Sta,te of the CoinitO. . . . • • A general idea of the fea - rfullytttlisas - - Vous state of this l'Ountry dias already become known to all. Stilltbcre 'are so •Inany reports of a confused and coniradie tort' character, that aeeuracy cannot be expected. To t he callof the President, no Southern State seems to • respond, lidtho' it was thought Maryland .was loyal 1 3. but 1 mob law reigns in Baltimore; It ift evi - dent that the final position of, afTair is to be a whole South in armed rebellion.. Vir ginia passed her -s , .eesilion act in 4eeret, and sent some thousands of Men tO,seiz(s the I larper's Ferry' Arsenal, 'and Petit. Jones, 1% ho wasin command, set li t on tire and tied to llagerstown,:,and Otenee to Chambyrsburg, in Pennsvivanht, .By -11(is serious event 15000 stan'd of iMprov ed arms, &e.', were destroyed, tJ save th'em from the rebels. '• i , The Bridg es in Maryland' Navel been ;burned, and the railroads obstrnetel, and Various cm:minters have taken idacq be tween our hoops and the mobs --1n which many lives .have been lost, mostly the.(.lli rebel side.. To reach Washington roops - must cut their way through, or go it. yes -- :els. _Norfolk :111(1 the Gosport navy yard , have been burned and several Vesse s•des lroye4., It is feared that' near 1 0 00di rebels are advanciwz on the Capitat,hut itig. , aid that we have i4,oollmett there[to'de fend it ; and _it is hoped they are sufficient. to save it until aid, . reaches thein.l-,Tre . inVlidous efforts-are beinp-'made all over the North to save all from . ' destruction,- and doubtless the efforts will be er4wn&l with success.* flow or when the deiirable result is-to be :4rived at, is not a iptestion —but our Whole people arestriving to gether to secure our country.from dan UV. pr . overthrow. .. i ... Troops her tile ten thousand are !being everywhere collected and lturried-On to Washington and elsewhere.. 1 . --Next week and in litture onr 'whole sheet 1611 be (ICvotedto a taretid 'collec tion of the 'most reliable details of the inconceivably terrible conflict. that has ' been inaugnrated by the mad act ot i , tirinp:, on Fort tstitnOr, 4ke. The Very Lates-i NN'imNr_spAy v April :24.—rlahim 'under rifinlial all is (116(4. ('anierrin had threatened to lute i Iroyeti by Fort ',Men eliry, if •II Artn'tion was piit. in the way-of our t g , ll - gc7 P sf ° HOOFLATID'S . - Ittt.ll _IIED/CiAr; THE -.414 . Cr 'RICA 17 STANDARD REMEDIES of ihi• pre - amt age. huye , acquit.] Ou'ir grv•ut Aly through 31•31, ,•1* t r l'uhuttol,l sitilfactiou . .125 - Ir.uderell by thot:ldall rUve. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS eopplatnt. Dscpopena, Zit•TVOll inlay. Diseased. of the 2.E.dnpys, feud all from a lirnq or no-a of the I.:tonteltlol Itiges.the Orgatel, MUM MEI, BMUS MIL AO ma AU MIL evo our Almainc Int" roof. nuct., ciuts iwr • • 1 ooffauttg llalsamic7•Cordial vitt tot-muss' et ne . Coughs, Colds. or Hoarseness.- Bronchitis, Into. Croup; Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption,, oud has pt-rfortue.l the or ewes .!Ter CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION As a DiarrissaCsrqsl it It Tract, 7-xsats 1100FLAND'S GERMAN Pill, • 4,...„.„ well known througliont F,iiri'ir• and America, nerds no nanniendation here. They err purely vt,, lab e. too ' ITOVlT4 , lwitli groat es.artiii,. • aii.i a rt• ed. No better Pl.thartir Pill can li, 1,40.. i'mci.., 25 eta. pfr box. Them nwilaines are prepared 1i,,1 , Pt. C. M. JAilsott.4 Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. and 'St. Lonk4llo4; inn] an , Add by untoTt e.itli and dealen in niedi , incs. A r efin here:. n. sig. sniture of C. Si. Jaeitstix will he on the maxilla o cult . I '''t tie or box. In our ...I.:errybadkt -SUN ' an itc.',lit+l annwdly; you will find to,fimon) and tonunettilatiiry ihitie,s frlin Al! parts of the country. Thee, Alinatiats at:i., given a ay by .all our agents. i - • Feverand of eiztit moot lit: ured thERILAVES HULL %ND No. svrepth, tic.Jr Gratit etrl4, Pap, .1,11ly : a tale runntna on the tiver,Mta cnt tut 'Mutt I 4 Ylnif •Natettez and Nctr.orlealls,• 1 tvds taken 1 , it h Peter and Fttr rigLl long Months I tultured withtill, dread dif•eal , l. The areal er•part t time' i was nimble to work. and shod at least flit) - da tars for medicines, hut finnan. twain: twat ratieh Three. erk, , auto , cme Or my . friends insisted on ITS try fig Dr. literlutt t.'” 1101.1. AND 'hitters. vaying that a cure 'Tat ti. After IUL:111:: it ,our week,ll must itate. tcas a sound than. I hat c• hem; at w urk :loot-wriwvoot, tool have hid no retai! off he chills and k 4 t , Vvrs u' atever. I certify that the above statement i- . ''• ap Tilt tllA$ A1).111:4, ••• Diantond Houk.. Ot It. clp,tmr, toii s • Sheet rclutic. , Fll imieb Liud. othcir -1-1(1 1 5•M' ' nit') %ew 3l A c tie 4t xxt ie. , , w i ll" & iviNllow ! pyEß . 1 A E '8 3 0 ()() It OLLS, ALL.ti% at -4 V P :14 1 RN ' 1331/I.I"I".IEXPES 13 c•czkiki /St+ Aiontrore, Pa., April Intl. 11. " Vic r 3! ANI'FACTURER. OF AND DitALEI: ~Z'RBW. Gr ICA .16 EA : Nos. Stti, and 107 North SFA'oNlit , t,Philaira. l irE, ore now receiving mir 4 :ti:TOrli) witieh ,s in cornilrit.e rah a large and detiile ar;eorl matt of .di kin& of . STRAW and LACE 60003. • larze nieui of LAIIJCS L Cliiltireu'totATB. ()or stock (It .FLOWEIts null 1:U( tlEti, will bo tltlUFU rtily nut! we (I "old yottriepecial attention. to taut tlepnrttzt,lo., Plen,t; riot and ckatuirlc 1.-lore lit:I ytittr poninusep.,' t; tv,.'!%v 11. W.:15.111). Noy.llo, 311:o ID North kf , .E(.o*.siirt•tryet, above Arch. BRAD. CO. LARGE, & WESTERN MEDIUM, CtOYER & TIMOTHY SEED. GOLD-DROP &CATLINSEEOWHEAT, For _t sale by 3.3-NIAISII.IS LLIL .AN 31ohtro.,' MEDICAL `CARD.~ limrxx.-261-cop, Graduate or the Allopathic and Iltnnwopalltie Cblleger. of.hh4.- 1111 e. would return hiN pima:cc-IL:tut:a to he pecople of I: , •tt and vicinity. for the :Try gtatrwutge with uali they have faronal him, and he hoer by a *Met at temion to baSilleni to merit a liberal Atate of the public - Great. Bead. 4atqtary 22d. 1861. Dissolution. Vat Pirm or , I riii•cliniann Bros. Co. le !Ale day die- 1.6(11 by liinitaliou,mi. E. ietirliti: from the firm. All twetmotb., meet be nettled w th.liesser, $4, twll'. 41. ilitttiluuthu. litu Ate Allow) Sigthorised to elpt fot tile rine. 111104CHMANN. J. itieghatot on. April 1.1,15/A E . J. /10.12X41.T.G. Axa ` ~ lig to lie above, vie takii litiAltUre hi snomm ,ipz to ttie public 1441. ‘bliu ill Clluttnue tIW• DRY GOODS MISIIIfSS In nll pi branctlM gy ittretefores at the old Mad. No. 20, Car. Conit and Water Sta. Under the name , , and Firm ut Hirsclunawi Brotheri. 9'h.14.111 for pak favurr, we.sOlteit a ccultiuuatiix of Lame. • 1 1IRSCHBIANN BROS • 41,1! MAIL nRANCIEMENTS-ItIONTROSE . - . . ...,• • NAIL. A frizz 1 7 .7?--Dally (errnthiii• excepted.) from tile 1-7;u4 arid Sinllll.l,l Railroad nt .; , i j+.ll. , (smitiny excepted,) front the We.t, by Itailroad, at 9% 3.13. From liiitebaniton direct, every Tuesday, Thuieday and Saturday. nt.IM p. Front Titiddinitnock . direct, 'uvery Tueedity, Thin Way and Sittunlnyt itt I p : in. : Front Towanda direct, every !Theaday. and Saturday at 7 Yia l l1;: fr l Oriendaville ' (;ttiittay excepted) ttl &H P. m. 3r,111.8 Le.t VE—Maily L~undaya cseepeed) for the card awl roallt;14 railroad. mit a. ra. Many (sunaay excepted) fur the.teert, by raliroad, at 4 p. For Itingliamtontlireet, every 'Monday, Weducerlay and rid v, at la. tn. •For''Vantdatnnock," direct, every Monday, Wodocaclay Friday. ut in. . . • For Tow:unla dinvt, every Mondayand Friday' at Ta.m. Maly for Friendaville (earalay ex.) at 7,\.: a. ' For Lurey cillo it brotuthAnbarnl—leavel Montlay, - al 9 a. at. --arrives Weduerday%a p. - • al N 1 § 1- OBIT.; DEEDS! MEDIUM. SIZED DEEDS! 2...% 1 '"L'ri^:'",,7 LARGE DEEDS! ADMINISTRATORS' DEEDS,- . . • __EXECUTORS' DEEDSI GUARDIANS' DEEDS!. TRUSTEES' DEEDS! &C., - • • and MORTGAGES!. All of the most desirable styles ; printed very neatly, on first-ratepari3lnnent-paper, for, sale at CASII s prieeiiAttormiys, Justices, and others, who want D'eeds,— whether one hundred, or but one—will du well to call and look at the fresh, choice varieties at the Dritocu.AT OFFICE. CASH PAID.IOIIIIEATI TRH U IEST MARKET PRIC:E! ! 'AT T 1114.7. _STEAM MILL. • N. SHOEMAKER.. . Montrose, April .24th, 1861. • 1r MEM • INDIAN. ~DOCTOR, Wm, bar , been's() fnenoult Ott Elmira and 'runandS, the last czar in curing ail races of lon i rdandlng eoutplaln I a+ null -rheum.. ecrofitla, venoen drop-), gravel. tronA'r, itleet,, and all female teealsu e ,ws, or cr+111111:111110, NlTCl . litttl - S ucal. t+ifiay, Ivoi•my rldldren. told general eirhtiitr,n visit ltlontro,e, tho Ist and 2dd or liar: 1./di:lv-silk die an :lib of AIL. 'to help alt who may l,Stlt other colnplaints nom not 'due ny. Dr. limn:ol,dd , , ad, to all tioo.o n iFtliwz for help or a cure of :myd is to 1111 l :1111/ 1111, IA hire they an: withiarQrli of htn lentedie, rid not olrtiii tounor eon o bat 1/11 . 11 tll he Juno 10-day. No mailer how bad Or how I/out stand i nu.. or telut slur COIIIIII3IIIL tmtr be, andeee one Wk. 11 111 cure you ifilwle Ir anychalice. do re , lirll there should In low and nwalet used for recotery. Cull 111 ltlontrore. 1" we is ( - 4 en. des r ob rotio. - 4 / -- i t , 4 • .1 _ . Established in Pittsburgh - in 1840 The Only Contintrcial CWlege, . the Union, Condttited by •,t Practical - • . _, - 'Merchant. Ivga 6000 Slutlent. ha%r ai ;ended it 'front Thirty dilterem Staten. Poor Silver liednilitt here been awarded Dail's' tiyetnto or lk , ok Fci•ptna; and the new ecularptq htimetl comairto lettere (nun ,t Meats In Phil adelphia. Baltimore. St Louis. eitirinnati, etc, prom in:: it to hr the known. N 1 , 11,4 Premium. - wens re tamtlY ‘4 , 1 riled the Pontlialollip or W,n 11. DUFF. who it It 'lds aasociale Profe, , nor. C. C. Cochran, are imdoubto oilly the bent penmen in America. . Ilitriien+ Edition of DWI', float; Keeping 1;00 tirtid, 1f.t.111 Outland' Uunian',.Mwu. Of Yeoman hip, S.OO Dllir and Sehool Copy Voiiks. i; No's. 51 For rinnpler , ra.f Uulf al'ochnin's rind Ornainen. a 01'enniAnr.111p. lc II It Ilte.uew• clrcnlar a 61 pages, inclose '25 Ck!llth In stamp= lo nor I y • ' 104.'FF A: SON. Neivs.! ‘• Of Great Importance to all in Avant of DIZY , GOODS. 11l BROTHERS! TIIE SIGN OF Bee- TO:- N0..20 . "•1 • All Coart - St, t'ornt.r Water SI otatri- ton, N. Y. nave Jut rt•rrivi,l and src nnw• rendy In offrr to the iwnple itti.,:cotfut) - 2111 cuttn• new or .ISPRINO .r AND -SINNER GOODS, a very large :1,-10101.a 0 French, flogli.h. auJ kineriran 'Prints Ilatokonie De and Mohair Dre,s ( G arda, Inch Silks , Ilattihorne rtyles of i.pring; eloak.6. tainit finitirtililetiei. Aix.. a n d nu variety of Coods, too numinaital to mention; all of 0 Lich have been bough "ientirely for eaalt, stioi.tly at . AUCTION'. AD AT ASSIGXEES' SALE, AT EAvoßm b Us S .ICRIFYCE'S! nod wheli we ,1 -ell . • Cheaper than. Ever yet Offered! PRICES TO SUIT 2:11E TIMES!! Toglcc an Idea how we are Paling, we annex a list of price, of a fen of our 11ood Cali! oe.. arranual fa-1 color., 10 3ar.1. , for In do Aterritnack ralicoc*. . . •• 11. I‘,. She.•two, . Sy cents in•r yarn . . . . 7c ° " •• unirained fart color!, 6 t:e.ei D. Lano.A. . - . . . " lhohl,onar.l)<finine~ . Cohered Dre4s. silk . . 7i " t", 15 - Good Vlach. . " • ". 'Rich Mutt . . !Poiretlite:s. nnyiaen,. . " per Pkee GoW . Cotton . • . . G,}l '• 1;41 epriug tthirls. . . :routs ' CA'," othcr Liood# in proportion. Lulieo, and 411 others Jul vre...4.eil, would do writ to bear in mind that the - hr*t . undchoaticat place to trade Is at 1111{SC1131ANN 111LOTIIEI{S', Yo. 90 Court street, ilinitranitrm—sign of the '114,e illce B.—Conetatillr on hand, a large and splendid vat!!! ty • of ESNig • MILLINERY GOODS, For sebuleralciatui rotall trade. at. 11I1tS(.;,1131.ANN . 13RO'S ltinghamto . it,.....4pril SUL. .Nom . .-GOODS . W.MV l V'arroco32o . M 7 JUST , • AT SUM3I,ERSVILLE, 801.7 O.IIT LOW FOR; CAII! Iledse give us deall•anil show pia .` • BA:RVAINS.! suTrmN & co. Stiminersi - ille, April 10th; A CARD. yAM,ted with :MtiOney,.Colin,& Hardt Ivare Dealers, Park itlyw,,New York City. to ah~ke rare pienre addrrrr all letterr until Mine irt, and wiwro rxieudt , and enstontexe are invited to call. .loatruse, April 11, ISllll . l* V. C. TYLER, Law Books; fp/Cr:VS DIGLIT, Dinn7ls Justite, Duolgeo Fgrnin Graydon:a TorsoF, and oini•rf. at, upn ISINICIT3EVES. . . DISSOLUTION. nth E rep:Wipe/411p lirretofoie undeuthe I_ YOPNG S 8)11711U thlo day dboselved by mutual eonoeut, 1:11r awes aud accounts will be iu the hands or E. Surto fur eallement. 411 liersous trait:Ws! to the late emu will are ftpwrtemon of flaking iinumliaot settlement. Stonmerotille, Pa.; SAIIIVEI, YOUNG, :1 aidll4l /44 1667. a 'F. b/111.11, CO -PARTNERSHIP.; T i gd s 4 l ;e :i c u tkn .i. ; cattl i gn e r red cmArinr64lll - FOU 4,1 E ipiposii lir n rt the oldottood lately occupied* Young & Smith, where we hope to uterit,the patronage of old. Fnendo, .as well no gain. the colifidence.of huruly iiew ones.. byeteyctcm.fd is build and honorable deallug in our L P. s MOll. 1 L.• - ; . -Inanicrrville, March 9th. •" - NELTURRELUS EOLUMR. ABEL TI RR•ELL Isfo - w offers for sale oae . ofthe largest and • • • best seleetious of- Goopw, Ever offered in Susquehanna Comity, and probably eothprising the greatest VA RIETY or' most different. articles of any Store in the Northern part .ofl'ennsylva nia, and perhaps orate entire State. Au assortment is kept- in about thirty .dillerz ent braueltizs of trade, and the selections are made ihun about'. forty of thebest Homies in New York, and more than lif tv,DealeN :md Manufacturers oat of New lurk. A large ',retortion of the Goods are bought direct Wont the'Manufaeturcrs, thus .insuring genuine articles. Custom ers on entering the Store must not expect to find eyerythtng in si.a, but nearly ev ery . article wanted will be produced by - Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the followihg general ottiline but enumeration is iinpracticable. DRUGS & MEDICINES. In this department the assortment is large and complete, anti the qualities the Pest in market. PAINTS & OkLS. A full stock of all kiUtls, of bestaquftlitics .1101 lE T tR• Evei•ything,- and perfectly reliable. Nu ono whostrictly follows correct receipts, need 'fail of success, who buys ()pi stuffs at Turrell's. GROCERIES. A good and choke variety of Family Groceries . , constantly- on liana. Ladies say they get tIM best le:t tyr the price 01 Abel Tnrrell. LIQUORS. Tlie grohtest variety of Pure Liquqrs to lm:timnd in all Northern Pennsylvania, and comprising (with very few exceptions) every kind manulitetured or lucid for salt. iii any market. • These are, kept, for medi cinal purposes. If there are any pure lig ors in the country, the (11112.114 W s are the, turn who have them.; It is almost tin possible to obtain:pure Liquors elsewhere at retail. • . . CROCK RRY. • All the kinds usually; kept, iw :t county) general assortment store. - - . .. GLASS-WARE. A Complete- a•csorhnent for Table ;lin ~ ,. z,encral use, aila for I)ruggists,lyslei'aus l'eqllers, and in Short every variety 10, 4;elieratsale. • WALL -&;• WINDOW PAPER. a g e sttlek, compriSing an extensive variety ()Übe:twit:ill styles. .The mostfas tidious can selaoni fail to be stilted. JEWELRY. ce A splendid 'Variety, einlirming nearly erythin , r customers may wish, in this do . part inent, homdtt . direct of the In:Mutat! torers, and all Avarranted as represented. SILVER-WARE. Ten, su g ar, ant Salt . ....;rons, Butter and . :Fruit Knives,. Napkin Thimbles, Spectacles, &c., constantly on hand,. bo't 'lirect .tithe Manufacturers„made to.order, 'nd: warranted Imre-as coin. All other kinds of Silver .Ware obtained. to oilier on hurt notice. PERFUM ERY. A elroiee vviel s y of .beihtilla Perfumes, :Extracts, Colognellair Oils, flair It c , m , torer, Dyes, ,Nr.e. Articles to make the hair grow, anti arso to`talio anmi ev erything- neeeAsary for the itteln mling a tine assortment-of I lair and T , moth. ];rushes, Tooth Soapi: anti Powders,Tan ey arti c les fmmr the el )ttlia!C•xicon, 111(110111g liven VIM," and nearly everything - else desired. [A great imlare..this, at. Turrclrs Any timing and e'very thing that' anybody wants can be founalbered FANCY GOODS. The greatest,variety in town, comja•ising nearly' everything, wit:ally found in :in exclusively Fancy Goods ore " - Yankee No tion " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Vi.olins, Aceordeons,Flntes, Fifes, Clnr inets; Violin, Violineello, and ilititar Strings, tiome ,Of • thQ best finalities iu ntarket ; Violin lows, ;ridges, , . Pegs, Tail Pieces, Resin; Instructi6n Books, &e. on-band.; and' all. other Instruments obtained to orderF BItUSIIES. ' • A Fnll assortment, bought direct from the Manufacturers., and Comprising nearly we every kind. made. AMERICAN- POCK . Er KNIVES. About fifty differeilt iaterns or styfes— eonsidereet the best fair use in loarket. TABLE CUTLERY' & SILVER PLATED. WARE. inchnlinig Spoon, constanOy on haul • L A 3IP . good yariety for Kerosene and :in some for Camplioe, Oil, tisc. Lank!) (Illiimileys„.. and BI'IISIICS afar. them; tamp' Mid C:u lYick, Candlesticks, 11M(Land oil Lanterns :Lamp Shades, &c. MATERIALS FOR LIGHTS. Every-kind used in thiiirsection of country, npd- of best qualities, :it low.prices, inclu ding Kerosene, Fluid, Campliene, 011, HARDWARE. A.small assortment; Nails, Tack's, Butts, Sprew:4,Ot.g, AugOs,. Hoes, Oaf Irons, IlanunerS, :14'atieetoS i - Sand Pa- Paring, :111acliines, • • BED CORDS, -- (11ollietc Lines Mason , Chalk; and ' Fish linqs, Fish lines, tt-&- STONE WIRE • • .Ain Stock, including 4 large quantity of Jugs, at c,: ; .• • DAY GOODg 4 gbiitil agsortinent Of. Staplo Aktieles MIRRORS. Wood and Gilt Fraints. • . As r, TunItELL. _ Mulitro:>c, Dud. 2Otly lson. Contitsnied in A. 'l' rrcll' 2d volttinti TORRELUSZOCOLUN. WINDOW & PICTURE - GLASS. Nearly all the 4zes • LITHOGRAPHS, Prints and Artists 3taterials. , • VA.IINISTIES,- I;i r ills,-Dryeni, Putty, tee. BIRD.: CAGES. ' A gnoil variety of-the best style ,5. ca tet ry, Hemp, and Ilnpe Seed; ansrall tiae fixtures tbr keeping Birds, j • 4. SPECTACLES. A Full Assortinent. „/ - WHIPS AND LASHES. A goptl - R M , Snpnie, Wash Boards, , Baskets, • • ate GUNS & PISTOLS • , Powder Flasks," Prau l t ttc AMMUNITION: Gun and Blasting Powiler,..S:day-Fuse, Lead - , Shot, Caps, &c.. TOBACCO. Su ufF and Cigars. MEDICAL Anil Surgical Instruments, unmentionable Ankh's', 4.%c., on hand, and bought to or der. SALT By the Barrel, Sarli . or Poitn4l, • . . F.. 0 - kV' V Wir All kinds or hard Soap, nod all the . otzteri , als ovevssarytiwr makiivrsiirt soap, in d ie most simple, easy,fmil To:loner poss ible. 04ly ti 1.50 for a barrel or goiiit sort soap. • PATENT MEDICINES. All tliv bvst, kinds in Marlast, direct tin the inanitrileitirers,:tiitl iriuTanted gentility ALMANACS FOR 1861. 'One .kintanac i'( : )r every family in .tiirs q ui: Imna county, g ratis l Solid and g el it. 'UMBRELLAS • con reet ionary, Toys, V i tiegar,l I ops, Sage, A: • PORCELAIN. TEETH, cold Ti n RAI, .Cc, for Dentist's use, and som e of nearly all other kind,s. ur Cloolls in .)larket, too numerous to wit tion.. , . 'rile attention of the put )lie it respect= ftilly invited to toy stock of Goods, bought exclusively for cAsu lO\VN, awl he gold on the Otile principle for low *ices. A1;10: TliitltECL. Mont rose,• Dee. 20th, 1860. HOLIDAY PRESEN f lE . nittinerlberg take pleamire hibrominicing In their Ifrirudn tlirc they lone thin day tenoned from N: York with tin titer addition id I !Irk stock of Coodn, selected irrent care. and especial referente to the approaching ftn-pre season. Any pernim desirous of inakftig IiISTAIAS .t• NEW YEAR fIIFTS 9 . (311 d u,•hupe TlllllO ai n 11 , 11 y iheIIISCIVV , 1111 . 351tre)1.341 hail a rich awl itciirii it etit to ve leet fr o m, mid at the very love EVANS & ALLEN, 21ihiil Fcllutvr Hall, Watches -Labe,' Diamond kluantelial. and plain— a elib•talid article. Al,ir a ariety tool }lug linll,lThlericail and Ilutaing mud Hain, Nil's - low.' Gold Chula's-- A leery ex,leunile ‘ariely of V64,1-'oh, Guard and Neck Chains. by. Ea Ass Enritings &tad Breast Pins- .ti 'WNW variety of-tylos slid price::, in i-ett , and Singh.% liltager Clee , ed and Plain Gold Rio's- a ISrg,r ~.tock. - Bracelets -Gild, Jet, 1134,1, and 11.111lIttareleN of allpadtentt• and prinits. f Eta .t, .k ALUN: Silver Ware -- P.very de.rniolfult of Siker Pink,. and 11, 1 , 4 ,, on hand. tine Soul! and Gravy Caee4, lititivr and lentil Chilktrene etc., wa.rnittivii good as coin. Plated ILlVare Pe:audit:al aeeintlinait of Ice pitchers Caet.ore. cake lta , lteis. Waiters, Maier Sr -Pork.,, Sprout., Tnaet kiarik,, Cup, Goblete cle.. etc.. lir - EVANS Ai ALLEN. Sleev,e ButtaillS mad Pittids--A largo Stock of all pattern , and price,:. lteti elm --t 'i.rat Necklace , :mil A rittict,, Amber, Coral, Pearl. trill. Steel. and Shell camas.. A ' , leek (4 , 11.11 teak and sills c l imb, al,. Italia', iTorn, Ivory, and Dre.,eing Cond., (lair and To ltrieltee, etc., elm. 30.174f1i.1\T13 eke .A..X.aXAMTII7, tlet - '25 No, 2 Odd Irellows 11211, Itingtoontou PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS I NEW ARRANGEMP.NTS Ii TRH: BRICK BLOC - K. rum:: eedei'A g eeit havie q taken the Rooms formerly' , ocrupital by W. B. DEANS. is now 111 - tparell tO furnish aft n no may desire M ith a good and truthful 1i! wet mit. Ilciu Weilnostril in the production of tha various kinds or Picaurvi.orthe dav, I nattyr my;4l' that my Ivork isnot our in this scetion anti. country. . Ann ini.; than various kinds mkt% at my Rooms are ttto , AMBR O . TYPE; PHOTOGRAPH, MEI,..4INOTYPE, NEILLOGRAPH. Locket ..Pictnres down to the nuttiest Aired miniature Bing. Transfdred Ambrotypes--the finest thing out, for sanding by Post to any part of the World without, extra postage: . My Pictures are bold, vigorous. and expressive —not those faint, lifeless shadows often ewlil about the country. Pictures taken In all kinds of weather,„.eoually well, except those of i young children. !: o picture needbe taken unless perfect satisfaction Is given. . In dressing for a picture, avoid light colors,—sncliZe bine. purple, scarlet, pink, etc. Most others take well; as green. black, red. sued; brown, orange, yellow, etc. lienuunber that the place to get y our "picture" is In the Brick Block, Over Bead, Walnuts Foster's store. J. 11. HAZLETON. Montrose, Pa.,lior. BALDWIN . _ & ALLEN,:.‘ Under Montrose DeniOcrat Offieo ' IZE RECEIVING - A Fresh Ground Western FLOUR eve r y ac) fell we .warrant to give tiati4lirt ion as any in market ; 11,,t, good returned at our expeure. Feed, . and - -Buckwheat Flour, SALT AN ID . 'PaR K, rY TIIE 1.0111), , BARREL tn: POUND. Mara, I:Sugar • - • DrieU - Beef, • . • Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, Molasses - and Sugars; TE.IS,.• COFEEE, SPICES, iileowls,..prh ArAlLs, awl wu titTerior sale at I.Anv Prices . , for 111:.1.11Y PAY ONLY. . .111.otitrtme, January.. GRASS Administratot's Notice. IJTTERS of thltnittistrat on totheEstate or 31m, Lv,lIa Carpnter. der'd, late of listrford,linviw . tiren ismied to the undershrisetkall periona denenuls nealis s:thl rate will present them for settlentent,And those Indebted will make Immeil late pavnwnt In hI.II,IIOUItSI OAKLEY, Administrator. Ifirford, March iith, . . •Myer's Extract of Rock Rose, . rii lIE grkr.ittn , t remedy tor.SenuFVLA. and Antal . kind, -1. red dtoenscn , , ever known SP , MkI3GIi CEMALI(! For 0 . 11 kluk ofile:urache attniCILIAL TEA,leitEti. fur ll.urron,a .1.1 1 Zfr Ahont fitly tlith:teut kinds of .1q11:. and titityr patent Medicines bainvpuillon. Muntrnte..Miut ABEL TillicELL • A G7E~~A9C° RE 1 ITC T to N kILIGEI4 GREAT CROWD EXPECTED AT THE - STORES OF - t‘ gosentlaulll, '& grin filontrose, Susq'a County, Pa,, Elmira, ' liew-York, Susquehanna -Depot, Pa, E ono litho to our fiends and thu s gonott that con-e.inguico of the isrei=ent Kite:Attu iu tit. utoitcy citis.ts as s:311 uttrylutev. • - GOODS Nit MI, FROM 10 TO YU PER CT. LOW Lit THAN Fpnarriv • • • Thetveorti wo are tldermilwa to °MT WC, ofir • gen3:rttl Ltocit of 11E111111AR CIATIIINti NF) • DRY GOODS, which comprl.l4e largest anti besi STOCK JA OOHS Kopt in ANY .COUNTRY Storo Nt:tv York Cify, At Prices which Defy Competition aK Scup sell, fur e_ZILSIME, at the F mallall‘ance of tee rent, above sg holesak el"-t. We, . Kell the r Mowing tittiffnii at the annexed pricee, y ia: Black Frock o?at Worth * 9 for $6,00 Mark 'Prot.]; Coat, worth : ,10 f4fr 7,50 Black Frok;k Coat worth it! for 9,50 liosiness..Cont. worth •*5 . rot" : 42 ,7 5 . Bu s i n e ss Coat worth .6 ftw 4,00 Over Coat worth *5 for *4,00 O‘ser Crrat worth. 7 for 5,-75 . Over 'Coat worth 10 for 7,50 Over Coat Worth ' 15' for 11,50 . Over: Coat, worth 20 for 15,00 Black Pants worth *-4 for *3,00 l'attts worth • '5 for ; 13,75 • iiktek. Pants worth G for .1,50 Fancy CasshoelP:otts w(irth *1 for* 2,..7 Fancy t'assimere'l'unts worth 5 for 3,! Maley Cassintere Pants worth 6 f o r t,. lilac k Satin, Vest. 'worth *3 1% - tr *, •4 2,25 - Mack Satin, Vest worth, 3,00 ma',.c. l l: Satin Vest worth - 5 fir , :1 so OVER-SMRTS &OVEit r ALLS only ,31 U N It GARMENTS EgIALLY LOW As \V inivr alq,catva. vA3 idletition • ( Cri::7) • ~A~.T=CUL.~.RLY~ GENTS }) 1,5.10 av;:il tlit.ut:4:lvec, of, tho oppor tunily to make tome Fair Urea Hie , ' Christmas or Now-Years -al to - to'. a re. PRESENT .•. to our Lane at4sort nicnt uP 3E's 3Sru. .fr.-4 CLOAKS,I,SI-121WLS. BONVETS._ OUR ASSORT.M.NNT OF DRESS GOOPS, A N D TRIMMINGS IS ALWAYS . LARGE it COMPLETE, . COMPRISING ' WlLehil% a,id • irti,NCY Si KS, XIVSZSOZZg • of all colors and shades. INF4IIAiIItIES, &C. etiCe. * . 0111; STOCKOI? T)OMEB ‘ TICKS •• 9 • CANNor BE EtZIJALLEI). IN. . • 1 , HALITT PflitEY Cooil lleary.Slieetings, t; to Sets;., per y'd Best, lleavy Slicetings, 7 to 81-ctis - ,,i)r DENIMS, from •g to Ita cents yaril TICKING, from . 10 to 15:cents Zits yard cl IN U HAMS, froM:to to 15 ets. lier yard CALICOES, fast .eolors, .121 yards only sl* " Best Merrimack, lo yartlSOnlyi4l • . • xEstxtris,:- <oo::"..tlck, A tlioice :tali le, only 12,1 • I • Spring g at 4et.-3. poi!!spring rest Steel .A LadieW Saxon, t Wool *Tests and Ii : - • .Dr veers. - i ~-. LAMBS . 00L'HQSE. , .1....06.3C1PMEi , V Clair- IS =•1 1 13 • tyles; 4c.; &C MEM! ainerens eitstottiqs ft)r risiage the past;.' year, knelt - ta votitiattance "or • Thankfi:l to th their go:term:4 pa 'Ye ; l'especitfulty the 33Tc: . 6llittabf.rq, & ' o[4 .tiontro6e, itr.,/ke,tnialktql.l66o. • ' NOVi ; woHrs REACH OF ALL. GROVER - 4,: - . BAKER'S C.ELE4RATED' NOISP,I,ESS SEWING MACHINES, 495 Broadway, New-York. The public atfentinti is respectfully requested to the following melba of Buss llowc , Jo., and the Guoven BAKKII S. M. CO.: -• • A Card from the. Grover. Baker 5.. M.-Co.: Oar Patemb4 living non• cat iblivhed by the Cot rte; we .are enabled lir tin:Grocer dt Biker 31aebine, with important imprOvetnenti, nt greatly - REDUCED - PR ICES. The moderate price at., Which niacttinet,, 'making the Crocer'& tialtrOtilett; - tait now he hind, rtrintv Went within the n•:t.4t of all, and Tendert , the lowa ut - ,tt•4iuw ' r t I rulit:was IM CO.flt y a tut fug the fi. n 6 ittaritittes, told the right to . 11": illelll,llll,l4ML 'Maybe SUM to blly Ill'iChitte. making. theatriaver Bakes Stitch , but altu f haf 11101 machines . are mail, :tini tamped mider titC patentaaittilinise rif Elias Howe, Jr. .O.IIOVEB. & BARER S. M. CO., 495 J.:mat/trait, N . , rork A. CARD FR3M ELIAS HOWE, JR. I' • amiulletl tek er uoe uoy , `eCtitit:"ln'trithe'S whieh pew from Iwo vv.i.,6 and Make the Flitch kuue it 2, 4 the itroVer:4l::ll,er, rtitch. un leriy the Paine - are pitreleteed front theGroVpi Mneltille , Corilvilly, or ` the ir Art , lins. Or tie-CM:et. and wtai9 .'ii ender 11) . $ 6 ..T.Iteilt I , f Sept etliher :30. VO6, S.dd efonpany, and their licences, alope, are legally 3u .Ihorlzed !littler Illp!t 0,11! pall'llte. Mkt my raid patent. during the extended terni thernor to make and , toll lid,: kind of rewitor tnaeldna, and all otherr pre pirachot 111.1.11 Illy otitl atlli %Sill he dealt, witkaceordingly where cr found. --•••• • Nt;w-Vot k. ELIAS HOFE, F. Ir. CHANDLEI:„. Agent, 11:1)1 Iy . Hl* - SIX EMS FOR SUE, IN NEW PA. ru . h.;eriher, rephihtt the bony (*New. Suay a comity, P.i.; o6•:r1 ILu fulloii nog priiiierty for Otte YAlol,...tin Ivhielk the•stascrilier ivnideg. horn, onalaiiiing about ;pinta,. In n good state of knit ivatinu„ railrind grakz, grazing. and dairy intrini.,es. • Also A 'mother VNIZM in mail bur°, near ii.itiiiroad Depot, enntaining roarreii with n nnnann: or good V 0i:1p:14d-ion the name. in nier,,ntre of the %Hinge. Alsp, a FAILM situated one miltifrifin Sabi Now, void:titling era) acre... with a frame dwelling lams... two hirge barns, and ata t aries improved; the ledrave wall intlidred with Cheidintt etc.. and the IL. 1,. 4. W. R. Co. pays each for wood, t lea. and Wiwi lumber . 011 the road. . Alsoolti.,ther FAlnt in New llilt;)61 3 good rlateorcuhiratimi WV liICAI aervl improvvit. Also, nn4 , ther MI in said tbwnsi i ii.. ~,,,tainntt.; s l) new,. with'ruitable final lillprovu mem, tOr a .mall (ann. Aisdr, lit )y :ton.q; of linitilitn.ved haul, in •ipli I owitehip, snitablefyr Tlte above - pro] rer!,y will be ~obl l'ery low Err carte or OH accommodating tefann on credit . . " Any in formation in regard to the property will htt ',then by ate rulaelitter at hi- ret.itictice in NeW M jan3l. W. ~*.:J ~ ~ w 11111.: ti,rwrer, t h e als.olvcd llp mutual consent - .Inines C. Wheaton withdrawing from than. The hook acomuN :tint notre will be o rnd with IL KENYON. .Ir. • who,vrill confirm, the linsitimm in alt itd Nariuue onuehed, and keep a large muck of CD 1:1 .IES be .old veryhm r for l'Ast I OR A I'/'II II VI D PAPER upon Foturllnntlin time. TitllSO illitettlt•ll to R. Kenyon, Jr., & CO.; ,will ice the arratlghts their indcbteduesA at °WV. an the Mini., time by the firtn Dut,t bc,0141. It: Keliyon,.lr, ie iteriAy authorized to for the firm %viwneeer tteeev , inry to get' to. the totAlttrsot ;- 3100, :Olt to receipt, for the Arm whenimer lllTlt'Oa ry In during the biNinemt. IhUlEtt KENYON, Jr. • 'J. C. WILIEATON. ' Lawsville coutre,jan.:lll, DEN 'TES TRY DR. H. SMITH &. SON„ 6111 1 01 , U9g9 DittlitgaVat ' SEMI) GREI:IINtIr, Zjerairsoirotar . v at OSoriug I Plate '1111303011"1-. UTE fitiLert I eet flu GOLD, Cheoplimlie Viil canlzed Rubber Plate,in the most beautiful mannur • EXTRACTING. ILTAVING instruments adaptedhw each particniar 1.1. we are prepared h) extract the nund difficult teeth, and whit the aid (trail Electrizing quart • :which we hoot rereutly purchased it! New York. theY ma)" in unmi cant-6 Ik extrac h ll, and the patient experience NO PAIN front .the ope • . FILLING. fE Fin fro h ,vith 0 . 0 :.n or Tin Poll, SilvaTAmlizsm. or ArMarfa! Boor. which Is rerommendekror build ing up old route and dead. broken teeth, eu :as tomske them 'ust.ful. W&%Ut~iNTY. 11. Any GOLD or Tin Foll. Oiling Leila withinFirc nor; the motley, ill be refundtid or tho Ililhig rept:wed. MI 'Plate work done t‘atiefacturily. or 110 pay ?opt:refl. "RESIDENT DENTISTS!" wi;;Iplotr: I'IENT.VI. 'operation., will do; well In hear lit wind that %re are P 1..11:51..iNENT1.Y . located at lttoittrov, a n d leave hare tiadrlteciperleaccittli years I)ental Practicr. Tooth Xi'crvcrclior nndjlnikheg con ' , tautly nn hand lor . t h j , rtittlere lu Lathrop: , Brick- Mock, ,u‘'er the Bank. Jnnl Lu. 11. 83117'11 Montrone, Pa. . • •,WITCRESIWELRII• - &C .. ~. . W E fm m tla t r a tged I' l ll , ly infor m t o v ur i ll:7 l l:4 ); ; , lia i. tzig ; and utter wholesale and L ri r .L Y l. a t ' the e luwmt cash piicea, a lar.,4c and very choice stuck of. • • . " • • • jcivelry, - Silver,t6 ,flrare, • of evertiiriety and P tyle. • BA cry dvd , crittlion vdDiatuond Work end other Jewelry niatie loonier, at abort 'uotice.• M - 111 Goads warm/- Mtn be WI eipreffllltd; • - N. 11.--Particular attention given to the irepititing of Watched anti Jewelry, tdrvery deveription. NTAlliottßit & vo. 622 Diatif.ct et. South aide; 31an.:11 I, 1 , ..44. Ant vimll3. 3E 0 arid. fox , ici.oar sheep Mite. For. Mink, MutikraL and all Vurc A gaud ar , ortweat of-Leather and Boob.' and tinow conwlatilly un baud. OClcc, Tannery, & bop ou .m.hottn-a. _ • • 31darrutc.ret).fitlf. 4.P. L. C. A' EAVLER , S ALT, by the re.rrel, Lek ur Poitud Ayees. Sarsaliafilitt, FOE. P1711.771NG THE, BLOOD, IO . And for the speedy cure of the subjoined varietks of Inwase: firitstfula and Scrofulous Affections, Math O , ki Tusnora, Ulcers, Sores. - Eruptions. -Phu. plea. Paultaly'. Illotekes, Dolls,. Mattis.. wad all Skin Di . . , • . IlAar.t«to, Ind.. OM June, Mad. T. (Y. AT vit h ('... 11..nts: , I reel it ,nj' , luty to am knowledge what , your. Saniaparilla him done for Me. !lasing inherit:al a Scrofulous infeelion, I hare stoferel - from Win ramous w''. for yearn. -itomiirlitnen It hurt out' in Ulcers on toy hands' null atnot; ommetimaa It • fantod Inward and olhotren.o..l me at the rtonvirft. Two 'years ago it 'nuke out On my ise-..41 anti rorered my reakt :Arid roe* with one sore, which Tries (militia mail Inathanto , beyond description. I tried many stavikilles and severz•" ployeielanot. but without much relli,f trim any. 4WD... It. • fart. the dpiorder brew worse. At length 1 wita - fAtait7 , l to.mai la flue Cuspel 31essenger ittal, you had roppanNl . nit alterative (Sarsaparilla), for 1, knew from your trPsi - Intim that any thing you maile must be good. I onYt In ririnchausti and got it, and nisi,' It till It enrol me. I tools ~ It. an 3Ont midis...ln small dune s of a tesspoonful over a. ' intnoth, nail yawl almort three bailee. Nerraort homlllor - . akin noon began .to form angler the arab. whirls after a ,chile fell Mr. Me skin is now rleow, and I know ly my feelings tlint the disease Is aline from my system. ViSir env writ belle,..' tita I feel what IMri asayingwhen I 101 ' . yon, trod I bold yon to be'une of tile . apostles of the age. and rt . :main ever gratefully, . Yon., .- , AI.FrIF.I) It. TALLEY. , , . . , . Et. Auttattnr's Fire. Done or flry•t p r y... • Teller sand Hale Ithrunn, Scald Ilrnal.ltind.. • Arnett*, Sore Eyes, //repay.. Dr. 1101wrt If. Vivid,. writes flout Falesn. N. Y., ritta Sept.. 15.,59. that ho has enrol 'au hireteridit raw. of . Promo.. uhich threatened to terminate fatally: by c o ,. , ,xersevering otae nr oar - SaraataarilLn. and also a oliorfer , nun attack of.,ifitfigiunif &psi/se/or by lama, doles of it,,, Paine( says lie [Urea the curnniOn Lreepliona by it roe, stoniy. .- .. _. .• Drottchocele, Goitre or Savelldd Neck. '_ , ! . •Zelnuon Sloan of, Plowtool, Texan; write.: w - rio.m. bottlea Of your Sarsaparilla etartal me from a 7:Lifir,'—.l, hideous swelling on the neck, whlidi I hail suffered fruid Over two paws." . ... . Leneorihnra or. `lVh lies. Ovarian Ttinkor. .. Uterine Illerration; Female DI • 10'..1. IS. S.Clumning. of New, 'iiirk (lie, wife", :.•• 1 . 1001.1 elmerfully eomply with Met...mood of year agent t, raying , t have found your Soroaparilla n caved rot" /tent flitllraiiVo to the numeroos complaints for whirl, a item . play iamb a renierly, but espivially In Omsk in , of the 144" nroftilounoilathesls. I bare' rural many fur. t mate range of heueorrlora by It, and 'some where 1 1 , • 'entroplalnt WWI 1,11111,0 d ily wterrafima of the . o:erns. llm ulceration Dwell woo soon rum!. ;Nothing within toy laumleilLfe equals it for 11,00. retrials demtig•tnentli.'" 1 ?Alward S. Nlarrinr.of Newbury. Ala.. write.: w A ,1•»u ' geroits orarian rumor on one of flit. fetn.ilesh, my Coolly, • whirl, Ind deficit all the reitunlies we 11 , 01 , 1 etnIMW• 1, .• at lenalli lien coMpletely mired by your ex trim' of- Sim `siiparilla. Our physician thought Malting itni't'xiirim tion could atriiril relief, but he sad, iseil the trial of year Sarsamorht, as the last resort isfore rutting. and it prov,.lelf-d 11/11. After taking your remedy eight 11,1..14 -, no symptom of the disease remains." • . Syphilis aisid Merc urial nitten its. •• • - Nitw OutatAtis.2slll Atuzust, Igo 1 1 1:- - 3.. C. - AY rat. Sir; I rheerfully comply will. ;los r oquo m o r your ugo ut, anti Import to you -some of the -elTerts I have realized with your tiarsaparilla. • 1 11/WP tarred WWII it, in my prtictieronost,of the tom - plaints for which it is .tevelinintlph.4l, and hat e found tt, s effects truly woutierful to the curo.of Veurreht 1 Ile'- , vvriolifisnure. Ono, of toy tintierts had Syplifillt;nlc-ris ! in hid throat - , which were, conatimitut his palate and the thp of his mouth,. Your Sarsaparilla, u t tr-Aoit,„ curet' Ithit , ln lice u, treks. Attother was attaelosl by sev; ! oral:try. itymptoma Whig tin , ., net Ho vie.s-atott, ii,i cairn owity n retwitleralib.rol o r O. ~,, 11,0 1 1,„..11,.,, this- disorili.r would POOll reach hia"til'aiit and kill liiiu. _Hot it 'yielded to my nituriniatral ion of your parr: turllla; 1 1 0 , ulcers healed, and lo• is well imam, not or noir. , WH1. 0 % t ounilf•glistigliratlO of t he fa, e. A w ttttt ait , it 11. i list. bo-rt Ire:lb-I ter Ilo• same disorder by , 11. r.. Wry W:.. wieo , o , l! from this istiiam in her tame: , Tiwy 1.1 twe.ftli , pOrorwri . tip, Milli. wratil..r that ott -a damp day she ~0ir,...1..s vro.-i,to,,x pain in her into u null iMmes. I•ill. , 100.,,,,, cured entirely by tour Nirsateoilla in a le, n.,!:.. I know from its formula, which your - agent - 2.1i ~.,... ti - 1 this Frep.a . alirot from your oot:dory iti•••I I. A :!."..t 1 , 1114 ; elnibillW•llll , r, thrso, truly remarkable Ft still.; with it liar...ton surprised one. •- Fraternally yoiti,,, • G. V. I,Altl !Stitt!, ?I. Id. • . . Rite narration, Coatt,LiVer Comp'helot. Litt ern ethzier., P.,ru.fini V.,,. tilt .Tub s turet. 111%3.41. A 1 hi:. -Sir 1 km rbeilt u. is a pain fio a hue.: time, te01t,„.,1,1,„„ .of iiltyloiriatts. and Mutt to m u- iu 1.01.• ,4 41 0... comedic. I unlit! find. nlil I tried your Sart:nen ilia. dam bottle cured hie Wk,kn, IT`ni•.l.4 114,1111$ Ihat I ant fir Metter than I;.rote lona anaelt.ll. I think it a ,voto!erftsl me,lieitte. .1. Flirt:A M. Jule. 1":(1eleliell, of it. Lonis. u a/MeV - 11-for yelre Ivrlll /iat ..1 the , firer, whi 4, rnyt:l toy health. I tried every lilt tom, atulrrery failml to relieve me; mat I ba%.:lieen it broken tiOlfrlfirot for years from ti., utlrr ellll}4. dentapenout the firer. )1y 1,10ve.1 1.a , .ti%t1e.11,1- Mr. Lilly, Ine to try putt , Salfl , lT3till i.beeatue 1..1.1 , 1 lie I , W 1,111. utri any' thing you 'mule oan wortlitryilig. 1:y the 1 ht.g of Itoil it low cured me, null , ptidnort tar litniol no ti, 11 . 1:11“. toot, of m,'. 1 11.1 bent that ran be ' , alit of you in uofhnif gouil enough." Scla Wean, t e a store Tantor.i. Pulattgesonot. l• 1— treratlon, Carte., and Exfoliation of the 110ut..- A great turPly of 1,1... bare been reported 10 i. n bp•lr: rar e ,' of thew non iri,olll,ll the one or Man renmtle, bet stir Kpare 114.0.1111 i Itta . A4 • mit Mein. Some or !Gent may fined et our %nook:in Ahunitiie, which the ,r_zent, berou ustronl ;we • forob4l gniti• to all u1t....nil fur Man. DTUisert fa r Ilestrt Pit., Eistlett,3 filclizateholy. Neuralgia. :Many remarkable rote. or 111^t• ::ffeetunts In, e in. tit matte by the alterative power of tlii.. afte,liviiie. It t 4 Oust late. the t nal Murillo.. into ‘tgorouti :tenor.. unit 1t.,,., ueeretnne. disorder. ulitela tioulil be 1.1111.,.. (11 1.41.1 I It. remelt. Sueletirt•toetly liaig been notiiruil by tb.• of the p r opl r , awl 11, .31W VOlllitklit. flint Ilea n ill ilo fur them all Thal titedhliwe.lll 00. • .Alotitrosi., Ayer's Cherry Pectorals Coughs, Colds. tedinetica. Croup,. 14• •1i It I. Inc Ipient Cowman, tdon. and for the Ittlief of Coo•unip.. tive Patient., in advanced stager of the Dlwaase. -. • This Is a remedy - so universally kitineu 10 surpass any altar for the eine of I tiroat and 11111;4 I.nupiniuts, that It IM 11P,11 , 00 hero to jottilislB lilt ra i41..0rr-or itw Vitll9l4.- it ourivallisi extoll et. for eong sad c o ltht, and Its truly wonderful runes or pultilitieiry ilhease, tt known throughout the en aired the earth. Few are the rtlfiliii(Olilpy. or 1.1"..11 sunong them who have not pa/111.• ti,r,•‘ mai vi.twrivone-of its .Irerf 801111. living trophy ut thylr It a ‘l,.(Ory over Ili•• aubtie and dangerous dip•or4lors of the thrnat and lungs. AN All know the dreadful fatality Or these- ilisontem awl air they know, tun, the etivrtg on big IN:lmlay, we lived not du snort, than to assure tlwns Volt it has now all the vir tue); that It din hare whets Inukitty: the curvii whiih have won nu PtrOligly upon thrsisittlidenre of mankind. Prepared Ly Sr. J. C. AYES & Loyal', Mass. For :ale bvAbel 'Ferrell, Nionirore ; Church X l'binnoy. Mud:lff; Waltnunrat S%rnber. Auburn Centre, an 4 by all tleulere and dru=b•tgeccq where. oc tl7 cw GREAT AT-TRACTIONS FOOT or MAIN STREET. rpm: ,;,tealhive Furniture }l,:tablishmNit of -I,_ SMITH litto - ritt:e's having been mild greatly • improved; the proprietors, respectfully announee to thecitizens uf Mmittose and viein• ity that they are constantly Making and keep tm hand the LARGEST and 111.7.81` assortment or :FURNITURE To be found in the Country. We . givo the following list Or sl/1110 of tho tides which We will .well at grmitly reduced priers, for CASH. or RICADV: VAV: norpatt., Walnut ur Malwig,aoy, with glass, 5.:35„ ' ' liurtni4s with nuirble ur, from 8. to $34. And n.lnri„%u.attiorttnent, from $B, $10,"1:1, $lB, Wahl' Stantls,,t.:ahl.:4l.anas,Curneriin4 q ui litnnds, "1 all s,:ttietitn4 'and price , from :15 crntn to ten tinllnnt.. D e .k., Divans :royelltackfc, Fvutsfp 06,0ttu inalis. &e. • Ceti tre, Crud, l'ivr,=Toilet,' Kitchen, and EX Tables.‘‘: Chairs—Cana and AVdnd Seat-4, Can.; 1° la.r. and Vu(d Seitt,A, of entry - variety and • - .. . Sofas, teto a totes . furninhed „A short notte at N.+w York prices. •' Weittly wide culTinn \hand or fur. n6hell at xhurt• ,notiee.-11:earsea 'always to r e Millie/11y Yellen deuire4. '• , . W mo e orny none lint CAncrui. and, Exrcuto gm:ED Wol3:xii:s. We intettO to do our tVOF:K Wi.f.a.; mid sell it as Low as it eau be :Jointed: • . 1.4711T111, JR..; ; • - • •E. It. SMITH. Montro.r. Jan. - - FRIKKILIN iThU € x MONTROSE, PENNA. • aubgeriioir having purehased •• - refitted anti newly furnlahed the •• abeve well knowttand popular Hotel, ix prepared. to netrornmodato the Ira% - e nrol •public add other' with RH the attentions aiteitintyenietices ttattally found in •firat-elan ttottsee. . No effort will be spared by the Pr'. prietor anti hia . Atutittianto ,makottho Uotcl equal in everproint . to any to the country: The fur will-always be .. attpplied.with the Cloiliettat Liquors. • • , • • 1:11i0 Slattles, connected with this • Hoarse are large, roomy and'eotweitient, and careful. oni attentive I loatle•a are always in charge of thew. - • J. T.AILUELL TAKE NOTICE! MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS AT Tlll.l A. TURRY.I.L.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers