F. -S A • •• • • .0"R -S A LLE - -1 - 4 1 Ly pAp.E):: Purdou's *ern] Lozengera Mrs: _LSoothing barrup. %or Children Teettag ts nearlY all the roptdgm Nledichn , in market; AWE Cages, se e d - j and all t h ner ,, , , ary tor Iteeldn a Canary Birdaz a gitmi ' variety of I. Ancy God:; and:nearly eVerything thatlder dilate advertf.e In Newapalera, are for We Mon: tict. 1:74 - 411 •AJIELTIMRZLL. . . AdministratOr's Notice. , given qls . tl 9 peroltr . s iisving"deinandil IngnituA ttie toitatc tot 11 tlIA:11 , 311 Ell, late 44.46- pup,d,esoetl. that t ite . same :mitt bevre4.nt..d to the en. deriotpie , l ilrrangemont. Ind all perrAo. , . indebted to said e,t.rite are trquet tell to toake tanned int e %levet. :I Ji.s, p. t;v• ' ZEINAS Adotinistnifor, ii . . Adminis' trai,orls Notice. . TO ilt:rCby rlven lettyrs of :Win inistr:ttion;', .i.N ittsm the estsro of J ohl llonovan late of Silver Lake; yowl; slot). Sos , C3i deceised. have been , granted to the' sOlseriber, and persons ndobted to totid estate ere re-; seir,l , to - toat immediate ipaytneat. and those baring' claims Are desired ty.-estrit the aatrie•d•alc attested for xettic:tent. TiltOTI!I NlA:Atilt Y. Sep. •27, titv. ' Auditorls Notice. tuttlendgnetl, appointed an Auditor br the of pluni'utouti of Stpqmdlannu Count , to make di etrl tition of the at-et. of Ow F..utte of CALEB !k:ILLEB. dereh*ed. Iprehy make that he F.lll attend to the dutiee of ...unlnppointroent'at the office of F. IL Streeter, Rag.,AloOtto,e. on Saturday, the Llentieth day. of, October,' ISI.III. ot 1 p. at ixtith time and place alt perom* hitting an Intereet to the. distribution of the staid . Luna,prvaqait , their .claitne,, or be foreyer barred front coining .11 upon raid fund. C. W. TYLER, Auditor.' . Marti-o,e, Sep:. :Mx, lakl,—.lw. • Auditor's Notice. mnderkiznetl, appointed 'an Auditor by the Or- R.. phatr, Court of tifingneitnnnS cannt yr to make die• tributiou of the ashets of. the eatnto of typinzt decriced. Lurch yOtert notitse that heAcill .attend - to the duties of the eilid appointment nt the Wilco of Streeter, I.'sq., in. Montrose, on Frifinc. the Intli day of. Oetol•cr, o'clock. p. m.. cit which time and place all }incite..son iniens4 in the diAttibntion Of the raid fund ill pre,ent their claims. or be forever 'debarcd from Coming in opou .a hl fund. It. STIMETER, September. hut. 1.410 —e w 4. • ' Auditor's Notice. in the mat!< - cf Crt li)rt _Vcßeoy; 4ecected. 11. E uudersi4.Tr.,l, appointed by the Orphana' Court. to utakf a:tfillidt , remaining in the hut& of the ndriAlulktatot i.t the e.tste of Wm 314%eeby. dcc'd,to and amoug tize „!dew and liuitx, will meet the parties in tnter.,t. ~Cict• in Moutrose.ou Saturday the 00th of oetobet-.-1,11. , , at olio loch p.m.: at which time allpereons haritg any cl.:ttne spun mid hind are required to present them or fore, cr dcbareil.. nep•2o 41r T. L. CASE,-Antlitur: Watches; Jewelry &Siliot - Ware: , I'VE ti ould rieiii-etfelly inform out ... friends and S. ,l' patron.. and the pnbliegenerallv ithal we ~,. have now in .iitere,. alai ono . WiItILES.V.F. and RETAIL, a: !11, 1 , ,V,C,1 t:Ati.ii PRit'ES, !V large .' ' .• eery. Cll/1C,,t1,1; O.: WA TC HES. JEWELRY. .Sll, s Lat.: MATED WARE. ofcvh•v viir:eiv alnt ..q.le. . 'Every tie,ri pi ;:ni o!IllA311).Nb Wol:lv and atlv:. JCR , CirY I 1133.• la (eider at alio:yi:See. rt. — All Gant?. feerroarea.(:, It a., rwy,ften red: . i ' N. 13.-I•artieni v ar attntition given PI-reairing Watches and .lenelt7.4 d ev,,r . , de.criptlon, . !. aeni 3m rainy try - STAUFFER 1 - IT ARLEY, - ,o. titiAlar het t ‘ t..,Suuth Side.: Philadelphia.. Presidential Election ptv.ual,v,• ,•Cnu net of the .N...elohly or ,lhe t'ourroolnrc.,.. , th ar:' , 9th,elvarla.entillud enact' relatthz to the clecti6u...,lthe atednevetr.the and 'clay of tittle, .c. I. . YouNt High sh o hity of the Couhtv !--...,=, - .11,`.111.1e,n, In Cmunhura oalth, do hereby - e!Vennt ice t., the Elector. of theent:ntv aforektid. that a l'hu.i.i..,,ti,l4l,,ction NI in be hettl lit said coolly on the Ist Tuesday of November next, jii beine,'lthe SISTti travOf +aid month.% at which time ufbcir• ale to !re t.lect( dae.folione. ti: :! p. •rieins for ELErTillis (*PRESIDENT AND lli - IiPIZEsIDF:NTOI , THEL - NiTr.rs STATES for the State offenniiyivania. Azil 1 ,1.0 hi-relit. nuke knots n anAgive notice. that the place of holding the GeneralElectioLein the ,everal wards Imre:it:ha and totro-hipe within the roomy or Suagnehan na are ae feiion , ti, , , The, Election for the di-tbir: coniposed , of the tetvnehip of 'Apolacon will be livid at: Ile bone,: of Joeeph Beebe in asia tow-1104: . • • Tlic Elio,“;: for the district conipee,l:o; ti tewnehip of Ara,: ti fe•iil at the enhool bones near the PreeLy. terLin Churelt in ,aid ton - nehip. 'rite E . .. .lion for Lau diltcicl vonipinivii of the township of Auburn wttt ie-in at .the hones ar Jamey Lott tit Rani • The Elt.et 1 , ot tr,trlrt eocipteoNt the tnwrn,hip Briitzew a, r Wit'. he it-ehi at the Ct.,wrt , litnummin the•boro of Nt.,•ntr The Ei m forthe• r, on po-ed of the too n-hin of Brueltlyil w ill hr held at the - loathe aj,Jamen 0. BLIP:114i is said tc,al4l!l). The Election for the di , tTlct euntleao.d of the I ownclitp Choenant be Ite!il at the hon,c near EciwaLxl Clark', in said' row - n..-h4L The Elect, it for :he diPtrict cc ntie.tkel of thelown,hlp of hod at ti . 10-,nee WilpOn In said too Tha Moo:ion-for thattl:triet compost4.cl .th o taw - 12,1'4 of Dintock a: the of Ells. (;.,tei• in pant tower-hip The Election for the coin no4ed of the 'Brough ofttanund . w tte• Duni. iif Itno: :+a..itt hot, The tho ,- Ii•qri••1 oompo-,',1 , 0f tl• oreen-hlp of FOrt,'. Lake the host -- .11.; Towne .n,d t ip • The .1:1t , •1:olt fstr t:stt ,•titust .1. 01 the I,iwrishi,o of Franklin will he hold at 4 , chorg hou'ae tear Jakob Li , lard's in said tuwnsbip. • , The Election itr the Bortinetli of rriendsciils will he held at the school h in ... t ie I-. e r o . The hh non for tau tlistriet composed! of the t"'wli•I•il 1 . or Bruit Itenci will be le the houseftemerly oi,upted by John T. Pa/lilt - Al: in said township. The Eli, ti , ,n for tne dl.trhet eampieod , of the torenehip of Gibson will I,e hold in the „I.cailem3,;!totildilfe is township. . The Etiy-tion for th' di•eriet i.ornposi ri of tilt - towtsilip of Barbed will !be held At the hou s e of the late N. W. Will (iron in 5..; id too. The Election fa. Ih d;:tirint t•0n,0,,,j , er th e of 11.1r:it:fly teal be held at toc.house of b. Winters in sant township. : ' The Elevi ion for the district. oomposi a ; of .111 c townibip ' -- of If erri c k will beheld In a by .Ino !ill her in said tow The 17.ect ion - r titailt;taki composed of 'the townsaip of Jae kson wit! be twirl at lb, honer of J. J. Turner, in The Ea-et:on for lite district comprised of the toren...hip of ivni he acid at tire hopse of !Daniel Koff in mill township. ' - • The Eicction for the district composed of the township , at the house of (how - ..trtrotherain. said The Ele,tion for thi, district composed of the tou - nship of Liberty v. ill,be held at tbb house of Ilela.Joneti in said towbehip. The Elect ioii• for the district compaseel l of the township of Lathrop rii he hula id the house of. Elisha Lord 1.0 said tow-whip, _Election' rot Darr district 'composed of the township rif Middlot,osu will be betikt the house of Joseph Ross in amid" The Efeetiort for the dlitriet composed of the ;Ikirough of Montrose will lie held at the I'onet illiuse-in said born. The Ebel ion ror the•.citstrict coutposed of the;fforough of New It o ill h ~ e the honer Of Elijulaßarctrun in said 4 • The reution for the district composed of the rn'uslti3' of Nen .Milford will lei hold at the buui.e it Elijah Barnum . in the It•in.arti of New Milford. The hiortior fir the district composed of mho township of Oakland will be held at ,he hott.ie of libbext Nichol in the It ironch • Re:;inehantia. The Elerion lie the district cemposeci of- the township of Bush will be held at the house of:C.:D. Snyder in said township. 'Piet 1• ion Jri the district composed- of the township of Spricgi die illhe held a: the house Of Spencer Hickok in said The I:if-di:el for the disiriet erep lo ,,,, r i o f th e township of Silver Lake will ne held at the hoa , ic formerly occupied by Ifoliert s in yald township. The 'Election for the thrtriti composed of the fierough of Suarotettanita will be held attire bonse ofJ. M. Tillman in raid Meet:ch. ~ • The EleetioN camp...a d oL4h, :01 , 11,0",t). of Thinnson will be held 'at the honest of J. W, Vanhorn in said township. lalso,make known and give notice .sin and by the 13th section of the :O. 0 - .. said• aut. lam tlitTeted; tirm eYerY pec s on except .i net lees of the 1.1;1 ally office or appolotneint of profit or trust 'tinder the I. ed States. or,f t"iis Statt%•or an: rite or incorporated dis trict. whether a commisemitedorlaFant, who or shall bc. cintooyed under the lia,itifolivel Jadlcary or' ex• ecutier department of this-State or ['titre:A : States, or any tier or ineori,o-nted district and ids() that every member, ..11.114t Situ Legilattirel'and of the saect or common iv:lndio( any - city, or reitninisioner* of any incorperated district. i, , b'r law incaptible of haidt.lfir or exert:l , 4nd at the clinic Ifni , , ttic!rialeei'reet,': prole t_r neo t Jticime. , ir Cterk of ally clet.t C! this lattn wralta.. anti that no 114.1....c10r or J tilde teoi her odicer of any *gbh cliental stall t li a dble to anbeihice then to be :Toted for." • - • And i v tbe stone h-1 of Asesembly it 14 also make " the duty of every St *tse t Deptitv Sheriff. Alderman. Juelice °flint Peace. Gonsteille Or liep11:;' . of city. -runty,' too wstup or dlstrlet!within this Com inonsevalt It. whenever,milled upon an oftieef of an elec tion. or by three onalitital electors thstreuf to char ally whi t low t .r avenue to the R r itclow of thO place of General Election which shalt be ob-t—teted in. quell a way an to. prevent %titers front apprslachitilz the same : - Hurl it shall be the duty of the sTt4pective constable of each ward.di-4-, lict or olwisaii fp within this, earrtionwealth::to be present in person or . hr elepnly. at the puce of 14 , )1d1 . 111: Elections. in pitch ward. district or townabip, for, the purPose se{ pre tersio,s; tie peace an aformtid. Alin that in the 4th iiert inn of the Act _of amgetnlATi tied •Anr.et exec:talons azat Or other. perposes'. ur n , roved April pith, is.m. it is enacted that the aforesaid tafh %ection. -than not IK" chnstrued Int-to prevent nnv militia talker or borough officer from faittring as Judge. at any general or special election in tb.l toremnnwrnith. • • Pur.teoa to the nrovitinnt rohtalned in the 7f;th rection of thee , : the .lud i 4e. n( the itfureenid district ehati y mketharprof tbe eettilicate or return of the elect ton oft hei r reopeeti ve distriett. and prod nee them of u nn:tm.. f . of er , .Ital.:e from each di.triet. at the Court douse: in the tioroezh of :goutrose. ()tithe third tiny after i the tiny of rieet.-al to-ing tilt , lll'i!belit.year. on Friday.' the I 9th day of l oue . otn , ,er.:l, there to do and perform the ttu-.1 ties reqnired by law of raid Judaev. Alto that where_a Judge by slant,: or aunt onLtble tecideut in unal,le to 1 attend Kidd nie.-tim: then the eertitlcate or re- i Jura a fore. ltd be taken chaste of one of the 'ln- l• • specters or Clerk,. of the eke; ion of raid tllttriot. who I • shall do and perform the dull, reqta red Of said J u d ge nu khle tont:end._ • Also that of tie , riet s'eet ion of ...aid rtr!• it to enaeled thst every geheral and spreial be (unwed Pight and Ten in .the foretost, and Owl ruin- 'thine wlr(aont iaterrnption ors adjournment - tmtg Seven cidoek in the evening. when the. polls - 01dt he elolvd.r ; ms,llittcLatni Borougb' of , atontr,..e, the 11t h day of Oatiber. Aunt. DOrninL . anti in the tare of the Cotnetonweeith the. eit . htv-fettig h 1 .4(.41.3 , : YOU-is Stieritf: )I'. CH AIiLES 110111 t IS. it.„II.ARRER at:11 Hair in bperff.:nt ref Seari!.,'+ note!. TRa4.e (ol- ys'tExtx.. '7I[YETTNfor the Examinatic .I.TI SusquehantuGon_nty Tor 1860 firent Townshtps sa follows Auburn, October .170, iirtharn 6 detutup. Ott. 40d, Btaß.Selitool II Ituish. Oct. =I, Granger School 1 :Tedletoten and [ p ct „, Erlendsville: Macott, Oct. 05th,.I.Ittle Mend. onnt, Oct. 20th, , Clark,ScItou PolmSt Dike ttnd u k t olh To Chapman." • Silver Oct. 21111, BramtmaY. Liberty. art.:loth. Rinokdala,lo Franklin Oct. 014, Eolith School Great Baud, Novututier Oakland, . 1 • • • 'llarinOnY llll iN 6 r;: 2 . a . L F l ? sl)° , • tiustealtermt . :. New Milford and New:llllsw4 Ihtro., '.llllmock..Nov. sth. Public School Sinin7ville. Nov. 701;Pitblic Salt Lathrop. Nov. 6th. Ilillsdale Saha Lenox. Nov. Mk, hall School Rot Brooklyn. .Nev. 10tW Centre. 10 Gibson, NoV, 12. th. Gibson IBM I Jackson; Nov. 12114 NO, I School Thomson. Nov. lathJ Centre. 10 Ararat. Nov. 15th. Chtirch; 10 a. -Herrick', Nov, 16th;Vnlotidak. 10 Clifford arid . Dundaff, • j • It • city • cb, Nov. 20th. Rarforil Montroar and t N . 1.1. Bridgewater. ••••• "on•r° It IS expected that the nisi:An:l[lo (Indy at the time nmictintml. No omitted who do hot conic in befo ness he 'unavoidable. No.person 1 does not intend to teach In the con ; neither will any lie - oxamined that atlons hi other towneßips. • Private examinations. %OWN no in accordance with the provision found on palte 51. Each teacher aheets foolscap paper, poi and int:. Directory arc enrmlßCly Invited - to intimations in their reinective tow A. N. BULLARD, Co MontrOse, Oct. Bth, ISBO. Mcintrose, Mar & XrANtrACTI7ItERS AND D . Atnerlean 'Marble for "Mon, Tomb-Tahlei. Man tle4.. Sink. and dealers in Ahwbletted Slate for Mant * * *Shop a few doors cast of Star street. Mordrtose, ; HAYDEN 131;a, - , WHOLESALE DE:I1 1 _AND_ .1 ; ...'7FANCY G. 1111. MAYDEN. ) :MRS HAYDEN.' ' TRACY /tAYDEN. , GEORGE 2LAYIIE. ° 1111 FORI 81 `tee- • • o. 20 Court St, (.'orner• Watergi, • • . . N. Bingham. - a , •"" , _ .tots, More A' uctior Goods. )• Asionashing Lop — Pricesl Itl p 141 • ' Cat ' a r bt-u a e n' of i lton u thi A gc chia n h . for quality. priee...allatyle. c.anotle surpaa,! . ....d anyA other e, , tabli.laneitt t* ,et lot the count s; ' . . - WE orrEa YOU NOW : 20)ado. Ilearaiful (far]: colored. Gttiutz figured ' L`e Laine,, u.,teillF nOld for la eta.ll at 12,4 etia Minh 'Vienna Itellair Iteit., fo - 1 , lIIS AR Coloro - Partmetun. f0r.... .. ........ ..., 15 , " 11500 ydR. nen; lercncll Alerino,, marran4-d pure wuol, worth Sl'l s 'lst sold at - . ... - G2' " Wry elegant coluredAulord':, 142, 4 Silk, for:1:450 " An rninn:no assortint;cl of lie,liopi ',‘ IfeAt Black Dre-, Silks. 10 per 'cent. lou er Data eldewlicre. 1111.:'t [troche bquare tiliairl,, ts na•ranted pure Wool . and Silk, for ' • ' ' ' SS 50 LoUg. - tio., worth Oft. for - • . t - : - no' Colored and Black Dreittlclota. all 1100!,.51.12..ti to $1.50 Cloks •of the Latest Style, , Such rt , Car—ague , . lifii,tlill . . and up" artla. ilnimen,c4im.ll3tiLie•Alof !if our owiilmportath.p. ttrawful for the very' liberal patrolriage-hitherfo extend -1,1 to u., 1.. e take pleT.'ettre in .13Illig that our fabilit le. , ore nuanientett s by it ;mon: thorotrzh knou ledge - -of the •inarketi, n4ul-requtre:Lenta of the t ode. ill.7re.l4k.bd room. et c,;ry e xtbn -iv.; •lonkr., nail Lot, h it not !cam:. essential„ Iva . iiii.n...,, , t , ,If :.:1•111.1'..i '. • "" li;h: PLEDUI: cI,I;I,Or.LFES 7 0.130 .4L - .1. WE -tier . , ITE'llir.E. - " • ,- - f' -'- - - - - - ; ; uritc; . ctrsw; BIIOS., Vt. Co; It n, N. IL lIIP: , IfTANT.TO INERS. liIILLINERY Cootl.t Of ever. .der;;criptit.i. Itti`Xuat torte Ntitirilutoilt Prireo Ity . • , 111 . ..711'.5 — , ITIVM . /b CO. Ivrrs. I. J. . 1 . 1 ‘ ,.14 .5 t% jua nri:mc.l from Se . • ". . . Tandy . s th..a.rad il., 3!(.1 FASII [ON lilt] •'! ia. rood and as rirh i can be purcl keeps the very clic, f hCh tho mot cry rcn; The Ladies .are iiAted to ciili as Fh•onA4 opposite iNott's Soloor o.lrert. Mt - Min/Se: Pa. j , MADAME SCEIVIEND'S . • . Itriattl.llll,e*--1 3 c}N7trclei-os.' 1,108 the t 4 voucly intt CMamnia:l.4 of all bu tn lainaqpri.. .II: f e rem BlZninao.4n, IJpprp. I.irer Coinpldint. ~ ,Pilo. atard, c.ni , nil Acute. awl Chronic Dimettem .of AM:tn.:aid VT:rim:nix: Schdl cem Statirp to h•tr Agent, i , . •'. 11. .10NB 1 , ... • Ihnidred, of testlnnzi!al. - B . 2070. Philte P. O. , trArAgenry, S. W. 'or. Th 'ad & rch Sty.. oc4 I.ow I)l{.l'N. Y. I, PhyriclaC and Aura Vin. Frieneht tAesdacbon !lot ref. LEST gives tarticular atte _l5 direarei'. or lb if:AllftrldErri Ilia knowledge of, and experience i tice will enable him to effect a cur cases. For treating dlseares of thc, be cliarge4 nalcioutbd i patient is b elll. Is'vrtililoit't; Just.S kR41 , , ,, " b o a r e i p n f t , I d e .1 All personsharbodod:or trom inz he will pay no debts of her cor.tracti n Brideewater qept fth BCERHA HOLLAND B .crt E . l:!r# Ell 'llO DISEASE 1F THEI I.llr.glp. WEAKINEEI3 OP FEVE AND An.l 1 mn'tpq ST 031 A, f! I OIR 1.,1 V E , oe I turros,lioo:tA vof tile S math.Coarky Palau,. F[nit ',urn !Oft m he. Intl eudehor. - C.OatiVentle, ilttr I a tali Illomotatle:end N etieulgte X ll.ettonst ulme runs ii:i.tar.er, peered I.oy otbro, 0, ^ ,;:, opt This-I. in -pared on •trietlr olent.fe ll.e rra.f Ihn ra4,l.rAti.l 11.411 and Itp.rhas . r. Its n potation at lime pro. 'd wail I•to L0t.r...tta.0.1.111 lien , , the do .cud efaiinitineing with thma of 'tin. ia-atteted awer'tbr. .f.uer. of thie mighty rouelry, t;reine un whom brought with Gn and •the triOiti.,:t or It is now fry" t to the ,fitorrgerrn ~t( ) P.; that its bads/ won orful moie-luat nr bns maff 4e.utlmplotedpryt It In tuirticu.ally froannniendsat thoar Ta.rta,na whose conet:tutlone may hat e been Ittipairea by thr'nnitinuotni twa of sydriit'apirita. tir other forma of <linlpat ots. Generally iti.tallinnt• nyi In scant. it Thud, Ito way directly to the met or thrilling cry,. 00.1 or op the .itooping n ftet, - tnthsit: new hmdilt and rigor lb the t:L,tmn 1 N.illiT.,- - tchoever.eie,te to flirt We a 6 ese , raga;wia: be dic.l , pohito,f Min to thr weal; and low tpfrited. It rrhl prole agi.aieftilitrunnitle C0r41.1, Ont4Okirel Of singular tv.znooi4 po.p.rti r , •• • . • READ CAREFULLY! Tbe Geoulue Ir4idy ermeentrattil,hceehare's ilUlland ilduent ihtt lip n bntth and retailed at Oat potato,. per lelttly, or eht t.ttles or Elva Dottala The greet demand Put 011.4 triple alrlooti., medlelue lag tudg e ,4 many Imitatione,eltiat the public should guard- opted tom Chiang. air Bointre of Imkoxiticol. Ete lE= tApr.l of erruy bold: y ou l!uy. Sold hi-Druggist? S"srailY* _.6y Express Express, to zoos ;plum OR . P. BENJAMIN 1 5 AG JR. & CO. , , • ;clA:tcracTEßlka -..pharliaieu`tists aitt thrmis• to : . pirTstiußGll, P.A. • r:341.1: inITEItS lrc Fold h) ?)Tt'flyTtl'iy'D vAd,"" ly •411E4• Je' or TI chased SUBSCRIAEIt , H . uR . chased the atoc4 of , - - FRNERLY owned by A: N. lIITLLAttD, takes this ' method of Informing t' thate who take Ms papers," that the stock has I)een rernovied to the store or J. Lyons &Son, opposite the • 7:l42oll22.crCiria,V o 1 13431C,0, where he will be most, happy to wait upon those who may favor him With a OIL a ANY BOOK : Punyouijr B oVern z ivalehtiOn s p:rac . olintlit'coaitiannagpl)tiebittieirlki name at the d esk . Also, any article In the ho ok and tkationcry" hum NEWS ..OFFICE.. ARPLIPS.' Ciodey's, Leslie's, Peterson's. Graham's, H or any of the popular Ittagazinca of the day. Ledger, Weekly, 'Wrenn., Clipper,- Flag. Wilkes* Splrlt..and all the Illustrated Papers for sale, •.Back num bfra Juppactl:. ; _ WOOL BOOKS—An the 'Old and new editions. BLANK BOoKS-,..-A very nice asSortmenS. CUTLERY.—Tip top article of American. GOLD PENS-Vtry Fine ones , Ladies & Gents.' • '•lllM in g.7:EtE —A.mr. Harrison', and others. Cirs ME A ClALMarna, and' will eddeaior to T-have aingleeve to your•tatereat" and one to. my own. :troika, evident r, . 3:IC. ELIMLICTIOC. MoNntolia t Pa., September let, 18H0.—tr inatio F" of the" Teachers of iil bt, held in the dlf- :11/V,/OR, MI • - nee,„1 . 13 11. M. . 09.1 , e, 10a. ta. L ,....... 1 , - • win S. flotiaa;llla. in. . w0. , 10 a. in. J.lomM,.loa. m. • no S. Iloaea,lo a. - m. rsi/T . . -. ' :-..L Hanle: 10a: tn. ' - leer; 10 Lor. 1.',10a.m ded 5.13;;1D e.xn I onse t 10 a. m. "Mouse, 10a, M. I Pllowe, 10 a.r. se, 1044.40. • • loose, 10-a. la: a Ea. .11foivi, 9 a. la' In I p. In. e, lb n. tn 11P will commence pm ndidates will be ex -11, lintels, the twill ' ill. be examined who ,ity during the winter, lave attended examine senbe granted eicept - of the School aw os In bring &render, 1w present at the it 1- Sapaintendent. • VALUABLE GIFTS 4 16-Yaid. - GEORGE G. EVANS' tLERS in Italian and inmenta, s 1111nlotninai. Centre•Tithleli. Meo en Centre•Tablea, &a. ea lintel on Tnrupilm ootly• TI I 1 , "" r. 61ET BOOK ENTERPRISE. • THE • ' - THE ja ARGtST IN THE WORLD! PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT I IHRS, RS IN irxtiorns C• ODS. 439 Chestnut Street, PINIMa.Zei—T3Z3MaXsXXX.4I'.. SI XTII YEAR UI• THE ENTERPRISagR a.E . GUNTON . • narit”..,...purciotactl the :spacious Iron Entitling. ,No 439. Chestnut ta:trect. and fitted it np with every convenience totmilitate ntr business• particularly that branch dertded to COUNTRY 0111,1iitS; and haritt,.. , a - larger caoital than any other party intested In the business. I am now pre- pared to offer greater advantages, and better Oita than ever before to my cu;tomerA. furnish any book fof a moral chint rter) published in the Unitai.titate.t., the regular retail Itrice of which is One Didlar or upward:, and give rt present worth from 50 cents to 101) dollars whit each book, and ~, m arantee to give perfect kititifAClßlii, - AS I am determined to maintain tits reputation already bestowedlipon my establishment. • Stilingero. visiting rhlladelphla are int Red to call and Judge for themselrea. hive.' SEND TO 4 arCC". Mii.%lrkM 9 • Reiiiible Gift 13tiok Etitvi•priAct . , Wca.l439.C.lioailtia.ut PHILADELPIIIA, Where all books are sold at theTubli.her's lowest prices and you, hare the 'Of re dying A HANDSOME PRESENT WOltTlf .FROM GO CENTS T 0,400 DOLLARS •' •.• wrrn EAC3OII3OOK. - ' • G. 0. EN ANS' Original Gittellook Enterprise has been endowed by the Book Trade and all the leading cite unit country newspaper, in the United Shatee. • O. 0. EVANS' l'unOttal busineas triinaactions haac • Celt ed the approbatton of ot er eftizet; of the United State's. etch of • t; nom have received sub-thin ial et idence ' of the benetit purelt.ing book tit title establii•htnent. Ziotaves from t 2.50 11 kinds of 'Worsted. .. . . . . . G. G. G. 'ANS lin:: tlnin. , ,s,nury than nov . ollicr pub:Mier, ; 1 E 1 or book,lier is the l', Wiled States. to ,:add; dia,n ing knuwicalo: tn the people. Ity'thin ' , ram. many books ore read that ' would not ;Java; romud thvir tar into tiro • • • - , - hand, 'of reAders.--Jre...0.: /4.7:1,', Sea:4- .. 0. G. .eVANS 7..eer••• eprhitantly on !mod. the moxt ex tentl,‘ igeli, the gr,..xtc-.4. si,sortineht of • fhl,i,h7, ;:.K.l cireulv 1., free to 111 iv ho maY - . tipply, the too 4t ct•inolete• eatm:ngrte of ~.• . Book,' :out Wilt. in t;le Uttite'd titateß: G. G. ILV.V , :ti Ilad arlenntage, off, red ItAn by other pub - iinherA and manotakurer. 0 bich eimble •liim to foloh.h hiv• i'mtron... pith It liner quality nod bet ter zeqtortlorat of gabs than i . !thy itth,r t...:Nta1. , 1:5-IthhAlt . _ IXBY ' - , • Yurk witlva choicn, taunt of Fall &winter g i llEtt I G. G. SCANS Paidi.khe, nearly Two Hundred Popular ' one Mten,oind , Bool..r, thurefore. as. I. better ;Ode to offer cairn 1111(V .n+. G. G. FXSNS Culruntee, perfect ,•atlefaction who ' mar fendlor home, EVANS' clu tied catalo,me of book,. embrace the writings of every department of liferu , Lure. and give% :irt information rela .. .• live to the parch:n.lll;4. and forwarding by Haft orE . xprePs of book+ orderrd from him tozether with full three . .. Cm. bow to remit roomy, itrU,c VlCiGity 1T i ONNE ! 7 ,I . IN :osed env here. 'She ennnot fail to pbrose yd et amino her,Onodq. I. oiecund Agar.) Main [..vp27lf G. G. EVANS' catalogue of Books r - llit;e scutl,-ratis and - free of expense to anyliddress in the lint ' ted Stat..t. U. 0. EVANS' InduLements to Agents - cannot be cur. 'parted. Th , most liberal commissions • are odere.i.and by soliciting subscriptions , to book. in the manner proposed. twenty books ean'be sold in the same time that it would take to sell one on the old fashion ' ccisub,:cription plan, hood fur a "classiti . ed Catalogue, mid ever'y Inhirmatioo n ill be. given but reference to agencies.. Select your books, enclose the amount ofmoney requiuml, and one trial will satisfy you • that the best place in-the country to pur chase books Is at THE EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISIIEW, OF 010. G. EVANS: - No. .131 f Ctimrraor ST/LEICT, PHILA.- ; DLLPIIIA. where you Mu get bookaolall kinds. • Boob Of Fact! Books of Fiction! - Books of Devotion! ' Books of Amusement! • Books for the Old Yolks! • Books for the Young Folks! Books for Husbands! ' . nooks for Wives! Books for Lpretil ' Books for Swretheirts! ' . Tkioka for Boyst . • • liseks for Girls! Books of Humor! . • Books of Poetr. I Books of . Trayel.! `Books of iltstorr !' hooks of Biography! Books of Adivnture! • Books about Sailors! Books about Soldiers! Books abbut Indians! Books about Hunters! Books about Heruea! • Book about Patriots! • .Books for Farmers; Books fur %shank's! . • Books for 31erchanti! Books for Physicians! Books fur Lawyers! . Books fur State:men! Bibles! I . Pa. OPT ivposite .?. tiou to the treatment lanti ia confident that , that branch of prat inrthe moat difficult e organa no fee will • nt•fitteA be the treat [Atiguat 90th, 1860. ~r~T<i , in bed and board 101 on. I hereby forbid on Illy account, 111 nfter thla - date,- ,Ylf4bl,l E' S ,TIERS Pregentation Books: Prover Books: Ilytua lliiika I - ' , Juvenile 800''..,ta.: Annuals , : ..- :Albums. ete..., etc. CECIL 11. 11AltTLI;li'S littero4tag Illo;iaphies I .11,EV. J. IL INft.RAHAX'S Scriptural Itoinancea. t,K.E hAitzlCs Liveaof l'atriots and Stateetuent J. 'I% LAUREN'S Revolutionary Stories! T. S. ARTIIUICS Popular Tales. t . DR. ALCO:II"ti nuttily Doctor! .. . -MRS. li r EN'l'Z'S Nit'velat 'MRS. SOUTIIWOBTII'S Novelist ' . • COOPER'S Novels! DICKENS' Novels! AV,IVERLEY,'S Novelist - "it • 111.V1N(1 . .S Work.st . ' All the writings of everfetondard author in every de partment of literature. in every .hie of, w il d 1.,..... at t h e publi,her'a lcnvegd prieve. and remit:Wien' that you pay no more than' von' weak! at oily other Eatablfshinent. and von have the advantage of receiving; on elegant l're. , •dit, ,‘ hit:l; oftentluot. It•• worth a hundred fold mom than the amount paid for the hook. . SEND. FOP. A CLASSIYIEL ) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. • • - - . . I nrmxtly FOR .144, KIDNEYS, AINT, • • NY KIND, ACE, • i nt upon a-alwderod • Order any. book, that you way want, remit the retail price, together with tht:4111Q1.11/t required foe pontuge. fool one trial will rtimtre you that the bent Owe. N the country to purehame books in at the Gilt Book Estabilnkment of EXA_Nti, orlginotor of the Gift Book Enter prise, Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. CAY - . 3: GENT WANTEI ), to whom greater inducements' than ever are offered. Any puree% either mule or fem a l e . "who is desirous of engaging in au Ilonorablacand Profita ble Employmebt, requiring but little time and no outlay of money, and by. which be can.oblaiu gratin k VALUABLE - LIBRARY. - A FINE GOLD WAl'Cli AND CILALN, 4ANDsomE SERVICE OF PLATE, A-NI:LEGA yr SILK DRESS PATTERN. A SLENDID SET OF - JEWELRY. • 'Or many other choleeartleleWenuMerated in the Lista Gifts, can dO.IFO by acting - Re an Agent lorth is tatabipth. Meta. Any person, in any part of thecountry, can be agemi„ simple by forming a chin. sending for a fi,t of books, anti remitting the amount of money reqhired fea tbe name, ' ..Senaffdr a Catalogue, which cOPtaine all the tbstired In formation relative to agencies and the formation ofciti4,.; 'and to Insure prompt and honorable dealings. addresa all orders to THE HEAD t/ITARTERS OFIIEO. 0: EVA NS; Proprietor of the Olaitt and Largest Gift Bdok Enterpriire: In the World. - perrniulently,located at No. 4119 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. - • Inept Iti DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN :MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE.- -„,..2.5 carrying tnniin and passengers• between Montrose and Friendsville, wIA leave s t3earle's fpft e i. 'ln Montrose, 'dally;-at 7 o'cleek.‘t:m. and lease Friends tit 3 o'clock. p. m. " • - rarllorres and curia:tee ran be prom:red at tlw Liver) , Btoble of the enbeeriberin ?Pratte:T.on rearonabk: bum:. ..11cktrom. d fg. Ifi IPrA. tf J. D. CO A7.l', WITH BOOKS t...) I=l IF YOU WANT 'ANY BOOKS ADVANTAGE jCEW FIRM, AT N0.,30 COURT ST.. NEW GOODS, At N'o. 30 Omit St., BING HA M TON: BUNGER,PORD & PAGE, QtrecEssuits to_ J. 11UNCEIIFO_RD,. formed a 17 ro•partnernbip for the purposo or asrryln,, on the DRY', GOODS mrsitipss, in all Its rations departments, are .prepared to offer - rare 1111 TO 1.7851 i CUSTOMERS.. , • J. ItUNGERFORD, Binghamton, Aug. 1.8(7). J.. N. PAGE. • HUNGERF-ORD & PAGE, .- haeekild returned from New York with.a largo. ind well beleeted etoek of ralil7l C 0=0,E)2, buugbt at. the loiresi cash prices, which we will sell CHEAPER THAN TICHEAPEST ♦ hearty !Deflation hiertended to the public konerly:, to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR NEW GOODS, ANA LOW . PRICE* before pumimalug elmewliere. It is a pleasure for os to show G00d.., HUNGE..ItFORD & PAGE. Dlnglialatom-N. Y. Aug. 30. &I Court Street. NEW GOODS, MAP! Among our Stock may be found every thing belon;.,log to well organized Dry (body Store. Wu will eel! yen Yard wide BROWN SHEETING. at CS( eta, per yard. Yard wide. BLEACHED MIALIN. CSC ets.pe.r ya: d. - - Hood MADDER PRINT*, t'.iat colors., ti.l4 •• )lERLINIACKS and othero. 10 DEN EdS from 10,, to route per yard. Alaruilton and Pedlie De LANES, Intact from Into eltA*ll TOW ELM). frost :in.; to 10 cents. Itert STEEL mill NC; SKIRTS with '29 springa, at 7tet. Allinher Skirt, cori,,,nonditigly cheap, accdrdinc to the No.or.oduva. hi fee: our Cheap- Gooda.are too numeroua to meution. tenc , and reefor your,he, do all and MOUE than we advertlae, find eVer aim to, hat/Hl:y ctlatOMerS, *0 that they will deal with tiik again, .az xfc,rcietZPtaga, Blimhainton, N. Y. 30;Co art St [cot. SAVE FIVE TOTEN PE[ CENT. Yon Will Savo F: era Five to Tun Cents t ON EVERY Doun, By Buying A5..T41,1 Your DRY GOODS of HIINGERFORD & PAGE, Ilini;hamton, WITT FORGET The PLACE, To Buy Your Goods cL z - vTp . cT;pa t. 9 _ -r T'O6K for the eurutim , At the windows,und thCo you will JLJ nyt mist/Ike the place, lIUNGERFORD & PAGE, PTcs. 30 4 CC:01:1 - 1:72r altre,c3t, - PIELG) .IFrJEICIrIIa or THE DICHINIM. MOSEN a. 32 cit. LITTERARY CASKET, NEW WEEKLY puismc.vrioN, El=l IEDIICATIO?4, LITERATURE ' Religion, & Gener - al Intelligence. rv — ne Organ cf Pdigiout &dor erce4l...al . INDEPENDENT ON ALL TOPICS. • It 94.pr0pr,(1 !o arroogothr v4ribus peporlntonts of tic r.0.01y nr roltowo.: --• 1,7 it% (a 1: no..try cud Tale *li.ct Eflthational )latter- I) PAur.:— • horrign and Dome News.—Political liocai Originat Communications. Children's Denartmou. 3nn Patin : •The Domestic Circle. , IfistorlcaLEventa. '24lscellancourdelectionsi of an Educational, Literary. ' !and Scientific Character,—Lyceum Productions and • iContributions on various stdects.—ltems. 11eviews of Books. •I(y~ienv health. Chnicteltios and Von. . . 4111 RAWL:- ••• • , Agricultare. • Advertisements. • Tlti absence of a hlgb ; toned Educational, Literary. and Religions Weekly Paper is a want that has long been felt' in Eastern Pennsylvania, and which we now attempt to ouppr. The union of the varlono . clenartmeutsahOt e na rnetAs a concintUon perfectly ortmnal, and to ouch as the progOosive !plea of the age demand!. It is a project. (no far na• we are aware.-1 never before carried into oncressful execution lit thbt country. A paper of this kind is more urcentivneeded. from the fact that strictly Etlatntional Journals are too often found dry and uninteresting from waue•of variety, as Well as Literary merit in the matter Inserted.. - Thr mentally exciting and morally debasing Eicrmussraticoxs. .T-siterreataarei. . now .ssa prvalent, hurt met with the marked hidiffervisee and qt'ett disdain of the more highly educated and moral portions of the community, and inns also born strenuously denounced from the pulpit. The class entertaluirre, theoa oplulOno, in now numerous and rapidly increasing [Alum : bent and influence. and we propose, by its aid, to establioh our periodical and disseminate a oonntl. healthy and enter taining literature. that onpplant, or. at least ; partially pre vent the rapid spreadol the injuriouo literature of the day. - For the reasons just given, It is believed, that It can he made worthy of, and that it...will receive the coutnaa and ashficsr :erOtIT or. the FtlOnds of liduestlonal and Relit/ono Prot.; • rest. Everywhere.. j Tlf E- NIUSITM witfcontainthe vpry essence Ot MOM of place than .Efly of the best perlodleals; both National , -l.orelim, and in all the departritenkt above named. this rp lected matter will - be presenti;d in the moat condensed cormi• cougt,tent- With tee original *en/Mend beauty' of the' articfe..thug abridged and transferred : or When the selec tions4are not too lengthy,. they will be inserted in MIL Nosexpressioes offensive to the inrt' naaronotar.i.vra will be "permlneti to enter our columns • but it - is mir In "; ten titin In make it emphatically a work for the ct.e.--4or father, or teenier, brother or slater, arid teethe sehnel. • This Jowled will warmly espouse the CAUST,OF TOILING HUMANITY .ne it in the . mpashop - fw nn Ike iu thc ducky I.fine Or on the Storniy W 4 hope. ever and bn!tiky 'to inninptin, and - Ardently to _ TilK-NOBILITY:s'OF L!I BUR agia the Tr,ue Dignity. of Honest • -•- Human Toil. • • _ii,ii.eQiu•mn. will be entirely devoid of flu. turmoil of polit(c.:11 rontrovergy, ro wearisouie and repugnant to a largoportion'td the.cenounnity.-. WIJ td.1.111 not knowlntelyadvocaietlierellgion.doctrinea drops particular sect or church. but shall I.leill vleir the subj,lo orlte s liglon hilts gvneml—its universal ii.perts.— Nons the less earnestly will we proclaim the glorious re rults#but ir liar wrought in all ages and in all climes, and urge!our readers to embrace Its sacred truth,, for. the sake of tliKr futitre and eternal welfare. 3liins• or the T 1 B PST' tiOl\ 1 r R BUTOITS In tin4 j nn - d other Staten will furuii!lt artiehis'fin our col nmu4, vv.:tinily for the Educational Wpartineul, which made thuncoininent feature of our paper. rrolliE FR iIiNiDS OF MENTAL, ill R It:lit:11011$ PROGRES ti a *rood sny: A d -nrs liberally its this noble 'enterprise. At pt sent tre alspltidvance.nothing Pore in Etvor of. the effsirt we are now snaking. ily our works , we urn willintt to bts!justrest; 'The nrst issusts.at the Mi.alliTM ntlbrtl fts istiti o w s iltNplanalicol 01 . the pl•ojeetti dated roponed ; that w iil! son ep , tfir on ANgiletAhh. and will dated Octo ber ; stitt4 wb time we c..oeet to pub leh ft weals% an o om. ir. astennee. tee [ems for Clubs in Vies Esrne, S. petit:sten copies. nent thrill who deilre than. 5.19 - . W. .IAMP...c.' Addrerts' • ''"" .r ' I A. TYL!'r.. Medis", enllllns 60. TE. A new book t and /Ise deattneoo anate.s.ten*Onn 8-Crl3V.l3l7tMaX/91321:11M. • • • .0r- The SOUTHERNOR at Home , lintbracing five yeard caper's:pc-op( a_:eforthetn Governess intheland of Sugar,,illiee, GottodOnd Tobacco. rditedby PROFESSOR J. ).1. RAIIAIL XI ssisitippl: Bound .handsomely lu tom volume 12.np.t.„ &Al plgt:il., Price $1..Z.,-/ . Literary ant ietit , him! the prea4,thronghont the countv._ , TAR SUNXT SOCIA. 7 -This 1)00k iSCOmpolled of a *erica- - of letters,:watten in an intereating etyle.of narrative, an bodying the most romantic resulted of &denial lira on dif ferent kinds of plantations. We'ean-bearleetimotiy from ottrown observation' of similar scenes the tioutb.:39 theft' truthluinedd us here depleted: They are portrayedJn Vlrld.iiiturstinginyli.,rtudwe *mild liketo !we the book in the hands orlionsanda rif [teetered people; - who hat° no_ • personal knowledis! Sinter of nonthernerd or iouthern except what they ItaA-e , •aitted • from partizan Joutiude, or those_wloi Inteutlunaßy havi written to.ri de eire.' • Republi4. llorato. .Y. Tut' nrNtit- soc7ll.—',This Voloni-• is. hi the foniior ' letters. -(o. far as 'wecan jud, • !AIM ful nlc tures of Soutfiern life , rand are - Tanned with Ont 'poled:cr. ThefnreNeut neenco quite different Iron: en ,'knelt Tong's. 'Cabin,' the pietureapredented trereare quite graphic, and dai think the portralfa painted la very nearly natural colent. - -4.iorfori Dotty Ea. . -Tint bultar Sovrii.—" We ina'to rarely peeped within the corers of a moY.enatiellzini,vaintne.. Although not - intended AO an- anAWpr to the fou untruth* In 'the Uncle Tom trash of the ten yeare , neverthelesd docd tin mercifully hurl, back to tficir source nil Ifts ; of, Knelt A na ture, and we arelflad to believe that the book will _be rend in thousand, of home*. The South alsomhould hike to it benignantly tor intlepeledent of its trathfulness and integrity - it broue aline liveliest sad moat entertain ing. boo:str the y Mass.?, Protaabore. -.V. ' Tag SnidaT Sovrit.-- The enterpriaing publisher, G. G. Bruns. Philadelpttla, of Gift Book notoriety, in weedy 'blasting 'new works of Interest, and spreading them carer the country, and hid system of ttanseetlug business may be looked (WWI as /La twat lutlocc fur tUffaiLog knowledge.: eneqtaled by . ativ in the country, . We commend this I to Vets, • • • Pi!! Seoul - rioutu.:—" 'mai eaptivilint etrengly illustratlveior Soutbernlife. The heart of the Anthems,,' ht with her theme, and she earrleathe interest of the render along With her, ear She, in her amusing otr hat& style. delineates the peta . tlhulties of a Southern hinne."-;Prers. . . Tut Scant' SouTtt.-- Whatever -be name of Professor Ingraham sure, to l'involv the_ elements of ',taking effect and a Wide popular currency:- and Orin Is Just the case with • Tha. Sunny South, or the Southerner at Home," which appears from the press of 0. G. Evans. under thueditorahin of the itraphie.Professor.. It IN Avid in style, keenly obsCrvant, interesting In plot, and hi par pone and manner It Obviously eptin_gs from a . warm heart. and rill be as warutly welcomed - by a Lost of rcaders."— ne ;Yee Yorker. r GOOD BOOItS!, CHOICE' BOOKS NEW .1-NOIL . ..63TRA:TED EDITfONS. . 1 TIIF THRioNE NI DAVID: From the conseertition of the Sitepberd of Bethlehem . to the retsdion of l'eitnie ~h, . .ialout it being anlllustration of Um:splendor power Oudilorainhin of the Reign of the Shep herd liing In a cries of leth rf, wherein - the magnid cence oF Jitdeft.l. shown to thh reader, as If be au eye witness. De the P.m : . J. 11. Inginham. One volume,. 12 mu., Cloth, pagef... f'rlee .t`Thia the thlrdivolume, and the completion of &aer ies of works by the [mine nnthor, un the history .ofthe la ralltish monarchy. 'The origlmunder Mosta wan treated of in the of ' Tire," and Os ttreat glory under Da vid. is treated of hi this work,! (The Throne of David.) while the decline of ,Ilebrew phwer and Die - opening of the note dispensatioh meet thell!deliniation In the ••Prlnee of the Louse of Datid." 'note ;works are historically valuable. us handbooks of formulation relative to am ace nerv, genzraphy :mil manner. of the liolv Laud. The. nrfus. hit'ere.tt oft piirl_powernit, and the ivork,l ends us to the contemplatMn and Ettidy of the sublime' lamtuage of toe Bible and the; rt , at doctrine 4 of truth It contains. with ont be I :as sochhbolmtnoattlnarilrare, either maudlin, stupid, dogmatic orkonceitell:" , :.-Buiton Atlas. 11 • - • II I.li • • PILLA opFIRE . 1N.1(./..NDAGE. By the liP7. J. 11. Ingntlymt, nitithor of the '".Prince of . the of Da vid.ti One VOi /2.UlV.,.Chnil l IN Fu gue, Prik.osl.'ll. murk is deigned to slretch the 'Hebraic history during the bondagd in Egypt, the Proplipt Moses being the central figure. add la n free and attiklit4 history of the period. In which Vie writer gathern first, (Mtn thl, Bible and then trout protane histery :a vast , 111.29.1 of material. which by his genin4. is thrown into a fanciful narrative of the most attractive ;character nhieh carr)e4 the reacler atom:. without dimitanation of - intere.t."—l'di!cdelphia Erening . 'r3 OFTIIE HOUSE -0 •D A V.I D • No. M Court Stxdet . onl Yll 41:.S iI'HE !MIN CITY In :.cries of I,..tecre tellttinizio. if by an eye witness, all the econec and wor4lerfol ineotents in the life ofJeszie of Nazi:l'oh. froor.hpi Ilaptlrin Jordan tf , tile Crecitl.clun mt ISal.ery. Ily It.e Roo. .1.111. • Inzralittm, 11...rt0r of Chri-t Clfureh. awl of St. Thr, Springs, .. I lieltiloutne. Ia I u-. cloth, r,lipe.,:es. In this work surrreduct in the bold nod claring -tark of pil:enting grtn.t loading Idetoriral t.trte of tzriptllTO with L.:calarlilz.tory, so as to present' thee' they nil:flit suppoced to elhioar to a c,isanl The cloo.iiptione qf ritte and: t ereiliclutall, are eplrited cod c.nupreliellid. mh 'lnc ,ty`ol it Illghly inniginalille and altractito, A ts Oredirt :hat r hie ‘‘.l.l:tio tali bo as pop. nier ec On ; • PropTese."—Pree...rcrian Mid f. 1...0pWr4 of either t f the ittiuvoi_bouloi; a h a ndsome Clift,.‘rorth fr. an : accents to MO to Any'por. eon in the I.'nitodifitates. upon the rer"ipt of $1.22. and 21 cent, to pay po,titue, by achliesslur,•the publisher, Geo., G. Erotic. 111161/(41/ia. Iv. YOU WANT[ANY BOOKS Send to Geo. G.I Evans ' Girl Molt Enablitthment. (co. 419 Cheqnnt Street. Intiladelphia, where all hooks are bold at the Pnbli4her's lAwctd price". mid Von have the ADVANTAGE of •Iteeleitig• a, lIANDSONIE PRESENT nurth.from fA rent+ to MO nith earl, book: „ Send for acomplete etalrified 'Catalogue of Book,. which will bemailcd to con Hz,: of expert 4.!.. (toter any •hooltJ that you utur Ivan'. remit the retail price% togctlu , r 1% I th the amount rtnninol for inabtagr. and one trial will arrtire yuu thatlthe best place In the cuun trr to,purchw budit,,is nt the:G.lft Book .E , ttnbllAtment of Gun. 0. Erma. IRoiTa2i2ttorj7 'To Whom greater ihdusements. such 24 cannot be ensiled by any other house', are ofrered. . Any tlersim. In any part of the country. can b 4 agent.. slinpfy by forming h club. sending a•Ust 'of hooka, and cc-, :nutting the umoutst of money inquired fur the same., Send for.e Catalogue, ahlateontallie ail the desired In formation mlntire Cow...enrich kind the formation of clubs , .and to Insure prompt and honorable dealings. address all' I orders to . 1[ 1 13.0 s 3Ccelci C? - ti of GEORGE • - rpornivron or rgt LARGEST GIFIT .TILE W BOOK - ESTABLISHMENT! INOlt1.1). '• Permanently locatep at No.4.ll(.'hostent 5t.. Pidadelphla. -- 001101,Ilere. - • 4.. i• ..,thwi:nre ~.4 „ ....:.....i..,.. 1 ....;..._, ~ A ..;,.... 1 . A,guitß z.v3F-.405,(3ti ukiwr. : • . , TONIO,DIURE i Ttc . - • 4-- • 1 7 . . ft' .. . . alt/ IDYOP IVWCI s' INYKINIATING4'CORDIAL. To the .Citiiimp' 'otkeims34viriia - A pt)th ecailtl.y Brit.:4l4ls, Grocers and . •Pelviato 11.1*.milleol. -1 , ._ - Wolfe's Pure COgase .Briiidi.. ' . , ' • _ Wolfe's Pure Iluderis, Sfierry and Port 'Wlue. . Wolfo's Pureiliniitite, aild St. CroiOttim. - Nolfe's Pure B4otch and irilk.Whisko7. , .A..MaX.,a _ tZeT 3qiCk.riliT.T.S7o ES . , IBEG LEAVE to ;rail the attimtlon of the lit lump of the United States to:the emit: iVixEs and Llquous. Impor ted by. Unot.ruc.W r tz.rx, of :lite* York, whose name is fit-, minor in every pit 'of this tiluntry • for the purity of hie: relebmted Bei tiathqr Se usiamis. Idr. Wolfe, In a letter:Ai me, speaking of the purl ty. o fhls,Winea and Liquors, says : , -i; will stake my repntation Mt wintin," my standing cis a merchant of thirty rare residence In the ; City of N:. Y., that All the Brandynd IVines; whitill bottle two pure as hoportml, and of tit • best quality. And noWbevelleti upon • it by every parehaser. • Every !mind . has the prOprictor's,, , name on Wax. andn be simile of WA signature oil the • eat ilialte.••. Tins mild le are• respectfully Invited-to mill st (tr.:twilit! f o r themselves.. Forlesile in WWI IT all of the I Apotheezirles and t.::•ocers in Philade/iNa.l Gro. H. Altrrna,.:No. Rt.? Market at..• "Philad'a,• I ' • • Nat 4pentfor J'Aststifelpata. Read the followiloftum thelNew Xork„,t," ourice; • : EiNunnors Busts es eon `nit N. T..Mencunax.--sWe .1;1 arc happy. to inform our fellow citizens that there is, owe place In oar dig where tint physician. apothecary, Aud consilry Merchant, Mtn go Mid purchase pure .IViniss And' Linuors, as pure as lutporteiLandof the beet quality. We , do not intend to give air elaborate descri often of tide Wier.; cluint's extensive ba duess nithou"h It Will well repay a, eiraltref at eltLten :la Ainit litlOiplib 'WoKe% extensive• teseetions...-Nos. ni,liiit J: :21, 11paver St., nail N0it..12, BIM: 21, Marketdeld st„lllis'istock of Schnapps; on hand, ready, for shipment could pat have Vern lest' Jhan 20.000 eases; the Enmity sonie 1p4160 - cass..4-+Vlntagea of held to 56; and 12,000 ca-tee of Motion:l. Sherry, And Bort.iyine,•ticetAll & Irish WhisLy. Jamaica and St! Croix Muni some very old;I and equal to any In aids country, lie had also three isrge:l cellars, filkil with iirandc. Wine, &c., in casks. under the.l Custom Ifivise key.; ready. foribotiltng. s .Mr. Wolfe ti siale : l of Schnapps last sear amounted to 161,000,dozen. And wo•I hope In less thatitt •ci fears hit way bs equally successful., with his Brandies and Wines. I' • •l, ' Ills business are is the patrOnage of ev,[ry lords of hi is • species. Private families who:wish pore %V:inessit t•iqnors : i for medical Oval sholild send than' orders iliteet to Mr; W., , until evi , ry Apothecary id t lie:land make tip their mbids' • to discard the poisimansstafiffront their shelves, and re. : plats.: It with 11'o fete pure Wipes and Liquors. - ' • . i We understand :X". Wolfe. ,for the accdunnodurlon of ; sinall;timilersciu the.eMintry. !pats up asOorted cases of Wlnesand Lionors.l• beet a than, and 'ugh a merchant, i shnuld be sus taineillag.tiu st hit} teed at thowsandaafappe• • nents In the-fruited States,tv ho is ell nothing et imitations, : tuitions alike ta bulnsnhcaltli: and happin !!!. (eeptilina r.,er Zoe the Ad I.r.rirrtfer drid no. JUSTIOE TO THE - SOUTH, • irti3ement or Doet. lanfcird's Livei ritharpt• Pil!7; tu anther cram. A LLpersOns srpherehy toe/le - ken Poilr'or reeds!? .47,. soy property of soy kind, ormy.wif 6 r. harboring or truptiug her es my Account - . Broo • , • .P.E;TEA klYn. Sepi. . N 311 GOODS! AT THE N. Y. BURN STORES OF. Ontteilberg, Montrose, & Susq a \ Depot, Pa ne ilorrorsignerl timio provided thormrirtri v, ith a FeiIENDI;J or SHE & SUMMER GOODS! which they binimi of being, Ow HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST , in u vainly% i nky ZliSo Istter thaw** 'Oda ecit ' • that they Lase Um imot failUtles of • btlit Loos 4.frrsli from tips' '4larktt, antGre &tan' lined n'tbt to tu , . undlrscl:au! firth AL "Moot Now - York city. lu regdtd to READY 11ADE CLOTHING We . sreald say that hetes; !a this largely at 24 Dey.Street, New York city: Miotre; public bargallni not iserpaised by any re tail tleslere In this realest, as we eats sell here at retail pri ces as cheap ill , thoee who go to Sew York Mid muchness:a whets isale and then 'bring them here and have to make a pmdt over that which they have already paid themselves. Veil and tee neand we wilt prove the feets.• ' • utteithrt - g,Alo:scitbatun 0; 'I) I , Melrose, I'a June 14M. • Al MINOR IMO :177 — '2 . ad DOOR. ABOA'T. MT7.FORD'S: firffig arc i n Pm:m(l that n 'FREE - EX lIIISITIQN it given at all Iffinr. of the day.'of NY.W OCIQI)S of .ortt, lire-4 Grid. , of Snininei.Print.. Chant*. Lawns In patt , r4s. Olcati Book., Bard. annmetta and SAI fan Mnff, LaditiC CollarN and fileeveP, 1)i unity. •Murteillep, ..alureena. Fund tate Fallitt. li.eutat.Ly Jean-, 'Can:went:bummer Stnlit Gent% Shirt. Cotton tira.w..r*,...Collar, env,ats:Neek-lice and . Sa.apcndtre. 2: new and larz, lot of LEATHEII , WARE I , such as Gents Fine'Calt heavy and light Shona, S,ttrndid Lntlica Gaiters Irma 5 to 18 rbililna^; warranted to ft. Whit'. Brown. mid Black HOSIERY: Parasola . and Unthellr.,. Larld tomes and Work Baskeke. ..lEgyarlaima.g • - .. u ., and Spetin, Aellinatitine aiid !fallow Candies. Ilrasit and Jaliaa,d I.3nt.sr., Windt LkstrdN nod Coll.nv 11141.,.11t1 , 1 (CH.- PI) fvet to tr.-whtttlod an d Clottios Pine. Pine andCEl).l.lt'PA,l LS,.lace ides a I'ILEoI of svery ittrion'r• W hint,' a ee• '.1'.13 , 1 co rorn S aridi fur glitriota. paddhc r. itettiii Tartar. uuda-starch saler.ttup Castor Oil, E 01,441. Salt,. I.tiai.:l: and Scotch Sand', nail or n hieh won't do to rent about, hat itler.e. to rtill,• examine and loll: about. Wietirn ready and willing to .how Good.. even though the- may not sa ; and thankftiflor dirndl :Avon, . V. C. TYLER: IOCT'S. buys a baltic of the. shilling Ilair Tonic. It .r s ; brats anrtivic„..- ever sbook up. TYLER'S: •310NTItOSF:. 31ItyPt!1.1S00. TUR - 111 ~t ..! AS ju , t returned from <e A:et Mg Lod puichn, , log um! in L how rvcelving one or the larg,t-tt and bust ve,mk of - r;7 7 . • 4:) • rye: cal'ared t;d-• yudity 1.4 near:? v'ecry ~,, d ; 'all u arrant..d rign,;:talteti. • Terms.: .Routiu Cush apt/ .lAnt .A ::.;tateral the ,•tock may 'h^ formed from fly: I - 6110..7111g almtniatalcia: 2•ll:ract,4:-. r f'onmeara , , OTTA 4, Gt4t , t, IrYr. ' 61.4,AVArt, •ItorlaltS. IL ror. %•:v.!. YArrat.. \VEND,: vAraft, • V:tmo'w . :.1112 , •room- IVll.ya.,..Vntbre"t• .., TlirO ('age.. Pocket liniv.ci, ' ttutt. 1 1 1 , t0... Alahlunition. I.iquore. Tro..e., tattupettua, •-. shoulder lime..., port. tatme.c.i , .• • Spv..tarles.. Silver .0 .fitted _lia.ea-. Foilt.. .',;c. ttold non.. Stationer?, , ‘l.,tin. Onion, Iltt.e, 'l' 1{..; striug.:. ' .ithograph.,porcela in ' .. t veth. ...t.rt I.e. Tithe taint.. Brroth e., ,ite... , :e, 1;,. 0 ......ete Io v Good:, Wooden NVare. aara, anti.jap.tuned are. Fluid, and Oil 4 - nit.., CaUtpLitte. Coal, Oil. Bunting Flllift' _A 14•1;bol : numerable. lamp. tatitter'... , ,neat foot. lard. Care, l'astir, hOiU'll and ramilinbeetl Olhy White Lead. Zinc, and all kind. of colored .tu_iiitt... Vine.. gar. f'anary Seed, oleo all the popular PATENT MED/- (JINI s. and other thine.. too numerotti. to mention: It I. nuornetirable to giro ntoru than it att..yend outilue of iny clock throngh the new.txycra, everr one trishing 07)6DS I. lnyitctl to . rail arm 4-gamine. en.tomers 'on entering , the ature must not. expect 1.0. ant! ri'ery this: in' eight:; but nearly even' article:minuted will be pe•uittredl.,: •.. ...-- 1 inquiry. Thankful for the liberal pstrunaia hitherto recelved.'he' hop,: to merit a et:Ming:lace and large irtcreme of ttta &IMO. ' • . ABEL TUR44:L E. • , -Ifontroee. Jane 5,11'60. ; ' \ . Mark These facts !. . TEEN TESTIMONY OF TEE. WEIOLE WORLD! :Etop.owa*'s OiiiV#ent • . Bad Lags, Sid.ltraasta, 130yei and ; pens; A 1..1. descriptions of ,sonic !vie= eatooo the,prop- Ak. cr and diligent us or this Inestimable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by phsterbig the edges of the wound together is a. folly; for should the ',skin finite, a boggy diseased condition .remains foler:truth to br out with tenfold fare in a fe'w days. The 'only rational and saaaeatfid treatment. in' indicated by nature . is tp re duce the inflammation in and about the - wound. andlo soothe the neighboring partsbfrubbing in , pleats - of the' Ointment as salt is forced into meat. I . . • Dipthoria, Dleerated Sore Threat End ilear e hit sad - other Fevers.- AY of the above -dime:tees may be 'ettred by well rub bing the Ointment, three times a day, Into the chest. throat and neck of the patient; it will coon penetreteand give immediate relief. :Medicine - taken bv the - month moat operate.apou the whole eyetem err its Influencecan be felt inany local part, wherwta the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever trice the ungncnt In' the above manner for the dinetc3ce named, or any similar dlzortiera affecting the chest and throat, will Ind thweelveb tailor ed Ai bya charm. - • Piles, Fistulae,. Strietares - • mut: above ciao, of coluplaints will be 'remcoed Lc 1 nightly fomenting the parts with warly - water. and then most effeetually rubbintr in - the Ointment. Persons Aulrfting from thou; direful complaints should lobe not tnement in arreating their progres.+., It glinultl be tinder , stood that It is not sufficient merely to smear the Olni• meat on the affected tetrt., hot it • mnsti be Well rubbed in for some cOnsidenthin time two et three times a day, that It may taken into the antem, whence It will retneycany blthlju sore or wounkis effectually mi thong b palpable to the eve. There ag ai n vbread and water ponOcca, after the rubbing In or the t intnogn, will 'do great se rrku. Th is la the only awe treatment tar flmntler, cases of eancer.ln the stomach, pr where there may be a general bearing down. • . . • Indiscretions of Yenth;- . --Sorce and Ulcers.. "DLOTCIIRS, !t also swelllngs,'can, Mai. certainty, be JIl redlcelly elredif the Ointment he need freely, and the Pills he taken night and. morning ens rectnnutended In the in the printed ut.tructiont§. Alien trtaded to ahy other Way they only dry up in one plact; t 4 , break out In another; whereas :this Ointment : n 111 remove the humor [roe the system, and leave the patient It viptrons and healthy being. it will renuire time e ith the use of the Pills to ensure a lasting cure.. -. ; Dropsical Swellings. Paralysis and Stiff Joints. A LT.ttpUGH the ainoo complaints differ -widely •In ttitdr origin and nature . yet they all 'require load treatment. - Many of the worst alsCii, of surh•diveseee, will ylithl in a comparatively short space of time when this Ointrnent‘la diltitently Ribbed into the ;lane affected. mint after every other Anemia have failed; In no net i on4 ataladics the PIIIK ollenkt be taken at. - etcliNeto the prim ed directions accompanying rash box. , • . • • Both, the•Oinilper . ttan:il Pilix:xhoult.iibe usell ill the follthetyp COALS: . : • . . . .. . ~......... itll(' iseiti: ''- - • 11leRotooL ..". 'Fistulas, • I '' Bad Itreat.O., chilblain.. Gout. ... Iturne., -. Chapped lianas, • ' Lumbago. • ' 61.1niktlar Owe] IngeCortu.. ( sort) ra e ,,, • Bite or.)tottchutorNespeers, . ~ Itlnedraatir.m. , anal SautlFll4u. Contruntutom - 4 Sculd... C0t...y.1.CA .•' ' . : .' Stitl.lolub.,. SorO ;iippbut, •7. . .sore Throatu, ' SIIM Tthututut, ' Seurvy. llone urguly,-.,''., , .: I'Muortt.- • ' 1.714..frt.. • : • ' WouddS, ' ' maim: &C....t.,.. 'Lc. TION !--None ere genuine titlese the worth. •'llot.- :,uowax, ,iinw-Yottri , unt I.oxoutc," are iffeeerte,ble,, wutemnark In tAcri; leaf of the book of direction., around melt pet or box; the saute. may ho ereu hr holdpry the leaf to the fight 'A heed...woe reward will bu g jw, to any WU ronderitrg rnch hiforatefien u may lead to the detection of any 'party or pante. counterfeiting the mcdi• einea or vending the anew, knowing them t o be optuioue. * s e Sold at the Menefactor: of Profereor HOLLOWAY M Malden I,ttne,liew York, aria by all ratpectable Dntutue and Llookre in Medicine, throughout the citrillr,cd w•ottd, In boxes at : s ratite. to cents, and $.l each. • • ' • - "There Is conaideralde eavingly tai luglareter boxes. J. IL.—Direntlonafor the guidance of pattente ltuvory dteard~ra a striviti to Mch • • SPRINC STYLES - NOW'READY FOR' READY:IIY- AND .SMALL 1 1 -OE-ITS ! BURRITT is 'now rorxdring la tall and. CROWE L . STOCK, of . SP111111&&111111111111),GOODS; inart4tycit Rich Prints in Noir titylos, Ging:toms, Brillion is, Lawns, (.'trollies t Silk lima Tirshoi ono flarigt+ , Luck, yme- 7 . and Foulard Silks, rirr low; Punting. Kr.. with a superior assortment ofirlik ! Morro., Cartnnere acd Strila Shawls; Ilantillas, Limp Sktrbi.bustors, Parasols,- filch Ribbons, Bonnets and Flower..., Froadcioth., Stint tea, w ill a bure astortmept of caw , Staple :and FatcHy Goods . a, usual, hi Oroceries, Clocker., Uardu are. Iron and Stool, Nail,. ziturew. Drugs, MIAs,O Fltdd.itoota, %Len. Tfats:puis, _Clocks, Citiptfidg Poet Oil god Wall PalitiVTlftiedi Ind OW ' The entire Stock bsln bunasindbaiskt for CAS% and targajy from, SIANUY-I.t. f URLUS and Funs llama, will wire superior opportunities foenberice seleetfona and low-donz vice.. and will be saki do the moot **rurality - -Lenin fur CASU, PI:QM:CZ. and tdPrompfAtt..llontba* Buyers. An o :4ml:union of the'COodaandldenswlfl bo futo.d profitable-to those uto WWI to bop .. • - FtCIIEROAND:thIT,.COM.TANTLY•OLII/Jrli . Now Milford, hue, Ist°. • • A .. 0) . W - ' l.-- 'lle . -1 2 - • , • - De_ i...... • 1 Al, ' 'll4 I frith gilmalber, trould toott metioothelly sckeowtodire ji..ldpn.4l . ander ienetred obliptuona to lilabad -0410fiq rositantilerfrientet In !Mound other townies for their Meth patronage to hie Xttr York bastion.. and oaks a 'continu ance of their fatenf et AS PAM( ROW, , fllAliDtii= 31001411 Y. CO/11! dr tei.: and at 40 COURTLiern fIIATS,CAPO. STRAW:GOODS. 11.109, d.e. Lt.] Z. W . °RMS a: KLNOSBUItY, - . . .: ' " Post odire teems, fel Sept.. , Ea Oet:,:eani Laereson, r Gritegitet Kfttgibary. 40 Ceert/asd scre..t.:4.Y.: after thee time. till farther native, .liontf eta. fteCra Co.. Pa. - - hfontroee. Ueli. I, 1060.* .., ie. c, rirLWAL. .........___ - -1880. • 1840; TEM HMV Resits - • YROX WYOMINGSAL LEY 113 PHILADELPHIA, NM : YORK, BALTIMORE, . And all Palate North. Jk, Vont. LACKAWAfi NA & BIbOMSBUPG RAILROADI SUM MERFARRANCEMENT: . ,• Two Dagy:Passenger Trains . wt.. Ste u.......... . --- 01C11.116TUN` AND:. NISRTIIIG3IIIERLAND. .. Ai. -rox.r.olvs : isp....s • 5.51.*T11. • . 4 ROMIG NOVITS: Phil's N. Y.t ' . N. Y. Flans Mane Express. ( - - Express.. MAIL: Lear° --- • •..1. :P. 1, .1 . Left,' A. x Sersetun,; 6.10 - 4.33 . NitohnionC, o.p.t• _4.43 Arrive at • • ' Arrive at PU411101 1 .6 - ...3'.. 4.Z3 ' I . l anrill , . 6.03 1:29 Kiesstou; .70; - .5.Z I Itspr.-t, 6.33 -LW Shickshinny, U 0 6.'..".",... Bleemebritg,ll.43 640 Berwick. - 5.:41 G. - i lierwjek-,, , 7;15 6.30 Bloomsburg., s "....50 7.,T,1 I 'Bl,lekshinny; 7.43 7.03• - Pupert . ',/ All 7.40 f Elneston, 6.30 . 7.43 . , ~ .. • • Dunviik. —9. Z b.io-I.Plttetun. . .6.31. 8.13 Northtelsxd:lo.ol - 1:44Z -•: `Sc. ranton. 9.Z 6.46 TEE LECXAVIA2iNi /413LOOMEBMW lUMUIOAD COIMLCI:11 WITII TIM DEL, I_Aer.AWAN:Ii..-1 4: VESTiIIIN Scrimiciii. for ;New York aced Philadelphia. and inter inedlnte polnto eal.t : fnr Creht rend. Dinghaniten. Szractire, EetTuio.;SiaKitra And all lraportsni-polza* P. r.t: At Ituvertl! rfytnrr , P tritltbe cats,' iSIiX Rlflicad, for point' , I.llt Ea.: and %Keel.' - - • At Nonburut‘erleue. It connects-with the Sunbury sad Erie Enilroad, for pr.intti West and SoCtb. , . LADIES! OFE PRICE mni,a.wcsir, o%7c:oxtail roliN FAICEIII.I, Nn. MICII f. 111.414 Pan VI a and 6th et.. IbiladelpLin,ti:de r Market Nrter..llanufacturar crend Delq.r in nil kind. or • P l e4 , 3ri: . 037 . :F 5 Having .removkal to - 111 , V New Store, N 8 melt et.: - Philadelphia, sin! being now engaged entircit in the Yannfacture ncd tale of Fancy Para.. ch: .1c• cord:awe With the •ci:;J Principl..." 1 hare !narked at the lowe4t possibie prirt. rntteiet ent with a reai,onabb : p[ on:. I wonid hoiiell frortultoce in want or Pere to . it her Ladies' rea'rt near: ..thept-et ion of tee eelertior.s hf those' ,r11,11i.. m.r of ithillt . r to pleaeqein awry ch.;,ired _..-- . . . iifr l'ersitn% at a •17-lar.ee. lab., may Sad it Incontet - lent to call r....r.0na11y. r,..1 tiaa:ly 113771.: the article. they whih,:logether with the ori..e. a::11 heitructiona for ',hat. init. toad forward the c.,reaT 1., tn,' a.!0.r..-.....:--tuvr,ev acentp. retneing-Ao inatra a ant! , 4l7‘ctury 4'9113;211:Wee v:lth their 1, Isl.vs. :Au:; ::.,. 1..:..). :_ra . Dyspepsia, Pr'lili!! of - .‘•'l'l3l, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Del,i!ity,„cr-::,•:: I)spepsta. Liver Ceeipliunt, Aeidity, Liver Complaint, Acidity. Blllou rimp!ainta, Sick Itcadacte, Bilious Complaints', Sick Ifeadache. FLATIMENtY, • EOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, . - au! ttii numberless other climates Frisky , / runs digettion and, fun nionaLdianVera •cf tAe stanadi: )fad rnady relief ;is that .cigailithed and altrinfig TILE OXYGENATED IEITTED.I. TIM OXYGENATED nrrTiens. Reliable Testimony. We ad/ the Otiostion of the ranger to tilifoilookei ktter from' Nail:kat . Smith, Pimply ig! Waimea Univorsitg, maws qt.hosopolio. Md. WinnumovmcConti., F.A IMMO. . BETH . 14.. FONTLZ , . CO.Gentjement —1- ewe made use orthe, . — Dkleri"enm,a seven fie eight years since. 'Dazing sittlerra for twenty years from a font ofidpipersta, which War - attended With 'a nervous headache, on an ai erne* of nut lbs than tun day in a Week, I will Induced, by the imptiticoling rec ommendation of Dr. Green, to try ens bottle, and 11 no benefit wait welled to discontinue the tow." • * The use of one battle tvammed a further trial, to the extent of moms MMe or gnat, o itb a careful obserraace of the accompany iog directions. The monk was; as salomet entire relief from the mail dyspeptic sympfauf and their depressing,- painful roteTimenres. I believe thinie Bitters produced en entire chance in the babita of my system. and nrodthe active energies of le* digestive mil es. 1 now deem toYeeit e ,, e'remPt from . ilePeneie , - aa mist persons. There Bitters La‘ • alio ken of set rice to mbar uienshers of my 1,1;14; • ' Very triptc t AM) more. AUCA:TUS W. Urn; THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE 4)XVGJOiAI',IED BITTERS.. litcumopro, Ting" 6., Pa., Aug. 45,1864 Ciztat.r.w.ttt,— . for more than dirty years with DyareTaiti, and It) ing remedies nor emtnendhd heir thnt db ea.. isitpont . any.gond * remelt; I pas leduced. by Dr. E. H. ‘V hito of hizzonild, to givo tho aryeraated .ititters 1 trial. I took • two bottles.. which ;ayo pm' an much tehat that I , jeirehived tea mom, whicit hareneidl or tate.etiered a mire,- fam now, nearly :reveal -fro year.. of age, and fix three mettle past hare felt tidjoein.veolente (Mal my food. I 'take great phmaure in recommending the 'Sitters to alt afflicting with Dyntept.in sod i? coocomitant Mauna from br. White 74Artorira.b, Ting* Co, Pa., Aug. 26, 1838. . . hiire wed - 0. cp, w ii.e.! Bitters In, my prun e, With decided street?. in debility and general prerradoo, &e.. and .ionfidendy -recommend therm In general do %Mir; and dli,une of the digeetive organs. . P. H.-WHiTE, THE OXYGENATED EITTEDIL. THE OXYGENATED HITTERS. /-. PREPARED BY B. V. Fayy.i.E & 18 TristlXnit Mee., NOMA.. &kitty pnisigists, Dealers and .31a.Chanta i i arm, . ;ma and city oiroupoia the oranstry. I I 7 realdhyAbel7Lrrcß and gaff. Mamas . * Pos. far, Moldroao; L. IL Woodruff, Dlmock ; Antos Nichols, Brooklyn; Whitney d Moxley, BariOrd ; W o ad & Ward. Great Ilea; C. Otztpxyl f D; u 34.9% Grimm,Groat Rend. _ s, 16-170 . A. lIEBAND.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers