:gr The people of Jtanana complain greatly of drought, but.the account pear to be greatly exaggerat4 the in dustious.h.aving. fair pro'spectsl of tolera bly good crops. - - --*. conni Conrt--•Aultreist Term, Mona 'dun *141.10. l'Errr Jenons, 2nd WOK.--S.. Beards ley, P. L. Kimber, JaredTiekett, Lyman Smith, C: Foot, Jacob Kimball, Michael Kane,Oliver Heald', F2.P...Hollister, Wm. Robb Harry.BeelsO, James Clark, A: K. -Keep, Emory. - Sintons;, J. G. Stiles, Elmer Himmel, Chauncey Lamb, Jesse Williams. John Blasdelk S. Bireharil, W. C. HanOriek, Robertson, •Jasse 13enlatnin, - Charles Stanford, JO Sackett, S. Whitehead,, G. N. Smith, C. W. Mott; Timothy Boyle,Peter Smith, J Noith , Thomas •Rogers, sr.,• Asa Carlin, W. Hunt, Geo. Sumner, H. G. Blanding • TRIAL LIST:. socoxo WEEK.. .] Marsh . vs. Entrott:: Hardin' vs.-Haight et al. Badger vs. Stanton.: - • F-dwards.vs.f Terbtiss et al. .• Human Frost.vs. Cholet. - . Cains & Taylot vs. Cholet. Thomson Scott vs. _Crosier estates • Lagrange vsMrchardson. Barnum vs. Coleman. • INiran vs. Airman . • • Huffum vs. Taylor. . • • Logan vs. Bratzman. • • 'Stanley vs. Hammond. • Roberts vs. Young. . Dorman vs. TBuel. Wickham et al. vs. Haws. Thomas vs. Scott. - • Sibley vs. Guile & Miller. DEMOCRATIC CLUB! The Susquehauna '.-Cotutty Democratic. Club meets every Mont - law evening at their room, over the store of 1, N. Bullard, :in Montrose: AM" are invited to attend.—. MentheNhipfrre. •p. BREWSTER, • DI43IOCRATIC DELEGATE ELECTIONS, Saturday, Seßtembeillst. DEMOCRATIC ,- COUNTY CONVENTION. Monday,SepieMber 3d. . No For particulars see another eolurnn sUSQUEITANNA: COUNTY. FAIlt..„ The annual fair of the Susquehanna County Agricultural [Societ viii be held. at the Fair (4 - founds, at .Montrose, on• Thursday and Friday, the 13th and 11th of September, 1860. The time is,' fixed thus early be cause it is thought desirable to hold it be fore the Slate Fair. is to he held in the latter tart of the . same month in Wy oming Valley., The Annual. Address at the Susquehanna• County Fair will be de livered by Gen. E. W. STI:RDEVA NT, of Luzerne county. GIBSON AGRICULTLTBILSOCIETY. 'There will be a meeting of the Gibson .A.Ticultural Society' at the Acaileinv building, on tiaturdati ` August 25th, at 2 ', o'clock. P.M. for the transaction of im portant bu ness.. A full attendance is-re que~ste 1. GEO. 11. WELLS, • Sr". 111 Sve.y.; Pres't. SrSQUEIIANN A i COIT ; STY CrrruilAi, SOCIETY. The Society will ;meet at the Court house, on Tuesday evCning, Aug. 2S, 1866, at 7i o'clock, P. M. at which time the new Constitution will be finally acted up on. W. IL JESSeP, See.y. Sheri= To the Voters qt.' Susquehanna County: - 'Upon the solicitation of my friends I present myself before you, asking for your suffrages for the office of Sheriii, at the coming election. Tours respectfully, G. B. ROGERS: Broooklyn July 4th, 1860. EVAC those who are in enjoyment of perfeCt health lisqtrently have need to have resource to tonle as prem., that of disease. We are fleets too well armored against the &malts of "the ills that desh'is heir _to." Such an invigorator the 6 may dud in HOSTETTER'S BlTTERS— •medicine that cannot be taken regularly without giving, vitaßtyand elictielty M the system. At this season. par ticularly, the strongest man is not proof against the mala ria, in certain sections of thecountry. Irr all cases of fe 4er and ague, the Hitters is more potent than any-amount of quinine, while the mast dangerous cases ofibilliou.s fe ver yield to its wonderful properties. Those who have tried themedleine Will !lever use another, for any of the ,1 ailments which the Hos,. BrrrEns professes to sub -sne. To those who have not made the eiperiment, we cordially recommend an early application to the Bitters, , whenever they are stricken by diseases of the - digestive organs. Sold by druggists and dealers generally, every where. for-seg advertisement In another eolantn. Bold In Montrose by ABEL TUT:BELL. (su4gast it or- See the Advatisermerrt of Dolt Sanfordst. Lisa Invigorator andiramliy Cathartic Pills. IA another (.4:damn. Important to Females.—Dr. Choeseman's The combination of ingnsilents In these Pills are the re.nit of a long and extensive practice; They are mild - in their -operation, and certain In correcting all irreguirtrit Ice. pain Iblinenstruationssernoring all übstructions„ whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the side, palpitation. of the beart,whites, ail neryousaffeetions, hyuteria,fatigue pain in' the back and 31mba , dititinbed sleep, vre., which arise from interruption of nature:. t ' DB. CIirEESEJL4IOB PIT - 7 C was the commencement of a new wain the tiestment of thou irregolarities and 0,- Iln/diens which hare consigned so many thousands - Of the iYertng, the beautiful and brioved-to a runissrtrat uttsrt. • Igo female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and Whenever an obstructinn taker place the general health begins to decline. DB. CHER I YEMAN'S PILLS are thenpait eiTectned remedy ever known for all complaints peculiar to Fernake. Toall classes they are invaluable, inducing, reith certainty, periodical regtilarily. -They are known to thousands, who have used, them at different periods, thnlimhout the coun try, havink the sanction of some of the most eminent AV. *kiwis iri:AnseeirM. .licit Olfaction". elating when. "add ?then they diould nse?e wed, with each Box—the Price one 'dollar per box containing, 10 pills. • , • ? Masert by mall, piompily. by enehaelng priee.to the General Agent. Pot sale by Druggists generally,. R. B. MITCRINGS. General Agent, 10 Cedar et.. Dr. J. W. Lyman, Tunklaannock, and ABEL TIDISELL, Youirose, Agents, Y ntyBo ly TICE BLOOD - n THE LIFE. • ..No mere shall the poor sufferers in Tnr aviary languish, ibeir constitutions racked grid torn by strong and danger; one mineral medicines; they will come to the fountain of • 'health, found In simple herbs and roots from "Nature's storehouse. The 'MOUNT:ALF' HEBB ruts, or 111130- rent mountain plants composed, will reach and stop their . 'distress, and cause the blood, renewed and - demised, to carry through the body the elements of health ; banding . up the broken constitution, and carrying life and health, where hat for them wonld have hem% the wreck of hOpe-; . - the feeble moan of suffering, at last , euded by the mild hand of death. Do not let your prejudice twercome your better reason do not look upon these Pills as only like I others ; do not let your despair. aftei trying evmthing • else, prevent you from tryingthesi. The blood must be pure, and then sickness'le impossibir. What IL great and f yetnimple truth 4 this: It appeals to the common sense of all; it is the great key.stone of the healing- art. dud noes Mountain Herb Pills will' purity and dense it as suns as the sun will rise tomorrow; ; Judson's Mountain ferb Pllle are Sold by all Medicincl dealers. Sold . in Montrose by • • augustwij XXI F 4 ef• BRO. pg -00 P444 1 11; /10bPLAWD S t Otal MED/C0 THE it* STANDARD REMEDIES of, the previa up, aura arguirud. their gnat popularity , only through you, of trial Gnboutded astlafactiou" • SOOPLAND'I3 CERMAN BITTERS .1%16. POSITITLLY ecae iceer - compialnt. DTspepala. Muodicse. Nervous tang. Dlsrases of the Kidneys. - .[ and'lllseshos arising frown disonlered 'lsar, or weak. nets of ilto Stomach and .Digestive Organs, AND suit. romrcur varnish • maw mitt, iluOvs Ma, An !DUI An ANIL See our ilnianac fo4roof.. rim; 73 cents par Bottle. Itoolland's Balsii s mic Cordial • • witi posmsnr ct:Az Conk', Cold', Sr Noarsaytu. Eronebitia, Intonazo, Crone Pitettwin, lacipirt Conisomptlea, and baa pert:rai s ed dui most Attoniabluteurrt trim known • of ' CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. As • DitirtralcCordth It It tin...quelled. Mc; anti ' • pir bottle. HOOFLANDIS GERMAN- PILL, %in, well known din:in:bout Europe and America, needs no. eminnetidation Imre. They are purely vegetable, ate 'pepTh with groat exactness. and are sugiTawatad. No • better Cathartic Pill can be fund. Pntct, cts. per box. • Thew rawlialnes and prepared by Dr. C. M. James.* CA. Philadelphia, Pa.„ and St. Lords, 110, and are sold by druggists and •Icaslere in medicines everywhere: The alp • nature of Jaccsim will ho on't:he outside of each Javtle or box. Inoue ''Erirybody's:Abnanac," Trabllshed carnally, you will find testimony and eummendatol7 notices from all parts of the country. lbeso Alluanaca are given away by all'orir agents. mhZ9 Sold In lilontrte bS ADEL TUrihELL, Agent .; r-fr" ltotlif,'s LifesPHlL—The high .lenylcii celebrity 1 ... 1111011 N'S lIRONCIIIIL TIIOCIIES • 1, whichthismysminent Medicine has acquiredfor Invariable i eilloticy in allyliseales ft professeS to cure, has rendered IIOI2 the allevlatintrof Holt an Hoarseness, roughs, s tmil k t , tll dliorders of the the usual prisct Ire ofostentations puffing not only utineees- flre a l t ‘l r .. s h n 'T L (l:! : ls !. I .:** t ' i l l ' it . e rl s‘ary. but uniyorthy pr tl;etti. they are known lay th e ir r. find the Troches invalintbtk ' fot! t e l l i e . a . r r lLz " an d d S s in tg e n " gth w t: i n l - 1 ing the voice. Hey. Henry IVard Herber, andother prom frults tibeirt.mml works tes.tify for them, and they thrive i lia them. Price 3i cents per not by the faith of the credulous. In all cases of costive- I I ti n o ' N. l L t ‘ l i l rlis h .t ir f hl t Y l re l c i "nl '' For stir by ness, dyspepsia, bilious and liver affections, piles, fevers 1 Montn4;e, Pa. ' :iig l . Tn ' , n 4L I . W ! ISCC A P I 3 I I /.. 1 1 . .. TI !IRMA. and agues rheumatism, 'obstinate headaches. and general I - , - 5 ' i derangements of health,;these . Pills have invariably proved sP ALI)1 N G S Prepared glue at a certain and speedy reniedy. , A single trial will place the i L ______ F__ f LIFE-PILLS beyond thd reach of competition in the en ti- 1 1 .1.10 — Ali - E - 11; 7 17: OF..T — A - 11 — I,V.' eiMP(II , ND, a sore cure for mation-of every patient.i _P 1)y:ea:O. 18 huleJtide and Retail. - President Dr MoFFAT's TIITTRES will he found to he equally eflcaetoue in ell eases of dyspepela..headaehe. tiervons debility, micknetoi infident to females in delicate health, and every kind of ,Avertlinetqt of the digestive organ.. Ftor sale by I)n. W. li. 11()FitiT, 33.5 itmadway, N.Y..and 11:medicine dealcri: and tlrigrgier, , generally throughout the country. I ilerS ly Gnat The Delegates tot' . proeuring money - to erect. a tOoninitenti, to the memory ot:-/3. F. TeWksluiry,., will intelbt -in Montrose, on Saturday the 41n! , .. at 2 o'clktek, P. M. ' W. FA untril.. NONDAY : 1 ./n.,.., - EM M I G:-- A Ark • , i_-,- - . 6 9 41.1 •;--- .1 . " A Montrose Fire emnpany Nil.' 2. will meettat their Engine House Monday, at o'olock, p, m. • A ft d 1 house requested, .1. W. P. RILEY, Foreman. . S. M.•iViLso..s., S,eey; V --- ' -- 1 -- 7 -- ' g ' tiqrta4ts: At the Teshietteg of the bride's father, in_llarmOny,!by l ev . ;.lt. Mir, Mr. ROME A. 'CgisK ar4l Miss Run - E. MAR TIN, both of 4 - larmony.' t Harford. on the 19th in 54."; by Ifry. Mr..J. W. 'lll - LrEn and Miss At . 11.-WAL'nitox, all of liarllird. - • IGRI- - In New Milford, at the residence of her son, on theiiPtli of May last," - SaLt:r Tv tea, relict of Col, ;lob Tyler,. in the 70th year of It r ar . e. • In Hock June 1 4th, 1 SW, Hey. Ants 8..rn.t.w.E1.t., in the Vat year of hi:4 age. The de - ceas(4l was formerly a ;resi dent of New 3.finrd, _this county. 3lany will be•interested :to know That, after a long life ofservice; the cause of relig ion, among rriettfU, and relatives,_ who strove with . kindnessto Mitigat e his suffer ings, lie passe'd away to that rich reward which awaits, the faithfitl.• •A. G.; . i ; In this DorOugN onithe 19th inst. Mr. STE.Pwcs; F. NEELE44 aged 59 years.. Ntio - ,trier l fis enients. • fall term of thin institution will open on .Yonder, September 3dl ;1,1•131, and continue 13 weeks. et $d 00.-LCommon, $4 00 .- 13igh- Board. to 75 per Week.' Rooms can be rented Tor all who wish to ,board themnelees. A. teachers class-frill be formed at the commencement •of the term. Text book aged, Ilcdbrt3ok'g Normal. Tui tion with other rtudit.g. 03, I Sitoationg obtained for the members of thin >cisme; No bilk, made out for leaf.' than' half a term. B. X. STONE, Principal. .nimock, :stag. '23,!,18Cit 3t EXECUTORS'.. SA LE. pursuance of the Will of the gate F, W, .Alen, the po i. demiened will sell at anetion; at the residence of the said testator, on Wednesday the 12th day of Sept. next, at 10 o'clock, a. tn.. the following: ' lWO.llitsaistts Iliad Lots. One situated man south of the village of Brooklyn, con. taiufng about acct., of land. With new bulldlnp, a two store &tune% a barn, ,t,c. The oth'er, about ti miloa north of Brooklyn village, containing about .7.3 acres, with a amidl dwelling house. Also, a lot of Wa tdi-rep.4.iriO • Et Instruments, and materials con*ieting of crypt:llk_ tnaln-springs, ver ges: tannic tbc. Mso, a CAMER-1, and , Pliotographing Implements for taking planter in (were *tile of the art, with chemical,. awe; and other ruateriiils.' ' Tema to -suit pnrchaverci. but 'nlwava with the nniploq sec• , • k A. IVEST(..Y. , Brooklyn, aug. Isti,_aws - - EXECUTOR'S' SALE. '.. rtutdereiped will offer at public mile, at the. reel dilnee of ?N. - 14'; Waldron, ~. dee: el, late of llarford, . On Monday. S ept. 10th, 1860, At la o'Cioek a. ea.,l the peroonal property of the said de cedent, consisting of . - • Live . Stock, Farming Irtensils, House-, • . hold Furniture, &e. ike.. . ._ - Tenms.—.4l . l RIMS under live donate, tnA, Over that amount three mouths credit, with approved FeCurity: Ai M. Ti.ri'‘A.N 1, ' a , . • - CHARLES FOSTER, t ' Ex'rs. - SALLY WALDRON, S . .. . Raiford, Aug. p. Ism. ae...... Li". Q,F LETTER.S.remaining in the Post '0144 at MMitrose, Aug. 15, 1860. Bloebwell, B. IL Keenan, -Mary Bower, Rev. B. S. Line, John 11. • Chamberlin, Jsll'n • .blm7rison, John Owfelon, Miiis I;iancy !Mono, Nathan . Dutcher, bliss Everett- Pierson, William • 'Wolin, Miss Etither quid:, Angelina: dish; John C. ' 'Risley:-$. F. ' . ''ischer., Phillip ' Roche, Mig . hael 1 Hobbs,Miss A: E R. A r e , D ein " Hubb ard, Arrhibaid "Smith, E. Y. '2 Awn* Samuel- i Smith, Mrs. Amelia. j indium, E. A.' 1 Tracy .& Edsall, I 1 Johnson; Miss Sarah E.Plersoo, 11: M. ••-•- Johnson, Miss MariettsUnderhlll, Mrs: P. H. Kananaine Catharine - Underhill, J. Choate i., • • Persons calling for th e .above letters • will please say "adveitised., ••• 111',I. WVEII3,P. H. l. Montrose, Aruir. 15, 1660. - -: n. teior reialen.4l,by thew h all 4iasat NIOTICE peatEW PE4V:NSYIVANI-9 1 STATE .acutwurminun. sommr. 10th Amu? . 0 1.ExhIbition' WYOMING- lilt T7l'l'.E GROUND," .TAR Tnr • .1170,1f/NO MONUMENT, and In vicinity of WILK ESBA RRE, PITTSTON & SCRANTON, IN LUZAYZNE COUNTY TIME Exhlbitjon will oliencin Tuesday, and will contin ' nu k'our days, viz: • Sept. 25th, 241 th, 27th & 29th. • The Grounds. which niirmost beautifully situated. are • not only Large. but remarkably. well adapted to the pur poses of the exhibition. They contain seventy-two acres. a tine track for Horses. aq, Weil an terry other convenience necessary to the comfort had safety of exhibitom and the animal!' and articles they ',wish ill exhibit, are providial., Arrangements have been mhde with the different Rail road Companies for the IMusportation of articles intend ed forexhibltion free it charge both ways. Visitors to the exhibition will fluid most ample accent anodatiens, at moderate pl-i.e. The different Railroad c7ompanies will issue Eieurslon Tickets. • List of Premiums, Judges, and Regulations..t.e. can be had at all the principal Agricultural Warehouses, from Oen. E. W. Stu:lice:int, at WilkeSbarre, - and Von applica: lion until Septentber Ist, to the Secretary, at;Rarrisburg. After that time. the Secretary's office w,lll be at „West Pittston, Lucerne county 4 k-• • , Onnpetitton open to all. - • • .4. O, HEISMR, Seey.. 67/ . .‘1 . 1 the newspapers. in Lucerne, Wyoming, Monroe, Susquehanna. ltrad(l,nl.l NOrthemberland. ..Lycoming, Ninuour, Columbia. Caton, Snyder and Perry counties, please publish, and send bills to thin °thee for liquidation. Xugnst 15, Itl6o. Gt • AT SHEEP AUCTION ! ATTENTION, - ISHEEP BUYERS T h d E ea b r,A bt .); r e,VlA l z a .:n Monday m., 120 Ewes and lamb, lot top 4 urch.sers to the highest and hest bidder. n r47l 7ms, C.l The subscriber will hack ready, on . the lat Sept. Three Hundred bushels &superior Steed. Wheat , or the Soule* variety, at;vete sale. re Fost Lake, aug.14,1 JOEL TURRELL. 1 3 .110 F. CHAIILF.S MORRIS, MontraPc Pa. Shop In NEARLY all the kinds i PA TENT MED/VAYES In market for ~ a le Dy ABEL TERRELL. • DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE, , \ • rIOACIIES carrying mafla and rimq.enccrr bilwee Montroge and Frlend, , l7le. will leave Seacie Hotel do Milntrooe. daily, at 7 o'cri g ek, a. m. and nave' Friends. ville at 3 o'clock. p. m. f-erliorseq and carrialfeienn be pmcnred a hn Livery Stable of the Aillo4Tiher in Itontroin, on reaAor- - .If2ntraw, Any. Ili , 15s0. tf J. D. ' SUSQUEIII A rliN A COVNTI NORMA L SCHOOL At New Milford,- Pa. TEAC I IIERS. P.ll^ll - OT, E. B. Illtwi.EY, 1:..\. F.tittz.tn. Ntrrinal Department.. I). \V.- 3lt Miss 31.ury A. li:NArr, Pianist. - T HIS Selmp' corninkce an THURSDAY. THE 13D DAY or A curs. HOP, l , Maier, Per Term of Eleven Weekg, Normal D, le rlmend I'llYciele,* and llatin included. - (Li IV extra. The Deputy kliiperintembp of the State Department. a practical Teacher. Deu, I'l 444.4. 11. ButTowes Informs Its. ill vi , it the 444414444,1..md render us 4 444nic servke. Lectures by other emillept men will he delivered do rlejg the term. . 3- .rd to 1;0M themselves, can procure rooms at rca- maid, rate,llioard will he furnished for V week. St:lem.- fivnirollf procuritvz rooms or board an hr aceonmiodafell by r n,tiltin.z any one of the Com mitteJ. , 41. DieKEIIMAN, in. lIAYTEn. GAlittlTT. w'r T 1101 - LE, . .11.T.EIZT MoA N Jr.. t f Committee. Nrw MilS)rd. Atiz..9. . SUSQ IL; EII.IINA COUNTY.. . I .0 CLASSICAL & NORMAL SCHOOL, _ morraosE, PA. • , , PROF. S. S. HARTWLL, B. A. PRINCIPAL, • - WIZ next Academie- year .lif thk Irsititntion will M e i n 11.. Monday. Sept. Intlt, lilt. antler the fints_re of Prof. .c. .X. 11 .4117'ITELL.wgrnol9ato of Yale Collmo• The attention 440104 c wtol de-Ire a thorotinta mental , discipline, and practical edu/atinn.l. called ththis,school: Throw . , preparing; thczneclrestior Teachers. of f0rC.i11e?....,1 will find. it is confidently beileved. 'advantages offered by no other School in this county. For_particulars. see Circular. ' ^ . t I C..F ' RE.4.11, - ..5er. i 11':1L. riIIWSCP, Pe , . Allg. 9, ti*B. It i•. . I . • • 1 , . .. EntinCLl Term will conalst e tt eleven weeks. The first Term will coence on Wedrfsday. Autz.2.fit.h. -The second Term wilt common. the first Wednesday In De cember. and the third Tempt on the last Wednesday In Fchrnary. ... t . Tali tiou--4Espeilses. -The common branches. per ti•rm $3 (0 Natural Philosophy, Chenthltry. Physiology and L -Astronomy I 4.00 I Latin-and Greek Lanemiges; and Mathematics sln 1 Music on Piano-Forte' 5 (53 I Room rent . -. . 150 Expense of recitation room " 50 . • Board per week :.1 , 2 PO I ' Each room to furnished with li stove, bedstead and ta- 1 ble. Bread May be fornb,hed daily. ilarlord, Aug. 9th, 15(0. i D , , ABEL TWIRELL m Il A n S or• r'eter:Rimtre g :tlinfreo: gtrii,n•eg‘atnadnld'utimeslul„stinuAanoll Is • cf). Ci s ) NJ" ever offered in this market. ;fllle nalltv of nearly every thite. , omd ; all warranted as repnl•s o entud„ Turns: 11,-adp Va4,ert..ll.oc Piieeff. A general idea 0 the stock may he funned from the following entimerati DRUGS., - MEDICRit., ' CHEMICAL!. - I'AINTi. 011,4 \ nsienks. WINDUIV LITE Srrrrs, Guneettihn-," Ghass LACE, CIux:RERI., • rLOCKP. .WAI. APRIL WIN DIV PAPR . R, WINE OW OIL IMAM/5.l'A CT Goon., Musical Instruments.Lampo,.JewchT,. Perfumery. Stone IVare, - Drootne.ilruzben ; Whipn. trmbrel's Bird - Cat 's, 'Pocket }Chives. Cuhs. ' • A minunition v Liquors, Trunee , Supporters.: Shoulder Bliees, port.inonitudi. Spectacles. Silver & plated ' •Spoons, Narks. AT. Gold , pens. Stationery, min), tnitar. Bass Ilol•Strings, Lithographs .I.rcela In Tee iii. Artist's Tn Se paints, - Brush VS. at:. Also..nonielrry pad,. Wooden Ware, hard and japanned Ware. Fluid aull Oil Cans. Camphine. Coal oil. 'turning Iluid w kleoliol, Turpentine, lamp. tanner's, 'teal hint. 011 bi , irtA and raw huneed Oils. 'White Lead, Z and all khails of colored Ind bt, , , Pine. CI ga;,,l'anary all [bet. popular PATENTMEDI WU tihei things too numenuin to mention. It in iinpracticable to ;.;iWtt •itore than a general outline of ray FIOCk through the neWspapers' every one wishing GOODS is inviteclto call . anA examine. Customers on entering the Clore ninnt not expect to find every thing In sight :Flint nearlpe very articlquanted will be pnxinced by Anyulry. ' Thankful for the liberal patrona,ge hitherto received, - he Impels to merit a Continuant and large inerenne of the same. ABEL TURItELL. - Montrose, June 5.1.4.i0. NEW GOODS ! EVANS & kALLEN, TTAVLVG enlarged and rpntaieled their Store, hare the pleasure of informing their numerous customers that they are now ready to show tht Vest msortment of . . WATCHES , CLOCKS,' SILVER WAIL C, IRLATED WARE, - FA NCY.Oopus, • Tea Trayryllreastpine,Finger-"ring!!, Hair us, ,Lablat's•Eitracts, Ilene ,' SoaP, ace. dm. . • • in. this part of the State. They have just rennmed. from New York with a full and axtensive assortment of goods in their line, which they brve.pantased for cash of the. - manufacturers and importers. Ind they duller themselves Batt they over inducements bot in atyle, - variety and pri ces; Not to be egttalled %eat of New York. Determined to keep up with the ',lngress of the age, they have Aided to I helve seortment many articles not pre vlously kept ofgen- Mal utility and beauty. Tbantring the community forthe liberal patronage heretofore received, th ey woulitrolleit a centinuanee.and increase of the! same. P i 0 ay: o , May 30th, 0000 S! ATM N. T. BRgCR STORES (.6uttenberg, k Q 14., AT Montrose, & Susqla Depot, Pa- Th” antlersigtwil have prtnifled tlAitylvi;s tvitti a LETPIO - 'LOPTMEET N N SPRlfilt SUMMER GOODS! ehicn they bunxt of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST section of country. They also flatter tisentsclyes that they have the best Facilities of obtaining Q:l,oobs - If rts.l) ftom tirket,. and are determined not to be undersold by any Om thin nide of New Yolk city. 1h regard to READV MADE CLOTHING . . we would ,ay that being in this largely at - 24 Cep Btreet, New York City. We can oder the public hargaitet not surpassed by any re tail dealers In this section, as we can sell here at retail pri ces as cheap as those Who go to New York and purchase at wholesale and then bring them bete and have to . makes prodt over that which they have already paid themselves. Call and pm us and wo will prove.the [emu. CV% 6/14 t nib crib - 1 , I .A .110 .non, Pa. Jane 141 h, lerhl. ' y ITIWGR .4 PBS, ARTIST'S TUBE PAI.VTS, gilrer Foil, l'arnixbes, cEe., a new supply, Just re. ABEL TURRELL. Monirage. I3IRBER S II AIR DRESSER, offer,hia persica to tne public. with the guaranty that his work ,hail he tloneln the into.tlßO anti, sirtintie luanner, ir•PrShop In the north front of the FRANKLIN iIOUSE,. :Mont row., I. Open on Sundayn from hi n. m. until 2p. in. .luN 20, I -- t. Wyoming INSURANCE Conipany, TURRELL'S - 1 Charter• Perpetual Capital $lOO,OOO. Surplus **MOO. , ABEL TUTWELL. Organized A lrovember-2€l, A. IL 167 G. M• Mollenhack, D. G .Driesbaeh, J. P. Dennis, John Reichard. David Moron, Chas Dorrance. Smut! Wadhanas, 12 II Lame. Wm S I. D 'Shoemaker. Geo I' Steele, 11 M pop.. IL C. Syrrru....4r'y. • (1. M. 11OL1ENRAc1 ,&c .et, 'W. G. STynt.tnn, Treas. L. D. SIIOEMAKEIL Pre/. H. P. BLACKMAN, Montrope, Pa:, Agent for Snsquehanna County. ALsO SOLICITOR FOR TILE NORTITERN FIRE R LIFE, ASSURANCE COMPANY, CaPital, :F 1 1..216,000 .Annual iteviume, $l.O4X),(Kin. , Wai GrlTY...4gcnt. Philadelphia A I.l4pions Indebted to the estate. of N. W. iithlron, 11 tleetl.)4te of liarforti township are hersby tequirett m,akto t imrrin s liate .payment, and those haying elaluus ausims snid estate will present them to the subscribers fl'm settlement. . _ .4. .31. TIFFANY, _ - \ CHA //LES FOSTER. - , •.SALLY WALDRON. Hatflrl; mig. 6w • Eire. • , • NEW G ()DS! Lavcisville Ventre, Sukt. co., Pa; Borders, W P a l ‘ it t „P ' 2l a p r e,r ; „‘ Ytt i.- ::k in t " h ' i l : hi d; S r a e n c j eNt ‘,.. d, he April rich. It.‘I4,7ENTYON, JR, - & tsf). silks, 13sk 11:1 ail34,livnes. RR all lUenS r;jriely. Erc It. KENNpNi.,.. JR. & !`4Ayie ~f C.ctton l'an \ t ‘ Goo:is. 92c:thisff'I day reed he I:..K.'ENYO, JR. & CO. :rind Cimiimer e LOW. R. KENY( )N. I TOBACCO this day reeek cur sale rower than elsewhere in ,titi, eouoty., 1 000 LBS - SALERATUS in stnro an fur sale by the box or AIMS Stock 'of FANCYDry GOON tier l./ ' , ale by' 0. IL KENYON. JR. & CO.• Setts—Five Elegant stylem, ec!mplori.— .1 from sto 850. R. KENYON, JR. t k, CO. Lawmville Centre. Pa., April; 1860. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS - FOR 1 SUO. GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE ' . .. FOOT OF 11%e 1 JR T -- -STREET. T - 14. extensive Furniture Establishment of SMITH BROTIII . MB having been - refitted and greatly improved, the proprietOns respectfully announce to the citizens of S . lobtrose and.vicin ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand the LALIGEST-and BEST assortment. - • F U R N I T U RE To be found , in the Coto ry. - 'We give the folle;wing list oiao eof the ar ticles whiCli we will sell at .. eatly reduced prices, for-CASH or READY P : Bureaus, Walnut or 41 . ' f horn $l6 to $35. - Bureaus with 'lnstrbl 818 to $24. And a r SI% 12,14. to-$! . Wash-Stands r Stands,:of all - - to ten do ll . a. st. / Desks' limns ,Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto, mans,. &e.. - .. • ,, C .ntrie, Card, Pier, -Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, a Extension Tables. ( Chairs—Cane and Wood Seats, Itipckers— Cane: Flag, and Wet d Seats, of every variety and style. gofas, tote a totes fur Dished at •nhort flour .k' at New York prices. • • •", N. B. Ready made coffins on liana or fur nished "Short notice.—litarses always in readiness when desired. • ' . i We (;Inploy 'none hut Catcerut. and EXPERI ENCED Woi:}itEtr. We intend to do our WiinK WELL, and sell it as Lou' as it can be," alTorded. . • W. - W. S3IITIT, A. SNIT 11, JR., ' E. Montrose. Jan.-18th, 1860,—t1". . Dealer in FLOUR, GRAIN; GROCER • lES, PROVISIONS. • DYE. WOODS, Staple DRUGS, WOODEN and STONE WARE, ALL RINDS of 1101ISAKEEPING ARTICLES (6 . YA YKEE ti 0 7'10 YS GEN:ERAL..—one door Nortkof /.lorttant's Hotel, OUI D be pleased to see all his old frienee and many new ones at his NEW Stare frontiag the DEPOT, Where he is prepared to show them such a :AMA of the above artie're as New Milford has long stood in, need of. " " DiVision of triulti has as many - advantages as divieioo of labor." - . Any man confining himself to one branch of business, giving !bat branch his whole Capital andfattention can keep a better assortment, buy cheaper and:I3ELL CHEAPER thin. if the same moons and time was, employed in a general trade.. If You dont think so,' call on the subscriber and he conOced. Thu sound principle of SMALL PROFIT AND PROMPT PAYMENT; will be Strictly adhered . to. Butter and other _l%fuce forwarded to,iCevti York to one•of the beatcommissioo houses lu the city ; and Prompt payments gusianieed., / HORATIO GARRATT, New MLlfird,'Nasq.,Co. PA., April, 18A0 -y, :NSW PROF. W. WI,LI.LI3iB, W I I.li ES-ItA RICE, Pa. 3lnorptt4; street, London Executor's Notice. R. KENYON, SR., 8. CC Igany, with glass, /or brocatelle tops, from arge assortment, from 88, ,:ard StandS,Cornerand Square mricties and prices, from 75. cents HORATIO GARRATT, IL.T. BABBETT'S :1 , i . W i "so..pm,egiV. l . B t`lrtngtlerr',.. ill : I centaoted Soft tioap—o . einnalillox =Battu of handsome Soft Sottp n , by the Addition o Not twittei. -For man by I I - ADE TUR 1074. itergtroae, Jul, %, 1800. • e. i N Th tto, rto WiIEItEAS, letters of admitilstration Matthew Gordinier, Late of Boring have been granted to the-•sti6 crihers. drhted to theimid estate are quested tol ate payritent. and Untie havingt . taltnie ord the estate of the said 'decedent make k without:delay to ELIJAH BALL ,VA LOIS GOlll, .cprbgy - We.; Jigs, an. ism. •4, - - • - ItIEGISTER'i trout VOTICE is hereby giviln to ail persons c 11 following estates. viz: I Estate of corm:lilts:E. Low, deed, late drew S. Low:Hei. ,Estate of Gilbert 31eKt.eby, dt•ed, late o Wnt. J. Terrell, allner. Estate of Goo. W. %Pickering, deed,lat J. T. Ltivziltni. miner. , Estate of Wort, th'c'd/' late of At Adants,l; Abler Mock, atimlrs. , Estate of T. A . 'Pes:senden, deed, late Perrin Wells. adurr. E.tate orAmop Chtirdtell, deed. late of Blowers t Abby cluirehell,latu'rs.' Et.tate of Daniel Cokely, deed: lide of adnt's. , I Estate Of Henry Fling, deed, late of Lung, adm'r. I Estate of Crawford Titus, dee'd, late of I ahlkstiev, adm'r. I Estate of Garden Barnard, dec'd, late of ' - Tingley, adui'r. Estate of John BlOwers, deer, late of C. Luce, adm'r. Estate .of link er, dec'd, 'ate of DZe er 01 Aldrich, adn.l Estate of Ellen Bagley. deed Hate of nil Gere, adm'r. Estate of Philo Brifigs, dec'd,late of Mitl. Briggs & James tichanl4; ek'rs. That the ' accoantantrthave settled their a Itmtister's Office in nod for the [county of I and that the same will he presented to the Orphan's Court, of saki county on Monday I August, le6o, for confirmation and allowan CILARLIRS NBA ltegiiter's Agee, trope, Juk%,l ` SHERIIFF';, SA By virtue of suodry writs issued! . of. Comnion Pleas of BustHnehui Arid tome directed,' I will 'expose public venduti, at she Court House,it on Saturday, Aug.l2sth, 18 0, - at lo' the following _describedpieces . o land, kr wit :- 1 , . .. All that certain piece or pdrcel of la the township of Greatllend bounty ofl na,., State of Penntivlvania, i oanded ed uslollOws, to Wit: be:z i nine at ling a 'corner of kuld sold t ) Georg a line of land granted to l+l, reran It .13v said last mentioined lin north, 6 49 'perches to a: Test; thnea Him formerly-called th,i John .1 Way hi ches to the bank of the So'N lehanna dJwn the said hank along the -soy of-said river to tliti southea t corner George Conroy a's aferesitf; them; same north 90 pOC - rilios to die plane o containing , liftptiq acres atidSiity-t , be the same more hr less, rogithei t' purtenances, one framed house, on, barn, 'one orchard] end- RiAtut . thirty proved. [Taken in exemition at t Martin Stone v& Almond Munson.] ALSO—A lot of land sltliate; lyin in the township of Forest Lake, corn , Aforesaid, bdonded as foilWs: bet. post: in the south line of the Rose I the northeast corr4r of hinticontract • Kane, thence along the South Ii • Reservation.east sixty piirches to a I, by land of S. flallOran south one hi forty-seven .and thlee.tents perches I thence by land of t . uinline and gc.l sixty perches to' # post, :nd thene Banes'line north One hundred and r and three-tenths 'Orclies s tel the begii taining tifty-five acres, mire or les 4 111 entS, one log h i puse, on log barn '2O to 25 acres improved. [Taken in at the suirof M. S.I Wilson lvs. John ALSO—AII that ecrfainl piece o laniltuate,lying and beirig in the : Friendsville, county - and-State afot es ed and described m-IfollowsAo wit: o by S. Bufrom and turnpike 4cl, on t i south by hind of eilleb Carina) t, and , by laud-of Michael Purcell Ind Leui containing Inc ‘acril, more yr less, wI purtenances, one house. one barn,i r trees and all iintwoVed.-- [Totem in ex 1.-he suit of Richard lA s heo n ts, 'li mn A‘l f liO—All that - certain; piece or 'land Situate in the eownship lof.l la rm , / and State \ of atores j aid,' boulnled and as follou4\to wit': on th 4 north I 1 Benjamin Caratort,l oir the least' by 'highway, on the south by benj.unm and on tho.west bylland of jibe - est:it than Taylor, deceased, containing abot of an acre, ‘ititli ' the, appurtenanem=, house, one barn, sheds, &e:tand all i 1 tso—All that taller piece! or pare situate as abose, :old bounded and d fol , ws: on the north and east by I Ciliate of Jonathan Taylor,; des ase sonth b land of Wluitco mbj ' a Ne • I Stone, an on the west by e publi 3 I containing bout (the-hal of an , ac same more o less, ;with he , !,appurten dwelling house, onel i hg",..ksmith shop, all improved. - A s —All that certai parcel of land. s - r te in the -boriiug quehanna Depp ,130,5 i ded on the rfort t)?6 t Street, on. the eastl by. lamb of W.'. I Hubbard, / on the south b land in.the of A. W 7.., Hoyt, and.on I '; west by Miles ~regan,• contAinino a ut the an LIM" feet of hand, ir being 'heno I I No. sof Wm. Worts, map o \ said with the appurtenances;ohe Storebuil dwelling house attached, and aIN Anse—All the defendant's interest t all.that certain tractor parcel of land ' the township of Flirmony, it ountir a aforesaid, bounded and described as- fo wit: on the north' byi, the "NeW Vork'S rm the east by the line of Vie tract d James Comfort and wife to ',David M and on the .w-st by the SuMmit rm. from the railroad crOssing ndar G.. W to the N. Y. & 4. Rill to th c e Gitlf S being ,the mime, 14,1 aontracted, 13' 1 Mersereau to Ifenryi Perine, IA: .K. - P W.. Rowley, :test 1).. W. Norton the day of May.ACD. ,1:859, together wit purtenances, onh bongs., onel barn, on Kaiv mill with engini,, &e.. attached an fifty acres improved.f [Seized and take [ cation at the snit 4r P. A. !Lyons v Norton, - N. C. Norton slid L Norton, jr Norms: TO Puncuiseas. l —To were° . derstanding, notia :hi hereby given that 1 : era at Sheriff's Salesi will be required t [ amount bid at the time the land wits ii has become imperatively neceimary to a rule, and it will he Strictly ludhered to i'. where the purchasers a lien Creditor, a . titled to the- fitad uel provided in the tion' of the a of AsiPmibly, approved : 1846; which is as follows : ".Whenever chasers of real estate 'pt. Orphan's Court i 111 's sale, shalt tappet from the proper n be entitled, as a lien creditor, to ricer whole or any portirmi of said said, it 011 duty of the sheriff, administrator., exec! other person waking i such ial!e, to Ice, receipt of such purchaser or purchasers amount which he or they would appear I recoyd, as afordknid, ti, be entitled to rec Provided that this se4tion shall not' be staled as to prevent the right Of said sh 'nfinistrator, executor c ol. other 'person aft to demand and receive at the (line-of sal auffitient to cover all (legal costs entitlC I paid out of the prose of said sale :- I sided further, [hit before any purchaser Fltssers shall, receive the benefit at this he or 111111: shall prorhice to the sheriff, II tso making said 'said ititle,a'duly certifie meet from the - propef records, tinder 't i and official seal of the proper officer,' s that he is alien creditor, entitlird to rec-. part of the proceeds riff thsale aforesit, JOH ' DUNG; SI I .! SherifrsOfill;e: I,ifolitroi ' -.-• I .. - July 21, 1860.1 i , I ' Is. a larzt k k & CO. . . • ~. - \ . 1 • •' - WC:I - ilaee tiuTßAteounts and Notlea of A. LtthwiO tit' Cu Lathrop &. Dewitt; are In the kende of the tor eettlenuett.' Ultimo they 'are hailed without notlee,'Or COtIT 11714..iBEACA.PR. irdnteto4 July "*. MO. 'Of - A. LAN For Um INSTANT It • PERILIARAT CUBE of ' t Bitoritznant CIG s° iiicte by C. B. SEYNomt co..l6ll4spau street , _ price4l per Boil sent free by post. For stac It *II Druzzistr.i • my; DYS EPSI A : ' nygiepsla, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Debility-of ;the !ysteni, Dyspepsia, • Liver ComP4int, Acidity, , Liver Conipthint, Acidity, - 4 Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, - . Bilitina ComplaiOls, Sick &auk, the estate of y Me. deetitia , d, fII perstnui :in ra:ate tumid& Maude agtithst ;nowt] the satue LYIJ;R. -Adm'tc. FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE. FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, 1.•-•-....-.....-.... - CE. - ; i ' nwerned In The and the emu:bet:lm oiherldieensea arising Jeans !iv digcstian and fundtanal disordirs i#l the stennach i find ready relief in that l esiagished and sterling Auburn. Au Bridgt.wittiT of Montiojw, ?urn; Th4rtias (Bridgesv4lT: THE OXYGENATED THE OXYGENATED BITTERS.. nigh, Z.esie?l. ariort1;01.11- inrforci,'(+. gevol . Reliable teatimonSr._ We call the cittenlion off the reader to theloikncing. letter from President . Seta; formerly of Wisleygn University, and noie of - Annapais. Md. Milford, at. iklyn, lit Frrti W. FOWLS la. CO. —Gentlemen:— I And made use tbe Orygritaied Bitters some seven or eight years since. !lariat! totemd for twenty years from a fomi of dyspepsia, wbich was attended *lib a nervous headache, on an average of JAM. less Ulan one day in a week; I was induced, by the utter/tending nte osnmendatiOn of Dr. Green:, o to try one bottle, end if no benefit Wasreceived to discontinue the use.. • 1' Lake, B. counts tiae SUsquebantsa, Judges . 14 tpe he nth day t er e. Regiatirl IC' The use of one bottle.yra;ranted a fultheirrial, to the extent of some three or roar, with a careful observance of the accompanying directions. The result wu, an almost entire relief from the 111.111 a dyspeptic symptoms and their deprtsaing, painful - consequences. I believe these Bittern produced an entire change in the itabitiof my syttern, and upon the aciive energies of the digestive orgasm. I now deem myself as exempt faint Dyspepsia as host personS. These Diners have also - been of air. vice to other members of my family. TUE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Ricumopro,laloia Co., P!.'," - if og. W, 1858. GENTLEYEN, --After inifferinefoi more than-Weil years with Dyspepsia, and fryitig many remedies tee ommonded for that diseaseivialund any good residt, I was induced, by Pr.. F. 11.1Vhite of Mansfield, to give the 01y:smelted Batts a trial. I took two bottles; which gave me so much relief that I purchased two more, which hare nearly or Ono effected a cure.. I am mite nearly seventy-five ydars of age, and for three months paid have felt no inconvenience (rum my fond. I take great pleasure in recommendi ng the (litters to all afflicted with Dyspepsia andlis Mincoinitant diseases. From Dr, , - 'MANSFIELD, Tiers Co., Pa.,. Aug. :6, 7858. 'lave used the Oivo;al:rd Bitters in my practice with decided success in debility and general prostration, hc, and confidently recommend them in general de- Mity, and diseases of the digestive organs. • F. 11. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. e• ot . um trvip. ,nn fro g xe utio)l Tian :r] THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. PREPARED lIT S. W. tOWLE — Er. IE, Tremont Stiver - , Roston. paled' of iorti i iigli (if id, oulitf,.. thAnortli le e: . inf ntli ‘‘eit is 13 11 ii rit rill t e il smut "fl irt ec u ;icor' 4 4. i: I - partielini . liy, e l pubti destril f}'laud;ll . Sold by Driluyitts,'Dcatert f and Merchants in ercry (own and city thron9koid the country. tvo-For rale/by Abel Ttrrrell and Head. Wattling .f Fr' , . ter; Montrose: L. H. Wytidrtal. : Antos Nieholo. Brooklyn: Whitney A: flartord : Weed. Ward. Great Bend; Olmstead,; Duntlati: Great ~ • . • r6l t. • • e ESENWEINN TAR AND WOOD2I,a -NAPTHA — LPITSY6 - 11,,'• - • "" le the beet Mirlicine in the world for the enrc of Coughs and Colds. Croup, . Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, _ Palpitation of the Heart. • For the relief of patirat'eln adrane,4 (agtr of Consumption together with all Diseases . , • of the Throat and Chest and which predispose to Consumption. It cum*, the rrw of en...! a*. and make, thou deetroyrr eneenneb toile it fumed. Date° potty . rem frft , expelloration. wince.; healthy action in Me dieeneed 3faante Membrane and tb.-ne.f. It is peculiarly adapted to-the radical cure of ASTHMA. One doe.. of !ALF inralgable 5'1 7 / 7 /' (Oen Oro. ,are tualeonetanentlyekep,tchieh the particular ilbture or the disease denier. It in rery pleneant to the Itiite,'andprompt in {Prefect,. Try It d'• be conrintrdthat it.i. incotnalde in the cure of Bronchial Affectlons. Price 50 ivn(g:per Bottle.' . Poiparid only by Dr. A. I,'SENWELV. Mot rad by A.-Eeentrein.... CO.. N.. W. corner Dlh and I'OPLAII streete, Philadit, Pa.' For sale in ilonsreme by , hie) ABEL TURRELL, Druggiet. lie pulilh Corbforti 'of {Joon' t on ...11 do t6i, or imprl,oved: I or land • rilcied a.; rid c f tli or 0:1 mar and Idgr e,bthel . nee?, anti &c 4 and . pier° o 4 oh Susi bv`Mai . abd J I ss+siod latid d huqdredl NleWsl 7 Besi HAVE You HEARD The 'NEWS ? WHAT NEWS? _ • UTHY YHAT.j. L. MERRIMAN Is NOW RECEIVING NY direct from New York, another of his Choice stocks of .• • . . embracing in the Dry Goods line. de Laing. Challis . min. tlllns, gibs , Poplins, Prints, etc., etc,ete. as well as a full stock oTDomeetlek„ inch as summer clothe, for men and boys' • w'ear. Shlrtlngs, Tiekinge, Denims Cotton Yarn. Cart Warp 6 ,Hatts, etc. Groceries—a full . ageortment.— Fith--Mack Trout, Whiteffsh. Codfish, and Herring. Hardware, h a ding , ding, materials, Nails, Glass, Putty. Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs. Reudy-made Clothing. the workmanship WARILANTBD. II .9 , , Caps and Rimnets, of the latest style. Boots and shoes ' rib from 12,lie os to SA. In fact almt every variety of Mods usually 'minired for at any country store can be found st and it is thkaininf the proprielo make such disprksjt ion of his Goods that neither hie sum - us nor his liatrons a . 212112.11dA1i. • Upsonville. Pa.. Juno lot, 1800.—tf • AT • re- 2nd DOOlt ABV OE . N MCIFORD'S. UWE PUBLIC generally am informed that a FIEF. 11X .1.111LIIITION is given at all hours orthe day, or \STAY C.OOUS of all nurse, VIZ: Dregl. Omits of Summer Prints. Poplins. Challis, 'Awns In patterns. eheup Bishop,l.airht.„ Brilliants,Bard. Jaminetts and Swots Mull, Latlii Collars and Slel.lqh+. I)imity, Marseilles: 316reens, Fund. lure Fruits, Kentucky Jeans. Nankeens. finnimer Stuffs. I;cos,. Shirts, COttou Drawers. Collars, Cravats Neck-ties, and Suspenders." A new and large lot of LEATITER . W WARE, .. Rich as Gents Fine Calf Bouts—gootl Alfa heav_y and light Shoes, Splendid Ladles Callers from& to 18 shillings warranted to lit. ; White, !Stolen, , and Black: HOSIERY. l'amsols and Unlbellas, (Sand Boxes and Work Baskets. $ 3 1.1.1 . doses -and Sperm; Adatnantine and Tallow Ceilidh's. 'Braioi and :Japatimi Lantom; Wash Boards 'tad Coffee alilid, White wash Brushes. Bed Cordell) feet long, whittled and Friar Clothe., Pins, Pine andCEDAR FALLS, besides a rILE of r4asxaT onc),,cantatti r t of every variety, anumg . whirilit/U., ..apieco and Corn Starch for gl orlo its puddings, Cream Tartar, Soda.stareh Elaieratns Castor Oil, EpsomitlaltS, Black and Scotch spun...a n d j ot , of thinga which won't do to read irbrul, hat pleat, to call. examine and Mk oto.a. We are ready and willing to show Goods, even though they may not Suit ; Land thankAtt for struilltarors. ; , LL C. TYLER. except! .(1 rnL.pee prili coril ice thh I be the ' Fur! in ice , for Pie °with(' don ftiati e iti n• put cam) ' portion ; ht4W- A e h a n 12` 78. b a n ej rB tti bn ng l e " y e r oa k sening flair Tank. It' . 310;411108n, May Ofit, e itno. - P • _ , _ DYSPEPSIA. AND PITS. • ....- l'ln. O.IPIIELPS BROWN, thegreat curer of Censump. I JIJP Uon,:was for several years subadly sailed by Dye. pepsla tbat, for a part of the timo ho was waned to hie bed. - Bo was eventually Oared by - ,c retaliation Intuit:bed i f him by a:YOurtg clairvoyant girl. la prescription, given him by a mere cidid. while in a eta of trance, has cured 'everybody who has taken It, net er ,aving failed 'once. • It is equally sure in urea °lnn as OCDISPEIIIia, '•- ' ' . an of .3criber Nriper ,R 0 An en Z i libere iron-pgincipal but need in this ' or the to an to be eotutd In 'any drug ' will send . Ss:sable proscription to any person. on the recedet of one damp to pay nottve. Dn. O. FITELFB BROso.', 21 Grand-et...lerseyttty, N. 1. Alf of Dr. 0., Phelps Brown's Remedies are for sale at Susquebanna Depot, Pa., by S.B. NITST. (myaz• MIDDI.,ETORA, Conn, Feb. 78, 1859. Very regpectrully your', 'A UG U8T1:13 •133E1T11 A. -lIEUARD. • . H BUSINESS CARDS:-_ -• • - IgliN SAU.'TTER, ' • . riIOIIO.NABLE TAll , Oft.—Montrove, Pa. Strop' I . ii ` a i o:ar 1 L. N. loi s !: rtllo . h , G i r V i zi:: !ll= • • '_p lodging Idumlf to do nll work natlstactorlly; Cut.. *' 'Ong ane I) II P hurt notice. and warranted to A. •. • , 1 biontrrnie, Pa„ July 12th. MO.—. • •;. O:. FOiIDITAIM ANUFAC,TURER of DOC) TAr- c. MOEN, Montros... in. P. Situp. over Tyler's !lore. All - kind. or well: made to order. azzd rvpalring aUtIP felTyl . • DR. W,I . LLIAII. W. IVRE'ATO.N, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN" &, SURGEON" DENTIST. WITII lig. ril o.v IVIIRAtO2V; Scitaidral and Stirjriait !fen tisi, - reoenily of Itingiuunton. ti,-Y. tender their professional services to air wiltrappre• elate the '• Tieforrned Practlre of Physic;" earelni and iddilfatoperitions on Teeth; the MOO scientific andi Pilrused styles of plateoork. Teeth extracted without pagan Old tal work warrnriNd. Jsekrsyn; done 14th; 1.1;0. ' 17 0- • . . . - . - L. 13. ISIiELT„ • , • .. ink EPA Iltd r2J0r1c.... Wat 0, , ,,, nnli Jesrelry at tha . AL ahurti•st.notlto. and on reatnnable tcrins. All .1.- . work warranted. Sfidi. In dJe (handler and "w . "Atttie...NlONTnage, PA. . - qtr 4_ . - W3l. A; SN()W - • 5 - Ji'STO:t OF THE PEACE.—Gii* Eeild. PI offled uti Mato.sl reef, oppoilitoKtlw WedPtn Minas!. 44 - . . . . , . 1 . . ' ' tiASntoNA nu: TAlLOlL—Maniroxe. Pi. Elio t , . in Phonix Bork, os-er ethic of 11,44. w a t rou it Footer. MI work warranted. no to lit Ind Ankh. - Cutting done on short notice. in he'd este.' JanEtiO • - 1)R. 11. S3IfT.II tt SON • • URGEON DENTISTtC--Montrinc, Pg: 17101111cein Lathropw' new - over A -"` 7 . 11,:mk. - ,kll Dental operatinnewilt .1 j ai ik ts performed in good ttyle and warranted. • . ---- _ • . .tJ. IL X . t.'ol.l r wif - DW. SEARLE. i 1. 31(;CfiLL1T31 it SEARLE,: •Ii TTORNEYS'andtountwllorm at Law,—lstontrone, P“ 1 - 1 Oftice in lzahrop4' new ' buildig.over the ka.r*„ . „ . _ . A. C. BLAKESLEE P B. 'SIIESTI DRS.I3I4KESLi:E & BRUSH, • HG , IN AV s.Mciated thianselVeit for the prosemilion of the &ales arthefr prl'er4lon, respectfully offer their services to the Invalid Pnldie. Office at the residence of Dr. Blakm-lee, _midway between the villages of Dimoek sod Springville: - apt) bty 1.. w. utsultam 131N(lIsk:\ Fti; ANEY, ILITOULD announce . tolhe public that they hare entered into a partnersh i p for the practice of . MEDICINE dr.. SURGE:ELY aild are prepared to attend . to All calla in the line of their iirofoodon at all hours whim not ntherwke engaz.d. - OFFICE—The one formerly occupied hi Dr. idh lt arn• N. It. The book accuto it, of Di. Kite:ham must. be me dlately .ettled by notes or others New Milford, )larch, De L. W. 81N011A..11. • lIENRY B. TTORNEY and rinin.ellor it laiw.—Towarana. Mice in the" I: nano libel.. jult . sB tf . . pIl. E. F'. W11.310T, , ! - (1 RADVATE of the Allopathix and llonueopithle Col -1,31 lege. of Medicine.—Great B'-nd, Pa. . Office, corner - of Matit and Elisabeth-Ate, nearly opirtAte the Methodist Church. ap.l6tf , ____ ______ _ cobrce... ...... nantritn.. - N. COOPP.: I • EltS, t rap.. P.a. !...;•ocr.q.'i,tors to Mat. Cooper ..I Po. (Mkt , . - Lathrop.' new !aiding, To rupike-st: YEWS OPFICk MIRE NEW-YORK (ITY lIXESTRATED • I, NEWS I 'APERS.'3IAiiAZINRS. ETR„ for Pale at the Atontro,..e BOOK STORE, on l'nblie Avenue, by A. N. BULL:IUD. • .1()IIN (ROVE'S, • 11AsInusAr.i.r: FLOll.—Mon - trx•oe. P. stopl:- near the 11.441 gt Meeting Nome, on Turnpike All netlent promptly. in brut-rate style. (int ling done mt pliort notice, and warranted ' 111CO'lit - A:s;llSUPGEON.—Montrone. Pa: Ottlke' oo!Public Avenue. o N ooite Sear ke'a rah' ' • G. Z. 1)I30CK, - 131117SICIAN AN! ) SUWiI.:ON.-Montrrow P. Office 1. over Wikons,' Store ; I,odettiLs4 at Searle'. 'tote!. •••' t • • ' :' 1 :111 :r. Ti'i ; I: Ef,L, - 1) , :.,.., , , , ,E , ,, ,r)._„,, : : ,. .7 . 31:2 , c t in . .. t, .. 0. 0 5 .mica1 t ..1) ye ;i din,. .1 71:1,r; t;roerrif• , . Pciirr Gond,. Je a sy rn el i ry 'F4 P l 44i n i: i! fiery fic.—.A sent f.,r'all ttninion popular PATENT )1•1;! CIN'PS.-31ont r 0,,.. P. - an„ k. tf • —;._ . . . .: ! , 1 V .11. IV. S 'MITI I 47- CO, . • CIAMNET 'AND ("11.111:. 31.1NUFACTURER.4.—Filot h .. of Main trite.% Monti-04e, Pa. 3 0 .4 if -, il.f'. 01.31T-F.AI) I. 1.. - 111lAD. DRS: OLMSTEAD& READ,' xTo N r-rA) ANor-N(14: fu lic, tile Pub 1 1 hat thi-yttncn enter.-.I Into a rani nerOilp fin; the ' Practice - of MEDICINE &Surgery, and tire prernired to nttenci in all I nil in the line of•their 011 ire --the one forilerly occrpied hy'Dr. J. C. Oirtirtrafl, in . rnyl7-ntn. • I_. - . LOW PRICES WIN! i 1 • A T THE ORIGINAL ONE PRICE STORE! 'II.AII7DEN 1311()THERS 1 f NEW ILFORD, Pa., • A RE NOW 1: THEI,AIi ' !A.? :not best ctoek of 660(14 ever brogght into Mk , - ' .cohoty. which we are bound to sell cheap for cash or ready 'pay, corp.isting of Staple and Fancy Dry - Goods; Choice Family Groeetic . ". ! Hats;.Caps, Ready Made Clothing, 1 ; Crockery, Wall,Paper, j ,iWleadow.Sitad, Flour, Pork. Palmy, Oils,•olsiss ; Fluid/ Coal Oil, Hoop Skirts; -. • .! • Yankee Notions, Fancy Goods; , Watches, ..FEWEI.K.t, Silver Ware,' Pails, Tubs, Bro - ours, - Forks, Hoes: and Lots and Stack 3. of Goods fav numerous to mention. 1.1 ARE NOT - OLD FOGIES hi the bisiness, cheepng, a large profit and depentling.nre kesdng, tut old set of patron,. who have not trkd at other places tel see bow flinch cheaper they can boy; but we In: tend to live up to the mark, and believe In selling many • Oonds, and selling, cheaper than_OLD FOOT merchants ca buy them. Now is the time If von want to eve money and pre;Bargalns; Call at the ()X) PRICE STORE. To- A; Urge stork of Goodwin,it Bros.' Yellow Bank Tobacco always on hand—cheap, very cheap, wholesale 4: retail. I . JI.ANbEN BROTHERS. New Milford,. Pa., 'May 17th, 1860. • f '.FATAL SHIPWRECK PART OF THE CARGO SAVED; Of A DAMAGED CONDITION TREMENDOUS. LOT OF WET GOODS At thu " BEE ifIVE." 3,sooY'ds FIGURED BAREGES . i'artly duna:a.d by IV.lter, at I. 6,.F , , 1 - 2. ct, pr yard. - itICII_IILISII POI*LIIINL thi'ln."'csch o pr Y-a./ -Would he I.3IE:Ar for Ilicettli. . 4 1 l A LS - 0 A L.IRGE LOT OF. . I , , ti6 l 1 1 ..101 \ 1 ' GOODS !.! A Tesold at Ilse foliose:its,: 'trice% Giirkd Saintlier Sitawle, 0n1y... .... ..... ,Y .7.1 • Find \SI ella . Lon • Wool and Silk Mocha.... ... .... .... ..... .. • - 3.4 1 _ : . • Handeidne Mantilla P. , . 2 , Very Rich .! . a.nti - • . . .til t . - Good i.awlvi zs :..tut.c.l • • Fine Quality 1/... laillll.ll ' Wool and SilinllAreL' , .. • . le% ; - Bar:et:de d'Anield worth i'11 , i.... •.. 'Y -- .. .. .I‘ , ; • 10 yanhr klerritna 'Ante, and tritaruingqt...... 1,00 'Tine DlVilli !dike , .. .. .... . ... ....... . . .. ! AV- • ! gatreatelv Itiell Ad • - . W „ hite ilobe ... . , . ...... ~.... - • •• . .06 • Zfice lifele Thread GIOVC. ... .. -.. . , . , .Pnrq tilk mitter ..... . ... ' ~.11.5i: ' ' • t Watch ctelq 'ring ekirte. ...., Good 'draw bonnet' ' \ • : . Iteant Iful Leghorn' ,7) Rich Bonnet Rllitione. .. • • ..... , ..... .10 - i Prenth•Embmidered ring ii nand .. ..... ,12'.:;., , flood ranterk.a.d.. "-- - ,I1) Oilier I 'letter' -" . • - JO .Goods Equally a* l. EA IA ! .[ Z_lfr.Reirieriat• =r - tho ive.win do all.that we tolvertise.\pp surd to call betiNTpurchaSing elsewhere,. a.4.we lott.strr, and N CAN OT be nutlet\ soiclby tiny establishmvnt this Hide o 1: New Ybrk. t t ; c():- Binghtuntou, May ]5114 . ''t860. • ' . AFFLICTED, --' 'MAD !. ! WILLI.A3INS' CO3IPotIND SOLI.- .. Boit for the Pim, lo waimnted to caw. %Clare. lb everrcalte. and to ell stages of the ett.cese, or tbe money Will bet retarded. Fell dt:ecdone acccaiipany each bottic rJai. biAbel Terrell, 31onrrote ; 0. G. licmpoicbd. 800 i°T J. Babcock. linnocit ; Pineal Carpenter. Fla : Id• GI WilliamtkJeckton ;Z. B. Slocum. Dm:air; ILA:* 4. rrill. llophottom ; A. J Merrill, Scranton. - dc rk, 13213731
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers