IST OF - LETT;.III.S Remaining in the Post -_LJ Office at Montrose, Pa., Sept: 30th, 1859. Mee, Mrs. H. J. Harris,' Elisha 'Brown, Mr& Augusta Lott, bliss Catharine Blakeslee,Rev. G. H. Leach, Era. Augusta - Bett, John_ Mr-Eeqfve, A. • Baldwin. Miss Ursula Potter, E. H. Belle, Miss Charlotte Phiren, Mrs. Catharine -Camp, 11. 0. - Riely, Miss Aim Coleman. Jerre Truman, Mrs. E. D., Chore, S . P . Warner, William - Daeglap, bliss Apri • Warner, David H. Hughes. Mrs. Elias Persons calling for any of the above letters ill p.ease say ad%ertised. • ITENRY ]. WEBB,,D. Post Office, Montrose, Pa., Sept; 30th. 1859. STRAY STEER.. • r EFT the enclosure of the anbacriber. about weaks'since, a dark colored' yearling Steer. This finder will be paid for trouble by sending raid steer, or information thereof, to PATRICK MARLY. ntidnewater, Oct. tat, - - By purchasing Goods of Ziegler at Smith, ( Drug,.. Paint and Glans Deakrs,) earner of Second - and Green Sts.-, Philnd'n. :you have ttie advantage of select ing your pitch:lmes from an extensive and varied eirock of white lemd,ziose; ear rd paints and iriatdoiv tglams4 of-assorted sizes and quAlities. Alt tfiesm articles are marked at "pen prices al fail to suit the closest ifob3 ly*jw Important to temates..--Dr. Cheese man's Pills, Prepared by eornelius L.Cheese. man, New York 'City. - The combination of in gredients- in these Pills are the result Of a-long and extensive- practice. They are milkin their operation,and certain in correcting all irregulari ties, painful menstruations, removingall obstruc•, tionsochether froth cold or otherwise; headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. TO 11ARILIED LADlES,these Pills are inval uable, as they will biing on the monthly period with, regularity. Ladies who hare been disap pointed in the use of other pills, can place the utmost, coneden:e in Dr. Cbeeseman's Pills do ing all they are represented to do. NOTICE. -They should not be need during Pregnancy, as a mis-carriage would certainly re su therefrom: Warranted purely vegetable, and. free from anything injurious to life . orbealth. Kiplicit directions, which should be read, accompany each box. "Price $1: Sent by mailson enclos• .ing 81 to any authorized agenL B. B. 111UTiCIIINGS. . , 165 Chismbers-St., Kew. York, • Genera Agent for the United States, to whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. - - - Dr..T. W. LYMAN, Tankhannock, and ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Agents. jan2o ly NEW YORK STORE! 51,_CO[ STREET AGTOINING TEE BANS OF BINGHAMTON . 11. K. IMURKATi• Agent. THIS SPACIOUS and ELEGANT store is now open with an entire new stock of 60.0D2,, which for extent, richness arrd variety, far sur pass anything ever offered in the Southern i ig ier, OUR 'CLOTH , DEPAR ni abounds with every.kind.of Cloths. Cassiineres, tintinetvg,Vestings, OrercoSinzs, Tweeds, Ken , tricky/6.ns, etc. etc , ete„from the nicest to the cheapest. In the line of UDE' HESS GOODS, we have the largest and most elegant steel( of RICH It,LACK and rmict SILKS ever exhibited in-this market. Wet Chintz Figured. and all-Wool Delainas. Met India Silks and Poplins. 250 pieces French and English New & Bedsonable Dress Goods Of every known Style and Eakin. Oooddolible fold Earamettas, at only The. Plain Merinos, Saxony Plaids - and Stripes, 20e. Monalin De taines. 100. - English Flint.; worth 12 and 15e for 10e'. Good dark Madder Prints at 6c. SHAWLS - ! SHAWLS: of every . description, from the cheapest Rob Roy to the moat elegant doable Broebo, cheaper than ever known. CLOAKS, ItA..OI4VSS, 131.3Ett.5; • 4 105t . 12. of every color and quality, with trimmings to match. 11011 SE KEEPIIIG GOODS, ES EVERT TALRITTY. 100 iiieeen white and aearlet, plain xn4 twilled Wool Flanefa, retailing for less than New York package price. I:l<>lltWEirrl4olsil nta-11 . kincil by the bale. price, or yard. Bleached 'ard Bro wri eheetiegs, 6 cetits. M131 1 217.a tO@WI of every description, both wholesale and retail• supplied with ever thing in the hoe at New York 'whOlecule prices. Frain the fact that one of the Proprietors spends his whole tirnein New York City, secu ring ana foriraraink the BEST BARGAINS the market. Iffords, , perchisers can rely 'Upon al way,finding our stock full and assortment com plete. Alt Goods bought for this establishment are in connective with a. large Wholesale House in Nee , York, from.the importers,nannfactorers Agentsjand Auction - Moses direct, thereby sav ing the Jobbene Irrofit,, the benefit of which our custom ere have. From the facilities ‘ke . posseast we know that we can and will sell all kinds of Dry Deeds /era than anvother houArrin :his section. We have the ability, and%we.will satisfy our Pennsylvania Customers nn examinetien: that we 147 the-disposition. Xtemozn.lciear THE NEW YORK STORE," IT NO, 51, COURT SDK BII4IGRAMTOIiii, Y. 84'29 3m) U. K. MIR KAY, agent. 0100 - 3ZIE-41.3Ft, :DAYS the Board ,and Tuition at the Heid i *on River institute, th e CHEAPEST and BEST SCHOOL the. laud. • . Experienee4 Gentlemen Instructors it thec,bkad, of e,ch of the nine departments. Soperioritd rarttszes for Freneh..Painting, andjnino Knife. * : Term pfeim B4pt6mber 1511 i. Write for a Catalogue. • • • Rer.A..k7LACK, A. M, Prilwinali • tug. 25, st6.l Clsren Col. "Co,, N. Y. - • 11(tedical - Cop. DRS. A.C.BLAKESLEE and P. E: BRUSH having .aseociated themselves ender the name of Blakeslee l& Brush for the prosecu tion of the duties of .their profession. respeet .llllly older their profosaional services to the Poblie." •-• • - Office at the residence of Dr. Bialteski, mid way between - .the villages of Dinlock and Springville, - C; 111.AMILDE.; April, 20. '59-1 y .P. P.. BRUSH, • 1001' CARDING - . - 'Flit subscriber continues the above bnaena.. J.- as usual at bis old stand in Brooklyn Thabidul for prat favori be would solicits a Acre of the public patronage. • • /L. G.REYNOLDS. .- Err•cirlyr, Msy:.'3d,lBs9.—tl. LIGHT! MORE LIGHT ! ! FRENCH Burning Fluid, Lamp Oil, Candles.; Also White Lead, Zinc Points, Linseed Oil; Raisins, Coffee, etc. etc., just opened and going then " .1.1.Y0NE1803014.,! V.PLENpID De Linea, GringhatnafPrinta, and ►stinetipgsjust opned, cheap. •J. L. 3 0 0 K BINDING.—OId Books, Neuripapers; Pamphlets, I t tagaziana, etc, ballad up on short notion: kt kJ. L.& 80N. _ Muss a. A i r, ELODEONs. Guitars, Violins, Fifis; Sheet 111 StnAle, on hind or friroislte•d to order. • 3. LYONS & SON POCKET . COIN-DETECTOR ,; - . For testing the rations - kinds of ' ,Gold and Silver Coini.: IT is admitted - by everybody to be the most' perfect thing of Its kind ever offered to thel public. It is so small it can be carried in the pocket without any inconvenience. Every Mer chant, Mechanic, and businesi man stio'd have it. 'A Warrantee goes with every one sold. • Price 81, postpaid to any part of the country. a * * Agents in every county, to whom a heavy discount is given. ,1111 LAY & BICKNELL, sep49al • Box 1150, Milled's, Pa. DR. HAMPTON'S COMPOUND DIURETIC PILLS, Arenighly rceommend6dloy eminent Physicians, as a safe, certain„ speedy and permanent cure for Gravel, Strictures and LII other diseases or d en trigemest of the bladder sod Isidneye. Price SO cents per Loa. Sent to any address,free on receipt of price. Address - DR. J. T. HAMPTON & CO., No. 40S Spruce - Street, Philadelphia. , Also, Proprietors and Manisfactui'ers oY . Dr. Hampton's Anti-Rheumatic Mixture, Medicated Cough Syrup, The Great Desideratum or Hair Restorer. AN IMMENSE QUANTITY OF New Goode AT THE aVg-Vag ~,tort, - This Week. Please call - and see 'ern. Sept. 22, 1859. H. C. TYLER.- GENERAL ELECTION NOTICE. ,N PUttBI7ANCE of an sot or ob. ownerat 1 Assenibly of the Commonwealth of Penn.' Sylvania. entitled an act relating to the election o f the Cinummonwealth, approved the second day.of July, A. D. 1839, I JOHN YOUNG,High Sheriff cif the County of Susquehanna, in said Commonwealth, do hereby give notice to the Electors of the county aforesaid, that a General Election wiFl be held in said county on the , dd Tuesday of October next, (it being .the ELEVENTH day of said month,) at which time:State and County Officers are to be elected as follows, to wit ; One person to fill the office - of it VD IT aR GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, One person to fill the office of SURVEYOR GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Penney!. Mill. .. Oae person to fin the office of SENATOR, in the Geperil Assenabiy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvahia ' for the District composed of the CouutieN'otßradford, Susquehanna, Wyo ming and Sullivan. One person to fill the office of !REIMER OF THE. HOUSE OF fiEPRESENTATWES of Penna3lvania, for the County of Susi:lnchon... One person' to fill the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY. - One person to fill the office of C 0 M la 1 $- SIONE:R for said county. One penton to fill the office of TREASUReR for said county. One person to fill the office of AUDITOR for said county: One person to fill the office of SURVEYOR for said county. And „the Electors will also vote FOR A POOR `MOUSE," or " AGAINST A POOR HOUSE."' And I also hereby. make known and give no tice, that the place of holding the General EleB- tions in the several boroughs and townsh;ps within the county of Susquehanna are as fel• tow t) wit : ••• The election for the'district composed of. the township of Apo!aeon will be held at the house of Joseph Beebe in said township. The election for the district compoked of the townshiliiif-Ararat Will be held at the school house near the Presbyterian uhurch in said township, The election for the district composed of the township of Anbueri will be held'at the house of Geo?ge said township. • ` The election for,the district composed of the township of Bridgeweter will be held at the Court House in the borough of Montrose. The election for tbe•distriet composed of the township of Broo klyn will be held at the hoise of James 0. Billiard in said township. , - The election for the district composed of the township of Chocoout held st . the school house near the house of Edward Clark- in said township. • - The election for. the district composed of the township of Clifford will be held at the house of C. D. Wilson in said township. 1 - , The election for the district composed of the township of Dimock will be held at the house of Diem B. Gates in said township: • The election for the district composed of the township of,Porest Lake will be held at .the house of Betsey A. MR in said township. The election'for the district composed of the townshfpof Franklin Will be held at the school house near Jacob in said township. :The:election for the district composed of the bolo' of Friendarille will be held at the school house in said borough. The election for the district composed of the - township of Greatßend will beheld, et the house formerly occupied by John D. Paddock in said 1 township. Theefeetion for the iistrict composed of the township of Gibson will be held in the Acade my buiding in said township. • • The electian.for the district composed of the town.hip or Hanford.' be held at the house of N. W. Waldron in sainownship. The election for the district, composed of the townelip of Harmony will be held at' the house of B. Winters ha said township. The election fot the district composed of the tovituship (inertia - will beiceld in the build ing occupied by John -Miller lii"said township! ' The election for thwdistrictcomposed'of the township of Jacson will be held of the house of J. J. Tenni in said township. ' The election for the district composed Of the township of Jessup will be held at the house of Daniel 'Holt township: The election for the district composed of the township of Lenox will,be beldot the house of -Grow & Brothent in saidlownship. The election for the district :composed of the township of Liberty will he held ape* house of Bela Jotkee jo said township. The election for , the district cemposisi of-the toWnibip of "Lathrop will' be held et the house of Elisha . Lord in said tovinbsip.' The election for the district composed of the township of Middletown will be held at 'the hogs' of Joseph Ross in said township. ' Tbe election for the district composed of the borough of Montrose Will be held at the Court Mouse in said borough. The election forthatEstrictcompOsedoi the toWailto of New Milford will ,be told at lbw shou sehip occupied by Elijah Barnum hi said town- The election for the district composed of thr; township of Oakland will be beld'at the twouse. of Robert Nichol ia the borough of Elinglehan- The election for the dietriet eete . poeid of the township of-Rush Will be held at the house of Gootge Snyder in said township. - - The election for the dialict composed of the township of Spilngville Will be held at the house of Spencer flitkort in raid township. The election.fot the district composed of the township of Sifter Lake will be held at the house of Robert MeGerigles in said township. The election for the'diatriet composed of the borough of Susquehanni will be, held at the house occupied by James M. Tillman in said borough. The election for the district composed of the township of Thomson will be held at the house of R-R.Chandler in sad:township. I also make known and- give notice u In and by the thirteenth section of the aforesaid act, em directed, "that every person except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or ap. pointment of profit or trust under the United States, or of this State, or ofkny city or incor porated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is, or shall be, employed ander the leeelative,jedleial,-or executive department of this State, or thi United States; or of any in. corporsted district ; and also that ,eiery mom: bar of Congress, and of the State ' Legislature, and of tho select or common oouocil °fatty city, or commis loners of -any incorporated district: is by law incapable of holding or-eiereteing at the same time,the offictver appointment of Judge Inspector or-Clerk of any, election of this Com monwealth, and that no Inspector, or Judge. or other Officer of any such election, shall be eligi ble to any office then to be voted fee And by the same act of Assembly ,it is ale, made "the duty of every Mayor, Sheriff, Depu ty Sheriff; Alderman, Justice of the Pence, or Constable, or Deputy Constable, of every city, county,township or dtatrictwithin this Common wealth, whenever called upon by an officer of an election, or by three qualified electors there of, to clear any window or avenue to the window of the - place of General Election which shall be obstructed in such a way as to prevent totem from approaching the same ; and it shall bo the duty of the respective eonst i rle of each ward, district or township, within is Commonwealth to be 'present in person or by deputy, at the place of holding Elections, in such ward, dist rict, or township, for the purpose of preserving "the peace aforesaid. Also that in the fourth section of the act of Assembly, entitled "An 'act relating to execu tions std for other purposes," approved April sixteenth, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid thirteenth section " shall not be construed so as to prevent any militi4 officer or borough al• eel' from serving se Judge, Inspector, or Clerk lat any general or special election in this Com- Imonwealth." i Pursuant to the provisions - contained in the j 'ledges section of the act aforesaid. the 'edges of the aforesaid districts shall Teepee. Itively take charge of the return of the election of their respective districts, sue produce them at a meeting of one Judge from each district Ott the Court House' in the borough of Mont rose, on the third - day after the day of Elec poo, being the tiresent rear. on foulteeutli day of October next, thereto do ;nd perform the duties required by law of rid Tudges. Also that where a Judge by pinkness or unavoidable accident is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the cer iificate or return aforesaid shall be taken bharge 'of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties required of said Judge Unable to attend.' - And in pursuance of the 18th section of the Act of Assembly of said Comnionwealth, of he 18th day of February, 1839, to provide (or the erection of a hon p for the em ploy ineot and support of the poor of Susquehanna County, I do hereby make known and give itotice that thequalified electors of the County Of Susqtrehanoa-shall vote, at said election, on the subject of an acceptance or rejection of ald Act, by piloted or written tickets, hav ing on the outside the - words . " Peon Hoven." and on the inside the, words," FOR A POOR HOUSE," or "AGAINST A POOR HOUSE;" t. !Inch vote than be returned by each election atinficcOn 'ow alms u 5.....“ as the ,ifiea t.. 6. any county officer are warned, and to be counted by the return Judges of the county ; 'and if a majority- of said votes are cast for a poor house, then said Act shall go into effect tnimedistelv thereafter, but if a majority of said votes shall be against:a poor house, then sfsid act shall have no further force or effect ]hatever. Also, that in the 61st section of said act it i -.enacted that "every general and special .le)ection.shall be opened betweeo Eight and en in the forenoon, and abet; continue with out interruption or-adjournment until Seven o'clock io the evening, when the polls shall be closed." ' [The return. judges for the Senatorial Dis trt, ct composed of the counties of Bradford, Shsquehanna, Wyoming, 'and Sullivan, will . oet in the Court House, in the Borough of poranda, in the County of Bradford, on Tues day, the-18th day of Orttober nest. 11Given under my Hand, at my o ffi ce. in the Borough of Montrose, the 13th day of Sep tember, Anno Domini, 1859, and in the year octhe Commonwealth the siertv-tLiil. , . JOHN YOUNG Sheriff. SIIIRIff'S SALES. BY virtue of ,sundry writs issued by the Court of CO - rumba Pleas of Susquehanna cdunty, and to me directid, I will expose to se9e, by public vendee, at the Court House, in Montrose., on Saturday, the 15th day of October, 1859, at one o'clock, p. m., the following 'de sciibed• piece or parcel of' land, todwit :- ALL. that certain piece or parcel of land Situate in the township ofJessup, in said county, bound ed and described as fullows,to wit: on the north b lands,of Charles Bolles, on the east by J. B. 51;Keeby, on the south by Russel Very , and o the west by Elitanalt Bolles, containining about \ sixty-six acres, be the same more or less, together with the apportetiances, two dwelling houses, one barn, one orchard, and about thirty- Acres :mproved. [taken in execution at the suit ofi Timothy l)epue vs. P J. Hart and Henry Hart \ .1 . ALSO— All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Brooklyn, county of SUstothanna, and 81.1tiof Pennsylvania, bound. ettand described as follows, to wit: on the north byl, the Milford' and Owego, turopikepAbout 7 perches; on the east by lands of Johnson Quick , . about 17 perches; on thestittlh by lands ori.o. Bullard, about 8 perches; on the west by lands of J. 0. Bullard and 0. G. Hempstead, about 16 perches ;•contairting about 121 pe•hes of land, together with the appurtenanCes, on two story framed dwelling house, and wood she a framed barn, and all improved. (Taken in execution et the suit of John Brisbin vs. Galen V. Adams ALSO—AIi that certain tract or parcel °Nod situate ist the township of Oakland, county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania * bound' edland described as follows", to wit: on the north by! landi of 'Jacob L Skinner, oast; by lands of Mprgan Semis, soot:1114 the Susquehanna river, and On-the west by lands of Joseph McKune,jr., containing about 100 acres, be the same more or less, together wilif bereffibuttenbs and appurtet um eas t r bowie, 1 barn, 1 . ochard, and about 75 *Olt' improved. [Taken in execution at. the suit of)Dsvid Taylor vs. RebertMcKune, 'Adminitt. tritoi of Was McKooe, deceased, and Lewis E. Shntts./TlllO Tennat. ' Purchasers will in all cases be required to paY, on the -day of sale, an amount sufficient to ' l ooser the cords of sale, otherwise, the foroper ty twin be re-sold forthwith. . , • JOHN YOUNG, Sheriff. herilriOffiee, Montrose, Sept. 41st, 185.9,-ta. OP" See advertisement of Dr. Saiford's Liver litiiikerator sad ,Family. Cirthartie Pills, in another eolunna. • sipS 13i Card...-Dr. Mayas of the Binglountist Water-Cure; <will be, at Susquehanna Depot (Niehora flotitlyon the 6th of each . month'. dn. ring the Spring. and Bumbler for eonaullation. I. esttikts will End-it to. their advantage to glow hint a call. Patients received at ail times at Ma establishment- in Binghamton,. 'whore comfort . and convenience way be , foetid ickaticoosalbt treatment of lwvaltna. (tf: M. C. TYLER, SPECIAL Partner, with La‘vrenee,Griggs & Kingsbury, manufacturers said. jobbers in Straw Cowls, Hats, Caps & Furs, Unibrellas, Parasols, Ribbons, and all Millinery 'articles,— No. 46, cotillion& street, New York. IsepB ISAAC L. HUNT, IMPORTER and Dealer in Foreign a nd Do. 1 m e ek H ar dware, Cutlery, Camige TrifflM lags, Ckc.,*alao coanOtabturer of American Hard ware, sod proprietor U. S. Malleable Iron Worka a t Newark, New ittley. No. 216 Pend street, near Maiden Lane. New York. reeptlm6*. M. C. TYLER, special newt, _ DISSOLUTION.. . THE firm of S. H. SAYRE &- ,Bens. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. D. Sayre withdrawing from the firm. The tonsitThns'will be tarried on as heretofore under the name and style of S. H,Say,re ••& Bro. • The 'notes and accounts will be in the 'hands of ,P. Sayre for settlement. All indebted to the m will please give it their immediate attention, as All the ac counts must be settled. 8. H. SAYRE & BROS, Montrose, Sept. let, 1859- S. DIL Pettoogill itc. Co, A avertising Agents, at 119 Nassau-st, .LA. New-York, and . IQ ktate-st, Roston, are agents.fer The 11Iontrose Dinwerat, and are au thorized toeoutraet for us at our lowest rates. T. PALMER. ar CO., MARKET, STREET PHILADELINA. Dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions; Have constantly on hand an assortment of Pried and Pickled Fish,,etc., viz: sekerel, Shad,Salmnn, Hine Fish,. Herrings, Codfish, Reef, rofk, Lard, . Shoulders, Haws, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rico, &c. ' Administrators' Notice WH . EIII:AS, Letters of Administration have been granted to the sutweribers on the es tate of David Detrum, late of . the township of Apolacon, deceased. all persons indebted to the said-estate are requested to make immediate pay went, also aft persons - liming just demands atainat the same will please present them duly authenticated for settlement to 'Wm. Bufftim, Friendaville. W3I. BUFFUIL JOsEPII BUFFUSI, Apolacon, August 15th-6vi.: SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY .COSSICAL AND NOR MA SCHOOL, At Montrose, Pa., for 1859. rrliE Trustees are hippy to announce to' the 1. public that the next term of this popular school will eommence on Monday, the 22d day of Auguct, nest, under the - charge of Prof. HAMMY IMODIIEAD, IL A., a grad...4.4f 11.Ic 41 0. 1ic i mpen r .tpmsnitea ny a corps of competent instructors in the va. rious departments. 'Tire trustees would refer the patrons of the school, and others, to the fol lowing testimonials from the •President and Professors of Yale College: Yacr. COLLEGE, June 24,1859. Mr. Harry Bepdhearl, a member of the class about to be graduated at Yale College, has held a high rank in the class as a scholar. So far is I am acquainted with it, his moral character,and habits, are irreproachable. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, President. Mr. H. Brodhead, who belongs, to the gradu ating class of this year, has shown himself du ring the two years of his connection" with the college, a capable and successful scholar. She'd he apply himself to the work of instruction, I hate no doubt of his Air to justify the confi dence and satisfy the ex eetations of any who May avail themselves of his services. ha. lIADLEY, Prot. of Greek. H. Brodhead of the class of 1859, in Yale College, is a good scholar, and has a superior mind. I have little doubt Tic will make an- effi -ident, and suctievsful teacher, and can - recommend him with great confidence Chat he will not dia. appoim.. his - patrons. • and PORTER, rror. rnioOsiipliy and Metaphysics: Mr. H. Brodhead has just finished his course of collegiate education and will recieve the de ree of Bachelor of A rts :tithe approaching com mencement.-- Ais he proposes to bo engaged for a time in the besiness of teaching,he is cheerfully recommended by the Undersigned as a person well gnal,fted by his scholarship and attainments, by his ebristian character and deportment to be successful in the instruction and government of a school., Tuomss A. THACHER, Pro?. of Latin. • Students may here be prepared for admission in an advanced class in any of our Colleges, nod particular attention will be paid, as heretofore, to the thorough preparation or ALL WHO DESIRE TO BECOME TEACH/T*9,lM THE NORMAL DEPART• DIENT. • Special instruction in the latter Departmen will be given during the, ensuing term. The Text Books heretofore used will be con tinned in the School. Lectures on subjects of general interest wil be delivered during the year. Price of Tuition per Term of Eleven Weeks. ; - - • 66.00 Primary Departnent, - . 3,50 In English Branches and Latin and Greek, 9,00 Instrumental and Vocal Music will be given if desired. titudeits wishing to procure rooms onboard eon be accommodated by writing to R.. Cush• thsn, Esq , and those.wishing to board them. selves can obtain stores nod furniture from Messrs. Sayre Brothers, on reasonable terms. Price of. boafd avorrures from $.lOO to 82.50 per week, lion. W.II. JESSUP, President. - lion. C. F. READ, Secretary; . July tHst, 18:19.-3m: SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR ~ h i NE,imit DEBILITATES. 0 TT ls compoundd entirety from E tone. land .1 A. Is. beonme. eatablea e ted Let, • Standard Iledichte.hUmen and sltt`',"./ by all t.ll hen used n. and to now re.. Oil scrod to with enatdisoce al e A iall the diseases fitruideh it liO is recommended. reo It has cured thentenle l . 1 ,2 Itritbfrs the last two yes. 0 Übe Ita4 Oren up all hog.: %et itt Mug. . the numerous Unalleiteaterthiret. late' IZA testassien eh., . ,_ ,_,... The do. mat beadapiedi ice 'to the temperament of the to tratlrriusl taklaz 11. and iir-, cif to such gusantna so to .._. set ;cwt.) , on th elinerets. Lea U. ;Inlet., of yolrl juameot go ido you in n o , it-c nee ot the.l.lVtr.ll..lN-i i o. - VIGOR rliTtill., and it 2 wra cure Liver Cons -• hf ' plaint.", Dillon. Ate A.' tacks, Dyepepsla,i (2 : Chronic Diarrhoea. el Sommer Com.;lplatnte, Dysente- 2 tt ry, Dropsy. Seri !Stow w•eul le•••• 4 1 Eis" i Costiveness. Clatill-! te, Cholera, Chile + ra lilortrum, Cholera iI es tinhorn. Flatn- . cr leiter, Janssen le eq. 'remote Weakness- '4 Co. and Tanyht need tric i .. .let:Wally ea an Ortilisne. i .... ry legisulty illedl-; IR iein....u r ip.ptucK. r: II EADAP II E, co• . doused, tan tretily.) 111 W twenty minutes, if liare or three Ten• Til spomaala are MU- mis at commencsaitat st 1 .74 soot. Au who um It are i !giving their tssultmat ' g In lip ham% . nix WATER vi litz ,tovrts Willi. g TUE ,INVICISIt ATOD., MID SWALLOW 80111 TOD ETD lit It. Price One DolJar per Bottles • - —« AL.i", r --. ei . 5 A Pir,f3.l ) l;‘, l) CATHART ig P 1.1.13 1 'e aq Itraneta and Put up bi Tight: mid will-hoop Pure Vegetable Li taLe.sircoulti; Ale la any Athlete. The Flintily Ca" Ile but attire, Cathartic Tbewaed 1M froth'. d'''" erstattatty lareloneettedlatt Pi itta ett express In Mara ell them within the reult of Tice rroaelino koe W am t he umlaute of tbal • the FAMILY ' c`A - 1 ot, oith due retentere IC been outopoundel front a table Estracia. • i biea e 4 -1 alltaaUtars visa. a" tl ahem a, Cube b ratogematela.. 'of dte VMS*. 101 the Ceetilveatags, raj tl ehe whole Mar. frequently. V ottilledet war. Loss tor tittlte 'anon of Vold over • Immo, libtatiaalTe al all an gaga Masser, or art Ohs Mood to , Mo to nte:wan Rms. ale i 'lat . :Elf: thdtabolenale by therm& IL T. W. lIA • • 335 'tread:or U*lhnettrPlLLlosro: " ' wbkh the preprlteoe has 114 . 3 twerg m y t .r. ... ta , .. Nwet the sidsart{u which . ~`, Ust,isistatauml sato plaoa _ no F t th at different Catbarqeo Wee ' T.II A RTIO PILL this well easblashed NA. cp . , :tes i, y .. sf 14;bee , r r g t : r . .0 1 g 4 rzt. 'inefi I s s " I.l' ," : = 7 1 .71.1Mull'ariV.7313: .44 Somme* over i Man sodden tad. • 'troth t'ed fit a ktter canna at Fi...4" , fif e.. a Crtlrling PM- .1; . the hPdy. 'test lest", . _ di ~a s s..o si it f; -I :t mma . 0 lesossallbltits crater and Irsosill, I 11.4 IV Drocests 'merely, eat la all got tem ioirm • .. Kasunwurrraa nornotor, a 7.. - Pew. Vorrft: . . NW S T ITUOGRA.PIIII-•-. ESUPPLY Li Dec. 15t,1858. A. 'rURII,ELL • lithr Agntuttutil -flittemtitt. TO ALL WANTING FARMS; A Rare Opportunity in a Delightful and Healthy Climate 25 Miles Southeast of Philadelphia, on tlin Cemdin andAtiantia•Railtoad, NEW • A N old estate consisting of several thousands . Li\ of acres of productive soil has been Ai% ided into Farms of various sires to snit the purchtmer. A population of some Fifteen Hundre4 from va rious parts Of the middle States and New Eng. land have settled there the past year, Improved thelr,placas,, and,rerised crept: . .The price of land is at the low Stuirof from $l6 to sgO per acre, the soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat. Corn, Peachel, Orkpim and Vegeta bles. IT IS CONSIDERED THE BEST FRUIT BOIL IN THE UNION . . The: place is perfectly secure from frosts-.-the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crops of .grain, grass and fruit are now growing and, can be seen. By ex aming the place itself, a dortect jedgentent tan be formed of the productiveness of the The terms are made ealy to secure the rapid ho. provement of the. land, which is only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that within the pearlier, some three hundred Musts have been erected, two mills, lone steam, four I stores, some forty vinyards and peach orchards, planted, and a large number of other improve ments, making it a desirable and active plaice of business. THE MARKET, - .as'the reader may:perceive !rote its loestioi, is the BEST IN THE UNION. • Produce brineng..double the price than in lo cations away from the city, and morn than dou ble the price than the West. It Is known that the earliest and best fruit and tegetsbles s in this latitude come from New Jersey, and are annual ly exported to the extent of millions. In locating here the settler has many advan tages. He is within.n few hours' ride of the great cities of New England and Middle States, ho is near his old friends and associations, he. is in w settled 'country where every improvement of comfort and civilization is at hand. He can buy every article ho wants at the cheapest price, and sill his Produce for the highest, (in the. West this is reversed,) ho has sehools for his childreo, divine service, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where feVers are utterly unknown. The result of the-change upoo those from the north, has generally been to restore them to an excellent, state of health. In the way of building and Improving,. lumber' can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to 80 per thomand: -Bricks - from the brick yard opened in the place, every article can be procured in the place, good carpenters are at hand, and therle is no place in the Union where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. The 4eader will at once be struck wit c h the advantageS here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market and unless these statements were correct, no ne would be invited to er-nnin. ik . pore purchasing. This- all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation„ such is the extent of the settlemant that they will no doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor hood; they will witness the improvement and can judge the character of the * population. If they come with a view to settle . they should COMP prepared to stay a day or two and be reedy to purchase, as !orations cannot be held on re fusal. Thcre are two 'daily trains to Philadelphia and to all.aettlas who improve, THE RAILROAD COMPANY GIVES A FREE TICKET FOR SIX MONTHS, AND A lIALF•PRICE TICKET FOR THREE YEARS. THE TOWN OF HAMMOIiTON. In eonhection-with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, whi.h presents induceiiants for any kind of ness, particularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton busi ness, and manufactories of agricultuaal imple mrnts or Foundries for casting small articles. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure n constant and permanent increase or huskies's.. Town. lots of oa good size, we do not sell small; ones, as it Would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from 3100 wad upwards. The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly literary and ag,ricultural sheet; containing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at MS cents per annum. Title indisputatle—warrantee deeds given, clear of all ineumbrance when money Is paid. Route to the land; Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, fur Hammonton by Railriied, at 7:30, a. m., or 4:30, p. m , fare 90 cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conven ience/4 'on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will show them - ever the land sin Lis carriage, free of expense. Utters and applications ran be addressed to Landis & Byrnes, Hurinsonton P. Atlantin Co., New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 South' Fifth Streets, Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. nig. 11. 6 m. DR. CHURCHILL'S REEDY CONSUMPTION. *'III4CU'ESTER'S ISSN Ut32l rnarmsAnua Cr 11111 HYPOPHOSPHITES , OF LIME AND OF SODA; aut Skutt . ..VA Amyl - lea tenuotil e . tkAan:u &tam, t64OlAs €l l! ‘,.i f au cr‘osamt c3rhiaild. • • The sum. of -Ws NEW RESTEDT (tilservered by Dr. Churchill. of ruts.) Is ottalning for It the most UNBOUNDED POITIL &MITT Wenzhou( Europe and the Cubed States. It is a - purely iSCIENTITIC PREPARATION. and seal-with INVARIABLE EFFICACY b all shies of Poletiauer and Nervous M.*. The ligpophoephitee increase the Prin. otos "ebb* corethtutth nervous form and- are the isoib gancedid bL.od generating agents known. The Care - cifConstunption, In the now° sad TIMM mais (at &beds% Owelleent l 7. when them can be no Itheertainty as to the redure of the disease.) ma be obtoned. Eit ALL CASES. by this thealththit editePt "d em the existing lesion of the lump Is of Itself eughtlent to produce death. Care is the nil% Death the irreeptlort. This Rester had not only a =awe eta.. but wilk if used wherever there mists s ettetation of the Macaw. PREVENT ITS DEVELOPMENT. and One ad Al • moassianes Was zeta. ee ' coseentrthost ADD As vAccusanos Doss wow es. GARD TO a1ie1.1.701. Coset.. ntra on."- A. also. I iere, _iteest issas= l ,. .ll disease for twenty-One email and hare dented more sal froth the toe of the Ihrormerums teas from all caller fan.. of good icatiou of:waived." M it maven MM.. Aug.& 1869.-I have teed the Efireinsos• rem to my pre.. with tarp hoPPS Whefe - e o mlu q ao that I worm Noe BS Wein= to agnate WITIMUT Tinge ....11YealtSealrf. Vt.. Ape: 5, .1 belle. the throes., farm nsto Wine Matter ICJ% sew • Dr.,.Churiddll mied then; coax colthowortolt." .thattrolat t erresra, NA, 1880.-I d have pret.ettib*the Nvophomiti e iiermed enal. sad WOW& lei kre. = IIONIN/20, "Looka.L. 0. July D. thAD.- 1 hese wed in - gout forty bottler, and In but one Instance bare they tilled to knelt the pr stdthat win a top.. one lease I was WWI. I has* . bad 'wend math stem . us by attending physicists who ass row tarerfUla CallrellATlVELl oeort Maher, and Tow satom ALL Ins arowswis of pulmonary dimmer. ft have use the, Risme in my own Ma, tritA decided *octes. DOS elf getded sa aerates by phyadans and Meads 000•reo or roper. umior the • old MAMMA: IMa Doer able to ride,,in attoodlog ots the task as many miles MAIM la &dab As arki Oki PlOvid hr enusty." t he ßowl. Fstam N. P. An. NI. IS( 2 - 1 here only Clore. Otis morning, to ray, that I have beta astonished in wit nearing the good effects of the liferoesiowerrat The ataleelenlei In your bopottlet are flat at all maggerated," Esser. NA's. Tazerreat. Aug. IlioL-4 have be. your tlyrphneplitus of Lboe sod Sods. sad AO/ myyverfrp great nosprOCO*olll of ihroe.: Alga my me. Rho g lisdeivte bleeding of the tongs, ts likewise mace bens. .77ibiouit,4-1' twelve bettiela of Churchill's Reme y r Consumptioa. • • • If ass WOWS. Welettialt CALL" - 4: • Make No Delay! CoiWrwryißss. 'la any Wiir . dit Be Duesii.eboalillesod lustiest/ to the the et• threratieritrires ambles sop.. orcavertso Gisoutz Paseaurvo.s"W ItyM), to es____ . .tra large bottlea, is " ehessicalyiure • la the amble.. tors b 7 lh. Clmnaddll " rwiltra. r r ed , 97P med 80 ' Dr. cisicartharestratk wt t7eanf lspi an C.ompridus his Report Made, to the imperial itewheiredlebss , Parts; Ndes owl; Iwo Doom iroooatAto, o_oLt.ood rkr-mtoor with Clreolur. will be sent on maript ki stomata TbkliVadlew eithe riblvitsMe WW I, • meffett Mmes., to Dr..Ctiwaliessario swim:, • - C> tOlgri~~~thted bmpiwiidn*fidleu Tow Wee gmbtbW, ass pot ouy Oust my . Rellete* bar . rXia^tieirs vafiv, slow *Paw". - - a. theßysors ett_RAS thetallsthe4k.!ls ebelsallsib..tet btet impelpaiseseltddieh• Seskiiide r• 'weedo. ' ':ee amp .1111.100.;'Tie. evessesteit . 4 MM 4r M -#•010 0 itiftge.. - im.llo.Ptiagorr .11*-.01111114 W ore p Rao IsWe leresseelbeta tr i al ea mesdames wisp ssepillem lvviewe Mai•9lll4; wlfe•filegv'.. , thiei Retgal4Diteliesbared bbd ineyserhif. IL Gold and &tall= iti - dit &Weal lto UrdWd Bud" bedbyb 10 lvdtv womm, tWINOHESTERi4tJahiIO; Y N d Y . tar Sold is Moottoie by' , • ; Sep. 15, 1859. ABEL TIMM-ELL Irr: GIFTS 11 TO PURCHASERS Or , BOOKS At trie 01101WAL and the OBLY , MET - soot ENTERPRISE, Established by G. O. EVANS, In 113164116: DEAD QUARTERS FOR THE UNITED STATES-AT ntil . PUSUESING HOUSE OF G 4 G. EVANS, 439 CHESTNUT-ST, .PHILADELPHIA, PA. No connectitoi with New York Gift Book Store's. (C 1 A.. 11.31,:,) SDICE I Originated the Gift Hook tatirprise, I have repeatedly called the attention of the , public to my large stock of liberal otters, *bleb they have always warmly responded to. I - can now,, with more agtlsfantion - thatgever, call atten tion to my largely increased inducements to pur chasers. Being very heavily engaged In pubtish ing,l exchange my ptibiientions fot those of other houses; and am enabled to procure all my books at the otigibal cost, and thus can -and do supply the majority of the other boasts engaged in the Gift Book trade, With theft boolts, cheaper than they can procure thetn•from other publishers.' - I. can also; by. my heavy purchases of Watebits & Jewelry;forseash, furnish therewith their, Gifts at lower rates than the y can buy them from the manufacturers. , Having such an advantage in baying, I can in sure my customers a great deal bettir Gifts with their books than any other house,and can give my agents a larger commission. • A valuable Gift is delivered with each Book at. the time of sale.— Gifts worth $lOO, at the lowest wholesale rates. will be impartially distributed with everrelooo worth of Books sold. Send.for a catalogue,, which will be sent free to any address, containing the most valuable hection of Standard productions in Literature, Philosophy, HiStorY,Geography, navels,and all the favorite works of Fiction and Sciences, with every other 'department of Literature, classified as described below. Send for it,for ifyon don't wish to order books, you will obtain a very val. nable'Book for reference, as. it contains all the desirable books in print, and costs you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the lief of my publications, which will be found in the latter - part of my Clasaifiyd Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly popular works, by ya.. rious authors; among Which are ill . of T. S. Ar. %nee best work», well known as a moral instruct tire, and pleasing author. G. G. EVA NS, Philadelphia, Pa GIFT worth.from 50 cts. to $lOO, is given with ,mca-nryair - um CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS 4griculturat—Thia' department embraces all standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton Planting, Flowers, Gardening, Flinn Implements. Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees, du. Albums—Ladies' (a great variety) Floral, Cap' Quarto, Royal Cap, Demy Quarto, Auto graph. &c. Annuals—A large and elegant assortment. Bibt•s—A splendid assortment of pock tit,pew and family Bibles, in every style, from ei to $5O. Prayer Books—A complete assortmetiu.arery form and at all prices hymn Books—As used by the different denom- inations, Brographical—Works of Trving,Flendley:Weems. Sparks, Bancroft, and every other standard author. Botanical—By Comsrock, Grey, Lincoln, Derby, Wood, ate.; -&re, Cookery--Reeeipt and Cook Books,, by Mra 11 4 1 . e, ',milk, Widdifteld, 31'Kenzie,&c. German—Standard German Literature. Dictionaries—Webstees English, Vrennh, Ger man, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian. &c. Cyclopedias—All of the standard authors. Geographical—The latest and most improved schools and othe? Geographiis, Mips, and 'Travelers' Guides. . Geology—The works of Hugh Hair's, Hitchcock, Lynn and others. Mstoricab 7 By Prnscott, Irving, Bancroft, Rob. ertson,Hume, Gibbons, Macaulay, and others. /tumorous—Embraces a world of fun.- • Jurenik—Every description of idustratedbooka far children. ' Idsor and Medicine—The'Standard works of _ these professionsr. Mechanical and Scica s tific—The most approved works on McchanieS, Architecture, and the ' exact Sciences. ' . . Poetry—English and American. Octavo and lit erary editions of the stadard Poe's; pocket and cabinet editions—plain and illustrated, bound in every style to suit the taste of all. W,,rks ,if Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, and' all. the approved Writers. Miscellaneous—Oar Miscellaneous Department embraces every thing not included in the, above classification,fif an interesting and instructive charscjer, that is In print. Including School and Classicql. l'rarels and Airenhires. - Baines. Sports and Pastimes Religious, Biblical and TheuingitaL Musical and Glee Books: Odd Fellowship and Freemasonry SCHEDULE - OFWFTS The Gifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Ghains, Ladies' Splendid Black and . Plata Sillt - Dresses,Patterns,Parlor Time-pieces, Biiver. plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet,( Torque's and Lava Jewefrv, Gold Locketis, Pencils,. and. Pens, Li dice' Neck and Chatelaine Chains, , Oenta' 80. som Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket-knives, Port.tnonnaies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF GIFTS! varying from 60 cents to $2& • AGENTS WANTED EVERYWERE. To agents I can give more liberal inducements than is afforded by any other house. In addi deal.° larger commissions, it is much easier to ea subscribers for my enterprise than any other. - The peculiar, advantages are—. A larger stock, and better Catalogues to se lect from. A better assortment and Quality of GIFTS. Moro ,punctuality - - and correctness in filling ay. aeting ast agAmta for.uso, Pa►anna Wishing a valuable Library can procure i gratis. . . Thoseseekiog an easy method of earning a livelihood cas find it.._ Any one desiring n good Watch,enn obtain it .•... .... .... .... . • . For full 'particulars, send for a 'Cato . . My large eapititl, together With-my, long oP petioles in, the- business, and_consequent fa. miliarity with 'all its detail's, gives' me do al most incalculable advantage over all other parties. All I ask is a trial. fiend mean ord.:wor:ld you Will be convinced that there is no augers, tion. fh;not forget to send for a Catalogue., And tosddress G. - G. EVANS, . • ORIGINAL GIFT:ENTERPBISE, 434 CHESTNUT_ STREET, • • Philadelphia, Ponta. Persons visiting the City, ere requestesi* to call and, mambo! for themselves. - , FLour., kerb ground. Pluisseen and au. gam cheap. Just received and for ea/a,by Jniy 97th-1 - 1-LVON.9 Jr- - DE. E F. 'WILMOT, ' r , _i . rnatutte of the AllopstNe sad Home, ur pstliic Colleges of Medicine is nog par. atmently located is. Great Bawd Poi,. OFFICE corner of .Mein and Elizalseth.abs# Dearly opposite the Methodisqchovels. .• . • • GRAPE GROWZRO ran carry on .theirbn• amen moat aucoesafelly at . Hammootoo,. free from frosts. .Some forty ilium& set oat the pat season. Sea .advertisement of. Hato: moaton Ivied., another column. lr ANHUI' OARTEIits..4 new tot A V JLI 56 cent.* try J. LYONS & SON. - July 97th.. ' NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL" TERELSTZESS RESfEDT. , 4, it ~..i i , t l bt , , - . .„ 4 11 1,,, 7. , f.. ‘-->. - • 4N 4 A e k\ l '' , ) ‘ , 4 „,,, ~..,‘, -F." • _,..,......, - '4 ; - .•: - .;: 2L ‘ — 7: •-•-:---," . 2 : I " 't HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. amnia TO Mg gray. rritig tire. hopitat surgeons and medical pct.: lieistit of Europe, admit the noparitieled szki.intlammatory, and bealiug properties of this Ointment; govetumenta azuction its use is (belt naval and military services; and the masses this country,and, throughout the world, repose the utmost ccedldenCe in Its curative properties. It penetrates the sources of- inflammation and corruption which -undeilies tho external ,cvi. deuces of 'disease, and neutralize the Sery_ele. meats which feed and exasperate the malady. ittiatinatistattlerefrds, Zrysipelss._ Thee P& afnelfg the most terrible and ago. offing dtaeaSea of the roinseles, the fleshy fibre ancrthi Skini yet in their worst forms, and when .• seemingly- Incurable, they invariably disappear tinder a persevering application of this soothing, healing, antidote to pain and inflammation. Salt Usua l sever Sets., Stiff pints. tu all cafes of Salt Rheum, where medical wa ters, lotions, and Ocery receipt of the pharmaco pcea have proved_useless, the Ointment will tic. complish a thurongr clue. Paver Sores heat quickly ender its influence. and its relaxing ef fect ripen eentrzsts . d . ±ltas is frilly Wonderful. Ulcers. • A most remarkable 717-happy change Is pro duced in,the appearance of malignant ulcers af ter a few t applications of this-Oinmeut. The /Or rounding' redness vanishes. and granules of of healthy flesh begin to take the place of the discharged 'matter. This process goes on more or, less rapidly, until the orifice is filled up with sound material, and the. leerradically cured. IL 'Word to lothers. The young are the-most frequent suffer,. from external injuries, and therefdre every mother should have this healing 'preparation constantly at hand. It is an absolute specific for sore; breasts, and quickly , removes the encrusted sores which sometimes • disligure the heads and faces of children., '•• . - . Significani Pacts. This Ointment is universally used on board the Atlantic mid Pacific whaling fleet as a cure foi scorbutic, affections and as the best po s sible remedy-for wounds and bruises. Large supplies of it have recently been ordered by the Sottair of Turkey for hospital *poses. Roth the Ointment and Pills should be used tri ' following cases: Buniohs; Chapped Hinds, Scalds, Burns, MereuriadDruptions, Sore Lefty, Ovaustatum, lureolnittlaria, - core nreasuz,. — RIII - 01irtiff, -- Sere Heads, Gout, Salt Rheum, Sore Throats, Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Sotesbf all kinds, Piles, Sprains, , Stiff Join,s, Ulcers, Worts of all kinds, Venereal 'Sores Tetter,Swelled Glands. *, 1 , 44 401d at the Manufactories of Profe:ssor. HOLLOWAT, SO Maiden Line, New York, and 24 Strand, London, by all respectable - Drugg is t- and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world. in pote, At 1 1 4.. cents, 62 1.2 cents, And $1 each. 'There is a considerable saving by taking the lamb? sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients ; , irroVery disorder are.sißred to each pot. • j9yl 23enw. MEAT MARKET. Oj frublic Afenue, nedr• Scarle:.s Hotel. KEEP constsntly•on hand' a ,a•cod supply of MEATS' of all kiwis. CASH ps id for Beet Cfttallb, , CalrestAlteepousd Lambs( Alsolor ilidm of ail kinds. HEINFSTOCK & 1-IAVI,EY. AXT : ANTED, during the-Fair and Winter.—_ , .. I' Also a laiioress. Enquire at thlA office. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA it Benevolent Instittaion,established by sinyial en , dowment for the relief of the sick and di,tressed f eieted with Virulent anti EpisiOni,; diseases. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATIONin vies Of the au. fel destruction of human life, caused by Sex ual diseases, end the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of .such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed . their Con sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT WOrtITY oZ their name; to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this clogs of diseases, in all their forms,- and to give MEDICAL. ADVICE . GRATIS, to all who' apply by letter, with a description of their con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &0..) and in eases or extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free' of charge. It is needless tb add that tho Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish themest improved modern treatment. The Directors oldie -Association, in their An nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di= senses, for the year ending January Ist, 1858, express the highest satisfaction with the eurcess which has attended the labors of the Consul:l'm Surgeon in the cure orSpermatorrhcca, Seminal Weakness.lmpotence,Gonorrheert,Gleet,Syniiiis,. the vice of Onanism or Self:abuse, &e., an d' or der a continuance-of-the same plan fitr the. Mr suing year. An admirable Report one Spertn - atorritnea, or• Semi* Westmeath the elan of Onanism, Mastnr halloo, or Sell•abtise, and other diseters of the sexual organs; by the Cutlet:Ming Surgeon, be sent by mail (In a sealed envelope), FREE, OF CHARGE, on the • receipt of TWO, STAMPS for pestage. Other Ituporta and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Resin!. diseases, diet. dtc.:. are constantly being publish ed for gratuitous distribution and will be sent • to the afflicted. Some of the new • remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the lasi. year, are of great value. Address, for Report, or Treatment, Ftr. SKILLIN HOIIOIITON f Acting Someon, How ard Aisociatbm, Nii.„? South Ninth, Phil adelphia. Pa. By order of the Direqnrs. EZWIt D. HEARTMTBLL fretident. .GI4X. TAiRCIIILD. Sec' y. tte `2B-ly • air-4 . 11150e1jc fisiolikmnvybotty. STARTLING . ,DISOLOSIIRES ! R. TNLLER'S great _ work for the married Seeeconteniplating mar. .ge [urges full o 25 Cents—sent to IX s. Under real, by, mail. iT.PAID. 50,000 cop mold the past rear. The le xnar s ried,andthe mar happy. A I.ectn re . on _ a partner; a complete work onmidwifery.. It contains hundreds of se crets Dever before publishodwarrantod to ho worth three times the/mount asked for it. .bets inapeciser postage stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return mail. Addrtes —3. TELLER; M. D. No. b Dearer-it; 'Albany, - N. Y. Fir De. VICROW FERIALG PILLS, 61 a box, with fall directions. Married ladies should not use tbeas.—Sent by roeii. , CAUTION.:-2 hen Pills sAelili Ivy;KYr w,MtiN ern PrfjPl4ll4, lititre•ritlitlf4lat riiyecrridge• , but at a : NO./heir they are ifl all eases - of nervent and spinal affeetion.pain lit the bleir and llmbe, fitigue on slitht exertion, palpitidiehof heat% hysterics and whiten, these pills wit}, effect a cure when alt other means hove faileeouad altho'.4.pnyoterfel remedy, do not con— tain iron, caiiiatel,-tintimosy, or anything hurtful to the constittitieM Address: DR. TELLER.. 110111bOirk..,-. • feb.l7*v inEatiONS wishing to change their bueiness' to rr rapidly itteresalng County, a New Set tleirient where heated* ire gain. Where the climate is mild and delightful. - Bee advertise meat of flemrorintoo Settiement. snather 0 01 - 13730.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers