MISCELLANEOUS. TIIR AMALGAMATION OF LANGITAGSB. : - - There is kgroiwing tendency in, this age to uppiopnate the finest eTpressive words of Other languages ? and • a fte r a while to incorporate them into our Own •,. thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying "for thelead," is now becom ing popularized in eonnection - with s r athnes great Headache remedy,•but it • will soon "be used in a more general way, andthe word Cephalic will become as com mon-as Electrotype andmany others whose distinction as foreign Words has been worn away hy common usage until they seem -,` native to the manoeborn," _ _ ardl Realiiked. Hi 'ad 'n 'orrible 'eadache this hafternoon, hand I stepped intotlie hapbthecaries hand says, hi to the than, "Can you tease me of an 'eadache ?" "Does it hache 'ard," says 'e. Hexceedingly," says \ bi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand m,e-'onor it cured me so quick that I ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an 'eadache., tar HBADICIIN is the favorite sign by whichc nature makes known any deviation whatever from - the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it maybe looked on as a safeguard intended to giVe notice of disease 'which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be reme died; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified under-two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the. pre cursor of a great'-variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheu matism and all febrile diseases. In its nervouA form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting sick headache, of hepatic disease. constituting &Moue haulache, of worms, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently. attended with Headiaces; .Anaemia and plethora are also affect one which frequently occasion head ache. -LECipathic Headache is also very common, being 'usually distinguished by the name of nervous kailache, sometimes .coming on suddenly in a state of appa rently sound health and 'prostrating at once the mental and _physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbi ty of temper. In most instanqat the pain is - in the rout part of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this dais may also be named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either, class of headache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe rcmeily, relieving . the most acute pains in a- few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. . • • Bnanrr.—Missus wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue no, a bottle of Prepared Pills, but I'm Glue,-no, that's not just it naither ; but perhaps ye'll be afth'er knowing what it is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with - the Sick Head ache, and wants some more'of that same ss relaivcd her before. .Druggist.—You must mean Spalding's Cephalic Pill 3. Bridget.—Och! sure now and. you've Red it, here's the quarther and gir me the Pills and dont be all day about itaither. Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the "inanY ills'fiesh is heir to". is so prevalent, so little understood, and' so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in earelesness, or sedentary habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of the most, fatal and -dangerous diseases, and unless early eradi ,, =tad it will bring the sufferer to an nn ,9 timely grave. Among the lighter evils of Which costiveness is' the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, 'while a long' train of 'frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dys entery, 'Diarrhoea, Dygpepsie, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochon driasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first in dicate their presence in the. system by' - this alarming symptom. Not unfequent ly the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. - From' all these .consider ations' it -follows that the disorder should receive immediate atter n whenever it occurs, and no person snould—neglect to get a,box of Cephalic Pills on the first appeirance of the complaint, as, their timely use will expel 'the insidious ap proaches of diseate and destroy this dan gerous foe to humen,life. slich CURE Co w ,eo 9 -adf7eA C,N CURE `ft) Nervous Headache CURE ( 5 C - Breathe By the use of them Phis the periodicattacks of Menus* °PAC& Headaeke may be prevented; and if taken at the • Commencement of an attack. - immediate relief from Oft and alckerm will be obtained. . They seldom fail incemoving the Nauseauld Headache to mach females are so subject, ' They at gently upon thebotrela,--ramoving-Oorlivenen. '7or Litawy Ye& Student& Delicate Females. and all of entary Wide, theyere ral gothic as a fazatitw, E s iarving the appetite. giving tone and vigor tops dives. airs gth of and restoring the natural elateity and oft whole elates:h. - The =PRAM PIE. 'are the result glen inirtati =and=dully conducted experiment& having been ma yeara, during which time therimeeprevented ,41 vast amount of pain and suffering from ihinshacimiwthwerigituaingln the nervou Boum or Irons dreamed slate of the They *reliant* vegetabl4ll=eir tompoodtian, and symheradomatelltinies with perfect safety - without mak. seganychence of diet aid the absence ream dleassver#4 . MOM rodent 1 way to arbeeriteler Menge Beirut: ofVounterfeits. - 17rgeatt oo bevel" of BCOI7 c. Spalding box:. _ Bold by Dinspietil aeriotherDesalere in Minikinea. box .41t - be sent by mill *repaid on receipt of the - . • • - W SPALDING, Mv*es* Cad* M, New "gds. • COMMERCIAL 001.110L_ : Located over theklusquebanaa VAlleYnallit• BINGHAMTON N. FACIILTV: D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Profesior of - the Science of ACcounts, Practical'Accohntant. Author of Lowell'a Treaties upon Book• Kee ping, Diagrams ilimitrating th 6 same. JOIN RANKIN ' Commercial AdCOUlltilli, Profit* of not* Keeping and Praetiiitildithematics. J. J. Cuarts. Assistant Professor in; the Book Keeping DepartMent, A. J, WARNER, Professor of Prettiest and Or naniental Penmauship, CoMmercial lions and Correspondence, LECTURERS,: . Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Courner cial Law and. Political Economy. Hon. -Ransom Bakom,.Lecturer on Coitiacte, Promissory Notes and Bills of &chenille. Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EI-AMINING CO2IIIIIITTEEt Hon. Sherman D: Phelps, Wrn. IC Osborn, Esq., Tracy R„Blorgan, Eaq. • The object of this College is to afford to all an'opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. 1 : The Books and Forma are carefully arranged by practical accountants expressly for this In stitutiorrancLexahrace all the recent improve • 4 meats. " The course of instruction comprises every department' of business. The learner -will be thoroughly taught the !science and- practice of Double' Entry Book.Beeping_as - applied to the following kinds othusinesa,-viz : General Mer cttandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis. aion, Steamboating, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, Etc. _ ' youlia MEN. Can qualify themselves in a short time, at this Institu tion to VI irsportantand lucrative situations. "Ample references can be given where graduates of 1860 are now tilling deatrablcaltuationa with salaries tram Mt() $lOOO per anoam . The Prqprietors are in possession of testimonials from somem of the first Commercial nonage in the State, to whom they have furnished book-keepers, showing their entire satisfaction and confidence in the ability of the graduates of this Institution. PENMAN SHIP , in all its branches, taught by the Most skillful and them. ough masters of the art. No College in the' country en joys a higher reputation in this department. Ladies De partment entirdy separate from that of thgge.nllemen. Students= enter College at any time. .No vacations: Time to'complete the course, from 8 to 10 weeks. Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma leaned by any Commercial or Classicil Institution in the• Union, Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring situations. For terms of tuition, price oftestimo •of board, " Mal graduates 11111 positiorut,&c, a e u the proprietors for ctrcelare containing full narhculars. LUWELLk WARNER, Proprletor*Binghamton Commercial College, Nov. 8,1860.—1 a y - . Binghamton, N. Y. HORATIO OARRATT, Dealer in FLOUR, GRAIN; GROCER IRS, -PRO VISIONS, DYE • WOODS, - Staple DRUGS,. - WQODEN and STONE WARE. ALL KINDS of HOUSEKEEPING r ARTICLES cf: YANKEE NOTIONS. IN GENERAL,—one door North of Barnum's Hotel, New Milford, Pa., WOULD be pleased to see all his old friends and many new ones at lies NEW Store fronting, the DEPOT, where ho is prepared to show them such a stock of the above artic'es as New Milford has long stood in need of. "Division'of trade has as maw; advantages as division of laLor." Any man confining himself ti) one bunch of bnsiness, 7 giving - that - .branch his whole. Capital andapention can keep a better assortment, buy Cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the'sfano means and time was employed in a general Inge. If you dont thhatt so. call on the subscriber and be convinced. — Thesound principle of • SMALL PROFIT MO PROMPT PAYMENT will be strictly adhered to. Baiter and other Produce forwarded to-New York to done of the bestcommission houses In the City, and.prou3pt payment,guaran tee HOßATlO GA fiRATT. New 'Alford, Sus+ Co. Pa., April, .860.—y. MORE NEW. ARRANGEMENTS • .FOR T SGO GREAT AT TRACTIONS ' AT THE FOOT OF ramiv.sgragazi TILE extensive EXarniture Establishment of BatiTaTionnaus having been - refitted and greatly improved, the proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens of ,Moutroseiand vicin ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand the: LARGEST•and BEST assortment of FURNITURE • 'Tq be found in Ike Couptry. We give tho following list of somelof the ar. tides which. we 'will sell at greatly, ?educed prices, for CASH of A.EADT PAY!: Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass, (tom $l5 to $35.1 1 Bureaus with 'm rble or broiatelle tops, from $lB to $24. And a large assortment, from $B, $10,143 14, to $lB, ' WashStalids, Card Stands, Corner and Square Stands, of all varieties andprices, froM 75 cents to ten dollars. , _Desks, Divans ,Towel Raclis, F;otst.ools,tltto. mans, Lounges, &c. Centre, Card, 'Pier; Toilet, Dining; Kitchen, and ExtensiOn Tables. --- ' I Chairs— , Cane and Wood Seats, Rockers— Cane, Flag, and Wool Seats, of every variety and style. Sofas,,tete a totes fprnished tailor! notic at New York Oleos. - Ready made coffins on hind or far-. niched, at short . notice,—Etarses. always to readiness when desired.. We eviploy none but CAREFUL and EXPERI ENCED WoaEnna. We intend to do our Worm WELL, NA sell it vs Low as it can be afforded. - - • - it; W. SMITH, • A . JR., E. R. SMITH. Montrose, Jan.-18th, I 860.-41. • - 1 , 111113 Delicious Tonic SUMlthatt, Irapecially designed for the nee of the -Medical Profession'and the Family. hayinn superceded the no called "Dint," ":Aromatic," " C 04 1 11." "Medicated,"olesears "" Sal=Rim," etc.; Is now en dmed by a all tbe Promineritphysicians, chemists and con mot-s possessing all those terenoreit 'medicinal onalities ttonic and diuretic) whichbelong to en OLD and PURE GIN: Put up in quart bottles and soldby all Drug gime and Grocens; etc. A: It. =SINGER Jto, [Established in MS.) Sole Proprietors. ' No.l9Brond Street:N. ' For sale at Turreirs Drug Store, Montroee., • LIFE MEMORIALS: `I WOULDN'T -TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' . aJady remarked to ns a day or two 'since. , as she exhibited the portrait of an only child., gone to the "spirit laud ;" . whieh was one Of " . a r i l:TM/330v .111111111111.HIBROTIPESI "Hoiw I should regret it; bed I not secured -this precious me:Der:al diktat dear one." . So thought we. The leived ones ere not always with tisduid.while we esn all them era, every one should secure such a memorial; especially s i nce theresthavetheut nolmtitfolli taken by that successful millet A. B. TUBBS, I of • Bing. haratou.. , I cice 4: - .2ur IWRANCO -COMPANY, CASIVCAPITAL,- ONE MILLION DOLLARS. , marrs Ist Ittlyi 1880, 111,411,81926 LIAMLNIES, " .. 43,088.68. 7.101t0n Smith, Sec:y. Chis..tMartin, Preside r nt. John McGee, F.WUmutb, Vice "j Policies Issued and renewed, by the undersigned, at hie office, one door above Searicee Hotel. Montrose, Pa. • novikll7 BILLINGS STROUD, dge4. - [NEW GOODS ! • Lawavillo Contro:Stisq. Co., Pa. WALL Paper, Window Pipers and Bdrders, a veil , large intck this day received,lby April 17th'. IL KENYON, JR. dr. CO. el bailie, silica, leis os and calicoes, an immense k..! variety, by IL KENYON, JR. & CO. tVERY style of Cotton Pant GOods, eto. this day reed by R. - KENYON, JR. & CO. - ILK, Brocha, and,Cashmere - ahawis, a largo S stack, LOW. -R. KENYON, Ja. & CO. I LS esie Ttlr e o r this than ellO w dlt i y o e ref n le u d and 4 county. R. KENYON, r ia. dt 1.000 141 S 13ALERATUS in store and for sale by the box or lb., T ARGE Stock of FANCY Dry Good s for I_4 sale by. R. KENYON. )li.. & CO. TEA Setts—Five Elegant styles, complete— from sto 360. IL KENYON, JR. & CO. 4tansville Centre, Pa., April, 1860. •- VALUABLE GIFTS ViI.TH BOOKS GEORGE G. EVANS' • CI3ELXCIFIZT.A.Ma GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE. THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD' PERMANENTLY LOCATED -Al' 439 Chestnut Street, P . MICI.T.s.EAJZOIELT-sPNICLS. SIXTH YEAR OF THE ENTERPRISE r___,,... 7.i will Uaving purchased the spacipus Iron Building, No 439, Chestnut Street, and fitted it up with every convenience to facilitate my business, particularly that branch devoted to COUNTRY ORDERS; and having a larger multal than any other party Invested in the business, I am now,pre. pared to offer greater advantages, and better gifts than ever beforelo my customers., . I will tarnish any book (of a moral charaCter) published in the United States, the regular retail price of which is One Dollar or upwards, and give a present worth frdm 50 =tato 100 dollars with each book, and guarantee titgive perfect satisfaction, as 1 am determined bkmaintain the reputation already bestowed upon my - establishment. Strangers visiting Philadelphia are invited to call and Judge for themselves. - IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS SEND TO ' areC). ar. M , crestais 7 I - reliable Gift Book-Enterprise Nicp, 480 Cilioartsa.azt PHILADELPHIA, Where all hoots are sold at the Publisher's lowest prices, and you have the ADVANTAGE Of receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT {FORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO 100 II.OLLARS WITH EACH HOOK. G. G. EVANS' Original Gift Book Enterprise has been endorsed by the Book Trade and all the - leading city and country newspapers in the United States. G. G. EVA:NS' Punctual business transactions have re ceived the approbation of over 6 . 0 3,00 0 -citizens of .the United States, each of whom have received substantial evidence of the benefit derived by purchasing hooks at this establishment. G. G. EVANS Has done more than any other publisher, or bookseller in the United States, to wards diffusing knowledge to the people. By this system, many balks are read that would not have found their way} into the hands of readers.-Framt Leztle't News. pap,'. G. G. EVANS' - ceps constantly on hand, the most ex tensive stock, the greatest assortment of Books, - and circulates free to all whq may 'apply, the most complete catalogue of , Books and Gifts In the - United States. 0.• H. EVANS Has advantages offered him by other pule • !Sabers and manufacturers which enable him to tarnish his patrons with finer • • quality and better assortment of gills than any other establishment.. G EVANS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular_ and 'interesting Books, therefore, .as a publisher, he Is better able to offer 'extm - • - •, - . • premiums and commissions. Ci„ G. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all i who I may send for books. 0..,G. EVANS' New classified caudogne of books embrace. the writings of every department of liters . tore, and gives all the information, rein: • live to the pnr.chasing and forvrarding by ' - Mail or Express of, books ordered from his • establishment, together with full dim ' tions how to remit money. G. G. EVANS' Catalogueof Books will be sent gratis and free tell St ates. to any address in theitni; - I G. G. EVANS' Inducements to Agents cannot be' Bur _ passed. The most liberal commissiOns are offered,and by soliciting subscriptions ' .. to books in the manner proposed, twenty • : , books can be sold in the same time that it would take to cep one on the old fashion . ed subscription tian. Send for a chi/sift ed Catalogue, and every information will • be given in reference to agencies.. Select your books, enclose the amotuit of money • required, and one trial will satisfy you _ that ;Cie best place in the country to. pit , chase books is at THE 1t re. 'SIVE GUT BOOK ESTABLISHENT OF GEO: G.,,EVANS, No. "439 • Curirear-r Srnr.er, PULLS DXLPHIA, where you can get books of all kinds. " Books of Fact! . Books of Fiction! . Books of Devotion I - . - • Books of Arilsement! • Books for the Old Folks I • • Books for the Young Folks . Books for Husbands! • Books for Wives! ; .. - . Booforks / • - Books Sweethearts! • - Books foriloys I Booksßooks for Girls! • .- . Bof Humor! ' . .. Bookeof Poetry, 1 . Books of Travel! . ... • . _ • Books of History . . Books of Biography ! • Books of Adventure! . . • . . , Books about Sailors! • - Books about Soldiersi • Books about Indians! - -• . . - BoOks about Hunter's! • - Books about Heroes! - Book about , Patriots! - Books for Farmers I . E • . • Books for Mechanics I' Books for Merchants!' . r 7 ' • Books for Physicians I - • - Books for Lallielli I . ... • • . Books for Statesmen! Bibles! -- . • Presentation o Books! Prayer Books! - Hymn Books! . . ' .- - • Juvenile Books! Anntials! . . ..• Albums. etc-, etc. • . - E _ _ . CECIL B. HARTLEY'S Interesting Biographies! REV. J. B. INGRAHAM'S Senptural Romances! SMUCKER'S Lives of Patriots and Statesmen I J. T. LAUREN'S Revolutionary Stories! T. & Alt Hu W 8 Popular Tales! DR. ALCOTT'S Family Doctor ! i MRS. lIIIINTZ'S Novels! MRS. SOUTHWORTIIS Novels! . COOPER'S Novels 1' ' . DICKENS! Novels! - • . WAVERLEY'S Novels I , . . . . IRVING'S Works! . • ' .• . . - . All the writings ot every standard author In every de partment of Iltemtnre, In every style of binding, at the publisher's lowest prices, and remember that you pay no more than you wouleat any n otherEstabliahment ‘ z and .yon have the advantage of receiving an elegant Present, which oftentimes is worth a hatidrml fold more than the amountpsid - forthe book. . l• • SEND FOE A CLAMMED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Order ini.Ok. that you may want: resift the retail price,. togeth er with the amount required for postage, and one wth - assure you thatthe best place in the country to purchase books is at th Gift Book Establishment, of GEORGE G. EVANS, Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise, r, No. 4139 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. faIf`AGENTS WANTED, lowborn greater inducenients than ever are offered. - Any person, either male or female Who is desirous of engaging in an-Honorable and Trollta: bieltwoyment, requiring but little time and no ()inlay Of mongol:gill _hich he aus obtain gratis - , A FINE GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN, , • .7fIuffftSOIOII3ERVICII OF PLATIL . AN =GIANT SILK DRESS PATTEBE. - A KAMM OFJEWELEY. Or many other choice articles enumerated- in the List of Gifts, Can do ao by acting scan Agent for this establish-. anent: • pimps, any part cd'the countr y . can be "gem_ am_ for a list of boobs; and mpg t a tr iag amotlin t h=quined for the same. • , fiewf aftiakcia, which contains all the desired In form relative to agencies and the formation of clubs l . au4 to Imre prompt and honorable dealings, addrete al MALI 491:1AUTERil 01 1i Ggo. G. RVAN'ti; - Awrietor of the Oldestand Largest Gilt-Book Enterprise in the Wor*loeittri at No. 439 -Chestnut Street Ptaladetrer7 4 sept 1 0 in - ABEL -TURRELL . • HAldjust returned from selecting and eurchaspg and is aorrtecelving one of the hultit Ana beat "0" of • 'A'!A ever offered in this market.. The quality of nearly every thing - good; all warranted as represented.. Terms: /lady Cash and low Pricer. A general Idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration: 1/twos, Nrincuass, , Cuziposts, Parsers, Ons, Vansusurs, WINDOW 'GLASS, Dye Brume, Gnocamis, Guise 'Warm • Cnocuxnr, Microns, CLogua, Weis Paren, Wornw PAPER, WLND'W OIL SuADitsescir GOODS, Musical !nett einentslamps, Jewelry, eriltmery, Steno Ware, - Brooms, Brushes; - Whips, Umbrel's Bird Cages, . Pocket Knives, • Gana, Pistols, .Ammunition, • ' Liquors, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Brasea, • part monnals, Spectacles, - Silver. & plated - Bpons; Poika, Ac. Gold pens, - - Stationery, Violin, Guitar, Base Viol Strings, lithraphs, porcelain Teethrtis's Tube painta, - Brush be, ka. Also - seine Dry Go ode . Wooden Ware, hard and japanned Ware,-Pinid and OD Cans, Camphine, Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, 'neat foot, lard, olive, castor, boiled and raw linseed Oils, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of colored paints ; Vine. gar. Canary Seed, also all the popular PATENT MEDI. INES, and other things too numerous to mention. - It is impracticable to give more than a - general outline of-my, stock through the 'newspapers every one wishi ng GOODS is invited to call and examine. CWatorners on entering the store must not expect to And every thing in sight ; but nearly every article wanted will be produced by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronage hlthertri received, be hopes to merit a continuance and large Increase of the SWIM_ ABEL TUItRELL. Montrose, Junc 5 18M) Salt, Salt ! Salt ! ! V7O 102E51 WHOLESALE SALT. - DEALER, 201 Washington-at, (Directly opposite Washington Market,) New 75?"cr.vir.., STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN coarse and Fine SALT, at the very loWest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jaffrey _,& party, Marshall's, Brownlow s, &c. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bollards, Cu races, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, iSmi, all of which will be sold at bargain - prices‘ from Vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. . - • N. B.—Finn table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Also u splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in 91mrt_boxes, pat up and for dale by the quantity. in cases-or five dozen ench. TUE BEST ROUTE 1860. - Flto3l WYOMING VALLEY TO-NEW And all Points North::& West; LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD EIIMNIER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains WILL DE lIETWEIN SCRANTON AND PiORTRIIIIIBERI,AND, •AS FoLy.ows : - ZONING SC/T.7TM itorrso Nlnrrn. Phlra N. Y. N. Y. Phira Mail. Express. •Express. Mail. Leave s. n. Leave Scranton, 6.10 4.25 .Nortbuland, 5.90 4.45 Arrive at s Arrive at Pittston, ' 6.38 4..58 Danville, 6.05 5.20 Kingston, 7.05 5.20 . Rupert, 6.95 5.50 Sitickshinny, 7.50. 6.25 Bloomsburg:ll.4s 6.00 Berwick. 8.20 635 Berwick, 7.15 6.35 Bloomsburg, 8.50 7.30 Bhlckshlnny:7.4s 7.01 Rupert. 9.00. 7.40 • Kingston, B.fal -- 7.45 Danville, .9.25 8.10 Pittston, 8.57. - 8.15 Nortbuland, 10.00_ '8.45, Scranton, 0.25 8:45 THE LACKAWANNA it BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. • coNNECTA.WITH THE DEL LACKAWANN'A & WESTERN RAILROAD At Scranton. for New York and Philadelphia. and inter mediate points cast ; also for Great Bend, Binghamton, Syracuse, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and all importantpoints West. At Rupert it connects with the Catawlasa Railroad. for points both East-and West. At Northumberland It 'connects with tho iluabury and Erie Railroad for Dolnts West and South • THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY Ror Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Tie Doloreaux. Dr. ROBAN'S RHEUMATIC CURE riIH I S iNeirrinix -Sliectfic," lately infro.<%/k duced into this country, is -- Pronounced by all to be the only rOlable remedy. IC has ' ROBAA 7:6 cured thousands in Europe, ,t has met with great and wond erful success here, as [Win). nlals daily rec‘iircd will show. It is harmless, but certain, in its effects: warranted free of all injurious Ingredients. It purities the ~yhtein.,t rmidere it perfectly healthy. In fact, it is a specific .which has not. an equal for the cure of the above complaints. It is also good for panic the back, or bones, or Jonas, generally. The demand for it increasing; to appoint an agent. for this di agency of Dr. Hoban, No. 6951 D Druggists supplied on liberal ii any part of the country on reeef novZily *ABEL' TIM] REALM AND-ITS PLEASURES Or Disease With Its Agonies: C)hcackso 33 otla74icaa. Thom. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. VirlfAT Is more fearful than a breaking down of the nervous sYsteni .To be excitable or nervous in a small "degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found There is one :—drink but little wine, beer, or spirits, or far better, none; take no noffee,=wcak tea being preferable; get all the fresh air you ran; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids, avoiding Chemise of slops; and if these golden rules are followed, you will, be happy in mind, strong In body, and forget you have notice. Ai:Cc:Al:Lox-is alb 3,3a,u.sh.terai: If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are famous, it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, removing dangerous and suspended secretions. Univer• 'sally adopted as the grand remedy for female complaints, they never fail; never weaken the system, and always bring about what is required. Sick Headache and Want or ' Appetite. 'These feelings which Po sadder; us, most frequently arise from annoyances or trouble, from perspiration, or from eating and drinking what is unfit for us, thus disordering the stomach and liver. These organs must be regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly restore a healthy action to both liver and itomach, whence follow as a natural COTl sequence; a good appetite and a clear head. In the East' and Wen Indies scarcely any other medicine is e'l'erns6d for these disorders. DISORDERS OF THE KGDZIEYi In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they se crete too ranch or too little water ; or whether they be af flicted with „gni atone orval, or with aches and pains 'settled In the loins over the regions of the kidneys. these Pills stionld be taken according to the printed directions. and the Ointment should be well, rubbed into the small of the hack at bdd time. This treatment will give ahnost imme ate relief When all other means have failed. For h Stomachs out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills they remove all acidity, occasiond either by Intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce ft to a healthy action ; they never fall in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. . • . • , Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known, . in the world- for the following d i seases : Agile. • Fits: ' , Sore Throats, 1.. Asthma, Oout, '' . Stone and Gravel, Bilious Complaints,licod-ache, See'ndary symptuas Blotches on Skin, Indigestion, • Tic-Douloureux, Bowel Complaints, Inflammation, Tumors, Collet, Jaundice, • Ulcers, ' -• Constipation of the Liver Complaints, Venereal Affection Bowels,' - Lumbago, Wormsof all LI nds Consumption, ' . Plies, - Weakness from 11 - ability, .-• Rheumatism, whatever muse, Dropsy. . ' Retention of Se., Sc. Dysentery, , Urin,e, . ' Sc., ie. Erysipelas, ' Scrofula, or Ring's Evil, [351 Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds. [cowl CAIITIAIN i—None . ari genuine unless the words'" Rot, LOWAY, /YEW-YORK AND LONDON," are discernible as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the WO the fight. A handsome reward will begiven to any vie rendering such information as may Iced to the. detection °rimy party , or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious.' m i t e So n i•l in a , t i tr ew hiim ro a r tto of "Ir tltb i ttnt wA gg r ist 3 and Lkalers in Medicine, throughout tircivilLted world, fn boxes at 95 gents, pants, and al each CP • • — There is con by taking larger:boxes- N. B.—Rireetions for the guidance of patients in every di ' , order are affixed to each box. " .... " ' . . . _ - HAYDEN,BROMEM,' WROLESALII REAIRRSitt .491141 - 4.33rEr arciiricwrinat FANCY 43.00D5: JOHN HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, , RAW MILFORD, Pd. , GEORGE HAYDEN; . An exporieneed Nurse and Female Physician, presen . to the attention of mothers, het _ . SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR . CHILDREN TEEMING, 1 which greatly facilitates .the process of teething, by aoftl cuing the gams; reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and la SERE TO BEGVE4TE TUE .BOWS De LSI Depend upon It, mothers, It will give rest to you, an RELIEF- AND remit to 101 M numprel • We have put up and cold this article for ovarian years?' and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND - TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other. medicinc— ; NEvirit HAS IT FAILED in a SINGLE INSTANCE, to EFFECT A CURE, when timely used: Never did we kno4 an instance ofdissitisfaction by anyone who had used On - tbe contmry,all are delighted with , its operations, and speak in terms of cpsomendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. Welay in this matter 'WHAT WEDO KNOW," after ten years` experience, end REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what webers declare. In almostil . '"ery instance where the infant is suffering bY pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen to 20 minutes after the, syrup is administered. • This valuable preparation is the prescription of one el' the most EXPERIENCED and SEILLFM NURSES New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILINQ SUCCESS in THOUSANDS. OF CASES. It not only rillieves the child Item pain, but invigolntelt the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tono and energy to the whole system. It will aimed, instantly relieve - GRIPING,IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC ,nd overeome convulsions, which. if not speedily cured, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST rent mil in the WORLD. in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRH(F...4. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises Rom teething, or from any other cause. We would say to All' Mothers who have a child suffering from any of the forego ing complaints—DONOT LET YOUR P.REJUDICEq NOR TEE PREJUDICE:Bqt OTHERS. stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will - be, , SURE—vea ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use this medicine, !Mindy used. Full directions for nsinir will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac simile of CURTIS PERKINS, New York, Is on ,tb* Outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal 'Oillec i r3 Collar actiect, Now York,. PRICE ONLY -25 -CENTS PER BOTTLE. LIFE - PILLS,. .&r, -PHOENIX. 'BITTERS AME havi ,. now .been . before {he„J pnblk fora period of Thirty rears, and during [hail= havh .maintained a high character In almost every part orthit Globe, for their extraordinary aid Immediate power of rnstoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the humaeharne le liable. Vie-following are 'among the distressing variety of h man diseases in which the • VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINE Are well known tab° hifallible. - . DYSPEPSIA, be thoroughly cleansing theist add 213,1 stotnarlis, and creatin a-flow of pure,healthe bile,instead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCt, Lou V 140- Z,etiG',.lharlhveo. Headache, ReeUersners, 111-Temper, Aai un', Lcmgae?r and Melancholy, which are general symptom)) of flys peps ta, vanish, as a enteral consequence of-its cure. COSTIVENESS, by eleansing.the whole length of thix Intestines with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive in two days. - I 1-ZV.IbES oral' kinds. by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, thro' the process of respiration in such eased, and Lbw,' solution of all in te•di nal obstructions in othera. The Life liedicz nes have been known to cure NHERZ. ATISM peunancritiy in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by remo-ving local inflammation from the mod eles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIEs of all kinds, by - freeing and strengthenin t he kidneys and bladder ; t hey operate most delightfully these important organs, and hence have ever been found certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by diolodgino from the turnings of th; bowels the slimy matter to ithich these creatures adhere; SCURVY. ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect - purity which these DI - Medicine: give to tht blood and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX - 16145 1 0 by their alterat i , e effect upon the fluidEtthat feed the Skit) anti the morNit elate orwhich oectvtion.'.ll eruptive colnplaints.isalloWi cloudy, and other disagreeable cumt plexiolu.. . The us , of thee Pills for a very short time will effect ad entire cure of LT RHEUM. and a striking iinfirovel men tin the clue ess of the skin. COMMON COLDS al. and INFUENZ will always he cured by one dose, or b2ti , two in the wort C4.SI!. . PILES.—The - original proprietor of these medicines,, was cared of or 35 years standing. by the use s or the Life Ifedithieß alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the 'West; ern 'country. these Siedicines will be found a safe. speedi and certain remedy. Other Itiftlicities leave the control subject to a return of the (111.:1..t. -a cure by these JlediS tines Ss permanent— Try them; Ge eat ivied.and to c :sr ed Hiltons -Fevers and Liver Complaints, General Debility. Loss of Appetite, and Diseases of Fes males. The Medicines have been need with the moo :4 beneficial results in cases of this description:—KingS Evil, and Sernfula:in its worst forms. yields -to the mild vet, powerful action of th, se 'remarkable Sicdicinesi Night Sweats, Nervous Debility. Netvons Complaints or all kinds. Palpitation of the Stuart, Painters' Colic, at ., speedily cured. slimani - Mercurial Diseanea.-Per.9onßwhoFe constitatioai have become impaired by the injudicious use of 3ferctiryi will tied these Medicines a perfert cure, as they never fall tneradicate from the system, all the !effects of' Mercury; infinitely sooner than fhe most powerful preparations o Sarsaparilla_'! Prepared and sold by has induced the proprietor 'strict. 4lso forsale at the =roadway, New York City. erms. Sent by Express to .ipt of the price. RELL, _Agent. Montrose. NVILLIAiNtS'S COMPOUND SOLUI Bon for the PILES is warranted to effect a Cure in every mse_and In all stages-of the disease, or-the munei, will be refunded. Full directions accdropany each bottle.l For sale by Abel 'Correll, Montrose ; 0. G. liempstead,l Brooklyn; T.. J. .Babcock, Dimock ; Fennel Carpenter) Hayford ; G. G. Williams, Jackson :J. B. Slocum, Dundaff4 A. B. Merrill, Ilopbottom : A. J. Merrill. Scranton. This is to 'iertify, that Mrs. Emory hai been afflicted for years past with that distressing complaint known as the, " Plies," and that having failetf in securing relief. ftorh rious.Physicians. she was Induced from !reports to try Mn, Williams' "Pile Solution," which we obtained at one oe. his Agencies in Tunkhannock, Pa. The result has been; the most favorable. The trial WAS made with it last faly and after using as directed for a few days, what we havei Soodreason to think was a permanent cure was effected.l everal other cases of a similar nature in this vicinity€ have used It with like res.nits. , With Mr. Williams motto! "no cure no pay" every one thus afflicted will certainlyt do well to try it. B. B. EMORY, Pastor of M. 'E. Church, Ttinklutnnock, Wyoming Co., N. June sth, 1860. ' TT icemitpounded entirely from Owns, and a has become antatablithed fact, a Viundard Medicine. kuowis c o d approc e d by all that have nerd It, and la now rip, sorted to with cpoddence in a f a ll the diacaaea far which It hrecommended.". It has .cured thnusonds,. l 2C I wlll,lo, the bat ire years who had Oren up all hopes ! w ,lit relief. as the ausneroas unaollcited cc-decides In my r_ o Iptcarsalcn thaw. ' Deduce must be adopted W• to the temperament of ths inemesat taking It, and us: .. _ia such „Tim:dales aa to act gently on the ilOweht • Let the Wailes-el your „Indgment galas you In the the of the LIVED, IN.. g VIGORATIOIt, and tt will ewe Liver Com- plaints, Bilious Atr pietas, Dyspepsia., Chronic Di tirrhoea, 1 Bla man er Co m - plaints, Dreamt... ry, Dropsy, 'Soar Stointach,liabitual Costiveness, Choi.. te ' Cholera, Choi.. ralliorhtuo,-Cholera Infatittant. Fiala. Tenet, Jaundice, Female Weakness.. ex,iad 'may be used aue.. ceisfu ll y as an Ordina ry Family .fliettl-1 pi etas. liottleure SICTC TIE A.D ACH Ei faai thou-Sanaa ean (alfalfa to tvrentrmittutee,ll! two or three ,Tea spoonfuls aro tuk-I en at commencement of l bfa Us Ali-Who nisi It are! i I giving•thck le*Umaay vor. • 1 MIX WATER IN THE HOUTII WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. CATHARTIC' PILLS, COMPOUNDE.O FRost. . Pixie Vegetable Extraels„and rut'up In GLASS CASES, Alr TlghLian4 will keep In any ellmale. Th e . F a mily cn. ~aatharllr,PlLLlsarmi• tie but active Cathartic U 1 whleb the proprietor haa cud In UM practice, more - than tyranny .yearn The constantly Mereutu- 1.11 Amite! from lhose- who have long used the PILIA i 7 and the. sallaramion *Wit all expreaa to nlard to their ic'e to by Induced mole place them tithlp rearbrit all. 104 • The Profrtainn e thit different Cathartics act on dlfreir•nt portlow, of Val .A. towel& ' 'the FAMILY CA -1 P 414/ has, with dna reference to - ;this : 7 0 Wallisiiti 'fit,-f, been compounded bons aIA alike Of the unrest trio table Estrada, whlth tot no , en oven , bart.of the ninnentary canal. and are g good us/soft pr all ens. es where a Warne .14 h s . ' Or. Iran gement. of the / Stomach. S 4 leeplb. Hess, Pains in the Iloek and LOU,., Costlvelnes.,, Pal n and Soreness over the whole body, ;Siam - sodden eat, whi c h .frequently, it . neglected, - .:entkinalcing.enarse of Fe ver, Loss , of /Lingle- I Moo nCreeDl lig belt. gation oteold oVer' Ah e wid y, i tratic ..„, nets, HelldneheVe , welghtin the Inad, .: all lln 2a sn sontnry 4 Disease.; AVorots hi Children or Adialls: , 'Chau in ails an, a ar,at Portlier ti th e Mood ..,, and many Maenad to which treble helo,,,toonuasastang le ;so,4l4l4{tantnthla advertise. mesa. Rtsite . I 4244_,. - .. - 1„_,,,, - Li__._, , _ , .. P . . RICO MIME . rnores. The Ltver. Inslavratar and Family 'Caw thartle-PIJ le are walled Ly Dmegtak Rod fad wholeule.by the Trade la all the large warm. 8. T. W. SANFO2 1.D..81. D., • Monufwmietker aiStl gootitoi, 335 Broadiiiiy, N.eyr Vork.6, . _ For sale in Moutron by ABEL TURREU, Aged ' . CHILDREN • TEETHING MRS. WINSLOW, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY; LOSS OF APPETITE, • and die numberkis. cider. dis'eases arising front In-_ digestion and fenettona I disorders of the stomach, find ready relief in that tskiblisheci and sterling For sale In Montrose by Abel Terrell. 1 remedy,' 110 FIE A.Tv'S W. B. MOFFAT. 3:35 . BROADWAY, NEW-ToTta For Sale by all Brandin" Afflicted, Read! S.&NFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES. Price One potion* per Bottle,. . —ALSO.—. SANFORWS' /IIttEAT , .MARKET..- :: on ventnilizedir Rilet IirEEP - einniantly. on, hand good supply •of IX MEATS, of sti: Mods:. CASH- paid (or Reef Csittle t eilives,Sheep t andimm be. Alai) for Hides of all kinds._ • • IiENSTOCK & HAWLEY. 8. T. tIENB2O6t. ' 11. HAWLEY. Montrose, March 80tti, ' - KEYSTONE HOTEL - . • At. Montrose, Penn. 1 , Mt. IL'EATC7I, Proprietor.- rrkilS tiow and commodious Hotel siloated I _I on Public Avenue, near the Court House,and nearly in-the centre of the business portion-of Montrose, is now filly completed and furnished, . and .was opened - on' Monday, the 17th day of September, ,1858, for the accommodation pf the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confideht but he is now prepared to enterta:n guests In k manner that cannotfail•to give .• • COmpletectithdhation. Tho Hotel and Furniturelire new, and no. ex praise, has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment inthisprt of the State. It is well Supplied with•• all the recent improvenients and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of custoraers. - Tho Stables connected with this' House are New and Convenient. The Preprievir respectfully solicits the patron age of his old fri F ndr,and public:Tonally. • " • - lAl3t. K. HATCH. DYS P E PS I f I Dyspepsia, Dehility - of the System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia,liebility of the Syslnn, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acidity, • Liver Complaint, Acidity, Mons Complaiuts, Sick Headache, - Bilious Complainli, Sick licadadm, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, TII)E OXYGENATED‘BITTEIO! Reliable Testimony. ' We call the ayenlion of the reader tco -- the following letter from Precedent Smith, formerly of UniraTity, and.ilextr of Annapolis,' Md. • MIDDLETO4N. Conn., Feb. E 3, 1859 Pr.rx tlf:Tostct & Co.—Gentlemen:—l first made use of the Ory,7esetti Bitters south seven or eight years 'laving antlered ftir twenty seats from a form of dyiperniai which wail attended with a nervous headache; on as average of itot leis than One day in a week, i warinitueed, by the unpretebding rec ommendation of (pr. - Green, " to-try one bottle, and if no benefit wan reepi veil to diccontione the use." The lbw of one bottle warranteida further triair to the eatenrof foinn threenrfour, with a easeful observance of the arcompanying directione.' The . recult wee, an. almost ent ire relief fromilhe dyspeptic symptoms. their depressing. painful consequences. I.believe these !titters prod - heed an entire chance in the .habits of my 'pht', and npon the.active energies of the difeetive _ ,organs. I nom deein myself as exempt frvin as most persons. :These Bider, has 4 also beenskf ser vice to other members of my family. airy mlreufull7 y?urs, • • , AUGUSTUS W. SIIITU. TEMOXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. liatica Tinga Co., Pa., Ang. PS, 1E53. GENTLEMEN,— After su ff ering for more than dirty years with Dyspepsia; and trying many remedies rec ommended for- that disease without any good result, I war induced, by Dr. F. It. Whito of Mansfield, to give the Orygrisated Bit!ers atrial. I took two bottles, which gave me 'so much relief that I purchased two nuke, which have nearly or quite effected acute.. lam nuts nearly seventy-five yeara 'of age, and for three month. past base felt no inconvenience from my'food. I take great plerontresin recommending the Bitter, to all afflicted with D 3 sPeysia and its concomitant diseases. rom Dr. White &UNIT= Tiriga Co.; Pa.; Aug. 26,1636. I have naafi the. Orpgrristuf 'Bitters is my practice With decided suc c ess in debility and general prostration, &e., and confidently recommend them in general do., bllity, and diceases of the digestive organs. - . F. ICWIIITE, N.D. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. TUE Oxlip ENATED BITTERS: PREPARED 101,S: W. FOWLE_&: CO., 18 Tremont Street, Burton. Bold by Druggists, Deniers, and Merchants in every town and city an, 9hout the eounitit 1017 - For sale by Abel Tamen and Read, Watrous &Toi, ter, Montrose; IL Woodruff, Dimoek ; Amos Nichols, Brooklyn Whitney. Motley. llarford ; Weed & Ward Great Bend; J. C. Olmstead, Dundaff; L. Griffin, Great' Bend. . • : • • 'July 26—1y1• BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS • _ •`DISEASE '..OE-THE :KIDNEYS .• tivER: - cgatpir.4.l64, wimitigEBB:iol;'• Amt, RIND,• ' • . PEVER AND AGUE, Aga the Mktg affections nissequent apes a diandared STOMACH OR. LIVER, / . . Such u Indig.estlen, Acidity anti Stomach, Cellekyidria, Heartburn, Um or Appetite, Demondency; euthenists, Wad mud Illeeding.Pllee. In all Hallam,' Kheitunatk, Neuralgic Affections, It bas In Eutueruna' instances proved itighyr beneficial, and In others effuted a deaf* cuts. . , This la a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly.' scientific principles. After the manner- of the celebrated HollandPr.:436w; Ikvrhara.flis scPutation et home Pro. dead Its intrainciloulsem thadeinsnd commenting with • these of th e latherland scettered over the hue of the , C•untly:".nearcy, of vetiositimeight with•them aid Lauded down the tradltion'of Its value. ii is new a ed to the AsecHean yielkhre(kaateirip that Ua truly ••• medicinal virtu/a male acknowledged.. It le - partitMlarly'reccernended to thou persons whose constltntions mey'lncrebtenibnpeiml by the continuous use prudent spidts, or other toque of dieelpatlon. , -Qetweally'.. . lostantanenue In effect, It finds Its way directly to the seat of life, Willing -and quickening every nervut, raking up the / drooptult aplritotadi In fact, Infusing new bullhead vigor • the system. OTlCL—Whoever elude to Ind this a beir whl • /be dluppolated; but to the Wt.-weak and low spirited, It ' will pewee a grateful aromatic cos aka, troasessed Of stroke ' remedial poperie: .. • • READ CAREFULLY: . .• • The Gemini highly conteutratoi Ikerhare's frothnid Bitterns put ag hotliir Fm Fplett bottles only, and retailed at s. lhra Dann or elk bottles kr Donna. The. roe tlift tidy celebrated Nadkirms has Induced man=tatlons, whleh the piddle should guard agstast Air Beware that OUT name ti on the ; label of every bottle You buy. i• IfrigitEstO nonsrally. hove:Asa i by Egress to•most points. • • BOYS PiIt)PRIZTOSO. 13 ENSAMEN.PAGEont. & CO. •-•.. .• . , 111111IIMACT - 111111141 • thimitatt'utisb awl Chemists • 11 PITTBI3 Ran, That BITTERS (km mild In litintroei by - c; 4ly • • .ABEL TURRELL, Druggia turn( MONTSEIROPENNA. T tie auhscriberlaving purchased _ . , refitted atrO ineWIY-furnis)ed the Shove well knotyrrarid popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public , and others with all the attentions and convebiencea initially found in. first-class -Houses.' do effort will be spired by the Pro. prietor and his Assistants, to make the Hotid equal in every point to any in the country. Thellar will atwayri be,Supplied with the Choicest Liquors.-. - • - The Stables, conirecied,with this House are large, roomy and‘conrinient, and careful and attentive Hostlers are always in charge of them. . ' J.'S. TARBELL. .. where in the body, and obstructs • its natural fuhetlons. Thew, if WA relieved, react_ anon themacives and the inrrotmdhlg, Orga, na, producing ken era! aggravation, sulTiulug, audAlsease. While in this condition, oppressed by the derange/mut:, take. Ayer': l'ills, and see bow directly they restore the-natural ne thin of the system, and with; it the buoyant 'feeling of health again. What is+true and so apparent in thin trivial and-common complaint, to else true in many of the Map sente,l and dangerous distemperi., The same purgative effect expels them. Caused bv"stmilar otptructions nod 'derangements of the natural fltneticats of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same Intettis.i None who know the Sirttieti of these Pills, will neglect to emithiy them when sutfering,from the disor der.: they cure. Statements from leading phyidelana In -some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per - .Prom a Forwarding Merchant of St. Lvui., Feb. 4, ID. nth. Merit: Your Ma - are the paragon of. all th,t le great in roclifelne: They havo - eared my little dammt , r of sores upon her hands and feet that hr.,l prov,l Incurable for years.. Her mother has ic..l, 101,4 ou sly afflicted with, blotches and pimples on her MC1111444, .In her heir. After our was "eure,1,A,1,,,,,150 tried your ME, and they have cured her. • . • . As a .Psnally Physic. Front De. E r . W. Cartwriglet o New (Maras Your Pills arc the prince of purges. Their excelleut qualities surpass any cnthartl «e pos4sss. They nre mild, very certain and effectual fn their action on the bowels, which makti them - invaluable to ui •in the daily Itcodache,_ Sick Ileadache, Foul Stomach: . Front Dr. Zdward Boyd, Baltimore. Pitan , llito. ATER : I comet answer you what com pliiintal have, cured with your 'Pills better than to any air that wcerer treat irith a purgative medicine. 1 place great dependence ea au effectual - cathartic in my doily contest with dioense,rind believing . as T do that your Pills afford us the bestwo have, l et course value them highly. Ptrra - huh.:, Pa.; May 1, 1855. • DR. J. C. Aver,. Sir: I have been rtpeatedy cured Of the worst hwda.:ke tiny Way ran hove, by a dose or two or your ews. It seems to arts* fronta. fool; stomach, which they cleanse at once. • Yours with great respect, . ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Slinmer Cfrtrimr. Bilious Disorders:— Liver ' From Dr. Theodore Yell, of Sew York City. • . . Not only are your Pillkadmirably adapted to their pur pose as an aperielt, but I find their.beneflcial effects upon the Liver verymarked indeed. They' have in my prac - tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com plaints than any one remedy Imo mention. I since ely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which Is wor thy the confidence of the profession and the people., DEPARTNE4T OF THE INTE.4IOR, Washington, D. C., 7th Feb., 1651 Sint r I hive used your Pills he mv general and hospital practice ever since you made theiniand do not li.gsitntetds sarthemirethe heat cathartic we ,employ.' Their regu ).tlng action on the liver In - quick and decided, -conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that ormtn. Indeed, I have seldom found .a. case of Wiens, disease so obstinate that It did nut readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZQ !TALL, X. D., , • Phy.rielan of the .Iforine..f/osplla/. Dysentery, Dtarrhoes . t, Relax, • Worms. From Dr. J. C. GrEtn, ofCAfcago. Your Pills have had. a long trial in my practice;amd hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative elfict.upon the liver makes -them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dysentery and diarrhavi.. Their-sugar-coating makes them very =imitable. and ea/vet/tent tor thc.use of women. and children. Dyspepsia,lmpttriti of the mood. . . . Prom Ren..7. V. Hines, Patiotoof ..ddrent ChUrch; Gorton. i., ,t Dr.. A.intt : I have used your ill swith extraordinary success in my family and among tho e I am railed to visit in distress . To 'regulate the Grim s of digestion And purify the blood, they are the very best remedy Discs ever lmown; and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, ;' • J.; V:- MMES. • - WARSAW, Wyoming CO, N. 1., Oct. 24, 1855. DEAR Sin: I am using your Cathartic Pills In my prao- Um, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the systemand purify the ,fountains or the blood. JOHN Al 'HIACII.AII. M. D. Constipation, , Costi*euesi; 'Suppression, Rheumatism Gout, Neuralgia, Hrolisy, Paralysis, Pits, etc. • .• From Dr. J. P.'Vaughn; .Vcintrea/, Canada. Too much cannot be solder your Pas for the cure of eostirenoss. If others of our fraternity have foulti them as efficacious as I have, they PIIOIII,I Join me in proclaim- legit for the benefit of the multitudes who buffer from that complaint, which, although bad enouglh in itself, is the pgsgenitor Of ethers unit are worse. .1 believe cot. Heaters to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ sal,etur the disease. A. lIEBARD From Xrs. E. Stuart, Physician' Brand lridmije , Boston. I find one or two large deses,of your Pills, taken at the proper time,excellent promotlyes. of the natural stcrefian when wholly or partially suppressed, hml als.o very effectual to -cleanse tiff. Ariomarh and expel 'collar. They are so much the best physic we have that I recom mend no other to my patients. , From the Rey. Dr. Ihnekes; ofthe Methodist Epis. Church. Pot-taut 1.101;SE, Savalmali:Ga., Jan. 6, 1850. DoXonno Sin: I should be' ungrateful for the relief youZ skill baa brought me if t did not report my ease to you. A. cold settled to my limbs and brought on-ex. eructating nettraigie pains, whiCh ended in chronic rheu matism.' Notwithatanding I had the best of physielana, UM disease grew.worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent In Baltimore, Dr, Mackenzie. I tried your Dills.' Their effects werO plow, but sure. By per severing in the use of tlicnl I em oow entirely well. SENATE.. Cityt3fl2,ElC, SalOnltOtige, La., 5 Dee., ISM. Dn. ATER: I have been - entirely-cured, by your Ms, of Rheumatic G'ont 7 - a painful disease that had &filleted me far year& VpiCENT SLIDELL. Most of the Ms in Market: contain Mercury, which, although a:valuable remedy. In skilful hands, Is dangerous 11171 public plll,,from the dreadful consequences that frequently follow4talfreatttlous.use. Theso contain nornercury or mineral substanie whatever. Price, 25 cents por:-.Box, or 5 Boxes for Si. Prepared by Dr.l. C. VEER & CO., Lowell, Mau., , . . . . For.aalc byAbel Tti rrell, 3foritroie - ; ChUrrili "dr illinnev. Dnndaff; A alitnan-&-Sal abri. Auburn Ceu46, an.: -by fill dealers and dtniteits every w 1 • , - 0',161 2 ' ", / fte ctlndia - Consumption: and Aiithma , . .aire& • Ban of invalids are In centimes with a medicine called ',Tun CONFOUND EXTRACT Of Ca 14311111,1 lames; which we are assured by an abundance of competent - end reputable *homes, G e sure, greedy and per. naaneriteure for 00X3C111.7105, Corona, gloats, Throw man, AINTRUJI, -PillrltrlT, Nearness's* and. Gag. - tut Demure. This-highly praised medical. prepare , Bon was dieetTvered several yens ago 16 C.slcutts, by DT.. 11. James, a well known physician of great eminence, who had taken his only childa daughter —there with him, bopinuthat the- climate would prolong; her life. iihe was pronounced an incurable , Cossurenor. Be bad braid Much of the -wonderful restorative and healing qualities of pi4a.,. rations made from the Fad India Hemp, and the thought ocourrod.to him that be might compound a - remedy for his ail& studied herd, end succeed ... In realizing his whiten.. His conni wale mew. Ude wonderful remedy bag since been edininnstered • . to 'thousands:of sufferers in ill parts of the wow; and luta never, felled of making them completely. healthy mid-happy. The original recipe., for prepay. MP, and aucceeafully using this greet remedy rail to furalakes4-te ill applicants by (be bude"ilined• : receipt ore atamil for return postage. A'emell work, Written braWDOCUII himself, on the ramie cum. plaints, will he lent ram, pat ?ant to all thine nho apply fop .the'recipo.. TL ;so who_wiels the meth . kin* prepared, can obtain It at V: per mingle battle, - three berperr o r 15,—.6ent to any paTt of the United - Stabile hy 'Express. • • areos•o. P. IMOWN,dc. Co. Pro. , zrlctors. No. la (Araild . Street, Jenny ill, N. J. . • . - . , AYER'S CATHARTIC Are youo sick, feeble, ml-com plaining!' Are you out of order, with your system deranged, and your feidiugs —uncomfortable These nyinptoms are often the prelude to serionsillnesa.l aorno lit of ;sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. ;Take , 21yer's Pills, and cleanse _out the &sortiered humors pu rify theblood, and letlho fluCa more on unobstructed in heals n Vold: . They stimulate the/unc tions of the body into rigorous activity, policy the system from the obstructions which.- mak,. dismuse. .A cold settles some-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers