. - - - -,.. •• • ... 5 ...• .-- ---,--..--v-- , , , ,. . ;:i7,----- - ,-"-- ..-46 , --- n , : e .--- .- - --7ii - - - - - 7.- ---- --- - _ , , ,, ,, --- , --,-..- . .1.,-4..40..',-,z4a,tivx.t..eotaktn,s: _ ..... lia?.l° L . 41 0 0 ee . etleE . . — ll4ow - Virrillte - reggerirormiri - - , 1 . to iliiii . i4elion iqii 6iiiiai,l6li - ti, ; 0 , pi MI() hIf:IVCE Is hefebantivert to-all.permotta to •, , 2 2 '2 '" 2 . e al la he Tatatta which are named below '''' '''' '2 2 51ionfitti.: - tie '`.blacli*Atifiltii4t *:''' IN tvki; i4;1 "he 4ccnuitimb ' hav "W edl iar 4 C tl qu itil 6 / 3 1221 1 V.• '. ' _, . , . fill ~, e ,q•e, , , 14-'1 inter m Office, in and-for the county fSn mamma, 2 2 . " ' . their •StaWticket, :).iut ;• °se zone 9r. ttt-o i iT ,T i i i iiiiilb . . : anis win tie pmsentlo.4l l ) , J X,,, o f it, i ' r • Cringressisieri;• .r. , - - 7••• , -,-; •::: t: , ..; - zi„ ~..41. i , ,,, ! .,..... , 12 4 %; ~, , ,-,2 , r,,t4 , : , , ,, ida ur n rg i ° l l',Ffidat APO RP' :: ''•' l ' t - All elt*.tiOliSlield' id st."' - tottia-iiiiir -ii i . e 'Moinfte - 4 Patiria l'lrl4le,y;l4iie - '411142-ida,'''tie - e414; , . 1 ririnn'ti, lito-i.trine 1i0..,'-iiiittoltitsW, '`ii i Ll E 3 ll' 1 i r icg i t 7, 'Et teti, lot - 2i-:;'i '''''' P , 4 t , . ' ' , ;,. , 11V111 , 4,1111111, .hltiicit etoton Et t, deceamed, l NlttOff, bri2Qoo, 2 Zir 3tind innjOrity - ill etiili * Thotnii;tlilin t ri r. Faulty of Meows Stop late of Sorert Lake, doe'elj '' .; i ' • • 0.•••.- 'e• ' - ,••••__c_77r7•: ,- 7 - Wol Dane ; :dill Jabez Ntlghtulan, cera, "'' ' I •J 2 , 4 •ie' - 1 • is 1...) , • .. •_, ,-. v.:.„, v L...., , FAtate Of James W. lilekor t Late o f•bpaingrille 'deed , ..„. s . t A• ••1.• Root and Canada Wake-leo. adudoletratora..4-4 . 2 ' '' '2' • '-- -*'' -- - ''''i' . '- lto l b?•g;fC r li kk ifF 2 a4 slCl P"' 24tr ' °f "k t r ul° !V' (121.24 '` 1 ' I•- S.:.li ALL DEEDS " ! *' '` ••* •-•" '*-- ' I • ; itfantearqot:irgr, , liiiiip'ttteitroit dueoU - 11.241.' - uidd . ' . 3.l .. E nTrm••,rzErrmi,:tis: ! - ~ t , , 'fyler,•Frann.a 311ox1;4y sod S. FL Mlle, adoi- e ,,, k--- - I • • ..a ':Fl'.. LA : R a- E , 0n .. 64 ., 6;51 ~ ra ri4t t it L2r f i lie . n3a d ell . ti littukenelate o'tPrankiln, d a e oaa • d; • A DMINISTILi..tORSY'ISF.F.DSi 7 ' 7 ' • F c e g :t;e of t i ' l *lt' a l I T!" . 1 ... ):: -''' l- - ' • - . I ' t -u. i: t ilt'elt aarg `'" " °'' hue ' f J64 " 4 '. dleA!.d , • • . I'..XECUT(/11:".' DEEI)S. (,i -. •,%, •,- • ,„., .. I .. A. , ..: - • - . _ GUARDIAN,ir 1).1..1. 1 .1.S 'I ' ''''' - ‘ l.°".. '" tre " II I • R'l CT:; - I.t. Ile.iii4 — cr. I ' • ... ".., -; Tit Lib - itiikt-:,, DI:EDS ! st. -, 0:;. -- At're.1-•_ t =I ' ' MERCANTILE,- 'APPRAIREMENT:I : •r Z.. "i-V.t.:4,1v. otud MORIT*AGES !.' . . - An of tii ,. e. ,,, in e gfilefira i lit , sto w i;74ri i i i cd lhalerx In If, rehdaffklel.kte., la Itusq. • Co.. Tar ;Coffee: . very, tielly;,Oi(ffrat-rate ii:fratiliOntipap,er. • 1 1":ATZWIr44."gitrolttrt,' r e""f*'As'llamn ek i,°f: for sate„ Al" ',,..P.A511 I/ ri C 41,i; . 4 4 . Atforile , -,,,, ,lit i •r i curls upon tbe tren.tirv. 'and roeuthPr%nt4nn:ni‘.,` the 1118 ticeiii *1;0 . 13 1 1 .ers; -3 V holtiiitiked B 3 -- ::rlll:77o. rd ri'agi 3l 1 . 1177 orCitr l erdn ß i! hail `l tax "ifl l u r %r un. Will f.tVer: . 611Te', WWI red, oi r ';:bilt"- °lie' l‘i , i 1 1 ILY•• ant! plated each niereltaill in' tbat clam % bleb tt e 7h u ll n o . tive 4 t •gp , ex• Just and right, according to . the Aebeof AmAembly do well to call;:intl look At iiitilfre4li el)'i. varie.tlito*Alie.,,Tlzzd otnirSrricw. ~ • , ' • - „. -- , 1 - - 13118C411C01.111t7' I . Ciaigitasulid-itforaiid ilichoor t 4 V VtOtl %A t, ~ , ---, —.• ... -.- I PROF. Sd G. iblirinit., ; 'A; PRINCIPAL. Ever offer,ett: hi ,Siniqiiehanna- f_konits . i I . I .3,fr.if. 0. ...4,3lbissl.3l.assrairus„ltissLmst i zasme, and probal./14 . compriSitig the greatesti t ii. ' . . --, itirrY-Orpbse.xlitterent.artieles oftuir I - _ - ` • ' r' - '.. • ,- r: ''J , ,, ' Lore iii iite Nortliorif iNir : t orl'iiii;s . :yl%* i Blitn: CA GP ':. : _ere A: sr itictiaiusi; -"- steiro E. imactstro.r, i tansuarrtsvartsupss, ts-ce s•Misvtgv 0 61 4 • 4 134, .. - " nia, and p9rbdps - of the entire State.. Ati I A good vn"iletf4f tli - ebistetityles. Also, , roLsortme,nt is kept- in.about thirt.V. diireis i C•marr Ikuip anilltir Seed, and all the 1, • f, - .0 t Ohio , .t; 1er505yrvir5n.,..?.,....., Rau linvldlor• , i. runt; Third Two oirtoreiteseut /e r ten& lfesr ottlis ent blancher trade "and se - leetions I fiXtUr . s ' for ' ''. : 1. fityri • - ' "2 1 .„....a Ditll4llti_tti_Witlis_Zia • stalaes.des,..s.; '-' ' - I - k' ' . ,c' Le 44 1 % s ..°•'', '''' . 4 - • ' • '-'' - p ..w-co,,m,...spis tan. are , mide frorn ' , about . forty .of the ixost 1 - -- h - .. r . , „ -__ ~,, t-, „„ .- - s 0., -,,,, ,;„ ~, ...., .-. i + ,. ~_ Ttuirseestesswashlikyeat -semi, unrsterwir sten Rouses " I io NtiW: York,. and more Oats ' fff- 1 ' . - i4 113111 - liii. it i --4 11 .; " -- 10 - ‘,. ' -' - ''''' ' I ; ottrocatowartretrt.S.l.l.l.4-nisen.tirts allow 2_ ~,. 2 . -1 . 2, 14,..../ I ' 1.. 7 14 ` 14 "tc9 4414 :i0n nokastlnftieupgior Bidnottuattis tO • al. ti - Deniers and)Wrlntilliertirerfi'Ont. of-New - • ' '-' ," , ' 4 ' "' " .. i , !,*'. ri-irtos a thoroughTediusitop.„ Mote telithiSilt.gooti .‘" Fiat t • in.,l,,ii ~ ", - ," * 2 prispereLlouifr • ollege, Ale tireflamarte4 Other Pe tork, • A lame proportion , of thh. Goods - • . " l ' slaar " .T --4- . •- - -, t . . n wui 4s trill so iron strusauto otos st)vatituatest.. Y are limed di7ketilamn the Manufacturers —4"--- • -'— '. 7s- '-:" . - - - - I lUV genies to those ciao .b.r. a aiready,mineso.• ~ . • thus instiring.lgenume articles. CustAnn. HIPS A. ~,LAS ,S. ,1 1, Wbk7Pardridarrs, Ike ICEnedalerd -', . .r . "P. taut. Shrretaq. . , __ 1,5•,-.llBvilyy-,e crs on entering-OP-Store must not expect 1 A good 'variety. ,• • .. _ ~- ~_ 1 ,Li r.4r . zqu airaLir , to find everything sight, but . nearlv err- i ..- --- -----, I •., ;. „ t Ttillg* 'it 1/ Wit - tat - 7- iii"-' I I . cry article wanted uI be produt•c _ 8 H RF u Auburn i Cfci en Menfrence. '., ellii , A ' CEL NB B dirEl) 'NO'S Ell ESS , iini . uiry. oiitis Idea of tle Stock may lie - t i AN N ~... .: . , , Git EAT.--1 ,- ',ALL IN PlrIC-ES .„ i , Rw.u,„0,... • .1...1.& Riley_ 13 • ' Spolligo NA ash poards. II ket ' sfre. 1 ' ILL ' '' 'll ' " - I ' '" 4'' - ' -....kelif Jli %Wahl ACo 11 Glattenbag. Rosenbauni, formed by theolltiwing . general out Hoe, i •• ' ' - • ' 28 I. ~...- = •,- . 7, - -- • - „,,i, - .442:117+ -- _ A jr . iiiii r nxton_ . k Waltur m,t Swisher .1 4 , Company- 11 , • .• ~ t .. ~ 1 ' 6r HI tTIS T S Ai PISTOL t . - '''i ' ''' % ------ ---- ~..,... --t 1 LlDtmukOro •'• It Mad, WntltOtlF it ftnitel l 1! • , • .• i '. .•-- ," . but enumeration is, impracticable. . TAYBOR=-GARDNA - 4- n Glen- if, - ,„,„,.(i.Nr ugn `r, iis 4 4 . ,Q1„;g1 • 8 1 ,;,P 1 1:,; . , , • . 1 . s , •, - •-•: - .1T THE ••• .....-•- , • ' . . • • $ wood,liiireh .24t11, Alr. IvendrillTavior 'of E S tient . i ll V.l t il l gta liera 1 1 4 SEWING MACHINES DRUGS & •MEDICINEs,i I)("4.'ler . -- . - 113/k3 i 'P rank - }lllBkg , a-e * 1 ` 4l . 1 - ' ' Bee- -it , 4 -. :4 -11 ' 3 '' '' ' ' ' .4 • ' 7l : kl.Ve. 4 , . , .4 4 &...- - „•-• 4. • „,„_,..... , ,; , %me; N:chole 28 1 - Nichol:sett to 3lis.slielfen tsiuiter Ors: 1 01(111 R T Ashley .il4 B It Lyon. & Co. ,14 .. in this deparltnenttlie assorthi ' viit is large ' A , I%I3IITNITI(IN. ~ i' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' 4 `" . .. " -- " T ' 4 '• '' {.sib Ott; ; . ..-,-•". -.-....., •-.i _1 r:. s tunes & Ca, 11 Chandler .t Jewmp 11 '' - -- '. ' ... ' ' ', • Mirtin Valllinil.en 11 .1 Ns on. ,k, ••34.4 'l4 tind-complet e, !sod the qualities the Best , ..., i (.; un :w ig ' Blastitigl loti . der, 83(0y-1'i:sc..: hp,EAT ollot ,D ExpEuTt D,, N''. .2"- '•...' °--...;:-.4 v STODIXARD--COW . l.o44irNei c lfil• n0.b,.../car. rut, N.Allen 14 Hll Tyler 14 in market. 'I. • .. .... - - - - - - ("oconitt-n nom:mils , - .14 0 . 1 ut 'tion'- . , It flirt], - - Marehl4Lll 1/y the Rey. 3fr. Abbey, " r.-fr t ' ' ir ~t4 s it siterora ~, 0,, in ,_ . _ .., Mr. Jolui3t Sto i dllolll of New 3lilford, J ' " '" u • as l e i' d ' l 811 Sasre .1. - Brother --It 495 Broadway, 'Ne w-York. P-I.INI & OILS'.. ' . ' : I end !shot, a sps, 8•c•. - - " ' . , ' . - -..' , Coriler .., --.- 1 r'' 'rl , ~, , I , ,„. ~, „. ,-. .1 1 1 .7 • Ilskor ,_ 14, J -Ethridge , 14 ' AT Er St - . :0 ''' '' . -• •g -re ' . . ll , . CrRES OF ; ~.` vra' - ' 1 " --, '''' ~- - and 3liss A, 1 . 11,• t,rowi. • ...Lot:mina, Ls.) . II W Johii.on 14 Itslds In A. Allen 12 GIDDINGS,-1, GET I. 11-In Serail. ~,,,,- . 14° 'Ur • ". 4 ‘J .Se k•un - • i l l the public attentiuu it respectfully requented,to the i A full stork of all kinclii, of best qualitn.s. TO.I3A.CCO ' . nigh.... , - ton, N x , - • - reh it, Thirinsy la Pmne 'Newhouse __ :',—— - _ . 1 :in WI and Cigars., - ,r' • I $ 20000 `Worth -orars , aoods 1 4 Salon Mg cards .4 Eu an !JOWL, Jrt , snd the Gnoven 6 ton, by Rey. Cleii:C. Broncroft, 31r..(This. Th u m .• Arnold 11 Alt hinlth 6 tt b 11 ti . iOB 111 . raI'STUIFFS (- Uen ei* •losinba oil, t . v./P.., to bo sold; reggedltese °font. (;iddingst and 3liss. 3larietta 11iugliam ' I' B slocuut' t 4 'Bold .11. '.'bathe • l i I , lISKETS,S. it. Co : „ , r r esoilorr oi c N Stoddard' . • 1 A ' ' % both of Ilferriek,..Pa. : ' a . 04.... .wiiko, & Italia* 14 ' .1 itirlsov • 'l4 SS Mott ' .A. Card from the Grover Everything, nod perfectly , reliable. Nu I 3IEDICAI, .. one ovlio strictly . follows correct receipts, 1 And Surgical fast bulletin; unntentional)lu Th e t. the public, may comp . rehend this • COILNELL-81. -N - NELL - ---In 11 I __tirs.l„ -his Woodruff' 14 I N Bullard . 11 ' &-Baker S • • M. Co.. - I Artieles. d . e., on hand, and bought to or. . ' • Al' ' . , Mardi 17th lit' ReV. 11. II LIMN' Alr. " IIIII°11.1711 ' 121 " - 14 7 Cohb . 14 • Deed fail of sue4ess, who bu s d;e- stuffs - --..-- - '. If ' ' C'' ,l '" ltir P it • r, .: Isjs„...A, ~j f . T ri sf , . , .. , .• -. Thom i,s J Tittrocl, Itft si ( Trine . -.1 p zephaniat, ' , Cornell, of Forest Lake, :Mil Fracaiss / ..y,,,, Ar0r,,,4 , Our Patent s being now established • by the Courts. we aL TlllTeirs, • ii. i tier. I Montrose' Susq'S. County*Pa . _ I the necessity of which is patent to. ALL, Mitts 311.:try F.'. Bitnnell of Rush. , 1 i . i lierrichan ...t.Sen 13 It I. Sutphin 12 nrc enabled to furnish the limner &,Baker Machine , w ith I 1.,1n in Sommers ... 11 Ilacd.e. Brothers 12 Imnortaut improstinents, ut greitly l i. - - .•'• we give a bat of prices to show. tti - e exact McKEEBY -MO( /R I F-Marc!, ..?.0t h. Fossat Lek,. t ~1 Dickennan, Jr. .•13 • ' ' Cj i I. )1( ) C FRIES. 1 '• S 8.1;17, - , Elmira New-York duction • - • - - : Best Madder Petite, roroserly 9 Dollister, Young 6Co 14 IT Ennio 1 1; i REDUCED PRICES. „ . . lir the Barrel Sack or l'ound. 1 ' , 'by Rer,ll. -V: Riley, Mr. \\ r Ili. 31cKcel,y. Is in Id, L Mce,kia t 4 Weed .t . Weird .1 good and . choice varlets . of FaMily. .' • . vit . New MilfOrd, -- Co Aliss 3fary NV. 3loore " L/ k il l / 4 ii ° arm" -' 14 . 4 - 4 ---- F.usquehanna Depot, Pa, •• ' P..... 0 611 De / 1 1 . n°l ' . ' -11" w C 6 ' Feiendtriffe ' O l Me., .k. Brothers 11 The moderate price at which machines making th.• II roceries, comitantly on nand: Ladiesl w, 0 ikith S e 1020114 sivi. • , , ficc. . I Heavy toed wide Sbesting. as Id , of Bridgewater. ... I' i tin-ford - If. - -Rnek t• - • . Orneer .t. Baker Slitelt, can now be had, brim:. : then, sad they get the best 'l'm for the price of . .11L , . All kiuds ot hatOoap and all the inaten- litrE„,„,44,r, . smrru—DEAS—.At the parsonage in ‘ ,‘,6 . ,. • ,„„ 1/PI 'L l Il s n s tr i',l l :,.. l ,, 111 . - 7,a,,.:,,,, •° , / , ra7..r 14 . ~,1 w moo the reach of all, and r;:ntlers the tumor machines ~. A i v i T urre n.. , -. , , to our friend* and the public in gene - ral ' ''. l GEtt°6l.l:lnttlicg:*ll Staff' ' DI '1675 25, I; rest Iteull, Nlttreli . 2.6t1i, tilt -by n.-6, n. 4 P illukY 12 EAt ni Ater ; • 11 It/akin; inf.olor st Itch, sas Int necrwary as It te unwire I als necessary for Making soft soap, in the II (list in consequence ot uie preastit pn•sortra In the , A u e( a in a V ° N ,a i l l a il e r r a l t ar tli ' m In, --. i ra t I :',, 2 • ' i 1) M Stalky ' El; t Silwr Lake l'er.ons desiring the bent machines, nail the right to a . / OS simple cosy, and cheap manner pots- m ' n ela lhl r' i n° l.6 t h s w e a n l' n " - "" "%Wheeler, Mr. 3fartin 1). Smith, of Nieto sr; Konotql, 13 J Drackney ' 1.4 I (4-13 () RS. .. .il t , , libi . Only $1.50 fo ra , barrel •of gocxl ON yds DRESStiOODS, basest ;tyke, -1$ • II , j 4 a use them, m ust norotely be aura to buy machines making Scotch Olnighams. - 16 _ 10 olsoip I's., lo Miss Sai•ah L. I/ean, of New chs;l. '' T/ffan7 14 T Sullin au ,_ .- •' ao • " ' 11 1100/)S . FO D IL . Ca l Sl i .!-R.,..3, Cuke .211 (11) -no re :Fil iks ir:l.mplenelduplll. - 1 °l3 • 79 ' • (1 V. Walker 14 11 P Phelan „ _ ; •it the Gros.er & Bakes stitch but a ls o that inch machines The greatest voriety of I ' ure I.iquors to ~ 311lford. - A J Walker , 14 , APT,isfici//4.. are made and stamped under onr patents and thone of be found Si) all: Northern Pennsy Ivania `Oft sn/11L s T./ GREEN-AI AZAki) -AT the liOnse r . ~t r. ,, t Tulv.". -t l -‘l..nT 13 Elias H ow , j r ,• , Wool and Silk Brvehe Shawls, . 400 - 3 SZ , •y• 1 S Lenbeim f-. and 11;1412 J Smith r l4 , " fen' t * and comprising,(with yery - excep ions) . - - —. FROM ID TO . 10 PER CT. LOWLR THAI Fertate.). ' " - " -- '• ' '' 003 • • 4 r'' ) the brides father in (Ircat Bend. March JT_ Vial:2,l.'os- (w•. and , 1 1 4 1 . 1 2 f . ..vr i v o , f ,iii 2.,,e); , 5e :: , °ROVER d BARER 8. B. CO~ - PATENT • I MEDIGI - Nt S. , , , - " doubls lO 00 - 700 • . .05 Th. ea d way , y e , 1-„,,t coins niaoufactured or , held for !tale • t'ilst, by Rev. If , Wheeler. Mr. I h.. 0. 3I• ' i ir sa l a tu r. nedgio f :-. " 32 1 14 Abn4 Mitchell . . Is ' -• • . Tbseefore err en. a d tad to offer the pubilc our ‘; mch (.1,..k... 28 00 II PO (.Ireen, to Miss l'ersis V. Hazard. both Oi• smolder - Lt. Taylor If; Susquehanna , I I ~ ' • • • in airy Inarket. 1 These are kept foronedi. All the best kinds in Market, direct from 1 ' , s S eller° stock a . . - • not ykoad (Acta •. 4 7 TO . li ps ' , .. Jolueoolstoi . • 'l4 CB Iknnett s cinal purposes. ;If there are aily pure lig- the maillifarturCrs i tand warranted genuine. • 's. ' -Teecolleaun; . `ll 00 R 49 I i reat lieno: . ii P Doran II l• 11 Ism). I . .t. ors ih the eountro., the druggists . are the --I---- r i u y iIIADE utourvil , ix„„ . ... „ Tat Velvet; , . -,,, 0 . 0, .... t f i e GOODRICII-CAPIII..)N- In Corbin:- Ne A Cre n anlMeinto•h !, A I 1 ,„ 1t ,, 05a1.. , y 2' L i I ... 4 a . 4,.„ en our. • . Itlcti soho have..lthem._ It is almost ini ALMANACS FOR - 1861 ' BLAB ._ _,. dale, Nov. 24011, by the Rey. Mr. IVar as ir na,-..- . 13 &It West (pwent med 41 14 - ' ' ' II Embrotderet e Collars; . ! Opera llocds ' ' . .... ToS 00 .• 'J II Dose:there 13 E N Sinaluu lac Ilq'til•1 pOSSII4O LO 01)14111 noir.: Li quors elsewhere o n , Ai . f I . •. . f 'I . • q , 1101:bE FL RNISTTINC. GOODS. - • Roduced , 3fr. Edwin Goodrich, of brooklyn.to 3liss 11.11r3 M;K..n..0.5. .in iLianra Carnal.. (O. 1 14 • A CARD FII-gM ELIAS HOWE JR - i- • :11. ryt ail. ~ . . in.mar. or Lo ery ami yin . usque• • • AND ' Ibudery. All Domeitle. and sil Woolen Goods, Reduced . D. A. Capron of Ifisrforcl: Pa. • - . 71,-r,',.4 OWo. J C Foot ,'. 13 h enna county. gratis ! Send and get it. .. , • hie...) and Cloak Tritutoinge, • Reduced lohn Miller J4sS Bryant f 4 Al l persons are cautioned riot to male , deal in, or wt. , . - c. 4 ` BEIBBEEdMiIiII S L Itri...•ine 4. (.. , 14 Outtenberg. Rosenbaum on re ring machines which sew from two spools and ( Ili )(IKI:RY. . Es ery t dollar to I I jivoilvA 0 3 11 I& .3k 5 0 fn Goods, ' . - ' - 303118 1 r3ME0. 1 'Harmony . • ' ' s A 1,, on , - ' ‘ll, ,,, toddi ri n r: i l-1 . ,. ri , make th,, •nutcu known as t h e Grover 6 Bakst stitch, un ' ti UMBIELLAS► • rYitY Gr()(-) I) F i ll , 5 • 111 the kinds u - iially kept in a country y , -"- ;Arf"lle pledge ourselves to all we advertise. A sail is TEWRISBI7IIr--In I.:ithrop. on the Wilidtin Tr. main:. re , 11,L FreNnan - It leas the same ace ianrciused trona the Gros er 6 Ill'arr ' • • ,- . respect fulls sobe.ted. , 1 7th i nsf. , , Itc, n b en , rew , kbui , y, i n t h e ~,, j ,k - Brandt 6 ii., Sel t il f lg ord er IPJ 0 C nneil ''- / I Sewing machine Company. or their Agente,' or licence. ceneral assortment t a re . , (. oufeetionary. To .a, Vinegar,Rops; Snge, . n . 'nth:eh comprises the '!!avidos Ixons - 51 , ' 43 Itirscluzumn. Divs. 4. C ..+ ~,rof r. . s• ' lilt r eSi ti — fid I)est. ..1.: .1 C Cook •14 and stampetkunder My patent of Sepc ! ' . nribiT 'X, 1,..yr, - , year o_ 1 age, r-i is ET Titrany A . ' - Jena. N0..., - .cor Come andkl Menem, Blngtminton , ' . Whitn,•a A Mellen 11'T' 111 1 ;4:sou 14 Said e‘•topany, and their licence., awn,. are 1e;.•,.111 to 1 - GrIANSS-WAM•.. . liatt,t, In It ack,oll, Feb. 23( il, ltiii I. Whet'? Pa3 - ne II 3.•,..1 4 Bill, • g 1 ualich t ...111.131e , 1) - thortred tinder their uss n p atents , and to, Hold patent, A coniplete. :1 sort fluent for l'abkeancli PO RCELA I N TEETH, ' % I g r i d ifliii o ll s t' - OODS Sll FARIS FOR S il, Thetle F. only child of I.tother and ..Ifot- ' ~ . • s .ohnetOtt ~ lerah Very 544,J01M Ilallman a a durlnr, the extended term thcreor to make and sell thin • general use, and for Druggists, I 11 3 memos, (sold and Tin Foil; &c, for Dentist's use x i 1 •- ' 'L ' irAL ‘ L ' r tie.A. 11:111,..gea 10 month, . , Manic! Oakiri 14,Jo.rph Allen 1 t klntrof sewing machina, and ell others are piracies upon - J 7 ,- -hcrt-Ch•er.ry Fletl.Cr II Mrt E Is* Forl.o.i 1t me said patent, and ni ill by dealt via, aeconitna.l3 where l!ellierS, and HI short eo ery variety for 1 and some of 'nearly all other kinds ot I --Itepti,n- ANY . COUNTRY Si ~ i,,senyn....,Tamen Martin 14; -; E Larcy • II ' . .. 1 . generril salt:. Goods in Market,tsto nunicrons to men- 1 OTC _ • .., / IN Nl.' NV 11ILF()IID P ' 9 /1 • . / :.,krt,y-R Ken, 0n..1r. 13 1 •.' M McDonald i a over l ana i . -- I , Ibis ride of mew York City,. • , I Ifeadozr,. ER 11,..ardnIce It 't Anna Pethron it Neu York ELIAS HOWE, JR. ' - . rriCE.ntitn , crtlwr realding in the levro of New Milford, Tztior Illenry 11111 11 -F. It CH.INIII.ER, Agent, WALL W, ' AVINDI t )A l'Ar ER. "°n- The atiCution o . the public is re ' apent. At Prices which Defy Competition - ,,,:e,- . I I I.usn'a county, Pa , oilers the fellowtnz property for Cr'.,e, 6 Brothers - 13,11nrtlec Sheridan • 11 • _ u 5c1 . ...114.., liatou A. Co. 13,Edwaid lic . n . 'nuu _l4 A large stock, comprising an extensive felsi lv c‘i in* • 3foritrosw, l'o. full% Invited to my, stock ef Goods, bought as s.t win sen, tor C1.4111.039C, at the. IlMall adelnne i . One I'AR3I, 'on u iiich the subscriber r o mth, r , A-John Tl 4 r. , y _ _ __, ~..„ ,_..... _ . t ariety of beautiful tt . les. The most fits-' , , : s p of ten per cent ate•re the. Kholenale cost. 11,... ks ill end re a.d6p. in mud bora. contain/0; about f. 103 acree, in *good i exciusively 101' C.ASII -.DOWN, and will,be . the PilToWing .GOODS at the annexed prices. s,a: sta te of cultivation„ ecitabla misted gralia.•rrarlnt, and " . . .- ' ' - • nfos Hie" ns _, r. & T .I..fi 4 ''''" i, Zl l illiarn o .4.l Shrimpton II tidoutis ean seldom fail tO be suited. airs urpcskes h Doi 14 II Perrme‘6 Son 14 Do GlLiki'H'S ,ELECTIIIC OIL. • sold on the same 4, incille for lc,w y pr'c q - 14 ie- Ilia& Frock Coa*,worth $ 9 for 86,00 , P _ RIO 1 R Merrill 14 Thainto - i' Also, another PAWL in said born; near rrittatir - whi be Fear Alin ual Fairs held eac - ii year for . 1 N fi:Lnitroz 14 E' W Lewis 1: Greatest Remedy in the World,for . 1. r s I - el - MN LI9I. 1 . I 'All 'L TI: R .LI,. R Black. Frock (oat ,worth 10 I for , 7,50 the Eadroad Depot, rustatreueso item with' number. or l tradine. and selling , ..01,1.1..tmc1.- • .144111 Sher 11 II II U n tha ws . I t • • Sl , mtrose, Dec 1 "Oth 1860. Black Frock Coat worth , .12 fee 9,50 ';'" llviia n'' 4. '"'"'". i. "'" l 'l l ' i . it ' th e" Dtre °fele T1113 g • n • o 1 Baldwin 4. Stephen' . „IS J W V,.nhorri " RHEUDIATISM -and all PAIN, A splendid variety,,embracing nearly co - -- -- ---,-- - 1 _ . Also it FARM. -situated one mile from / crything custoniers may wish in this de SECESSIoa! Business Coat worth L. tor eil. 75 y 4051 s Emu. ,4A , :ig- I' • IL, ”B:-' 'le •‘• Billiard Sida3ns. I ' ' . i ; leer t, , Ili LI ( ,C.l 1 n ' an"fac " No. 20, Cor2 Cdurt and Water Sta. ll4o. hosse btxto .ti ) o c buro ontaitaing imnA lt i t id itare abou .s. si r o li cre a a fr t ar Irr ea rlitue th. li rt nsinfssyoat worth _ l 3 for - 4,10 . oro , 111Tarranted to - CURE 'torment, bOught direct of the balance v.oll =bared with Chestnut cu. sad the D.. L. at the brass of Jacob Kimble, in Chocontit, l'a -. • , - /4-/ "'",,' ~,R,?,LS /:' - ' ; ' ! ..krsl . ll.lT - Ta i r,t, t . nV•Am b h‘ 4o, '"-T , is, er and Agar. in one day'! • , turers, and all Warranted a reprcs.nted I save, Coat' wbrth 8 . 5 for 1 1 ,00 ..i, is. R. It Co. We cuss fortvood, Ues,ar.d other lumber - Tbe Fain:will be held April 1:411, Anglin: inth. October ''''l T °'''''' - " ''' "tt• 'fir ..4.,,,, 1 '. 1 .ai; - 0 u lna : , . I ` l l 3 l , „ t•htlis in the minutes: • , lIIRSCHM43I BROS. & CO, • , Over Goat worth '.• for 5,75 -o" lb " r ' .l4 . - - i4th. - and December 2rid, Iteil , "i'aucl nil) be eonthmed \ I •N / 1321 " 1, • ..eb „lir. _ . sr ,1, , Z Cobb ' ~,, y, G A , fitspler ~ 'Deafness in two to four day s Burns anti St-alds in ten minutes , -- - --------- SIIA T IEII - WARE. - sign of ;;h# " Deo-Hived "r: 0 l':' Coat werth 10 for I",tin Also ail...th. r 1 .. ..8.31 in New 31ilford ---"----- -- - ----- -•--- >•1 - ; O M. er , •"• ' " • ` I 11. PT/' an, Sprains. Wounds an d Bruises in front on._ to three da3 a , tea nehip ' coutaining • - •0 acrei in a good mate orculuraucas , , 3Er. , -Torir_a_lFL-r% w Nl,la^l..on + • w Mc:v.-m.lra, liglautinsthm in one Jae ; ..• • Tim Sugar and Salt :Spoons, Butter and , TlA`.t...c:, in con-evince of the hard tlale4 t • SEC b ver Coat worth 15 fur 11,50 with 50 setts IMprased w•••••• 7 zoe. q T r.', 14,,,, •31 001, .., .I.olllllnelianan, %emelt:lL Croup. Tootfuselic, Burn. , in ten minutes, . " ' ' lit -DEL ", o'oT:he t heir alrea, dy very low prices. acul are • - Over Cost worth co for 15,00 .Mso, another i;:%.P.31 in said tou - nship. to in 7-11. r 3 ll', 3 ,el.l, N S tlr. •,-;; t• I for ?a,.( . 20 • 1 . i .. , ....:.; :t a f , u t . o r r g i tt r .l ir a .l e ow n fs , rm v. It a e. Itsble buUlaingt sad Improve 'if I.NUF le - Fllll.ll 01% AND DEAI Elt in, ' 'int. `. • •n • , ~.. . , n.• nem. arr . , ha,...... Scrofula, Absrees, in ten dans ; 1. rutt Knives, Napkin .I . 4lrigni, Tilinibit..s; „ , , now. closing oa t their en treStock of Black P311t3 Worth ' 11 t 11..n.m. P:' , " - t o oc Sentries. 11 °units, Tenn., in vue to threi , days: r. SpeaaClOS, tic.C.i 001 IS tantly on hand. ho 't sai s r mt. AL. loce' ear 4:3 1 C. 71 TA fai : wlj Wi•at, 1 ii , Ili LERIES. Earache. Stiff Neck, Ague, In one day: WINTER,.DRYIAND FANCY GOODS , ~ .. Bhick l'ants worth.' 5 - for ~ r. 5 I Also, tifty flares ...f unirnpr-oved land... in soy. los, an, audio; North ha'Clini).-4., Philad'a. , Dennis Cane', . 4 „ 4 ,,,..,,...._ 1: L Adarn . Felons, Broken Rime% Salt Rheum. 111 aria six daps: • 'tweet of the manufacturer:Lin:ode TO °flier. At Ruinous Panic Priesel . No matter how dm:liable the wl: are...now recein Ina our SPRING sTOCK, Is high ' 11. nj Shorld, ii, a e rn,.,,._ ; M.; iazu Ife 11:,. Qu than% Palpitation. 10. urts3. In .sto to ten da3F: Blp.ck Pants 'sot th 0 1 , ,r 4,...,0 ; ea:n iownsh,p,:snitable for a email farm J °Conner, ~.d.„„, 1- B , N ..,,I --, - nntlinia. Gout. Erysipelas, in Ore to twenty dare; will comprise a larze and deaf= ide .I...imminent of Newtonit•tohnel • ''''''''' - --_ ' - Frosted Feet. ( hilblains. stiff J.,1311,1, chronle Mani and warranted pure. as ^ coM. Ali 'other . all kinds of .L M.': V Ar..D.,-eal, r. 0 ~ALonNs, - • . ... . , , - i for eash Of oh - acturamodating terms on credit. Any in kinds of sSilver War .. ., obtoined to order on ' Must and VV be Sold. y - ens)• t,assuncre Pan t s u ortn .., tor o, STRA - MT andIACE GOODS.ltism, Sore Throat, Scarier Feskr, • and lbw lame -... Eliza 1-trey, . Montrose D PS...arle .1. Co.,' Co • made to walk. bn 11 fen bottlee. " .tatifa Pethronl --two tables nos cot. ,De Grith's) is mild and pleasant. and It a short notice. , s, , . s formation In r to tho pro perty volt be ,nar.by-tha i eivirri . 6 - - ft -- -- , ' The Stock (robraces i large and select Assortment .4 Farley Cassimcre faille worth - 6 for 4, , ,1. , subscriberathla residence in ~ew'Sniford.s. u . fn - ISILSTIC.DRY 6 110i - sr. FURNISHING 000ne, A Iso, a In.rge seyortmont of LATHES 6. Children's HAI:. And the Judges of the Corirt of Vommon Pleas or said „great Fatri ilvMed Seine ror children teeththa .te- . - 1 ) E 12113.1E1 - 1I - Black Satin :Vest - worth. iI3 fbr .i. 2,2 ", 1 11831 " * ' Wihdr• C ) . l2 C r ib Tn l• Our eta* of !FLOWERS and 111.7eltizs, %till be minsu- e'eaunty. , 44 - 111 Rola it Cotirt of Appeal. st the Court Hong( , Ladies should - all nFe It. it 31113ayF lea Vet 3'oll better 1 I'l OAKS, BLANKET AND BROCUE 811AWL8, ... - ' - ally large title season, and we would turtle tour •pccial i i 31(0.177:0.5.E. mend far 'aid countn.cn TIfIRSDA Y, thateit.llnds ~...u,and one bottle often earl:4 entirely . A choice Mark and Fancy Dr. Silks, and an codices 'le 1.5111 Ck Satin s estastrottli 4 for :3,00 • , attention to that department. Ploasc eall and etair.ine _ll`l.ll. ELITE-VT.7 ”nl. al • ONE o'c9ock, ti in., at variety of beautiful l'erfutnes. eariety of, Fan(' Goods. Embroderica, , them before naakirig your purchase. " which time and nlace any of the ineicirint. desmihml. de. Trimmings, . c., at Fenn Pr„tees,i Black Satin Vest worth s.lbr :3,50 .- 1.-4 ' fi : 4 '. • mt,,,,...1,,. . _ PL WARD, Dued,and cme.ed asefurcsaid.or their agents orattornevei. AFt Ll ( - 11.1) THIRI FEN YLAIts. 0. D 01. ft! 1 -- , .., , . a ' Extracts, Colognes, flair Oils, Hair Re- ' . never ba ore dreamed of. . - - Nos. 103. /06 saadiM North SECON D street, atan c Arch tosy appear and appeal front e r id. as.o.,ween tif the:, think ~. I ''; O.N Ell ttit. storers, oyes, &c. Articles to make the tor - caa &Ad aatisfy y unitises et the-fact Shit we rcd- OVER, SHIRTS & OVERALLS only ,31 . - -/-J TIDO - t r it - prows.. 'GIS , / K ASIII.F.Y. hair grosv, and , also to take it off„ and ey. luau ore meani. . L''S D'R G.ARME,NTS EQLAI.LY LOIN - ' FrMicolrutnershipheretoforeeeisUng between theca ZUESSOLUTION. , 7;,,,,,,i,4,„ tr ge „ /, ~ .v. 1.1 v, retinti'r..tmr.deer Resd letter from Res. James Temple. . , Binghamton. re.t, 7th. 851. A cl , rs 'gar st.l. is thin dn.' (II asol3 ed by mutual consent •••••- s ery thing .necessary fur the Toilet. inch& . . PtuLaDELIMIA.Jone Sth, Igo' ; . - James C. Wbratsnt wl - tbdrawing from the firm. Ths Iflllif Sopartnersbip hereiofore existing undrithe firm - -- -- - - - 1. of lOLNG A ,S.MIT.II 1" thieday ihnsult ed by mutual . Pref. De Gnarl!. I have been afflicted - for thirteen ',earn 1 yShN TS i HOLIDAY fli i p RE 1-1 1 ' _ Into* seconate and notes v.lll be fotuid with R. KENYON. As vAnter bssfalrty appeared, we ins' in on e , msent. The notes and accounts ns • ilt. be in tbe haiade uf -Si-iERIFF'S'SALEq. si.th Nen:alma and other p tinful cant hoists, mar nave .•,. ,tling. a fine assortment of Hair and ToOth ~. Jr., who will continue the businces in all its earfbn. K. P. Sarni for settlement. - ill persons indebted to the . been unable to sleep toup.ll3 _or walk any dintance . for . PrUShed. rood! SO:11)S and Powders, Fan. !et-sits oluu •). ctrraro Ir.. and kali* Isrge stork of " , • late gra T,lll see the importane,. of mull; imp,,,,,ii n t, 1 ItY virtue cif • andrs writs Issued in) Court of Corer:rim many years past : taint neck !pot a bottle of your Mee. 'cv •4 'N. .. 01, ..;„„ /....,,,... /..,„,„,... ..=.,.... seta:anent. Air moss o{ Snaq'a Co., and tome/tweeted. I will expo.., tele vil Tht Ilr• t night 1 slept soundl and mi.ll. and to. _ articles for the complexion. ineludmg i , mut subscriber, take pleasure hit announcing to their . C a: r• ilOy 111,,,/ '; Ilf,,,;„" ~IAI ~,, !,. Summermille, Pa.. ...tANtuy,t, youNG , to pubnc sale, at the Court !lOWA IL 3lontrone, on Frt. • daY 1 ant lies a new Wm. MY wire could not believe her f, l 31een Fuli;,” and nearly everything else i it , friend. that they hasethls day returned fraculki i rode I' ' with another addition toitheir mods of Good* selected : • ... March 9th, 1.41, •El I'. tsMITII. der, April sth, igh, nt I o'clock,p m., no. following rcal. i- , W • Tour El-ctrie 011 has done 114 one neck who: the , . . . . .. , t, n Ich great care. and especial reit reuse to the apiroathing e W•• ) , ) ni% hich writ be seld Terylow • LOt CARE OE APPROYFX. . . retate to Ka • esyrscous of Philadelphia failed to do In thirteen., ears- ot•atred. IA gr.... 1 place this, at Turrell's I -' -- . -- ' PAPER Ilium Pow 3loattu dots. ' TAose indebted to iit , _ Gra t e fully sours. Kenyon, jr.. it Co. will Bo tba • necessity of „„. All that certain piece or parr.: of llknd eit eat, in Lenox t p IH:Y. JAMEn TMPLE, Any thing anti every thin, , o, that anybody testis e Seinen Any perlol2 deFirllne oft:Wang I* 1 • -vi 1 ' 30.41 E1V 1 1 . X.C 1 : 77 - 11 . 43, 4 01 X... " 1rs . their indebtedness . ll. Orme. as tte deina dusby Pi e t . 177 n CH.1116 I ItIAS , t , NEW YEAR GIFTS ,u,., („...„...„,„ ~,,,,,,.., mtud. be paid. 1K ca Whereby anthotUed to s..ga CO - P,iII I I I NF „lit" p -....•.ltitt.,atid stn., afore,M. bounded and de.. Abed an rd .. 4 l' I • I )33 h lona 43-1 the lorth le) land or ( orm.lat- Manning, _ 310 South street want., eau be foulacl there.] k .. a tltheinsaivu of th ITHIE Subscribers , haring entered into Co-p.irtnerglip • ea-1 by laud of n 1 tit f i lar; tee. -..., 4;1,3. lard of 11 elcorne --- I , i r to;rtyl . Olciike som - s - Falr - Tha vi s a nice ' e "9.1 : ice the area whenever necessary to seine the bustneas t - 1 under the name and firm. of - ' MIL andwest by the Pluladjpiala and Gtllend turitike, I)E`APNESSI CURED, FANCY 'GO(..)DS. - I fend n. a hope none willdon themselves the pleasure) ran i And a rich.and extensive assortment ID select ( role , and .• Christmas or New-Years ' ..el' • !also. authorized to receipt to: Melina whenever necesea 'ry in closing the insuseas. ROGER Ii TO', Jr R. 1.. SUTPHIN -.& Co., ... . , containing about on acres, with the apncirt. wince.. -f: a : on , l h0t..e..4, a b arn. a taw 1.111, and oboe t'l a..rei Milieu i ~,.i. Stilt of Wrist - Laney Th. Noah Phillip, New If liVent, Mai* MTh. ism The grer'stetrtyariety in town, comprislng at t he s v 'U 1 "e" Cash P i rl"gk vANg • ok ' ALLEN, , . _........, ...,,, ~„.„. 1 ,: ~, L ; in opiate, c rin ' .18 ; 16 ,,J;1s 5 airkat 021 • • Prof. De tsmth :Mr terabit' has been dist' forg vearn. jar tar dm v,.- ts.w...s r.: NI . aln e• - FOR * 7IIE. Plityony OF :-.$ Ryon Ns - ; OS Tlll 111 that certain pieet. or pared of Isnd situate In th e After trying many thingS • he used your 0111, feet • dares , ocarly everything usually fbund in", an deer. • No. I Odd Fellow" Bali, Binghamton . , . - - .mr e n n ecnea -Ladies' Diamond Enameled. and Warn- !I , 07 4 lizsea.rsonasest et ' I 3COMOIDX TICIES 9V3E4.7e ' 0 , ~.11.p of Auburn., etnints• and,statc aforesaid, liflunded 'lend It cured him entirely. - I exclusively Fancy Goods or "'Yankee Isro a-01-d....r0b-o a. fo'low.. to witi ou the north b.. land tl of dld article. Also variety of Oold sod Wires Una- ' • ' llt. .? American and Sub;. Hur.tlicand Plain, nery low. ~--?e- v s i:r 3FL sis _f --y ... : ,IR H smirif e 6 los , CLIFFORD It. Se, RAN rois. t i 1, . . .. \or, L. C.p.r. earn by landof.Jtinei S. C.orter. .oath b. on btore. 11111ERCANT - , INEL 1 „,„:,,, AB , Tt ``t.. ' nrl ...-1 be I , nd of !Institut 11.1 1 , L - R" Versate bv - all Druggists, and at N the Depot. 317 Gold Cimino-5 vary extenarve variety of Vest, Fob. • s' c ~, ,, L iTre; about fo.. ari, • with the Appartenanc..e. cm. Smith Eighth-st. Philadelphia felat3mey -", Guard and Neck Chalon, lby • Evans &At cam. • 1 • 3 Ant the old stand latery ocyttfled•bv Young 6, Smith, o here fro !mew:, barn, corn :tom,. bog liquse. orchard.and ' Ear Bingo and these Pl no --An infinite variety CLO AKS Sil , t \VI s svaesom setastati. wehopeto merit the patronage tif old Friend.. ss well a. ~a; G. ~,,,., i„., , ,,,,,.,1 n,,, t o rr 1m.,,,,,,di,, ~,, T m - -.-- - • --- - . : 111 ,,.t5 t.1 .; S l l r il io A lin L , INSFRD . DI . Dna. of , ,, i les and price s , In was and single. _ ... gain the conadesace of many new onto. boa .3. st cur of - , . • - neer II Inge -Diamond, Ruby, lUgard, PearLScale and SEND CREETING THEIR • prompt and bmtorable deallur irronr ba"31111,32. flu - and Litaries Lila, t,.. ..' • ly. 1 01. 11, 1%47 11.11113KEBS ? , • i ‘ lobos. Acc,ord N e r o i n o s ii , ll l . e l e u n t o e . 9, Lit s 6 , , C ui l t al r ..c . surd SLltt Plain Gold Rings-slugs stock , , , 1 . • • • it 'L. SUTPHIN, FRXEMAN DARNCM, E. P SMITH A l l toot ctrtsiu piece or parcel of land situated In the DO lOC WANT WIIP•E ER!. ! im. , racrlets-Gold. Jet, Pated,snd HATEBracelets of 110N / Nri r r 'Il As , Z•Tpciieirs3ist..i. -9 si CiffOrlXLig : • Summermille. March - 97 h, 1861 ~, borough of Friends% Ille, county and blots „aforesaid, - DO YOU WANT A 3ITSTACHE! 1 all p uterus and priors n l. EVANS & ..u..mv. ::__. _ E n _' ll ` 49-. ~. boruded and de•cribeilmnfollonve, to wit : On the 'North . sitver_warc-E‘e . deserintfon of sfivereors, sad', • OU'R AMORTMENT OF '3Ellnto ncojEtinrivrjac. , Strings, some - of - the best ;qualities in • •/ b) .r., LILIITUM and 'turnpike road. un tin Eaw and South DO 1 01.71 WANT'A MUSTACIIRT trtrkeT4 Violin Bows, Bridges, Pcs-, ' 5 t ,,,,,, 1 . :,,,,,kin. Rings. haild a/RP:Soup and Gravy -- • ' ''''• ' 10. hind- of Caleb Carmalt, .C,n the Wc.t b 3 1 inds of Mi BELLING:Mt AII • sLI L - i c .... 1 (1 /In • Tail Pieces, Resin, Instroetion Books, , 1...d1e5. CuPupa, Card Cases Pie, .111tUer and Fruit Knives. I' ch r u i d a nins . est., sane. etc , Iva:rutted good 31 Cella. e., V . L. ,, •; . 1 . , 1 , - ; .ti , re , I . a , n v il zth L t •i;• ,, e in v i r te u tt ri ti , m au c e t , n . i . ta v ii n ti ,, t.s m eg . e , sere 0.. ,. . - ( 'ft( (waled ed Warent neasuraiaasortroeutor kir Pitchers •I) Eirk,r.io., 1. - ix...IL/ ', 111 ", ------,,,-,--. (--,, ~-,--., • - --•AT THE-- Ka ra , ....ime fruit trees, widen unproved tine of ll44llard • I , Lte. on hand ; and all other Instruments obtained to order. i Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Butter worm loam - • 1-I.ton,v, Hiram Cook. S ..- I , Salts, Knives; Forks, spoons, resat Racks, Caps Goiania • A ' D ' I . t ~... 75.. .... .....,,, .. . .., yr ---.... Billghainton Storo, An tbsteertala piece or parcel of land rittiate in the 1 TIM II [III II GI "' ON G V Ekli onwunhin uf Gr, at 11..m.1. corsair and 'Time aforesaid, . JBRIT‘4IIR4. alts. etc.. by - 1 -Everts d Amara. . - !Oleos • e Buttons ..vd !studs --A large stock of all [ -- -k . -- - ' -"I . ,'. 7 c .'-'''... ''' - -....,',..- -' - -::..". . . , . .. . ..- N a 'y.. --•-• -;....- ... - -i...{.1 , 1_ . ~..L .: . ~ „.,,,...., , trp; - b. oun dad anifrlt-rritd a. folio,. ~. to v. az tan the :', : ,nth - N. L POST ' S ' NEW'. 81111.EING. and Suattt bjelavd. 4 Truman It .I.tu itt, on the foi.t lit , For the Whi s kers & Hair. , t A Fall assnrtinent, boug)it dittet trent the , I qt.' , oolitic hi gh ZI. and on the lit c+.: ter laud of the , TheF bwribtrs take le:Lai:ire in annourteine to the i 111;tlitifaeturers and eoniprisinr:Jicarlv ev- MONTROSE, PA. .I: It It. Co.. containing, about tliree•fourthe of an etti , e. .n er the vetted Stevenl that then hiye ehht b ed the , . ' • a , r.." Le the same moreor Iti.k with the apourtennno! , ,, ,et v 7 lon.l inade. e.,.. rr.oned uouze• Barn. FARM, 44;.. and all 'aline, cd &Jew . ) for, and are now ambled to Alter to the American 1 putille, tin alio., Juni) , :ale bI - abal and world•tvuowutd • quit of I•mac IteekhOW V. 9. Elias NV. 11 - npumn. • AMERICAN POCKET K'NIN: ES.• -zi..AL:rt.m: 33.„0-r f ..43,...a.xte1e• : oriole. All that certain piece or parcel of land A thug. In the • - The Stimulating unguent IN . "lowa - 44 of It ILA.. County and State aforesaid. bounded • 330 rit. - 3E - 40,...c) C> 3:) . S., : .X.l...dr:Veb.V.:ra,,s. f.,.' 4 . 're 1ii.:.1.7t V fit...,:?:,,,77.:. - C.11 1 :wb..::, ITS'idd Is pr. oared by Dr. (" ,.. P.ltellit t lerltni. an eminent pit) i. 1 Abollt. fift V ditYcrent paterns• or stylen- • 11. Cuttlev, on the South by rand of Benjamin if.oha rlan of London, and I siarratitui to briar. out a thick let i cOl l _ 1 .), at and John hill , . and ottihe )feet by land of. John •of I, I sidered the Irent for use in nuirket. filio r rilati , &till Whiskers or a MustacheSlLVEß lb j i' j ul l :T:c 3 :141",. "":iii i .liq e . r : l ;p e Vten.l u n in c l e'.,a. b .7:rrlm in `..Tti 3 o7:,:, _ _,. ' l - PLATED WARE . - ' TABLE- CUTLERY & - , , • ar.d about algid lures Itnprot edr. Snit of A. Dunham . In fromth t me o Six week.. This article is thoonly onP 1 . . REA.D f RF t.l) I ' . , ~,,,,, i ed,:. 4- $ Ti. I), tvvrs, in. ?files I. Estu . s Mut I.: (lit of the kind.phed by the French, and In London and Paris i tnetuating, Spoons. Forl).s., ...„. . . 1, /..tu.. , it la in loth ers.d tine. I I ~ , it 4,•., C;;11:4 antiy , ; ell nanu. `Th a''fol,lol/eittg• li st . 4 ;lf p r i ces and be ~„„,,.i,,., NoTICI: TO pritc-n.‘sErts. -To pri neat niiii•ti oiler •Itis a beautiful. econotultallvoothing, )et stimulating 1 - - , tarithug, not icol•therchy given that ruche...T. at Sher- routpound, acting a if by magic upon theroots, anteing . - T ped that-von eanifuv DRY Gt)()DS. )6 r....der will brew:llly - et! to pay the amount hid at the a beantifat growth of litiuriarit hair. If applied to the.: . LAM. P ..'.i . . 2 - ,-,,,,,,,,,....".„, ........ d -GitocEftn,,,s, at ~...,!L.t,hagapVtltLm3l4.,. _and l e t i a i lb ,, er l int e e It l nA:t e ttr o '.. , ,i. a eg fo rtAe t p ,, %, : ~ scalp, it t % t e m ill i, es l L da re p b , a , l i d ., rl..l. l ;. ;le a r tid o c: t ftte o 'r i gri k r at n i , , r. up A l p a: A ~, - 0(..r. . a..? .1:- .44 , -... , -. ii" • forand Fluid, t Artety Kerosene .3/mo4'one-half thbir va Inv.. , , e....-c..pt is ra.4,, s'u' re the purclue , er it. a hen creditor and plied according to directionr.l7t still turn red or low) i , u , . ~_ . ~ ,ii i Mill. dto the food an provided in the let .croon of the hair dark. and rei•tore,rrav hair to its original eolor. lea.,i 'Milt sonic for Cainpliene, Oil, &e. I,:anii , net of .A..verubl, , approve•d April ;soh. Ibb,witielt tittle 101- ' ring It soft : smooth , and (text! In . The - Orterunt;! Irian Id' II.: —.. ~.6 and 13rinilies • for theta, 'D . •a 00 DS ,.- , . ~ „. , .., . .. ~ , 1„,,,,,_... wi,..,.,,rth” purrhar..r, of rent estate at Or , rudkpeneable article in Tore zentleinare,- toilet, and of- .s- intuit: l . . 210 - Yanlit filisterliiitta:ool," - 10 0,„ 'pilau,' court or Nhumrs sale, shall aPPC•as from the proper ter one v.-.1.'“ use the, %ou(d not for any consideration ' JAM!) and Candle Wick, *Candlesticks, isoovwftood rMatta. fastcolors. Di yds. for LOO C ( - o. ' l I. h: - entitled. as. a lien,ertalitor to ni'e'ce the ;'he: without it. ' I • ' 11111.1 and oil Dint erns, 1.111111) Sh:nies, &e. i p,y ) yosor i a dve m iti ,u rst a y ,: yart i f or . ~.: ~ ~,.. 1 . 00 ' , 1.1.,1.: ur att, purtion ..f 115‘ proceed, of said .alt, It shall ' ' The ruterertbery are the onl 'agents for the article in i • • ____ ___ rtanurithohm, wormet t elfrentr,ior,....,..• . „.., 01 berths dot) 'uf the Sheriff, Idtillnlktrater. l'aectdrir .... ,the Unibid Stater, to whom allorders must be addre•ta• i --- -- IleantillOlThaseindai; tymatokreentri g for. ,i. .15 1 Vdoritli k4t ot lel per.ou, making suciteale.l.. receiVr the rtweipt of ed. ' 'Ningle etilaifftellhaWla,i'M v " worth.: .... .... : 0,30 •ut li parrloti., ror partha.err fur the amount wittch in hr Price. One Dollar a box--for kale by all Druffclata and ' , 111ATERIALS FOR LIGH'Ita p,,„,.-we ateb i ,5,,,„, 4 ,,,,,, ~..r , ,,„...... . .... , 11; ion i'ley iiiatil arpear. from the record,aa aforesaid to be. en- Dealers ;or :a box of tbe - Otemenr twarrauted to hate i . bentuckysiona;prdyttnnlyeandonc•halfas.,'wort it ;;;, titled tonic , ' te : Provided, that this sectidri shad] not be , the desired effect) will beietto soy who desire it, by , Every kind ccie -a in this section of country, Dyer oats 5t0uitu5....,,Jr..2...4.. . ..... - .... ~. -2,-;;-, .0 enuKtrued itn to prevent - the right of slid Sht•riff. Ad mall (dirsc. ), securely peeked. on receipt of price and i - Brolalcloths,• 4 ooltoeste., rint i ii i ii in a t ,-- ~,,„,,p . , , minis Armor, ,F.xecutor. or Other person aforriald to'de• postage. $l - le. Apple to or addrosn 1 f best u. liticq at hitt = priceg, inelti ain oq. a • . • toga . c oo .. Tau * , iin gi A r t . ts , wo y - Woo, par. Wend and res . -Wye at thetimeof pate n an= imfficlent to ' . 110 It At 1.. L. lIEGEMAN & CO. • , cos Pr ail higal costs entitled to be paid out of tbe linseeds . • Druggists. &c., • - ' . 7 ,i. "-- - , 1 of said woe. and provided further, that to fore iii,, ritircha- 3l'vb I *y -91 WI liaut Street, New York. I I +1,317(1ieg,., (V e. ~.. _ _ ____ .._. _ ..,...„.. , G ItO OE ftIES. ' , . •I• ordrurrhas.ert. shall receive the benefit of. lid. spetion, ; liii or thee shall produce to theSherild, or other porson 143 : . , ~....-.. . .. ... . 1 I;eht New Orleans t4tigar liillr; fot f 1 0 ,, taaking stud sale, a tittircettilled statement fr i (II the prop- . PATENT MICA L MP CHIMNEY .1 . - . llAlll)Wiiik.. . ~...- ~, , ..... • . I • t . ' records, undia• the hand and official ;;;..Id of Die proper, ' ' t 'A. ...twill %.ssort meat, Nails, ticl•o t Butts; I;•••t WiliteCottee '&lgar, 1111)5. for t,on , r ~. cer, showing that he is alien creditor entitled to ro , ire anvpart of the rocemis of the toile o f • mid '• A Lain)) Chinusey-thrtt will'aot Break .I•• -. • 3:. ~t. (In:dity ' (.:itidtes - 1.2 I vela, pt-r lb.. - - r • , . y-' . i . ELIAS I . (AM .IN • ;•Vicillf ' Sere WS Bolts, Cintlets, Aik.,cren.l, 1104.8, - - I Trills great Int cation ,commends Itself to every one : T' _ tr ` • ' lii' l 1 I). 'lest Fift,. c en t T ea , -in th e c r j unle . 'lllontrmic March 1. 1861, ' . 1. -tuceto . ant a- Flat irons, rlatuniers, - • ~ . r v . : it lining COAL OIL LAMPIit it glees Lamplight. re. ' • ~...____. .o _,„„„„,_ _ 17- -...-- - - r- , - - --- ,--- -/- - - --- . quirst lesi cleaning, and will loot break by heat cur cold, 1 ~,e r ti ar i ng At lie l t i ite i, -,SEV, - , , , falling, or faly_Ordni t tryllaage. E. „Furaale by lison•keopiiri. I• ' rt.. above lissictust itionirineeitiverybOdrthat we trill •• .: 1 I Dissolution of. Partnership. •, , generallv throughout tbe r.' l 4 and thie Cluati.t., and - CheaPlit• than - the Cliiisplist. VOTICE is berely given ttat l the cd•partnership here- ; " h°"43le by the Mantitheturlt:ndP3tenteeP, R' , .. 11E1) .CO 'I)S. ,' I tine to n for,• tAlisting , between - , bY 1 - 'No "&t ' . A . Second - strea, Mill's. Clothes Lino!, Ainson, Chalk, and I:i.li luu viu find tab io N. 1. - POSTS - Welk prillittlg; Filth' i nd Milo of Steven. & -Tott istbie• dly thei•olYed 1 - ~ • -4 9 0 t Suath:of Boyd & -Irebster'S • Dardn'tire h • tactual comma. All persona indebted to said firm up. ftlt'ei *Sin Strit i 'Montirole, rd, •, „ ' r maimed to make payment , without delay to John Rich- N. IL A Urge andettPerlOr "9* aCa t 61 ' 1 t iCid il Lines, Fish !looks, &c. wilson.& Ha11 .,,,,, a „, Ards. and sat !• corn, .111 haviuk claimeare requested to . Z101:3101 A lpligai all' ays on Mud, at prices defyog Q 0m —_,_,.........,_.--- - . vv- , •• ptesetit theta also.to.3td „Tobn.litschanbi,- . l eg, nun. - so the Partlqint eclat 011, of manufacturers' . . 201011 t rose, 'March 24S t it. 2861 -'' •'. • ; ALEX. NTEYI: • .SS, • Prier. . "E • _snarl' 4w T T7l i lir ' Vittelon. March 7.1:161. • --4w 1 ; ROUT . TOD. _ • , L •• • ji• ()I I N IS W -1-71 , --a._S-4. , - I. rro (penalty iflN NIEDJUNI --- -- - 7- , ;r ----7 -; - --- - , ----- r --- --,-- . sd o ud s t r e t i inl ittoti ce A hull Stock, Veluding a, A F . . I • I• 1 AtTet'll Fictract ,of lock ROSO; - ' [fruit; of tulministratit7to Ole KotateetJoilua IV it Jugs &e. • PRAD. CD. !ABC & WE , _ . k , _ ____ Et ~... ~.. , fri I . , rjril rod E I• 4 7 ol4, atent . ze e tu yer ed. kno r r . or u ti m e_lrFLlLA, nud,ber kind ....... natio, lot,of Liridgewaur,doc'.,..A inky , / bums granted 0 ___—_-- - ' :' t° th r e ini e :eo bm tZ b t e o r" JtV=Plui b; ; 4 nieti t° t24 P ia e cli ta at e - 1 I)ity (3r001),. ?Larch 1. MI. .* - . CI IA S I "1 r _ L t u n g orn w thet a ine gli . in velb th unt "N d t 4n l Vo said N a r e rli en h t fl u D l V -sl a ke i A . hiriall 601.0-DROP - a 41411,1 N 3E41 WHEAT 5gP344j1544. 1 asLIKI.HALIeMij* Yoran*Ltid..•of Ilead•ocho " 0 . 1 •A • 1.. I IinOFAndIitEDICSI. For ..ile • ti • , ,11,11.:DWIN 4 AIA.P.N. Montro , ..t. -1 -- " -------- t - - - ' ---- ' I 'N.% Milford, Tub.'514280,1-et r JITIJA A,. cram. - . r il4d - ortment oi,Ststple .40,14.tuu5. iu forego by ri , - r -----,r--- ---- -- --- - - -'• - ------ "" - - ---- 114LOWN'S BILONCIII-11. T-ROCIJ.I.,' fur nunreetwoe. ,- -- --- -------"' -- 1 • T -- --- - - _ MEDICAL CARD . 'is '''• 4- f 4 ' l. " litlY ► airt"eal . klua":"I'. ' TAKE NOTICEI - 'AfIRRORS• • • A. 1 , • a &other Pa in Medicines in proportion. , .ts.dministi tor s . N,otice. ~ I,' , ,1 0 . 'OW riallig Clor, 37, 7):, Gradtltt.7 ;Nlnntroso. Marrif.`lBBl • 'ABEL 1.121tR1.1.i , , II oof the Allopathic:lnd tiuntßeoltsthitteontlo' orig. fi - - - 7 - . 1 4 .- - 'ti; ---- ' f- -- --"-- - ----`-'- - f ju rre ine Eß. n 4 te ul y, dec adrnln ka lenls o o tta i n uri to o t vk bok h la v e tn e x ot blni nre. s L in y tt d ea L4 i IHr:would ret urn lilot atuttPro thank. to OP pktuple ot t.t -480.4,,1 4. 1 ~,,,. mari.-1,,. Wood and Gilt Pramos, *,.. - ' : C a bi lia nio'llp eltr — . Fit — i. grin , 11u — ikrat, fut ITOTA I:.•[Maud tl• ont ,- , for tit- t'ers in...r0l ilatrottaget %lib Xcerosen.e Caus,,phesies 'Mid. ~, • . .I.unt. .1 good a.sortuolit oX Loather aud Boat and -s. AIWA, TITRRELI,.. i temithedeatattlwr.ilnigged•prestilti4:4l::?,lZemedemr:.6.-aisaigsmitthoae 1 • Indebted will ;mkt. imint•dlate po,,mnt to , ni,ll tin , has •14,02,41htt5t- c And behope t t bra tartrt Jt ' , . • ,•• ' _ , s Mutes nottatantly on Lund Milt. , Tanucry, ti., Shop An .non tr...,50, I)ec. 20 . th, 1 , ,F61). mil noi RN 0 ‘h.l.l)' Itintiort ' 'J... t t•-num to butilint.. 1 , .: :in r.l a I.l.eititl +barn of thil pub:j. 'IN tit pur. , t anet-Og t ',lade in be found in ust, intrkt t , 'itatit Ftrett - .1 i'. ,` _ ' •._,: D, t • t r tnott :^:4. !•";. 4 ' 'Az' 4 0, , con band and fur .0.'31 't IIIRELI::-• 2 4 16‘ , ) ,, r., ...1, 1 .rdlt- A 1- I LEA' ';': :l i'...._'(..uttl.illtied id .1. Turrelr- 1: , 1 t:vininn li3rN:d. • Marin , Itt , irilt .%• ROW • it& . 1 1101111011,11 I'l`llll ta ittfilifikt7ip tr J-1 4 -..--,rit4 .. 4 ,4 . , - , -:•,.. ...--,,,,. • , -,r, No* - 9 4.145 , '6leftbe i ,'9ol(.."rgit4it ii,d 9! t;tt,:, ' s i t,iietOittA)iis *,, 4 .- 4-:‘,.. i -..i '-.. ' ' ' '-- - .~nf.: • 4,,}. G ~.:.,,t , _,.. .... I -' 1 • et r. . . • , • , .. , 1.1111111,1 .ticarr:y47nied -'•.• • , t ' tl. i l l trtratiii* ; r. Prima ato'Tiirtisiart Wi lli ts. • • . - V A. arian's;')lialf. patterns and price... , ... _ L. 0011/14 —Cor.il liecklaCes asd Armlets. • Alcitier, coral. 1 . TRIMMING 5.,. .....,. ,-1,....,,, Rill, Steel, and l i pty Read& -. . libel! Combs —A ittadi id shell twit and side I :::. 11 1I W %NS L IRGE (t, COMPI,EI'I , ' ~ .r • ' , r 7l, ..c...1 A r. . i .... „_..„4,.......,.., 3 ;,...„...;;:,._ Combs, also Buffalo. urn , ivory, and Dressint Combs, ' ... 4 , 7 . ' . ' . , Hair and Tooth Braidtee , ,lcte., etc. - itricr 43 ,.. m . 5es cib .. ama x ariza - . ! - . CO3II RISING , - • ' l li ll ica r " u ln itri Rti tt" tib b errtli °° ten . ther4l"rusixe* Chen b e‘ eatt i" ife illc iusa °" nel: . - . . . dee:s ' ... ig0..2 0 . 111 Fellows Ball, Dinglistutvei. i 1 . 113 4 kli Ni rilime,w„ 'anti '• i" ~1,4— ‘ 1CT1.,- ) . ke , ri NI 7 - ..' I - "' -Lt. 3 A. G .. _T r , • PORTRAITS ? : PORTRAITS ! . : - - • T4*i f. , V I - ST' ';' - - ^ d- - . --". - '-- .. . , • - .... • I t., _ , e ...... ! ....., :irTIVING Instruments idipteif to each Part (mist' case. . . . . , ix I. wet:, previewed to 'cutest!. the meet dilEcoh teeth, Int A itl3.lSitifiNlEN - Tri T.'S Tit i.:. • , lit e pis op•4llli anew ' '" i and with the aid (lan Electriting machine, isincb we Lisia.a.,,A 64.1. mi • BRICK . BLO(1 . K.1 ..",,-.'_ - ed. ili colors and shades, ..=tll% , "rprg,g;;,".. " have, eiteentlypurchaded in :few York. o(7mm - do tuo.t OW patient experience S p PAM , . ... , . ..... TUBE gilder:aimed haiiiN . taken the 'Rooms! formerly t ilk i v i 1 .&It l i I E % , e r ,' c , z; gu. .•] , . ..••••• •-•- . I wettpled by W.ll. Dr t .t. S,ls now prepared to furnish i 11, .. ir- =a' ab , , 1 . "v• ull.nho may dealrc witha good and truthful Portrait. i • Being well poeteilin th 4 production of the yarrous kinds i . • . of PleturcFbrtll4l.lay.l ilk iter mwelf that my work !snot excelled by any Millis reictlon el the country. • Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the :13IBROTTP:Fr. l'Itol'001?.APH, 11 t:1,41.1r0TTP.47, SEILLOGRAPII. Locket ii'lcturea down" o Um simlle,t sized miniature fling. Trinsfil - red Arab r types ,—the finest (bldg tint, for sanding by Poet to any p rt of the World without - extra Postage. Air Picturesarbold: eigerowyand expregalve - not timw faint, lirelee • shadows s oitott ttild about the country. Pictures taken lu all kinds of weather, equally well, except !lieu. , of you g ch il dren. No picture nod be taken unless perfect . bail faction is giten. - ..l• - .• I 'ln dreeelug for a plot e, avoid light colora;—such as blue. purple, scarlet, pink; dd. -Molt others take.welkaa green: bluff:red: snuff. brown,•cirmige,syellow;ktd.' '• ic' Remember thatplace to get your " picture" Is iii the flick. !thick, ocer "' lead, Watrona X looater'a atom. vo N . EW ' t J: B. lIIIAZIORTON. ti nt:rise, Pfil..Nh.-1814). .. . . ... ,W;T.tlin t roitiVa i r 9c .r )l igoVl, ll r ° F°ll ' s et l id e c r ti l tr !till! _ ... 0u it 5 . E . 0,...(72 ,.... 4 ., ~ _ , . ~ter, up - old mote and dead, fro:en troth , salts to make OF .. ~. • them., :04 1 11 ; •. . . • • DONIES"fI.Cji'S ii:-. • ... AITA - Y: - 1,. N - ' it l i: , . . - • - .IF Any t.:trL.l) . or Tinyoll fang tionotrithhtriteTiiars ( 1.. k .v... v .n 1 y, trikTrpyr. A i tx . o i l l ii , r" I Itir money win he orilanik^d or the fillingreylsted. " ~ A ' - 'Y . . ..!.. . ff! . . 747... A. .' ... , ... . ... : .All ??ate work done Kirthrtotily, or no pay rryuirori. ' iftlitirr'"lllf:-.PIII ... Good : Wavy Sheefings, 6 - • to .448...pi•r y'tl I'. • Air ' 'Tett Best' Ileavr - 64.5ultipgs,;Ailliicie , 'Pr ''`l ' :1 11 g 1 ' 145)N t;wt .in egl i italiehn P.r .°4l9°°4 'ra do 1 1 l DENIZeIS; 4 ‘., - .04440 t3A.o 121- Liet . its".per 'yard . et Montrone.. ntirtuirr hat r elid l l ungri l e poo o f" . s pars TlClClN • 'lr,e;m..titi--to r 115 cOts 'per yai .a, i , Den ea Tract too. ...„...... _ .. •i , Gl.l•;;GlllllS,.friirli`lo tl 4 l 'l5 eta: per -vanil l a nttraftte ' l t% •en;e. -"" cirj " t. 3 r -14114°1r ud. C.II,4IOOESi fun 691.tirs,- 121 yrtrds ut4"a.l ii:Co.4rN,tulaiiirove Mirk Illocti.'dier tn:e Bank ; • tent% -- --4,,oost:ll.4.4trrktit hON. Moutrobe• M r'. lleM,MelltillitftOkY.:),o ftrari.iiitly 41 . ' ' • C e . itCY • tr".tC o 33. $ E3E1,47rtE514 .- ~ i': 1 Lin IN. & LEN ,_ • A i..4toiet'artie/e, only 12 . cent.s..- 2, '. f 1:-....•:-: • : ,4.,:.• ,i , . e ....• .. .; .;.,', .......; • .. . . .. . ' . .unaor xontroso iloxoe,ratAnvict c Past' Stiwil Spring Skirts, . ARK itEVEIVING ..- - ; ~.._,... _, _., •_,.< • .- nice • .Prealt Groluid Wpotern7r.LOUß A let-- t selling:ttt .41 et*. tier A•Prittg. :..t'. • . . -: -, - . .„ , .1 , - , every 110 days. whtthwo o. weird tortirouttoNitr o r t ..ncerdWorknad otborJewoh7 ' ' • - - --" ' ' rn. - , • ;! so a ny it m arka t if not goad roturatd Maur oxyeztart. Me:. ' W...ii7 GOOfti warranz• I Ladies , Elazoliy- woolVoati slid ' : ' ..i , ' •. Dramir re - ..Feed..:. ,al4 :t.UpkwlMat.•-.410ur,. not Or en' trr",,,o re'POrtn: ot " - ~ - . • . . .. weer dercription:l 1 twE•Bawn.A.BLEN". . - t * l diot. 0t.30114144e, l'hil'a. „ . .QL., -1 4 - 1 - TA si ,r.ex .•.,,. . • . . .s. 7 .• • 3 ; DX lin: tioA,D,'lllAttitEl...,ile . . , , 0;0). . • :WOOL HOSE. - SALT.j- i ' fsj"D:‘'Pl6l l l( LAMBS.... _ . ~i,.... , - iHAßis,,isuyi , Cured .: ;L -,, • i . -• 1,841116.1)41111414Z10N1LM2.13M1A% ' . 3 . • ' .'' . k; Tiled Beet I • ... . ' 0 --K: 4l : 4 __.. j i- -f. '- • , ••'..)9olliii - latOst St-164 . &iy., , Ait.e . •- - . - ' -' . Siaokoa Halibut a emivaniuwrinsolny sEy•D . : ~.. .: •,-, .; .... ,-.;• •.;-.,.. -..-- .- - ..:.. • -, - - ~- . ~ " ILSORItryt New Milford. . -'L •. .t ;".Diitindlrrnpa, • tititltkfili'toribenetnercoas 4vlstuUers fo,r,,kohisses . • '' . an d_ &v ats .... . . . the . g.V.lli'roe . ...pit rettaf.Te. him It:141, )t , ar, .• 7EA,5 ‘ .....:..0.61•Atiii.; . s picks, )1T respectfully, sT4ie,it a eoutittunee Att * -. .: . RRoom s.. ../ND .. 5 .. , 1 n5 , ,- .„ ,„, the. %war: ' ' - . . - A • ...! . ;eeittrti we offer lot lial at Low 'p r ier% far BLOT: P.ty ( ‘l 4 • • -• r .. , 1.N1.Y. . 6itttobtrn: loLtubauln, Iv c q., j._ ~ 011110... ,11 na*I. 14 . 411 t , .• A l T.l, '..,,:: i __ _. M t.r h arrtl,i.ork cr l'o.tod ' y v ,-,:r....e .r.: P•':e. , :!.e' ~ . , : '.1.4N . _ : VET 1: would reepeCtrul y-Inforot t our - and the yontilc gene aklytha we ulertiratore and &rel. tOtoleNtle arid IV at the lowest' erodr pritos. a large and vary choler) of - Watches, Jewelry. Silver r%cry variety , and aty Er ery . deseriPtion of 11 made to order, at short 13 ato fre at represoioi: ft.--Ta/tlentai atfel Watrhoe and Jeweltr,. of __... . .. . 1, 20 ,• - 1 - 1 , ,, AEI , f c c•l. it . .-• NEW . ..MILF0111) , Bluff ;3, .a. , iaststunorivicucotatitice. 51. rf. DAY • -•:}rep 4;:.,.. 7! ....._. ......Zz.i..!............L!. .......• ....:......7....:......_.....i................,:--- .. .. . . Cutat St WatGr - St A I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers