. 1 I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLPOR:THIS ' a lady remarked to"us a'day or two since, as she 'exhibited the portrait of an only child, gone to the m - ipirit. sand;" Which was one of • Bas•' INIMIUIIt AMIIROI'TPESI " Howl-should regret it, had I not secured this preciou4 memorial of that dear ono." ::71? thought we.l The loved ones "are not always with us, and !while weeny call them ours, every one - should aecure such a memorial; •especially since they-can have them so truthfully taken by. that sucetssful artist, -A. D. TUBBS; - 1 61 - Bing• hatutoo. • dee .2:. .-HORATIO...GARRATI I ,,; .., „:- - Dealer in FLOUR. GRAIN; ORO CERe lES, PROVISIONS." Art woODS, Staple DRUGS,' WOODEN, and STONE, lI T 4RII, , ItL KINDS hf,llo USEKRAPING ARTICLES' 4, YAINTAIJPE: NOTIONS IN -GENERAL.:-.-one door North of Baritrint's Hotel, New Milford; Pa., WOULD be'pleased to see all his nid frienes and 'many new ones at his NEW Bto're -fronting the DEPOT, where-he is prepared to show them such a stock of the above artie'ss as New Milford has long stood in nerd,nf. Division of trade has as many Advantageous division of lat.or." Any man confining himself to one branch of business, giving that .branch his.whole Capital and:attention can keeps better assortment, bay cheaper and, SELL CHEAPER than Witte same means and time was employed in a general trade. If you dont think so. cell fit the subscriber and be convinced. • The sound principle of • SMALL PROFIT !AI IP.PROMPT PAYMENT' ether Produce be strictly, adhered to. Batter and other, Produce forwarded to New York to one of tlie best commishion houses in the. City, land prompt payments guaranteed. • BOAATIO GABRATT. :.Neivlfilford, Sang. Co: Pa.; ApriloB6o —y. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR I ISGO. GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THF FOOT 01 1 MAIN STREET.. THE extensive Furniture Establishment of Sum Buontars having been refitted and., greatly improved,' the proprietors rTtpectfully: rumounro to the citizens of 'Montrose end vicin itt that they are constantly making afiß keep on' hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment ot FURNITURE- To be - fond In the Country. We give the following, : list of some of the ar ticles which we will sell at greatly reduced pric.vs, for CaSit or READY PAY: Dureauq, , Walnut or Mahogany, , with glass, fzom 816 to $33. Bureaus with marble or hrocatelle tops, from $lB to $24. And it - large assortment, from $B, 8)0, 12, 14. to 818, Wash Stands, Card Stands,Cornerand Stands,.of all varieties and prices, from '75 cents to ten dollars. Desks, Divans .Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto. -mans, Lobnges, &c. Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Este sion Tables. _ . Chairs'—Cane . , Cane and Wood Seat*, Rockeras . Catie, Rag, and Wot d Seats, of every variety and style,. Sofas, fete a totes furnished at - short mak at Nov "iortt prices. .N..R. - , Ready made coffins .on hand oefur. niched at short rintice.=-11.m. - ses always in readiness when desired. employ none hut CAREFITL and EXPERI ENCED WoI:KMEN. %Ve intend to do our Wort); IVELL, and sell it as Low it c an h e nfrimi e d, W. W. §OIITIL, • A. SYI IT ZILJ E. it. SYWC - 11.1. Montrone. Jan. 18th, 1860.—tf. NEW GOOOS Is .4avvbville Centre, Susq..4o., WALL Paper, Window Papers and Borders, V V a very large stock ibis day reettiyed, by April 111-,11. R. KEN VON. CO.. siiktylas ns and calicoes, an immense C variety, bpi• IL KEN ON, 7R. & EVERY style of Com m Pant,Gamis. Plc. this c.'ay re e d by It. KF;NXON, JR. Zz. CO. ILK, Btochs, and CAshmere IS., a tars Sstock, It. KENYON, & CO. 10IIM.S. TOBACCO this-Any receivrd and Al for sale rower than riArwhore in !in.:llll'n R. KENYQN..III...& co 1,00 0 y E . R ti , l l ) : , l i i S or i ri n b miire mid LARGE Strack.a FANCY Dry' Goorbt fur sale by R. KENYON, JR. & UO. ITIEA Setts—Five Elemmt Nt;lex. roinplele 1. from 3 to-850. - R KENYON,IR.& CO, Lawsville 'Centre Pa, Aprit.,lB6o. SANFORD'S LIVER 'IIII I IGORAI - 011, NZTED. DEDILITATES: • - , . ivi.'esiml,nonttrtl rniirrly from Corns, and 1 /1.14 - t• awe ut. r- :.1 • . , 114,4 ;......L a 1 4 ,tplar.1 N1efie 1 00.k.,....3. bald arprot 0.1 by it ‘ll,l . ,have erod I, um: I. go., r.. lotete.l ::: olth no:ode:leo IL / 4 ,411 the 113 2 ,e.....,.. Zro v. Llell It ta otelonenile,L - I : It 1.... eo,ed th005.”14., ~. o libln the log two - .l , nr• ,rlv., 140 xi., ~,, vll 11./,.,.. Id It requl, nit the , togturrm. . immoile3e.lorrteto-tte, to to:. L. .1........1 o:slook, The .looe tuna 1...“1. 9 1,../ L. ~ ii.l . t. 'b anon of the g imii,,,,,,ainklftz h,....1 to,' I ‘.ll In *orb Oa:al., ...its - ar,t the . q the 114.:, el.. 1 : Let the allet.le. of 30e, port.eleer.t ruhle you In tho lee of tbeLll"Dlt IN- , VICIDEV.T.YiIt, atid I: I. 13 core laver Com-: 0 !plealota, ninon* At - rtackas Elysprasslia,; 0 j Chronic DlNtrsisoest, In Um latex Co HI •• L 14 !plala!ii.' Lyarotr ,r,p: Dropsy. Sour:" Os iStosuach,lLltblluot . Cusllrrocaa, Choi- 4 ' .. ilr, Choler's, 'Mole rivlloi2tus, CholercAß Infn cl tun. Flatu= loner, Ja a tt4l I c tci &e' reinnle AVrakttran 4-11. 11:ut lIVIF het:tea sari . 1..e.:111/y as an Orallna •ry Fnutjty riEttli- 14 , :r I or. It wilt cars SICK. II DADA, cll. F., Os !avotrleXids eon too::::,,) to twcnty lll:ittlit•*, If. it avo or llartv 'Yea 6-,tottfol4 arc ink- ;en :.t eotmoeoemaeut of . A.t %rho tofc letare' ' •givlng their test:l:pony , 11 MLX WAT F: - TUE, 2101. - .TU IYITII THE /Nr Mani .1 TOLL, AND Iti7IVALLO sank TOGRTIIE R. - • "71 Price One Dollar per Bottle. SArt7PORD'S FA,131.1- CATHARTIC PFLLS, , Xl't 111.111 etuNl frame Vegrimble .Ext rart • ru s t up tit S CAE SA, Air Tight, ak.d wW keep Stormy climate._ • Th. Ftt aill!3•• Col ...? _,..... II) nil I. PI LT. ham, fir Ma attire Catharlie Cil st iii•lt fl. . proora,,, b. tioed La Lis pracilm• toor . o, '" , I. , ^LY .1.a.... Th • -• r 0 .....t.-mth• ito-r , ••••,ior In 4f. rd from II•oan ' , t) .:Ittrylonarnaogttir•PiraT. , l la mid no am team., ,ahk.h , k ;., own, 0; rt, , ,,r1 to the'r •—• ate , hat iutittectl met° plac e 4.ent s, 11111 n then:x..2lora/1.1 }ti . . Ur. i'ndoanion Itiql know ' st, Awl differtMOithartita set 0,...1iZ1,...M. 10 - no-m.4 . ...t.; UN I ...Zen. lb.. FAILI.II * CA- 4•11 A ItTle P1l• J. tz,.. olch dm. rek•rovo• i.i. ;Ili. nOl eatablial,od t,...t. ..rn emnpona4. , l from al 7% taraly or lb,. pltt+tar.,- 1.:1.1... Extr.ol... which Net ~..v. Mike ou every part of ttai ale ..tytary eattat, arid...a.,' mit-good ad title Jul - lips.. ...,•,,h,,,.. .. c.,1,,, , t0t . i.,E 4 ..-ds,t. ...-1, •. Dr— rtigetnotlt.i- of sv.i St (tutor It . Ste/14.. I 11,,a.. rail.* to I Uri liatrY and Lolata, ergalvromt., Pal I L , anti SOMltt , nt lIII',V .the whole Imtivtfl frou , . 0 - I .ka o_ r _. l 4, tk,..kb . • 2.-ple•new. In "....,,im.t• rod nt. a Imp' enitar of te• •,.*.". • Lois of at 10p... Wllite. it erreplat LT tt , rit. .6 lion of Vol.' ..k. V* . I . i g.. the body 4 t•I I III"." lick,. lira tt nehe., 'or ! ~.ig h t in II st hear t, 44 Lt. I/ alala it tory! Ingroaeo,,AVeriala at Childress or itel ‘lll a. • ice, ich.....n.,.....,.. vv.( Purl ti cr of tlo 1.114 - acatr . g + and outny divlokev in a Viiit fold/ is twit, ton enattoroln; Vto aneittitCl al alid lillertiat • war.. Dome. I ion. PRICE THREE DEREL., The . Liver invigorator and Pamir?: Cal t hartli - 011la 7tZ7,;1;,; — x;;;;;fiy:ZA amid by tl ' oe ' Trade In all the largo roam.• • ••• ••••• S. T. W. )SANFOnD, and rrtmtintar. -385 'Broadwn y s ,t• Ns. V fir). . For sale - in Itoutromo by ABEL TURILF.LL Agent. TiltE PA% NTS, !bush. ljett, 1•01{. I urt,.l.4(*, dr ajley ,upply. Just ro- ABEL TI.REELL: .itenieneee, June 31, 1000. WiIY . STAND YE ALL. THE DAY IDLE ?- La, iii•Gentierusx in the rultedStatesporenrieg Atromla to tad eater into an esoy and respeetn 'TA+ MIA uess,bfirtikittrene $5 tallo per day ant be real. mt. For isartivtttneir addrer4 (wttb stamp.) Ovt: 186). Sat W. It ACTON & CO.. " !k7(1..: 4 •7, 2C oil h 191.11 t; BUSINESS. CAAPK.: ' • - JOIDT SAUTTER, .. • i -.... ..: , ASITIONABLETAILOR.—Montroac,, Pa. .Sho - over 1.. N. Itolltuira O Malnlrs*ery; on armti. Thankad forkot Nora, ho aollclta a continnauct . 0 —edafrighhnself to . do all work sattatactotily.,Cut:' tine done , ril short notice, and warranted to at.; . t.- . • siontropc, , l'a„ July 12th 18011. 7 -Lt, 1.. ; i • . . . .. • C. 0: FOItDII/illf • • MAtirrACTIUMFRoe;IIOO73 cb .9/10ES T :Moitte;se. Pa.; Shop over. Tiler's store. An kWh& orwork made td erslen, and repairing done neatly. _ - - , .• •IIIt.:IViLLIA.M..W.WIIEA 9 TON: , i Ecuictia THYSieltar , a . smiozos •marnpr. „. - trim int. M 172 61. V ISTIEA ray. .• I ,Mechanical and Surgical Dentist; receitti,y of Dingitionten, - N. Y. tender_their prefesslonal services to all who appsdate the "*lterormed Practice-or Physic :"• Cllti*liintl ikillfht operations on Teeth:: with the most scientific and approved styles OP platework. Teeth extracted Without pain and all-work warranted. ! ' Jacinto% Jnne 14th, laral. - '' • lye. • l- ' ...—. l-:.. . . , LI B. ISBELL, ' I . . I)kPAIILS Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry' nt the 11.11, short eSt notice, and on reasonable terms. • All ;work waimntc;d. Shop In Chandler auddesstm's - store. 11IONTIMSE,Pa. . ' " i ' OC.Z a .. . . W3l. sNow • - illtrielf OFT= PEAta—tireat.lkml4 . l%. Kielce J oni 310 n r trees, oppotlte the Weetern Howe.' apt • - • -7-- • . ~ . P. LINES,,- • 'EtiSITIONABLE TAILOR.—Monty ere, 'AL . .' Mil l X hi rhannelitock, over store of Redd, Minium • S. Foster. ' 'Alt 'work warranted. as to ft and tlnhat.T Cott* done oii short nottch, hi best style. lunlllo' • DR. H. smrm & SON; UEGPIN DRNTlSTB,—Montrose, - 00t Ice Lathrepe new building, over ,„, • the Bank- MI Dental openttlame will be 'saki. as performed in good style and warranted. a. tt.N'cina.trat. • • • •n. 5448. MIcCOLLt`II.S 5t.411,1,E, A TTOIttdYS and Connaelloro at Law ' —liontrotee, Onlan in Latbrops! new bntldtwovarthe Bank ..' A. C. 111 . 416.6.81.10 E. nat;en. I)RS. BLAICESLEE & BRI SII,I Ir k u v jEtt f lotheir trapectthliq I.Lervieet toile Invalid Publi s e. Chum at the 'width:ice of 1)r. Blakeslee, midway between the village. of Dlmock and tzpriwgrille.• _ _ al 2t) !AT L. R. nINOHA3t ~. • .D..C. ANiST. . , 1)1{S. BINGIIA3i it - . AlC4lr; I %troll:1i announce to the publicthat they haVe entered I'T into et partnerablp for the practice of . . .1 MEDICINE 46 SITItGER ' Sr• ~. and are prepared to. attend to all crdlK' in the . lihe of their -profession ut nil hours when not otherwise engaged, I OFFICE--The one formerle occupied by 1)r. Bingham. N. B. The book deem:oda of Dr. Bingham must be lime dintely 4ettied by notes or otherwise. • New Milford, March, 1t.t,0.. - :L. W. BENT,IIASI !lIENRYI3.. MetiEAN,, TTORNEY and Counsellor at Late:—Votemtal Pa 41. Office In the Caton Block. JOsv tf . , ~• , DR. E. p: WILAIOT I . i ) - . IN RADUATE of the Allopathic and llonropathicleol - lege:A of Medicine.—Gnat Bend, Pa. Ottice, corner 4 Main and Elirabeth-As, nearly opPosite the .3lethodlit, Church. - 1 .' 4; tf.s i wx.,ntrsirince coorso • nesns DIIIN9II, • IN - 31. IL COOPERS; CO., IDANKEO-;._...montro t e,pa..s o ce c s...to Post. Copper -LP s Co. (Mee, Lathtups' new bolding, Turnpike-kt. . -• , ~. ; JOAN GROVES; ' i.. . ' TuSIITON'AMLIC TAlLOR,—Montrofe,-Pa. Shop 1. JU nearthel Itiptlst Meeting Rouse, kon Turnpike Ftreic All iirders failed promptly, In firrt-rnte ptyk. etittlnL:ilun4 on short make, and warranted to St. , .... , • . , . .. ' . Dit..iou w. 0813 • , i PIIYSINAN AND SURGEON,—Montrom 2'n: °Moe on Pub)* Avenue, opimite Searle's 80w1... in4l ' • - DR. G. Z. DIMOCK, IIYSTMAN ANT) SURGEOK. , ,-31ontmkt, Pa.Oth er Yover: Wit,ons' Stare: Lodgings at Searle'a Bate!.! H •• - 1 ABEL TURRELL;; • . i - "NEALER hi Drug, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Maar Ware. 'Paints. Oils. Varnish. Win- Van Glass, Drocerie,‘. Fancy Goods, .Teuelry Perth- 'la mem% sr.—Agvnt for all the nui.st. popular PATENT . :kIEbiI'INES.,--,Montro... Pa. Rug! if . . . I WM.IV. S3IITII tt, CO., • f VABINEZ AND CllAili. 31A:sILTACT6IRIV.4.—tot of Main /trt.vt, Montrose, Pa. • . aEgl i f , . 1 IJ: C. 01.)1$TEAD ' - . • .1 L. RE.II). DRS - OLMSTEAD& , READ . AAT9.I7T!D_ANNtOId'N intoeE pit,tl rt. ibehip for the nililic " t t hey..l Practice of 151-EDICINE & Surgery, ain't am prep*reti to attend to all.eulle7lin the line of their profoo,hm. When—the one formerly occupied by Dr. A. C. ii. Itni , tead, in DUNDAFF. znyl7 31u. • • I'1:0F. J. W.•WILLLUIS, r- BATIBERIS. HAIR DRESSER, offert , his cervices - to the public, with the gnaninty that hit work I.ltait, he done in the nthst ekiiff and artistic manner. pr.. 'Shop iii the north front of the FEANKLLV HorsE, Mont rOse. Ph. Open on Surulaya from Is4o.—ti. • ; 1 - LOW .PRICES WIN! • . • .AT T.HE ORIGINAL ONE PRICE -STORE! . , 111.4YMN I BROTHERS' NEW MILFO.RD, Ea., - • A UE NOW I:Et:EWING TITEZAII- Te....t end heat tuck of Ghods ever brought into diit , county, which we are bound to ee.ll cheap for cult or ready pay. consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Ottods,. Choice Family Grocerits, - . . eips, Ready Made .Clothlag, 'Crockery, Wall Paper; WindoUr Shades, Flour, Pork. , I Fisk, Skit. Painbi, Uilrc, . Glasa. Fluid, Coini"011; : HOop-Skirts,!, - • • Vzinkee Sicitioug, Fancy GoOdg, JEW ELILT, Silver. Ware, I Pail*, Tubs . Brootus, nod- Lots -nod .Sta&ka of Goods too inumerGas fo mention. J WE ARE NOT OLD. OGIES in the V bitAtiete, thitrzitia, a large profit and depending bn keldie4 an Old eet of patinae' who haVe not tried a; other ;dam, to eee how much cheaper they am buy: but we tn. lend to tire up to the mark, and believe-in Felling many and eelling cheaper than OLD FOGY lilertharitp can buy. them: Now it the time if von' want to fitve money, and get Itirgt4e. - Calkitihe ON) PHICE'STOItE, • I ~,e" .1 large 'stock of- Goodwin & Bur.' Ycilnw -Back Tohnreo alWaye on band—chew very cheap. whederaileis " 11 p. AYMN,' BROTIIRItiq New NElfurtV., Pt. , Mar:nth, IMO. • Viryoming INSURANCE Company, • WILKES-LiAItRE, Pa. .1, / Charter Perpetual. ' illoo,ooo. Surplus $5,000 °rut tzsiztd 11 7 Lrember id. A. 1). 1 g 57. I)iJu.:(.7roiLs G. M. Hollehhark, D. G. Drle. , hach, '3. P. Denali , . i a ohn Reichard, 1h.a.;1 31 or:au, . Chai Domani.; j, Sam] Wadhams, •R 1) Lacer, . Wm S 'haat, 11. I) Shoemaker, Geo l' Steele, II At Hoyt, - P.. i'. Saint. Srey. ' O, M. HOLLICNISACE... APreJet. f . W., 0. !..;restr.is,.., Treto. - 1... D. SLIOEXAKEII, lire Prell .. S ' . .a P. BLACKMAN, Montrose, Pa.; i girl; y• : - It aent for,Susquifianna Comity: I Ays S.LICIT:OR FOR THE • .3-olenizlix FIRE s LIFE ASSUILANCE COMP NT 141ourgate Fttect, LtnadQn. ' Itevslue.si.momoci. Nvx cErTr,..4200,-Phuaitelphia.i- ,• ,NE - . . EVANS & AII.LIP . ,- • • . !. iT AVING milartnel and remodeled their Store,' hare the I 0.%,,u re 6ritiforintilg, theirmamertme kurtomere tlikt cloc . are now ready to show thO beet assortment of • CLOCKS, WATCHES, : -j. s t l L VER. WARE, PLATED WARE, i .. ' FANCY GOODS. • H GrOlin 'CU Psi NS ' • l i. J 1 1 „ Tea Trap, Breahtpite.,Einger-rluO, .• • liair',Pittpy Litbin's Extracts, i. - r.. Ilptier Soap, Ifix: &c. n this part of the State.• They hare just returned frdm New York wlth a full and ostensive assortment of goot, in their line. :which tiny have 'pnrchased for ash of th e Matinfactriteni and Importers). and the; dater themeeleh, lhey can offer Lndiseemente both in et tie, variety and pH - .1e... not to he equalled west of New YOH:. Determined ke keep uri - vril.h the progrete , of-the age, .they have added !to their atonement-tunny urticlee not previously kept of get-- end ntility and beatitr.,Thanking the community for the liberal patteinw heretofore received, they would atslkA a continuance and increase of theeame. .. . ~ . Binghamton, Nay 31.4, 18010: - - . • • : ! 11)AF.BITS VEGETABLE COMPOrNLL a intre enrejar ! a :rwribry,. Whokettle and Retail. . •-• I ' - ABEL TuiirtEL. - ;- • . -.. . -Vv.- - \ '-' - ..... , • - r&t,, -.:,-- ai I.r v.. tl. 4) "1!.4 MOUNTAIN HERB WORM IEI. Herbs, Barks and Roots - Poisonous Minerals and Hillis, MOTHERS TAKE HEED! Do you when observing the unea4 notions of your Whiten, confider that it may. be more than d men, Chao that afflicts them? In nine cane out of ten. the anise of the little .suffer. er's anguish 4 tron4,s'i and should he at once looted to. , `HEADS OF !FAMILIES Nil:tot let your children ittfier, when w• present ru 1 4 • . - JUDSON'S WORN TEA A SAVE AND 11. , EA.3424 CURE FOR WORMS. now much' better and safer would tt be to have lt always in the bow*. A little delay when'a child is taken 11l may often be the cause Of its death, while acting *ithout delay, and by giving the JIOI7YTA4Y HERR TEA imme diately. you will not only save the child a long and tedious Hines*, and Yourself much expense, but alto feel happier In knowing that you have done your duty, and perchance saved its life., this medicine is combined purely of :i; ~ , : III lIIS Qi NOT A. FAIFFICLE OF ,u Calonitt . ot. illincrat TS USED IN IT. No more - filthy Vermijuia mil he used by those whoopee use thin 'cra. The only arrive principle Or all other Vermltugeo and Worm Killers is BIERCUItY. CIVE , NO . 9€o C:0 YOUR CHILDREN. tjle thb. Simple, Safe., 't.getabli, ~ This Worm Ten W 11.4 discorered In an_unnsual ' wit' , turning vtho Wilds of 'Northern Mexico—, ifull nceount of it you will And in our.Almanues. Ask for the "Rescue if Tola dllmanae" of the hI AF , it, And when, you bare read it, send It to 'your neic,hbors,that.they ins,. *lgo knoyr, of and Ihetkated by this GREAT itEsnaff t - . JUDSON'S, WORM TEA.. KILLS.WORMS, Never Ilarms—le Pleasant-to Take. CETI PACMCE—rRicif 45 CTS. Ithe some and :Simi: lure of U. L. JUltSfiSlk and the portfait of Tzurn. go each packagoof nag Warm Tea. a L. =Ds= & co., ISOLE PROPRIETORS, 50,Leonard'St, pre cv York. Jutlsrat'aNVoir - nt 1 11 11 Agrnt Inrvery Village, tun,- ' by all Drugglats. rp .„. E'&, 13R0., Aaents, llontose. (dgcti HOSTETTER'S OMAGH MITERS. The priprietnis , and inatinfactitrers of- MIS TETTEWS ISTtOI.,‘C.If 1:1T TEl;S-ean nppeal with p'erfeet eXfidelose to ph‘isiehilis and citizens gruel:illy of the United Suites, becatisc the trticle has attained mann heretofore unknown. • A „few filets upon - thi point will speak inure powerfully than volumes of bare assertion 411,701+in g patter}'. Tiof'consianption of ostetter'h Stomach Mt terl for the last yeaftunoumed to over half mil ion bottles, anl-ffoni its manifest steady increase in times past,i.t . . - is evident that daring, the! coming year the cota,Funivion . will reach -.. near one million bet tics. This immense :inlet:lm cordd never have been sold but, for the. rare medicinal properties+ contained in the prepara tioa, and the Sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections M . the country whCre the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitten to their patients., but areiready at all titnes ; tokive testimonials to its efficacy in albeases of Etoteachic derangements and the iliseaseti-fesulting,therefrom. ?This is net a temporary;popuhtrity,obtrdned by extraordinary efforts in the Way-of trum peting the qualities of die Bitters, brit estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is • destined to be as endurinins time itself. Hastetter'S' Stomach Bitters hare proved a Godsend_ to, re , ions whie fever and ague and various other - bilious complaints have counted their victims by .hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" • are &certain cure for the .Dyspepsia and like disMtses, is to the proprietors a source of 1311.• all Coyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood,' and - imparts renewed vitality tothe nervous s,ystem, giving irthat tone and energy indispensable forl the restoration of health. It operates . upon thestomach, liver,. and other digestive organs, - mildly but poi:nth:lly, and' soon restores - them . to iiconditlonaisential to the healthy discharge • of the ftuictions of *nature., Elderly persons may usette Bitters daily as per, directions on the bottle, and they will find to 4 a stimulant peculiarly' adapted to comJt declialiig years; as it is pleasant to the palate, Invigorating to the bottels, excellent est tonic, and rejuvenating generally!, We have the . deice of thousands of aged men arid women , - wise have experienced thelieriefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice or physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and,_ fairly tested the merits, at this article. A' fair :words to' the gentler Set. : There are Certain periods when their tares are so harassing that many of them sinkAnder' the trial. The relation of mother and child is so. absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt, to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for, her infant. should theeriod of maternity • Arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally ';aggravated.Zere, then, is a necessity for a, stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities.- Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is - agreeable to. the taste 'as well as certain to give aliermanent increase of bodily, strength. • ; All thnse persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers . from • fever and ague,, caused by malaria, dinrrhcaa, dysentery, indigestion, lobs of appetite, and all, diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons' of sedentary . occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to . Hos tettres Celebrated Storhach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution ',the public against , using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for 1108TETTSII'S CELEDRATCO STOXACH Birr,cus, and see that each bottle has the words "Da J.ltostetter's Stomach Bitters" 'Mown on the side of the hottle; and stamped on l. the metallic cap covering the - cork, and obeerve that our autograph eignature is on the sir Prepared and sold by, HOSTEPPF.,B 83d17/1, Pittsburgh, Pa.,' and sold by all ' druggists, grocers, and 'dealers generally throughout the United States, South. !Law Amt. and Germany. , lait - For sale in Montrose..bv ISE-11; ,TUR R Ef.t: janls iv OLD MAT. HEATH'S BOOK OF TRAVELS 1 4 S ilia great tfiseovcries.ot: the Japanettela pod Ea fimia sledicines,with.futtdirectionsfor tlie'eertain cure of consumption, ca-, tarrh,rough 4, CO Ickassthriia,fereys, heart iiseastc beiofea, Clncer.dyspepsia, lifer comp n t,gravel-, and 'urinary dopissits. firma le' eornplaints; : &c..— Illutiirated with hundreds rdrertificates'of cures and 'engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many suflering folloii.beingtr as possible from a pretnature death, it will be bent to any part of the Continent by send inc, 35 cts, to DR. HEATH, .020y.v1. :647.13roadway,'New York. City. t:;fild also by 'A. Tigre% Ilforitrosc: Hayden Bros., New Milford; C.P. Mathews, Feranton. SUMMER A.REANGEEKNT. Dela. Lacka.dr. -Western 'Railroad. gmammim2;m -.- • Two hours earlier to kew-Yoric; - • • One hour earlier to-Philadelphia., ON and after Monday, 31428th, 1860, Arairis will be rim as follows • • EXPRESS PAS.SERG ER Tnatss--bloving South. The AeiMnmodation Train 'East, on tho &E.R. R. arrives at Gt. Bend at 6:38 a. m. And the Cincinnatti Express it 6:03 Connecting 4rith the Express Train leaving Great Bendlcd'NeWlork - "rind' Philadelphia, at - 7:10 Due at New Milford • ' 7:28 Montrose - 7:46 - Hopbottom. . 8:07 lkliehetrion - - - . - 8:23 'Factoryville -t 8:47 - . . Abington - , : . 9:03.• Scranton 9:35 Moscow - 10:20 TiMyhatuta . 10:59 Stroudsburg - 12:1'7 p. m „ Water 'Gap - . 12:31 Columbia • - t. 12:45 Delaware ,(15 mitre terrio - diaff)' 12:58 Hope (Philad'a connection) 1:20 Bridgeville - 1:25 Washipgtot: is- 1:58, Jura:lion (. 2:15 " New-York . - 5:15 -7,1 b • • :Th ExprFas passenger Train, South, con nect-a at lunetien .with .3 p.m.ltrain 6rhthe Cen tral Road for Easton, Bethlehem, Matta Chunk. Reading, Harrisburg, •' . „ • . - Morkitd NORI7L - ; Passengers' from Neva York, leave • " •Pier.No...2 . North River , at: • '7:30 a. m; Or ttiot'of Courtlaaatreet -4 .• 8:00 Prem . Philadelphin i• • Leave Kensington. . . . '7:15 . _ Leav - e Junction • • - . 11:15. Duo at 'Washington . .' 11:33 Bridgeville - • . 12:01 p..m ,Hope(Philad,n eonneetien) 12:13 •Djlawaret (15 minutes to dine) . 12:28 . Columbia • . • 1:00 Water Gap • • 4 1:14 Stroudsburg . 1:28 • ' Tohyliannu . . i 3:46 Moseow - • -• 2:21 Scranton - • 4 4:10 Abington " . 4:47 - o , Abington - 5:03 Nicholson - • 5:22 Hopbottom - - 5:43 31ONTBOSE - !. 6:0•1 New Milford . - • f1:22 Great Bend 6:40 Conaerting, at Great Bend with the • Mail train West, at - .• and tho Night Express at • - 1:36 a. m. The Mail Train, West, which leaves Great Bend at 7:24, p. in., is a thrOgh Train, and roaches Dunkirk at 8:47 a: m. • •• ACCOMMODAT I ION Tnms,—Moving North. Leave SeranOn for Great Bend-nt 9:40 tn. Ffletor)viile . - , 11:00 Nieholmon - -1 41:30 Motrrome • - 19:45 Great. Bend - 1:50 Contreets with - Dunkirk Ex. West at 3:06 516V1.11G SOUTM' The New York Express,. East, nr riveri Grent Bend at • 1:17 p. and connect+ with the Aemtnnfodo- Thin which learem'Gt. Beznf, , nt 9:15 Montrose • - 3:10 Nicholson , • 4:2v Puetoryville - - - 11.15 Due at Scranton = 6:40 • The Actornmodation train :does not leave Sernton untiratter the arrival Ot the morning train on the Lackawanna & BlOomshurg R. R., the, g i v i ng p.is s en gees from the Wyoming Val• ley n direct connection for 1116 %Vcst. by the morningtr*ain. • ' For the accommodation of nay travel on the Soti:licrn Division a. Pass.thgeri Car' will be at tached to the Express Freight trUin— Leavinl! Scranton it - - i 4:00 a. M. . Due at . Moscow ' 5.40 _ StrOudshurg, , - : , 1n::25 , Junction - ~ l• ' 3:10 p. m. Returning. leaves koction at - , 3:40 a. m. • Dye at Stroildsburg at. ~ l ' . •. 7:35 Moscow - - -2., , , 1 :50 p. tn. . ScrAlton . - :: 1'.:2.5 Passengers to and from New _York Will change cars at Junction. To and fom Phil:l...via B.D.R.R. leave or .ake ears at Hope. ForPitt.ston, Kingti ton and - Wilkes:Barre, take card of Lackawanna & fifiminsburg R R.". at SerantOn. For Jessup.` Archbald, and Carbondale, take; Oinnibusses at Scranton. 'tickets- sold and bkaggage , cheeked rltnotlott. JOHN IIIOSSIN, Supt. Wm ~ JF.NRS, Ge . neral Ticket Agent. Scranton, Nay 113 d, 1,860. '.., ... s tioSED! Qe . 1 ......, 3' R - Fil OTt'S•;.2 -'' , • ~.___, ---.-- 1 . --. . 01 II 11 1 1 ) l i nt C ".4: 1110 • . \.• ' . .-A; aperient and 'stomachic Ifieparation of MDR purified of Oxygen and . Carbon by eora bastion in Hydrogen, of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz.: 4 DEBILITY, NERVOUS AnECTIONS, EMC CIATION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS . RHEUM& TISM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES. INTER MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES, FEMALE IVEArNESS, MENSTRUATION. WHITES, CIILOROSIS,ete., ' PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, etc. The IRON bein,tr absorbed 'by tba blood, and' thui circulating through the whOle cystem, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can fora moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, sle.. proaiion of vital 'energy, pale and otherwise , aialtly, complexions indicata its necessity in al: tunt:".kvery conceivable case. In all cases of _ f• male debility (fluor albusi.chlorosis, eto.), its e:fects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effecti. Ooodappetite, com plete digestion,. rapid acquisition of strength, • w:th an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its _use. As a grand stomachic and general restorative t it has no superior and no substitiste. Pot unlit neatliat metal beau* containing - .SO n 1.94. prier 50 refits per hog t sir haft', ftt fin; one daL.a, hexes. 00.-,For saleby Deii:r.ct-t. generally, Will Ifie:'sent free,to any addressee, receipt of the price. _All Let. tiers, orders, etc" frJsouhLbr ad4resaed.tOl • R. B. LOCKE & CO.. Oeneral Agents. . 339 BROADWAY, 3 V. N.ll.The above la 'a fle•slaille of the %ha an each box.. For tk*. Hoptron-by r_ decls IT " ACV. TURR4L. Ag 40.1 • • • DYSPEPSIA AND ;PITS. ; - , J thogreat ebrer of Cemutnp. Ulld for several years AO_ badly afflicted by D,vs. pep;ia that for a part of the time be wao cinilintlf to his bed. Ile was eventually imred by a prescription futmishal him by a youtw clairvoyant girl.. This prescription; given him by a ittere child, while in it state oLtrunee. has cured everybody who tuts taken it , never havitur fulled once. • itie equally sure in cows of Firs as Cif breetrena. t An ow:raving Is here given Of the prinelpal herb ascii In this medicine, and all of thu Ingredients Ore to be found in any drug store. I Wllliend this valuable - prescri pt Ion: to any person, on thereeclpt of one stamp tit. pa,' pos14120: Dm PILELPs BROVC 4 r. 21 (Irand-et, Jersey (lin N r :' , /. MI of Dr. 0. Phelps Brown's Remedies are for sale at so.tnehardia Dvlsd, Pa., by S. It. WtST., Buytlm* CATARACT. WASIIING-tlikCillff. Clottting, Time, and 'Labor Sated INDISPENSABLE TO HOUSEKEEPS, ..The most simple, etonhinleal, and , durable ' , orticle . ever offered to tho public to ti,lleviale the discomforts' of wash-dAY:•• • Description. -i. It consists of- a metal cyllnder, with ribs on tho inside, and an interior cylinder a w ood, with ribs. There is a space from six to eight inches between the two cylinders. Onetrauk turns Both cylinders at the same tine in ppo site directions, rapidly creating a suds, fercing, thii.water through the clothes, *andeffectually, removing the dirt. The action of- the Writer I does the work quickly, dispenses entirely with rubbing, and thus saves the wear of elothcis JAMES B. RODGERS; . 104 Xnes Alley, Phil 'is Airenl for Penn. SULLIVAN &H'fATT, Pro • 54 BEEKMAN ST., NE IV YORK. N. B.—State andCountv Rights fur said, and purchanerß sipped with 51aehiniis ai wbcdeaare on tibeial term*. • I . 91aihine is in Operatiott by,ft Mon risii daily, at our autesioom, 439 Braridwar. - • C CO taliB enie m MEAT MARKET. L.-' O,i ihienue; - near .'Searles HOtel: KEEP constantiv,oo hood a good supply .of. ; MEATS of all kinds- CASIIII Hi for Beetaittle,Calvesitilseepoid La Wt. Also rorAplideo of an kinds. • HENSTOCK & HAWL Y. R. T. HiNSToCK: NA LEY MOtrime, 4arelt.3oo. '49.1-4(.?"-% BILLINGS. 'STROM), • FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE. AGENT.— • ' - • Montrose, 'a. TESTIMOIS I LS: . .. . . .. , WE,_the undersi,gned, c er tif y. e that we W — ers insured in Fire Insuraneq Companies reprei nted. by Mr. Billings' Stroud, of ilontrose, anii that, having suffered !loss by tire while • insure , we' were Seyeral ly paid by said companies to t 4 full extent of cur claims; .and we have confide nisi in • i him as a good and effective agent. JAS. It. IJEWITT, ZIPIION COBSJ . . . LATHROP & DEWITT, ' 11. J. WE* P. 8., CIIANDLER, J. LYONS & :Ili!, BENJ. GLint - wrir, LEONARD SEA)ELE. slontruse, l'u. November 9, '69:*y .. 1 - bnportaast National Works! Publisheq , by. D. Appleton &Co Ottf ant Brii'dway, New York. The following w 1 are sent to subQcribers in any part of the eit ty, (upon receipt, of retail price.),by mall - ori press, pre, aid : A I • New AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA :—n popu lar Dictionary of General Knowledge. edited .by Geo, Ripley and Charles'A. - Dana, aided by-a numerous select corps of writers in all branhhes of sciences,-Art, and Literature. This worst is being published in about fifteen large taltaVo volumes, each eontaining . lso twn.colunin pages. The first 'eight volumes are now ready, each leon taining near 3,50 . 0 original articles. An Addi tional volume will be published once in Aunt three months. Price in eloth,B3; sheep,o3,- 50 ; half !lawmen, $ 4; half Russia, 84,50 each. : 1 The New American CyclePtmlia , is popular, without being.-superfiela),• learned but not pe dantic, comprehensive --hut sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party prejullice, fresh yet accurate. It is a.complete stateritent . of all that is -known upon every importafit topic within the scope of human.intelligenee. Ek:ery important article in it has been specially written fur its pages by men who are authorities thton the topics of which -they speak, ' They ar t t re linired to :bring the subject up te s the present moment ; to state jdst how ie'str.nds-now. All the stati-tical information is'froir i . the lutes re ports; the geographical accoua s keep pace with the latest explorations; historical nutter include the freshest just views,.. the biograpidt..:iil notices not only speak of the dead, but all Of the living. - It is a library of itself. ARRIDGMVICTiir THE DEBATES or CONGIIsS: Being a politic:a History of the United Siates, front the organization orthe first Federal ton gressin 17§9 lb 1856. Edited and complied by Hon. I,l.;imis H. Benton frrim the Official Records ofCongress. Th. work will be 4tn pleted in . 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each,.ll or which are now ready. An stitlititnal volume will be published once in threemon i hs. ' Cloth, 83 ; -- I.aw Sheep, 800; Half 31orocco, 84; Had Calf, 8-1.50 etech.. - ' THE . l A'ar of- PnocuniNG THE CIT'OI 3 -EIHA - Qtt DEBATEK.—Forin a club or four, sad" remit the price of four"hoeks; and live eopie - s will be sent at the remitter's expense of carria7til or for ten ,subscribers, eleven cupids -will be Sent at otir expense for yardage. .• • To AGENTS.-NO other works will_ so libe'r. ally reward the exertion 4 of agent. An Aeent Wanted'in'this Coirniy. Terri's made known on application to the Publisher. • ,KEYSTONE HOTEL; At' Montrose, Penn. WM. H. HATCH, Proprietior. fTIHIS now and commodious Hotel situated 1 on Puhlic.Avobue, near the Court House and nearly in the centre of the business-portioa of 6ntrese, is now In ly completed and furnished, and was_opened ou.Monday. the .27th day of September; 1858, for the accommodation of the public and travelers. -The Proprietor feels confident that - he is ntiw prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give gpmplepi Satis - The Hotel and Fornhure are new, an,d no ex pense has beert.spared to render it equal,if !not superior to ant• similar establishment in this parr of the State. It is well. supplied with all ithe recent improvements and eorelorts, and obliiing, waiters will elway'•s be readvto respond to ithe call of customers. • Thetstalde-, eonriPeted with . this; i I otimelare New wild Convenient. 1 The Proitriet or respectfully solicits the patton age.,.t.his old friend, and tlie ' unlike generally. W . LATCH. <, S.ll' 'at ► - .—i • .) " . D 7 I C .t/P V] 111 A fin IL lE:SA I, E 5.1.11. T IDEA LLB, 2•011. Wash ingtpu-si, (Pireetly opposite Washington 3flrket i ).l IVew 7iT,taie3K., QTILL.coNimiEs to .Grfo the vita and 1 , ...) - COUNri RV trade, all' kinds of FOREII3N Coarse and Fine SALT, at the Verlo , A.!at figukls; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part ofzish ton's celebratell brapd for table and dairy Use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e. and 5000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &e.,; all 'of which will be sold at bargain prices ..fi:91.11 vessels, store and storehous . es: • I Any purchaser wishing to Fit,leet from g,ood assortment will find it to hiS interest In eall.l N. B.—Fi n e tuble salt put up in small bagi of different sizes; and Constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Argo a splehdid article of .Rifek Ground salt; in Out, boxes, put up and - for tittle hr tht i quantiqi, in cases of five dozen each.7l Newsl r.ke,vv's ! HAVE You HEARD The NEWS? WHAT . NEIVS - WITT THAT J. L. 31EIMIMAIN Is NOW ILECEIV6IO direct frOm New Turk . . uuo t her of ble dio*ontodis of embracing in the Dry Goods line, tie Lulus, Chains, man tillas, Bitk, . Poplins, Prints, etc., ete...ete, as wens OM stock of Domestick, such as summer cloths, fOr men and, boys' wesr, STtlrting. , Tic:Mugs, Denims", Cotton Yarn; Carpet Warp, Batts, etc.' Grocerles r -a full assortment.— Fief—Mackerel, Trout, Whitefish. Codfigh, and Herring. lLsrdwarg, building materials, Nails, GlasKi_Patty, Paints, Qils, Dyestuffs. Read g.made Clothing, the -worktuanildp WAlatAtiTgli. 11 ts, Cups and Bonnet.; of thehicestotyle. Boots end shoes, worth from if 1146 to $3., In fact almost every variety of Goods usually inquired fur at any country st ore ant be found at the upsotivi LEE iltlliNeci „ vitt and it in the aim of the proprietgr to make such disposition of tits Goods Ma neither hie stratxrs nor his patrons 1111 naoex• J. L, ItERIt1114; Uptunville. re., ,Inn I,t, ThcMLtr • • ", • • Veri, / a/IW/ • 1 COMMERCIAL COLLEOL 141CATED OVER THE stISQIIEILSNUA VALLEY BASIC, BINGHAMTON N. Y. Rooms open -for instruction from 9a.m. to 9:30 113 . ' -1 - • FACULTY: . Ti W.' LOWEE.L, Principal, Professor of. the .IBcience of Ascents, Practical Accountant. Author olLowell's Treaties upon Book-Keep. ling. Diagrams illustrating thii same. • JoIIR Rasps, Commercial Accotintant, Profit* l ot Book , Keepiru; and Practical Mathematics. et:milli; Assistant Professor in the Book Keeping. Department. ' J. WauUstt, Professor a Practical and Or; ;mimeo's!. Peoruantihip, Commercial Calcula tions and Correspondence. LECTURER*: • Iftm. Daniel' S. Dick irson ' Lecturer on Consmer- Mal. Law and Political Economy. Hem. Ransom &acorn, Lecturer on Contrasts, IDromissoky. Notes and Bills , of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E Andrews, Lecturer en Commercial ! ELIIIINING COMMITTEE:. Ifpu..Sheiman D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq., 'Tracy R.Rorgan, Esq. iThe Object of this College is to afford to all aifopportunity of obtaining a thorough Business E.ducation. I ' iThoi Books and Forms are carefully arranged by practical, aecOuntauts expressly for this In stitution' and embrace ail the recent improve ments. . The course oT in - strnetion eompries every deiiiitnaentlof business. 'The learner will be . , thfiroighly :taught the science nod practice of Dduble'Entry Book. Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz :•General liSer 'ehandising, :Manufacturing, Banking, Coiiimis- Steanibouting, Railroading, Forviarding, Freighting. Foreign Shipping, ike. • / ' Ladies bepartment entirely separate from ill:it-of the gentlenien. • - -titthients ran enter . •Coliege at/any time and redeiveitidlidual instruction. Ltv this arrange • mint every student is Rermil l so to progress as raPidly as his enterprise and ,ability• will per mit, and when through, perfeei and complete. will receive:.a Diploma Which - will enable him to leview ut pleasure. ' Time to complete the course,-6 to 12 weeks. No'vacations: - Board $2 to $2,50 per.week y '• • ' /TElfinS:- Book Keeping , full accountant's course. including Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations and • Diploma, (Time unlimit ed,)• -/' . - • 835 00 Same .course for Ladies (separate) 2O 00 .Penrntufship arid Arithmetic, —lO 10. - Teitch'ers' course inyenrnauship,Practi- . • c4l and Ornamental, - - 30 00 TiJelVii lessons in. Practical Petimnnship, • 2 00 .145 0 Occasional . clasvi • will le . formed - in Phboograff. For full particulars send for a cir:ular.. oel3* y 348 rke Pan• ex. a. ..,• ,o* . / 67 : A /- It' • • • i Cheatoest: Bestl Largestl • i GS 0900 1 . • Payi for Tuition in—Single and Double Entry Binik.Keeping, Writing Coirirkercial Arithme fictland at:tures. . Board i!V weeks *llO, Stationery SI, TnitionS3s, entire - expenses $62:. • Usual time from 6, to nrweekl. Every stn dent, upon graduptin g . is'guaranteed competent to nianago the Books of any Business, and qual ified to earn n salary of from : $5OO TO $lOOO. ' Students ieirter, at any time—No Vaeation -Itt4ieW at plerrare. ' First Premium for Best Business Writing for IBA received at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Crhi4 State Fairs. . Also, at the principal Fairs Of the Union for the, past four years. 4linisters' Sc;ns received at half price. • *,*•For • Circulars, Specimens; and Embellish. ed . „Views of the College, irwlose` five letter stamps to . P. W. JENKINS, Pittsbrirgh Pa. Fil MIR O =fi x MONTROSE PENNA. rp HE - subscriber having purchased JL refitted and newly furnished the above well kno wn and popular Hotel, is:prepared to 'accommodate the tray .publie and others with all the attentions and I cunVeniences usually found in first.class Hoqses. No effort will be spkred 1::) , „the Pro prietot and his Assistants to make OA Hotel .equal in every point to any in the country. Irtati Bar Will always be supplied 'with the Choicest Liquors. • _ The Ststbles, connected with this House are htrge, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostler, are always in charge of them. J. S. TARBELL. • . , IHOWARD ASSOCIATION, i PAILADELPHIA • A Pieneralent - Int.titatian established by slit , - cilnl .1-.;nilnumnent, : for the Relief of the Sick dint Distreised,-aigieted - with Virulent-and A'ricletni4 Disease., upd especially fi,r the Gore - of I..)Weasis yi the Sexual Orp an . EIIIe.AL,ADVIcE; given gratis.' ILv the 1.Y.1. ~Actin.g. Surgeon, - te'all who apPly by letter, witlea description of their condition, (age. c,ceti tition, InibitS of life.'&e..) and' in casci of-e:.:. trerae poverty.medicineslurnished free r;feharge. N'tliisble Reports on Sperrnatorrluim, and oth er Diseis).-4 sir the.Seirial.Organs, sent to the al:- flh tad in sealed litter envelopes, 'free of cliartre Address, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Acting Sur. georj,•Howard Association,-. Not 2 South- 9th-st.., rhir a d ii, R m .! By order of tl.e . loectors. Locil , f-- - 1 NEW VIlit11.• • ..„. . it our - eel';i to mon •%tgre, 1' . S . ri) - - T9' , ~ i • ; ':I At; ITIONTRO: I SE, -Pa., : OOE donr , below J. Ethridge's Drug tore. ion Public Avenue, where - will be found' lonscantly on hand a general assortment of GtROCERIES.:, • - Snclj Sugars, 31olitmaes,'SyruPs, Teas,:Coifee ; &c, &c.,,&c. Also the . ctioidest brands of FAMILY FLOUR S Matti, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candles &c. We solicit ; s share of the public patronage, and pledge oursclyes to du the fair thing, ,hoping by . each ;bargain . to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. ALF4ED WAI. L. ALLEN BoMpiNG SCHOOL. , . . , • . AT G R EAT B E N-D, PA, PHs t;cl-19-.1. will be opened for the reeep lion of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the '29th dny (WeiliMsday);pf February, 1860. - TEctas OF TUITIGIL Primary •13rfinchee per CVO of 11 weeks, 83.00 Column!' " U 3,50 Common and Higher, " " " 4,00 Higher English, '• " • " - 5,00 Lcainne -on Piano, "- " " 10,00 thie U • %Oa Ornamental,! and Classical Departments, extra. The Principal has had much experience lu te:Mlog in New York and Penn'a for the last ten, years, in Common, as well as Select, Graded or If Sch:ools- References given if repiired N. .: . —Doitra at the boarding ball, two doll's per Week. Lights and washing extra: Payments to he imade quarterly in advance. E. W. HOURS, Principal, 59,000 'Copies already Sold. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER- COUNSELLOR =N =SINEW , By Frank Ceitoby t - VIE PHILADELPHIA Hill. It tells - you How to draw up Partnership Ps. '• • -peri and giver general forms for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases andPe. titlons. • • - It tells you How to draw op Bonds and Mortgages, Affidavits, Powers - -of Attotney, Notes and Bills • of Exchange, Receipts and Re , leases. • It tells you The Laws for - Debts, with Limitation,st of propenfß; • ecution inl e! It tells you flow to tnak, properly, Val position wi -the losolvm State. 'lt tells you The legal NI .tiveen • - , Master a6'd Apprentice, - and Landlord and Tenant. It tells you What ionstitntes" Libel and Slatifler, and the law as to M i airiage Dower, th e Wife's . • fi ght in Property , Divorce • ,and Alimony. - It tent, yOssrle Law tor Meehan& Liens in • . every State, and the Newer. intim) Laws of this country, - 7 and how to comply' with the /. 7 ,1 same. It telli yott- The Caw Concerning Pensions • . : - , and how to obtain tine, and the l're-Etuption . Laws to Publie ,Lanils. - At tells you The Law for Patents, with, 'ode el:Procedure in obtain . • ing one., •with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. • ' It tolls you How to make, your Will, and • 4 how to Administer on an Es- • • • ; tate, with the law and require. • meet's thereof in every State. It tells you The meaning of Law Terms in •• general use, and' :xplains to . • you the Legislative, Executive ;-•• and Judicial _Powers of both ° the General and State Govern • ' ; ments. lc" tells-you How to keep out .of Law, by . - showing how to do year fro ' airless legally, Owl saving a rain amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its • ly consultatiori: Single conies will he sent by mail, postage paid, to'every Farmer, every Mechanic, every man of Business, and every body iii every State, on receipt•of $1;00, or in raw style of .binding at . 01000 A YEAR can he' made by enter . prising 'men everywhere, i i in selling the above work, as out inducements to all such sir very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with otherinformation, apply to or address • JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. • je7ul64 • . N 0.617 Sanson-St., Wliat . Evengbndy Wants. THE FAMILY DOCTOR: SIMPLE REMEDIES RASYLY. OBTAINED, FOB TUE CIEE.OF DISEASE IN' ALL FORMS. 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It tells you 01 fio—viiriotni , tlimiasex 10 Wonien, anti dives ate ,eoit ••". , L. a nd .40,pft,t rem. ri lest for4cir with many' cable i~ hifo, for the pres'erva . td . heaith. • . . • - The work isl,written! in pkin language, freer , from tordie..l terms, vi. al to be easily under• • stood, while n.; simple reei4pon may. icon ,1411*.r. you many 'times the eintt jot* the book. it is printed in a elenr gild - openi" type;. is illustralid with appropriate 'erigrrivings,' and .will be for warded to yoar address . , neatly bound and post age paid. on the reieipt.of $l.OO. ; • - • $lOOO AI YEA It 'un be made by enter. prising men everv - .9wre, io selling the above work, as our l'induceintots to all suet' are veryi•". • for"mingle copies of:the Botik, or. for terms to agents, with other iitfortnntion,'apply to ur adrirema .19HN POrrER, Publisher, jelm6 ] • No. 07 Sanaotn Phil's Pa., - r - Z ---- 7 ----- .1,1 7 . M." B.SIMPSON • .... :10V A TWIE PIERER ' .1 ! } Shop in ßoyd "cE 1 .ter's new ihiitding, next dooi; above 'Keeler • &Ward's. I'AVING: worked .forTtho past nine years with the roost skillful workiria . h:bl t foels' confident , chit he can do the moist ditheu -jobs , on short notiee. . • ' All Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. W. 13. Suarsos• has worked for toe•for some time, and can •pecotnmend..him as S careful and skilful workman, competent to .do as good work u can be done in the country, •and worthy, bf confidencm, ; Wu. A. CHAMOktiLlit. Towanda Jinn 10th, 18,58. ;• Refers to—Wm. 'Elwell, E. W: Baird,. E. D. Moutayne, E. O. Goodrich, 8. - Kingsbury, Towan da; B. 8. _Bentley, I,: Seuilo, .C...D. Lathrop. I, Wittenberg, Montrose. ***Jowetrt,noatly repaired on short notice, and - on reasonible terms. pane 15th, I 858,—tf. PICTURE GLASS. - DEBT Froach riCTURE 01„4s, for 2 wag , .1.3 by ABZL URI July 510,181011
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