, , ror.thealontrose Dem ocrat. Latter . f aun - iiiTge Tyler. 1 , ,r, v i .:... , ... 0 :A. J. GERRlTpOlt,'.c.SQ.—iyrkry, 101R : ..-- '1 propose-to sayla feW things:thiciligh the • Medium of your paper, as a sert,of reply . tp the many enguirieS.:byletter t anitother; wise, for some tinin.lpast„.by.:: friends in this county; andout of it, as to My .onin ion in regard, to the. dark .cloudi which threatens to burst upon Mt. .i . . . I.am - not: vainleneughlto suppos e myself capable, hiimblindividual as I am;' to me- 1 thodicallygive to my friends, and .the .public,. the.cauS ' and cure for a ;disease which has for_ e a• ong time a ffl icted the Peo -4: ple of this Niticri. ..I havalorif, been sat tsfied that, the dishenest.liiibitionl of the' pi:aides] 'demegegiie, 'added` to the inquis itive and iititididprying profiensities of the Ad to SaxeivrAce, has had more to do, for thelest."twy-fiie years. ie. bring. about the teyri le'state' of . thingS-which al my-five existgAhlin albcither conies combined: The honest m ' es' are easily led,lby 'first ar.oesing the sympathy, of -their natures, ' --- by the eloquent" hypocrite, _ and - hue, am- . . - For thefiermerat. bitious man. !Tis not a trait to Study the' Sabbith School Conveption. , ' starting' point, er the end' of a' principle, , • The Sunday School Convention was covered as it may be, by. the grand 008 S• ' held at Great Bend;the fifth inst, pursu ;ry of eloquent display 'and rhetorical [ant to notice. The afternoon session was ; ourishes. Who - among the Moises. stopp. 1 occupied-in a temporary organization and i4..d e to look tiverithe - great - charter of our., the appointment of Committees on draft-- , glorious Unionil'or the dying : Words of our jug - a constitution and preparing questions , beloved WaShingtOn, When Arthur Tap- 1 for discussion at the evenieg session. .- S.. W ; . pan, of NeW York, first began to.. stir up 1. Chase esg., was elected chairman and sectional'hatoand strifel'• ho 'stopped I'D. .I..BaldWin secretory. The Rey. Mr. 1 or "run and "read" that "in order to .form' s ;' Bowers, of New Milford made, an appro. a more perfect Union" glorioes- - Con- ! oriate prayer, and a hymn was sung by the stitution was fipally made and . adopted? ' congregation. A committe -of nine; were Who took timid tiff' glance his eye over the elected to draft a .constitution, composed New TestameatlrOvain, to' fill(' I the Sa- of the following persons; .Judge - Burrows . vior of sinners eOndernifed shwerf as sin-. of Gibson, Wm. 11. J'essup, esg., of Moot: fill, or to note that hedid net hesitateinei- f rose, L. F.. Clark of Susgtiehanna, John - F. tiler himself nor his apostles, to attack 1 Deans of Bridgewater ' James Leighton of and denounce I idolatry, witchcraft; and . Franklin, and Messrs. Chase, Funnel, Ives man`• . ether sinS, by name, not even for- and Simons of Great!Bentl. This commit- getting that toi."hate ' one's brother .was , the are to meet at Montrose_ on the first to be a mnrderery", --- Nor did he forget . day of the January term of Court, 1861. to say to the Servant, (Slate) "be - 0 1 3 edi: 'Messre. Simons, Ives-and Funnel wereap ent to your m a ster , " and to. the. master, -pointed a committee to arrange a pro "treat ,your servatit- (Slave) with kind- g ramme for the evening session. Al ness," 'knowing. that "you have a master though the afternoon session was strictly 'in heaven." Oil, no, and that .steals 11 cloud a business meeting, there were a goodly: which thus.apPeared more than 't-tiventy- number of ladies and: ,Sabbath sehool years.ago, has . Spread itself like a Pall over , scholars in attendance and a marked inter nearly the entire- North, bringing under est was displayed. ;. - its influence very many who at !first de- The evening session was opened by .an nouneed it as both dangermis and tress- 'anthem from the choir, under the diree linable. .- , 1 ''. - . ~.tion of Prof. Fennel; and a prayer by the .The States all agreed in the ,compact. Rev.:Mr. Bush of Susgnehanna. The corn which bound them together, to deliver up mmittec reported the three following-sub , fu,gitives, and to ask nothing far -them- jests for discussion. Ist Duties of ;reach selves not readily accorded. to their sister era. 2d. The association. 3d,—Monthly States. -Forgetful in their greatizealpnotConcerts, Which were discussed in their aebording either to knowledge Cr ; 'solemn I order freely, fully , and ably by the Rev. . atzreement,' hare the) for many Years vio- Meisrs. Bush, Wheeler, and Bowers, and la - I ted, both by "word and deed," all these, Messrs. Clark-Cushman, Chase, MoKinu3, and howled their anathemas at the deco- I Funnel ; Simons, Ives; and Baldrltiii:- The ted beads of all who dared to Stand up Sabbath School children sang some of their for the rights ofthe Staticsond the Con- ! beautiful hymns daring the discussion and stitutional 'privileges Of their brethren of j the choir an :anthem at the .close; 'after the South. The -mildest -term generally : which the Rev. Mr. Wheel& pronounced used was, and' is, that - of "dough face" the benediction. The meeting . was a and "pro-slavery." But So it is, land here I pleasant and profitable rine,., and4was ac we are over - ati abyss that I fear ',very few ; knowledged a decided siiecesit-as= an ini properly appreciate. ,For myself, I truly tiatary step in the. good undertaking., and confess,, that 'there is but one step be- , it recoinended the enterprise to all present tween peace and war;.and' fro mthe un- ; as °tie which rna.O•ie highly beneficial to yielding and base: temper of many-.of th e !, the sunday. -school 'interests of our - coun leadirit Republieanscas well as from the try. It is hoped. that •at the next „ince= spirit of the meanest, yet the most infleen- ting of the convention all the sabbath teal of their presses demi to the I most pu- 1 schools in the county will be represented ny yelpers of ' its echoes, denOnciation, 1 and fin , association formed that may .ren 'falsehood, and insult' is still' continued in . der. our sabbath schools far more affective the most billingsgate style. Rule 'or ru- ~ as an institution of moral and religiou - s in is still the order o?the day with a large ~ traintng. portion-of 3lr.Lindoln's . supporters; the I more; conservative portion, of them are making some. feeble efforts to get party .back to firSt.pripciples and undo; wrongs; I but thuS far the, eulog i sts of old Brown, the murderer, held. th n embacik , and check mate their. efforts. The South' have no doubt:A:tee wrong, and been hasty ; but they have steadily, and for years', watched the cocroachnients upon their rights by their Northern brethren. They have been aware that most of the rising,- as well as,, many of the already risen generation, here at'tfie North, have, in violation I of every principle . of Christian charity and 'love been taught to intis their brethren and-- neigh- . born •over-the way ; and when the appa rent power to do more mischief and still I greater wroh,gs became consolidated in ; the election of Lincoln, their! alarm at once became unbounded. And ;what has been done by theLineolnites. te, calm the troubled. waters'? Next'to nothing., If the South ask 3 fish (Hon. A. H. Stephens) they give then" a scorpion—(Hale &- Wil-; son.) . What have we done in this section .I in former days to help fan the flame ? And can We not do something note, liy laying' aside party—let bygones be iby-gones, 1 and pour oil upon the troubled ; waters of` ; • strife. 'Why-Inot meet together as broth-; 1 ten, make some sacrifices for the satisfac-j tion of having contributed our mite in the , ! noble cause of at least trying toi save from, civil wg,anarchy, and - ruin, our beloved country.- Let those leaders of factions, whose ambition ought to be nearly antis-, fled, and who boldly started off a few year& ago (leaving old friends) with the North, "not that they cared a d—mforlthirtiegro, but that they, would punish the South," pause-and reflect hots innch their children or posterity Should cherish their memory, if now, in the most critical moment' in their - country's history they "hide their talent in the earth." For myself,'l...wbuld Intake any reasonable-sacrifice, and would, bad I the power, fly through. the laud North and South, with the .olive branch ,of peace in one hand, and-an eagle in the Other, and with stint and stripes waving beg my my brethren at - theSonthf to hold; and also the North, and get•to'gether and -count the cost, and try every:. expedient beforcstaking a hoitile attitude towards each other. , . , I love my country. My der dec'd Fa' therbelpidachieve its independence. Yon might have 'tracked 'him by i his blood from White Plains to West Point:m the "s4be of his ebunfi'ves Savionr,(Gen. ' Wash-. ington ) and -Impala count ruyitielf unwor, thy to .be a soldier's-son did! not now in the hou of peril 'warn my- fellOw citizens to teas for while all tanritii -and' jeers and ris above paityriiidpetity Cliques; and see whether the poor slave; in: case of servile war, will be better off;l._and who=' ther the poor laborer of the Nbrth, thous . ands of Whom are already thrown out of . employment at the approach of a rigorouS, winter 'will not curse the 'proznises made to their before ‘ the election, of the rain of giild.dollars,„ I would and Will do any, thing consistent withlonor arid right to better the condition ofmy fellow man. any where and every where, be he black, white, or mixed; . but in juistiee to all I would - say to the "North give 'up,"lor• pay; and to the " South -keep net. back;' - what ii:' due to . your servants; : or your brethren of •• . _ --. - • the North.' -Let all be . vielitlitit, and a, i,- . r4r A bill _is now before Congress-'more close and happy Uniorfinig Vl* the ' which prOvides for a daily Overland. Mail I result. • •.- - f rom d m aVrgketgrlle the Sacramento, at,a I •. To the tw enty -fivehuudred'Union loy,-. cost of not more:: emu • (60u,000 zer anH ing voters in 'this county, who, at thelate Pub-, . - .. 1 decticm testified their confidence in my THE- MONTROSE PEMOORAT. -TEELIM---$1:30 rrn. ANNUM, AP ADVANCE. •4116. J. CIMIELVILMer3OW,, EDITOR, PUBLI S HER, AND _PROPRIETOR. olive, e<P6a 'To Tama -kil:rmaxaxci. Tilt INTROS' DEMOCHT. TITS 18th VOLUME or ewe MONTROSE, DEMOCRAT commences With the numbento be issued on the :1 , 1 day of January. 1861—being, the 6th volume eince we have Men connected with the older, and the 4th since it has Lean under our exclusive control ; and we are giro; It , be enabled to announce the fact that the heelless is at this time in a much more healthy and prosperous condition, in all respect*. than at any Pinner period'elneevreentered s upon oat ardnoue,but not altogether unpleaent enterprise. This desirable state of antra ia owleg, to a great extent, to our system of casting off those enervating excrescences (nonpaying • patrome), which are the bane of any and all kinda of business, and eapetiallydouhtalism. Asanother ttaporfannsurilliary to the prosperity of our undertaking. we may refer to our experience of past yearn, as well mean acquired knowledge of the practical duties of the 'trait . — et:wadi:4: cc to conduct affairs with ma. .. d Rumens, and attend to the wanterof our pat , • ,rr nCreaaed degree of promptness and regularity. z,' . ' It *hall be our earnest endeavor to .- - per a desirable family joarnal---cme that shall b '''' ~; '• • ht for and read with pleasure and profit be ie. m ' .. rof the family circle: Believing that no counirf mice:ail can benefit daself by destroying or crippling thdinterests o n other. we shall eppoee, both in national and inter-natio politics. all measures basest upon seldehnew.; and 'meta etch doctrines only, as recognize the fundamental idea of universal progress. In nationalaffairs. particularly, that claw of measures which look to the advancement of one section. at the apparent expense of anothiet, shall continue to retch e. our earnest and unqualtned condemnation. It will be alike ourdtdy and our choice, to oppose the presen t wicked spirit of sectional hate, which now prevails to a fearful extent,and whielkunless **on checked and replaced by words and act* of kindness and mutnal conc.awion,must utterly destroy the beat governmentalgoy structure ever reared We shall advocate peace, fraternal harmony. and friendly national intercourse, because they are just, and desirable, and In no other spirit can American Liberty be sustained. We eppeal to all Conservative. national men to aid us in the good work before us. It is only throuch the medium of well sustained local papers that our principled don ever prevail • for it Is by means off county orgauisationt , that a national triumph ;a uchie‘ erb and a county Democraey that neglects to Regain their pa r, aiwace beholds the bulk Of the party enculptied in th halpool of fr.....miclam, error, r0.v.r....51 and sectional bat .. . sss e.. 1.,,, an epee them. L e t eac h true man stand firm, and add his influence towards doing our common Mate. rdthscribe for the iIIONTUOSE DEMOCRATLand pay for It In ADVANCII, and ask vote friends to do the came. Send your, advert.[- ' sung and job printing to this office, , and pay for It, not next week • or neso ear. but rash down. If you think.lt ;strange that the Printer cant nett for a oti,to pay him the nide of $1 50. j i lt remember the embarrassment caused by sly 500 like you keeping. back 41784:31., Our friend+. moat not forget that we are in a minority, sere, and that the want of favo . ritiem from officiate who control public patronage. renders their cash patronage more desirable and neceaaary. But we do not wish to be underrtood as intimating that our patronage is, or should he. confined to any clue: and man of all parties are respectfupy incited to embrace the . advantages resulting from sintling in their ordtre. and' wo doubt not that alt who are not bliuded, by bigotry, to their own and the Dubic good will continue to do do. We prefer being Judged be our offorte, rather than by a glittering array of Imicombe promises. Dnringthe put year a large sum hue been expended for new type, ete.,for the Dmioc•ral. and further improvements will be made, as our patronage warrants, Let our prompt patrons be true to their old custom, and our slow ones quicken up for a 'NEW YEAR—and ALz remember that •'the more the merrier." and that there in always •• room jor more," and nur — Patare intercourse will he mutually agreeable. As we expect—life and health •being spared—to continue at our present business. and to devote our whole time and Wen to our paper..we in rite On: old friends and patrons to still continue their friendship and favors; and we stud' strive to convince all that we intend to so deal that each than will Ind it both pleasant and profitable to "caltagain." Anyone procuring us five new cash snblicribers, for one year. will receive on citry copy,. gratis. glf — Terms-41.50 per annum, in adranee..4o "' The Pews in St. Paul's Church, (Episcopal), will be \ rented on Tuesday, J4nuary lst,for the yearlB6l. C 7" The veterans of the war of 1812, in this county, and vicinity. will meet •at 3.lOntrose on Tuesday the Bth day of J . :l'lj. nary next, to confer upon such matters as relate to their interests. A Voice for War. We copy the following from the Phila delphia inquirer, a stanch Republican.pa per..l It -shows,that the party is - not all blinded by fanaticism : " Wade, of 'Ohio, made an indiscreet speech In the Senate yesterday. Assuming to speak,l;)r the Republicans, he . says, 'we have no compromises to make,'. and then he raises his voice for WAR. .Senator Wade is clearly a long way behind, or else a long way. ahead of the people, for the masses of the latter will regret* that this speech was ever made., "Unluckily, in endeavoring to defiantly challenge - the Southern Senators, the Ohio champion tripped up. Askinfi,for instance where the NOrthern States had. refused to • act justly. towards the Southern,Governor Powell quietly inquired about a cerlain case now pending, in 'which Governor .Dennison of Ohio, refuses to obey a requi sition. from the Governor of Kentucky.- -The question was a 'clioker,'and the Ohio ;knight-errant COULD NOT MEET IT, SO HE, DODGED, and went ahead with hit, argument." LepOx Club Resolutions. We have deferred publishing a series of resolutions adopted by the Union Dem ocratic Cub of Lenoxyille, for a couple of weeks, owing to our columns being crow ded with President's -Massage, and De 7 partment Reports-. , We now print them, somewhat abbreviated : The preainhle sets firth. the facts that our defeat is in consequence of our division;' that Lincoln and llamliu represent the principles of a party' clearly antagonistic to the Union; And that-it is our duty to. endeavor o to.avert the now impending ca hanky. .Re.ohte4, That if the God 6fJustice sees in this Nation such sins as to him call for a four years Lincoln administration, we say amen.. That in peace or war. we-will defend the rights guaranteed alike to our brethfen in all parts of the Union. That the late division which caused our defeat shall be unknown in future; and that the one million Democratic majority shall ;;!!.1 in the defeat of Republicanism in 1864. Worth and merit is recognized in each of the Democratic -candidates. That secession at this day on the 'part of any States would be' unwise; that if Such be-their right the exercise of it wo'd, inflict great injury upon i he business' inter- Asts of ail, and perhaps lead to bloOdslted. TiattAve desire out Southern, brethren to atAgie to the Union, with their friends at-tbe'North - -remembering that we have a. Democratic Congress . ..already chosen for the next two years and a,half. That we will commit our causo and-toni interests,- personal and national, to. the God of the , Univetwe.. • • . Signed, Jon!: BRAZ;E, . DANIEL Rom:- soR and Dsnaas WRITE, Committee. s - TErektoxr IEGRoEs .atcr, State of Vermont has refueled to repeal. her Personal Liberty bill,hut she has since then been compelled to submit to a repeal in the price of wool. This staple, which is herchief product, since Lincoln's elec tion, has declined from ten to fifteen cents per pound- , --a resluctinn „of half Million of dollars in one.vear's production in that State alone. - . ar The coal operators of Pittsburg have recommended the suspension of ope fation:itt:the mines until the-Ist of MAirch. This 'will throw several thousand miners ont of etoploymeot. . , • • hunible self for an important official posi tion,i tendtir thein misheartfelt thank - S.-4' Th.: .theiae who, misrep#sented "me; and this aeceived"Maiy Ofmy former political 'friends, I will -only say=;74 - ,forgive, as I 'hopfito - be fOrgivea,for any - error of the .heiul into. which I haviever - fallen. As politically I alit net copecks)* of any - in, my heart. - A certain Tesaution so , ofteii paraded, (in a certain very consistent sheet,) which I had the honor to offer at a mass-ineeting in this place, while the I Eansas-Nebraski bill wasbethre Congress, was offered to deter that body from repeal ting the Missouri Compromise line, and t feeble as the effort was; it, was offered in good faith.' Since that time, and on more mature reflection, thavea Satisfied mySelf ..that the spirit and intent Of those who or t iginated and- passed the Missouri._ Clim -1 promise bill, had been violated, and its , repeal has only perhaps hastened on the ! Will "impending crisis"- now' upon us, • . a 1 , and sure to'have come from Northern in -1 termeddling. 1 Montrose,. Dec. 22; 'n C. TYLER. D.. A. BALDWIN, Sec Gieat - Bend, Ikc. 15th, 18(30. The Cause' of all"our Troubles Torture, 'pervert and misinterpret them as they May, in order to keep up their sys tematic deceptions, the Black Republicans know that. threatened secession, Bank sus pension's, financial depression, stagnation in business, troubles in Congrigs, troubles in 'the. Cabinet and the resil-oration of Cab inet officers -are all the results of the. same cause—Antf-Slavery agitation. It is idle to say thEit this Cabinet officer has resign-. ed -because of one difference of opinion with . the president, or that another has resigned because of another difference of , opinion. All these differences are: the in-H evitable consequences of the same. Anti slavery aggression. 'But for that none.of these differences ordifficulties would have occurred. The Black- RePublicanS' have, P.by their infamous conduct, got everything into such a tangle, that no two minds eau be-brought to think alike as to way of un ravelling. them. The men who 'differ are _not to blarne,,but those who caused them to differ by hemming them in with diffi culties are the culpable and responsible parties. The mischief and danger of Black RepubliCanism are conspicuously manifest in everything. . If the bare attainment of power•by that party develops such results -what will be the condition of affairs after four years exercise of power by them? News from Europe. The news from the It S. 'States has had • a bad effect on trade. A million of dolls is coming . ont' in the4'ersia. "The British Parliament was to meet on the sth of February, when . little 'Lord John's Reform Bill, Which was quietly cashiered laSt Session;; will be .brought. 'up for discussion. , Thii bill provides : for extending, the .-voting power, to Persons paying a poor rate $4O annually in the country, and $3O. in towns. Garibaldi has been invited to visit Eng land. There is some prospect of another Atlantic Cable excitement, as the report of the lately : appointed ; explorers is said he satisfactory and encouraging. `- , latters in Italy approach a solution at last. 'The garrison. of Gaeta had opened active war against the besieged remnant, of the Neapolitan army. The next — mail will piobably. bring us news of 'the com plete rout-of Francis partisans. The' COn- Sulate, of wt, ch Poeno, Was elected ;resi dent, had opened ..at Naples. Austria is looking to herdefenses' at Venetia, and ex-, peas alaCks,there. Tbe news from the Peninsula is of a warlike character. Paris, 'like New _York dreadri hard times during the Winter. !AIM 01.1i2.MP.5T.-. Pacts that should be: 'known. Coughs,. colds, asthma . How frequently have - we not heard people exclaim: - II would give $5O, or $100(as the case may be) were - I - but 'rid of this cough—this cold— this asthma, &e.',-LYet how preposterous it - is to tallvin -this style. -granted, even that they have s consulted medical men, without Success,lhat does not imply that that' arc incurable.--elseiwould thousands abandoned as past hope., ba left to the har roiving torttires of delpair-Lthe question lies in thii,.havi they tried =Holloway'S Pills and - Ointinenthaire they read; or put in prsice the plain direetionierrielop each box or - pot,=if not; Wt. urge •niediate-trial; and feel 'nssufed - .they . will find the cure they are so anxious for: News of .the Week. The President recommends observing the .4th day of January as a day of humil iation, fastingoind prayer, throughout the: country, for allaying sectional discord. • • .."Gen.Cass has resigned, and S. Black is his successor. E.M. Staunton of Pittsburgh, fills BlaCk's post as Attor ney General. —lt is announced that Fornerwill be a candidate for U. S.lSenator from Penna. —The cattle•diseasehas again made its, appearance' in Massachusetts. ! • —The Wide-Awakes and lc egroes of Independence,. lowa held a Lincoln Ball, on the 16th . ult. One ilootinariliger Was black, the other two ware white. =The .Mexican capital is invested the Liberal army: —The line of Steamers bet Ween Boston and Charleston has beeit (*continued . . . _ ---=-The ship, building •.business sitters by the universal.panic. Wages at Oungor, have sunk from $ 0 50,,- to (51. per lay. • —The moderate Repnblicans•denounce Senator-Wade of Ohio for his late spech in which he foolishly denied that the north had done . wrong, <pr had anything to re• tract. —The lobg pendmg. suit of Mrs., Gen. Gaines is to come again ,befere the U. S.. Supreme Courtin. January: . i . decision'of the Court of Q4een's Bench at Toronto, Canada, in the extra (Hop case, is feegiving up the murderer, Jones,. (a fugitive slave), to, the authority of thel.l. S. One judge dissentS and an appeal will be taken. Congressional Abstract. IMM=ZMI DEC. 1 ith.—ln theSonato Mr. Clark, of 11., proposed resOluti ons of inquirS , as to the condition of Fort Moultrie, which were laid ,over: The resolutionS, of ,Mr. Powell were• again taken up. Mr Wade, - of Ohio, spoke at length upon the condi tion of thcoountry, opposing all ; compro mise, and advocated coercion in case of sc cession. Imthe house; Messrs. Cochran, or N. Y. aml Florence, of Pa., submitted prOpositions for the amendment of the Constitution. DEC. 18th.—In the 'Senate Gen. Lane ; introduced resolutions looking to the ap pointment of Commissioners by. each' of the'several States, to cetAr with referen ce to sazh nteaiurei :as may be necessary fir the peace of the country ; and further, that the Federal Government will abstain from the employment.of force against imy State In the House 'several bah§ were in troduced. Mr, Crawtbrd's resolution re cognizing property in slaves watt then ta ken. tp.s. . _ Mr. Corwin, Chairman of the Commit tee of Thirty five, of the House, has report ed a series of resolutions, which it is un derstood are intended to meet4he crisis. It is said they meet the approval of a ma jority of the Republicans of the ; Comidit tee. • They are nearly as follows;; 7 --- , First—Pledging the faith ,of Congress against any. attempt to abolish slavery- in the - District of'Columbia. ; Second 7 —Against interfering ; with the inter-slavery trade .between the States, . dock abolition of slavery in the dock yards and arsenals in the slave states. Fourth—ln favor of- an amendment rendering the Fugitive. Slave Act effective and ,satisfactory to the South., Fifth - -Against any dilierimination "by Congress against slave States. asking ad mission. Sixth—Protecting persons and property in the Territories till they .haVe , thirty thousand inhabitants, when non-interven tion by. Congress shall be the law. - Dt:c. 19th.—In the Senate Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, appeared and took his seat.— Mr. Hunter reported the Invalid Pension bill, which was pasged, the Mouse, a resolution to adjourn owe ; untilithe Bth of January was laid on the table. :131.r. Sher man 'reported the Legislative, ~Executive and .Tudicial .appropriation bill. The De ficiency bill was then taken up in Commit tee of the Whole. IMEM!!! All who, suffer. from Dyspeptic at tacks, or from Indigestion, Sour Stomach . Heart Burn, Water -Mash, Debility tray safely calculate that a trial of the far famed Oxygenated Bitters will accom plish a curs. both speedy and permanet.— A trial is reccommended. Prepared by S W FoWle & Co., Boston, and sold by -Druggists and, agents everywhere. !!others, Read Th lob—The followhig IR an extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Ilantlst Church to the "Journal and Meirionger, Cincinnatti; Ohio. It says volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mus. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STEEP TOR CHILDHEN TEETHING:. . We see an advertisetnent in your coIUME6 of Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Symp. Now we never said a word in favor of any patent medicinein our life, but we feel corn. pelted to say to your readers that this is no humbug—WE ELME ratan IT. AND KNOW yr TO BE ALL It CLALIIR. It fa probably one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. Those who have babies cant do better than to lay in a supply. d ec.2o ly 4 Reduced by Dyspepsia to a mere Skeleton.' —CURED Yr •• liCeltILANl:tl WiLLANW BITTEITA.” —lllr. A. Matt:belt, a trader probably as well known as any man in Western Pennsylvania, states as follows : ! •• I met with anner in Armstrong county who WWI redueed by ftyftpepsia to a mere skeleton. I persuhded him to buy'.a trot tle a the thrrhave Rolland Bitters, believing it would cure him.— Meeting him some months aftel,what was nay astonishmne at ffnding him a hale, hearty man ; be told me he now weighed pounds, and that this wonderful change had been produced by llcerhave's Holland Bitturs, to which he attributed solely his restoration." dec The use otDr. Uostetterva Stoniach Bitters for Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heaviness of the StomaCh• or any other like uffer don. is second to none in America or abroad. To be able to state confidently that the •• Bitten' are a certain cure for dyspepsia and like difseases. is to the proprietors a don rcc of unalloyed pleaeure4 It removes all morbid matterfrom the atomach,pu rifles th eblood,im parts renewed vitality to the nervous svetem, gibing. it that tone and enorgy indispeumble to r the restoration of health. The numerous acknowledgements of its superior excel!. enoe and beneficial results, have assured the proprietors that it cannot but prove a .grfmt Mue to' the afilictect, and impart vitality to the thorough system. i 07 - See advertisement in another column. den . , A Thing of Monty. Is a - Joy FOiever.—WbO can be beautiful with a sickly pale complen. Keep the pores of the - tkin free, an dthe blood pure; ind your cheeks will vie with thr Rose and Lily. The skin is formed - with thousamis of pores in evety inch of surface, whose office it le to carry off the impri tics of the blood—tbe acknowledged cause of all diseases of mankind-when. the skin is dry and parched—when it is covered- with cryptic - Ina—when it is cold and clammy—when there lainward fever or intim mation—it is impottalbla for the skin under these circum stances to perform its proper functions, and carry of the impurities of the body as designed by onclareator. • • JUDSON`LifOUNTAIN ITEM" PlLLgremove these obstructions, and produce free and healthy blood, remove the eruptions from the skin; and cause it, !A brirditen with the duel' of youth and•beauty. Beauty a much admired to loved. lieauty without paints and co metica—beanty produced by health and happinette. ' f dee- Judson's Mountain Herb rills are sold by , all Dealers. NAIL ABILANGENEICITS—MONTROSE P. 0. MAILS ARRIVE--Dally (sunds , i. ercepted,) from the Ewa and South, by Railroad at 1 3; k, 31. r • Daily, (enaday excepted,) from the, West, by Railroad, at•fiX a.m.' • ?Mtn Bln t hamton direct, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, a 1K p. m. • From Tunkbannock direct, every Tuasday; Thursday and Saturday...at:4 p.m. - - • From Towanda direct, every Tuesday; and Saturday at ally froth Frlendiville (euriday excepted) at W.p.m. - - ---- . MAILS LEA Tt.---Dally (eundays excepted) for the reit I tod south, by railroad, at Ga. m. - , ' I Dally Malay exce•pted) for the weet,; by railroad, at 4 . For Binghamton direct, every Monday; Wednesday and Friday; at 7a. al. , Friday direct; every Mon*, Wednesday tt. , Friday, at 6 a. m. For Towanda direct, every Mondayand Friday at 7 a.m. Daily for Frlendaville (aunday 'ex.) at 'TM a. in. For I..aceyville; "(through Auburn)-4eaves Monday, at 9" a..rit.trvives Wednesday at sp. m. I - • • , IC J;CWEBB; P. M. . . . ' See' the Advertisement etDoce. Santord'e Live: InvigomterandFamity Catharticrills, lueeether column. • .-'llierazitzrosi! Wheat 11 'bushel, $l, •12D fahr Itye • 63 cente Corn' • • • 16 cents York • ' to do- iiceits. Bgek•whiad - ',cents Or VI Pi •• • • _ Oltfl " .( " DUI ' . '' v ot.= Beast' • e Isr sutterl 3 • Potatoce . 37% crate Ego doe 15 cents Pay $3 For Two Years , Suchof the patrons of the Montrose Demoe'rat aslave neglected to . pay _their substriPtion for the past year, arel.equest ed to send us $9 to pay for thepast and Coming. years: It should be sent - along at once. Vi7ese,kly Market Reports. ' We intend_ tb add a new feature to the I.l.ontr)se Democrat 7 it will be weekly correct reports of market prices at 13ipg lamton, Carbondale; New York; Chicago, and stieli other places Its may interest our and.otliera. 's °cession of Soiith - Caroli44.. Cit*lttiEsioli, Dec. ,th:l- 7 ,-The Suite Con vention, this afteintion, by unanimous vote adOpted resolutions sevaring all connec tions Pith the Federal _Government, and deelarings the State of South Carolina out of the ;Union. . ILWr,Five hubdred and; sixty persons met their deaths on Lakes Erie, Michigan and Snperior,petween the 23d of March and the: 25th, of November, a period, of eight. 'months. ' TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA YinVgll2 l .l2 : , • /0 the bat Medicine in the tear& for. the cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, , Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. For the relief of patients in advanced etagel Qf Consumption together with all Diseases •. of the Throat and Chest and which . • • predispose to Consumption. It - attacks the root of disease, and makes thefeli distroyer traccumb toitsiriftuence. It alsoprodu cis free expectoration, induces healthy action in, the diseased Mucous Membrane and' tlisnes. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical - cure of ASTHMA._ One dose of the inraluable SYRUP often giro ease and consowently sleep. which the particular nature 111 Me dialai , e denies. It is very pleasant to' the taste, and promplin its effects. T'ry it et be convinced that it as incaluable in the cure of nr Liai ,Aifeetiiiiks. Price GO (alto pwr Bottle." Prepared only by Lit. 4. EsfeylrELY. and tad by A. Etenteein, & Co., N. U. corner 9th and POPLAR streets, Philad" a, Pa. For srth , in Montrose by ni/i29lelnal ABEL "TUBRELL Drugyief. ' c 4 c 4 P- - 4 444 ri HOOFLAND'S . . ' . 1‘ IV MED/0 4 , 1 TIM ... Cs ' 4 1 4 1 s Gr It tr. 5 I" AT . ...-- ... . • STANDARD REMEDIES • •of the present age, hove acquired Weir great poimlartty only throligh vats of trial. eoboundmi,eatlafection " : - to rehdered by them in all OLIO& , Liver ComplaintDrapcipala..lacoodioe, Itarvotta De, billry, Diseases of the lif.idneya, and all disown. arising from a di.ordered Dwar f or weak. etas of the Stomach and Digestive Organ; •'attio WILL ro•t:tracr PIUSTM YELLOW FIVED, - 81004 FEVER, AND FEVER AND ABU., Ere our Alum= lin' pt ot. Prucc, 75 cruls per MAU.. Hoofland's Balsamic Cordial WILL ITMTIVELT CLRI Coughs, Colds, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, lateens; _ Croup, PasKnonia, incipient Consumption, and has porfciimod the most set4niehlog cores ever known of . C.OI4FIIIIIIED Al n Disrrixes. Cordial 1t b onegoallwi. Perm; 75 tient* per bottle. being well known throughout Europe and America, needs no commendation . hero.. They are purely vegetable, ere prefaced with great eiectnera, end are etigar-a.atcd. No better Cathartic Pill can be found. 'Pates. 25 etc par tow. Those Medicines are prepared by. Dr, C. 11.Jacesou k Co., Philadelphia, Pa, and ht. Louis, Mo., and ore weld by dniggistaanif dealers in medicinat everywhere.' The sig nature of C. M. Jacr.sox will na on the outside of each bottle or hoz. In our "Everybody's Atrnanoc," put lished annually, on will find testimony and commendatory notices Cron! all parts of the country. These dimanass are glean assay by ail tJur s.gstits. mh.g9j Sold in!dont rose by ABEL TURRELL. Agent Donatlon.-Tlw friends.of Rev. J. 0. -FUREY propose to givn him a donation at th Episcopal Paraonage iii Springville, on VIICRSDAY, afternoon and evening,. of Dock-lath. The public are respectfully invited to attend Misdeal Convention.-1 MuAcal Convention for Bnolford, Susquehanna. and Tiogit counties, will be held at Le Raysvi Ile, Bradford Co„ ec•inmencing on TUESDAY Dec. 25, at 9 o'clock. a. in., to continue four days, ender the direction of Prof. GEO. F. floor, of Boston, assisteil by Prof. GEO- B. Loomis, of Providence. R. 1. • VP — CONCERT, nee. 29, evening. decl3.2w I. WOOD WANTED, AT THIS OFFICE. 1 . At Ilarford Dec.. tith. bv. the Rev. -I,Kman Richardsoh, Mr. E. W. 3IAXON and Mies S. ADDIE rECK, both of• tlarford. . . At the residence of the brides Father. in- Lenox, Nov., 23th, 'by Rev. It. Tower, Mr. D. C. OAKLEY to Mind L. Z. TUNER, youngest daughter of the officiating Clergy . 0171379C1W1.1 - 3333 FOR I THE MONTRpSE DEMOCRAT.II riiEL4L . X I 33I3,. • --.- At'lliddletown, N. Y... OctA4, Lewis S. PZERT , oncei a resident of this place, and a Member of the I. 0. of 0. F. In Lane born Dec. 12, of Diptheria. Ilaslvatt ADA, daugh ter of Jacob and Hannah Taylor, aged.? yrs. 8 moa, 14 da. r4rphltnary received too late for . this ikbek. SHERIFF'S SALES. l)ir virtue of sundry writs, leaned by_the Court of Cora lmort Pleas of Sesquebenna County:add to me direct, ed;l expose to sale, at the Court House, in Montrose, on Saturday the 19th day ofJanuary, 1861, at one o'clock, p. m., the following Real Estate to, wit: I - ALL that -certain tract or parcel of land situate in the township of Liberty.-In the County of Susquehanna and State . of Pennsylvania, and butted. bounded and described as fellows, to wit: Being those certain pieces. parcels,"or iota nfland known as snb.dlyision lots of the Kirhylit Law,'Snake Creek purchase. 68, 50. 66, and 74, as of-Joit Barre Survey of said lauds Made in the year 1796, 'be ing the same premises conveyed by Cooper. Corbett and wife to Cyrus Strong Jr.; arid others by deed dated the , first : day of June, 1850. and all unimproved. (Taken' execution at the suit of Cyrus Strong, Jr.. vs.-Daniel Tucker and Anna E., his wife, with notice to 'Terre Tenitnts. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land altulte in the township of Auburn, .county and S tate aforesaid, bounded dud described as-follows, to wit : Orr the North by ands ofJullus Brown, East by lands of Ocorge Bump, Perkins, South by lands of 0. C. Roberts, John son Slater and Samnel Bennett, and west by the-Bradford County line, containing about Eighty acres, with the purtenarices, Two framed dwelling Houses, a barn,. orhh ard; and about thirty-five 'acres improved...' (Taken In hx- , ecnUou at the stilt of A. J. Amick, to the .cuse of H. 111. Roberts, va. H. W. Brown. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land -situate in tise.Borough ofliontrose.-County and: State aforeesild, bounded and described as follows, to Wit Ore the Noith by lauclot Emerson Losier, on-tbe east by land of Solomon' Langdon, on the South by lands ofJobn Dunmore and. on the West by the public highway, containing abput 8,150) squarefeet of•land, being in front on the 'street thirty feet, and running - back one hundred seventeen And a ball feet; with the appurtenances; one-framed dieelllng 'house, and all improved. --(Taken in execution at the Suit of Johnl'. Dunmore vs. A. H. Wright, NOTICE TO. PURCIIASEIII3.—To prevent minuncien• deeding', notice in hereby given that Purehaaere at Sher ttre scree willheregniredto pay. the 'amount bid at 'the Wife the land is Bold. It. has beemne imperitively nee ess aryl° adopt thin ruin,Ats 1 it. will be 'strictly adhered to, crept In cases where purchaser its a lien creditor "nd ie untitled to the fund as pro 7hied In the Int section oftbe act:of Assembly. approved A7,ril:4th, 1846,whIch Is itelob louts:—'• Whenever the purchasers el real estate at ',Or tibAns' 'Court or Sheriff's sale shall appear from the prciper record to be entitled, an a ikn creditor, to receive:3llo whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale,lt shall be the duty of. thu Sheriff Admlnietrator, Executor- or other pereon malting such sale, to - receive - the receipt of such purclumer orpnrchasem for the amount whichhe or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid to be ens titled to receive : Provided, that this_ section'phAllnot • be ionstmed as to prevent the right of said kiheriff,Did mittistrater, Executor, or other pereon aforesaid to de mand old receive at the time of :dale a bum • enfflcient to color 'lllegal coats entitled to be paid out of the proceeds of said sale ; And provided further, thatbefore any puricha-' , nee at utathaberm.shall Tmlve.the benett.ottitt" suction, lut j gey Oa produce' theeherift, or other pensoh so saldsale, a dolyertifled statement from the Top . m er records,underthe hand ando ffi cial sa d of--the proper odioer, allowing that he'Dinlieh creditor entitled. to,ce calve anypartofthe proceedeof the side afOrcatild.": ifontrose Pa. Dec. 27. - ELIAS V. GREEN, Merl': • neek i lLitiett:' : Whrtifloir.V big:l6o4sP Rye dour fl cwt... 205„ 2,50 Com moot 12 ewt..2 2t 2,25 S tt tt ESEN WEIN'S HOOFLAND'q GERMAN BITTERS HOOFLAND'S GERMAN• PILL, ° 1. rAt a. meeting ofprominent citizens pfNew Yollt . , on -Saturday-, reference to {to the cottditionlif the countrlfon. Richard Fillmore, qreens' C., Bronson, and Richard La .lier,f wete appointed Codnis ,,fioners to proceed to South Carolina with is view to pieventlirceipitate action there. Two IlLuk:nr.ii,s.LLAn.editor,soine years kgo, in atte iipting to compliment . Gen. lPillow as.a. " battle•scarred veteran," was . !made by th .typos to call him a "battle !scared veter ju•Pie ilekt issue the mistake wa' far'corrected as to style !him a "boll e. scarred veteran." egistersNotice. . BL I C NO. ICI: Is hereby given to all 11;eraons ton terne4 In t e folidwing tttates; to wit : E. ufJostAttuf the Township of flush Decd, l 2s7. Orsnger Add). ! - ' Estate of HAIiIIIES iitYttC4, ' dr tho Toiviship or Jackson dee'd Ch Iles Tingley; edit). Theiltuti accdatit of Jane It Palmer, Guardian of tho minor children Pitin.sa;F: Aleiturte', decd. • . n That the ace.t ntantp, have settled their accounta In the Register's °Mc ~ in and for the county of Susquehanna, aud that Lhasa e will lie presented to the Judges of the - Orphans' Court of Raid County, on Friday January 9th lt , e, r. -for eordi rniatiote . an allowance. . Montrose. Fa, you 23. U. K. ICKIVKLI, Register, . TA KE u th e fs method Of I , n . forntlne: their . 01.D'AsTli form Fr er k etU h NOo ' o y d l i i i w.etiluCja addition to the • BoiTGlll. FOR• CASII - • AT: PANIC PRICES!' A.Np - WILL SELL THEM. TO CAS 1.1 . BUYERS' 9 _ I AT • Prices - Per ectly Aitoniahingi We hare notitlme tO enumerate,articlee, br prices, but invite the public to call; examine, and satisfy themselves of the truth of 4hat ire publish, and of course. then buy.. 1. F • J. 1.. SIERJUALL`i SON. UpsonviUe, Oec..2ljth. 1880. CHOICE Lot of FaMi ly Groceries - Just received arid ael ling9.llperpeat, bplow former prices.. FA N CY Corffectioliary for the INllds:srieiciltuvais, • "UV 1 1 11.1 V M FARM PRO' GCE( of all kinds. for which the highest, market pr ces will be paid in Poade, at Upsonville, Pa. 81EM113,41-sifi.• J. -,, _ _ , . .110 t DAY PRESENTS I 1 e rrim subset burs take pleasure .iii announcing ,to their 1T friends th t they ;have this day returned from N. York with another`dditlon to their stock of. Goods,- selected with great ca4e, and ekpeeial reference to the approaching festive season; Anylpersun desirous of making CIIRISTM AS .1-N CWT' 1 r E A R GIFTS . , (and We hope pone Will deny themselves the-pleasure) can find a rich - and extensive assortment to select 'from, and at the very to eat C4sh prices. i , , ~ EVANS A: ALLEN, • • dean 1 .. Nol .. Odd Fellows Hall, B i nghamton. .. Tenotelies—tsd4a* Diamond Enameled, and plain- , .- a spleedtd ankle. .Also a variety pf Gold and Silva Eng-, ltsh American aridliwiss, Renting rind Plain, very low. ' dold Chains—Averyextensive variety ofVent,Fob, , at:an:Fund Neck Miles: by. ' EVANS .it Au,ks. Ear Rings and Breast Plns-L-An infinite variety -of styles andTices. ,in sets and single, Finger I lags Diamond, Ruby, Riga:xi, Pearl,Scide. iiChased and sin Gold Rings—a Large stock.- • `, • Bruceleta-:-Goltl, Jet, Plated, and RAM Bracelets of all patterns Mid prices. ' .EvaNti & ALLNN. • StiverWnre—Tvery description of Silver Forks; and'. Spoons. Napkins !tinge, on hand also Soup . and Gravy Ladles, Cripsl Card Cases.- Pie, Butter :and Fruit Knives, Childreus' sets, saltli„ , ete., warranted good as cola. Plated Ware-A 'Beautiful assortment of Ice Pitchers Castors. Cak+ Baskets. Waiter,. flutter Dished.- Sugars Salts, Knives, ForkS, Spoons, Toast Racks, Cape Chiblets etc.. etc.. by- - . EVAN7ti , ALIEN. 'Sleeve nations and istudi—A-large stock of all patterns and prices : r Beads--( oral :Necklaces and Armlets, Amber, Coral, Pearl. Gilt, Sted, and silver Beads.. Shell Cotubs-+,A g,ood stock f shell back and aide Combs, alolliuffald, horn, IvOry, and Dressing Combs; Heir and To th Br4hds," etc.; etc. - ' M -1 1i7.41NT 03 sib .41-1.11-iM XV, _ Ti ee n i• - N 4. :-crild Fellows Ball, Binghamtbn. . . u-1 0. .1. V .1. ir ''A I 1 I • • LIFE. PILLS,• !& 1 1 110 LA BITTER& THESES I.P.DICLNES'htWe now been before the public for a periOd of Thirty nets, and during that time have maintained a high dharaeter in utmost avert' part, of the hid Globe, for tr ext;niordinary and , iinnicdiate power of restoring perifect health to persOus suffering under nearly every kind o diseaSe to w !dub the human frame in liable. Tile folio ng are!anfong the distressing variety of hu man disease in which the •-•;" r• Y•r ' iw --.. . ~; ir , , -- v r t: it tiLE 1 IF,E hiiiipliNE I Are well kr rin nto be infallitle. ' • • DYSPEPSIA, be thormv.:;;;ly cleanying theist and 2nd stomachs and creating a flow of pure.heal thy bile,instead of the stale: nd acridlind; FLATULENCY,../Aus 4f 4tp - . petite, Hear, urn. Ileadaeze, .4 . le,llasnew4, 111--Temper, Ana - - Icty. Lnws,ito and ittiandeoly, which tire general symptoms of llyepepai , vanish, ass haturul consequence o f - its cure: COSTIVE 'Ss, I fly cleansing the whole length of the r . Intestines w th a Cllvelit process, and withimt violence; all violent p ges Naive the boweks costive in two days. rEvEEs rall kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, hro' tlie process of respiration in each cases, and ilon•o* s. lutiOn lot all intestinal obstructions in others. The Life :led icill',.B have been known to cure RHEUM ATISM perinauent)y In thrt , e weeke, and GOUT hl half that time, by removing lochl in dammation from the tone cies and I igtiments of the joints. . D8,0.P51,4S of all kinds, by freeing and . strengthening the kidneys and blaclder ; they operate most delightfully on these important organs, aud hence have ever been found& certain rennldy for:the worst cases of GRAVEL . . . . Also WORMS, from'the turnings of the bowele..the iiimy matter to WlYell the.e creatures adhere, SCURVY' ULCERS; and INVETERATESORES, by the perfect purity which these Life Medicines give tq the blood and all the hitthorA. . . SCORBUTIC EII i iiPTIONS and BAD COMPLFAIONS, by their alterativereet upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid s. ate of whiOli occasions all eruptive complaints,lenllow cloudy, and otherdisagreeable com pies iOll6. The use of these PII e for a .vetc short time will effect an entire cure Of - SALT RHEUM, and a etriking improve ment In thelelear4s,cof the skin., COMMON COLDS and INYUENZA 'Trill always be cured by one dose, or by two in the Wiirbt CaSe2. • PILES.—IF'ta original proprietor of thes.o medicines, was cared or Plies,lof 35 years standing by the nee "of 'the Life :Mathias.* uloile. FEVER ikND ADUE.—For.this sconme of the West ern country these, Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain !remedy. • Other Aletlicines leave the system, subject to a ireturn'of the disease-:-a cure by these -Medi cines Is per'nenent— Try (hens, & . Ralkfied, are lbe eared. Billow' Pe*crie" and Liver Complaints._ fleucral De dilly, r.oss of Appetite, aud Diseases of Fe- male. Th ... Medicines has e been used with the most,' beneficial r.• sults in cases of this description :—Kings Evil, and S ,:rofula.„ in its worst forms, Yields to the mild ,vet. powerlul action :"of-these remarkable Medicines.' ight SweaA..Xercoui Debility, -Nervous Complaints of all kiuds. alpitatiou of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are i speedily co r e d. 1 • 111e . r - cu ,fal Diseases.-Peracius whose constitutions have becomic impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find th .cc Medicines a perfect cure,as.they never fail toeradicate from the system, alithe effects of Mercury, Infinitely sconce titan the must powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla:. ?roared and sold by W. B. lIIOFFAT J _ l' , ni nnoAxwAy, New - M oira: For !lode by all Druggists. 1). R. - J. S. SMITH - VENTOR, and DENTIST, ' n in tL ii s e g a llin e gt i ci N i e n w atea"ltit i to vin g, Intdligeot people. 4lec 20 The I Ts Pilaf 1. Rooms i of good nu., 1 1 . LDERS' M E ETI N G.. holders of the Lenoxsnd liarn°nY Turn- nd Conpanywill holdih Eiran"n O l : l eg o(Jot1 Steenhaet, in (1;son,O thegrit Ih day)•ofJanuarv, • JOHN SMILEY, Treasurer. HE t ic.,. l pt I ithe him Monday c ITDIT()R I S NOT.I( I E. ersignid, appointed anAuditorby the 0 4: Tans SUNWII county . to distribute the money. n the 'm J'. irurrell, Fact- - administrator of lbert ecd, among the heirs. will/iftend to the duttey .Intrdent at his 'office in Montrose on Friday y of Jan. Ibtil, at one o'clock, p. mi., at which lace all persons (incrusted willpreeent their forever debarred from coming in upon said I F. B. STREETIIII Auditor. . MI lE ua 1, Court blinds of Ittlieeby, Of Mg tip ! the 11th %time and flatted:or dee2:l 4 .1 IJOITORS' Ni.(1.110E.:- '-- m IIE on . entlg4ed,appointed en Auditor liy the Orribala 1. Court , (Susquehanna county todistribnte the'moner in the hen. a of Charles Tingley, adminlitrator of Gardon 8447111111, . Otd, ta and - among the widow and heirs, will attend to the dutieenthia appointment at the office of F. 11.0treete , bi MOnhitaeo n Saturday the 1211 1 day rifJenz W :It Y, Ib6l at one:o'clock. m., 'al which time and place Streets all pertion interested will present their claims .or be for ever deha red trap coming inupon said fund. dec2o 4 " . R. STRESTIIIt. Auditor. '.. I TiTT: s by kb • • diatribu the ettate notice t t went at h i. of Jebnar Interest they thin 1.- dee2o 4 - • • uparrogs Nitirzcz.: .)serlber. having been appointed an . Auditor, brphan'sCourt of Susquehanna County, to the funds, tri the handerof the Alltulatitratoe of of CRAWFORD TITUS. deed; hereby gives the WAS attend loske ditties' •of hie appoint. offled In Montroee. on Monday,. the•lith day next ; at 1 o'clock. P. M.: where all having an rthadietributlon of the sMd - fuid 'tan attend If proper. ALMEItT CllAMltiritf DI, Auditor. ' • AL ._ ! EA IIdE.T.WI-X.PES, ! NE - gm : Foul), P 1.,. IS i'm kl,4kOE TO :BUY YOUR • H.' - RNESSES., - • Otp, rort:cAsa. _ 'AND 8 T 'THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY.. nows I ' J. H. SMITH. fi TORE'S 20 COIIIMM. WINDOW & PICTURE GLASS. Nearly all • the sizes Iv4uted.., - • LITHOGRAPIIS, Prints and. Artists Materials: VARNISHES, Japans, Dryers, Putty, BIRD CAGES. A gopd variety of the bst styles. .Also,: Canary, Hemp,.and Rape ,Seed; and alithe fixtures for keeling Birds; • . SPECTACLES. A Full Assottmeut. • .WHIPS AND:LASHES. Agood variety. - - • B R 0-O . M S spciage, ..Wash B9ards, *lasts, , GUNS & PISTOLS, POwder' Flasks . , Ph!itia': Ehiske, AM I AIUNITION. Gun and Blasting Povider, Sifety-Fuse r , Lead, Shot, Caps, Jae. - • TOBACCO, Snuff and Cigai.s MEDICAL And•Surgieal .Instruine.nts,,unmentionable Articles, be., on hand,. and bought to or der. , . • SALT By the Barrel, Sack ox Pound • ''96loliP ;4. All kinds of hard SomOnd all the materi , ale necessary for making soft soap, in the mostsimple,.easy, and cheap manner-poss.. ibY. Only $1.50 for ii .barrel of „good soft soap. ' PATENT MEDICINES.: All.the best kinds in Market, direct front the 'ruanufacturers,Afid 'warranted genuine. .ALMANACS. Ciae Alumnae for every family in Sumps hauna county, gratis! Seud and get it: UMBRELLAS, _ : CoOfectionary, Toys, Vinegar,Hops, Sige, PORCELAIN TEETH' . f Gold andqin Foil,, Ace; fo - r.Dentist's use, and some of nearly all ‘otior kinds* of - Goods in Market, too4nnuerous to' men tion. The attention of the': public is srespect fUlly invited to.rny stook of Goods, bought exelusively:fot cAsit'riOwx, and will be sold on the same principle for low-priees. ADEL TtII.IIELL. Montrose, Dec. 20th, 1800. . CHlORtt\t= TEETHING MRS. WINSIsOW, An experienced Nurse and ternale,Physiclan. presents - - to, the of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly WHlMten the proCeas oiteething, by soft ening the gums. reducing att. inflammation—will alloy ALL PAIN and spasmudic action, and is _ SURE TO REGULATE- THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, methers, its will give rest to 'you, int!! BELIEF AND 'HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We bare put ttp and sold this article (or over ten years, and am say IN' CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED; in a SINGLE INSTANCE. to EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an Instanceardissatisfaction by anyode who bad used it. On the contrary, alt are delighted with its operations, and . speak in terms o 1 commendation of its insgual effects and' medical virtues. We say in this matter "WHAT WEDO KNOW." 'after ten years exprrience, and PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every Instance where the infant Ie suffering by pain and exhaustion, tell& Will be found in tiftems to") _minutes after the syrup Is administered: _ . . This valuable preptinttion IS the prescription of one r of the most EXPFILIY—SCED and SKILLFUL NURSES ;ht . ,New England, and has heenmied with NEVER FAILING. SUCCESS in. • T1130111SA111IZS.;: OF CASES. • " It not only. relieves the chili frdm pain, but Invigoraten the etemaelt and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to.the whole system - will - almost instantly relieve - - - GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, . . and overcome convulshinn; Which. -if nut speedily aired, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST rem edy in the WORLD. •In all (*.lees ,of DYSENTERY and. 'BARRI:KEA IN CHILDREN, Whether it arises Taos teething, or from any other muse. We would say to all motham who have a child sufferitig from anv of the fore ing complaints—DOSOT LET YOUR' PREJUDICES NOR THE FREIMICES f9f OTHERS. standbetween you and your suffering child and the real that will be SURE—yea ABSOLUTELY SORE—to follow the use. of this medfcine, if timely usedl• Full dlrectiona for using w ill accompany each bottle. None geinaine unless the fie elm ile of, CURTIS & PERKINS, New York., ts .ort the outside wrapper. .. ' Sold by Druggtsta throughdut the world. Petheipal'ffillee,:l 3' Caller street, New York. PRICE ONLY 25 CEBTS PER BOTTLE. For sale In Montrose by' bel Turret! LATER FROM EUROPE. GARIBALDI'TAKEN. THE _ Az „ NEW OR [DI A I t i. , rWere ie4 i tergavbrinlig a t i tg o atit . rtllng News or oorno4oa t fL. . ' • ••- O ng "‘,7ls;"4l26. surpflee'Ol k teuiriWit • L. B: ISBELL, . ATTIVH.m.tx,, has jfist purchased q largo aaaortment of • CLOCKS, WATo4ES i JEWELRY,, . . •I r ArED iy A i h n ' c f - fir - geDmt,, wbitia he will sell cheap for dhandler & Jenirap's eto,re Eau ulde of Public kccnue, Montrose, Ts. Clocks; Watches, and Jewelry repOrcd, u anal. on Moil notice and reseal:lo,4e tartan.' • • biontroise,pec. 12. 1860. t . B. 1913.giti. Susquehaaina , Colinty - Classical aad, , Norizial School, -accozonrsomixo, T • • . • SECOND TEICAI of ihe Academie you.wil bCgtA JL on MONDAY, NCITInfIiBB ".6th. 8. S MARTWELL,II. A.. Principal. • MB. B. O. csAMP. .; MISS A..M. BART:WELL, •Atalitanta. MISS L. KICHAEDI I - A. M. RICHABDS, Primary Department.- - MISS Z BLACKMAN., Music on Plano. Lecue mi. on Anatomy; Phyalology. The Trustees would say of this School, 'now Under thif direction of PROF. II A trrwELL, that It Isla. a flourish ing condition. and offers superior inducement* to till desi ring a therough education. Cl'hoec wishing. A good prep aration furCullege for Teadhing, or 'for other pursuits wig de woll to avail thentseiva of lie advantages, They arertVrted to those who have already. done no. 1101.440 t wait till the comniencement of a term. as they will be received at ankmit. and charged accordingly. For Particularsliec Circulars. - .C. F. READ. &ler • • - WM. JESSUP, Pres. _Montrose N0v..6th,1860,4-6ar - . HAYDEN BROTHERS, WIIQI piAtERs Lti 1r.A.T113.3372L a r - OiimollTis FANOYI GOODS. M . OBD - U. ILAYDI4,_ ' t JOICCRAYDEN. - TRACY RAYDMN, .vErr GEORGE RAYLEN. j I _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers