-to give an Abolition majority in , consequence of their *absence. 'ln a minority in both-Rouses 'of Con gress, with the Supreme..Conrt - to ex pound the laws-And restrain all illegal and and, unconstitutional acts, the. President wilt be utterly powerless for evil, if he should have the disposition to do wrong. Even in the distribution of his patronage, he would be dependent upon the 'Senate for the -confirmation of his nominees to office, so that he cannot appoint a bad man to office without the consent of those in whom the South confides. Aspartisan President, thus tied hand and foot, pow erless for good ,or evil_ without the con -sent and support of hispolitical opponents, should be' the object of pity,tutdeommis -oration rather than fear and apprehen sion, by a brave • and chivalronspeople. What giziod or harm can he do toesnr body, except to humble the pride and wound the sensibilities of a large portion of the American people by occupying the chair once filled by Washington, Jeffer son, Madison and Jackson ? Does this fact furnish sufficient cause for destroying the best-Government of which the history of the world gives an example ? four _years-will soon pass away, when the bat lot-box will furnish a peaceful, and con stitutional remedy for all, the evils and grievances with which the country may be afflicted.' • If, in thel meantime, any act shall be perpetrated which shall violate or impair the rights of any citizen or State, or . shalt endanger the peace and safety of any por tion of our people for which the Consti tution and laws shall fail to provide ade quate and efficient remedies, the time will then have arrived for those who think the Constitution has been disfegardefg and the Federal power perverted to pur poses inconsistent with their safety, honor and equality, to consnit . and deliberate upon the nature, extent, and mode (if re dress. sido not anticipate, nor do I deem it possible in the present condition of the country, that, under the Administration of Lincoln, any act will he perpetrated that would destroy or impair the Constitution al rights of the citizen, or invade the res erved rights of the States upon the sub ' ject of slavery ; but, if I should find my self,painfully mistaken on this point, I have no hesitation in expressing my delib erate conviction that such. an Outrage would not only make the Southern people a unit, but would arouse 'and consolidate all the conservative elements of the 'North le firm and determined resistance bY the overwhelming majorities. In such an event the South would occupy an impreg-, nablli position. With her own people uni ted and animated by one sentiment—the Unfaltering resolve to maintain and defend their rights and liberties as won by the blood of their fathers, and guaranteed by the Constitution of. their country, they could safely rely upon the justice of their cause and confidently expect the sympa thy of the civilized world :ma - the choicest blessings• of divine Providence while straggling forthe right. Under these Lir •cumstances I can perceive no just- cause, no reasonable ground tor„such rash and. precipitate action as would plunge into the horrors of revolution; anarchy and bankruptcy the happiest people, the most prosperous country and,the best govern ment the kun of Heaven ever shed his genial rays upon. • To-those, if any such there may lie, who look upon ilistinioir s and a Southern Confederacy as a thing desirable in• itself and are only waiting for an opportunty to accomplish thit which hail been pre viouNlv• resolved upon, the , election of Mr. Lincoln may furnish a pretext for precipitating the Southern States into revolution. But to those who regard the Union tinder the Constitution as our fatheri made it, the most precious legacy ever bequeathed to . a free people by a patriotic ancestry, and are determined to maintain it as long as their rights and liberties equality itid•hon or are protected by it. the election of Mr. Lincoln, in my humble opinion, presents no just cause, no reasonable excuse for disunion. • - Having discuss . ed all the questions at is-_ sue freely and elaborately in thy addressesi to the people during the recent canvass,l do not perceive that any patriotic object can be advanced by any furtlkv public, dis cussions an my part prior to resuming my seat in the Senate. That the passions and animosities engendered byrecent rim:nests may soon give place to reason and patri otistn; that eahn and wise counsels that the Constitution may be preserved invio late, and the Union maintained forever, is the ardent hope and fervent prayer of your friend and fellow-citizen. • S. A..Dorm.a.s. • New Orleans, November 1.3,. 1860. 4littportout -11ational Work:. %bibbed by D. Appleton &Co, 344 and 3 tR Broadway, (dew York. The following work. are sent to nub4cribi.r. in any part of rani ty, (upon receipt...of retail.priee.) by in ill or es press. pm aid : THE NEW ANEW:AN OrcLorr.rn.%i—A twpu hr Dietibnary of General Knowircisp.. edited hr ! Geo. Ripley and Classics A. Mina, ahit4l 10/ numerous-select carps of writers in all branrties; . of Sciences. Art, aid Liter-atom This work beirrg publiahrd in stavist fifteen large egiqaen volumes, each enetaininglso two-rotumn The first eightvskatnes are now rend!, cavil ron. ' tapping near 2,500 meiginal addi-' sional volume wilt be ......e in about three months Prior in cirolh.SP : ~ ! In•••to. $3.- 50; hull wormy:so, ; half -Rusia, earh. , -The New American -Cyelopreaia is Islinlat without &sing saaiserficial. learned but not pp cosuprehSessive but motricientlydettiled, free from perusuusl pi q u e end party prejtofiee, fresh yet acvurate. it is a complete statement of all that is known upon every intpurtant topic within the scope of human intelligenev. Eerry imp - nista arlich.`in it has been specially iirittei. 2 i ipugs for its pas by tarn alto a auttalritiea npon the topics, of which tin., n. spealc*- They are r...1i ; . spired to bring the subject up to the present': moment; to state jual boar it-statein now. 4t.1 the statistical inf o rmation is from the tor,.; re. I . 1 ports; the gsu 'gee .y.nuars keep pore 1 .iiith the lateit explorations; historicnt soal i„t . include the freshest jusf view"; the birirapi4 a l.l,l notices not only speak of the des& also a. ot ',! the living. his A lihrury of itself. ' ARRIDGMFAT 07 TUE DEDATF.A "T ' CtiNGATAN: I Being s peliiie3i ith.ta ry ,ot the Unitett Stat.—, frotnthe orernhation of" the first 1.',..1.:rtil Con. .gnesa in 11F411 to IftsG. Edited orel commted I.v Hon. Thomas H. 'Benton front do; 1115.M5! • Rultords of t:ongres,.., Th,., work will , he ems,. pteted in lb royal octavo volume,. of iddspag s: ;.o . each, 11 ot.whieh an, ntiw ready. Ali odditienol Vellum will he ploslirthett once in three months.. - ; Cloth, $3: Law Sheep, $3,6b; Itait ,5f10r.5....,1, $4.: Hatt Calf, 84.50 each. ' - li Tut - War or l'aueu R I NO.„ rue OM . f IMO/ A ; •.. et DIRATErrFOTUI a club ti c tour. and reruie.. the price of four honks, and five rtopitui 'will be! .. ' sent at the remitter's expense of carriage; or; for ten subscribers, eleven copies will he mend . nt ear expense for carriage. . t . To Aoem.rit.—No other works will so - Tiber. ! • ally toward the exertions of agent. An Agent Wanted in this Courtly. • Terms-made known on applteaties 'to the Publishei. I (jhLT.IS . the 115,erel...Sack or Pound. ek - 3 TiiiLRELL MEMORIALS. LIFE E IVOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS,' a lady remarked to us a day'or two slack, as she exhibited the portrait of an only child, gcruo to the u ;IOW ! land;", which vitas one of ir ri:7333319 7 liotv . ll, should re pt It, bad I , not secured this prec i o us mo th er:id of that dear one." 'So thought. +rte. The loved ones are •not always Witty 's, and while we can call them ours, every one, should secure such a memorial ;. especially since they can have them so truthfally: taken by that luccessful 'artist, A. B. TUBBS. of Bing haniion: . ; dec . t r, HORATIO,IARRATT • .! . f , . Deafer 4t,i'LkUit; GRAIN, GROCER fIE3S'...: PROVISIONS. . DYE r 'lrOODS,Staiile DRUGS, . IirOOPEY and STONE WA E, ALL IV HO US WEPING !'. 411iiTIbLES 4: 'YANKEE 11 7 07 I 9 .117 q IN GE :1 7 .1...*.e1L,...-013l i . door Itiogh Vltorntive s ihie l, lyric , 2161f9rit, Pa., TVIV°4jL° be pleased to see 01 hii old friends 'and inanv - new ones at his --NRW stare fronting DEPOT, where:he is prepayed to shoo thi m isuch a stock of 'the above artie'ea as Row' ?tilford has long Blond in need of. ", Pivision; of trade has . as Maw, advantages as divlSion of liti,or." Any man; confining himself to phe brim h. of business, giving that branch his ‘i.holi; i C phut nod:attention can keep a better assottmest, ny cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than; if the game means and time was employed iti'S kenerall trade. If prm Aont think so. call on tf)e sd 7 .bacriber and be convinced. The wand prinelple ofl o SMALL PRtIFIT lANIUROMPT PAYMENT, !Butter willitic t hitly adhered to. Bt and other Produce feiwarde d to'Neiv York to cane of the best:it:aria ission houses in the City; and prompt paytfientis Ouranteisl. •! i - 7.-- TIORATIO; GA kRATT. Swiq. Co. Pa." April 1660 —y. . . i MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS • 1 i, FOR IMOD.' ' • GREAT ATTRAbTIONS st . -, , • AT TliF,' -1 POOT or MAIN STRUM. . T"'i.itensive Furniture 1. stablishment of ' Saiiiii RnorttEus Having een refitted and , grea'tly irmiroved, the 'proprie ors respectfully annimnre 14 the citizens of _Montrose and chin. ity that diet are constantly Making and keep on hand the ,IiARGEST and BEstr iltsAortment of . i ] l ,- . • TURNITTIRF ... T o kid foil oil hr tire, 'Country. We giyohu following list of some of tho ar ticles w Ilia we will' sell at greatly reduced prires. Cet i qASII or. READY P.AI I : ' Bureaus,Palnut sor.ilahogry, with 'glass,' flom sld t.(l $34 . 5. I Ritreani with marble or brocntellc top*. from 818 to WO And n-latrge assortmentfirem $B, SW, Et, i 4,,. tO 818. I Wash Stends,Ca'rd Stands, ciirnerand Square Stands, of 4ll' varieties and pric4a, from 75 cents to ten 111011aPio. ' • . . . - 1/e4tit,lptvans.,Towel Rackis, Lounkes,&e: 1 , Centre , i(F:lrd; pier, Toilet,, .and,gxteimon Tables. CitairsCane and Wood Sr. Cane, Flay and W4ll d Seats, arid style:, Wilma:fele a totes furnished at New Yotk prices. •• N. it. 'l.lVady made coninS nisited at shirt n9tire.— reroiiness when desired. • We- eNnOny none hot CAT: :rut. and ExpEnt- ENeyn W:.ortliVEN. We intend! to do our Wont: stOct sell it us Lows.K ii can to! ritTorded W. lir. SMITH, A JR., E. 114 531111111.. Montrns. Jan. 181h,0u.--itf . I N.1.1 . W GOODS Lawsiime i centre:sooq.co., Pas wllilac,,%vind „, prasndßnrdr o ra, erv.,,eackiils iz yriee4ed,, April :iith; IL KENYON:JR.: & CO: ; . . 1 rthaltia, silks, lawns and r.al4coes„ nn immensei .•_) variety, II . It. KENY 4,0 N, JR. & CO, . . ti -----. t - r, ~ kVE RY style of Cotton Burnt Goods. sic. this 1.1.2 ,:atlreu'd by It. fiNNYON, JR. & CO. * SILK, Brorha, and Ca..shnuire shawls. a large stosl, LOW. It. KENNION, in—R. CO. • • ... COIIII.S. 1013ACtO • thi4 day received and o r ,• f9r sale lower thin s . lApwtlere Stisqu count . • IL KENIION. JR. & CO. 1(10 l i, l3 ,r Sl i r „ ." } L w E , l . t he A:r o L v T .S or i More and !b. lARr F. Stock of FANCY Dry GooclA for ..4 "aro t br IL KENIION, Et .. . St. CO. . - riNE.A.ll,Settn—Fire Elet!rtnt,lttvlet*. romplete — ' J fri46l sto 850. K. KEN, VON, .111.. & CO. , i 4 Lawi !Ile Centre; Pa., April, 18,0. _ . 1 —1 t 1 •I i i I 1 S Alirr ORD I S • ~ , Ll.llf.R - INVIGORATOR ; 1 1; SEVEIt DEllltarATEle , • . • IT Is e&stuttesul•tied eallreir Irani fistms.ae3 ,• Itws i t er•nheJetrstatsloktvrll.4 , l, a mr•nda r,: SP. ap I ea% Ltnn n I •• awlApl4 - ....-1 t , all tit 1.1 1 h... - e• rm..: ft. atm l it now re• .....rt..11,... h. hh•ynnuslcoce tan gi all he dt.teaN. tot vk hk•lt it IA rnAltnrientit‘L i I • It J. 4; c weal thnn..tn•l•' dm , 'hit lin, r6.1.t.t tun Than Who tatt•cirrn - ni. all 11, , ,5en lid ul tlollel. :As the nonteroti ' ttnx,hrtd errtiOr! . .v.o.gt in it ,10 0f...1.-a...hop . the 4 ..it. ntitst in. 4,141.1 e, E. t o h• h•ntp.r.nstnit of that 1.0,,,11,11t1.41 a. the I I I I :, A r , 4 1 i ,.. 411 • l e4 a sucaqua.m.cs as u f. 1 Lort. the dim., :;1' your ' jn.l Inent pia' : you it tbe g .0 of likri.ivEn pc- 0 , Iv wn. a.v.ro m n.. it I . - .grill core Liver Cosa- ' W i' Darkai.i; Dyspei•sia, l /21 , )C1 reale Diarrhoea. :i . $ 111 t i n ) , -e Cont .- I plelott, Ityseate.- ;. ry. pay, Soar iStamaeh,ltabltual. i Coati h2 , enera t " Choi., lie 4 Cholera, Cholie i: ea:ll4l,aut,Cholero 'lsitantum. "Fiala.. • f Ilroce l 4 J a tan dke co ,Irenotle Weakarst• i V. , sadonse be 41 , ..a Ai, . . :ePAAPIIIy AA All ( )rti11113 • ry triktully t 11441- le c elple. ItallteereStrlE I ILL NUAICIIE., (as 'ttohtpuvls rao to-tify.) In ir 1 treoty.molnutre, it . It leo or three ; Den• , apooktalal are tale- tea at cesssuearen.cat el ~, 17 =wk.! t, - _, i ,1 I A.l' irk* use It a r e; gill st g their taatieval E ahi VV. I MIX: WATER. Li TITS .1110Vtle WITIt TtlEiltiVtl:OltATOlt, Ala> EiWALLOIV BoTiti TOGETIIEIt.' ' - Virtue Oue Eluting: per..Botale. _ • I I: I - lidLortaltirs . •1 • FA AI I Lit C A l l HART I C. P I LLS , .' ptotri a; onxio •Iti di I w Part; Yeaulable Eat raets , nod ,put stp In G1.A,18 CASES. Ate Klattal and .16111 - keep 1 he sap eltuseta. Il* - "ilratntly '.C11.1 . tharttrPlLLlParon- Ve h et *case eathaniri NI which th e proprintor mg upP4 Id hp perk* 1ni..4 then twenty yonte. The Wonnent/jturre.plug .tlnspnd • from there' wbe 1 '0 , ....004 , u 0 d 0 be PIMA as 1.01 th e 'oolloro,ooo, s bib • ”,,iitnn utagapho (ben •-• I I.pe,hie Waved me to place , tn.m within the reach of AIL 104 -. he Frotemion *ell knwir ! 11. flat dleforebt Cadaractsct ' ...tafrokrut inctio. of tali VI bowel._ ...... ..., ..,. - 11. , •Iii? AAi lILT CS -t ' l l l . 4 germ A'a '." }AI ul , ll doe reference to , ' 11 in well rag WI. ' tart, te•eu I. , lntiounde I front at 0 , ‘'Ariell Of the root von , ' • :KN.. Inistrwets. which pa' sake oar every pan of the ...."If , - , il entnl. and ,srs- g gaud Pad safe (apneas ,. c• . 0 4 ,, 0 t.XAnotio .1.: uontied. path ! as De, . ' .rssllcinseehl •n* an St ape ash ,., Sleep'. .."'. Petits he thr I nark and Loins. - C.sstlveness,..P ai 41 . and &Irene.. neer - I lar i! Whale - bon r, - Axon midden cold. " Whans . trophotly, It :try lonoi. end in atong roars*. ur re "et. ;kiss , of ILI.Pe. Mr, a Creeping Skew.. watt n of Cold pacer , area' ii ., adach ., 0. ,; the hotly', Ktillii,Xll • k a . alio i . e.. * ', Leigh, w ake head, Vkartle ee *deg 4 s aivr„zz a z:Trg: rrottbe linen .... mi 4 many diseases to whiett " Ihsb hi Intr. he swarms& ler tbsansios Is tbasaverdse• fu2ll Va rolt "'l. ICE 'MEER Dt Tex Lover Inalgoratar and lanai ca. tha4tbe Pills M. enontet by Oruo. „ ~,,,,,,,, OW leboksoki by Itiet leads to ID th e Urge ham . " "77 - . tl -R. %VV. SAN_ _ . ,00111) 8E.:13 - . , ... . ... t . , • xangsmuter tot eremietor, .355 Droodvray.; 500 r Itork - . . ... . Faj. Rae In Montrose by Ai= Tt*RELI Ageht NEMO VEGETABLE CarOrkEca,ente rare for Dysentart. Wholq , No and Rota. ABELL triMELL. 111:4E C11).4:11 YlNElttit tot ugh: b • ABEL Minn' • • .-- ' - S4C7I -•- • . 19' VA4IIIII-1P - 0 : , i' ,• "..* '''' '.:. .; 4 , AX irgy V- ' . 1:. I v ~ 4 111 1 4 11111111 TEA. Herbs, Barks and Roots vEltsus Poisonous Minerals and Drugs. MOTHERS TAKE HEED! Ito von when observing the unenry actions or your children, consider , that It may be more tharrn mereHrholle that Millets them In vine rncaa out of ten. the•canse or the little cutter. vex ntigliinh 'is IrtindlS and should be ut once loohed to.' .11EADS -OF FAMILIES Ili not let your children &wirer, when tie preml, Jon in A SAFE. AND PLEASANT CURE FOR Wi)Rms. How to better and safe, would it bo -to ,7i have it always in the house. A little delay I'l whenw child is taken ill may often be the cause of ito death. while acting Without delay. and ;to . he siting the " ILVTAI N 11E" TEA in ""`" 111 diately, you trill notonly sage- the child a lung I and tedious illness, and yourself much expense. Weals° feel happier in knowing that you bate ! done your duty. and perchance saved its life., ,t 1: This medicine LA combined purely:of HERBS, AND ROOTSffll NOT A PAIITICLE OF . . !I I 4: Mouldy or Blintialri is USED IN IT. - . :1/ ~ No moßs'illthy Vermifuge' will be steed by 1 those who one.. twt link TAM. The only active , 1 principle id' •Il other Veridifuges and Worm It! .: hiders in lIIL E lt.o It It V . / ' ! CIA/ E N 0 liii ~" co. ,/ • 3e) co S co Iv ~ ' . TO YOUR CHILDREN. 11 ' . • toe mi. Simple, Safe; / Vegetable Medicine. It . Thl.lTotm Tea 'O9l, disroyered.iii an unusnal - way suiting the 1111.1,c 14 Northern Mexitb—a full aecimnt of leyou will find in nue Almanacs. Ask for the •,.„", , ,,ti, v Zan .tbrianar.” of the 1 ! Agent, and •irlien you base read It. send- it to • . Tone neichtetr.2. that they rosy also know of and I be cutylity this hItFAT 'REMEDY I JII MONIS WORM TEA 1 KILLS WORMS , Never.. Barcas—ts Pleagant to Take. 5 1 I . . . - GET A PACEAGE—PRICE 25 - CTS. 5 • _ _ r • _ _ _ _ _ _ th ° .. n- ,Tiri . .. -- .AWN' It'6",'..”;l7l'C',"r i fi. h li ~ of Terurn. ovraoh !mango of 0:4 Worm Tea. 1' 31 aL. TOOSON'tic CO., ,-,.- SOLE PROPRI ETORS; ii, 50 Leonard St, New York.. r.t Judson's Worn; ten be ;told by ono: V . ill ... A gent h 1 , ....r i Tea n % , ; 4 11 . 2 . 40, sod 2 , 74 , ~.),,, . ..,,cisz__-•, - ;-..._.....-.=--, - .(t= r ' -i;•3 SAYRE 64-1.1R9., Agents,: 11 ontrose: tdce2l FootiadokOtto• Dining. Kitchen, • HOSTETTER'S -STOMACH BITTERS. a,!kta. every T3riety at short antic • The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect•confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, becausathe article. has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon -this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion orblazening puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from' its manifest steady , increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption , will reach near one million bottles. This immenie amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of .the most pronunent physicians in those sections of the, country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom it This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of,an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter's Swindell Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions, where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints• lave counted their victims by hpndreds. To be . able to state confidently that the °Bitters" are a certain cure for the •llyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes'-all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, ,and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It opera es upon the stomach, liver; and other .digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. on tniba or fur. always • Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and -they Will find in it &stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant bathe palate, Invigorating to the bowels, excellent es a tonic, and rejuvenating-generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged •men and won:en who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice ofithysicians,thexhave abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits,of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There -are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that-, the mother, especially if she-be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety, for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the weasof body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the .„ mother to ,bear tip under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.; Nursing mothers gone= rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigera- . tors that. receive the endorsement of physi- , Mans, because it is agreeable to the taste as.,. well as certain to give a permanent Increase', of bodily strength. , , 4 All thoie persons, to wheel we have particu- • laxly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, gained by malaria, diarrheas; dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, end. all diseases or derangements of ;the stomach; superannuated invalids, persona' of sedentary .. Occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. • • • CAUTION.=—We caution the - public against, using any oldie many imitations or counter felts, but ask for Holsrsvirtn'a Cc:am:Aran &MULCH Bursas, and see that each bottle has the words " pr. J. Hostetter's Stomtich Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped Ebtthe metallic oop covering the cork,; and ierre th at our autograph signature is on the bet • - ' ' • .... 6 Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh. Pa.. and sold by all druggists, groects, and dealersl generally • throughout" the . Hulled- States'. SOuth Amer sitm. Ind Germany. may" For hate in Siontromp by , jurtlfs Iv ABEL TUliltfil,L. MADAME SCHWEND'S • wkoini - clordo. r Siliflas7)l46 . , ll. Grata and nn Acute and tihrorile. 1=1 "n of Ahmrsittal Can.ours. Send 3 cent Stamp to her Agent. B. 40N.E.s, Bundrcdr•for tertimoniair Pox *t7o. Mile P. O. i'frAsepri. S. W. Car. Third & Arch Sta. per ipw • FRUIT JARS for rate !r}r , lisurakk Ilabei J Ladies rare. k 1(11 111 k n'tlklll . o. 10/4 01 he ,old low for IL la' Wall'. Alilf.,rd, Nov Eli, IvO MOUNTAIN -HERB JUMON'S WORM TEX . , 9 Ay . e. r s.. Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING TILE BLOOD, • . And-fir the spority curette (110 e111}(/had ruriettiv Of ph;s.o: Scrofula and Berriftti one &fief:A.lnm g, aihrh Mil Tninor*,. Ulcers, Sours. Ernpiinul. Pinn• Pie*, Put.tnien. Matches, "Bollsi • and alt Skin Discrasti. 0 l•AN'Tlyhu nth _ .7. C.' ATilt & Cll. *lds! 1 611 ff Htv tlnly to lu knowlr,tuo what ynur i•innetintrilla luta Ann, 'for me: Having Inhrrinrl.n Serotniona ittreetion, 1 hal...guttered' from it in variono ways for tears. Sometlinos it litirq out to 171 reps on nor taunt; MO 111.1111, t w,mrtlmrr It timid itiwitrd nut! didooonal nut sit tdontarti. Ton' years ago It broke not of me bend and 0W1'1141111,7 aealp and ran, Wall Otte min., "Odell Walt !Mill tont lommo beyond ,I, , ,tript Mu. I trl,l matte tim,linitu, oral ~..•rerut pityririum. bit without mull, relief front ittly thing. In fart. the 4h:order grow wore., At longth I wits rejokt . l ' In tnatdin the titivel 31,isenger that yon itrcpar.4 'all nltoint ire itiarsupatilla), roe I knotie from your Lilian tint ally you t Ito good. I- mutt to eitteinnntl'and got It, and upon! It't ill it rtment me, I I,lli It, as you itiltd.is, it gol:Ill doses of a tonqusintrul nrrr .n \,•w and 11,111.111 V mulor Ih. W 1114.11 • while fell oit in in lulw el,-ar, nut 1 know hy trey fevlittg - n s tteni the goo.• front env .r.dont. • Von run well 1..11ev0 thnt 1 foe' what I 4111 101.1 1 ttAi you, that 11,11,1 you to In• ow or the ap,.,:t lon or dm sign', and Inman ever gratefully. Your., • • It. T.% St.. - A nth nitty•e Toler. Ittite or Ur.. •irelo•„ Teller and Solt Rhenium. Settltt lictitl;ll.litge Ntrottot.•Sore Tlyest, I)roptly. • • Dr. Itoltert M.. writes from, Salem; N, Sept.. that Tie• enroll tot Inveterate Ines of to t'rndnnt, i,tnliv, Iry the peri-everhili the or our •••••• nod also a 4an ••r -'one !atoll' or .IPai,omtf. I: 4 ••,ihr 1,4 gowe of tire, value: tows lie Imo , the hy it colt fit allay. Ilroltclincelc, (:nitre„ or Swelled Nettle.. Zehttitei Sion. nerttco: Threo Iliottli4a of row S111.11;11'1114 wired me tram a goitre—A Marton+ swelIiol• no tin,' whleli I hail b'ulfert.tl front over two years.” Lencorr)term or - Aclvltce. flitortnit Tumor, tlt erilur rletrottlet 0, Fetalt lc Meenees.. Itr. .1. 11. S. Clintinitnt, of New York Cit v.. writs:." mod! eill•erilsli,v mond y with.the ro s uo c t of yonr agent in sneing I itnvellning your Snrt,istrilis n Inset excellent. nlterotivwhithe 1111111.1Y/11A romphints for which we mat- Woe town' a remedy. hut eeperisily in remote ltirvnva Xerofoloo.iliatliesis. I Moo rung ninny intuit crate , tnt%l`,l or Leavorrherm ny it, wail stoop where the compiling on'. estit:eg lw lasers/rim of the oferr,, 'fie igritration ti . 34 no , in eared. within My ,knowlptlge eo•oilA It tor llo•s ,, feitmle Entrant S. Marrow, of Newbury„ writee: tt A tinn gerstel nretrietn4 oleo( the female. whirl' ling tietiell nil the remedies we esold tsoftlity, hat at length iP4'll completely mired LY yorir extritet of Snr- NnPnrilint Our Pliv.irinn thought nothing list toctirpn. thin et - 41)4:1110rd relief, hit he advised the Idol of yam- Snrsuparilln qe the last ll`FOrt hefori• null t.int. Mid It proved effectual. After taking your renully eight weats nu symptom of the iii ease remain e.” Syphilis and Mercurial I)isrn ire. .‘turo.f. AYEIt. Sir: I eleiorinlly oilb Ito ritinoiit or your ru4olit, awl report to volt totillo I have readziti trill, your siiii‘suPio illt. I leave runt! %illicit. iu my !into 1,,,1118.1 of :110 mom phints for it Is rinoinineielel, 1,0, ifs 14141 s ror... wood,rot the etin. or 1 - ..t0.n0r luod ,orrot lti.vnar. lino Orltly pnlirutp btnlsyphiiltir uleors in Iris throat, a Nola wet, soil the lop of Ills mouth. YOlit , Slit , s . fp:it ills, t•fo.,lll‘ . eland him in Si,. Wailer was Illftldf ol l by Sot , ondnry sYniptinnt in lilt and trio nliiiisution Lad anion away nvonsiiieralili• tof it, k 0 11131 I In-Hove the ilkonler tumid Id- brain 810 Lill Lim. 11,11 it ylehliti to or your Sur•oparltb, /be ulrers Lrahvl. and own , lll.lignratinu of the (ace. A AV0111:111 ,11.1 Imd Innni tr..0r..1 for Iho fllgOrallr men - envy wan ttifferiiii: faun ilii.peii•on iu liorlionet , Isieonsii sonsi• n olatnlv .13y ~lo' I.llff . ..frit joints nit bollios. SLr , 1.111. non curet!, 13.111 . . IV Iry your Snrna;lnallln In n fon . I 1:110.O' froin cunt ,u:oot grro Inv, 11“,1 lid% Prep:W.l'o. from your islioeidory 1011.1 :mitt rounore einisitinentle, those truly reviiiri.4.llii results with it bane not viirpr:i6A Frasinially G. V. i.v yh. 11. Maranon% Gout. Liver foil pin Isto ('is.. atli C. Sir: I has e is,m n 1111.1.41 with n polo. Cut els le for n Icon; olikliirdlled tins rt.:111 4 11111,1.11111., and 41114: I , tiso imordiet.t ino.knotit I tried yolir;din,nyinriiiii. (1w• bottle mired nee in two wer , lo4, snit re..tor.l Inv general lienlth that I am fir tailor than hell,re I sva• nttneked. 1 think it al wolot..rfol tu,,liehle. .1_ F1it . ..131. .1;11,,. Y. fletrh.ll. of St. Loot , . •• I hat .• Iv-eu nfllieted. for y. , nr, sytth no ~.tr,..tion "in, firer, whirl: IleAreveil my heanh. I teie:l ry *., ors , thing Gilled to 1 . 1./it•Vl . 111 , ; 1111 , 1 I 11111 . 1 . 104.11 3 broken -.!iiwn 11111:1 -tar c r ew 11,1 .1111, 1.311,• 111:111 ,!/' The Lir., :sty Inlesed p rter.l beo v . ,i3toil me to fry your SAvaaparill.i.l , emove he -.ad he hie,V . volt, rind :my thing you mail, lie the Ide:sa im:.if ;Goa It ha.. roved toe. root tiny uie pnrilieJ my blood 'am to tunt:'.•n tnau of me. 1 keel ).0;;;;,.• , agnlte. beat that eau lie rent l .4)1111 I. 1114 hall gout! Salt Irrtt.r. Cancer TI1111101•.• Rol n t. ltl rrr•ntton, Corls••, until Isiltasiiittlois of the Bowes. .% ;trent-variety Or 411.efi11nvi.1.. , ” reported to it, where ('lra of theme ti.rlntl dile relllll/I.lllllAa te .. l th e ,iiike of thin rteilei . h.', but our .i.n.v• h. n. v 111 111 ,1 ad mit them. Setniiort lien, nuns. I, b.uud in tour Alin.: ieitit Mims:me, which the irztetti.. ineiteil are o.m:bed to • furiliAS gains to yho call for them. Dynprpiiin. heart. 1)1,Isose. Fite. Epilepsy, Many r;'mnrkalde 1 . 111,s of tlll , l , IlfrIrt14111•1 11:11 . 0 1111.11 made by the alterative Power.: it ,tiunt bdre the vital rut,..6111,1 lute v iselien, and th e ., overcomes dlaurders which trout`: its resell. Such a remedy tnei Ion.: been revel:n.4l liv the tleeteisities of the people, toe Vive are vonthirot that tub will do for thenrall that medicine r a n do. Ayer's Cherry_ Pectoral, Coughs, CoWt.lnenzn, -11onrtenets, Croup, Itronehtttt. Incipient Couttunp• Hon, and for the Relief of Consetutp.. . Ove Putlent•, to advanced stage. of the Digense. This is a remedy P ounJrcn known to simpass An y , other for the cure of throat and - him: ecuiplsint s, that-it Is useless here to publidt the eChienee of its k ir t it. unrivalled excellence , for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cams of pulmonary have madeit knownthroughout the nations or the fz:irtlf. Few are the communities, or even families, ntoomr them who have not some personal experience of Its cfferta— some living trophy in their midst of. If+ f ictory 0% el - the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs, As all know the dreadful fatality of these diaordcrx. and 611 they know, too, the,eirects of this remedy, we necd not do more than to wafture them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures whiell have •won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER do CO., Lowell, Man! For sale bvAtn.l Turrell. Mont ro=e: Church A: Phinney : - Dullall!: NV:flint:in Swi+h.•r. Auburn and by all tliukr- and drli=l,4-i•srryu it•re. twin ly _ _ .4,01_w,"".t-4 tsED! HEALTZ ,13,ESTu DR. • . A, nperietit . and stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon 10 com buttion in. Hydrogen. of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaint% viz: DEBILITY. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. EX& , CIATION. DYSPEPSIA. 'DIARRIA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA. SALT RILEUM. SCURVY; JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS ILIEUMA VIM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES; ENTER, MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES.. FEMALE WEAKNESS. MIS. - MENSTRUATION. WHITES, CHLOROSLI. - ete., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE' SKIN, etc. The IRON being, absorbed by the blood; and gins circulating through the whole system, no dart of the body. can escape their truly wonder ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron pan -for a moment be 'compared-with it. Impurities of. the blood, de. premien of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in al. most every conceivable case. In all cases of female debility (dues Onus, chlerosii, etc.), its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history - 9f medicine. which exerts such prompt, happy, , and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of-strength, with an unusual disposition for active . and, cheerful - exereise,finimediately follow its use.; As a grand stomachic and general - restorative, it has no superior andno substitute. Pal opt'. neat. Ant metal boxes eontsining 50 phis. prier"fro cents per ho=t sht 111,21.14 • !l•t MI; one dozen boxes. 54 00. For sale by' Dro,oZlAts generally. Will be, sent free to any address on sveript of the prkv, All lens lets, orders, etc., should he addmised to R. B. LOCKE & CO., . General. Agents. a3O BROAuWAIG IV X• N. B.—The above is a fse•almile of the !abet on each boa. • • hold In 'Moutons by ABEL TVREELL. WHY STAND YE ALL THE DAY IDLE fi r . 1 Y.Lady-or Gentleman In the rotted Staten posc4ing from .1.13 to $7. ran ent,r into nn can) , and tanmOcla Me tilt :,:i n , zP k by - Vinci' from sto $l4l per tint:an be mil j,,ed. For particular:. uddrp, (with 'Comp.) . 1 U , t. 4th. 1 , 4;(a. Am W It. ACTON .4 - , CO,. No. 47. N , dlll SI sth btrcct, l'ldlsoMpltia. ABEI:TtIi.RELL ABEL TURRELL ASJust returned from selecting andparchavlng and ls II now remitting one of the largest and best stockief" it : •• • ; I 1 . G it AN - ,T) • overofTered In Oda market. The tynalityof natty every thing good: all warranted as represented. ' ' Tenho: Ready Ceo, and Low Prima. A general tit of the stock may be formed from the following enuine on: Dunes, Idententer, • YAiNTS, 011.8, VAIL:CISME!, %Insets LARS, Dye STUSTs, , GILLWERIELL. GLASS WAS CIULCILZILV,. . eLocILS, WALL PATEII, ' Wisflaw PAPER, \Vitali!! OIL LitIATES,FAMT. Gonna, Musical Instruments. Lamps, Jewelry, . Perri:finery,' Stone Ware, . Brooms. Botches, • Whips. trtoltrers Bltd Cages, Pocket Knives,' Gene, Pistols, . Ammunition, Liquors. Trusses, finflportero, Shoulder Bream,port monnals, Spectacles, Silver .L plated Spoons:4 , 4las. Re. told pens, •'• Stationery, - • Violin, Guitar, Bess Viol Strings, Lithographs. porcelain Teeth, Ailimrs Talcs paints4trash es Re.. Re. A lso some Dry Goods. Wooden Warn, herd nod japanned ' Ware, Pluidiand'oll Cana, VamphiCoal Oil. Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tam er's, neat foot, lard, olive, castor. bolted and raW ilns Oils, White Lead. Zinc, and all kinds ef cohlred_p_a_Dtts,_ll . 7.lllo , gar. Canary Seed, also all the popular PAU.= I=l- ems, and other things too numerous to mentioni It is impracticable to - give more than a general untlins of my stock through the newspapers, every one wishing GOODS is luVited,la call anti examine, Custom m' on entering the .cure must not expect to find every, Winn in sight but nearly every,artiele wanted will be predated by itrouirv. TiLankful fur the liberal patronage hitherto reeeled, he hopes to merit a continuance and lame Increnie of the :11111C.• ATIEL TeItRELL. MOntrotw. June &PM. BOARDING SCHOOL. AT . G A R EAT BEN D 1 - .PA , Tins st,„(y),.. will be opened for the reepp, lion of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the 29th day (Wednesday), of February, 1860. TtltAffi OF TUITIG)7 Primary Branches per Qr'tr of 11 weeks, 3.00 CoMmon.' " " " 3.50 Common and Higher, " " 4,00 Higher En " " 5,00 Lessons .on Piano, " " " 10,00 Um! of " " " 2,00 Ornamental, and Cla t isical Departments, extra. The Principal has had much experience in teaching( in New Yark and Penn'a for the bat ten years, in Common, as well as Select, Graded or Ifig,h Stehools. 'Referenees given if required N. It —Board at the boarding hall, two doll's per . week. Lights and washing extra. Payments to lie made quarterly in - Ay:mem' inh y E. W ROGERS. Principal. • NEW 1C114.11. I,lour, fert k itrobision ~;.tort, At MONTROSE. rib. NE doorbelow./. Ethridge's Drug Store. oOn Pub _ Avenue, where will be found constantly on band a general assortment of- GROCERIES: Such as Stittars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffue &c, &e.. Also the choicest lolnds of FAMILY FLOUR, Meal, Lard. Pork. Fish, Candle* ate. We solicit a share of the_ public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the lair thing, -- hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN l‘t. ALLEN. WM. L. ALLEtif: ALFRED TIALDWM •f . 1111111 . . 1411 - FIE MO_NTROgE, PENNA. rri LIE stilwerilwr having purchased retitted,and newly furnished th. above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the tray! oling public and .others with all the attentions and conveniences-usually found in first.class I Houses. Nu effort will be-spared by the ero ! prietoi and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in eery point to any in t h e country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. 'rho Stat4lescrnnected with this Haust aro large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostler% are always in vharge of them. - J. S TARIIIO.I. MEAT - MARKET ' On Public ..lrennr, near •Searle's Evi;.o.nsuntir on hand ~,,, supply fd c d MEATS of nil kind.. CAS!' p a id fo r Beef Catile,Calves,Slseepond Lambs. Apo tur Hide% 4)11111 HEN STUCK. & JIAWLEV. 4. T. lIENSTiocK. - lI*WLEY Montrose. Ilarrh 3( th. 's9.—tf. KEYSTOisIF HOTEL, • At Montrose, Penn. WM. H. HATCH, Proprietor. plilti new and commodious hotel .sitonto • 1 on' Putilie Avenue. near the Court floniscomd nearkcin the centre of the business.twirtioh rf Montrose. Is now fu 14' completed and furnished, and was (pencil . on Monday. the 27th day .01 September,. 185 g, for the accommodation of the public, and travelers. The Proprietor feels confi lent that lie is' now prep:ire& to entertain guests in a !harmer lat catruot. fait to give • Complete t Satisfkction. The jHotel and Furniture are new, sod no, ex pense, has been spared to tender it von). if not superior to any hitpilar e,tahlishinent in this part of the State. It. 14. well supplied with all the recent impenveniunt4 and cotutorts, and waiters will always be readvto respond to the call of customers. The !Ntaldes contwetpa with. this tlottme are New . and Convenient. The l'r"prietor respectfully molicits the.pstron age ',lbis old friends, and the public retterallv. WM. K. HATCH. ,sCNIt, Atli Lii r EDlt V/. E.A88,, WHOLESALE SALT ,DEALER. 201 Wasitio;;;tun-st, (Directly opposite Washington Market,) • • 'NT - srorls.„ CI I'll.l. CONTINUES to offer to the ear. and kJ (MUNI RV trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse anti Fine SALT, nt the very lowest figures; 400:0 sacks and bags. (-on:4:ding in partof Ash ton's celebrated braid tor•table and dairy use Jettre'y & Darer, Marshall's, BrOwnlow's, &e. and 50000 bushels Tnrks bland, Bonares, Cu racoa, St, lilies, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivien, Nantes; &e., all of which will be sold at bargain prices frutt ressels, , store and storehouses. , Any purchaser wishing to sekvt from a good •jssorttnent wilt find it to hia interest to ea% N. - B.—Fine table salt pill up in smalf bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid 'article of Rock Croon& salt,:in_ynot boxes, put, up and for sale by the(juantity, in cases of five dozen each. THE BEST ROUTE . 'lBOO FILO3I WYOMING VALLEY TO PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE,- - And all Points North & West. LACKAWANNA & BL4MSBUR6 RAILROA SUMMER 'ARE Two Daily Pas $r 111. SELLINTONI AND'. N AS FOi. 'PILING Form I'flll L 'N. Y. ' 3101. Ex.pre.,A. L•ara Scrativlat: Arrl c.. at l'ittvlun, 4.N1 King 44 tn. 7.0 N. 20 ShickAinuy, 7.50 , 0.0 , .5.211 Ijs IlloomAkriz, SJ) .7.3) Itnpert. %MI 7:0 Dattvlll , ., . - tot) NattliulutiElo.llo R.ls' Scriutoth 1 1 45 8.45 • Tag LACKAW'ANNA irB.LOOI/11BURO RAILROAD • CONNECTS went VLF DEL LAOIi.AIf.A.ENA S WESTERN ItAILIIO:AD At. Scranton, for New Yuri and Philadelphia, and Inter niedinta Pointe eatt alto for (treat Bend - Dlngbaintou. syructup, Buffalo, :Niagara Palle. andnll traportantpoluts Wett. At Duped it I,Onrieet... with the Catawiiva Railroad, for punitn hilth Es-t and Wert. 11 Nnrilinndwriand 11 con pro, with tht Sunbury' and Ergo it:dlr.:o r',r Dond, : ,Wv.,l anti Snug' Wistael balsam of Wild;rrsr vristir's Balsam of Wild rl7. 1 1 Coughs, Colds, cough Coughs, Colds, tong* iithnui, Bronchitis, itotirseins, Bronchitis, Adhout, Bronchilii, , lonneness, Bronchith. I Whooping Cough, Croup,. j. Whooping Cough,.. Croup, . , Conotipliou, ConsumpliMi, Consumption, • IConsumption, Consumption, ' and all like diseases, And an uVailitig antiduce, q ready refief; and a sure and speedy cure,. o in'that great and yilir;roally approred remedy,_ • ,Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.. Wititer'S Balsam of Wild Cherry. . I The Rev. Jacob feebler, Mil lautilm'aid junta rupectiti cuing Ou °errata, papa- s 1e5tb,411.4 comary; 4ejo/Ur/0g ititc,!eatf.,, beitti/t *like • • 11i1601`66, PA.., Feb. 16, 103. 11lessr4 B. W. FOWLS •k, Cp.illoston,—Dear hire _Having 4alized in my family.; Important betroths Bern 114 nseiif your valuable prepitation, Wurranhi I/14- ill/t3l OF '11%1 . m) CHERRY, it affords me plowmen to recommend it to the pdhlic. Anne eight' yews ago one of my daiighters, seemed to be in a decline, and little bolas of i , her recovery were entertained. 1 then pm cured a liottle of Your excellent lialaam, and-befote rho had taketi the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great Imptirtment in her health. I have, in my Individual case; made frequent use of your ialeable inetlicin4 and. haie always been ,Benched by it. .l moshi,Adateeei, imatioa de public drawn ferporities, tames IbTo is a good deal of 'epurimix Wislar's .13e4ssis Wild Cherry afloat trairmykost the romary. • " JACOB SEciliX.R. Virginia Te!tixamay. • CereiOW' fr."' Ma. NOC.IIOIOZ NORTON, if the • ,Czamiiter Office, i.icitunewd. nICII74OND,:VA., Felt / , . Blertani. F. W. POwr.t & CO., Dalton, —Grintlerrien'.: I with Pleasure testify to the great merit of yowl. in valuable), lung medicine, Dr. WItITARN BALIIA.I“.I` WILD tDinung, which is likewise highly-valued by many of our esteemed .citizens, who have tested it. "Py trial.• 'rode use of this Balsam some three years vines flu a vinleut and distressing cough which battled the skill of tliysirians, and,, to my joy, experienced such gratifying. relief as to induce me to persevere in its use. I elwayi keep it by me, and ever find it to be unfail ing in its 'Are.. tn. No medicine that I have ever used has girt' such speedy relief. %nos truly, • • NORDORNE NORTON. I 1 FrOm Jesse Smith, Preeitte,:t of the .11urris away Bank, and wA• it well knollra and stitch ea:teemed throughost Noe jersey. ; • • Monulsrow, N. J., hi/. 9;1860 114. H. W. FO*LE & Mitring used Ih r WISTAWS BALSAM or WILD CIIERILY for absent fifteen years, and having realized its benetticial. results In my family, it affords me great .pleasure in recominanding it to the public as a valuable remedy in cases oflscesa how, olds, erno gas, dc.., and a- remedy whichconsider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken iith perfect safety by the Must delicate in health. Yours very respectfully, . • 3}NSE 8111TH. trt , Beware of rile aa Inv:nese counterfeits ! The milyAien tan r. Pure. and 31ed2F111,41 'MOM 1111 A the slant° of "I. BUTTS," written with a pen, arid die printed mune of the pmprietore; " S. W. & C 0.," on the outer wrappei. 4111.wh0 suffer with coy disease of the Tkroat, !.ways, or Chest, can ri•tuio like relief .4 using Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, WiStar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, l• rIIIEPARED DT • S. FOWLE Sr. CO., No. IS TREMONT STREET, BOSTON.," Druyilies, •Ponlers. and Mere hauls in entry hoist Drugs, and eily . in the traratrd Slates. rz — tpr ,ale by Abel Terrell and Read, Warm. & Fos ter; Montro , e ; 1... 11. Woodruff, Dlinoek ; Antos Nichols Rood:I:du ; Whitney. & 'SI ozley. Raiford : Weed & Ward: Gram End; J. Colinshcad,' Dundaff r L, Griffin, Goal Rend. Jay 93.-131* . ' •- _ _ acapicitvc•ti HOLLAND BITTERS DYSPX.PSTA T DISEASE 'OF . THE. KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEARNSIS or ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACM, An., thy, sariow, elasyroinesi upon a di/Grieved . TO3IACIII Olt LITER, Serb l am indigestion. Aridity 74' the Stonmeh. Colicky Paine, of Appetite, Despondence, Costieensea, Itllnd and ithesilfig Pile& I u all Norton.. fihrninatir Ana :%..nrAh:it Affections. Kline fit nrimemns instances proud hl ti.ic benehrial. awl is oaten stetted a deviled run. nit in purele viladrith.rninporel, prepared on seictif ecioMifle prineioe, atter the manner of the celebrated 1101 Lind IM4Veser. Itorhavo. It. repetition at house pno dneed Itc introit... Den her, tifC demand commencing with. tb..4 et the Fatherland ~.tared over the fear of illiv migii4'nnintre, tunny or whine brought with them mid ti.nibrivo trulliUm of Da value. it it nese gem! to -rh Amer:mu I,ubtw, iruMciop that sir truly venadcrill nintiliuntrirtaer wind ifekeersfell,P./. pertieutarly reereninendot to Mom puma. wham consrtutkms may Divot:con Impaired by the centitmom vese of ardent -spirit., wr other Rene of dlssipatien. Generally ituitaiiMmvue in effect. it Bade iM way directly to the met of lit, thrilling MA quioteneet every nerve, raising up tha drr.4.lng epirit, and. in Elct, intwing nevi briath sea vigor in the sysion. • ANGENENT. Gin as a Remedial Agent. Ir UN I)cliclout t ;mie Stlinnlent. Espetially designed. 1 the ore of t " Medical ProfessMu and the Family.. having tuperemled he. so called " Gins," At-eremite," " Cordial," Medicated," "Schnapps." etc., is now on dortml by all the prominent physlelans,ehemlsts and con: . noltactirs; 1.1,44.1,1411 g all those MTN:I7O4C medicinal (mantles (tOnle and diuretic) which belimg Wan OLD and op In quart bottles and ' , old by all Drug gista and Grocers, rte. A. 31.111N1NGElt ' . [Established In 1178.] Sole Proprietors, be 4 No. 19 Broad Street. Y. tyr sale at T1111701`14 Drag Store, Montio3e. Watches, Jewelry ik.lilver Ware. on fo qicr i t i ts o nd e . • have now Moro. and.offur ITItLEIALE and f i t ItIiTAIL. at thy lowest CASH PRICES.& • , eery ihoirst ate& of ,WATCUEB, JEWELRY, 81. L Ault • • PIATED W.A.118, of every variety and style. Every description of DIAMOND WOUlt. and other Jan , el merle to order at short notice. 111 1 '" . All Cod, marronted lobs as represented. . A.—Particular attention given to repairing " Watches incl::leweiry of every descript ton. • sold 3m tubaptny STAITFEIt .t HARLEY, ;No. 812 Market -4. South Blde senger Trains 1:11 , ,TWZ72/ wructusitstiAND, MOVING MOWN. • N. Y. Phira • Exprrao; NorthimAnd, ry.ao IlfinvlW, • 6.14 Rupert, CRS 5.110 BloomAmrg:6:4s 6110 -Berwick. ; 7:15 6.35 shmohlu Tl ,l.44 King ton, 8.39 t 45 Tit is‘f Oh $.67 g. 15 SOLD LIT export. to find thin a beverage aria In. ollrppoliltrol; but to the sick, weak and Tow spirited. ft will:prove n kraterni aromatic cordial, blnelelmid a/Linguini ren+lial prfv•ith, • READ CAREFULLY! .Tho Genuine highly enurentratal liitti.r.g be pm up in haltpind bnttlea nnly, and retailed at 084 ra.tt , a i* , •rbottic. or, six bottles fin. Frei DrottAns. The pesit,a,mood 14 thin truly celebrated Madicine hia mattered many imitationis which the public abould gneird against prinii.asilia• • • Str,t- Beware of itilposition. Fest that our manila on the army bottle yvu buy. 014 by Druggists ;eneraUy. It tan le fersiriell by la:pros to most points. sotr: BpNJAM.IN PAGE, ds.-8a CO. 1=133 Itharmacculists and Cheinists, • PITTSBURGH, PA'. Thaq BITTERS are pnlil In 31ontrolce by • ioc•t n ABEL TURRE'LL. Drtegglot 50,000 Copies already Bold. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER. ' • AlllO COUNSELLOR= TUIENESO . fly Firank 14o:easy, OrrTIiE , PHILADELP.I II A BAR, . It tells you How ttk draw up Partner.lllp Pa pers.:and ' gives general' Alms • - • foi Agreements of all' kinds; • • 'Billtof Sale, Leases. and Pe - . titions. It Mena you Now to .draw nir Bonds and' . Mortgages,. Affidavits, Po*enr , of Attorney; Notes and TlBla • of Exchange, Receipts and Re. - • leases. tt tells you Thu Laws for the Collection o'. l Debts, with the Statutes of Limitatiomandamoutnnd kind' • • • . of property Exempt from Ea . - ecution in every State. • It tells You How to make an Assignment . properly, with forms for Com- , - position with Creditors, sod the - Insolvent. Laws of• every , • , State. , It tell, you The_ legal' relation- existing . be. • twein Guardian and Ward, • Master and 'Apprentice, aria Landlord - and Tenant. It tells you What constitutes - Libel 70 • Slander, and the Law as tc , Dower, the Wife's . • Right. In Property, Divoree, _ • • indAlimonc.. • • a 11 tells you-T4 Law-tor Meehan's' Liens int eery State, and. the Natural ,/ Laws of this, country, and tonii-to comply with tbo isame. IL tells you The Law - Concernin; • Pensions: ' andhow to obtain one, and the 6 Pre-EmptiOn laws to Public Landi. It tells-you The 'Law for Patents, with' • mode of procedure in obtain.- , iag one, with Interferences, ASsignments and: Table otl Pees. Will, . IC tells you 111fte to mak'e' sear and' h o W to Achniniy.ter on •an.Es , Life, with the law and require= . • :irneritii - ito•reof in every Slate. • • It tells you The owning of Law 'Penns in. 'Mineral esplains boa the LegiAstive, - ,Execniiiiw . and Judicial Powers of both '• the General and State Govein; 'meats. It tells )'wit now k. keep ext. of Law, by showing - hew to .do your lie-. - • siness • legally, 'thus attiring n - ,-• • ..yast monist of pr'operty; anti ' vexationslitigatiors. by its time ly consultation.. Single copies will be sere; bt,. mail, postage paid. to every•Panner,ev'ery "Mechanic- every - man of Business, and every body in every State; on receipt ot 81.00, or in law. style of binding at • 814 5 . $lOOO-A YE tlt can lta. made by enter prising men everywhere, in the above work. as our inducements t 6 all such are very liberal. .• • Fur singly copies of the Book, orlor...terms to agents, with ether iniOrmstion, aopiy to. or addres. .10lIN E. PIErTER, . Ne." 617 Sanson-St.; I'a. • _ . what Everybody Want,. THE FAMILY' DOCTOR MEE= oirrArNED, FOP: TI!1: CURE OV.I)ISEASI. , ..IN EI.SIC.MS. Professor Henry S.. Taylor, N. D. Ittvits ye,. Ih w to attend upon the ',irk, and 1 0 ,w ityri,nk ri.r . thrtu;llllw It. prrpue s t ,..e nt i• how t.i vinrd ngain•t intentions frokn Critiogious Ui- It tells Vnii O 1 hr ration. OrYTI.:4IIiI. ,, TTPS` ITilr r t. t ;111 , i ItWilli; Teethil.g. ht.pping-ralug It, 11 01:17.4 . I r, ICZCih you Irtie,ymplom. of Cr - onprholers , lot:lntern, Diarrhtre. k • Wurins. - *Svulded !lends. Ring - worm, Chicken-pox. 3c.. and .gives 3on tiled lest 41-medics • • for their cure. It tel!O you The nt mpt.;riim °Weer, andAgne, and. Billions. YII . IIWIT. Typhus,' Nrarlrl and other Fever 4, and ' • gives . you the best and simple.). twintliien for their raw. It tells yon-The mptriin>• or itjtitsin z - 'll:3onsnmpiivr.,ltyspep;iis,Asth -ma. Dropsy, boat, interns:ism. i.untha ;Jo. Erysipelas. &e.. and gives )on ' the best -rrrnedi , • - for thntr ewe: Iltellsyou'The.stmptorhs'ofCiroera Mot. bus, MalignantCholera,Small - - pox, Dysentery, Ciarop, - gt . :l Of the Bladder. Kidnevs • • • and Liver; and the, best renie dies for-their curt. , - It tells you The • symptoms of Pleurisy, Mural's. Piemalgia. Apoplexy, • • Paralysis, the various Diseases . • of t h e Throat, Teeth. Ear and - Eye, and the best remedies for -7, their rare.- It tells you The •sv sow mak 6f Epij,. mv . Jaundice Piles, Rupture, eases id the HeArt,blidnor- Venereal DlSlttliArg, and 11PdrophMila..and -gives Alici bda remedies fni theireure. Ift•tens you The and simplest.remeilies fo i r s ‘ hm Vo n t i T i d .4 .; . l . roin 7o r krn „j.i Ron: kj • a n n . d .n ~ • Fever SoresWhito Swellings. .Ul‘eet s, Wbillows, Boils, Scur _ rev.-Rums arid Siirofula. - It tells. you of the various diseases peculiar • to -Women, and give; the beat • . and simple . st remedies for their • cure. togeilter-with.tnany vats italic hints for the preServs- lion a heAlth The Work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its -simple reeeipes may sonn'save you many , times the cost of ,the hook. It is printed in a Weir - and open type; ie illustrated with approprintieengravings. and will he for. warderfto your address, neatly bound 'and' post, ago paid, on theleeeipt of $l.OO. $lOOO A YEAlt•can be , made by enter prising men everywhere., in selling • the above work, as, our; inducements 'to all such are very liberal. , For single copies rt the e s Book, or for termi to.agents, with :oil r information, apply •to or address JOHN-. LTOTTEIt, Publisher, • _ jo7m6.] N 0.617 Bansom 8t;, Phil's Pa. . I ~.wAL_B.-. SIMPSON , ' • W ICTID-WIEP. AITTEL Shoji in Lloyd if, iireb-ter's - - near buildin , i, next door above Heeler if: Stoddard's. TTAVING worked for the past oineleara 11 with the most skillful wo.rltmen,-he reek confident that he can do the most difficult jobs on.short .111 Work Warranted 10. Gin Satisfaction. • • W: B. Siairnon ban work foe mo thir POMO time, and I can. recommend hinwrin a careful and skilful workman, competent to dO as good work AA can be dono in -ttio. country, -and . worthy et confidence. . Wm. .N.• CHAIMBERLIN:. Towanda June 10th, -1838... • • Refers 10--Win, F:lwitll,.f:, W. ILArd. 'E. D Moplayne, E. o.totuirich, IL Kil.llll.firy.T•iwAl fla; 11. 8, Bentley, L Searle, C. D. Lathrop. J. Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jewelry. neJtly, repired tin 'short and -on reasonside terms. [June 1511 t, 1858.-d. 11" ITHOGRAt'IIS, iltrzsr:37 , i , vße pALvTs, Bruit X.4r4; Miler Fail, VA:7llphi', .67., a new :+uppl, past re celved: • ' A BEI, If Nra, L. ..Vontrw. Jui4 iel. IKO.
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