• •• Treasurer of Susea Co.viii Account egrrent . . . 1860 - pith. said . counW. :'• DR. To runt In Tress. bands as pr let Ariditors report, To amount of Duplicates ferl9lo, . 13046,4 To amount of unpaid duplicates (OP '59, , 179,33 reed of Clifford tsvp, excess over duplicate. ad Young, Sheriff, foiling' and Jury (era, ' 1111 1 M To amount received from adddildOnri hues, . 41,10 To amount received from unseated lands, . 810,0 To amount recelvtsi from returned lands, . . To statlowri credited In military account, . 10,M To amount rellandcd by C. Wrigirt; Auditor, . . 140 'set) Clazi.tare ~ . , , art. fly amount paid county Andltore • • . • ni6oo By Exoneration' to Colleetors,..Bo, , . $157,37 By Exoneration' to Colteettnit,ll9i • 412 _ 112 0 By percentage to Collectors; 'BO, ~, . , 41 - . '69, • - ,22-760,43 By el: rellinding °Mena; -• I • • __no 18. By Co.orßera redeemed. No. Ito Mt inclusive, 13856,24 By Conuntaelone on reels $14.151,* at 2 per cut, 233,05 Be Commlaatona on xpadtra, M1N3.21, 'do 277,12 Bi nocurtent money , -. ' • 1 2, IV By amount ,tu I'nmtureen hands, ' . -.,• 1244,65 1:1+0 Reivittilation of Court How* Account. Dr.' To o..mtraci price, . . . ' S.IBTA.XI,OO To additioual expe:itneby order of Commilucionent, 307,52 'f o furnighing Cutirt - . llouse, . . . 142.5.74 • 1600 ocz.23:trea. ' Qr. By 1;2,3.4,6 and 6, lespe of C. - Ll:Wildat'aieFmed,slB,337 52 By cash paid In August, 16A- .. --- ' - . boo 00 By cab paid for Furtqaldng, -- , .. ' 4425.70 STATEM ENT OF SVSQ.CO. TI tE ASr ItY, JAN. L 1861. ac,allable funds In thb.Treasury • - $1,244 55 To mien:Tent money of previous yearS, - - • 600 , 00 To uncurrent money fur -•- - 900 To POVeral amounts of Notes, nona,, Judc- • m00...cc ,as per Auditors Report, - •- 500 00 W, certify the foregoing to ttie a correct statement. L.S. PAGE, M. C. STEM ART, County Commissioners. J.ll. COGSWELL, ' Attest—W.li, A. eIiW , NIIMS, commissioner's' Officer, Montrose, Jan. Surtquellsitnna County, as. We, the tuidzesigned, Auditors of, and for :mid rouutv, met In pursuance - of our duties, at the' Court House, fu identrose, on Mond.ay (IX 7th day of January, 'GI, and proceeded to audit thd accounts of the Cornmissionera and Treasurer of sald,Coanty, and found In the hands of D. W. 'rites. Treasurer, the „tutu of twelve hundred and forty four dollars and tlfty.fise cents. DEANS, )• Auditor,' Office, Nun* raw, IS. IV. liltfi.Ell, Auditors. Trinttar S. '61,-41. •i C. WIRI(111T„ NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL CROVER ST, BAKER'S ( • L . . L L' „I T I) .1" 01 SEL L'S S SEWIN MACHINES, 495 BroAdw4, New-York. . Thu_public atte•htiuu r , ppectfully regit-r.41.,1 to the GOlinvi-hg carthi 1.,f ELIAS iIUiVE, JR.,. ntld the ttuovEtt d; 11. KE 11 S. X. Co.: A Card from :the Grover . & Baker S. Co.: - Oar Patent* beint: novif riatabpshed by the Courts, we are enabled to tarnish Baker Machine, with important improcenteuts, at t,,,Teatly REDUCED PRICES. The toodeate Price at which machines, making the Grover & Baker Stitch, can now be had, brings tan:, within the reach-of all, and renders the Ip:cot machines making inferior stitches as naneetAvary'as it Is untriNt, Persona desiring the best machines, "and the right to, use them, mast not only be.. sure to tray machines making the Grover & Rakes Stitch, bat aiso that such machines are made and stamped under. oar patent!. and those of Elias Ile,we, Jr. • onvia & BAICER - 8. N. CO., 4 5 Broadway, Nett-York A CARO FROM ELIAS HOWE , JR All persona are cautioned not to make. deal in, or nPe one sewing machines which sew from two spools and Make the stitch knoWn as Ulcarover &Baker stitch, or . less the same arc purchased from the Grover S Baker hewing :Machine Company, or'lheir gl•nts, or lizenees, and stamped under my patent or Sepeeml.s:r 1.11, 1 151 G. • Said company, and their licences, sione, are legally an. thoriied under their own playlets, and city said Patent., during the extended isrm thereof to make and sell this kind or SeNt rug machinu, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, arid will be dealt with accordingly where tree -York. F. CHANDLER, Agent, ly . cy in* - Montrose,. Pa PUBLIC NOTICE 1 S herebygiven that an act of incorporation will be.a.ked of theleeisluturenf Phut‘alvanut during thin present ehlon to incorporate the Fou.sle Send . nary. situate at St. Josephs. min Susquehanna county, by tile name of St. Joleples FemalekAcadem3-," and.that the names of james Frederick Wood, ..Thoutas lin, he, &din - Vncent 4 .rffelliy.tleunis 'Donnelly, Monahan, • Tererlee John .Monahan, Patrick McManus, and John Laughran, will be the corporators. jan3l.• Blo c- 2 1 IGB IS hereby given flatthe co-partnership heretofore exis tlng between lettac•Beckhow • and Charles S. Gilbert, knoirn as the firm of ILECKHOW & CO" Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. • All•those indebted to said Jinn are requested to cid! upon :Isaac Reckhow, at the old stand, and adjust the same; he belmr, authorized to settle all claims. ISAAC RECKHOW, Great Bend, Jan. tit, 1.431-.lt CHAS: S. GlLRkttl'. Tilt, I tli:3lriess will be continued at the oldstand, •by the undersigned, who returns thanks to for patrons , re in the past; and 'respectfully solicits a con initance of the-same: .1 Motherly lice i 4 Tit la.—The followinc Wan extract from u letter written by the pastor of-a Baptist Church to the - Jottrnal and Messenger." Cinch:mitt, Ohio. It says eolutnet, in favor of [bat world-renowned medicine-111ns. tVINFLIII , CA SDoTHING firma. Mit TEETHING.; We see an advertisement In your columns ofltrs. Win-• elow's.soottung Syrup, Now we never iled a word in furor of any patent medicine in our life, but we feel corn, relied to say to your readers that thigh; no burribug=wz HAVE THIN, /T. AND KNOW VETO riz ALL IT CLAS XS. It is probably one of the moat successful medicines of the day, bemuse it is..one of the best. - Those who bare balder cant do better than to lay in a supply.- • d A Great !Medicine for Females. Hundreds of stimulants have been'lnvented and sold.' mu - porting to-be specific in the various diseases and derangement* to which the delicate form of * woman ren-• der bee subject. • The result of ail delicate_ stimulants has been to itupartmornentary activity to the nervous system and faire vigor to'thc muscles; but this relief has been sueceeded by a depression and prostration . greatcr titan before : and the repeated attempts- of Invalids to build themselves up by these false remedies, have finally ended m destroying what little vital organisation was left.— But in acing elfrerhaves Holland Bitters," you will Add no each disastrous results. It is a purely vegetable com pound, prepared on strictly scientidc_principles'SAer the Manner of the _celebrated Holland Peofessor, balltaVe. tinder its lailtwitec, every nerve and Muscle rileires\ new strength and vigor, appetite ands igep return, and final /v, perfect health. Ste advertisement in anothercolumif NEW' ~M ILFORD . . D HIOTI.SCIIOOI46' at this T BO 'MAE EETie.ct ,1 11 1 M 4.1861. T. YLE, Om • - jrDICIDERMAN, SIX FARMS FOB SALE, IN NEW MILFORD, PA. MBE nobscriber. In 1:Ishore) of New Milford. . Snag's county, I's:, Wrens the following property. for giatos,B7 One' FARM, on which the subscriber resides, In said bore, containing about 900scres. In a good state ofculthation„ suitable, ralsind Enda, grazing, and dairy purposes. - . Also, another Said bore, near the 'Railroad DePot, containing ao acres with a number of good VlllageLota on thesatneiln tit/Inman: of the village. Also, a l'Alt3l situated one mile front 'kits bore, containing 230 acres,' with a frame dwelling house, two lame laarnsAnd about 20 acres isnproved ; the balnnce well timbeied with Chestnut etc', and the -D.. L. W. 11.. It. Co. pays cash fur auud , lieu, mid other lumber ou the road. . . - , $16605,87 • • Also, anotheri FAlnt'lin New Milford towasaipcnaotiain g 811 r,re+ iu n ziod 'kale of cultivation with all ncrt. Improved. • • Also, another said township, conndningadacren, with !Suitable ballbings and linprove lueato for a atuall farm. $.111,M3.12 • • Also, h v ages ttf unonproyd land, in paid timnthipf mrltable 14, a small fatm, The itbovepropelit v will'he sold very low for eash or on aecommoddAig terms on - eredlt. Any In formation In re,;tattl to tho property will hi, Oven by the subscriber atlas rt.w New Milford:la. jdnal". W. 520,263 22 - -I IC:O.,: ! _A 35. 1. - 02:11:11.1.151FAS ry, 1 9 •Tnt=witc. given ,by Samuel 11 . DaYlon to• the underaigued7 da ted at ilreat &rid. Anzust t2.,-1860, dud due one year after (Lite, with lutere,t. All perAut, aro hereby emit ionAl against buying bald note, as the drawer is duty nodded or theloas,l. • slit. Bend, Jan. I). LIAI,DWIN. Ciiiisrloership heretofore ex kting bet %two dersittmeil s is this ilsy dissolved by mown! eousoni - • Janie* Cr Wheaton mithilrawinz [thin - the tem. T . ho hook accounts and tiotes will he found with It. RENTON, Jr„ oho will contione the Mishit* in all lin carious hr:inches, and keeps lain stuck of , C> C> Whirl, Will iltt rev limy for /It A PPIIOVED PAPER niton I , otlr Ntoittb, time. 'flott.e indebted 10. H. l“nyon. jr.. k CO, 1, 111.,..5ity of arrrtogifig" their in 40101'f/110S. It ns tht•del,;,. duo by the tiro, most be it.titt. IL Keittron,.lr. in hereby authortzed I o sign for Ihr 111,11 a ht111,...1 - necessary In nettle the tot,ine,s also ; authorized tL r,,eipt for Ott, firro o henevt•r neerst‘a. y• in elor.ixtg Cu , ItuctEtt KEN VON, t:, WHEATON. , I.ttlis% ill, Centre, J.m. IS. Isetl.-- MEDICAI_J-- CARD. 111 ., .1110 p:1 11 • and ll...me:up:l(l • ‘vould rvtliftl err thank,. 10 th.• p,,,pie of Gt. lor 111.• '),..ryli6rtal rain:nag:, with v, hi, li iht-y fiats t.tvort•il hin, 111111t.hipi.: , Iwtt siniel at 1,11i./11 10 1, 11 , 111 c- 1 0.111.. r., Ovon• rot 110: ptlblie . ltritat Itynt!..ltuitiary Z 2,1. ism, Under Montrose Democrat Office, A ItEcEIVIN't; 11 Fresh Ground Western FLOUR c,,,y t. m:ulu•;t tto ;.;1 , 1. 1113.1.0.; iI In! 1 . , 11 , 11 2 1)e0 fl i rapeu-c Feod, and Buckwheat Fleur, SALT •ANDi P'ORK, Br Tiii:LOAD, on rOUN I). HAMS, ',Soya, - • Caroi Dried -Beef,. • Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups; • Moiasses_ and Sugars, TE. I s, cOFEEE, - BROOMS„1.11) la`liit - 11 we offer for sale at Low I'riee.4, for HE. 1)Y PAY L MontroSe, January. 1s1:1. Lost, in Montrose 4 TVICIOTM' MSC> C 1033. containi ,, c A3o‘). trr thereabouts, in Note 4 ram,lng from I to RA. Any per.on having found ...net* a book will pleane leave it at the .310011 w, Denincrat Gflice. and receive a liberal re ward: The miyment of paid!notel ha. been etopped: Tho note. are gfretlp.vable tlan'lo nw. V. W. BUTLER. rimw Erie; rivißt."s" ! • DR.' H. SMITH. & SON. - 613 - IV.i.V3ZR 11gRne-Te t • ° .sExt) cat:ETIG, TIIKIR Now-Yom's' I=blEcte IT_WJETI-1. ...___:,___ : • _ . .., .1,-;; - _,.. •,.-,-;-.:-... 7. 1 1_,.---:.. ) . '•-' ' • . u... , \--:...... --, :".......,:z • ''' ...rr • , . .' : .:4.4.:F4 : t 4 =' . -•.' ••:,';`- - ' . . • !' . i:.:. . . ;• , . ' . IVE Inaert teetlton GOL ), Silver, Cbeoplaetir or Vitt V V canitea Rubber Plate. in the Inn:4 beautiful manner. EXTRACTING• TrAvi. - lnetrumente aiapted wench part leulerenee,,,' XI we are rtact the mon diftlettit teeth. NP km and , with 1 . ad o 'have recently phrtha'sed in 1 . , , 1eir York, they mar in most emcee he retracted, and the patient experience NO PAIN from the operation. WEorr ,Vlrt i l u t, F , t , , m i I rn , lug up old roots and dead, broken teeth, no ae to make them ueehi I. ELIAS iLOWE, JB lAny'GOLD or Tin Foil filling fails within Kre non; the Money Will by refundefi or'the filling replaced. All Plate work:, done i.atiiractorily, or no pay requiro•• I. "RESIDENT DENTISTS!" I.)IERSONS wishing IWNTAL operatioui. will do well to bear-in mind that We. am PERMANENTLY ' , waled at Mon trosivand lotve have had the experience ors; years Dental Practice. - ri 1 C5bt23.......m0t-lia6F-Ciliox. and Itrit , he, con stantly on hand for sale. rfrolliee In Lathrop 's Brick 13Ioelt. over the Bank:- janl Mt. H. SMITH ct- SUS, Montro-e. Pa. C AS 111 2 0 J AND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, NEW STORE HOUSE, • :„ ONE _DOOR BELOW • LITTLE tt, POSTSLAW OFTICE. The JlTglic*ltpriee paid for good ROUSE ASIIESc deliyrei.l at John H. • a READYMADWGIOVIING, AT GREATLY 4EDUCE - p TitreF-s. . • N. I. POST. 3fon tr6:4, 1 Pa., i'itl),. tqi . LATER FROM EUROPE. GARIBALDI TAKEN THE 24 7 - ii: ' NEW - WORM! , A RIIIVED here ymertiar. bringing, the-startling ?hitt& ..a. that 4 Gr ,4 I , .. , RXIELLILIa7ZOX . , - or riolllolollVeltiC. • 1i717,111.8 T.416.1Et..1E1117 .1371 r imprint , on hearing thin .. . . B_ ... i . c . vcs ELL T ' - I.A, no . MEDI ___ _ 9 • INATCHOZAN, - ' haiquelptircbteed alarge assortment of '. ' CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY aMilalainTra C stlOW which he will sell cheap for alai, at Chandler* Jesnup's 'fitore. Emitslde of rublie Avenue, Montrone, Pae ' a i r (loan. Watcher, and Jewolry repaired; an unual, on ..hors notice aini reasonable terrae. MOntione, Ike. 12, 1680.. . ' . L. B. /EDELL. RLDttiNii WA.ttRik.VVY. PAID FOR AT TUJ NEE TURREEIS tONO. _ABEL . T-URRELL Nov °fors for sale:onet ofthe largest and • best selections.of f — N • -4 ff-J 4 7 9. Ever offered in Sttsiluehanni County, and _probably comprising the greatest VA,- MEW or most different articles of any Store in the Northern part olPennSylva- . lila . , and, perhaps of the entire State. - AU 'assortment is kept in, about thirty difftr ent branches of trade, and the 'selections are made from about ..forty' of the Lek Houses in New York, and more than fif ty Dealers and Manutlicturers out of New 1 ork. A large proportion of the .Goods are bought direct from the - Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine artielcst Custom - - ers on enteringthe Store must not, expect to find everything in sight, but nearly ev ery article wanted will be -produced by inquiry. _ Some idea olthe Stock may be formed by the following. general outline, but enumeration is impracticable- • DRUGS &. MEDICINES In this departiiient the 'assortment is large and complete, and the qualities the Best in market: PAINTS & OILS. A full. stock of all kinds., of best finalities DYE A rf'lo F F S. Everything, and perfectly reliable. No one who strictly' follows - eorrect receipts; need ftil of success, who buys - dye stuffs at Turrell's. (iIZOCEI?IES. A gool and choice vailety of Family Groceries, constantly on band. Ladies sav they " - ret the best 'Tea for the price of A itel-Turisel!. . (.), -IT 0 It S.. The geeatest •i'tiTitt!Y' of Pore Lit i oon, br found in all Ntii•therti I'enusylt and e 0111 1 .16.! very few eNeeptions) every kind miniutlietutetl or lield for sale .hi4my market:* These are kept for medi cinal purposes. If there are any Imre. lig- Ora in the country, the druggists. are - the men who have them.. It. is , almost ian possible to obtain pure L.hpters here at retail. ( 'ROCK ERY. All the kinds usually in. at country general assortntent. store. • • GLASS!- - WARE.. A eqinylete a , sortinent for Table and general use, and litr Druggists, Physicians, Pedlers, and in skort every variety. for general s:de. • WALL k WINDOW PAPER. A large stock, comprising an exttmsive \-ariety ofbcantifut styles. The most tlis titlions eat] seldom fail to be salted, JEWELRY. A!nab] i ariety, emliraciug, nearly e% - erythiiig customers may wish in this de. pigment, bought, direct of the manufac turer',:, and all warrante.l . as represented. • SILVER-WARE. Tea, Sugar, and Salt Spoons, ; Butter ,and Fruit Knives Napkin 'Kings, • Thimbles, Spectacles, constantly on hand, bo't ijirect of the thanufaCturers,thade tO order, and warranted rue as coin. All, other kinds of Sill'er Ware obtaineflo order on short notice. PERFUMERY. Xchoice Variety of beautiful Perfumes, Extracts, Colognes, Hair Oils, Ilair storers, Articles to make the hair grow- 5 and also to take it off; and ev erytfiing necessary for the Toiler, inclu ding a fine assortment of- Hair and T' Olt Brushes, Tooth Soaps and Powders; Fan cy articles - for the complexion, including t'3lnen Fan," and nearly everything else desired— [A great pia& this, at Ttrrrell's Anything and every thing that anybody wants eats be found. there.] FANCY.: GOODS. The greitet variety in town, comprising nearly everything usually thund in an e velnsively Palley or " Yanlwe No tion" Store. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins ; Aecortlebas,,Flutes„Fifes, Clar inet Violin,, Violineello, and Guitar Strings, - some of the best qualitie,s in market ; Violin Bows, Bridges, Pegs, Tail Pieces Resin; Thstructioni 'Books, &c. hand; and all other Instruments obtained to order: BRUSHES: A FAL assort merit, , bonglit direct front the mannfaeturers, and comprising nearly CV e,yery kind made. .' AMERICAN focKET KNIVES. About fifty different paterns or rtcie considered the begt for use in market. TABLE ..CUTLERY & SILVER PLATED- WARE. Inchiding Forks, &rt.; cdnstantl on hand. Ii A P A good variety for kerosene and MU, and some for Camphene, Oil, &,c. Lamp Chimneys, and B.rushes for them, Lama) :111d Callale - Wick, Candlesticks, fluid and oil Lanterns, Lamp Shades, &v. MAT ERIALS.FOR LIGHTS, Everts- kind used in this section of country, an d 6f be s t qualities, at low prices, inclu ding- Kerosene, fluid, Campllene, Oil, Candles, arc. HARDWARE A Small assostmont; Nails, MIAs, Screws, Bolts, Githlets, Ang l ers, Ifoes, Flat Irons, liannnyrsill'aneets,' Sand Pa: per, Paring :Machines, &c. • BED CORDS CioUies Linec,,..lthAson, Chalk,) and- Fish 7 roes, Fish Maki:, eee. • • STONE. WARE. Stock ; including a large - luatitity pfJugg, otc, - • • DRY GOODS. • 11 ,mall -assortment of Staple -Articles MIRRORS. Wood and - Gilt Frames. • • ABEL TI:TBBELL..• • Montrose, Dec. 20th, 1860. i. • OP - Woritinned in A. Turrell's 2d cvl num. • Ie PlRRars CNN. WINDOW /6 PICTURE GLASS. Nearly all the sizes wanted. • .•11 - OGRAP . HS, Printi and Artists Materials.. ATARNISHES, Japans, Dryers, Putty,Ae. • BIRD I.CAGES.. A good variety of the best styles., Also, Canary, Heinpoad Rape Seed, and all th° fixttires for keeping Birds. SPECTACLES. A Full As:,;ortment WHIPS AND LASHES. A good variety. • - • BROOMS,. Sponge, Wasli- Boarkls, Baskets, &c GUNS • • GUNS k PISTOLS ? Pimller Flasks, Dram Flasks, &c. AMMUNITi()N. • - thin atui Blasting Pinvtler,. Lead, Shot, ;:te. TOBACCO' si, ntr and Cigars. • MEDICAL Aml Surgical Itic - trtunent•s, unmentionable Articles, &c., on hand, and bought' to or der. • SALT By the Barrel, Sad: or Pound t4O MPS. POTA..S - R &C. - Ail kin d.; , , or hard Si lap, mid All the materi als necessary for making soft soap, in -the Most simple, easy, and cheap manner 1ir1.4- ;Ur. Only itt.rk(i tier a 'barrel -of good soft spap. . • , PATENT MEDICINES. Ail the best kinds In . -Mot-km, (Eruct from t t& manufaeturers,and warranted gen nitte. ALMANACS FOR 1861. Ono Alumnae for every tinnily in 'Susque hanna county. ! Send and_ g et, it. • UMBRELLAS Colifurtionary, VinunitjUps, Sag r. • PORCELAIN TEETH, 6 01,i and Tin rut. DvatiNt's use, ma l some of nearly- all OtlP.A .. kjmjs of Goods it/ Market, too M011er0OZ:;. to 111(11- i:1011. The at tention of the. public is respect fully invited to my stock of Goods, bought •exehisively fa I \ A`;11 DOWN, aini will be sold oil the same principle for tow prices. TUtU ELL. :Montrose, I)cle. - 2nt 14 1860. ,HOLIDAY PRESENTS! TIBI Pflb<cribers take pleasure is announcing , to their friends that they have thin day returned from N. York with another additionto their stock of Gotxlsi selected wich gmat`mre, and especial refemitce to the approaching festive season. Any person desirous of making CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR GIFTS -(and we hope none wilt deny themselves the pleasure) e.an find a . rich and extensive assortment to select from, and at the , very lowest Canti prices. EVANS, dect2 No. 2 Odd Fellow. Hll & , Binghamton. • tilratchen-sivarlies' Diamond Enamel-d. and plain-- a splendid article. Also a variety of Gold :4 114:311Vr.1 Eae 'WI. American and Swiss, Hunting and Plain, very low. Gold Chalno—A very extensive variety of Vent. Fob, Guard and Neck Chains, by Evans et Am...nsi. Ear Bingo and Breast Pints—An influite variety of styles and prices, in seta and single. Finger Ringa—Mltenind, Rnby.liimard.Pearl,Scale Chased and Plain Gold Rings—a large stock.. Braceleta—Gold, Jet, Plated, and lIAHI Bracelets of all 'patterns; and prigs , . EVANA ct ALLEN. Sliver Ware—Every descritition of Silver Forks, and Sterns: Nitpkitfs Rings. on hae, 4 C,:;;t1 C. 4 ' 3 7 La• c „, vit; , !.. Card Casts, Pie, Batter and Fruit Knives, Cliddreme nets, kilts, etc.. warranted good as coin. Plated Ware-:Rlteautihil assortment of Ice Pitchers Castors, Cake Itoketn, Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugars Salt,. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Toitat flacks, Ceps Goblets etc., etc., by Evans et ALLEN. Sleeve Dutton{ and studs—A large stock of all patterns and prices. • Beads—Coral Necklaces and Armlets, Amber, Coral, Pearl: Gilt. Steel. and silver Beads. Shell Combs—A good stock of shell back and side Combs, also 'Buffalo. Horn. Ivory, and Drm , stig Combs, Hair and Tooth Itrythes, etc.. etc. MINT.A.IVES db drt; to No. 2 Odd Fellows -Hall. Binghamton. AT SiintlElTl-VM! NEW MILFORD, PA., IS 'I'IIE PLACE TO Bry YOUR HARNESSCS; CHEAP Iron. CASH, AND GET THE WORTH OF' YOUR MONEY. 3. H. S4IIIITII. - _lmportant National York., Published by 1): Appleton &Co ;348 and 348 Broadway, New York. The. following worha are sent to sul , criber, in any part of,t.ho coun ty. (upon receipt of retail price.) 'by mil or ex pr, S., pro, aid : - Tt,r_ Ni' Auertc.ts Cy , LOPEPIA:— A popu lar Dictionary of General Knewledgo,,edited by Geo.-Ripley and Charles A. Dann, aided by a numerousselect corps-of writers Mull branches of Sciences, Art, and. Literature. This work is beinr published in about fifteen large octavo volumes, each coniaining7so two-colummpages. The first eight vcdurnes are now ready, each• con taining near 2,500 original - articles.. • An addi tional volume will be published once in about 'three months. Price in cloth,B3; sheep. $3,-. 50; .10f morrocce, $1; Judi Itussia,. $450 each. . The. New American Cycloptedia h 4 popular. without h.. Mg superficial, learned but not pe dantic, comprehimsive but sufficiently detailed, free from-personal add party prejudice, fresh yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is knowss - upon every Important topic within th e seope of Inman intelligence. Every importait article in it has been specially written for its pars by men who are authorities upon the topics of which then speak. They are rs quired to bring the subject' up to the present moment; to, state just how it stands no: All the statistical w information is'frum the iciest -re ports; the geographical accounts keep -pace with 1 - he latest explorations; JTOrical - matter include the fre•shest just views; the biographical notices. not fully speak of the sold. tart also of the living. It. is • a library of itself. A ItRIDGMI'N'T OF•THE DEBATES or CONGRESS Being a political Histo 6' of the United Stated, from the ortonization of the first Federal Con. gress in .1789 lu 185 n. gdited .and 'compiled by lion. Thomas IL !Teuton from the Official Itccords of Congre ' ss. 'rho work will 'ho com pleted in 15 ( 4: 1 1• octavo volumes 0f_750 paged each, II of whirl) are now ready. An additional volume will he published once in three months. ()f ol k , 8 3; L aw Sh o op, $3;60; half Morocco, 84; ii4if Calf, $3,80 each. TUE %VAT OF PROCURING THE CVC.OI" . .EDIA OB DEiLATEB.—Foria . dub of four, and remit the price of four hooka, and five copies will be *ea :It the remitter's expense of carriage; or 'for-ten sub:scribers, eleven Copies will be eent at our expense for carriage. •To AGENTL—NO, other wanks •will ru liber• ally reivard the exertions of agenti An Agent Wanted in thin County. - Terms made knownW , application Co the Publisher. REOUCTION I IN ( ITYWCP x - ,7444.14.4) . &0 GREAT kIOWD EXPECTED AT 6ntrei►ber' HE STORES, OF I , , • AOStllballlll, , Montroi i e, - Susq'a County, Pa. *ra, New-York, ehanna Depot, Pa. Busqu that in cuMegnencc o[ th„drcituurulyrlel_csiunr,F7nuatrtnat. .i.micy affair» iu the cities we can pureltate . • ! GOODN...F.A.- CASH, • FROII 10 TO 2iiiPER CT. LOWi:RTgANTornier:v. 'lliereforcmm . :4e det erthined - to oiler the puhl le our • I i . zeuerul block of -READY MADR.CLOTHIV AND • GOODS; olitpriZu, t4e, • laroest and • best • switicK."4t); OODS Kept in ANY aiIINTRY Store thit, ',idesu[ se. Yolk City. - - • At - Prices Trhieh Defy Compptition ns we will sell. furl 112:141.11031M. at the Nmall advance of ten per cent are s tile wholesale CI , St. M:1! will cell thefollon fwt rlths at thewunexed prices., viz: • ::: Black 1: rock. Co,at worth for 6,C00 lilaik Frock! Coat 'worth -10 tbr 7,50 Black Frock!. Coat worth' 12 for 9,50 Business tot kvvrt *5 for 45.2,75 Bushrtiss coat worth' 6 for , 4,00 Over COat wiirth $.5 for -:t , 1,00 Over- C4at wort]) 7 for 5,75 . Over Chat worth ,la for 7,50 Over • tat worth 13 for 11,50 Over Coat worth 20 for 15,00 • Black Pan'ts worth *4: ' for $3,00 Black Pan i ts worth 5 for . 0,75 Black Paiits worth 6 . for 4,50 Fancy Cassitiwre Pants worth $4 for s2,i F:ufey Cassititere Pants worth .5 fill' 3,,1 Fancy Cassitnere Pants worth , 6 for 4,3. Black Satin Vest worth t3f0r•E;2,23 Black Satigl Vest- worth 4 for 3,00 • Black liatit? Vest worth - 5 for 3,50 OVER-SIIIR.TS dz OVERALLS only ,31 D'R GARMENTS EQUALLY LOW • I - As IV int cr . has dill; appeared, we invi!etheatteution of . - 4ADINS Ib aft..i = t w i l lC l l7.T.n.a.*L.Mll . lr. . • I • Also, GENTS wholcikh to.n.all themselves of the oppor tnnitp to make vont.: rintOnen nice • • Christmai E or New-Years - Jeff sue' •P It IE, STE to our latitetttortinotit of - • og i • ILT rt. • Cl4O , I-I INVLS and • :• • • iki!t! NET OL-1c LVSS'()ItIIiEN'I' •OF DRIi:S GOODS ,K k\l) TR MINISIM ' • 1 ALIN.r_kl:S r .l.lll(;E & COMPLETE, d:OMPIZISING Pia i 1 killic T CYs pas, • • 1 of all colors and shades, 13111:kiNtilft, &c. ac,e. OUR STOCK, OF po NI. IA7AS 1' ICKS .!ANN`O4, %,BE .EQUALID :" :• • : : " ttilt.ITYL DI Fling Good Heavy Shootings, o.to sets. per y'd Best Heavy ;ifteetingg, 7 to 81etv. pr y'd DENIMS,' film . 8- to 121- cents per yard .TicKING 7 .I I ,III 10 to 15 cents per yard -Gl7,i(lllAM.S!liont 10 to 1:: ! , cts. per yard CALICOES, 4st cOlorS, 12,1 yttrds only ". .I.kst Merriinack, 10 yards only *1 • 1 - •• • • 4 0C0tt,C5 . 33- 13 tt p A choieelartiele, only 1,2* cents. , Pest Steel Spring Skirts,- - A nice lot--selling. at 4 cts. i'• - Ladies' Saxony Wool Vests and IDrawers:. • " . • LAMB ,VVOOL,HOSE. cccrtriaarrig. Of the tatest, Sty et;e:i &c. , . Thankful tolthe numerous ctiStotriers for their generous; patronage thg ping. ; year, we respectfiilly 'Ocolicit a continuance - of the Same.' • • • -" •-: Petiltir UM, - ; • ; . . P. R. BRUSH, IL D., HAVING NOW LOCATED PERMANZ-Vrrf AT 5 i' . 5e5jPr'1,32.4r171.13.0, - - • Will attend -ta. the duties of his zirofeselon promptly, ' 01111166 lit n• tailbropos Hotd. . . a J. S - ., SMITH, ;TheINITFATOR, and DENTIST, li to Wciil Dole& 1 5aut Newilllked 4 baffsitt In Me NCW Xli ilt a pleasant town, a good and Ittelllgent nes•-• - . . - dee Id TUE - REWAVIL•T OF THE PANIC. GREAT FALL IN PRICES -AT TUE- - .Bee- to.dsisk( v.*lye. • 9 4 0 . •= 4 .- • • .No. 20 • • 4.41 • e 4t ourt ' C - 01i3 . ?4 . 7 . -•-• Comer - - - ton, S. 1. $2 000 0 worth of Dry 'Goods ]. to be sold, regardless of Cost. thq public linty cotnprebend • this the nec e ssity of which is latent to ',114., we give. u list, of prices to -show the vx:tet reduction: Best Madder Print++, formerly i.. now , Beautiful De Laine4, - Id tow Q 16. Heave yard nide S - livetiug,, Good - Pantaloon'Stuff. IL _OS Excellent '• .25 - 1 All iVend Broad Cloth. -.2 1/0 . 1 4.3 Red; Willie and Blue Flannel. - ' 31 . . '245 ((10) xd* DRESS GOODS. latent lityleF, SG . lB Sewell GI nghante.- 1G • lO . . _ Colored Dreal 5i11,..1. . 1 Ott 15 . . Black all !toiled Silk. splendid llitliity. • - _ _ 10 WUol and Silk &oche Sletwls. ; ' 4 Oil • 3 ItS •' • • 'lt 00 • "-I 10 . (LOH blii 10 lid • 7 (U -•• . ' • 18 0 , 1 . it 0 0 • Rich Clo.k: ' 4 CO 1 15 - • •• " -Fine 13road Cloth. • 7 0.1 ... SOO . _ •• Tr:N.. Beaver: . .- ti : In ;ti 00 • Lyons .111 Sill, Velvet. ;1'00 • :.: '''S [ l. Pure Fine Irk!? Linen, Opera llowls, :mbro ol O'Hare - ider..9s " . :Pi ' ;',O MT - SE. FUWNISIIING (:00InZ. - . 40 ' hod : ilc . ; is id Ilonlery. All 'Domestic, and alllVoolen I.:owls, ltodoced Dress end Cloak Trltnmingg. • fteduend Every dollar is now worth_ ,i,l 50 In GoOds tat 'nit:, " . 13M3E1 =Ciliril"." , r.'-it , We pledge onr2elves to 211 a e advertisr.„ .10111 s recpect fully coliched. Hirschman Bros. At. CO.. .. Jati7l); No.lll. enr 'court and Water-,t., Binghamton. . STILL ON THE TRACK. FARE REDUCED. ONLY 1.5 CENTS BETWEEN MONTROSE & MONTROSE DEPOT E Regular Mail Lille w ill carry passcugers between J, tti e nhove places for the seta of 15 untg, or less.' Passengers will he called for at their nosicletices by Ina ring ,their name:. aPtlic s rost (Alice or at the Franklin Stage. It, e the Flattklirillou•iiat Ga. in.. and -1 p. ui.. pacers l}. .1. S. T RBRl.l...lgent. • Jain; uiratil Stage Comp:ll6 . M , ;titro-e, Pa. /K . E this method of informing , their Ot.D sEW Iroalt. that !hey ha% c Just I:*”.3.lVCa 3U 3tid/Uuti to the .former ttodk of Good , ..avhich they ' BOUGHT: • AT PANIC PRICES! AND WILL S1•.I.1. 191Y.31 -TO CASH BUYERS', • • • Prices Peribe tip Astonishi ng! We have not time to enumerate Mtletra. or prime. but invite the public to cell. examine . nod elatiiify thennlelvm of-the truth of what e publi4llllantl of court e, then bur. • .T. L. 31EltitIMAN & SON - . litriom pie; 1 . )&'. %nth; MO. • Cilloler. Lot. of Family Cruces es just rucuivcd and eel Hug Uoper (Amt. :Mow runner prima. F ANCY Confectionary for the liolidavo. at . if F:RftIMAN:, WANTED:.. • vAint otopt:CE . of all kinds. for nbich the highest market prices Null be paid in Citm.b... at Irpsoneitle, In • .31ERBLMA A CIS • r, rllE st - iiscRIBEH, cha,ed Die stock of • .BOOKS :AND STATIONERY_ LORMERLY owned by A. N. BULLARD, takea this method of Informing "Nome trAo tab, fAe paperg,*: that the stock- hiss again, been removed to the old stand. below the rietstrasaartnit • - CAMCM, he Will be mo-t happy 16 wait upon thene ho em favor him Atm% • PtIILISTIRD (uhd ie prlion can be obtained by lei N',1 ,1 •,14 your orders, with the price of the hook and publiAher , a name at the deak. Also, any article_ lu the 'Book aid Stationery" line: NEWS. OFFICE. Gocley';, Paterson',.lthititic. If or s i t ' l E i) of the po pu lar Magazine' , of 'the dm. : N.- Y. Li scr, :N. Y. Weekly, Mercury, Flag..Wilke...* Spirit, and all the ilithtrated Papers for -cite. Vat* gymo ben tuppli,ll. SCHOOL BOOKS—AII the old and new editions. ' BLANK BOOKS—A very nice assortment. CIITLERY.—Tip top article of American. • GOLD PERa Vely Fine ones, Ladies & Gents. PBBFDDTERY—&:w. Harrison's and others. XINTSSES CIYE: ME A Ctitt...T-EXA, and I will (mica v, a- Ihave " bingle eve to your mterc,t" , and'oac to my own. Youre, eallentiv . .3!1 . 13C1'1"71Ek. '3lovrr.m.E. VA., Sep A teinbm.. '33c. tr . PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. TRAVELLING AGiNTS WANTED! WE n ill employ Agents toaell n new and valnable'llt,t ented 'Article.. either On COMMiESIOII orat a linend aalarv. Buolnese honorable, usilul and locratil e. article Ia required r in every ram ily. • For'part I eulata and complete inetreelion s , er. , 2leact tamp and addreas • d- :io J. w. HARRIS'S; Co., r...ton, nimf. Buffalo Robeslie. Ladies Furs.. Superior lot jult received, and. ill be sold low for •Crtah.. by LIURILITT, N uw. Milford, Nov..rth.lB6o. Mrs. sL J. BIXBY , I~AyiNG in:A-returned horn 'New -York with it choice. beautiful, and extensive ast-orttnent of Van winter : . . . . . "..."*" . . 1. Fi ready to furnish the Ladles of Montrere,& vicinity With FASHIONABLE. .110NNET-N as good' and an rich di ca.n.hc pun:lmbed anvWbere. keep-, the very nicefit k,"1:10(il, such as cannot' IV to 1 , 8F.. , .re the molt difficult. Prices very reas,anaio, The linlies are Invited M call and examidn'her oppotilte . :tlutt's saloon, pi:coed lloor,„1 Main - - Etreer, 3fontrore. l'u, . (,-‘4o.lif NEW GOODS JUST Ali1:11 - Ell AT THE ORIGINAL " ONE , PRICE " HAYDEN-'BROTHERk .. • THE' UOPLE'S AGENT 1 Hare a J.ARGE cf.; ,Sl - I . .EN - DID :Rot: 1%4' 30e. VET 4 41 1: 5 i Ur, . I. ol4oaPer ifiaa the: Cheapest !-=. 014, ANDRXXXOE OUR GOODS ; , WHIITItaIt VOLT MTV OR SOT PAYS. tOU TO GET POSTED VP] • 3LIC.ahIr.ICOMIZT NEW MILFORD. Zioiszawir , . . • • fr-2n WON AllorglierArDlaYS...al rjpgCsenerally ideerttektkat •MX itx iv given at AG bows of Cb• ,dag oCE GOOD of all sorts, Dress Gee& MIIIMMOM Cledlle. Lawns In smitten,. egmmtaleltft Nrnhottl. 'wok, Dud. Jaeonetts and Wei Xs* Dane/ adios OKI glieree, Dlmitn . Yarsolles. Igaretag o lams tore Mks, KentackyJetne, Nankeen Iktmmer Waite Gent* UM, Cotton Drawers. Collars, t Brats tieek-tiop, atKi Sellpalin. A new mut large lot or - LEATHERNARE i .iteh is Gents Fine Calf Boots—sood.'nne, aloe heavyslt Ilea Shoes, Splendid Ladles Gaiters fronts to IS a warranted to dt. White, Brown, and nick . 84317 Parasols id Unibctlae, Band Boxes and Week Basket/. Et XX . and Sperm, Adionantliiii anti Tallow Candle._, Beau and . depanedletitern, Warb Boards end Coffee MU, Whlte• Werth Brushes. Bed Cortland feet lonlycwhntled aniiprfna moat, Phrq, MO and CED.at besides a nix of litaßttor fit 8,042811,111 o( every variety, amongst hichare Tapleo and Corn Manna for glorloua puddings. Croun'rartar, IMlsratus Castor Oil, Epsom Salts; Black and Scotch Snuff, and let. " of thing.i which won't do to read carnal, but please total', examine and talk* oGOtit. We are ready and wink ,np to show , Goods, even though they may hot atilt r lad ttianktal for *wall favors, - 11. C. TIM. b, i f Wm er Si JOYI. I !Katie of the rbilllng half toile, It .4. mkt*. ityytli 11114 my ,1,(04t up. - TYLY...EVEL ).10NTRASE, May 9th. ftre/J. DAILY MAIL ROUTE' BETWEEN MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE., • yarrying mails and pareengers between - C M.intro.o and Yriendssille, will finrve Searles Ifot.el, In Montro,.. daily, at 7 o'clock, a. tn. and lease Friends p. w. . nil rriar..i, can be procured at the Lifer" 'tit able of the ,n b•rrt her in Montrose, on rearrinable terms. mfr. IG. 140, tf J. D. GOODWIN. . FA4I, STILES 'NOW .READY At Great Bargains! FOR READY •PAY AND SMALL'. PROFITS i BURR ITT. at the "OrigtnallTeir 1111funi lihawl and . Drew new. gmperiew," hi now receiving a Large and CilkolcE: 31 . i.m.:K' of • ' ' s ' FALL AND.WINTER Ineltidin i r a great variety of. the newest and beat styles of Dress Goods, Shawli,Br'otdcloth AC Whiter Stuff: , with a large aasortninut of other • Staple and Fancy Gogds uinal. it, Gin<eri,e. t'rockerr. }larch% two. iron and St.:el. Nall, ...';tovE. Drug , .. - .Tallatit. Oils. Fluid. Roots, Show. Hato. t.'ll)s, elonit., Carpeting. Floor Oil Cloth. Watt Paper. Painted anti Gat Window tibadei, a large Una. of Kure eon Lamp and 011 Ftxturet , , Sts, alp Furs and- Buffalo ilobeB. 11 0 large and botight for CA31.1, and larv , ly from MANl'FACTUftlilliimnil Pinar HANDS, huperior uplairtanlilea for choice selections and lew,lewn - privets. and will lei uold on the mint favorable tonne for (...vsif, yitom:PE., and to Prompt kHz-Months' toilers. An examination of the OootL, mid Price. will ba found profit:lbl,, to tho, t. ho a tali to buy. rLOUN.'/LND SALT f.:ONSTARIVi ON HARD. Noe Milford. tAtot.er. MOLL , ------ . - . / v'(\c• • \-. I I'ITTSBURG,- 1.43410. 'Chartered by - the. Legislature. , tRIX 6000 sTrnkfsTs, frontalmOst eve State in tlntrirnion.l,sve iven educat , d for bustnetra, being the only Coiledo of the kind in the United States conducted' bynn ecperienci.d nierthant .- - - our Junior Principal. Wrn li. Durr, hat ici;•t beam aux. d, by:our State and .ether Fair, Eight Pmt l'n'tniumf for ila;iriess Ornamental l'eninant hipolver competitora nailed the beA punni , n in Ow country. Samples. of -his llusl nes. , and 0:11:072 cutal %I ' ri I int', a eircaLir of 50 pages. and an , •legaiirenzrayii%. - raaik.ht:la.mt paid, un receipt. of cent, iu bump, For sale. hr booic-sellers. Ifarpeer Fnlarged FAlltion of DI 'V PS BOOK 1; SEM:Cir. 7r2 pages. el 50, etwAtoo4.Ther Sik, Medals. and sanctioned -by thr, chamber of commert• and Arn ,, rican Imortute of New York.-as the best published Dirri Dearatt's new anti ',tepidly engraved School Copy Books. As numben,r, d 4 pages, fine cap_paper, 00 CU per dozen: Dome edition. St per dozen. J. B_.. Llpglcott , W . O. Johnston &Co.. Pitts h. - (FMS of Business nr , drfirrninr.rntsi Pen manship. paid fr...., CrOlVa quarto.-ti. [alit ? . Address : P. DUFF r - tf - Bny your Sdiolar.hip In town. eolv-,:ss that so= ,thent aroad. cannel sell them at Brune, whey,: theist known. ' nor y ARE YOU INSURED ? ,lEE. P. .1143LL1V015.11409.1V. for likwrence iz tbe.follutv• WyoiningliitMlANC2 Company, WILK ES-BA RAE, Pa: Charter PetpetuaL Capital . 00,000 ; Sit rpltts $7,000 Organized 4.l"oi , cinbeti• fiii, G. 31. 11ollfinhiek, D. G. Drlesbach, 'J. P. Deanl?. John Reichard, . David Morgan, Cbas DOMID S O. Sarni Wadhanot, 11.-D Uwe, -.Wm S ROMS, • LI) Shoentaker. Veit .1' Steele, II 31 Hoyt, R: C. Sam, s.ey. • *(3, M. llouxicaanc. Frei& W. 6.45TE1:1.1N0, rreaft. • L. D. SnorteAsan, Rat Pre' 2ETNA INSURANCE, COMPANY, I Tartfoill,. Connecticut. Paid np Capital Arlets, NORTHERN FIRES LIFE ASSURANCE C0iii".1.24 Y. No. 1 koor,;at, Flreet, London. ' Capital, V1,2..%,u0i) Annual Iter'rzire.sl.ooo,ooo.. • . ' 11'31 OETTY,'....lsirrit,Pbßade CONNECTICUT 311; ITAL LEFT zssc. - x.xxce cox. rc I'ANY eminpetfeut.. • • Accumillatell Capital $3,3;0,it0 00 Any oue`it {shim; their !hes Insuredwill do %veil to all and in:amitio their 1110lio of insuring, and their Moo which are better-than those of any oilier company. tido'. Policies elsewhere. - 11. P. LiI.AeIi3I.AN. 'noj " fltflice user Chandler..l; Jessup's:rtorc,' • ail 2 ; f r.( V 14 1 ':: " strPeRLATivE , • I TONIC, D lUR uric, 44 4 , - • u DYsPEN INYKOMTINCt CORDLQ. To the Citizens of Pennsylvania. - A poiliecarre..4, DruizzimN Grtkers and • Private Fainfficar; Wolfe'. Pure Cognac Breudy. Ifo`g Pure MaSoria, Shorty awl Fort Wine Ifels Puro la:lvaco end St. Croix Rum. Ware's Pure Scotch antiltish Whiskcir. EiLL IN XIGMMIXaMEEI. I DEG LF:AVE to 611 the attention of the citizens of tri. United States to the atm, e Wtycs and ',Noon/. imm3r. teil to rptirrilo Wol.irn, of New York, whose name is fs miliar In every part of this country for the purity of his c‘iletirated SCnNarre... tdr..Wolfe, in a lel feet,. l•poakln4 of the purity of Me Windt, and Liquors, says: •• I o alt stake my reputation as a man, my standing a. merchant of thirty years' residence In the City of N. Y., that all. the Brody and Wines o bleb I bottle are pure as Imported, and of thrber.rt tputllty, and eambe relied upon by every purchrtar?" , liVery bottle has the proprietor's aliment% Ole Wax.. and a fac alutik of his signature on the certificate. The lite are respectfully Invited to call 4 examine fur theme N.,. Fur sale at Retail by all of tho Apothecarleit and rocere In ' taco. L. AStitOri, No. M... arket I'hilad a. • • riet...lacuffid• itesti the followlua from the New York Courier: • I:4 NtHIMOUS IturaNs, ran win N. Y.-MLECilater.—Ws arc happy to Inform our fellow citizens that there la ouu place in Gar city it here the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, art go and purchase pure Winea and Liquors, tie pure as imported. and of the best quality. We do nnt intend to give nil elaborate descrtptlon thifilnrl- - chart', 'although it-will well repay a r imager or ciilrrn to 'daft I'delpho-Wolte's extensive ~ ,,,edionse, Nos. IS, V& rirt. Deaver at., and Nos: 12, 19 & 21, st, Ilisstotk of Schnapps on hand ready ' for shipment couNI not have-been lean than So,ol.lo . eues the Brandy tonic 11.1.000 eases—Vintage* of 1966. to Ed; and 10.090 races at 31a(lelta, Sherry, and-Port Wine, Seett-h ' Whisky, Jamaica mud St. Croix Rum, some very andtoll lIV In thin country. He had also three , ar 1111 rd s fill Brandy, Wine, &C., la caiks • under t Custom House key, ready fee bottling. Mr. Wolfe'. sale , v+tSchoapps last year amounted 16 TrO,ooo thyon, and vi 6 ' hope in le,r thin two rears he may be equally successßd with his .finiudies and Wince. • Ills business merits the patronage of 'every lover of his spectre. Privatelamilies who wish pure Wines ,t Liquora for medical nee khould send their orders direct to h r. W.. until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds - to discard the poisonous st tiff from thelisbelves, and re place It with Wolfe's pure Wince and Liquors. -We Understand Mr. Wolfe; -Tor the accommodation of . tanall" dealers lit the country, puts up inserted eases 0(- Wirlea audLlituers. ' Sncli a titan, arid such a merchkat s ' , horrid be sustained against bls , tens of thouaas o u ro z irpo, os 0. neuta,lu the United btataa,whe sell nothing bat itait rolcoua alike to butter% tvallh and happtnets. .ocPlSeu% rnit AI:T, by Ws , sad. or round, rtiIaRE.LL DIRECTORS iisoo.oaJ'on • •2,191400 OS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers