MAAS LitA nr—likaar (sanda7l asanided) Imat sout by railroad. at a. m. Daily ( b e . mmy excepted) , for th• wait, by tailload. at 4 -For Binghamton dltattorOn 7 Madill: WadslatitaT sod Friday atl m. rot taabbluaock airret, eta*Monday Wedsmadte Friday a rrate a. ma . For +o &roc!, Sun aday and Masi st 7 116111 . a y 4 fo o r l 17 F 1 r 1 i 1 e 1 n a d ((through m u y t lam )—leavesr a. 14.—arriva4Wedneaday at 5 p. ra ll .) .4. mom, .P. ~,` EAINW; lIIPS ' TAR AND WOOD NAPTHe Is Oa Mat Medicine in the waidfor tAs eon if • ...Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the lieut. For VW nate tar Patients in aeltanced names clf Cenromption together with all Diseases of the Threat and Chest and whisk predispose to Consumption. It attach the root gr diinorr. and mat* thefell *Wow nusarmt, to its Oceuenos. It otiopredw cape expectoration. induce, loolthy action in a dinand Attwono Menzbrani and. times. It is I , ooralfiirly adapted to the radical - cure of ,VlRlf A. One ctc , c of Thus in rat:al:AE.6 MVP Oen area ears and steep, width the yntrlicaar etatnre of tAe ni , earee dente, 1 4 rery so the tarn, and prompt in it, erects. Try it & continent that it intolerable in ta. cure of •ut ei ..• try cent, per Dottie. Preparied only by Dr. A. ESEYIVEIN. ancleotct by A. Einstein, Co., Y. It corner ALA and POPLAR straits, Thilacro, N. For sots in ifontross by WIN legarl ARRL TURRSLL DOW4(1411, A I M I P{ 3 §§q4 I IAI HDOFLAND'S 100 MED/Ciii rHe 11. 'r STANDARD REMEDIES of ail realm bays ssaulycl Limb. vest papulatity lady Am& 7" ef trial. Usiboundel "Wawa evadosed by Qua is el/ Wei HOOPLAND'S CERMAN :BITTERS. Lwr °mown; Drimoosia. Jaw :Aloe, lionies-Do " bltmr, Mown of thi Nadas" sad all diiiNam analog from a dlaordmi4 livar, at aria asiof the Stomach awl Naval,* Omura - • AIM WILL POSITIISLT Ptirett nun mn, turere Mk AU MU AU AUL lail t lenatisc tbr prooi. Prx; Ti v sada 100flilild'S Balsamic - Cordiid IMMITITZLI CCUI. Calls, edits, sr Zoarsasaaa. ltroteldUs. Whemaro. cm,. Posraimato. I xjjl at Camramptiss, sad boo parlbrmod the most astantablnig tures over knows CONSVIIIPTION.' La a Wakes Cordial it I. tioequailsi Pasca, ?$ osals per bottle. NOOFUND'S GERMAN PILL, Wag well ktiowa thruathuat Enrape Ind Amides, work as eandeedation bor.. They are putply vegetable, one prapand with grad /maenad, sad areascaranated. better Cathartic PCI ran te rand. hum sea. pee Las. thaw mialirtnea are prepared by Dr. C. la.lAciicis a Otr.,"PhlladelPhla,. Pa.. anJ St. brills, 10 4 sod are sold by dnectida sod &dem In Ine.ltriaea oecrywheta Thad'. oaten at C. 1. Jecada Will' he so the oat2his or oath ladle ee hes . . Is ea "trapiedy's .Alparna," published aurally, pea dud arstlinony and eannartaistory fatten fr•m`all parte of the reality. :Ilia* Altusuare are ghee away poj ail ear vote. Or See the 'Advertisement of Poet. Sanford:l Lim invisoratorand Famil;• Cathartic Pills, In another colimp: :Mothers Read Thrs.—The following la an extract tronfaletter written by thr roator of X Raptiet Church to the "Journal and Mcasenger." C!nclunattl. Ohio. It Faye volumes in favor of that world.renowned rucdicicc—Sina. Wnratow's Soorntwo Ssnur trop CHILDREN Trwrnrao: " We see en advertisement In yonr colnmris of Mrs. Win slow's %Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a word to • favor of any patent medicine in our tire: but we feel coin yelled to say to your readers that this h. no humbeig. , - , wn EAR TDSID/2, AND KNOW tT TO BC ALL IT camas.. It is probably one of the most successful m dicinee of the day. beatnra it is one of the best. Those who bare babies cant' •do better than to lay in a supply. ' dec2ti ly assmantwisreaumun,...".. .....riosswosramvaemaimdno LILIE—BENTLEY=On the 17th, by Rev. Henry A. Riley,. Mr..3leritt Lilie 'of; Meshoppen, and Miss Hannah L. Bentley -of Montrose. FISHER—LATHROP—At Union, on the 186, by Win •B. Ralvea, Esq., Mr. Joseph Fisber of Forest Lila:, and Miss. .Hannah It. Luthrop.of Jessup. BROWN—BR ANT---On tile -- 24th, :by - Rev. 0. M. M,Do well, Mr. GoorcT N. ; Brown end Miss Ly,"ha V. 13ry:int, both of . . 11 ARM NG--.I',AI".s.;GFOiRD: 7 -0.1 the 234, by R. Brus . ! l„ M. Henry Li Harding, , rici,!!•::: ,, r::, and :711i..s Dizaboth Langford, of Sis.l taartia., STARK-4a 8.-ooklyn, Dee. 2:4th, Mra Stark. aged 64 vearA. ROSE N CR AN TS.--1 Britl•4eivater,on the 27th, Salomon 11.cpenerantg, aged.4s. lIEYW.OOD—Iu Bingilinntoo, on the 14th, Emily .31.tade,.dan:Aiter of Win W. and Hetty D. Ffeywood, aged 1 year. NICHOLSON . In 31careg,or, lowa, Dec. 30th, Oscar E. Nicholson, tbrtnerly of Abington and Montrose,.aged 22 years. - MACK—In Beliot, 6 Wiscousin, Dee. 27, -Charles N. Mack, formerly of 'Brooklyn, raged 43- years. - NORTH—At SilVer Lake, Robert .W. North, aged 32 years. BRUNDAGE—In Ilarford Dec. 28th, Amanda tiranah, daughter of- Wm and Mary 13rnmlage, aged 3 years. NEW MILFORD. 7 HIGH , -SCHOOL• iii1....vit.4.11121E211M of this Institution will commence, 'MONDAY. 4.1861. T. BOYLE, Sec. J. DICILICIMAN, Jr., Pres. PUBLIC NOTICE r jrgle t renthat o rl of Ineorapotation during riblalrealtel session to incorporate the Polemic' Seminary situate ult. Joseplui, in in Susquedutnis county, Pa., by .the name - of "St. Joseph's Female Aeadetny;" and that the names of Jame Frederick Wood. Thomas Kane, John Vincent 011efdy.Dennts Donnelly, Hugh Monahan, Terence-W. IteMy, John Monahan. Patrick Ideldsions, and John Langhran, will be the ecktplitatoss. - . *lSt* sip= ins m . slig. 111 0 1 11 • IN NEW MILFORD, PA. isi!,tllll - Y4 . __O at 1418 r KUM, the mug sale One FARM, on which ithe aubscriber - s o tate de-s r o t nimividt b n Cediaidrrigai ae in o d n g s n g * . a me nd .dairy purpose& Also, another FARM.iii itaid boro, near the Railroad Depot. containing 60 acrei with a number of good Village Lota on rheum% in the centrs or the village. Also, a FARM situated one mile from said hero, containing 530 acres. With a frame dwell let_ house, two large barns, and about ID scree improved ; the balance wall timbered with Chestnut etc.. and the D. L. t W. R. R. Co. pays cash for`wood, ties, and other latabez foil the road. Also, another FARM it) New Milford -township containing 80 ago. ins good state draittestion outgo acres improved. ' Also, another FARM in 'said . township, enatiaiiiinglso acres. with eatable buttauurstuta improve mere for small hum. Also, fifty gores of unimproved land, in eahl timenat4. "liftable fora wall farm. '• • The above property will be sold very low for Gash oven searmmodating tams on credit. any in formation in regard to the .property will be given by the anbscriber fable residence in Now Milford. Pa. *apes 1R11721C. b. IiACT44,II-1:A. 1-a CO el . • A Ptirt. .7 1 ' 7 4: 4 0 led itifieht,l34l:rtgrit sg y n eriele ta : &Lk with interest.. perique are berfbr maimed root bring said ocm, sa the driver is gitigr Wed of GtAleed/Ate 10. ,, -t?w• • itAilatil Tfq. ' C " - 0 C.3 •) • • S hereby Wen that theeirpir heretofore eat trarbstelreen beau Rockhosr odtneribip Me r te s B. Gilbert, -110aimi as the ilrtn of itECE.HOW & _ te Ude day dissolved by mutual convent. All Mime indented to said Am are requested to calropon Imo EtechhOw, at the old agnd. and adjust the same ; be being authorized to settle all claims. t ISAAC RECICHOW, Greg Bend, Jan. Ist 1,61-4 t CHAS. EL 011.11TEtT. 6W" The,business will be continued at the old stand; by ilia undersigned, who returns thanks to the public for patronage in the-past, res'pebtfully solicits a con tinuance of the — same. - I. RECKHOW. Irk. • iTE copartnership hereto(orr) exi Ain between the on. T derak.ued, la tills day disaolied by m teal consent ; James, C. Wheaton withdrawing from the firm. The boot:amounts and notes will be found with R. KENYON, Jr.. who will continue the business In all Its various bran clam analwep a large stock of - G CO ' •CO 320 ! Which win be sold cerylow for CASE on .APPROVED PAPERucn Four Mouths . time. Those Indebted to R. Kenyon, r., & Co., will see the necessity or,arranglng their Inds tedness at once, as the debts due by the Arm meet he paid. R. Kenyon,Jr. la hereby 'aborts ed to 'lgo for the arm whenevernecessary to settle the business ; els°, authorised to receipt for the Ora whene*r twee's& ry in closing the bustnees IE ROGERER KENY OTON.N, Jr. J. C. WRA Cann, Jan. 1851.-3 m • • MtDICII.I CARD. E3I!Fo. AL D. Graduate . of the Allopathic and llomceopathieVollegaa of Med retarn bin sincere Manta to the people °TOL Bend and vicinity, fur the very liberal patronage with which; they have favored him, and i r :ii t !eby a strict at , tendon vo business tdmerit a libe ,orthe public confidence. 9reat Bend, ry SISM, & ALLEN, Under lgogtroSe: Democrat Office, , , ltE - RECErVIN'G 11 Fresh Ground Western FLOUR *Tell dsys,wittehwe warrant to satiehetion is inn market; If not good returned at our expense. , Feed, and Buckwheat' Flour, SALT AN° PC)RK, Br THE LOAD, BARREL on POUND. HAMS, [Sugar cured] Dried Beef, • Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, Molasses and Sugars, TEAS, - COFEK E, • SPICES, BRO 031 S,.AND NAILS, *tilde we offer ter sale et Low Prices, tat READY PAY ONLY. Montrose;Jannary. ISra. Lost, in. Montrose, 4 NOTE Co 0133.. containing $300: xi. or thereabout*, iu{sole* , rauttinz from $1:4110 $lOO. Anv penain having ,uch a book will plea•e.lcavc il at the,Vontrcor ileamergr and receive a liberal re. 'ward., The moneet of* aid note. has beak etopped. • The Dome are given p.a3ubletto jinlo two W. W. lICTLEIt. I)3EIV irr Pl. ! DR. It SMATH &. SON: twaGt.r SENT) (40::171'ING, TITEIR I%T!wvcreelr.:,4%,r's 08'ax-122.5: , X . lEtte ' gri.MllXl.ll-1. W • 7: - . • • . ••• • E hurt teeth on G OLD, Cbeoplastie or VW , =Med Robber te, in the most beautiful mariner. EXTRAGFING: TIAVING Itlartitnents adapted to each particnlar ease,, JCL we are prepared $o extract the most , didicnit teeth, and with. the aid teen Electririn7 pinichine, which we have recently ptirrbv. ,, d in New York., they may in moot eaves be extracted, and the patient exp.erienee $1,;) PAIN from the operation. 4 Gir WFill teeth with GOLD or,Tin Foil, Silver Amalgam, or Artificial Bone, which is recommended for np old roots and dead, broken teeth, so as to make them nodal. 'AV I' Any GbLD or.TIO Foil ailing falls within rive Year/ the motley will be &funded or the filling replaced. All Plate work • done! satisfactorily. or no pay required. "RESIDENT DENTISTS!" lERSONS triahing;..DENTAL- opersttons. will do welt to bear in mind tlmt wear° PERMANENTLY located at iilontrostw, and have have bad the experience of 45 years Dental Practice. . • Tooth X.,C01F742.0r• Ind Brushes 4011 Mardi:. on hand for saw. - • • • •••• rirOffice to LathroPs Brick Block, over the Bank. Jan! ', Dn. M. SMITH a. SON, Montrose, Ps. CA Slit PAID• FOR 0. _lt c!). •, a 1 . „,v• 1.• • EITTC - 13.NMP3aeett,, AND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, ♦T THE NEW STORE' HOUSE, -ONE bOOR BELOW LITTLE & Posrs LAW OFFICE. The Highest Price will ix paid for good HOrSE ASHES; delivered at :Zahn H. Wares' Ashery. RUDY MADE CLOTHING, AT GREATLY REDUCED ,PRICES • L NISI% . Montrose, Pa., inn. ?tb, 1861. LATER PROM EUROPE. GARIBALDFTAKEN. nnint ~1 ELM z r. W ORLD =WED here ri4sterden, bring* e startling News 41.1. that Glr.Aartri:ll X ur• comebodr r Ma96.11=1 1;1 1 3T seirtse on hearing flay. 1 , IA B. IS ELL, strali.,„ has jest pcmallaced a large assortment or CLOCKS. WATr RES, JEWELRY, L 1 - 3rhip _ whin) he will sell cheap for cash, at Chandler &Jessup's etea.lient side of Public Anum, Waitron, Pa. owe, Watches, and Jewelry repaired, sir nsail. es short pedal sad ressoustil teems. llenizese, Dec !sr lege• i L. um= da Tußmtrs cum. ABEL TURRELL Now offers for sale one of the largeit and best selections of GO t iSi Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably comprising the greatest VA RIETY or most different articles of any. Store in the Northern part ofPennsylva nih,and perhaps of the entire State. An assortment is kept in about thirty _differ ent branches of trade, and the selections are made from about forty of the best Houies in New York, and , mote than tf ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New York.' A large proportion of the Goods aro bought direct from the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles.. Custom= 'era on entering the Store must not expect to Snd , everything in sight,- but nearly ev ery article wanted will be produced by inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following general outline, but.enumeration is impracticable. • DRUGS & MEDICINES In this department:the assortment is litrge and complete, and the qualities the Best in market. PAIN't S & OILS. A full stock of all kinds, of best qualities DYE %9L'UVVV4. Everything, and 'perfectly reliable. No ono who strictly follows correct receipts, need fail of success, who buys Alpe stuffs at Turrell's. A: good and choice . variety -of Fatally Groceries, constantly on hand. Ladies say they get the best Tea for . t.he price of Abel Turrell. . The greatest variety of Pure Liquors to be found in all Northern Pennsylvania, and comprising (with very . few exceptions) Overy. kind manufactured or_ field . for sale in any market. •Thesa•aro.kept for mail cifial purpose?. If there are any pure lick ora in the country, the druggists are the 'men who have thorn. • It is almost im possible to obtain pure Liquors elsewhere at retail. • CROCKERY." All the kinds usually kept in a country general assortment store. A complete assortment for Table and general use, and for Druggists, - Physicians, Pedlers, and in short every variety for general sale. WALL & WINDOW PAPER. A large stock, comprising an extensive variety of beautiful styles. The most fas tidious can seldom fail to be suited. A-splendid variety, clubman(' nearly or. erything customers may wish in this:de partment, bought direct of the tnannfae ttiter:4, and all warranted as represented. Tea, Suear; and Salt - Spoons, Butter . and Fruit Knives, Napkin Rings, Thimbles, Spectacles, ko., constantly on hand, bo't direct of the manufacturers,made to order, and warranted pure as coin. ' All other kinds of Silver Ware obtained to order on short notice. zi , lw - ,7lze t A choice variety. of beautiful Perfumes, ,Extracts, Colognes, Ifair Oils, Hair Re storers; Dyes, &c. Articles to make the hair grow, and also to take it - off, and ev erything necessary for the Toilet, Inclu ding a fine assortment of Hair and TOoth, brushes, Tooth Soaps and Powders, Fan cy articles for the complexion, including, •!` Meen. Pun," and nearly everything else desired. [A great place this, 'at Tureen's • Anything and every thing that anybody_ wants can he found there.] The greatest variety in town, comprising nearly . everything, usually found in an exelnstrelY Fancy Goods or " Yankee. No tion Store. MUBIOAL INSTRUMEN TS. Violintt, Aeeordeons; Flutes; Fifes, Clar inets.; Violin, • Violineello, and Guitar Strings, some of the best qualities in market;,, Violin Bows, Bridges,Pegs; Tail Pieces, Resin; Instruction Books, &c. on hand ,; and all other Instruments obtained to order. A Full assortment, bought direct from the manufacturers, and comprising nearly ev every kind made. ' • , AMERICAN POCKET KNIVES. About fifty different paterns. or styles— considered the best for use in market. TABLE CUTLERY & SILVER PLATED WA-RE. Including Spoons,FOrk-s, &c., constantly on hand: A good variety for Kerosene and Fluid, and some for Camphehe, Oil, &c. Latnp Chimney?, rind :Brushes - for them, Lamp and Candle Wick, Candlesticks, fluid and oil Lanterns, Lamp Shades, &c. MATERIALS FOR LIGHTS; Every kind used in this section of country, and of best qualities; at tow prices; inclu ding Kerosene, Fluid, Camphene, Oil, Candles, &c. . A small - assortment, Nails,,Tacks, Butts, Screws, Bolts, - Augers, Hoes, Flat Irons, Ha mmers, Faucets, Sand -Pa per, Paring MaChities, Jrc, • BED CORDS, Clothes Lines,MasoA, Chalk, and ''Fish Lines, Fish ooks, dco. STONE WARE. A Full Stock,including a •large quantity of Jugs, &c. • ' A 'sm it Wood and Gilt Frames. ABEL TURRELL. Mdatroscs Deo. 20tb, 1860.' NrCenCpued in A. Torrell's id colntan GROCERIES: LIQUORS. GLASS=WARE. JEWELRY. SILVER-WARE. PERFUMERY. FANCY GOODS. BRUSHES. • LAMPS. HARDWARE. DRY 'GOODS: assortment of Staple Articles. MIRRORS. e moors 71 COlOllll. WINDOW & PICTURE GLASS. Nearly all theaisea wanted. LITHOGRAPHSi Prints and Artiste Materials.. VARNISHES, Japans, Dryers, Putty, BIRD CAGES. A. good — variety of the,best styles: Also, Canary, Hemp, and Rape Seed, and all the fixtures for keeping Birds. ' SPECTACLES. A Full-Assortment. WHIPS AND LASHES. A good variety. , _ BROOMS, Sponge, Wash Boards, Baskets, dcc GUNS St, PISTOLS, Powder Flasks, Dram Flasks, &c AMMUNITION. Gun-and Blasting Powder, Safety-Fuse, Lead, Shot, Caps, ct-c. , - TOBACCO. Su of and Cigart, MEDICAL And Surgical Instruments, unnientionable Articles, &c, on hand, and bought to or der. SALT By the Barrel,- Sack or Pound. KOA.PS. POTXtgoil 6E.C. All kinds of hard Soap, arid all the materi als necessary for making soft soap, in the most simple, easy, and cheap manner poss ible. Only 81.50 for •a • bitrrel of good soft soap. 'PATENT. MEDICINES:. All the best kinds in Market, direct from the, manufactnrers,and warranted genuine. ALMANACS FOR 1861 4 One Almanac'for every family in, Susque hanna_ county; gratis Send an.get it. - UMBRELLAS, ' Confectionary, Toys, \Tin en . r,ll.ops, Sage, &c. PORCELAIN -TEETH Gold and Tin Foil, - fite, for Dentist's use, and some .of nearly all other kinds of Goods in Market, too numerous to men. tion.- The attention of the pubiic is respect fully invited to my stock of Goods, bought exclusively for cAsn•nowa, and will be sold on the• saine principle for,low prices. • ABEL It 11 ELL. Montrose, Dec. 2011 i, 1860. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! TAE subscribers take pleasure In announcing to their friends that they have this day returned front N. York - with another addition to their stock of Goode, -i.elected ‘vich great care, and especial reference to the approaching festive season. Any person'dcsauus of making CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR GIFTS, (and we hope none will deny themselvealhe pleasure) can And a rich and extennivelssortment to select from, and at the very lowest Cash prices. EVANN & ALLEN, ' sec t 2 No. 2 Odd Fellow, Hall. Binghamton. Watehea—Ladies' Diamond Enameled, and plain= a splendid article. Also a variety of Gold and Silver Eng lish, American and Swiss, Hunting and Plain, very low. Gold Chains—A very extensive variety oftiest, Fob, Guard and Neck Chitin*, by EVANS S ALLEN. Ear Ithage and Brawn Plna—Ap indnite variety of styles and prices, in sets and Single. ringer iiihsgs—Dtamond.Ruby, Rigard, Pearl,Scale Chased and Plain Gold Rinds—a large stock. Bracelets—Goldvler. Plated, and llAlliiiracelets of all patterns and priors. 'Erma it ALLEN. Silver Ware—Ercry description of Silver Forks. and Spoons. Napkins Rings, on hand, also Satip and Grapy Ladles, Cups, Card Cicmei. Pie. Butter and Fruit Knives, Childrens' sets, salts, .ete., warranted good Plated Ware-A BeaUtiful azotortmept or Ica Pitchers Castors, Cake Baskets, Walters, Butter Diahos, Sugars Salts, Knives,' Forks, Spoons,•Toastitacks, Cups Goblets etc.. etc.. by ' EvaNs Fe ALLEN. Sleeve buttons and studs—A large' stock of all patterns and prices. • Beads—Coral Necklaces slid Armlets, Amber. Co s ral, Pearl. Gilt, Steel, and sliver Beads. Shell Combs—S, good stock of shell back and side Combs, -alio Buffalo. Horn, Ivory, and Dressing Combs, Hair and Tooth Brushes, etc.,' etc. 331782\T1ES eke • 41.Zata3113 , deeps . No. 2 Odd Fellows Hall, Blngb.riton JILT ISINEXTME 7 E3 ! NEW MILFORD, PA., Is THE PLACE TO -BUY YOUR HARNESSES, _ CHEAP :1 1 011 CASH, AND GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. novs 4m J. FL SMITH. Importatit national Works, , . Published liy D. Appleton & CO, 34 . 6 and 34 Bruadwa, New York. The following work! are . sent in subscribers in any. part of the co'unz ty, (upon receipt of retail price) by mail or ex= 1 . IS ALWAYS LARGE & COMPLETE, press, pre. aid : I Tue New ASIETITCAi CYCLOPEDIA:—A pOpell- - 1 COMPRISING 'Jar Dictibnary of General Knowledge, edited by PULA.% Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dans, aided by a_ . 1211.14-CIKA dad numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences. Art, and Literature._ This work is 'FANCY Si ±, 7 3,1 being published in about fifteen large ()Clare wirm, iiiiv i At : m • volumes, each containing '750 two.column pages. , labboosikigewird"... o 4. The first eight-volumes are new ready, each. elm- ' of all-colora and shades. taming near 2,500 original articles. .An addi. I .., ~I s .„, tional volume will be published once in about Dom' LANs. m Nem, &LC • & C. - three months. Price in clothrs3 : cheep. $3.-' I i . ?UR STOCK 'OF 50: half morroccii, -$ t ; half Russia, 84,50 . ESTICKS ) The Nett: - American Cycloptedia is popular I. thout being superficial. learned but norpe.. I withou atinrsup(. dantle,comprehenaive but sufficiently detailed, free from-personal pine and party , prejudice, fresh..yet accurate. ".It is a complete statement of ay that is known upori every important topic within the scope of human intelligenck Every' important article in it has been specially written for its pages by .men who-are authorities upon the topics-of which they speak." They are re quired to:bring the subject up to the _preset t moment; to state just how it litands now. All the 'statistical information, is from the latest re ports; the geographical accounts "keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matter include the freshest Old views ;the biographical notices out only speak of the dead,. but also - of the living. It is a lthrary.of itself. ARR - IDGKENT OF THE DEBATES or CONGREss: being a political History of the United States, from the orunnization of the-first-Federal Con gress in 1189 to 1A56. Edited and compiled by-Hon. Thomas Bentonifrom the Official Records of Congress. Tha work will be com pleted in 15 royal octavo" volumge of 750 pages each, II of whieh are nowleady. , An additiunal volume will be published - once in three mouthi. Cloth, $3; Law Sheep, $5,50; Half Morocco, Hair Calf, $.4,50 each. THE WAY or PROGORIRR TEM CYCL'OP.E.DIA OR DEBATES,—Form St club of four, and remit the price of four books, and' Ave copies will be sent at the remitter's"' expense of carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven - copies will be Cent at our expense for carnage. • ' To Acistrra—Nn other works wilt so ally reward the exertions of agent. Ari Ageil Wanted inane county. TOMO made knownW 'application to the Publisher: " 2 L , 1: 31 ` 1 " 114 L . " REDUCTION ) GREAT CROWD EXPECTBD AT THE STORES OF Outtentitit, `gostnbaumi 1 I AT Diontros4, Stisq'a - County, Elmira Nesrois:irk, Susqui t hanna Deliqt, Pa. - WEdaVitlecn..b.t%lt t :br a theTir,Z.t.itliat moeustrars tot tit!" we can Dexcluise I ' , roa t • at Ipito 20 per et. less than formerly, i • Thereforeve ate dam:lined - to oral the'Putgle cline I metal stock of READYIMADE CLOTHEW , AND :' DRY: GOODS, ;yid& comprises the largest and best ISTOCK';'GOODS . - • ... kept in *NY COUNTRY Store this aide of New York City. • , • I At Prices tvhich Defy Competition as we willselL foi; C: 1 421.13311, at the email advance i• 1 la ERRI mill . t • soN a len percent above' the wholesale cost. We will ea the fulloWlog GOODS at the annexed prices, TIE L 111 Black . Froci. Coat worth *3 9 for $6,00 riAXECOLIs methbd of lnfortulni tbalr OLD AND ICENt Black Frock Coat worth "10 for 7,50 r ri Lrle s tit o ith:Ae c r4 i l i tit =lced an addltlou to the .. Black Frock Coat worth 12 for 9,50 ° • r ‘ BOUGHT' FOR ) : CASH; '4 '. - Business Coat worth • .$5 fOr $2,75 I Business Coat worth 6 for 4,00 i 1 J" , t AT PAIN IC PRICES: ~,„ Over Co at'. worth $5 for $4,00 -, 1 - . 411:1) .WI L SELL TRE.II TO _li • 0%••e r• glut. Worth - 7 for • 5,75 I ! ' Over Cbat worth- 10 for •7 50 .I ki , . "ASI - I BUYERS : • Over COat - WOrtil 15 for 11,50 l' . ' . AT - Over Coat worth '2O for'- 15,00 I Prices perfectly- listonishil , ig: Black Pants worth $4 for $3,00, I tic have not time to ennmerate articles, or prleei. bat Bliick • 'Pants worth 5 f or , 3 , 75 I rat: , the Et: , 11 . 11: tetll 4 e u x b a u tn .i lf.c. a a nlsatiSty . Temitv_e . s Black Paints worth 6 for' 4,50 1 • . J. 1.7 ' 311..117t1717N .t sp:ke. rtrion , .!lle IN.c. .10th 1SGO: - • - SP Fancy•Cassiinere Pants wort:L-84 for. s2,i I " Fancy Casshnere Pants worth 5 for 3,-i1 Fancy Cassiinere Pants -worth 6 fir 4, : i1 Black Satin Vest worth 63 for *!2,25 ' Black Satin- Vest Worth 4 for . 3;00 • Black Satin - Vest north .5 1;,.r 3,50 . OVER-SHfRTS 47, OVERALLS only 31- ' UND'R GAR3rENTS EQLTAJ.,LY iowr As Whiter hae!fairly appeared, we Invite the a lloixt los of Lrt J • Also GENTS veto Isiah tokrall themselves of the oppor• tunlty to make tome Fair One a nice Christmas- or Now-Years .mss . re - rii" . I? -PRIKWENT to our large aseqrtment of_ 127 - N v trla. .../E1 SHAW - LS- IiONNETS. ' - OUR. ASSORTMENT D RE I SS GOODS, A YU TRIMMINGS CANNI)T,B,E EQUALLED IN IgAIITY" AL- ITICEL Good Heavy Sheetings, 6 tO...Bcts. per v'd Best Heavy-Siteetings, 7 to s4cts. lir v'd PEND'S, from 8 to 12f cents per yard TICKING, from 10 to 15 cents per yard GINGLIAM§, from 10 to 15 eta. per yard CALICOES, fast colors_, 12} yards only $1 " Best Merrimack, 10 yards only $1 • 1 • Ccr,tcria. Matt - to. A choice article, only 12} cents. Peat Steel Sprint Sidrts, A nice loti—selling at 4 cts. per spring. 4=o Woo, Ladies' ay V es ts sad Drawers. - „ LAMBS WOOL.HOS.E. sada-tines acklEVOirro• .Of the I.dttesi: Styles, Thankfull to thentunerous castATlerS for their generous patronage thipaat; year, we' re ' spectf'ully 'solicit !‘, continomice of the woe. , . - • (guittnberg, l 4osintaltut, k 01,4. D t . sumo NOW 4,09A.T1D toilLitAttEMT, f:AT. • €ll7l . l33.are r nir e atuoid 4 4o.ibo dada of Ids *protoolon awes at D. Lattaropto, DR. -3.. Si" SMITH • ;, • . The INVENTOR, and DENTIST, orPlatt oing Dental_ . !11 In Now Milford . , Wing Rooms In Übe -Now =gad Rotel. la ploosant Worn, goal and Wiesen% Isotopic daft) Vie ; ‘l4-w,3l4'w ::ciVL'. THE -PANIC. GREAT FALL IN PRICES —AT YErr— 'Bee- ..k ki 4 ll ; 4 - e :Mgt . I No. 40 Court St. g•I . 1 * • • altieuisa- " • ton, 29:; Y. s2oooolworth of Dry Coeds to be sold, regardless ofoost. That the public may comprehend' ct - artav f1..41121itgt16 the' necessity of which is patent to ALL, we give alit of prices to show the exact reduction:. Best Madder Printe. formerly $ 09 now' -1 • 09 Benttfal De LtlAcie, II stow 09 se Corner . 'Hem yurdmide Sheeting. - 'Be - I 06 -- Good Pantaloon Stuff, , 16 I te Ex •"_ , ' . ....15 • : 15 All Woolßroad Cloth, . 100 . , '1 46 Red. White and Elne-Flannel 111 i'' i 16 E9O 9s DRESS GOODS,latiet styles. 16 18 Scotto' Gingham,. ... 16 ' -' 10 Colored' Dress Silks,. - ..30 MI " . 1 00 _ • 15 Black all Boiled Silk, splendid guilty,' • ' 10 Wool and Silk &oche Sbawls, 490 " $l6 ~, 600 .400 10 00 ;1 00 IS 00 11 00 Elcb Cloaks, FM; Broad Ciotti, .1 00 - '6OO " Treco Beaver, 900 ' 'II 00 Lyons An Silk Velvet,. 100. - . , 416 Pare Me Irish Linen, . ~ ~40 , '. 96 Opera Hoods. ' • TS -el Embroidered Collars, _ • 96 . 60 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 1 Reamed Hosiery, All Domestic. and allWOolakelooda, .Redaced -Dress and Cloak Trim/ail:gm - - Reduced , • Every dollar lilltiocv WortliAleiVliislod s, rad th e ' sinn ' rirwo pledge ourselves to all - we advertise. i 01111 I , s respeictfellalelted. • - 1 k \ i i i i sc . lumina Bros. 41. COei jan2) No:20, eor Court mid Waterata, Binghamton. doable STILL ON THE TRAGIC!' FARE ..REDUCED: . ONLY .15: CENTSI, BETWEEN MONTROSE & MONTROSE - DEPOT MEM Regular Stall Line will carry pusengers betireen .R. the above places for the sum of 16 cents, or less.!: Passengers will be called forst thdr residences by leaving their name" id the Post Otilee or at the Franklin House, Stages leave the Franklin House at 6a. m, and 4 vz.. precisely. J. S. 'FARRELL. Agent,' Isn3 Girard Stage Company, Montrose, Pi. CVOICE Lot of Family Groceries jut recalvo! aid eel lingo) per cet.t. below former prktea: I - F ANCY Confectiona":7 for pie _Holiesiatmsi.i9, - TiIIARM PRODUCE . of all for . nrivicti the I:lgheat I. market prices Ne i ll De rald 1n Goons, at Upotmll.le, Pa. MERRIMAN'S. A .CHANGE. THE SUBSCRIBER,.HAVE!:G ...L. - chased the stock of ' . • BOOKS _AND. STHIONERti FORMERLY owned by A. BIILLAP.D, take' this method.of informing " those who fan aitixrpiri, - that the stock has again been 'removed to the old stand, below the . 6 3Z/Co7Eloorinl COMO°, where he will be moat happy to wait upon those who may favor him with a call. ANY BOOK - lIBLIstiSD (aocf in print) can be obtained by leaving• ' your orders, with the price of the book and subllsiter, s name at the desk. Also,. any article in the t'Book and Stationery" line. NEWS OFFICE: Clodev's.J..csife'a, Peterson's, Atlantic. ALL • or any of the popular Magazines of...the day..,N. Y. Ledger, N. „T. Weekly, Mercury, Clipper, Flag, Wilkes.' Spirit, and the illustrated !spire for salt : . D<ck ntrm Der* . SCHOOL BOORS—AII the old atid new editiOns. BLANK BOOKS—A very nico assortment CUTLERY.—Tip top article of American. , • GOLD PENS-Very Fine ones, Ladies Gents.' I?%j mni ttMlfltaf ie . Hanison's and *them ' .• • - GIVE NE, A CIALZ,B,T_B i ,• and I will endeMvor to hare a single eye to your Interset" and one to my own. Yours,et ld nil • .IEK.• ABIZZIP3IEIC. 'llm.••moss. I's.. September lat. intkl.—tf PERMANENT Eb-r.-.LOYMENT.. TRAVELLING AGENTS WANTED! JE will employ Agents to sell anew angsalusble Pat ented Article; tither On commission or at a liberal Salary. Business honorable, useful- and lucrative. The article's required in every For particulars and complete lustructlous, enclose:stamp and address . d:1361) J. W. HARRIS CO„ BOaton, Miss. Buffalo Robes dc. Ladies Furs. s et p ar i g lot Just rocktrUilt, anClwill ü be i e d lOw for Olford, IToT.IIb. 18 . 60. . - * -Mrs.- L, J. BIXBY TIMING just returned from New York with choke, IL beautiful, and extensive assortment of Pail & winter - . . . :Y NM I • " .. • .. . Is reakto Ihrninh the Ladies of Montrose & vicinity with FASHIONABLE.. 'BONNBTS - ! aigood and 'Ariel as= to-Purchased 114wheiri. She keeps the very nicest goods, such he cannot dal tei plow the most digicult. Prices very reasonable. The Ladles are Invited to mil and examine her goods. Roomer opposite Mott's Saloon, (second door!! Main street, Montrose; Pa. jsepintr NEW- GOODS • JUST ARRIVED AT THE ORIOINAL "ONE PRICE" STORE! BEAYDEN BROTHELS; THE PEOPLE'S AGENTir Have a LARGE SPLENDID Stiti4 of ' Cheatierthan the Chetrolit - i CALL ANDtE±A3I7E' 017 g GOODS, wurtnEt; YOr .13177 Oil lecT. IT PAYS YOU TO GET POSTED UP XICA:VIDIO2 , If. ZEILINA*111114: Fir INITYOItD. 1411;1146. '• • Ii INGITION lUD I or **DOOR /soya minsolova. ,401 are lalbnasd that a 71122 kg& • .- 1111Mg=t all hours of tee day. of De of all am* via: Dena Goods et llaxamorM r t=aa is. Cballla, lowtor pana=lia4/ Doak. Dud. Jammu wan sigt siestas, Dimity, Itanotess, Mottoes. riesd , • ttme Fruits, Etetaday Jeans; Maalnito, Samna Stalk Oasts Shirts. CatMe Damon Collar. Crusts Vaalstlis. • sad lempeaderi. ./L MR and um lot of • • LEATHER-WA-RE earl As Orem Sine Calf Hoolak-trood 'Ana. Adelosit - light shoe, Splimdld Ladles Gaiters from A to 18 warrented to At. Whim Drown, =Ana* Et Parasols and Umbellsa, - Band Barzerjand Work Bealoati.. . 33uxialias . perausak sad Sperm, Adamantine and T* low Bear and Japened Casten, Wash Boards and CoSee NUL, White walli Brushes, BedCorde SO feet lam _whittled tin% Clothe* Pina. Pine indeEDAR P=.s. bolds* 14141111,1? tkatooBlllllll_ g r e=rdY. amott,which ire Ts=and Cor tateh snaiStarca /o u to l sii reem :ek rgrt ar,d r. tioottl: Snort mikes. of th ings WWII wort do to readetteed, but pietas to an. asamlne and folk abort We are wetlyand Ifendif la *lot Via. *lea though they mAy and and ; Mukha kt wall Doom . EL C. TEL23I. .Watet r St 12CTS. buys a bottliot n beats anythlax ever shwa up. . MEWS. MOr'TEOSK. Xay Otb. DAILY NAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MON - TROSE &FRIENDSVILLE. • ACEIES-arrylng mail . and passee.ters bayed& CMontrose and Friendssille, well lame Scale's EMIL in Montrose, daily, at 7 o'clock, a. and leave Irtiessi•- •rille at 3 o'clock. n. m. tar Horses and" cesrisos asa-be peocered at the Limy 1 Stable of the subscriber is MODUCII., on ressoashle lava. arorttopsr. dug. 16,18 W. 'tl J. D. GOODPFLer FALL . STYLES _NOW READY At Great Bargains! FOR READY PAY AND SMALL PROFITS! HSMUUTT_ paths “Orlglfil New =bra Snawlsad . Drool laoaouvEmporlam,' Is now reesivlag a LAre sad CHOKE LE of ' - • - FD WINTER ..-.-,, .f.:,. _,.. ~. , kebabs a grail neArty of Ills wrest, suid best &tyke at Dross Goods, Shawls, Broadelcith 4/r. qtab, with a large assonmearof other Staple and Fanasr Goods, as usual. in Grocerie% Crocks:7. Hardware, trod and Steel, NO., Stone . Drugs, Paints, OW, Flnki, Hoots. Sboes HAPI,Cspa, Clocks; Carpeting, _Floor Oil Cloth, . Well Paper, Pamted and Gilt Wiadon Shades, alum Sae of Kerosene lamp and Oil Fixteregotr—, also Furs and Buffalo Robei.:. gar The entire stock being Urge and bought for CASH, and largely from hIANCFACTRS and Mgr KO give superior opportunities for cbolcdselectl gyp. ' low-down prices, and will be sold on the most favorable turns for CASH,-PRODUCE;and to Prompt tilx4fonthe • Bums. An examination of the Goods and Prices will be • found profitable to those who wish to bay. FLOUR AND-SALT CONSTANTLY ON NAND. New billford, October:l4o.. FIFTH STREET PITTSBURG, PA. IscruzideclC 1.22. 3.040;. Chartered by the Legislature. IMY GOOD STUDIOPTS, from almost May Stale in the Union, hare been educated for business, betas the only College of the kind In the United States coadn etteeda by an experienced merchant. Junior Principal, Wm H. DM?. fiasjerst been awar ded. by our State and other Fain, Efest fbif Prembset for Dusinceri& Ornamental Penmanship, ens competitors milled the best penmen In the country. Samples of his _ Dulness and Ornamental AVrithig, a circular of 60 petal, 4 . mid an elegant engraving, mailed, post paid, on rxelpt 0/ . 15 cents in stamp.. For snle. by book-wliers. - lllrper's Enlarged Edition of DUFF'S - BOOS FL:SPIN:O.2W pages, rb, awarded/bur Siker Halals, and sanctioned br the chamber of commerce and American Institute of Sew York. as the best published DtTP G DCYCatri4 new and elegantly engraved School Copy Book.. six number*. 24page4, tine csji_peper, 901:1! per dozen Demr edition. Si per dozen. J. B s Lippincott 41, Co.. Philadelphia: W. 0. Tohmtori./t Co., Pittsburgh. DUNC42I'..9 OF.US Th‘lneas ind• Ornamental Pen, 55. at paid from thocoli , „^r. • • Adam'. t P. 1) 'FP _ . lar DM your scholarship In town. L i u eves that send them abroad, cannot sell them at Lona, where illeY sin - known.' norl4 ly ARE YOU INSUREI)? 337-a.A.C33:21/I..A.ST" t'S receiving applications tar Insurance in the fallow- J. lug Companies: Wyoming INSURAWCE Comvany, ' lA:NES-BA RILE, l'n. Charter. Perpetual: Capita1..,..00,0 4 50. Surplus .... i 57,000 -Vovir! 21: d. L. 51" • - ' • DIP.EC:O23. • , . • - G. 3L ficacrlc.cic, D. G.:Dec.o4cl, .1. P. Der.air., 3,din Reichard, - David Morgan, Chas Dorraaoe,. Saitel %%Mame, D. D Llcoe, Wm 5 Ensii, L D Shoemaker;'Cii4.) P Steele, 11 31 Dor., P.. C. Sung. &e.g. G. M. RoLizainacr • Prat. W. G. Sizr.tra7;, TIYCA. - L. D. SIMENiRIX, VIM pill /ETNA INSURANCE 'CONRAN!, liartforci, Centectietit. Paid np Capital, t 1.609,000 Drk Assets 2,191,100 OS NouTurro; £IIV. & LIFE AssunAixr. coltresT., Np. 1 Moorotestrert, Loam. Cap:tat. Wit GETTY. Ag.:nt..7l3ll34elphla- CONNECTICTZT sft;l'i.:AL LtrzDi•itTrc.uccr. Nt. PANY:of Hartford. Cosnectlcut AtvamtiLlated Capital finy ono.wiehire; heir Ilvea Insured will 'do well to call add, exandoe their mode of I/Boring. nod their retie. which are batter than those of any company, before taking Peltcles elsewhere," • H. r. • • 11'601 " • • Office over Chandler. Jessup 's store. 0311 1 7 Wetw. my , . fizomirie ,TONIC,D lUR ETIC .4 4 v. • / by INVICIIWINCI CORDIAL To the -Citiiomi ef Pennelv . ania. , • • pothecarieri, Drugthts, Groters aztd.' Private- Families. Wolfe's - Buie Cognac Brandy. Wolles Pure Madoria, Sherry and Port 1:71.n4 Wolfe's Pusalamaica and St. Croix Bum. Wolfe's-Pun Scotch and Irish Wake/. dtaar... 3:NT 313Cimozmul8.. .T 11E0 LEAVE to call the' attention of thettitkens of the A United States. to the above Wuthe and Llama, tumor. ted by Comm° Wotrm of Now york whose name Is b atillar in. every part of - this connthi Paths .pirety of him _ eelcbrated ticummax Scirssrrs. Mr. Volfe.le athtter to me, speaking of the purity of Ida Wines and Liquors, days : .. Lists stake my reputation as a inch, my standing_ as a merchant of thlriryeare , residence hi the City of N: Y.. that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are purees imported, and of the best quality, and relied Von by ev -byr parchtistr." , ._Svery bottle has the proprietor's name on the-Wax. and a Lac simile ants signature 012 /ha certincate, 'The public are respectfully invited to all • examine forthemselvcs. For sale at Betail by all of she - Apothecaries and Grocers ta_Pb iladelphia. ,-- Gito s il, Amnon, No. Kli; . &Thee at., Philter a" , . Able .thottler PAiladt~pAL. Boad.the following from the New York Courier: WNORMOUS Brammufron ova B. Y. hicatnanx.—Ws A-a an happy totnform our fellow citizens that there is one place In our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure-Wines and Liquor., as pore as imported, and of the best quality.': - .Ws ' do not intend to give an elaborate description of this Mer chant's extensive I:inkiness. pit honghlt will well repay a - stratioricitiren to visit. Cdolpho Wolfe's extensive wareb , Nos. 19, 20 .k. 'n, Beaver st. and Non. 11, 19 - •. 11, Harketleld at. Ills stark of fichnappe on band reedy for shipment could uot have been less , than 20,000.easee; the Brandy some 2.0.0u0 eases—Vintages of PM to fAS; and 10000 rases of Madeira, Sherry. and Port Wine, Scotch I Irish Whiff, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum - smith veal and equal to any in this eonntry. He bad also th ree .o • 1 cellars, piled with Brandy, Wins; ie., in casks. mid Custom House key, reedy for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's vale. of Sehrappolast year amounted to 180.000 doyen, and we ' 1 , 1 , g wish in ttzt a to d yrars ic be may be , equally successful . . . . His business merits the patronage of every !trier of his species. Private families whoerialtpure Wines ds Liquors the medical use shouldered their orders direct to Kr. W.. until every Anotherary in-the land make sp their minds to &ward thaolsonona.stuif from their shelves, and re place It Wolfe's pure Wines sod Liquors. We undesstapd Mr. Wolfe, for the sceommodstrou of mull deans it the estuntri,' puts up usorted cases of Wines andLicinors. Luck a man, and. such a manhunt,,. should Do oustetood epics* his teas of tbdussa tos of eppo.. oettleltki*Krutto4 littemoho selhiotb fog but balletic/us. A t mot to llama health and happtems. • - f ~ ~. SWOT **BMW. ilia Or • Vara vArrim, .47. Tans owing*. $Z,370,000 coo A SUPERLATIVE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers