MONTROSE, JIYNE;' 20(10. . FOURTH OZ,J I 7I , I7:OFIEBRATION AT MONTROSE. The citizens of Montroim and totirnshipe adjoining will celebrate the ! r ah pianNer sary of our National Independence; as ihl lOws:. ORDER OF EItERCISES.I4 1 I A National Salute Stsunrise, tinder the command of atilt.: James ;I T Mead, • .Friendsville Artillery: II • 2. Reception of the ,!tiy4ll.64' Bose Company, of Scranton, Guests Of tß4gh Jr Ready Fire Company No. I ; and !speech on behalf of the citizens of Monyesf, Eby B. S. Bentley, Esq., which will take place at Searles' Hotel, at 8 o'clock, suMl 3. The Procession will form on the- Pnb lie• Square, at 1I O'clock, a. nu, in. the lowing order:—Martial Music, Officers of the Day, Montrose Brass Bitid; Montrose Fire Engine Company -plto.t 2; Hetherby's Cornet Band_ and Nity4lig Hose CoMpany of Scranton, Rough; & ,Ready Fire Engine Company No. 1{ Wide Awake Fire Engine Compan y " . yen's Military Band, Soldiers of 1 . 812, and Citizens. Aftermarching through theptin cipal streets, will proceed • to i dle Fair Grounds where the following exer cises take place :—Prayer by Rev. J. C. BoOm er, SOng by the Glee Club, Remfingj the Declaration of ,Independence, Music by the Montrose Brass. Band, Oradell, Music by Hetherby's Cornet Band. 4. Presentation of Silver Triinii:;etcto the.members the Montrose Fille De partment, by the Ladies, will take 1 'place at it a.m., on the Public Spare:: -. I 4-1 5. A magnificent dis,play of Fire Work; and Torch Light Procession in the Evnn -la€• . OFFMEza of ma Dar.--Preaidani, Hon. Wm, Jessup; Viee - Preaidenta, Col. P. Wells, Tho Mas Johnson . , Esq., Col S. D. Townsend, H. J. Champion, Esq.,st - 1 F, M. Esq.; Marshal, Ggn.. . D. Lathrop; Assistant Marshals, Major -C. M. Gere, and Col. J. Brackneyi Ora tor, C. H. Winfield, ofderseyCit; head er, S. S. Hartwell, of,Montrose. Colatrrraa OF Amtaxuramin-L-A. Lathnip, H. Drinker, B. S. Bentley, L. Rosenbaum, I. 1.. - fost, G. Z. Dimock Mid 'C. L. Brown. . ' I ' All places of business will lie closed 4. ring the day. FOURTH OF 'JULY- CELEBRATION AT GREAT BEND. t .1, The people of Great Bend are making arrangements to celebrate the 41.1): with appropriate exercises. •Ditiner • mil; be furnished at t,he Hotels, anbration; Rein ing the Declaration, &c, with a Balloon Ascension at 4 o'clock p. and dis play of Fireworks in ,the evening. I ' l ' • Orator—d. B. McComx,%t, ESQ., of Mon trose. . Reader—Dn. Wnator, of Great Bend. Chief Marshal—Col...Ruircg Sytrrni of Franklin. A procession will be formed - and inaich by the afire and drumto the Square, near the .11htbodist Churell, where the exercises will be held. , CENSUS QUESTIONS, • • FREE IsnmarAms.—Name, age, Sex and eolor of every person, their occupa tion, the value of 'their real and personal. estate, birth place, married within" the year; attended school,..cannot read •or write, whether deaf, dumb, insane, idiotic, pauper,or convict. • Mormarry. REron - r.—Name, age, Sex and color of every person. who died with in the year, their birth place, month they died, occupation, cause of death; and mini her of days ill. ' AG RIC ULTT L PRODUCTIONS.--)7RMe of owner; agent, or manager of farm, acres of land, improved and . -- nnimproved, cash value of farm, .value.of ithplements, number of horses, asses, mules, milch cows, working oxen, other cattle, sheep, swine, value of live stock, numbeii, of buthela of Wheat, rye, corn, oats, pounds - of rice;!to bacco, wool, bushers'of peas and beans, po tatoes, barley, buckwheat, value of or chard products, gallona of wine, pounds of butter, cheese, tons of hay, bushels clod ver seed land grass seed, pounds of hops, flax, bushels of flaxseed, pounds of 'maple sugar, gallons of molasses, pounds of bees wax, honey, value of home made manufac-' tdrea, value of animals slaughtered daring the year. F. _ PRODUCTS OF INDUSTRY.—ASMO 01 per- . son er company •manufacturing articles to the value of $5OO a year, name of business,' capital invested; quantity of. raw material used, including file], kmds, "arid values, kind of motive power, average number of male and female hands employed, average monthly.costof labor of each; annual; pro duct in quantity, kinds and values. ' . lar It is estimated that the eipensis of the Covode Corruption Committee, Tor prititing-Ay a black Republican printer —And for the p"ayment of witnetseiblack Republicans mostly—will -exceed. fifty thotusand dollars. This one way of. re warding party favorites at the expense of the national , treasury. Par The amount of propertrititest4 in literary institutions by the Pi - otestant Episcopal Church is over $3,000,000. I ' NEW MODE OF PRESERVING AMPS.- Mr. E. E. Bailey brought to the editor of the Claremont.(N. 's delicious apple, the other-day, sample of a keg fill whieb be caused to be- securely, head ed up and sunk to the bottoth of his mill pond last November, where it hadlain =- disturbed through the winter and until about the l lth of iast. month. On bring ing hid cache of fruit to the surface and opening it, every apple 'gni!' found to be free from speck or rot,and'as fair and un wrinkled as on the day when taken, from the tree. A PECI4PSTANT PIG.-All Irishwomen In Bristol missed her pig, and afteri dili gent inquiry learned that it was hiposses sion of a highly, respectable citizen of that town. She strightway called upon him, when be informed her that the pig had . broken through a window int 4 the Episcia: pal Church, where his oind; sad if she would pay one dollardiunsiesi she could have the pig. She replied, " the pig sad the church =7 go the devil! I'll pay ne dells: for Llrelifbelse-tar.redltro• • teat or - DR: 'HAYES' ' : '-EDMON—PREP ARATIONS—LIST 6ROFFICERS. ' The,Coinmitiee : of the. AiniericanGeo7 raphitil Society on the Argo. Expedi:. tion, held a spec meeting, yeate.rdAY!--ai I the.o ffi ce of Cynis W. Fidd.' Dr'. j llayes was present, and Stated that theehjects of i theroposedlipeditien• were is follows: Is. The further 'eXplomtionof the open Polar Sea; diseicifereit ;10:31,r. ~ •i!r.ane.,„.,with • view Oraiteiag its limits', and char, acteroilid,tpue . ta aettleari...;s ,l ra..positiv:ely . this vexecTquelitiOn'." ivl .- il ,- .-• • 1:., . • :2d. To complete the stit7eyiif the north= e ques t ions re ni i3adt c i o ve s i t too s o dth f. e G ete r mrin ee s n otn lai tt d iism a mis i , d e,trth G ea rii nint in est e e4 ll oesr Lan rthe•natursil hiitory and the general physics l a of the unexplored region -north .Of Smith's Astrait.- -. . ..1 - -• -• - . • It was, decided Iby the Committee, that . 'wing , VS the lateness of the season, .and he consequent delay:of ten days, not , to • ring the - vessel -around. to- this city, but 'to despatch her fret : a Boston direct. Her crew willeonsist of the following officers: Dr..lsamis I. Ikea, Commander; . . pt. McCo'rmic,i ii4ing Master.;: Mr. , 11. W. Dodge,. first Officer; tv second officer, surgeon, • artist, clerk, steward, cook, and .ix men. She will. Carr y -four boats; two are bows in New London, Conn., and were .. uilt ' by . Mi. ..G.I W. Rm.lgersa ft er'the .atteri bf ' the lioiti wi l l 'by D ' i. 'Kane, ' ieit. De Haien, and Lient..Harstein. The . ..ati are about 24 feet long; 6 feet beam, and 20 inelits in depth ; there are sledges . nail on ,which 'the boatsare set; and the dogs-will draw them over the snow and ice._. Mr. Gibson Caruth e rs, the carpenter of the proposed: expedition, and who was he carpenter of tbe first !Grinnell expedi tioli in the brig AdVance; • leuves the city his evening . to attendlo the shipment of the boats from New London to Boston. :The third boat is one lof Francis' me- Ulric ,life-boatii, so constructed as to be ea fly taken apart; and readily put:together again; this boat, willbe similar to the one used by the Dead' Sea Expedition under :COMMander - tyn/h, U. S. N. The fourth oatiti-a-iiommon ship's boat. • Capt. McCormick, the: sailing master, and Mr. Dodge _ will leave the city to- Oirow, and will join' the vessel and take : hate' - of her until the arrival of Dr. r 'n ayes. - : The Committee! then fixed the day of ailing, which ii to be the 26th day 'of une. ; : Dr. Hays then /fated that he:would, on caving Boston, proceed direct to the oast of Greenland,.possibly: touching at t. Johns. On, arriving : on the coast of reenrand,' the 4xpeditiim. will stop at pernlvick, the : most northern out-post f - civilization, and the last missionary tation on the Greenland coast. Her they. ill procure dogs and furs. They will leitve his port about the 28th of July, and pro eed northii-ard tiro' the middle ice, and vill reach Smith Straight about the mid le of August. IThe .- remainder of the cutou t until the 19th of :September, will e occupied in reaching a secure Winter iarbor on the west -past of Smith Strait. n the Spring-they will proceed northward, with the boats mi l sledges, drawn by the squimatix dogsq the vessel being left iri charge of one-half-of the crew. Several young teen, of very respectable fatuities, were- it waiting to obtain an vidienee with, D. -. Troyes, a ft er the con tision of the con mince meeting, volun teering their serviees freely. Owing to be limited room in the vessel, he was :bre to accorribdate but 'a few of-them, . MEM DEMOC• gThe Susquehail ub meets everyl room, over the s. Montrose. All Membership free. it: i '''Tlic appoi' ttneut at Davi4' School house is - deferre till Sunday. JuiS , sth.— Rev. N. Doolittl will supply. A. 0. WAnnic.4l. CONTENTION O SC . IIOOL DIRECTORS.- The Committee on Text-Books will report to the Convention o consist ofbne delegate fromeach Board in the County, on Wednes day the 4th dad o July at 2 o'clock p. m. at the old Court-House in Montrose. By order olCommittee. "WCTION oF.OFFICE4S! Roan_ ez wpm). "I; Flee Company No: 2: will meet Monday evening, July 24, 1 at p. m., for the pnr po?e of electing Officers. - .1 , J. IV, P. RILEY, Foreman. S. M. WILSON, Seey. 110Wiag sample of the numerous lettars constantly receiving * for Hostetter's stomach-Bitters : Cantradagua, July pith 7Bs9. •Neu* Hostetter ct Smith, littahum, Rt.—Gents: As we are strangers, I bereivith enclose you twentpeight dol. lars.fcrr four dozen ' Hoirtetter's stomach. Bitters, which please forward via _Michigan Soothers Railroad, Toledo, Ohio, odd Clayton station. 1 have purchased several doz• eu bottleitat Toledo thbi summer, but the sale Is on the, ‘lneresse eo much ithat I wish to opens direct trade with you. I was "ndub-W to try your Bitters by my` physician for the Liver comtdabitjand received sucttanathrod aid that I have recommended it to others and have sold about two dozen per wick for some time. I have all kinds of medicine in my store;but there is none that- I can so cheerfully recommend as your Bitteri, for 'know they have helped me beyond o tnyxpectation. Yours res'iy, , Sold in 3fodtrose by RFL TURRELL. _ . . NEXICAN STANG LINDEENT. Intrinsic vistas could insure the success which this article has attltin For Rheumatism, Silt rheum Borne, Bruise Stiff J taor Golds, SpM.o, poll Evil, & Swellings, upon Ho it hue_ no person arrn be without It who has nee tested its value. " And with reference to the den estimation of the .Ifustabg Lini ment, I can cheerfully y that no article ever performed so ninny cures in our n hborhood as this. L. W. Smith. Hidgetteld, Conn. 8. Itch E. Hyde Prirft.i . l. "that the horse was co.. d worthless, (his case 'was nPavina. but slime the - use, of the Liniment I have sold him for $l5O. To Liniment is doing wonders up here." Such tastimon is reaching as every ,day. The Isalf is not to* 'Every should. have it. Beware of Imitations. "The gen: . e sold by all respects .;tae dealers tiiongboat ...• world. • • ju BARNES! if. '..1.!2K, Prvprielors, New -York Coanacrnvms, read Hypopboophites of Li Health and Pure . 1 mod are izumparable.—ltecolleet th&t all slamsa arises from impurity of the blood, and thit - Judson's mountain Herb Pills will IA surely dad out and•cleanse these in:. • es from the system that disease cannot exist. - .So shis and innocent are the phutts and herbs that compose ' that it is not memory to have them super coated In that the stumache , Can beer 'them. In Most Cliae are begat coated becituse the' materials 0 which aryl are made are so Malignant 'and 'griping;plng. that otherwise delicate stomach Could not bear them Theiepills deal 1,1 th disease as It is, and will not only core by removing the muse, but willtraild np and restore the brokena:tit:talon- Thera are mazy whO have so trifled with th ' constitutions that they think. medicine cannot help them; leteot even. these despair. Inadulity and isceptiehMt are overthrown by, alma of testimony which it trldy irresistabla. - At find the virtues ascribed to these mountain hest:pills were. long deem ed Magus. The pub* had been 60 often deceived they amid not Mabee the Omple Math* adeeneed by their die. tower: Tat We andeniable. attested by minimises of theldstiesartanderend riesYeetibility,beeeproyad. am' oreproring eat dirties wirterialf this rniestrulder.... Thormerk by their misimalous pciwer and eillemisi. new lea Is unidleine, PIO WY is Montim by Jody • ' ' - 1 t. '^'-_.! it .147211 r a 04, -. q , I i 1. Qticts. 'ATIC CLUB! nit County Democratic Monday evening at Their ore ofN. Bullard, in re• .1. 3 inviteu to attcrid.— D.. BREWSTER, , Precident e ndvertlsement of Dr. Chnrehgr e and Soda. on 4th page. . . '. • --,, . . .. . , • 1 ~.. .mi , .! ,1 1—..0- 1 0 --..-7 .- ' - ' -, A 7- WE I W 4 ' , - 4., rt!'fm•l'7.- -•,. ..IIIIIIIVIUMIO .-... ,- ' ,::..- . ; ' 1„". ..„ 7 •",„., 7 ., . v. ,,, y . , : :., -",„ •- • • - 1 , 1 r ... - .. ..... 1k; ... , irt --. TT -- . .,i 44i .., ; 1- ' ~. -". HOOFLAADIS - - •- ' • - :T• ::. ' '-' ..'; : 7 ' . : ..- - TCY pmi I'!.n- uAN r-e-f.,- ..-_..: -::,. . I t t al i i.llD ic i ::.. ~ . ~ .. ... : ' ~ to tie ieady tor tho HANGING, ea ft oen 'be iritnertied. • .- ,-,.. SO lintit se.ovß,-ap4 CLEAN Vt., at iliiiii.• - •:;• 7." , : - /...h. ' :........,, •:. .' .: - every day In the week tfinzi ykescapted] 14 ce l .l-11313 tlll 1 ' -, -. , ~ _ , - . ; - .: ..• - '-. 'a- • - Blontroso• Bo ok Storp,' , . - - - , .--.:- • -.. 1 3-- /FrEAT. - , - • - ~. -... :• - ',•- - - --, .-•• ,N - i i- •,--'. • i i , i• - ni r . ~. AND WALL - iiitlepitilili'lcriiiif.: STANDARD' ar.atz:ti* -,-- _, ir THE . ft ,.y..:. lRA . .w'of_elo ' sid beszural .et the prow op, hire hediiiiredl;theiti pea papatarttiy . - - . ' . nCll.4llu n ~... 94 4 0 wan lwalca - to halig 841 ear 1 7 0 M" •'' ' • ,i, soli th rough Teen ertria 1 1 #boundal asulamabat ; '' i '', -!- - 1 .. - ";::: : I.l ' ''. - 1 : 1 -'1; i')F ' ' '-',' .-. : - ''• ' ''. ' 1 just. liecoii•cd: I• ' ' .•-• '.' -' . *'• --:' . te.rehderedby thear ha en roam . .. ..', ' ?:-.. '".i . 1 5 , ..!1 - '-.- '':'-' .i . '-; '', ':. '. *, i .•- i. . . • '.-1-" . . ' - -- ".' ••' • ' '.• - - - S ''' ' A ."" - .'' '. ' Wil l i; PA PER , SY - •tii#. coati, .. .„ 00 1 fe1..,A; %cis,Ol.PalPIL" k-0()7:3 1 • •1 - -- - - ~ . . • - ~ T A • . Atthollidntrotitt Bilojc Stori3' . likin' -' ' •.--' eit . '''' il. '' •-ii . -.: 1 0iTal1 35:tekv'eri„ . l trosei .113(1,a epot t a- ... • _ - - ..: _ . ._i .- ~ --- • • •:;-.., B 'run tiro itu'Vitiii,4 4 ,. Thentiderdwiiidhathemid,,,k,ila, . , ~.. ~ Y • ... • N.! , ; irobit'Asti!s. • GERMAN' Briettris iliar Oicaphilbt Dy•Oeio* Sunda% Narita as. otutylDis••••• arttia Mau" . atd dl dloosiot *Mug twin • dlicidersd "lbw, or wadi. as. of th• Stomach and DOW,* Oman; nnifio.lltf MU. Ain ice oar Atomic Irr prat. Psais. SII Nita per Porls. ; • • . . loolland'.s 'Balsamic Cordial. Oman Odd. wr nauseam. Ipullealtbi • Win, Pueulemila, Inelpiept.Patunampliwa, • - and bee per nand the most intitolaidig eine ewer knOwn • •• cfnfinitsizzi cinsiinisr;os. ':•An sillantioaterdid 6 b Puce, 76 pinta per bottle.f. - . . • , • 1100FLANDI , WAN PILL, Wag well - known throughout Enzipe and Amerka, nude It, commendation hem. They an). purely vegetably prepared With great awning, and are soprano& 'no' • better iathartle Pill =the foutid.3. Paws, It eta per bow. ' Them madielnea 11111 prepand IV Dr. 0:M. JAcaaos k Plilladadpltla, ra v and It. Leila, ?do., Mitten sold by dr4alitiandiieskri-te medletnait esrorywbpm The sig. mature of c-M. Jussox will be 41n the outside of imek bouts orboi:*" •In our Zwiybody'a Almanac; üblnbed annually, yeti will And testimony and cowmen notices fcem all puts of the country. These Almduo an AMa awigbi • All cnuAtatil• , • .•• • =kW] 8014 in Montrose by AIID6. T.thill.Cll4'Agent. rff." , .ti which preeminent medicine hail acquiredfor Liverkthie efficacy in all diseases it protease!: to cure, has rendered' the Usual practice of ettentatioun*tilugnot only nunecea. eery, but unworthy of them.',' known by their fruits; their good works testify tot them, and they thrive not hy the faith of thecredulous. n all cues of costive ness, dys p epsia, bilious and liverkftections, piles, lovers and agues rheum/item,' obstinate beadachea, and general derangements of health, these Pills have innrishly proved a certain and speedy remedy. A athgletrisi will place the UM-PIUS beyond the reach of ‘ximpetition in the esti. merlon of every patient. y . Da. MOFFAT'S PH€ENIX BYLVIT.II9 wilt be found to ,be equally efficacious in all cases oic dyspepsia, headache, neiroua debility, sick ess - n incider4 , to females to 'Micas healtb,and every kind of weakness of the dlgestiveorgans. 'For . ealo by Da. W. D. MOFPAT, tffis Broadway, N.Y.,and by Medicine dealers and :druggists, generally throughout - T the country. • dectily ems, . Important to remales.—Dr. insensate& The combination of ingredients In these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice.' They are -mild in their operation, rind certain In.correctingall irregularities, pain ful menstrnati onitremoiing altobskrpethins, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain lin the aide, palpitation of the heart,whiyea, all nervous affo4tlone, loutericitfatigue paintbe be* and limbs, disturbed .sleep, Lc., which lf ariseiniOnterruption of nature. p • . - • ' DR. CHRESEMAN'S PILLBAtas the commencement of a nee era in the treatment of thOe irregularities and ob.' atructions which have consignedied many thousands of the young, the beantifel and .beloved 4 a MUMS:ft= GRATE. No female can enjorgood health unless khe irregular; and whenever'an "obstruction takes 'plicc the general health begin,' to decline. - DR. C.FTEEMIA.IrS PlLLState the most effectual remedy ever known for all coMplatts peculiar to 'cleats. To all elegies they aie invaluable. iVitein, with certainty, ipertoctient regularity. They are kr‘nwn to thousands; who hive used them at different period .", throughout the Court trv, having the enaction of some o f the most eminent Phy sii4myr in America.- . Explicit directions. stating tr4c4, and when 04 should not be used, with each Box-;the Price one - el &Mr per box containing 40 pills. Pills sent by-mall, promptly. bi cncinsina price to the General Agent ; For sale tic Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCIIINGS, General A4mt... 20 Cedar44.,l 4 :. Y. Dr. J. N. Lyman, Tankbanflock.:ianj ABEL TURRELL, Montrose. Alen(. -1 - rity3o 1 y ~Cxrt~zr: In Tunkhannock, ;Null 9th, by Rev. B. B. EnaOry, Dr. C. D. ViipiL, late of Mont rose, P 4., and Mrs. OsExcur, of Meshoppen.—[N. B. Deittocrat. • ~e~ll~s, Died, in Clifford,ANtay. 15t1h, 1860, Mrs. REBECCA, wife of Martin . D6eker, aged 69 . years. • • - t Mrs. Decker had retained a standing in the Presbyterian Societi• for many years, was a faithful christian,i a .kind mother, and ad ;affeationate,comttanion. -She also died infull faith that sh 4 was paising this life to, enjoy the fullnessiof that hope she had long cherished., gol. - ii3,toisti l l . c l its. - - MUSIC , FOII.THE 9AMPAIGN! HAYWARD'S CO BAND. • Of Greattilentl, COIiSISTINti. ten member'h. organ lied In 1852, fe prepared to plav for Celebrhtious„Mass Meetings, Picnics, Festivals, Funerals, as. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Address: JASON 11. IfAyllltßD: Great !end, PE June, 1860. —Je230,4. . . • SBALED proposals will be received until July 2ist, at 2 o'clock, p.m., for building a ZSehool. Home. in Sub Diet Nei."ll, WIZ Jonathan'llangim's 2kby _3O. Specifica tions may be seen by callingon T. Langdoni Letting' to be done on.that day on the shin of 'House. The old home tribe sold at the same time. A. O. Wangzu„) H. Birwlfrine, &c. J. T. j•ANGOON, }Building Corm . . Auditor's Notice. Estate of icheind Keintelly, deceased. • THE Auditotl, appointed by thoDrphana' Court of quehanpa thunty to report a iiirtribnti on of the funds In the hands of the Administrator,. to the parties entitled thereto. Will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, it hip °Mee iii Montrose on Tuesday. the 24th day of July next, at one ko'clock p. m.; where all claims must be presented or be fireirer debarred. WM. J TURRELL, Auditor. ;line 721 d, 1880.-,-.1e28w4. • Auditor's lestate Robert kugAul-clecia *et - . frAuditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Sow oTehanna County to-report a distribution o3f the Nude in the bonds of the Administrator., to the creditors of .aid estate, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, at his Itice'lD Montrose on Tuesday, the uth day ofJuly neat, at one o p. tn.. where all will present timir claims or be forever deNirred_ .W3l. J 1 TVIIRE'LL, Auditor. June tlol. 18811.-4e28v0i.., -• s• C. 0:FOR1) - ,11.AM, m-A N ny tan t re ll arE r f kr A r ki %Bloi f it u rn . made to order, an d don s n eatly . r Agit PAID- FOR -WOOL ! H. NOD Aron& June 21. g u BURNT?. , LITHOORAPITik.terfara OBEPAM7B, Brush, Bilveribil, Varnialukt, QE, new supply. just re. cejTed. • • - y..ABEL rußketz. .Moutioss.:Juns 21. 1980. • . • Neikice to s i ne. . ~ rESchool Directors of Len township will teethe proposals for building a I Ilotilie near &sallow. ard'a,..tuatil the last liana - ay in at wblcb limo they will contract with the lowest an d bee t bidder, at the lace where said ham Is to be tient • ise;form, and finish to be like a new one near Earned li d. . '— June 1.1; MO. . . . Wlf:m. hvGLEY..soev .13 Z. EMS AL. - 17,1-.3P - 1301"131..1C32E. lardliarovedtdi OFFICE ea rioom on Mke street; xi_ Lunar of Poet Bros.' etore—latoly °mord by r lie& as an ireciaame officer—overfollgirde ielW ea mines! plus to rodeo caw &bon offered) cur old ao lartilfereasybertossoltod Wll eatali tams 1210dWerboo riot 7** u s l r air of -Ostrow ffIL is dmdoe-1 o s lll M 6l ln kl.fc . 1114.444"111" •• tIF . • spßigfitsommEßlGoollsi whith NNW of being . the ' - HANDSOMEST. AND CHEAPEST. In this ieetfon or eountiy. • They alio latter themselves. that they have the bast facilities o!obtelnlng &ODE. .srfoly: fnint tit .oarket ? 'and , are determined not to be undersold by any Inn this side of New York city. /nrestavdtet . READY MA* CLOTHING wa would aaitliat being In this largely at 24 Der Street, Neir - Yotk City, . • • •. • we can offerthe - public bargains not rammed by as y re- ; tail claim In thin section. u wee= sell here at luta prl , ' ces u cheap as those who go to New. York and parcluute at wholesale and then bring them here and have to make a proAt over that which they have already paid themselves. Call and see us attd' wa will proye the hem eutteitbtrg lgostubaum 4 CO. • , morfron, 14/A, , • - • , ABEL TURRELL AB Jost returned from selecting and puschuteg and 1* JUL stow recelyht one of the largest stock of GO t ACS, ever offered in - tiiismarket. Tie quality of nearly every thing geed ; ' all warranted as represented. Terms:Ready Cash and Lenc , Priees. " A genexal Idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration DACUS, Itismicuras, • Cu.ortnals, Pawn, Vantasuzs, WEs - noir GLASS, Draßrzers, • Gaocxxxxs, -- - GLASS WARR, Crimea:sr; • Mirrors. Creeks, Wsu. Parra, WINDW PAPER, WUSD'W OIL SILIDES,FANCT GOODS, Musical Instruinentit,Lamps. Jewelry, . Peribmery, • Stone Ware, ' Brmwas, Brushes, Wl:dps,.Umbrel'a Bird Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols, Amm C 2ttn, . Liquors, Triage!, • Supporters, Shoulderßrireeo, portmonnais; Spectacles, Silver & plated Spoonir, Forks, AC.Gold Pena. Stationery, Violin, Guitar, Bass Viol String', • Lithographs, porcelain Teeth; Artist's Tube paints, Brush es, Ao. Jed. Also oorne 'Goods, Wooden Ware, hard andjapanned Ware, Fluid and Gii•Oans, Caniphine, . Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpedlide, lamp, tanner's, neat toot, lard, olive, castor boiled and raw linseed 'Oils, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of-colored -paints, Vine. gar, Canary Seed, also all the popular PATENT CINES,-and other things too numerous to mention. • Rig impotcticable •to give more than a general ordlino of my stock through the newspapers, every one wishing GOODS is invited to call and examine; Customers on entering the store must not expect to find every thing lib sight; bd nearly every article wanted willhe produced by inquiry. - Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, he hopes to merit a continuance and large increase of the same. ABEL TURRELL. . Montrose, June 5,1860. NEW. GOODS! EVAN% tic Al LEN, 'HAVING trained and remodeled their Store. have the pleasure oflnfortning their numerous enatomera that they are now ready to show the beet assortment tt CLOCKS; WATCHES, SILVER ilaNitlg,-.PLAITED WAR E, YiGOODS, GOLD Tea Trav!..i,prea.tpial.,riafger-riags, ll.iir Pint , I.abinN CI - tracts, 11411tCy %AIR!), &C. &C. in this part of' the State. They have Just returned from New York with a full and oatensive assortment of goods to their line, which they have purchased for cash of the manufacturers and Importers, and they flatter themselves they can offer inducements both in style, variety and pri ces,.not to he equalled west of New York. Determines to keep up with the pro;zress of the age: they haveadded their assortment many arth lee not previeusly kept of g.m eral utility and beauty. Thinking the -ctlfumunity forthe beral parronage heretofore received, they would solicit a continuance and increase of the came. • Binghamton.. Nay 30th, 1860. SPRING- STYLES..:NOW READY • AT GR,EATI3ABGAINs Rea y Pay-44d , 'Sma11. .Profits IFLITT Is now receiving a full and choice - s spgill G sum m oos lINCLUDING a &icat variety of rich Prints in New styles, Glnghams, Brilliants, Lawntr,Challies, Silk Dress .. .llls. sues and Baree Black; Fancy, and Foulard Silks, ittry low ; Poplins, Au., with a Superior Assortment ,of Silk; Bryche, Cashmere hnd Stella Shawls; Mantillas, Dusters, Parasols, Hoop Skirts, Rich Mons, Bonnets god Flow, ere, Broadcloths, Casslmeres, fiummer Stuff, Acc., with 'a large assortment of other STAPLE&FANCYGOODS, -.. As usual, In Oroceiles, Ciockery, Hardware , Iron $ Nally Stores, Drs, P aints, Oils, Fluid, Boots and Shoes, Hatsand Caps, Clocks, Carpeting, Floor Oil Chith,• Wall Paper, Painted Wlndow Shades. &c. Vir The mitfro, - stock king large and bought for cash,. andlargely froin manufacturers and first hands, will give superior opportunities for choice selections and low-down' prides, and will be sold on the most favorable terms for cash, produce; and to Prompt Six-months' buyers. An _examination of the Goods and prices will be foutid profit able to those-who wish to buy. , N. B. Flour and Salt constantly onhand. NEW MILFORD, May Si, 1860, • • News ! ews HAVE You HEARD Tho NEWS ? VIM NEWS XTIIY THAT J. L. MERRI3LAN is NOW RECEIVING direct from New York, another of hls choice stocks of G- 4 • - •a. embracing , In the Dry Goode line, de Lains; Challis, Silks. Poplins, Panto, etc., etc„etc. as well as a fell stock of Hormonal., such as summer cloths, formen and boys' wear; Shlrtings, Tickings, Denims, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Batts, etc. Groeit- , 4 fell aosortment.— Fish—Mackcrel, Trout, Whitefish. Codfish, and Herring. Hardware, building materials, Nails, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils. Dyestuffs. Ready-made Clothing, the workmanship lIVAIRIUNTEb. • Hats. Caps and Boanets, of the Latest style, Saito and shoes, worth from 12toc. to 1.5. In fact almost every variety of Goods usually Inquired for at any country store can be found at the r • and It Is the aim of the proprietor to make such dispolition &his Goods that neither bl 5 ansurza nor his patrons will 0110*N." . J. L. MERBUILIN. Upsonville, Pa., Jane let, 1860,—tf ESEN IV CLIPS TAR AND. WOOD NAPTHA Prtll6ll2l, - h the but Nelda. in the world for the are of Coughs and Colds, Croup, - Bronchitis, AaluxurfiliAlcidt Breathing, Palpitation of tho Heart: 'For Ma relief elf . patients in advanced stages of ConsPmption together with all .Discuss - ,of the Throat and Chest and which predispose to Consumption. • • • B attach as rod V disease, and mate t%.fdl destroyer succumb is trVueux. It alloprodu. erefree evedottaton, d mduces healthy action • in the dimmed Mimosa Bent/ram and tame, • It is peculiarly adaptid to the radical acre of ASTHMA. ale CIP does w et deinvaluabl s4uendyskepe 6711 eat dtva easeweet.rabiatbepararat nature of Medi:modems/ BO wry ar was tads. and an em. to condouted eAtit it is lissabaNe Os am aro qf Bronchial Alleitficeini. Prim sil ie tris per Beak. load on 4 Dr. 4. 141,711 N, _andsold 4.tets, et Oa, N. W. darner Otatersd Pl. Ow*, lanata. Ps. rer oak in Mono* labsa(poleo) • .40Zir 7 7 / 1 1LIZZ, • Iv \ ' • -:. ‘: . e,t,*A. N. MilLtiMlD'l3. WALL PAM and . ,ilo3„D J... y,92 3 b,10.00 agAIMS, ~ - '• At the Wnil raper Depot. - 1 Wall Pamtrom 5 to 53 etipr Roll, andiplendia border from Ic-105081a yard. Wa/1 - NW? Bordming,. Window Canalea and Fixtures 'cheapetthan the ume styles and walities can be bought for at say other VACS in or out qr Atontrost. rosins many. • ~ , A .- N. BBZ.L.IBD, ALSO—Anew and la catmint . of 80H00L Bake and SPATIONSBY:Books and , YANKRE jira i neow NOTIONS too unmet:ma to all of whleh will be sold upon the principle that. ? "Metre ravened" is Ear better than the "slow abl e` ,• by --` ••• Montrose , ] k e y 51,1E03. A. N. 13441.0.13'? ) : I • • .. MI I miLla b iIMEU . !. HAVE YOU 101 Mb THE inviri ? - UISS - „t a tSI4LLIER,- 1 HAS. JUST; JUST; D• in." blontriise, and looted on Chestnut Street, first door *boils the residence of Wm L. Post, tell* she has opertedtamckisr. - r iAII[6].AII I IM gDOD l A, 1 : unsurpassed in bositty, richness, and taste, and is pteptjud to supply the ladies of this cbunty with latest j . PARISIAN AND !CITY STYLE OF BONNETS, Ribbons, Laces and all the tilminings =tally Rand 'ha. ant class mnnntry establisp, •at prices surprisingly low. Bonnet's cleaned, pre and trimmed in styles most beautiful and In an en le new mode. • , , i• .1)11888 . 411411,11 3 116. i' - . ~ 1 am cr e with r`d I ta ' , l l'e' Lidie til l W l i at i t reas d eZ 7 0 1 t aM 1 71 : 11 s.u gn i tiVieo43 . 4 10. wi lt . , e • ' and tOti a l t Elt!' , , Dit..BLACI:CMAN f ILL BE FOUND, for. some Ito •LT-1. come, at MRS: BARD'S, near by the METHODIST CHURCH, . It is very desirable that all indebted would be so kind as - but bold i Mr. Printert It is of Its so use to enlarge upon saubleet distastefal and impala re to most peo • Aloatruse, May 16th, IMO.-4sr 11 1 00htvi if.AuTORL rvIIE subscribers baying rented the . establisionent merly owned by Keeler at the Salt-Springin Franklin, ;e p parent d to taka.WOOL to manufacture Into CLOTH, LAI , MELS, Le., on shares, or by tbe ,fard,`to suit:ism customers. A nautili , Of all-wool cloth bu hand to. exchange for wool, on fair terms. IA word to the wise and prudent. Our customers ma)" zest assured that cloth .made at Our establishment la not Composed of old rage, dust, , and the many other worthiest materiels, glued, lasted, and plas is teredburden toed. gether u lathe great maaa.wlth which the couutry • . -•, . • • . Wool-carding and Jlothdressing hi their season; Will be , executed with despatch and neatness, u at " Eve and-let live" prices: Quantity of gpod-Lath kept on hind and made to order. . It is expectetFthat 1 payment will be made, in all cults, when the workja delivered, in cash, or salable produce, 200 t• good clan grease wanted in exchange. N. H.—People' coming front a diptance with wool, .an have it earned to take home, ith them at the time. • , D. ti. KEELER. I May 8th,.1840.-3m I JOHN BEAIIMONTI, utahlavoixwg • , HORSE ?ITCH-FORK , - , M A NUFACTII).V. S. BUI,LOCX/ • VALUABLE •IMPRQVEMEN:T. • possesses many Important advantages over all,,Other Forks, among wEddhare the following The tines be ng allowed to drop to discharge its load, the tilting' of .he as in other fdrks, is avoided ; hence, .hay can be unloaded with the uttnost facility and ease intowhed !Mtn• doors or beneath purline beams, and otherppices where other Horse Forks cannot be.used. It can top ally:lsaac be Managed with grpater ease than anv other HOrse Fork. It is equally adapted ta stacking. With this/Fork, atoll of hay may be unloaded in from 4 to 7 minutes. rir St lila I S. Its simplicity, duribilit - y, and parcitt opaintion, Its 41:11 os companaiyily• truing expense, / recommenda itsl.l3Sli to t6cl747ners of dam coantry. • • ./ A. 13.-Dicsiksoi. Decidedly the hest famitcmaai Med E: Kart.. A valuable and labor saving improvement. , 4 J. liarounr.n, Genesee Seed afore. It pbieesses several' advantages over the- Horse Fink commonly used.. • D. D. T. Moon!. . It will prove a wonderful labor savi , r. , matt-inc. libe l:eye' wherever tried it nal fors :d profitable. Joins, Generl.' Unloading hay ni the barn' by horse power is such a sim ple operation that It: Seems Wonderful 1510 w a sensible-Min can contillue the extueding bard labor of lifting it a tisk ful at a time in thc'eulding beat of aJulyaftemoon.- 7 ---N.ll. Tribune.-, I . The best apperatue for unloading hay we are acquainted with.—Genesee Fanner. • ./ Gadding'eHorse Pitch Fork Isgne nt the labor easing machines which wilt pay to purchase.—Prairie Farmer! • . Unloading in a barb liy means ol,u Horse Pitch Fork, is becoming quite common in some sections of pus country. and will be - practiced• every where as anon as the ficrteie understand the 'operation. The inventlon'oTC. E. Getting is thi best we have seen in opemtion.—Ame. Aerimilt 'of Ci E. Gadding has constn;ctedaFork which - alter a ate trial we areaatlstied WWI important improiemente—A ba tty Cultivator 07 — The abcive testimonials are selected from marty,:lhe. signers being generally known as distim.vislied wjcnltts: sista. All who have seen it operate; agree in tits above opinion of its merits This Fork has taken the First Pre • nnum at EVETX FAIR to which it -has been exhibited,i in eluding the State Fah's of Pennsylvania and New Xorksfor ISIS; and New Pork, Illinois, Alichigan, and United t's- Fairs at Chicago for .1859, and many county Fairs: Forks, Rope-and Pulleys. $l2: State and County Ri for sale, by " STEPHEN. BULLOCK. Agent. Columbia Cross Roads, Bradfol.d County, P . ILTHBAR,; Motartise, Agent for Susti'a gourd . • .LOW PRICES WIN! .ATITHE ORIGINILONORICE STORE! HATEO__tiItOTIOR4 1 , NEW RIIILIVIRD, 0.„ -: ! A HENO* . RECEIVING THE Li •L i gest and best stock of i Glioods sever brought into , la county, Whidt we are bount to sell cheap for cash or reedy pay, consisting of , . Maple and Fa, my Dry Goods; i Choice Patirdly Groceries, flats,. yelps, Weald* Mvide Clothin g , - • Crockery, iWolli Paper; . Wiodossr Stlins, Flour,. Pork. f Fish, Soil. Pain t,Oil., Gko.s, Flutd; . , !Coal OH, 'loop Skirls, - t.. 1 , • 'Variket Notions, Falvey G4sodsl %Vittches, J 4 w i:Litv; silvOrliVaoe, : 7 Pol k , Tar*, Droonii, Corks, t Iloatsf end Lots shill Staek's of Citoodo epo nu moo, no, to invnlloll. 1.•- ' ' - . --.- • ..4 WE ARE= IeTQT:OLD.FOGIES - iii ttle V x buena% ev i zt o uszsproAtika deg " rat „. keeping as smut who ban not tr det o places tassel:ow touch thee Per UM .= PUS; but" //- tend WI?. up to the auing aad beam fa SSWnt Y Dood l eand "ith i chelPer tha rt 431 a) F i r tlsate ceasa c a il l VD= . in i tiaterMacr. stem i 11161 IA *Otto* of Goodwin sairos.*, Tam, s o k Tobacco wolys-astsodi.-4-thrs4rUejLeaM,WS retsll. . - .. ~ ::•,.;%0 '‘m Ne!F,M4 OI 4O Pl 3 ." Y i i w4 . 44 ". & - .; , ges the Advordseirterit takes Up!; umgentoria4F!aznyClittaztlsnas, to a,xber &lc*. . ... . .--..,,4,....4-..-- ‘4.,..1kg5r,,Q.4 'roil Ql c A '''. l - • -,., ',. t 1111111116; -----t/ 24...___p-____- , )- 4,1:....i=1.e-ypricii.ecg.. E CLECTI C . T%.witx4mw.,'..wntATo4, . lan = ittlind to his old imd new emstorneti es an I , . PHYSICIAN : & &UMW* DZirne ir .V " Brooklyn, June 6th, 160 t Hr • • . tnyitri9tf • ,nri A as, mt . ON WICZATN:, • Meettanleal and ilurgi24 Dentist, receipt lil ye genHeiton... .Y. tender tbeirproussional serviced all w appas elate the' ”Refbrmed' Practice of I'llsie;" -= skillful ord.on.Teetb; With th e most sclentine lip ; styles of plstework. Teta' extrected without p n and all work Inmate& i Jedltson,lntiet Sib, L 960. , ' ' 7 -3 7 . -, .' •as <Dui• p.r.-1(.41031:0 t do Haw 7 egc - TVs " •' 'tumid 011, by theboiril ' 72 cti. Pl-ril4* • by'.' • ' • at TLBAxL oldro, 4414.1 . 00; se . . • • GASH v Altigkini:. • • , ; _A xizitt.7B. !.• ft . th e sTA "Ti t iELlikand Agrilitt: ;7: comp Lent Flo of t 1i it '.‘ BRANCH!. AT, MARE or k. .t.Cp,..lo7lssraamalrest ark. '!--Fricerfer Bbi sent free by post. • ~ - oink at all ruggista.-- - - • mileiniq - . I A !FA i.EI iPWRECKjt !-'-..,. PAR 91 1 :1,Hg: - p*lip SAVED, ~ : 191- : **AiiirAlG,ED, c ol. ptr, "oil( .k. :. Pg l 4lplliol3§.PT-,cpy ._ -' . WET.l4borisii a , th , i'l BEE ' 5 HIVE. 7 . : -! 3 1 500-Y'ds FIGURED B ARMES , putlituuroted by Waters, at 4,6, 8, lacts . pr 1 4- nic k ' MASI' 1P441 2 L 1,04,, Isi'riaN.l,r3Pr7lrdl-r"idtcicrutP for 76 6FIL ALSO A LARGELOT OF' ' l AV,CI I ION -. . -.: GOODS7 - :! ir ..-! ..iicej u kt d . st - rt tiala feollo'4ljit,:pr4ces: Good.Summer,ShawlS;only . " C,75 . Fine. Stella * " l,OO. • Wt l o.l and.hilk eroche. - • •.: 3, 0 11 BandsomeMstillis ... . . • ........ t .. ..,....... 1.50 . Very Rich . : . 5,00 Good Lawns, fast colors 'oo • • Fine Quality De Mines , • ,10 Wool and' Silk Bermes ,18x , Bareges d'Anglais worthaut .. .18X • • 10 yards Merrimac Prints, and trimmings.:.. 1,00 Fine Dress silks. • 50 • 14.tremely Rich - . ,70 White Hose . • ,C 0 - lcipsLiale Thread akilu Als / Pure silk mitta. - „....-- :._ • - - • 123 g, Watch steel spring idtirts .56 . • Good straw bonnets • • AO Beautiful Leg born • • - 3 . , , ' Rich Bonnet Ribbons • • / .10 . French Embroidered curtain muslins • -,. 12X .• Good!Pidits stuff . - ' „Miff . . Better _" • ..... • AO Other i Good! Equally us iI.:IIEAP: 77,1=Le322./.z,rialco that we Will do all that we_advertise: .13e Bare tol. call before, porcbaiing else Where, as we mu= or; hfia CANNOT lie—xrider iiiliibyawgetattlishmetit this Side - of New - York. .t..EMSPEDIAN. BROS, &CO. Binghamton; Ma 15th, 1810. . , ur i r oming INSURANCE Compiny, IiVILAIES-ICAIIRE. Pa. Charter :Perpetual. Ca W141341100;000. S imp! us . $l,OOO. / • • Orgaltzed Notionber 2d. A. D. 1857. . . G. nollenback; D. G. Drlesbach, J. P. Denali.. • John Reichard, David3lorgan, Chan Dorrance, Satin Wadhame, R D I t acoe, Wm S Ross, D Shoemaker, Geo P Steele, : H 11. Hoyt; • R. C. SMITH, Seely. HOLLESTBACE, Preet W. G. Ssznuso, • Areas L. D. Sztoaxasun, Via Pre' 1. • U. P. BLAorMAN,- 'Montrose, Pa , • Agent for Suegnelumna County. • - ALSR SOLICITOR FOR THE • ." • NORTAERN FIRE A LIFE Asst. ;LANCE COUPANY, Moorgete Street, London. • .. Capital, Revenue, $1,1:63,1:p0. W - GTTY, Agent, PbiladeliAAA AT NYIGATIOII tiEtiDl . . 2nd DOOP ‘ ABOVE MULFORD S.. 4'l MBE PUBLIC . gcnendly are informed that a FIIEE EX. lIIBITIO.N Is given at all hours or the day, or .NEW GOODS of al! sorts, viz: Dress Goods of Sommer Prints.. Poplins. Challis, Lawns In patterns. cheap Bishop I.Sisvn , , Brilliants, Book, Bare. Jr.lonotts ST:PM Mull. Ladies' Collars and Sleeves. Dkr.ify. I+l - rscill,.7. 'Wrens. Furni ture Fruit!, Kenttichv .leaus..Nnnkeens. Summer. Stuifs, lents Shirts. Cotton bray: _re. C:avata Netk•tic and Suspenders. A new 411,1 iarg' lot of LEATIIER.,7WA_RE, Such as Qcnts Fine Calf Booti—oood 'uns, a1...41 heavy and light Shbes, Splendid - Ladles °them. from 5 tesls slihihnus warrantdd to fit. White, Brown; and Black. HOSIERY. Parasols and Umbellaa, -Band Boxes and Work Baskets. 31313. - r3a123.,2; and Sperm: Adainantine and. Tallow Candles'. Era-:. and Japaned Lamers, Wash Boards and Cali& mom: WMtc wrsh.Brushes. lied Cord. , 80 feet lonc. whittled and ..nri Clothes fine. Pine and CEDAR PALLS, hes Wet a PILE of XAMXt"t" satD.,(l%lM. Aga ? , of every variety, among which arc Tapfco and Corn Starch for gionouspadings, Cream Tartar. So d s•st arrh Sale rat us. Castor. Oil, Epsom Salts, Black and Scoteh Snuff, and Ras of things .which won't do to read avg.; butptease to call. examine and talk about. We are ready and willing to show Good.s, even though they may not suit ; and thankful for small favors. , H. C. TYLER. 9CTS. bays a bottle of the shilling flair It 1. beats anything ever shook nti. . TYLER'S. MONTROSE, May 9th. 1801. DYSPEPSIA AND FITS. , Dlt. O. PHELPS - BROWN. thegreat curer of Constrnp tion; was for several years so badly afflicted by Dya pepsia that for a part of the time he was co nfined to his bed. He was eventually cured by a prescription furnished him by ajoung clairvoyant girl. • This prescription. given him by a mere child, while in a state of trance, has.curcd everybody who has taken it, never having failed once. It Is equally sure in cases of Firs as dr Dverrrata. . • . . . . . • An engraving hs here given of the principal herb used in this medicine, and all of the Ingredients are to be found in any drug store. I will send this valuable prescription to any person, the receipt of one stain') to pay postage. Dn. 0. PHELPS BROWN, 21 Grand-et. Jersey City, N. J. All of Dr. 0. Phelps Brown's Remedies are for sale at •Susquelumna Depot, Pa., by S. B. WEST. [my6m•' SETTLEMENT WARTED. /MOSE °Tiny Patrons wtio have UNSETTLED Aconite 1 s tanding against them on my Books, are respectlltily Invited to call and adjust the same without delay. • BROOKLYN, May 2, ISGOTit. , A-CIIA3IBEELL.I2. GOODS I; For MAY, 1860, , • rilllE subscri rsbe respeethilly i I nform he citizens PEN of this JL county that they are now receiving . • A WaiLL SELECTED AND NEAT STOCK OF GOODS • especially adapted to the retail tiade of this vicinity. We will make !t our especial business' to superintend supply ing the wants of those who uncylaror us with patfronage, and we Invite FARMERS, MECHANICS. and the " rest of mankind," to call on us, feeling confident that our lae assortment will ftLNG OUT a welcome to ererrhedy who are fender making choice selections AT - LOW PICTS. USE .10 EII'IIERATE flOoliSl suffice it to say thestars in the "" of other days' bare paled their ineffectual fires before the brilliant tinny of seasonable merchandise which 'is now filling the ;shelves of our Store. We have everything to veil, and at 1 PitICES.fOWN To TH I,OW. EST, and only ask to show Our Goods and tell how we sell them before you purchase elsewhere. Happy results, then, are mire to follow! Never was there such grand combinationa. viz,: the hearts of tile old folks made glad • the hearts of "new beginners" tilled with joy, and the hearth oriel the little ones filled with delight, and everybody made happy during 003104 and Summer days by calling at the -TRITE Onitihelire. are graining under the weight dell lOttds of SUMMEH all d lor' ll shad! aos from the cerulean hie of aniltalian sunset t es o the drab of the staid (Zenker. and Mt* t e sold. FLOUR,: L I Z I Lt c O l n i tli e ul b tVe al Clttr u 11% 4 74; caps. Boma and Shoes, No. 2 it if Mackerel, ‘..nnass and Ue= 3 .9 10 41 37 . , et!!•i11!'4!°.1.P ft' ' llll hm/ ac r tere fth this wa'elose, giving all another Cordial iniltatlon to =Rhein:n*obn Compare prices, and earn money. 'Wo will pay the .hlgheat price in trade for kinds of Product. • ' YOUNG di Slif i rpl: SUNXISIUMIX, Pa., Nay Ist; 1560.4 w • • AITLICTED, . WILL% INS'S , COMPOUND SOW. " tics lac .PILS/OV - warimaSkS to aft.* a Cara carkiplin aliostof tbe dlusikaar tallnOCO7 b• tasa- - ar"acc,cosory eachibottle. • ramie terAbal Tana Idontroaa; 0. G. Bar*staail, 2 : nabs T. J. Babcock,. Unlock - Palm! Cac ti l .. SOW ;b• G. Wllliatas.Jacia , ' ; s.. Lk. *a . licepbotecam ; Yes!al. Eicrinlve r dO •;, - I - L. B. LSBELL; Rvp Ennui aloeke, Watches. azdJaciebiartbe aborting *Oka, and on rano:able wan All work aanated Stop let Chandler &ad.:dews dote, 319pnvolz, . •. • S Testi WM. A: SNOB, 1 • TWillidE.o4 , 2lllE.PEACE.,—Orest Bend, Pa. 0i on Main etteet, op)osittthe Arca= Roam. ' . . ._• - Ps -L'IM'ES;.• t •• .. riAt r itiONABLE TAlLOn.—Molejnee, Pc Stop '`''ln Phi / 310 649 1 3.net0re of Be nd,' Wattons & Foster. All work warranted; as to It ea finish: Cutting done on short - notled, in best style. . *WOO - . DR. H - . SMITH -.& SON, "Qt ll . o E o : l DEVTlSTB,—ld'otazose. 001 liter lAtbropie now building.. over, operations Bank. All Denttl operations will bet weies ais • - performed *good style and. warranted. arCOLLVN • W. • ' MCCOLL itnti & SEARLE, • - A TTOItNETB and Connaellonent;Law,.—Nennnea, Pk' 11.; Wee In Lathrop,' new bullity, over an Bank. .a. c. ',RAJA:. BLUP - - - I.P. Z. maw. DRS. BLAKESLEE do 841.75 H:, HAVINH_ . G associated themselves-for chi "prcsecatioa of the duties of their profess respy offer their services to the Intraild Pnbile. Off ion. ice at the residence of D. -p u estee; midway.betwesz the vi Yes of Dineock and giille.- , 2-. -: - ... •I • aped bty . , . . .. 5... w. ZIZOILAZ 1 ' .. - .. 4LI C. ANIT. RS.. BINGHA3I & 7- EY, ' . . . war °tip announce to the public that they have Watered vy • into a partnership for the practice of MEDICINE de, strut/Env,' and'sie Prepared to attend to all ca in!the line of sheii profession at all hone when notothaftwisa engsred. OFFICE—The-one formerly oucupiedhy Dr. Bingham. N. B. The book accounts of Dr. BlnghaM moat be Immo. distely rattled by notes or otherwise. : New ?Mord. L. W. BLvOIIAY. - .HENRY .IICKEANr, L TTOItNEY and Coansellor at Lativ.-rTawarn:t Flt .2a. i tt Office in the Union . DR. E. F-...WILMOTI GBADUATE of the Allopathic and /3.o6 . Tgatige COl leges of Nedicine.—Grciat Bend, Pa.! Omen, cornet of .Ifalu and Illimbeth•sts, neatly opPoalqs the Methodist Church. j aped tf wx.ertirstio.coorra DRINXIM. jW . A.I. H. COOPER 6 CO., • 11)110403011.9,—Montrose, Pa. Socurisor4o Post, emior CCo. o,lllce, Latarops• new intl. , Tort • NEWS OFFICE.' • m iizio.yonfc CITY ILLUSTRATED T NEWSPAPERS. MAGAZINES. ETC.. 130,° for sale at the Mot :Aron BOOR STORE, et; ,;„ -;„„ PublioArentle, by A. N..Bm.t:aan •- _ .:JOHN -GROV,V,Si . • "EIASMONABLE TAlLOB,—Montrose,.N. Shop 11 near the Baptist Sleeting. Haase', .ornuitplko street: AU orders Ailed promptly. infirat:rate 'tyre: Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to iit. ; • DR. JOHN - W. COBS, .- TUTSICIAN AND SUDGEON,-3fontifse, PA, Wee .1 sm EtblicAvee, opposite Searle's nal • DR G. Z. Dr3i.ooK, PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON,—lfontrsise Pa. Olinti over Wilsons' Store; Lodgings at Scalia a Hotel.. ABEL TURRELL• ~, . . .. D BALER in Dmts, Iletlicines. ChetMcals, Dyet Stuffs, Glass Ware, Paints, 011 s, Allah, NM. dew Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Je try Yalu merv, &c.,—..agent for all the most popul , PATENT MEDICLVES,—IIontrose, Pa. • . ! 1113 8/ tr - SMITH .11 riABINET AND CDAlR'.l.lANtFACktintll.9,—Foot ot 3Diln street , Mantros.7, Pa. . .zugl • J. C. OLMSTEAD J L. DEAD. Wit 0111 EAD !READ • r WOULD ANNOt : NCE to the - -Public • w that they have er.terulharo a patnae:rat4 for the Practice of fiIEDICINE & Surgery, and are prepare 4 to attend to all e'ailt iti the line atter proteselon. one formerly oecapled by Dr. J: C. Obintead., DUNDAFF. . I. 1=417 L E M1'0115.1 1):;iaLI1'.1 . 1 , , IT IA C0T1111.11.1 - • c, re! o , t !rely f. 01;1. Gunii• ; in.t - b.0..,.....,541,, , ..: .... L.J.. • C .1; 1 . ,, 1;,:.:-.1.--. k - 'loft t' • ant a;,,,,,t1 Ly nr. t.c . ' • 1,..:, :,. , ~ ~ j 4, - ,,.,, , oile , f t., sklth, er,...d1,... , .C - ... ; ; 'LI. tLe ~ L. 5 , "........ '.....- ~ .!..e); IR la it, la :c d. ,., , 1 'it ttis c , ~-,'• „:',••• •,,:::: ' sato lan }Len up :..: b-., 4, 11.,E . I r,.e;t : :11. e'r_i to,r-.4,60. . 1n0rt:iche1,••...:,..,..,!.. i-, , 1 ,- _, ~, r .._, .. 't i.ed,o mutt lean I .:.2 211 Z.. ~ I, t," . V , ,,,, t doi, Indondue; t;Lele It ac: u , ye ci 1.,..;,u-......-1 t., IC • act gimpy on li.e it.rytrs. : .., I . i , , Let . II•C 411CLIL., ;.t yo.: rut! J,..‘l;nler.:. 4 . ....1, ru in tha can Cr' tbo 1.1x.r...R L I S 4 -', t'l : Vie:Mgt:TOO , e.:-. $ n leilleure Llyer Cetn-• iltel ;pi - r.littej-Itillotet Ate- Indite, Dy.roein."!“. - Z: ' e1..-01$14 I); •tirilaia, - 31 . 1111 111 Ir Co 11l ;, find 'Ohl nte; ..I:l•scistt - • f 3- ,Dropsy, Sunr, ,› int.tkLi nal., II atell.uu l I,- .Cont/ vrite,es, ,Ctessl.-, p..... t ic, - t.Loi;tie ck, 1 ; ..., Chu:.- - rn.norhine,C.:ll...slra c..; ',ll - ; fauttlitn. I , Tal a ! ; lezice, S-a at. dI e r,, ifel iVestoLleiWel W -'el, and . - .1..e Lo o cot.l et.,;.1 ' !Lratcc.:y er . an °inn-, Ty: Faual , y lOcill- g ..-Ine.. !: i:.:curn Steil: . : /1 1::: AOAC IL r.-, (~. L i .a , .........- i::,. tEstLy.)lia 'twenty minutes, if ril IN 0 - or I hr.* .I'eaa-. apoonfuls arc taL:- Feel at il - Valet- I. ; - A a who use It : iiriAn -glvl it g (her tactlinuoi . in nefevor. .- 3113. WATER IN THE 314)VT II AVITII crj r. - j ' ?II • I.VIT'IOOIt Al OIL, A:ill SWALLOW ~.11 Li TOGETIIELG. ' •- Prlce'llsic DoLieir per Millie.' • : . $ ' - • . s.a.Nrovem , s ...,- 1 .. - FA 111 t, V CATHARTIC FILLS, C.XPiit7tlC.l4,rft .i.i . , -- - Pare Vegetable Extracts, ai n 4 rat yln A:LA.4S CASES, Air Iliiht,, and will lieep In any ellitintet ,' .- the Prnlty- •Co -I ..,•• Ibo et leiTILL.le e ref , tie but active Cathernr, in "tclulit tl,t prepratiur tea' teed. in Na practice more .21 then titrilic year, ~- IS, com a tantie inerenng ru dinnand • 1 , , ,, nt th ella L.1.t."; havelons land tin PILL . i l 4 so the minan,tic a...1y Inert ail expects in i.evint to th-ire toe. has induced me to , p Lace them triad!) the reaeh , l ell.' 14 - • . 1 - . 'I he Profetakm rreil kn 0 ,....: . 0 . that din:gat Cathardee set on different pmtinnief the' WI b.weho. ; .1 he FASIIILV CA-1 Tit .11:11C PI LL. , hat, with Jun referee to 1 IL!. Bell e•nablithed feet; 'been compotimie i feOM,ll. rk variety erlfey a the planet Vi ee table • Extracts, erti•ln art! :r. alike cm i3teD, 11. D: e: il.• alimentary Canal. 1121:: are g0,k41.,0 Satin in a il c n „.. es where a . Cathartic iti f on CA Deft:ed. vr - h at . lihr.- raogementa of the, a' SI °mat. h Slietla. • eel-, PANS' Ist (hrtH ock Pr (I . Lolls Coitivencat, Pat 31 i id SO (file , . LtV t r the whole hotly,e'n sq .den cold, %bleb. frantenily, If a...glacial. ci.l in oink , : <>era. of re. ter. Lots of App • -101' Me, nett crying stn. •atlafti of Cold -over stir hod's - , Heat/est% neon. headache, o r lE4 .. rlghob. Ihr broil, all' ti to num t a tnry nitrowt, IVeretow LI Chlldreh or Ada l tit,Led Rhea inpnleut, iii treat, Pori hero( the - Blootli ~.,,,' en - I ,rany rh,•1.9 tr. Teb.e:). flesh is heir. too ttumerons 1 le to tner.:l-tOn - thLredt eru. , ... =lll Dose,l to it i'l Tit ktl.: In ttE ft, The Tojoie e;f pnmtly CA hart le PI I IN bre ert,' , fl.!.y ft, - o.:4:reoeflify, pit 4 ic4.lwllulesalo by lbe 1 ride a:I the tst, tbwas. ' T. W. SA S 7 VII It I). 335 Broad sv ;6, N; , 1• ;f ork ' For sale In *oniro's. , e . by, .%BEL TrIiRZLL; -Amt. CATARACT UAW; 11ACHIXF. Tinie, Stayed: INDISPENSABLE TO -HOUSEKEEPERS, •Ti,e- mu,! pi•onntnicat,, and cturshio 'irtirlrvvcrolThred tothe'vablie•th alleviate tha ,iiseomforiu of.wuKhaty., • :14 , 5eirlptiost. - • :It- cot:inlet" of -a metal ey!indef, with ribs on • ilie in.idi:, and an intt-rior eviinder of wood,. with rib*. There i, a pare froni six to eight • eneb'el, befween the twit Ona crank min* both cylinder* at,,the; mime time' in Oppo% *de directimes rapidly creating "cumin(' the water thrtmeh ihir!clothea, and - effectnalry removing. the - dirt.' Thu :talon .the wafer do . ett the work quiekly j olitTeneei,entirely with rubbing, and thus bactettho weuriof clothe*, ' • , .JANIEs- B. 40DGER.S„ 104 Jones Alley. :Phil is Agent for Penn. SULLIVAN & - HYATT, Ilitop're, 54. BEEli:11.1:N .11' . .E117 YORK:- N.2.—State and County Rights for . rutle. and pinata - sere suppljed with 31aubintis &i wbolesalo on Myra terms. • ' • 1 •• • lEitrA %whine lain operation by a lanodroalf dnily, at our salrsroinni 439 BroAdway. • Mita eow6m - PAM FOR WOlui!l/Li . . C. D. tATIII4OP, Iltointrose. WOOD WAN:'4l.2' B S 047.1120.7 - era Yrotrietar,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers