NEW GOODS l ARRIVING EVERY WEER! SELLING at the LOWEST PRICES! FLLYJD AND CAMPHENE,OP the BEST qualities, at GO cents per gallon for sato by , Montrose, ABEL TURRELL. FARMERS, LOOK AT THIS! BEACH's, NEW. PATENT WEL HORSE RAKE! VORRAKING HAY AND GRAIN; Is pre. I! flounced by' GOOD JUDGES to be the NEAREST RIGHT of ANY IN•UBE ':So oe of the advantages-of this Rake are, that the workman occupies a comfortable seat while raking, Instead of-having to walk, Aitd.that its cot:infraction is so simple that any part of it may easily be taken apart and put together again. Four bolts are all the blacksmith work required. Farmers, please call and examine for yourselves. Lumber will be taken in pay for Rakes if of. the right kind and fetched in time. None but those ordereclwill be made at present: ; This machine. was invented by the subscriber who resides 1 1.2 - miles North of Montrose, on the Snake Greek Road. - • • . IRENZO BEACH 'Montrose, April 24th, i no. ChM. ct DR.. O. V. THAYER. of the BINGHAMTON WATER-CUE , WILL be at-NEW MILFORD. on:FRIDAY. April 27th, at Birnum's Hotel. Also will be at SUSQUEHANNA on . the ,FIFTH of each month during the Spring • and. Summer, at Nicols, Hotel. During each visitation ho will givk Free-Lectures to the Ladies at 2 o'clock, p. m. upon subjects of the first importance relative to the special diseases and hygiene of the`sex revealing the causes of such-maladies and those most prevalent and subtle violations of physio logical laws which result le the Premature de cline of American WOCileD. " - Invalids will 'find it to their advantage to give .him a call. Binghamton Water Care. April Id. 1860.—tr BOARDING Bosom; AT GREAT BEND , PA , jIH IS SCHOAL wilt . be Awed for the rec ep. 1_ tion of Ladles and Gentlemen, on tbe 29th day (Wednesday), of February, 1860. FE= Primary Branches per Qr'tr of f 11 weeks, $3,00 Common " - - " " " 3,50 Common and Higher, " .• " " 4,00 , Higher English," " 5,00 Lessons on Piano, " " " 10,00 Use of • " sg. ...441 64 . • gm Ornamental; rind Classical Departments, extra. The Priticipal has had much experience in teaching in New York and Penn's for the last ten year&in Common, as well as Select, Graded or High Schools. References given if required N.B.—Board at the boarding hall, two doll's per week. Lights 'and washing extra._ Payments to be made quarterly in./Avarice. i , mh y - E. W. ROGERS, Principal.' ° o<,: a ~ ~✓ Cheapest: Best: Largett: 030,00 • . Pay,s for Tuition in Single and Double Entry Beek-Keeping, Writing, Commercial Arithme tict and Lectures. . Board S weeks $2O, Stationery $7, Tuition ins, entire expenses $62.. Usual time from 6 to 10 weeks. Every stu dent, upon graduating, is guaranteed competent to m.snagq the Books of soy Business, and qual ified. to earn . a salary of from --$5OO TO $lOOO. Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Review at pleasure. • First Premium for Best BUsiness Writing for 1859, received At Pittsburgh, Philadelphio, and Ohio State 'Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union for the past four years. pr Ministers' Son; received at 'half price: * * *For Circulars, Specimens, and Embellish. ed Views of [he College, inclose five letter stamps to F. W. 4ENICINS, Pittsbn rib, Pa. THE MEDICINE at the,MILLION Partosonir AND FACT - 1143LLOWAY'S PILLS. THE EXCITING CAUSE OP SICKNESS. THE BLOOD Is the lire-sustaining agent. It furnishes the components of flemh,bone, naafi , (le, nerve and integument: The stomach is its mar t igactory, the 'veins its distributors, and . the intestines the channels throbgh which the wa-te . matter rej ected , in its productions , is expelled. Upoitlie stomanh,the circulation and the bowels : these Pills act 'simultaneous/y. relieving indiges tion,. purifying the fluids, and regulating the excretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. - Dyspepsia is the most Common diseruie among al classes in this country. It assumes a thous. and shapes, and is the primary source of inflow erahledangerous maladiosi bet whatever its type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rap idly to this searching and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS.. The quantity of the bile is of vast importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which Pe cretes This.flnid, these Pills operate specifically, - _ infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectu ally curieg Jaundice, Bilidts Remittants. and all . the varieties of disease generated by an unnatu. ral condition of the organ. •. BO WEL COMPLAINTS. Unless the bowels perform their functions prop erly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die sulnially of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Chronic Constipation, and other diseases of these waste pipes of the system. The effect of the Pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether canna -or epi demic, is a phenomenon in mei:lichee. By follow ing the printed directions, the most alarming ca - ses.of bowel complaint are pms•ptly controlled. A WORD TO FEMALES. The local debility and irregularities which are the especial annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved - for the time being, and prevnted in time to come,by a course of this mild, thoro' alterative. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy knoWn in tlys world for the folldwing 4 disease:s /Attune Chest-Diseas'es .Fever and Ague • Coughs Bowel Complaints Female Compfainti Colds - Costiveness In*ard Weakness • Diarrhcea Headaches Liver Complaints.. - 'Dropsy Indigestion Lowness of Spiriis Debility Inflammation Stone and Gravel Influenza Dyspepsia f*.ondary'Symptogis Piles Venereal Affections Wormi of all kinds • s * Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Holtoway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 strand, London, II) all respectable Druggists & Dealers in Mediciue.,thro'out the- United States and-the civilized world.-in boxes at 25 cents, 63 . 1-2 seats, and 81 each. jam' There is a considerable saying by taklog the larger sizes. N.8.--Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. Jeleoyl 24ehur IDUYEaCLAN sidffiergiwi, Montrose:N : 4— , Office in the Farmer'i atom. 1 0 1 P ' B° 4l r 11 NOME HER WORM 1.1 = . lukiaad lospi • ,vO l l3 1 1 ,1seails MaerAls and Divgth. 'MOTHIRSTAKE HEED! ne you idiots *wird . seems assaay tiottai rate *Um. osaaito Abut It say Mt tilos adm Moho that inlets thus t mod ors out of Pm the moo at the to se& and* I. WORMS,' sat should be at • lookd to. - - HEADS OF; FAMILIEs Do is4t tot Igur eldldres outer, idiom era - " . iNDSONI.,WORM TEA I • imps AND PLICSANTVCRE TO flow Mush letter sad mkt woold it be o hats It always la- the ;house, A little do 'tits a child Is taboo 11l may Mtge te the ca et its death, vent settle without delay, Mt& bf elMag the AI VErAT.IIIe iliU TLd itaMit• durtely, y ou will sot ea, elm the child • ' aad tedleas illness, sad yourself swab • but also feet happier is Miowiag that you ha dais year daty, aad yereboote isysditalits. 1 assdkias 6 oembOteil' purely et HERBS AND ROOT - PArcu or •I 14alomel .1111;tera, • . IS USED . : IN M • Xo mon filthy Vaniiiftwe• will b 00.411 thaw who oiii* use thlai TWIL: no only &air, prikip/a. of el - ether Yoradtwpo too W.• • YiUrra is It C , I ci ! vE NO, POI c• YOUR', CHILDREN. itas els Blum fitfe, temtahle Idedittee.' This Worm Tee was discomied in an to • way amour the Wilda of Nartherit Stasi— fullaecount of It you will dud Is our Alma • Ash for the ..RomutV 2tiln Alemose,!' of Agent, and when you hen read it, mud ft Joan ititighbora that they may also know of be owed by this GMT Ml= JpDSON 9 S - WORM TEA woßms- =3=! GET 1 PICLIGB-LPRICE 25 ER Ointierr.--Alwaja dad tin Name sages tare et B. L. JIIMN k CO., and tha poets of 7isuo3, on each package of this Warn Tea. • a L.•.TUDSON & CO. SOLE - PROPRIETOR :50 Leonard 13t4.2feire York. Jtadion's Worm Tea Is Sold by one Agent In every Villsgerund . • by ell Druggists. '1! - - SAYRE* . BRO., Agents Montrose. 0.ec22 - HOSTETT.ER'S STOMACH BUTTE . Theiroprietors and manufactuiers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH' BIT * TERS ',can appeal with. l perfect cOnfidenie to physicians and citizens generally of the Iliiited , States,' bemuse the article has attained iti ,epu lotion heretofore unknown. ' A few facts Upon this peint will. spiak more powerfully than volumes of bare - assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of lioetetter's Stomach! Bit 'tens for the last year nuiounted to over atuff milliori bottles, and : front its manifest e • otdy :increase in tinies•past, it' is evident : that d uring the coming .year the coMoimption will .rnach - 'near one million bottle , . This immense nrebunt could never have-been sold' but for therare medicinal Properties contained in the pre are- I I - tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those seetions of the country:. • where the article is best 'known, who not Only -..recommend the Bitters 'to their patients,l but are ready at all time; to give testimonialsto its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. L 4 ThiS r. is notaftemporarypoPularity, obtained - by extraordinitry efforta in the way of team.; peting!the qualities of. the Bitters, but I solid ' estimation of tin invaluable medicine. whiCh is' , destined to be se =Miring as time itself. • Hostetter's Stomach :Bitten have pr ved - a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other . - bilibue complai4illlTC, counted theiriTicarag by. 1 hundreds. T# be able te state confidently that the •1 Bill rrs" are a certain Cure for the Dyspepsia and Like _diseases, is to the proPrietors a source of 'un alloyed removes all morbid matter from the eta:loch, purifies the, blood, land . imparts renewid-vitality 'to the nervous sysMm, , giving* that {tone and energy indispensable for the; restoration of health. at operates upon" . the stomach, liter, and other digestive erg as, mildly - but poWerfully, Ind soon - restores t eem to a condition essential to. the healthy dischlrge of the tunctioneof nattire. . • EldeilY persona may use GMBitters dart rs per directions o n the bottle, and tbey-will ad in it-a stimulanti)eculiarly adapted to com fort ' declinihg year#, am. it-is pleasant to the pique, 4nvigorating to,the bowels, excellent as a total; and rejuvenating generally. We have the Sri- deuce of thoutiands of aged men and wotren . who have experiencetl the benefit of using his` preparation while suffering frometomach de. rangements and general debility; acting under-- the athice - ofitilly.sicianS i they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this! article. A few words to the . gentler sex. There are , certain periods when their cares nr&so harassing that many of them rink-under tire trial. The relation of mother and child is -So absorbingly tender; - that the mother, - especially if the be young, hi apt to forget her ownihealth. inber extreme anxiety r. - for her infant. r Should the period of materz4ty arrive, during (he summer season, the wearl of body and mindM generally aggravated: Here, then, is a necessity for, a stimulant to recline- Tate the energibs of the system, and enable the - nether to bear up - under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer thi Bitters to all other invigora-. , tore that receive the endorsement of phial - clans, because i; ie. Is agreeable to the tastel as well as certain to give a permanent increase of _bodily strength. .- -.All„these persons, to whom we have partir - laxly - referred ;above,- to, wit: sufferers fr m fever and ,agni, caused by malaria, diarrhena,- dysentery. - andigestion, loss-of appetite, and. „ all diseases ot 4 .derangemantsof the atom h, superannuatecli invalids, Persons of sedentary - declination, and unreal:lg mothers, - willeonshlt their own phisical-Welfareby giving to Hes , tatter's Celebrated Stomach,Bitteis a trial. 1 • _ CAUTiON..+We caution the public against ' • using any of the many imitations-or counter-' felts, but. ask O'er .110STETTKR'14 , ,,CELEDRA17[11, 'STONACH Btrrttts, and see that each bottle ham the words "DO. Hostetter's Stomach-Bitteis". blown on the, side of the bottle, and stamped • • on the metallic cep _covering the cork, ' -'and observethat our autograph signature Mon the - . - label. ~' as:- P;enareci and sold-by HOSTETTER,* SMITH, Pittaburgh,"Pa, and sold by all druggist/, ercfcers, and dealers general ly , shromsho=United States. South Arno' ~ Fir For soli in Montrose/ by-. ' ' 1 . jaraS 1 7 . . ABEL MURRELL ®androot sumo nos or TRAVEL' 1 / 4 varfd - gregt discoveries of the. Japanese sod Eaat Indli - liediriner, with foil directional for the certain eurelni eonsempthin, Vlonehitia, ta tarrK,enuilts, edldsaathui — , feskraeheart dis(!' f as e , smokily-a meerilyspepsia, liver nemPtaintitravel and urinary depipaite; female complaints,..o.--- Illustrated ieWhundredsofeertificatea.orS rea and e' grain For,the purpose of re - inning aa many suffering fellow.beinga as pntatible, front a premature death; it will lie sent to anyatt of the conGisent bionding 25 Ute",DILMATH, ee2oyel BO Broadway, New York City. • Sold: also-by Montroser Hayden Bros., New Jelenidi C. P.' Illatheira, filemiton : , . . Dela. Larkii.& Vresterga Railroad.' OPARELMENEMB Two hours earlier to NewYor — li. One hour eirlier to Philadelphia.‘, ON and After Monday, May 211th,,1880, trains will be run as folloiva : - • - '‘,•• Piissr rare Taaresedotiing,Bontli.. The. Accommodation Train Eaat, on the; N. Y. &E.R. R. arrives at Gt. Bend at " 8:38 a. And the Cincinnati Express at &03 • Connecting with the Express Train • leaving Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia,"at 1:18 .." Dorval New Milford - ' 748 Montrose • - 7:48 . Hopbottom. 8:01 , Nicholson . • - - 8:23_ Factoryvllls . 8:41 ' 1 , Abington -- tkoa .Scranton ' • ; Tobyhanisa: -..1(689 ' . Stroudsburg - 1/17 _ • Water Crap - , •19 31- • - • - 12 - :45 Dslawire (lb minutes CO dine) 12:56 - Hope (Philad'a Connection) 1:20 Bridgeville . • - -:1:25 Washington • - .1:58 Junction • • • • 2a5• Nei York - - • 545, Philadelphia •• _-. • - 7.15 The Eipreis; 'Passenger • Traid,. South, con. uncle at Junction with 3 - p. m. train on the Cen tral Road for Easton. Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Reading; Hairieburgolitc." - • - 310iING NORTH, Passengers from New York, leave ;Pier No. 2 North Riv . er,:at Or foot - of Courtland street Frem Philadelphia • Leave Kensington - - . . 7:15 Leave Junction - . 11:15 . Due al Washington -: . 11:33 • . Bridgeville - • - . 1:1!01 p. .m Hope(Philitd,a connection) 12:13 • Delaware (16 minutes to dine) . 12:28 ° Columbia " • . - 1.:00 • Water Gap ' . 1:14 Stroudsburg - - 1:28 - Tobyhanna •- . 2:46 Moscow 2:21 . !Scranton .• - . 4:10. Abington . • - • 4:47 - • F,actorvville, . • Nicholson - - 542 • Hopbettom... 5:43 Eir • MONTROSE. • -. . 6:04 Mew Milford . 6:22. ,Great Bend " - • • 6:40 Connecting it Great Bend , with the Mail train Weal` at e . . . . and the Night Express at - 1:36' it. ca. The Mail Train, West. which leaves. Great Bend at 7:24 p.•to,• is a thrones Train, and reaches Dunkirk at 8:47-a. tn. dtecOItiODATtOnTRAIN;--Ifoving North. Leave &rant for Great Bend at. 9:40. a. in." Factorrille - • --• 11:00 Nicholson- • - . t••• - • 11:30. Monorail° ' - - • . 12:45`. Groat Bend. • . 4 . 1 :30' Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West at 3:06 . Movnta SOutu.' • ' The New York Express, East, ar. '- • rives at Great Bend at - '1:17 p. to and connects with the Accommoda. Train which leaves Gt. Bend at Montrdne - . 3:10 Nicholson . - - 4i20. / Factoryvillo - 5:14 Due at Serinton - • 6:40 . . The Accommodation train 'does not leave Scranton until atterthe arrival of the morning train on thej,ackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R., thus giving_pssaengers.from theNtryorning Val ley a direct connection for the West, - by the morning train. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division a Pas anger Car will be at. tached to the Exproas Freight tiain— Leaving Scranton, at . . 4:00 a: m. Duo at Moscow ' . 5.40. Stroudsburg - . 10:25 Junction - 3:10 p. m. Returning; leaves Junction at 3:40 a. m. Due at - Stroudsburg at - - 1:35 Moscow - .. 12:50 p. m. • Scranton . 2:25 Passengers to and , from New York will change cars at Junction. To and fora Phila., vta . B.D.R.R.. leave or , ake cars at Hope. For Pittston, Kings. ton and Wilkes:Barre, take cars of Lackawinna & Bloomsburg It R. at Seranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take_Otnnibuisses, at Scranton. Tickets sold and baggage checked ranonan. • JOHN EIRISBIN, Supt. - Wm N. JENKS, General Ticket'Agent. Scranton, Nay 23d, 1860. •, B. M. Pettengill* Advinelisiugg Agents, at 449 Nasian-st, ...,New-York, and )0 State-st, Boston, are agents for The Montrose Democrat, and are au thorized-to contract for us at our lowest rates. A SUPPLY OF WALL PAM. I VARIETY Of STILES. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., &C. A NEW SUPPLY, just arrived. and for sale A cheap, by A.TURRELL Itigntrose, March 156,1860. arm . ElEA.tlvra. motEDI RED ITl4frate Willo. An aperiesit and stomachic preparation of MOH purified of Oxygen and Carbon by con; blurtion in Hydrogen, of high medical Whisk ity and eitraordinary efficacy in, each -of the following complaints. mix.: , Dzzurry, owns Ammomi. liga- CIATION. 'DIAPEPALA. THAERMIA, coNen- PATION. SCROFULA, SALT EtHETlN i r anim tVT, IAVHDICIL LIVEZ COXPLAMS •i TIMH. HERM= CONISEQUENCIS,INTER =ENT CIEMOIRO HEA.DACEES, IFIKALE Inman; Nis. MENSTRUATION. WHITES, WILOROMA etc PIMPLES ON THE .PACE, zintomnssa. of THE SKIN, etc. • The IRON being alworbed by the blood, and thne.eirculating through the whole system, no part of the body can !eggs their truly wonder. ful influence. • - • ' The experience of dm:wands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be Compared with it. Impurities of the blood, dn. premlon of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions _ indicate its no:deity in al , . -mat every conceivable cam. In all cases et - 11tenside debility (floor alms, chloresda, etc.), its Obeli are delightfolly renovating. No remedy has ever been discirtered, in the - whole history of_medleine, whithexerte each prompt, happy, andtally restorative streets. Good appetite, cow plots d4sWes, rapid aegehdtiow of string, . with an unnesal disposition for active sad cheerful eterciee,slamediately fiellow its nee. Al a grand - Stomachic ind general restorative it bat ettporieemail no sibetltute. _Put up be lest gat metal boxer esetabibial le prna.. prier 50 mita-par - boa Luta brim, SI 50; ono dots. bazus.llls 00. For wok by Drssslsta pm= be beat free to way riduourew tbspelbe. An imp. tats, eederr. - stn. aeoli be ibearmad I • - • • • • R. B.- LOCKE. Ix CO. , GettestAlgektow 14k,kitedmitieg4:1„. ea - Vjal Por silo in Moiitio 414;45 17 .ABile TV, 4.‘ - : \LIFE- MEMORIALS.. ~,IVOULD N 'T TAKE A WORLD, FOR THIS,'' irlady lifelike& tons a day Or two . since, ,aa she exhibited the portrait of an onttehild, gone land;"- . which wen one of g TrCr3El3ESE5t',' rIMIMITASEE MB O 1 P regret it, hid I not seem Ad meteors( 's precious of that dear one." So thought we: . . The loved ones st,* , 4ot always Grit tas t and while Weans call thmii'burs; every pee should secure sueil:e. , memnihd; especially w incek they can have them-so truthfully taken. by• but.suicessful artist,--A. B. TUBBS, of 'Bing. ?iturou. , " ' dee- :\ HOLIDAY- -:PREIBMI.;:, rrhe subscribers have this day reCeived another invoice Of Jewelry, -4,- diriell from the ; manufactory; and are uow prepared' to shOw to ihelr friends the best assortment - of goods. ever lefore offolia ih this inarkei..Aliperstms Wish ng to make their friends andfamiltes Christian* Presents. are invited ,to call and examine. ' •deen • EVANS d. ALLEN. Odd Fellows' -Hog!, Hinghamion, N 17; IVEEDLES.--13and and' weed - Tidy'" Nee dies, Tatting Shuttles, Crochet ,Needles, awing, Darning . and Knitting Needles, for Sale y .-, ... - EVANS. & ALLEN. LE EVE-BUTTONS ' best assortment of Sleeve• Bit tonti I:WS - tads, II prices" and qualttlei, ' or sale - by li. 1 ( - , - . EVANS & ALLEN. ' }, PECTACL,ES.—GoId, - Silver, Steel ' and i German Silver Spectaelee, of all age's, for le by - - EVANS & ALLEN.. , . 1 , AT.CHER4—A large stock 'of — gold and, sil -1 ver %VS:tubes ortne blot milkers, many of ;thorn of our own importation, tit prices much ! 'lower than - have ever bean sold hi ,town—War lranted good time keepers. ', E."& A. 1 11—Also, Watch Chains...a filst rate assortmebt pi GOLD Fob, Vest, and Guard Chains. - - rf OCKETS--4 very 'fine assortment, GOLD ? .1:4 nod Plated, 1,./. 4, and 6 faces. :"F - --' . .. ;c1 ILVER Ware—a large stock' orsteilm" gill. I z ver ware, consisting of spoons, forks, ladles 1 Pc" cake, pie, im, cream, butter, & fruit knives, 1 II hildrens setts; napkin rings, card cases, etc. ,13LATED Ware—Castors, cake baskehs"card 1 ;I. receivers, tea setts, ice- pitchers, sugar has. Ck, els, salt cellars, forks, spoons, toast :hicks, gob lts, etc. nci'v o - , ,- EVANSd: ALLEN. ' 7:30 - .8:00 • No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall. Washington at, Our, Vrobislon 'F§t9rt.; At !MONTROSE, NE door below:i. Ethridge's Drug. Store, on Public Avenue, whore will be found constantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, ouch as,Stigars,.Molasses, Syrup's, Teas, Coffee &e , du., Sco , Also the ehOieest brands of FAMILY FLOUR' feat, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candli.s &C. 5 We solicit kshar . e.of thepublie patronage, and pledge ouraeWee t o do the fair thing, hoping by teach bargain to secure another. BALDWIN . * ALLEN. wail. L. ALFERD lILLDWIN " HOWARD ASSOCIkTI ON , 6 . PHIL - JUILLPHLI..,* . el Benevolent Institution established by spe riot .Endowment. for the Relief of the Siek t t, • and Distressed. afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of DiseaSes of the. Sexual Organs. lila EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the ILYA Acting Surgeon, tc all who apply by letter; with a description of their Condition. (age. oecu pation, habits of life. &C.,) and in case 4 of ex treme povertv.medieines furnished free of charge. tValuable reports on Epermaturrhcea, and oth. et Diseases of the Sexual Organs, sent to the or Picted in sealed letter envelopes, free 01. charge Address,- Dr. J. Skillin Houghton. Acting Sur teen, Howard Association, No, 2 South 9th-et., i . hilad a, Pa. By order of the Directors. toes ',.PAILItiIII." 11l EBBING & Company. t ile. elle Chastnit Street—MlNE% Rall—Pbilad'a. - - - fUILY Manufacturers i Cha m pion _ uof Herring's Patent -- ' .-_-, -,•:. . Fire & Balla' Proof Bates, secured 1 i't, "• with Hall' Pa ren un P ilir. w areli de kide r , Loe mat & 3l.4. s h — e as, • World's Fair, London aBsl and the 1 ' ' • 143 Wo th rld r 's w .Fru c r h • • More Than Nl' wessty.ilionsatid Herta ug's Safes have been sold, and are now in actual use, ard pearly 400 - have - been tested in accidental fifes and have never failed to- preserve their contents. We also keep on hand and'make to ordbr— welling House Safes, " Sideboard and Parlor afes"—(imitntion of handsome f urniture)• of elegant design and workmanship. • Also Burglar Proof,Safes for Banks, Brokers and Jewelers, Vault Doors, Safes for Specie, Silver Plate, &c.—The Burglar Proof safe in use at the Treasurer's Office of, p., (at Circleville,) was manufactured by us, and pi university Acknowledged to be the strongest Safe in the - WORLD. . Personi swishing safes will find it to their in terest to call or send for.our - catalogue before Purchasing elsewhere, as these are the only safes Ohichhaie proved themseleres perfectly Proof and free from dampness. ?' 81,000 REWARD will be paid to soy person ithst - ean show that a.Herring's Patent Champion ;Safes - ever tailed to - preserve its contents in au )secidontal fire. - _ ap4 3m C. I.IIEII 7 • 'MONTROSE , PENNA. rrillE•subsciiber having, purchased • refitted and newly furnished th is - above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to_accommodate the trav eling public-and others with all the - attentions kind conveniences usually found id . first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro. enlet°, and his Assistants to make the Hotel qual in every goinrto any in the country: The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables,connected with this Heusi are large,-roomy and . convenientiand care(ul any attentive Hostlers are always in charge of them - • J. S. TARBELL MEATMARKET. , . .0n Public .Avenue. near Searle's Hole!. 1 . EEP constantly on nand a good supply .01 MEATS of all kinds. CASH paid for II Catile,Calyes,Siseepood Lambs. ?its° for Hides of nil kinds. • : ! - 'HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. i!l'7. FIENNT'oCK. ' . N. HAWLEY: i ' Montrose, March 30th, _ '59. 7 -tf: - , - - . BILLINGS STROUD,' i F IRE and LIFE IN 'I.IRANCE 'AGENT,— Montrose,Ta. WE, the undersigned, certify :that we were jam' red in Fire Insurance Companies represented by Mr. Billings Stroud. of blontrose, and that, having mitered loss by .fire while so insured, we ivere severally paid by said companies to the full extent of onr claims; emigre have confidence In bim as a rod and effective agent. JAS ZIPRON COBB.. - LATHROP & DEWITT, H. J WEBS, F. B. CHANDLER, - -J. Lyon &Sox, BEM. GLIDDEN, LEONARD SEARLE. BlentrUse, Novemlier'9. I.uu I NCHESTEit'S HYPOPHOSPHITES of V Litan n.nd.:l342fin, kitsennfflunption;- HO lovrajOa.Ointonent and.Piltailidsonn Mountain Herb-WI; imulanaily -ill. gni Medi; in 4 sane' tined, oujikbeonarkekite liontrose, Jan, 9. . ABEL TuRRELL. NIEW HERRING'S SAFES. TESTIMO2r IA LS. MO : I4EVY' ttARRANGEMENti ,Fo ago. GR EAT:: A:TT - R ACTION S E, vdcrr,Or EITAIST B 3T. glut extenslye Furniture Establiphtheit:of 1 - Siam Baottriimi baying been refitted aid greatly. imPriived. the preprietitia'reapeetfully announee l to the eitlsens,4 Mout,rompand slate. ity that -they are ronlitantty making and keep On hand the LARGEST ind'OEST assortment of E she. thelolloling Of iiotvi which, we will eel) . at*reatly racitteo prieeti,'N.Vsatt or Act nir.;Piy : Bureaus. Walnut or Idahogany.„.with glass, • Bureaus with marble or brarstelle tops. fr' o2 11,18:1P,524. --And .a large-matioriatent, from $B, 11104.0. IC to los, Wash Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Squire Standa t or all rprietiel l sod pews, frpre p fi cents to ten diellars. • Desks, Divans-,Towel'Racks,Foolatools,Otto-, mans;Loubgit, Ate. • ° Centre, Card; 'Pier,' Tvilef,,- - Dieiri;g; "and Eireteinn"Titilit: - ".' Chairs,Csao .andz.WOad Sea*: RAckere•-• _Cane, Flag, Wocl Sakti; of isV4i i .vpriaty / and'syle; " " " re, 2 L , tete a WO' tarnished at short ooac at New York,prjees.. „ N. , `,lteidy„.maria - leelKes; 114 ':gt. 6601 ,at .short ,notice.-thirsts allays ,in. readiness when desired. -.• • = ; We essplo3iitone bat CARsllrAind n ElTEr- ENdEti WORKMEN: We intendte Cott•Wi.s: IVEtt., and sell it as Low as , • \A..SMITHi.IIII.,t E. R. IEIIIIIIIII. Illontres,e, inn. 18th, 18611.—t1 — . E. NEW / GOODS !I • gararsville Centre, Stisq.`co, 1 A tAs Paper.' Wiiidow Pupal, atui . kriuka, V V • Very large stock thia • dav neetavkl,, April ".17th. , K. KEN YON. JR. & CO. • Challis. silos, lovi ns it'd c.lient4l, an immense. variety, fiv R: KENYON. JR. '4lt CO.f. EVERY style 4 Cotton Pant Gooda:"lttc. 9is ;ely reed by R KENYON, JA. & • Q ILK, Brocha. and Ciahmere shawls. a !aria' 0 'atock,.LOW. R. RENVON.In. & 1°BBL& I'OBACCO this day received and ../ for eale loVer than elsewherrin.Susqe'a county: - -R. KENYON. .IR.:O‘. CO.f • 10 0 o r s B a :A b L y Et e A ' b ly x r store ir LARGE Stock of FANCY Dry GxklY tor pale-by • , R. KENYON, :Ifl• &"COI IVEA Setta:—FiCo Elegant ogyles. eamplett.- 1 from sto $5O. ft KENYON,JS.& CO. Lnamille.CPntry; Pa.. April. 1860— • • • HORATIO: OARRATT • Dealer in FLOUR. GRAIN. -'GROCER IES: PROVISIONS. DYE 1 WOODS, Staple DRUGS; ; -WOODENiand STONE TARE.-ALL - 'KINDS if HO,USEKEEPING ARTICLES d 7 YANKEE - NOTIONS IN GENERAL:—one-door' North of Barnum's Hold, Yew WOULD be pleased to - see - all his old friends and many . new ones at his NEW St4re fronting the DEPOT, where he is •prepared show them such a stock of- the above articles as New Silford has long stood in peed of. "Division-of trade has as inanv Adventage.slas division of labor." Any man . confining hirnspf to one branch of business, giving that branch his whole Capital and:attention can keeps better assortment, bug cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than it; the same means and time was employled in a general , trade. If von' dont -think so. 1111 oa tne subscriber and be convinced.- The sound principle of . I SMALL PROFIT - AND PROMPT PAYMENT, will be strictly-adhered to. Butter- and oilier Produce forwarded - to New York -to one of (he best commission houses in the City, and pronipt payments guaranteed: - t • . HORATIO GA RHATT4 New Milford. Hum. Co. Pa, April,-1860 -.I KEYSTONE HOTEL ; At MoiltrosC_Penn. WM. S. sivrci; Proprietor. rrfHlS'new and commodious Hotel situated J. on Public Avenue. near the Court Homie,and nearly in the centre , of the businery, portion (of Montrbse. is now fu ly completed and furilishq, and "was °pencil on Monday. the 27th day tor September, l 858„ for the accommodationlot' the public and traveter% The Proprietor fob confident that he fs now prepared. to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give I Complete. &dilatation.. "- The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no -ex pense has been spared to tender it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the . State. It is well supplied with, all the recent improvements- and comtortsoind obliging waiters will always lie readyto respond to he call of customers. - The btablea connected _with this. 'House re - - ...NOW and Coiivezdent. Tho Proprietor respectfully Wiens the patron age °lbis old friends, and the public generally, WM. CJIATCF.Ir- • PLM3I•I4:::O‘7, G.• F. FORIMIAM HAS removed his shop aCross the .street,!te the building one -door below Keeler' & §toddard's, which he has fitted up expreitaly fora • Saddle, Harness - and .Trank Shop where mav•be found all kifids of • 3EC.A.MLNMSIM , frOm the heaviest team, to the tightest trotting harne•bc, and a general aasorment 'of trimmings which will be'inad.e up or sold very lew„ - Carriage .Trinusdngs: A good assurunerit on hand, which' will be sold very lbw; all trimming done cheaper than else. where. OAK LEATHER .oti hind. leo!) which harnesses will be made and WiStrra.l3,tedos • * * iCustomers will please bear in mind that, 1 wish to settle up once a year. Those - having unsettled act:oriole, or notes due, will oblige by settling or making plyinfoilvvitlibot further delay. U. F. FORIIIHAM, Feb. 24th.1 , ' Mobtroae, Pa'. . .Salt, alil. - 2 , alt, 1. I ; - Milfil.,•! WHOLENALE • SALT -- DEALER. , ;:, 201 WastOugtoit-et,- - - . 3... • - (Directly opposite Washingtop . Market,) New York, 1 STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city. an COUN't rey trade, all kinds of FOREIGI4 Coarse and Fine Sala, at the very lowest fignizelt; 40000 sacks and•baga, consisting in pait of Ahh ton's celebrated brand for , table an . ii Jeffrey & Derck', - Marshall's , Bp:millets a,lte. and- 1 30000 buishelw Teas "BoriareiLt raetta,SLUbea, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivici, Nantes,,C it 4l all of,which will be cold at bargain prices fr om vessels, store end atorehousea.._ Any purchaser Wishing to select from a gOod assortment will 6nd it to hili N. B.;—Fine table salt put op in mall bags different sites, and constantly on hand. in ping order. Also a splendid article: of / Rnek Ground salt, in quart, boxes, pot, up aryl or sale by the quantity. in tuxedo( five dozon nob f, DOCKET DIARIES AND NAC3 tier 1840: s large vriety. n4 - Indelitolo Pencils for marking, wear i ng a ; (mare), :Waroi,pie# ant to, fade or wasir out,-tor . • le , be. • - / - • -IVItULLAAP: "_,..... ...,,:,,t Atilt'.. ~' 1 7' - SAT '' , OFitt • . , • • •^,- , / • -.. ip.• . • . 7 ; . / COMMERL':CIA COLLEOL • / . , _ Lopayso - OVZIt 11111r3QUIRAANA TAILIRYI9II,I, '. - BINGHANITON „-Y. noomiopon.for loatructfOn feenos. at, t09:30 ~1611001110 TY: "; b r lii.wal,l i firiSclpal; 'Professor, Of the : - Scienre' of Acc e inhi, Ilivonntard. ,ta ; b o eof 1.0. W s TreatieicliPini.Deok:Kt.fipl ing, Diagrams -ill' trating'the same. Jona Resale, Consnereial,Accoontant, Prefeer ' of: Book kespinean4 P,ractical klathematfcs. 3. J. Corns, A6sistone Professor In the-Book , ..tiCeePiettPePortolfent..., ". A. 4 . kYliultayfinffmusor of -Practical and Or: naniental Penmanship, Commercial Calculi _ tions Cclrcerode'lleF -• " •••• ,"/ `• ' •'' • Hdn. Daniel S. Dicliirson; Lecturerrois Coa in r. cialLaw an& PofitkaltAxlimi4.. • t • Boo: ,Ransoift:Babm.'Leiturer os Crag:seta; Pro,millearg, Nowi slattilitta of Exchange: 264, ur• AillifOrfELOOtgrer calnalireial Edda: • - : • •EXAftililliackiason*TEkt.., H • •. on; Sherman - D. P.helps, WistlLOsborp,-Eiq., TraeY B» bi,9 l llSri: Esq. ' • .-,' • - • The oblt•e ortlds College - is afford. L i ', all, an.opportunitY obtaining a Ibeiougb Businesi Education. ' „I The Books andr B ; , nis are carefolfy aryantud; by practical oxen ts - eicpressly fer!this etitirtion and embrace all she 'recent improve.' musts. t " ' '• • ' , „ in . The parse ..,ostruction. ,eomprisies , every department, of Vastness. The learner. ; will, be thorooghll. - , fatight?the Science ana practice of . Double Entry,, Boolr•Reeping sa applied" to the following kinds-of loudness, viz: - Genera)*lider. ehandiaing, MiuMfactaring. -- Banklngi'Comaila.' Steamboliting:: Railroading, Ferias - Ming,. Freighting, FuesigutiShipping. &c. • peparimpt• ,eatitely "operate- from diet of the gentlenten. . • . Students eait College_ at any time-an d receive individual ipstroction. =Ry tbis arrange I meet eierylittident is permitieffin 'Progress - 1m rapidly as hie; eatiArPriae and ability' will per: mit,- and when, ihniugh, perfect andcOmplete", will receive a iDiAlems. which will enable him to review at pleasure. . Time to complete, the conrse,-6 toil weeks. No vacations. Board-82 to $2,50 per Week.' VERB'S: - . . For Dook•Keeping, accountant's course, ine:uding Printing Penntanshiii, Comuiercial Computations and Diploma, (Time unlimit ed,) • - ' "lel $35 00 Same course for Lidiee (separate) 20,00 Tonmsruship and Atithmetic, - ?'t. IU LO Teachers' cOutiatt in Penmanship, Practi•-„ *cal sod Ornameital,— 1 - 30.00 Twolve'lessons Pram:lull:Penmanship, 2-,00 • ar OceumOnal classes will 'be fanned in Thonograpl., 'particulars lend for a circular. ! . . ' °tip' y DB. tgivn.culmsr v.- CURE FOR - CONSUMPTION. l• HYPOPHOSPHITES,OF LIME AND OF SODA. ry HAT FATAL Scourge of the haman race. Constimplioe':. 7 --can now be prevented and ctiarm, with tho Same CERTAINTY'S as any other disease. - Remedy dikovered by Dr.Churchitl of Pads, has performed more cures of Confirmed - Consumption in a singl4 year than can be round thti records of Medical History in the past centuryi! I Q4' Read the foilowingsTeslimonials. 4 l4 Cure of a vim iri the Last Stage—lt . you %caul. facts, I can giie them . abundantly, (hit the Hy.. pophosphrtes is thd only Remedy that ,:an ,cure cor.sumption. - Reid what Dr. Powers says : J. Wuccuisvan,lEsit.—Dear air. I atft an Alo., why; of thirty years practice, ill 'Weide - in New York. My first trial of the Hypophosphites was Made a year ago December, with greet success: Miss Ft C.. agedi2s years: Thiswas truly a hard one. The patient had been.pronounced a consumptive for sij years previous Inv the ,begin fling of the treatment .She evidentle { vas in the 3d and - Last stage , 4 wherein in the 2d atag.e in each Luau . several- cavities in the 4e ft Lobe._ showing cavernous rale& ; a most - I incessant cough,; pulse too crNuent and weak Ito count. With -these symptoms of confirmed Phthisis, having no faith. in [Any remedies I had ever be fore used, I wrote to you and obtained 3 bottles of the Hvpolibovpbites.,On using oneJ her sym p. toms improved ;- and during the use Of the WI and sixth, yhe waKetrong enough to walk half a mile. From the, up to this week, when I saw her, she has been at work. This remarkableeure, - I mu 4 in candor, say, was effected tieittO ityropnosrnrrES. - - GEORGE .R. POWER 8„• M. D. Cutaa; Wycnio# Co., N. Y., March 12, 1860. STILL MORE REMARKABLE CURES! I r - The following hitter rota an old physician in Chester Cd.- must satisfy all. who; have 'ever. doubted . the efficacy of this Wonderful Remedy: .-- " - Cnantsw.3d Month, 2811 i. 1860. Fatxtirl'.l.- Wirtemitiaza: * *Z, *,_iThirry-six persons' have.obtained the ritediciati from me,, twelve of which helve been under my own care. Five of them were; id my opinion, add the jadg. ment of other physicians, "hopetesa cases of Phthisis--irritable; cough, copious le:odors tions of 'operalettt character, night sweats and emacipation. Thee cases were item One - to three years stsodimg.- , Attoculation add percns mien developed sounds. which,' taketkin connec ion with other symptoms, gave evidence of a crmdithin from which I have never, in seventeen, yearn practice, sled a.single case recover by any other treatment. I* * * ' Under the,treat; meat of the Hypophosphitee, ill the :bad•ayinp, , toms ceased; and. ;they' have gained flesh and strength; and health-some of them better than they had enjoyed fdr seven years prayiensly. The other dasits;mmter my rare ware in the incipient stages, add in, them all syniptoms add traces Of the diisease haye disappeared.; . Of those who were not under my cant:A hat ei not heard of a single patient . Who did not: express himae't -benefitted by the use , of the-Remedy ; although in some of them the disease was too far ad. canned to'admit thelpossibility of receveiy. - - .. I pieiume I am es skeptical - In:medicines, o spts.tiftea, as most physicians; jet;•frdm the a -perience I hive had id theltser Dr. J. , F. %bre hill's Remedy, for Turbeictentiii- I -Would atilt testi who have a telklencyto that i diudssi---TsWe it; and the stioner-t the "better,: berg" ' there is diaorganiiation.' 1 * * - - :1 • • _Wi, W: TOWNS ND, M. - D. 7 • Waucheiter a ifAeintior Hyphophoo. phitem ACT WXTH PR 3 1F10.S8_?k i ND CERTAINTY • in ivery z atwu or pcNsu IP TION,•• ind • with iiivsable•effidne.Y- itt' all De rangetnhats of the . Neryetniand Blactd : Systettits, General Debility, pyanepsia,..Astlime, Rickets; Fernale Cowin! tit Sperrnatorrherr, in all 41 s. orders-depende 'Ma hapeifect or .1 ai Pal Fell mg, trititio. and.' ;allows, Unite) mr,ceustitutionitt. iqrusio - ',the nercpui, or 'vital ; . /t energy, r hero Cril i iih, o ac k: slieh t B westa, and dintin Expect() - Lion,. JoprovA - th e appelho; arr Dburhceo, *mote refrashintaloap; and 4:7 new . and Haaltfay. Blood, :1 - - L , -, • est " _ .. , A - FAIR TRIAL IS A"'C'F.R.TAIN:oUREI• ' - Painser4.-In 7 and 16 ounce bottles. $1 and $2:. DO notconfound Lida remedy with Ilbe-Pboa. pbatatiOr Chriniiial • Food. Beware of all pre. petitions, containing Iron, the use of which; in 41 .1 4 ilmon 3 Pilon; is pronounced highly, dangeruna And , !criminal ••., by= fminent-• medical i au th ority. ‘ Sent- for'•iiiy: newt Ciictlar, whiih ?gives , . the only, rehaNe InforaiittioniirrookitoDr.Chtireli Pro ;•T/ 034 itinent.' ;:lnqolro' for T riad i. ,use . on!! W...licutsilit 4 e;o*Stioileptailaiitoo." 'Old whionftat'bi 4d 5il1: - nlr4iptrtibl64l:oooll.4 113 4 . .eV , V.h . 100 3111 4 RAlOll,,t , *44; 9 / 1 4°, 1 #4 Ikli i i 4 / 4 4 1 0.40, Stall ol ll_,. ' ' ' - N - ,1 • ....,' " '0- ia - -:,- - :: ,. .C.P...JrAP11N0t.., tOT,E114:::, '11„1:41 0 %Zt,..-.iv.i. r4B Jobe street, or ealiby AZEL TURRELL;Montroio; • 10,00,04hipisiriatesi8 .soid.'_H • ERTIODYII - faiWYER • Awn • ay)MIIIIIZIwLC RINInNIZMEn3B: F.nevilt Crosby,. or rive 'reicavetrent BAR. IE tiells.irfiat!how to'raw up Partnership Pit '. • . . _ ~pers :turd givee general terms, - ,jor-Agreemeita of all-kinds, Tills or Sale, Leases and Pe 'titions. a . iad ••:: 1 Nottgsges, 4fftdavits 2 Powers • oirA ttortity;lleted "and' Bilis • ' of Riettanr,ilieeelpts add Ite; It tells rimilThe lAsie•for the Collection. of - Nitta; with Ake' Stattitel - of Litbitationirid amtiutend kind' _ ''• ._olProPerty Exempt - from Ex. ;.•• ecution in every State. It tells yogi Hdw. .to mik'er en Aseigninent • •••• 1- preperly, , wifhloims fur Cow. .••• ,1 , position lvith-V rs redito, and: „, _ ..the ,Insol vent : Laws of every It tells yeasy The legal relation • existing 'to.' tween,,Gtetrtlian, and,. NV : and - ord.. Vaster and .APpr,entice, I - landlord. arid Tenant. ' ' It talks gent,,Whitt constittites ..I,iber anti ;• , 1 . Slander, and the :4 141, tp: Marriage' Mittel% the: ” , Ir Right in •Pettperty; PiVorcii• !, • and Aiid3onr,_ ,; ; rem The Is -tor I . ti eche/de l Liens in • i e i ti t r i 7 o , n fi ci .int: ri t'; tu r d th th is e, ,N ecni at n u t ri ty l. ; - • •„' and. holy to 'comply .with the , • . ••• , same. , • It you: The Law Concentitig Pensions end how to obtain one;and the PIO-Einption. Laws to Public r :LAMB. •• ' It tells Tett The Law' tor Patenfs, with mode of "proCedure in obtaid : , .log one; With. interferences, . . Assignmenteiktble of Pe4. ' . • It-tells you How , to insker pur Will; and holy to-Admintsfer on an 'Es . . tate, withibe law and require- • • 'meats thereof in every State: It tells yout The Moaning of Law Terms is. • ' . . general. use, and eiplains to you theelative,Elecutive • and Legi PoWers if. both the General and Stale Govern. - 77 • It,tellll.yotS Hovi to . leep out , of - Law, by - ' ''ihowing how to do 'your bu siness legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexations litigation, by its time; ly eonsnitatien t -• `<<Smgle.copies will be sent by mail,. postage to Overt Farmer, every Mechanic, every man of . Business, arid every- body in every. - State,' on receipt of $1.00;or in law style of.bindingat $lOOO A YE %It can' be made riner-• prising - men everywhere, in selling t -above, Work. as our all .au are-very - For' single copies of - the . ljoidc;:oc, fbr terms to agents, with , other informiticra, , tatply- to or address • " JOHN' E. POTTER, Pfiblisher, • ;j , t7m6.1 N 0.61 7 Sansen fit ., poisirs Pa. • What Eirerybody Wants. THETAMILY DOCTOR: tosimmixo , SIMPLE REM EDIES EASILY OBTALNED, FOR THE CURE . OrDISEASE IN ALL FORMS. • ET` • Professor Henry & Taylor, H. D. It tells yaw How:•to attend - upon the 'sick, • • ; and how to cook for them; how • to - prepare Drinks, Poultices, 6zc., and howto guard kg,ainiit infeCtions from Cemagious Di- • • ' seises. It tells you . Of the - Various diseases„ - of • dren, and- gives the be. 7 t aod simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, - • Vaccination,Whoopiin , -cough i , , Measel.s, dtc. ' • It tells you The sympoms of Cron p4h niers Infautum Chao._ -Diarrhces, • Worths, 4ealded Hesds, Rihg . . worm, phicken.por,.&c., and • . gives you ..the. beat Jemedies• , for their cure. - : • It telb.yena The symptoms ofFever and Ague; - ' and Billfms, Yellow, Typhus, • Scarlet and other Fevers, Sod = • • gives you the best and simplest - remedies for their cure. It tells you' The - symptoios of Influenza, - Consuroption,Dispepsi s ma, Dropsy;-Gout, Rhematism, • Lum bago,Erysipelas, dtc., and gives .3 on the best 'remedies . ; for their cure. 'lt tells you The sympteme Cho'eri nor . • bus, blalignanteholera, per, Dysentery, ,Cramp;-•Dis -, eases of the B la dder, Kidneys . . • and .Liver, a n d "the _best ,ems die s for their cure. f IIE tells you-The symptoms of Plenrisy f • , Mumps, Neuralgia, ApoplYxY. Parulysie, the rarities Disssses • of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and - Eye, and the best rembdies.for • • , their eure. s It tells yoU The symptoms of.. Epile Jatindiee. Piles, Rupture/Dis.. •V eases of thefleart,i'libmor rha,,,re, Venereal batties t and Hpdrcii)hobia, and 4ives _the best remedies fo i rieir eure.' s It tells you Theletit and earn t remedies - for Wounds, Dioken Boni: bd • - Dishicaticinv;Spraine,t,ockjiw, Fever Sontit, - White Swellings, - - •., Uleets,Whitlows,•floilia,Senr ,Kurd", and.Serofola. - It telln•yo0 Of e/variOtii diseases Oecoliat - • to/Women, and gives thebest . and'sim pleat remedied for ttkir /cure, together with many dal: liable 'hints. for the preserve; • 7 / i t . Lion o f hialtb.' - The work is writtenAn - plain tannage, free freed thedi&ll:lerms; tai as' to be easily under isfoodyWhile its simple reeeipes may'soon:iovi you tittles the cost of ,the. book.' It is Pputed"in a. chatr and open' type; id illustrated. •Rh appropriate engravings, and will- be for warded t¢ yourtiddress,;neatly bound and post age paittion the .reeeiptrof st.po. _ • slim* A YEAR can be 'made by, en!er prising nien everywhere, -irt ' thisadmvi work, as Indtfeeliatints - to, all such aravery - For to agents address jeattl. . . . . .. . . gle eopiei - of the 'Wok, or. forget:Ma with other , information; apply or JOHN E.-POTTER, Publisher, .. 1 .. No 617 t3aniont• 86 Phil's - Pi: : '-- - -. ..1V1vi.7*8 - . I ..SIIVIPSOI, '. ‘•) W.LT;LOIETI_Inkk- Sky, , Boyd . Web. tir's new • next door - ' above Beelir.4•Stoddanfit'' . • TArAVlNG"':woritid for the ear'i :ILL !frith 'll4 most skillful work inen,,N confident: that he can do the most difilcnit jobs Au Work .Warraskii to Rife • • . -W; Ehatraoar . has Worked Tor trio" for_acirne time. and I cao recommend him; aa a raiiful and. *Wild workman ! competent to do. aa jg o o d wor k as Oa donp iu the crinatry, and -, worthy oT confidant:a. Towanda /luso ,so,oi-lias: .Itefetl ti—Walc.Elwell i E.' W: Baird, CA iloptsyne; E O. egiodikh, B. Kiel/airy, Tow,* di; I,:i. , B.l)iptlfy;;l Sefule;D• lACIT#Rt WilLePtikre ' • - • • selevielqriatly repidred optics; aid oßiiassinitsteiinnv Pune Otti, ATRIST: UTE ASSORThtnir e api,4 the 'Twines, at lowest markiolds MeattotVB, *eh ' 6O l 4 aTURR=,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers