Hat TORRE'S [OM. , . ABEL .TURRF,LL • .• Now offers for sale one of the largest and, best selectionei of GOVLS! Ever offered in Susquehanna Volintv, and probably eomprising thegreatest VA, RIETY or most different artifice of any Store in the Northern part of Penneylva nia, and perhaps of the entice State. An • assortment is kept in about thirty' differ ent branches of trade; and-the selections are made from about forty of the best Houses in New York,- and more than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New lonic, A large proportion of the geode_ - are bought tliract from the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles.' Cuitom ere on entering-the Store must not expect to - find'everything in sight, but nearly ee , ery article wanted will be produced by inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following general outline,' but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS & MEDICINES In this depailnient the assortment Is large and complete, and• the qualities thq Best in market. . . PAINTS &_ OILS-. A full stock of-all kinds, of best qualities: D X fi4 T 13 T V 11§1 Er .. erything, and perfectly reliable. No one who strictly followa,correct 'receipts, need fail of success, who_buyk dye stuffs at Turrell's. GROCERIES. A good and choice variety of Family GrocerieS, constantly on band. Ladies say they get the best, Tea for the price of Abel Turrell. ! L I.IQ 0R $. The greatest variety of Pure Liquors to be found in all Northein Pennsylvania, and comprisinglivith yery few exceptions) every kind manufactured or held for sale in any market. These are kept' for medi cinal purposes. If•there are any, pure liq ors in the country, the druggists are the men who, have them. It is almost im possible to obtain pure Liquors elsewhere at retail.' • CROCKERY. All th&-kinds.nsually kept in !t country general assortment store. GLASS-WARE. A complete assortment for ,Tible and general - use and for Druggists, Physicians; Pedlers, and in short exery variety for general sale. WALL, & WINDOW l'ArEt, A large stock, comprising an- extensive variety of beautiful steles. The•most fas. -idious can 'seldom fail to be suited. JEWELRY. .. . . A splendid varitiy, embracing nearly ev erything customers may wish in thisde partment, bought direct of the manufhe turers, and all warranted as represented, • .SILVER-WARE.___ Tea, Sugar, and Salt Spoons, 'Butter,and Fruit Knives,l'. - apkin Rings; Thimbles, Spectacles,- - Sc., constantly on hffid, bo't direct of the manufacturers,made to order, and.warranted pure as . coin. All other kinds of Silver Ware obtained to order on -short notice. PERFUMERY. A-choice variety of beautiful I Perficnies, Extracts, Colognes; flair Hair Re:- scorers, Dyes, &c, Articles to make the hair grow, and also to take itoff, and ev erything necessary for the Toilet, inclu ding a tine assortment of Hair and Tooth Brushes,. Tooth Soaps and. Powders, Fan cy- artices for the complexion,, including tAlieen Fun," and nearly everything else •desired. [A great plice this, at .Ticrrell's Any thing and every thing that anybody -wants can be found there-] - • FANCYGOOPS. • • :The greatest variety in town, •Oomprisiug ,nearly. ever} thing usually_ fonnd in • 'an -exclusively Fancy Goods or Yankee No : Lion' Store. . rausium. • -INSTRUMENTS. Accordeons, Flutes; .Fifels, Clar-• inks Violineello, and Guitar Strings, some of the best qiialities market ; Violin Bows, Bridges, Pegs, Tail Pieces, Resin, 'lnstructionstruction Books, &c. on hand ;, and all other Instruments obtained to order. ' _ BRUSHES. A Full assortment, bought direct from the 'manufacturer`s, and comprising nearly ey , . every kind made. AMERICAN POCKET KNIVES.. About fifty different paterna or styles— considered the best for use in market. TABLE CUTLERY & SILVER PLATED WARE: Including Spoons, orks, itc.,consUmtly on hand. • , . • . LAMPS. A good variety for Kerosehe -and; Fluid, and some,for.Camphene, Oil, glhe.- Littip Chimneys, and - Brushes for .thenl, Lamp and Caudle Wick, Candlesticks,. fluid and -oil Lantern,. Lamp Shadea; ,atc. • I ERIAIS FOR LIGHTS. Every kind used in this section of country, and of best qualities, it row prjees, inclu ding Kerosene, - Fluid, 'iCimphene; Oil, Candles, &c. HARDWARE. A small assortment; Nails, Tacks, Butts, Strews, Bolts, Qhnlets, Augers, Flat Irons, Hammers, Faucets, Sand Pa per, P,aring•Machines, _BED CORDS, .• Clothes Lines, 31a$na, ',Chalk, and 15, sh Lines, Fish Hooks, &o. • • __STONE WARE. .41, Full Stock, including a large .pantity of 'its, &c.. ~ D RY 'GOODS: ..• • A small assortment of Siniile - MIRRORS. WoOd and Gilt Fratkes., • . ABEL TURRELh. liontrose, Dec. 20th, 1860. W'Coatinued in A. Txtrreli'e-2d to/mm: cx-xl:.ma&ixo REDUCTION r 4 ! A a GREAT CROWD EXPECTED AT' THE STORES OF . 6uttruberg,' lgosenbaum,,k - , AT Notarese, Susq'a County,Pos, • 1- Elmira. New-York , 3usquehapia„ , Depot, Pa; -wit g . a rmat gL o . o l u tt e r n r c r e l c o ntla e n p d re l e e i r p b r. 11: 8 1 n general money 'in In the cities me can -Durehaae n n n u it CASH 'at- - 10 to 20 per et.' less' thin fortnerly. Therefore we are detenatned to offer the public OUT Concml s t ock of IthADY MAIM CIOTIIING, - DRY ~, G OODS; 4whlett eorap,-Ises the estand best _(. . STOCIiY,GOODS Kept in ANY COUNTRY;Storn thin aide of New York City. At Prices which Defy . Competition se we will sell, for. CLOLEiliar., It the small advance of ten per cent above the wholeenie t. We will sell the folloWing GOODS at the tinnexed prices,- viz: ' -Black! Frock Coat worth .9 for $6,00 Black) Frock Coat worth 10 for 7,50 Blackl . Frock Coat worth 12 for 9;50 Business Coat fu-orth *5 for $2,75 Business 'Coat' worth - 6 for 4,00 C.er Coat worth *5 for $4,00 o\ l - Cr "'7 5 ..fer )oat worth c 7 for 5,75 thier , Coat }Forth• 10 for . 7,50 Over Coat `forth 15 for 11,50 Oyer . Coat worth 20 for 15,00 Black Pants Worth )14 for $3,011 Black Pants Worth '5 l for 3j75 Black Pants 'worth d for \ 4,50 Fancc Cassimere'Parits Niorth $4 for Fanc . l. 4 'Cassintere Pants worth 5 for 3, Fang; Cassirnere Pants worth . 6 for 4,A Blai , ,k Satin Vest worth :I':3 for $2,25 Bla4 Satin Vest worth fur 3,00 Bla4 Satin Vest - worth ! for 3,50 ON - Ell-SHIRTS ct,E , t )YERALLS ciilv ,31 UNDR GARMENTS EQ, t ALLY LOW As Winter has fairly appeared, tie invite the att,n tion of TA\ RY7.) •Pj - 46 b) 4.7.7 • - re_r_isr, Also GENTS who w i hto arill theinielves of the oppor: Molt). to make some Fairtne#2ll,ce ChriStmas •or New-Years -tar Ira; PRIPASENT, to oar Ilrge aseortmcat of Or pm - Er i:t is; ._,(E3 . - • 10 5- • Awis. l . &,...BONNETS. ASSORTMENTOUR D ESS, GOODS, • . •iNt. - TR 31INGS . • •GE & COMPLETE, 11 and KS, IS ALWAYS L CQMPR PI4IN 8164. C. if:WaaI:Y:IVA of all colors and shad 161KIAKUAE4, ik.C. OUR STOCK OF pO : AfF,TIpKS, CANNOT - BE EQUALED IN - fiIILITT DX . . Pita& , Good'Heary Sheetings; 8 tp BctS. per y'd Best neavyr'Shciltings, 7. to Bicts. pr y'd DENIMS, from '8 td 12i - dents per ;yard TICK TG, ,limit. 10 - to 15 gents psr yard GINGHAMS, from 10 to 15" cts. pqr yard CAL.lpoEkfast'colors, 1 . 2 f yards only $1 " t Best ildeirimack, 1 yards only $1 Cottc:*;a • A choice article, only 12i cents. Dart Steel Sir* Skirts, A floe lot—selling at 4 ctn. per spring. Ladies' -Saxon* Wooi Vesta anti - ! Drawals.-1 • LAMBS WOOL" HOSE. z.A.xpanzuEg 4000XI.JEUBTJEO. Of the Latest: Styles4e.; &c. Thankful to the numerous customersfor their generofts patronage ;the past year, we respectfully solicit a eonttnuance of the . same. , 4 Matttaberg,•Sosintra4m, Yentrear t Deeemoir 190,1880. BUSINESS 'CARDS. 9111. lIIIIITT.IIIIO COOVM. . • - •MTN. H. - COOPER it :CO. • . .• BlffiKEßS,=-11ontreaci Pa. linceemore to Peet;Coopet 43, Office, Latbropenese batiffizig, Tureipike•et. J. 41. IeCOLIIIX. .D. W. SEARLE. MeCOLLIT'AI & 'SEARLE; • A TTORINEYS and Counsellora at Law,-31ontrwe, Pa. JCL Witco Luiathrope new butldink, over the Itnnk. HENRY B. 3IcKEAN, ATTORNEY and Coiniqelltir at Laws—TowaND . .l, Pa °face in the Union. ndek. Je3 58 a • DR. E. F. WILZIOT, CxRADCATE: of the Allopathic arid llornieopathic Cul. legs, of 3feditine.—Great lier.d, Pa. ()thee, corner of Main itt.d Elizabeth-ate, Rattly opposite the Methodist Church. aps6 tf DRS: I3INGHAM ParrsiciANs, stntoitoss.A:p DIi~TISTS lien 'Milford Borough, Pa. 1)11. G. Z. Dl3ll 'CK, PYSICIAN'AND StritoEON,--Montroge. Pa. Office °ter Witsfoue Store; ,Lotiglng`mat Searle's c. DR. WILLIAM. W.WIIEATON, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON' DENTIST. • WITH DR. Mrpo.v iswrA TON, Mechanical and Surgical Dent let, recently' of Binhamton, Al. Y. tender their professional' aenices.to all whoa appre ciate the "Reformed 'Practice of Physic;" catelhl and akillfnloperations on Teeth; with the most scientific mid approved 'styles of platework. Teeth, extracted without pain and work warranted. Jaikson all ojune 14th, 1860. • • ly• DR. - IL SMIThI & SON, QIIRGEON DEtiTlSTS,—MontrotM, Pa. 1:7001pe in Lathrome new building. over the Bank. All Dental operation% will be oa perfonned In good style and warranted. .• J. C. OLMSTEAD • J L BEAD. DRS. OLMSTEAD& READ, WOULD 'ANNOUNCE to the Public v that they have entered into a partnership for the Priptice'of MEDICINE & Surgery ; and afo prepared to attend to all calls in the line of their Orofesaion. Otlke—theone formerly - occupied by Dr, J. C. lmstead, In Dt7I , 7DAFF. myl7 3m. DR. N. Y. LEET, Physician and Surgran. Friendsrilk., - Pa. Office opposite thr Jackson House. . . . TR. LEFT gives particular attention to the treatment ..I.Y of diseases of the EMI and Etc; and is confident that his knowledge of. and catienencc in that branch of prac tice will enable him to effect R curg in the most difficult cities. For treating diseasee of these organs no fee will be charged unless the patient is benetitted by the treat ment, = [August auth. 1860: gOUTHWORTII,t VADAKIN, WATritcCaNIIIM . e ;13olaultnEenlIs, in Italiandttonaensd Tomb,Tables; Mantles, Sinks and Centre-Tables. -Also dealers in Marbfely.d Slate for Mantles, Centre-Tables, &c. 0 .. 0 -Shop a few doors east of Scarfs Ilotel on.Tumpike street, Montrose, Pa. oc4 lye " WAI. A. S/cOW - , JUSTICE OF THE PtACF..—Great Bend, Pa. Office On Main atrect, oppoeitc the Weetern Iluuse. apt • • -- JOHN SAU'rrER, I,IASHIONABLE TAlLOR.—Montrose. 'a. Shop I' over I. N. Bullard'a. Grocery, on Ilatn r atreet. • Thankful for pan favors, he solicito a continuance —pledging himself to do all work eatiafactorily. Cut ting done on ahoft notice, and warranted to fit. Montrone, Pa,. July 12th, 1860.—tf. P. LINES, . • • . • 1 - ,NAs mosAnu: TAlLOR.—Montrone, Pa. Shop- • J.: in l'hcrax flock, ov-er store of Read. NS'atnnts & Foster. All work warrnted, ca to fit and finish. Cutting done on short notice, in hest stylo. JattP6o . JOHN GItOVES . • '•-, rASITIONABLE TAlLOR,—Montrome; .1"a. Shop near the Ilaßtist,Nteeting Ilouse, on Turnpike Ptroot. All orders filled promptly, in tin.t..rate style. Cutting done on short notice; and warranted to tit. _ . • - . L. B. ISI3ELL, - . • . DEP-MS Clocks, WatchcP,and Jewelry at the 11 Phorteet notice. and on reaoonable.terma. Ad work warranted. Shop in Chandler - and Jensup'a store, MoNrktan, Pa. ' nez ti' C 1 WM. W; SMITH & CO., CIA.DINET AND CHAIR 31ANUFAC'TURERS,—root 1 1—) or.StAto street, Montrose, Pa. • C.. 0.. FOBDHAAL VrAltitint(:TUßEß of BOOTS SHOES. Montrose, .LTL Pa.' shopver Tyl.t,r's • store. All kinds of work order made to ord, and ' repatring.,dono d.wtly. - ABEL TURRELL, - irk ITALER in Drugs, Medicines. Cher,olcals, Dye 11 fiCtiffS, Gills:, Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish; Win dow Wass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perfu mere„..tc.---AgeM for all the must popular PATENT I.lElnCLNES,—Montrose, Pa. attgl tf - PROF. UHARLES MORRIS, TjARBRIt and HairDreaser. Montroec, Pa. Shop In J...) 'basement of 5.ar!... ,- A Hotel. • • PROF.. J. W. WILLIAMS, BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, otrera his nervicea.to the public, with the guaranty that Ma work atoll be One in the most ekillful and artiaic manner', - Shop hi the north front of the FRANK.T.../.V . Housz Mont niae, Pa. Open on Sunday from t*, a. tn. anti] 2 p. - .m. `July tfy. 18€41,—tf. HEAD QUARTERS DU-GOODS! DRY-GOODS! Hirschmann Bros. & -AT TEE . . ee- 1-zfar-,<ss : lhive.' A . -J."; ,• !!.:' rNo. 20 kw: 77 -4 4 . 1 ai- - Avir, - ton, N. It Received from Ailotion this Day, 1,000 yards Rich Colorpd Dress Silks, • 31i cts. Corner 3,500 yards Black Silks, • 10 per cent. under price, 1,500 yards All Wool Merinpes, _ • - 62/ ets 3,000 yds. . Delaines, confined styles,. 10 to 12-1 8,000 yds.Good Pets,warranted fast colors, 61 cts. 400 Wool and Silk Broch'e Shaws, . • 600 Heavy Blanket Shams, -• • .. from $2,00 #s,oj) (worth twice . the money.) 50 pieces - All. Wool . Cassimers, ' - • 400 fine Treco Beaver Cloakv, . -„ • from 82;00 to E 5,00 carriv; PX:LICI=SEi IZICEVETZIT 2 . To correspond w ithrecent Large U - R CHAS E.S. ASSORTMENT OF & VALICESI BAGS! do ail we,adyertiie. IRSCITIANN BROS k CO NEW a ODS .Er :!UST ORIGINAL," ONE PRICE" S HAYDEN iTOT.HERS, TEE PEOPLE'S- Mani% Have a LARGE & SPLENDID Stock of \s. ~ 0 a Cheaper tluui the" . oheaiKmt CALL - ,WD-EX2iMINE OUR :GOODS, YOU Bur OR NOT. - rr PAYS yOTT TO-GET POSTED UP: .IgediVlri:o3U*33ll,olll4 L NEW MILFORD, Ncivember - •'Y paRZ CM141*730410r 1141130. .` FBRtSU i%L:D;, LIAV*4 .I.7OWAO'CATED` MISIANENTLY, AT num- Diznausa . . _ .Ijritet7 6 ll4:e v lull ittend 'to the duties pt pis prOfisslotf.piosuptki ornco at D. I.atttropts Hotel. Alt 2... LAI . , . . ... i : 2' JO .I'. ; • B. M. iiTON - E • . • . WILL pra.rt A., . . Eli g 3a. et o it. co co 3t. 7 . , . ;0. , . . Nicholson . , Wyoming Co., Pa. . 0 NAVEDNEkDAY, DECEMBER. 19th 1060. Length or Term Elorin Weeks Tuition: Primary, tt9.75; Common Enititsb,ll.3.7s; Higher . Eng 116114140, NitlioThon, Dee. 13th, 1860;-3tv .' • . - PERPIANENT EMPLOYMENT. TRAVELLING AGENTS .WANTED! IVEzenle2l.le7,44,ltr`Ven;..tiwrd'uatbPati iittlarv;. Business honorable, n c se ° rut al ° I l l uTtYk a t t h'e r F r h a e artido is required in every crunily. For particulars and complete lny ct lons, enehise stamp' .and address dcl 3GO J. W. BAJIkIS & CO.. Boston, Mass. NEW MiLFORD xximx 0 :1 0 0 1:9 \ I .. 0 lIIIIE WINTER TEIIII of thhi Institution will commence 1. ou WED.VESDAF /STE Udth, IMO, under the Pll per% isidn of Sir. E. B. HASS I.E.Y, assisted by competent Teachers - TERMS--PER QUARTER: - 1• Commin Engliab Brand:me ' - '1,1.00 ' 41.!gh.r do ' 1 4.00 - • Langnagra. 5.00 3fnmic with,une of Plano 1000 . Drawing and Painting on LibpratTerma. .. • • ..T,..DICKEEMAN, IR. l'rea. T. FOYLE, See. - • novn Inv "JOIN THE CLUB" IV OVP MI 0 pa. x THE 111,7 , RAL NI:NV YORKER, (Agrlcaltural,j at $1,25 " AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, at - - ; ~80 INDF.PENDENT,(IteIigioua.) at • • 81,25 GoDV,rs LAMS' BOOK, - .ATLANTIC MONTIItY, • ' HARPER'S N ONTIILY MAGAZINE, amI,PETERtioN'S MAGAZINE. Ana " LOWEST 01.111111 RATES,” at SMITH'S NEWS OFFICE. xontro v , December Lit, PORTRAITS, PORTRAITSJ NEW ARRANGEMENTS IN THE BRICK ',BLOCK. T 1,11? : undersigned . haring'. taken the Room. formerly occupied by W. 13. DEANS. is now prepared to fdrnihh all who may desire with ii goild and truthful Portrait. tieing well panted in the production of the various kinds of Pictures of the day,l daft* mYself that lily Work isnot excelled by any In thin sectiqn of the country. Among the various kinds taken at my Itooma:are the . TROY' 1'1) E, 11 To6' .R pH, AtEL4INOTYPE,i NEILLOW6IPH. Locket Pictures down to the smallest sized miniature Ring. 'Tratinferred'Anthrotypes—the finest thing out, fur sanding by Poet to any part pf the World without extra postage. I'dy Pictures are bold, lgorous. and expressive —not those fatal, lifeless thadows often sold about the country. Pictures taken in ell kinds of weather, montly well, except those of young children. No picture need be taken unless perfect riat I Afactiol Is given. In dressing for a picture, avoid light colons,—such as blur, purple, scarlet, pink, etc. Sleet others take well; as green, black, red, snuff, broWn, orange, yellow, etc. Pr, - Remember that the place to get your " picture". Is In the Brick Block, over Heti& Watrons ,t F'oster's store. 3: D. HAZLETON. hi entrose,. Pa., Nov. %lit; 1:4.4. IISURANCE COMPANIY, CASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ASSETTS Ist July' 100, 81,481,819.27. LIABILITIES, " 7 , . J. Milton Smith, J. Martin. Prelident John McGee, _WV .— Wlln.arth, Vice,— Potkies issued aud renew 4d. by the understrn ed,at his oftice,':one door above Searl , fs Hotel, Iluatrose, nov49ly BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. • OIitIGERFORD & PAGE, INTO. X3O,COURT' ST. 'Binghamton, N. Y. I MOTTO: QUICK SALES--SMALL - PROFITS. • HAVE RFCEIVED ,2.NV IitODSI From Auction and Elsewhere AND-WILL- SELL YOU : Good iladder Prints. East Colorti • 6 ctapr. yd. Beat- Iferrlmac Prints 10 Beautiful DeLalnea • - Beat ifamilton and Pacific 1), Fine French 3ferenon. •Figurf:td do Splendid Silk-a Brow 'Sfiettliin, yd. wide .1. 6 ." Bleached do 6 • 0004 , Feather Ticking 10 Deninis to-12.4" Mena "rappers andDrawersi . from 6i) ets to 2.00 " • Cuurt St Water St. Ladies ivlqeno Vests, `VERY 'Q.IIEAP! L c) Er' ±-x . - C A SSIMERES. A;LARGE ‘TdOkICIF 3 - R,OADOLOTIIS! Wool—Frorn $1 to $5 ,pr. yd. 75 as: yromils to sl.oo' , :Lisle Ttliairit t ftom 5 to LA'DIES.:GAUNTLETS - • *WU - Stylo. • i;il;:rcresep L IN ENDLE.Sp' VARIETY. All the .Late4t 2 Ptyles i LADIES ..140AKS! on stunt gyl i ' on- hand. 2r. ror Mad to Or , or, oA §hort NottOo. Our Ito Fug, 41.114 I at - .And yeti will be eaeeteeed ' uat the plant get, tba Worth:Of-rdtit .I\ l o qr,` TB A 4 HUNGIRPORD 'fAGE BiNGHAINITION. c :WC ' Of No~v~orls. Miil-''Piti erty ........ ...,,. ..1. T'lPAPorii.f.ei,clet'lLi."e''t;E l Z 4 i . ;ii.w.k cenobite of a °HIST MILL and 9 . 41 V 11.11- 'With anew Stone Dom nearly - buintiletell-11:reet thick : it bbttom; 'TX feet wide at top, And 19 feet high . 'This Is s very de. sitable location, both as 10,basitteee and'. power. For ,farthcr in formatitnvlnqulre of ,, .A.IIOEISSM,D AUL . New Milford, :Sop 1et1860,-3m* .... :I ... -. '. - „ . - .. .. , t • ialgt • JUST.) AR IVING.. A-SE ILI 'l' 13 tt. I4LL At ON ovmmber 1 1011 i, 1860. V - 71. 4 1 & L LIEN i s l".`, 7 s2l"., d s'Zigt';ll7 l . l (4'euiwifi l e - . gi f i l tte da g c'r r t e m at ' A n til care, consisting of setts,ofJeta•elry.. r of eve ity `varlety—t..a. Moo, Carbuncle ; -Florentine sod Loman Mosaic, Lava - , Diamond Enameled, Fide Gold and Jet: .; IVATCHES, (a beautiful irtlelo f tr Jet:. Gold and Silvcr Hunting audlOpen Face Watchett.• th 6 bettt ma. kers, including the It'Atnerican-Watch;" Fdb, Vest. chat: thine. and Neck Chains; (old, Jet, 'and Plated Bracelets; alai! assortment o( • Silver • and Plated Ware • 7 Gold, 011 t, SteM and Jet Slides anti Nickels far Ladles' Belts add Bonnets.; a very large atolck of Fing'erltlngc-IU prices cud atvies 4 Gold, flandkelch 'leflunge ; -Sandal Wood andotner ram. of all colon', entirely new . pat.terns and very rich ; Shell Combs; plain ad Inlaid with gold, for evening dress; Etnda and SleaVe Buttons,'lnf eve pattern; Hair and Tooth Brushes, Port Tousle, Perfumery, •1 Table i ' ai d Pocket • Cutlery, . Chess Boards and-Men ; .and, in tack. eveiything belong ing to our line of basiness. Thankful forlpast favors, we cordially Invite the Xadiett and7Gentletnenof this toratun .nity to call and examine our Goods; which we Aril take pleasure iu exbiblttng. JtVANS i& ALLEN. 'No 2i Odd Fellows' Gall. Binghamton, Oct 22,1560. ----- -1 LA EIWONI4 - V!.A.N . CrI27 3PII:TXII.. Ion?: FAIL No. 718 t and Sth tits., Philadelphia, (late porter. , Manufatturly of anti,lleafer liatiinq: M-10L3C1i.037' .retno4ed to my New Store,' .718 Arch st. Philadelphia, and being now engaged!entirelv in the Manufacture and sale of Fancy Furs. wlißh. in ad cordnitce wlth the - Ane Price Principle, "4 haw.; ukarkee at the lowest posfilW pricee cousin:mit xi th a ren.onablt profit. I.would solicit adult from those in Want of - Furs for either Ladles' Or Child. ren's wear, dean. inspect iov of my selections hf thofn gcnnii. satisfied. 11.9:1 am, 01 my ability' to please!. In ever , desired es,•Mitial. . ' r,"l/ - Peron Iv( at a ': die tanc 'cat to call IN:00,201v, neE_ togettb:r with the price, andllnPtruhtionm for pend ing. and forward ttie order to nti y addreaa-l-money Arcola pattvlng-,to inaur4 a satisfactory.;compliance with their wir! ea ' 6 [Aug. al. MO. bm _ .Newi s.• N eNs ! HAV2'Yoi HEARD The -.. NEWS! . IV Ii A T N IEBV S 1 Ivo IY TII AT J. :I.: .MERItIM.kNi is NOW RECEIVING \V direct from New Yollt, another of his choice st ocks of i • 0 , embracing In the Dip Goods line. ti l e Laing, Challis, amn. tillas, Silks, l'oplinS, Prints, etc., et c„rtc.i as well as a full Mock of DOniestielil such as sunitmir cloths, for men and boys' wear,. Shirtings, Ticking's, penlinS, CottonNarn, Carpet Warp, Batt'', etc. Groceries--a fu4 assortment.— Fish—Mackerel: Trout, Whitmish.'Codit , and Herring. Ilardware:building materials, Nail;, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils. Dyestuff 4. Iteady,tnads Motl lug, the workmanship 17•1thAN T F.D. !Intl, Capi and Born etc, of the latest style. Binds ant shoes. worst' from liiiii . e o $5. .In fact almost every variety of bends uitir.ily inqiiired fdr at any country More can be'found its the, 1 i 1 ' ' . 11.1 l I S allyitt[ .iltillitiGE.," , and It IN the aim ofthe proprietor tolmake such disposition ',of his Goods that neither his sontrr, norlis patrons will "a }MAN." L. ISERBLIKAN. Upsonville, Pa., 'Junti lot, - 14;0. ' - 1 tf , -...1 L.. Mrs. L.-J. lis:I).BY ~ ,Ilt.`;-,`,:`,;1 - -Mi - atrfdt,u„r;:rna„,f,r-t.0.u.'..'0 - ' - risn . ].:no tlf 7;4 l t i l l i l :.Z c u. b 4n l t c e e r . : *2 7 : . •I' .'. • "... 411 NERT - C . 901106: t In reads to furnish the ladies of Aloutrome'..t. skin Dz.-with PASIIIONAIIII lONNETS! • as good and as rich!as can be pnrcred -imvwhere. She keeps the very nick:At goods, such s cannot fail to please the moot difficult. Price. very re. :unable. , The Ladies are •Ihvited to call a• d examine - her Goode. W/"" Rooms oppo4te Mot's-Saloo , (secend Boor,) Main street, Montrose, In. : [septrilf A • CAA. T HE SUI3S'RIBER; I 3 BOOKS .AND :ST F WII3I - EttLV owned by A. N. -method of infoiminr:" thav wh the Mock had mtaitt been rentosl below the 3=llealica.cocm• where he will. be Most happy .to may favpr him with a call. ANY B - 13t1ILISTIED (alta in print) can' your orderw. with the price of t name. at the dysk. !Also, any art! Stationery" line, t NEWS .O 11 • ! HARPER'S. Goilefil. Lettlie's. or any of the popular Magazin' Ledger, N. Y. Weekly, Mercury, CI Spirt; and all the 1 / 11uatrated Pap - tier s supplied: 1- SCHOOL• BOOBS—AII the . old BOOZS-A very CUTLERY.—Tip top article of GOLD PENS Very Tine. on PERFUMERY-4 Karns() CiITE .31f7 C11..A.X.a.a, a nave •• vinght rs'e to your Int own. Yourn, evulentiv. aSIC. MONTROSE, P. 11., Septembek, int, 11 AT NAVIGATION HUD I itYr 2nd DO9R ABOVE DIU FOR.B . S.,fiki .TIIE PUBLIC generally are Info .ed tiMt a FREE Elt.-- 11113ITION -la grt iVe at all ho • ..of the day, of fiEW ODS of all sorte, viz: Dress Go. . of Summer Prinks, Poplins ChallisoLawno In patterns cheap:Bishop Lawns,' Brilliants. Book, Bard. Jaconetta a, d Swilitellall, Ladies' Collars and Sleeve . .., Dimity, Marne Iles. Moreau'', Find titre Fruits. fieutucky,ifelartft, Nankeens. Summer .Btuffs, Gents Shirts, Cattail Drawers. Collars, Cnivats Necklies, and-Suspenders. 4 new and large of of 1 '. • . LEATI-lER- ARE, ~ such OR Gents Fine `..Call`Btki ' ~`pne.ialaishcavyand light Shrae.9. Splendld Ladies Oater fromti.to 18 shillings warranted to M. White, Brown,. d Black lIOSIERY. Parasols. and Umbellas, Band Box a And Wcirleßaskete. .3E311.1.1 . 111.1.13.a . ' . IviliffiL and Sperm, AsitimMittne and:Tail°.Candles...Bra,is and Japaned,Lanters, . Wash Beards Coffee Mille, White ! wash Bruit:es. Bed Corthi 81 feet lob ", whittled and spring Clothcs . Pine, Pine 44 CEDAIL PA 1 ,Lisiddes 4,FILE" of Vik4Sl4"4 Sate.. 84 1 / 1 16i. of evtei-variety,airiteigiwhicit Me T • effitinkCern - Starek 'for glorlowipuddinge,CreamTartass . . tialieratua Castor Oil, Epson) Salts, Black and tehiSnuff,iand-lotr of things which wonldo to read a . butigal.rto 0 :4 i t examine and talk stoat.' Wears amity/Wing toshoW Goode. even though they may not a t I,:andihankful fur. 19C1`1,, butiks.bottle_ot beats spithifig era' idiollp.l • ..wr 501aRC53E, , .1112,99r. 1880. , -I'. Au. La tJelttagiriethe 'l l4 /trat l 4l New*lO. Ng*, nri IlElueakkelgnak apeioliitett.an-tatatoko JL thei tune in tkiit:.ttandt., of: the'lidoilliltoratoikof the rotate of Newton - IV, Walker,elhijetatid ashong-tbe widow andleirs,: tn'oct they - pa r tieA4 ihtemtAt 114 ofticeln Montrose on friday. Jitritutrtiltb, 1141, it 1. p.m.; at. which thate, : sll perohne bettehey,clatme :upon ea d food are teqnlrod to prosentthemotbi kaiSer. debuted from totnlng la apOo toildfimd. cAple,euotor.• • Montrose,Docerober tat 1860.-4 . • - • Auditor's Notice. - • in Me Huger sle'gcseit THE iiiiiiirolideit'i*dited 4oditor. - to tlao land, In tip lands of, the - A4=4101401' .th • Es to Of T. A. riigetntork,4atesood, to !tows th cridltors-of said ileoattent;-will'eneet. tbe Dirties to i rest at hid ollea;iteNtintroaa,-coalla=)VOnntr7.Btb, ' • L oat; p;. , oa t at'-wbtch - 'tuning's:l,7 liDen spilt food are requitettta:ptesentitheatar • • debited from oontloglo I. tatkllorol. Itocata,lB6o:—W.T •;•CASEidsditor. 1442.;T01e. aso0: 8 1410 t, • • • v • • ItiljalcbtZ ! • I • . • rAtrtilttf HOW - REAtit v AtGieitt: Bargaintl •'; • FOR - ftfADY ;14 . - .AND. 'SMALL,PROF I - Dresauood Noixiubra smwisnd ati4orinnt " la nOturetgelvinta LOB e F . 'and CHOICE STOCK, of '• '• '' • AN,D,,,W. _MTER' •-: • , e 7 . . .49Li _ • .. .. . . Including a great variety of the newest and beet ityleti of Drosa"GOotta, Shawls, Illioadieloth dt Winter' Stuffs; &m, wittra largo assortment of Mimi .. staple-arid Fahey Goods as usual, In Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. Iron and Stoves.' Drugs, Palnta v olls, Fluid, Boots; Shoes, Hats. Cape, Clocks, Carpeting:. Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paptrr, Painted and Oils Window Shatiesia Large line of Kerosene Lamp any Oil Fixtures; &c,, , also Dirs and Buffalo- Lobe s; 09- The entire stockbelng large and houbtfor CABH: and largely from MANUFACTURERS and.Fouir Hasps, will give superior opportunttiarfor choice selections -'and low-down prices, and will be sold on the most favorable terms for CASH. PRODUCE, and to PromptitilrAdontha' Buyers... An examination'of the.Geods and Prices will ba found pitiable to - those who wish to buy. . • PLONR-ANN SALT CONSTANTLY 0114 AND: New - Milford, Betolter, lafA. VA LIIIIILE.:.GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEORGE G. EVANS' CORMC3r3:ZZA.X.s • GIFT BOOK ENTERPRIS • TERLARGEST IIIT I'ITEIVORLD • PEiIIIAN,EiI TLY• LOCATED I ' utur. - Itissw:Cfrps Reit kt. between 7th 818Narket et.) • Itn lin ail Undo of 1.1.1)113, 439 Chestnut .Street ! SIXTH EAR OF THE ENTERPR CLZA—TIZZ. • ' • Having purchased be apacioui Iron hestratt Street, and fitted it up With everrconvenience to 'facilitate my business, particularly that branch devoted to COUNTRA ORDERS; and having a larger. caultal Outri any other party Invested hi the business, I am now pre= pared to offer greater advantages, and better gifts than ever before to my customers. . i I will furnish any book (of amoral character) published In the ,United States. the regular retail price of which is One Dollar or upwards. andgive a present worth from SO cents to 100 dollars with each book, and guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. as I em determined to maintain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment Strangers visiting l'hiLadelphla are invited to can 'and Judge for themselves.. - . . - Goo. G. 30 , 745tXLS 9 Reliable'Gift Book Enterprise No. 4739 ObLeartriu.t Be., ' 1 IrmtLaDEtap_ Where all hooka are sold at the Publlaher's lovient priers, and you hare the Of receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WORTH FROM CO CENTS TO ISO DOLLARS!, - • WITH EACH BOOK; 0. 0. EVANS' Original Glit Book Enterprise has been , • . endorsed by the Book Trade and all" the • , leading city and country newspaper:S - 1n the United States. G. CI. EVANS' Punctual business traniactiotßave,re-. •- • celved the approbation of oy ,000,630 citizens of the United States, each . whom have received substantla evidence. • • of thebenellt derived by purchasing books at this establishment. • 0..0. EVANS Has done more than any' other publisher: or bookseller lb the flnited States; to •-•-• wards diffusing knowledge to the people. By this kystem, marry books are read!that oultruot have found their stay inlet the - - - hands, of readers.—Frank •Lattes Sews -0. G. I:VANS -t a rri;eonatantlf on hand, the - most et . • tens ve stock, the greatest assortment of Books, and circulates free to all who andV upply, the moot- complete of Books and Gifts in the United Statesi G. G. EVANS Has a,dvantages offered him - by other pub-` Ushers and manufaCturers which enable . hint to furnish his patrons with a finer . ivality and better assortment of gifts than anv.other establishment. G 0. EV-ANS Publishes nearly Two hundred Popular and interesting Hooka, therefore, as • publisher, Ito is better able to offer extra . • prumlums ;utd commissions. 1 G. G. EVANS. Garantees perfect satisfaction to alliwho may_ send for - 0,0. EVANS' New classified eatslogue of baikaembmce . the writhigs of every department of litera -1 ture,,and gives all the Information rela tive to the purehasiog. and forwarding by ]loll or Express of books ordered froth his ea bliohment, -together with - full. ;linen. • ' dons how to remit money. . . . . G. G. EVANS' Catlogne of Booki will lie sentgratiA and free of expenseto any address In the Una _ • ttvi Siares.. G. C. EVANS* Inducements to Agents • cannot be cur passed. The moat liberal commissions are ogered,and by sOlieiting subscriptions ' • to hooka-in the manner proposed, ttventy books can be sold in the same time that it would take to sell one on tbeold fashion • • .ed_Rnbse4ption plan. Send for a classiti • ed•Catai ue, and every inforrnatioxf,will• be given n reference to agencies. Select your books, enclose the amount of money required, arid one trial will astLsfy: you . that the beet place In the country to pur chase books is at , TILE EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHENT OF NGEO. G. EVANS, No. 439 Ousermir STitzaT. - DELPMA, where you can get booty of all kinds. • Books of Fact : Books of Fiction Books of Devotion'. • &Hike of Amusement t . „ • •-• • Books for the Old Folks t i • - Books for the Yqung Falba: Bottika for Husbands: • ,-- Books for Wives! . • • , • Books for Lovers I • • Books for Sweethearts:l • • ' j Books for Boys! Booka-fcir Girls! Books of Humor I KBAI AViING PUR- TIONERY ULLA RD. takes this take gut papers,":that • d to the old. stand, 1 C:711:13.43e,, • I-ait upon those who le obtained by leaving bilifit'and publisher's e hi the "Book nad FICE. Books' of Poetry! . Books of Travel Books of History r • , . •. Books of Biography! 1 • . , Books of Adventure! • ,Books'about Sailors! • Books about Soldiers! ; • - • • Books about Indians! • -,, Books about Hunters! ". • Books about Heroes . Book about Patriots! Books for Farlersl Books for Mechanics! • ' Boots for•Merchan ! Books for Ps Lah !dans!' Bookwyers!' . • , • its for Statesman t • • • Bibles! • _ ~, • Presentation Hooka - I , • • - Prayer Books I . 1 • • • Hymn Books! ;Tuvenile Books! . - • • Animals! - Albums' etc.; etc: - , ; CECH.E.IIAIITLICY'S Interesting BlOgra_pides . H.MIGHAHAN'S Scriptmral Romances!! :._ • ..44tIIHKKES:,Liveicif Patriots and Statesmen! J.T. LAMM'S Itevolutionary Stories . B: - ATCHTIIPS Palmist... Tales! • ; ' . : pa r . ALCO_, ,_r1"8 Family Doctor! ITZ'fi Novels! "MfS;souTuwogur.s Hinds: . - • • COOPER'S Novels . 4 , • DICKENS' Novelsi- WAY/ISLETS Novelat , ' ' ;-; . • ; IRITHIG'S.WorkeI' • ' '• - ,; ' All the writings , of every standard author in • every.da partment of literature; In &my : style of binding, aCthe publishee ti s.loest prices ; and - rentembe. r tbst you Pal a°' more. than-you would at any othetllstabilsinnent,iand you have the advantage of. receiving an elegant Present, which oftentimes - 1s worth a hundred fold more I.hanhe amount-paid for the book, • I ' 'eterson's. Graham's; .41 of the day.. •Zsi. Y. IpOrr. l Malt, Wilkes' tor sage. Bad: nunt- I• canes'? editions. . co assortment. /A,lnerican. -8. Ladies & Gents.' ' 's and others. • ' d I u:111 eideasor to .rent': and one to my Miiiil . , . LikkatttOlt A OLABiIIMEO CATA6OVOXF *OOHS. • . Order any' hook,: nod - yonmai want; remit - the 'retail price, together with the amottnttegtdred tot postage.,.and one trial will mitre yam tbatthe beet place in the coutdrY to . porebaae;htioho.fs ahthe Olft, Book liSitabliihme.nt of 'OEORGE O. zir.ors; r. • : Originator of OM ,011 t Back Enterprise, 1. N0.,41/3 Chentfint Street, - Yhibdelphla.. . _, . .. , ';i/PAGENTS WTED,:tOwhimigreafertuducemene than earerareinibred._ - Any person. either male or female., whorla.thedruLusefndadlnyla an honorable and Freida, bkr,Eniploymenti requiring bat tittle time and no outlay of money e And - by w hich he qui obtain gratis. , - -., I .., • Ii VALLUAELMORAIIY, , • • ~ , -_-*NINEGOLD WATPII. ARD ChADI, ' ' • . '. if :.;-. , • .:,' ~,5 4 1L&NDSOIIS SERVICE OF PLATE .,. 4-„!...,- .. . -.-, ",....-.: , , _ AXELECIANT BILK DRESS PATTIMW••••• -- : •-- A SLEIDID SETORDE,WELItt cii -‘-e . • .. , matiy.yotlier choice articles - einnacrated in the I•let,or Gide; can-do so by acting as an ;4404 - fee atair wat i n a lp iiintsmem In any part of theconntry,,van be agent ly'by wining n club , aend.thit fore liar carbooke,Antl rand,the amount of money required kr.tbq wag.. Send Waled:eve; etlarcontaldt al/tbetteired, in ) term on relative to agancicatutd theforma loco dgba 4 and to Insureprompt: and hanceable,dindln ,ad all TIEESIZAD.QUMITERS Oros° ..EVAZIIk. '- ' Proprietor of the Oldlet and - Larg eat-0 .1306 k Ede In thd Weide. , peratancadlylocated N0,..439. Cue 1 Street 11144104 a. - • • • • Laant4 elk 1114firowiwkt rooloit'a Wank. PiliegrcArre: Ads: lows Sootblog Syrup, for..CAllarco_ Wing; olorb' 'tholrofolfar Noilletnes market .; Slrd Cap, , 660 sod a 1.11 thAt r oorserztor keeping V iing liede I not vodqty of , ..Goodof snetteuir 414 lea 4 110uulls . se isiNervapeuriareift . : lliontscuse w Oct. Ist. llopatz Ot t Ass, • ipcos,zsrawpf 49.21W itt iMir i el - 5,431:1410. • • • IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS AM:ND TO ' ADVANTAGE . 11 4 11TOYESF.:1EIVITOYES1 - jj'AS,Vecelveki • large stock of cow:Storm for. Ouo Parlor, Office and Shop . perpe t pcs, forWo9d or Conl.v BtOro Ply*, Zip - • ..• ;Xis assortment eslect_and desirable, and •bo Off the most Buyler,.eyorstAe tetras .for7C•crAh, or tal rrcrr.pf 'Mont& . • , - New Milford, Oct. 4th. ; , • DAILY WAIT., R 017. T. BET W MONTROSE - I FRIENDSVILLL' C OACILES carrying mulls antr-paaaectota betsteatt . Montrose and FYI - end:17111e; a - Micas. &Jaw. mud . In Montrose, dilly, at 7 o'clock; a. n, and leave Tabloids. 7111 e at 3 o!doek.:7l,m. • I'l l rib:infer and earrlagei! can be procuti'd at tbe LiTeiy Stnbte of the aubecriber in llontroet, on rea vonalle taco. Ifontram Aug. 36,-1860. GOOD IVZS. 'ARE YOU INSURED? S. .33Xa.A.4013CIMI.Elaie 8 necelstug nppliuttloast .ror. Lar.pace Lb*, (02=M* I Ing Compauks: Wyoming INSURANCE Cciiipap.7, witaics-nAluttE, charter - rorpetatiL Capital... .$ 09,000. Surplus . . 87,000 L'ovenz6Fr 2d, 1867. - . • DIIIECTORd. G. H. noiteritsck, 'll. G. Drlelibiich, J. P. Decade, . John Reichard,. David Morgan, Chas Dorricros; Bam'l Wadhainn, R D Lacoc,' ' Win a Eciot, L D Shoemaker ,- Goo 1. Stecio. 11' Y. 11c3t.. R. C. SYITII, TrodeNnacat, Prier, NV. 0. STE,1111:03, Trettl. L. D. hobt.e..iithiL, Y fcc Pre't. /ETNA - INSURAitTICE -COMP p DIY, Hartford, Connecticut. . , , A P:l4 l f i T Capital, ..$21.,-509194:004 Quakor City InOuranoo -Company, Philadelphia, Pa, With a Capital or. irrnein: PLEtE Ir LIPE MiStRANCT: COMPANY, -No. I Moorgato t,. Loodco. • SG,2S9;(r.O....ALIDUfti Ro'venite.S.3.(Xo,oo2. • . Wit GETTY. Agent ,Phlladephli - - COtiIIECTICCT 311:TUA.1. LIFE cisca.32.:cr, COX PANT of Mulford. Connecticut Accitituulateil ADY onewishing th — Flte r ; 7— ea Insured '6;111 do r. ell mea' and . ezamine their mode of insuring, and their :atm which are better thap those of any other company, t.efcre taking Policies elsewhere. ' '5 D. P. BLACKMAN. oc 11 Tel Office over Chandler dr Jessup's ewe, IVOStria Wars lc cd, Ve--0 5 A SUPERLATIVE • TONIC, DIURETIC, 41#1711 Dyspfs 3ll° JSVICIR - COED .:h To the *Citizens of Pennsylvania, , Apothecaries, !kraal:bite, Grocerearai * * Private - Famines. . • Wol.fe'n Pure Cognac Branily. ' - • - Wolfe's Pure Maderra, ElbetrY and •Purt liFlar.. . Wolfe's Pure - Jamaica and St. Croix Zum. Wolfe's Pure. Scotch and Irish Whiske.7. , - . ..A.-T-al.a IN 3alcirrerr-emeil. • IBEG LEAVE to call the attention of the citizens grille United States tutheabove Wtx - ER and LtqCOP.a. Impor ted by I.7matruo WoLrE, of New York. who, name la fa; miller in - every.part of- this country for the purity of his 1 eelebrated SCHIEDAM SCHNAPC, 31, - . Wolfr. in a leuerto, rue. speaking of the purity of his NVin.li and Lignets. says: "I will stake my *reputation seaman, mv r: staud'e as a merchant of thirty years? - re,idence le the - Citr - e .. .• -.:`; Y.. that all the graudy and S h ine- wnich I bottle 'are pure ita It - nom - tell, and of the-Lest quality, end-can to relive-14C by rye* , purchaser." Every bottle has the propr,..l,,r•a . name on the Wax.. and a far , dae:le of flia's.gst.ture on the certificate. 'The pnb:ic ore reipe,tful", in:ited to Lan .: , 'examine for themselves: For sate at fee ter "by all of ,tat apotheenries_and Gr,e.,rs'in , fl.ilade4hla. • - GEO. H. AA/MS, N. 532 . 3 trak.e. ei.. Pltra I's. - - • ec,Te Alen! jot Pfr,t/aderjattc- • Bead the fcglou.ing from the New York Curer: ' rtNOE3IOI.7B Ifyinsesa non ox[ N. T. ' , TEMA/a:S*7 —We are nappy to inf‘,l73 (Jai tellon dozens that taere Lit one place in our citr w !,, re the pliv-i:li.h.s.. , "the- - ,-r•. ar.d country merchant, 'can-go and pirchme: pErc, Wine-.. end Liquor, us pore a... Imported. sod cf inc Les.t.qini:ty. Ws do not intend to give an Mal...rat-de-ler:mice of ft.: , . =sr .ghant's extensive bnalne9", although it will well:reply a stranger or citt!...n to 11.-'.l. • rel):i,leJ V. -, ..,:f• , 5. - eate"..aist wareuouse, Sae. lA. 20 ..i., '2 - 2.. r....,,v,, .t . .. and ye.. 17. lO .t I '2l. Market:l.:id et. Ili; stoek or i. ni,a,!..p.t. on - turd. read! . Tol — rr.li, .HDlOl.t toil r ,, t 'me:, 1,, - ,-;-;•,..... 11,.....,,,y, .-.,,,,,, the Itrand v some.lo.,,,elC,liVi—.;.lL:ll.-eit 0 ---, :, : ItZ,O m.1.C.:: and 10.090 -ass of M.l...leira. Sh,--rr. Wed F', 4 : t :7,re, ti-:e el. 4. Irish Whizley,Jamm.;ra and 'i. CI - 0:x Ram. some .err, id' and eqnal to any in this country.' He had alsa three Is•ge . cellars, eihd stilt lirande, CVN . . , ..i. , : in ,a 4:,.. tr7..r ti.a custon. lic.,.:se key. -rem :y f..: 1. , ..1:1111,;. - . 11r. 7::.2-e ,axle of Schnapps last year amounted to l•' -_, OLIO do-en. end see hope In iv,* (hilt. two years he ooav LC "CLIO'S:I7 nucceatful with hid ftrar.dies ar:d Wine, Ills business merits the ontronaze of every It set of his .apecies. i'rlsnto families who wish on:, Winent Llynors for Medical use shonld send their order, diro et to Kr. V:,,. with every 'Npothecary in the land make up . their minds to discard the polsoimus eau:TS:ow t?o!r eh.,ree, and re place It with Iffolfe:a pure 'Vines and Liguori. We undetstand Mr,. Wolfe, for thy "aeoommedatton of email dealers in the country, pats no essilrted CSE.i Of Wince and Liquors. „Such a num, and each a merchant, should be Suntaluedagainetlie tens of amuse:2de -topper nents in the United Staten.who sell nothing Cut !m.• alien% ruluotoi alike to human health and napoleons. i. ep6 fru I Mark-Th9Se Facts! -- TREI-Esntorz or TEE WEOLE WORLD! . . ........ .4,....,.. --z.;_'-.4 . ; . - r . 1 , .. P-f., . . . i. 4 .,'i i_,_. -..? -;--- ir: . : ,!.. • ....f:e.k7 1- -y --..- IL I k . 1. •' : ' : .;, ,,::;: i 1 ---'.. * - . 'Holloway's Qintnient! - • Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Ening and Ulcers. LL descriptiotiaof sores are remediable by the prop er and diligent 114 e of this Ine,titnable preparatltn.- To attempt to cure bad legs by plastering the edges of the wound together is a folly; fur. should the skin unite. a bo=y•dise.ased condition remains unihrileath to I :tale out with tenfold fury In a: few days. only rational and successful treatment, as hnlicated by nacor . e., is to re- Anne the Inflammation In and abont' the wound, rr.d to soothe the neighboring parts by rubbing In plenty of the. Ointment as salt Is treed into meat. Diptheria, Tricorated Sore Throat,. and Eea:let azel • other Fevers. • NT of the above'diseabee may be cured by we:i AM. Ling the Ointment, three tlaiet n dr.y.:r.t4 chest, throat and neck of theluttient ;. it will ',ln r..2l,trzte end give ithmudiate relief. .31edivine taken 1./ the moat operate upon the whole system ere its ~c .m be Mt in any local part, whereas the Ointment a :11 do :ta -work at once. Whoever Erten the umment in the übt,:s manner for the dineasei named, or any similar Innen:era affecting the cheat and throat, will Ind thtmaelves reti,v eff as by a charm. . Pilaw, FSsstnla , Strietores.,. above class of complaints will be rernoied be nightly romentinz the.parts 'with warm water:- fira .then most effectually rubbing hi the ointment.; p. : ,, a‘ suffering from these direful complaints should lose trot a Moment In ittrest.itur their progre,s, It. should be Vuder stood that It is not suffcient inertly. to smear tic .Olnt Menton the affected 'parts, but it must be well rubbed fir for some considerable time two or three times a day; Mu tt may taken into the system, whence it will remove ifty hidden sure or wound as effectunllyas thour,4l palpal:e to the eye. Them agnln tread and ',sates ponftlecs, after the robbing In otitis ointment. will do great service, - 'I his is the only sure trent ntent for remitle*, eas es of canucr in. the stomach, or. ;there there - may be a getter./ -taii.lng apaq. • . Indisarotions of Youth;--4 . Oren and Mare. BLOTCIIES, as also ewallinym can, with certainty, be radically cared if thbOintMent be used freely, and the Pllls taken Okla andinorning as recommended in the In the printed instructiona..en treated In any other way they only dry op - Ia one place to break out Is another; a hereto] tine Ointment will remove the huim:r fmtn the' eyelent.-and leave the .patient rigomus 'bud -healthy,belng. It will require time with the one of that to.eneure a 13eling pure- • Dropisical. Swettittgi, Paralyhis . and S: . :E.Totzti.. • LTHOUGIT the above eomplalota differ nidely is tabtr origin main/awe, yet they all require. lead lreetruent. - Many of the worst ' cue*. of duch:d4akiii , es; ltrlqyield in a comparatively abort a pace uf time_ whys jalwOihtment Iv diligently rabbeatr.tothe pacto affeetnd, •ireaelter every other- trivon 'have fano& in al? vertente itzfalhdles the Pale shltatd ba•taiten accurdlng whir mist. • ed directions accompanying each box. s_ Bath the Ointnient and houLl lit used in, - . • • She follocifl,g- (!asci: • Lem - Chleco-fuot,• Platahe, " • Bad Breasts,: Cidibia- 10 S Gouts - • , -Burns, . Chapped malady, . trarautao. Glandular ElwelltugfiCorne,.(Softy pug, • • Illtountooehttoes, Camera, , • seam '. and Sand-Flten, Coutracted athrt 6calds. Ccio-bay, , stifJohita, Sore Nipple", :tote Dm*. • Skin Dlueuse 4 . • fferary, flare amt., _Tumors, • Lima. Wards% - I Vu. - itc. egf. Be. • . CAUTIONI—Icaue are &mane 'melees the vrorria /TOL Lowey,. New-Yoan .uno Lomax." are discern/15h a. s. water-mark to ereriteaf Of the hooka &rations sr.n.cd cusch pot or ha • the- me may De plainly amen beAad titeawif to as -HOU. t.rA heiSieorne..teward tyllf to: any ono rendering awh Information as . , may Isar, t;', the ` 'ditectic9 Any pad/ nuPartitte . Muntrtalting the medl- _ tined or' vending the rime, imolving them to he spc-ctons.. e • %id aithellanatieterVor Pholessor itnt.t.owsy, et) . Malden Lane,,New York,sad by ail rolecienielini•Wste Aid Dealers itMedietne. throe:bent tbe: in boxes at 25 cents. 62 tents; cud $t each: Ver toveollotimblecbsmacbr tuk#lPlargtx bcl- , .o r aac e graell draamatela slew ahle as •te eserr,B4: OM? 63 ia.mmo w
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