and-dangerous distempers. The same purgstiv 0 effect expels them.. Caused bY similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means: None who know the virtues of these Pills, will •neglect to employ them when suffering from the disor ders they core.' Statements from leading physicians In some of the principal cities, and front other well known public- per sons. Prom a Forwardfag Merchant Of St. Louis, Feb. 4, t ssc., Du. ATER: Your 'Pills are the paraxtm of all that l great in medicine: Theyatare cared my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her bands and feet that had proved Incurable for years. ifeemother has been long griei ously amleted with blotches apd pimples on her rltln and In her hair. After our child - was fared, she also tried your rills,`and they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDOE-: Ai a Faintly I.'hysle. Prim Dr. E. yr. cartteriiht, New Ortrims. Your rills arc - the. prince ormirgee. Their exCellent qtutlitlis surpass any cathartic we p0915(1111. They are mild, but very serial!' and-cfrectual in their. &thin ou the bowels, which makes them, invaluable to us in the daily trwitment of disease. • Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach. From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DEAR Bno. Aim: I cannot answer you what corn. plaints I have rural with your rills better than to Say off that we ever treat with a purgatire medicine.. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic ln My daily contest with disease, and believing as Ido that jour PM. afford us the best we have, I of eourstr'altte them highly. - Prrrsneno,Pa., May 1, mu. Dit..l. C. Aein; Sir •.I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache ally body can have, bt a doscrof two of_ your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach. which they cleanse at once. - Yours with great respect, ED. W. PliElli.E, - Clerk of Steamer Clarion. llllious.Disorders—Liver Complaints. Prot* Dr. Theodore Bell, of New Tork.City. • Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur pose as in aperient, but I Sad their benedclal effects upon the Liver very marked indft l / 4 1. They.have in my peso tkie proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com plaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely reicilco that we have at length a purgative which is wor thy the couthicece of the profession and the people. _ DEPART/next OF THE IvTERIOC, . • , • Washlngtod, D. C., 7th Feb., le:A. . Sin : I have used your Pills in my general end hospital- practice ever since you-made them, and do not hesitate to sayahey are the best- cathartic we employ. Their rept )aing action, on the liver Is quick and decided, muse queenly they 'are an admirable remedy for derangements of that-organ. Indeed, I. have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., • Physician of the Marine Despite: • • Dysentery, Dlarrhaei, Relax, Worms. - Frans Dr..T. G. Green, of Chicago. Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and hold them In esteem as one 3f the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes thiman excellent remedy when given in small doses for billow dysentery and. deccerham. Their .nom-toating makes-them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children.; .. Dyspepshi, Isnintrlty of the 111004.• From Rev.!. V. Hisses, Pastore/sok/kW Church, Boston Du. nitre I have used your . Pills with extra° success In my family mid among those I am waled= to distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and - purify the bloods they are the very best remedy I have. ever known, and I can Confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. 11'21E8.. Nlrintnw, Wyoming T Oct. 21,1635. DEAR . SA:Tiaitiiing . ma' Caitiartki figs b my prsc lice, lintliaa them an eieellent purgative to eleaitsi the apneas aced purify the finistahave:lhe blood. . • • . JOIII.Y. U. MEACMA.M, M. D. Constipottirk, Ceisilsinews, _Suppression, Goat, INvi.iallglii;7Drep•y; Rheelsaulttsis, Puralyaily, Pits, eta.. t - 'FM* Dr. J. P. kitergii, Ara /Ma, Ceramic Too mush cannot be iliddeflotir Ibr the rime of costfrowos. If other's of our fraternity lame !blind them as efaeaciong a' I .hare, they *honk% join me in proclaim ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who surer front that complaint, which; althongit bed enough hi itself. la the progenitor of others that are worm. I believe ram tirepas to originate in the User. but your Pills a ff ect that, man and cure the dlicase. , . , Jbum Mrs. E. Stuart, Phu/dram and 3lik-ife. Boston_.- _ I And one or two large dosciof year Pills, taken at the proper time; arc excellent promotive' of the natural seerction when wholly or -partially suppressed, and area verykabetwel to - cleanse the itoroarh and expel worm's.' They are so much the best physic we halm that I mom mend no other to my patients. . . pion the Des.Dr.preckes, fuse nets. Caurrli. PULASKI Ifocsx, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, IS A& BOISOKED Sin: I shodd be ungrateful for the relief • your 4111 has brought the if I did not report my rare to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on ex cruciating nearrakiepdlas, which ended In chronic rheig Imattrin. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians. the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of• your excellent agent In Baltimore, Dr.',3ltwkehrie I tried your rills, Their effects were slow, but sure.h u y per 'meting in the use of tlwm, lam no,/ entirely we . •• • SWIM?, CIIANTEIL Baton .ftouge, 1.a., 5 Dec., IW. DlL.Avest : I have been entirely cured, by your rills. of Rharatafic Gout— a. pahiNi disease that had O'Hara inn for Telru. - . ; VINCENT SLIDEIJ ' Most of the rills In market contain Mercury,' which, although a 'valuable remedy In skilful hands; Is dangerous Ma public pill, from the dreadful saqueneess that frequently folluwits incautious use. These contain Lu mercury.orntinerai substance %%letterer. . • Price. 28 cents per Box, or 5 BOX(III for $1:: Prepared by Dr. Z.:d; ATIDI CO ., •Ilaas. Fa rale brand Tiirrell. 31OntrOre;, Church a, Phinnes Doodad; Vattruan tr, Swieher. Auburn Csotrr, and by demure and druzzbdAureriwbvw— oc 8 Y Cw ::HOWARD ASSOCIATION, • - • • PHILADELPHIA: rseneroleni insiitution.rniablighed, cud Endoiontent. for the - Relief of, the Siek IlisireiHr4' , afflicted with Virielent and L. .I;:pideinic DirOmer, and 'especially for thr Cure sf Desearex,of the Selual Organs., EDICAL ADVICE git en gratis, by the It i Acting ~urglum, tc all it , letter, with a destiriptioo 'of their condition, (age, 'leen: pation, habits 'of life. and in,gasei of t::!- tretne povertv.ineyileines furnished free'cifeharffe. Valuable iteporls on Sperniaturrlims, and nt er Diseases of theiSexuat Organs, sent to the af flicted Io senttil latiocenvoiopes, free of charge., Address, Dr..l,iSkillin Houghton, Aetritg geon, Howard A..isleistinn, Ni).4 south 9111,51., rhitairc,: , AYER'S
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