MISCELLANEOUS. TIIE . .IIM-ALG . AILATION . o LaGIJAGE3. There is a:growin, tendency- in till!' age to appropnste'theAnoit expressive Words of other L•mguigat, and - attar a While to incorporate them into our owu ; thus the, word Cephalie, which is front the Greek, " for the head,"- is now becom ing milarixed in connection with Mr. Spalding's great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the word - Cephalic will become as coat- mon as Electrotype an d m any others whose distinction is foreign wordsints been worn away by common Usage Until they seem ,` native to the Manor boni." - • 'ardly Realized. lit 'ad 'n 'orrible ,, eadache thisliafterhoon, hand !stepped into the hapotliecaries hand says. hi to the man, "Can you heasc me of an-'eadaehe ?" "Does it haulm 'ard, w says. "e. Hexpeedingly," says • hi, hand upon that 'e gave - tne.a. Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me 'onor it cured me so quirk-that I 'ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an 'eadache. likamacur. is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever (rani the natural state of the' brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked va - as, a safeguardlnteuded to give., notice of disease .ivhich might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be . reme died; 'and its indications should never be negleCted. Headaches may be classified Under two names, viz: ,Symptomatic and Idiopathic.. Symptomatic. headache is exceedingly_ common and is the pre cursor of a great variety of .diseases, Among which are Apoplexy, ,Gont, Rheu matism and all febrile diseases. In its mervoils form it is sympathetic of disehse of the stomach constituting sick headache, of 'hepatic, disease constituting billions headache, of wcirm§, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and s uterine affections. Diseases of. the heart are -very frequently attended, with Headiaces; Anaemia and plethora are also affect ons which frequently occasion head ache. Idiopathic- Headache: is also very common, being usually distinguished by the nathe of nervous headache, - sometimes coming ow suddenly in a state of appa rently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and- physical 'energies, :and in other Instances it comes on slowly, heraldA by depression of spirits or acerbi ty of temper. In most instance; the pain is in the front part of the head; over ono or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; mulcr this class may also be named Ncuragia.- - • For the treatment of -either class of Headache the Cephalic' Pills -have been found' a sure and safe remedy, .relieving the most acute pains in a . few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the -diseases of whichlicadachds the unerring index?: Bitir,:-.m - .—.Misns waists you to• sen,l tker a bob of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle, of Prepared Pills, but I'm thinking that's - not ltist it:it:tither; but perhaps yell be afther knowing what it ss. Ye see•she's nigh dead - anal gone with - the Sick Head ache, and wants some' more of that same as relfirca her before. Druggist.—Yost must, mean Siabling's Cephalic Pills. Bridget.—Och! sure now and you're sed it, here's . the quarther and flit• nie the -Pills and dont be all day 'about it :littler. • • Constipatimi`42r Cosiivoessi No one of the ".many ills flesh is heir to" _ is so prevalent, so little understood, and • so much - neglected.as Costiveness. Often .originating, in carelessness, or sedentary habits; it is regarded as a-61ight. disorder _ of too little conseqUenee to excite :t i n - while in reality 'it is the precursor and !companion•of many of the' most - fatal and -dangerous_ diseases, and unless early eradi cated it will bring the sufferer to an nn -timely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant arc Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and .others of like Inature, while a long train of frightful diseases -such as 'Malignant Fevers, Abeesse,,, Dys-• entary,,Diarrhma, Dvspepsia,! Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis;-Hy.steria„ Hypoclion driasis, Melancholy and Insanity, .fiat in . dicate their presence in the system by • "this alarming symptom. Not milequent ' ly the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the Cause is eradicated in - an early stage. From all these consider ations, it follows that ate 4:order should receive immediate- atter ion 'whenever it occurs, and no person snould neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first :appearance of the • complaint,. as their timely use will expel-the - insidious ap proaches of disease an destroy this_ Ilan ° gerons foe to human life. eliel: lio- 8 Q O C ) A SOIOO 4 II • v?- CU RE 6 , Nervou.sileadache .417, CURE ‘ 4l kiildS i • -14 1Xr 0 7 %. ir("l€Ths w at Be the use of these PlUs the vedettes:U:las of ;cereals or a'a Headache may be precentod: and if taken at the commencement of an attack, - immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. Tit ... er seldom fail in removing the Aticruslaatul Headada • .. LIFE AIEMOItIALL. 4o witichfcmalcs are so bubject•. ~ • q Thelael gestic upon the barrels , ---remoling Costirenesr. for Literary Vol, Pedents, Delicate Females. and all 4 I WOULDN'T TAKE-A WORLD FOR THIS,' pawn& exile:Mary hatits,.theyare rainable at alaxatirt, , Improving kie• appetite. g . iving tono and rigor to the digeo• n lady remarked - to us a day or two, since,' IS eye • and restoring the natural olatticity and 1 a of whole P.t , te.l3; ' i • ' l'i.he exhibited:the portrait of an only child, gone The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long InTeSti , Ito tke." 4- xpiiit,huali;" hig hw we one of swim and careadiy conducted expbrimente, _baring been i • . i n ins loyenuare,during whientune they bare prevented i ' ' TrimEnEgsv - . and reUered awe amount of In and rodering from' 1 ,_ , , , • E eal!lett i _e. whetner ori e gins tiin the tureens system or 1 ININITABIE . lunnoTytts I fromd ga d stet of the l They are entirely segetabie in their composition, aid I aymbelakenatalikinee with perfect safety vrlthont.roak. 11111011 atg any change ot diet, mid tAe dreamy of any dim 7rreable 100 rnmf c r i "teary lo ociodoiffer than to eMldren. Brark, of Counterfeits.- ' The newt 14 have dirk signatures of }Wiry C. Spalding ones.* too_ . : ::11, Sold by Deu=ists ad other Dealers in Medicines. , A box will be pen by maiturepatd ort receipt of the Nor* a fittli - elgerzitAs. ' XI orders should HENRY to Q . liIPALbiNG, r 5:1;1 s :Ma 41 Cedar sot, New York COMMERCIAL 'COiLEOE., cal acct the Bdsynyanna alley Dante EnNp.HAiy,ITok:.N:. Y. . . . rACULTIC:. .- • . • LOVVELL, Principal, Professdr of the Science of _Aecounts, 'Practical AccorintaM. Author of Lox ell's Treaties upon Book-Keep ,ing,Diakrams illustritink the same. Jun RANKIN, Commercial. Accountant, Profes`i of floOk Keeping and-Practical Blathematica. J. J. Cyan% Assistant Professor lit tho - Book Keeping Department. - A.. 1. WomEic, Professor of Practical and Or namental' Penmanship, Commercial Calcula- tions and Correspondence. LECTURERS: lon. Daniel &DinkinsOn; Lecturer on CoMmer cial Law and. Political Economy, • lon. Ransom -Bolcom, Lecturer on Contracts • Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. AndroFs, Lecturer •on Commendal Ethics.. EXAMINING COMMITTEE.: llon: Sherman D. Phelps, r‘rm..R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy R. Morgan, E.q. Vhia object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thoiough - Business Education. . The Books and Fnrms are carefully arranged by priictical accountants expressly for this In• slitution and Imbrue all the recent improve• Thti course of instruction comprises every' ,department, of business, The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the .following . kinda of busitie.sa,-yiz: General, Mer chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis: Mon,' Steamboating, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &c. • YOUNG MEN, - . Can qualify themselves to aNtt,ort, time: at this Institu tion; to Ail important and lucrative situations, • Ample references can be given where gradtiates of isal tire now filling desirable situations with salaries trom f5OO to $lOOO per annum. • The Proprietors arr- s in'poodession of testimonials from some of the drst Commerria: lionses in the State, to whom they have furnished book keepers, shqwing their...entire satisfaction and amfidence in the ability of the graduates of-this Institution. • ,• • . Sllip• In all its Manche*, taught by the most skillful and thor ough Masters of the art: No Cuticle In the country en: joys a higher reputat ion in NS' department. Ladle's' Dc partment entirely separate front that of the gentlemen. Students can enter College at any time. No vacations. Time to complete theft/W.IW, from 9 to 10 weeka. Stu dents passing the requisite examination ate preaented with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma issued by any Commercial or ClaeMeal Institution In the Union. '7o4st:time rendered to graduates in procuring situations. ' For terms of tuition, price of board, testimonials of gmduale:4lllling positions...tc. address the proprietors for circulare..eontaining full partieular.. LOWELL .t WARNER,' • _Proprietor: , Binghamton Commercial,Colleg,e. Nov. 8, 1,%15.—1y •• Binghamton. N. Y. 1 HORATIO • OARRATT, . Dealer in FLOUR; :GRAIN; GROCER .IS72 OTIS lONS, - DYE WOODS, Staple DRUG S, WOO-DE.llr. .and STONE WARE. A L . L..1 1 KINDS of lIOITSEKEEPING ARTICLES. & .YANKEE NOTIONS IN G ENE RA L,—one door North of Barnum's Hotel, New Jfilinrd, Pa., IVDELl7ll.epleased tttsee all his old friiMi's 11' and many new ones athis NEW Store frontingAlio DEPOT, where he,is prepitred to show them such a' stuck of the above artic'es asNC76' Milford has long steed in need of. •• Division of trade has as mane advantages as division orlat.cr." Any man confining himself to one.branch of business, giving that branch his wholt Capitaland s ,pttention can •keepa better assortment, boy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than ii the same means and'timo was employed in a general trade. If you dont think so, tall pn the subscriber and be convinced. The sound principle of , • SMALL PROFIT .AND PROMPLPAYIVIENT, will he strii:tty adhered to.. Butter and_ other Produce forwarded to New York to one.of the best commission hol-es in the City, and, prompt payments guaranteed. . 110 RATIO GA 'MATT. New Milford, Soso_ Co. Pa., April; 1860 -y, MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1 SOO. GREAT ATTRACTIONS • FOOT Or Math STREET. THE extensive Ftirniture 'Establishment of I SMITH Ba'arnEns hiving been refitted-and greatly improved, the proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens of gontroie and vicin ity tto,they are constantly making and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment-of FURNITURE To be fouud)in tbe - Conntry. give thefollowing list of some of the or licks which we will sell at greatly - reduced prices, for CASH or READY PAY: Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with -glass; from $lB to $35. •‘• ` Bureaus with marble or b rocatelle tops, from 8218 to $24. And a -large. aasortment, from $B, 1.4,•t0 $lB, ' Wash Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Square Stinds, of all varieties and prices, froth '75 cents to ion dollars. • - Desks, Divans ,Tov•rel RaCks, Footstools,Otto mani, Lounges, &c. Centre; Card, Pier, Toilet, Pining, Kitchen, and Extension -Tables. Chairs-z Cane•• sad Weed Seats, Rocrers— Can'e, Flag, and Wocd Seats, of every variety and style. . • Sbfas, tete a tetes furnished at short' notic at New-York prices. N. B. • Ready . made .coffins on hand et fur nished at short "motice.- 7 -11earses always In readiness when.desired. We employ none but CAIIEFUL and EXPEErt MED Wonsag.s. We intend to do our Wokx Wm.'. and sell it as 'Low as it can be'afforded. W. W. SMITH, • E. U. SMITH. • , 'Montrose, Jan. 18th, 1860.4tf. , • T . Padicious Tonic Stimulant, Especially_ileeigned for the ace of the Medical Profeseion and the Family, liavinst saereeded the st) tailed "Gine." Aromatic," "Cordial.'"ldedicatesl." —Schnappe," etc_ is now en dop.4til by all the promintlitlihyalcians, chemists and eon toe,.eur, ne poe4eeslerr. them! orTntlrEle IDOWDAI Onol it i nulc aud diuretic) which belong to an 0 and PURE tt Put up in quart bottles and sold by all Drug-, gietri and GreterF; etc.. - A. M. MENINGER & &0..' tu Sole Privrietare. oc 41y/ . \0.19 Broad Street. N.Y. For attic at Turrell'e Drug,Sinie. Montrose: ' 'I How I should regret if; bad I not seemed tbis precionsmomorlat 'of that dear one So thought wo. The loved ones are not always with us add while we can call them outs, every one should_secure such a memorial; especially since they' can have them so truthfully taken by that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of Bing hamton. NIEMI - : MC CW - 21 - ir: .Mt - ,_' . ' : =. 7r_%'-, NSUI(ANOVE11111:PINIP; arcouvvelroi*. ASH CAPITAL, - ONE MILLION,DOLLARS. AstisTra lit ;tarstimiAtteir.' Lammas • , - 43,06 s AL • • Y:Miltou Smith, Bee y. Chas. J. 'Martin; Pteoldeid. John McGee,' As% •t , A. F. Wfimarth, Vico " , . • • • . . PoMet toinaed• and renewed, by the-uuderalgned. tit, tits office; one dour above Searle's Botelliontrtre. ra: : . norl9. ly 1 • RILLINGS STROVD, Agent. NEW,.:.GQOUSA - - Lavaa Lille , kleatre:Susq. Co., Pa. WALL Paper, Window Papers and Borders, a very large stock this day, received, by April 17th. • •R. KENYON, JR: & CO. ,* eihallia, silks, Ise no and calicoes, an immense k.,./ variety, by R. KENYON, JR. & CO. "LIVERY Style of Cotton Pant , Goods, etc. this .1-1' day reed by, R. KENYON, JR.& CO. SUX,lrrocha, and Cashmere shawli, a largo stock, LOW. R. KENYON, Jn. & CO. -12 Bms. TOBACCO this day received and for Sale lower than elsewhere in Snsqu'a county. R. KENYON, JR. .& CO.: 1000 L fo ß r S sa l i g o r i f i i i . e AT o t x lS .or iil b otore and LARGE Stock of - FANCY, Dry Goods for sale by IL KEpIYON. JR. & CO: Setts=-Fize Elegant stylep, complete - - -L from sto $5O. R. KEN YON, JR. di. CO. Lawayillo Contre,Pa., April 1860. ' • VALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEORGE G. EVANS' 6IfT BOOK ENTERPRISE THE'LAL'OESTM THE WORLD rEttmANEVITY LOCATED 439 Chestnut Street, 3e.mcxxJ.ekaamir_swiimEx..ts. YEAR OF THE ENTERPRISF Having purchased the spacious Iron Building, No 4.39. Chestnat .Street. and' fitted it up With every convenience to facilitate my Vastness, barticularly that branch devoted to COUNTRA -ORDERS; and having a larger atUital than any other party invested In the business. I am - now pre -pared tit offer greater advantages, and better gifts than ever before to my customer,. I will furnish any book tut a Moral character) published in the Vnited States: the regular retail price of , which is One Dollar or upwards, and give -a present worth fmrn cents to 1110 dollars-with each book, and guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. as I am determinbd to,maintain the. reputation already bestowed limb my establishment. Strangers visiting l ! hiladelphia are invited to call and Judge fur themselves. IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS • tiESD TO Geo. M - vifirtaaral Reliable-Giltnook Enterprise No. 9.3 D dl2.Naisitruut Eit., PUIL/DELPHIA, Where all honk, are eoldat the Publisher's lowest priev.s and pie have the Of . receiving . - • A'RANDSOIVIE PRESENT ;WORTH FROM 50 01.1NTS TO 1 DOLLARS WITH EACH BOOK. 0. O. EVA.Nn* Original (tilt Book Entorpri,c has been vendor-..d lq Ow Book Tr.ole and All the leading city and country nem Eiiner. is the V it i teil Stater. Si. G. EVANS Puiietuill' bueliteso trallSllet.hons hare re. cei ved• the aliprolut ion of ON er 10.1191, 1 citizens of t United State+. each of i• whom love received sulizdautiiii evfileriee G. G,EVANS lies done more than any other publisher, or bookseller in the Ctiited' states, to . wards diffusing kuiiieledge tti the people. By this eS'-:em. many bookAare read that. • would not have found their war into the hands of readers.s,Trfmk 1.,11 - C$ • - paper. G. G. EVANS Keeps consitantly on hand. the iTne-t tensive stock. the greatest - ilietortnient of 'Spoke., and cirrulatea free to nil a hi, may apply. the most' complete catalogue of Book. and Gifts in the United States. - G. G. EVANS Ilastuivaidaites tittered him by other puh. li-her4 and- raanuractarere whielt enable him to furnish-1110 patrons with a liner quality and betterassortment of :ins t hall 'any other entabliehment. ==tEMltl=l publisher. he h better able to tiler extra premiums - and commissions. G. G. EVANS tinaratatets perfout satottacti n t ill who nun' send for books. G.C. EVANS' Non' classified catalogue oflmok. mbraee the writinghltfevery department Iltertt '- tore. and gives all the Information relar floe td the purchasing and forwardlig..by Mail or Expree (4'l,oot:sortiered from Ids '.,t, , tablfshment, together with frill direc tions how to remit money. Or 0. EVANS' Catalogue of Books will lie sent gratis and , free of expanse to nny.address IA the Ent .." toll States. - 0. G. EVANS' Inducements to Agents cannot be‘sur . pnaseit ..The must liberal comniisaions • are otTertal.und by soliciting siibscriptions . to boOks in [hi: manner proposed. twenty books can be sold in the Katuelime that it , would take to sell one on the old fashion, ed kubscription plan. Send for a classin • ed-catalogue, and every information n ill be given in reference to agencies. Select ' your books. enclose the amoupt of money . ' required, and. one trial will satisfy-you . . that the best place in the country to pur chase booksis at THE EXTE:si...SIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHENT OF GEO, G. EVANS, No. .I=o Clii...syser STREET, Puir...,t iim.ruza. where you can get books of all kinds. Books of Fact.! - • Books of Fiction: .... . Books of Devotion : . • ... Books of Amusement! - ° - 1 Books - for the Old Folks! 1 Books for the Yining, Folks • Books for Husbands! Books for Wives: . . , . .• Books for Lovers! i . - Books for Sweethearts: - /kkiks for Bop! .. Books fur Girls,! ‘. Books of Humor: , Books of Poetry! Books of Travel' - Books cif History! Books of Biography! . • ' Books of Adventure! . Booki about Sailors: • ....... Books alxiiit Soldiers! Books about Indians! Books about Hunters!` Books about Heroes: 1 . Book about Patriots! • • Books for Farmers! • . . - - . . Books for Mechanics! , Books/or Merchants! - • J . Books for Physicians! - - Books for Lawyers! ' .. . . -Books for staicsmen! . ! Bibles! . • Presentation Books! • . , Prayer Hooka': Hymn Books! Juvenile Books! - . , „... , Annuals! . Albums. etc., etc: • . , . .. . CECIL D. lIARTLEY'S Interesting Bingraplties! REV. J. H,INGRAII.OII4 Scriptural Romances! .SMUCKEICS Lives of Pittnots and Statesmen! • J. T. LAUREN'S Revolutionary Stories! • ; T. S. ARTIICIUS Popular. tales! DR. ALCOTT'S Faintly Doctor! MRS. 'LENTZ'S Novels! MRS. souTriwounrs Novels! • COOPER'S Novels! DICKENS' :Novels! WAVERLEY'S Novels! LRVING'S Works! Ail the writings of every standard author in every _de partment of literature. In every stele of bindilag: at the publisher's lovemt . prices, and remember that yen pay no more tan yon tronid at any other Establishment. and -you base the advantage of receiving an elegant Present. which oftentimes is worth a hundred told more than the amount paid for the boot. , , Order anc !molt. that you may want, remit the ietail price;tokether with the amount required fur. postage. and one trial will assure you that the.beet place in the country to purchase books its at the Gift Book Establishment of GEORGE G. EVANS, Otlidhator of the Gift Book Enterprise._ - "No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ' • AGENTS WANTER, to whom greater Ind uceruante than ever are, offered. Any person. either male or female, who le desirous of engaging in All Honorable and Pram. hie Employment, requiring t.ilttle One and no outlay of money. and by which he can obtain gratis - A VALTIABLESIBRARY, A rum GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN, A HANDSOME SERVICE OF PLATE.. - As ELEGANT SILK DRESS PATTERN; A SLEttDR) SET OP JEWELRY. Or many other choice articles CuOnterated in the Litt of Gina, can do ao by acting ad an Agent foetid' establish. meat. day person, In any part of the iountry, can bo agent. simply by forming a club, sending,for a Dot of books, and.' remitt? the amount of money required tor the same.. I Seacf oro Catalogue, which.contalne all the desired In forma on relative to agencies and the formation - of clubs: and todnenne prompt and hourarabie deaUngs,.addrese all! Orders td : • I - THE BEAD QUARTERS OF GEO.. D. EVANS, •Proprieter of the Oldest end Largest Giftiktok Enterpri+e In'the World. pummel:oly located at No 4 4fY3 . Chertnut ,itrrrt Floladdrhix. I 1 , `e1.4,1 6 m CIAL.XI.3a. ADVANTAGE of the heoetit derived be purellaNlng book., at this o,tablishinent. M=ME M(===3 • Altt.i. - IX As Stow fronf ie klingand parchulng and Is 'll. now rettlaing one of tblirgett indbestetook of 7. G . O i t = 9 ever offered In this marhei. I The' quillty of - nearly ev - ery thing. good: all warranted as represented. - Terns: Ready eaxli gad Out Prices_ general ides . the stock may be formed frolothp fohowingeuumeration: nitros. itIT:DICIORE , CRANE/CALS. PAMTS. OILS, WINDOW. GLASS, ./ . /TE STVP - kA, O noctntrs, at.AssW4l/E, eIIOCKENT, . ' CLOCON„ - WALL PAM% WINDW I•APEIL WrNiVnt OIL 1111411/EA,FANCT GOODS. Musical Instruments:Lantos, Jewelry, e _ cry. Stone Ware, . Brooms: Brushes, Whips. timbrers Bird Cages, Pocket Knives, firms, Pistols, Ammunition,. . Liquors; Trwams,, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, plat monnsis, Spectacles, Silver plated Sporata:Porks, &c. (told rams. Stationery, . Violin; (lunar. Bass Viol Strings, , . Lithographs. porcelain Teeth, Artist's Tube paints, Brush es, .te, thsa.semie Dry. (locals, Wooden Wate, hard and Pip:tuned ' Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans; Cumpliine, Coal t/il, - burnitr Fluid, AltsMol,.Turpentine. lamp, tanner's, neat foot. lard. olive, castor , . lxiired and raw linseed Oils, While Lead. Zinc, and all kinds of coloredpatnia, gar, Canary Svc*, also all the popular PA MEDI CINES, and other things:lmo numerous to mention. It Is inipractleable to give more than a general outline of my stock through the newspapers, everyone wishing GOODS Is invited to call had examine. Customers on entering the 61 ore must-uot expect to find every thing In sight : but nearly every tuliele Wanted will be produced by hrray. Thankful fortheliberal patronage hitherto received, he hopes to merit a- continusace mid large Increase of the same. ABEL TURIIELL. .• Montrose, June 5, OM. - • att,. clatt !- ."alt 1 ! Ma - Mil V/. MAIM, 'WHOLESALE ;SALT.. ,DEALEIti 201 'Wamhingtou-st, - (Directly Market,) STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and , COUNTRY tradi!,.all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures; 400eu sacks and bags, consisting in 'part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for La s hio and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e.. and 50000. bushels-Turks IshMd, Bottoms, ' Cu races, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz ,I Ivies, Nantes, &c.,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices., from vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser, wishing to select Cram a good assortment will find, it - tohisinterest to call.. N. B..4=Fine table'Salt put , up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship ping order. Also a Splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quatt4mxes, put up and for sale by the quantity, in eri,i4eB of tics dozen each. THE REST ROUTE 1800. 1 , 1:0)1 WYOMING VALLEY i 0 PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, fBALTIMORE, - And all .Points North & West. LACKAWANNA &• BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains 'WILL Itt'N SCR .1N TON ;IND N OUT UM It EU LAN D, AS FOLLOW'S : NoviN,} Plant N..V. Mail. Expre.. , 9 GAO 4..5 Leavo Scranton. Arrive at 4.:8 K itipt on 7.115 5...111, Itupart, 11,55 5.50 7.50 Bloomsburg:l44s Ti.oo 13.01vick. 5..20 fidCl Bent id:, 7.15 • 6.35 Itltamn4ittriz. 5.541 7171 t'zliirktillintly. 7.45 7.0 r, Rtißert. !mill 7.411 K I ngston. S :}1 7.45 9..5 4?.141 Pittston, :4.57 44.15 Nortltulanti. 111.110 5.45 Scranton, 9.25 8.15 THE LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD LACI:ANVANN'A .S; WESTER>: RAILROAD At .. , •I•rantri. for New VorlZ :rad Pliilatleltdlia. arid Intyr mediate pwintil ra-t far Great !lend, Ilittgltandwll. ltivratw,e, Buffalo, Niagaln and all Import:WA 'point:. At Ituport It colinci•tahritlitho Cutettist‘a Railroad, for point, , both En,t•atat Northomboriatiti it oonnucts with, the Sunbury and Eno ILtiiro.iti for I), , inlS W Bonito nod ,o3in THE GREAT FR ENCII- REMEDY Fo : rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, Tic Doloreaos.. Dr. HOBAN'S RH.E .(\ tIA ,, I R tIT ( I )B C CURE. iAo.. T it LS -INvALuABLE A_ ••:.Ipedii,.." lately lait*ia. }, . 401,1 ill!" this country. in . „..-1- -- "—:----- pretiounetal by all to be the : . ~,..4.-., Ends reliable remedy: It has , ~..V‘ , 11 , !, r curd thou-ands in illtrOpe. Et ii kV n 7.7,,1 has met Es, lib gnat and wood, :i „.,..,6‘,. erfill nerves- Ilere:'as tentimo- El flint:. daily received will thou_ i l :: ,-,1:4. 2:,', ,;, ),--%-r:-1 - 1 It in hannle.ne, hut certmii, in pi 5.: - ..44..,, ',' , 4:;.;-:•: - e';.:'t tin effect-: "warrantssl free of 1:,M . ,,. - ,i,: , ' _ 31 , ,snAps_1$ all folio-ion, iimredients- I t ''as Z.1,4', - ''', - - 4 .4 . ;;,.,.,(, :.1 pithier. the syntvni d ['wilder, , E - -,,, ' -s , Zgi ~.4 ...,A It perfeetl healthy. In fact. '; , ..LE..,....,. _., • 7 ; :y.',....4. • troll I 4 it (sit apeCitie which has not xr , ,1,1;:g, -, - -, --11. %ll an equal for the cure. of the !I ti.j.,„,4tr'.- 0 "-11 above rOmplailitn. It in Elko'', ;,7,?:2,,,.. 4 , 1 •,.;‘, -0, ;•;% good for painn in theshai.k. or E.— boner; or joint r generally. , The demand for it Increaning.. has hale:sal the proprietor to appoint an agent . * for thin di-triet. Also for Cale at the agency of Dr. Hoban. No. MI Broadway, New York City. I BruggintnnupPlied sat liberal term-. . ` tent by BExpress to any part of the country nil receipt of the price. novillkly •Alltil. TURREI.L. Agent, Montrone. HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES Or Disease With Its Agonies : cb.c•c•spe sovvvac,33. ‘ . - G. -, : 't - ,.'i) =1?-. ' k.)-- - 1. '-- P;Pri. .'-' 41' I •- _ , • - . 1,.. , ' ., ,,,..f-viv , v• ' ___ll ' . ) . - 1'A 1,' ,e:,.*6 " •-•• it',- .-" - ';',-,..;•:6-4,;57 J. !' .: .. 4 .61.' ~ '1, 19? - - .. a• - •• - ).ti i • ,_ it, ' , ;:-S. 'it Ir.' ' 4' !,. .- " - .%. , ,. fi „iipi e ; - 4. f .: 's:..:=_. - , , ,-f'r ;kr' , .1-, g--- 4t7e..‘''''. —k-- - .. , .. . .- ~ 1 :..„- 2 .- . _ —.— - HOLLOWAVS PILLS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. VILTIIAT io more fearful than 11 breaking down of the nervms eystem t To he excitable or nervous In a small degree-lo moot dlotressing, for where can a remedy be found t There is one:—drink but little wine. beer, or spirits. or fa'fbet ter, none: take no criffee.—weak tea being preferable; get nil the (rub air von can; take three or four Pills every nicht ; eat plenty of koilils. avoiding the use of Aims ; nod if ihv, golden ruLee are followed, you will he happy In mind, strong In body. and:forget you hare nerves. IllacotherrseiF elb 3345vaxg-Ixtermes. If there in one thinZniore than anothCr for which these Pills are (anions. it is theirpropert especially their power of cleansing the blood fromallimpnrities, removing dangerous end suspended necrVt tom , . l'alver• nally.adopted as the grand remedy fur female complaints. they never fail,, never weaken the syntem,..and always bring about what is runuired. Sick HeadachC and Want of Apiotite. These feelings which so sadden us. most frequently arise from annorances or trouble. from perspiration. or from eating- and drinking what is until for no, thus-disordering the stomach and Wier. These organs must he regulated if You 'wish to be well:"The Plils, If taken according tblhe printed fm•tructions. will quickly restore a healthy action to both liver and itoinach, whence-follow as a natural con e and thcelr medicine e head: in e is the eer used anyaid Kest Indies scarcely other for thesedisorders. DISORDERS OF TEE KIDNEYS Irian diseases affecting these organs, whether they se. euttetoo much or too , little water; or whether they he at , flitted with atone or gravel, or with aches and paint , settltd in the loins ortr the. regions of the kidneys, these rills should be taken according to the printed directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will gke almost Immo. .ate relief when all other meant; have failed. • • For Stomachs mit of Order. No medicine will eo efrcetttally improve the tone of the etontach ad theee they remove all acidity, oceasiend either by intvmperance or Improper diet. They reach tip. liver and reduce it to a healthy action they never fall in curing all dleordera of the liver and ',haunch. , Holloway's Pills are .the lest remedy known • • . i n the world for the following diseases: . . figlir. rilt, , , . . Sore Throat% • Asthma, . Gout,l , -Stone and Gravel, BllionsComplaints.llead-ache, tiee'ndary symprms Bletchtsl/11 Sktll. Indigestion, 'Pic-Douloareuz, Bowel Complaints, Didammation, Tamers. Cones. Jaundice: , Ulcers, . [ Olguitination of the fairer Complaints, Venentml Affection Dowels, ' Lumbago, Worrusefidi kinds Consumption, Piles,' . : ' Weakness from Debility, Rheumatism, ' whatever cause, CDropisy, - Iteterition or ac., - 4.c. I Dysentery, ; 'Urine, - Sc., &c. &Tailwind, Scrofula. or King . .. Evil,. 1351 I Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds. [eOW] [_ . , • .CAUTISIif 1.--" None are genuine unless the wools " Max -I.OWAX„ New-Yorot •AMI LONDOV," ore discernible as 0 watenmark in everY leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; tit&same marbo plainly seen by /raiding I the teqfp the light . A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the cued!- 1 -clues or vending the, same, knowing them to be spnlorts. * * *Sold at thy Manufactory of Professor Hot.Lowarr SO I Malden Lane, litter York, and by all respectable Druggists i Kuril/eaters in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, 1 in boles at ;X cenbi„gl cents, and $1 each. pit - There is emksideruble saving by taking larger boxes. N. IL—Directions ror the guidance of patient, in every i dP4nder fife aflim ,, l to each'Art. W } M. ITAYDRIC, ' .: - . '° - ''' JOIN HAYDEN. ' ';-, .._ , ; „; TRACY HAYDEN ' ..yr,iv NILFgRD, PA .0} . 7,0110rf TEANDE , N: - .. -- - • - . -' ' CHILDREN Au experienced Nurse and Female Physician,. presents to the attention of Mothers,.her SOOTHING: SYRUP, • FOR CHILDREN 'rm.:l7lllN i which greatly facilltates-the process Of teethltig, by soft ening the gums. reducing all iutbitnniatiour-will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, find ts SIIBE TO BEGULATE THE / BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, It will give rest to you, and RELIEF AND =Arm TO YOUR INFULIWTS., We hareput up and sold this article ter dier ten years, ' and can say 'IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any' other metileino-L NEVER HAS 11' FAILED, in a SINGLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CURE, when timely used: Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by au one who had used it. On the contmry, all are delighted with Its operations, and speak in termnot commendation of its magical' effects and medical virtues. We say In this Matter " WHAT WE DO - KNOW," _after ten years. experience, and PLEDGE OUR REPUI ATION for the fulfillment of what we here declare. Innleaost every Instance where the infant Is suffering by pain and exhamtlbn, relief Wqbe found -1a fifteen to '2O renews alter the syrup is admiuletered. This valuable preparation' is the prescription of one of die most EXPERIENCED amt.:SKILLFUL NURSES In New England, and has beat used with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in' tiiousANDs or CASES. It not only relisies the child from paist,but ti vigondas the stomach and bowels, corrects aridity, and gives tone and energy to the whole syldem, It will almost blatantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions. which, If mit speediWcured, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUROTrem. edy in the WORLD. In all eases of DYSENTERY and DIARRIREA IN CIIILDREN; ,bother it :Wises from teething, or from any other tattise. We would's:ly to all mothoru who have n 'child suffering Romany of the forego log complaints—DO NOT LET:YOrn PREJUDICESI Null THE PIIEJUDIOES OTL lERS' stand between you and' your sufferiter and the relief that will be St RE—ven ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow snit: tire of this medicine, if timely used. Fell directions for using will accompanv each hot tie. None genuine unless theittc sintile of CURTIS PERKINS, Now York, is on the outside wrapper. • Sold by Druggists throughout the world. PrluelearOntee,l3 Cedar atieet, New York. PRICE ONLY SS CENTS PER ROME. dec2oli , For rale In Montroae by Abel Turrell. LIFE PILLS, t BITTERS, riIIIESE MEDICINES have now been before the public 1 fora period of Thirty .Y,arf, and during that time have maintained-a high character in ultuoet tn cry, part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of raetoring perfect health to pereons buffering under ,pearly every kind or diecta,e to 'which the human frame in liable. The following are among the dietreseing variety of hu man diaeaers iu which the • GET!. "T'E t • L .i_t Are well known to be infallible. - DYSPEPSIA, be thoroughly clan tlttg ` tLe let and end stomachs. find creating a flow of pare,healthy bile,litetead of the stale-anti acrid k int! FLATULENCY ! LoYa4/dP lire. Ikartburndlcailari,i,RoWexelle., , , Tamper, Aux ter ty, Languor and Aftlan Moly. which are general setiiptoms of Dyspepsia, vanish , as a mit uraLconsegnence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing thu whole length of the Intestines with, a solvent process . , and without violence; all violent poems leave the bowels costive In two days. FEVERS oran kinds. by restoring the blood to a regular circulation. t lir"' the pro( ~v .fires pi ration in each cases. and Limit, solution . t I f all for est i naLlth,tratA ions hi - others. The Life Medicinee base been known to cure RHEUM ATISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by - removing local inflammation from thtl mus cles and ligaments of the Joints. DROPSIES of all kinds. by freeing and strengthening the kidneys tool blatitb•r ; they operate most delightfully or. them, ituportmct organs. aunt hence ever been found a certainrem-fly for the war-t cae•-s of GRAVEL. MOVIN4i _ N. V. • l'hlra • Ex pre. , . T.t•itve Nort 5.3) 4.-15 Artirc at I)ant ilk', 1,05 5.911 womits, by diPlodging from the turnings of the bowels the ' , HMV matter to uhich the,u'ereat are, adherr. • • • . ~ . . . SCURVY. ULCERS, and .T.NVETTaRAT.V. SORES, by the perfect parity ithitil the4e Life Meiliiiii., give. to the blood and all the ItOtnort. . SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and DA, D COM FLEXION S, by their alteratb e eilect.upon the Mild, that feed the skin and the morbid ',tato of which OCCIIAOIIII,nII eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, will other dinagree.tble com .plextons. The nse of there Pill• for a very rloirt time trill tilTeet.an entire dire of SALT HILETIM, and a strikilw - Intwitt e meld In the elearn.-ts ~r COMMON COLDS awl INFUENZA.O ill always he eared b;. one dose, or by two in the w . PILES.—The proptietor of 14e ,e w 9.4 cured of Pile., of year,,tandingtty the rice of the .Ifroiiri7e, alone. EVER AND AGUE.—For this scoured of the West ,ern eottnip. tlo•-e Mediein, will be fennil n re, speedy. and certain remedy. Other 3letliejne , l,tve tt a systern subject to a-return of the flipear,--a cure by tilt ee Medi eines b , poratanent (rya. c•treei: Hil num 'Fevers and 'Liver plaints. Gene iebilitv, "(Appetite. anti D1,..a.,••A Of r, rules. he Nifidicines- have been Anted with the mud beneficial results in cases of Oda description': -rKinits Evil. and St ratan. iii its a or , t forms.. i b itt to the mild tot powel - ful action 'of the-e remarkable 31edicines. Ninht Sn cats. Nervous llobllfte . Ncryons Complaint. of all kind.. Palpitation of the nenrt. Painters Colic, are speedily cured. Mercurial DISCLINC..- Persone wino c con-t tut lota s hare beconto impaired by t fie inJudielons ono of Mercury.; will find these Ntedicille6 a pcifect cure. as they never fail to eradicate from the etstetn. all the effeet,4 of Mercury: - -infinitely'soonVi than the must powerfal preparations ofl barsaparilla. Prepared and sold by • • W. 13.1tIONIRAT.. XIS BIioADWAY, NeW-VOIIIL. For Salo by all Druggtsts. WWI . - 1314 THERS WHoIipALE DEALERS IN • ' -wcerxpasTos,. FA.N — C GOODS. MRS. WINSLOW, It O-V Afflicted, Redd! W ILLIA3IS'S 'COMPOUND SOLlT tion for the PILES is warranted to effect n Cares in every cane, and in Mr staims of the disease. or the money! will he relarttled. Full directions acemnpany each bottle. For rate by Abel Turret!. Montrose; 4). G. Ilemp,teati,l Ilrookty ; 'I. .1. Italicoelt, Dimock Fennel Carpenter.l Harfora ; t;•(1. Williams, Jackson: J. B. Sliknm. Landoll; A. 13. Merrill. 1101iluittom ; A..1.34,1'1 . 111. Scranton. . I r3EL ' C7MXI.•IIIN" X C.A. This is to certify, that MI s. Et has been afflicted foil years pas t with that distressing complaint known as the " Piles, and that having failed In seetiringvellef from va rious Physicians. she was induced from reports to try 'Sin! Williams "Pile Solution," which we obtained at one of his Agencies in Tankhannock, Pa._ The result has beeni the most favorable. The trial was made with It last and after using no. directed for a few days, what tee have! good reason to seas a permanent cure was effected. Several other cases of a similar nature in .this vicinity have used it with like results. With Mr. Williams 'motto! "no cure no pay" every one thins afflieted willeertainlyi do well to try it. • .B. B. EMPRY, I Panora M. M. E. Church, Tnnthaenock,-Wyoming Co., Pa. June sth, 18GO. - \ tf. • • SANZORD'S LIVER IfiVIGORATOR, . NE . V.F;II,. DE/iII.ITATES. . • IT Is ecsittpottn tied cI, t Ire: y frost.' (site wit a, and i 6..aben= ean es: • ilidell fact. A maielii i A AFe twin e, know a and opponet to at tii.ii i !..,,e mitt ii and Is how re- F 'anrtelto tv eh rhino - deuce ti,' _l, ,Alt the illaieaae, far which It la It ‘, i RI i ~ It Pas CIIMI thnrlß.lllli. " wa r m the 'bat two years i who 1.3•141ren tip All hope, es, ,iii reLer. AO Ole numerous urooilice ecniliceimi in my ,=, &A.m.., ti ir. klint, 1 f• -The dose must be:Wait:Ad' G' s do the Innperament a a. g Laisid.l taking at, soot wtt is such i 4314114. I• 10 act et on Me Bowels. '.. 1 • ' t Let the !Mantes of your ; fitment vitae you in the i g use i.f the LIVER IN••• VIC: oluvrott, 1.4 ii will cure Liver Cosn-: ; pluints,"lllllolas AV., • I tacks, Dyspepsia , ! iChronloDiarriscien,- ii t 1 nnsna c r Conk •-;• pit. tuts, Dyseistc-• I Setae - ry, Dropsy, Soe: StOmach,lisabitn al ; Costiveness, "Chol-' - le, Cholera, thole- I 'ralllorting, Cholera. ;Infant sttn, Flat tt- knee, J a tin d Ice , I t - emote Weakness- I es, and mar La meal enc. _., icestrully as an Ordlnet• Ty Family DieslU- R. : elite. /tecillettreSiCK II EA U AI: II it, r,,.. ithouFirda can testify.) ht. I twenty minutes, 11" two or three Tea. ! aro:maul* tare: tak= , en it commencement 'of I enact. . All who we It arel , giving nor te;1 1 411Ter i fa Inane& . _ I . i Pill WATER. IN• THE MOUTH WITH' I TILE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTII TOGETHER.. Price One - Duller per Bottle. =MEM SA.N . F2 f ors THAFitICPILLS, I . • .003114 al N•14.:11 mom I i• • Pure Vegetable P.2ll.nct.t, and put up In i GIAMS CASES; Alr . '/Ight, and Will keep i In any climate. . - I The Family Ca- 'le tbartlePl6.ker.n. tie but - ned,e..Cethertie in, whirh the _pt'nielor has '1 us.e.l in his Orardee: te.ore.,l then twenty )eere. The ~ ..n..taitle tiff:motto; IN demand front these who : hevel,,ng us.l4e P ILLS e end the cntufaction with: Ott esprept in regamtin'thear •-■ use, but Induced me to pine i thew within the tench 14' all.M • s •, The Profesohnt well know ja, that dilTerent.OnharLiell act & • en 'aferent. pnrtions of the rt. hem e 1... The FAMILY CA-'TIIAItTIC PI 1.1. I hes. with dne rpftrepre to __ - thin well. eetablighed fact, 1 -... _ .. —._ ...............- ... I.;;;:iiibinpounded from a ri variety orthe.purcit Vest: i table ; Mirada. adds act lat alike co every part at the I -Umend•ry csinal,, snit are M , good aid t u gs hi all tee- i es O t igrey - • Cittbilllie it E 4 needed, such as - De- j rangenienta at tlici - Ist onta c h tneeld.• ', mesa, Patna Jo, fir 14 nark . hod Lat.. 1 Coil ilretlClM, Palo , 811111 . SOrttlr./11 ov.r t h e whole - . . ijoity., Rom auildeu. end. , which i Irv/wetly, if .. tieeleciteb and in along mused Er. l ver, Lou'' of Awn.- -ll le, a Creept it g sem. i satiety of Cord over the body, Iteetlese...l Ire!. YeallsettS'i L'r - welghtlit the heed. i au ilia se ant In • i.eri DI senses. Waren. lo '; Children or Adults, Ithetimattentot great Partner ef de Rhin!! .... sal insui.iii*Mßellio width I Seth Is belt. We aumerim tif totocutlon le this wheaten. ~. mew. Dole. 1 te'S...- - ' . - ~ . • . ; PUICE THItEE 13111141 , 1; •' • 1 ' The Liver Invigorator , end Family Cite I *hurtle PIII• 'Ere trlafieNl by Druggists generally, uo4 ` andvskuleade by die. Trade In all ale largo tolajl. • i . S. T. W. SA.SPOILII, PI, D., • .: 1 Manunicinrcr angYrnirldnr, , - 333 Ilreedway, Sew rev . i For Pale in 31../Tllfill'll by ABEL TLIBRUL, Auottj MEMO „ s' '' l ' Fillitinitt ~ . - MONTROSE :PENNA.' '. ” T -,enbseribeihavittg.purchOed: : . ' refitted and . neWlyifurniehed, the - HI . : Wove welt known and ilopelargoteli is prepared to accocrnionlate the tray- ,- °ling - flublic aad others with 'all 'the . attentions • and conveniences usually _found - in 6 rst-elsmi . _ . Houses. NU effort, will be spared by the Pro- ' ; • / KEYSTONE _HOTEL .-ipr;etet ,and his Assiittentg .to.ttnoketlfe ;lintel •' : . • 3 , : equal in every point to any . ifa thelcountry." I ' ,/ A t Montioio, Penn • -, Tho /Bar will alWaysf be sOppliedwith the . --- -•• . . _ , . . Choicest Liquors. Z. 11/JiTCIS, P r oprieto r. - ,. , .1. ~... - 1 . ~ - . , The.Slsible% - connected With this • House TrHiS - new and commodious Hotel situated larlelarne, • raemy and l c ' i nt ' tad 'liir fnl and ' . !attentive" Hustlers are ° a T l i w y l n ys e iti l e n bar m ge ' ti e ' ithem. al on Public:. Aventte near the Court liouse,and nearly, in the centre Of the business pottion of 1 .- . - - 1. 8. TARBELL. Mtintl l tte, is now fttlY completed,and furnished, t . .IAI3I was opened On Monday. the ;27th day of • .. .. . . . . . ~. . • . - . I . September, .1858, on . _ the xtecommodation of A 9 • the public and travelUrs. Thu Proprietor' feels 1 tiyer s -i confident thfit .he is now prepared to enthta:n I - Sarsapar illa ,l, k - • pests in a .rnanner that A•nrknot fail to give '- - FOR 'PURIFYING, . THE ALOOD, 0 ._ Complete Sail Chen. —, A:I4 for the spo.•dy cure of 'the sabigined varieties of- . iThe'Hotel and Furniture are new, find to, ex. I Ill•••:: . . 1.• 4 pe' Ilse has been ousted to render it eqtlal. if not ' shoes , Nisch at* 1411 ;n1:o la ra ll , " Ar S e c r r ir ru S il o t r::, Eruptions, illns.• super)or to any similar establishment in this part E r u t e i l. a r i ta s st k i i tLos n , I. ll . l . o s tr e. 4 . esy, lolls, Blain', ._ ofi the, State. It is well supplied with all the . recent itnprov.einents ;and comforts, and obliging l' ; ,71. c. AYrit .I: Co. ( f ) ;:ti K tt i ; A : N PA T . n .l 4 ll ; t 4 in til ; ji tti n ify ' I to ' ;n- , waiters will always be• readyto respond to the knowledge what your tiarsapprilht lin* done: fur me, : dill of customers. , • flaring inherit...l a sernfulowt infeetlon, I.have splremd from it-tn retinas Ways for years., Sometimes It buret Out In 1.71,rs on my hands and -trios; sometimes It The Stables convicted-with this 'House are, 1 i New and Convenient. : _turn 7 11, , ,,,-,„, ,i Lnv diptresa.4l me at the stomach. Two ... Tlie ProprietorriesPectfully solicits the tidirori e ,„t• his Old friende,•and the public generally. an yclr e gt . lt ii i i, ~.i s . ..o. u r t o , tut i v i, i,:;2l :, , i , , l . , 7l ... z ., (i d iu m niii r, ,,ni t ...,, tvy..o.l..serirtion. s ee r , Iri,4 many trvlieln.es and weir"' - i i ~ , : - W NI. l< .lIATCH. . t t i g si t ' i l „ li f n iif,, l 4 " ,l,V.: l r ' e ° , l c lt ac in o ' f " ;, l !• r t.sl44l:7;cif " s " fe n l;l2li . 1 - I - te read in tlw (;.;.3sl,3tes,.onger that; you had pnmsre,l - . tin. niteratfte (liiv.rsaparilia), for I know from your mitt tation that any thlL,,to you male MUPt he good. I sent to Cincinnati mid got It, a114.11:,4 it - till it cued me. 1 troAc • It, as yell ant hr, in small 4n.esinf's 'itsloymonrul over a montli,Ml4 uteri Mount three ttottirs, New and healthy ain v.'', 1,,,, jr, limn un4or the se.-.4,. whieli after a white fell.nit" Mc skin i: tury dear, MO I know tyr my feellmo.s that the ifi , o.nr.• li gone frotifmy system. 'VOW ean well lielieve that f foci What I MO sayin;,r when I late - . you, flint I bold you to he ors. of Ilia Sport ies of.the age, and remain ever grAtOlilly, 1 m*•., AI.FII}I.I/ ft. TALLEY.. -, NI EAT - .. :0140tIct a t ' e l Publia 'Atit'esistii; IVIEEPof 13 MEATS 'of. ai1.1064. CASH paid for BOlCattbe j igalvM.Sbeep,and Lambs.. Also for 11114iesolf 11 EN Tr ostjaymEr. FIAMiLEY. or s traie.' rth • • D 1r EVP !E PS I A l Dyipepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, l Dyfßep3ii, Debility of the System, byspepda, Liver Coreplaine, Acidity, ' Liver Complaint, Acidity, •Bilious Compyids, sick IlcaOde, Bilious Complaints, Sick. headache, , FLATULENCY, P)SS OF APPETITE, FLATULLSCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, and the numb<rlrss uther , disenies arising frays (hessian and laniard disorders of the stymach, find ready relief in that established ar.derling . 7141.1' O . Z; VGCNATED. BITTERS,. ,': • , - • i Wa caft the allenliim of the readcr to .the following kfter /ram President Smith, formerly of Wistryan Lytersify, and now of Annapolis, Md. Mlttlltht.ToWis; Conn.,rib., law. fth'elt IV: rowtt- r,,. CO.— Gentlemen i . — I first I' tgade ~,,,, .1" flie Oirjrnaird nattri POMO SeVall or right, y can since. liaving stittired friw twenty years I' from a form et ilyspepkia, .et loch was attendedwillra netAkislicadailie, nn an fterfkre of nut less than ono day in a week; rivas induced, by the unpretending rer onimendation of Dr.iGrecti, " to try one tattle, and if nu benefit was waived to 41i:4N:tin:le tl.e . tite." . I: Tim one antic botiie warranted aforther trial, to the errsit of mope hint air (tali,: la MI a careful am-real:co I of the;areotirlianyini diiections. Tim result woo, an almost entire relief frion the osnal dyspeptic symptortii and their depresAing; constiirlxv , . .1 brlievo. there Bittets 'matured an Frilly(' chanty( in the Lakin( el 1 ally .y.-triti, and upon ithe at:live cileriore ef the lift the‘ i . ergs - Hs: f now iltein'inyself as ettnipt fnse fl 3 op( Arta { is most jlersons. Tgese Bitters have also kern of ser f . vice to other.tnenibere of my family., ' Y, - 5... Very resvecifury youtm, • - A uousTU4 W. SMITH TILE ON G NAITO "UTTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. fiLictimoNW, T./lea Co., 25, ' GE! TLY-51EN, rlifter , / wiruring for mere thailthiegg ;years. with-Dysprptil,' aWd•tryin: runny remedies ree-. ommended for that ,411,awe nohow airy, go#4l resuit, I on, induced, by Dr.lt. 11. %Vint° of In give the Orifrr, s.frft.l /1/firrs 'a trial. I took two bottle", which g3ro or on.'mur6 relic( that I Wwchared — two more, which have nem:). or mlitaretrerted a curas. lam nosy Dearly ccvcrity-live mare of age : and (o !bre', !lunatic past loye felt no inconvenience from my food. take,girrat - pletancC in recommending the [littera W all afflicted with 1)3 iipeplia and V, t o n t timitanr irs t im Dr.• White. , .• sipigritztAri, Tioga Co., Pa., Aug. 21!, 1658. I barn-tuted the Orlirepatrd Bitters--in my' practice deeidid tmecrpa in debility and general promotion, Ra i and confidently recommend tlitln in general de bility, and dideaces of the digestive - organ,. ' THE OXYGENATED Bilwrpr,s. ,THE 'OXYGENATED 1611';ITOS. PIMAIiED %V FOWLE & CO., 18 Tremont Street, Boston. Sold by Drug - istsi Dealers, and Merchants in every ' town and aify throughout the country, • 'il - -4" — For bale by.l . lbelTurr..ll and Ifrad, Wn trons ,t; FO4, ter. Montro.c : L. 11.. Woodruff. Dlniork linum Niel nIF, Brooklyn-; Whitney 1.4: Moxtey , Ilarford t.Weed & Ward Great Dend; J.`C. - Plrnistead,Dundatt ; L.- Griffin, Great 110 d. • ; July BcERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS ME CELEBRATED ILOLLAND ILEAlkolt TOE DYSPEPSIA, . DISEASE ;OF-THE KIDNEYS, Iay.fin,•COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ana 1.146 4aricial affections consequent aim a disordered . STOMACH OR LITER, Brich . sa indigestion, Arklitrof the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Lees ¢f Appetite,. Despondency, Cesetireueent, 'MIMI and Illeedin files. In all Nerrene; lilmuntatir, and Neuralgic Affections It has In numerous instances' proud ; highly tenefirlat,lnd in other* effected a decided core. Tide Is a purely 7lrgetaldo compound, propetied on strictly scientific principles, alter the mariner of the celebrated Holland ProfeseeN Ikerbars. Its reputation at home pro• ducted Its Introduction here, the demand commencing alth those of the Fatherland mitered over the Lime of this mighty country, Emmy of whoa' brought with them and 'handed down the tnulitlon of Its value. If is now offered to the Antrican publit, kogoscinp that its trot., wonderful . mivticitmg t.lrtuts 'root be ottnmot , dvert. ~ It It particularly recommemhd to those poreens whoomi cooditutiona may rave boon bniairrd by the continuous uve of ardent spirits, o other forma of dissipation. , Generally. , . Instaufancous In e net, it finds its way directly to the east. • of life.-thrilling and, quickening every nerve, taking up the drooping spirit,and; In fact, tainting new health and vigor In the system.. - - NOTlCr...—Whoareer ex tofind this a heroines wl.l be dl.eppolnted; hut to the skit, weak and low spirited, It will prove a gratefid aromatic weals!, Downed of alorefiat remedial propertieq. ._ • • " • REpiEV, CAREFULLY 1" The Genuine Highly rweraratod Berrhavee Dittoes Is 'put up lo holtrlnt bottles oulycand retailed at On &MCA' pnbOttlo, or do bottles for iron Donau. The" mest &mood rot Wieldy ea:brand MoOkiest has lodated m ei u re f i rtatlous,,whlels•the public should guard against *Or* Beware of Yemositlen. Bee that oar name Is on the Abel of 'Tory bottle you buy. ' • - • .•ti u. y Drainer. psendly'• It auk be fererarle4 by Inns; to net pmts. . , puoi.alsTo*s.. BENZA,MIit & • '- - •r; •annurAfspi4xe i wists Ilbarmattattsb and the ,r • • PITTSBURGH, PA. These BITTEI . IB are gold in Montvale by .. • oc4 ABEL TURRELL, Druggist. . . St. ottiony•to IPlrr.'ltri•r , or Err for . Triter Solt It lir nos. Serail -• worul, Sore Dropsy• ••• Hobert 3t. Po-ble write.. from Sarlif.'N. ,•*: Sept.: IS.T.). that he bas .eure , l as riirvi-t,rr.te ca.. , of Dropsy. which tlireateioal to teriiiititife fi&tTry,„ by then pergevering 'me or one Snrra , .erilla4m . l .lanzer • out attack Of iferfrootait I.%io.ipeits be larva , doers of ilia same.- nayx i.e cure, the rOttonen it con , *taut Ifrouchocele, Goitre." or. Swelled Nerk.. Vebttion Sloan of,. I'wllect, wsites "'Dire. bottlem of your Sartemarilta rare! toe from a f:..ifrr—a !Artemis swellinir on the suffered from over two ye:aril." , - • tencOrrlorn or Wltlirs. tlyorlon Tumor, Uterine Allterallon, FrtOole Dlteasea. Dr. :1. ' 13. S. Channem . , of New Yuri . : City, writes: ;. I . most h' w 1 . 1 oomph the ~/11•Nt of your tazevit In •uayini; I havirtutilel your Sar.keTe,rlll.l a most exceltrrit alterative in the iminerticit cont 4 ,laints. for wlaiett or em ploy suet, reMeAr. but erpeeially! in . /Anode Moose, of the, I Mit 1 , -;mire.-1 !roar 'uret er:lto mum of I.ee.•orrlvea.by it,' met mime when, the complaint avaa enn=e4 11:,..deenaion of lb.slew, . I'h„ uleeratimi ikelf acry meoCruroll.l .Nothitqf within my . knowleb_reanlinls it for thyme female flrram:.llli'atp." PAlivara S.'.3l:3rrow:orN.arburri-Almvrites,.., A dan gromSl,l.flriti,l I,lpri r II! .11 one of the femalt - a In nay finally, whb•li lint retticalleti try emN Implor, trot at l..n_nh lwen completely cured lc your octreet of Sars' ' , nape: Ala. Vac plossician thought yuttliing hat estirpn• thin could afford relief, but he tuff 15et1 the trial of _your Sarsaparilla An the last resort tsaforei clittiw4. and - it . - proem effectual. After taLingjonw rciriedy t Isid weeks no rytuptoto of the I,lltease remains:" rrYERS. • Syphilis and Mercuidad Dllerlit.. - , - 1CI:W 01:1.1: two. :f:.0.1 .{.......t1,1, 11-!.1. 1 ` )1:..1.. - C. Art:. Sir: I elicidt •Oly enetply trill, flier rectly"t of poir 3.,, , 11. and roporti to Viii nook.: id the . efrota. I boa , • n•: Ito - wit!; your .ti'd• "a: .ddla. ^ Jr ' I hove carol n id: it. to my pr5, ,, i, , -,17...•1 of the coin plaints for which it i , 1. ,onto, eii:l 'l, ;old :1 , ,v,• toan.l its a effoto-aruly won-torrid 1:i VI., ,:nr:.l d" l'ccorrvi? oad met. tins,! 1 , 1%,rt,... 4 )ni' "f toy in.ti, rill. tin , : Sypililll:::Lalerrd . in iii, throatovi•ioit wore coon:milk; I.i" palate sand the top of him mouth. Your S - IT. aprrilla, sitsantilv taken, can"! him in tiro Iv •-k.. A:lotto - S . u - n' n1 . 1,e;z0,1 by sec ondary vyinptortin In his nu , c, ain't. the ido , •ratlon had Elden away it ronerlcralilo part:of:ft, t,O 1,1: , :" I In-liove the disorder would riven retch his brain m. , 1 kill him. lint it yielded to My r•lndoiorati•iti ofir, our rinia'aparilla; Ile" ' ~hors 11,1•"1, rio-I ho I , %.-••11 ~,,,,t,l not 'if ....,•,.. tvithollt some sti ttipurat no: of tlic fr.., ,k• avOioici who. 1,1 1-. on . ' 11 ,. ...ed fir 111 , , inn• 11i.,L1, lA . 311 , 7 , ,ry w, ,rlf4rin/: from IlL141, , ,I, 4 11) in 11,,'‘01',.. , 'flier h.i•lina , me in svnei tivo to the wrath, that ms a .lamp any srz, 1,111,41 ili cruvi,ting jc,iti in lot- joints , and tem-, she, to,, ay., eared enthatv hy.vonr Sareapatilla In :I fete weeks. I know front its forioula, which yen r r....t• of ;_^,tve inn; that thin Pr , paratioll- front .y 0111" Lili*tlo.ry 1101.1 le a't.ret - t remedy; rrirepn , llll7, these trltiy, r.anarLable reaults_ with it have not surprised me. ,I j - rratvrnally your., , 0. 1% A.A 1:1311F: i:, M. D. • Ithepniatism, GoOt, ,I.iir-14 {.'on. plaint. IN orri:Norycr, Prost 0tt..c0., Va.. teh Jitly,lo:4 l . ' 1in..1. -I '. A liiii. Sir: I have hal: alllictn , l tout, r.prdn ful ehrinde Rherrumlisruf , ..r a lour: t Inte. which baffled the skill of plivid-latta, and .Inek: tome In npite of all the rimialles 1 &told tin!, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One Matte enrol ore in tvro weeks, ind. la:stored my genera health to :noel, that T ant forletter' than Before I was atteeked. rthink it n n'ouderful t metlicine. ,I. FltY.,thin .Inlea Y. ilieteli , 'll, of lat. Louie. writ.-,: "I have been nfiliotral for yearn With an idrectimi tif ihe !Myr, .whicli . il".troyoil my to I tri••,i , vtiry . tititt2 . ....4 ri'Vryllll.lC • failed to relic,. mo; sni•l I Ivelna'n abroken-down man : .for some yenta from ua labor eau sc 11,01 d•rcurgemerif or , the iiri - r. My Indocial pantor. t het tor. Mr.l , :npv,asirtssd I me to try your Sarsioiarillti, Leeson, Ile saki he knew yon, I and any tlitn:x yt.o tuna, rs:t.t weall, ,:yll.-,::. by the lAN:A -i lug 0rr.:,..1 - ii Las roues t 0... mindlths s,a inai11... , 1 Inv lancol • an to make 8 lI , W 1.1311 of mt.. I feel coon;; attain. The Ibent that can he k..i.t or you i, op; ',At good enough." - Sehlrrns, crtueer 'retundeii. Ettilorgentvut, El • rersition, Curies, and. Exfoliation of the Bourn.. t C • s .1-great Var.lo V of earcal,,•hiali reported to us avli - Are rlires of hire,: farm! table eampialias have n",:1 till from thttlatte of ads remedy., tint our . hen-nii mill noted !MlT them. :,,,,,, 00 hen, may le fun I,i in our .%incricart 1 Ainianne;'m Mob th e ;:f011:., is•Ci.w - 1/: nic , l vs , pleased -kis I furnish grati+ to tun %r ho rail ' Cot' thou. • 1 Dyspepsia. Heart Dinenise, Fits, Epilepsy, liFelitneholy, Njjeuralgia.. A. lIEBARD Minty roll - lark:o,le curet , of tltr,o ntfectlorohlinve berm itunle by the powerofThis turdbito... It 4tintu- Inlet the ita (IMO iotwinto ttgorautt tn•thm, rant t tutu overcome,: ilt-ord,r4 whir!' wonl,l 14 7 . 4 nnt it!, tench. : 4 .mb n rtinNly Inn; long lxvit required hy tin" nete44itiet or the peoblt., out tfo arr volittitt9it thut this will do for thunt all that nty4i..lto.• eou • F. 11. WHITE, 31. D Coughs, Ci)l‘l.l,' Influi•eritt; Hoarseness, Croup, IlroVieth it I-. Curssump -.Lion, cud for the nileirf of Com, (1111 p. • tll c Patiristr, In. nit-vn.nrrd xtriges of I..h.riDimengue. 'no!. It tt remedy FO IThlyerF:sfly known to ntrpMn may ether for the con -'of throat/net iung ottuplaints, that it to useless here to publielt the t s Menee of irtues. s its unrivolhel exrellence for ttoottli4 and mile. and its truly wonder:id cures of pulmonary diseaee, have made It known throutthout tho mttious. of the earth. Few are the romnittnitie... or eV : en amouk them who hove not ROM, personal experience of Its effects some. lit ing trophy In their nikiet of lie vietnry over the subtle htul -dangerous • disorders of tiii• throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful totality pf tin,e diertrders and as they know, too, the efrcels vas remedy, we nee d not do more, than to.assure them that ft has now all tlmvir turn that it 41k1 have when ntaklug the earns which have won so it rongly upon !he eonlitiotre IV mankind. Prepared I;y_ Dr. 7. C. AV* &. CO., Lowell, Naas. ror sale bvAtiel Turcell, 3rothrot=e; Church A: Phinney., I/unclad': Waltman Swisher:Auburn Centr... all iby all, dealmt , and drwxiste everywhcre. octS 13 cw which we are &Normd by oh,. abondonmi of competent ' and reputable wituemec, sure, speedy and per ' nutrient cure for CoxNeuman, fervor, Cud's, turns, h . ,-ruju n, rtroarcer, NairrO(ll-1101:4., and Chas. • rub linturry. This highly prob.ed medical peepers. . • Hon Was discovered *rivers years ago, to Calcutta, by ft.. H. James; • well known phytielau - of great eminence,. oho had taken his only eldl4—a daughter --there with him, hopinetluot the climate would prolong bee life, rilie_was pronouaced an itiehroble I iase of COYSOXITION. He-died }seed much 'of the wonderful restorative and,. healing qualities of preps. ration* made from the Feat India Hemp, end the thought occurred to him that be might compound a • remedy : for Ids child. He studied hard, and anc , n ,,l2 eel In realizing - Nte wished; Hris amn vies rum. • • Thbi wonderful remedy hej w e e° bee. adounbiticak to thotisanda of - sufferers In all parts of the world, and has never failed of goaloing theca completely healthy and.happy. Ito origins/ recipe for peeper:, • In& and aucceasfully wangthle greatremedy will be 'furnished to all 'appliciinto by the undersigned; Mt receipt of a stamp for return posts ge.•A emall'weric; written by the Doctor hiiiiself, en the above ewe. plaints, NW be sect ram pea "aid, to all those who ' may apply far the recipe. 13 whd wish the Kidd. i Ida* premed, can obtain it at I'd per stogie bottle, three bottles for 114---Sent to say part of. the United States 67 Exprens. Addrili . 0. P. 11110WX, A CO: Pro. prlotors. N. 19 Grind StrcoltJessalt eltyi J% , , Ayer's Cherry Peeteral, IVO • 3AUXB, ODY 111 Conronniption and Asthma. Mors of hahlidg aro. in r4ptarox. with mMielnek called Tut Cumeovap Erraaer Cessaaus 131a1C.V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers