•• ti. . • • TAR AND W0011. , 'N h APTHA li the best Medicine in theentr the cure Qf • Coughs and Colds, Crimp, Bronchitis, Asthma, Bifficuli Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. Por the rttief of patients in adreinced stages er' Consumption together with U Diseases of the Throat and Chest and whieh • ' predispose to Consumption. ft cadets the root disease, and makes thejeit • lisstriver 1 011.00w:we. it alsoprodu• iesfree expectoration, .1 inducts healthy action in Cu diseased Mucous Membrar e, that tissues. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical • cure of ASTHMA. One dose erthitlaraletable S YR477' 'Oren gives - ems and consignundlysieep. which the particular natl.:reef the divase denies: Itisteryplitaant to the taste, andprompt in i ts erects. Pry tt di be tonrirwed that it is inraluls lin Outrun Of • Bionebinl Affec i tiong• - • ' Pries 50 cents per Bottle. -,Prepared entry' ty .Dr. A. ESAVRTIN, and iold Lbyy ;I. Esentestn, et Co., N. , ii etwnerAitA and'POPL -411 struts, PAilatra, Pa. For sale in Montrose by rsh.Wittolail ABBI, TUMBELL , Druggist. ilicerhaveva Holland Bltterakt medicine of long tried efilcacy c fo to u'uritying the blood: so essential for the r o t :io d at i on of health, and for [ correcting Client. den of the stoma and bowels,—each as .Indigestion. Heart-burn, Acidity, Water Brash, lqnstifeness; Piles, Headache. Loss of apPetite, Bilious Complaints; Cramps, •Colin Surnmer.Complaint, Iquentln Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic affections it du fre been administered with marked uccess. Tyrb or y three doses will convince thehtille s ted outs sal. Aitary eff*ts—tho stqatach will speedily regain Its 'strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidney_wlll rapid -ly place, and renewed health be the quick result. Common Sense rules the - mass ot!the people, what ever the misnamed and misanthropic philosopher may say to the contrary. Show them a good thing; let its merits be clearylemonstrated, and thcV will not hesitate to give it their most cordial patronage. The masses have already ratified Jtoigment of a physician, concerning the virtnea of Tioarerrzn's Brr Tans. as ma% be seen in the - immense quantities of thii; medicine that rue annually sold in every section of the land. It is now recognized as eaeeasto fa t n h pe d rio g r e S t t o v l e l o o rg h an r s re s m nc e h d i a e s s di ye r t r tderv a i . sed for dis dysentery, dispepsia. and for the Various fevers thaparise from de , rangement of those portions of the sist,Clll. Hostetter's name is rapidly becoming a horischola word, front Maine to Texas, from the shores of the Atlantic to the Pacific.— Try the article and be satisfied. Sold by all druggists in the world. advertisement in another colitmn. nor Xhgc:22.troisio Cmiriz.et. 'heat p huibel. .1. 4151.4 4 ‘ Rye- cents 73 cents Buckwheat Oata Beans... Potatoes 30 fi nrents 7 5 0,51 7777 ;7!y cents Notice to ireachiffst.—The Teacluire of Suagra Co. that have failed to meet for examination fn the. several townahips are , requested to coneVne fir exaridnation at-the Free School House, In the ilorou„.;11 or ?do ntrove, on Saturday, Dec. let; 180). at 10a. m. I Each teacher willpiroee bring a reader. l two sheets foot. cap paper, pen and ink. ' • A: 'N. BULLARD, County Soperintanient. Montroae, 'Sou. WOOD WANTED, %T TMSI OFFICE the 19thin4:t., in rni.m.'hy K. Edwards, II B.NRY .NIERKER, 1•1' ltiontrobe,l'a., and Mimi EURENL4. - . HAWLEY, of Union, N. Y. • On the :Id inst., by Ehl. W: C. Tilden, Mr.ELIS 11A E. HILL and Mies DIANA,R. GAIGE, dankhter of M. D.. Galge all of Sil ter lake. - V Nov. Ztd, by Bev. - A. 0. Warren. Mr. AARON ALDRICH of New Milford and Mina FANNIE A. WILLIAMS of Bridgewater. PORTRAITS' PORTRAITS ! . • NEW AERANGE74LENTS IN THE BRICK .BL.QCK: rugs undersigned havingtaken the Reamslormerly A occupied by W. B. ToP.A.:S. is nowpreparedlo furnish ail who may desire with a good and truthfUl Portrait. Being well posted in the production of the various kinds Ist Pictures of the dal', / flatter myself that my work II nut excelled by any in this section of the country,. Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the 4.MBROTYPE, I?R'OTOGRAPH,' 3fELATIVOTTRE, liT ILL GRAPH. Locket Pictures down to the smallestsized: mishit:ire Ring Transferred Anihrotypes—the finest thing out, for sanding by Poet to any part of the World without extra postage; Mr Picturesare hold. rigortins, and expressive —not those taint, lifeless shadows often Isold about the country:. • Pictures taken in all - kinds of weather. equally well: except those of young children. No Picture need be . taken unless perfect satisfactinn is given. In dressing for a picture, avoid li u ettinniihift-.l,Vgirtifticivrorange, yeIioVNILF r-lf - Remember that the ul y.csure— yd acu.k , .... , strolls S Fosters BLOM. B. 'M HAZLETON. 'Montrose, Pa., Nov. 2iith, Wk. INERZCIT 2 OIDANY, fOr "ATeevcrilroxls... . 1 , CASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION ;DOLLARS, ABBEIT3 Ist July' 1860, $1,,481,819.27. LIABILITIES " 43,068.0. J. Milton Smith. Seer. Chas. J, Martini President. John McGee, As 't " A. F. Wilmarthi, Vice " Policies issued and renewed, by tle undersigned, at hie office, one loorabove Se!:la's Hotel, Montrdse, Pa. nor 29 ly , BILLINGS STBOET THE GREAT 'FRENCH. R.EgEDY For Itheumatism, Gout, Neurag* Tic polorkaux. Dr. ROBA.N,'S RHEUMATIC CURE, . T HIS INVA.LULA: ••,Specille.," lately it dneed \lnto this country, pronounced by all. to be 1 only reliable reined". It I cured thousands in Europe, 'has met-with great and ter erful success hero, ak testi flints dailv received will ehi It is haridess, but cent& Its effects: warranted fro 'all injurious ingredients. purities the system& rant it perfectly healthy. In it is a specific which bra an equal for the mire of ' above complaints. It is good for pains in the back, hones, or joints!, general]; The demand forit increaaing, to appoint an-agents for this district. Also for sale at the agency of Dr. Hoban, No. Mt Broadway, New York City, Druggists supplied on liberal terms. Sent byrExpreas to any part of the country on receipt of the pricei . . .novt9 ly *ABEL T , Agent, ?Montrose. INT ITAit t rx 'l2 Cured. . . • Thar. of Inezlltii Ai* In raptness with a snallielna nulled Taw CO/iMrI.D , EITIUCT OP CJI 4 NAIIII Drina, which we are assured byes' attendance of.eompellent . and re assured aritnewies, tan sure, epsede sod, lwr ra.nent mire roe VoyPnIPTIQX; COrCAN, CO,LIV. WWI. caret.. Ames, I'LltrAtrAY, blmoriSrsams, and w*, Lit Draurrr Thi. highly praised imedtealli - tion-ws, dimowited anirerxt years ago: in Milk; by ne_ ft .1111%%.1 , a well known I phynietan of nat s emlniMer. who had taken hid only child--a dsoihterr ' —there with him. Loping .iliat 'the slitue Mild' prolong her lira:, Elie was propoimeed an sl Inca Ode ease of Comireprtem. He bad heard enneh .4 the wonderful r sh ad healmy qualltleatif prepa• ' rations nude from t India Llemp, 614 lb& ttionght occurred to him that he mig componad a reitieq for hi. child. B..tudied bard , ,and .u.eed. ....! ni realising his wishes. fl m•ratto was con. :nu o'!'nderful remedy has sinew been edminhitered I. thoonmds of sufferer. In all parts of the wbrl; . and tia. newer . failed of snaking them' completely healthy - and , haply. Ths origlnal,reefre for Whir- mg, and munees.futly using this ;feat r e t0. 4 .7 1 .4 1 be farmhand to all apsilielnu by -the utidersifirl• en receipt of a stamp for return postaae. A sanal ark,. - 1 written he the Dontor himself, on ths.aboen Tom. / w i llplaint., b. out FltXt., pad Mid, tO4lll/1 ttIIMCIWbO may apply for the ineipe.. 'lle me who ariditheeried• • • inn. prepared. cati obtain it at .112, remaintrlo beit . t . le = re. bottle. for Sii•!--lient in auy - pt•hf the E r e ° ' State. by Expren.r. .Address 0. P. nriowpi. &co. P -- pri..tori.. IV*. JD Grand hireflk.Firr - . I lir , smr - : thArrAcint is the favorite sign by. Which nature makes , known any deviation whatever from, the natural estate of the brain, and viewed in this light' it may be looked' on as a safeguara,intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too -late to .be reme died; atia - its indications should never be neglected. Headaches--may be classified Under two _names, viz: Symptomatic and. Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache -is eiceedingly common and 'is the pre cursor of a great variety of, diseases, ,among w.hiCh are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheu matism Sand all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease ,of the stomach constitutino. sick headache, of hepatic disease constituting 'bailors -headache, of, worhas, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as.renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with . Hesdiaces;:Anminia and plethora are also, affect ens which frequently occasion.head ache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, - Ning usually -distinguiihed by the name of nervoirs headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in • a state of appa rently sound health and prostrating at -once' the mental and . physical energies, 'and in other instances 4t comes on slowly, her/Jaded by of spirits or acerbi ty of temper. In most instances the pain is in the trobt part of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; tinder this class may also be named .11Titer'alpia. • For . the 'treatment of either class of Headache the Cephalic' Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relthving the most acute pains in . ' it few. minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseaSes of which Headache is the unerring indei. Wheat flour la bbl $601 02 $B,OO ItYe flour 11? twt....2 2,80 Corn meal it cwt.. 2 0 2,25 l'ork I/ lb ...10 Q. 12 cents Lard V A., -12 cents Butter V A... 11 C, 16 cents lif.Ts V d0z,..10 (Zr. 12 cents Bumsrr.--Missus wants you to send her 'a box 'of Cephalic Glue; no, a bottle of Prepared Pills, but I'm thinking that's n:ot'just it naitber; but ,erhaps yo'll be afther knowing what it. is. Ye see she's nigh dead and goneArith the Sick Head ache, and wants some more of that same as!relaiyed her before. • tCrukgist.--You must mean Spalding's 91ridost,p e wed here's the quarther and gir me the Pins and dont be all day about it aither. No Onenrihe:".many disllesh is heir to" is 'so prevalent, so' little understood, and ed , mueh:neglectid.as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits . ; it•is regarded'is a al ight disorder of toolittle consequenc4 to excite anxiety, while in reality, it is the precursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradi cated it will bring the sufferer to an un timely, grave. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath; Piles and others of like nature, I 'while( a. liing train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Alicesses ; Dys entary, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hvsteria,'Hypochon> driatis,...Melancholy.ana Insanity, first in dicate their presence in the system 'by this alarming symptom. Not unfeqnent ly the diseases named originate , in Con stip" atioU,. but' take , on an independent existeneeiiidess the cause is eradicated in an' early stage. From all these consider ations it follows that the disorder should receive immediata atter.iun :whenever it occurs, and no person snould •neglect to get a box of Cephalic pills On the firs, appearance oT the complaint, as their timely two- will expel he •insidinus ap proache's of diseal4e and destroy this dan ',_ rous foe to human life. d alieh .441 CURE Fdr,c i l.AV il d ,sk f / c,N CURE e Nervous Headache SURE .c . 'kinds° , 1e 3 1 By the use ofthese pills the periodieattankspf Nervous or Sick trendache maybe sprovenbni; and if taken at the commeneernimt of an - attaek.: Immo; laterellef from pain -and sichansa will - he Owned, -' ' They Syldnm fail In removing the iratandand,tisadoche to whlehlenuides are sisubleet. • • They.aet gently upon the bowele.--removing Cortfasmecr, For Literary Nerg," e ilthelente, .ante Females, and all persons of seifentaryhabitatheyAre valuable as a / a wake, improring theWn g tone and rigor to the dkes. tire organs, arid regaling the • natural elaiticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result orking 'investi gation and eirefullyuondneted experimentiChavinq been in rime maay yearn, Oaring which time they hare prerented and rellembi a vast =DOOM of pain and suffering 'from - Headache, whether Originating In the nervous system or from* . deranged state of the stomach. . , They are entirely vegetable In dietr coaiposltlon, and stay betaken at alltbner efltbpeifect safety without mak:. in; anyelkange of stet, anit the abience.etraniiitttafireeate g a d, rexd,y#ipia,t 4 r to adminiete them to children. • Besme of . Counterfeits. taxi liptakpatures of Bony C. Epaldbig roe eaeb box: F ° • -' Seld bineoggilte end ott;er Dealers in Medicine,. bcaent biroaflycepald on rceeiptot the 2 1 4rianota fi ¢ 410022:t05. All orticieatipuld be addreeeed to e nENRY C, SPAiDING, Zov/2 Wht 48 Cetiat• ptreet, dew York; . . TILE AiIALGAtATION .15k LANGI7AGES.- There- is n growing, tefideneY in this age to . aPPropriati,the most expresaire;trords of other langu a ges, and , alter a :while to .lUeorporat'e them into, our own ; thus the word Cephalic; which is froM the Greek,- signifyingl",for the head," is now hecom jug popiil4ried in connectiMf - With spaiai ng 's igreat Headache.retnedy, but it will soon be used in a more general tray, dud the word C ephalic will beconie as com mon as Electro type andmany others.whose distinction,:as foreign words has 'been worn stray bye common usage until . they seem ,' 'Mare to the manor born:" ' . • "ardly,Realized. Hi 'ad 'n 'orritle 'eadaehe this hafternoon, hand Isteppod into the hapothecaries hand says hi to,the man, "Cap you hease me of an "eadache "Does it hache•'ard," says Hezeeedingly," _says hi, hand upen that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pop me 'onor it. cured me so quick that I ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an 'eadacho. Cdristipation or Costiveness. • - PIAtLIC SALE.• • - • • 30 linr TATILL ha offered fur salaat inctionAt the late residence NT . of XIV. WALDRON, late IgHarfOr d;,dae'd, • : • - , . 0a Wednesday, December sth, - • thelietisinalitropertpbeloigingl o the estate of the said docedimt, cortilsthig quantity-of: ; : • Use sto&.. ethferent kinds of grain: • bay, dc.; a variety of fanning tools; a • o o ousehold furniture, and various other "" a ' articles not referred to. Sale.to commence at 10 o'clock. Terms as usual. .• A. BLTEPPA.Nr, Buford, Pa., SAZGYAVALDRON, 1-Executors. Nee, 14,1840. cnAuLEs FOSTER, ) DiSgOltiti. ' On „ ; WIN Copastnerablp heretofore existing between A. C. i BLAKESLEE and P. E. BRUSH,- le - by mutual con ~ limit Me day diaeolved. ' A.. C: RuitEsLEE. Dlmock, Oct. Nth .. 1860. - P. E. BRUSH. , 1 HEAD. QUARTERS DRY-GOODS! DRY-GOODS! Birschniann Bros. &, -AT THE `Bee- ~,,‘ 20 , E,,,_•:- , '' • 4 t r x hive.' ~,,,,,, ‘ -• i , • •,-,- ~ : - . ..0vittf,..;4•1 !" : :...-. 4 ,...,••:: . 0 .... ; , . ... , 41 1E1.7•,--!• - •-:-' 11 thashatri.. .. . '''' '' • ton, Y. Y. Received from Aced - On this Day, 14 3,000 yards Rich Colored Drees Silks, 81X sty. 0,600 yds. Black Silks, 10 per cent. under pries. , 1,500 yds. All Wool Ilerinoes . ' 62X eta. 3,000 yds. Defa(nes confined styles 10. to 12X ets. 6,000 yds:Good Printi, warranted fast colors 6.3 t Us. % 00l and Silk Broche Shawls 25 400 600 Heavy Blanket Shawls, from PA ,00 (wortwice the money • 50 piec es all Wool Casalme .) rs ' 'IS eta. 400 tine Troco Beaver Cloaks, (Mtn ' 112,00 to PAO ,. - CIVITMIL 3P' lat. X Cann - - 41.1131: TI CO `MTN : No. 20 - Corner . to'coriespcimrmith'redent-Large CASH PURCHASES. 'd LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS & VALICES! TRAVELLING BAGS! Vie pledge curatives to do all we advertise. Nov. ttd, 18604 lIIRSCHNA.NNBROS. & CO. • 1:41 9 .• • • rIPTH.STREET PITTSBURG, P.A. lf s cruaxclocX lara. 111340. Chartered by the Legislature. NEARLY 6000 sTtMEls,', from abriost every State In the Union, have been educated forbnainess, being the only College of the kindle the 'United States conducted by an experienced met-Chant. Our Junior Principal, Wm LT ; DO7F, hue just been war ded, by our State and other Film, Eight Pint Premiums , for Business & Ornamental Penmanship, over competitors called the beet penmen in the country. • Samples...of his Business and Ornamental Writing, a circular 000 pages, and au elegant engraving, mailed,' post paid, on receipt- of 26 cent; In stamps, For sale, by booksellers, Harper's Enlarged Edition of DUFF'S, sooK KEEPING, TN pages, 5,150, awardedfour Silver dadols, and sanctioned by the chamber of commerce and - Anxerleaninatttb to ofNewTork, as the beat published Dtnr & Dincosx'a new and elegantly engraved School Copy nooks. shrribmbers, 91 pages, tine rap paper, - 90 eta per dozen: Derny edition, tl par dozen. J. B. Lippincott a 004 Philadelphia: W. - G. Johnston tt Co., Pittsburgh. D 1 ,217 CAA' QFifB of Business and Ornamental Pen manship, crown quarto, 115, poet paid from the college. Address: • P.- DUFF & SONS, 'Principals. Pr Buy your scholarslalp,ju town. Colleges thatsend. them abroad,- cannot sell them at home, Where they are known:' novl4 ly•X• NEW :GOODS IJUST • ARRIVED AT I ; HE . - ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE! HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS. thy; I.tlij4 & - S'PLE. - li - 16 - Sto - ci of G • 9 Cheaper than the, Cheapest ! CALL ANDENAMINE OUR•GOODS, WHETfIEI YOU TAIT Olt ;l OT IT PAYS YOU. TO GET POSTED UP 3218"2 — XIMIZT $31=1.061. NEW MILFORD, NoTember 1860. • ~" 4 . /~ b ~_ /~~~~ ~~/~~ COMMERCIAL' COLLEGE. Located over the Susquehanna Valley t tlank. BINGHAMTON N. Y. • • FACULTY: D. W. , LOVVEI4., Principal, Professor Of the Solelice of Accounts, Practical Accountant. ,Author„.of I , osiell'B Treaties upon Book4s.ep. ing. Diagrams illustrating the same. JOHN li,sams, Commorciat Accountant, Praeger of lio - ok Keeping and Practical Mathernstics. J. J. Corns; Assistant Proleanor- in the Book Keeping Department. s A..J. %VARNER, Professor of Practical and Or namental -Penmanahip,,Cortimercial Calcula. flocks and Correspondence. LECTIC1110 7 :8: Ron. Daniel 8. Dickirson, Lecturer on Commer eial"LaW and Political Economy. Dom Ransom Balcom. Lecturer on Contracts, Promissory 'NOWA and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer an Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE: • Hon. Sherman D. Phelpl4, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy R. Morgan,Eaq. • The object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Holiness Education. . ' The Books and Forms are carefuily'arranged by practical accountants .expreanly for this in: stitution and embrace all the • recent improve menti. The course `of 'instruction comprises every department of business. The learn er will be thoroughly taught the ecicnce and practice of Dow° Entry Book.. Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz:: General Ifer chat:dining, ManufaCturing, Banking, Corntiiis pion,. Steamboating, Railroading,. Forwarding, Freightitig, Foreign Shipping, 1!?..c.' YOIMG MEN •• Can qualify themselvee lo s e short time. at this Institu tion, to fill important and lucrative „ situations. Ample references= be given were g raduates of 2860 are now filling deeimble situations 'with eidariestrom SfOQ to $lOOO ,per annum. • •' • 7 The Proptleicestem in possession nt testimonials from some of the first Com Menial Muses - in the State, to whom they have furnished book4teepers. 'showing their entire satisfaction and confidence in the Sbility, of graduates of this Institution. • • • • • ' • PENMANSHIP • • • In all ita branches, taught by the Most skillful and thor ongh masters of the' art. No College in the country en joys a higher repuMtion this dtment. Ladies' Do , partment entirely separate froe thegentleme. Students= enter College at an yti me . 'No vacations. Time to complete the course; from 8 to 10 weeks. btu dentspassing the requisite . examination •are presented. with - the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diplopia issued by any Commercial or Classical institution in the Dail*. Aluminum rendered to graduates In procuring For terms or 'tuition; Price of beard: , testimonials of graduate; Sling positiona,rt.c,-addrees the proprietors for circulars containing tuft particulars. • LOWELL & WIRNEt • 1C ,01r Pto 41 tristor. Dingtrainton commercial College, . ;840,y Bingharotot, N.Y. - • • Buffalo Robes Lsidiostritrs, A Superior tot kik. received, a n d will be Fold low for reih. by Nov.' StlfßiTT, ' New Milford. v 31PCZO.WL Court St. Water St GLO 1;18 Made to Order, on Muir Notice :Our Stock. is Full. '20 9 . And yon be convinced thaetbe plecet• to get the Worth ofYolir Money, •• .•: • lIUNGERFORD & PAGE, Er Etta* t 1‘7131 WGITAZToR: • i'1 1 2:111:33 131-XA0.113.13: THE O FFICIAL PAPER OF : CONGRESS. wEzitg .. ] a n n e . lir t the zi annual a n o f ( p . l DAILY to remind pubscribera, s agiform theme who may desire to subscribe, that Congrese will meet on the first Monday in December next, whedi shall resume publishing above named papery. They have published so long, that most public men know their character, and therefore I deemit needless to give a minute ACCOULIC.Of the kind of matter they will aontain. branch t o f Congress a ieport of the deteti botes of as taken down by Reporter,, equal at least to any eurpse,of short-hand writers in this, or in any other conntry. A-majority afthem will: each, be able to report.- verbatim, 10 OW words an hour. When the debates of 6 day do not Make over 4ri columns, they appear in 'the Daily Globe of the next morning, whickwil also contain the news' of the day, 'together with editorial articles:4mph an may be suggested by passing events. The t oidyct,lo nal Globe and Appendix wilt contain a report ofal the debates in Congress. revised bythe speak ers,Annul ssages of- t Preeident of the United Staten, the Meporte of the Reads (Kite Executive Depart ments, the Laws passed during the session, and copious indexes wig!. They will be printed on a double royal sheet in book form, royal quarto size, each number containing 16 pages. l'he whole will make,. It is belleved4-at least X -000 pa ?s, , This Is acknowledged to be the cheapen work. ever sold.itnany count-17i Whether repri nta!' 'printed from minnseript-ebpy, taking' for data the average'number Words it coqteme. The comitag session, will without doubt, :be an anus-u -nity intarothig one.• because the debates will, -in at I measure , by upon the policy of the President e lect,and the GLOBE!wRI te, as it has been! for many yean Past, the only source from which the Dili debates of Congross can be obtained. • • ... • the ma 77ue C an givaional tates, It Globe mut Almendir pass PR EZthra' malls *tithe Uned S as may be seen, by &joint resolution foaled by Congress' on tlim Bth of August, 186 X. . la ELME la s - . For a copy cd tbn Daily GR;be for (Our months .$3OO CongressiOnal Dlobe &Apendix dthing the scesion -300 Two copies I"' " " ordered'at the 'Mine thite.. , Boo No attentlbit will tit :paid to any Prderltelem the moneyaccompenica ft. ' - Bank Nokia, current-in - the section of tke country where atiberresides, will be received atpar, The whole part. f a subscription may be remitted in postage E taraPkXhielvar . e preferable to a ny cunentf ex_ce_soid and silver. • ' 4oirs c: wathillattin.NoTemietth, lnovislstx Adiniaistratorsl Notice. , - NOTICE 111 hereby. even that letters of admlnfetratlon upon the' estate or Oro. W. CROCKER. late of Bridgewater itiwhiblp,l3usq't CO:,' Riceland, hive been granted to the attbmfool, and 811. persons indebted are lae rebrtenfllredtus Immediate payment, and those ment.- havfng elatuis rterd them,:oßdy attested , for settle. meat.".•Y Y•Ai , CROOKERr r AVID ALLEN, •• Adnumermisorit: It. D: BARKER:. .-; , • . Bridgewater, 0bt.18th,.1880.6w r • PAY - 11 , ' L • . _ - LuxPurtion'e*orni toreigesi - Sirm, Wins. Intel' Soothing 'Syrup, for Children Teellng; Hearneall 'the Populltr Medicines In 'market; Bird Cages, Seed. and all 111 Inge p eccstery for kt:cpinr. Can iry Birds; great variety of Fancy Goods; anti;tAarry evervibln, - ;that - Mer. chants adverfjee in Netespancre, arc for fate by Montrcee. Oct let. 18A1.1 ' ABEL. Tt.T.RELL - • AT TN N. T. MINCH STORES _ • oF. - - 6uttrilberg, 'Aessitbaum, k•Ccf. Montrose, & Snsq'a Depot, Pa. The undersigned hare prori s ded thenmelyes with SPLENDID ASSORTMENT fill & WINTER GOODS! • Which they boast of being the HANDSOMEST - AND CHEAPEST in this soction of country, They also flatter tbsmselvei that they have the baskracilitics of obtaltang -- ApoDs Srfoll from te Market, and are determined not to be undersold by my inn this -side of New York city. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING we Would saythat being fn thief:Lively at 24,Dey Street t New York City we can offer the -pdblic bargains not Surpassed hy any re. tall dealers In tide section, as we can cell hAre at retail pri ces rwebeap as those who go to few York and purchase at wholesale and then bring them here and hive to make a profit over that which they have already paid themselves. Call and see as and we will prove the facts. 6/littitberg, 3OSeltbitutli, Madras, Pa:' Noe. Sth, ;No. HUNGEREORD & PAGE, NO. 30, COURT ST. Binghani.ton; N. Y. MOTTO: QUICK SALES--SMALL PROFITS. HAVE JUST RFCEIVED 02V 11001i02 From Auction and Ellatstvhero • AND WILL SELL . YOU .: GoodAladder Prints, Fart Colon . 6 eta pr. yd. Best Merrimac Prints 10 44 Beautiful Detainee 10 " Beet Hamilton and Pacific Detainee, •• • • ...16 " Fine French Merenoa, Plain • 00 • 44 Figured do Splendid Silks Brown Sheeting, yd. wide Bleached Good Feather Ticking o Denims from 6V to 12% 4 0 Meta Wrappers and Drawers, , from 59 eta to /AU " Ladies' Mereno Vests, VERY re.HEAP ! .O • Ir r MiE CASSIMERES. A LARGE STOCK OF BROA.PPL 0 THS! 611 Wool—From-$1 to $5 pr. yd. CassgEtircLeress From '55 to $1.50. Lisle. Th'4l.-GlOvos from to 28 3-4 Cants. LADIES GAUNTLETS' ill St#les. arexits Gloves, IN 'ENDLESS.VARIETY.. All the Latest Styles LADIES CLOAK ' S! constantly on hand.i Prppprty • . : underisiguedofta for sqe hie 31111 PiOpedyilin New-1111fOrd. two Mies eiket,'frrlm the borough. It torishita MILL and ti.IW,4IIILL - ; • with ineW. .otone Dam nearly completed-20 f o nt thick at ? bottom, 17)(leet *bleat top, and 19 feet bight. This fan very de sirable incathin, both as to businesi and power.. For _further inforniation Inquireof ALICIIIDALD DILL, Now Milford:Nov 1V:,.-COCLOrba litrgt JUST ARRIVING. .M0,N772151.:, Pa.,-Noreinkr 101 h; 1860: EVANS & AiLLEN H AVE this v opened a nevijadt4autlfulassortment of Goods ; lected in.NowlFork , with the greatest care, consisting of setts of Jewelry, of every_Ttriet.Y—Ce tneo, Carbuncle, Flokmtine and' Bonin Mosaic, Lava, anl i Diamond En led, Fine Gold andZet. : WATCHES, a beautiful amide for Ladles ;) Gold and Silver Bunting d Open Face Watches, of thelest ma kers, including e "American Watch r Fob, Vest, Chat. Caine and Necli Chains; Gold, Jet, anti Plated fltscelete; atoll aesortmencof i j Silver ' and Plated Ware; Gold, Qilt, &ea and Jet 1311de. and fluciels for Ladles' Belts and Bonnets; a very large stock f Finger Maga, all plices and styles ; Gold Handkerchief Mum , Sandal ji. Wood and othe Fans, of all colors, enttrelit yn tew patterns_ and very rich; hell Combs, plain and li, Id with gold, for evening dre e ; Studs and'Sleeve - int s, of every pattern ; Hair d,Tooth Brushes, Port Mortal,, Lubin.' Ferltmery,. 1 ii .. 1 : . . Table d Pocket 1 entlery, Chou Hoard!, litld Men; ind,. In fact, eirerytthnebelong• log to ouclinii of business. :Thankttifor past favors, we cordially invite the Ladies and Gimtletta of this comma nlty^to call and txmaine our Gain's, wh elf we shal take pleasure baxial:dung, , EVANS A A LEN, - No.!, Odil Fellow*' Hall. • s: 92,1800. ; Pinghamton,;!kct. - . . New New s • N.e vs.! I s HAV E You HEARD ThO NEWS l WHAT NEWS ; ? IL. SEERIUMAN ii.NCIW MC ING - W r el l leTt fro T nt j liew Tork. another of his choke Eke of, t• 1-.. ' - 113 i .: • . • '. . 03 • it- t i 3. - -- embracing In the pry Goods line, de Lain!, Chillls.. man tillas, Silks, Poplins, Prints, eta., ete,fm, as well u a full stock of Dotnestick, such"' 'summer clo for men and i . boya' wear, Skirtings ; .Tickings, ben s, Colioulfarn, Carwt.Warp,-Battl, etc. . Oroccries,4 I assortment.— ffish , -klackerel, Trout; Whitefish. Codthtb,. and HAring: Hardware, building materials, Nails, Glass,Putty, Flints, Oils, Dyestuffs. Deady-made Clothing, the workmanship, wsnaurrrn. Usti, Caps and Bonnets, nf the 'stein style. Boots and shoes , "forth from I2Xe to $5.',1 In' fact almost every variety of adods usually inquired for athaj country store tan be fontid it the .• . 4 4 ll' PSONYILLF. EICIIIN6E 1 P I and ft Is the aim of the'prorictoi lb make reh'ilispositlon of his Goedsthat rlblther h is maxim norbilipatrons will '.'OROANY , : J. L. IittERJIIKAN. lipscinriffe, , l'a., / prune let, 1860,—tf ' 1 I Mrs." L'J. BI 9 NAvlsa it* rciarned from New rorls=w3th a choice, beautiful;and ?intensive 4.lll l OrtMentArFall winter Uff, . .• . , Y . til . oll 15 t fraiek 4.154.45/114.0f 2110111 rtiie tTo r/Ciniq IFIIII FASHIONABLE. :BONNER ! as mod and sit rich is 11/ 1 3 be ,ptireLemed anywhere. She keep!' the very niceetgoods., anchas canneft fail to please the most diffieuld. Pricee. very reasonable. The Ladies are inYrited .to call end-examine her Goods. Elir Rooms oppositiallott's Saloon, (rmeond-floor,) Main street, Mont:oat...Pd. [sepititt A - THE SUBSOHIBER' HA . VI!Nr.G PUR chased the s tocic of .11ooKsAM) sTATioNERT FORMERLY ownbd by A, N. BULLARD; takes this method_of informing "thou who ta4 l4 4PaPenkr that the stock has is been !moved' tp the old stand, below the Naeleith.c.cm-ezt? • aflll'oe, where he will be moat hnppy.' to wait upon- those who may faror him with attall. - - AN*I3CBLISIDID (and print) can be obtalnad bylearing your orders. wittathepriceof thebooVirmtglablea name at the desk. ntao, any:article in Book and Stationery" line. ." - NEWS - OFFICE.' IaARPER'B,. Godey s, Leslie's -Petirsonls, Graham 'a, lA. or any of the.popCr Magazines of thelday. Ledger, N. Y. Weekly , M ercury , Clipper, • FS Wilke.' Spidt. and all the Ras ted Papers for sals. , !, art num bers supplied. 13COOL tooxs—An the old luta nem ethtioas. BLANK BOOBS-7A very nice atsorfamt. CUTLERY Cott article of American. GOLD PENS-Vs FiztOnes, Ladle* & Outs:. PERFUMERY—A.W. Xarnson's and o.t4en. 1ZT.13.1.!3-4 GIdE A sad I will endeevor to ut hare "a alnele eyn td your interest" and ona to my own. Yours eridentivi • ' I§l.oEir..;• sinucltm Moarnosi., Pa., Septotnoerlat, 1k i —tt 1360. itinlG,Tiot.not •• tar end DOOTAiIOVIt MULFORD'Si An /MB PUBLIC generally ate Informed that's, FREE 'Er 1 111BITION is giveriat all howl of the elgy, of NEW GOODS of all sorts, viz 4 Dress Goods of Summer 'Prints, Poplins,! Challis, Lawns in patterns, cheap Bidhop Lawns, Brilliants, Book, Third, Jaebtetts and Swiss NulT, Ladles' .Collars and Sleeves, Dlinityrldarsellies, MoMens, Furst: tura Fruits, Bentucky„Tcans,Vankeens„ Suminer , Stuffs, Gents Shirts, cotton Dqwers, Collars, Cravani Neck-ties, and Burpenders. Ano and large lot of , • 1 - . . LEA,THIRMAREo% -. , - such - as flieati FinE 'bait ts—good 'mut, gibe heavy. and light Shoes, Splendid Ladies Galicia frets letoB shillings warrsnkvito tit„ Whitelex i wn, .sitialitek OSIRBY. Parasols- and Umbel's?, suci Boxes Wo k Baskets. I I Eruiriat.p.g'xia. - 41.42. and SPerill' , ..AtiaManline:triiid Tallow Candles:Ames and japaned -Lantana'. Wish Boar& and Coffee 3fillS, White. weep Bingham, Bed Cords /West Wig. whittled and spring Clnill!Wiltm, Pine and CBDWABI 4„besielesaPlLE Of Valet Itat : qtaf)Witattlleto a eviii - 4414*,it.tiongilil aiiireqraplco,*iiadoii l 134iett for gloHousVaddinge, Omm Tartar, sada-starchsaerata s castoroii...Epsoin SaltsiStaekesixlScotehlinaff, and iota of things,witiehxon't,,do.to twastout,.but pleue tortall, examine antildbelhStil, Wears red and willing toshow Goods. even ttiongh thby idainot Shut ; • and thatikful'lia• small favoin2 , . - • -: - • ~ - 7- ' 41. C.ITLER:- 9CT9: buill."AbOgtt Ot, the • Milting anir 1. bents earthing ever Mina MONTROSN; May9th...lteD. • • '• . . „ ReatlT . . tompouNts•."'OLir . Ilea for the MEC 'is warntated to meet a Ctrs In eery car.e, and in all states of the disease, or itemises/ will be reftuided:'. dirdettotts necturay ehohbottle. For sale bY Abel Turrell °abase ; flemPstrod. • Brooklyn • MatmorkPlaimeit :Filmatel.qateemhar. Ifarford ; G. William, /adman ;,, b .. 7. filocumand* B. A. IlopbottottC: - - - culuzwzmiraxcuamenzi. • Millis to air*. that Mile. .....5 4 44 has been niftt, Meijer' years paet with-that sing 014P81"knit thlt ", Files: and that hatidg Ltillaa in seeming fat from vas Mona Physicians; she was lodated front re po rts frilly Mr. Williams' "Pile Solution: Which wobtaMed at one of his Agencies in Tanktutoneek, 1%. " The nada has brio the most favorable. Me trial was made with if Mat 1114 and after using as directedi fora few dam what we hare rood reason' to think was*permaneut uo trellbOsitZ Several other cases of *similar natur e'ln this licinity have need lt with likereanittl. ' With Mr. Willistrotto •• ne,chre no pay" every one thee , aillieted will airily do well to try it B. B. ILWORY, r u .," c f.)! E rivirre, Tua'shanne. Wyomtng Ti. June stb. trAo. • rAkt. STYLES NOW: r. At Great Bargaint ! FOR READYI'PAIi. AND ":6iAALL IMICIUTtist theiOrightat iieir Miff° rd Aistwf and - .AI. Drew Gods Dayorhua ,is now • re - eeirlne; 'a Largo 14r ppy,ic_z sTecic. of • -• . . - hiLLAND W1N1131,. , . •,„ . . 1- - .. • !Edda: ma great variety of the newestind oest-sqlotrof Dress Goode, Shawls, Broadcloth-&- Klu4r. Stud.., 4c.; with a large assortment otother • 1.• • - - • :1 Staple and Fancy. Goo s ai ,' usual, In Groceries, Ciockery,..l7ardware. Iron and, Steel, Neils,' Stores.: Drugs. Palnts,'Ofis, EluidAloota„ , Shoes, Rata, Cam Cldeks.L. Carpeting, F1005,.011 Cloth, Wall. per, Painted and Gilt WhodowAlbades, a hirge line of Kerosene Lamp and 011 Pixtares, &c., also , 1 • - Furs and - Buffalo Robes; 017 The entire stock being huge and bought foI I CASEI. and largely from MANUFACTURERS and Flan Mums, will glee superior opportunities for choice selections and low.iown prices; and will be sold on th e most favomble terms for CASH, PRODUCE, and to Prompt Six-,Montbs' Buyers. An enamituition of the Goods and Prices will be found profitable to those who wish to buy. • PLOUD'AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND.; New . =Rut, October, lfiEt • - . . ei 3 ECCOM . * SiI : TC: O 3E 3 . ! ?PEE , subscriber reapoctfolly glees. notice :that , .1. be ha mated his 8110 A SHOP to the base- ment rooms opposltethe Grocery or 8. 8; Nott, pi In Montrose, where ite wM be happy to waft on ai h r a old hiends;and u many otbers as see At-to favor him with their patronege. ' . - "• - - '• ' N. 0. Haling secured the urtices of on. of the bear Workmen.in the country, be feels contidgmt of giving per. feet satisfaction to all who 'wish- FINS or COARSE' BOOM: Allwork warranted. and very cheap for Ready Montrose, Repairing neatly done on abort notice. • - . Montrose„ Noy. Ist, 1 . 880.-Aw 0. F. }',6050. VALUABLE ' GIFTS _, WITH BOOKS: GEORGE G. EVANS' coximpkx*.A.i. GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE THE LARGEST ZN THE WORLD PERMANENTLY LQ . C.kTED; AT . , 439 Chestnut Street,... SIXTH YEAR OF THE ENTEM;RiS' C1.A.X113. Raving purchased the spacious Iron Building, No 4.19, Chestnut Street, and fitted It up with every convenience to facilitate my business, particularlrtkat branch devoted to COUNTRY ORDRWI; and having aTarger caoltal Opn any other. party invcsted.in the business, I .ant no pre. pared to offer greater advantages, 'and better gifts !than ever before to my - ctnitomers... I will furnieh anYbook (of a moral character) pnbllsheil In the United States, the regular retail price of which is One Dollar or upwards, and give a present worth frdm 50 cents to 100 dollars with each book. and gun= tee - tti give perfect patishetlon, as 1 am determined to maintain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment.. Stranger' viaitPg Philadelphia are invited to call and judge for themsoPrear IF YOU_WANT ANY BOOKS • i • CCiao. G. ; Reliable Gift Book Enterprise- I f I~To. 489 CZixonstimiat Mt"! • Where all books are sold at the Publishers lowest priees, and you harq tho, . • : ADVANTAGE Of receiving •-.; A seaTiosomt PRESENT . WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO . 100 "Ili:Oil:AE.4 , WITh EAC-II IBOOIC . • , G. G. EVANS' Original Gift Book Enterprlie has been endorsed by the 800 Trnee.and all; the .leading city and country newspapers in the United States. -G. G. EVANS' Punctual business transactions have re . - • celeed the approbation of a exer 6,000.00 u • . Citizeltfi' of the. United States, each of whom hare received substantial evidence . _ , of the benefit derived by purchasing beaks . - at thla °stab] iehment. G. - G. EV A NS ilas done more thahn_y other publisher, • or bookseller in theTUnited Stataae,i to, BY diffusing knowledge to the people. By this system, many books are read that • ; would not have found their way Into the handß apers of readeh-r-Prank Les/Los Nix,- , r. • .. 11.. G. mArA.N3, /teens constastry.on hand, the moat et-. - • • - ' ' Ulrike stock,- the greatest assortment of - Ilobloa,•and circulates free to all who mu - apply, the most complete'. catalogue lof , r Booksand Cliftlein thellnlted States. •r. G. G. EVANS Has advantages offered hint by other-pub- Ushers and 'maniffacturers which enable him to farnish-thepatrons with a filler quality and bet ter assortment of•gifis than - any Other establishment. ; ! G ''',,Or EVANS Publishes nearly "t wo Lfandred Popular and interesting. Hooka, therefore, as. a 'publisher, he is better able to offer extra ' .- - premiuma and commissions. ;. G. G. EVANS Gurantees perfect 'agitation to all Who may send for book". • • 0.,(1. EVANS' New claullied eatalogne Of books embrabe the writings of etet7 departmetat of literaL , - • ' . turn, aragives all the information- rela tive to the purchasing and forwarding by . _ Mail or Express of hooka ordered from his , a ' establishment, together with fall djeric . Howl how to remit money. G. O. EVAN 8' 'Cata)ogue oT Books will be sent gratis - arid .: free of - oxiarese to anyaddresa in the Utd.: tad States. • _ G. CI. EVANS' Inducements o'Agents cannot. ' passed: The t:liberal - commis/ions . are offered:and by/eliciting subscriptions . . to booker in the manner proposed, twenty - , . , • books can be iold in the sometime thatit • , would take to self enema the old fashion . 'ascription plan. Shad for a classifl• be given fa refe Catalogue.% an rence d everyto aingefncies.ormation Select will your , books, enrloso'the amount of money, • - required, and one - trial will satisfy year • • that the best plate bribe country to per; • • ' chase books Is at THE - EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLLSIIENT OF GEO. G. EVANS, No. 439 CHTSTKVS STAMM . s• PUIL.tI Book s of natrars, Where you can get book; otall Ands. • Fact! • • ' • . - flocks ef Steffen! •. ' --.- : . - . . • -.- Boolotof Dreotfonl .' ' . Books of Ametscment: • • , . . ' Books for the Old Folks! : Books for the Young Folks . . .- • ' - Books for 'lust/aide ' . • . Books tor Wireel Books for Lovers: • • Beek' for Sweethearts! ''= -- ; Bak/ for Boys! ' • Books for Girls! : • - . ; . , Books of Humeri ' -„- ,• , • Books of Poetry! ~ - _ • ;.• • ' s • Books of Travel r -- '- - Books of flistorY 1 " ',2 ' - * . . Llooks of BlogriplY! -- - •••' ' " .• Books of Adventure-! - Books abdut Salim, _ Books about Soldiers! '- • Book" about Indian/I , - - • - - 'Book's abudt - Ilatitaral •- - Books about Heroes i • ~- ' - • - ' Book about Patriots ! Boob for Farmed . . • - - ' ' - ' Books for Mechanical . - - ' • . Books for Merchants!. !, . - „ ~ • . . • Books for Physicians! - • ; -•. Booksfor Lawyer' L ' ' - ' • Books for Statesmen t ...... - • - . . ••• Presentatlint &elks!Bibles - • ;Prayer Books!`' - • Ilymn , Bookie: . . ' , • Juvenile Books!'. "-- Albums, etc., etc. • CECIL 13. HARTLEY'S Interesting H. Beogra;Lhks! , REV. J. INGRAHAM'S Scriptural mances! - SMUCKEB'S Lives of Patriots and Statesmen! J. T.'LAVIMIN'S Revolutionize Stories I .r. 8. ARMOR% Popalar Tales! • • ~ • NIIII. M=7ll Famllyßoctorl , • • --.. ~ ..-: MILS. WlNTE'llNeveliff , !,, . t - ,•• !..• 1. - _ ''• -MR& SOUTHWOIITH'S-Ndielsir - ' - COOPEIPA Novel's I • .-, . __ DICKENS' Npvela I • • .. •• . -.' t . '"; WAYEKLEY'S Nola:ail ...-,• - . " •-• ~ .• • 'IEVINCPS Workia! -` • -' - - ~_ :- • .- A1t..,.. the writings ot, every standard anthOrial pray ee.! partment of literate/a. In every atylatoT blnaig. at Use' publliber'sloweit prices, and.renwanberikatryou , pqr/ao more Gus you-would atany etW•Estiblishmelet,-sad yon have the advantageof, receitft an elegatF lelept.' Which' oftentimes - 1s worth a hundred rota - , posit* : *moat iiesttifor tha/beek.-• -- . - ; - .., .- - - ; • SEND 1 , 011, - A osessu►D acir.4.l3 Order .any book,. thatryineynay wastArenalt Motets!i price,cthw with the amount requhrbdilfrpeatamand one trWhill_ UPI* YOU tMI, bra: ItOgnlfti to purchase hooting at the 0 of oilginater of the GM Beek , Nate 'lee; • ,•;• - - No. 4b9 Cdtistuat Strott,,% P hjladNpit j r n;yer. 'rot o r' Irrt4ll., =Veer female, wh o la deeirritti fb • 'led la Wilaaocabliaaditolta• ble of :wog, and b which A VAL _to m‘oltalogra t little Naie, ; u ; F. a • AND tg1iM",,.1...!-1 • i •. • • Ramp= PLAM' listaila. A_ eILT OF JEWELAY: Ensi i ' l... 6oo44 l o t z trettii*Maerefrht4Vkl *Met of Gifts, an 564 as an Agent for this establiala , datilterioiLln any part of the country, can be agent,, oko n * a l o ib roi t og a club , sending Cot flit, at 0 0 01 1 ,., elk re the sueobitt lioney rettufreif fee the maw. Bad ore Web conhtins thodieletetia. , to rehtßeteaguncleeand the fon:melon of dubs • ; e o duo insure prompt and honorable dealings , sto . , • • . 'TAX BLABSIEURTERB OF GEO. G. EVANB,, , Propnatot tithe oldest and targeatot4 Book Eoterpriso in the World, permanently iv:Marta; No al Cbeatnot Tuner Philadelphia - (sem I 0 ret SEND TO - • 6 ' : Bad toga, Bad Brenta, Sores tuid Ulcer& ' ALLileseriptions of Wires are realedtablely' the prep - creed diligent use of this inestimalile preparation .. To attempt to, cure bad lega by plitterinwthe edges of the w nd together is a: fogy; tor.should the skin unkals,• -• Do • d conditlen remains' underneath to 'break on with t fod - fury Iva liew:dspff The only rational and sneemisD4l treatmeut r ag indicated by nature, is to rw, dtp_itlfliunniation In' nod about ' the wound„ and :to, s the neighboring parts by rubbing in plenty of the -0 (detentes salt laifortiedinto meat: ' . D4thertapttleereted flora Throat, ' end. Starlet said: . • ether Powers—. - : A . • liT of the above diseases may be cured by well rah:. ' bin thii Ointment, thikaitimia a day; fats the chest: throat and neck of the patient; It will eau; penetrate and give Immediate relief:. ,3fedicine takes ey the mouth • melt operate upon the whole system err Its lac enee can , be.felt in any local part, whettaa the thatsitent will do Ito wink at once., Whoever tries the .aaaquut In the aboyo - manlier for the diseases natiusker any bid:alai* disorders' affecting s the chest ittid throat, will and thentaeleta *Sew' nd soh/ a chat& , i, , - - ~. 1 • . . : . . . .. - • •-, - - .Pilesaisetaln, - Strietftres, ' : *..._ - TtIC , above claw' of eemplatuta will J.:rearmed: bi . - , nightly fornentlng the parts with warm water, and then moat effectually rubbing in the Ointnrent!'. Pertains " - 'suffering from thesedirentE tompletntedialid A s a dor i , moment in arreating-their prwriala. %It alltadd tader-- scald that it is not sufficient .un • relfte,emear t .e g o mention the affacted.pad.4; bet f or aya ItelLrebbed in ' for some conetderade Cole two oe thruath wa . t h at It fitly taken Into the ayatenb: *litinie:.ll will re m ove any bidden 'tomer wool as elfaetuany opti t i da t tyatratato to the eye. • Uwe, alialin toad. and LOW PO inlet* after the. rubbing,ln of ilia tiinent..will oto great genic*. This ' le the only wire tr:,itastot r,:tb4ejea, cases Oreaneer ho the . stomach, or Whet* lam tria,t he e gfterlt besting .ii litdioCrotign i .gethu4l44Sni oa it'd Mien: roLOTCM,:as atici;ifillini.s, tan;wittr certaluV,, b.. juruliceßY clitittitglid OlnLment be mist heel" and the (Ilia be lahent niat asid:M0a11111: as reenaraiinded .hi Wain Ai; whited Wtroctiona,„ 'When treated fa any after Way they onlj-dip mi flint to plarelo break out In from tAiti se riemi nod learealie. patient:a vtgurone end likettlif sig: It Affill`reqiiiro time with the foie of the - flank/filmes yatlng eure. • " - • - - Ibreiiideal flwelliika,!#l*.nliti fa - anti Sti ff hints': • LTHOUGH thePshare teettpkiiats differ • 341r.colgin, and eatureC. Ink' th eY. all 'Midi*wider ` talent:. Xany 41? Lhe'vrorat liwayi„ of such cliegases, will4ltlit hr a tothpiustivelf 'Alert spaii of that *bon • tha.3ohattneet is dtlignedzeupbed into the putaafthatad; eyed:after orene hater mama have failed. Le ,aU merlon* audadfes the Fifft - ahtmld be taken aCcordlng tdilie:print,N eftdirection* itecarepenylag each box.. • . . L , ~ . , 4 . . . ..- ... .• Both il;_.,Otnimery,(474l Plit,i should sued i n ;theNOPPlg'c43ll: '• • Bad_ ,tei Cbtego-foot.• 41 04114 ' itadDrotsts, GAM • Barra; (taimilia }bob , in t oito. Glandular Swellingsenriii, 00 A '..PXOII.= Silo of Mombetnes,Cance, Litheumatina. 'and liand-111ter, Contracted' mid Wee,' a f riatnta, - finetaneptee. Urn 'pima* 9 +Diemen, .9c 17' Mow noodar ' ere; 'me, - l'Yaam y ac, m a c ,„ etaltno76 -4 NDiiirliT it : M . IIIM llama tbe r . rorda " noL- r \ zw-Yook AND Lmtribk," am dime:ratan a ri k 4 " l 7.o 4 lArthe book of direettmts around t non Crito gain% may be plainly amn by holding, _ • aittkirdefigeNgh(-.....,Alendaokr, reward will he g ive n 10 4 iltUb Veda% gob Saformation as nay lead to Otte r op - o any party orpartiee covnterfeiting,ttuatradk, Mama Or vending the mimW, knowing them to bit apdxfous. Bald at the Mannfactory of Professor HOLLoWAY, PO. 11/titian Lane, New York, and by albrerpactabk Pru e ate Ord Dealers In Modleloa, tbtouirbord Ina* civilfzed wft, iro.l4 l ,4lldMillezda, rents, and Zi ea ea. 2"- Thera to tonsiderabl r e wing by taking larger bon'ea 1. B--Dtrectioca for th e raider :e ratienta In s p ew disorder are affikcd to each x • • • - -• . • I :oilavEst NEW ±.. a fare IMO& of new Dime. kr • Co dictlig,'Parlor, OM e anti Shop purpose,. for We.•.• 1 Or Coo) . WWI thlreentripe, Zinc, ' • xllsoasortm ; opt% select sod ties treble, !Mt will ite or.:C (*the moirt-fantWe terms for:COM, or to Prompt Suz: l'Cor'Xll Oril:44*b, PAZ IitAILBOUTE . BETWEEN MONTOSEM fRIENDSVILLE. ,iontrose end' ended. e;:a• eare 6 tar , e IktA., 41oetrver. , dully. at 7 o'clark.e.i an. ate! tear Frier.!.• rine at 3 •• - clAolte• m• • • • L' TIV - Iforres an anTtagorearf e;frocerr,d at the . .rer7 Stable of the subscriber ielfoottoetri qm ramontble terci Atalf: 16, 'sop. P. 0901)47.y ARE, YOU INStTRED ? ?Et - 18ing rreetrlua teelteattires for IrCaufaird" irf the 'Woe , Comparatc" - • WyomingENSURANPEt cimpany, WALK lES-RA term, Litt. , • Cluirtpr rimpoO AL L Qa . : $199,000. ..NbiTrilLer 2d, 1807." - • - DIDIY,TORS. Driellbarli.• J. P. Denate,. • John. Reichard, David .1104, , r.a,., Chas Donzaca , • Saml,Wadtumni, '-R I,acoe. , Wm 8 Rosa L D Shoemaker,' P./Stye); kEnaTt.-'' We: SMITH. See?, •0. M. HOLILLYZACVeuI. W. O. STMILING. 77•Ca2. h. D. SaorxAirt, TNA INtIIRA.NCE COXPANY, Hartford, Connetticut. Paid tip Capltal,., • $11.8D4,000 00 , Assets, 24%100 02 uakor City Insuralice Company,. Philadelphia % Pa. With a Capital of ORTJLERN ping &I'VE ASSURANCE CO3fid.l l / 4 "1 1 iioorgakt, street, London.. . . - Uspltal, $ 6 ,*,Q09.... Annual Revenue, $1,000.00.0. AV's' GETTY, Agent, Philadelphia. cpxsnr-- - - - . ... , A;NECTICtiT MUTCAL Lin gc•sclumcz COM PANY of Hartford. Connectt ant. • ' - Accumniated Capital, $1.3i0.0* 00 Any one their lie - nalnstuini - vrill do sell to call and examine' their mode of its and their tette. erhieb are better than thoee of any othereompany, before taking Policies elsewhere. 11. P. BLACK.MAINI. oc11'60) Officeover Chandler &..Jeaar.p's atom' VittP#U ) .MEEtrgitl• vir • ..-1110.1LiTIC ' • e • s 13. ;TONIC DIURETIC ' „__ 41140 pip,,. . trs I ° . KYDRATIN&.CORDIAL To the Citizens-of Penniylvania. ‘4 . apothecaries, Druggists, Grocer" kind - Private Partalltes. - Pero Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's - Pure ' Maderia, Sherry zuld Port. Wine. ! Wolfe's Pure 'Jam sida and Bt. Croix - A=, I' Wolfe's Pure saes and Irish Whisken A...texa ZN .134trI7PLEM£5.. y BEG LEAVE te.eall the attention of the citizens of the Butted States WOLF abe - Wu:as arid Lumeati, inapor. ted by UDOLFIiO WOLFE, of.ew York, whose neme is fa. miller in every parrot' this country for the purity of Is celebrated SOB/EDAM SCLiziA7ll, Br, Wolfe, in a letter to me, Speaking of the-purity of his-Wines and Liquors; ;aye: . ..I will. stake my reputation as a man, my standing u a merchant of thirty years' Teeideneein the City of N. Y., that all the Brandy and Wines which-I bottreare pure as .Imported, and of the -hest quality, and an be relied EP= by eve*. pnrchaser." Every bottle has Me 7 proprietors, mime on the Wax , and lac simile Grids siMiature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to rail examine for themselves. For sale at Retail by all of the Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia.- Bro. H. Minos, No. 832 Market Sole Agentfor lhsladdplesa Mead the following from the New York Coarser:. - - r4sorntOUS 111L^e,NErF iron Y. MEnctil." , —Sir LL arebappy to inform our fr..11,m citizens that here Is one 'dare In LI: t v. here the physician, epotheca, , and country merchant. can co nod pnrchn.e pok-p;iris and Liquors, as pure as iinported, and of the best quality. We do not'intend to tive an elaborate description of thismer chaneacatenilve birsincps. although it will well re.prre *- stranger or Citizen to visit tidelpho -Wolte's extensive warehouse, Nee. IS. 10 & .1.2. Beaver at., and N 03 ., 19 21, Merkettieldst. His stock or Schnapps hand ready ihr shipment could not have been.less than rept(' issea; tho Brandy genie .10,000 eases—Vintages et MS to rot and 10 cases of Madeira, Sherry, and Port Wine, Scotch & Irish Whisky,Jainalea and St. Croix Bctm, some very' old and equal to any In this ermine''', lie had also three large cellars, Oiled with Brandy, Wine, tte.„ io casks, under the CnStom House key, ..teady for bottling. Mr: Wol a sale • of Schnapps last near amounted to 180,ND:dozen, • d sty hope in less than twoyears „bunny be squally as with his Brandies and IVinei. -. • • Ills business merits' the patronage of every Meer of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines ihLimiors for Medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. until every Apothecary. in tholand make up their minds to discard the puLtenonS stuff trona their shelves, and . place It with Waite 's pore-Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the . accommodation cf delderain the oinntry, 'pats up;saserted cases of Wines and Liqueur. Such a man, and =die eventual, should beortist allied against his tens of thousands of oppo nents-1n the United StateOltho sell no thing but imitations, • ruinous alike 'to human health and happiness. (sepl6m Mark Ihese Facts ! THE .TDITIROIqY OT TILE *HOLE WORLD'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers