AT MINOR WI CW 2ad Dociß ABOVE IS CLPORD'S.- BE PUIRLIC generalitare tnfOrracd that a FREE Ex : T 111BITION In giVro at all hoary 'Otter day, or NEW GOOD Sof all aorta, ail: Drees Goode of Summer Prints, Poplins, Challis, Lawns In pattern, chap BtsbopLawns, Brilltanta,.Book, Bard, 4acunetts and Strh.e Latiltm' Collura and Slaves. MAUI', 'ataraeneo, Martens, Pund tam Faults, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Summer ticttiT, Dente Shirts, Cotton Drawing,. eullare, Cratats Neck-Sire, and Stiependent. A new and Write hit of v .. ' LEATHER - WA RE, met as Gents Pine Cali Bootw—g like heart an*. 11„.1ht Sham Splendid Ladies Wires barna to 18 'Wino warranted to St . White, Brown, land Black 11081EILT. Partied* null Euthenist .Band Boxes and Verk -331,11.1 1 11ar1ag Fluicl and Sperm, Adamantine and Tallo* Candles, Brace and japau f ,d Linters, wash ,Boarda and Coffee 31111 a, weak Braabee, Bed Cords tAJI feet Inv. whittled mad enrinu mutes pine, Pine and CEDAR P on &PILE oT PAISIZaT iltVLOSTSltnitto or averysirleti.ittuouguideb Lie 'hew luta Cora &arca tutimluus.Puddblesu'reum Tagtar.SodiAtarch sai v na u , vougor 011..usuoto mak Mack and Scotch ßunt and lint et thlngs width won't do to road about, but Orme to adt, examine aid toLt about. Wear* rtiuty sad trill*. to show Good L% rem tbotp% tbej mafitot suit ; and tbuutml for mall tutors. - C. TYLER. 1 CT& buys a bottlent_tbe Mar Tank, It as suoblturever - ithook .TILLIWS.' IMITROSE, 3lay9tb, WM. • FALL STYLES NOW READY At Great Bargains!. • FOR READYPAY AND SMALL • PROFITS! lABURRITT, laths "Original New Milford Shawl and IA • Dress Fooparinea," is now rtveiN in a Large and CIIOICEOTOCK of FALL AM) WINTER G- ( 1) -0 P , ellidlicg • irmat variety of themes - eat and beet styles. of Dress Goodly Stun*la, Meade loth di Wittier Stara, se.. with a large aaaortatent of other • S%pie and Fancy. Gooacls, as usual, to Cmorrits, Civet - cm nardwarc..lron and titee4 Nall& _Stare& Drugs. Paints. 011 A, fluid. Boon., Roca, Cips. Clocks. earpttlr.g. Floor Wall Paper, Painted and Gilt Window Shade , . a large Hui. of Kerosene Lamp suld 04 rutaiim...s:,.. also Furs - and Buffalo Robes. of The entire 60c1:being large and botzla for CiA:4l, and largely burn MANUFACTURERS and rtio , r 11!NDS. Aill ITC superior opportur.ttiett for choice F.elvrtiona and luw•down prices. and will bo nn the trioq favorable terms for CASH. PRODUCE. and to Prompt six•Montbe' Itnyei.s. An examination of tho Gq.“341, and Price, will he found peofitable to thorn who wish to buy. FLOUR AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND: . New O:V7W-or. 1:01. ARE YOU INSUtifiD S. Q. 33=..a.c1izr..mix.aav repeivin,: application. , for Itanrancv in the follow. ingrotapanit,: Wyoming INSURANCE Company, • WILKES-BA lIRE, Pa. Charter .PerpetuaL Capital *10,0,000. Surplus e. . . f. 7,000 Orlllinized .Yorember 2d, .A. I). ISZ,7, inizEcTorts G. M. RoDenback, D. G,Drierbacji, J. T. Dennls. John Rrichard, David Morgan. Chas Dorrsnee, Satal Wadham.„ R P Lame. Wro S Rolm, L D Shovautker, Geo P Swele, . 11 d Hoyt, R, C. Syrrit. Seey. . G. M. 11OLLESItAC7. Prret. SITIILING. Trr..cor. L. D: Su"I:3IIASZEI: riCt Prel. ETNA INSITRANdE COMPANY . . . . Hartford, Connecticut. raid np C.apltsl . ...... .......... ... Atsrts, 2,191,100 NORTIIEIEV FIRE S LITI AsstaANcE CONIPAI'q - No. hAlooigne am -4 Londan. ' Capital, sG,ZtS,ooo.......nraral Ra value. $1.000:000. Wi GETTY. Agent. PhliaraPhia. .CONNECTietT .mtrru.tir. LIFK INSIITANCE PANT of Llartford, Connecticut_ AccumuLated Capital • t..^..a70,ci0il 00 Any one wishing their item Insured will do a - ell to call Ind examine their mode of insuriul, and their rates. which Arc better titan those of ane other company, before taking Policies elsewhere. h. P. BLACKMAN. • cc 9 '6Ol Office over Chandler & Jcsrti a store. • .• "•:,f • -:) ./j • FIFTH STREET PITTSBURG:P.I 1E340. Chartered by the LeKislature. volt, ARty sou, STUDENTS, from almost every State :LI in the Union, havebeen educated for business. being the only College of the kind In the United mate. conducted by an experienced merchant. Our 4ruitor Principal, Wm 11. Duey, Imapist been :Ma r• eV& by our State . and other Faire. Eight Firer Premiem, for BIIIiiIICFS & Ornamental Pentnan.hip, over cumin:rite r= called the best penmen in the country. Samples of hi:‘ Drutinens and Ornamental Writing., a circular of 611pag,s. and an elegant engraving. mailed, poet paid. on receipt of N cents in stamps. For Palo. by book-idler& ilarper'e Enlarged Edition of DUFF'S DOOR KEEPING. mance, $l6O. anardetSfour .511reelVediats, and sanctioned by the chamber of commerce and Amerimminst irate of Nen York, as the best publitlnd Dcnr .t, Dmicatee new and elegantly engraved School Copy Books. six numbers, 24 ram, tine cap paper, et per dozen: Demc edition. $1 per dozen. .3. FL Li ppinemi S Co.. Philadelphia: W. 0. Juhu,ton 1111,burgh. -DUN CAN'S GEMS of Bnalneas and Ornaraental Pen- IntuatiP, Crown paid from the r9ll‘ge. $5. • Address: . • P. DUFF .t SONS; Priacipals. Vir"Buy yoUr acholmahip In town. Collegett that send them abroad, cannot selrthem at Mime, thcfare :known. • nor '4 • Mrs. L. J. BIXBY ,' HAVING jugi retnmcd from New Ybrk with a choice.. bciutlful,-and extensire assortment of Fa 11n a ein t,r - Nl3 Is ready to Punish the Ladies of 3/ . .3ltreoc city. With FASHIONABLE BONNETS! .ss good and As rich tut can be purchased ittnvlkrre. She keeps the very mimed goode„ such as cannot •fail to plea,e — the most dtdittalt.',`Prires ery rtmsonable. • The Loditst are invited to call and ersmine her Goods. ••• tZ ROOM! oppostte Mott's Saloon. {second floof:1 Main street. 'Montrose, Pa. CHA_NGE. THE S IL BSC F SBER, NG t BOOKS.,.ANOITAITIONEIII • L.OPMERLY owned E IVI.LARI). take. thi. 1: method of informing- ilaue eiho fr—h• the painlx,. "I lint the god: , has ttaln bean I...mortal to tlo• otfl taatot below the, 0.123.0e5, , alwre he twill be moot happy to Rini upon thoett who may liter blm with a 411. ANY BOOK • Pr/SLIMED rtrr.dia print, ran be obtained by IPat n 7. :czar order.. with the prier of the book and pribliher*F tame at the d.rh> nu; article in the .• Itoolz and Ntittionery" NEWS : OFFICE. lI— ARPERT... Goders. Lealtr'a. Petemon's. .plant or any of the popular Magazinta,nr 'lllO nay. paze n r,Weo•kly. 111;renry, Clipper. nl.l all Oat: Illuatrated .f . ..1x.n. t..ale. mr , / bay orpplied. 59 3 00 L BOOKS -1111 the old and CDTMIBOOKS—A very 'lino assortment; I .!:—"rip top articleof American. , GOLD PERS-Ye Fine ones , Ladles & Gents.' . PElrlivrE w. Rarrison's and others. - • • . A n d !V S XE A C74I62eXA, and / 111 rotiFtrar to s t r o e v ., to . your hderma" and tute to my own lotto, evldentiv. .. Eilallar MOirrltOiL, PA, Srptembrr Ifit, stts63.--tt DAILY MAIL rtoIm:BETWEEi MONTROSE I FRIENDSVILLE. riOACTIES carrying math! and pasaein_•ere' between :Montrose and FitendsrMr, wM leave tietuies 110 t• I. I. Montrose, daily, at 2 o'clock:. a. "m. atutleal'e Friend,. 'Me at 3 o'clock. tL - • la"Morsett and - carriages ran he proeurki at the Livery or the einbscribarin hlnntrase, oy moo:lank trai , . -Nontroradag. - 1.8. 1800. tr J. D. ovoznsTx. STILT ? ON THE ?HMS! FARE REDUCED. ONLY 15 'GENTS! BETWEEN MONTBOSt & MONTROSE DEPOT Tll.E.ReguLaryall tine will etarrttws,roze rs b e i wet , tb e e Om peaces tiettbe elm of to trim., or lens. Paariengere will be called (Drat their noillieureei by loar , irt l heir names at the Penettnilew or at the 1. mitt i btager learetbeFratildia flour.. at G 3. ea.. eine e precisely. - J... Tim:HI:IL A., at. Girard Eetr:e , • • I k e , i. y o,Yro,ro_! - 10 MMERCIAV COUSOE• • tqaOtel over the StuNtehenat'age ftat. BINGHAMT.ON. .y. FACLIVITt D. W. LOWELL, Prineipal, Xioressor of the : 4 tience of Acconnts, l'racticat Accountant. Author of I.owell'a Treaties isPea-Mook , Kt ing. DiSgranim illuitrating the awe. Jetta Manny, commercial Annnitataldi Prater r _ of Hook Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. CURTIt; Aimistse.Pridessoi in;the 1206 k .Keeping Departnient... , 1 • A. J. Wanniit. Professor- 'of ‘Traettial and Or riarnental •Pentnanahip; Commercial Catcula. ' tions•rnti Coreespendenee. • • Ilon. Daniel Lectnrer on Comincr. -dal Law anti Political Econntny. flaleom. Lettnier on Contract*, Promissory Notev and Bills Of Exelionge. • Rcv. Dr. E. Andietes.--Lecturer on Commercial Ethics; EXAMINING COI ITTEE t . . . Hon. Slic;rtnan PhefiA, Win.ll..o6born, Eaq.; Tracy It Morgan, ; • -. The obket of this College is to afford to all an opportunity.of,obtaining a thorough Bnainoa Education. . The Booke and Forma are carefully arranged by prarlict,l - fterotstittnts raptea . :lly fur thisin utitution.miti embrace all the recent improyo ntent?i. . The course of instruction emnprises ever department The learner will he thoroughly . laught the-science anti practice o r Double Rtitry Book.Kceping As applied to the ollowing kinds of kusiness„ viz; General Bier • ` llantifacturing, Bankin s g, Ctititmtx rionr teamboating, Railroading, ForuArding. Freiglitiol. , , Foreign Shippirtg,'fze. - • 17.01:7 1 10111F—N t 'an qualify themptelres In a short time, at this •Instit4 Una, to all important and lifenithre I.ltuatiuns. .Imp s la .n.t.•renees can be given 'Whipe wr:uinates of I' are now rable !..itnations ff - fth salaries trona s:s.le to $101.9 per mwdut.,_• Th.. Proprietoes are in 110! , PeSSIO0 or testimonials from outs of the Itr.t Coma:fen-la! in the State,-ttiwhoM tbi.v have furnir.hed hook-keepers. -bowing their entire ati..faetiup andsontalenettlin the ability of the graduate's or thik lustitutiOn In'all Its branches. tanght by the mictst skillful \and thor buzlt nitat.tet , of the art. No College in the country tip Jays a higher reputation in s thHtt department. Ladles' Da. part:mint entirely eeparate! 'from that of thegentlerarn. Student. , can enter at any time. No vacationS. TirAc to complete the Ntrse, from'ti to 10 weeks. Stu dent", passing the stunittite examination arc pre acted with the most elaborate and elegant, engraved Diploma issnedtbyanyieommerclal , or Classical Institution In the Union!, A•ststance rendered to graduates in procuring sittevtinns. I For terms of tuition, prim of hoard, tertimonials of graciush.s adders the proprietors for eircularecoutamlng full particulars. ' - LOWELLR WARNER, Proprlef ors Ringhatiitob Commercial College, `6o.—y Biughaniton, N. T. HORATIO OARRATT,.• Dorll4. in 1 , 101 7. lid GRAIN - GROCER IES, PROVISIONS, DYE iir Of - Staple I3RUGS, WOODEN and STOP , : WARE, ALL A*LVD S of Hot-sEicEEpi-HG- ARTICLES tf.• NKEE ! 0 • • N'OrIONS CiENERAL.—one door North.Of Rurniiries iiolcl, Xewifilforfl, Pa., OULI) be itleaned to see all his oldfriene i a V.IY I and many - new'on.ti at his NEW Stor',e frmltiag the DEl l Ol',. where he is, prepired-t show them usu e h of the above srtic es, as Nei.: Milford has long :flood in nerd of. , '• of trade his as many advantages a's dlyisidn of 1at.0r. 4 Any-man confining himself to and breoeb of business, giving that branch his vt Dole C'a'pital angi:attention can keep a bettdr issortinen - ..jay cheaper , and CIIRAPEft than it the nainz means and tiro µJI employed it: a trade., If you dent think,so. cap on the; gulmeriber and he conVinced._ The sound nritunide of. • • 1 SMALL fRDi-11 . AND PROMPT PAYMENT, wilt 4 s..trir4ly- slithered to. ' 13aStdr and oti4 Prndupe forwarded to.Noc Vi.t.k to one of the best er?narnia,ii'm hon , es in the City, and protniii p!f:.nints gna6ntced. ' t I { - 110RATI0 GARII.ATT . .;4 - Ne 4 14Iford, Stsq. Cio:Ta..,April,lB6o -y. i ' 1 !MORE NEV(ARRANGEM'ENtS o- F R. IMO. i i GREAT• -ATTRACTIONS I AT THE ; • FOOT or aukintsTnEET., rilti . E extensive Funitere Establishment - tit JL having been befitted and; gient4 intlitlived, the ,proprietoks respectfully I=moot:co td the citizens of Metitiose and viein itv'thSt thcirdre constantly rnakiti,g and keen en. ; hand the LAitGEST and BESTlamortaient yf TIJRNITURE • —I - ' A: 1 'To bet: s ound tit the Country. , 1 - f !.. . . Weigive On following . list-of4ime of the ar. tioleg 'i'ullie4' jive will sell at „, Bally reduced iwiees,; for Cann or READY• P/iT:j- • i Iluri.ou., Wiilnut or Mabogan)t, with gless. (tom $16 . 6 $35. - ' ' i .Eari . ..ans Sip marble or brbratelle tjo vs. front $lB te;i-, P 2 4 1, '.And a large assOrtMent, from si, $lO. 1'72. 14.A6 - $18..• . : 1 i • Wald: Stanits,Card Utands,Corirralici Squarp Stand;, of all },varieties and prices,ifrom 75 cents to tenidollatsi - r 1 , .. Desks, Divans :rowel Racks, Peontools,ollq trams, toun.T,rec, az e. • Cenrre, Gold, l'ii,r, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen, and EitensirutTables. - 1 ChairsC4ite and'Wood Seat?, Rockers—i- Cn,•,;-}14,! 4nd Wot d Sent...,.ofi every varlet . ). and stile.. '1 1: - . Sofas, te6• fi- tetos furnished at short notic ,l at' Neii., - . York inices.. N. 11. It4a..tly made corans:o4 hand or - fur. niNhed i t et slifrt notice..—llearses always et; readin:ess when' desired..,.. ' Wek.vlplO3,l: none but CArtr.ret.-and flx - rEnr r.s.MT:niW,,ek its. We intend to do our Wortn V'cr.r, - , , , and iwit in•as Lou as it carf-he afforded% ti '. '[ - ...- W...W. SMITH, i _____ T'lT,'ll.l.lttleanic triATLT:::laidnirhedgtTledy : hating Surattaded the so taTietil "Cline," "Arinnatic." (•ordial. "Ateflicsted," -" Schnapps," etc., le now en dorsed by all tlie prontleent physicians, chemist and con. noittecort. as toilislzig aII thine =now medicinal t i it le} WWI% aiid neetic)trbidt belong to an OLD an 4 t PT . RE aIN. Itut.ttp in qeart bottles end sold byall Deng.. gist.. and Ortteersii etc. A. M. BININGEn &Cs,. p nill - 2.] Sole Prciptietors. • • "ill YI " E • No. 1$ Beoad Street. 1"„1 For %KU. at Tiirretr it Dreg Store liontivige. _ . .141 F PA- . li EMORIALF- ' I WOULDN'T TAKE' A WORLD FOR i l THIS; a lady reinatki-d. to us' a day or two since, as . a ki - ' • A i ,. r xhibite . le portrait of awooly - eluld;gone: io the . •'Spiiitiland:" which was one - of - '! rur3eraag E r • .• .: :, . "Howl alictuld regret It, bad I not seetire4 Ibis of that dear one." Sri .thought we.; ;The, laved opea-nre not always r. - ith'its. andkhile we eau tall 618171 mini, every 0 11i . .;f1.1,a1d : (Pi4lll - ei.1111. - h a memorial :`ispecially ....! c , i1.. -,. .Ft :11 !brae-them po t ritlifully-ta4n isi - _that .43.:e c , 61; Irtikt. A it. 'lsrp MIS, 61 . niti ! .L. k i.i:m-) 1 'l• .1.0 , 1, , !, . t la -f4:O, LECTURE7IS •PENMANSIIIIi r A4-4 0163414,11' c - CURL - ce Nervousileadite,he mk CURE 6C. . ras - iehe • Dv trio nee of these PMs the periodic attacks of .Nerroui or Sir!' Hoodoo/Soma,. be prevented ; and If taken at tbe, comnieneemeut titan attack, tonnedlate relief from pain ' ; and alekneas will be obtained. . _ „ „ Thee sektom fall in removing the Abeam and Headache,: to which females are so imblect. • They act gently upon the bowels,—iemoving Costitimers.! For Literary Niti, Students. Dello:fate Females. and all! permins of *clattery Addis. they are venial:dean a iaxatire.: improving the appetite. giving tone and vigor totter diger. tire organs, ,end "'catering the' natural elasticity and strength of whole system. The CEPHALIC ( puts are the result oficing inveett mitten and carchilly conducted experiments. hating beer" In use m nv yearn, during which time thee have prevented end reltevea a vast amount of pain end 'suffer - log iron* Headache, whether, originating In the nerroics system or) from a,demuged state of the stoma. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and aymbe taken at alliimes with perfect safety without caskJ mg any change of diet, maths . atom& clany ditooreesrbli taste renders it easy to 'administer them to children. Beware of Counterfeits. The ganttine have live alignaturea of Rena• C. fipaldlng oneactt box.. • v• Sold by Dm=lsts and other Dealers in Medianea A box o ill he sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the . PriCie au C2023:0111. orders should he addressed to IfiCNRY lIIPALDIN,G, • rasl tt Bch 48 COdkr'Strtet, New York. THE rcx.Lowino mcnORSEMUNTS OF CEPHALIC PILLS, A'11.1: fONVIscr. ALL wnO. AUFFi•]E• FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN:IIIMR REACH As these testimonials icerc nnsolkitcd'hy 4ife Spalding, they afford utrylestionable p;oof of (he effiCaey of this truly scientific disrovery.. . , Ifitomett.t.c, CoNs., Feb. S. Mr. SPALDING. ; I DID: , ~ I hare tried your l'otialle Pi l s. and .11i4 , 4 fhtm so wort that I %mat yon to send-me #Y Worth mote. ! Part or theroe are for the neighbors, to whoM I gave a fevi ont °fate ttn , t box I got from yon. .• Send the Pitta by mall, andoblige " • - Your ob't prret. { , , JAS. KENNEDY: C. Six&lSiniir I wish you to iwud me one more hoi of your Cepholici PI11,;; 7 harereeeired a great deal Qr bm.:filfretti Mem. I Yours, respeetfully . :, ANN STOIKUOrSt. Spruce Creek. Huntingdon to., Pa., Jan. IS. •' 11. Spalding. rilr Torfolll plelise send me two Wires of .lour Pills. Send them Immediately. • Respectfully yiuirs, ;MO. B. SIMONS. P. S.—/ hare used one bo ry your Pills. and . / tut Men erAEen t. Delle . Verno,n, Ohio, Jan, ‘2.•;. C • Henry C. Spaldinr, F•sq. find enclosed twente-tlee Cents, for which penti um another box of your Cep l halle Pills. They are truly -the hest pills I have Over tried. ' - Direct " , STOVER, P. X. .• Bells Vernon, Vyandot county, Ohio.. Beverly, Mass., I)er. 9. R. C; Spalding, Eso.• , I wish "for some rnrculars or large show bills, to hithg your Pills more particularly before my customer's. If yon have anything of the kind, please send them to me. • One of my CIIMOTTIerP, who is subject to a severe rick headache, tumidly lasting two days). was eared Or an at -1,14 in t'in hour by your Pills, which F sent her. Respectfully yours. W. B..WILKES. •• . • Reynoldisbnrg, Franklin Co.. Olio, 1 ' January 9. illmry C. Spalding, • No. 4n Cedar street, 5. T. • Dear Sir: inclosed find twenp•-ttec cents, (25.) for which fend me box of - coPholic,pllig." birectjo Rct•. Wm. Fillrr, at Iternok!shunt, Franklin county. tMlo. roar Pills work like a charm—cia-e Headache almost instant r. ly yours. Wm FILLER. Mr. Spa Milt!, 'Sin long since I. rent-to you for a box of Cephs3le Pills for the cure of the N'ervona Headache and Costiveness. and received the same„and 'lliexlind to good an elect I era+ induced to send-for more. ' Pleas' send by return mall. Direct to At R. WHEELER. . .. , . Ypsilanti, Rich. 4"rom the- Examiner. Norfolk, Va. C..phatic Pitleaceomplish the object for which they 'were made, Nix.: eure of headache in all its form& Front the Examiner,' Norfolk, VO. The¢ h*te lx:en tested• In morelhan a thotukawl• ease!. *with ratlrr. .Ftom. the Democrat. St. Cloud, Finn If von are; or have been troubled with the beadachc,! Reza fur a box of cephalic pill., so that Ton may have them In care of an attack. Pions. the Adivrtiser. Providence, R. I. ,The Cephalic I'lll ore said to be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache ; end one of the very beet for that very frequent complaint which has ever been dip covered. From th? Western R. R. Gazelle, Chicago: We heartily endorse iir. Spalding, and his imeiralled Cephalicp rills. From the le - alley Shit', .Renntehtt. Ira We are rare that persona sufferin,t'kith ., the headache who try them, will stick to them. I.'ront the Path Finder, Sew Orleans, La Tr, tbent! you that are Seicted. and-we are sure that , tria — teMisriony can be 'aided to the already numerous list that has received benefits that no other medicine cap produce. From the. St. Louic Democrat. The iminense demand tor the ardele icephallt pills) is rapidly increasiug. From the gazette, Davenport, lowa. • . Air. Spalding would not connect his name with an ar ticle be did not know to possess real merit. . I . Front the Advertiser, Providenee, R.. 1. The testimony in their faroris strong. 'from the' moat respectable Quarters. From the Doily Yews, NetePporl, R. ;.T. Cipli*Pili are lakS tig the place of all • .rl9-.11 Ilingle bottle of BfULDING'S PREPililin GLUE will =sotto limoslt, wet sPALDI.XG'S., PREPARED GLUE! SPALDM:G'SPREPAREEt 6LUEI .SPAOING'S PREPAIIiIYGLI7I.".! SATE. THE PIECE!, 1:C031031T ID/SPAIth pgr.x..A Swats[ isr True SATE, Rfsc.".4 - .2 As areldetta will happen, even,ii well invilated Wil lies. it is very ilesirable to base. aquae cheap and amen lent way fur rimering furniture. torq crockery itc. SPA/Xi-W * 4ff IYIZP4R.EIS GLUE ; merta all hitt emerginteles, and no household Can afford to be without it it is always ready, 'and up to the etlek- I ing point. . ' MEW& IN EYES Y HOME." Braid% atecaltwies each Bettie. Price '25 Address ; HENRY C. SPALDING, . I+4. 48„ Cedar Street, Nerr•York, . CAUTION At. certaiu-naprimitded persona are attetaptite,tto palm off oil the unsuppecting Walk. iwituttods Itir r_rePared Que. I would atottott all penman to lailattbe .be f o r e put. rbeing • and see that the fall name w ' 'PING^ .7 , 171r.P.4..ttED 1; ICE : . . , :ABEL_ IURRELL , . , .. t MERRIMAN - & - SON 1 w e b .= " alm a trail ideatin g "dethal l i t Me nd hi. Uta h method of intbnit their OLD AND NJ dmf reoehiPS ono of the oxl alga a I - Friends tat they ha tug red additi lb the !Oust met an on . • - + ormer st of Goods, which they . . . I - i. ) I i ''."lt • ". t i . : * • •• - ' 101:11' FOR ; OASH ,' 9 . • . •• • . ___( • J IV ,- I 0 ) 9 • AT . • IC :PRICES" . .. - Seer mi n this liarket. As quail of nearly eiery : - AND WILL 'SELL THEM -TO thing good; antra:nutted mi I • Terms: .81"V bIt C"ri ditriteif il lwin l"P lbe hleet ibik;erifi l ifi re :wor tia futi l"01 : CASH NBUYERS Davos. idatoctung. . ClinitCALX. ,Pargra, Ons, Vangnonts, WINDOW Mau, Dra 3 Tort% Gam,- ( ham wail. , 'Prices Perfectistonisbingi esoulostv. Maori, Mom, VALI. PAM. Wornmrairm. , Wartew on. mum FANCY Goons, ` We have not tine to enumetito Mt _iciee: or prices. but Musical Inatrumenta.Lanips.,Jeweiry, ilerfnntery, i Invite the public to dill, examine. arid satisfy themselves Stone Ware. Brooms, Brushes, Whine . L'Ulbrers lof the truth of what we publish and orcourse. then buy. Bled Cages. Pocket Knives, Omni, Pistols, I . .:.."' J. I.:MURIA* a SON. diamtutltion, • Liquors, Trusses, Supporters. i rlulotrfillo. Dec. M. . 11 " ' • Shoulder Beate; port ' SPW- Ades. Bileer a plated Spoons, Forks, de. tlokl temo. I vftoICE Lot of Mani arberrieli' -...k Stationery. Violin. Guitar; Dam Viol Strinv. IVi NogiloPer atm" below butter cos. C r.. —timbit. porcelain Tee th . Arttat'aTube palnta,wush I. ea, de.. de. Also some Dry Goode. Wooden Ware, hard and apanned Ware, Fluid and Olt Caaa;CamElne;. Coal On, Bawling Fluid, Alehhol. Turpentine , lam p, tanners,nest foot, lard olive, castor, bolted and raw, I seed. One. White Lead; Zinc, and all loindrotcoloted paints, Vino. 6" , ca" 2l l3 Ml l. Irde a t h".9°Pular P g 4 .. 'MX inthapmeuell I . e to g i s onr un :lll: sirefi:ranntit. of my stock through the newspaper...nem one wishing 00008 is Invited to call and e. Customers on entering the store must not expect to find every thing in 1 sight ; but nearly every article wanted will be produced by 1 ing l 2 . kfal for theliberal patronage hitherto received:he hopes to merit • continuance and lime Increase of the MM. • . ADEL TUJIIIELL. Niontrose, June S„ IMO. -: WHOLESALE SALT DEALER. • 201 I Washingtoipst. (Directly opposite Washington Narket,) , MfeW MrC:61 . 11%., STILL CONTINUES to offerto thu citvand COUNT RY tradeoff., kinds of FOREIGN. Coarse and tine_S'ALT. ttho t cry lowost figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand, for tablet and 'dairy nsr Jeffrey & Dart)+, BrownlOw's, &c. and 50000 bushrlei Turks Island, Bonfires, Ca racoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, !vita, Nati tog, &a.,, all of which - will be veld at bargain prices frrk vessels, aline and Storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment trill find it to his interest to call. N. 13.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly- on hand in ship ping order. ' Also a splendid article of Kock tiround salt, in quart boxes, put up and sale by the quantity. in cases of fire dozen 'caeh. 11100. THE BEST HOUTT: WYOMING VALLEY PHILADELPHIA,II NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, And all Points North ik West. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD SUMMER ARAAEGEMENT. Two Daily . Passenger Trains WILL lit Ittni •lIETWEEN • • SCRANTON. AND. NOIITDUDISF.II.LAND, AS FOLLOWS *O. IRti POCTII. N.Y. Mall. Express. CIO 4.24 IiOTLVt: NORTH. • N.: Y. Mira Expresa. Mail. 14•0•••• Leave Scranton. Northil land, 5433 4.45 Arrive at - Arrive at' Pittston, 6.34 4.50 Danville, 6.05 5..X1 Kingston, 7.06 5.20 Rupert,:`.s 5.50 Shia:shinny, 7.50 G. 2.5 Bloomsburg. 6.15 6.00. Berwick, 8.93 0.55 Berwick, 7.15 6.35 Illeminaburg. $5O 7.5 Shiek , ltintiy.7.4s Rupert. 9:00 . 740. Kingston, 6.30 7.15 Danville, 9.25 . 8.10 Pittston, 8.57' a. 15 Northuland.lo.oo - 8.45 Scranton, 9.25 , 8.15 THE LACKAWANNA & 400MSF0110141LEOLD rot:tracts WITII IDEL. LACKAWANNA it. WESTERN RAILROAD AeScranton, for New York and Philadelphia. and inter mediate points east : air.° fur great Iknd. Binghamton.. Svracmie, Buffalo, Niagara Falb., and all important points Atest. At Itnpert it connects with the Catawissa Railroad, for points both Kaat ma West. At Northimberland it connects with the Sunbuil and Erier Railroad for DOIZIIP West and Sown TIIE GREAT Fll EN(,III. REMEDY For Rheumatism, Goni; , rotiralgia, Tic DolorcFax. Dr. &ORAN'S R ILEUM ATIC (IT ft E . Till S 1 NYAI.I'AIti.E ..0 \ II 11 08AW,6 - Specific," lately intro. ). deceit into this count*. is .•=---: -- pronoonced. by all tube the .., (1 only reliable remedy.' IC has / ' ..., cared thousands in kurope. d 1" ii has met with great and wood. i ' , , ..? 1 erfut success here, as lestimo- . AT . 4 ,, I! ands daily receiked wilt chow. 1 , -....• 4. -,, - . . • ,:*"..,, ♦.,.. p It in harmless, but certain. in .1' .',.. .; , 4....,. 1 .':;1 1 Its effects ; warranted fnM of 1;..'. i. - „•-• - ;......, i'.l. - . .all injurious ingredients. It r_,.. t *' - ' , ,.,1 . , ,-- '' . .,f..! _T; f orl . fi r 7 .6c s t t lit v e l i , ,, . e v a s= it f n entra t ! , ; - ,,,,,,. ,. , ,. ),,,...... 7. 1,1 . ... i. ....,.:t .., 4 It - a sm.cif:lc wlii . Ch has not 1- ;: e , '‘....41.;. ---. 4:i. - an equal for the cure of the "..,?,,liz,-..,-.1 , ..,`:-. , ~...---,..:.‘` . Above complaints. It Is also ',..„1 - - -, , - ,..4 - .,t;n3 ::..- : . c ., , good for pains in the back. or ________, bones, or joints.. - genendly. The demand for it Increasing. has induced the proprietor to appoint an agent• for this district. Moo for saleat the agency of Dr..Roban. No. GM Broadway: New York City. DrumistS supplied on liberal terms. Sent bi Express to any part of the country on receipt ui the price. nov29 y- ~. .11. 1 El. TelinELL, Agent. Mcintrose. _. __ _ 3tieJt., Jati.24 Mark These Facs! THE TESTIMONY 'OF THE WHOLE WORLD! A LL descriptlarts of sores are remediable by the prop. 11 er and diligent nsc of Oat , inestimable preparation. To attempt to cure hid leis by plastering the edges of the wound together Is at - folly: for. should the skin unite, a boggy diseased condition remains underneath tobnutk out with -tenfold:coy in a few days. The only rational and successful treatment, as indicated by nature, Is to re. dna: the inflammation in and ntiont the wound, and to soothe the neighboring parts. by rubbing in . plenty of the Ointment as salt Is forced Into meat.. mcarategtfigeFer,ireortt , and Scarlet and A SY of the above diseases may be cured - by well rob bing the Olutnienti threetinies a day, into the cheat. throat and nec.k of the patient ; it will moon pcnetrateand give immediate relief.l Medicine taken .by the month must operate upon the whole sy*tem ere its influence can he felt in any local part, wheream the Ointment will do it* work atunce. Whoever trice the nngnent in the *Sore manner for the'dieteteee„named, or any s imilar disorder* affecting the cheat and throat, will find themaelvee reliev ed a* by a charm. filllE above'elars of corcipTalnts will be removed nightly fomenting the parts with warm water, and then most effectually rubbing in the Ointment. Persons snfferinifrom three direful complaint. -Mudd lose not moment In arresting their progress. It . should be under stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the nt went on the affected parts, but it must be well rubbed in for Fool , ` rousisierable time two or three times a d.ty, that it mac taken into the system, whence-it will remove any nOre or wound as egrtuallrns though palpable to the ere. There again bread and water ponitices. after the rubbing in of the- Ointment, will do great service. This Is the only sure treatment for females,-caseS of cancer In the- stomach, or where there may be a general bearing down. s • Imilegretions o f Youth;--Sores and Merv. i3LOTCHES. ag also swellings, can, with certainty, be 17 radicallY cared if the Ointment be-used .freely. and the Pills be taken night and morning av recommended in the twthe printed Instructions. When treated in any. other way they only dry up Mone place to break out in another whereas thisiOintreept will remove the humor from the systerit, and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy belug. It will require time with the mw of the Pills to ensure a latiting,eure. • Dropsical Sweslags, Paralysis aid Stiff Joints. & 1:11101.7GLI the above complaints differ widely in 2 emir origin 'and nature, yet they all require local treatment. Many of the wort mom, of each dreamer, wlllsteld la a comparatively !thou Blume of, time when thisllintment is diligently rubbtal into the pate affected, fvewafter every other means have failed. In all merlons maladies the Pills ehonld he taken according to the print .ddrixtionr accompanying each boa.. ' • Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the follawin ,, eases:. Baal Legg. Cblege-foot., nateJac Bad Learts. Cbllblalps , Gout, Bunk - Clapped Heade, Lumbago, Olandubir SivellingiCorna, (Soh) PI) .es -lake of 31 oretietoea, Cameros, • Blerfinattem, end liamd-Fllea, Contrasted amd &aide, C bad, StlffJobsta, • • - Sore Nipplre: Sore Throats, Sk h ) Messes, • Serve;, ' fore uoacb, Tumors, Mum WendoS, Yaws - • &c. &e. &t. • • CASIITI9MI-lone are genuine finless the words !lot, LOWAY. NESIT-YODIA AND LONDON," art discernible AS a watermark to gvery leaf of the boolcof dimetions around each pot or box: the Mane may be plainly seen by holding Metro/ Mae light A handsome reward willbe given to any one rendering inch fti as may lead to the detection of any party or pa ea ,cownbilfeiting the toed!. clues or vending the came,-knowing them to be spurious. *.• Sold at the Manufactory of Prorcesor Hounwer. a) Maiden-Lane, New - Yenit. and by all respectable Druggists and Dealer* inMedichie, throughout the civilized world, in boaes - itt Xt rents. 62 tents. and $1 each; 1:3 1 "131.1 , .. is i'Pribitkreble saving by faking targerl;oxi.i, K—Dirrriffine for the .üblaner of nrti. nt. tr*.ry ! saalt 1! MOZsltt Cr~l M 1 Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sarss,and Mears Piles; Pislnnis. Strictures F AN " kia '", th '! l "aa& • ll,vis - latrAzairmazo. F A n touo rlt ege e lf h the highrot tipdcompla Uptown]; Ps. ArgHUMANS. - NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED AT THE ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE! ITAYD TRS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, Rave a - LARGE & SPLENDID.Stock- of e e 0 • 0 h s --• 9 - Cheaper than the Cheapest ! t'ALL AND EXANIXE OUR GOODS, WRNTRPR. TOR BUY OR NO, I'r•l'.lY'ti YOU TO GET roSTED zie4i . v . romiLiv 33,1.019. NEW sithvoni). November Sth. . . •. *Executor's Notiqo. I.L perFniit , luirrng demands at:^Aln.l theltitate nf Da vid I). 4411ane,late of Liberty ;.up, dec'd. Inu4t pro 'lent them to •lhe imareigned for arrargerneut, and all per, min Indebted to snid‘eAnte nrereqm,ted to ynal‘e ILIA- Invtii3fr payment. (n 1,61.) IiaNNIS `bar. • . . Ex.ecutors\Aotice. . , • ) EittiONS has ltn! demands at, kT 'at the Estate 'if Win I Giildea late of Mlalletynn t wKdeetl. must prt,ent them to the, undersigned for tirranaAnent. and those 14- dcbted to ' , sal estate are requested to\pnike Immediate payment. MO'IIAP.I. Mc3ftst - \ }: ,,, t ,,,, eh; att TuamAs TI NU NAY j - ' . ( , -- MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced \urrn-nnd 'Female rhyrician, iirerento to the nttoutton of mothers, her SOO - THING SYRUP, FOR C'ITILDREI‘.;- TEnnirc(; , which greatly - facilitates theprocrcs of tectliiniz, by soft thissums. ceditchia , all Inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action. and Is SURE TO REGULATE .Till BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothem it will give rest to you. and BELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTE. We have put up and loold thin article Mr over ten year... and can tiny IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been MSc to nay of any other medicine-- Nysicn lIAS FAILED. In a SINGLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT' A CI:JIB, when timely need. Never did we know an inetance of dieeatiAliction liv anyone who had need it, On ttie contrary, all are deli:Mai with he operatione, and PpPak In terms of commendation of magical Weil . and nwilicif virtu...4. my in t hiA. matter WHAT WE DO KNOW." after ten rearn* experience. and PLEDGE Orli REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every 111.1313 Ce WhVil• the Infant he snlferlim try pain and exhau et ion. relief Will be found in fifteen to ant nituutee after the *run f§ ainini,lermi. Tide valuable preparation fit the prescription of one of the moecKS PERIF.NCED and SKILLFI. I. NUItSEs In New' England. and liar been used , with Ni.". ER FAILING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only reliever the child from paln,Sto invigorates the ttvimacti and bowels. correcticapidtty.and gives tone and enfrgy to the whole t.yetetn. It will almost Instantly GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, .AND WIND COLId, end overcome con onWorto. ‘ritich, if not ope - edile cured. end In (1 , 1,th. W belie% e It the BEST and StltEi4T rem-. Mr In the WOBLI% in all ca.vo of IYSENTF4tY nod DIARIMOIA 1:1111.IMEN, whether it arioeo fr o m' teething, or from nny other cause. We would , -ay to nil mot torli "ho hare a child Suffering from any of In:, forts,, ins: coniplainto—/W T LET 1 - 0171 I'ELIIIILIrES NOR THE PR EJUIL II'ES of OTIIF:11S. otand between you and Tour outfoxing .child. and the relief that will by iiURE--jea ABSOLUTELY SIRE--tn. follow the ore of thio medicine. If timely med. Full directions for ming will accompany each,bottle. None grnalueunleoO the far. oluills of CUIITIS & PERKINS, New..Yorlr., to on the ouudde wrapper. • Sold by Orturgioto throughont the world. PrluelparOfflce,l3 Cedar street, Near York. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS MR BOTTLE For sale In Afontren.e by Abel Tarn,ll novv.t.T9 - % - LIFE PILLS & PIIOE\IX BITTEIIS, THESE K HES MEDICINS have now Jte re en before the public fora period of Thirry,Darg, during that time hrtve maintained a high character in almost overt/ part of the Globe, nir their extraordinerY nod Immediate power of rastorlogperfeet health to perSona suffering under nearly., every kind of d Isere to which the human Prams is liable. The following are nMong the distressing, variety of hu mairdireamcp la which the T r Lp-vr, CITNIT 1 4 , 1 ,Y1:1.1. .A.l nelliznown-to be infallible. . DYSPEPSIA, be be thoroughly cleansing the let and :hid stomachs. and erklithr , a now of pure.healtliv stead of the atale and acrid Elild: FLATULENCY. Lor. of Ap petite. Ifeartbitrn4 1 / a vec:the. Rest Languor and ildancholy. which are I:encral utptom s liys • eia, vanish,ns a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS,bY oteatisitig the whole length of the intestines with ,p - solvent process, and without violence; all vieleht purges leave rhe bowels costive in Wo days. FEVERS o(all kind by restoring the blood tun regular circulation. thro' the prneess of re'splration in such cases, and thorn' solution of :till ntesti nal obytruetions in others. The Life 'Medicines have been known to cure'REEUM yerigx permanently in three weelrs, and GOUT in !mit that time, by removing local infintrunation from the tuns clea and ligaments of the joints. ' r DROPSIEG of all kinds,- ho freeing and st rengthening the kidneys and bladder ; theca operate most delightfully ot. these Important organs, and hence have ever beetrfound a certain remedy fur tire wurstnases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodgiqg from the turnings of the bowels the slime matter to Moth these creature, adhere, SCURVY, ULCERS, altd INVETERATE SORES. hy the perfixt, purity which these Life Medicines give to the tilgad and all the humors. . . SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS: . hytheir alterativtieffect upon the fluid' that feed the skin and the morbid state of which is:melons all eraipilve I complaints, fallow, cloudy. audothertlisagretahlo coin : ple:elons. ime of theee Pills for a eery short thue will effect an • entire cure of BALT RHEUM. and a striking improve. .1 merit in the clearness Or the skin. • COMMON COLDS 1 and INFVENZA will * always be cured by one dose, or by two in tho worst enees. • PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cared of Piles. of :15 years standing by the use of the Life Medicine., alone. . FEVER AND AGUE.- For this scourge of the West ern country. these Medicines will befouud a safe, speedy and certain remedy.. Other Mailcinesleave tiir system subject to a return of the disease—a cureby these -Medi cines ispermatient— Try Man, be Paneled. and be eured. Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaint*. General Debility., Loss Of Appetite, and Diseases of Fe males. The Medicihes have been used with the must beneficial resultw in cases of this desetiption :—Klues Evil, and Scrofula. In its worst formS, yields tothe mild vet powerful action. of 1 hese remarkable Mediebies. Nightfiweats, Nervous Debility, Nervone, Complaints of kinchi. Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are 'speedily cured. Dlerenrial s whine - constitutions have becotneimpaired by the inucious use of Mercury. will find these ,Mediclites'a perfectsore. as they never fail to eradicate from thellystem, all thh effects of Mercury, Infinitelysooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. . Prepared and sold by - W.- B. 11110FIFAT.. , • . 135 UttnAllwAY. New-Tons. For Dale by. all'Drombrts., Afflicted, Read! WILLIA3fS'SrOMPOUND SOLI7 ,- T T . tlan tar the Mtn le wavianted ttyeffeet • Cire in erect. case. andin all stageti of tho disease, or the money will be refunded. .Pull direetions accompany each bottle. For sale by Abel Turret!, Moutruse ; Or Et. ItempsPMd, So.saldsn; Babcock, Dimes*: Penuel Carpenter. Ilartura Cl• O. WillittiecOackion It Sioeutn, - Dundaff; . A. B. Merrill, llopbottont A.. 1. Merrill. Scranton. COZEMIL I Z I MNPXCLALTZia This to to certify. that Mn.. Emory has been afflicted for years pasimith that diptreiling complaintknown as the and that having failed tit Reaming relief frum va rious Physicians, she wasinduted • from reports to try Mr. Williams' "Pile Solution," which we obtained at one of his Agencies in Tuukhannock, Pa. The result has been the most favorable. The trial was made with it but fall, and after using as . directed for a,few days, what we have gottd named to think* was a permanenicure Vas effected. Several other MOO of a'sitnflar nature in this vicinity bate used It with like - remits. With Mr. Willlame motto 'no cure mipay '• -every cum thits afflicted will certainly do well to try. r''' FL H. EMORY, Paytursf r. Burch, Wjninnfog C.14 / 1. 1.4 1 ) - • -- MEAT MARKET. Oii i'v.bljc eirentre, - aear Searles Hold. 'WEEP c!issAsotly oo hands good soppli of 11 MEATS of all'ldads. CASH paid - for Beef Csafeeellitrahfikeelleinid Limbo. Also for Blfteliesof nil kinds. • • - : - BENSTOCK di.HAWLEY. LT. 1111VISTW5. . iIAWLSY. - Montrosei Msreh 30tb; KEYSTONE HOTEL, . liontiose, Penn. W 211 L IS oprietor • THIS new sad commodious Hetel situated on Pubtie itienue, near the Court House.and neat* in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, IS now fully completetrand. furnished, and was opened on Monday. She 27th day of September,„ l :lB6B, for the areommodation of the public. fuld travelers., The - Proprietor. feels .restfident Wet he is note prepared to, entertain guests in a Manner that cannot fail to 'give - ConzpietetcU The Motel and Furniture are new,. and no has been spared to render it oqual, if net superior tu>tny similar establishment in this pat% of the State. It is Well, supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and fliailtinr. waiters will always be readyto respond to - the • call of custemers. 1,,1r0d and ocl The Stali'les, connectrsi with this House are Now and convenient The l!rolicietnr iespectially solicits the patron age of his old friendr, and the public generally. • • WJLSKAIATCII: 'DYSPEPSI,A -f Dyspepsia ? Debility &the System, DYIOI4IIII Dyspepsia, Debility at the Syetem, aplomb, LiFor Complaint, Acidity. Liver Complaint, Acidity, Bi!lops Complaints, Sick BMW% - Di Camplointai Sick licsdaelic FLA,TqESC.Y, LOSS OF•:APPETITL:', FLATULENCY, LASS . OF APPETITE, L . amt the ntimberiess other .diseases arising from In digestion ind functionai disorders of the stomach, find ready, relief in that established and sterling THE 91Y . GENA.T . ED BILTTERS, TIIE pxrGENATGD Reliable Testimony. 1, We call the (Mention of the reader to the following 'letter from President arqtk, formerly of Wisteria Unirersity, and now 0f . .. 11,19,We.. Md. SETh _Po %IX k CO. Gentlemen: —I lint . . _ . . made use of ' the' Orygemeltellittert some' seven nor eight years rinse. Hating abed ed for twenty you, non a feral a dyiptpria, which was attended with - a re vows headache, on en average of not lesarl/tais one day a week, I was Induced, by the unpretending tee unmet, anon of tb. Green,o to try one bottle, and if no benefilT . as elsteivecl to discontinue the use." - The use 'ol e bottle warranted a further trial, to the ,' extent of some hree or four, u ith a careful of:sera:me 'of the arena:n*os g directions. The result was, an \ almost entire reliefkm! the usual dyspeptic symptonis and their depressing, )mitifill. consequences. I believe these Miners produced an entire change in the habits of my system; and upon the active energies of the digestive myna. I noCideeresuyeelf * exempt frons fly 'permit& ' as most perfoni." Them Bitters have also been of ser vice to other members of My family: Very respectfully riots, , ' . . Al:MI/STUB W. IIMITIi: THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. .lISCH3IO\D, •Tria Co., lli., Aug. 25, 1838. OfilerLkivEte,— After in raring for runt, than Misty years with Dyme s peia, and to ing many remedies rec. nounemied foi that disease withotit any good - reeult,,l wu hy. Dr. P. 11.ilYltite of Minefield, to ghee ,the tory:TOM Afters '•-• trial.' I took two bottles, ethic!, gives me m ninth relief that I purchased two more, whiCh have neatly or mike effected a cure. lan mew neatly reventy-Are•Yeare of age, and for tluie moditti lout hare felt no frianirentente ftruimy fiexL I take greet plenum in recommending the Diane to all Afflicted . with Dyspepsia and its concomitant awaits.' , - A. lIEBARD Mamma - am, Ticiga Co.,Ta., An f. 26,•1666. 1 ban need the Otyginated Biases In my yinitics with decided aneceee in debility and team! mommtiort, Ike., and kontldently recommend them In general dn. billty,med diorama of the digestive organs. - THE OXYGENATED BITTER& TILE OXYGENATED SITTER& ;PBEPARBD BY B. W. BOWLE'a CO., 4 : Sold by Divggists, Dealers, andVerchants in every Min and city army/mut:de comers. , ' lt•P — For s. le by Abel Ttirrell and Read, Cat rims & FOR ter, linntrol , ; 1.. H. AVoodrittri Dintock ; Ainoi - flaellnbe Brooklyn : 1 hitney ..t..lfinclev, llntford t Weed 5..: WIWI ' 1 . 614 - 10 !lend; J. C. Olnif tend,. lhantinflf ; L. Griffin. Great Bend. • 1 • - •InlY.l%---yl• „ . EICERFIAVEtS HOLLAND BITTERS , DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LITER COMPLAINT, WEAA'NESS,O" , ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Aim the sAriroti affections emistrinent upon a disordered TODIACIVOR " nark no Indigestion, Aridity of the ittonmeh, Colicky Nina, Ilearthurn of. Appetite, lieepourlency, ontivenees; Blind and Bleeding i'llea. In all it e•rroult, 1L1.01,18,41 le, and Neuralgic A (Terabit's, It hay Gs miinertme Inotmerar parted klghlg Irnatklal , and in otiMis effected a Thin is a Purely tegorable compound; prepared on atrktly ociraitido....prisicipleo, otter the manner of the eekbeatm Holland Profrarmr, I brrlface. Ito reputation at hointprio dared Ito ititmdtplion here, the .Icruand commencing :Alth dome of the • Fathertnini eCattered over the Wee of thie mighty country, many of ohm brought with them atfd , howled t..w n tiro trgalti,ol of IV solar. It is Iwo ninny( , r. the American puhrie, - ismorisfs Mo its tru/Y tron&mfiii tionficisorl rirrati mud l.a aektenteied.grel. It le particularly rec.euntended to thou. perms ikon" annotituthaut may have been Impaired by the n luuftue uu Ofsa4eutglint.or.other 1141118 of Jiselpotion. Centrally InMaUtan.'• 4 4 in .tArt. It lin& Its way directly ki the mat of Ilfe. tbri f ina and quickening array none, raking rep the - drooping spirit., and, In fact, Infusing new health and sign. In the *PLUME hOTlCtLi—Whoeeer expeeta to fiedible a beverage Ida ditappointed: but to the sick. weak and law rotated, It will prove al returni aromatic email, oupereeed delegable : remedial prepettlee. READ CAREFULLY!" — •. The ileattine highly coneentrated. Darkerea Ifollaud Ilittept is put up in halPplnt bottlee only, and retalkd as Oxil DALIAN re* t. 441, -. Kin bottles DOLLIAS; The great &Mead tor solo trail eehtbfated Medicine hat I mluewl = rations, pui public ihould guard spina itg4 • are Demeanor ImpolitSun: kw that our nitwit on the label of , every bottle you bey. Bold by 11trunisto poondly.. It eas.b• termilell pi by So to most potato: . t '• • SOL i fIICtPII,INTOItIi, BEN • ABEEN —PAGE, a lt. & - CO. s. . 1 itiolootiorttaitio pharunctutisii and Chemists : 1. PITTSBURGH. PA, _ 'II:RS 'ore !old liiitobtroor; 4 • Any', 1 unßy.Lt.. h....";,: Pleb.. il ..n.:+ MIDDLLTOWX, Conn., Fcb:"2e. 1850 From Dr. White F. U. WIIITE,•M.D. I 8 Tresacet Hovel, Boston. IEII 1; MON - TRO E. -PERNA, ,MIHE sobst. ifpnichased refitted sad hendrilittakind th. ujii boss well kaiwnsinotpepear Hotel, • • is prepared to acctiteasidOe the tray cling pub*, end other,. with all the stileation's and conveniences found Is tirse.cles ''Hooks. lio effort Will to. gored bY the Pro.; prietOr and , bin Assiataata to asks the Hotsl equal in every point teltnyto the ewhntry. 1 Tile Mir will stall. bri.inpplind Asia thy Choicest-Liquors._ •-•- Tile Stables, cohneitedalth this Howie • ore large, roomy and conveolent„ end careful sod: attentive 4Ostlerp.arealwaystii charge of them. - I • . I • 1.111. TARBELL CATHARTIC Are yes *Si, Irk% and eels. 'ldefakey? Are resole of order, y=beire s =ri, aa,4 sble are "Rea tie irell"W lade=itisra& Seem of Sammie terelear span - ISt& and alfteektfie wilted by a eked userdribirafirka remedy. Take A= ll l2l, atlet eine« out the .rtry die kiosk salr gs a the — Sur; Deimos asetwirielatbe brisk API& They edeuttate time of the hodristo Atropos. aetivitt=r=ol- ft"' the o mak. die. A. salCieldes sums s sass Istb ehnaMedebatreet. Its natural &reties& Three If not raseidosset. epos - themselves and the stirrommbr mons, Producing gea eral aw are/on, soffertng, dhsease. While to ohls• emulltlon, opprowed by the dentsgennattil; take Ayer••• rills, and see how carrell,' fiery seater° thi natural A.. Hon of the system, aryl with It the buoyant *eller' eV' health agaln.• What 'steel and so appanot. In this iris tai and removal d eomplaint, faialeo.tree in many or tke seated and dangerous d The same pa waive effect expels them. Canoed by similar ohatradlons ael derangements of the natural fasealons of the body, they are ;unbar, and many of them surely, mud ley the *Pm.' means. bone who knob the *toes of these rale, will os-gleet to misplay Vieux when stafetttur from the diem- . dere th,ey cure. Statements from hunting Physlebsturin some of the= ' Principal rah'', and ahem other well knows public per. rr.;171 a fortiwrdin',9 Merchant of St: Louts, F•?.. Du. A rex t 'Your tills are the paragon of all that ts great hi tretlielne. They have cured my little daughter of o tetra os sores upon her Lauds and fret that had prove , l fot yenng. tier mother h at been' kois slier ti ,, ly :tinkled with blotches awl pimples on her akin sea he her hair. After was eared, she 41 1 9 to your Nile, aid they ksve cured her. . ASA MOI:GUIRtiIi. As A. Family rbis le. • - Pmts Pr. J. Caritrriyht, New Orlestur Tina. Pills:are the prince of purges. Their rxerlinnt qualities surpass any cathartic we pug/tel.. They at. milt/, hot very oertaln and effectual lb their aelbm of the h0ii. , 14, which makea them invaluable toms in the daily Ireatment,ef Headache, Sick neadsiehe: Vont ge.liallek• Prow Pr. Edward Pop', nal llium._ Deht: lino. Accts:T eimnot Answer lon what emu. , lainta I have cured with your Pills better than to say ;zit that try evertrent with dyttrgatire tardietase. 1 place gnat d'lmuleure on an ettertnal i=thartic In my daily t0nt...,4 with tliseuar,And believing as .I do that year Pilfs afford us the:beet we have,tl of course velar them 111;;;Ik17. Irrrrsnutors, Pa., 11q 1, thla. Ittt..l. 17. Aruu... Sir: liiwoebnAllkafNlycuredof the wormt. hnin !ache any body out hare, by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems . to arisa:frot a foul atuuarl. which they. r lesnme at uncri.- Yours ffith great respeti, fair. W.• 11•41.74. Clerk itfr:na te i Si driss.. .1111loos Disorders —Liver -Cossidstots. ' Fromi Dr. Thendori of Toth Cif Not only are your Pills ts l lWe:tidy:adapted to their pur pose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the User very marked indeed: They have in tar praa the . pram ! more effectual Alf the !TIM of tolinatig rain pram(' than any one remedy I tan tuentkm. 1 sincerely injuire tbat we have atlength • purgative whirls Is wor thy the confidence *lithe prokusion and the people. • Ds:Paellas! vw stet *rime:tots. Itiashlnuton.l); f., ith Feb., Sfu:l have need your litho in my general and hospital practice ever *lace yea made them, and du not hesitate s* say they are the lent estittb we employ. Their rept tin,.l action on the neer Is quick and. decided. eeus*- qnivstly they ire an-ndlnirehle remedy for derengetnents of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a ease of bilious disease so obstinate that It did not readily yield to •them. -Fraternally your*, AL.ONZO. BALL, IL. 1.1.. • Phirceion of the Mirka Osepilat. Dysiinteirj, Dhurrltow, Reid, Werpts. Prow Dr.!. ID; Creen• o.r.qi4nitra Your MIS hive had a long trial In my praelko, mad 1:91,1 them In esteem aii one of the beat aperleota I bare .ever toad. 'Their alterative elfeet anon the Ilsm: maker:, them an excellent remedy, when given la small dome for bilious dysentery and ithwriurn. - Their sagartoatiag _makes them very suxeptable sad convent:eat for tbit use of women and children. . ! Dverepsts, Impurity et the Blieed. Prom Rm. J. V. Dimes, Pastor of Admit dards; /halos. Du. Arra: 1 hare used your lilts with citraordiaary suemss in my family and amongilause I antealled to visit in distress. To lagulate the organs of digestkm sad purify. the blood, they are the very best remedy I halm ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to ply friends. , 'Touiv. J. V. mum o t W./A/SAW Wyoming C it'. Y.. Oct. 24.1511. Dr.stt SIR: I alll ' using your Mils In my pram tlee.'and find them sat szettlent p re to demo. ths system and partly thellatutains of bloat. • JOHN O. XEACHAM, X. D. . s' eonitlpattom, Cmativolaitao. Illuppeciostiam, Itheunaat lama tilesitf litevimahrta, ,Shicartr, • Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr.!. P. citaphn, Nindratl, Canada. Tno muds maid be aside:your 1111; u rse ears of coitienum. 'Troth's,' of oar frotortlity found Moot as !efllcselous a/9 I have, they should jobs in proclaim. ing It for Via Wawa of the multitudes who safer from that complaint, ertgelt, although bad' anoteet In Itself, is . the progenitor of others that are Worse. 1 believe ros- Uretiess tueniginate he the tih•ct, but your Tills street that organ and cure , the disease. t • , Prom Drs. F. Stuart. P h y s ician and 3fithei.Doston.- I and one or two tares.. doses offyour tills, thy proper time, are exoellent promotive, of. tlio suifiuoi. secretion when wholly.or Partially suppressed,'Snd also very effectual Ito cleanse the stomach and expel warms. They are so much the best physic as have that I Mum maul no other to my path sits. . , . Peons the Rir. Dr. Mg irker,;(if The .111thodiriF414. Opera, Prt.asau Horse, Savannah, Gs., Jan a; tits - linsenee Sint I lilkonld beAtmmterat the the relief - I your skill has brought me -if f I pot report my ears to sun. A eold settled in My limbs and brought on es - auditing neuralgic pains, wWeh ended In chronic Theo- ' tontlwo., Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians , the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of Your excellent agent in -Baltimore, Dr. 4 I tried your Villa. Their effects were slow. bat sure. [ per , se tering In the uic off heat, iMt 1/0111eutkely Ise - aeitende t , Sex Arr. CRAMllirlt, Baton Boar, 146,5 Dee, DM Dn. AT ,:I : I have been entirely extred,tru a vor Pill.. illY Itheutuatic Gout-7-a painhil disease that afflicted me for years. - I VINCENT SLIDELL.. , ft. Most of the ring ' I In market contain Metenry„. hn - which, although a valuable rentwily in skilfal hand band., is i,.. , eruP fn n public pill, from the dreadfaf consequences, I. that frequently follow Its Went:alone_ tile. These contain 1 I,', uterrury or mineral substanee'viludever. PriCe.2s, cents per Dox;Or 5 Dozes Om $l. Prepared ti Dr.,T;C.APER - So CO., LoweD,-Itrau- For oak bvA net !Turret. M:anteutr Chnrch Sil.iinnev, Dund.tti; Walt:114:1 Swlfher, Auburn by iU tlealvrsand drugaislA everywhere. : 87 cw lir o..lna t tzb e , tlndian • dODYIIII Riu Comnimptipii - and Asthina . ' Cured. • Mows of Invalids are le ruptues_alth • imilideleme 4 1.14 es called Tun COIPOICI4I tares(' et ass blurs, which w e are seamed by an *bet of easepetest sod reputable witnesses; Sil sm. y tad Pot- raaneut cure toe err or, tawookVaus. Sone mem sarnia, PLZMIT.. NiRTOC Mil Gras. *AL Ihrettrrr. This highly pram, wow Ilea was disarmed several yam ciimi o ll=s. by.fs... IL J•nbea, • walk kat,* ph of root erahoine• who had takes Ma 001.1 thellil.f —there with hiss, begin 010 il i a ellatata would protaig her life. Elhe was . rwessawiell as hicutable wow of Conrail/ow% - .Be had heard snub of the wonderful reetoratln mid healing qualities of preps retinae made fecal the Iron Wis. Healy, sad the thought occurred to him that be might compound a remedy for hie cli i y. He *tidied herd, sad sweeeed• ed In reallsless wtaltat. Om rave wee Mesa. ' , This wasietlid lient.t4 hid aim, been adellabilimid to thouunde of anifersts In all parti of the winced, • sod has am, Jailed of waking Owen isolint44l4y . 14111114/ ma happy. Ihe ortitialid mit , far Prlllrir• IM, lad sucesasfully miss this mat maid, w - to he furnished te lill 'gird/saute by the wadenaped. as receipt of • 'limp for return postage. A IRMO Nora *Allan Bs the lanitor lidwieW es therakaare.eas pistol; will be sentient", pas Isafittle QS tlesso *he may apply for theveclee. It ,IS *bowl& the anal Wine prorated, can obtain it sL Ird per eiloithe bortha, threw )...ttlea for 11.1.—Nuot to ,pay pert of tlse Poises Pious by Yatrire... • .tdial teas' O. Vs 11111110111iltis 4 l'ar. irrato pat. tors. tie. 11) fietand Street, it Jeremy, Clay, .J. - . i , VINWS
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