Ccruzit3r Fail Sept. 13th & 11th, UM. LIST OP PBEdIIVMB TO lir. AWARDED AT TILE FOUR ERN= AY- AI, FAIR OF THE STSQD EIIANNAQOUN TY AG RIcULTURAL SOCIETY, TO TIE lIELD AT MONTROSE,. ON THE IaTH AND 14TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1860. • REGULATIONS. . . Those competing with horses will be on the track at-1 o'clock, the first day. . - Exhibitors wishing to compete for -pre miums, must have their animals - or articles entered on the Secretary's Book, the first day of the Fair, possible ; and a Card, which will be received from the Secretary,. Wm. 1.1. Jessup, must be placed en -the animal or article to be exhibited. - They Must be all - on-the ground for exhibition! by la o'clock; a. m„ of the second day, or the; cannot receive a premium. No ,ani-, mai or article-can be removed before the. (-lose of the exhibition, except - Icy permis sion of one of the Executive Committee. Stock can be entered ten days previous to the Fair by calling - on the Secretary, - Wm. H. Jessup. Hay will be on the ground; and 'pasture convenient, for stock over night. No provision will -be.made for stalling stock over two years old. - Exhibition of horses for preiniums wil take place at 1 o'clock, first day, and 1. o'clock, second day. Sn•eepstakes exhibition at. I o'clock sec ond day. No. preminm . Will be awarded to any persons exhibiting articles or animals not entered in the name of, the bona fide .own. ers of the same. Premium List DI vtsio:s L—lfoßsEs.—CLAss I.—Stallions and Mares Best stallion and one of his colts, Dip. & $5 41 best, $4 • - ' 3d best., 3 Best stallion which has not stood in the County.prior to this year, Diplo. and 3 Best braid mare aid colt 2nd best; *4 3d best, 3 Judges.—N. Y. Leet, Friendsville ; Jno. Ilarford ; W. C. Ward, New Milford. I.)rv. IL—Class IL—Single mid Matched Horses: ' Best single gelding or mare over four years old raised in the county t. 5 2d best; *3 . 3d best, 2 Best pair of matched horses, (geldings or mares,) over 3 years old, raised,. in, the count• - 2d . best . • Best pait or matched horses owned in the county, not raised here Judgcs.—l. J. Stebbins, Bridgewater ; John C. Morris, Chocouut ;ISaac M. Has brouck, Great Bend.. CLASS ql is and Males Best: pair of 2 year old coltzl Rest pair of 2 year cld•eolts Best pair of; yearling colts Best 2, year old colt Best yearling colt best k:dr•of mules, ..... best, 2 Ai/yrs.—D. D. Hinds, Bridgewater; W. A. 'Large,, Dimock; Arthur South worth; Liberty. 1) I VISION 111-LC ATtLE.—Class I—Devons. - Best devon bull, 2 y'rs old and upwards, $‘ 2d best.. Best devon bull betireen 1 and fears, 3 2 d best .Best , 4levon bull under year Best, devon e0w,.3 v'rs old or-upwards.; 4 2d best a Best.devon heifer between 2 ct; 3 s'rs old 3 2.d best . '..flaiges.--David Wakelee, Springville ;. A. P. Stephens, Greht Bend; C. Stark, Bridgewater. • • ~ Div.lV.—CArri,E.—class Best durham bull s 2 years old, and up .,war is; *5l - -2d best; 4 Best do., between I and 2, years 3 2d best - 2 Best do. under 1 year : ',.. 1 Best do, cow, 3 years old or upwards, 4 2d best .....- - 3 Best, do. heifer ; 2 and 3 years. oia, ',ta - 2d best, 2 Judges.-1. P. Baker, Ditnoek ; Jas. P. Stnith;Friklin ; Jas. Sterling, Brooklyn. Drvi:sto:o7.---4:ATTLE.--Class lll.— Grade Devons Brst bull, $3, ... Best cow over 3 years" old 2d best, $2 3d best, I Best heifer between'2 and 3 years old, 3 best, 's2 Sd best, 1 Best 4 yearlings 2d best; $2. • Best • 5 calves.. 2d best, $2 3d best, I Judgel.—S. W,TntesdelgLibertf; Rob ert Breed, Brooklyn ;. Ralph Birchard, Jessup„. Durhams Best bull, $3 Best cow over 3 . yeats old 2d best, $2 - ; .3dbeiu; Best heifer-between 2-and 3 years old, 3 2d - best, $2 • 3dbest, Best 4 yearlings , : 2d be5t,.52.... Best 5 calves... 2d best, $2 . 3d best, 1 Judges.--Wakernan C-. Handrick, Jes sup ; Edward Howe, Brooklyn ; —Til den, Forest Lake. Div. VTI.--CATTLE.:=CIass Best bull, $3 2d best, $2 Best cow over 3 years old 3 2d best, $2 • - 3d best, 1 Best heifer between 2 and 3 years old, 3 2d best,,S2 3d beit, Best .4 , - - yeallings 2d best, $2. Best 5 calves 2d best $o fudges.—Eri Gregory, Bridgewater; J. Towne, F. ; W. T. Case,,Gibson. nrwtsioN—Class"VT.= Oxen and Steers Best pair of working oxen oxer 4 j•eals • old raised in the county.. ,e 5 2d - best, $4 ; 3cf best, $l3; 4th beit, I Best piir of steers between 3 and 4 frs • old, raised in the county . • 3 2nd best. #2 r „,,7. - 3d best, I Judges.—Thos. Nicholso — n; Springville; Reuben HarriS, Jackson ; James Summers, New Milford. • I)lvisioN • Best boar, *3 • rnslibest, $2 Best breeding sow • 2nd best, #2- 3d best, , * Be, sV 4 s'pring pigs, $2; 2d best Best , kings less than 10 weeks 01a.._...,52 • 2nd best • • . A-Oar—John Harrington, Bridgewa , ter ; George Walker, Ditnock ; ?reserved Hinds, Silver Lake. . • . I)tvisioN 7i —Sheep. Best fine m:"doled buck, $3.-...2d best, $2. " 3 do ewes, $3 2d best, 2 d o lambs .2 - -coarse wooled buck, $3..2d best; 72 ac 3 . ; ewes, $3 -24 best, 2 3 -lambs • middle wooled buck, $3..2d. best. •2 do • ewes,' td• • !id best; 2 -do • lambs. Leicesters, BakewelLq, are elaised as coarse wooled ; Saxony, Merinos, &c. as gne wooled ; and South Downs, &c. as middle wooled. •• Judges-:—E..G.Ba - bcock, Bridgewater; I. A. Main, Dimock ; - C..Burns, Choconut. .Dxrtstox X I. Bu t ter &Cheese. • Best firkin - of butter made in June, but • ter knife worth $3. Ad..- and 2d best, butter knife worth $2, and• sd best, butter knife, and 4th best, butter knife, or Best fall butter, knife worth 0, and.. 2 2ndbest,lode worth' $2, and • 2 -3d 'best, knife worth -$2, and 4 ; 1 4th best, knife worth $2, or 2 Pest ,10.1bs of butter made by girls un der 18 .years, knife worth ' •I• 2 For largest quantity Olbutter per cow . from any number of cows, $3 ; 2d best, 2 Best cheese 'not less than 25 its 3 2d best. 2 Dickerman, Jr., Nem; Mil ford ; J. TiLangdon, Bridgewater ; Amos NiehOls, Brooklyn. -DIVISION Xll.—Fru . it and Vegetable s. Best fall apples,. not less than one doz en, - en, at least a, varieties, .$2; 2d best, $1 Best winter appleti, do $2 ; .24 best,... 1 Best pears, not less than half peek 1 Best quinces, . • 1 Best and greateSt'variety of vegetables 1 -.Tudges.—Caleb Carmalt, choconut ; G.- Z. Dirncek, Montrose; Isaac . Reckhow,' Great Bend. Div: Vineplr, -/Toney and Sugar. ' Rest cider linsgar, not less than .2 gal. $r •2d . Best 10 lbs maple-sugar, best, Best 10 its honey, in I 2d best,, 1E Judges.—F. M. ' Williams, Bridgewater; F.B. Streeter, Montrose; W. W. Wit hauls, Gibson. • Div. XlV.—arbinit Break& Carriages. Best exhibition of cabinet work - 5 2d b s est - • Best etfrriage, single or. double'...- 2d best All articles in this division tor compe tition mnst'be entered by the mainithctiir ' . ! fudges —Miles Prichard, Springville ; C. P. 'Edwards, : Gibson; Wilson; Clifford. llmstoN XV.—Farm Implements d• Black snzithing. - ' For the best plow 3 For the best -cultivator ' corn shefier, , straw cutter, - power for churning,- 3 • firkins, horse rake, harness, each.... 2 Best lot of 6 horse shoes; *2— 2d best, 1 Judges.—Wm. Jessup, Montrose; Sam ! . uel Tewksbury, Auburn; David Bryant, Jackson. • . ' DirvislON XVl.—Seids Best bushel corn in the ear " hag bushel winier'wheat..... ".- half bushel spring.wheae. • " half bushel rye " quarter bushel clover seed , — ". half bushel timothy seed " half bushel flax seed Judges.—F. P. Grow, Lenox ' • Thomas Johnson, Bridgewater ; Urbane Burrows, Gibson Drvisths XV'lL—Leather.' etc Best 3 sides harness leather, $2; 2d best,lll 3 sides'sole leather, $2, 2d best, 1 't :3 sides upper leather, - a, 2d best; 1 " carriage harness, $2, 2d best, 1 " . saddle, - pair of fine booti, each, 2 " 4 pair of coarse hoots ifficigts.—Reuben Chichester, Franklin ; Christopher Perkins, :Brooklyn ; Wm. B. Flaidric.k, Springville. Div. XVl.ll.—Domestic Maiiufaetures. For tht best flannel, ten - yards, 412; 2cl, $1 Best fulled cloth, 5 yards, $2,- .2d best, I " woolen carpet, 15 y'ds, $3, 2d best, 2 " - rag carpet, 15 yards, $3, 2d best, : 2 , 11. do2i.eVrs Woolen socks, $2, . 1 - " 2 pairs woolen mittens, $l, 2d best, Judges—Benj.. Parke, Dipaock; Mrs. M.l. Catlin ' "Briflgewater ; Mrs. Stephen ,Breed, Mrs. Orrin Ely, Brooklyn. Div. XIX.-Ornamental Needle-enrk." Best patch-work quilt, $3 . 2d best, 2 " quilt of any other kind, $3, .2d, best, 2 " winter bonnet. " ' 1 " lady's sacque • I Judgcs.—T. IL. Case, Gibson ; 31‘.s. ',S. H. Sayre, Montrose ; Miss Helen Burrows, Gibson ; Miss Sarah Wa'kelee, Springville. Divisto.NXX.=-Poultry. • • Best pair turkeys, c o ck &lien, $2, 2d,• : sl. " 6 fowls over 1 y'r old, $2, 2d best, I " 6 spring chickens, $2, 9.41 besti 1 " '6 ducks, s2' 2d best, 1 Judgeß. = S. A. Newtoh, • Viogki.yn ;41. 31. Wells, Jackson; C. C. 'Halsey, Mont rose. • . - • 2si best, 2 To the farmer whose productions are the greatest, (hay included,) in proportion td the number of acres under cultivation, taking into account the stock kept On his farm daring the season • $lO To thenext...., 5 3d best, 1 Report” to be Made to the Executive Committee previous to the January meet-, in 30visioN XXI ToutnAip Societies.".„ Apremium. of *2O will be awarded to theTownsinp.Society that makes tho lar gest and best exhibition it out next An nual Fah:. ..2.1 best, 3 Townships intending. to compete.: for the premium will please gi'e notice to.the Eiecutice Committee at least 30 days be fore the Fair. " • Jeal9es.-41eary Drinker, Montrose R. Sutphin, - ; - New Milford ;Joseph Dubois, Great Bend. ... 3d best; Dmslo .IXlll.—Plowing Beet plbWing, 85 ; 2d, $4; 3d, $3 ; .4th, $2 ; sth, 81. - . • - . Judges and Committee of Arragem en ts to be decided when place is agreed upon. Divistos XXlV.—Sweepstakes- Premium. Best stallion, gelding, or mare .. .. .$5 Beta, Bull, any breed ' .5 Best cow, any breed .3cl best, Ad best, Best yoke of oxen,. any age. . .. All animals entered for competitiOn in this,class Will be subject to entrance fee of one dollar extra. The cattle in this clisslvillim led once round on - the trick. Judges.—.S. W. Breed, Brooklyn ; I. B. Lathrop, Springville ; P. Wells, Bridge water. Suemairrmvemers. - gorsts--,Gren. C. D. Lathrop, Marshal. • Cattle—Avery Frink. • - Ineep and Hags—M. B. Helme. - Ditiry.Halt—Asegt Cockayie. Vegetable Hall-C. L. Broten, Mott. Ladies' Hall—L. P. Fitch, Mrs. A: L. Post;Niss Fanny . M. Jessup., The. Judges will...please report them selves At the Committee's stand that they May be on duty 9s early as possible: All elerfoinen will be admitted free of charge: ' - Due notice will tiegiven of the time of holding the Fair and Plowing Match. M. L CATLIN, Ex • A. BALDWIN . ; • -`"`"' Montrose, August 22d, 1880. - .1. MTUILE GLASS. BEST quality of Emrich P/eTURE /AA tor vile • • Alum rvEReLL. July . INGO. Divlsms XXI MOUNT Nth - fferbs, Barks and Roots VERSUS Poisonous Minerals and Drugs. MOTHERS' TAKE HEED! be you when observing the uneasy actions or your children, oonsider that It may be More than a mere ChOlie that afflicts them f In nine cases out of tan, the cause of the little suffer er's anguish is WORMS, and should & at mice Jackal fa. HEADS. OF FAMILIES Do not let your clahlren sutler, when we present Sou In JUDSON'S WORM TEA A SAFE ANO PLEASANT CURE FOR WORMS • Row much better and ufer would it be to hare it always in the house. A little delay when a child 'Oaken til may ften be the cause of its death, while acting without delay, and by siring theiNOUNTALY VERB TEA Immo distely,you will not the child along and tedious Illness, and yourself much expense, but also feel happier In knowing that you Pare dons jells duty, and perchance saved its life. Thla medicine is combined purely of HERBS AND ROOTS ealolitel or Illtnerat IS USED IN IT. -- l`k more filthy' \ Vermiruge will be used by those who once use this Tea. The only active principle of all other Vonolfuges and Worm Killers is DIE RV"' R Y. OIVE NO• P. Co. I Co IST YIATICIIIIAD . REY. 1 4 but Ow le Safe N'e otable Medicine.gill P .! • This o 'tinges was discovered in an unincal way among the Wilds of Northern Mexico—a full account of it you will find In our Almanacs. , Ask for the • cßescue Ma Almanac," ! of the 111)1 4 Agent, and whin you have read it, send it to your neighbors, that they may alio know of and be cured by this GliplAT RElll2lif I JUDSON'S WORM TEA KILLS -WORM 5, Never Ilarnak—ls Pleasant to !Pate, • GET A PACKAGE—PRICE 25 CTS. 01 OBSERVE—AIways find the Name and Signs. tore of II L. Jr,liSON & CO., and the portrait , of Tem.°, on each package of this 'Worm Tea. Ito * - El: L. JUDSON & CO, SOLE PROPRIETORS, 4 11 50 Leonard St, NevrYork. Judionla Worm Tea li sold by one , Agent In every Village, and ,r a by' all Druggists. . !- - -OPsVtOtit-" , "G SAY RE & 13R0., Agents, Montrose. (dec2.2 HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The-prOprie r tors and tuanufdeturers of HOS- T.F:TTEII'S CELEISItAt};I) STOMACH BIT- T.Ellzi eau npfeal with perfect confidence to physician: , nntl ;citizens generally of the United Stwtem l . becauseqhe pt tiele has attained n rgpn tatioh heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this pointt a ill spent more powerfully than volumes a hare wsert ion or blazoning pffery. The consumption of Hostetter'e Sioniach tern for the last 3 car amounted to over a ha f million bottles, and Irom its manifest steady - increase in times past, it is evident that during . the coming year the - consumption will reach` , near one minim:am Iles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare • medicinal properties contained is prepara- • tion, and the sanction of the , most prominent physicians in those sectiontt of the. country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, hut are ready at all times to give testimonialsto its '1 efficacy in all eases of stemachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts. in the way of Arum liming the finalities of the Bitters. but a estimation. of an invaluable medicine; which is destined td be as enduring as time itself. • Hostetter's litiininch . Hitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other. bilious e.mpluints' have.. counted their victims I , y hundreds., To be able to state confidently that the • , Bitters" are a certain cure fur the Dyspepsia and like i! diseases, is to the proprietors n source of un alloyed pleasure. it removes all morbid mutter from the stomach= purifies the blood, and impart ronevred vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and v‘nergy indispensable 1: for the restoration Of,healt h. It operates upon the stomach, liver, Mid other digestive organs; 1! _mildly but powerfully, and SOOll restores them A to a condition essential to the healthidischarge of the functions of nature. • Elderly persons may use. the Bitters daily as •per directions on, the bottle, and they will find - in it astiinttlant peculiarly adapted to ecithfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigortiting to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi- ]i deuce of thousands of aged men and women who have'experienced the benefit of using this' preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; actingunder the advice of physicians, they have - abandoned all deleterious drugs and, fairly tested the merits of this article.. A few words to the , ' gentler sex. There are 'certain periodi "Shen their cares areao harassing that pinny of them sinkminder the trial. The relatini of mother • and Child is so absorbingly tender, that the .mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity larrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generallkaigraVated. Mere, then, is a necessity foe a i mdtattt-triecupe rate the energies of the 'latent, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials "and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, hecatise it is agreeable to the taste as . well as certain to givs a permanent increase of bodily, strength. All those persons, to whom we have partimi larly referred above,. to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, di:mitres, dysentery, indigestion, hoes of appetite, ants` all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, - person!' of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult; • their own physical welfare by giving to Hosq letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a triaL • .CAUTION.--We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S P7E - LXIIIIITERI BTC/MACTI BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr:J. llostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on, the side of the bidtle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and? observe that our autograph signature is on Chi; label. ° ire- Prepared and sold by H - 08 IiTER & MUTH. Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ito by aif druggists, :grocers, and dealers generallyt throughout the United 43taies,Boulh gel. and Germany. - " For sale in Montrose by . jann ly . ABEL TURRELLi. ®and DOM. MATH'S BOOK OFTRAVELS Wand great discoveries of the Japanese TO and East India Medicines,:with full direetionst for the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ca. tarrh, coughs, co idsasth majevers, heart 3 iseise, set ofu ia, etncer,dyspephia, liver complaint,graiel and urinary deposits, female complaints, 41te4-- Illustrated with hundreds of certificates of capes And Engravings. For the purpose of reecoing:as many suffering fellow-beings as possible : front a -premature death, it will be sent to any part of the continent by sending Oita., toDR:HEATH, oe2oyvi '647 Broadway, New . York' City; Sold also by A. Terrell, Montrose; • IlayOnd Bros., New Milford; C. P. Mathews, Scranton. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. sera. Laelin;d4 'Western naltrolut ' I 'f '' Two hours . earlier to New York. t One hour earlier to Philadelphia. NJN and after Monday , May 28th, 1860, trains will tie run as follows : EPREiS,PARBERGEZ Tastss,-4doving &tab. The Accommodation Train East; on the N. Y. &E. R. It. arrives at Gt. Bend at 6:38 a. m And the CincinnattiExpress at ' 6:03 COnnecting with 'the - Express Train ' leaying Groat Bend ter New York I, and Philadelphia, at Hoe at. New Milford I Montrose - Hopbottom Nicholson . Factoiyville i Abington -- I Sarauton. - - - . 9:35 I . Moscow • ' - 10:20 • ; Tobyhanna . - 10:59 . _ StrOudsburg• . - -' 12:17 p. m Water Gap -.•- • 12:31* Columbia - - - 12:45 Delaware (15 minutes to dine) - 151:56 i t Hope (Philad'a connection) 1:20 ' ,t Bridgeville . '. - 1:25 I„ • Washington • - 1:58 Junction • ' • • 2:15 ' 1.. New York .. - : 5:16 Philadelphia -, • - '7:15 ,; The Express Passenger Train, South, con. fleets at Junction with 3 p-m. train on the Con. teal Road for Easton, Bethlehem, Manch Chunk Reading; Harrisburg, &c. - . ; . . . MorIRG NORTII. . I, Pansongers froth New York, leave ' . 11 Pier. No. 2 North River, at - 7:30 a. m. Or foot of COurtland street. ~. -. -8:00 From Philadelphia Leave Kensington . ... - '7:15 . Leave Junction - - . - 11:15 Duo atyaslAngton • - - 11:33 Bridgeville - - • : - 12:01 p. .m . 1' tlope(Pbilad,a connection). 12:13 Delaware (16 minutes to dine) 12:28 !.- Columbia . ' -.-- - 1:00 -- Water Gap ' - . 1:14 Stroudsburg -• . 1:28 • - Tobyhanna - .. a , . 2:46 Moscow - . • 2:21 Scranton . - • - ' 4:10 . • Abington - 4:47 ] Pactoryville - - ... 6:03 'Nicholson • - -,• - 5:22 ; - Alopbottorn. • ?. .. 6:43 67 - . MONTROSE - - . 0:01 New Milford . - 6:22 Great Bend. .. 6:40 pon.lectin g at Great Bend with t he Ttdail train West at - - 7:24 iind the Night Express at - - -1:36 a. m. I_ . 1 The Mail Train, West, which leaves Gee: 'bend at '7:24 p. m., is a through Train, and 'reaches Dunkirk at 8:47 a. an. . , , .. ACCuMMODATION Tnstrr,—Moving North. Leave- Scranton for Great Bend at 9:40 a. m Facteryyille • - 11:00 Nicholson - 11:30 'iM ono rose - • - - 12:45- • ;Great Bend - - - i:.50. Conneets with Dunkirk Ex. West at 3:06 MOVING SOTITII. , Tho NOw York Express, East, ar rives at Great Bend of „ - 1:17 p. m hioritonnects with the Aceommoda , rgin which leaves Gt. Bend at 2:15 Montrose - -.- 3:10' Nieliolson - - - . • -, 4:20 .IFactoryville 1 . : 5:15' Duo at Aerlinam f - - 6:40 The A - Ccommodation train does--..not leave Scranton until atter the arrival of the morning train on the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg, It. R., thus giving' paasengeys from the Wyoming Val ley a direct connection fol. the West by the morning train. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division a Passanger Car will be at. tache;rl to the Express:Freight train— " Leaving Scranton at - - 4:00 a. m. Duo at Moscow . 5.40 Stroudsburg - 10:2 Junction _..- • - -310 p. m. Returning, loaves Junction at 3:40 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg'at ` 7:35 . Moscow . 12:50 p. m. Scranton ' 2:25 Passengers to and from Now York Will change cars at Junction. To'und fom Phila., via B.D.R.R. leave or lake cars at Hope. For Pittston, Kings ton and Wilkes-Barre, take cars of Lackawanna & Bloomsburg. R - S(74ton. For Jessup, Archbald, and .Carbondale, take Omnibusses at Scranton. Tickets sold and baggage checked THROUGF. ' JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. .Wat N. JEaxs, General Ticket Agent. Scranton, Nay ttad, 1860. S. M. Pettengill &, - Co.. • Advertising Agents, at 119 Nassau-st, —tiew-York, and 10 - State-st, Boston, are agents for The Montrose Democrat, and are au thorized to contract for neat our lowest rates. A SUPPLY OP WALL PAPER. A DRIER Of STYIES: BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., &C. A , NEW SUPPLY, just arrived, and for sale _LI cheap, by A. TURRELL. Montrose, March 15th, 1860. aFa'Az2lr RzsitolT" Claitbrate An aperient and stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by Coes bunion in Hydrogen, of high medical author „ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following Complaints, viz.; DEBILITY, 'NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARnwaA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA, SALT SCURVY, JAUNDICE.. LIVER COMPLAINTS HERCUIaAL CONSEQUENCES INTEs- MIlTElrr Funs, NEURALGIA, &IRMO HEADACHES, 71SMALE.WEA.13128; MIL MENSTRUATION. WHITES, CHLOBOSIS, etc, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN. dee The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and thus circulating through the whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wean ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can ;for a moment be compared with it' Impurities of the blood, de presidon of vital energy, pale and otherwise • sickly complexions indicate its neoeleity in al most every conceivable ease; In *Messes of female debility (fluor allms, Womb. etc.), its effects are delightfully reuniting. No remedy. has ever been discovered, inlthe whole history -of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appstite, com plate d*unon, rapid acqUisition Of with an unusual disposition for active' cheerful exert* immediately follow its use. 'As a grand stomachic sad general restorative it has no impeder and no mffistitete. Put up he neat Sat is eiettabSoir no pis, plea Do rents per b i asket: bases, • Ita 50 n ;- one down boxes. it 00. FOr, Babb by Deniektstsy. Will be semis reas to any address on leeelpt or the pies. AU late tens, oldesa,,ean,,, aboula tle obleeseed to ' E. 13: * WOKE & CO., General Agents. 839 'SSW” 31 •V. n.—The , aihow - • Is label 4111 R each box. . For Bile in Montrose by deas ly AItEL 11 1 WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS," a lady remarked to lid a day. or two pinco, as, she exhibited the portrait of an only child, gone; to the "spirit land;".whilkwas one of • 1 1 1 1:71311316 7 INIMITABLE AMBROUPESI " Howl should 'regint it, had' I not secured; this precious memileal of that dont one." So; thought wo. The loved, ones, are not -always with uir l ind while we can c all them ours, every one eh d secure such - a memorial; especially since they can have them so truthfully taken by that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of Bing 4 hamtoi. dec - 7:10 '7:2B' 1:46 , - 8;07 - 8:23 . 8:47 • MEAT MARKET. On Public Arienue, near Searle's Hotel. T i r EEP constantlY on hind a good supply of. I.X. MEATS of all kinds. CASH. paid foi Reel Cattle,Cnives,ifheepondLninbit., Also for Hides of nil kinds. HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. a. T. IIe.NSTOCK. N. HAWLEYI Moitroae,'March 30th. 's9.—tf. • BILLINGS STROUD, F IRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENT,--1 1 Montrone, Pa. • TESTI HON II AILIS. ' WE, the indersigned, certify that we were insured in Fire Insuranckcontpanies represented by Mr. BillingS Stroud. of Montrose, and that, having suffered los's by fire while ;so insured, we were severally paid by said companies to the full extent of our claims; :4rld we have confidence in him as a good and effective agent. - Lis. R..,DEWErr, ZLPRON .COBII, LATHROP & DEW.rtr, H. J. WEBB, F. B. CHANDLER, J. LYONS &SON, BRILL. GLIDDEN, LEONARD SEARLE . . Montrose, Pa. Noveml;er 9, 's9.—*y NEW O GODS" - Lawsville Centre,.Susq. co,'Pa; W ALL Paptr, Windthr Papers and Borders, a very large stock !this day meuived,' by; April. 17th. , R. KrAIYON,JR. S.t. CO. LIVER INVIGORATON: IT is compounded c A has become Mil 4:3l.4liiirtht Ilftd approved by all that' sorted to witkveoulidenec lii Le reentutnended. It has cured thousands who had giveit tip all hopes , unaollettedtertlecates In toy The doge musghe adapted Latllvklnal ULIWICtt, and us, act gently on the Bowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVEIt I ti willeure ]Elver Corn tack., Drapejwity Hummer Cont.: ry, - Dropsy, Moor• • Costiveness, ibhol-" roMorltnui, Cholera , lane, Jill 131 . 111 die r, I es, sad mai be used sue ry Family Medi- IR HEADACHE, cs, twenty minutes, It . • spoonfuls arc tisk.- • , slue/. rehouse It arri in IV Inver. MIX WATER - I V TI THE INVIGORATOR BOTH TOGETHER. 'Price One Dalin —.A.G;eI CATHARTIC PILLS; . COMP OUN 0 ED FROM I Pure Vegetable Eat:recto, and eat up let GLASS CASES; Air 'ALUM. and will keep in any climate. I _ / The Family Cn - • Mettle PII.I. is area. tle but active Cathartic fil whirl' too proprietor lasi used In bin Practice more s ,3l than -twenty years. w The oonotonlir M:W ereog re demand from throe who L horelougusedthe PIL.. a .., the a an s tsupyo ' ,w e t, sit mums to remml to their. a". roe.las induced meta place them within the reecho( ell. i The Profession well know N. that different Ca:Mites act ondifferent Aso - tiros of 'de bon en. The FAIIILILY CA- I TUARTIC PII. ii huth, with duo reference In , .this well established fed, ; been compmmded from a 1 , 1 , satiety of tie purest reed. table Extracts, whleh act 'n• alike no every, pan of the alimentary canal. and are good and.anfe in all cat ea where a Colborne Is needed, such as De= rongetnents, of the Stout ash _. el leeplt• --- nese, Patna In the Hoek and 1.oltto; Costlverseso. Rat ay and Soreness over the whole body. front 'sudden mild, .whirls frequently. If neglected, . eml In a lout ronise of Fe ver. Loss of Appe• the ' &Creeping rren satloit °Mold over the * body nestles. nese, 'Headache , or weight hi the head. GI Inflammatory i d lilrestaes, Warms bl Children or Adult'', Itheumatlsm, a rust rurlfier of the Blood ... and many diseases to whidt leak Is heir, too numenape to to mention In this advertise. meat. Dose. Ito 3. i PRICE TIPREE DIMES. - : ,- The Liner Invigorator and Family Ca- I thart.h_ PHI s are retailed by Druggists generally, aid sold wheamle by the Trade tie all the largo towns. " 5 11. T. W. SAN FO RD,"I. D., ; _ Mouutubirer and Proprietor . - ;ray, New York. ( - Fdr sale- in 'Montrose by ABEL TERRELL, Agi4l. KEYSTONE HOTEL 4 At Molat;•ose, - Penn. WM. K. HATCH, ProptietOr. THIS new s and coMmodious Hotel situated on Publip Avenite,inear the Court House;tmd nearly in the Centre of the business portiob of Montrose, is now (tali completed'and furnished, and was opened On Mondq,y. the 27th day 'of September, 1858, for the accohimodatioh of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he itf now prepared to enteitain guests in a manner tbat cannot fail to giife Complete Oatisiliction. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and nit ex pense has been sparr4 to render it equal, if not superior to anysimile!' establishment in this port of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent itnprovements and comforts, and obliging waiters Will always he readyto respond to the call of customers. ' • I The Stables connected with this Hitusb are New and Convenient. I ,The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of hie old friends, and the public generally: • 1 WM. K. HATCH. REMOVAL:. G. F. FOR1DHAIIII ; HAS removed his-shop across the street, to the building fine door beloixr Keelbr StOddard's, which-he has fitted up expressly]fer Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop. ' where may 134 found all kinds of_ • from the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, and a genemil'assorment of trimmings, which will be made fici , er sold very low. .' • . Carriage Th nunizigs: A good assortmefit On hand, which will bi sold verylow; all trimming dOne cheaper than a else. where. - OAICLEATHER. on hand, from which ;harnesses will be.macie and 7Arret3atect. * .* *Customers will please bear in mind.that I with to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, l or notes 'due, will liblige by settllog or making payment without further delay. k. . G. F. FORDHEVII,' Feb. 246,1 I Montrose,iPa. 111: EnTJ, WHOLESALE' SALT ' DEALER, 201 (Directly opposite Washington Markiit,) STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Sail', it the very lovieat figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and deify use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlowle, &c. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonartrs, - .. Ca meos, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Nantes, dte i , all of which will be; sold at bargain pricesi from vessels, stare and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to aelect.froma good assortment will find it to his interest to call • N. B.... Fine tabli — ialt put up in small bags of different sizes, and;eonstantly on hand In ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and (Or sale by the quantity, in cases of five dozen each. Agei SILN.FOILD'S NEVER DEIfILITAT/0,,5, J "tartly from-Greme., : and tact, a tit. 4 n dant erltelue. known • • have nand it. and is mow re g 'all the &wages (04:,15,Lith I i whhln 'the lest two yenta t • lot re:ler all the numorona " , possnalooahow. - ~ to the temperament of the ea In such quanuties as to ', indement gale yea In the! VIGORATOR, and is pletlnfo, Bl!loticAt-F Chronic Diarrhoea, platote, Dysenee-t . titomach,llabftual! • Ic, Cholera, Ch01.. 1 . ; tothottam; Flatec.i Female Weakness.',. ccsandly se au Ordlna. eine. ltaillcureglClE thousands can testify.) In two or three Tea.. en "al commencement giving tbelr testammji, LE MOUTH WITH AND .SWAJL.LOIOI; r per sAN,FORD's 335 Broad CFA COMME!CIA4 - COLLEGE, LOCATED OVER T 1 E AiIIiQFEHANNA VALLEY EASE, BINGH NI11:0N - N. Y. Rooms open for natidegott from 9a. m. to 9:30 p. m. - ,• • A4Ci3LTIF: D. W. LO ELL,. Orin:ipal; Prolessor of the Science fbf A:cointst, Practical Accountant. Author of Loa Typifies upon Book-Keep. lug, Diagrams illuitiating the same. . Joir; RAnKIS , ComMertial Accountant, Ptofes'r of Book Keep ng :41attir Practical Mathematics; J. J. Corns, Assistinti Professor in the Book Keeping bepartrpdn4, A. J, Wkrissa; irojqish . t l / 4 -of Practical and Or: namental Pe matilillift, Commercial OalCula. tiotivand Cor esi?ndetfce. L CXIBRERS . : Hon. Daniel S. lektradn, Lecturer on Comfier. cial Law and olifie.4l Economy. Hon. Ransbm Billo4 Lecturer on Contrasts, Promissory- Note*lo4 Bills of Exchaage. -Rev. Dr. E. Act;lrovis, Lecturer .on - Commercial Ethics. " • LZAIIIJ Hon., Sherman Tracy R. Diode The object-4 an opportunity, qi Education. The Books al ale • -by practical stitution and e moots: The - course i department of thoroughly I ts ; Double Entry - following kind - chandtsing, 3.1 'don, •Steambo. Freighting, Fo Lathes Dep. that of the gen Students ca , receive individ ement every stu ,-rapidly as his mit, and when • - :will receive a to review ut pl Time to con No vacations. ° ING C011,1114T*E: Win R. Osborn, Esq., an) E q. this Cio!lege is to , afford to all olitahliog a thorough Euainess f , i - ; ; 0 Ilciirias are carefully a rranged P•ourtianks expressly for this h i ? I brace .all the recent imprOve. .? • of Ina ruction comprises every' usfpe. . The learnei, Nail! be . i s f•ht:ltli science and practice of I. col:.ri es.leping as'applie4 to the I li of b ne, -viz : General tier: • nuf4ct ring , Banking, Commis. I ling, ilroading, For'Xitrding, I igaS.lipping, &e. '. . rtmentl entirely Separate - from rlc • iniSn.l . ' enter College at any time. and I al ipstruction. - By this' arrange .en 4 iStpern3itted to progress as ottirFirlse And ability. will .per thriugh, perfect and complete, DiploMa which 'will enable him • amt., pie elle enttroo,-6 to 12 weeks. Bo id $2 to $2,50 per week. :: I. • 'ikiltirlii:.. -'''' . • . teping.i t l . ull ae s conntaot7s courser deal ~. enmanstop. Commercial ard' . piplonia, ('riin't unlimit , --...-,' 3 - - - - . 835 00 err Lod ce (separat.o .; 20 00 d 4esrithinetic; ' - -10 (.0 se ip , renu3auship, Pricti i meeta , ,, . nis ii:OPr , bnatt el For Beek-K ific.uding Pro Crirnputations ed,) - • Bhme course Penmanship a Teachers' eft cal and Orn Twelve lessor - - 30 00 ctit;al Penmanship. 2 00 asses will be formed ,in partWOlars send for a oc 3* v Omani Phonograpy. circular. er - .01 4 Ali f i) & :1 7 , / / -li' 4610 • • Che4est , Best' Largest' *D:4O 06 ' Pays fi,r•Tuit i ion in, Single and Double Entry Bopk-Reepint, 1491 ring Commegial Arithtne. tict and Leeturesi It:oard S w k $2O, Stationery $7, Tuitiou $ ,5i iitatire expenses $62.. r tsual time 14 .to 10 weeks. Every etu. dent, upon *„ar di trig, is guaninteed competent to mango th Bookli of aby Dusinessoind qual ified to earn a ailiiiy , of from rf, $lOOO. $5 nteft l[ r a ° ny tiro No Va.cation— asartil • iuq, far Best Business Writing for' ) at i i't ttsburgh, Philadelphio, and Mail . tAlso, at the principal Faire I fort past four years. tern' Oons received at half price. 1 culk Specimens, and Embellish. ( )till? Ipollege, inclose , five letter ,3 l • V.. i •lENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. •t ' t • -I. IN '. , _ Sttnientn R:view'at pl First Prei 1:59, receive 0 io State or:the Union Or Mini *For Ci l ed Views o, siiimps to MONTRO . S Es - PENNA: übsc ri her having p.urckt.sed ieftited and newly,furnished the 1,1 a ovep:vel I known end popular Hotel, is prePki ato accommodate the trav eling public and citheri with all. the Attentions and conveniences', usually found in 'first-class Houses. Np effort will be spared by,the Pro. prieter . .and I Assistants to make the Hotel equal in eve y pant, to any in the country. The Li sill, always be supplied with the Choicest Li. noos,ll • . The St connected with this. House are large, r. omit spa convenient, and careful and atentive-H • stliircare ilways in charge of them. ;, of J. 8. TARBELL. HOWA 1 ASSOCIATION , , A Benevolent 4n z litution established by ape tint Enaord,te4 • for the Relief of the Sick and Dis rested', afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diddases and especially for the Cure of Didedfra of the Sexual Organs. EDICAL OvICE given gratis, by the 1.1/1 Acting Sdrkaon, tc all who apply by letter, with a deseriptipd ;of their condition, (age, occm patio% habits tlf;ife, Ste.) and in cases of ex) treme povertv,rtAcines furnished free of charge. ValuableißeOps on Sperumtorrhtea, and oth er! Diseases of thqpexual Organs, sent to the af flicted in senledhlitter envelopes, free of charge, !Address, Dr. 4rallin Houghton, Acting Sur geon, Howard 4 °elation, No. 2 South 9th-et., Phil ad a, Pa. ~o rder of the Directors. toes •I " " 111%, & - Vroins' ion sta re, At BiIi:PrIFTROSE, Pa., • ONE door 410 w J. Ethridge's Drug Store, ‘.../ on Public; Avenue, where will he found ebnstantly nn balid a keneral assortment of GR,OCERIES! Such as Sugans,ltlol2tsses, Syrups; Teas, Goffee 11& • ' • 7 Qtc • • • , • . Also choicest brands of • , FAMILYFLOUR, *al, Lard; POrki Hams, Fish, Candles &c. lWe solieit kshtire of the public patronage, and pledge ourseleptilto do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain, tb Ocure another. 16 •' BALDWIN & ALLEN. i:FRED-B,ALDKN. Wa,. Ar.t.r.i. :Boman:NG SCHOCIL, AT GREAT B END, PA.. pHISSCH k. will be opened for the recep tion of !Alois and Gentlemen, on the; 29th 'day (Wednesdal, of February, 1960. i ' rf, us OF Tonne:. Primary AraruiliOi per Qr'l,r of 11 weeks, 83,00 Common'.... - " '" " • 3,50 bommon and gher, " ". " '4,00 Higher Englisft " 5,00 Lessons on Pi 1215, " 10,00 - LLI Use of Mf , ,a ',.. ii .- a, Ornamental, aniV. Classical Departments, extra. The Prine_ipal; has had much experience in teaching In-Nett York and Penn's for the last lten_years, inCadman as well as Select, Graded or High SAO is References given if required I , N. 8.—8 0, lit the boarding hall, two doll's !Per week: - al is and washing extra.. Payments to]he made quarterly in advance. r mh y tI! E., W. ROGERS, Principal. . f 11., 50,000 Copies 'already Bold. • EVERYBODY'S. LAWYER . AID COUNSELLOR ret irowediss. By Frank Crosby, . -• 7 j or VIE itru.sugt.rtits. IAR. • . It tate you How'to drevi, tip Pirtnership Pa , , pers. and giyes general forms • for Agreements of all kinds, I • Bills of Salo, Leises",and Pe- • titions. - • It yeti How to drat' up Bonds and •• Mortgages, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney', Notes and Bills of Exchangi;Reeeipts and Be- •. , ! • limes. . It tells you The .Laws fer the Collectn of Debts, with the Statutes .of Limitationxind amout end kind - • - of property Exempt from Ex ecntion In .everi State. • - It tels yon How to make. alt Assignment 'properly, With forma for Com , position with Creditors, and the Insolidot . Laws of every '• State. : I It tells you The legal relation existing be: , tween 'Guardian and Ward; . Master arid' Apprentice, and! Landlord And Tenant. It tells you What coMititutee Libel and ' \ Blander, and the Lai as to Marriage ;•Dower, the Wife's . • Right. in property, Divorce and Aliment.. - - It tells rm. The Law idi Alimony Liens in • every State, and the Natural ization Laws of this country, and• how A's, comply with the . same. • • • . - It tells you The Concerning Pensions. and.hoir 'obtain one, and the 'Pre.Emption Laws to Public- • ' Lands. ; . - -It tells you The Law ;for Patents, with, mode of tirocedure in obtain , ing one,' with ,Viterferences,. Assignments • and Table of • • Fees. I • It tells you How. to Make your Will, and hovi,.to Admintster on an Es tate, witii:the la* and require -meets th4reof hi every State. It tells You ThO meaning of Law Tiirms. in • ' gettersl tise, and explains to • • yoti the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. PlAvers of- both • ' the General and State Giivem menta. - Ittells you-110w to keep out of Law, by , 'showing. how to do your by-. • sinews legally, thus saving a • . YAWL amount of - property. and vet:diens litigation. by its time . • ly consultation. Single copies,will he sent 41 'mail. postage paid.. to every Farmer, every .31echanic, every man of Business, and eveiy body in every State, on 'receipt of $l.OO, or iti law style of -binding at $1.2.5. - - 81000 A YE :It wen be 'made by enter prising men everywhere, ",in - selling the °above work. as our inducements' t0,.. - .01 such are very. liberal. For single copies,of tlfe Book, or for terms to agents, With other information, apply to Or address ' JOHN E. POTTER, Pullalfer. - No. 6 . 17 Senson-St.,Phil'a Pa: ewe/ Mutt EveiytiOdy, Wants. THE FAMILY DOCTOR: SIMPLE EP,3IEDIES EASIV OBTAINED, FOR THE CAME OF DISEA S E IN ALL FOB. 318: •BY , JJ Professor Henry, p .sTaylor, M. - D. 1- .. . It tells pill How- to attend upon the sick; - and how to cook for them; how to prepare Drinks; Poultices, . _ &e., and howl to guard against InfeetioUsfrobri Centagious Di . 1 teib - yon Of the valloa-diseases of Chil. • &en, and, given the test and • - ,simpleat mode of "treatment during:Teething, Convulsions, Vsecivation,Whooping-cough, Measeis, drc.; • It tens you The symptoms of Croup,Chnlera, Infant*, Cholic, Diairhsea, Worms, Scalded Heads, Ring , worm, Chicken-pox, &a., and - givei.ym the best -zemedies • for their cure. It telk you The symptoms ofFever andAgne., and Billions, Yellow,.Typhtis. • I Scarlet and other Fevers, and . • gives f f ill the best and simplest remedies for their cure. It tells you The symptoms •of Influenza, Corisuroption,Dyspepsia,Asth , ma, Diopsy, Gout, Rhematism, • L - umbigo,Er3raipelis, dec., and - _ gives' 300 the beat remedies _ for their cure. It telh you The symptoms Of Choiera 3for bus, blalignantC holm, Small pox, -Dysentery, Cramp; Dia - ceases' of the Bladdekßidneys I • and fiver, aid the best reme . dies for their cure. - It tells you The SymptoMs of Pleurisy, , binhips, Necualg!a, Apepi.Pa9, Paralysis, the various Diseases of the.Thropt, -Teeth, Bar and Eye, .and the best remedies for ' '. • their 'cure. It tells you The sy mptoms of Epilepsy, - Jannice, Piles ' s ßupture, Dis eases, of the Heart, Honor rine, Venereal Diseases, and Hpdrophobia, And. gives the beat-Veracities for their cure. It tells you The best and simplest remedies - , for Wounds, Broken Bones and . Diildeatione, Spraina,Lockjaw, Fee!, Bores,Whito Swellings, ' • Ulcei a, Whitlows, Boils, Scut.. vey, Burns and Scrofula. s it tells yen Of the:vari‘us diseases peculiar to Women; and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure; together with many val. *ratite hints for Sip preserva. ° " lion of health. • • The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, ;so'as to-be easily under stood,"while its simple receipee may soon rave you many times the cost of the . book. • It is Printed in a cleir and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings,. and will 11 warded to your address, neatly bpunii_aud post age paid, on the receipt:of $l.OO. - - 81000 & YEAH can be made by eater.. prising men everywhere. in selling the abou t: work, as our inducements - to all such are very • For Single copies of the Beek, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address' JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, • je7m6,l • No, 617 &Moo St.„ Phil's, Pa. WM. B. SIMPSON, Witnli REPIIHN, Shv in Boyd & Webqer's new building, mit door above iteelir (L. Sidddard's.' T . 3"AIILNG worked for the Opt nine , years witti the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he cart do the most difficult jobs en short notice. ' All Work Warrai . ►trd to 61,r, Satil►tactloo W. B. Surma has worked'for nio for some time. and 1 can reConatuend.him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work .is -- can . ' be done in the couniry, and worthy of confidence.. • -Wig. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda June 10th, 1840. . Refers to—Wm. Owen, E. W. Bair . d. L. D. ItontaynO, E. O. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, TOWAD. da; B. 8. Dentley„ . L. Searle, C. - D. :Lghrop, L Wittenberg, Montrose. • • * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short, notice, and oareasonabloternis. [Juno lA*, INA—tf. .WOOD WANTON ATTHE "DEMOCRAT OFFICE, GONTAIIIING
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers