Do OBA'TIVS ELECTRIC OIL. Greatest Remedy in the Worid,for RHEUMATISM, 'and all PAIN. , Warranted to CURS: . I'll'7ll STREET P.ITTSBURG, PA Feecr,and Ague in one liar- .. • . . Chills in five iniMit'es; . .. ..V i ertxxixicpcX las. - 3.13410. • Dcafne.s in two to four daps; ••• Burgs and Scalds in tin minutes.; Chartered by the Legialatrire.. Sprains. Wounds . anil-Bruises in from une to three dale; N TEARLy 6000rsTuDENTs, B•om almost. every State Intiammation in one day ; in the Union. have been edueated for business, being Neuralgia.;Croup. Toothache, Bus. in ten minutes; , -, the only (blur of thv kintrin the culled States conducted Hemorrhage, Scridula Burns. Abscess, In feu darn : ' by an experienced merchant. . • - Bruise*, wontido. Tett er,)n one' to three ilays - ; . Our Junior Principal. V. R. Derr, has inet been :mar- Earache. Stiff Xeck, Ague, In one day ;• . . ded. by'our Stat 6 and other Faiti. I.lglit First Arnaums Felons. limktb ItIY 3 S 4 . sltt Rbe"m•t° 3 to-.l '''' for Iluslitess & - Ornamental Penmanship. over competitors Quite.iy, Palpitation. Pleurisy, - in une to ten dqya; (Wiled the best penmen in the conntrY, Samples of - his Asthma.. Gout, Ery•ripebis. in . Her to twentY dal," ; BIIKiIICAR and Ornamental NVriting, a Circular of :,',O pages. Frosted Feet' Cluldain Stitt - Jons. chronic ttheu,;:s and anelivint engaving, mailed, post paid, on receipt of tnatism, Son , Throit. Scarier Fever; and the lan • 5 cents In stamps. - , • - . milli. to walk, by n few bottles. For sale. he book-sell Cm. Harper's'Enlar,„scil Edition of This OIL, Oh' Gr ath. '" l' mild and pleasant: and is a DUFF:4IIOOR RERPING,94I2 pages, $1:•. awanledfdar great Family Medicine for children teething ,1 c. Sil/vr MiNtii/s. and sanctioned hr the chamln.r Of rommerei• Ladies should . all 11,4! It. It - always leaves you better and Miter lea tr Institutti of New York, as„the be•t published. than it finds you. and one bottle often cures entirely. Derr & Dir,scales new and elegantly clf:need School • Copy Books, six numbers, 2t pages, fine cap paper. fal els per dozen ;limy edition. $1 per dozen. ..T. B. Lippincott .t. Co.. Philadelphia; W. O. Tolinaton it Co...RM.:Margit. Drxe.o".s . Gyms ti s. . rn Business-and OrnamentaliPen auship, crown quarto. post paid from the college. Atidn•se; - .-1".. DUFF it-SONS, Principals. 14_ ,- Bur vont scholarship in town, Colleges that send . them abro - ad, cannot sell them at liotne, where they are known.: • ' . • , nue 4 y,N• ArrLicTic.p rting'KEEs YILIIIS, .!1) et7.1.Z.E11 IN ONE W Read letter from Ner.James*Temple. l i tutaxictrut a...tune thh. IKVS. rrof. Ite.Gnarn : I have been afflicted fcir thirteen rears with Neuralgia and other painful complaints. and I hare been unable_ to Ave', soundly or walk any dietance for. Marty yearn pak. Lust .week-I got a bottle . of your Elec.. tricini. The first night: . I slept soundly and welf. and to day I ain like a new man. My wit,. conld not Valley. her ova. Your Electric _Oil has done in one week what. the physicians of Philadelphia fulled 'to do in thirteen ycatro. Gratethlle _roars. Itr.V. JAMES TEMPLE. - :110 :South Street_ DEAFNESS CURED; Nt:w ITASEN, .3fat' 19th, Prof. De Grath: 3‘13. brother has been deaf ( ( nt 3 renrs Ant r thing many thine, he 1.411 } our Oil a few thin* and it cured htm entirriv. Cl:tryout, R. Scn.vvros. brnil .and at the Dept. :17 youth Eighth-+t, Phi!a&•11)14. - fah!). ni ey DO-YOE-WANT WHISKER:, .)O YOr WANT DO Yol: WANT A MtSTAcIlk? - - DO -1(01 7 WANT A 111'sTACIIEl' BELLISGII m Ctlebrakd STIMULATING OHRE For the Whiskers & Hair. • The mitiricilherr take ideasnre-in annonneing to the etliiats of the I.7nitcrdState. that the have obtained the *vary far; and.are nii\y enabled to to the American public, the above Juptl.% celebrated and world-renowned article. The . Stimulating Onguent . preparedby:Dr. C. P. HOitrirtmo. cininent *clan of Lotuto . o. and liarrantvii to bring nut A think Art Whiskers or a llustache in front three to , six,iveek:S. article in the only one of the kind used, hr the I'Ni:di, and in London toulfl'arla it is In universal use. It Is a heau:lthl, - v..o,l , micsi. sontiliti2, yet compoluid, it by nircie upon the routs, C:111,4117, a beautiful Growth of luxuriant Mir. If applied to the scalp, it will cure ketbiness, and qillAC to spring up in place of the bald spots a tine gnu tit of new hair. -Ap plied acattdin•• to directions, - it velll turn red or tong• hair dark, end restnrr crag heir tteitsrorir•im,l color, lea vine it !oft, smooth, and flexible. 'man indieponsahle,artiele in every gentleman's toilet. and af ter one it rek'lju.te they would nocfor any - considenttiou be without it:- - The subtygribers are only azents for the article in the I•ntled e•tates, to whom all orders must he address. Prim, One dollar a ho'—tor .ale by all Prnggb•t• and floaters :or 0.-box of the •• nghent - I warranted to liave the dealred eZ• - •ct I will be ei , nt to any who cletire hy paeked..on receipt of price and pottage. Appl: to - or addfer.• iloitscE 1.. s: co. Druggi,t It Wilhite gtrer..t., New York. • PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY.- _ lamp Chimney that will not Break M==12212321 filling, or any Fnr In be Suirekekiper. Ute S.. and the anadag., and ino.rdrairelar:i r nract ti res. and Patentee-. • lIONNING h numpunEr. No.:.;01. N. second Street. Mira. lair nritis:,p,•rf , r. ork ofC7OAI Cllja -T-11.151172.3.p./€1 ,111!1:1 . 1141. pricer defying font. , PO/V., ri .('net Oa. ni mai4ttact.urt.r,' price. mar: 4w • IT NOUN MDI Ze'`l!ti 1)001: :'‘I;OVE 311' LFORDI4. nrinv.: runic are infornlvdt.liat a FREE EX• givon nt nil honr, Oft• tiny. nf 4:0011S aan wt . !, ‘i•;:: (4.4, sttnimvx Lawn, in pattortis.. Bishop LaWns.. Brilliant,. Book. titid SI% i" Laclieis Collars ant: Skov,. llrmity. )larseillts , . Nloreens, Fgnti 'tilt.• Fruits. KiiitutiVi; isvitunivr Stuffs. Gent, Shirts.. col hin Strawrr,, cravat, Neck-tier, Sn,pcnclors. A nor cud I.lrzi- lot a •• LEATI 1.E4-AI7AEE, .nets kw Gents Fine 611 f lineds.-Irood *nnr. :A.,r henry art. light Simec S'plendid (aiter . ,..troni I.l;illinlry warizn wd to tit, Whit,. Brown. and Filar): HOSIERY. ParusoLs and. Unibt.llas, Band Boxes and Work Itablirtv. 311113, Fluid and Sperm, Adamant Ire and Talh.4 Candle.. Era...sand .paned L1.23/I`l,. Wa.h.lloartl. and Mill.. White laltsh Ern-hex, Ded 'Cord. oft h,et lonz. o hit t led and spring Clothes Pin., Pine and CEDAR PAILS. be-ides a PILE (4 r4tattvg of every variet among are Tardrit and Corn Starch for glorinp, otidtitutzs.,y'reatn Tartar.,l:trth a,dor oil, Epsom Salt . .. Black and Soil Snuff. mod ho of things %i !deb 'W ( Wl . ; hi to re riei ftb,,td. liy-plea., to call. rsantlne and talk We are ready tad t 1 I.IIIIIZ to tihnw Goods, even thongh.they may out tuft ; and thaulaul for loan fat ON. 11, C. TYLER. 1 9CTS. a bottle or the shillin!! Ilair, Tonle-. It 1 beat, ativttrittn. ever ,hunk up. 71 - LEICS. MONTROSE. May nth. 1,40. A CHANGE. THE STIAISC 101;E1:, HAVING char+ed the stol.k of 'CIORMERLY owned N. 111.1.1. A lAN. till% 1 -method t.f infornnnz:•• Petro tr/to pap. fliats the mock Mt= nr:rin been removed to the old 'rand. the • 3:lttemeacooratit ' C0M114:343, - Own , ),( As Ar mor-I tloppy 10,Wzilt upon thch-vuhu itv•!• tavor with n roll. • ANY BOOK 13UBLISIIED nand in priw'i ran lo• obtained Iravinz poor order, with'tlie price of the book and pithli,hrr's 1111111 e nt the de-k. any article iu the •• rook and Stationery — line. . • , NEWS OFFICE . lIARPER . S. C;(41,3 'F. rt.ter. , 411 • f , .. or any of the popular .31agtizinty• of the nay. I..rdffer. N. 1. Weekly. Mercury, Clipper. Flag. 1% like, Spirit. and all the Illurtnttedl'uperr for rale.' Barr Mine tkre oupplb - d. • ' SCHOOL BOOBS—AII the old and new editions. BLARH. BOOKS-4. very nice assortment. COTLERY.—Tip top article of American. GOLD PENS-Very Pine ones,Ladies & Gents.' PERFUNT,HY—A..V.r. Harrison's and others. • XT%Tir..6s— ME at o ll kill endraeor to A.ll' Int", ••a ,111,:14..ryt• to toir 'mere:4 - and oa, to me (teen. 'lour,. evidently, MEN2EMZNZig DIINGER ' 4 Z4 04 1 P O -, o 0- Tills DeliciousTimio, Stimulant, I:.tweially tlesi"nctl 1 Mr the 'l,4e of th.• •Niedieut Proce.,-ion antl the haelnc anperreded the r•at called •• • t/ite," .. Aromatic.' . '• '• :dedicated." ••1 4 clinaPpr : - etc., it mow en normal by an the prominent idlyt•iciang.chemist=and-cote noi , e4ettrA, :In Ineoo ,,, lnt! all those 131 , 111HD:11 11113.1iTieS i tutor Wild ,unfree iv t WiarilltdOlig To en 01.11 and •It S:IN. nyis quart bottle: an 4 ItININti FAL .1- Sql4,l'n,prietor. , .. :It:. it, Ili oad Str,.t, •• Fut Turr.•ll'r Montrosv. LIFE. MEMORIALS. IWOULON'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' u lady remarked to.usa day or two since, as ,:lie exhibited the poiqrait of an only child, gone to the 'spirit land:" which was one of rPT_TI332I.ISV INIMITHIE hMBROTIPES! • " How I should rer - serit, had 1- not secured i 1 1 .14 pt-cc:loos tnitrior*:al of that dear one." So thought we. Tiro lavtd, onus are not akwiiye with us. and N% 'llk we can call theta ours, every ono shoula secure ~.001 a ntonoirial ;'especially -;five thoy can litive thorn so truthfully taken by -:,‘hatxto-coittl nrti't. A. B. TUBBS', nf- Bing - tiro ef . . , c, / (-----.., - ;„__A l /...-5 7,,/.73i,y,,,,..-----, //;,.?, , ,,t(ti //y-,7 , ..v m ..1. ....., ,--- . . COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located over the Sto•queliatinh Valley Bank BINGHAMTON N.-Y. 'FACULTY: D. W. LO ELL, Principal, Professor of the. Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant. Author of Treaties upon Book-Keep ing, Diagrams iltustrating the same.. . 1 06 Timmy, Commercial Accountant; Profes't of, Book Keeping and Practical - Mathematics. J. J CURTIS * Assistant Protespr in the Book Keeping Deprtmont. . ..I..W4lntsr.n, Professor of Practical and Or ' namental Penmanship, Commercial tons and Correspondence. LECTURERS Hon. Daniel S. Dickirskm, Lecturer on Cornier- . 6 4 1 Law , and Political Econoniy. 11 n. Ransom &km, Lecturer orrContracts, Promissory Notes and Bills of &Change. Itre. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Eth'es • E\.-01111111G COMMITTEE: Hon. Sherman D. Phelps; Wm.' R. Cfsbcirn, Esq Tracy R. Nl,organ, Eq. Tile object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business FAUC.ItiOn. The-Books.and Forms are carefully arranged by practical accountauts expressly for‘this In stitution and embrace all the - recent imprOcU- H tarots- The (a:Lurie of instruction comprises every department of business. The learner will be thoroughly _taught tho science and practice of Double• Entry 13ooklieeping as . applied -to the following kinds of bitsiness, viz 'General 'cliandiSing, Manufacturing, Banking, Gemini's shin, Steamboating, Railroading, Fornarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping; ifzu.. ' • YOUNG 11 , rlairrinalifv thernAelver in a rbrirt timr, liotitt tion.totlll important-anti lunrative Atulle reference,: ran be alven ivlierv.grachiatir, of ttt t are pew tilling tle,inible I.ittiationt oath Nalalien !row ;:109 to $l9OO Tat ninturn. - • ' The Proprietor. are in poe.,e.:don of. teetimonials from come of the find Com:nil - 6rd Houser; in the State. to whom they hare furnished book-keepers, ehow in' their entire eat isfietion and eoritidenee in the ability of the graduates of this: Institution. • PEN)! A NSII r In all ito'briariebes, taught by the nnht skillful and thor ough masters of the art. No College in the country en• joy ->t higher nputat inn in this department. Ladies' I), partnieur engrely separate 'from that of the . gentlenlen. Students ran enter College at any time. :so vacations. Time to romplete the roars., from S to IS vs eeks. Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with.the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma i--ned by any Commercial or CLl,edeal In.titut ion in the Colon. As-istanee rendered to graduals procnrin situations. For tcrin+ of tuition. price of board, tri•timmtials of gradual, fill inz athlreis the,pt - oprietors. for circulars containinz ftfll particulars. 1.0 WE W. 4 RNE.II„ • • Troprieteirs Blnr:hamton Commercial 'Not:. :5, '4l,—;t- Binghajriton. STILL ON- THE TRACK I' FARE .REDUCER oNLy_ 1,5 CENT`!. BETWEEN MONTROSE & MONTROSE - DEPOT rviE Ite. r .^-ular Mail Line will carry pa••engem between the abOve , place, forth.. earn of 15 evil*, or 1a.." n¢cfxuill lwt:alled form their re.tidenceehy leaving' their the i'ma•Ofllea, or at the Franklin llome, Stage- lmare the Franklin II on, Id 6 a. and 4.p. In., prech.ely. J. S. TA.R1341..L, Agent. ' •- jauli • ' • Ciranl Sioge Company. Montro,e. FALL STYLES NOW READY 'At Great Bargains! FOR READY PAY AND SMALL PROFITS! tt r :RIFT. :11..t be —9riglnal New 3filford Shawl and and I. , llo 7 E .;l(4iti.zi:rni, it now recelelug n,Large FALL AND WINTER • Ineltidioz.s great N-ariety of the new•e,i and 1,4 otylei of Dreams GoOds, lihats - la, Broadcloth at AVln!er Stuffs, ac., %ith a large ar•ortment of other Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual. in Groceries. Crockery. Ilartheare. Iron and Steel. Nails. Storrs. Drags. Paints. Oils. Fluid, lk.ote, Slw, fiats. Caps. Clock•.• Corperinz. Floor oil cl o th, Wall Paper. Pal ntedand Gilt Alndow•Shade., a large lint: of Keru-enc Lamp and Oil Fll.nre , &n.. al-o Fuis and Buffalo Robes. .t.'" The entire ulna ht•lnglann• and - bat:Mt for CASII. and I:tritely-from IIIANI - F.kt*TUßEftrt and l'lnt , r will ;fit e enkterinr opt.rtttniiit ,, fOr . ei.OVCC 111111 low.atou-n privet , . and will be tmld nn thit mo-t farornhie lent+ for t'St3ll - ,...Pltaittlf'P., and to Prompt Sis-31ontlts' Buyers. An examinationmf the Gotxh , sod Prineewtil be found pmotable m fho,•c - uto wlob trrbnyt FLOOR AND . SALT CONiTARTLY OR HARD. :New Ntilinrd, October, Ire& '•— • ARE YOU, INSURED ? S. applications for Irwuranre W yoming INSVRANCt Company, WILKES-BA RUE, Ilia - • Charter Perpetual. i 41007600. Surplus' Sz7,oCro • • 01:17(11a:1'd .2corenther 2d, A. D. 1857. t~ty:r:. ~•r,r.~ G. 3T. 11.11enhaelz.'barb, Debbi .10hti Priv.hart:. Dayttl Morpn, Chao , Dorranee,, S4tln'l Wedlutrm. R IT-Lneoe. .NCTI) S Rberi, • IT Shoemaker, Geb P Steele. • Il li Iloyt. ' It. C. Rxcrij, Scey. G. 31. IlatLENriAng., Noel, W. Ci.'..51 - .Cl`.l.oiu, 7:WCM. •L D. SAIDENLAKE/c, rice jr..e .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, If:l4l'ord, Comie:etietit. Paid np Capital $1.i,09.ux) 00 " 2,191.100.02 NORTIIEP..N FIRE & LIFE AESFRANCEICV3Ii i i i :ANY, XO. - 1 Moorin, !Me etrert, I t obdon; • C•nliztl, 3r,,.T.16,000 ' Annual;ooo,ooo. • IV* '(T Agar4,POlndulphis. coNNECTIt l'T MCTUAI. LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY. of lln ri rpnl. ( 4 tninectieut. A..,nitimiat..(l Capital V 1,3117,060 00 Anv one wishinz their iivex }Twitted will do well to cull and ti.rtndne their mode of hwAttrinz and their rates: which :we letter than thus of ;lac other cornpanv, before iktking holicie* el-ewhere. 11. P. BLACKY.4II. ucto '6o] ()thee over ('bundler .t jelutitf etore. f • - _ __ • Mrs. L.'J. • BIXBY, • LNYlNcijos.i returnill from Nr , ir York with a cboice. H btuntifol, - and tixtougiveitebortzmmt of 011 Ss wittley Is systy to foritlAttke Lathca 31outron & i vichtitywstb FAMIONABLE-.-BONNED! a, ;fond and as rich tot r ptu he . pureliAeTti She licepa the very nhitt. goods; a: , canna!, fail topi:tee the mo,t difficult. Imps eery reaattuable. The latdiew. are invited to call and el:anise her Gnatdr. rfr• lawtur ultfatrite Muter S 4! than., \ ?lain mantr ,,, c, • VPAUCH4? CURE el,o.ead ik A 4 CURE 'fo Nervous Headache CURE ki n as 0 Ilea_daette. Itv the use of these Pills the periodic attacks as:Vern:m or Sisk Headache may. be prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack.. immediate' relief front pain and ,-Ickness will be obtained. Thee seldom fall In removing the Null/VC:and /fratfaciat to which females are no subject. They gentle upon the howels,—removing-Codirestas. Foe Literary liti l n; Students, :Delicate Females_ and all pen.ons of sedentary habits. they are valuable as a larati re, improving the (mix lite, giving-toile and vigor to the, diges tive or,mo, maoring the natural elatticity and strength of the whole systeuii. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of ling invesib gallon and carefully conducted 'experiments. having been in-ore mane v. , ars,-duringulich time thee have prevented nd relieved-a vast amount or 'pain 'and suffering from Headache, whether originating . iin :the, venous system or front a deranged state of the stomaoh: They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and ayinbc taken ntalltimes with perfect safety without mak , mg any (Mange of iliet,rodtht flber'lW Qf an y disareeable taste renders it easy to administ<ir them to ddldren, • - Beware. of - Coutiterfeits. ThA.,_g nine have fire signature of Henry V. Spaldi ng oneach hox. - • Sold hyl)rufz..h.ts and other Dealers in .31edirines. . A box will he I , ens by mail prepaid on receipt of the Pr-too 2 All orders should he addreeq-e4 to ' • lIENItt C. SPA LI)ING, rovl2 :tc-,11 4S Cedar treel, New York. TIU FOLLOWING L'NIjOIRSEMFSTS OF CEPHALIC yILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALE' 4010 SUFFER.. FRO3' IIE-APA. C 11. E , TIIA7 A SPEEDY AND SURECURE IS wrmix THEIR REACH. ' As these . iesWinonials were iinsoZicitcd by Mr Spalding, they atiord unquestionable proof of the rilleacy of this truly scientific cLis , :overy. ,• , ' 7704 ItAONVII;I.E. C0..,N Feb. Mn- SCALDING Sin . • ... I bore tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like than $.O try// that I want you to send me $2 worth mote." Part of, these are for the neighbor,, to whom I gIIVC a few out of the first boxl got. from yon. Send the 14114 by mall, and oblige I our olt , t- serv , t." - J.%S. KENNEDY. Ilayerford, Pa., Feb.s 11. C. Spalding.. Sir yon to : , .,end moony more box of your Cephalic rilts; /bar/ Pv iral ogreal d, i4l benclflimm Mon. • Your., nesptleffolly, 1 ANN Spruce Creek, iTunting,rlolt en., ra., Jon. IS. 11. Sfeding. . 1 , Sir: - • V • • Y4,11'1.111 plea 4, i•end me two boxes of your 1111,=. Send them immedimely. . „ ItsoTretfully yours. .NO. 11. Fl moss. P. S.—l bare yo - d ent b o !four Pill:l.ond find Ih•n+ e.rcellenr. • , Belle Yertion,Ohio, Jan, Henry C. Spaldiritz.• Esq. ' - Please Mid enclosed t wenty-fire rents. for which send me another h.of pour Cephalic Dill, They' are truly the lie-it pills,l have ever tried. r Direct 1. STOVER. P. Jr . Deli Vernon, Wymolot comity, Ohio. IrStiver Dec: 9 B. 0. ttpahlinz. E,-9. . . "--- I wir-.11 thr orenlrtn. or Ittrze. , hrtr , bilt , , to bring tour Pills more part it-Marty betdre my cuittomer, , , lt you timu tsnyt him: of the kind. idva.:e rend them to me. . One of eu.tom,.m. will", 1 subJ,4l to a revure rick Iteadach, wo ?rag oirefl pf air al tackin h o rfr Iq . l chic Pill,. wini-In L -cut - • itenw.ctfully W. B. WILKES. Ileynohldburjj Frank Milk t January 9. !Ivory C, Spa!divg, Cydnr rtreet. N. S. EZEM - Inr Ir.J.EI fitul tlyruty-fixtscenti , ..):l.l.l for whirl' Fend Ine I , IX of ^ nithatic Dirort to Itm. Wm. Filler, at Itt.t - nottl,lturv. Frankiln (Manly 4 (thin. Your Pill, wort like a charih—cure: Ileadar)a altioot iioduhftr. . , Truly yogic, Wm FILLER. EICM Spaldb•y. Not i eent to yid' for a box o! Cephalic Mlle `for the core of-the isiervou. Headache and Ciietiveneeo. and received the tame. and they had erigood an tffict true indema , to arhd tar more. *mil by reiurn mail. 'Direct to • A. IL, NVIIEKLEIL - , Yptianti. Mich.. , Front the 4,..rarz iner, Xorfolk, 1 - o. • et 'Anti.- Pill 4rentnpli.ll the object for ullich thry were gaily. viz.: cure of I:,:iditclir in 411 ite forrno. Fr<mt the. Zruminer; Xorfalk, Vu. „They have hen tested in more than a tkott,and with cutire fuccers. ' • • . From the Democrat, $l. Cloud, If you are, or have been troubled with the headache. send for a box of cephalic that you may have Irwin tuate.cof an attack.' •From Oa- ..-Idvertiser,'Prorideacr, R. I. • The Cephalic Pill+ urr said to be u rema . ricablietTeetive reruedy (or the headache, and one of the very beat for ,that vi.rvlrequent complaint which hat ever been die covered. • Front the Western I?. 1?.: Gazette, Chicago. r lie.artify.ndorse Mr. :' , 'l,3l(ling, and Lis unrivalled - C•cpballc Front the Valley Star, Xantrerha, ra Weary. •••nre that twrsons stiffertmr. st:lth the headache!, wha try than. will stick to them.. ' • IMMO From the Path Finder, -Neap Orleans:La To them' you that are ainictecL and He are Fore that enai I . nn be added to the already numerous lint that has received benefit, that no other medicine eon produce, • IC:Z=I From. the St. Louis Democrat. fur.the article (cephalic 0110 1,, 'rapidly Inc in g. csz:s Front the Gazette, Davenport, lowa. - Spahlinz. would not connect hi. riantc with an at tick ii did tali bow to ptHSC,i'rcal From the .Advertiser, Proridence,l2. Ttie tettimorty in thdr farirr is strong. from the most respeelable quarters. Fiore the Daily Sews, Newport, .11.. Cephalic are t al:1;1g the place of aillindr. ;03 ,— A ?•inglebqttl, of SPALDING'S PREPARED OWE will, gave teu itn cost annually. SPALDIN(,VS PREPARED CLUE! SPALDIXWS PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S -11{.EI'ARED..GLI7F, SA YE TILE PIECES! k:CoSto)! tg" ,- "A STITCH .1N TIME SAVER NiNit;',„ As accidents will happen, even la well rmnlated fatal lies. it is very desirable to have tome cheap and convect lent d'nv for repairing, furniture, toys; crockary. • SPALDING'S I'REP-4RED GLUE meet, nil ancliemergenefes, and no liotwebold can afford to be without it, It it alw4y4 ready: and the tack piaistt, "USEFUL IS,ETEIZY.I7OE - SE.." • 'S. 8.-4 Brush . tach 33ottic. price-25 cents. Addrai6, 111,'N'Ra' .";o.4ri, etdar Strtet, sew-York. C!..4 C 710.3 . •, • . Ascertain nnprineiplcd pert.Onsarcatrentptivr.. to palm htf on the II II U,1)..C2 iPg rUbi if . ; inlit3i it , Ilb of nay l'n parist raw., I wouLd caution all- persons to examine; • before pur 'clutr-int.;, and :qv thatihe full name,. . ritr;CP.ILDIXtid PREPARED GLeE.azil re ollthc , Ivrapp,t : all oth,rs are, ',nun - fling Lona- itrolr i r i rC et t rv elTrn. ea .ou t e mT jlt e i c a t rb in •g3l n n a n übrCelretTioni GoIODS, eve - r offered in this market. The quality-of nearly every thlog good; all warranted an repreoentetL • • ' Tenns• Ready URA and Low Prigs• A general idea of the stock ruay be formed from the following enumeration; Dntam, ?Amuse..., • CIIAYICALN• P.MSTA, 4:41.11, VA RN 6411 FA, WI:41:0W (; LASS, Y F. STUFF:4, . (1110&111E44, GLAAS W'Ang; CnocKrcr,CLOCKA, WALT PATE); WISIM PAPER, - WINU'W nit. suanra.Falwr Goons, Musical Instruments.Lanips. s .Jewelry, Peribmerv. Stone Ware, .Itrooms. Brushes, Whips. litthn•l's 'lint Canes, locket Knives, GUIIA. I'istols, Ammunition. Liquors, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, port monnalse Spectacles, Silver plated Spoons. Forks, ..te. Cold pms, Stationery. \lotto, Guitar. Bars Viol Stlings, Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artist's Tube paints, Brush dc. ,ite: Also some N.J. , Goods. Wooden Ware, loyal and japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Cemphine. Coal 011, Burning Fluid, AlcOhol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, neat foot, lard, olive. tgistor, boiled and raw linseed 011 s, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of colored paints, Vine gar. Canary Stvdr also all the popular PATENT NI:MI- - OINES, and other things too numeral's to mention. It is impracticable to give more thatna general outline or ray stock through the newspapers, every one wishing GOODS I. Invited to call and examine. Customers ono entering the .tore must not expect to find every thing in sight; but nearly every article wanti. , tl will he produced by itnnuiry. Tlunikful for the.liberal patronage, hitherto received, he lyipes'.to merit a continuance ant large mere -e of the sante. ABEL TURRELL. 3lont rose, Sane 5, ltitid. atr, Batt ! Batt I ! MBE, WHOLESALE SALT DEALER, 201 - Washington-0, (Directly opposite Washington Market,) • New "X 7. 4:::,1 • 13; SILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUN'TRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse nod Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's,Brownlow's, Ste. and 50000 luShels Turks Isand, Bonares, Cu racoa, b e t. U'bos, Lisbon, Cadiz, Wm - Nantes, &c.,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, .store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select trona a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt putup in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock (iround salt, in quart boxes, put up and fur sale by the - quantity. in eases of five dozen -each. mot. WYOMING VALLEY TO PHILADELPHIA, NEW • ~. YORK, BALTIMORE, z_ And all Points North :& West. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD • WILL nE -.Rpm strriv Ern ' SCRANTON AND Pi OUTIII.I7.II3E,BLA.NDi as Fal .11.7vz.rin N. Y. Expree. .11.19 4:25. rrire riirc nt '1'91,499, 6.38 - 4.5.3 Patlviilic, 6.93 5.'49 Kin pct..r.„' 7.4.8 5.t.'9 littpert. 6.35 5,50 'Bllickcillirny, 7.50 6.•25 11100ni5bur.g..6.45 6.00 Berwlek, X. 29 6.55 Berwick, 7.15 6.35 111nolucharg. 4 4 .50 . 7.521 Shictichinny, 7.45 7.115 9.0 i) 7.40 K t o I 5.31) 7.45 lkinrille, 0.25. X.lO I Pitt•tnn, i*ls Nom hulan 0.10.00 8.15 Scranton., 9.25 8.45 THE LACKAWANNA ts BLOOMSBIJRff RAILROAD , vino:Errs %rim Tun rw.t. LA ACKWANNA.4 WESTERN RAILROAD - Scranton. for Nevi Torte and rhiltidelphln. and Inter mediate- imintv east , : alni for Great Bend, Binghamton, 'Syracuse. Indlalb, Niagara Falle, and all important points At Rupert it connects with the Catawiasa Railroad, for point. both Enid and West. At Northumberland it connects with the Sunbury and Erie Railroad lor ;mint" Wen and south _ T.IIE GREAT FRENCII REMEDY' For Rheumatisth, Gout, Neuralgia, Tic boloreaux. Dr. RO.BAN'S lIIIEU3IATIC CURE. rritrs INVAI.V.ABLE sLAI ROBA/V,(l . •• Speeille. - lately intro- y - dared into ibis country, ie ~.,..,-.-----------' f ,•••" : rat n ly n • ' t•T•linT i le i gin 'il e i th l • ° . 1 11 h tl a k ; . /7 ' „1 . . , .: Y. --. I N- cured !hot in tnrope, At „ 7- - ...., - 1 has met with great and wood- I s, erfni snerbenhere. as testimo• I, 't4 Aey 4 ..,5 ,..., 1 Hillis dkaly received will show . I -.., q -.. t. ,,,,. . ..,:.).,,, 441, It i,,. harnileZe. but certain. in 4 '1;4, , ~ .., ~.., .. 17:sii its effects; warranted free of !,,,,'W. „ '.".... b:,,V" ,-- " - , -"I! iall Mini-ion, ingredient,. It :0 , ~-,,,...... ..,_-ve , 7;;'l l purities the sv stem .t rentlere 1 : z..' A 2 1.. - VZ 4 ,,.. c y . 0 C;;I.;:i it iterfeetic IMatthy. In fact. 1.,,,,, 5. ! ,•‘,4,! •itis a stekitle which Isa, not ,i,....e.t:, -, 'SN''• -' . I:214 i us equal for the cure of the ~,, '-..• •,..1., IN • : c . ,":41 abicre cm plaints. It is :den - 7 - .;-: - ...7!1. '' .1 e r ood for pais. , in the ba.c . ..Y. or bones, or inillt•fi. generally. , • Tile demand for it increasing. has induced the proprietor to appoint an ngent• for this district. Also for patent the agency of Dr. Itolurn, No. V. 12 Broadway, New York City. Druggists supplied ou :liberal terms. Sent by Express to any part of the country on receipt of the price. molts y .ABEL. TT:I:BELA.. .Igent. .Ifontrose. • —..• Mark These Facts! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WORLD! .Tin. .24 -Bad Legs, Bad Itreasts,:Sores and Ulcers. - Llideeerilitione of eoree.are r t enntidiable by the prop -11 and di ligent nee of thie ineetlmable preparation. To attempt to cure bad lege by ',Metering the edger of the .wound together le folly: for ehould the Ain nuite. a boggy diseaeetreondition rernaltie underneath to break out with• tenfold fury in fife, act's. The only rational and eucceoeful treatment. an indicated by nature. to to re dime the indammatiota in and 111 , 011 t the u (mud. and to eoothe the neighboring parte by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment ae _alt ie forced into meat. Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Starlet and 'other-Fevers. • ; NY of the above direasrms may he 'Mired by well rub 4iiing the Ointment,-three times a day. Into the chest, throat and neck ,or the patient : It will soon penetrate and give Immediate relief. Medicine taken by the month must operate upon the whole uystem ere its influence can be felt in any loyal part, whereas the Qth-tinent will ' work at once. Whoever tries the ntigneht IM the above manner:for the o , es:wee - named, or pv rimliar disorders affect hm the chest and throat, wilt had thembelves reliev ed as by a chann. • ' Piles, Eisetuls, Strictures. THE above class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts with warm water, and then,thost effectually rubbing in the Ointment. Persons suffering from these direful complaints should lose not a moment in arresting: their progrcs's. It tbould be under stood that It is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the atll,tell parta, but it rust he well rubbed In for some considerable time tevo or three times a day. that it may taken into the ayatem. whetter it will remove any hidden sore or wound as t tie:Wally as thou....bp:tip:al& to Thee the eve. again bread and water poultices. after the rubbing in of the ointment. will do great service. This I. the only evire treatment for rein:ilea, ewes or cancer in tbe stomacb. or, whore there may be a general bearing down. • Indiscrations of Yovith;—Sorel and,llkers. ipTcitEs, e- :also ;twellings, ran, with certainty. Le _ll radically eared If the Ointment Mt. used freely, and the rills he taken itit,dit and morning as recommended in the in the printed instructions. , When treated in any Miter way they only dry up in one iditee4o berok out iu whereas this Ointment will remove the humor from the ev,tvin. and leaVe the patient a' vigorous and healthy being. it will require time with the use of the Pills to ensure a : lasting cure. , . DISPATCH ! each OM or box: the ratite may be plainly Fern' b. , ho/ding th.'leaftothf:light.; A handeome reward wiLl he . t,?iven to c ariy out rendering buch inforniatinn as may lead to the . detention of any party or parties counterftiting,„' the midi !..V.117., ar vtindin;!, the pame, knowing therm to he imrious., ~, *.Sold'ut the Manufactory, of .ProfcH:or Y. Maidmi Inc.a Ncw York. and' ali-rewtetahle Ilruirr„h , t4 i 1 and Ilcalcry in Mcdicint. throughnut the civilirxd world. ' in tro,..c at V.:, emitre. iil ccuto, and $1 each. ABEL TURRELL TINE BEST ROUTE SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains 3IOVINo: NOT:TI7. N. Y. 'Phil'a Express. ..11rtil. xlve wthirland, 3.30 .1.-13 Dropsical Swallingl, -Pai - alysis and stiff Jointi. ,I,TliorGil!tik. above complainti differ widelv in 1 their orixin and natuxe. _ya.t..alley' all require local treatment. Many of Ulna worst' eases. of: disease... will vivid in a companitivery short space of time when this Lftlitment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected. 'even after every other .mans have failed.! In ail serion. maladies the fills should be taken accordhq; to the print ed directions accompanying each box. Bath the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases ( t, Bad Leda ISA lirm•tv, ' Rarn.f: ' Chapped Itando, (gandular SwellinCorns. (Soft) 'Bite of MoAclietoet , . Cancers, and Sand-111w , , Contracted and - Coco-bay, Still*Jointr, Sore Throve, , Skin Die , eues, flora uoade, Wend6S, • Yaws CAUTION;—.None arv. genuine Mllta , a the wurda •• Jim, 1 This Is to - cert try, that 3lis. Emory has been ailltetcti rnr LOW A New•Yotc.K. Ann Loan:ma." are diaeernible to , a' Se a'is past with that dlatreasing 'complaint known AS tke water-mark in every leaf of the ho,,k,ydirwethlne around ; . • and that flAYing failed in secturin.• relief from vn . pftr - 'l'heret. el,w4dcrable in% ing Fy raking larger boat...; N. Direct loui fur the gnidante of patient: , in c% cry ,tirurar are alli&vtt to kath • , • L M ,AKE F, Mix method of Informing their OLD AND 1 Friends that they have pint ieee eitan addition to the , former-titoek or Goods, which they • BOUGHT_ FOR . CASH, AT 'PANIC PRICES! WILL SELL TO I CASH . BUYERB Prices Perfectly AstAinishini We have not thud to enumerate articles, or prime., hht Invite the public to call. examine, end satisfy thettokeNed of the truth of what we puhlb , h, end of course, theft buy. , J. 3tE1at131.1.114 - figN4 lipsonvllle, Dee. 9.oth. ISthl. CIIOICE Lot of Family I:rocerle, re!.:eived and P ling 20 per evnt. Mow former prices. - MIANCY Cuhkctiutmty for the llothlave. at .1: . SIEItItUMANS'3 r i N.kirSt PIiODEC'E oral! kinds, for which thj high Inorkut priced void In. (jowls, ta Pa. SI IiItICII4(A_NS NEW GOOD JUST ARRIVED AT THE ORIGINAL "ONE PRICE" STORE! HAY DEN 'I3IIOT lIERI, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, Have a LARGE & :!4)LI:NDID'Sfo - ek i)f M NAT - 0 D Cheaper than the Cheapest AND EXAMINE OUR GOOD 'VOL i;uy• 01: SOT. IT PAYS YOU TO GET POSTED SRO£i. NEW MILFORD, N,..0u1.41- Sib, IN;0. Executor's Notice. AII-Ling-ons liar ing demand. ieza.inst the Estate of Df vid I)..llullat n late of Liberty !mi. deed. roust fir' sent Mope to Ho IIII(h-Nigned fi;rarningement, and 4 per,idiis'indelited to said, state are requested to make it 'mediate payment. fiche,. DENN IS 3tetiztAri4 Ezecutors' Notice; 13F:rt5ass havinz, demand, aviiiist the gi'ddate of W iate of Middletown twp. into.; prune them to Ho. toiderAgnill for arrami.iinviit. hod rimne It thlited to raid v.liate are ivottest..ii to make iinniedia j(11.113.1.:1. in:..VANU^ f xe cut or e -I`,b7 trw CHILDREN w=il MRS. WINSLOW; An experienced Sur=e and Fenude pretieu .to the intention or mother,. her SOOTHING SYRU FOR. CHILDI ZEN"LEETI LING, %%bid, zreatly far ilitatetk theprocv;, , of fevilllng, hp v•oti ening the Limn. mlurinz all intlannnallon—will albly ALL PA IN nod spa,motlic action, rthd is SURE TO REGULATE TIRE' HOW ELS. 'Depend : upon ii, mothen, it n 116 give'rert 11) you. BELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOU.N. INFANTS. We haveput tip and sold 110- article for. rivet lru yC:ll*.• and can ray IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it. what e have never been able to say, of any other medielne-L 'iiVER HAS IT FAILED. in ri siNaLE issT..kNCE; EFFE('T ACY E, when !lately used. NOW itFW e knotc au insinnee 11fdi,-alf , factiml by anyone* ho lIFi need Ott the ebutrary. ull a:a, delighted with its operati.sns, and speak in Is-rear 01 commendation of it, magical etfcrMatW Inealiral virtue,. We nay in this matter ••\I'IIAT WE DO after ten rear:' eaperience:aud FLEDDE OF): DEPUTATION for the fulfillment of %%hat we here dechirt. In every iv-lance where the. infant A, ,ntkriuv lir pain anal exhanntitm. relief a ill be found in fifteen toM mint c. after the nyrup i= adminktered. . . Thi, preietrat the pc,r,criptiou of one iof the mo-t EXPERIENCED and 5111.1.1 , 11. NrICSEti 'New England. and been tu3ed with NEVER FAILINti I=MMI THOUSANDS OF CASES. • it not only reliever the child fromludo, but lniirzorati the i.towitielt a ild.b,,wely, corri,t, aridity. and girt:* tone and energy to i m holo .i.3i•tetn.„ It Wilt lilmust instantly GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLD, :intloverettmetlinvitbdom., which. If not epeedlly cured. end in death. We believe-it the BEST and-SCIIEST retri ed,' in the. WORLD. in all ca,, , of DYSKItiTERY nod HICIRE.k IN CHILDREN, whether it arisen Emit teethlint. or from any other canoe. We would my to all minim], who have a child putfcring from any of tlw fitredo ir ru i ,,,,,pi a i n t.,-00A - eiT LET Yuri: .P . 17 EV7;1(1;5 -V OH THE PRE-WOHZEs of OTHERS. s tand hetwet,n von and Your differing child. told the relief that will do ihrFELY SORE--in follow the use thi- medicine, If timely Full directions for losing will aevoluttany eaeh h;.ttt le, egenuineunleenthefnq >imik• of ar tutrns S P.ERKINs. New York, tae on the 0111,ille 'wrapper. Sold by Drit=it.b , throughopt the world. Prl nelparOillee,l 3 Cedar at reet, New York. PRICE ONLY 25 L'ENTS PER BOTTLE. y For , rde in Montrit , c by Abel Titzrell.l ••- 0 IV IV A. 'l' • LIFE PILLS PILOENIX BITTERS' . rrotEsE 31ED14 'INES have now been before the pithlt,e ir a period of Thirty ;"rare. and (Curl:l,7lllm timehave maintained a high cluirmter in alniceit ovezi - part of tin, 1 0 1,.., nir their extraordinary Mid flamed:ate power of ra-toringperfect health to pi 7 nitiftri :mine-Mg under nen rlv every kind of direase to which the Ininian frame i The fulliiwlng are among the diAre-,hig "variety of hie man diteatia , in w Ithli the • c•rryr.m ''' .Ltrt i. Are ‘1 . 4 , 11 known to be , DYSPEPSIA, elean”inc the 11 . 4 and 2nd ,lionnell, , . and creating a 110 w of pureibealttry bile.inste4l of the etale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY. Loss qf prliti.ll,ol7ntro. , olache III: 7', olper, b La soyoor I,el ..thlahrhot!it which itri.generalnyinptintin of I Van ti e , a natunil Coll,olllellee of itr cure. COSTIVENESS, cleaning the whole length of the itite,tine4 with a 'Arent liana:re. and without vfolenet nil stub utt purgzelealiothe bowel, cod live In two daps. FEVERS ofull hi 2111. 4 restoring the blood ton repla circulation, thrii the provers of reliiration in emit ease!). and (hoe" rol talon of all intestinal oh,tructionti lu other The Life•Merlicines gave been known to mire RHEUM- Krum pernianeutie in three weeks, v and. GOli i, T 4 in half e. h that tim minoring local intlumination Intl he uttbi• • ties and ligaments of the joints.. - DROPSIESof all kind., IT freeing and "Mrenr.thentng the kidneys and bladder ; the, ',penile most delightfully op these important 0174111114;nitclifenve ha i e liten founds certain remedy for the 0 orsi taws of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by db-lotlgimt front the turning' of the bowels the slimy Matter to 'rich these creatures adhere, `SCURVY, ULCERS. and INVETERATE SORES, try the perfect purity which these Life Medici/ea gin s to the r blood and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COM PLEXIONI4, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin and the morbid state of which occaslonm all ernptlee complaints, tallow , dourly, gad other disagreeablo cot plextuns. The use of these Pills for n very sipirt Lino will effect nit entire cure of SALT RHEUM. and astriltiog ineut..iii the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFUENZA will idway.sbe cured WY . ione dose, oril two in the worst- a.,,. PILES.-,Ttrc original provrietlir of these medicines; sea,- en red if Piles. of 3.1 years standing by the me of lltb Life M. alone. orn eY Eß timry A . N tli D e, ,A ..N a l tr ol E i; -- int! ' , 'w w t ill id' he 'c f7 n o r i 2 d e a n i• f a t f l e a t• l p ‘ 44 and certain remedy. ta bur 31,11 k-hits leave the Krotena ..ohject to a return of 1 1 / 6 : keee .—a care by then ...Alain permaneot— Tr'y thrill. IN paneled, and be relty4 MMus .1 4 'everra and Liver. Compralnl4. .co:nefal of Appetite, and of Fe'. mule.. 'rho 3fjdicinta4 have hevn u.ed With the intr4. 1.1101631 rtmlte to eli,e4 of this tie,erlption:—Xllo. nal *Straub'. in 16 word forno , . yiehlt• to the mild ect poworful action hf 11Wst remarkable Medici: ok . . . . .. ..N i'ZIIISWeat ". IsZery olin fkbillty, Nyrrom , Complain's sif all kirnbs. ralpitaltsm of the lleart;i'atntern' Colic, tut speedily cured.. i `Mere a rlal Dloteameti.-l'ensont'whoie rttlonts have berotile impaired by flit. illittfifri(lllo are or orcurA 0 iii fiat) tlie,',l4eslicints a perfect yore. as they never fag ti , eradicate from thy ,y -teat. all Ilte , says's? of . 36erettyy. infinitely ' , miner than the mo-t ieswerfal preparatiOne cif hl.areaparilla.. Prepared and told hr IN B. :TIOtePAT. i :r.;.5 ite.neawat: Ns*-1(onx. For Sale by all Drisgralrilat _Afflieted, ROM! ' ILLIAMS'S 'COMPOUND ..,SOLI' 1 - 1/Tur nk *V - le miirran;rit;TvffeCt ev,.ry cam.. and fu fitngce - ut dlsca)•c.'or.timmone",y I will be no•fooded: Fulldirectlom accompanf each For salc-bv Abel Tnrrelr. .Itontro‘e ; O. 14: llemwtend, Brooklyn : T. J. Babcock, • I/imock: renuel Carpenter.. Ilarford.„: 41. Willlamo,,lack. , on: .1.13. Slocum. I/midair; A. B. 31crrill. , Itop3aatota A. 3. Merrill. Scranton. ; •C7.7iirt.rllX3E•XCl.42ll.l:lll. Gout. Lumbago. Piles. Rheumatism. Scalds. Sort Nipples,' S'curl7. Ilek!rs, dc. rions physicians, she - ara;induccil front re'portetotriliir. '• Pile Solution." whir& We obtained at one 14. 10 Al..owlet in Tnnkhannock, Pa. Thc ree tilt has ben the most favorable. The trial waitnailu with It hint fall, and after a- directed for nfewilnys,wlint we have good reason to think Iwo+ aperniaoentcurewyueifeelcd. Several other of a - similar Induce In this vicinity usial it with like cos Hits. With Mr. Willl3ll/6 MOM) '4lO one no pay eicry tall; that! Winded Mill certainfy, to lr? it: • • 'B. B. EMORY, • 1 PaA,,rof .1h E. Clkurt , h, uu kluunycli, W!canil?g Cu., Pa, Juni. LAIL ;y9). U. MEAT MARKET. • On Public !efFenue, near Searle's Hotel. ELti Oa b ndood supply of Ii kind& C A S H paid for Heel CailleCalyes,Sheepond Lambs. Also for Hid ' ei of kali kinds. .HENSTOCK & HAWLEY.. W. T. 11E1STOCI4,' ItAWLEY. Montrose, Horeb 30th, 759.—tt KEYSTONE :HOTEL ' , • At Montrose; Penn.. S. BATCH, Proprietor. T'new and commodious Hotel situated Ji on Public 4venue,near the Court House,and nearly in the centre of the business portion Of. Montrose, is now fuly completed and furnished, and was opened' on Monday, the 27111 day of September; 180., for the accommodation of the public and !travelers. The Proprietor feels confident, that hp is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give Complete Satisfeetion. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no 'ex pense has been!epared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied iith all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of 'Chalmers. -- The stables 'connected with this House ate New and Convenient. The Proprietor. rosppctfully solicits the patron age of his old frieilp, and the publie generally. WM. K. HATCH. ZITS P E-PS I A, Drbility'af, System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Debility of the S)blein e li)spepsia. Liver Complaint, Acidity, Liver Comp Acidity, Dillon Complaints, Sick lltadache, BiHeti Coniplajnts,' Sick Headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE,- FLATULENCY, LOSS OF 'APPETITE, and the riumber4as etler daises uriiiing from In digestion . l'oind functional disorders of the stomach; find ready relief in that established and sterling remedy, - TIIE'OXYGENATED BITTERS, TILE OXENATED BITTERS. Reliable Testimony. Ire call theattenteun'e the reader to thefullotring letter from Pl4xident 'Smith, formerly I . lf Wesleyan L'aircreity, and now of Annaps/is, Md. 311Din.r.Tovnt, C2nn., Feb. 28. 1659. taeTti . W. Co.—Bentley:met—l first nude use .of Gni ariArewated Mutt's' some seven or eight years since, hav i ng suffered for twenty yenta from a forniof tlyirpermia, Which was 'attended with a neri - Ms headache', on an aierage of 'not lest, day In a week, I qqa induced; by the unpretending rec- Mtmend.tion. of Pr. Green, to try one bottle, and if no benefit was re4eled to discontinue the use." T - he use of one hottle warranted 'a further trial, to the extent of Immo thige or four, with n' careful observance of . the accoinpany t iug directions. The result was, eq.- - aimed - entire relief from the usual dyspeptic symptoms and their depressing;, painful consequences. I believe these Bitten peal red art entire change in the _habits of my - system, and tie the active energies of the digestive organs. I now dertn Myself as exemptimm Dyspepsia RA most persons. These Bitters have also been of seg• rico to other montane of my family. cry respecifuily yours, ACCUSTUS W. SMITH TIDE OXY?ENATED BITTERS. THE OXIITEKATER BITTERS. lIICHXIiND„TiOga ire.i Pa l Aug. 25, 1858. GE It4LLatzN,l After etiffering for more than flirty years With Dyspepsia, 31W trying many tentedies rec ommended for that diocese without anfgood revolt, I ,fee induced, by lir. F. 11. White of Minefield, to giro the Orygeested !Guises a trial. I took two bottles, which gave ma It i much relief that I purchased two more, which have, early of quite effected +acute. lam rim neatly revetity-dve years of age; and fur three ;noels p.a.! beve l felt no inconvenience from my food. 1 I take great pleaaureia recommending the Bitter' to au afflicted With Lysrepeia and its concomitant dieesies. • ' A. lIERARD • . Prom Dr. White. • • blattsnr. l tr., Tkca Co., Pa., Aug. 26,1818. I have used th Oryraista Bitteri ie by practice_ witli decided suet si-in debility and general pre...tuition, &c., and confidently recommend them in general de• bility, and diseases of' the digergre.orgarts. 1 - . P. it WHITE, N.D. 1 06 THE OX YG ENATED BITTERS. THE OXYqENAAD BITTERS. PREPARED' BY S. IV. FOWLS 8i- CO., 18 Tremont Ftrret,, Ilooton SeKby Druggisb , Dcnkrs, and Mt rcliants in every torn nnl city throughout the country. , ; ;Tr'For .ale by Abel Turn.ll and Read,Wations...t. Fos ler, 31ontrose ; L,J.I. Woodruff, l)linnek; Antos Nichols' Brookirn.; 'Whitney & iloaley. Ilarford : Weed .t. Want' Great tend ;. J. C. Olmstead, Dundatt: L Griffin, Great I Bend. July :Xl--.Y.1• - ---- . . --- BCE,RHAVE'S DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE Of THE KIDNEYS, ' LIVER COMPLAINT, , WEAKNDEIS OF ANY -KIND, • FEVER AND ACUE, dn. the various. afiectiono consequent epee a disordered • , STOMACEI• OR. LIVER, • Farb as Indigestion,' Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky.Paina, Ileartbern. Lou of Appetite, Desponey, Coatrooms, Mind and Meedidg Piles.. In all Nervous; Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Sflhrtione, it ban lu numerous Imamate mead yield, beneficial, end in others effected a dedded cure. This k a purely rcketable compound, prepared on strktly ator the manner of the celebrated Holland Prot...or, tkorhave. ' Its reputation at home par fl oral ile.intn.luethiu hero, the demand commencing with them of the Fatherland - scattered over the fare of this mighty, country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tnolitlon of Ito value. If io nom offered to MC Amerimit poldk, knoiring lied at truly Wonder /a medicinal virtue. most le urktancterlyed., It Is -particularly recommended to thave persons whose ocastltutions. may him been Impared by the outalonotoi use of went ofildts, or other forms of dirippastlan. ' Generally instantaneous breffeet, It dude Its way directly to the seat of life thrilling and quickening every norms, raising tip the drooping spirit, and, in fact, Infusing new health and titre In the system. NOTlCP.—Whomorexpeets to hod s tlas a beverage lad be dicappoloted; but to the ads, weak and lea 014144,1 i will prase a grateful awns* waled, ocoutessed of angular remedial properfAce. ' • READ CAREFULLYI Th. Nil:knob:ie highly eopeentrated Bairbaves Brollsod Bitters Is pet up lit balf•plot bottles ply, Voil Totaled On Domes per bottle, or six bottles falls! fibutas. The grestt demand 1)r this truly eelebnitea Ilfedirtee leas beim* tlNurr h?kitellons. wilish W the peblie ehouid peed inmiml Purmeaue• • Beneren tlmposition, Bee that one neseslenn the label of every bottle you . Sad se 7 Dry Witt asts. toning* • /i 101 i b• /*marled Izipy kroost BOLE PapPAIIIMpEIIi BEN.TMPD,7 'ItAGE; & CO. 11 . 111CFLOTVILIMG pharmaqutists s and (thembikk PITTS,BUROH, PA. These:l3lTTElo, , are 1 , 01,11 u Montror.e by ot 4' y • - ABP., Tc.414;41.• Pr 0770 The Opening Work; of the Beasoh. ,Every firmer and gardener should be. gin the season's •worß With new plans and resolutions. lie. slioffid, first of all, feel a hearty interest in his balling. Some - . en gage in their business, at Wit Were n mere drudgery, a thing they hated ,tO do - , but . did so from sheer necessity. ' With what a heavy step and lack.lnstre eye they go. to their daily employMent? -• Life has lit—. tle'poetry for them, little present enjoy- \ went, and little hope-toy the future. No- body envies such men. . Missy with such feelings, "friends, .and -begin this happy 's work, with new zest and Ithicrity, • fte iolve on getting the:most • pleasure and • ' usefulness this Stimmer can.possibly yiel. (r i Look . but on the handsome and fertile acres which Providence has commited • to yourcire. They.nrounder your el ire control. If yOu neglect them,. they will ' produce but n scanty harvest,' 1;y your . industry and skill, they will 'soon spring. with young crops - , oittchich thd eye cal! . rest with delight all'Shminer, and in the. • Antinun they will 'fill_ • your barns. with plenty, : - And you,- , ', hOrticulturist, the Fawn and garden wak your call , and . tlte ~, touch of your :hand. At your coming they will wake to . beauty and fertility ; they Will reWard you Jam, long sea.4oht • with shade and. fragrance and fruit and! flowers:, What more delightful pursuit ! Do you think so Then follow up. 4 such thoughts-witli good plans and resolu- • tions. • Assuredly, every . mans wet* should proceed seconding to a plan or else his 'business ,will be only done• and poorly 41of ie. It Should_ be definitely settled, early in the Spring, that thiA_field should have this kind' of. treatment and crop; and that the other shouht: be_ man aged so and, so.- This "and that ; farm building need 'certain! repairs, and they shall have them.. -I Must sell slid': and such of iny stock, andsibuy -Such and such. Jane must go to Aliss to afford her Letter advantages for com pleting her eatiCation.. The lumber on must . ao longer serve as a family — car- Tinge, because I can afibid a. better, and self-respect'and comfdrt require '- that I should have one. SUch and such other things, Provideni:e favoring, shall be-the result'of this season's endeavors, says the farmer. So the' gardner : the small, piece of ground cominitted to ine shall not lie idle. In the fruit and vegetable departnient; I - will, this year, attempt. some things new, but will hold last to thi . old that are known. to be good.. My neighbors shall not ont,' do me in the line of .salads, cucumbers, melons, strawberries; 'raspberries and dwarf pears., My grapes shall have the best of care; The famous Pelaware, about which the country' is deba ting, has already yielded me a few - deli-' cious clusters ; this."year, if care 'can avail anything,'it shall domOre. The Concord, Dina, andßebecca liaicAvintered ; 7 --- and. I mean that they shall summer well. . - Among the newer sorts, I shall venture only upon the Crevelling and the -Cuya hoga. • In the ornamental line, my lawn shall have the first care. Nothing rewards my labor so well as thi My . s.hade=trees need a little trifling to keep theth:in good shape.; anti my hedges- mutt not be . for gotten. In May and :tune I must enlarge my collection ofevergreens . . The flower garden lutist, by no . me . mews, be neglected. The crocuses, now_ pe4mg up, will be ftil lowed by I,3*inths mni tulips., and other flowers in long succe4M. And- I must :Oita little to their miinher. A few nos-- elties•among the dahlihs Must al so the newer gladioli 2 Then, there are Japan lilies, scarlet gtiraninins, petunias, verbenas, byrethrtini„ perpetual roses, and the like. My neighbor Smith, ,a zeal ous =Muter, • recommends the Tritoina Lrvaria, the Farfuginuigrande, the double zinnias, and the kazaria splendens, as among the finest - noVeltiet:, and I must hare them., , • , : So'solil6quizes, our garkener, but we need not listen„ to hint any longer.', We shall h° Satistiedjf be mid the, farmer be come inspired with neW zeal in their call ings;. on the opening, 'cif this Spring's cani paign,'and if their 'zeal is crystallized in to well forined PlairS,..and resolutions.— alnierican Agriculturis4 , • • . EXCE - LIENZAECEEPTS. . RAISIN CAKE.-;-•—Ono and a hallcups of cream, one cup of butter, three eggs, one and a,half cups of sugar, one ;pound of raisins, cloves and cinnamon, and one teaspoonful of soda. , -Lemon Cake—Whit ••• of eig ht' : eggs , 47 , beaten to a froth, two- cups of, sugar, one half cup of butter,'one - half •, of sWeet milk, three cupSnf flour, cmespoon till of creani of tartar, one half spoonful of soda. , • • • Cream Calic.—Tweg,.4, tiro cups - of • thick cream, one cupfiil of sugar; one teat spoonful of soda, cinnamon and nutmeg. Exceilcut Ginger cake.—One quart, of New - Orleans syrup, one:cupful of butter and one of buttermilks a table spoonful of salerattis ' and one 'of ginger, alum as large , as, a hickory unit Knead it up in the . - evening and bake in. the morning. , Silver Oil:T.—Whit '• - eight • eggs beaten to a froth, one enpJpiilverrzed sugar half cup of butter, flaVored with oil, of lemon, intik° as thick i,ts . Omnion stir cake. - Ginger Snaps.—Onq pint of molasses, tne table spoonful; of ginge.',oae .of but ter,. - one teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a ta— ble spoontlil ok vinegat. • . Farmers Ctip a cup of Nit- Ter, the saint, of cream; two cups of sugar three cups Of flour, and the whites of !bur eggs, essence of lemon; tc4lic taste. Indian ,Sponge Cakti—One quart of tinci boiled Indian meal, one CUL) -fill of -fluid~. , i one cup :full_ of' sugar, two eggs, one gnarl of sour milk'aud ICSS1)0011fIll tus. - Hoe Cake.:,--Scald a quart of Milian. meal; with a pint of wider, stir in a tea spoon till of salt and a little melted but- . ter, put it when propeily Mixed into a well greased tin and bate it bah' an hour. Rick l'asta Cakes.4Ritb 'three ounces-- of butter-into half a pound of -ricetionr. moisten it with - wateF, )work -it \Oland' roll it out thin, then out it in small c4tm and bak'e in a quick oven. -• "lalan Meal Short Cake,—Stir into a . pint of milkthreo ogg, beaten light; and a little salt, an a korapup full of butter, with 'enough silted meal to make a thick hatter, drop it from ailarge .spoon upon. buttered ties, and bake, to n light brown color, bake in a quick-oven, DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTIIOSU FRIENDSYILLE. c OACII6 carrying mall* raial tuubsr tar" betweon hiontro*e and Priembeige, will leave Searle'* lintel, In hi outrmta, daily, at 7 u ' etuek, m, and lento Friend& vile at 3 olcloelG-P. tn. - WHIM/WO and earriaßes inn be: procured at the Livery Stable of nit ontwtrjber In Montro,w, on rea*onable terme. '.Won rove, Aug. tti, tsno. .If J. D. GOODIVIS.. Iterimeno, Camphe 40 airiyiuid. 11c f u I u any ntri.ct ul l . at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers